ライフ イズ ストレンジ | Life Is Strange Episode 5 dialogue & HUD

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Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_Binder_Look01_Max_010 あの中に 他の写真があるはず There must be other photos in there.
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_BorkenStuff_Look01_Max_010 そっか カートを蹴った時に割れたんだ… Okay, I broke those vials when I kicked the trolley…
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria1_Look01_Max_010 そんな… ビクトリアもジェファソンに捕まったんだ… 最悪 Oh shit, Jefferson kidnapped Victoria, too? This is so bad.
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria1_Look02_Max_020 ビクトリア… 絶対ここから連れ出してあげるから… Victoria, I swear I'll get you out of here... somehow.
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria2_Look01_Max_010 私が警告したせいで… ジェファソンに相談を… 私のせいだ
ごめん… ごめんね ビクトリア
I've warned you about Nathan... You went to Jefferson for help... It's all my fault. God, I'm sorry... Please forgive me...
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_Camera_Look01_Max_010 この高級カメラでジェファソンの顔を殴ってやりたい I'd really like to smash that fancy camera into Jefferson's face.
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_GuiltLines_Scripted_Max_010 タイムリープはもうしないって決めたけど… こうするしかない… I promised I would never go back in time like this again... But this is the only way...
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_MaxPhone_Look01_Max_010 ゆっくり鑑賞でもするつもりなの…? Of course... and right in front of me…
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_MaxPic01_Look01_Max_010 あれは私の写真…? 昨日の夜 撮ったんだ Oh shit... that's me! He took that shot last night.
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_MaxPic01_Look01_Max_015 遠すぎて… ハッキリ見えない I can't focus... It's way too far.
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_MaxPic01_Look02_Max_030 これで何とか… お願い… This might work. Please work…
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_MaxPic01_Look03_Max_040 こんな自分の姿見たくない… 絶対許さないから… I hate looking at myself like that. You'll pay for this, Jefferson.
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_MaxPic02_Look01_Max_010 この時はちゃんと起きてる… こっちで試してみよう Whoa... I am definitely more awake in this photo... I could try this one.
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_MaxPicFailed_Look01_Max_010 だめ… この写真は使えない…
あれをもう一度体験するなんて 耐えられない… ムリ…
No... that picture isn't going to help. And I can't go through all that again. I won't.
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_MaxStuff_Look01_Max_010 見える場所にあるのに 届かない… Great. I can see all my things, but I can't grab it...
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_NeedleDrugs1_Look01_Max_010 ダメだ 何も思い出せない… ネイサンがケイトに使ったのと同じクスリだ… God, I don't remember anything that happened... This must be the same drug Nathan used on Kate.
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_NeedleDrugs2_Look01_Max_010 写真に集中したときに注射器が動いたんだ… 変化は起きてる! この調子! So I definitely knocked those syringes over during my focus... I changed something! Keep going, Max!
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_PhotoTrolley_Look01_Max_010 こっちに引き寄せられれば… If I could move it towards me…
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_Polaroid_Look01_Max_010 私のカメラが頼りなく思えてくる My little camera looks so fragile now.
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_ScriptedIdle1_Scripted_Max_020 助けられなかった… また… I couldn't save her... again…
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_ScriptedIdle1_Scripted_Max_040 クロエ… あんまりだよ… Chloe... after all we went through this week…
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_ScriptedIdle1_Scripted_Max_050 ジェファソンはイカレてる… こんなこと… どうして… How could Jefferson do this... He's sick... crazy…
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_ScriptedIdle1_Scripted_Max_070 あいつが私のヒーローだったなんて… I can't believe Jefferson was one of my heroes…
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_ScriptedIdle2_Scripted_Max_010 あんな完璧な先生… おかしいって思うべきだった Jefferson was too good to be true... How could I miss the signs?
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_ScriptedIdle2_Scripted_Max_030 ここを出てクロエを助けるんだ… 絶対に I can still get out of this and save Chloe… I have to.
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_ScriptedObjective1_Scripted_Max_010 ここから出る方法を探さないと Max, you have to find a way out of here.
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_ScriptedObjective1_Scripted_Max_020 自分が写った写真があれば… 時間を巻き戻せる I just need one picture of myself... then I can go back…
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_ScriptedObjective2_Scripted_Max_010 ひどい… こんなことされてたなんて… 最低だよ Oh Jesus... I can't believe that happened. So sick.
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_ScriptedObjective2_Scripted_Max_020 あんな写真コレクションのために… 私にクスリを… He drugged me for his fucked up binders... just to take photos...
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_ScriptedObjective2_Scripted_Max_030 こんなこと いつからやってたの? How long has he been hiding all this?
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_ScriptedObjective2_Scripted_Max_040 こんなとこで死ねない… You are not going to die in here…
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_ScriptedObjective2_Scripted_Max_060 別の写真を試そう… あいつのこと考えたら気持ち悪くなる… I could try another photo... It makes me sick just thinking about him…
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_ScriptedObjective2_Scripted_Max_070 何かが変わった… 別の写真を試してみよう… Okay, I changed some things... I could use some of these new pictures…
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_Straps2_Look01_Max_010 これ キツいな… These straps hurt…
Act_E5_1A_DarkRoom_TornFolder_Look01_Max_010 あ… ジェファソンがシミのついた写真を許すはずがない… 使えるかも! Wait... Jefferson couldn't handle stains on his photos... Good. Now I can use them!
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_Max_001 ビクトリア 聞いてくれる? Hey, are you still with me?
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_Max_003 お願い ちゃんと聞いて… 考えがあるの Victoria... please listen... I have a plan.
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_Max_005 私も。 でも怖がってるヒマはないの。 戦わなきゃ… 今すぐ So am I. But we don't have time to be scared. We have to fight back... now.
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_Max_007 ジェファソンの好きにはさせない…
とにかく気を強く持って。 協力してほしいの
I'm not going to let that asshole get away with this. I just... I need you to be strong. I can't do this alone.
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_Max_008 しーっ! 静かにしないと あいつが戻って来ちゃう… お願い… 考えさせて… Sssh, Victoria! We don't want to bring Jefferson back... Please... let me think...
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_Max_009 ビクトリア しっかりして。 死なせないよ… もう誰も Just hold on, Victoria. Nobody is going to die... anymore.
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_Max_011 分かってる… とにかく落ち着いて I know, I know... but we have to stay focused.
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_Max_012 私が間違ってた… こんなこと ネイサン一人でできるはずないのに… I was wrong. I should have known that Nathan couldn't do this all on his own.
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_Max_017 違う。 ケイトを殺したのはネイサンとジェファソンだよ。 絶対 許さない… That's bullshit. Nathan and Jefferson killed Kate. And she deserves justice...
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_Max_018 私もいるから。ね? We're both here, okay?
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_Max_019 ケイトだって 私達の無事を祈ってる。 出たら一緒に会いに行こう。 ね? Kate wants us to get the hell out of here... and then we can both go see her again, okay?
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_Max_023 大丈夫 何とかするから。 絶対に Victoria, we will find a way to escape. I promise.
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_Max_025 意識があるうちに動かなきゃ… またクスリを打たれたら全部忘れちゃう… We need to act while we are clear-headed. If he doses us again, we'll forget everything.
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_Victoria_002 こんな死に方イヤ… まだ 18 歳なのに… I don't want to die like this... I'm only 18...
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_Victoria_004 本当に? どんな? 私… こわい Really? How? Max... I'm so scared.
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_Victoria_006 自分の腕も動かせないのに… どうやって戦えって言うの? Max... I can't even move my arms... How are we supposed to fight?
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_Victoria_010 そんな余裕ないでしょ! 監禁されてんのよ!? Are you kidding? We're fucking trapped!
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_Victoria_013 マックス… 危険なのはネイサンじゃなかったの…?
なのにマークが… ジェファソン先生が…
Max, what's going on? I thought you said Nathan was dangerous, but it was actually Mark? Mr. Jefferson?
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_Victoria_014 どういうこと? 私達どうなるの? もうここから出して! Do what? What's going to happen to us? Oh, please get us out of here!
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_Victoria_015 ケイトが本当のこと言ってるって 本当は分かってたのに…
助けるどころか傷つけて… だから…
Then Kate Marsh was telling the truth. Even though I knew she wasn't lying... and I could have helped her, Max. But I hurt her. Now it's... it's my turn.
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_Victoria_016 マックス 私には無理よ… そうでしょ… ケイトにもあんな意地悪して…
I'm not strong, Max. Look at me... look what I did to Kate Marsh. Now she's in the hospital, and I'm here.
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_Victoria_020 ジェファソンがこんなヤツだったなんて…
私 コンテストのために脅したりして… バカ なんてバカなの!
I just can't believe Jefferson could do this... and I even blackmailed him into making me win the contest... I'm stupid, stupid, stupid!
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_Victoria_021 こんなの信じられない… ジェファソンが私を… 私達をこんな目に… I just can't believe this is happening... that Jefferson would do this to me... to us...
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_Victoria_022 ケイトとまた会えるなら何でもする… 会って謝りたい I'd do anything to see Kate once more...
Just to tell her I'm sorry.
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_Victoria_024 マックス… ありがとう Max... I believe you.
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_QPhase01_Victoria_001 マックス… お願い ここから出して! Please... Please get us out of here, Max!
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_DosedVictoria2_IGE_Max_020 待って 考えてる… Hold on, I’m thinking…
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_DosedVictoria2_IGE_Max_040 分かってる… だから落ち着いて… I will... Just try to be calm…
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_DosedVictoria2_IGE_Max_070 私もだよ… でも 今は逃げるのが先 Neither did I... but we do now. I’ll find a way out.
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_DosedVictoria2_IGE_Max_090 ビクトリアのせいじゃない… 今は考えないで You didn’t know anything. Don’t think about that now.
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_DosedVictoria2_IGE_Max_110 ううん ビクトリアのせいじゃない… 今は考えないで Ssshh. No you didn’t. Don’t think about that now.
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_DosedVictoria2_IGE_Max_130 バカ言わないで。 誰も死なないよ。 一緒に逃げるの。 約束する Victoria, nobody is dying in here. We will escape. I promise.
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_DosedVictoria2_IGE_Max_150 一緒に頑張ろう ね? I need you to help me, okay?
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_DosedVictoria2_IGE_Victoria_010 マックス… どうしよう? ねえ? Max... What can we do? What?
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_DosedVictoria2_IGE_Victoria_030 こんなとこもういたくない! Please get us out of here!
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_DosedVictoria2_IGE_Victoria_050 お願い 何とかして… ねえ お願い! You have to get us out here... You have to!
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_DosedVictoria2_IGE_Victoria_060 マックス… ごめん… 私 何も知らなくて Oh, Max... I'm so, so sorry... I had no clue…
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_DosedVictoria2_IGE_Victoria_080 ケイトも同じ目にあったのに… 自殺に追い込んで… Now I know what Kate had to go through... and I helped kill her.
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_DosedVictoria2_IGE_Victoria_100 ケイトも同じ目にあったのに… 死なせるところだった… Now I know what Kate had to go through... and I almost killed her…
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_DosedVictoria2_IGE_Victoria_120 見捨てないで… ここで死ぬのはイヤ… Please don’t hate me... Please don’t let me die in here…
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_DosedVictoria2_IGE_Victoria_140 これは夢よね… 早く目を覚ましたい… This can’t be real... I want to wake up…
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_DosedVictoria2_IGE_Victoria_160 私 ホントにバカだった… God, I was so fucking stupid…
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_DosedVictoria2_IGE_Victoria_170 どうしてジェファソン先生が? どうしてなの? Why is Mr. Jefferson doing this? Why?!
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_DosedVictoria2_IGE_Victoria_180 マックス… あなただけが頼りよ… Max... You have to help us... you have to…
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_InsertionBack_Max_010 どうしよう… 考えなきゃ… どうしたらいいの… どうしたら… Max... Come on...
Think! Please...
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_Insertion_Max_010 助け… て… Help... me…
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_Insertion_Max_020 ここは…? 暗い部屋… 「暗室」…? What... Where...
The Dark Room...
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_Insertion_Max_030 クロエ…? Chloe...?
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_Insertion_Max_040 そんな… なんで… Come on... No…
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_Insertion_Max_050 ウソ… ビクトリア…! しっかりして… Oh my God... Vic... Victoria... Wake up... please…
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_Insertion_Max_060 ビクトリア! 起きて! 起きてよ! Victoria... Wake up!
Wake up!
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_Insertion_Victoria_070 ううっ… んっ… Mhh-hmmm...
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_MaxFreeLeg_IGE_Max_010 よし… これで何とかなるかも… Finally! I'm free! Almost…
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_MaxHelp_IGE_Max_010 誰か! 助けて! Help! Somebody help me!
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_MaxHelp_IGE_Max_020 ねえ! 誰かいないの!? お願い 助けて! Is anybody out there? Please, help!
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_PolaRewind_Jefferson_030 ほお マックス… Oh Max…
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_PolaRewind_Jefferson_050 これはイイな… Oh that's great…
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_PolaRewind_Jefferson_100 聡明でありながら… 無垢だ So wise yet so innocent…
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_VictoriaAwake_Max_020 ビクトリア! ビクトリア… 聞こえる…? 私… マックスだよ Victoria? Hey, Victoria... it’s Max. Can you hear me?
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_VictoriaAwake_Max_040 クスリを注射されたみたい… ケイトのときと同じ。 何か思い出せる? You’ve been drugged like Kate... and me. Do you remember how you got here?
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_VictoriaAwake_Max_080 いい? 私たちはマーク・ジェファソンに誘拐されたの
ジェファソンが戻ってくる前に ここを脱出しないと…
Listen carefully. Mark Jefferson kidnapped us. He’s using Nathan, as well. Jefferson is very dangerous, so we have to get out of here before he comes back.
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_VictoriaAwake_Victoria_030 マックス… こ… ここ どこなの? どうなってるの!? Max... Oh God, where... where are we? What’s happening?
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_VictoriaAwake_Victoria_050 確か… マックスが「ネイサンに気をつけろ」って言うから
そしたら先生がキョドりはじめて… あとは何も覚えてない…
手が動かせない… マックス お願い 助けて… これまでのこと謝るから…
No... I don’t know... Wait... You warned me. You warned me about Nathan. Then I went to Jefferson for help, and he was acting so weird... That’s the last thing I remember. And I can’t move my hands! Help me, Max! Please, I’m sorry for everything.
Cue_E5_1A_DarkRoom_VictoriaAwake_Victoria_090 ウソでしょ… イヤだ… 私 死にたくない…
こんな死に方イヤ… まだ 18 歳なのに…
Max... I just can’t believe this is real. I don’t want to die like this! I’m only 18!
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion2_Jefferson_010 これは傑作の予感だ…
ビクトリアは嫉妬するだろうが 彼女は分かっていないのさ
I'm getting some spectacular images here, Max. Yes, Victoria would kill to be in your place, but... she doesn't understand our... connection.
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion2_Jefferson_020 あの勘違い女 コンテストで優勝したいあまり 僕を脅迫するとは… Spoiled slut actually tried to blackmail me into picking her photo for the "Everyday Heroes" contest.
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion2_Jefferson_030 コンテストの本当の優勝者は君… 君自身だ You’re... the winner, Max. I choose you... your portrait.
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion2_Jefferson_060 意地を張らないで。 怖いんだね?
最初は皆 あどけない目をして目覚めるんだ…
You're trying too hard. I know you're scared... You all... have the same doe-eyed look when you wake up here... replaced by fear as you realize what's about to happen.
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion2_Jefferson_080 よし セッションは終了だ
90 年代ならシャンパンと白い粉で打ち上げをしたものだが…
今ではみんな 健康茶とビタミン剤…
That’s a wrap. In the 90’s, we would celebrate a magazine session with Cristal and cocaine... now it’s kombucha and vitamin C... Shit, there are barely magazines anymore... I miss the 90’s... That was my time... my moment...
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion2_Jefferson_100 「どうして」? いい質問だ…
僕はただ 無垢な心が壊れていく瞬間をとらえたいのさ…
黒から白へ… そして灰色へ… そしてついには その先へ…
Oh, Max... I'm so glad you asked that question.
Simply put, I'm obsessed with the idea of capturing that moment innocence evolves into corruption.
That shift from black to white to gray... and beyond.
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion2_Jefferson_110 世間ずれしたプロのモデルではダメなんだ
ブラックウェルのキャンパスでまれに見つかる 希望の光をまとった生徒… 彼女たちだけが
僕の被写体となる栄光… 特権にあずかれるのさ
Most models are cynical. They lose that naiveté.
However, some Blackwell students carry their hope and... optimism with them like... an aura.
And those lucky few become my models... my subjects.
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion2_Jefferson_140 では 写真をプリントしてみようか…
Okay. Now, let's see how these shots came out...
I can see why your instant camera is so appealing. You don't need a computer to print your work out.
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion2_Jefferson_160 うるさい! 命乞いするんじゃない!
クソ… なんて見苦しい…
このセッションも やがては君の死をもって終わるのだから…
Don’t beg, never beg... I hate that. Anyway, let’s enjoy our final moment before I have to end our memorable session with your death...
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion2_Jefferson_170 君をこの部屋に迎えられて 本当によかったよ…
死の直前にその目がとらえるのは… 僕の目がとらえた君自身の姿…
It meant a lot to me that you were here, Max... and that the last image you’ll ever see is actually your own through my vision... Now that is a gift…
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion2_Max_040 うるさい… Fuck you.
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion2_Max_050 願い下げだよ… Go fuck your selfie.
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion2_Max_070 何… 何をする気なの…? What... What’s about to happen?
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion2_Max_090 先生… どうしてこんなことを…? Mr. Jefferson, why are you doing this?
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion2_Max_130 先生は… 普通じゃない。 罪をつぐなってもらうから…! Yes, you're a psychopath.
And this is your last session.
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion2_Max_150 ここから出してください… 私 先生を助けてあげたいんです Let me go and I’ll help you... Let me help you, please...
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion2_Max_151 お願い 逃がして… 先生を助けたいんです… Let me go and I... I could help you... Please...
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion2_Max_152 逃がして… お願いです… お願い… Let me go... Please... Please...
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Jefferson_010 このアングルは 君の無垢さを引き立てる
This angle highlights your purity, see?
The slightly unconscious model is often the most open and honest.
No vanity or posing, just... pure expression.
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Jefferson_012 そう その表情… 完璧だよ… Oh Christ... Look at that perfect face.
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Jefferson_014 顔はそのまま! Hold that stare there!
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Jefferson_016 勝手に動くな! Stay still!
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Jefferson_020 せっかくの構図が台無しだ…!
まあいい… 時間なら "まだ" たっぷりあるからね
Oh, Max! You fucked up my shot!
But please don't worry, we have all the time in the world. For now.
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Jefferson_030 君の作品を初めて見た瞬間 特別だと思ったよ。 そう あの自撮り写真さ I knew you were special the second I saw your first "selfie." Yes, I still hate that word.
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Jefferson_040 君の姿は「無垢」そのものだ。 レイチェルとは違う
惜しかったよ… 待って… 別のアングルも試してみよう…
But I love the purity of your own image. Not like Rachel, who was always looking in the wrong places. Poor Rachel. Wait... Let me try this angle.
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Jefferson_050 動くな! Don’t move!
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Jefferson_060 そう それでいいんだ… ネイサンにも見せてやりたかったよ
だが あいつも まだまだだ
Oh, much... better. Thanks, Max.
If only Nathan could see this setup.
He tried so hard, but you can't just throw a few subjects around and
expect a cohesive style or theme.
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Jefferson_070 しかし 影の使い方は絶妙だ
そして他にも 希有な才能を持ち合わせていた…
But he had an eye for shadows. And an eye for a whole lot more, as his elite family will find out... along with Arcadia Bay.
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Jefferson_080 そう そのまなざし… すばらしいよ… Nice... Good...
Oh, those eyes...
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Jefferson_090 聡明でありながら… 無垢だ So wise yet so innocent…
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Jefferson_100 ただ… 君の好奇心の強さはいただけないな!
幸い この部屋は 24 時間監視下にあってね
ネイサンの電話から送ったメッセージ 1 つで 簡単に釣れたわけだ
It's just too bad you're so goddamn nosy, Max!
But this room... is under 24/7 surveillance,
so all I had to do was text you from Nathan's phone,
and you fell right into my hands.
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Jefferson_110 お友だちとの探偵ごっこなどにうつつを抜かさず
You really should have focused on schoolwork, not "private detecting" with your little friend.
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Jefferson_130 クロエ… そうそう
気の毒だが… 僕… "ネイサン"がしたことは正当防衛だ
それに 学校をやめ 道を踏み外した一人の女の子のことなど
Chloe, right.
Yeah, I'm sorry that I killed—that Nathan killed her in self-defense.
But she had a troubled history like most Arcadia Bay drop-outs.
Nobody will be surprised, or care.
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Jefferson_140 だが君は違う。 今夜 君が死ねば 多くの人が悲しむ
言っただろう? 才能があると
Though I promise... people will care when you die tonight, Max. I wasn't lying when I said you have a gift.
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Jefferson_145 僕がわざわざこんな田舎町に来たのはね 君のように無垢なモデルを探すためさ There’s a reason I came to this hick tourist trap town. To find perfect innocence... like you.
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Jefferson_150 すばらしい… そうだな… アップも何枚か撮っておこう… Okay. Now this looks good.
Maybe a few more close-ups...
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Jefferson_160 マックス 動くなと言ってるだろう。 台無しにする気かい 僕の完璧な構図を! Max, please do not move so much. I need you posed and framed my way!
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Jefferson_165 もう 1 本 注射が必要かな…? Maybe a new dose will calm you down…
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Jefferson_170 じっとしてなさい。 動くともっと… 痛いよ Now don’t move, or this will... hurt... much.
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Jefferson_180 何をしやがる! Stupid bitch!!!
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Jefferson_190 人の話を聞かないクズが!
だからこそ 僕の授業に隠されたヒントにも気づかないんだよ…
You just don't listen, do you? In fact, you never did hear much in my class... If you had, you might have seen all this coming.
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Jefferson_200 だからケイトを救うことすらできなかった But you couldn’t even save poor Kate Marsh... Could you?
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Jefferson_210 それでよくケイト・マーシュを救えたものだ… Like you were able to save Kate Marsh... Somehow…
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Jefferson_220 マックス その薬はとても高価なんだよ。 僕の給料ではとても買えない
Aw, those chemicals are hard to get and expensive, Max... I don’t have a trust fund and Blackwell doesn’t pay shit. That was Nathan’s role…
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Jefferson_230 だが 努力は認めよう
それに 今まで見てきたなかでここ数日の君は
Goddamn, you are a fighter, though. I've had my eye on you, and I've noticed that you've been more... fearless this week than maybe your whole life.
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Jefferson_240 私はカメラそのものだ。 君と同じさ
一部の文化ではね カメラは人の魂を捕らえると信じられているんだよ…
少ししたら 2 人のフォトセッションを始めよう
Like you, Max, I am a camera. And like some cultures believe, I’m going to use my camera to capture your soul. Forever... Now take a break, our session is just getting started…
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Jefferson_245 私はカメラそのものだ。 君と同じさ。 知ってるかい?
一部の文化ではね カメラは人の魂を捕らえると信じられているんだよ…
さて まずはネイサンからだ…
大丈夫 君とのフォトセッションも すぐ始めるよ…
Like you, Max, I am a camera. And like some cultures believe, I’m going to use my camera to capture your soul. Now take a break, I need to deal with Nathan first. Don’t worry, our session is just getting started…
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Jefferson_250 徒労ではあったがね。 僕に死角などない Remember my number one rule.
Always... take... the shot.
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Max_120 クロエ… Chloe…
Cue_E5_1B_DarkRoom_Insertion_Max_130 いや… いや… いや… No, no... no...
Act_E5_1C_DarkRoom_ArtClassSelfie_Look01_Max_010 この写真… これを使えばすべてが始まった時に戻れる
Oh my God... I could go all the way back to the moment this all started. Max, this could be your chance to fix everything... for good.
Act_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Look01_Max_010 もう顔も見たくない… I hate looking at you, Jefferson…
Act_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Look01_Max_010 眠っててくれて良かった… 私だって耐えられないよ… At least Victoria isn't awake... I can't even deal with all of this…
Act_E5_1C_DarkRoom_Diary_Look01_Max_010 日記には私の写真がたくさんある… なんとか取り戻さなきゃ… I have all those photos in my diary... This could be a way out.
Act_E5_1C_DarkRoom_ScriptedObjective_Scripted_Max_010 こんなの芸術じゃない… Sorry. This is not art...
Act_E5_1C_DarkRoom_ScriptedObjective_Scripted_Max_020 しっかりして… 考えるの Come on, Max... Think, girl!
Act_E5_1C_DarkRoom_ScriptedObjective_Scripted_Max_030 話しかけて… 油断させれば… 写真を手放すかも If I talk to him... distract him... maybe he'll give up a photo.
Act_E5_1C_DarkRoom_ScriptedObjective_Scripted_Max_040 他のことを聞いてみよう… You better ask him something else…
Act_E5_1C_DarkRoom_ScriptedObjective_Scripted_Max_050 ウソ 私の日記だ… あれさえあれば… Holy shit, there's my journal... if I can get that…
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_001 僕はいたって正常さ。だからこそ ここまでこれたんだ Au contraire, Max. I'm so sane, that nobody knows what's happening to you right now.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_004 まあ ビクトリアはどうでもいいが。 僕のモデルになる資格はない… As you can see, Sleeping Beauty here is too harsh for my gentle lens...
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_005 君のお友だちについても もういいだろ?
And don't get me started on your late partner... I had enough of those faux-punk sluts in my Seattle days.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_006 僕はケイトほど純真じゃなくてね。 地獄なんて信じない
それに世界は アーティストが創るものなのさ…
ああ 彼女は傑作になれたのに…
Unlike pure, sweet Kate Marsh, I don't believe in that bullshit. She could have been my masterpiece. The world is what an artist makes it... and my muse—
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_007 彼女は武器を持っていた。 正当防衛さ
被写体は 状況を一切把握せず 無駄に抗わないのが一番いい…
She had a loaded weapon. This was clearly self-defense.
But that's what happens when you play with guns... or try to fuck with me.
It's better when they don't know... like pure, sweet Kate.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_011 君が最後に聞く声だ… 堪能するといい…
おや 気に障ったかな?
顔色が変わったね… 実に美しいよ…
You might as well savor it, considering it's the last you'll hear. Oh...
That struck a nerve. Your face changed color... beautiful.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_012 それはどうだろうね…
君が死んだあと ケイトをもう一度試してみるのも一興だ…
She'll certainly outlive you.
Who knows? Maybe I'll pay Kate a visit soon and test her faith again...
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_013 ああ。 僕も実に残念だ… ケイトは強い心の持ち主だった
それを砕くのは 何にもかえがたい快感だったよ…
Which makes me sad, Max.
I will miss her... Kate had such a strong spirit... It was very satisfying to break it down.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_015 君が校長にケイトとのことを言いつけたときは さすがに肝が冷えたよ
酒浸りの彼にまともな判断力がなかったおかげで 命拾いしたけどね
When you told the principal that I made Kate cry, I thought you almost had me. It's good our esteemed Principal Wells is like most administrators... a closet drunk.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_016 幸い 君が校長に証言してくれたおかげで
Too bad you already made a convincing argument against Nathan in the Principal's office. Thank you so much, for setting him up for me.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_017 マドセンに責任があると証言したのは君だ
Then why did you blame David Madsen for stalking Kate? Of course, he was the only person who was about to find out the truth.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_018 しかし ネイサンが親に隠れて何をしていたか…
町中に知れ渡れば プレスコット家もおしまいだな…
I do know that the Prescotts are going to have a major scandal when the town finds out what their elite son has been doing for homework...
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_021 「操作した」と言ってほしいね。 彼は実に扱いやすい操り人形だった I prefer the term "manipulated." Like with an image... Nathan's was easy to twist around.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_022 決め付けはよくないな。 彼は実に哀れな子なんだよ Don't judge people, Max. But that's why Nathan never should have been at Blackwell...
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_025 分かってないね。 ネイサンには才能があった。 そしてクズの父親がいた You're wrong again. He was genuinely talented. And his father is a serious asshole, as you might know.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_026 僕はネイサンの目を開かせてやっただけだ。 むしろ感謝してもらいたいね I helped Nathan realize his vision... So few people get that chance.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_029 僕はネイサンの父親代わりだったのさ
教師と生徒の間には しばしばそういう信頼が育まれる
現に当初は 本当に心温まる関係だったよ…
I became a sort of father figure for Nathan. It happens often in teacher/student relationships. It was kind of touching for a while.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_031 バカを言っちゃいけない。 彼の耳には 必要最低限の情報しか入れていないよ
この「暗室」も 被写体に使うクスリが手に入ったのも すべてそのおかげさ
Don't be stupid, Max. I told him what he needed to hear. In return, I had access to the Prescott fortune. Who do you think paid for this glorious dark room and equipment? How else could I get all these hip new drugs for my subjects?
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_033 レイチェル・アンバーは… あれは… まさしく悲劇だった
未熟なネイサンが 投与するクスリの量を誤ってね…
Oh... Rachel Amber...
That's the real tragedy.
Nathan thought he could be an artist like me...
Instead, the dumbass gave her an overdose.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_036 今頃あの世で仲良くやっているさ… そう言えば満足かな? They're fucking together in heaven right now. Is that what you want to hear?
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_037 話せば長くなるが… 彼女は特別だった
カメレオンのように 実に多様な顔を見せる被写体だった
僕と彼女は 心が通じ合っていたんだ…
I don't have time to tell you everything. But she... was special. A human chameleon... So many visual possibilities... We had a real connection.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_039 なんで? なんでだと? 黙ってろ バカ女! Why? Why?
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_040 すまない… ついカッとなってしまった… I'm sorry, Max. That was not cool.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_044 あれはほんの気まぐれだ
Let's be honest, she was doing the classic "bad boy" thing. She was over Frank before it began. He just didn't know.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_045 レイチェルは僕を愛していた。 これは事実だ
僕たちのフォトセッションを見れば 一目瞭然さ
Rachel was in love with me.
That's not my ego. Just look at our sessions.
Not that I'll let you.
Nobody loved having their picture taken more.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_046 まあいい… それにレイチェルはもういない
どうせ LA に行っても埋もれていたよ。 むしろ感謝してもらいたいね
Anyway... Rachel is dead.
But no tears, Los Angeles would have killed her anyway.
So, look at this as a favor.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_048 君だって 友だちがネイサンを殴り倒すのを止めなかった。 同類だよ… Oh, I see. You and your friends almost beat Nathan to death. See, we're not so different...
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_049 ネイサンを殴る友だちを止めただけで 善人面をするつもりかい? Oh, I see. You're "good" because you stopped your friend from beating Nathan up.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_052 うるさい 黙れ! あのクソガキはな レイチェルにのぼせ上がって
生意気にも僕のまねごとをしようとしたんだ… 身の程知らずが…
No! You didn't. It's just too bad that he fell in lust with Rachel. He actually thought he could mimic what I do with a camera and subject. Like father, but not like son...
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_054 地下に埋まっているよ…
レイチェルの一件で 彼を飼いつづけるのは危険だと判断した
僕はね 君たちアマチュアとは別次元の存在なんだよ
Dead and buried.
After what he did to Rachel, I knew I couldn't keep him as a protégé for much longer.
Now the police will never find his body...
Do you finally get it now, Max? I can't compromise my vision with amateurs.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_056 まったく よくしゃべる…
だが… 君は自ら進んで首を突っ込んだおかげで 今ここにいるんだよ
それに モデルとしての役割を果たしてくれたら
I do love your spirit, Max, but you brought yourself here, by your own choice.
Anyway, I like my models to be seen and not heard… so I have to make sure—
there's nothing left behind of you.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_058 ああ 没収させてもらったよ… 女子学生の日記ほど純真無垢なものはない…
ああこれは… 僕の授業中に撮った自撮りか…
本当 人の話を聞かない悪い子だ…
Right. Thanks for reminding me... There's nothing more innocent than a teenager's diary... Oh look, here's the last selfie you took in my class... Never listening, as always...
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_059 実にもったいない… 見てごらん 君にならもっといい写真が撮れたはずだ… What a waste of talent... Look at that shot, Max... You can do so much better...
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_060 ああ 没収させてもらったよ… 女子学生の日記ほど純真無垢なものはない… Right. Thanks for reminding me... There's nothing more innocent than a teenager's diary...
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_062 黙ってろ! しかし… いい写真だ… 実にもったいないよ… I'm in charge here... Nice class selfie... What a waste of talent...
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_002 地獄に落ちろ…! 絶対 許さないから… Go to hell. You will, for everybody you've hurt.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_003 クロエを…! 私の親友を殺した… You killed Chloe! You murdered my best friend.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_008 黙って… 声を聞くとむしずが走る… Blah, blah, blah... God, I hate your voice now.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_009 ケイトは苦しさを乗り越えた
先生は失敗したの。 ケイトは強い
Kate believed, and she survived. You failed to break her. She's stronger than ever. And she'll outlive you.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_010 アーティストは教え子を自殺に追い込んだりしない
先生はネイサンを利用して 意識のないケイトの写真を撮って…
そのせいで ケイトは…
Artists don't drive teenagers to suicide for any bullshit muse. You trained Nathan to drug Kate... to take photos of her. That's why she's dead.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_014 絶対に… このままでは済まさないから… You will not get away with this. I want you to know that.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_019 人を利用するなんて… You used Nathan.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_020 ネイサンも同類です He's as sick as you.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_023 人を何だと思ってるの… You didn't care about him.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_024 それは先生もでしょ… That makes two of you.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_027 だから何? I know.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_028 要は洗脳でしょ You brainwashed him!
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_030 ネイサンにも 計画を全部話したの? Did you tell him everything about your plans at Blackwell?
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_032 被写体じゃなくて犠牲者でしょ… レイチェルも… Rachel Amber was your victim, not your "subject."
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_034 先生は… クロエとレイチェルを殺した… Chloe and Rachel... you killed both of them!
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_035 どうしてレイチェルを… Why Rachel?
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_038 ひどい… なんで… Why? Why?!
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_041 自ら進んでモデルになったとでも言いたいの…? Did she let you... take pictures of her?
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_042 レイチェルと心が通じてたのは フランクでしょ Did you know she also had a connection with Frank?
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_047 よくもそんなこと… You're evil.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_050 一緒にしないで! Yes... yes, we are.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_051 ネイサンのことなんて どうでもいいくせに I cared more about Nathan than you did.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_053 ネイサンはどこにいるの? Where is Nathan now?
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_055 何 言ってるの? そこらじゅうに証拠を残して…
私がどうなっても… 先生は絶対地獄に落ちる
クロエと レイチェルと 他の犠牲者たちが許さないから…!
You are an amateur. Look at the trail of death you left behind.
You can't blame all this on Nathan.
I don't care what you do to me. You're going to die, motherfucker.
For Chloe, and Rachel, and everybody else.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_057 私の日記… You... You still have my diary.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_061 その… 日記の写真… 見せて… お願い… 一目だけでも I... I still have a picture in there... Can I please, please see it...
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_063 自ら進んでモデルになったとでも…?
そういえば 新しい人と出会ったってメモに書いてあった…
Did she let you… take pictures of her? I read a note where she talked about meeting someone new...
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Puzzle01_Jefferson_002 君と無駄話をしている暇はない
感覚が鈍る前に できあがった写真をチェックしないと…
Max, I would love to talk shop, but I really need to go over these pictures.
Especially while they're fresh in my mind...
I think our session... was a career high for me.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Puzzle01_Jefferson_009 この状況でそんなことを頼んだモデルは初めてだよ
僕の目を通してとらえられた自分の姿というのも 悪くないだろうね…
いや むしろ完璧だ
That's the first time one of my models down here has asked me that.
Of course you would... But I love that the last thing you'll ever see is yourself...
through my camera eye.
Too perfect.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Puzzle01_Jefferson_010 うるさい! 命乞いするんじゃない!
クソ… なんて見苦しい… 今は最後のひとときを堪能しよう
このセッションも やがては君の死をもって終わるのだから…
Don't beg! Never beg.
I hate that.
Anyway, let's enjoy our final moment,
before I have to end our memorable session,
with your death.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Puzzle01_Jefferson_011 大丈夫 誰にも読ませないよ
そう… 女子学生の日記ほど 純真無垢なものはない…
ああこれは… 僕の授業中に撮った自撮り…
Don't worry... nobody's going to read it. Thanks for reminding me.
There's nothing more innocent than a teenager's diary. Oh...
Look at your selfies...
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Puzzle01_Jefferson_012 「どうかしてる」…? 何も分かっていないくせに ナメた口をきくな!
僕はただ 輝く若者たちの姿を愛でているだけだ
I'm "sick"? Do you look at the world? Your school? Your friends? Fuck that. I only see the beauty of youth... of dreams before they become regrets...
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Puzzle01_Jefferson_013 僕の写真の中で永遠に生き続けるのさ
君がこの世にいた証拠なんて それ以外はひとかけらも残さないよ
I'm going to make you live forever in my photographs.
That's all that will be left of Maxine Caulfield.
They won't even find your bag...
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Puzzle01_Jefferson_014 そう… それで思い出したよ… 女子学生の日記ほど純真無垢なものはない… Thanks for reminding me...there's nothing more innocent than a teenager's diary...
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Puzzle01_Jefferson_016 女子学生の駄文ほど 無垢なものはない
おや… 自撮り写真だ…
How can I not read it now? Schoolgirl prose is so... naive... I bet you even have a crush on a certain art teacher? Oh, look at these selfies...
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Puzzle01_Jefferson_017 実にもったいないよ… 見てごらん 君ならもっといい写真が撮れたはずだ… What a waste of talent. Look at that shot, Max... You can do so much better.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Puzzle01_Jefferson_019 そうはいかない。 僕の夢はとうの昔についえたけれどね…
今はこうして 自らの居場所をつくりだすことが生きがいなんだ…
Nice try, Max. My dreams ended a long time ago... But I've made my peace... Now I focus on carving my own private art niche...
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Puzzle01_Jefferson_020 実にもったいないよ… ひどい写真だな。 君ならもっといいものが撮れただろう What a waste of talent...That shot is terrible, Max...You can do so much better...
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Puzzle01_Max_001 待って! 話を聞いて ジェファソン先生… Wait!
Please, Mr. Jefferson...
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Puzzle01_Max_003 私にも… 私にも見せてください… Could you... Could you show me the photos?
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Puzzle01_Max_004 ここから出してください… 私 先生を助けてあげたいんです Let me go and I'll help you. Let me help you, please...
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Puzzle01_Max_005 あの… 私の日記… You... You still have my diary.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Puzzle01_Max_006 あなた… 先生は… どうかしてる…
お願い… もうこんなことはやめて…
You're sick, Mark... Mr. Jefferson... you need help. There are people out there who will help you... Just- Just let me go and...
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Puzzle01_Max_007 私… 私はどうなるんですか? What... What are you going to do to me?
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Puzzle01_Max_008 私を… 殺す気なんでしょ…? せめて日記は 誰にも見せないで… I know you'll... get rid of me but please... don't let anybody see my journal...
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Puzzle01_Max_015 読まないで… Please don't read it...
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Puzzle01_Max_018 お願い 逃がして… 後悔する前に… Then let me go... so you don't regret this...
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_JeffersonDesk_IGE_Jefferson_010 これはいい… まさしく無垢の結晶だ… Oh now this one... This is purity personified…
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_JeffersonDesk_IGE_Jefferson_020 すばらしい… 君にも見せてあげたい… Max... I wish you could see yourself now...
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_JeffersonDesk_IGE_Jefferson_030 これはピンボケだな… 僕のミスだ 気にしないで This one is out of focus... But that’s my fault, Max.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_JeffersonDesk_IGE_Jefferson_040 君とはもう少し早く出会っていたかったよ… Max, I wish you had been around back in my day...
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_JeffersonDesk_IGE_Jefferson_050 大きく見開かれ… 戸惑いの色を映す瞳… 美しい Your eyes are so wide... so lost... Beautiful.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_JeffersonDesk_IGE_Jefferson_060 世に発表できたら どんなにいいか… Man, I would love to share this with the world...
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_JeffersonDesk_IGE_Jefferson_070 傑作だ… どこに出しても恥ずかしくない Now look at this one... Total gallery bait…
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_JeffersonDesk_IGE_Jefferson_080 君を撮れるのが僕だけとは… 実に惜しい… Max, it’s too bad I’m the only one who can frame you...
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_JeffersonDesk_IGE_Jefferson_090 ああ… これぞまさに芸術だ Oh... now this is art...
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_PolaRewind_Jefferson_010 アーバスは人間を「苦悩の存在」と考えた。 正直ヘドが出るね
はいはい 騒がない…
例えば 誰かを暗い部屋に座らせれば 絶望のシーンのできあがりだ
She saw humanity as tortured, right? And frankly, it’s bullshit. Shh, keep that to yourself. Seriously though, I could frame any one of you in a dark corner and capture you in a moment of desperation.
Cue_E5_1C_DarkRoom_PolaRewind_Victoria_010 アーバスの作品にとらえられた 失意の人びとの目には 鬼気迫るものがあります Because of her images of hopeless faces. You feel, like, totally haunted by the eyes of those sad mothers and children.
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_ArcadiaPicture01_Look01_Max_010 アルカディア・ベイにも
There's still some beauty left in Arcadia Bay.
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_ArcadiaPicture02_Look01_Max_010 灯台が… 今も呼んでる気がする I still feel like... the lighthouse is calling out to me.
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_BagHint_Scripted_Max_010 カバンの中に学校のものがたくさんある… 必要なものが取り出せるかもしれない There’s a whole lot of Blackwell stuff in my bag, maybe I could dig out what I need.
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_Books_Look01_Max_010 1 週間前の私は恐る恐る向き合ってた… 写真にも… 人生にも… Just a week ago, I was so naive about art... life... the world…
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Look01_Max_010 よくも普通にしてられるね… すぐに正体をばらしてやるから I see right through your bullshit, Jefferson... Everybody else will too.
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Look01_Max_010 ケイト… 生きててくれて嬉しい… I'm sad for Kate, but... so happy she's alive.
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Look01_Max_015 ケイト… Poor Kate...
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Look02_Max_020 信じてね… 今度は私がついてる Have faith, Kate. This time I'm here for you…
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Look02_Max_025 一人じゃないって分かってくれたかな… At least Kate knows people have her back.
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_CHVictoria_Look01_Max_010 ビクトリア そんなヤツの隣に立たないで… Victoria, I'm sorry you have to stand next to that psycho.
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_CHVictoria_Look01_Max_020 もしジェファソンがどんなヤツか知ってたら… Victoria, if you knew who Jefferson really was...
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_ContestPhoto_Look01_Max_010 そんなにコンテストの写真が欲しいなら これでもどう Okay Jefferson, here's my fucking photo for the contest.
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_ContextLines_Scripted_Max_020 戻った… メチャクチャな 1 週間の始まりに… I'm back... right back where I started this insane week...
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_ContextLines_Scripted_Max_030 もう誰にもクロエを傷つけさせない… And nobody is going to hurt Chloe ever again…
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_ContextLines_Scripted_Max_040 失敗は許されない Don't mess this up, Max…
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_ContextLines_Scripted_Max_050 落ち着いて… 息をして… ひとつずつ直していけばいいんだ Calm down... Breathe... One change at a time... for good.
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_ContextLines_Scripted_Max_060 まずは ジェファソンがすぐに捕まるようにしよう First, let's make it real easy to capture Mark Jefferson.
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_ContextLines_Scripted_Max_070 デイビッドに ジェファソンと「暗室」のことを言わなきゃ I have to warn David about Jefferson and the Dark Room.
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_ContextLines_Scripted_Max_100 この機会を失うわけにはいかない… お願い That shouldn't screw up time and space... too much... Please don't.
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_ContextLines_Scripted_Max_120 ここは過去の中の過去… 私の力 これ以上持つのかな? The past within the past...
Am I pushing myself too hard?
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_ContextLines_Scripted_Max_130 私のことはどうでもいい。 クロエを助けなきゃ! It doesn't matter what happens to me... I have to save Chloe!
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_ContextLines_Scripted_Max_140 最低 Bastard.
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_DanielTable_Look01_Max_010 レイチェル… ごめんね… Oh, Rachel... I'm sorry...
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_FocusBoundaries_Look01_Max_010 写真の境界を超えることはできない。 この中でできることをしないと I can’t go past these photo boundaries, so I need to fix everything from here.
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_FocusWithinFocus_Scripted_Max_010 えっと… 今 私は写真の中の写真の中にいる…? Whoa, so I'm inside of a photograph that's... inside a photograph.
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_IdleLines_Scripted_Max_010 これがすべての始まりだったんだ… So weird to be right back where it started…
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_IdleLines_Scripted_Max_020 夢なら覚めてほしいよ… I wish I was waking up from a long dream…
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_IdleLines_Scripted_Max_030 たった 1 週間が 5 年くらいに感じる… It's only been a week but it felt like five years…
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_IdleLines_Scripted_Max_040 ジェファソンを見るのも嫌… えらそうに笑って I can't even look at Jefferson... Smug bastard.
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_IdleLines_Scripted_Max_070 今すぐみんなにバラして アイツが慌てるとこ見たいけど…
If only I could tell the whole class about Jefferson, and watch him squirm... but I better let David take care of everything.
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_Ipad_Look01_Max_010 ビクトリア… 大事なカメラだもんね。 待ってて… I'm happy to fix it so you'll be here to get your fancy camera, Victoria…
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_Ipad_Look02_Max_015 高級品を持ってるからって 自分を特別だと思わないで…
This fancy camera does not give you any extra talent, Victoria... or excuses. You will not hurt Kate Marsh this time.
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_JeffersonCamera_Look01_Max_010 今すぐ壊してやりたい I'd like to bust this up right now.
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_MaxBag_Interact01_Max_020 学校のパンフレット… デイビッドの番号が記載されてるはず I should be able to track down David's number from this school pamphlet.
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_MaxBag_Look01_Max_010 プリントがたくさんあったはず… デイビッドの番号 書いてないかな I've got a ton of Blackwell brochures so I hope David's number is in there…
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_MaxBag_Look02_Max_030 ないな… Fail.
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_MaxBag_Look03_Max_040 あった! Found you!
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_MaxCamera_Look01_Max_010 まさか私の自撮りが 時空を曲げるきっかけになるなんて… Did you know someday your pictures would actually alter time and space?
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_MaxDiary_Look01_Max_010 日記 書いててよかったな This diary literally saved my life…
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_MaxNotes_Look01_Max_010 これが全部終わった後も まだ写真を好きでいられるかな…
「君は筋がいい」か。 ムカつく
I hope I still love photography when this is done... "Don't confuse the art with the artist." Bastard.
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_MaxPhone_Look01_Max_010 デイビッドの番号さえあれば ジェファソンはすぐに刑務所行き… All I need is David's number and Jefferson is one text closer to life without parole…
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_ObjectiveLines_Scripted_Max_010 やった! すぐデイビッドに連絡しよう…って 電話番号知らないよ… Yes! I can warn David right now. Except I need his damn number...
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_ObjectiveLines_Scripted_Max_020 デイビッド… 今回だけは キレてくれることに期待してるよ…
For once, David... I'm praying you'll overreact to this as much as everything else... and take Jefferson down fast.
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_ObjectiveLines_Scripted_Max_030 「日常ヒーロー」コンテストの写真を出して すべてを終わらせよう
これで めでたし めでたし… になるはず
I need to give him the last photo he'll ever judge for the "Everyday Heroes" contest... and then we'll all live happily ever after. Or try…
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_PaperBall_Look01_Max_010 もう誰にもいじめさせないから This is the last time somebody bullies you, Kate.
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_PhotoStuff01_Look01_Max_010 もう全然いいと思えない Not impressed anymore.
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_PhotoStuff02_Look01_Max_010 カメラに罪はないけど ジェファソンが使ってると思うと… I can't blame the cameras, but... I just think of Jefferson using them.
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_Poster01_Look01_Max_010 「日常ヒーロー」になるためにも あいつを止めなきゃ An "Everday Hero" is going to bust your ass, Jefferson.
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_Poster02_Look01_Max_010 これまでに 何人を犠牲にしたんだろう… Now I wonder how many victims Jefferson has left behind in his career…
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_Poster03_Look01_Max_010 あなたの時代はもう終わったの The '90s are over for you, asshole.
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_TextBook_Look01_Max_010 ビクトリア… 友達になれたかもね… Oh, Victoria... We could have been friends...
Act_E5_2A_ArtClass_TextBook_Look01_Max_015 ビクトリア… 本当はこんなこと思ってたんだ… Victoria... it's nice to know how you really feel…
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_BellRing_Hayden_030 どうかな…? なにしろ俺のは、マン・レイとマンガの融合だぜ? Wait till you see what I'm shooting. Man Ray meets Manga...
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_BellRing_Jefferson_010 みんな 「日常ヒーロー」コンテストの期限が迫ってるぞ
ステラも アリッサも 早く出すように
テイラー。 君もまだだな? 期待してるぞ
マックスも 言い訳は通用しないからな
And guys, don't forget the deadline to submit a photo in the "Everyday Heroes" contest. I'll fly out with the winner to San Francisco where you'll be feted by the art world. It's great exposure, and it can kickstart a career in photography. So, Stella and Alyssa, get it together. Taylor, don't hide. I'm still waiting for your entry, too. And yes, Max, I see you pretending not to see me.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_BellRing_Taylor_020 そんな暇ないよ。 どうせビクトリアが選ばれるに決まってるし ...don't have any time. You know Victoria is in it to win it. As usual.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_003 あ… うん そうだ。 簡単すぎたかな Oh. Well... That was easy, Max.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_007 うん…? どういう意味かな…? Uh... What do you mean by that?
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_008 何か… 嫌なことでもあったのかな…? もう一度チャンスをあげよう Uh... I guess somebody hasn't had their coffee... Do you want to try again?
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_009 今のは聞かなかったことにするから もう一度答えてごらん I'll pretend you didn't say that, and let you try to answer one more...
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_014 あー… では 授業を進めるが… 「ダゲレオタイプ」は銀板写真とも呼ばれている
マックスは… ちゃんと読んできたみたいだな
Well... uh... Okay, then.
So, uh... The Daguerreian Process made portraiture hugely popular,
mainly because it gave the subjects clear, defined features.
You can learn more when you actually finish reading the assigned chapters. Obviously...
Max has read them.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_015 何を言いたいのかよく分からないが…
とにかく 「ダゲレオタイプ」は銀板写真とも呼ばれている
マックスは… ずいぶんじっくり読んできたみたいだな
I'm not sure I get the connection, but...
Uh... yes.
The Daguerreian Process made portraiture hugely popular,
mainly because it gave the subjects clear, defined features.
You can learn more when you actually finish reading the assigned chapters.
Max has... clearly read more into them than I have.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_016 あー… うん 話を進めよう。 「ダゲレオタイプ」は銀板写真とも呼ばれている
Let's... Let's move on, hmm? Um... Anyway...
So, the Daguerreian Process made portraiture quite popular,
mainly because it gave the subjects clear, defined features.
You can learn more when you finish reading the assigned chapters.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_017 あー… うん 確かに
そうだな。 まあいいだろう
とにかく 「ダゲレオタイプ」は銀板写真とも呼ばれている
Oh... Well, uh...
Thanks for the warning, Max.
So, the Daguerreian Process made portraiture quite popular,
mainly because it gave the subjects clear, defined features.
You can learn more when you finish reading the assigned chapters.
Clearly, Max doesn't have the, uh... time.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_018 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_018 Now Max, since you've captured our interest and clearly want to join the conversation, can you please tell us the name of the process that gave birth to the first self-portraits?
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_002 ダゲレオタイプ The Daguerreian Process.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_004 「ダゲレオタイプ」です。 彼は誰かみたいな偽善者じゃなかった The Daguerreian Process. He was a real visionary... not a hypocrite.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_005 人間を「とらえる」なんて言い方 悪趣味だと思います I'm not into "capturing" your interest. That's kind of sick, isn't it?
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_006 さあ? こんな授業 聞く意味ないし Who cares? This class is hella bullshit.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_010 さあ? どうでしょうね Was it? Okay.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_011 ただモデルの写真を撮るだけで 芸術家ぶる人もいるってことです I mean that he actually created something. He didn't just take pictures of models and pretend they were art.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_012 分かりましたよ… ダゲレオタイプでしょ? くだらない… Okay, okay, the Daguerreian Process. Blah, blah, blah.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_013 先生。 もう時間がありませんよ… もうすぐ授業 終わりですし Sorry, there's no time left. I mean, your class is almost over.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_DiscussionLoop_Jefferson_010 ダメだ、ビクトリア、宿題を免除することはできない
コンテストにはこのクラスの全員が参加するんだ。 特別扱いは、できないよ
Yes Victoria, you still have to do your homework this week, even if you're submitting your photo for the competition. Everybody in class is turning in a photo, so you see the dilemma.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_DiscussionLoop_Jefferson_030 君はコンテストに応募した。 それだけでも十分有意義だ
誰が代表に選ばれても この先チャンスはいくらでもある
先生は 写真の世界は厳しいという現実も知ってもらいたいと思ってるんだよ
チャンスというのは誰にでも 公平に訪れるべきだ。 違うかい?
You have just by participating, by putting yourself out there in the world. Well, no matter who wins, this is just a bump on a bigger road. I don't want anybody to feel excluded from this process. But I also want everybody to know that this photographic world is not for everybody. I had my moment in the camera eye and everybody should have that chance, right?
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_DiscussionLoop_Victoria_020 それは分かってます。 ただこの写真を撮るのすごく大変だったんです
I know Mr. Jefferson. I just worked so hard on this shot, and I'm sure you know what it's like to be consumed by your work. I just really think "Everyday Heroes" is an important cultural event and I want to represent Blackwell Academy.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_DiscussionLoop_Victoria_040 分かってます。 私は自分の才能を世に発表したいだけです Oh totally. I only want to share whatever gifts I have with the world...
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhotoNice_Jefferson_020 えーっと… Uh...
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhotoNice_Jefferson_060 (ビクトリアをなだめて)まあまあ。 マックス どうした? Hold on, Victoria. Are you okay, Max?
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhotoNice_Jefferson_120 僕は… ノーコメントだよ… I think I should stay out of this one, Victoria.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhotoNice_Jefferson_150 マックス どうしたんだい 唐突に… That was kind of random, Max. What did you mean?
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhotoNice_Max_010 先生。 話があります Mr. Jefferson? We need to talk.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhotoNice_Max_040 ごめん。 でも もうそのくらいにしなよ Yes, I see. But maybe you shouldn’t...
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhotoNice_Max_070 ビクトリア
匿名の隠れみのを着て 人の動画をネット上にばらまくなんて 最低だよ
その人の人生が壊れることぐらい 想像つくよね?
I will be when Victoria understands that hiding behind a screen, posting videos of people is incredibly cruel and unfair. You’re smart enough to know how easy it is to hurt somebody, to destroy their life.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhotoNice_Max_080 自分がそんなことされたら 耐えられる?
選択するのはいつだって 自分自身なんだよ
ビクトリアが本当は心の優しい人だって 私は知ってるよ
I just want you to think about how much it would hurt if somebody did that to you. You can make always the right choice, Victoria. I know you’ve got a good heart. I’ve seen it.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhotoNice_Max_100 才能あるんだから もっと自信持ちなよ
自分と同じ高さまで引き上げてあげるほうが ずっといいよ
ビクトリアなら それができる…
You don’t have to explain. There’s no reason for you to be so insecure that you can’t be happy with your own talent. Wouldn’t it be better to lift people up than to bring them down? You could inspire people...
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhotoNice_Max_140 気をつけてね And that’s okay too.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhotoNice_Victoria_030 ちょっと。 割り込まないでくれる? Can you see I’m talking to Mr. Jefferson now?
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhotoNice_Victoria_050 はあ? あなた何様? Uh, and why not?
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhotoNice_Victoria_090 何… 私は… そんな… Listen... I... I didn’t...
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhotoNice_Victoria_110 なにわけ分かんないこと言ってんの?
ジェファソン先生 なんとか言ってください
Okay, I don’t know what you’re talking about now... do I, Mr. Jefferson?
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhotoNice_Victoria_130 私 もう行きます Then I guess I’m done talking.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhoto_Jefferson_020 えーと… Uh...
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhoto_Jefferson_060 まあまあ。 マックス どうした? Hold on, Victoria. Are you okay, Max?
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhoto_Jefferson_120 僕にふられても… 困ったな… Well, it looks like you already did, Victoria...
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhoto_Jefferson_150 いやあ まさに正論だったが…
I'm not going to say I didn't enjoy that, but... why?
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhoto_Jefferson_170 ああ えっと… ありがとう… Oh... That was easy.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhoto_Jefferson_190 あー… うん
評価はまた改めてするが 提出してくれてうれしいよ
大事なのは… 無垢であること…
Well, I, uh...
I can't pre-judge yet, but I'm very happy you decided to enter.
That means a lot to me... and Blackwell.
The first step for any artist is to put themselves out there in the world without fear.
To be... innocent.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhoto_Jefferson_210 あー… とにかく よかった
金曜日には 先生と一緒にサンフランシスコに行けるかもしれないな!
Uh, well...
Thanks for the photo, and maybe both of us will be jet-setting to San Francisco this Friday.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhoto_Jefferson_230 謙遜しなくていい。 何が起きても不思議じゃないんだ… Don’t be so modest, Max. Anything can happen in a week...
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhoto_Max_010 先生。 話があります Mr. Jefferson? We need to talk.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhoto_Max_040 たいした用事もないくせに。 あとにしてよ I can see you're kissing ass again... Nothing new.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhoto_Max_070 ビクトリア。 自分は匿名の隠れみのを着て
Not until Victoria knows that hiding behind a screen and posting videos of people is totally fucked up.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhoto_Max_080 ほんの悪ふざけのつもりでも それが人の人生を壊すこともあるの
そんなことして楽しい? 自分が何をしてるか もっとちゃんと考えてみなよ
You know how easy it is to hurt somebody, to destroy their life? Are you proud of yourself? If you have any feelings left, you should think about your actions.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhoto_Max_100 自分に自信がないから どれだけ才能があっても満足できない
Of course you did. You’re so insecure you can’t even be happy with your own talent. You have to try and bring everybody down to your mean and ugly level.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhoto_Max_140 そうしたら? I sure hope so.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhoto_Max_160 これ 「日常ヒーロー」コンテストの課題です Here’s my photograph for the "Everyday Heroes" contest.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhoto_Max_180 いえ… 先生のためじゃないんで No. It wasn't easy at all.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhoto_Max_200 思いません Or guilty.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhoto_Max_220 そんなうまくいきませんよ Or maybe only one of us will be going.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhoto_Max_240 ええ そうかもしれませんね… As you’re going to find out, Mr. Jefferson.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhoto_Victoria_030 ちょっと。 割り込まないでくれる? Can you see I’m talking to Mr. Jefferson now?
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhoto_Victoria_050 なんですって? What did you just say?
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhoto_Victoria_090 何… 私は… そんな… Listen... I... I didn’t...
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhoto_Victoria_110 あなた何様のつもり?
先生 なんとか言ってください
Okay, I do not have to listen to this bullshit... do I, Mr. Jefferson?
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_GivePhoto_Victoria_130 何なの… 私 もう行きますね Then I guess I’m done talking.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_JeffGivingLesson_Jefferson_050 誰かを暗い部屋に座らせれば 絶望のシーンのできあがりだ I could frame any one of you in a dark corner,
and capture you in a moment of desperation.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_KateHug_Kate_020 あ… マックス Oh... Hey, Max.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_KateHug_Kate_040 なに…? I am.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_KateHug_Kate_060 マックス… 今週初めて明るい光が見えた気がする… 私… なんて言ったら… Max... That makes me feel so blessed for the first time this week... I... I don’t know what to say...
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_KateHug_Kate_080 ありがとう
Thanks. You always know the right thing to do.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_KateHug_Max_010 ケイト… Hi, Kate...
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_KateHug_Max_030 ケイト 聞いて Kate, listen to me.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_KateHug_Max_050 その… 何があっても ケイトは一人じゃないって 伝えたくて
私だけじゃない 他にもたくさんの人が あなたを大切に思ってる
Always remember that you're not alone. I've got your back, no matter what happens. So do a lot of other people. We all care, we’re all here for you. You need to know that.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_KateHug_Max_070 何も言わないで
ただ ハグすればいいんじゃないかな
That's okay, neither do I. Maybe we could both use a hug.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_Polaroid_Picture01_Jefferson_010 ちょうど今 マックスが「自撮り」を撮ったぞ
マックス 君は筋がいい
Shh-shhh. I believe Max has taken what you kids call a "selfie."
A dumb word for a wonderful photographic tradition. And Max... has a gift.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_Polaroid_Picture01_Jefferson_020 肖像写真は 1800 年代初期から広く普及し 現在に至る
君たちの世代よりはるか昔から 「自撮り」の文化は存在したんだ
Of course, as you all know, the photo portrait has been popular since the early 1800s. Your generation was not the first to use images for "selfie-expression."
Sorry. I couldn't resist.
The point remains that the portraiture has always been a vital aspect of art,
and photography, for as long as it's been around.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_Polaroid_Picture01_Jefferson_030 マックス。 ついでだから君に聞こう
世界で最初のセルフポートレートの誕生に 大きく貢献した製版法は?
Now, Max, since you've captured our interest and clearly want to join the conversation, can you please tell us the name of the process that gave birth to the first self-portraits?
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_TextMessage_Max_010 あんな未来はイヤだ… Time to change time.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_TextMessage_Max_015 やった 戻ってこれたんだ! よかった Yes! I’m back. It worked.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_TextMessage_Max_020 ケイト… Oh Kate...
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_TextMessage_Max_030 何が「日常ヒーロー」コンテストよ… You wanted me to enter the contest, asshole.
Cue_E5_2A_ArtClass_TextMessage_Max_040 サンフランシスコになんか行かせない…
こんなヤツ 刑務所でもぜいたくなくらいだよ
So, maybe I'll be going to San Francisco. And Jefferson... you'll be going to prison.
Act_E5_3A_Plane_CHPrincipal_Look01_Max_010 ウェルズ校長にはいい息抜きかもね… 今週は後始末で大変だったはずだし I bet this is a nice break for Principal Wells... after all the damage control he had to do this week at Blackwell.
Act_E5_3A_Plane_CHPrincipal_Look02_Max_020 隣にジェファソンが座ってたかと思うと… 寒気がする To think that I might have ended up sitting next to Jefferson instead... That disturbs me.
Act_E5_3A_Plane_ContestInvit_Look01_Max_010 アーティストって呼ばれて 悪い気はしないな… I have to admit, I love being called an artist...
Act_E5_3A_Plane_IdleAnnouncementLines_Scripted_Max_010 本物のアーティストは こうやって飛び回るのが当たり前なのかな Is this what it feels like to be a real artist, jet-setting to your gallery shows?
Act_E5_3A_Plane_IdleAnnouncementLines_Scripted_Max_020 この現実は まだ可能性のひとつ… ずっと居座るわけにはいかないはず Be careful... I'm still between realities... and I can't focus on this one for too long…
Act_E5_3A_Plane_IdleLines_Scripted_Max_010 今度こそ うまくいったよね? I hope I did everything right this time.
Act_E5_3A_Plane_IdleLines_Scripted_Max_030 でもクロエは生きてる! それが一番大事
But Chloe is alive! Focus on that, Max... Now I have to wait until after my trip to see her again... and I'm not letting her out of my sight again…
Act_E5_3A_Plane_IdleLines_Scripted_Max_070 やだ! また鼻血? これ以上 負担をかけたら 私どうなっちゃうの… Christ! Another nosebleed?
Max... you're not just screwing around with time...
Act_E5_3A_Plane_MaxScreen_Interact01_Max_010 サンフランシスコまでもうすぐ… 緊張するけど やっぱり楽しみ… We're almost in San Francisco... I'm so stressed but I'm so excited too...
Act_E5_3A_Plane_ObjectiveLines_Scripted_Max_010 はあ… 大丈夫… ここは… 飛行機? Okay... You're okay, Max...
You're safe... on a plane.
Act_E5_3A_Plane_PlaneNewsPaper_Look01_Max_010 よかった Good work, David.
Act_E5_3A_Plane_PlaneNewsPaper_Look01_Max_015 ジェファソンとプレスコット家の 終わりの始まり… The beginning of the end for Jefferson and the Prescotts…
Act_E5_3A_Plane_PrincipalScreenSausage_Look01_Max_010 うわー ホットドッグマン 超久しぶり…
昔クロエといつも見てて ゲームもやったな…
Awww, I haven't seen Hawt Dawg Man in forever... Chloe and I used to totally play the videogame and watch him all the time... When we were innocent…
Act_E5_3A_Plane_Window_Look01_Max_010 色んな現実の狭間にいて変な感じ。 すべてがぼやけて 遠くにある It's so weird to be in between realities.
Everything is out of focus and in the distance.
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_ChitChat01_IGE_Passenger01_010 オレゴンでおきてる異常気象の話 読んだ? Oh man did you see that post about all the freaky weather in Oregon?
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_ChitChat01_IGE_Passenger01_030 テレビでもその話ばかりだよ
日食 クジラの死体… 月が 2 つ出たって話もある
NASA も調査中だって
Uh, it’s been all over the news. Eclipse, dead whales and some people in this coastal town saw two moons. NASA is investigating it too.
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_ChitChat01_IGE_Passenger02_020 ネットの話は信じない主義なんだ I don’t believe anything I read on the internet...
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_ChitChat01_IGE_Passenger02_040 ウソくさいね。 実際に見たら 起こしてくれよ Still smells like bullshit. Wake me up if you see it...
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_ChitChat02_IGE_Passenger03_010 席 狭すぎでしょ Could these seats be any smaller?
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_ChitChat02_IGE_Passenger03_030 金持ちをエコノミーに座らせてやりたい I'd like to make the CEOs fly coach for 24 hours.
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_ChitChat02_IGE_Passenger04_010 高い料金払ってドリンクもなし? ぼったくりだわ… I pay all this money and there’s no more drink service? Fuck this…
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_ChitChat02_IGE_Passenger04_020 儲かるわけね If the airlines could get away with it.
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_ChitChat02_IGE_Passenger04_040 まるで耐久レース。 テレビで中継でもすればいい I think we could turn that into a reality show..."Fly Or Die"
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_ChitChat02_IGE_Passenger05_010 サンフラン 楽しみだ I can’t wait to land in Frisco.
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_ChitChat02_IGE_Passenger06_020 サンフランなんて呼ぶヤツいないから Nobody calls it "Frisco." So please don’t.
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_ChitChat02_IGE_Passenger07_010 早く地面に降りてよ… 早く… 早く We’ll be landing soon... soon... soon...
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_ChitChat02_IGE_Passenger07_020 早く着いて… Please land soon…
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_ChitChat02_IGE_Passenger08_010 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_3A_Plane_ChitChat02_IGE_Passenger08_010 (whistling)
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_ChitChat02_IGE_Passenger08_030 俺に話しかけるな Do you mind not talking to me?
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_ChitChat02_IGE_Passenger09_020 口笛やめてくれない? Do you mind not whistling?
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_ChitChat02_IGE_Passenger10_010 ええと… 横 10 列は 6 文字。 ヒントは「青い」…ってそれだけ? Let’s see...10 across, six letters..."Blue." How the hell am I supposed to figure that out?
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_Extraction_Captain_010 「シートベルトをお締めになり
着陸後ゲートに着くまで 電子機器のご使用はお控え下さい」
Please fasten your seat, and stow any electronic gear until the plane is on the ground
and at the gate. Thank you.
We're starting our descent in a few minutes.
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_Extraction_Captain_020 「サンフランシスコの天気は晴れ 気温は 15 度です」
It's a beautiful day in San Francisco with clear skies and cool 60 degrees.
We hope you enjoyed your trip, and we thank you very much for choosing PacificWest Air.
Come fly with us anytime.
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_Extraction_Max_040 よく眠れました? How did you sleep?
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_Extraction_Max_060 少しだけ Just a bit.
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_Extraction_Max_080 もちろん… 分かってます I totally get it, Principal Wells.
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_Extraction_Max_100 はい 今から楽しみです I already am, and we're not even there.
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_Extraction_Principal_030 まったく… 
Oh, I don’t think so... I’m hoping these airline seats get smaller so I won’t have to fly at all anymore.
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_Extraction_Principal_050 いびきは うるさくなかったかね Hope I wasn’t snoring out loud, Max…
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_Extraction_Principal_070 そいつは申し訳ない
だが ジェファソンとプレスコットの件で今週は大変だった
It's been a tough week at Blackwell, so I hope you'll forgive me.
Between Mr. Jefferson and the Prescotts, things have been... hectic, to say the least.
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_Extraction_Principal_090 「日常ヒーロー」コンテストで
サンフランシスコで素晴らしい経験ができるよう 願っているよ
That’s a smart way of telling me to stop whining. We are proud of you for representing Blackwell at the "Everyday Heroes" contest. I know I'm not exactly the guide you wanted in San Francisco. But we all want you to have a great experience here.
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_Insertion_Max_010 …ッ! Whoa!
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_Insertion_Max_020 クロエ… 生きてる… 生きてるんだ…! Chloe… Oh, you're alive… Oh, you're alive.
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_Insertion_Max_025 やった… I did it...
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_Insertion_Max_030 みんな救えた I fixed everything.
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_Insertion_Max_040 ふう… Wowser.
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_Stewardness_IGE_Passenger09_020 なんで? これで落ちたりしないでしょ? Why? It’s not like we’re going to crash.
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_Stewardness_IGE_Passenger09_040 何 逮捕でもするわけ? Ooo, I hope they don’t arrest me.
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_Stewardness_IGE_Stewardness_010 恐れいります 降下中は携帯の電源をお切り下さい Excuse me, sir, your phone has to be shut off before we descend.
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_Stewardness_IGE_Stewardness_030 航空規定ですので… These are FCC rules, sir.
Cue_E5_3A_Plane_Stewardness_IGE_Stewardness_050 どうか ご協力にお願いいたします Please shut off your phone, sir.
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ArtBook01_Look01_Max_010 会場のツァイトガイスト・ギャラリーは
The Zeitgeist Gallery does have a cool history in Frisco...
I mean, San Francisco.
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ArtBook02_Look01_Max_010 ここのアートも見に行けたらいいな… I wish I had time to go see those murals here…
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ArtFlyer01_Look01_Max_010 わあ クロエが好きそうなデザイン。 私もパンク系になれるかな… Holy shit! This flyer was designed just for Chloe. I wonder if I'm ready for the mosh pit...
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ArtFlyer02_Look01_Max_010 楽しそう! ウォーレンもきっと行きたがるだろうな How fun! Yes, Warren would definitely "Go Ape" over this show.
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ArtFlyer03_Look01_Max_010 どうせ報道すらされないんだろうな The revolution will not be televised…
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ArtFlyer04_Look01_Max_010 ベイエリアのアートはカッコいいな… 同じベイでも大違い I love how much cool art is going on all over the Bay Area… unlike Arcadia Bay.
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ArtFlyer05_Look01_Max_010 着ていく服がないよ But what would I wear?
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ArtFlyer06_Look01_Max_010 謎のままの方がいいモノもあるよね… Some mysteries... should stay that way.
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Bench_Zen_Max_010 私 本当にサンフランシスコにいるんだ… I can't believe I'm in San Francisco…
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Bench_Zen_Max_020 人の死を何度も見た後で 頭がついてこないよ… How can I process this after all the death I've seen this week?
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Bench_Zen_Max_030 クロエが今ここにいたらいいのに… I wish Chloe was here with me now…
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Bench_Zen_Max_040 クロエがいなかったら ジェファソンとも戦えなかった… Without her, I couldn't have fought Jefferson...
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Bench_Zen_Max_050 写真に自信を持てって 言ってくれたのもクロエ… And she always pushed me to not be shy about my photos…
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Bench_Zen_Max_060 レイチェルやケイトのことを思えば 写真を出すなんて大したことなかったな… Even if that feels so trivial after what happened with Rachel... and Kate.
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Bench_Zen_Max_070 この力はまだ謎だけど やっと正しい使い方ができたのかもしれない… But for whatever reason I have this power, I hope I finally used it right…
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipalWells_Look01_Max_010 ウェルズ校長が来てくれてよかった
It was cool that Principal Wells came along. He could have canceled our entries after... what happened with Jefferson.
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Camera_Look01_Max_010 うーん この構図は… とある天才写真家を思い出すね… Hmmm. That looks familiar...
This might be too meta-metaphoric.
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Champagne_Look01_Max_010 クロエとこぼしたワインのこと 思い出すな… Champagne makes me think of me and Chloe getting busted with that wine…
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_DifficultFocus_Scripted_Max_010 この人達の相手してる時間はないよ… I literally do not have the time to deal with everybody…
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_DifficultFocus_Scripted_Max_020 クロエが今 私を必要としてるんだ Focus, Max! Chloe needs you now!
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_DifficultFocus_Scripted_Max_030 心をしずめて…
周りには誰もいない… 誰も…
Zen, Max, zen... There's nobody here but you... nobody…
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_DonationBox_Look01_Max_010 これは募金せざるを得ないよね I need to drop some serious cash in there.
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_DownstairExhibitText_Look01_Max_010 面白いけど… 彫刻ってよく分かんない That looks cool... but I don't know much about sculpture…
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_DownstairExhibitWork01_Look01_Max_010 こんなの部屋に飾りたい… いつかね I would love to have this on a shelf, someday.
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_DownstairExhibitWork02_Look01_Max_010 なんか変なの… That one is kind of silly…
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_DownstairExhibitWork03_Look01_Max_010 すごい。 これひとつ作るのに どれだけ時間かかったんだろう… I like. But imagine how much time it takes to make one sculpture…
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ExhibitIntro_Look01_Max_010 私の写真が展示されてるなんて ウソみたい… I still can't believe I'm actually included in this show…
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Food01_Look01_Max_010 おいしくなさそうな高級料理にも 慣れなきゃいけないのかな… I guess I have to get used to the idea of fancy food I don't want to eat…
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Food02_Look01_Max_010 んー でもあのフルーツタルトは魅力的… Oooo, but that tart fruit thing looks tasty…
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_GuestBook_Look01_Max_010 コメントを読めるっていいな… 意地悪なのもあるけど It's great to read all these comments... even the mean ones.
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Hipster01_Look01_Max_010 キザな感じだけど 写真はちゃんと見てるんだよね… Maybe's he's a hipster but he's appreciating the photos…
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Hipster02_Look01_Max_010 かわいいな。 私は将来どんな格好してるんだろ… She's cute. I wonder what kind of style I'll have in a few years…
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_IntroLines_Scripted_Max_010 でも まさか本当に成功するなんて…
Wowser, Max... You did it. Somehow…
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_IntroLines_Scripted_Max_020 あの「暗室」から…
I went from the Dark Room... to this gallery.
I've been through so many realities in one week.
Life is... weird.
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_MaxLabel_Look01_Max_010 「窓」 2013 年 マクシーン・コールフィールド…
ちょっと マクシーンはやめてよ…
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_MaxPicture_Look01_Max_010 うれしい… 今日だけは自分をアーティストって誇っていいかな… You did it, Max... You're a real artist. At least for today…
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_NeonArt_Look01_Max_010 好みじゃないけど 手法としてはアリかな… やだ 私えらそうに Not my style, but the neon is a nice representation...
Oh shit! Pretentious alert.
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Newspaper01_Look01_Max_010 この頃を思いながら 一生刑務所で暮らすんだ… いい気味 Young and grunge... He'll think about those days for the rest of his life in prison...
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Newspaper02_Look01_Max_010 ダニー・リーの記事だ… Wowser, a Danny Lee article...
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Newspaper02_Look02_Max_020 ダニー・リーの記事だ… Wowser, a Danny Lee article...
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ObjectiveLines01_Scripted_Max_010 余計なこと言わずに 笑顔でいれば大丈夫… Be cool, Max. Smile and don’t say anything stupid.
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ObjectiveLines01_Scripted_Max_020 注目されるの やっぱり苦手かも… I don’t know if I like all this attention…
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ObjectiveLines01_Scripted_Max_030 クロエは無事だし ジェファソンも捕まった
Come on, Max. Chloe is finally safe, Jefferson is done and your photo is on display in San Francisco.
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ObjectiveLines01_Scripted_Max_040 クロエと見た映画で言ってた。「今を楽しめ」って What’s that line from Blade Runner?
"Revel in your time... "
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ObjectiveLines01_Scripted_Max_050 一度は自分の作品がギャラリーに展示されてるとこ 見ておこうかな
次はいつになるか 分かんないもんね
I probably should at least go see my picture and see how it looks on the wall of a real gallery. Who knows when this will happen again?
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ObjectiveLines01_Scripted_Max_060 話し相手がいなくても 校長がいてくれるから安心だな…
I can always run to Principal Wells in case I need somebody to talk with… I'm surprised how chill he is outside of campus...
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ObjectiveLines01_Scripted_Max_070 今週はいろいろあったけど 今生きてることに感謝しなきゃ I do have to appreciate my life after everything that happened this week.
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ObjectiveLines01_Scripted_Max_080 巻き戻しの力も しばらく封印しておいたほうがいいのかも… Maybe I have to put my rewind power on a major time-out... Fuck it, pun intended.
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ObjectiveLines02_Scripted_Max_010 絶対ダメ… クロエがまた死ぬなんて… 助けに行かなきゃ No fucking way... Chloe can't die again... I have to save her.
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ObjectiveLines02_Scripted_Max_020 こんなところにいる場合じゃない… 早くアルカディア・ベイに戻らないと Please, no... I have to be in Arcadia Bay to help Chloe... not here.
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ObjectiveLines02_Scripted_Max_040 コンテストの写真… 戻るにはあれを使うしかない My contest photo… It might be the only way to get back.
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ObjectiveLines02_Scripted_Max_060 コンテストはまたあるけど… クロエは一人しかいない There'll be another contest, Max... You won't get another Chloe…
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ObjectiveLines02_Scripted_Max_070 コンテストの写真の中に戻って その写真を破いちゃえば…
今ここじゃなく アルカディア・ベイにいるはず
If I rewind into my contest photo then destroy it... I'll definitely end up in Arcadia Bay not San Francisco…
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Receptionist_Look01_Max_010 ギャラリーの人に自分の作品のことを話せるなんて 思ってもみなかった I never thought I'd get to speak to a gallery receptionist about my own work... Nice.
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_SFCityMap_Look01_Max_010 この地図 雰囲気があって素敵だな I love this map of the city. It's so romantic.
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_SFLook_Look01_Max_010 この街にいたら いい写真がいっぱい撮れそう I could take so many epic shots from anywhere in the city…
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_SubmarineFlyer_Look01_Max_010 潜水艦の中で暮らすのって どんな気分かな… 閉所恐怖症になりそう I wonder how it is to live in a submarine like that...
It must be really claustrophobic.
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ThoughtLines_Scripted_Max_010 わあ これ最高 Oh man, that is incredible.
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ThoughtLines_Scripted_Max_020 他の素晴らしい作品と一緒に展示されるなんて 夢みたい I can't believe my picture is in the same room as all these great images.
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ThoughtLines_Scripted_Max_030 このギャラリーに住みたいよ I want to move into this gallery.
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ThoughtLines_Scripted_Max_040 ケルアックやビートニク達もこの場所にいたなんて 感動 I love that Jack Kerouac and the Beats hung out in this same hood. Dig it, cat.
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ThoughtLines_Scripted_Max_050 広い空間をうまく使ってる… 照明も完ぺき Everything is so wide and spacious in here… The lighting is perfect.
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ThoughtLines_Scripted_Max_060 写真を買いたいって人がいたら いくらにしよう…
How much would I charge if somebody wanted to buy my picture... Whoa, slow down, Max Warhol.
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_WinnerList_Look01_Max_010 私の名前だ… 他の入賞者もたくさん…
いや 他の「アーティスト」かな
There I am... along with all the other winners.
I should say "artists" instead.
Act_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ZeitgeistLogo_Look01_Max_010 「今週の特別展示: マックス・コールフィールド」なんてね…
でも これって本当にすごいことだよ
The Zeitgeist Gallery... Starring Max Caulfield.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ArtTalk01_IGE_Woman02_020 いくらなら出す? How much would you pay for that?
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ArtTalk01_IGE_Woman02_040 今や誰でも写真家ね I guess everybody is a photographer now.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ArtTalk03_IGE_Man05_010 悲しくなってくる… This makes me feel so sad...
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ArtTalk03_IGE_Man05_020 高校を思い出すよ… Like I was back in high school...
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ArtTalk04_IGE_Man06_010 ギャラリーがよくこんな一等地 借りれるな How do these galleries afford to rent here?
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ArtTalk04_IGE_Man09_010 「日常ヒーロー」の写真は買えるのかな… I wonder if I can buy these "Everyday Heroes" pictures…
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ArtTalk04_IGE_Woman05_010 アートって よくわかんない Like, I do not understand art.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ArtTalk04_IGE_Woman06_010 私 アート大好き… God, I love art...
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_ArtTalk04_IGE_Woman07_010 ここに来るといつも刺激を受けるの… I always get so inspired whenever I come here…
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Babblers_IGE_Man01_010 すみません
Excuse me, I’d love to ask you a few questions about your work…
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Babblers_IGE_Man02_030 やあ… 君の写真すごくいいと思うよ Oh, hey... I'm totally into your photography.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Babblers_IGE_Woman01_020 あなたがウワサのマックスさん? どんなカメラ使ってるか教えて! Oh, you’re Max Caulfield, right? Tell me what kind of instant camera you used!
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Babblers_IGE_Woman02_040 私の写真にアドバイスしてもらえる? Oh my gosh, can I pick your brain for an hour?
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHMan01_QPhase01_Man01_001 あれ もしかしてセルフポートレートの子? ああ 自撮りって言うのかな
被写体よりフォーカスを向けること自体 主題にするとは…
Oh, hey… You're the one who entered the self-portrait. Or, actually, do you call it a "selfie"? Anyway, I was very impressed about how you subverted it, to make all of your photos subjects the focus… Very smart.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHMan02_QPhase01_Man02_001 お あの自撮りの子か… いや良かったよ。 後で俺とお茶しない? Whoa, you did that selfie... pretty hot. If you want, we can smoke a spliff after the show...
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHMan04_QPhase01_Man04_001 この度はおめでとうございます
今度出す期待の新人特集に ぜひあなたもと思いまして
いやあ 素晴らしい作品でございました
Are you Max Caulfield? Bravo on your entry.
I'm the art critic for Iris-In Magazine, and we would love to include you
in a piece about future trendsetters in photography.
I'll send you the details this week, if that's okay.
Congratulations for your piece.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHMan05_QPhase01_Man05_001 この手の展示はいつも眠くなるんだが
Usually, these kind of contests, they, uh... they put me to sleep, but I like how this show is about specific actions, you know, not just abstractions. The Zeitgeist is doing some unique stuff this year.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHMan06_QPhase01_Man06_001 君 最終選考に残ったんだろ? 僕もだ!
You're one of the finalists, right? So am I! How awesome is this, right? This is going to make a great start of our portfolios.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHMan09_QPhase01_Man09_001 すまない
君の名前は覚えてないが パンフレットで作品を見て 素晴らしいと思ったよ
Sorry, I don't know your name, but I saw your picture in the gallery brochure and I just wanted to let you know how cool your entry was.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHMan10_QPhase01_Man10_001 これまでの「日常ヒーロー」コンテストでも 今回は最高だ
どの写真も「時間」というものをよく捉えている… 実に素晴らしい
Well, I have to say this is the best "Everyday Heroes" show I've seen since it began. All the pictures say a lot about our times... Bravo.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_MaxUnderwear_012 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_MaxUnderwear_012 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_MaxUnderwear_012
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_Max_001 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_Max_001 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_Max_001
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_Max_004 いや… そんな有名だなんて… I don't feel like a famous photographer yet.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_Max_007 学校で起きたことを考えると なんだか実感がなくて… It's kind of surreal to be here after everything that happened at Blackwell...
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_Max_008 運がよかっただけで… まだ本物の写真家だなんて言えません I don't know... I'm just lucky. There's no way I'm a real photographer yet.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_Max_010 それに引け目を感じるというか・・ Maybe I feel guilty for celebrating...
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_Max_013 ジェファソンはすべてを巧妙に隠していました… 皆だまされたんです Mark Jefferson was good about hiding his tracks... We were all fooled by him.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_Max_016 先生のせいでは… 知らなかったんですから It's not your fault. You didn't know what really happened...
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_Max_017 ネイサンのことは言いましたよね… 信じがたい話だったでしょうけど I did tell you that Nathan was involved... not that I expected anyone to believe me...
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_Max_018 ネイサンは銃を持っていたんです。 私が報告してれば こんなことには… I should have told you that Nathan brought a gun to school this week. Maybe things would have been different.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_Max_022 ええ… でも 今はネイサンと一緒に刑務所の中です At least he's in jail along with Nathan for kidnapping and murder.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_Max_024 あとは異常気象さえ解明できれば…
Now if we can just figure out what's going on with the weather... maybe everything will be like it was before.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_Max_025 これは天罰なんじゃないかって思うんです… プレスコット家への I'd like to think there's some karma involved... The Prescotts have had this coming.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_Max_028 また一からやり直しましょう 校長先生 I'm hoping this is a fresh start, Principal Wells.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_Principal_003 写真家として有名になった気分はどうかな? So, how are you handling your new fame as a photographer?
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_Principal_005 「千里の道も一歩から」だ
私はアーティストではないが 君への賞賛の声を聞いて学校としても誇らしいよ
Every journey starts with the first step. I'm only a Blackwell bureaucrat, not an artist, but you've made us proud with the great response to your work so far.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_Principal_006 こんな時だからこそ祝うんだ All the more reason to celebrate your success.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_Principal_009 謙遜しなくていい Don't sell yourself short, Max.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_Principal_011 引け目を感じるのは私で十分だよ…
ネイサンのことも もっと早く気づいていれば…
Leave that to me.
I should have been more proactive about Kate Marsh and her awful situation.
She's strong and I'm glad she made it out of that hell.
I should have put my foot down with Nathan Prescott... or put my foot in his ass.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_Principal_014 その代表が私だ。 知名度だけであんな男を雇うとは… Most of all me. As you might know, I have a weakness for prestige.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_Principal_015 それに ジェファソンの評判は特に良かった…
And Jefferson had such a great reputation. Nobody expected him to be so... disturbed. I couldn't believe the police found those sick photos in his "Dark Room." Those poor girls...
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_Principal_019 ああ だが… 校長が知らなかったでは済まされない I know, but... that's not a good excuse for a principal.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_Principal_020 信じなかったことを 一生悔いるだろう…
結局 私はプレスコット家に負けたんだ
I'll regret that for the rest of my life, Max. The Prescotts knew how to protect their own.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_Principal_021 おそらく聞いても信じなかっただろう
Maybe not. I probably wouldn't have believed that he did. The Prescotts have a way of getting their way, or... should I say "had"?
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_Principal_023 ああ そして捜査はショーン・プレスコットの過去の不正にまで及んでいる
だが皮肉なことに ショーンもジェファソンの悪事は一切知らなかったらしい…
And Sean Prescott is now under serious investigation for all his years of corruption.
Money and power can only protect you for so long in Arcadia Bay.
The irony is that for once Sean Prescott actually had no clue
what was going on with Jefferson...
and he even brought him to Blackwell.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_Principal_026 環境学は私の専門外だが 学校が元通りになってくれれば それで十分だよ Environmental science is above my paygrade, Max. But it sure would be nice to get back to Blackwell Academy the way it was before.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_Principal_027 私も「因果応報」を信じていてね。 これですべてが収まったと願いたいが I do believe that "what goes around, comes around." I just hope it's all good for a change.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_Principal_029 さっきも言ったが 君はもう私と対等の大人だ
さて ビュッフェの用意ができたようだ
Like I said before, you're an adult now, Max. You can call me Ray. At least for this event. Now if you'll excuse me, I hear the buffet calling me again.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_QPhase01_Principal_001 失礼 食事制限のことを気にしている妻に電話しなくては
Excuse me, Max. I have to go call my wife and tell her I haven't broken my diet. No blackmail, please.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHReceptionist_QPhase01_Receptionist_002 あら マックス・コールフィールドさん
あなたの 「日常ヒーロー」 素晴らしいですね
Why, good morning! You must be Max Caulfield. Congratulations for your "Everyday Heroes" photo! The exhibition is quite impressive, especially with your entry.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHWoman01_QPhase01_Woman01_001 あなたブラックウェルの生徒?
授業は面白そうだし たくさん学べていいな…
Aren't you from Blackwell Academy? I wanted to go there, but I didn't get in... They have such a cool program. I bet you're learning a lot.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHWoman04_QPhase01_Woman04_001 コールフィールドさん カリフォルニア大学の者ですが
もしよければ当校への推薦入学について 後でお話させていただけませんか?
Miss Caulfield, I'm from the admissions office at UC Berkeley, I'd love to talk to you about a new academic setting for you later on today… If I can.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHWoman06_QPhase01_Woman06_001 あなたがブラックウェルの
You must be the Everyday Hero from Blackwell... My name is Lauren Francis and I run the Media Department at Detroit School Of Visual Arts. I'd love to talk about you being a residency next spring... Don't say anything to Principal Wells. Yet.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHWoman07_QPhase01_Woman07_001 あなたの写真すごく好き。 本当におめでとう
Hey, I love your shot. I just wanted to say congratulations, and I hope you get a lot more attention.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHWoman08_QPhase01_Woman08_001 すいません あなたの写真に感激したってひと言伝えたくて
Um, excuse me. I just wanted to tell you how much I loved your photograph. I've seen a lot today, but there's something powerful and understated in yours. I can't wait to see much more of your work in the future.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHWoman10_QPhase01_Woman10_001 あなた大丈夫?
まあ 田舎からサンフランシスコみたいな大都会に来たら誰でもビビるわよね
あ 悪気はないのよ
You look like you're lost. I know being in a big city like SF can be intimadating after coming from a tiny hick town like Arcadia Bay. No offense.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_FamilyDiscussion_Daughter_040 ちょっとパパ 何言ってんの? 使い捨てカメラって書いてあるんですけど? Errr dad, the label says that this is a print from a disposable camera, what are you talking about?
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_FamilyDiscussion_Daughter_060 はいはい… whatever…
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_FamilyDiscussion_Father_010 この写真を見てごらん。 奥行き 色彩 ボケ味…
中判カメラにライカの 35mm レンズを使ったものだ
写真の見方を知っていれば そういった背景…
Look at this print, the depth of field , the colors, look at the bokeh shape, this was definitely shot with a medium format camera, using a leica 35mm lens. You can definitely find out those details, the story of a photo… if you know how to look at all the details of a picture.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_FamilyDiscussion_Father_030 若い頃は熱心に写真を勉強したものだが 君には言わなかったかな?
実際才能もあったんだが 仕事のために諦めてね…
写真に詳しい僕と来れて 君もラッキーだ
When I was younger I did a lot of photography studies, didn't I told you about it Emma? I was quite good at it actually, but I decided to drop photography to do a real paying job… Anyway, it is interesting to be here, and you're lucky to be with me here, I can share all of this with you.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_FamilyDiscussion_Father_050 いや つまり ライカの使い捨てなんだよ…
あー その… 子どもが親に口出しするんじゃない…
Oh, yes of course, I was meaning a Leica disposable camera… yes, yes… and don't contradict me anyway…
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_FamilyDiscussion_Wife_020 へえ あなたがそんなに詳しいとは知らなかったわ Ooh, this is so interesting Matthew, I didn't think you knew about all this.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Insertion_Max_010 素敵な街ですね…
San Francisco is so cool... and this gallery is huge.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Insertion_Max_030 キャビアだけはお断りですけど… As long as I don’t have to eat any caviar…
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Insertion_Max_050 まだ私は… 大人の集まりに混じった
I don’t know... I feel so weird, like I’m a little kid hanging with the adults.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Insertion_Max_090 情けないな… これまで色々あって 少しは度胸ついたと思ったのに Come on, Max... After everything that's happened, this should be the least scary thing you've ever done.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Insertion_Principal_020 ビュッフェも豪華だ。 イベントの良し悪しは食べ物で分かる So is the buffet. If an event skimps on the food, you know it’s a bad event.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Insertion_Principal_040 今日は君の晴れ舞台だ
This is your day, Max. You can do whatever you want.
I hope you take advantage of your status and talk to
as many influential people here as possible.
Work the room.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Insertion_Principal_060 この 1 週間で 君も子どもではなくなった
だからこそ それ相応の行動が求められる
Max, after this week you are certainly not a little kid anymore. In fact, you’re a noteworthy adult being honored by your peers. Now you have to start acting like the photographer you want to be.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Insertion_Principal_070 私などトップに立つことを目指して 若い頃から進んで前に出たものだ
Hell, I wanted to be in charge of a big school someday, so I started taking charge of things when I was young. Ask my poor classmates…
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Insertion_Principal_080 キャビアが嫌いなら私が食べてやるから
ほら 怖がっていないで
Max, I'm going to eat up that caviar so you don't have to. Better get in there and start schmoozing. You know, I won't always be here to take charge. But you come talk to me, whenever you want.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_JeffersonTalk_IGE_Man04_010 本当はマーク・ジェファソンが来るはずだったんだろ… I heard Mark Jefferson was supposed to be here tonight…
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_JeffersonTalk_IGE_Man04_030 ショックだよな… 彼の写真持ってるのに… That was so shocking... I have one of his monographs too...
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_JeffersonTalk_IGE_Woman04_020 らしいね Not anymore.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_JeffersonTalk_IGE_Woman04_040 とっておいて… そのうちスゴい値がつくわ Hold onto it... His work is going to be worth serious cash...
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Journalist_Danny_010 失礼 君がマックス・コールフィールド? Hi, excuse me. You're Max Caulfield, right?
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Journalist_Danny_030 僕はバークレー新聞で記事を書いてる
Sorry to bother you, but my name is Danny Lee and I’m with the Berkeley People’s Herald. I edit their art section and I totally dig your work.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Journalist_Danny_040 皮肉的自撮りっていうのは 今やありきたりだけど 君の作品には…
じゃあ また後ほど
Now, I know the whole "ironic selfie" thing is kind of played out, but there's something… timeless about your images. So I'd love to set up an appointment or interview with you when you get a chance. Here's my card… So great talking with you, Max.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Journalist_Max_020 ああ… ええ はい… Um... yeah. Yes...
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Journalist_Max_050 ええと どうも You too, Danny.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_MaxAnswers_IGE_Max_010 ごめんなさい… Sorry, but...
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_MaxAnswers_IGE_Max_020 後でいいですか? すみません… Can we talk later? Thanks…
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_MaxAnswers_IGE_Max_030 今はちょっと… Not right now…
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_MaxAnswers_IGE_Max_050 急いでるので… Thanks, but I'm busy...
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_MaxWork_IGE_Man01_010 シンプルだけど 心に残る写真だな… I know it’s kind of simple but I find this haunting...
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_MaxWork_IGE_Man01_030 アーティストは? Who’s the artist?
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_MaxWork_IGE_Man01_050 へえ いいな。 ずいぶん大人びてる… That’s cool. Seems pretty mature…
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_MaxWork_IGE_Woman01_020 インスタントカメラって 時を超えた懐かしさがあるのよね Right? The instant print makes it look timeless... nostalgic melancholy.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_MaxWork_IGE_Woman01_040 高校生… コンテストの作品みたい A teenage girl... I think it’s for some contest.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_PhotoLook_Admirer1_010 個性的! レトロいいよね That is different! Loving the retro vibe.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_PhotoLook_Admirer1_050 あら ヒーローのご登場ね Hey, and there she is to save the day.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_PhotoLook_Admirer1_090 大丈夫? ちょっとボーッとしてたけど… Hey, are you okay? We lost you there for a second…
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_PhotoLook_Admirer2_020 ああ インスタントカメラが欲しくなる。 フィルムが死ぬほど高いけどな Me too. Makes me want to go buy an instant camera. But damn, I bet that film costs a fortune.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_PhotoLook_Admirer2_100 おい 鼻血が…! Oh, your nose!
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_PhotoLook_Admirer4_040 ええと…「マックス・コールフィールド、日常ヒーロー」 Here on the plaque, "Max Caulfield, Everyday Hero."
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_PhotoLook_Chloe_150 マックスか! 大変だよ! マックスが見た竜巻! ホントに来てる! Max! Holy shit, man! Your vision! It’s... it's true! You saw the tornado, it’s coming!
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_PhotoLook_Chloe_170 マックス 怖いよ どうしよう!?
今 海岸の近くで…
I'm so fucking scared! I'm... I'm by the beach, I'm stuck in the...
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_PhotoLook_Max_060 どうも… Hi.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_PhotoLook_Max_080 クロエ! Chloe!
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_PhotoLook_Max_110 大丈夫です… 飛行機で… 時差ボケかな… I’m okay... Jet lag... High altitude...
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_PhotoLook_Max_130 音消してた! バカ! You left the ringer off, idiot!
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_PhotoLook_Max_140 お願い… 電話に出て… Come on... Please answer...
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_PhotoLook_Max_160 え? そんな… クロエ 今どこなの? What? Oh no... Chloe, where are you?
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_PhotoLook_Max_180 クロエ! 聞こえる!? もしもし!? Chloe! Can you hear me? Hello?
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_PhotoLook_Max_190 もしもし Hello?
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_PhotoLook_Max_200 どうしよう 竜巻が本当に…
Oh my God, the tornado was real... I didn't fix shit!
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_PhotoLook_Max_210 クロエが死んじゃう… 町もきっとメチャクチャ… Chloe will die... Arcadia Bay is gonna be destroyed..
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_PhotoLook_Max_220 絶対に止める方法がある… 絶対 There has to be a way to stop this... for good.
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Weirdo_IGE_Man11_010 露出もダメ… 構図もダメ… ダメな写真だ… Bad exposure... bad framing... bad picture…
Cue_E5_3B_ArtGallery_Weirdo_IGE_Man11_020 僕ならもっとうまく撮るね I could have done this so much better…
Act_E5_4A_MaxRoom_ObjectiveLines_Scripted_Max_010 頭が今にも割れそうだけど… 私が… やらなきゃ… My head feels like it's going to split open... but I have to do this... I have to…
Act_E5_4A_MaxRoom_ObjectiveLines_Scripted_Max_020 嵐からクロエを救うことだけ考えよう All I need to do is be there to save Chloe from that storm.
Act_E5_4A_MaxRoom_ObjectiveLines_Scripted_Max_040 嵐さえなんとかすれば… せっかくここまで来たんだ Max, do not screw up this timeline... You're almost done.
Act_E5_4A_MaxRoom_ObjectiveLines_Scripted_Max_050 もう身体がもたないよ… 倒れる前にやらなきゃ… God, I feel so weak... I better do this before I pass out…
Act_E5_4A_MaxRoom_ObjectiveLines_Scripted_Max_060 この時間軸は完ぺきだったのに…
でも アルカディア・ベイから離れたことが失敗だったんだ…
My previous timeline was so perfect... all except that I need to be in Arcadia Bay, not San Francisco…
Act_E5_4A_MaxRoom_ObjectiveLines_Scripted_Max_070 一体どうなってるの? 現実が… 壊れてきてる… 私が時空を歪めてる? What is going on now?
It feels like reality is... breaking apart...
What am I doing to time?
Act_E5_4A_MaxRoom_Photo_Look01_Max_010 写真を破ればコンテストに勝つこともない… ここにいて クロエを救えるんだ No, I won't win the contest if I destroy the photo... but I'll be here to save Chloe.
Act_E5_4A_MaxRoom_Photo_Look02_Max_020 ひとつの出来事さえ変えれば サンフランシスコに行かずに済む… 簡単だよ I just have to make one simple change so I won't end up in San Francisco... Simple.
Cue_E5_4A_MaxRoom_Insertion_Max_010 ううっ… 頭が… Oh, shit... Oh, my head...
Cue_E5_4A_MaxRoom_Insertion_Max_020 耐えられないよ… I’ll get crushed in time…
Cue_E5_4A_MaxRoom_Insertion_Max_030 なんとかしないと! Do something, Max!
Cue_E5_4A_MaxRoom_Insertion_Max_050 これでコンテストには応募できない Now I’m definitely not entering the contest…
Cue_E5_4A_MaxRoom_Insertion_Max_060 コンテストよりクロエのほうが大事 Sorry, San Francisco... Chloe comes first.
Cue_E5_5A_TownDestroy_NathanMessage_AnsweringMachine_010 1 件の新しいメッセージがあります。 昨夜 午後 9 時 You have one new message. Message received yesterday at 9 P.M.
Cue_E5_5A_TownDestroy_NathanMessage_Limpbow_010 これまで再三警告してきただろう!
お前たちが自らの罪を顧みないから ついに神がお怒りになったのだ
...I told you! I’ve been warning you people for years that our culture of sin and entitlement would lead to God striking us down!
Cue_E5_5A_TownDestroy_NathanMessage_Limpbow_020 なのに なんで俺が このラジオ局に閉じ込められなきゃならない!?
誰か早く助けろ! 俺は税金を払ってるんだぞ!
And I'm the one trapped in this fucking radio station! Somebody get me the hell out of here now! Now, goddammit! What do I pay all those taxes for?
Cue_E5_5A_TownDestroy_NathanMessage_Nathan_030 マックス… 俺… ネイサンだ。 最後にこれだけは伝えたくて…
俺は… レイチェルも ケイトも… 傷つけるつもりはなかった…
俺はみんなに利用されたんだ… 許してくれ
俺はジェファソンに追われてる… もうおしまいだよ
マックス 次はお前だ… 気をつけてくれ
Max... it's Nathan. I just wanted to say... I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt Kate, or Rachel, or... I didn't want to hurt anybody. Everybody... used me! Mr. Jefferson is coming for me now. All this shit will be over soon. Watch out, Max... He wants to hurt you next. Sorry.
Act_E5_5C_DinerPark_BlockedEntrance_Scripted_Max_010 これじゃ入れない… 別の入り口を探さないと Damn, this is blocked off... now I have to find another way into the diner.
Act_E5_5C_DinerPark_DeadWhale_Look01_Max_010 ああ… 世界が… 終ろうとしてる…
でも 私ならきっと…
Look at that... This tornado might be the end of the world... but not if I can change it.
Act_E5_5C_DinerPark_ExplosionLines_Scripted_Max_010 イヤ! ダメ! No! No!!!
Act_E5_5C_DinerPark_ExplosionLines_Scripted_Max_020 これじゃダメ! 火を止めないと! This can't happen! I have to stop that fire!
Act_E5_5C_DinerPark_FireWarn_Scripted_Max_010 大変… 火がこっちに向かってる… 何とかしないと Wait, there’s a fire heading this way, I need to do something about it first.
Act_E5_5C_DinerPark_Fire_Look01_Max_010 火を消すの! 急いで! Come on, Max! Stop that fire!
Act_E5_5C_DinerPark_HomelessWoman_Look01_Max_010 ああ… 私が警告していれば…
名前すら聞かずに… ごめんなさい
Oh no... not her... I should have warned her!
I never even asked her name... so selfish.
Act_E5_5C_DinerPark_HomelessWoman_Look01_Max_015 いない… あの人 シェルターに逃げてくれたのかな…
私 名前も聞かなかった…
Whoa, she's not here... I hope she's in a shelter... I never even asked her name...
Act_E5_5C_DinerPark_Newspaper01_Look01_Max_010 頑張れ ジュリエット… Go get 'em, Juliet…
Act_E5_5C_DinerPark_Newspaper02_Look01_Max_010 本当の怪物は ここの住人だよ… The monsters are actually the people here…
Act_E5_5C_DinerPark_NewspaperDispenser_Look01_Max_010 嫌な話… Bad news…
Act_E5_5C_DinerPark_ObjectiveLines04_Scripted_Max_010 ヤバい… 火がダイナーに移りそう! なんとかしなきゃ! Oh no... that fire is spreading to the diner! Do something!
Act_E5_5C_DinerPark_OfficerBerry_Look01_Max_010 そんな… ベリー巡査… 私 間に合わなかったんだ… Oh no... Officer Berry died before I could help him... It's too late now.
Act_E5_5C_DinerPark_Sand_Look01_Max_010 この砂で火が消えますように… Please let this sand put out the fire…
Act_E5_5C_DinerPark_Trucker_Look01_Max_010 身動きできなくなってる! 困ってる人は助けなきゃ Hey, that guy is trapped! I have to help everybody I can.
Act_E5_5C_DinerPark_TwoWhalesBoard_Look01_Max_010 のんびり食べてた頃に戻れたら… I wish life was back to simple eggs and bacon…
Act_E5_5C_DinerPark_TwoWhalesNeon_Look01_Max_010 このダイナーがこんなことになるなんて… I never thought I'd see the Two Whales look like that…
Act_E5_5C_DinerPark_WarrenCar_Look01_Max_010 ウォーレンの車だけは無事みたい… よかった Warren's car is about the only thing left alone... Good.
Act_E5_5C_Diner_Booth_Zen_Max_010 ちょっとだけでいい。 何もしない時間がほしい… Max, give yourself one moment to do nothing...
Act_E5_5C_Diner_Booth_Zen_Max_020 ここでクロエに巻き戻しの力を見せたっけ This is where I convinced Chloe I could rewind time.
Act_E5_5C_Diner_Booth_Zen_Max_030 結局これは何のための力? 何を学んだの? So what's the point of this power, what's the lesson...
Act_E5_5C_Diner_Booth_Zen_Max_040 壊しては直すの繰り返し… To keep fixing what I keep fucking up?
Act_E5_5C_Diner_Booth_Zen_Max_050 でも 望んで得た力なんかじゃない No, because I didn't ask for this "gift"...
Act_E5_5C_Diner_Booth_Zen_Max_060 それに ジェファソンは止められたんだ… But I was able to stop Mark Jefferson...
Act_E5_5C_Diner_Booth_Zen_Max_070 あとは クロエさえ救えれば… and now I can stop Chloe from dying...
Act_E5_5C_Diner_Booth_Zen_Max_080 今度こそ 絶対に… for the last time.
Act_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_Look01_Max_010 フランクが味方でよかった… It's good to have Frank on our team.
Act_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_Look01_Max_015 フランクは悪い人じゃない… 嫌われて残念 I wish Frank was on our team... He's not a bad guy.
Act_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_Look01_Max_010 おばさん みんなの世話して… フランクまで Joyce has got everybody's back... even Frank's.
Act_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_Look01_Max_015 おばさん みんなの世話してる… Joyce has got everybody's back...
Act_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_Look01_Max_010 ウォーレンはいつも 人のために行動してる… Look at Warren... always trying to help.
Act_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_Look02_Max_015 私の気持ちはキスで… ちゃんと伝わったよね… At least I kissed Warren once to let him know how I feel...
Act_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_Look02_Max_020 友だちとして大切に思ってること 伝わってるかな… I hope Warren knows how much his friendship means to me.
Act_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_Look02_Max_025 ウォーレンはどんな時も変わらずいてくれる… I like how Warren just does his thing no matter what.
Act_E5_5C_Diner_CanStock_Look01_Max_010 食べ物に困ることはなさそうだけど… At least nobody is going to starve in here...
Act_E5_5C_Diner_DinerIdleLines_Scripted_Max_010 おばさん みんなに手を差し伸べて… この町の天使だよ… Joyce is the real saint of Arcadia Bay... She's there for everybody...
Act_E5_5C_Diner_DinerIdleLines_Scripted_Max_020 デイビッドと一緒だったら… きっと支え合えたのに… I wish Joyce was with David now... They both deserve some peace.
Act_E5_5C_Diner_DinerIdleLines_Scripted_Max_030 ウォーレンの何があっても変わらないとこ 好きだな I love that Warren just does his thing... no matter the odds.
Act_E5_5C_Diner_DinerIdleLines_Scripted_Max_040 この前はワッフルとオムレツのどっちを選ぶかで悩んでたのに It's hard to believe my big choice a few days ago was "waffle or omelette."
Act_E5_5C_Diner_DinerIdleLines_Scripted_Max_050 1 週間で人生を数回 体験した気がする… I've been through so many lifetimes this week...
Act_E5_5C_Diner_DinerIdleLines_Scripted_Max_060 考えるのはやめ。 まずは写真だよ… Okay, no more thinking, get that photo...
Act_E5_5C_Diner_FirstAidSupplies_Look01_Max_010 ウォーレン さすが
Good job, Warren. I hope those supplies are enough.
Act_E5_5C_Diner_Jukebox_Look01_Max_010 音楽なんて… No more music...
Act_E5_5C_Diner_Menu_Look01_Max_010 ほんの数時間前まで みんなここで朝食を食べてたのに… It's hard to believe people were eating breakfast here, only a few hours ago.
Act_E5_5C_Diner_NoExitLines_Scripted_Max_010 ウォーレンに会って写真をもらうまで どこにも行けない Max, you can't leave until you see Warren and get that photo.
Act_E5_5C_Diner_ObjectiveLines05_Scripted_Max_010 みんなが無事でうれしいけど
So glad everybody is safe here, but I need that photo from Warren to help Chloe!
Act_E5_5C_Diner_Pompidou_Look01_Max_010 フランクにはポンピドゥーがついてるね… At least Frank still has Pompidou at his side.
Act_E5_5C_Diner_VortexFlyer_Look01_Max_010 パーティはおしまい… 本当の世界の終わりが来ちゃったんだ The party is over. This vortex... is much bigger.
Act_E5_5C_StoreRoom_ArcadiaFlyer_Look01_Max_010 そのために今 頑張ってるんだよ… ホントだよ… Trust me, I'm trying to figure out how... I swear.
Act_E5_5C_StoreRoom_FisherMan_Look01_Max_010 助けてあげたいけど… ショックで話もできなさそう I want to help that fisherman, but... he's in shock and he might not hear me.
Act_E5_5C_StoreRoom_FisherMan_Look02_Max_020 ああ… Oh no...
Act_E5_5C_StoreRoom_Flyer01_Look01_Max_010 ダメ… 悲しくなる… Aw... This makes me so sad.
Act_E5_5C_StoreRoom_FuseBox_Look01_Max_010 お願い 動いてね… Don't fail me, fuse box...
Act_E5_5C_StoreRoom_Magazine01_Look01_Max_010 これが終わったらクロエと… If we can make it out of this, Chloe...
Act_E5_5C_StoreRoom_ObjectiveLines02_Scripted_Max_010 大変なことになってる… How can I get out of here?
Act_E5_5C_StoreRoom_ObjectiveLines03_Scripted_Max_010 早くダイナーに行こう! ウォーレンの写真を手に入れなきゃ! Okay, I better hurry to the diner over there. I need Warren's photo.
Act_E5_5C_StoreRoom_Sprinkler_Look01_Max_010 電源を入れれば
Okay. I just need to switch on the electricity to activate the sprinkler.
Act_E5_5C_StoreRoom_StoreLines_Scripted_Max_010 渡れない。どこかに別の道はないかな No, I can't cross this way. Is there another way around?
Act_E5_5C_StoreRoom_StoreRoomFire_Look01_Max_010 まずは火を消さなきゃ 通れないよ… Damn, I'm stuck here unless I put out this fire first...
Act_E5_5C_Street_BrokenTablet_Look01_Max_010 事件は解決… でもバッドエンドかな… Mystery solved... but nobody gets a reward...
Act_E5_5C_Street_CHAlyssa_Look01_Max_010 アリッサがあの家に… 早く助けなきゃ Alyssa is stuck in that house...
I have to get her out fast.
Act_E5_5C_Street_CHEvan_Look01_Max_010 エバン 正気? 早く逃げなよ! Evan, are you crazy? Get the hell out of here!
Act_E5_5C_Street_CHEvan_Look02_Max_020 なんで… エバン… 私がつかまえてれば… Oh no! No, Evan...
Why didn't I grab you?
Act_E5_5C_Street_ChildrenDrawing_Look01_Max_010 この子たちがどうなったかは考えたくない… I... I can't think about all those children out there…
Act_E5_5C_Street_DeadPerson02_Look01_Max_010 町の人がこんな姿に… Oh, I can't stand seeing these bodies…
Act_E5_5C_Street_DeadPerson03_Look01_Max_010 死が… 私についてまわってるの…? Death is everywhere... following me…
Act_E5_5C_Street_DerailedTrain_Look01_Max_010 うわ ダイナーに突っ込んでたかもしれない… Shit, that train could have derailed into the diner…
Act_E5_5C_Street_HelpLines_Scripted_Max_010 やだ アリッサが危ない! Shit... Alyssa needs help again!
Act_E5_5C_Street_HelpLines_Scripted_Max_020 エバン やだよ… 巻き戻して助けなきゃ… Not Evan... I have to stop him from getting hurt.
Act_E5_5C_Street_HelpLines_Scripted_Max_030 そんな… 今ので感電して… He's dead... electrocuted…
Act_E5_5C_Street_HelpLines_Scripted_Max_040 この人 移動させないと死んじゃう I have to get this guy out of here or he'll die.
Act_E5_5C_Street_IdleLines_Scripted_Max_020 迷ってるヒマはない… やらなきゃ You know how to use your power... Do it.
Act_E5_5C_Street_IdleLines_Scripted_Max_030 すごい嵐… 立ち止まっちゃダメ This storm is... huge. Keep going…
Act_E5_5C_Street_IdleLines_Scripted_Max_040 ウォーレンの写真を手に入れなきゃ! I need Warren's photo to save Chloe!
Act_E5_5C_Street_IdleLines_Scripted_Max_050 クロエは絶対に死なせない… There's no way I'm letting Chloe die…
Act_E5_5C_Street_IdleLines_Scripted_Max_060 でも この町を救うことなんて… 私にできるの? But the whole town is dying... am I responsible too?
Act_E5_5C_Street_IdleLines_Scripted_Max_070 私が変えたのは 時間だけじゃない… I have to accept that I've changed more than time…
Act_E5_5C_Street_IdleLines_Scripted_Max_080 ウォーレン おばさん どうか無事でいて… Please let Warren and Joyce be okay... Please…
Act_E5_5C_Street_ObjectiveLines01_Scripted_Max_010 ウォーレンはダイナーにいる。 急ごう! Warren is at the Two Whales diner, so hurry up!
Act_E5_5C_Street_PanEstateFlyer_Look01_Max_010 くだらない… Not anymore…
Act_E5_5C_Street_Plank_Look01_Max_010 考えて! アリッサを助けるには… Come on, find some way to help Alyssa…
Act_E5_5C_Street_StormStart_Scripted_Max_010 みんなパニックに… 町が壊れていく… 私なら何かできるはず Look at all those people... all this destruction... Max, you can help!
Act_E5_5C_Street_WatchmenLogo_Look01_Max_010 「よい 1 日を」。 そんなノンキなこと言ってる場合じゃないよ Have A Nice Day
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_AskPhoto_Max_020 無事でホントによかった…
ネイサンをぶっ飛ばしたぐらいだから きっと大丈夫だとは思ってたけど
That's okay. The important thing is that you're safe... and I know you can take care of yourself, after Nathan.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_AskPhoto_Max_050 私は… みんなを助けにきたの。 あの写真 持ってるよね? Warren, I came for all of you. Just tell me you do have the photograph.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_AskPhoto_Max_070 いいから聞いて Now shut up and listen.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_AskPhoto_Max_110 私こそ… いつもありがとう Thanks for being here. Always.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_AskPhoto_Warren_010 こんなときにアレだけど… 本当に会えてうれしいよ… I hate to say I'm glad to see you, but I'm so glad to see you.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_AskPhoto_Warren_040 もっと早くああしときゃよかったよ
それにしてもさ 写真 1 枚のために よくこんな嵐のなか来たよね
別に… 俺を助けにきたってわけじゃないだろ?
Should have done that a long time ago.
But damn, Max... I can't believe you actually drove down here
in the middle of a fucking E6 tornado, just for one photograph...
I mean, I know you didn't come for me.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_AskPhoto_Warren_060 その前に… I just want…
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_AskPhoto_Warren_080 何があったんだ…? 前に駐車場でもはぐらかされたけど Oh yeah, you’re finally going to tell me what you never did in the parking lot…
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_AskPhoto_Warren_090 マックス… 俺には正直 何がどうなってるのかさっぱりだけど…
君なら必ずなんとかしてくれるって 信じてるから
Max... I'm sorry you got stuck in this... in this...
I don't have a fucking clue what's going on.
But I have total faith that you'll do the right thing when the time comes.
I'm so proud of you, Max.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_AskPhoto_Warren_100 しかし こんな歴史的瞬間に立ち会えるとは
しかも君と一緒に… 話してくれて ありがとう…
How could there be a more important moment in history? And I'm in the middle of it with you? So thank you for trusting me.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Frank_002 お前もな… これでポンピドゥーとレイチェルもいたら… That makes two of us. Now, if only I had Pompidou back... and Rachel.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Frank_003 お前もな… あとはレイチェルさえいてくれたら… That makes two of us. Now if I only had Rachel back...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Frank_006 で 俺が教えた情報は? レイチェルのこと何か分かったか? Now Max, what about that info I gave you? Did you and Chloe find out what happened to her?
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Frank_008 まだ希望はあるさ。 しばらく休ませてくれ。 なんか疲れちまった
とりあえず ありがとうな。 あとは なるようになるのを待つしかないぜ
Oh, there's still hope. Look, I need to rest now, I'm wiped out… like Arcadia Bay. I just hope Rachel is far away, laying in the sun, happy… Thanks for trying, Max. So, I guess we just wait for the Lord to lift us up… or not.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Frank_010 は? 竜巻に襲われ 足には穴が空き
What? Besides this tornado, the hole in my leg and the fact my dog is dead...not to mention I could die on the floor of a diner and you're the last person I might see...I'm cool. Jesus.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Frank_011 は? 竜巻に襲われ 足には穴が空いてる…
What? Besides this tornado, the hole in my leg, not to mention the fact that I might die on the floor of a diner and you're the last person I could see… You know what, I'm cool. Jesus.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Frank_012 おい ウソだろ… そ そんな レイチェルが… ありえねえ…
そうだ お前になんで分かるんだ?
God, no, please... Please, no... No, not Rachel… She can't fucking be!
Are you… Are you sure? I mean, how do you know?
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Frank_013 くだらねえウソつきやがって
んなわけねえ… 町を出ただけだ…
なんでお前に分かる? おいッ!?
Fuck you, Max. No. No way. She left town... She's gone...
How do you know, huh? How?
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Frank_015 ネイサン!? クソっ あんなイカレたガキ 相手にするんじゃなかった!
見たのか…? レイチェルを?
Fuck! Fuck, I knew it!
I should never have hooked up with that sick punk!
Pompidou hated him!
You saw… you saw Rachel?
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Frank_016 どうせ あの盗っ人とお前はレイチェルを見つけられなかったんだろ? And I bet that thief Chloe and you didn't find Rachel, right?
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Frank_017 どうせクロエとお前は レイチェルを見つけられなかったんだろ? And I bet you and Chloe didn't find Rachel, right?
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Frank_019 もういい! 頼むからどっか行ってくれ
お前の顔なんて見たくない。 さっさと消えろ
Who gives a fuck now? Just stand over there so I don't have to see before the Lord lifts me up. Please Max.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Frank_022 死因は? どうやって殺されたんだ? How? How did he kill her?
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Frank_024 クスリ? まさか… 俺があいつに売ったやつか?
俺が… 俺が殺したようなもんじゃねえか! そんな…
An overdose? The only way Nathan could've done that is… is if I sold it to him. I killed my lioness! No...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Frank_025 なんてことを… What have I done?
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Frank_027 そのジェファソンとかいう野郎はどこだ! Where is this motherfucker Jefferson?
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Frank_030 レイチェル… なんで… 彼女は俺の人生で唯一の救いだった
そりゃ俺には若すぎたし… いつかは終わると思ってた
でも こんな形はあんまりだ…
夢を追う彼女を 俺はずっと応援したかっただけなのに
Rachel… Oh, God. She was the one good thing in my life, Max. I know she was too young, and... I expected her to leave me, just… just not how it happened. I would never have stopped her from going after her dreams.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Frank_032 クロエとレイチェルは… 仲がよかった… 俺は妬いてたんだ… I knew Chloe and her... were close... I was jealous...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Frank_034 俺だけじゃないさ… レイチェルにはクロエがいた Rachel cared about a lot of people... especially Chloe...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Frank_035 でも今は… レイチェルの気持ちが分かる…
俺に助けを求めてまで レイチェルを探そうとしたんだ
But, uh... now I see why Rachel dug her... and Chloe was man enough to ask me for help after all that shit we went through.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Frank_037 いつだったか親父が言ってた
聖書の一節で 正しいことをしろって意味だ…
You know, the one time I met my dad, the bastard quoted the bible and said he wanted to "enter his house justified." In other words, to do the right thing... me too. And maybe you're helping me get there, Max.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Frank_038 誤解するなよ。 お前を気に入ったわけじゃねえ… でも 嫌いでもねえよ Don't get me wrong, kid. I still think you're weird... but you're cool.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Max_001 フランク 無事でよかった Frank... I'm so glad you're here...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Max_004 ごめんなさい。 嵐のせいで調べてる時間がなくて… I'm sorry... We had no time to investigate when the storm started...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Max_005 フランク… すごく言いにくいんだけど…
レイチェルは その… 死んだの
Frank, I don’t know how to say this, so... I just will. Rachel is dead.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Max_007 あなたに教えてもらった名前から ある納屋を特定できた
彼はネイサンを利用して生徒たちの自由を奪い… 撮影してたの
We used the names you gave us to track down a farmhouse. My professor, Mark Jefferson, has this creepy photo torture room... and we found out he was using Nathan Prescott to drug and photograph Blackwell students.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Max_009 フランク 無事でよかった。 大丈夫? Frank... I'm so glad you're here... Are you okay?
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Max_014 すべての手がかりがマーク・ジェファソン先生に行き着いた
All of our clues led us to my professor, Mark Jefferson... He had this creepy photo torture chamber... and we found out... he was using Nathan Prescott to drug and photograph Blackwell students...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Max_018 えっと… それどころじゃなくなって… ほら 嵐でバタバタして
フランク… その… ごめんなさい
Um, we don't... know. Things got crazy and... and, here we are... Frank, I'm sorry about this.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Max_020 うん… フランク 私 何て言ったらいいか…
ネイサンがジェファソンに認められたくて 殺してしまったの…
Yes... I wish I didn't. I'm so, so sorry, Frank. Nathan wanted to impress Jefferson, and he... he killed her.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Max_021 ううん… でもネイサンがジェファソンに認められたくて 殺してしまったの…
No, I didn't, but... Nathan wanted to impress Jefferson and I know he... killed her.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Max_023 クスリを… 過剰摂取させて… He used some drug... and gave her an overdose...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Max_026 今さら関係ないよ。 レイチェルはもういない It doesn't matter... She deserves her peace now.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Max_028 死んだよ… もう終わったんだ He's dead. He won't be hurting anybody anymore...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Max_029 捕まったよ… もう終わったんだ He's going to jail. He won't be hurting anybody anymore...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Max_031 うん… クロエも同じ… I know... neither would Chloe...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Max_033 うん… レイチェルもあなたを大切に思ってたよ… I know. She obviously cared about you, Frank...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_Max_036 クロエが聞いたら喜ぶよ Chloe would appreciate that...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankQuickPhase_Frank_001 マックス… 本当にレイチェルは…? 悪い あとにしてくれ Max… I can't believe my Rach… I… I can't talk right now, all right...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankQuickPhase_Frank_004 悪いが あとにしてくれ。 また話す機会があればいいけどな Sorry, Max. Can't talk now. Hopefully we'll get another chance someday...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankQuickPhase_Frank_005 おい 聞こえてなかったのか 二度とお前の顔は見たくねえんだ Jesus, Max, did you even listen to me? I don't want to see your face before I die.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankQuickPhase_Max_002 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankQuickPhase_Max_002 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankQuickPhase_Max_002
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankQuickPhase_Max_003 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankQuickPhase_Max_003 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankQuickPhase_Max_003
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Joyce_002 ようやく一段落ついたと思ったらこれだよ… クロエは? Just when I think I've already been through the ringer...
Where's Chloe?
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Joyce_007 この嵐の中 行かせるわけないだろ
今はクロエと… デイビッドがどこかで無事であることを祈るしかないよ…
Not in this storm you won't. And you're not going out there, Max. I just have to pray that Chloe... and David... are holed up some place safe.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Joyce_008 ああ よかった… ずっと気が気じゃなくてね…
こうしてる間に 今度はクロエが危ない目にあうんじゃないかって…
Oh, thank God... I was torturing myself before you showed up. Oh God, if something happened to Chloe while I ended up stuck at this diner again...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Joyce_009 気にするのはよしな。 この竜巻はあんたのせいじゃない… Don't be, honey. It's not like you whipped up this tornado on your own...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Joyce_011 心配いらないよ。 デイビッドは立派な大人だし 色んな経験も積んでるんだ
You don't have control over any of that.
David is an adult and he has a lot more age and experience under his belt.
Even if he doesn't always show it...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Joyce_013 あんたは人のいい面を見ようとしただけ
デイビッドにも見習ってほしいね。 それに 今はそれどころじゃないよ…
I know you try to see the good side in everybody... and David needs to try that, too. But that's not important now.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Joyce_015 今週の出来事を振り返ると そう思うのも無理ないよ With all the shit that's happened this week, I think you're right.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Joyce_017 あんたは正しいことをしただけ
You did the right thing. David overstepped his bounds. I had a suspicion he was taking his private surveillance way too seriously... But he's sorry and I wish he was here right now.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Joyce_019 今週の出来事を振り返ると そう思うのも無理ないよ
With all the shit going on this week, I think you're right. And look at me, trying to keep my family together... again. Max... did I make a mistake kicking David out?
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Joyce_021 それはよかった… でも あの人のやり方に納得できない時もあるし…
正直 クロエへの暴力は許せない
I'm glad David was there for you... but I don't always like his attitude... And honestly, I don't think I can forgive him for hitting Chloe... If it happens once, it could happen again...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Joyce_023 私は苦労に慣れてる… ただクロエにはあまりにも早すぎた
I'm used to my life being hard... Chloe had to find out way too early. And I don't think we need David around to keep reminding us... You're right, Max. I think I'm making my choice now.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Joyce_024 それはよかった…
でも あの人のやり方には納得できなかったり… 恐怖を感じる時もある
I'm so happy David was there for you... but I don't always like his attitude either. Sometimes he scares me...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Joyce_026 今週を振り返ると そう思うのも無理ないよ
With all the shit going on this week, I think you're right. And look at me, trying to keep my family together... again.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Joyce_028 嬉しいことを言ってくれるよ
Oh sweetie, thank you. But your parents should be prouder of you. Even David told me how tough he thinks you are... and he doesn't give out many compliments, as you know.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Joyce_030 それはよかった…
デイビッドは戦争の重荷を抱えているけど 本心から人を助けたいと思ってる
クロエをぶったあと カウンセリングを受けることにも同意したしね…
I'm so happy David was there for you. He has a lot of weight on his back from the war, but he truly wants to help people. He even agreed to take a family counseling class, after he hit Chloe.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Joyce_031 それはよかった… デイビッドは戦争の重荷を抱えているけど
I'm so happy David was there for you. He has a lot of weight on his back from the war, but he truly wants to help people. He even agreed to take a family counseling class.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Joyce_033 デイビッドとクロエが仲よくしてくれたら それ以上に嬉しいことはないよ…
でも もう どうしたらいいのか…
早く嵐が収まってほしいよ… この町を離れてやり直したほうがいいのかもね…
Nothing would make me happier than for David and Chloe to make peace, not war. But I don't know what to do anymore... I just… I just want this storm to blow over forever. Maybe it's time we leave Arcadia Bay... if we can...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Joyce_035 そうだね… それに彼はウィリアムじゃない
出会った頃を思い出すよ… あの頃 私は人生を諦めかけてた
でもあの人の愛が力をくれたんだ… 私を必要としてくれた
やっぱりあの人を想う気持ちは変わらないよ 帰ってきてほしい
I know. And yes, he's not William, but that's okay. He's not supposed to be. You reminded me of when he came into my life... I was ready to give up. David's love gave me strength. He even told me I was his hero... And I can't give up loving him. I want him to come back home... I hope I get to tell him that soon.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Joyce_038 そうね… 前にも言ったけど あの人は誤解されやすいだけなんだ
He better. Like I said, people don't always see the real David Madsen. I hope Chloe does someday...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Joyce_039 それを聞いて安心したよ… デイビッドは誤解されやすくてね…
けどマックスはいい面を見てくれた。 私が愛する一面を…
I'm so glad to hear you say that, Max... I know he's not always an easy person to defend... Most people only see him at his worst... You've seen him at his best. And that's the man I want in my life.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Max_001 おばさん 大丈夫? Joyce, how are you doing?
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Max_003 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Max_003 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Max_003
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Max_004 その… 探してくるよ… I... I'll find her.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Max_005 クロエなら… 大丈夫。 電池が切れる直前に メール送ってきたの She's... safe, Joyce. She just sent me a text before my phone died.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Max_006 こんなことになってしまって… I'm sorry about all this, Joyce.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Max_010 ううん… それだけじゃなくて デイビッドの件も… Um... I mean, I’m also sorry about everything with David.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Max_012 別にデイビッドの味方をしたつもりはなかったの… Well... I didn't mean to take David's side against you or Chloe...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Max_014 うん…
でも なんかいろんな災が束になってこの町に降りかかってきてるみたいで…
I know... I just feel like everything that's going on with us is the perfect storm for Arcadia Bay.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Max_016 ごめんなさい。 私がデイビッドに余計なこと言わなければ… I'm sorry I caused so many problems with David and Chloe…
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Max_018 早く元の日常を取り戻したい… I just want our lives to be normal again...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Max_020 デイビッドは私を… その… 嵐から救ってくれた
不器用だけど根はいい人なんだと思う。 後はおばさん次第だよ…
David saved my life... from the storm. He means well, even if he doesn't know how to show it. But this has to be your choice...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Max_022 うん… そうだね… I... I understand...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Max_025 大変だとは思うよ… I know it's hard for you and Chloe...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Max_027 おばさんは家族のためにたくさん頑張ってる…
Joyce, you've gone through so much for Chloe and David. If you were my mom... I would be so proud.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Max_029 デイビッドは私を… その… 嵐から救ってくれた
不器用だけど クロエのことも本当に心配してて…
David saved my life... from the storm. I saw how much he cares about Chloe, even if he couldn't show it. David needs you more than ever, and I can see why you love him.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Max_032 いろいろ考えたんだと思う…
I'm sure that was a hard thing for him to do... It shows how much he truly cares about you and Chloe.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Max_034 デイビッドは本物のヒーローだよ。 彼はおばさんを幸せにしたいだけ…
だから おばさんとクロエのためなら なんでもするはず…
David is a real hero, Joyce. I know that all he wants to do is make you happy. I know he would do anything for you... and Chloe.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Max_036 デイビッドはおばさんを愛してるし 必要としてるよ He does about you. It’s so obvious he needs you in his life...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_Max_037 デイビッドは本物のヒーローだよ
それに 辛いときに自分を信じることができたのはデイビッドのおかげだよ
David is a real hero. I don't know what he's gone through in war, but I can imagine... and he even showed me how to find my own strength under extreme conditions.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceQuickPhase_Joyce_001 ここにいる人たちの世話をしないといけないから 今は仕事に戻らせて… Max, we have to take care of everybody in here now. So let me get back to my... double shift.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDialQuickPhase_Warren_001 マックス… とんでもない 1週間を過ごしてたんだね… Damn, Max... You could've been carrying the world on your shoulders this week...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Max_001 ちゃんと話すよ… でも詳しい説明は抜き。 私のこと信じてくれる? I wish I would have. So I'm just going to tell you without any explanation. Trust me, okay?
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Max_003 思うに この嵐は…
すべては… 私が時間を巻き戻す力を得たときに始まったの…
I think that this storm started... everything started... when I found out I could rewind time... There's no way this is just a coincidence, right?
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Max_004 過去に戻る必要があるの。 ジェファソンはもうクロエを… 殺してしまった…
そんなの許せない… なんとかしないといけないの!
I have to go back in time. Jefferson already ki—
killed Chloe... I can't let that happen... I have to do something, Warren!
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Max_005 ジェファソンはネイサンを利用してて…
でも… もう 2 人とも死んだよ…
Nathan accidently killed Rachel Amber trying to impress Jefferson... He just needed mental help... Now... they're both dead.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Max_010 そんな… すべて… 私のせいなの? All because... because of me? How?
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Max_013 ジェファソンはネイサンを利用して クスリとお金を手に入れてたの
私もジェファソンに捕まって… 縛られて…
He used Nathan to get drugs and money for him. Jefferson tied me up and... dosed me with some drug and took sick photos of me... It was so horrible...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Max_015 でも 私なら過去を変えることができる。 でしょ? But I can still change things. What do you think will happen?
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Max_016 ジェファソンはネイサンを利用してて…
それでネイサンも殺され… ジェファソンは捕まったよ…
Nathan accidently killed Rachel Amber trying to impress Jefferson... Nathan just needed mental help... Now he's dead... and Jefferson is done.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Max_018 ジェファソンの授業中 竜巻でこの町が壊滅する夢を見たの
そしてトイレに行ったら 目の前で親友のクロエがネイサンに撃たれた…
I had a vision in Jefferson's class of a tornado destroying Arcadia Bay. I went to the bathroom and saw my best friend Chloe get shot by Nathan Prescott...You with me so far?
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Max_020 そのとき時間を巻き戻せることに気づいた…
その後 いろいろあって ジェファソンが危険だったことが分かった
Then I found out that I could rewind time... And, long story short, Mark Jefferson is insane and dangerous.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Max_024 死んだ。 でも過ちを直すには ジェファソンも元に戻さないと… ダメかな? Dead. History. Which I need to change fast to make it right again... Is that bad?
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Max_025 捕まった。 でも過ちを直すには ジェファソンも元に戻さないと… ダメかな? Busted. History. Which I need to change fast to make it right again... Is that bad?
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Max_026 ウォーレンは友だちでしょ? 信じてくれるよね?
クロエは… 今 私を助けられない…
You're my friend, Warren. You believe me, right? I… I haven't told anybody else except for Chloe... and... and she can't help me right now...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Max_027 この災害も全部… 私のせい? All this destruction... is my fault?
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Max_028 こんな話 まともじゃないよね… でも 今頼れるのはあなただけなの
Warren, I know this all sounds insane... but you're the only other person who I can count on now... I wish we had more time together... Do you believe me?
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Max_032 でも 力のことは何も分かってない I just wish I could trust my powers...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Max_033 もちろん。 でも 力のことはまだ何も分かってない Always. I just wish I could trust my powers...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Max_034 魔法なのか 何なのか… I guess we'll never know if it's magic or science...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Max_035 私もだよ ウォーレン That makes both of us, Warren...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Warren_002 当たり前だろ。 サクッと頼むぜ… I always do. You should probably tell me quick...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Warren_006 嵐だけじゃないよ。 日食 鳥 クジラ 何もかもだ! Max, not only the storm but the eclipse, the birds, the whales... everything!
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Warren_007 この嵐は… マックスが過去に戻ったから起きてるんじゃ… Max, going back in time is what caused the storm!
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Warren_008 なんちゃって科学者の意見だけど
これはきっと 因果関係に基づくカオス理論的現象なんだと思う…
それで ジェファソンは? …もしかして あいつに何かされた?
I'm not a real scientist, even though I play one at school, but
this seems like pure cause and effect, maybe Chaos Theory...
Uh, what happened with Jefferson? Did... Did he hurt you?
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Warren_014 マックス… すごく大変な思いをしたんだな… 君は誰よりも勇敢だよ
Max... I'm so sorry you had to go through all that...
You're the bravest person I've ever known.
Now, I want to kill that son of a bitch!
Where is he?
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Warren_019 もちろん。 続けて… Where else could I be? Go on!
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Warren_021 そんな… それで? Whoa... Is that all?
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Warren_022 なんだよそれ… もっと詳しく聞きたいけど もう時間がないな… Jesus, Max! I want the whole story, but... I guess we really are out of time.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Warren_023 すべての作用には反作用がある…
For every action, there's... there's a reaction... Whenever you reversed or altered time, maybe you caused a chain reaction... even in the environment.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Warren_029 友だちどころか… こんな冴えないオタクを マックスはずっと人間扱いしてくれた
俺 前にも言っただろ?
I know I can be a pain in the ass... and… and you've always treated me like a person, not… not a beta nerd. I told you before that I'll always believe you...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Warren_030 何言ってんだ。 別にマックスが望んでこうなったわけじゃないだろ Give me a break. You sure the hell didn't give yourself time travel powers...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Warren_031 信じるに決まってるだろ。 マックスのこと尊敬してるんだ
だから 君にも俺を信じてほしい
Max, of course I believe you. You're the most amazing person I've ever met... and I'm glad you trust me.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Warren_036 魔法だろうがワームホールだろうが 何か大きいものの一部さ
結局 俺は何も知らなかっただけだ…
Even if it's from a wizard or a wormhole... You're part of something bigger. I don't believe in fate or destiny, but after this week, I realize I don't know shit.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_Warren_037 君の存在には理由がある… それを見つけることができるのは君だけだよ I do know you're here for a reason... and I guess it's up to you to find out why.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenMinorChoiceQuickPhase_Warren_001 マックス もっと一緒にいたいけど 君にはやるべきことがあるから… Max, I wish we had more time together but you have more important things to do now...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenMinorChoiceQuickPhase_Warren_002 俺と話すより 今やらなきゃいけないことがあるだろ… Max, you have more important things to do now than talk to your friend...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_ChoiceHug_Max_010 その前にハグしてもいいかな… I could use a hug before I do this…
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_ChoiceHug_Max_040 みっともなくなんかない。 尊敬してるから
私… これからは正しい選択をしてみせるよ… 絶対に
You’re not pathetic. You’re one of my heroes... And I’m going to make the right choices from now on... I swear.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_ChoiceHug_Warren_020 もちろん Me too.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_ChoiceHug_Warren_030 ほら… みっともなく引き止める前に 行ってくれ You better go before I get pathetic and tell you not to.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_ChoiceHug_Warren_050 それでこそ ヒーローだ That's why you're Super Max.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_ChoiceKiss_Max_010 ありがと… For luck.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_ChoiceKiss_Max_030 知ってるよ… I know, Warren…
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_ChoiceKiss_Max_050 これからは正しい選択をしてみせるよ… 絶対に I’m going to make the right choices from now on... I swear.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_ChoiceKiss_Warren_020 これが最後だといけないから… その マックス… Just in case we don’t get out of this... I wanted to say...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_ChoiceKiss_Warren_040 そっか Of course you do.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_ChoiceKiss_Warren_060 それでこそ ヒーローだ That's why you're Super Max.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_ChoiceNothing_Max_010 おばさんを頼んだよ… フランクも Watch out for Joyce... and Frank.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_ChoiceNothing_Max_015 おばさんを頼んだよ… 他のみんなも Watch out for Joyce... and everybody else.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_ChoiceNothing_Max_030 これからは正しい選択をしてみせるよ… 絶対に I’m going to make the right choices from now on... I swear.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_ChoiceNothing_Warren_020 任せなって。 さあ 行けよ I got this, Max. Go on.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_ChoiceNothing_Warren_040 それでこそ ヒーローだ That's why you're Super Max.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_Focus_Warren_010 マックス… 気をつけてな Hey... Be careful out there.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_FrankDialogIntro_IGE_Joyce_010 またあとで。 こっちの人も手当てをしてあげないと Okay, Max, excuse me while I go help this other gentleman.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_Frank_IGE_Frank_010 ったく こんなところで死にたかないぜ… Jesus, this is not where I want to die…
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_Frank_IGE_Frank_020 俺もロスに行こうってときに… I was just about to drive to Los Angeles too...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_Frank_IGE_Frank_030 ポンピドゥーが一緒ならいいか… As long as I have my Pompidou with me…
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_Frank_IGE_Frank_035 ポンピドゥーがいてくれたらな… You know, if only I had my Pompidou with me…
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_HealFrank_IGE_Frank_020 いてえよ ジョイス Goddammit, Joyce!
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_HealFrank_IGE_Frank_040 泣き言言ってる場合でもないか… 悪いな No, no, I’m just a pussy… Sorry.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_HealOldMan_IGE_Joyce_010 じっとしてな… 少し痛いよ… Hold on... this might sting...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_HealOldMan_IGE_Joyce_030 はいはい ごめんよ Sorry, sorry...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_HealOldMan_IGE_Joyce_050 大丈夫 何とかなるよ We will get out of this, okay?
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_HealOldMan_IGE_OldMan_020 クソッ! Ow! Shit!
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_HealOldMan_IGE_OldMan_040 いや こっちが悪かった… ありがとう… No, I’m sorry... Thank you...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_InsertionDiner_Announcer_020 …避難してください。 繰り返します。 これは訓練ではありません
E6クラスの竜巻警報が アルカディア・ベイおよび周辺地域に発令されています
...evacuation. Once again, this is not a test. This is not a test. An E6 tornado warning has been issued for Arcadia Bay and surrounding counties. The Emergency Broadcast System is now in effect...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_InsertionDiner_Frank_040 ポンピドゥー… Pompidou…
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_InsertionDiner_Frank_045 ポンピドゥー… いい子だ… Pompidou... Good watch doggie...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_InsertionDiner_Joyce_030 じっとしてな… Shh, Frank...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_InsertionDiner_Joyce_060 マックス! Max!
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_InsertionDiner_Joyce_070 ああ よかったよ 無事で! 大丈夫だったかい? Oh Jesus, I am so glad to see you, sweetie! Are you okay?
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_InsertionDiner_Joyce_090 なんとか持ちこたえてるけど 竜巻をやり過ごせるかどうか…
The Two Whales is barely standing now... I don't know if it’s going to make it through this tornado. Poor Officer Berry and all those people out there...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_InsertionDiner_Joyce_110 さあ 入って…
Okay, get your ass inside... I have to get back to this gentleman on the ground... Warren has been gathering all the first aid...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_InsertionDiner_Max_080 はい。 おばさんたちは? Yes. What about you guys?
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_InsertionDiner_Max_100 ええ… I know.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_InsertionDiner_Max_130 ウォーレンは大丈夫? You okay, Warren?
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_InsertionDiner_Max_150 こんなの防ぎようがなかったよ There’s nothing you could do about it, Warren.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_InsertionDiner_Warren_050 マックス! Max!
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_InsertionDiner_Warren_120 あまりないですが これで全部です It’s not much, Joyce. But it’s all we have.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_InsertionDiner_Warren_140 あれだけ前兆があったのにな。 雪 日食… How the hell did I ignore all those warnings, Max? The snow, the eclipse…
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_InsertionDiner_Warren_160 大バカだよ。 予期すべきだった… I’m so stupid... I should have seen it coming…
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_JoyceDialogIntro_IGE_Joyce_010 マックス こっちで話しましょう…フランクを休ませないとね Come on, Max. Let's talk over here and give Frank some resting space.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_Joyce_IGE_Joyce_010 頼むから無事でいてクロエ… お願いだから… Please be okay, Chloe... I can’t lose you…
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_Joyce_IGE_Joyce_020 マックス… これが私たちの最後だと思うかい? Max... Do you think this is... the end?
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_Joyce_IGE_Joyce_030 ダイナーにいるのも運命なのかね… I can’t seem to escape the Two Whales...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_Joyce_IGE_Joyce_040 何言ってんだか… 今は目の前のことに集中… Come on, Joyce... Focus on the people here...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_PolaRewind_Max_010 いいよ Action !
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_PolaRewind_Max_020 そんなことないよ。 じゃ 後で Not to me Warren…
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_PolaRewind_Max_030 もしかして お酒飲んでた? Have you been drinking ?...
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_PolaRewind_Warren_010 わかってるわかってる 俺うざいよな。 1 枚でいいからさ I know, I know, I’m a pain in the booty. Just one picture.
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_PolaRewind_Warren_020 んー… Uh…
Cue_E5_5C_Diner_PolaRewind_Warren_030 世界の終わりによーこそ お嬢さんたち。俺をエスコートしに来てくれたのかい… Welcome to the end of the world, ladies.
Cue_E5_5C_Street_AlyssaSaved_IGE_Alyssa_020 分かってる! I am!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_AlyssaSaved_IGE_Alyssa_030 うん 行くよ! Here I come!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_AlyssaSaved_IGE_Max_010 ほらアリッサ! 手をつかんで! Come on, Alyssa! Take my hand!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_AlyssaSavesMax_IGE_Alyssa_010 気をつけて! Watch out, Max!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_AlyssaSavesMax_IGE_Alyssa_030 これでおあいこ! じゃあね マックス! Now we're even. Be careful out there!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_AlyssaSavesMax_IGE_Max_020 あ… 危なかった。 ありがとう アリッサ! Damn... that was close. Thank you, Alyssa!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_AlyssaThanks_IGE_Alyssa_010 ありがと マックス! You did it, Max!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_AlyssaThanks_IGE_Alyssa_030 おかげさまでね! 早く避難しよう Now I am! We need to get out of here!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_AlyssaThanks_IGE_Max_020 大丈夫? Are you okay?
Cue_E5_5C_Street_AlyssaThanks_IGE_Max_040 一人で行って。 私は他の人を助けるから Alyssa, you go on. I have to help other people.
Cue_E5_5C_Street_AlyssaWarnDies_IGE_Alyssa_020 ふざけないでよ! マックスが来るたびに 私ひどい目にあう… Fuck that shit, Max! Whenever you show up, I have to get out of the way!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_AlyssaWarnDies_IGE_Alyssa_030 だからもう―― So just get—
Cue_E5_5C_Street_AlyssaWarnDies_IGE_Max_010 アリッサ 大丈夫? 今 助けるから! Alyssa, are you okay? Let me help you down!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_AlyssaWarnNothing_IGE_Alyssa_020 お願い 早く! こんなとこで死にたくない! Yes, yes, please Max! I don’t want to die like this!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_AlyssaWarnNothing_IGE_Alyssa_030 何か探してきてよ Find something to get me down!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_AlyssaWarnNothing_IGE_Max_010 アリッサ 大丈夫? 今 助けるから! Alyssa, are you okay? Let me help you down!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_AlysssaHelp_IGE_Alyssa_010 誰か助けて! Somebody help me!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_AlysssaHelp_IGE_Alyssa_020 降りられない! I’m stuck up here!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_AlysssaHelp_IGE_Alyssa_030 もう誰か助けてよ! Goddammit, I need help!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_AlysssaHelp_IGE_Alyssa_040 助けて!! 降りられない! Please! Help me get down!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_AlysssaHelp_IGE_Alyssa_050 お願い 早くして! Help me get down, Max!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_EvanSaved_IGE_Evan_010 ロバート・キャパよ 今に見てろ! Robert Capa, eat your heart out!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_EvanSaved_IGE_Evan_030 こんなチャンスを逃す手はないだろ! 見ろよ! Max, there's no way I can pass up these images! Just look at it!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_EvanSaved_IGE_Evan_050 分かったよ… まったく… Okay, if you insist…
Cue_E5_5C_Street_EvanSaved_IGE_Evan_060 マックス! 未来でも見えてるのか! 危なかったよ Whoa, Max! You do know things! I'm such an idiot.
Cue_E5_5C_Street_EvanSaved_IGE_Evan_080 「日常ヒーロー」の言うことは聞くよ… マックスも行こう! Now I better listen to the real "Everyday Hero"... Come with me!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_EvanSaved_IGE_Evan_100 自分の心配をしなよ。 まずは生き残らないと! You better help yourself now, Max... We have to survive this!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_EvanSaved_IGE_Max_020 エバン 竜巻が見えないの? 早く逃げなよ! Evan, do you see that tornado? Get the hell out of here!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_EvanSaved_IGE_Max_040 死んだら写真も何もないよ! 早く逃げて! You can't take a picture when you're dead! Now move your ass!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_EvanSaved_IGE_Max_070 いいから 嵐がおさまるまで安全な場所にいなよ Only if you don't find a safe spot until this blows over, okay?
Cue_E5_5C_Street_EvanSaved_IGE_Max_090 他の人も助けなきゃ I have to help somebody else first.
Cue_E5_5C_Street_Evan_IGE_Evan_010 ロバート・キャパよ 今に見てろ! Robert Capa, eat your heart out!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_Evan_IGE_Evan_020 素晴らしい構図だ Best. Shot. Ever.
Cue_E5_5C_Street_Evan_IGE_Evan_030 頼むぞ もう 1 枚だ… Come on, baby, one more picture…
Cue_E5_5C_Street_Evan_IGE_Evan_040 台風の目を捉えろ… Right into the eye of the storm…
Cue_E5_5C_Street_Evan_IGE_Evan_050 これは傑作間違いなし… This will be my masterpiece...
Cue_E5_5C_Street_FishermanAfraid_IGE_Fisherman_010 ああ もう やめてくれ… Please, please, please, please...
Cue_E5_5C_Street_FishermanAfraid_IGE_Fisherman_020 嵐はもうたくさんだ No more storms...
Cue_E5_5C_Street_FishermanAfraid_IGE_Fisherman_030 これで終わりなのか? This can’t be the end…
Cue_E5_5C_Street_FishermanAfraid_IGE_Fisherman_040 いやだ… こんなとこで死ぬなんて… I can’t die in this room... I can’t...
Cue_E5_5C_Street_FishermanSaved_IGE_Fisherman_020 息が… 息ができない… I need to breathe… I… I need air…
Cue_E5_5C_Street_FishermanSaved_IGE_Fisherman_040 町が死んでいく… The whole town is dying…
Cue_E5_5C_Street_FishermanSaved_IGE_Max_010 しっかりして! 早くここから出ましょう Come on, you have to get out of here right now.
Cue_E5_5C_Street_FishermanSaved_IGE_Max_030 さあ 出ましょう! You should get out of here!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_Panic_IGE_Girlfriend_010 お願い 動いて お願い Please please please move... please God...
Cue_E5_5C_Street_Panic_IGE_Girlfriend_020 ウソでしょ… 死なないで No, you’re not dead... you’re not...
Cue_E5_5C_Street_Panic_IGE_Man05_030 頼む 誰かここから出してくれ… Argh, please… Please, get me outta here, please, get me outta here.
Cue_E5_5C_Street_Panic_IGE_Man07_010 もう終わりだ 全部おしまいだ… This is the end... It’s all over now...
Cue_E5_5C_Street_Panic_IGE_Woman01_010 こ… こんなのありえない… I... I can’t believe this is real...
Cue_E5_5C_Street_Panic_IGE_Woman03_010 なんなの これ… なんなのよ!? What’s happening? WHAT’S HAPPENING??
Cue_E5_5C_Street_Panic_Man01_020 おい やばいぞ! Look that thing, go !
Cue_E5_5C_Street_Panic_Man01_030 危ない! Get Down !!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_TruckerHelpClose_IGE_Trucker_010 おい そこの… えっと マット! Hey... You... uh... Matt!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_TruckerHelpClose_IGE_Trucker_020 頼む… 助けてくれよ Can you please... help me?
Cue_E5_5C_Street_TruckerHelpClose_IGE_Trucker_030 おい! 置いてかないでくれ! Please! Don’t leave me here!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_TruckerHelpFar_IGE_Trucker_010 おい! 誰かいないのか? Hey... is anybody out there?
Cue_E5_5C_Street_TruckerHelpFar_IGE_Trucker_020 お願いだ! 誰か 早く助けてくれ! Please somebody... anybody... Help me!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_TruckerHelpFar_IGE_Trucker_030 死にたくない 助けてくれ! I don’t want to die here!
Cue_E5_5C_Street_TruckerSavedRailroad_IGE_Max_020 大丈夫ですか? Are you okay?
Cue_E5_5C_Street_TruckerSavedRailroad_IGE_Max_040 もう行ったほうが… You better go now.
Cue_E5_5C_Street_TruckerSavedRailroad_IGE_Max_060 いえ 友だちを探してるので No, thanks. I have to find a friend.
Cue_E5_5C_Street_TruckerSavedRailroad_IGE_Trucker_010 助かった… ありがとな Oh Lordy... Thanks, kid.
Cue_E5_5C_Street_TruckerSavedRailroad_IGE_Trucker_030 ああ 早く逃げねえと
どっかのバカが線路を壊さなきゃ こんなクソみたいな町にいなかったのによ
Once I get the hell out of here... I was trapped here because I got stuck in this shithole delivering logs after the railroad was closed down...
Cue_E5_5C_Street_TruckerSavedRailroad_IGE_Trucker_050 ああ 二度と帰ってくるものか… 乗ってくか? And I ain’t never coming back here... You need a lift?
Cue_E5_5C_Street_TruckerSavedRailroad_IGE_Trucker_070 そうか 達者でな You go, girl. You go.
Cue_E5_5C_Street_TruckerSaved_IGE_Max_020 大丈夫ですか? Are you okay?
Cue_E5_5C_Street_TruckerSaved_IGE_Max_040 もう行ったほうが… You better go now.
Cue_E5_5C_Street_TruckerSaved_IGE_Max_060 いえ 友だちを探してるので No, thanks. I have to find a friend.
Cue_E5_5C_Street_TruckerSaved_IGE_Trucker_010 助かった… ありがとな Oh Lordy... Thanks, kid.
Cue_E5_5C_Street_TruckerSaved_IGE_Trucker_030 ああ 早く逃げねえと。 いい加減 もうこんなクソみたいな町とはおさらばだ Once I get the hell out of here... I been hauling loads for way too long in this shithole town.
Cue_E5_5C_Street_TruckerSaved_IGE_Trucker_050 ああ 二度と帰ってくるものか… 乗ってくか? And I ain’t never coming back here... You need a lift?
Cue_E5_5C_Street_TruckerSaved_IGE_Trucker_070 そうか 達者でな You go, girl. You go.
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_BigChair_Look01_Max_010 まだ縛られた感触が…
イヤだ 思い出すのやめよう
I can still feel those straps...
Stop, Max. You're free.
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_BondagePicture01_Look01_Max_010 モデルになりたい女性は多かったはず…
でも ジェファソンにとってモデルはなりたくてなるものじゃなかった
Jefferson had plenty of women who would have totally posed for him... but he didn't want to give his subjects a choice.
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_BondagePicture02_Look01_Max_010 まわりが作品を見る目も変わるだろうね Nobody will look at Jefferson's work the same.
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_BurntDiary_Look01_Max_010 ダメだ 全部焼かれてる… 頼みの綱はウォーレンが撮った写真だけか… Damn, Jefferson torched everything... Now the only photo I can get is the one Warren took…
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_BurntDiary_Scripted_Max_010 日記を燃やすなんて! だから ここに戻ってきたんだ… Fuck! He burned my diary! That’s why I’m still here.
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_BusTicketReceipt_Look01_Max_010 こんな工作までして ネイサンを… No one would have looked for Nathan's body with this…
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Look02_Max_020 待っててデイビッド…
Hold tight, David... I'm going to fix everything.
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Look02_Max_025 デイビッドは任務遂行中… 次は証拠探しかな David Madsen is on the case... He's still looking for evidence.
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Look01_Max_010 今はただの… 哀れな人 Jefferson looks so... pathetic now.
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Look02_Max_030 死んだなんて信じられない I can't believe Jefferson is dead.
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Look02_Max_035 もう安全なはずだけど… こんなことが起きたショックから まだ抜けられない…
I'm glad that freak is tied up, but... I still feel like I'm in shock. I can't believe this is real.
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_Camera_Look01_Max_010 イカレた趣味に これだけの機材をそろえて… All this expensive gear just for... sick bullshit.
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeNecklace_Interact01_Max_020 こんな所にクロエの物を置いていけない There's no way I'm leaving your necklace here.
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeNecklace_Look01_Max_010 クロエ… 必ず助けるから… もう死なせない Oh, Chloe... I'm going to save you... for the last time.
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_DavidDeadLine_Scripted_Max_010 巻き戻してデイビッドを助けなきゃ! Max, rewind and help David!
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_DavidDeadLine_Scripted_Max_020 やだ そんな! No way, Jefferson!
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_DuctTape_Look01_Max_010 最低…
このダクトテープ 学校の経費で買ってたら許さない
So gross...
I wonder if he charged that duct tape to Blackwell... Scumbag.
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_GHBBottle_Look01_Max_010 フランクは悪人じゃない… でもクスリを提供した事実は変わらないよ… Frank isn't a bad person, but... he can't be in denial about the drugs he provided.
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionLine_Scripted_Max_010 そんな… またここなの?!
God, no... I'm back here again?! I thought I fixed everything!
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionLine_Scripted_Max_020 なんで? ジェファソンは刑務所にいるはず… What? Jefferson should be in jail, not here…
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_JeffDeadLines_Scripted_Max_010 今週だけで何人の死を見たかな… 今度はジェファソン… 感覚がマヒしてる I've seen so many people die this week... now Jefferson... I feel numb...
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_JeffDeadLines_Scripted_Max_020 こんなのないよ…
レイチェル… クロエ… ケイト… ネイサンも… みんな死んだんだ
Jesus, all these lives destroyed... Rachel... Chloe... Kate... even Nathan...
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_JeffDeadLines_Scripted_Max_030 ジェファソンは死んだけど… まだクロエを救うことはできる Jefferson is dead now... but I can still bring Chloe back to life.
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_JeffersonsGlasses_Look01_Max_010 もうメガネも必要ない You won't need those glasses again.
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_JeffersonsGun_Look01_Max_010 銃はもうこりごり No more fucking guns.
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_LieDavidLine_Scripted_Max_010 ジェファソン… これで終わりじゃないから You're not getting away with this, Jefferson.
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_LieDavidLine_Scripted_Max_020 ジェファソンは刑務所行き… でもクロエが… 何とかしなきゃ Jefferson will end up in jail... but Chloe is dead. Not for long...
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_LieDavidLine_Scripted_Max_030 デイビッドに事実を言うべきだったかな… 家族だし I could have told David the truth... He deserves it.
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_MaxReactions_Scripted_Max_010 何の音? 他に誰かいる… What's that noise? Somebody else is here...
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_MaxReactions_Scripted_Max_020 デイビッド! David!
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_MaxReactions_Scripted_Max_030 そんな! デイビッド! No, David! No!
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_NathanLetter_Look01_Max_010 かわいそうに… ジェファソンはこれこそ燃やすべきだった… Poor Nathan... Jefferson definitely should have burned this letter...
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_Picture01_Look01_Max_010 こんなの 見たくないよ… I hate looking at me like that...
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_Picture03_Look01_Max_010 うわ… 全部燃やしてやりたい… Ugh... I want to burn all these photos…
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_Receipt_Look01_Max_010 プレスコットのお金で セキュリティをさらに頑丈にしようとしてたんだ… Looks like Jefferson was planning a major security renovation... with Prescott cash.
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_SaveTimeLine_Scripted_Max_010 最初の最初まで巻き戻して… ワナを仕掛けてもいいかも… I could rewind all the way, talk to Jefferson and help set a trap…
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_Stereo_Look02_Max_020 きっと刑務所ではこんな音楽流れないだろうね… いい気味 Every song you hear in jail will be torture...
You'll never be free again.
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_Syringe_Look01_Max_010 見るだけで吐き気がする Just looking at that makes me want to vomit.
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_VicBracelet_Look01_Max_010 ビクトリアのブレスレット… これでネイサンに罪を着せるつもりだったんだ Oh... That's Victoria's bracelet...
I bet Jefferson was going to use that to frame Nathan.
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_WarningLines_Scripted_Max_010 これじゃダメだ… 早すぎた! Bad timing, Max... too early!
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_WarrenPicture_Scripted_Max_020 全部燃やされてる… 私の写真まで… He burned everything... including all of my photos…
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_WarrenPicture_Scripted_Max_030 そうだ!
Warren! Yes! I can use that picture he took of us!
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_WarrenPicture_Scripted_Max_050 ウォーレンの写真でクロエを救えるか… 試してみるしかない I have to take a chance and save Chloe using Warren's photo... This will be tricky.
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_WarrenPicture_Scripted_Max_060 外に出てウォーレンに電話しよう
I better go outside and call Warren... Please answer…
Act_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ZeitgeistFlyer_Look01_Max_010 ジェファソン… ギャラリーなんか二度と行けないよ You won't be going, Jefferson... to any more shows.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_David_001 ああ… だがこの部屋は… 異常だ Look at this place... it feels like Hell.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_David_006 しかし この野郎… あやしいとは思っていたが I always suspected that son of a bitch.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_David_009 そんな… まさか… Oh no...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_David_010 よく無事だった… I'm glad...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_David_011 プレスコット家の連中に気を取られすぎた…
Yes, and this is what I get for wasting all those hours on the Prescotts... I set my sights too wide, lack of focus.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_David_012 教師を疑う生徒はいない You shouldn't have to suspect your teacher.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_David_015 ケイトの件でジェファソンを校長に報告したとき
Well, you still had the right idea to tell the principal that Jefferson acted shady around Kate Marsh.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_David_016 俺もてっきり ケイトの件で容疑者をネイサンだけに絞ってしまった I wasn't surprised when you accused Nathan of drugging Kate Marsh. I thought so, too.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_David_017 お前からしたら 俺も相当怪しく見えていたんだろう
ケイトの件は… 誤解されても仕方がなかった
I guess I looked just as suspicious when you told Principal Wells that I was... harassing Kate Marsh... and I don't blame you.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_David_018 それに… 俺はケイトを傷つけてしまった
And Max... I treated Kate like shit...
I know she's a good person, but I'm not.
I hope I get to tell her that soon.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_David_019 それに… ケイトの自殺は 俺の責任でもある… 一生自分を責め続けるだろう… And Max, I'll never forgive myself for what happened to Kate... I feel like I helped push her off that roof...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_David_023 ネイサンが危険なのは分かっていた。 俺がもっと早く行動していれば… I knew Nathan Prescott was a threat. I just waited too long to neutralize him.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_David_024 過去を悔やんでいるのはお前だけじゃない
だが まさかお前とクロエだけでここまでやるとは… 俺にはできなかった
2 人でよく頑張ったな
We all make decisions we regret.
But I have to admit I'm impressed by you... and Chloe, and your investigation.
I had all the high-tech toys, while you had each other.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_David_025 黒幕はすぐ近くにいたのに…
俺が気づいてさえいれば ジェファソンとネイサンの凶行を止められたはずだ…
That pervert was pulling all this shit right under my nose, too...
I could have stopped him and Nathan if only...
I wasn't so stupid.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_David_033 まさか… クロエは俺を憎んでる
知ってのとおり 俺は… あの子に手をあげてしまった
I think she only learned how to hate my guts... I'm sure you know I... I hit her the other day.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_David_034 まさか… クロエは俺を憎んでる I think she only learned how to hate my guts.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_David_035 俺とは大違いだ
元々 人と協力するのが苦手でな… 軍でもそれが問題になった
That's one of my problems...
I'm not good at teamwork. Never was.
Even in the service.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_David_037 自分の振る舞いについて言い訳をするつもりはない
ベストを尽くしたつもりだったが… 力不足だった
I'm not going to make any excuses for my behavior.
I tried to be a good soldier, but... I wasn't so great.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_David_038 よい父親になろうとも努力した… だが クロエには認めてもらえない I tried to be a good father, too...
But... you saw how that went.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_David_039 よい父親になろうとも努力した…
だが ジョイスに捨てられて すべてを失った
I tried to be a good father, too.
But... when Joyce kicked me out...
I had nothing.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_David_044 だとしたら うれしいことだ… I'm glad we have something in common.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_David_045 ああ… 分かってるよ Fucked up. I know.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_David_046 いや 自宅にカメラを設置した俺のせいだ… ファイルも処分すべきだった I should never have set up those surveillance cams. Or kept all those files...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_David_047 ああ… その気持ちはよく分かる Yeah, I know the feeling. Too much.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_David_050 また言い訳のように聞こえるかもしれんが…
ジョイスだけが 俺を救ってくれた
I try not to use my service as an excuse, but...
It's hard to come home after war.
Most people don't know or care what it's like... except Joyce.
She gave me hope.
A new life.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_David_052 俺はクロエに無事でいてほしいだけだ
それと ジョイスには カウンセリングを受けると約束した
まずは… クロエに謝るよ
パパとは呼んでくれなくても せめて「クソオヤジ」はやめてもらえるように…
I just want to see her safe with her mother. I promised Joyce I would go see a family counselor... and I'll start by apologizing to Chloe. I don't expect her to call me dad, but maybe she'll stop calling me "step-douche."
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_Jefferson_004 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_Jefferson_004 Oh no...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_Jefferson_005 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_Jefferson_005 I'm glad...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_Max_002 ジェファソンは… 私を殺すつもりで… ビクトリアはもう… Jefferson was... was going to kill me... like he did to Victoria Chase...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_Max_003 ジェファソンは私を殺すつもりで…
Jefferson was going to kill me...
You got here just in time.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_Max_007 あなたは全員をあやしんでただけじゃ…? You kind of suspected everybody...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_Max_008 私は全然気づかなかった… I never did... until too late.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_Max_013 私もです… I know the feeling.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_Max_014 ジェファソンは先生なんかじゃない。 結局 授業も 計画の一部だった He wasn't a real teacher. He just... wanted to lecture. It was part of his sick plans.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_Max_020 うん… ケイト きっと喜ぶと思います Me too. I think that would make her very happy.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_Max_021 ケイトは確かに悩んでた… でも 追い詰めたのはネイサンとジェファソンです Kate was bullied up to that roof... but it was still Nathan and Jefferson who put her there.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_Max_022 そんなことない… ケイトの自殺は ネイサンとジェファソンのせいです Don't blame yourself. Nathan and Jefferson are the ones who put her up there...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_Max_026 ネイサンとジェファソンは親子みたいな関係だったんです…
Jefferson already did. They had some weird father-son thing going on.
But... Nathan killed Rachel, and Jefferson had to use him as a scapegoat.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_Max_027 ネイサンが銃を持ってたって校長先生に伝えたけど 信じてもらえなかった…
No... I told Principal Wells Nathan had a gun and... almost used it. But he didn't want to believe me. I should have been more loud.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_Max_028 ネイサンが銃を持ってたこと
みんなが危険な目に遭ったのは 私のせいだ…
No. I should have told Principal Wells Nathan had a gun and... almost used it. I put the school in danger.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_Max_029 あなたがお手本になったのかも… Maybe she learned from you.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_Max_030 2 人で協力してきたから… We… we are a great team.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_Max_031 でも 後悔してるはず… I know you're sorry...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_Max_032 急に親子になれと言われても… 難しいですよね… You both had a tough start. I know it wasn't easy.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_Max_036 それはきっと辛いことがたくさんあったから… I can't even imagine what you went through...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_Max_040 クロエは頑固だから… あなたと似て Chloe is tough... just like you.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_Max_041 あなたが家族を思ってることはよく分かる。 ただ もう少し… その… You tried. It's obvious you care, even if your methods are...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_Max_042 私のせいで… その… ごめんなさい… I'm so sorry about that... I didn't want that to happen...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_Max_043 あのときは 怒りを抑えられなくて… I was pissed off and wanted to rage.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_Max_048 あなたの味方をしてよかった I'm glad I stood up for you.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_Max_049 おばさんには 私が間違ってたって伝えます
I'm going to tell Joyce I was wrong about you. She does love you. It's pretty obvious.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_Max_051 そして私はあなたに救われた
クロエもきっと… 喜んでくれるはず
And you saved mine. Chloe, she... she would be proud of you.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeChoiceLie_David_030 そうか… タバコに救われるとは 皮肉だな… Oh, thank God.
For once I'm happy Chloe is a stoner.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeChoiceLie_David_040 よし… このパソコンにどんな証拠が隠されているか確認しよう… Okay, teacher. Let's see what kind of photo evidence you shit all over this computer.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeChoiceLie_David_080 ああ。 そうするといい Of course. Go on, Max.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeChoiceLie_David_090 お前のように勇敢な子がクロエの親友で 俺もうれしい
さあ いつまでもこんなところにいる必要はない
You're a brave soldier. I'm glad Chloe has a best friend like you.
Go on, now. You've seen enough of this room.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeChoiceLie_Max_020 クロエは… えっと… 疲れたからちょっと一服するって言って…
いなくなった間に 私だけさらわれたんです
だから… 無事ですよ…
David, um...
She was pretty stressed out, so, um...
She went to go, um... medicate before I ended up in here.
So, she's okay.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeChoiceLie_Max_070 私… ちょっと外の空気を吸ってくる… 電話もしたいし David, I have to go outside and get some real air... and use my phone.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeChoiceTruth_David_010 待て… Hold on, Max.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeChoiceTruth_David_015 で クロエはどこだ? So, where is Chloe?
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeChoiceTruth_David_030 まさか そんな…
クロエが… 死んだ?
マックス 本当なのか? 勘違いじゃ…
This isn't happening...
It can't...
No, God...
Not Chloe...
Max, are you sure? Are you...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeChoiceTruth_David_050 昨日の夜…? 俺がホテルの部屋で自分の愚かさを嘆いている間に … Last night?
When I was feeling sorry for myself in my hotel room...?
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeChoiceTruth_David_055 昨日の夜…? あと少し早く気づいていれば…! Last night?
When I was so close to finding out the truth...?
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeChoiceTruth_David_060 必ず守ると約束したのに…
ああジョイス… 俺を許してくれ…
まだ… クソッ!
I promised Joyce that I would protect her and Chloe...
How can I face her and explain this...
I never even told Chloe that I... I...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeChoiceTruth_David_070 貴様があの子を殺したのか! You killed my wife’s child, you sick fucker?
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeChoiceTruth_David_080 俺の大切なムスメを…! You took away my stepdaughter?!
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeChoiceTruth_David_100 マックス… すまない…
I'm sorry...
I'm sorry you had to see that.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeChoiceTruth_David_120 ああ… 俺はなんてことを…
クロエ… ジョイス すまない…
What a mess... What have I done?
All that time I wasted with surveillance... I...
Chloe... I'm sorry...
Joyce... I failed you... my family...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeChoiceTruth_David_140 マックス… 外へ出ていなさい…
Max... you better get outside.
You've seen enough of this room.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeChoiceTruth_Max_020 クロエは… クロエは… 死んじゃった… David... Chloe is...
Is dead...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeChoiceTruth_Max_040 昨日の夜… 廃品置き場で…
Yes, I... I saw her...
I saw... Jefferson kill her in the junkyard... last night...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeChoiceTruth_Max_090 待って… ダメ! David... wait!
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeChoiceTruth_Max_110 痛みすら感じないよ… ってこっちのセリフだったね Mr. Jefferson said to always take the shot…
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeChoiceTruth_Max_130 そんなことありません… そんなこと… You didn't fail... You did your best.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeChoiceTruth_Max_150 デイビッド… 助けてくれて ありがとう… David... thank you, for saving me.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeLie_David_010 こんな… ひどすぎる… Oh no... no...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeLie_David_020 貴様… Goddamn you…
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeLie_David_030 ただでは済まさん… You are going to fry for this.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeLie_David_040 よくもこんなことを… イカレてる… How could you... How?
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeLie_David_050 これで貴様も終わりだ You're fucked, Jefferson.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeLie_David_060 レイチェル… なんてことを… Ah, Rachel... How could anybody...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeLie_David_070 異常だ… Sick and evil...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeLie_David_080 生きて警察に引き渡されるだけ幸運だと思え… Jefferson, you're lucky the cops are getting you in one piece.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeTruth_David_010 ふざけたまねを… Right under my nose…
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeTruth_David_020 俺のクロエを… You killed my Chloe…
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeTruth_David_030 クソ… ジョイスに何と言えばいいんだ… My God... What do I tell Joyce? What?
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeTruth_David_040 これが夢だったら… どんなにいいか… Why can't I just wake up? Let this be a nightmare…
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeTruth_David_050 また失ってしまった… まただ… I lost again... I always lose…
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_ChloeTruth_David_060 貴様… 何度でも殺してやる… I wish I could keep killing you... forever.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_DavidFight_David_080 ジェファソン! あきらめろ! Jefferson! It's over!
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_DavidIdle_David_010 クソ… なんなんだ この部屋は… Now… what the hell is this place?
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_DavidIdle_David_020 まさか… これはスタジオか…? Good God... it's a studio…
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_DavidIdle_David_030 ここまで異常だったとは… I had no idea he was this sick...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_DavidIdle_David_040 マックス… もっと早く助けてやりたかった Max, I'm sorry you had to be here...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_DavidIdle_David_050 プレスコット家が かんでるな… The Prescotts had to know about this…
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_DavidIntro_Max_010 あの… David?
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_DavidIntro_Max_020 大丈夫ですか? Are you okay?
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_DavidJeffersonFaceOff_Jefferson_010 銃がなければ お前など… No gun... no balls...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_DavidSpeak_BeforeDial_Max_010 あの… Hey...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_DavidSpeak_BeforeDial_Max_020 平気ですか? You okay?
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_DavidUntie_David_010 マックス 何てことだ…!
ケガはしていないか? 動けるか?
Oh Lord, Max... are you okay? Are you all right? Can you move?
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_DavidUntie_David_030 礼はいい…
Don't thank me... You brought me here.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_DavidUntie_David_040 まずはこいつを拘束しないとな Let’s wrap up this son of a bitch first.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_DavidUntie_David_060 こいつだけは逃がすわけにいかん He won’t be going anywhere when he wakes up.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_DavidUntie_David_070 刑務所にぶち込んでやる
Except you are going to prison forever. Or worse.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_DavidUntie_Max_020 はい… ありがとうございます… 助かった… Yes... Thank you, David... thank you...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_DavidUntie_Max_080 ジェファソン先生
Mr. Jefferson? Now it's your turn to be captured in a moment...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_DavidWarn_David_010 分かった! I hear you, Max!
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_DavidWarn_David_030 よし! Thank you!
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_DavidWarn_David_050 よし… Got it…
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_DavidWarn_David_060 おらよ! Yes, sir!
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart1_Jefferson_030 今 何と言った? What did you say, Max?
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart1_Jefferson_040 まったく… 授業中もよく上の空だったが…
自撮りをするには 今が絶好のチャンスかもしれないぞ…?
かつての自分から 新たな自分へと 生まれ変わる瞬間の記録さ…
だが まずは 質問に答えてもらおう
Jesus. It's like you're back in my class. You're still spacing out.
It might be cool if you took one of your patented selfies now...
The transformation between the old Max and the new Max...
Anyway, answer my question, please.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart1_Jefferson_050 マックス 質問に答えなさい… 答えろ! 痛い目に遭いたいのかい? Miss Caulfield, I asked you a question. Answer. Or get hurt.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart1_Jefferson_070 なかなかいい答えだ Good answer, good answer.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart1_Jefferson_080 おや… 鼻血が出ているね
だが どうせ死ぬんだ
Hey... Your nose is bleeding! Probably gave you too big a dose. Sorry about that, Max. But considering you're about to die, a nosebleed is a first-world problem.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart1_Max_010 ウソでしょ…! Oh, fuck!
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart1_Max_020 日記が焼かれてる… He burned my diary?
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart1_Max_060 あんたなんか死ねばいい Eat shit and die.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart1_Max_063 あんたに言うことなんてない Go fuck your selfie...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart1_Max_066 口が臭い Fuck you.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart2_David_120 動くな! Hold it!!!
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart2_Jefferson_010 その瞳孔… まるでシャッターのようだ…
その瞳に 僕の姿を焼きつけているんだね
しかし あの写真を破り捨てるとは…
あれほどの傑作ならコンテストで優勝できたのに …
Your iris... That… dilation like a shutter... the pictures you're taking of me now. Too bad you pissed away your gift. You could have won the contest, but you destroyed your own beautiful photograph... What a waste.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart2_Jefferson_020 それと所持品は焼かせてもらったよ
つい やりすぎてしまった…
Sorry. I burned all your stuff. I got a little carried away. You know, I always believed in your vision.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart2_Jefferson_030 ここ数日の間に 君は内気な少女からヒーローへと変貌した
一体… 何が君をそうさせたのか…
Especially since you've developed from nerd to hero within a week. There's something... weird going on with you.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart2_Jefferson_040 おっと… 外はすごいことになってるぞ…
本当… おかしな出来事ばかりだ…
Whoa! Did you see how crazy it is outside?
Like I said...
something weird.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart2_Jefferson_050 恐怖を感じているね…?
今回のテーマが 見る者に伝わることを祈るよ… そう… 「若さの喪失」が…
There's that fear...
Oh, Max... It's an honor working with you on these final sessions.
I hope these images will be appreciated for what they truly capture.
The loss... of youth.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart2_Jefferson_060 君に授業をするのも… これが最後になるんだね… At least... that's the last lecture you'll ever have to hear from me...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart2_Jefferson_065 君に授業をするのも…
At least... that's the last lecture you'll ever have to hear from me...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart2_Jefferson_070 もう鼻血を出すこともない… 安心しなさい And I promise you... no more nosebleeds.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart2_Jefferson_090 もういい… 何も言わないで… Shh-shhh... Quiet...
Quiet, Max.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart2_Jefferson_100 大丈夫… 痛みすら感じないよ… I promise. This final dose won't hurt.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart2_Jefferson_110 なにっ? What?
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart2_Jefferson_130 デイビッド・マドセン…! 危なかった… Jesus... David Madsen! He's out cold...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart2_Jefferson_131 デイビッド・マドセン… 警備員が警察のまねごとをするからこうなる…
David Madsen... of course.
Well, this is what you get for playing cop—
a real bullet.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart2_Jefferson_132 デイビッド・マドセン! このバカめ…
Oh, Christ! David Madsen, you are one stupid son of a bitch, so don’t blame me.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart2_Jefferson_133 悪いな マドセン… Sorry, Madsen.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart2_Jefferson_135 せいせいしたよ… このクズは学校でも鼻つまみ者だった。 だろ? Good. I always hated that fascist fuck. Everybody at Blackwell did, right, Max?
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart2_Jefferson_137 元々気に食わないヤツだったが… 君もだろ マックス? I always hated that mustache... You hated him too, Max?
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart2_Jefferson_140 よし… Okay...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart2_Jefferson_142 ミス・デジャヴ Déjà vu.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart2_Jefferson_144 もう一度 いこうか… Let’s try this one last time…
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart2_Jefferson_150 身の程知らずが でしゃばりやがって You should have stuck to harassing students.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart2_Jefferson_160 デイビッド・マドセン… David Madsen...
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPart2_Max_080 お願いです… やめて… やめてください… じゃないと大変なことに… Mr. Jefferson... Please... don't do this.
You don't know what's happening.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPartVic_Jefferson_010 ああ… ビクトリアなら旅立ったよ Oh, I had to let Victoria Chase go.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPartVic_Jefferson_030 何を驚くことがある? 至極当然の結果じゃないか Don’t be stupid, okay? She’s exactly where she deserves to be.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPartVic_Jefferson_050 おいおい なんだその顔は Oh, as if you care.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPartVic_Jefferson_060 あの女は僕を脅迫しようとしたからね… こうするよりなかった
当然 すべての責任はネイサンに負ってもらうよ。 彼にうってつけの役だ
Still, ugly bitch actually tried to blackmail me... So we’re better off now. Except when Nathan gets the blame. Let’s face it... the poor kid is a fucking psycho.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPartVic_Max_020 まさか… You let her…
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_InsertionPartVic_Max_040 そんな… No…
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_Insertion_MaxBegs_Max_010 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_Insertion_MaxBegs_Max_010 (cry)
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_Insertion_MaxBegs_Max_020 お願いです… Please!
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_Insertion_MaxBegs_Max_040 やめて! Don't do this!
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_Insertion_MaxBegs_Max_050 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_Insertion_MaxBegs_Max_050 (Cry)
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_Insertion_MaxBegs_Max_060 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_Insertion_MaxBegs_Max_060 (Cry)
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_JeffersonFight_Jefferson_020 僕のジャマをするんじゃない! You are not going to stop me!
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_JeffersonFight_Jefferson_060 殺してやる! You're dead, David!
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_JeffersonWarn_Jefferson_010 何…? なぜわかった? How... How did you know that?
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_JeffersonWarn_Jefferson_020 いい加減 黙ってろ! Time to shut the fuck up. Okay?
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_MaxFree_David_040 警察に連絡しないと We have to call the police soon.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_MaxFree_Max_020 クロエ…! Save Chloe…
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_MaxFree_Max_030 ダメだ… Nothing…
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_MaxFree_Max_050 ウォーレン! Warren!
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_MaxFree_Max_060 ダメ… 圏外だ…! Shit! No signal!
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_MaxWarn_Max_010 デイビッド 危ない! David, watch out!
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_MaxWarn_Max_050 そこに銃を隠してる! He's hiding a gun over there!
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_MaxWarn_Max_060 デイビッド! テーブルを蹴って! David, kick that table!
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_MaxWarn_Max_070 そのカメラを取って! Get the camera next to you!
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_MaxWarn_Max_080 銃を拾って! Grab your gun now!
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_MaxWarn_Max_090 ビンを持って! Grab that bottle!
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_MaxWishDrink_Jefferson_020 いいとも。 君は大切なモデルだ Of course. I don't want you to be uncomfortable.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_MaxWishDrink_Max_010 ノドが… 焼けつくようで… 水を飲ませてもらえませんか… Uh... excuse me, but my throat is scratchy... Can I please have some water?
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_MaxWishLight_Jefferson_020 見上げた写真家魂だな… 最後だからこそ 妥協はできないか… Now you're thinking like a real photographer... and I don't want your last memory to be bad lighting.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_MaxWishLight_Max_010 照明… 消してもらえませんか? まぶしくて… いい表情がつくれないので And would you mind turning off the lights? They make me squint, so I won't look good for the shot.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_MaxWishMusic_Jefferson_020 最期まで雰囲気を大事にするとは… やはりアーティストだ Even at the end you're stilll a dreamer, Max... That's a nice trait…
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_MaxWishMusic_Max_010 何か音楽をかけてもらえませんか… 安らかにいけるように… Could you please at least play some music… so I can drift away?
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_MaxWishPicture_Jefferson_020 驚きだな… ようやく僕を理解してくれたようだね… I almost don't believe that, but I think you've finally learned from me.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_MaxWishPicture_Max_010 最後に… もう 1 枚撮ってください… 最高の被写体になりたいんです… Would you... take one last picture of me?
I... I want to be your best subject.
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_MaxWish_Jefferson_020 要望があれば 遠慮なく言ってくれたまえ If you want something, just ask, okay?
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_MaxWish_Jefferson_040 いい表情だ
そんな顔で頼まれたら 嫌とは言えないよ
Oh, you got me, Max. How can I deny that face?
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_MaxWish_Max_010 待って! 聞いて! Wait! Hold on!
Cue_E5_5D_DarkRoom_MaxWish_Max_030 最後に… ひとつだけ お願い… してもいいですか… Can I... Can I please ask you for one last... request?
Cue_E5_5E_OldFarm_CallWarren_Max_010 助かった… Freedom...
Cue_E5_5E_OldFarm_CallWarren_Max_020 やった! Yes!
Cue_E5_5E_OldFarm_CallWarren_Max_030 もしもし? ウォーレン? Warren? Can you hear me?
Cue_E5_5E_OldFarm_CallWarren_Max_050 聞いて… 昨日 駐車場で写真を撮ったでしょ?
あれ まだ持ってる?
Never mind... Listen, do you have that photo you took last night in the parking lot?
Cue_E5_5E_OldFarm_CallWarren_Max_070 それ いま必要なの! どこにいる? Yes, it is and I want it! Where are you?
Cue_E5_5E_OldFarm_CallWarren_Max_090 すぐ行く I’m on my way.
Cue_E5_5E_OldFarm_CallWarren_Max_110 分かってる…
でも私がなんとかするから そこで待ってて!
That's okay, me too. But it's not over yet, Warren... So, hold on!
Cue_E5_5E_OldFarm_CallWarren_Max_130 よし 覚悟を決めて… 急いでダイナーに行かないと… Okay, Super-Max... You need to get there like a speeding bullet...
Cue_E5_5E_OldFarm_CallWarren_Max_140 ジェファソン先生… 悪いけど 使わせてもらいます Thanks, Mr. Jefferson. But you won’t need this in Hell.
Cue_E5_5E_OldFarm_CallWarren_Max_145 ジェファソン先生… 悪いけど この車 もらいます Thanks, Mr. Jefferson, but... you won't need this anymore.
Cue_E5_5E_OldFarm_CallWarren_Max_150 デロリアンとはいかないけど… Almost as good as a DeLorean…
Cue_E5_5E_OldFarm_CallWarren_Max_155 運転できるかな… I hope I can drive this thing…
Cue_E5_5E_OldFarm_CallWarren_Max_160 でも本当に… 嵐が来たんだ! Holy shit! The storm is real.
Cue_E5_5E_OldFarm_CallWarren_Max_165 ウォーレンを探さなきゃ… I need to find Warren…
Cue_E5_5E_OldFarm_CallWarren_Warren_040 マックス! 無事だったのか! 今どこだ? Max?! Damn, where are you?
Cue_E5_5E_OldFarm_CallWarren_Warren_060 え? 持ってるけど…
Uh, yeah, but why? It wasn’t that great a shot…
Cue_E5_5E_OldFarm_CallWarren_Warren_080 ツー・ホエールズ・ダイナーで ジョイスさんと一緒に足止めされてる
こんな嵐 生まれて初めてだよ…
I'm at the Two Whales diner. Pretty much trapped in here with Joyce, thanks to this armageddon weather. I'm expecting the ocean to turn red...
Cue_E5_5E_OldFarm_CallWarren_Warren_100 は? 何言ってんの!
さすがに ちょっとヤバいかもしれないぞ これ
Come on, that's crazy! You can barely walk on the sidewalk outside... Seriously, Max, stay wherever you are. I don't think this storm is getting smaller... I'm kinda scared.
Cue_E5_5E_OldFarm_CallWarren_Warren_120 ちょっと…! Wait—
Act_E5_6A_CampusPark_FailedLines_Scripted_Max_010 もう 全然聞いてくれない… 巻き戻してやり直そう Man, she just won't listen! I better rewind and do over.
Act_E5_6A_CampusPark_FailedLines_Scripted_Max_020 あと少しだったのに… もう一回試してみよう You almost had her, Max... I can still do this!
Act_E5_6A_CampusPark_FailedLines_Scripted_Max_030 本気で説得すれば 絶対聞いてくれる… 親友だもん… If I'm totally strong and honest, she'll listen... I'm her best friend.
Act_E5_6A_CampusPark_FailedLines_Scripted_Max_040 力のことを知ってるんだから… 信じてくれるはず Chloe knows I have this power... She has to believe me now.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_002 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_002 Max, Rachel is dead! No time for hugs, I need to fucking kill Nathan!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_004 ネイサンが…? なんで分かんだよ That fucker is already dead? How do you know that?
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_008 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_008 What? He said he would be at the party, I'm gonna get him!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_009 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_009 I need it max! Rachel needs to be venged! I'm going in!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_016 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_016 Yea, it doesn't seems fair to me!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_017 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_017 Yea, like without the step-douche Rachel will be alright?
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_021 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_021 Max, you can't ask me that! I don't want to abandon Rachel...
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_022 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_022 You only supported me when it was easy! I'm not gonna let him go like that!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_023 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_023 No Max, during all this week, you've only think off youself! You never supported me!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_026 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_026 Just move on? Seriously? My life has been a nightmare for 5 years! I want this to end my way!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_027 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_027 There has to be an other way to kill this bastard and you to keep me alive! You have to try!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_028 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_028 Dad? How could my life be better with Step douche taking the place of my father!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_031 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_031 Like you leaved me alone when my father died? I needed you and you just left!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_033 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_033 Max... I, I belive you.... Please, tell me everything.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_037 ネイサンはレイチェルを殺したんだ。 絶対許さない。 マックスだってそうだろ It doesn't matter. I have to make Nathan pay for what he did to Rachel... and I know you've got my back.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_038 何があったんだ? 全部話してくれ Will you please tell me exactly what happened? Please?
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_042 マジかよ… だったら 2 人で乗り込んでぶっ倒そう! Okay, Max. Let's go in there as a team and take his ass out right now!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_043 なら 標的をジェファソンに変えるだけだ
マックスがためらうのも分かる。 あたし一人でやるよ
Then it's Jefferson's turn to die now. I understand why you don't want to do this, and I won't blame you for not coming with me.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_044 マジかよ… 悪い… あたしのせいだ… あたしが巻き込んだから
ジェファソンの野郎… 絶対に殺してやる…
Oh... Max. I'm... I'm so sorry...
I was the one who dragged you into all this shit...
Nobody, especially you, should have to go through that...
Now we have to stop Jefferson...
with one bullet.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_046 あたしの過去 5 年間がどんだけ悲惨だったか 分かってんのか…? That's so easy for you to say. You don't know what my life has been these past five years.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_048 だったら 一緒に行こう
5 年前じゃない 今マックスが必要なんだ!
マックスの力と この銃があれば何でも思い通りになるって!
Max, I'm not running from you! This is when I need you the most. This is how to make everything up to me. With your power and my gun... nothing in the universe can stop us now, Max!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_050 未来を作り替えた? それ… 何の話だよ? Wait... alternate realities?
What do you mean, Max? What did you do?
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_054 要は未来は分かんないってことだろ
ジェファソンをぶっ殺せば それが現実になるだけだ
Then you can't be sure of anything! That's why I'm going to take out Jefferson... and that will be our reality.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_056 マックス 何が言いたいんだ? Max, what the hell are you talking about?
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_060 分かってる。 あたしだって そんな状況になったらどうしていいか分かんないよ
でも こうして元に戻れたんだ
Of course I do. Do you think I would even know how to handle that situation?
Nobody would...
The important thing is that we're together again.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_062 分かったよ… でも ジェファソンを野放しにしていいのか? I hear you, Max... but do you think we should let Jefferson get away with torture and murder?
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_064 だから 警察は腐ってんだって! 逆にブタ箱に入れられんのがオチだ
ビビるのもムリないけどさ ジェファソンはあたしらで捕まえるしかないんだよ
Who owns the police here? And they'd probably put us in a fucking cell! Max, I know you're still in shock over what happened... but we have to face this reality... Let's go get him!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_066 だったらいいとは思うよ。でも あたしはそんなきれいごと信じない
あたしらで 直接かたきを討たないと…!
I'd like to think that and just take off with you right now.
But Max... I don't trust karma anymore. Rachel deserves justice.
Now. With our help...
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_069 クソオヤジが…?
なんであんなヤツ信用すんだよ。 せっかく家から追い出したのに
I don't get it... Why do you trust him, after you totally reamed him the other day? He's not even at our house anymore.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_070 だからこないだ あいつの肩持ったのか? 冗談だろ? Is that why you stuck up for him? Because you think he can help us? Really?
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_075 それがホントなら 殴ったりしないだろ Yes, a slap across the face is a sure sign of tough love.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_076 あたしの部屋で怒鳴られたこと もう忘れたのか? Oh, please... like he cared when he got in your face for smoking a joint?
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_077 あたしの部屋で起きたこと もう忘れたのか? Oh please... like he cared when he busted into my room.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_078 マジかよ… 本当ならあたしが行くべきだったけど…
Max... I had no clue... I should have been the one to save you, but... I'm so grateful David was there.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_079 クソオヤジは全員調べてただろ。 ケイトだって。 信用できるかよ
やっぱ あたしたちでやるしかない
Except that he was actually investigating everybody, Max... including your friend Kate.
Sorry, but I still don't trust him. It's up to us, Max.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_085 ウソだろ? あいつがママ以外の人間のこと 気にかけるとは思わなかった… Are you serious? I can't see him showing any feeling... except towards my mom...
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_086 で どうすればいいんだ? So what's your plan?
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_090 学校で習って 唯一ためになった言葉がある
「歴史に学ばぬ者は 過ちをくり返す」ってやつ…
やんなきゃダメなんだ。 あたし一人でも…
One thing I learned at Blackwell is the saying,
"Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it..."
I have to do this... So I guess I'm on my own... again.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_091 マックス ちゃんと話してくれ。 怒らないから… Max. Please tell me... I won't be mad at you...
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_093 パパに会ったのか? You saw my dad again?
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_095 あたしがそんなことを…? それはキツかったな… その… 悪かったよ… God, Max...
That must have been... That must have been awful for you...
I'm so sorry I had to ask you that...
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_096 分かった 信じる。 だってあたしは 何があってもマックスの親友だからな Okay. You've been through so much... I believe you, Max. After all, I'm still your faithful companion.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_097 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_097 Now excuse me, I’m going to that party to make sure he never hurts anybody again. Are you coming?
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_David_067 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_David_067 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_David_067
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_MaxUnderwear_073 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_MaxUnderwear_073 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_MaxUnderwear_073
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_MaxUnderwear_081 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_MaxUnderwear_081 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_MaxUnderwear_081
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_001 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_001 Chloe! I missed you o much!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_003 ネイサンはもう死んでる… クロエも危ないの Nathan is dead... and you're in danger.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_005 そこにいたから… Because... I was there.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_006 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_006 Mr.Jefferson killed him, he is the real threat.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_007 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_007 Chloe, you need to ear me, your revenge will get you killed!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_010 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_010 Chloe, you'll have to trust me!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_011 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_011 Remember when I took hte blame for the joint!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_012 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_012 And two days ago, I stepped with you and David was kicked out of the house. I've always be here for you the last days! Can't you just understand it and let me take care of you?
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_013 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_013 I've always be here for you the last days! Can't you just understand it and let me take care of you?
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_014 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_014 Two days ago, I stepped with you and David was kicked out of the house.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_015 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_015 I know you haven't seen it much but all the things I did in the last days were to protect you!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_018 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_018 Please, give me your gun, and I'll explain everything...
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_019 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_019 Chloe, please, take my hand. I know this is hard. But it's harder for me to see you die again...
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_020 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_020 You know, I've modified the past... William was alive but you... you... You asked me to kill you because you couldn't handle it anymore... Please Chloe... I want this timeline to be the one where I save you!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_024 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_024 Rachel woudn't like you to die like that! Chloe I've seen you... If you go there, it's like your abandoning me... Please don't let me see this again!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_025 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_025 Chloe, now is your time to think about the futur! Not the past! Try to move on, I beg you!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_029 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_029 Chloe, you didn't see what happened to me... you don't know what I had to do to be here and try to save you...
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_030 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_030 Chloe, this is the only choice I have. Don't say that you'd rather die and live me alone!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_032 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_032 Chloe! come back! No I have to save her, I have to!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_034 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_034 In a few minutes I won’t remember anything I just said to you, you’ll have to explain to me everything back, just tell me I traveled through time through a photo again and I’ll believe you
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_035 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_035 And this is important! Tell me not to tell anything to Victoria or she will warn Jefferson and get kidnapped too!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_036 クロエ… 死んじゃったら かたき討ちできないよ Chloe, you can't get revenge if you're dead!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_039 ジェファソンが レイチェルや他の生徒たちを誘拐したの
ネイサンも利用されてて… 殺された…
Jefferson kidnapped Rachel and some other girls. He was also manipulating Nathan, and… he killed him.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_040 私… ジェファソンにクスリを注射されて 地下室に閉じ込められたの
ひどい目に遭ったけど なんとかここに戻ってきた…
もう二度と クロエを死なせるわけにはいかないから…
Jefferson drugged and kidnapped me.
I was tied up in his bunker.
You have no idea what hell I went through to get back here… but I couldn't let you die. You brought me back here, and I can't lose you again. I won't!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_041 マーク・ジェファソンは殺人鬼だったの… Mark Jefferson turned out to be a psychopath...
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_045 クロエ… よく聞いて…
私たちもう… 過去を捨てて 未来を救うことだけに集中しないといけないの
Chloe, I know this isn't easy, but it's time for you... and me... to let the past go. We have to focus on our future, while we still have one.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_047 クロエ! 5 年前 私はクロエを置き去りにした… 私のせいでつらい思いをさせた
だからお願い 私からもう離れないで
Chloe! I should never have run away from you like I did when we left Arcadia Bay. I know I hurt you… All I ever wanted was to make it up to you. Please, don't run away from me…
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_049 ダメなの… 失敗するたびにやり直したって 結局はうまくいかない
今回も やり直せば きっとまた何か悪いことが起きる
何度未来を作り替えても ひどい結果にしかならなかったの…
No! Not this way!
Chloe, I… I can't keep fixing everything,
if all I'm gonna do is just break it, over and over again.
I know how this is gonna turn out and...
I'm afraid I'm fucking up all these alternate realities.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_051 クロエ… 本当のことを話すね…
私 クロエの過去を変えたの
そしたら… すごくつらい選択を迫られることになって… その…
Chloe, I'm...
I'm going to tell you the truth, no matter what.
I changed your past and I had to make a terrible choice, and I... I...
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_052 未来をよくしようと思ったのに… 悪い結果にしかならなかった… I fucked up, Chloe. I wanted to make things right, but everything turned out wrong.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_053 な… なんでもない…
ただ 時間を巻き戻すたびに 新しい時間軸… 新しい運命ができて…
Uh... nothing. I mean, whenever I use my rewind, I create new timelines, new destinies...
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_055 クロエ 違うの! 待って! No, no... Chloe, hold on!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_057 だから私… 別世界だろうが 別次元だろうが
だから… その願いを聞いたの
And I did... for you. I didn't want you to suffer in any other timeline or reality... I couldn't bear the thought of you in any more pain...
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_058 でも私にはできなかったよ…
もう一度 元気なクロエに会いたかったから…
But Chloe, there was no way I could do that...
I had to return to this timeline... to see you again. I had to...
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_059 ううん あっちのクロエの方がよっぽどきつかったよ
It was worse for you.
But I had no idea what would happen, and... as usual,
I messed everything up, and… I never want to hurt you, ever.
You have to believe me.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_061 うん。 だから一緒に来て。 これからもずっと一緒にいられるように You're right. That's why you should come with me so we can stay together... and stay alive.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_063 あとは警察に任せればいいよ。 証拠だって十分そろってるし… No! We go to the police and let them take over. We have plenty of evidence.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_065 クロエが生きてるだけで 他はどうでもいい…
As long as you're alive, I don't care. Karma will catch up to him eventually.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_068 大丈夫! デイビッドに話せば ジェファソンを捕まえてくれるよ。 ね? Of course not! If we tell David, he'll believe us and he can actually stop him... right?
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_071 デイビッドは命の恩人だよ…
デイビッドが「暗室」に来なかったら 私 死んでた…
Chloe, David saved me from Jefferson... If he didn't track down the Dark Room... I'd be dead right now.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_072 信じられないかもしれないけど デイビッドはクロエをすごく大事に思ってるよ Chloe, no matter how much of a douche he's been, David truly cares about you.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_074 デイビッドは独自にジェファソンを調査してたからだよ David was already investigating Jefferson. He was way ahead of us...
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_080 お願い クロエ… 真相をつかんでるのはデイビッドだけなの
I know he's been difficult, but... he's the only one who knows what's going on and he's the only one who can help us.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_082 待ってよ クロエ! 話を聞いて! No, no, listen to me... wait, Chloe!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_083 でもクロエが殺されたって伝えたとき デイビッド すごくショックを受けてた
You should have seen his reaction when I told him that Jefferson… killed you. He was crushed.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_084 でもクロエは無事だってウソついたとき デイビッド すごくホッとしてた
本当のことを伝えてたら どうなってたか…
You should have seen how relieved he was when I lied to him and told him you didn't die. It would have crushed him...
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_087 デイビッドに全部話すの。 ビクトリアが危ないってことも We tell him everything, including that Victoria is in danger.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_088 そうだよ。 だからよく聞いて。 もうすぐ私は この記憶をなくしちゃう。 丸ごと
それからクロエの部屋で待機して デイビッドに全部話すの
そうすれば あとはデイビッドがなんとかしてくれるはず…
Yes, you are. So listen: In a few minutes, I won't know any of this happened... Nothing. You have to tell me exactly what I did and said... Just explain that I travelled through time using the photo... We have to stay in your room and do nothing. Then we explain everything to David... and we finally let him do his job.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_089 分かってるよ…! でも いつまでも過去にとらわれちゃダメ Come on, of course I... but at some point you have to move forward...
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_092 私… クロエのお父さんが死んじゃった日に戻って… 事故を防いだの…
でもその代わりに クロエが交通事故に遭って…
I was able to go back in time... to the last day William was alive.
I stopped him from leaving, but...
But you ended up in a car crash instead.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_094 別世界のクロエは… 首から下が動かせなくなって…
私に… 「頼むから死なせてくれ」って…
You... you were completely paralyzed. And you were in pain. You were slowly dying, and you… you asked me to… end your life.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_DialChloeFail_Max_010 クロエ! Chloe!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_DialChloeSuccess_Chloe_020 信じるよ。 だってあたしは マックスの親友だからな I believe you, Max... After all, I’m your faithful companion...
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_DialChloeSuccess_Chloe_050 信じるかな… Will you believe me?
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_DialChloeSuccess_Max_040 そうだよ。 だからよく聞いて。 もうすぐ私は この記憶をなくしちゃう
私たちはクロエの部屋で待機して それからデイビッドに全部話すの
今言ったことを あとで全部私に伝えて
Yes, you are. So, listen...
In a few minutes, I won't know any of this happened... nothing.
We absolutely have to stay in your room and do nothing.
Then we explain everything to David, and we finally let him do his job.
You'll have to tell me exactly what I did and said just now.
Just explain that I traveled through time using the photo.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_DialChloeSuccess_Max_060 クロエを疑うわけないよ I’ll always believe you, Chloe.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_DialChloeSuccess_Max_070 さあ 行こう Now follow me…
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_Insertion_Chloe_010 バカバカしい… 行くぞ マックス We got no time for this shit. Come on, Max.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_Insertion_Chloe_040 おい… どうしたんだよ… Jesus, dude... what is up with you?
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_Insertion_Chloe_070 えーと あたしも嬉しいけど…
今はネイサンを探して レイチェルのかたきを討つんだろ?
I'm glad you're with me, too. What's going on, Max? We have to find Nathan right now. He's going to fucking pay for what he did to Rachel... Let's go, now.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_Insertion_Chloe_100 歩きながら話せよ I can walk and listen, okay?
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_Insertion_Chloe_120 ったく… なんだよ Fine, Max. I'm listening.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_Insertion_Chloe_140 巻き戻したんだな…? どうせヘマしたんだろ You used your powers, right? And you fucked around with time, and I died.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_Insertion_Chloe_160 そもそも マックスがちゃんとサポートすれば
You’re supposed to back me up. So there’s no way that punk-ass bitch Nathan Prescott is taking me down.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_Insertion_Chloe_190 って あの美術の先生か? 何言ってんだよ! ネイサンだって証拠があるだろ Jefferson, the art teacher? That's bullshit! Nathan is the fucking serial killer! We saw the proof!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_Insertion_Chloe_195 早くしないと また誰かが餌食になる。 行くよ Now, excuse me, I’m going to that party to make sure he never hurts anybody again. Are you coming?
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_Insertion_Max_020 クロエ! Chloe!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_Insertion_Max_050 一緒にいるのが 嬉しくて… I’m just glad we’re here together.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_Insertion_Max_080 ウォーレン ごめん… Sorry, Warren…
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_Insertion_Max_090 クロエ 待って! Chloe, wait! Listen!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_Insertion_Max_110 いいから止まってよ! Stop and listen for once!
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_Insertion_Max_130 会場に入っちゃダメ。 入ると… クロエが死んじゃうから Chloe, you can’t go in that party. You’re gonna… you're gonna die if you do.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_Insertion_Max_150 違うって… Not like that…
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_Insertion_Max_170 ネイサンじゃないの You're right, he won't.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_Insertion_Max_180 犯人は… マーク・ジェファソンなんだって Mark Jefferson killed you... and others.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_Insertion_Warren_030 はい チ~~ズ~! Say "cheese," dumbshit.
Cue_E5_6A_Parking_Insertion_Warren_060 なんか俺ジャマっぽいね。 まあいいや それじゃ I guess you need to talk. No worries... It’s all good.
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_ChoiceSaveChloe_Chloe_010 マックス… 時間だ Max... it’s time…
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_ChoiceSaveChloe_Chloe_030 マックス… いつまでも一緒にいよう Max… I'll always be with you.
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_ChoiceSaveChloe_Chloe_050 ああ… Forever…
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_ChoiceSaveChloe_Chloe_060 マックス… そばにいるから。 いつまでも… Max... I'll always be with you.
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_ChoiceSaveChloe_Max_020 関係ないよ Not anymore.
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_ChoiceSaveChloe_Max_040 うん… 親友だもんね… I know... You’re my best friend...
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_ChoiceSaveChloe_Max_070 ずっと… Forever…
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_ChoiceSaveTownKissChloe_Chloe_010 マックス… 時間だ Max... it’s time…
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_ChoiceSaveTownKissChloe_Chloe_030 いいんだよ。 みんなを救うためには こうするしかない
ただ レイチェルのかたきだけは絶対 討ってくれ
I know, Max. But we have to. We have to save everybody, okay?
And you'll make those fuckers pay for what they did to Rachel.
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_ChoiceSaveTownKissChloe_Chloe_040 人生最後にマックスと過ごせて あたしホント 幸せだったよ
Being together this week... It was the best farewell gift I could have hoped for. You're my hero, Max.
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_ChoiceSaveTownKissChloe_Chloe_060 マックスも ありがとな…
ほら 早くしないと気が変わっちゃうだろ!
…1 つだけ頼む…
あたしのこと… 忘れないで…
You better. And, I’ll always love you. Now, get out of here, please! Do it before I freak. And, Max Caulfield? Don’t you ever forget about me...
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_ChoiceSaveTownKissChloe_Max_020 クロエ ごめんね… こんなのイヤだけど… でも… Chloe... I'm so, so sorry... I... I don't want to do this.
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_ChoiceSaveTownKissChloe_Max_050 クロエ… ありがとう Chloe... I love you.
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_ChoiceSaveTownKissChloe_Max_070 バカ… Never.
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_ChoiceSaveTown_Chloe_010 マックス… 時間だ Max... it’s time…
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_ChoiceSaveTown_Chloe_030 いいんだよ。 みんなを救うためには こうするしかない
ただ レイチェルのかたきだけは絶対 討ってくれ
I know, Max. But we have to. We have to save everybody, okay?
And you'll make those fuckers pay for what they did to Rachel.
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_ChoiceSaveTown_Chloe_040 人生最後にマックスと過ごせて あたしホント 幸せだったよ
Being together this week... it was the best farewell gift I could have hoped for. You're my hero, Max.
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_ChoiceSaveTown_Chloe_060 マックス ありがとな…
ほら 早くしないと気が変わっちゃうだろ!
…1 つだけ頼む…
あたしのこと… 忘れないで…
I'll always love you... Now, get out of here, please! Do it before I freak. And Max Caulfield? Don't you forget about me...
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_ChoiceSaveTown_Max_020 分かってる… クロエ ごめんね… こんなのイヤだけど… でも… I know. Chloe... I'm so, so sorry... I don’t want to do this... but we have to...
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_ChoiceSaveTown_Max_050 クロエ… これが最後だなんて… Oh, Chloe… I'm gonna miss you so much.
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_ChoiceSaveTown_Max_070 バカ… Never.
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_Insertion_Chloe_003 マックス! マックス! どうしたんだよ 起きろって! Max? Max, can you hear me? Please, say something.
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_Insertion_Chloe_010 まったく… びっくりさせんなよな… Oh, thank God... Don’t you ever do that again, okay?
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_Insertion_Chloe_040 そんなの気にすんな!
好きで力を手に入れたわけじゃないのに それを使ってあたしを助けてくれた
Fuck all of that, okay? You were given a power. You didn't ask for it... and you saved me. Which had to happen, all of this did... except for what happened to Rachel.
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_Insertion_Chloe_050 でも その力のおかげで 見つけることはできた
But without your power, we wouldn't have found her! Okay, so you're not the goddamn Time Master, but you're Maxine Caulfield... and you're amazing.
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_Insertion_Max_007 クロエ…? ごめん… なんか 気絶してたみたい… Chloe? I... I must have passed out... Sorry.
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_Insertion_Max_020 悪夢を見てたの… すごくリアルで… 怖かった… I swear... but that nightmare was so real... was so horrible...
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_Insertion_Max_030 この嵐は 私が招いたんだ… 全部 私のせい
いろんなものの未来が変化して… 私のせいで町の人たちが死んじゃう…!
This is my storm. I caused this... I caused all of this. I changed fate and destiny so much that... I actually did alter the course of everything. And all I really created was just death and destruction!
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_Insertion_Max_060 マクシーンは禁止。 わざと言ってるでしょ… Max... never Maxine. You know that.
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_IntroChoice_Chloe_020 マックス… これ返すよ Max, this is the only way.
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_IntroChoice_Chloe_040 そいつを使えば それを撮った時点まで 全部元通りにできるんだろ?
あたしの運命も… 最初のとおりに… だから…
You... You could use that photo to change everything right back to when you took that picture... All that would take is for me to... to...
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_IntroChoice_Chloe_060 マックスは… これまでにあたしを 何度も救ってくれた
ママだって あたしのために たくさんのものを犠牲にしてくれた
I know. You proved that over and over again... even though I don't deserve it. I'm so selfish... not like my mom... Look what she had to give up and live through... and she did.
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_IntroChoice_Chloe_070 なのに この嵐で死んじゃうなんて…
クソオヤ… デイビッドも ママが死んだらすげえ悲しむよ
この町には あたしより生きる価値のある人がたくさんいるんだ…
She deserves so much more than to be killed by a storm in a fucking diner.
Even my step... father deserves her alive.
There's so many more people in Arcadia Bay who should live... way more than me...
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_IntroChoice_Chloe_090 犠牲とかじゃない。 マックスはきっと 避けられない運命を遅らせてただけなんだ
あたしが何度も死んだり 死にかけたりしたのも 町がおかしくなったのも
そろそろ 自分の… あたしたちの運命を受け入れるべきなんだよ…
You’re not trading me. Maybe you’ve just been delaying my real destiny... Look at how many times I’ve almost died or actually died around you. Look at what’s happened in Arcadia Bay ever since you first saved me. I know I’ve been selfish, but for once I think I should accept my fate... our fate...
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_IntroChoice_Chloe_094 マックスとこうしてまた会えて 親友として大事にしてもらってさ…
こんなに楽しかったの 何年ぶりか分かんないよ
Max, you finally came back to me this week, and… you did nothing but show me your love and friendship. You made me smile and laugh, like I haven’t done in years.
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_IntroChoice_Chloe_096 このあとあたしが どの世界でどうなったとしても…
マックスと過ごした時間は全部本物だし 消えることはない
マックスがどんな選択をしても それが正解だよ
Wherever I end up after this... in whatever reality... all those moments between us were real, and they'll always be ours. No matter what you choose, I know you'll make the right decision.
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_IntroChoice_Chloe_098 これはマックスの運命でもあるんだ。 あたしはいつもそばにいる
どの世界にいても 過去でも未来でも マックスとあたしは ずっとずっと一緒だ
This is your destiny too, Max... and I’m not leaving you. I’ll always be by your side, like you’ve always been there for me. Remember, you’re my partner in time.
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_IntroChoice_Chloe_110 逆だよ No, Max...
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_IntroChoice_Chloe_115 マックスにしかできないんだ You're the only one who can.
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_IntroChoice_Max_030 この写真も すごく昔のことに思える… I feel like I took this shot a thousand years ago.
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_IntroChoice_Max_050 ダメ! そんなのダメだよ!
何があっても クロエだけは絶対守るって決めたんだから…
Fuck that! No... no way! You are my number one priority now. You are all that matters to me.
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_IntroChoice_Max_080 やめて! クロエを犠牲になんかしない Don't say that... I won't trade you.
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_IntroChoice_Max_092 クロエ… Chloe...
Cue_E5_7A_CliffFuture_IntroChoice_Max_100 クロエ… 私にはできないよ… Chloe… I can’t make this choice…
Cue_E5_7A_Cliff_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_001 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_7A_Cliff_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_001 You have to choose Max...
Cue_E5_7A_Cliff_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_002 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_7A_Cliff_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_002 Save me, or that filthy town.
Cue_E5_7A_Cliff_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_003 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : Cue_E5_7A_Cliff_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_003 But please, choose me... :'(
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_AloneLines_Scripted_Max_010 みんな消えた… これも私が時間を歪めたから? Everybody's gone now...
Have I totally fucked up time?
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_AloneLines_Scripted_Max_030 もう わけがわかんない… This doesn't make sense...
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_ArcadiaBayPic01_Look01_Max_010 そんな… Oh no…
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_ArcadiaBayPic02_Look01_Max_010 レイチェルを見つけたときの写真? Rachel didn't deserve any of this.
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_BirdLines_Scripted_Max_020 ちょっと何? なんで誰も気にしてないの? Wait, what's going? Nobody even cares?
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_BirdLines_Scripted_Max_030 ウソでしょ… 鳥がこんなに死んで… おかしいよ… Holy shit. Look at all these dead birds...
This can't be real...
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_BloodStains_Look01_Max_010 ケイト ごめんね… I'm sorry, Kate...
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_ComplimentWaitingLines_Scripted_Max_010 お願い… こんなこと言いたくない Oh, please, I... I do not want to say that.
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_ComplimentWaitingLines_Scripted_Max_020 私がこんなこと言うわけない… 何なの これ There's no way I'm saying that... No way.
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_ComplimentWaitingLines_Scripted_Max_030 何が起きてるの? Why is this happening?
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_ComplimentWaitingLines_Scripted_Max_040 こんなこと口にしたくもない… I cannot say this...
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_Computer_Look01_Max_010 なんでこれが… That's too creepy...
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_ContestPoster_Look01_Max_010 もうコンテストなんて 興味もないよ… I'm not going to take the bait... I'm not.
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_DanielTable_Photo_Max_020 夢か現実か分からないけど 写真だけは撮っておこう… I don't care if this is a dream or a nightmare... I'm taking this picture.
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_DisturbedLines_Scripted_Max_010 授業に戻ってる… どういうこと? I'm back in class... What the hell?
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_DisturbedLines_Scripted_Max_020 もしかして… 時間のループから抜け出せなくなってる? Okay, this is messed up...
Am I stuck in a time loop?
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_DisturbedLines_Scripted_Max_030 また この講義を聞かなきゃいけないの? もう うんざり… I have to listen to this Jefferson lecture again? This might be Hell...
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_DisturbedLines_Scripted_Max_040 パニクっちゃダメ… いったん落ち着いて Be calm and don't freak out... yet.
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_GroupPhoto_Look01_Max_010 何これ… ひどい… Oh... That's awful...
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_JeffersonPoster01_Look01_Max_010 これ… 私だ… ウソでしょ? That's... me? Are you kidding?!
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_JeffersonPoster02_Look01_Max_010 絶対におかしいって… This is definitely not for reals.
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_KateEtchings_Look01_Max_010 死なないよ ケイト… 死なせない You didn't die, Kate... You're alive.
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_NightmareLines_Scripted_Max_010 こんなのありえない… 現実じゃないよ This can't be real... I don't believe it...
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_NightmareLines_Scripted_Max_020 悪夢なら… 目を覚ましたい… If this is a nightmare... I want to wake up...
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_NightmareLines_Scripted_Max_030 お願い クロエ… どこにいるの… Please, Chloe... Where are you...
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_NightmareLines_Scripted_Max_060 ホラー映画じゃないんだから やめてよ… Freddy Krueger better not show up or I'll scream...
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_NightmareLines_Scripted_Max_080 クロエ… 助けて… Chloe... Help me...
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_NightmareLines_Scripted_Max_090 これが夢じゃなかったら どうしよう… What if I can't wake up and this is... real...?
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_NightmareLines_Scripted_Max_110 しっかりして… 負けちゃダメ Be strong... You have to.
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_PaperBall_Look01_Max_010 残念 まだ生きてるよ Not yet, you bastard.
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_VictoriaTablet_Look01_Max_010 ビクトリア… 助けようとしたんだよ… Victoria... I was trying to help you...
Act_E5_7B_ArtClass_VictoriaTablet_Look02_Max_020 ビクトリアは夢の中でも感じ悪い… Victoria is even a bitch in my dreams...
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_Alyssa_Look01_Max_010 アリッサはいつもスマホいじってるけど ひとりでいることが多いみたい Alyssa is always texting but she doesn’t hang out with a lot of people.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_BigfootBanner_Look01_Max_010 「ビッグフット」か。 自分の学校のチームなんだから 応援しなきゃね THE BIGFOOTS STOMP.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_Board01_Look01_Max_010 必要ないし 興味ないし バックパックは盗んでない Don’t need a PC, missed the Poetry Jam Tryouts and I did not steal that backpack.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_Board02_Look01_Max_010 掲示板に貼ってあるものを見ると その学校のことがよく分かるね You can really learn a lot about a school by the weird shit posted on the boards.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_Brooke_Look01_Max_010 ブルックはウォーレンと仲いいみたい。 ウォーレンが好きそうなタイプだし I’ve seen Brooke hanging out with Warren. She seems like his type.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_Courtney_Look01_Max_010 あの子はたしかコートニー。 いつもテイラーとビクトリアの言いなりになってる I think that’s Courtney. She’s such a slave to Taylor and Victoria…
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_Dana_Look01_Max_010 デーナとは寮の階が同じ
こういう典型的な美人チアリーダータイプの子って 工場で量産されてるのかな…
でもデーナはいい子だから そんな言い方しちゃ悪いよね
Dana is on my floor too. She’s such an archetypal gorgeous cheerleader. They must make them in a factory. I shouldn’t be so catty. Dana is nice to me.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_Daniel_Look01_Max_010 ダニエルはすごくいい人なのに… ローガンのヤツ ぶっ飛ばしてやりたい! Poor Daniel. He’s so nice. I wish I could beat the shit out of Logan.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_Evan_Look01_Max_010 エバンはあまり話しかけてこない。 でもすごくいい写真を撮るんだ Evan doesn’t say much to me but his photos are very cool.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_Halloween01_Look01_Max_010 ハロウィンは一番楽しみなイベント! Yay Halloween, my favorite time of year!
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_Halloween01_Look02_Max_010 廊下がガイコツだらけになるって いいよね! You can never have enough ghosts and skeletons in the hall.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_Halloween01_Look03_Max_010 ずっと 10 月だったらいいのになあ… I wish October would last forever…
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_Hayden_Look01_Max_010 ヘイデンだ
ボルテックス・クラブのメンバーだけど そんなにイヤなヤツじゃない
There’s Hayden, another Vortex Club bro. But he’s actually not an ass.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_Juliet_Look01_Max_010 ジュリエットとは寮の階が同じ。 彼女もボルテックス・クラブのメンバー There’s Juliet from my dorm. Yet another Vortex Club disciple.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_Justin_Look01_Max_010 あれはデーナ。 相手の男子は… ジャスティンだったかな That’s Dana talking to...I think his name is Justin.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_Logan_Look01_Max_010 ローガンは弱い者いじめするから大ッ嫌い
それに ボルテックス・クラブのメンバーだし
I hate bully jockstraps like Logan. And he’s a Vortex Club member.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_MPA01_Look01_Max_010 このビラ 校内のあちこちに貼ってあるな… These "Missing Persons" posters are popping up everywhere.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_MPA01_Look02_Max_010 「レイチェル・アンバー」… きれいな子だな…
Rachel Amber.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_MPA01_Look03_Max_010 もう何か月も行方不明なのか… It looks like she’s been gone for months.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_MPA01_Look04_Max_010 この子に何があったんだろう… I wonder what actually happened to her…
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_MaxLocker_Look01_Max_010 人にロッカーの中 見られるのは好きじゃないな I hate having everybody see inside my locker.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_Plan01_Look01_Max_010 こんなの暗記してる人 いるのかな? でも実際は みんなしたほうがいいよね How many students ever actually memorize all this shit? I guess we all should these days.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_Poster01_Look01_Max_010 大変だな… 私も活動に協力したほうがいいのかも… ま やらないけどね That’s so messed up. I should contact them to find out what I can do. As if I am.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_Poster02_Look01_Max_010 また灯台か… There’s the lighthouse again…
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_Poster03_Look01_Max_010 献血 したほうがいいよね? I shouldn’t be so stingy with my blood.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_Poster04_Look01_Max_010 銃はおうちに置いてきましょう! Good thing I left my AK at home.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_Poster05_Look01_Max_010 こんなポスターでいじめがなくなれば苦労しないって Yes, this poster must stop bullies dead in their tracks.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_Poster06_Look01_Max_010 このポスター オタク臭全開だな。 ウォーレンが好きそう Nerd alert! This poster has Warren written all over it.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_Poster07_Look01_Max_010 「私もネイサンやビクトリアみたいにイケてる生徒になりたいわ!」…
Oh, I can hardly wait to never be too cool like Nathan and Victoria. Lame.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_PrincipalDoor_Look01_Max_010 校長先生はいつも校長室にこもってる Principal doesn’t come out of his office much.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_Samuel_Look01_Max_010 サミュエルってほんと変な人。 でもそこがいいんだよね God, Samuel is such a weirdo. But I kinda like that about him.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_Stella_Look01_Max_010 ステラはいつもノートとにらめっこ。 本気で勉強しにブラックウェルに来てる Stella is always deep in her notes. She didn’t come to Blackwell to mess around.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_Taylor_Look01_Max_010 テイラーだ。 いつもビクトリアを待ってる There's Taylor, always waiting for Victoria.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_Trevor_Look01_Max_010 スケーターは好きだけど 私の想いはいつも一方通行 He’s cute. I like skater boys. Too bad they don’t like me.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_Trophy01_Look01_Max_010 すごいトロフィー。さすがは「ビッグフット」 名前負けしてないね Look at these trophies. Gotta give it up for those Bigfoots. They do stomp.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_Trophy02_Look01_Max_010 水泳にはだいぶ力入れてるな。 カワウソ かわいいからいいけど
Blackwell sure takes its swimming seriously. But otters are cute. Go Otters!
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_VendingMachine_Look01_Max_010 「砂糖販売機」って呼べばいのに… コインを入れたら砂糖が出てくる 最高だね They should just call it a "Sugar Machine." That would be awesome if you put money in there and a bag of sugar dropped out.
Act_E5_7B_Corridor_Zachary_Look01_Max_010 ジュリエットとザッカリーが付き合うのも当然
Figures Juliet would be dating Zachary. Jocks sucked up in the Vortex Club.
Act_E5_7B_DarkRoom_DarkLines_Scripted_Max_080 まだ悪夢は続くの? How long will this nightmare go on?
Act_E5_7B_Diner_DinerLines_Scripted_Max_010 壁一面に数字が… 正しい番号はどうやって探せばいいの? Great. Numbers are all over the place. How will I find the right code?
Act_E5_7B_Diner_DinerLines_Scripted_Max_020 鏡に数字が映ってない… どうして? Now why doesn't the mirror reflect any of the numbers?
Act_E5_7B_Diner_DinerLines_Scripted_Max_030 この鏡どうなってるの? What the hell is wrong with this mirror?
Act_E5_7B_Diner_DinerLines_Scripted_Max_040 パズルゲームじゃないんだから ほんとイライラする I'm going to make the designers pay for all these bullshit code puzzles!
Act_E5_7B_Diner_digicode_Look01_Max_010 暗証番号はこれで最後にしてほしい… I'll be so grateful if this is the last digicode...
Act_E5_7B_DormsCorridor_HintKey_Scripted_Max_010 廊下から抜け出せない… どうにかしなきゃ This hall never ends... I better find something.
Act_E5_7B_DormsCorridor_HintMaxRoom_Scripted_Max_010 ああ やっと帰れた気分… 一旦 落ち着きたいな Oh, thank God I'm myself again... Now I know where to go.
Act_E5_7B_DormsCorridor_HintRachelRoom_Scripted_Max_010 レイチェルの部屋もここにあるのかな? I wonder if Rachel has a room around here?
Act_E5_7B_DormsCorridor_HintStealth_Scripted_Max_010 力は使えるみたい… でも 慎重にならなきゃ… Okay, so my rewind power does work here... I can use it if I'm careful.
Act_E5_7B_DormsCorridor_HintStealth_Scripted_Max_020 そうだ。 時間を操れるってことは… Yes, Max, you can also manipulate time.
Act_E5_7B_DormsCorridor_HintVictoriaRoom_Scripted_Max_010 ビクトリアの部屋は確か… Victoria's room has to be nearby...
Act_E5_7B_DormsCorridor_LostLines_Scripted_Max_010 ここは一体どこなの? Now where exactly am I?
Act_E5_7B_DormsCorridor_LostLines_Scripted_Max_030 ドアが多すぎて… Too many doors to choose...
Act_E5_7B_DormsCorridor_LostLines_Scripted_Max_040 ここから出るドアがきっとある… 見つけよう You're not going to be trapped here... Find the right door, Max!
Act_E5_7B_DormsCorridor_Squirrels_Photo_Max_010 サミュエル… This one is for Samuel...
Act_E5_7B_LabyStealth_BottleRange_Look01_Max_010 空きビン地獄はまだ終わらない… もうヤダ… Looks like there are still bottles to find... Oh, joy.
Act_E5_7B_LabyStealth_BottleRange_Look02_Max_020 クロエのせいだよ… ビンを集めてなんて言うから… Chloe, I blame you for this... You will pay.
Act_E5_7B_LabyStealth_BottleRange_Photo_Max_010 一応 証拠に写真でも撮っておこうかな… I need proof that bottles were out to get me, just in case...
Act_E5_7B_LabyStealth_Bottle_Interact01_Max_010 まさか… また空きビン集めをやるの…? Oh no... Bottles. This might be Hell.
Act_E5_7B_LabyStealth_Bottle_Interact02_Max_020 見つけやすいところにあるなら ともかく… Well, these ones aren't too hard to find.
Act_E5_7B_LabyStealth_Bottle_Interact03_Max_030 空きビンの呪いってあるの? When did I get bad bottle karma?
Act_E5_7B_LabyStealth_Bottle_Interact04_Max_040 あと 一個かな…? Is there one more left?
Act_E5_7B_LabyStealth_Bottle_Interact05_Max_050 もうこれで最後にしてよ… Please let that be the last one...
Act_E5_7B_LabyStealth_IdleLines_Scripted_Max_010 またジェファソンが追ってくる… やだ… Jefferson is coming after me again... No...
Act_E5_7B_LabyStealth_IdleLines_Scripted_Max_030 悪夢みたいな迷路… This is like an evil maze…
Act_E5_7B_LabyStealth_IdleLines_Scripted_Max_040 灯台は向こうだ! The lighthouse is over there!
Act_E5_7B_LabyStealth_IdleLines_Scripted_Max_050 灯台なら安全かな… 夢も覚めるかも… Maybe I'll be safe in the lighthouse... maybe I'll wake up...
Act_E5_7B_LabyStealth_IdleLines_Scripted_Max_060 そんな… 目覚めてよ! Dammit, Max... Wake up!
Act_E5_7B_LabyStealth_ZenSequence_Zen_Max_010 一度 座って落ち着かないと 身体がもたないよ… Max, sit down. You're taking a time-out no matter what.
Act_E5_7B_LabyStealth_ZenSequence_Zen_Max_020 悪夢のなかでも 安らげる場所があっていいはず… If this is my nightmare, let me have one sanctuary...
Act_E5_7B_LabyStealth_ZenSequence_Zen_Max_030 ここはクロエとレイチェルが 唯一安らげる場所だった… Of course this is where Chloe... and Rachel... used to hide from the world...
Act_E5_7B_LabyStealth_ZenSequence_Zen_Max_040 でもずっと隠れてるわけにはいかない。 悪夢のような現実が待ってたとしても… But I can't hide for long. Whatever reality I'm in... feels like a bad dream...
Act_E5_7B_LabyStealth_ZenSequence_Zen_Max_050 私 また失敗を繰り返してるのかな Am I just not learning my lesson?
Act_E5_7B_LabyStealth_ZenSequence_Zen_Max_060 ここから抜け出せれば 答えが見つかるかも Maybe your real lesson is to get out of this place...
Act_E5_7B_LabyStealth_ZenSequence_Zen_Max_070 怖がっちゃダメ。 私の強さを見せるんだ Just don't be afraid, Max. Let them be afraid of you.
Act_E5_7B_LivingRoom_WilliamLines_Scripted_Max_010 ああ ウォーレン。 こんなのありえない… 怖いよ Oh, shit, Warren. That is too weird... fucking scary.
Act_E5_7B_LivingRoom_WilliamLines_Scripted_Max_020 念のために証拠を… Just in case I need evidence...
Act_E5_7B_Nightmare_RachelGraffiti_Look02_Max_010 3 度目の正直ってわけにはいかないか… That's it? Three times is clearly not the charm.
Cue_E5_7B_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_004 敬語なんか使わないで。 無駄にした時間を 2 人で取り戻そう… Call me Mark.
We need to play catch-up on all the time we've... wasted.
Cue_E5_7B_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_005 さて この先ずっと 僕の「暗室」で過ごさないかい?
君の無垢さは 僕の感性を刺激する…
お互いにとって とても幸せなことだと思うんだ…
僕が撮れば 自撮りも必要なくなる
I just wanted to know if...
you'd like to spend the rest of your life in my Dark Room?
Your purity inspires me so much... and we could be so happy together...
Who needs selfies, when I can give you portraiture?
Cue_E5_7B_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_008 僕が君の姿を 何度でもとらえてあげよう…
一生僕のモデルでいるといい… 死ぬまでね
Of course, Max.
I can capture you over and over... You can be my model for life...
and death.
Cue_E5_7B_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_009 僕に任せなさい
君の中に存在するあらゆる顔を 僕がこの世に公表してあげよう
Yes, you will be posing... for me.
There's so many angles I want to expose you with to the world...
Cue_E5_7B_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_010 マクシーン。 僕と違って クロエは君のことを何も分かっていない Chloe can never appreciate you the way I will... Maxine.
Cue_E5_7B_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_015 君はもう この世界で一人ぼっちだ。 だから僕が君を愛してあげるよ… Especially since there's nobody left in your life...
I love you too, Max.
Cue_E5_7B_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_016 闇の中で幸福をむさぼろう。 いつまでも無垢な君でいてくれ
レイチェルやクロエのように けがれてもらっては困る…
We are going to be so happy together in the dark. Just make sure you stay pure... I won't like it if you get dirty like Rachel or Chloe.
Cue_E5_7B_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_017 針とダクトテープは 怖くないね? I hope you don't mind needles or duct tape...
Cue_E5_7B_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_018 ああ そうだ。 これからはマクシーンと呼ぶよ… いいね? And yes, I insist on calling you Maxine... forever.
Cue_E5_7B_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_002 この日をどんなに待ち望んでいたことか… 私 先生のことが好きです I've been dreaming of the day when you would finally tell me...
I love you, Mr. Jefferson.
Cue_E5_7B_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_003 私たちだけの 「暗室」ですね… 外は嵐でも あそこなら少しも怖くない… I like to think of it as... our Dark Room. It's the only place I truly feel safe and protected from the storm.
Cue_E5_7B_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_006 私の自撮りはゴミです… 本物のアーティストに撮ってもらいたい… My selfies are shit... I need to be framed by a real artist.
I'm just a poser...
Cue_E5_7B_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_007 先生がクロエを殺してくれてよかった…
先生 本当にありがとう
It's about time somebody finally killed Chloe... Think of how often that bitch almost got me killed... It's like you're doing both of us an awesome favor!
Cue_E5_7B_ArtClass_Dial04_REV_Courtney_010 インスタントカメラとか めちゃくちゃダサいんですけど Why would anybody want to carry around a dorky instamatic?
Cue_E5_7B_ArtClass_Dial04_REV_Taylor_020 マックスはイケてると思ってんでしょ Because Max wants everybody to see how hip she is.
Cue_E5_7B_ArtClass_Dial04_REV_Taylor_040 自撮り魔なんだから ほんとは目立ちたいに決まってるじゃん She’s so fucking shy she take selfies with a giant camera.
Cue_E5_7B_ArtClass_JeffGivingLesson_Jefferson_010 では 人物の内面をモノクロ写真で完璧にとらえた写真家といえば誰だろう?
分かる人? 誰か?
Now, can you give me an example of a photographer who perfectly captured the human condition in black and white? Anybody? Bueller?
Cue_E5_7B_ArtClass_JeffGivingLesson_Jefferson_030 なるほどね なぜそう思う? There you go, Victoria. Why Arbus?
Cue_E5_7B_ArtClass_JeffGivingLesson_Jefferson_050 アーバスは人間を「苦悩の存在」と考えた。 正直ヘドが出るね
はいはい 騒がない…
例えば 誰かを暗い部屋に座らせれば 絶望のシーンのできあがりだ
She saw humanity as tortured, right? And frankly, it’s bullshit. Shh, keep that to yourself. Seriously though, I could frame any one of you in a dark corner and capture you in a moment of desperation.
Cue_E5_7B_ArtClass_JeffGivingLesson_Jefferson_070 同感だね
貧しくても懸命に生きる人びとの姿が 浮き彫りになっている
2 人とも 50 年代の 偉大なアーティストだ
Me too, Victoria. He captured the essence of post-war, beat America. And there was honesty about the economic conditions of the era, but a beauty in the struggle. You don’t have beauty without a beat. Which explains why Frank was Kerouac’s photographic muse and both were the great chroniclers of the 1950’s. Well... we’ve all seen that iconic shot of Kerouac on the balcony – and if you haven’t, shame, shame – capturing the romantic urban solitude of the 20th century poet. You dig?
Cue_E5_7B_ArtClass_JeffGivingLesson_Jefferson_080 さて フランクと対照的なのが サルバドール・ダリのシュールレアリズムだ
コクトーと同様 ダリも多才な人物だったが
君たちがよく使うセンスのない言葉で言うところの 「自撮り」だ
言葉のチョイスは ま どうかと思うけどね
Now, contrast Frank’s stark Americana, with Salvador Dali’s surrealist photographs. Like Cocteau, he was a true renaissance man, and his famous self-portraits are famous early examples of that truly awful word you pesky kids love so much, the "selfie"... And it’s a great tradition, and I wholeheartedly fight for your right to self-expression. Or selfie-expression. Heh, sorry, I know.
Cue_E5_7B_ArtClass_JeffGivingLesson_Jefferson_090 自撮りは現代特有のナルシシズムだと思っている人
さてと… そろそろ眠くなってきた人もいるかな…
セルフポートレートの誕生に貢献した 製版法の名前は なんでしょう?
So if anybody wants to question the portrait as modern narcissism, they could go back hundreds of years to blame society. Speaking of question, I bet you thought I’d talk all the way until the bell rang. It’s your turn to lecture us. Now, based on the chapters I have no doubt you all memorized -- who can tell us the name of the actual process that led to the birth of the self-portrait?
Cue_E5_7B_ArtClass_JeffGivingLesson_Victoria_020 ダイアン・アーバスです Diane Arbus.
Cue_E5_7B_ArtClass_JeffGivingLesson_Victoria_040 アーバスの作品にとらえられた 失意の人びとの目には 鬼気迫るものがあります Because of her images of hopeless faces. You feel, like, totally haunted by the eyes of those sad mothers and children.
Cue_E5_7B_ArtClass_JeffGivingLesson_Victoria_060 確かに私 アーバスはいいと思えません
それより… ロバート・フランクとか…
I have to admit, I’m not a big fan of her work. I prefer Robert Frank.
Cue_E5_7B_ArtClass_JeffersonTalks_Jefferson_010 マックス・コールフィールド。 待ちなさい。 コンテストの課題はどうした I see you, Max Caulfield. Don't even think about leaving here until we talk about your entry.
Cue_E5_7B_ArtClass_MaxAwake01_Jefferson_030 アルフレッド・ヒッチコックは映画を「時間の断片」だと考えた
光 影 カラー キアロスクーロなど 技法はさまざまだ
Alfred Hitchcock famously called film "little pieces of time" but he could be talking about photography, as he likely was. These pieces of time can frame us in our glory and our sorrow. From light to shadow, from color to chiaroscuro...
Cue_E5_7B_ArtClass_MaxAwake01_Max_010 …ッ! Whoa.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_Alyssa_030 こういうの慣れてるから Bullies never change.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_Alyssa_100 ボルテックス・クラブのメンバーにはこんなことしないくせに If I was a member of the Vortex Club they'd never pull that...
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_Alyssa_170 この学校は嫌なやつばっかり Blackwell has a surplus of assholes.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_Evan_070 あの写真が撮影された当時 彼はまだ生まれてもいなかったというのに? Unless he could travel back in time, McCurry was born five years after the "falling soldier" picture.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_Evan_080 その前にテストさせてくれ。 質問に答えてもらうよ
Let's see if you're worthy of it, Max. You'll have to answer a simple question: who photographed the famous "falling soldier"?
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_Evan_090 おいおい… 君はストリートフォトとジャーナリズムの区別もつかないのか Oh my, you can't even tell the difference between street photography and photojournalism…
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_Principal_010 マックス、ちょっと来なさい Hold on, Max. Come back here.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_Principal_020 顔色が悪いようだが… どうかしたのか? You look a little stressed out. Are you okay?
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_Principal_030 すごい汗だ 本当にそれだけかね? You're sweating pinballs. Is that all you're thinking about?
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_Principal_040 それとも何かやましいことでもあるのか? Or have you done something wrong…
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_REV_Alyssa_030 こういうの慣れてるから Bullies never change.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_REV_Alyssa_100 ボルテックス・クラブのメンバーにはこんなことしないくせに If I was a member of the Vortex Club they'd never pull that...
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_REV_Alyssa_170 この学校は嫌なやつばっかり Blackwell has a surplus of assholes.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_REV_Evan_070 あの写真が撮影された当時 彼はまだ生まれてもいなかったというのに? Unless he could travel back in time, McCurry was born five years after the "falling soldier" picture.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_REV_Evan_080 その前にテストさせてくれ。 質問に答えてもらうよ
Let's see if you're worthy of it, Max. You'll have to answer a simple question: who photographed the famous "falling soldier"?
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_REV_Evan_090 おいおい… 君はストリートフォトとジャーナリズムの区別もつかないのか Oh my, you can't even tell the difference between street photography and photojournalism…
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_REV_Principal_010 マックス、ちょっと来なさい Hold on, Max. Come back here.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_REV_Principal_020 顔色が悪いようだが… どうかしたのか? You look a little stressed out. Are you okay?
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_REV_Principal_030 すごい汗だ 本当にそれだけかね? You're sweating pinballs. Is that all you're thinking about?
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_REV_Principal_040 それとも何かやましいことでもあるのか? Or have you done something wrong…
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_REV_Samuel_180 リスは毎朝来るんだよ… 餌を探しに
The squirrels always come in the morning... for food. I can hear them whisper... What animals do you see in the forest?
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_REV_Samuel_360 父が漁師でね 一緒に海に出るとクジラの歌が聞こえたものだ…
でも今は… 泣き声が聞こえる
My dad was a fisherman and he'd take me out to hear the whales sing... Now they cry.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_REV_Stella_010 あなたはたしか 写真のクラスで一緒だよね
ジェファソン先生 最高じゃない?
Hey, I know you! You're the new quiet girl in Jefferson's class. Isn't he incrdible?
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_REV_Stella_020 あのマーク・ジェファソンが こんな田舎町で教えてるなんて
I bet it kills all those pretentious galleries that Mark Jefferson is teaching photography to eager young minds at Blackwell... plus he is pretty hot for an older guy.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_REV_Stella_030 先生はアーティストだから Mr. Jefferson just has his own style.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_REV_Stella_040 ビクトリアたちと一緒にいるのをよく見かけたよ I've seen her around with the other kool kidz like Victoria... but not my scene.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_REV_Trevor_010 絶対目があったと思ったけど… ま これでバレたか… ジャスティンも知ってる Thought you were staring right at my face. I guess you know now... and so does Justin.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_REV_Trevor_020 すげえ怒ってたけど 大丈夫。 隠し通すことも無理だしさ… じゃ また授業で I got him blazed, he was cool. Nobody has secrets at Blackwell anyway... See you in class, Max.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_Samuel_180 リスは毎朝来るんだよ… 餌を探しに
The squirrels always come in the morning... for food. I can hear them whisper... What animals do you see in the forest?
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_Samuel_360 父が漁師でね 一緒に海に出るとクジラの歌が聞こえたものだ…
でも今は… 泣き声が聞こえる
My dad was a fisherman and he'd take me out to hear the whales sing... Now they cry.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_Stella_010 あなたはたしか 写真のクラスで一緒だよね
ジェファソン先生 最高じゃない?
Hey, I know you! You're the new quiet girl in Jefferson's class. Isn't he incrdible?
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_Stella_020 あのマーク・ジェファソンが こんな田舎町で教えてるなんて
I bet it kills all those pretentious galleries that Mark Jefferson is teaching photography to eager young minds at Blackwell... plus he is pretty hot for an older guy.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_Stella_030 先生はアーティストだから Mr. Jefferson just has his own style.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_Stella_040 ビクトリアたちと一緒にいるのをよく見かけたよ I've seen her around with the other kool kidz like Victoria... but not my scene.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_BackgroundVoices_Trevor_010 絶対目があったと思ったけど… ま これでバレたか… ジャスティンも知ってる Thought you were staring right at my face. I guess you know now... and so does Justin.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial05_REV_Juliet_010 で? 私のことどう思ってるの? You didn’t tell me how cute I looked yet.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial05_REV_Juliet_030 カワイイだけ? Just cute?
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial05_REV_Juliet_050 それだけじゃ 授業中に"いい写真"送ってあげないよ Then I might send you a special picture during class.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial05_REV_Zachary_020 分かってるだろ。 カワイイと思ってるよ I was about to. You always look cute.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial05_REV_Zachary_040 ダメか? Hawt.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial06_Brooke_010 ここが正念場だよ… Oh, come on, baby, hold it together…
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial06_Brooke_020 コーナー決めて… Take that corner…
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial06_Brooke_030 ヤバッ… ひと轢いちゃった… Oooo, shit! Sorry, farmers.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial06_Brooke_040 ここでギアチェンジッ! Come on, shift it!
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial06_Brooke_050 そこのフェラーリ どいたどいた! Get out of my way, Ferrari, si?
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial06_Brooke_060 あと少し…! Almost there…
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial06_Brooke_070 3位!? なによこのクソゲー! くっだらない… Third place? That’s bullshit! Grand Pricks!
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial06_REV_Brooke_010 ここが正念場だよ… Oh, come on, baby, hold it together…
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial06_REV_Brooke_020 コーナー決めて… Take that corner…
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial06_REV_Brooke_030 ヤバッ… ひと轢いちゃった… Oooo, shit! Sorry, farmers.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial06_REV_Brooke_040 ここでギアチェンジッ! Come on, shift it!
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial06_REV_Brooke_050 そこのフェラーリ どいたどいた! Get out of my way, Ferrari, si?
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial06_REV_Brooke_060 あと少し…! Almost there…
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial06_REV_Brooke_070 3位!? なによこのクソゲー! くっだらない… Third place? That’s bullshit! Grand Pricks!
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial07_REV_Samuel_010 掃除は好きだけど 足ひきずるのはやめてくれ I don’t mind the mopping but can’t you pick up your damn feet?
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial07_REV_Samuel_020 汚れが広がってしまうだろう Dragging dirty tracks everywhere.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial07_REV_Samuel_030 でもこれはいいモップだ。 大事に使うよ This is an excellent mop however. I keep it clean.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial07_REV_Samuel_040 僕は幽霊のようなものさ。 生徒には見えてないのさ I feel like a ghost to these kids. They barely see me.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial07_REV_Samuel_050 かわいそうに… 行方不明だなんて… Poor girl. Nobody should vanish like that...
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial07_Samuel_010 掃除は好きだけど 足ひきずるのはやめてくれ I don’t mind the mopping but can’t you pick up your damn feet?
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial07_Samuel_020 汚れが広がってしまうだろう Dragging dirty tracks everywhere.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial07_Samuel_030 でもこれはいいモップだ。 大事に使うよ This is an excellent mop however. I keep it clean.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial07_Samuel_040 僕は幽霊のようなものさ。 生徒には見えてないのさ I feel like a ghost to these kids. They barely see me.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial07_Samuel_050 かわいそうに… 行方不明だなんて… Poor girl. Nobody should vanish like that...
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial08_CitizenM1_020 バイト代入ったのか? Way gay.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial08_CitizenM1_060 ようし ボコボコだ! Yeah.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial08_CitizenM1_090 指図すんなよ! He’s a smartass.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial08_Daniel_040 なんのことだよ I’m Spanish.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial08_Daniel_070 ローガン 頼むよ もうやめて Logan, just leave me alone.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial08_Daniel_100 お願い… 授業に行かせてよ No, I’m just trying to go to class.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial08_Logan_010 ダニエル! バイト代 入ったか? Daniel, you look particularly gay today.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial08_Logan_030 金のこと忘れてねえだろな Can Mexicans be gay?
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial08_Logan_050 こいつボコボコにされてえらしい Oh muy grande difference.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial08_Logan_080 俺に指図すんのか? You’re not the boss of me, bro.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial08_REV_CitizenM1_020 だな! Way gay.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial08_REV_CitizenM1_060 あはッ Yeah.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial08_REV_CitizenM1_090 ガリ勉くん He’s a smartass.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial08_REV_Daniel_040 スパニッシュだ… I’m Spanish.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial08_REV_Daniel_070 ローガン もうやめてよ Logan, just leave me alone.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial08_REV_Daniel_100 頼むから授業に行かせてよ No, I’m just trying to go to class.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial08_REV_Logan_010 ダニエル 今日は元気そうじゃないか! Daniel, you look particularly gay today.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial08_REV_Logan_030 メキシカンのくせによ Can Mexicans be gay?
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial08_REV_Logan_050 そりゃ大違いだ Oh muy grande difference.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial08_REV_Logan_080 俺に指図すんのか? You’re not the boss of me, bro.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial09_REV_Dana_060 居眠りするなら授業出る意味ないじゃない What’s the point of even coming to class if you’re baked?
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Dial09_REV_Justin_050 してるよ。 今日なんてさ 7 時に起きたんだぜ? Dana, I have. I haven’t smoked since... I woke up at seven.
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Insertion_REV_Max_010 いつも通りの風景… Welcome to the real world…
Cue_E5_7B_Corridor_Insertion_REV_Max_020 トイレに行って ちょっとひとりになろう
顔でも洗って シャキッとしなきゃ… もっとバカにされちゃう
I need a serious time out in the bathroom. Splash water on my face and make sure I don't look like a total loser.
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_ChloeDark_IGE_Chloe_020 せっかくの力も 使いこなせなきゃ意味ないだろ… Why did you get rewind powers? You don’t even know how to use them…
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_ChloeDark_IGE_Chloe_040 レイチェルの代わりに マックス… あんたが死ねばよかったんだ Rachel’s dead and you’re still alive. Life is...
so not fair.
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_ChloeDark_IGE_Chloe_060 なんでアルカディア・ベイに戻ってきた? いい迷惑だよ I wish you would have never come back to Arcadia Bay... You’re the real storm.
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_JeffersonDark_IGE_Chloe_030 マックスはガキだから Max is a fucking child…
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_JeffersonDark_IGE_Chloe_060 意識だけムダに高いしね I’m so over her hipster bullshit.
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_JeffersonDark_IGE_Jefferson_010 君をモデルに 「レトロ・グランジ」というシリーズを撮りたい… I think you’d be perfect for my new photo series on retro-grunge…
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_JeffersonDark_IGE_Jefferson_020 君にはレイチェルと同じ良さがある。 マックスとは大違いだ You have the same qualities that I loved in Rachel Amber... but not Max...
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_JeffersonDark_IGE_Jefferson_040 同感だよ。 しかも おしゃべりが過ぎて困る Oh Christ, I know... and she never shuts up, does she?
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_JeffersonDark_IGE_Jefferson_070 学校でも嫌われてたよ… 本当のスターは君だ I think everyone at Blackwell is over Max… Let’s prove it.
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_NathanDark_IGE_Chloe_020 暇つぶしだ。 パシリにもちょうどいいしな Boredom. Plus she’s like my personal puppet.
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_NathanDark_IGE_Nathan_010 お前みたいなイケてる女が なんでマックスなんかと… Goddamn, you are a sexy bitch! Why hang out with Max, huh?
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_NathanDark_IGE_Nathan_030 確かに。 なあ… 部屋にいいもんあるけど どうだ? I hear that. Do you... want to party? I got a drugstore in my room.
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_VictoriaDark_IGE_Chloe_010 ビクトリア あんたオトナだな。 マックスとは大違いだ… Damn, Victoria... You're a real woman... not a little girl like Max...
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_VictoriaDark_IGE_Victoria_040 あなたのタトゥー すっごくセンスいいと思う I fucking love your tats, Chloe. You're so hot.
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_VictoriaDark_IGE_Victoria_060 もっと早く一緒になってればよかった… I can’t believe it took us so long to hook up…
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_WarrenDark_IGE_Chloe_020 ウォーレンはてっきりマックスが好きなのかと… Booyah, Warren! I thought you were all over Max’s shit...
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_WarrenDark_IGE_Chloe_021 ウォーレンはてっきりマックスが好きなのかと… Booyah, Warren! I thought you were all over Max’s shit...
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_WarrenDark_IGE_Chloe_022 あたしら 2 人とも マックスにしてやられたな Holy shit, Warren! Max is trying to play us both!
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_WarrenDark_IGE_Chloe_023 ウォーレンはてっきりマックスが好きなのかと Booyah, Warren! I thought you were all over Max’s shit...
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_WarrenDark_IGE_Chloe_040 あたしはキスされたけどね。 マジでキモかった… You should have seen her make a move on me in my room... Hella lame.
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_WarrenDark_IGE_Chloe_041 へえ。 あたし オタクはタイプじゃないけど あんたはアリかな I hear that. I'm not into... nerds but you're pretty cute...
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_WarrenDark_IGE_Chloe_042 あたしらをもてあそびやがって Not when she's trying to hook up with both of us…
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_WarrenDark_IGE_Chloe_043 あたしらはタイプじゃないってことだろ。 何様のつもりだ? I guess we're "not her type"... like Max has a fucking type?
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_WarrenDark_IGE_Chloe_060 見ろよ! マックスがのぞいてやがる! 写真だったらいくらでも撮れよ! Oh shit! Look at Max spying on us... Take a fucking picture, bitch! Or take a selfie!
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_WarrenDark_IGE_Warren_030 だってあいつ… キスすらもったいつけやがってさ She's not all that... so who cares if she doesn't kiss me?
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_WarrenDark_IGE_Warren_031 いやいや… キスされたとき 吐きそうになったし Not after she kissed me... her breath was ass and no tongue...
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_WarrenDark_IGE_Warren_032 あいつ八方美人なんだよ I guess she's not as innocent as she acts…
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_WarrenDark_IGE_Warren_033 あいつは俺に興味ないし… どうでもいいよ She's sure the hell not into me at all... who cares?
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_WarrenDark_IGE_Warren_050 じゃあ 今度は僕が君にキスする番だね Max should see me make a move on you... Come here...
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_WarrenDark_IGE_Warren_051 マックスなんか興味ない。 君のほうがいいよ… I'm not into Max, anyway. So let's bust a move…
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_WarrenDark_IGE_Warren_052 でも 俺は君に夢中だよ。 だから クロエ… I only want to go ape with you, Chloe... Come here...
Cue_E5_7B_DarkRoom_WarrenDark_IGE_Warren_053 マックスはジェファソンに夢中なんだろ。 あんなヤツ ほっとこうぜ… But she does... She's into Mr. Jefferson... Now come here...
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_AlyssaDiner_IGE_Alyssa_010 ずっと助けてくれたのに こんどは見殺しにするんだ? もう いいよ You’ve always had my back and now you’re going to let me die? Thanks Max.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_AlyssaDiner_IGE_Alyssa_020 数少ない信頼できる人だと思ってたのに… I thought you were one of the few people I could trust at Blackwell. I thought…
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_AlyssaDiner_IGE_Alyssa_030 私はともかく 他の人たちを見殺しにできるっていうの? マジで? Even if I’m dead, how can you let all these other people get wiped out? They don’t deserve that…
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_BinkNightmare_MaxGhost_010 あら ウワサをすれば… Oh hell, speak of the devil...
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_BrookeDiner_IGE_Brooke_020 マックスには 正しいことをしてほしいな… Max, I hope you do the right thing. I hope…
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_MaxGhost_001 見て分かるでしょ。 私はあなた。 置き去りにされたマックスのなかの一人… Holy shit, are you cereal? I'm you, dumbass. Or I'm one of many Maxes you've left behind...
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_MaxGhost_003 何 助けてほしいの?
時空を自在に操って 過去も人も すべて思いどおりにできるんでしょ?
Oh, so you want help? Thought you could control everybody and everything, huh? Twist time around your fingers?
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_MaxGhost_006 どんなに取り繕っても あなたの行動が たくさんの死を生み出したことは事実…
マドセンがジェファソンを殺したのもそう… 最低だね!
Stop playing innocent. You've left a trail of death behind you. You even let that stalker Madsen kill Jefferson... That's sick! You're way more of a cold-blooded killer than him or Nathan.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_MaxGhost_008 人気者になりたかっただけでしょ?
No, you only wanted to be popular. And once you got these amazing powers, your big plan was to trick people into thinking you give a rat's ass.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_MaxGhost_009 でも それを利用して人気者になろうとした。 親切なふりしてさ… No, but you were happy to use it to get people to like you. As if you cared about them.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_MaxGhost_012 それでも 殺人は殺人だよ That doesn't make you any less of a murderer.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_MaxGhost_013 裁判でも 「タイムトラベル」なんて証言するつもり? Oh, the jury will love to hear about your mad time travel skills.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_MaxGhost_016 当たり障りのないことを言って ご機嫌とって?
自力で友だちをつくれないから 力に頼ったんだ
By telling people what they want to hear? You were just looking for a shortcut, because you can't make friends on your own.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_MaxGhost_017 やっと認める気になった? ま いまさらもう遅いけどね… About time you admitted that. But it's way too late after everything you've done...
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_MaxGhost_020 むしろあなたの偽善で どれだけの人が傷ついたと思ってるの… You're a goddamn hypocrite. Just look at the pain you've caused...
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_MaxGhost_021 どんなに取り繕っても あなたは偽善者だよ
あなたの行動が たくさんの苦しみと死を生み出した…
Please, stop playing innocent. You're a goddamn hypocrite. You've left a trail of death and suffering behind you.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_MaxGhost_023 いいの? そんな偉そうな口利いて
Don't you dare talk about our mom that way... ha!
And what about Frank? That bullet in him wasn't your fault?
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_MaxGhost_024 いいの? そんな偉そうな口利いて。 結局 責任から逃げてばっかなんだ Don't you dare talk about our mom that way... ha!
What about the crap that was your fault?
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_MaxGhost_025 そっか。 分かった…
時空をメチャクチャにしたのは 全部クロエのためってわけか
Wait, wait, let me guess... You fucked up time and space for your precious punk Chloe. You think she's worth all that?
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_MaxGhost_029 ホント バカだよね。 私 あなたと同じ名前なのが恥ずかしいよ
クロエはそのうち すべてを…
Man, you are so stupid. I'm embarrassed to have the same name... And someday Chloe will destroy—
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_MaxGhost_030 それはまたずいぶんとご立派だね
そのわりには くだらないことにばっか力を使ってたけど
Gosh, you're so selfless now, Mahatma Max. It's too bad you pissed your power away on high school drama.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_MaxGhost_031 よく言うよ。 クロエのせいで どれだけのトラブルに巻き込まれたの?
銃に レイチェルに… 障害者基金のお金まで盗んで…
No kidding. Chloe trapped you with her drama. Guns, drugs, Rachel... Even stealing money from the handicapped fund. She's just using you, dude.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_MaxGhost_032 その親友がつらかったときに
5 年間も連絡取らなかったのは どこの誰だっけ?
Oh yeah, you ignored your "best friend" for five years while she went through hell... Some friend.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_MaxGhost_033 よく言うよ。 クロエのせいで どれだけのトラブルに巻き込まれたの?
銃 クスリ レイチェル… あなたは利用されてるんだよ
No kidding. Chloe trapped you with her drama... guns, drugs, Rachel... She's just using you, dude.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_MaxGhost_035 誘拐犯に共感しちゃう被害者と同じ心理だね
説明しても分からない人は 痛い目見るしかないか
Because you let her bully you. It's called "Stockholm Syndrome." But you didn't do that homework... so you'll have to learn the hard way. Like Rachel...
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_MaxGhost_037 このままじゃ ジェファソンに殺される前に クロエに殺されるよ…
クロエは私たちのこと 友だちだなんて思ってないんだから
I'd be more worried about Chloe killing us than Jefferson... Max, do you really think she's our friend? That she respects us in any way?
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_MaxGhost_038 このままじゃ ジェファソンに殺される前に クロエに殺されるよ…
クロエは私たちのこと 都合のいい道具としか思ってないんだから
I'd be more worried about Chloe killing us than Jefferson... Max, do you really think she has any feelings for us? You're just another puppet...
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_MaxGhost_039 自分で死ぬ勇気がないからって あんたに殺せって頼むぐらいだし Like, she even asked you to end her life and do what she couldn't do by herself.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_Max_002 あなた… 誰なの? Who... Who are you?
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_Max_004 こんなの… 望んで手に入れた力じゃない! It wasn't my choice. I didn't ask to rewind time!
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_Max_005 私は… みんなの力になりたかっただけなのに… I tried to help... I only wanted to do the right thing.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_Max_007 お願い ここから出して Can you get me out of here?
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_Max_010 違う! あれは正当防衛だよ! 人殺しの指図なんてしてない! Bullshit! That was self-defense! I never set out to kill anybody.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_Max_011 違う。 私はタイムトラベルしたことも 殺人鬼と戦ったこともなかったけど
No. I'm a survivor. I don't have any experience in time travel or stopping psychopaths like Jefferson... I did what I had to.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_Max_014 確かに… 私 みんなに好かれたくて 力をムダ使いしてただけかも… That's true... I wasted my power on trying to be friends with everybody.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_Max_015 ふり I do care! That's why I was trying to make friends...
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_Max_018 そうじゃない!
みんな本当の友だちだし 力だって いいことにしか使ってない…
That's not true. I have great friends. And I've used my powers for good.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_Max_019 あなたは私を傷つけたいだけでしょ I know what I am... You're just trying to hurt me.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_Max_022 黙って。 私のせいじゃない… That was not my fault, you son of a bitch...
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_Max_026 当たり前でしょ。 親友なんだから Of course. She's my best friend.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_Max_027 クロエと私だけじゃなくて みんなを救うためだよ We all are. This isn't about Chloe... or even me anymore.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_Max_028 クロエを助けるのは 私の使命なの。 そう信じてるからこそ ここにいるんだ… This has to be my destiny to save her... I wouldn't be trapped in here if I didn't believe that...
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_Max_034 だからって クロエが大切なことには変わりない Chloe does a better job of guilt-tripping me than you do.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_Max_036 ムダだよ。 あなたなんか怖くないから… Just shut up. You're not scaring me anymore.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_Max_041 でも… 私には友だちがいる。 それもきっとこの力のおかげなんだ But... I still have great friends. And my power helped some.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CourtneyDiner_IGE_Courtney_010 マックス 殺さないで! Don't kill us, Max.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_CourtneyDiner_IGE_Courtney_020 私達を助けて Please, save us.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_DanaDiner_IGE_Dana_010 もうダンスもできないんだね… I guess I’ll never dance again, Max...
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_DanielDiner_IGE_Daniel_010 マックス 僕が自信を持てるようになったのは 君のおかげだよ Max, I want you to know how much confidence you gave me... Nobody ever did that for me.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_DavidDiner_IGE_David_010 お前のような兵士が隣にいたら 戦場でも安心できるよ Max, you’re exactly the kind of soldier I’d want by my side in a war.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_EvanDiner_IGE_Evan_010 マックスさ どうせ死なせるんだったら なぜ助けたんだい? Oh Max, what exactly was the point of saving me if you're only going to let me die?
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_EvanDiner_IGE_Evan_020 僕もアルカディア・ベイも 両方見捨てる気かい? むなしいなあ… Uh, let me get this straight: you didn't bother to save me or the Bay? How pathetic, child.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_FishermanDiner_IGE_Fisherman_010 一度は俺を救い また漁に出るチャンスをくれたのに… Max, you saved my life, gave me the chance to catch one more fish…
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_FishermanDiner_IGE_Fisherman_020 前に言ったな 「老漁師は死なず」って。 それも今日までだ… Like I told you before... old fishermen never die... well, until now.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_FrankDiner_IGE_Frank_010 俺だけじゃなく 俺の客まで皆殺しか? お前 正気か? So you kill me... and now all of my customers? What’s wrong with you, Max?
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_FrankDiner_IGE_Frank_020 色々あったけどよ… 俺を殺すことはないだろ? Look, I know things were bad between us, but… that doesn’t mean I deserved to die.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_FrankDiner_IGE_Frank_030 マジかよ 仲間だと思ってたのに… 俺を見捨てるのか? Shit, Max… and I thought we were on the same team… Now, I’ll die alone.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_HomelessDiner_IGE_Homeless_010 警告ありがとね… あたしを人並みに扱ってくれたんだから
Thanks for that warning, Max... You treated me like a human, not like trash... I sure hope you do that for everybody in town...
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_HomelessDiner_IGE_Homeless_020 あたしゃ十分生きた… でも他の連中は助けてやっちゃどうだい? I’ve already lived forever... maybe you can help others live too...
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_JoyceDiner_IGE_Joyce_010 娘同然に思ってきたのに… なんで私の家族を奪うんだい… どうして… Honey, I always thought of you like a daughter... and now you’re going to take me away from my family... Why would you do that?
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_JulietDiner_IGE_Juliet_020 マックス お願い 助けて Max, please, save us.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_JustinDiner_IGE_Justin_030 俺を殺すとか ダサすぎでしょ Killing me is soooo not cool.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_KateDiner_IGE_Kate_020 お願い 殺さないで… 一緒にお茶するって言ったのに Please, Max. Don't kill me, so we can finally have our tea session.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_LoganDiner_IGE_Logan_010 マックス これが復讐のつもりか? So this is how Max gets her revenge on?
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_MenVoicesDiner_IGE_Male01_010 お前はよくのうのうと生きてられるな Max, I hope you can live with yourself after this.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_MenVoicesDiner_IGE_Male01_020 ちくしょう 苦しいだろうな Son of a bitch, this is going to hurt…
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_MenVoicesDiner_IGE_Male01_030 ポートランドの母さんに 愛してるって伝えてくれよな Max, can you call my mother in Portland and tell her that I love her?
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_MenVoicesDiner_IGE_Male01_040 カリフォルニアで新生活を始めるってときに… Right when I was about to start a new life in California…
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_NathanDiner_IGE_Nathan_010 いろいろあったけど 本当にすまなかったと思ってる
俺はただ 誰にも俺みたいに苦しんでほしくないんだ
Max, I'm… truly… I truly am sorry for being such a bastard. You would have been cool to hang out with. I just don’t want everybody else to suffer like me.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_SamuelDiner_IGE_Samuel_020 リスを死なせてはいけないよ… Don't let the squirrels die.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_StellaDiner_IGE_Stella_010 貧乏で荒んだ家庭を耐えぬいたけど 結局ここで死ぬのか… I survived poverty and an abusive family... just so I can end up here to die...
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_TrevorDiner_IGE_Trevor_010 かわいい彼女ができたとたんに殺すのかい? そりゃないぜ Wow Max, right when I finally find a cool chick to date...you have to kill us off. This sucks.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_TruckerDiner_IGE_Trucker_010 聞こえてるか。 これまで俺と道路を共にした仲間たちよ。 ありがとな Breaker, Breaker... Thanks for saving me and carrying the load, good buddy. That’s a big 10-4.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_TruckerDiner_IGE_Trucker_020 俺は別にいいんだ。 やることはやった。 こんどはお前の番だ It’s okay if I’m gone... I’ve paid my dues... Time to pay yours.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_VictoriaDiner_IGE_Victoria_020 友だちだったらよかったのに… ねえ お願い 助けて… まだ十代なのよ… I wish we had been friends, Max. But please... don’t let me die like this... I’m still a teenager...
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_WarrenDiner_IGE_Warren_020 キスだってしたのに… 俺を殺すのかよ… I can’t believe I let you kiss me... Now you’re going to kill me...
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_WarrenDiner_IGE_Warren_050 友だちだけの関係でもよかったんだ… でも君は友だちすら見捨てるんだね I was happy just being your friend... Why do you want all your friends to die?
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_WellsDiner_IGE_Wells_010 私が立派な校長だったとは言わない。 でも君は立派な「日常ヒーロー」だった… I know I haven't been the best principal to you... but you've been a great "Everyday Hero" for us.
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_WomenVoicesDiner_IGE_Female01_030 夫と赤ん坊は私抜きでやっていかないとね… I guess my husband and new baby will have to go without me…
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_WomenVoicesDiner_IGE_Female01_040 こんなの私が望む人生最後の時間じゃない… This is not how I wanted to spend my last hour on Earth…
Cue_E5_7B_Diner_ZacharyDiner_IGE_Zachary_020 ビッグフットだけは助けてくれよ Save the bigfoots, Max. Please.
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_KeyDoor_Rdm_Chloe_040 驚くなよ… ほら 学校の合いカギ! クソオヤジからくすねてきた Drum roll please... I present the spare keys to Blackwell. Thank you, step-prick.
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_KeyDoor_Rdm_Chloe_050 一応 カギも探して… 念のため Well you could look for the key... just in case.
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_KeyDoor_Rdm_Frank_060 俺のカギを返しやがれ Give me back my keys, bitch!
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_KeyDoor_Rdm_Max_010 絶対カギがあるはず… 見つけよう There's gotta be a key here... find it, Max!
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_KeyDoor_Rdm_Max_020 どうぞ 気になさらないで… 売人のカギを盗みにきただけなので… Never mind me, Officer... I’m just here to steal a drug dealer’s keys.
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_KeyDoor_Rdm_Max_030 カギさえ手に入れば… I am the Keymaster.
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_KeyDoor_Rdm_William_070 おーい… カギよ 応答せよ… Forgot all about you, little buddy... Release the keys!
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_KeyDoor_Rdm_William_080 さて 最後にどこに置いたっけな…? カギ… カギ… あークソ! Okay, where did you last put those keys... Think, think... Screw that.
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_KeyDoor_Rdm_William_090 マックス いたずらも程々にな。 カギをかしなさい Max, this is not the best time for a prank. Key, please.
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_KeyDoor_Rdm_William_100 なあんだそんなことかよ? もったいつけやがって!
Oh, is that all? Well, why didn't you just tell me? How about I just give you the keys to my RV while I'm at it?
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Rdm02_Jefferson_030 レイチェルのことは気がかりだが 君は自分の心配をしたほうがいい…
I miss Rachel too. But think about yourself, Max. Principal Wells told me about what you said happened in the bathroom...
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Rdm03_Chloe_030 だって あいつフランクとろくでもない関係だったんだろ?
どいつもこいつも 友だちのフリばっかりしやがって!
Jesus, she was banging that pig Frank! Bitch lied to my face, Max! I can't trust anybody again. Everybody pretends to care until they don't. Even you!
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Rdm03_Chloe_060 いや その必要はない
大丈夫… マックスがいるし
レイチェルはきっと見つかるよ… 絶対に見つかる
It's just the two of us. Nobody else. And I'm not scared at all. You have the power. I feel like we're this close to finding Rachel... We have to find her, Max.
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Rdm03_David_020 やっぱりここにいたか。 レイチェルの服なんか着て なんのつもりだ? Figures you'd be here. Is that your Rachel Amber Halloween costume?
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Rdm03_Frank_040 お前と違ってその服が似合ってたからな
で 何だ? また俺を撃ちにきたのか?
Because she looks beautiful in them and you look like ass. Aiming a gun doesn't make you any sexier.
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Rdm03_Joyce_010 マックスったら あんた レイチェルに嫉妬してるの? Max Caulfield, are you actually jealous of Rachel?
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Rdm03_Nathan_050 レイチェル? んだよ… お前か Rachel? Whatevathefuck?
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Seq01_Chloe_010 レイチェル・アンバー。 あたしの…親友だった
パパが死んでマックスが引っ越して ひとりぼっちだったとき…
Rachel Amber. She was my... angel. After my dad died and you moved, I felt abandoned. Rachel saved my life.
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Seq01_Chloe_030 半年前。 突然 姿を消した。 あたしにも言わずに… 1 人で Six months ago... she just left Arcadia. Without a word. Without me...
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Seq01_Chloe_050 あたしに黙って行くはずない。 絶対 何かあったんだ Unlike you, she would have told me, okay? Something happened to her.
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Seq01_Chloe_060 いなくなる前 「運命の人と出会った」とか言ってた… それっきり Before Rachel left, she said she met somebody who changed her life... Then poof.
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Seq01_Max_020 私の代わりに レイチェルがいてくれたんだね… So Rachel took my place. I'm glad she was there for you.
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Seq01_Max_040 自分の意志でいなくなったんじゃない? 人生をやり直したくなったとか How do you know she disappeared? Maybe she wanted to start a totally new life --
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Seq02_Chloe_010 それはレイチェルのだ… なんでてめえが持ってんだ!? That's Rachel's bracelet. Why the fuck are you wearing her bracelet?
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Seq02_Frank_020 言っただろ。 もらったんだよ Calm yourself, alright? It was a gift.
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Seq03_Chloe_020 相性抜群だよ。 レイチェルもアーティスト肌でさ… センスがよかっ…
センスがいいんだ。 口が減らないとこもそっくり
きっと 3 人で親友になれるよ
You're not that different. She had... has a great eye for images and for art. Plus, she's a smart-ass like you. We would all be hella Best Friends Forever.
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Seq03_Max_010 レイチェルと私 友だちになれるかな? Do you think that Rachel and I would have been friends?
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Seq05_Chloe_020 マックスも好きになってたよ
賢い セクシー オシャレ… あたしみたいだろ?
You would have too. Smart, sexy and sassy... Like me, right?
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Seq05_Max_010 ホントにレイチェルが好きだったんだね Sounds like you totally crushed on Rachel.
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Seq05_Max_030 はいはい。 案外 私のほうが気に入られたかもよ Well, duh! Maybe Rachel would have fought over both of us.
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Seq06_Chloe_050 黙れよ! レイチェルとあたしは 親友以上だった! 絶対あきらめない… Like you did? I loved her, asshole. And she loved me. I know that.
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Seq06_Frank_010 レイチェルが消えて 俺は望みを失ったんだ… When Rachel vanished, I pretty much lost everything...
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Seq06_Frank_020 正直 どうかなっちまいそうだよ
今頃どこにいんだか… せめて声だけでも聞ければ…
I can't stand not knowing where she is... not hearing her voice... or her laugh... anymore.
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Seq06_Frank_040 てめえに何が分かる! もう手遅れだ! It’s too late! She’s gone! You don’t even know her!
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Seq06_Frank_060 なんも分かってねえな! てめえのせいなんだよ!
Chloe, you don’t know shit. You were part of her problem. Always trying to take her away from me... Always!
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Seq06_Max_030 レイチェルのために協力して。一刻を争うの We don't have much time, Frank. Rachel needs you.
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Seq08_Chloe_020 そんな… Please No!
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Seq08_Chloe_030 レイチェル…?
ウソだ… ウソだ! 信じない!
Oh, Rachel...
No... no... no...
Please... please not her…
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Seq08_Chloe_050 レイチェル なんで… Rachel... why?
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Seq08_Chloe_070 親友だったのに…!
I loved her so much... How can she be dead? What kind of world is this? Who does this?!
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Seq08_Max_010 待って… これ… Chloe... stop! Look!
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Seq08_Max_040 クロエ… Chloe…
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_RachelDoor_Seq08_Max_060 クロエ… 落ち着いて… I’m sorry, Chloe. I’m so sorry…
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_VictoriaDoor_Rdm_Victoria_010 コンテストの課題 ちょっと本気出し過ぎたかも I think my entry for the contest might be too good.
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_VictoriaDoor_Rdm_Victoria_020 アーバスの作品にとらえられた 失意の人びとの目には 鬼気迫るものがあります Because of her images of hopeless faces. You feel, like, totally haunted by the eyes of those sad mothers and children.
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_VictoriaDoor_Rdm_Victoria_030 あなたのぼんやりした顔とは 正反対ね Now you're totally stuck in the Retro Zone. Sad face.
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_VictoriaDoor_Rdm_Victoria_040 これカシミアなんですけど! この服 いくらしたか分かってるの!? Yeah, water on my cashmere! Do you know how much this fucking outfit cost?
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_VictoriaDoor_Rdm_Victoria_050 あーら 自撮りクイーンのマックス・コールフィールドさん Oh look, it's Max Caulfield, the selfie ho of Blackwell.
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_VictoriaDoor_Rdm_Victoria_060 じゃ さよなら 「自撮りぼっち」さん Now why don't you go fuck your selfie?
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_VictoriaDoor_Rdm_Victoria_070 近寄らないでよ 気色悪い! Get the hell away from me, weirdo!
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_VictoriaDoor_Rdm_Victoria_080 照れないの。 ホントはあんなに大胆なんだから… Don't be shy. I think it's awesome you set a tongue record on video --
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_VictoriaDoor_Rdm_Victoria_090 あらら 後悔してるのはあなたでしょ? 自業自得よ Oh boo hoo, I'm sorry you're a viral slut. I'm sure she had fun.
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_VictoriaDoor_Rdm_Victoria_100 シーッ! 聞こえるよ Ssshhh! I think she can hear us…
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_VictoriaDoor_Rdm_Victoria_110 私と親友になれたとでも思ってた? Did you think we were Best Friends Forever or something?
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_VictoriaDoor_Rdm_Victoria_120 そうですね。 何かあったら聞きますよ ジェファソン先生 I know this has been an awful day and you can talk to me anytime, Mr. Jefferson.
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_VictoriaDoor_Rdm_Victoria_130 私を選ばなかったら…
先生に 優勝させる代わりに いろいろ要求されたって言いふらしちゃうかも…
You might as well choose me... otherwise I might have to tell people you offered to choose my photo for favors or something...
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_VictoriaDoor_Rdm_Victoria_140 …なんなら ボルテックス・クラブのメンバーに入れてあげてもいいけど Well, Max Caulfied, I could always choose to let you in the Vortex Club...
Cue_E5_7B_Dormitory_VictoriaDoor_Rdm_Victoria_150 そうは思えないけど… 言いたいことは分かるよ
ねえ 私たちって友だちになれないのかな
Hard to believe, but I don't always make the best choices. Do you think it's, like, fate we're not supposed to be friends?
Cue_E5_7B_DormsCorridor_KateDialCorridor_RTC_Kate_010 マックス なんで私を止めてくれなかったの Max, how could you let me jump off a roof?
Cue_E5_7B_DormsCorridor_KateDialCorridor_RTC_Kate_020 あなただけは信じてたのに… You were the only person I trusted here…
Cue_E5_7B_DormsCorridor_KateDialCorridor_RTC_Kate_030 結局 味方なんかじゃなかった But you never really listened to me…
Cue_E5_7B_DormsCorridor_KateDialCorridor_RTC_Kate_040 もう天国には行けない… Now I’m never going to Heaven…
Cue_E5_7B_DormsCorridor_KateDialCorridor_RTC_Kate_050 あなたのせいで 私は地獄を一人でさまようの… Instead you’ve stuck me in Hell... Alone forever...
Cue_E5_7B_DormsCorridor_KateDialCorridor_RTC_Kate_070 どうして死なせてくれなかったの? Max, why did you stop me from jumping?
Cue_E5_7B_DormsCorridor_KateDialCorridor_RTC_Kate_080 それでも友だちなの? What kind of friend are you?
Cue_E5_7B_DormsCorridor_KateDialCorridor_RTC_Kate_090 私がどんなにつらかったか 何も分かってない… You never understood me... or what happened to me...
Cue_E5_7B_DormsCorridor_KateDialCorridor_RTC_Kate_100 私の家族まで巻き込んで… Now my family will never leave me alone…
Cue_E5_7B_DormsCorridor_KateDialCorridor_RTC_Kate_110 結局 私を一人にしたのは… マックス あなたよ And that means I’ll always be alone... thanks to you.
Cue_E5_7B_DormsCorridor_KateDialCorridor_RTC_Max_010 ケイト… Hey, Kate.
Cue_E5_7B_DormsCorridor_KateDialCorridor_RTC_Max_060 違う。 私はケイトを救いたかったのに… No, Kate, I was only trying to save you…
Cue_E5_7B_DormsCorridor_KateDialCorridor_RTC_Max_120 そんなはずない! 私はケイトの友だちだよ… Kate, that’s not true! I’ve always been your friend…
Cue_E5_7B_Kitchen_CookingSmallTalk_Chloe_060 へー 本当にシェフのつもりなんだ Right, like you're the real cook here.
Cue_E5_7B_Kitchen_CookingSmallTalk_Chloe_080 知らないよ? I'll let her know that.
Cue_E5_7B_Kitchen_CookingSmallTalk_William_050 まさかシェフを疑ってるのか? Don't you dare question the chef.
Cue_E5_7B_Kitchen_CookingSmallTalk_William_070 ママがいないときはね I am when your mom is away.
Cue_E5_7B_Kitchen_WilliamFindingkeys_William_010 発見! こんなところにいたのか A-ha! You can't hide from me forever!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_DavidCaught_IGE_David_010 マックス! Max!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_DavidCaught_IGE_David_020 おい! Hey!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_DavidCaught_IGE_David_030 マックス! Max!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_DavidCaught_IGE_David_040 おい マックス! Hey, Max!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_DavidCaught_IGE_David_050 マックス! Max!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_DavidCaught_IGE_David_060 どこにいく? Excuse me, Max!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_DavidCaught_IGE_David_070 おい! Hey!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_DavidCaught_IGE_David_080 おい お前! Hey, missy!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_DavidMaze03_IGE_David_010 俺の監視は逃れられんぞ! You can’t escape my surveillance, missy!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_DavidMaze03_IGE_David_020 なんの権利があって俺の家庭を壊した? 答えろ! 答えやがれ! What gives you the right to destroy my family? Answer me! Ten hut!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_DavidMaze03_IGE_David_030 いいか? お前は問題児! ヤク漬けで不快なジャンキーだ! Admit it, Max... you're a stoner! A pothead! A weed junkie!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_DavidMaze03_IGE_David_040 俺はケイトを助けてたんだ! お前は何をしてた! You thought I was harassing Kate, but I was helping her! What the hell did you do for her?
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_DavidMaze03_IGE_David_070 お前のせいで愛するジョイスに嫌われた。 さぞ嬉しいだろ? My beautiful wife Joyce hates me because of you, Max... Are you proud?
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_DavidMaze03_IGE_David_080 お前は偽善者だ
俺は いけ好かないかもしれないが正直だ
You’re such a hypocrite, Max. I may be a dick, but at least I’m honest. You just use your power to cheat at life... and cheat your friends out of life.
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_DavidMaze03_IGE_David_090 皮肉なもんだろ? ヒーローは俺だった。 お前は結局 町をぶち壊すんだからな Hey, Max. Pretty fucking ironic that I ended up being right about everything and you end up destroying the town.
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_DavidMaze03_IGE_David_100 いいかげん認めろ。 戦争を経験した俺には勝てないってな! Come on, Max, just admit that you’re jealous of my service record. Admit it!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_DavidMaze03_IGE_David_110 マックス こっちにおいで。 ボコボコにしてやるからよ! Hey, Max, please come here. So I can beat you up!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_FrankCaught_IGE_Frank_010 おい 待てって! Hey, wait! Wait!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_FrankCaught_IGE_Frank_020 マックス! Max!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_FrankCaught_IGE_Frank_030 止まれ! Stop!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_FrankCaught_IGE_Frank_040 動くなよ! Got you!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_FrankCaught_IGE_Frank_050 そこだな! Here you are!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_FrankCaught_IGE_Frank_060 来いよ マックス Come on, girlie.
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_FrankCaught_IGE_Frank_070 マックス! Max!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_FrankCaught_IGE_Frank_080 いたな! Here, Max!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_FrankMaze04_IGE_Frank_010 こっちにきやがれ! 切り刻んでやるよ この化け物! Get your bony ass over here! I am gonna cut you open, freak!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_FrankMaze04_IGE_Frank_020 俺の豆… 俺の豆をメチャクチャにしやがって! Those were my beans, Max... Those were my fucking beans!!!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_FrankMaze04_IGE_Frank_040 誰がお前の仲間になんかなるかよ I sure hope you don’t think we’re buddies now…
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_FrankMaze04_IGE_Frank_050 お前だけは絶対に許さねえからな You are at the top of my shit list, now, Max.
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_FrankMaze04_IGE_Frank_080 お前のせいで 俺の人生は生き地獄なんだよ How can I get to Heaven when you keep putting me through Hell?
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_FrankMaze04_IGE_Frank_090 売人だとバカにしやがって お前のほうがよっぽどゴミだ If you took some of my drugs, maybe you’d be a lot happier.
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_FrankMaze04_IGE_Frank_100 レイチェルは死んだのに… なんでお前が生きてるんだ Now that Rachel’s dead... it’s time for you to die too, skank...
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_FrankMaze04_IGE_Frank_110 お前はレイチェルとは違う… あいつの足元にも及ばねえ Max, you need to get high like Rachel... Want some drugs?
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_FrankMaze04_IGE_Frank_120 クロエはな 陰でお前を笑ってたよ
お前を好きなヤツなんて一人もいねえ! 当たり前だけどな
Oh man, you shoulda heard Chloe smack-talk you. It was brutal. But, of course, I see what she's talking about, now…
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_FrankMaze04_IGE_Frank_130 おい ここだ! レイチェルと一緒に 下水管の中を流されてる… 助けてくれよ Pssst, Max! Me and Rachel are floating down here in the sewer... Come on down!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_JeffersonCaught_IGE_Jefferson_010 マックス! Max!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_JeffersonCaught_IGE_Jefferson_020 マックス! Max!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_JeffersonCaught_IGE_Jefferson_040 やあ マックス! Hey, Max!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_JeffersonCaught_IGE_Jefferson_050 マックス! Max!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_JeffersonCaught_IGE_Jefferson_070 やあ… Hey…
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_JeffersonCaught_IGE_Jefferson_080 マックス! Max!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_JeffersonCaught_IGE_Jefferson_100 マックス!! Oh, Max...
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_JeffersonMaze01_IGE_Jefferson_010 あんなに純真で清らかだったのに… 死んでもらうぞ Max... you used to be so pure, so innocent... Now you have to die.
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_JeffersonMaze01_IGE_Jefferson_020 隠れても無駄だぞ。 出てこい! 僕の作品になるんだ! Don’t try to hide, Max... Get over here... Let me capture you...
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_JeffersonMaze01_IGE_Jefferson_030 あんな田舎者に僕を殺させるとはな I can’t believe you let that hillbilly murder me in cold blood…
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_JeffersonMaze01_IGE_Jefferson_040 あれほど君には尽くしたのに…! ケイトを泣かせたことで僕を責めるとは…
芸術とは人を泣かせるものだ… 君も泣かせてやろう
After everything I did for you... and you accuse me of making our sweet, naive Kate Marsh cry... Art is supposed to make you cry... and you will.
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_JeffersonMaze01_IGE_Jefferson_050 君の閃きはどこにいった? 僕は生涯 君を指導するつもりだったのに… What happened to your spark, Max? I thought I could be your professor... for life.
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_JeffersonMaze01_IGE_Jefferson_060 ジョン・レノンも言っただろう?
「幸せは温かい銃」。 僕が死んで君は幸せかい…?
Max, remember what John Lennon said, "Happiness is a warm gun"...
I hope you're happy that I'm dead...
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_JeffersonMaze01_IGE_Jefferson_070 なんで分かってくれないんだ… 僕が自分でいられたのは…
Please understand, Max... The only place I can be "myselfie" is in the Dark Room...
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_JeffersonMaze01_IGE_Jefferson_080 真剣な眼差しで教室の僕を見ていた頃が懐かしいな…
もう一度 君の教師になりたい… まだ教えることはある…
I miss those days when you looked at me in class with those wide eyes... I want to be your professor again... I can teach you so much...
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_JeffersonMaze01_IGE_Jefferson_090 君は写真家どころか芸術家にもなれないね… 来なさい。 授業は終わりだ I realize now you’ll never be an artist, much less a photographer... Come here, Max. Class is dismissed...
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_JeffersonMaze04_IGE_Jefferson_010 マックス… マックス… 僕の芸術品になってくれよ Max... Max... I want to share my gift with you...
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_JeffersonMaze04_IGE_Jefferson_020 クロエも死んだし これで君も授業に集中できるな Now that Chloe is dead, you won’t be distracted in class anymore…
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_JeffersonMaze04_IGE_Jefferson_030 ケイトもいなくなり 「暗室」のボランティアが必要なんだ。 やらないか? Since Kate isn’t around anymore, I need a volunteer for the Dark Room... Max?
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_JeffersonMaze04_IGE_Jefferson_040 レンズを見て… 右を向いて… 左… 愛を見せて… そして憎しみ… Look into the lens, Max... Turn right... now left... Show me the love... and the hate...
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_JeffersonMaze04_IGE_Jefferson_050 レイチェルを見せたかったよ。 僕の血染めの天使… If only you could have seen Rachel... my blood spattered angel...
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_JeffersonMaze04_IGE_Jefferson_060 マックス 君は僕の最高傑作になる You will be my greatest portrait, Max…
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_JeffersonMaze04_IGE_Jefferson_070 マックス… マックス… 僕の芸術品になってくれよ… 逃げなくていいんだ Max... Max... I want to share my gift with you... Don’t you dare run away...
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_JeffersonMaze04_IGE_Jefferson_090 マックス… 「暗室」に戻ってきなさい。 君のための場所に… Max... Max... I want to share my gift with you...
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_JeffersonMaze04_IGE_Jefferson_110 レイチェル・アンバー… まさにコハクのようだ
彼女の皮膚の内側が見える… 冷たく腐った肉体を感じる…
Rachel, Rachel Amber... Just like her last name, I can finally see right through her skin... and feel that cold, rotting flesh...
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_JeffersonMaze04_IGE_Jefferson_120 レイチェルはモデルとしてだけでなく 人形としても素晴らしかった…
特に最後に会うために掘り返したときは… なぜそんな顔をする?
Max, Rachel not only gave great headshots… she gave great head. Especially after I dug her body up to be with her one final time. Why are you looking at me like that?
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_NathanCaught_IGE_Nathan_010 止まれ! 動くな! Stop! Right now!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_NathanCaught_IGE_Nathan_020 マックス! Max!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_NathanCaught_IGE_Nathan_030 動くな! Stop!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_NathanCaught_IGE_Nathan_040 マックス! Max!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_NathanCaught_IGE_Nathan_050 おい! Hey!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_NathanCaught_IGE_Nathan_060 逃げんじゃねえ! Stop, Max!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_NathanCaught_IGE_Nathan_070 止まれ! Stop!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_NathanCaught_IGE_Nathan_080 こっちにこい! Get over here!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_NathanMaze03_IGE_Nathan_010 俺を停学にしやがって 逃げられると思うなよ Hey, bitch. You can get me expelled, but you can't escape.
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_NathanMaze03_IGE_Nathan_020 お前さ あの腰抜けボーイフレンドが俺に一発かますの見て 興奮してただろ?
イカレてんのは お前のほうだ…
Oh, did you get all hot and bothered when your wimpy boyfriend gave me a beatdown? Oh, oh, oh, Max, you’re way more disturbed and dangerous than me…
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_NathanMaze03_IGE_Nathan_040 ビクトリアと親友になれたとでも思ってんのか?
Holy shit, you really think Victoria is going to be your best friend forever? She will always hate you!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_NathanMaze03_IGE_Nathan_050 チクリ魔には死を! Snitches get stitches!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_NathanMaze03_IGE_Nathan_060 プレスコット家に盾突くとはバカにもほどがあるな
Only a feminazi would try to take on a Prescott... Blackwell is my turf, you whore!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_NathanMaze03_IGE_Nathan_070 嫉妬してんだろ?
ウジウジしたお前と違って 俺とビクトリアはみんなの人気者だ
Admit it, Max… You’re just jealous because me and Victoria actually do the work while you do nothing and whine!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_NathanMaze03_IGE_Nathan_080 どうしてもボルテックス・クラブに入りたきゃ 竜巻にでも飲み込まれてきな! The only way you’ll ever get into the Vortex Club is if a tornado swallows your ass up!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_NathanMaze03_IGE_Nathan_090 クロエも お前と同じ負け犬だ
Chloe is a loser just like you, Max. And you can’t keep saving her over and over and over…
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_NathanMaze04_IGE_Nathan_020 マックス… お前はどうせ 俺が死んでもいいって思ってたんだろ Just because I’m mentally ill doesn’t mean I deserve to die, Max!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_NathanMaze04_IGE_Nathan_070 誰も助けてくれなかった… 特にお前は… Nobody ever helped me, Max. Especially you…
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_NathanMaze04_IGE_Nathan_110 おい どうするつもりなんだよ? 俺は死んじまったぞ? Hey, Max. Whatthefuckever are you going to do now that I'm dead?
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_NathanMaze04_IGE_Nathan_120 ありゃ傑作だったな。 レイチェルの死体を掘り返したときのお前ら!
「うそ… そんな… レイチェルが虫に食べられてる…」。 腹いてえ!
Holy fucking shit, Max… That was hilarious when you guys dug up Rachel’s body! Ha, ha, ha! "Oh, oh no, no, no. Boo hoo. Oh, Rachel is worm food…" Comedy Gold. Genius!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_NathanMaze04_IGE_Nathan_130 お前の死体をレイチェルの脇に並べて 最高の写真を撮ってやるよ… It’s going to be so sweet when I bury your carcass next to Rachel and do an epic photo shoot…
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_NathanMaze04_IGE_Nathan_140 レイチェルに一言ないか? 今 地獄でポーズを取ってるぜ! Hey, Max, do you want to say hello to Rachel? She's posing for me in Hell!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_NathanMaze04_IGE_Nathan_150 レイチェル… まるでゾンビのモデルだな
骨 肉 蛆だけになって…
たまらねえ… お前も写真撮るか?
Oh, man, Rachel looked just like a zombie model in the dirt… Just bone, meat and maggots. I would be all over that shit. You wanna take pictures?
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_PrincipalWellsMaze02_IGE_Wells_010 みんな… 残念なことに 当校生徒のマクシーン・コールフィールドが
この件については 一杯やってから調査することを約束する
Attention... I regret to announce that one of your fellow classmates, Maxine Caulfield, has died under tragic circumstances that I promise to investigate after I get my drink on.
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_PrincipalWellsMaze02_IGE_Wells_020 マックス・コールフィールド ただちに「暗室」に来なさい
ただちに「暗室」に来るんだ マックス!
Will Max Caulfield please come to the Dark Room immediately. I repeat, Max Caulfield to the Dark Room... now!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_PrincipalWellsMaze02_IGE_Wells_030 こんばんは 校長のウェルズです
マックス・コールフィールド もう観念しなさい
Good evening, Blackwell. This is Principal Wells and I’m here to drop the mic on Max Caulfield.
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_PrincipalWellsMaze02_IGE_Wells_040 みんな聞こえるかね?
コールフィールドさんの居場所を知ってる生徒は 彼女を拘束し
Excuse me, can everybody hear me? If you know the whereabouts of Miss Caulfield, please tie her up and inform me or David Madsen. She's wanted for the death of Chloe Price and Rachel Amber. Thank you.
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_PrincipalWellsMaze03_IGE_Wells_010 哀れなケイト・マーシュ… マックスが突き落としたも同然だ…
サミュエルも気の毒に。 血だまりの掃除とは…
Poor Kate Marsh... Max might as well have pushed her ass off that roof... Poor Samuel had to mop up blood all night...
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_PrincipalWellsMaze03_IGE_Wells_020 ケイト・マーシュが飛び降りてさえいれば
コールフィールドを退学処分にできたものを。 腐ったミカンめ
If only Kate Marsh would have jumped off that roof... I could blame Miss Caulfield and finally get her kicked out of Blackwell. She's a bad influence.
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_PrincipalWellsMaze03_IGE_Wells_030 障害者基金を盗むとは あくどい連中だ
公になれば 誰もマックスとクロエに同情するまい…
What kind of sick mind would steal money from the handicapped? Nobody will miss Max or her friend Chloe after this comes out.
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_PrincipalWellsMaze03_IGE_Wells_050 クロエ・プライスが車いすで登校したとしても 誰も同情などするものか Miss Price can't just show up at Blackwell in a wheelchair and think we're going to accommodate her every whim…
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_PrincipalWellsMaze03_IGE_Wells_060 やはりビクトリアを奨学生にすべきだったのだ I knew I should have given that scholarship to Victoria instead of Max...
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_PrincipalWellsMaze03_IGE_Wells_080 詮索グセを両親にどう説明したものか… How can I tell Max's parents that she's a nosy little bitch?
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_PrincipalWellsMaze03_IGE_Wells_090 ボタン 1 つでこの学校が吹き飛べばいいのに… I wish I could press a button and blow this whole fucking school up…
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_PrincipalWellsMaze03_IGE_Wells_100 ファイルを盗み見たヤツが判明したら デイビッドをけしかけてやる If I found out who went through my files... I’ll sic David Madsen on their ass.
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_SamuelCaught_IGE_Samuel_010 マックス! Max!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_SamuelCaught_IGE_Samuel_020 マックス! Max!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_SamuelCaught_IGE_Samuel_030 マックス! Max!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_SamuelCaught_IGE_Samuel_040 おっと! Uh-oh!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_SamuelCaught_IGE_Samuel_050 おいで マックス Come over here, young Max...
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_SamuelMaze03_IGE_Samuel_010 おいで マックス。 君は僕の守護動物だ… Come over here, young Max... You're my spirit animal...
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_SamuelMaze03_IGE_Samuel_020 二度と僕の部屋を嗅ぎ回らないでほしいな Samuel wants to make sure you never snoop around his room again...
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_SamuelMaze03_IGE_Samuel_030 スカーフを貸してもらえないかい? Do you have a scarf I can borrow, Max?
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_SamuelMaze03_IGE_Samuel_040 リスも君を嫌いになった… しかも腹ペコだ The squirrels hate you... and they’re hungry.
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_SamuelMaze03_IGE_Samuel_050 トバンガと友だちになれなかったんだね Too bad you didn’t become friends with the Tobanga…
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_WarrenCaught_IGE_Warren_010 マックス! Max!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_WarrenCaught_IGE_Warren_020 マックス! Max!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_WarrenCaught_IGE_Warren_030 おい! Hey!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_WarrenCaught_IGE_Warren_040 待てって! Stop!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_WarrenCaught_IGE_Warren_050 おい! Hey!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_WarrenMaze_IGE_Warren_010 マックス どこにいるの? 出ておいで… でーておいでー Max... Where are you? Max... Come out to play... Come out to play...!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_WarrenMaze_IGE_Warren_020 猿… 猿… 猿… 「猿の惑星」見にいこうよ?
いこうよ! いこうよ! 猿見にいこうよ!
Ape, Ape, Ape... Who wants to "Go Ape"?
Go Ape! Go Ape! Ape! Ape!!!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_WarrenMaze_IGE_Warren_030 さあ 車に乗って マックス。一緒にドライブしよう。 早く乗れよ! You dig my wheels, Max? Get in the car, I'll take you for a ride... Get in the car!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_WarrenMaze_IGE_Warren_040 ブルックは俺のことが好きなのに なんで君は? 何様のつもりだよ! Brooke loves me, so why don’t you? Huh? What makes you so special?
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_WarrenMaze_IGE_Warren_050 いるんだろ マックス? 君のナイトが迎えに来たよ。出てきなよ
Max, I know you're in here... You can run, but you can’t hide from your white knight... Give it up!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_WarrenMaze_IGE_Warren_060 あの青髪の不良とはどういう関係? 君に必要なのは俺だろ! What's up with you and that blue-haired loser? You need an alpha male, baby!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_WarrenMaze_IGE_Warren_070 俺がネイサンをブチのめしたとき興奮した? 俺はしたよ Did that get you hot when you saw me fuck up Nathan? I did.
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_WarrenMaze_IGE_Warren_080 マックス… 俺も「暗室」にいるマックスを見てみたかったよ… Max... imagine if we were in that Dark Room together... I have...
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_WarrenMaze_IGE_Warren_090 早く車に乗れ! ドライブインに行こう。 君を永遠に離さない
俺たちは猿になるんだ! 猿に!
I said, get in the car. Now.
We'll cruise to the drive-in and you'll be close to me forever... and we'll... Go Ape, Ape, Ape!!!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_WellsCaught_IGE_Wells_010 コールフィールド君… Miss Caulfield…
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_WellsCaught_IGE_Wells_020 待ちなさい! Wait, Max!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_WellsCaught_IGE_Wells_030 私を見ろ! Look at me!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_WellsCaught_IGE_Wells_040 マックス? Max?
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_WellsCaught_IGE_Wells_050 マックス! Max!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_WellsCaught_IGE_Wells_060 止まりなさい! Hold on, Max!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_WellsStatueCaught_IGE_Wells_010 コールフィールド君… Miss Caulfield…
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_WellsStatueCaught_IGE_Wells_020 待ちなさい! Wait, Max!
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_WellsStatueCaught_IGE_Wells_030 やあ マックス!! Hello, Max.
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_WellsStatueCaught_IGE_Wells_040 マックス? Max?
Cue_E5_7B_LabyStealth_WellsStatueCaught_IGE_Wells_050 マックス! Max!
Cue_E5_7B_LivingRoom_MaxPickUpPhone_William_030 もしもし… Hello?
Cue_E5_7B_LivingRoom_WilliamBeepKeys_Chloe_020 もう 1 ドル罰金! Another dollar for the swear jar!
Cue_E5_7B_LivingRoom_WilliamBeepKeys_William_010 クソッ カギはどこにいった? Shit, where are those keys?
Cue_E5_7B_LivingRoom_WilliamBeepKeys_William_030 破産させる気かい!? You're bankrupting me!
Cue_E5_7B_LivingRoom_WilliamNeedCarKeys_Chloe_030 バカみたい You are ridiculous.
Cue_E5_7B_LivingRoom_WilliamNeedCarKeys_Chloe_050 えー! Dad!
Cue_E5_7B_LivingRoom_WilliamNeedCarKeys_Chloe_100 汚い言葉 1 ドル罰金! That's a dollar for the swear jar!
Cue_E5_7B_LivingRoom_WilliamNeedCarKeys_William_010 ジョイス! クロエたちと朝ごはんを作ってたとこさ
Hey, honey... just making a fabulous breakfast with Chloe and Max. We're all going to work at the Two Whales...
Cue_E5_7B_LivingRoom_WilliamNeedCarKeys_William_015 えっ? …ああ 買い物ね もちろん迎えにいく モカにありつけるかもしれないしね
すぐ行くよ。 じゃあ…
What? Oh, I didn't know you had to get groceries. Of course I'll come pick you up. Now I have an excuse to get a mocha. Be there shortly. Love you...
Cue_E5_7B_LivingRoom_WilliamNeedCarKeys_William_020 さて セーブマートまで女王陛下を迎えにいくことになった
Excuse me, ladies, I have to go rescue yonder Queen at the Sav-Mart. She doth have many bags of delicious grub for us to feast upon.
Cue_E5_7B_LivingRoom_WilliamNeedCarKeys_William_040 それがパパのいいところさ You'll be grateful for that someday.
Cue_E5_7B_LivingRoom_WilliamNeedCarKeys_William_045 カギをしめといてくれよ。 仲良く遊んで 家を壊さないように… Now lock up after I leave, play nice, try not to destroy too much of the house.
Cue_E5_7B_LivingRoom_WilliamNeedCarKeys_William_090 クソっ カギはどこにいった Shit, where are my keys?
Cue_E5_7B_LivingRoom_WilliamNeedCarKeys_William_110 罰金じゃなくて大学資金な… カギは… You mean your college fund... Keys, please...
Cue_E5_7B_LivingRoom_WilliamNeedCarKeys_William_140 あと ワインの試飲会はダメだぞ… And no Chloe and Max wine-tasting session...
Cue_E5_7B_Nightmare_ChloeDarkRoom_Chloe_010 踊りってのはこうすんだよ。 ダサいマックスにはムリか See, this is how you bust a move, Max… No mosh pit for you, shaka brah!
Cue_E5_7B_Nightmare_ChloeDiner_Chloe_015 いい加減にしろよ。 お前と違って こっちのマックスはすべてを体験してんだ!
Dude, do not even fuck with her head! She knows what we went through together this week and you don't! There's no way you can break up our team! This is reality!
Cue_E5_7C_Beach_Insertion_Chloe_020 おっと 戻ってきたか。 それで 時間旅行はどうだった? I see that the real Max is back... So, how was your time trip, dude?
Cue_E5_7C_Beach_Insertion_Chloe_040 ずっと一緒にいるって決めたからな…
でも マックスはあたしを救うためだけに たくさんの時空を飛び回ってくれた…
その… 迷惑ばっかりで あたしのこと いやに… なったりしないか…?
Looks like even fate doesn’t want us apart... You traveled through multiple realities just to save my ungrateful ass over and over... I hope it was worth it, but I don’t blame you for wanting me out of your life after all my drama...
Cue_E5_7C_Beach_Insertion_Chloe_060 違う 時空をかけるスーパーヒーローだ
そんなヤツと親友だなんて あたしは世界一の幸せ者だよ
望んで その力を手に入れたわけじゃないのに…
You’re Max Fucking Caulfield, Time Warrior. Even if you weren’t, you’re kind and caring... Nobody could have a better best friend... Nobody. You didn’t ask for any of this to happen but it did... and you need to accept how awesome you are...
Cue_E5_7C_Beach_Insertion_Chloe_080 科学的な説明とか そういうのよく分かんないけどさ…
今 2 人でここにいることは偶然なんかじゃない…
レイチェルもどこかで… 見守ってるはず… そう思いたい
Then for whatever scientific mystical reason that we’ll obviously never figure out...we were meant to be together at this exact moment in history... I have to think that Rachel was somewhere behind the scenes, fighting for justice...
Cue_E5_7C_Beach_Insertion_Chloe_100 パーティの後 2 人であたしんちに戻ったんだ
ジェファソンに見つからないように… でも嵐がひどくなって
Well...we left the party and made sure Jefferson couldn’t find us. For once I was glad I lived in an actual fortress...Then the storm got hella crazy and you said we would be safe at the lighthouse...
Cue_E5_7C_Beach_Insertion_Chloe_120 やめろ! 自分を責めるなって!
マックスは十分やったよ… でも あれは…
これは… レイチェルの怒りなのか? それともあたしたちの?
Stop it! Stop beating yourself up! We’ve both paid our dues on that already... look at that... God, look at that monster... Who knows... this storm could be Rachel’s Revenge... Our revenge...
Cue_E5_7C_Beach_Insertion_Chloe_130 マックス! あれ! Max, you were right!
Cue_E5_7C_Beach_Insertion_Chloe_135 見ろ! 灯台は進路から外れてる! The lighthouse is out of the way of the tornado! Come on!
Cue_E5_7C_Beach_Insertion_Chloe_150 マックス どうした…? I‘ve got your back, Max.
Cue_E5_7C_Beach_Insertion_Max_010 …ッ! クロエ! Oh Chloe...
Cue_E5_7C_Beach_Insertion_Max_030 クロエ… よかった 生きてた… ! 私も… クロエも…!
Shut up... Oh, you're alive. You're alive, oh... Both of us.
I did so much to bring you back, Chloe… and, it worked… it actually worked. You’re with me again.
Cue_E5_7C_Beach_Insertion_Max_050 むしろ… 迷惑なのは私と私の力だよ
この町に起きてることすべてが… きっと私のせいで… 疫病神だよ
Come on, I’m the official Drama King and Queen of Arcadia Bay, this week. Just look at what my powers have caused in... just a short time. I mean… I’m nobody.
Cue_E5_7C_Beach_Insertion_Max_070 でも 心のどこかで望んでたのかも…
「普通じゃない人生を送りたい。 冒険したい」って
でもね でも…
だから この力も… クロエのおかげなんだよ
Maybe I willed it subconsciously, or something. I always wanted my life to be special… an adventure… but not without you. And, it didn’t happen until I moved back here, so... without you, my powers wouldn't even exist.
Cue_E5_7C_Beach_Insertion_Max_090 うん きっとそうだよ… レイチェルに感謝しないと…
それで何があったの? 覚えてるんでしょ?
I’d like to think that too. We all owe Rachel Amber. Now tell me everything that happened... you remember, right?
Cue_E5_7C_Beach_Insertion_Max_110 でも クロエ… こっちに向かってるよ… すごい竜巻…
ああ もうどうしたらいいか分かんない… 全部私のせいなのに…!
Chloe, look… the storm is getting bigger now. It's coming closer, oh… I can’t even believe this is real, but this is happening because of me.
Cue_E5_7C_Beach_Insertion_Max_140 クロエ… (faint) Chloe…
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_Bink_Chloe_010 5 年たっても相変わらずだな After five years you're still Max Caulfield.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_Bink_Max_020 ホント 会えてうれしいよ I am seriously glad to see you.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E1ChloeCar_Chloe_010 決まりだな Welcome home, Max.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E1ChloeCar_Chloe_020 じゃ 飛ばすよ Fasten your seatbelt.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E1Cliff_Chloe_010 でも 今日は助けてくれたじゃないか。 いまだに信じられないよ
You were here today, Max. You saved me! I'm still tripping on that... Seeing you after all these years feels like—
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E1Cliff_Chloe_030 これが運命なら… レイチェルを見つけたい。 レイチェルに会いたい If this is destiny, I hope we can find Rachel. I miss her, Max.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E1Cliff_Chloe_040 おい なんだこれ What the hell is this?
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E1Cliff_Chloe_070 マックス。 最初から話して Max, start from the beginning.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E1Cliff_Chloe_080 ちゃんと聞くよ… Tell me everything...
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E1Cliff_Max_020 運命? Destiny?
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E1Cliff_Max_050 雪…? Snowflakes...
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E1Cliff_Max_060 嵐の予兆かも Or a storm is coming.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E1DavidHome_Chloe_010 この曲 アガるな…! 恥ずかしがんなって! This song fucking rules! Can't dance, hippie? Come on!
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E1DavidHome_Chloe_020 踊れって! Rawk out, girl!
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E1DavidHome_Chloe_030 消して! 早く! Yo, turn it off, turn it off!
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E1DavidHome_Chloe_040 マックス 早く隠れて。 見つかったら あたしがぶっ殺される You need to hide. Now! My stepdad will kill me if he finds you here!
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E1FriendAgain_Chloe_010 たしか… 先月 誕生日だったよな I, uh... know it was your birthday last month...
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E1FriendAgain_Chloe_020 死んだパパのカメラ… プレゼントだ This was my real father's camera... I want you to have it.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E1FriendAgain_Chloe_040 なんか湿っぽくなったな… よし 気分を変えて 踊りまくろう! Now that we got the mushy shit out of the way, I feel like stage diving! Let's thrash this place!
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E1FriendAgain_Chloe_050 ほら マックスも踊るんだよ! どうした 恥ずかしいのか!?
じゃ そのカメラであたしを撮って
Yep, yep! I'm fucking insane in the brain! Let's dance! Shake that bony white ass! Or take my picture with your new camera!
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E1FriendAgain_Max_030 ホントにいいの!? ありがとう すごくうれしいよ Yes, of course it's cool! Thank you... This camera is so sweet.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E2Diner_Chloe_010 力のこと教えてくれよ Let's talk about your superpower...
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E2Diner_Chloe_020 ヤバいよ! Epic!
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E2Diner_Chloe_030 偉大なるマックス様 おみそれいたしました… I pledge allegiance to Max and the power for which she stands...
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E2Diner_Chloe_040 まさか ホントに時間を巻き戻せるなんて。 色々試さなきゃ! You can rewind time, Max. That's fucking insane. We have to play!
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E2Diner_Chloe_050 あたしに任せなって You need a sidekick to guide you.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E2Diner_Max_060 はいはい 分かりました… どこへでもついていくよ Okay, Girl Wonder... Show me the way to Chloe's Cave.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E2Junkyard_Chloe_010 さて "別荘"へようこそ。いいとこだろ? Welcome to American Rust, my home away from Hell.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E2Junkyard_Chloe_030 しっかし 親友と再会できたうえ 超能力者になってるとは… Max, do you know how awesome this is? I get my best friend back and she's also supersized?
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E2Junkyard_Chloe_050 あー待って 今 休めそうなとこ探すから… Max, here let me help you find a place to chill...
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E2Junkyard_Chloe_060 びっくりしたよ。 気分はどうだ? You freaked me out there. Do you feel any better now?
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E2Junkyard_Max_020 退廃的だね。 クロエにぴったり Raw and rough. It suits you...
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E2Junkyard_Max_040 ちょっと… 気分が… 悪いかも… I... don't... feel so super...
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E2PrinDoor_Chloe_020 誰が犯罪者だ… As long as you're my partner in time.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E2PrinDoor_Chloe_030 案外 あたしが先にこじ開けてるかもよ I might get on the other side of that door before you, Lupin.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E2PrinDoor_Chloe_060 魔法かよ!? どうやって入ったんだ? 教えろよ! You are magic. I have no clue how the hell you got in there, but you did it, sista.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E2PrinDoor_Max_010 ついに犯罪者の仲間入りだね I'm so glad you're my partner in crime.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E2PrinDoor_Max_040 じゃあ 勝負ってことで The race is on. See you soon.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E2PrinDoor_Max_050 どうぞ あがってって Welcome to my domain.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E2PrinOffice_Chloe_010 マックス ちょっとこれ見てみろよ Max, you better come check out these files...
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E2PrinOffice_Chloe_040 心を読んだのか?
それとも あたしがイスを盗もうとして巻き戻した? ややこしいな…
Max, do your powers include mind-reading? Or did you just rewind because I tried to steal the chair? Shit, I'm confused.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E2PrinOffice_Max_020 違う… ほら
「レイチェルは暗い部屋の中… 暗い部屋の中…」 それが延々と…
It's not a drawing... look, "Rachel in the dark room... Rachel in the dark room..." Over and over. That's it.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E2PrinOffice_Max_030 このイスはだめだからね No, you are not taking the cozy chair.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E2PrinOffice_Max_050 親友だから 考えてることくらい分かるよ It's the powers of best friendship. I know how you roll...
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E2Railroad_Chloe_010 また助かった… すげえ… マジで命の恩人だよ! You saved me again. Crazy. Now we're totally bonded for life!
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E2Railroad_Chloe_020 命の恩人のためなら よろこんで運転手をやらせてもらうよ Since you're the mysterious superhero... I'll be your faithful chauffeur and companion.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E2Railroad_Chloe_040 関係ないよ… あたしたちさえ ずっと一緒なら That's okay—we will. Forever.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E2Railroad_Max_030 でもこの力… いつまでもつか分からないよ My powers might not last, Chloe.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3ChloeRoomKiss_Chloe_010 ほら やってみて。 キス I double dare you. Kiss me now.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3ChloeRoomKiss_Chloe_020 マジで… マジでやった!
ウォーレンにメールして 脈がないことを知らせてやんないと…
ま 百合好きなら別だけど
Damn, you're hardcore, Max! Now I can text Warren and tell him he doesn't stand a chance... unless he's into girl-on-girl action.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3ChloeRoomKiss_Max_030 バカじゃないの You are such a dork.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3ChloeRoomNoKiss_Chloe_010 ほら やってみて。 キス I double dare you. Kiss me now.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3ChloeRoomNoKiss_Chloe_030 なにそれ? 本当はキスしてから巻き戻したくせに!
ウォーレンにメールしないと… マックスはキミを愛してるって…
Oh, like I am? Just admit that you already macked on me then used your rewind! Now I can text Warren that you're saving yourself all for him...
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3ChloeRoomNoKiss_Max_020 その手には乗らないよ Sorry, not that easy.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3ChloeRoomNoKiss_Max_040 バカじゃないの You are such a dork.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3ChloeRoomWakeUp_Chloe_010 笑って! Photobomb!
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3ChloeRoomWakeUp_Chloe_040 いい刺激になっただろ? We left a skid mark on Blackwell last night.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3ChloeRoomWakeUp_Max_020 せーの! Photo-hog!
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3ChloeRoomWakeUp_Max_030 昨日とは別世界みたい… It feels like a different world from yesterday...
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3ChloeRoomWakeUp_Max_050 昔みたく ウダウダしてられたらいいのに…
起きようか。 そろそろ学校に戻らないと…
Wish we could just hang out all morning like we used to... Maybe we should get up, I have to get back to Blackwell soon.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3FrankRV_Chloe_010 こいつだったらどこにでも行けるな
Oh, we could totally cruise everywhere in this bad boy! Can you see us heading down the coast to Big Sur or beyond?
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3FrankRV_Chloe_020 分かってる。 ただの夢さ I know. Just daydreaming.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3FrankRV_Chloe_030 レイチェルがフランクに こんな写真を撮らせてたなんて…
そんなの一言も言わなかった! なんで?
It makes me ill that Rachel posed like this for Frank... or wrote him love letters... I can't believe she was banging Frank! Rachel straight up lied to my face! Why didn't she say anything?
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3FrankRV_Chloe_050 友だちなら言うだろ! 結局 みんなあたしを裏切るんだ…
パパは死ぬし マックスは何年もいなくなるし…
Then she wasn't much of a friend, huh? Just another person who shits all over me. Why does everybody in my life let me down? My dad gets killed, you bail on me for years, my mother gloms onto step-fucker... now Rachel betrays me...
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3FrankRV_Max_040 怒るって分かってたからだよ Because she knew how you would react.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3Polarewind_Chloe_010 それはあたしが決めるの! 約束したでしょ! Not until I see it first! You know the rules, Dad!
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3Polarewind_Chloe_020 うちのパパがイケてるパパでよかったよ… Dude, I am so lucky that my father is cool...
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3Polarewind_Chloe_030 今日のマックス 絶対おかしい。 大丈夫? Max, you are being so fucking strange. You feel okay?
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3Polarewind_Max_040 クロエ… やったよ! 大成功だよ! Chloe, I am... awesome. We are awesome!
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3SwimPoolRun_Chloe_020 薬品まみれの髪も悪くないよ You look cute with your hair soaked in chemicals.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3SwimPoolRun_Chloe_040 やばい! Hide!
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3SwimPoolRun_Chloe_050 寮に戻る気かよ 見つかったらヤバいぞ! うちに来な You can't go back to your dorm now, you're a Blackwell fugitive! Crash at my place tonight.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3SwimPoolRun_Max_010 そうしようか。 水から出たら凍えるかも… Let's call it a draw. I'm gonna freeze my ass off when I get out...
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3SwimPoolRun_Max_030 やばい! Hide!
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3SwimPoolSwim_Chloe_020 あ カワウソ発見! Why, look! An otter in my water!
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3SwimPoolSwim_Chloe_030 その力がすべてを変えたな。 特にマックス自身を
Your power is changing everything, Max. Especially you. I can already tell. You're not so chickenshit anymore.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3SwimPoolSwim_Chloe_050 あたしもだ。 この町も マックスがいれば悪くない And you make me feel like I have a reason for still being in Arcadia Bay.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3SwimPoolSwim_Max_010 せーの! Cowabunga!
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E3SwimPoolSwim_Max_040 それ褒めてる? Thanks, girlfriend.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E4Beach_Chloe_010 なんか ちょっと… 不思議な感じだね It’s weird hanging out with you again.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E4Beach_Chloe_030 腫れ物に触るみたいなのはやめて。 普通に くだらない会話がしたいの Look, the worst thing you can do is treat me like a baby. I still want to laugh and talk shit with my best friend.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E4Beach_Chloe_040 ちょっと待って Can we stop?
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E4Beach_Chloe_050 ほら見て 夕日がすごくきれい。 何"アワー"だっけ…? This is seriously the best view of the sunset. What do photographers call that?
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E4Beach_Max_020 うん… でも楽しいよ I know... I’m glad we are, though.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E4Beach_Max_060 「マジックアワー」 The golden hour.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E4DarkRoom_Chloe_030 レイチェル…! Rachel…
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E4DarkRoom_Chloe_040 違うよな…? これ全部… ヤラセだよな? そうだろ!? This can't be real... These are all—these are all posed shots, right? Right?
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E4DarkRoom_Chloe_050 廃品置き場だ!
今すぐ確かめに行こう! ヤツが何をしたのか…
全部ヤラセだって。 絶対そうに決まってる!
The junkyard! Max, we have to find that spot, now! Then we can see what he did... There's no way she's dead. No way! She posed for those pictures, Max. I know it, please... let's go.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E4DarkRoom_Max_010 ケイトだけじゃない… 他にもこんなにたくさん犠牲者が… Kate wasn't the first... All those binders are filled with other victims.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E4DarkRoom_Max_020 ビクトリアが危ない… ネイサンは今夜のパーティで ビクトリアを狙う気だよ! Victoria has to be next. Nathan must be planning to dose her tonight at the Vortex Club party.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E4DetectiveBoard_Chloe_030 なんか気持ち悪りいな… おかげで目が覚めたけど
徹夜で探偵ごっこしてたせいで 頭ボーッとしてたからさ
You sound high, but thanks for the morning grope. Since we were up all night playing "CSI: Arcadia Bay," I was still spaced out here, trying to put all this info together.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E4DetectiveBoard_Max_010 クロエ… よかった! Chloe... you're back.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E4DetectiveBoard_Max_020 うれしいの… クロエが元気そうで! I'm just... I'm just—I'm so glad you're here!
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E4JunkyardRachel_Chloe_010 レイチェル…?
ウソだ… ウソだ! 信じない!
Oh, Rachel... No... no... Please, not her...
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E4JunkyardRachel_Chloe_030 レイチェル なんで… Rachel... why?
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E4JunkyardRachel_Chloe_050 親友だったのに…! どうして…! こんなのあんまりだよ…
I loved her so much... How can she be dead? What kind of world does this? Who does this?!
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E4JunkyardRachel_Max_020 クロエ… Chloe…
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E4JunkyardRachel_Max_040 クロエ… 落ち着いて… I’m sorry, Chloe. I’m so sorry…
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E4MedicalBed_Chloe_010 これ いい写真だね… 海賊ごっこしたときのだ! Whoa, awesome picture. We look so badass in our pirate gear.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E4MedicalBed_Chloe_030 あのね…
あたしは呼吸器系が弱ってて… その… か… 回復の見込みはないの
パパもママもあたしも これ以上は苦しむだけ
Listen, Max, my respiratory system is failing and... and it's only getting worse.
I've heard the doctors talking about it when they thought I was zonked out.
So I know I'm just putting off the inevitable,
while my parents suffer along... and I will, too.
This isn't how I want things to end.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E4MedicalBed_Chloe_050 あたしね… またマックスと一緒になれて もう思い残すことがないんだ…
町を二人で駆け回ってた 何でもできた子どもの頃みたいな気分を
今日 その願いがかなったよ
だから これを… 最後の思い出にしたい… 分かる?
I'm saying that being with you again has been so special. I just wanted to feel like when we were kids running around Arcadia Bay... and everything was possible.
And you made me feel that way today. I want this time with you to be my last memory...
Do you understand?
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E4MedicalBed_Max_020 結局 町を乗っ取ることはできなかったね We should have taken over Arcadia Bay when we had the chance.
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_E4MedicalBed_Max_040 え…? 何が言いたいの? What? What are you saying?
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_End_Chloe_010 がんばれ あと少しだ! Come on Max, we’re almost there!
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_End_Chloe_020 目を覚ませ! Please wake up!
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_End_Chloe_030 マックス 聞こえてるか? Max, can you hear me?
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_End_Chloe_040 しっかりしろ! がんばれって! Hang on, Max, we can make it!
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_End_Chloe_050 マックス! おい! Listen to me! Max!
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_End_Chloe_060 あと少しで灯台だ! 起きろって! We’re near the lighthouse! Wake up!
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_End_Chloe_070 頼む しっかりしてくれ! Dammit, Max, don't let me down!
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_End_Chloe_080 マックス! しっかり! Max, come on now!
Cue_E5_7Z_LabyChloe_End_Chloe_090 大丈夫 助かるぞ! Don't worry... we'll be okay.
Cue_E5_9A_Toilets_Ending_Chloe_010 ちゃんと誰もいないか確認したんだろうな? I hope you checked the perimeter, as my step-ass would say.
Cue_E5_9A_Toilets_Ending_Chloe_020 さて 本題だけど… Now, let's talk bidness—
Cue_E5_9A_TownEnd_CliffEndChloeDead_Max_010 クロエ… さよなら… Chloe... Au revoir...
Cue_E5_9A_TownEnd_NathanArrested_David_020 この… クソ野郎! You... son of a bitch!
Cue_E5_9A_TownEnd_NathanArrested_David_040 クロエ… そんな… そんな… Chloe... no... Please...
Cue_E5_9A_TownEnd_NathanArrested_David_050 クロエ… 間に合わなかった… 許してくれ… Chloe... I’m sorry I didn’t make it in time... I’m sorry...


Comfort なぐさめる Comfort
Destroy 壊す Destroy
GivePhoto 写真を渡す Give Photo
Hide 隠れる Hide
Tear 破る Tear
WarnDavid デイビッドに警告する Warn David
E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_000 考えがあるの I have a plan.
E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_001 しーっ! Ssshh!
E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_002 しっかりして Nobody is going to die...
E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_003 違う That's bullshit.
E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_004 私もいる We're both here.
E5_1A_DarkRoom_CHVictoria_Phase01_005 ケイト We'll see her again.
E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_000 地獄に堕ちろ Go to hell.
E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_001 クロエを殺した… You killed Chloe.
E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_002 黙って Blah blah blah.
E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_003 ケイトは苦しさを乗り越えた Kate survived.
E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_004 アーティストは教え子を… Artists don't kill.
E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_005 人を利用するなんて… You used Nathan.
E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_006 ネイサンも同類です He's as sick as you.
E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_007 人を何だと思ってるの… You didn't care.
E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_008 それは先生もでしょ… That makes two.
E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_009 どうしてレイチェルを… Why Rachel?
E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_010 クロエとレイチェル… Chloe and Rachel...
E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_011 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : GT_HUD_Dial_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_011 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : GT_HUD_Dial_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_011
E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_012 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : GT_HUD_Dial_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_012 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : GT_HUD_Dial_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_012
E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_013 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : GT_HUD_Dial_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_013 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : GT_HUD_Dial_E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_013
E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_014 自ら進んでモデルになったとでも She let you take pictures?
E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Phase01_015 心が通じてたのはフランク Did you know Frank?
E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Puzzle01_000 私にも見せてください Show me the photos.
E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Puzzle01_001 ここから出してください Let me go.
E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Puzzle01_002 私の日記 My diary.
E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Puzzle01_003 先生はどうかしてる You're sick.
E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Puzzle01_004 私はどうなるんですか? What are you going to do?
E5_1C_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Puzzle01_005 私はどうなるんですか? What are you going to do?
E5_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_000 ダゲレオタイプ Daguerreian Process.
E5_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_001 先生は偽善者です A real visionary.
E5_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_002 「とらえる」なんて悪趣味 Not "capturing."
E5_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_003 こんな授業… Who cares?
E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_000 なんだか実感がなくて… It's surreal.
E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_001 運がよかっただけです I'm lucky.
E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_002 皆だまされたんです Jefferson fooled us.
E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_003 先生のせいでは… Not your fault.
E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_004 ネイサンのことは言いましたよね I tried to tell you.
E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_005 私が報告してれば… I should have told you.
E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_006 異常気象 Strange weather.
E5_3B_ArtGallery_CHPrincipal_Phase01_007 天罰 Maybe it's karma.
E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_000 分からない We don't know.
E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_001 レイチェルは死んだの Rachel is dead.
E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_002 レイチェルは死んだの Rachel is dead.
E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_003 分からない We don't know.
E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_004 うん… Yes.
E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_005 ううん… No.
E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_006 クスリの過剰摂取 Overdose.
E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_007 今さら関係ないよ It doesn't matter.
E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_008 クロエも同じ Neither would Chloe.
E5_5C_Diner_CHFrank_FrankDial_009 うん… I know.
E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_000 探してくるよ I'll find her.
E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_001 クロエは大丈夫 She's safe.
E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_002 嵐から救ってくれた Storm.
E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_003 味方をしたつもりはなかったの Not against you.
E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_004 いろんな災が束になって… Perfect storm.
E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_005 ごめんなさい I'm sorry.
E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_006 おばさん次第 That's your choice.
E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_007 彼にはおばさんが必要 David needs you.
E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_008 彼にはおばさんが必要 David needs you.
E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_009 デイビッドはヒーローだよ David is a hero.
E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_010 探してくるよ I'll find her.
E5_5C_Diner_CHJoyce_JoyceDial_011 クロエは大丈夫 She's safe.
E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_000 Storm.
E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_001 クロエを助ける Save Chloe.
E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_002 Storm.
E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_003 もう行く Leave.
E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_004 ジェファソン He dosed me.
E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_005 レイチェル Rachel was killed.
E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_006 友だちだよね? You believe me?
E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_007 私のせい? This is my fault?
E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_008 信じてくれる? More time together.
E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_009 I started the storm.
E5_5C_Diner_CHWarren_WarrenDial_010 クロエ He killed Chloe.
E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_000 全員を疑っていた You suspected everybody.
E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_001 全然気づかなかった I never did...
E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_002 うん… Me too.
E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_003 確かに悩んでたけど… Kate was bullied.
E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_004 そんなことない… Not your fault.
E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_005 あなたがお手本になったのかも She learned from you.
E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_006 2 人で協力してきたから… We're a great team.
E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_007 クロエは頑固だから Chloe is tough.
E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_008 あなたは家族を思ってる You tried.
E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_009 私のせいで… I'm sorry.
E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHDavid_Phase01_010 怒りが抑えられなくて… I was pissed off.
E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Choice_000 灯り Lights.
E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Choice_001 Water.
E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Choice_002 写真 Photo.
E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Choice_003 音楽 Music.
E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Choice_004 照明を消してもらう Turn off the lights?
E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Choice_005 水をもらう Some water?
E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Choice_006 写真を撮ってもらう One last picture?
E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_Choice_007 音楽をかけてもらう Play some music?
E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_MaxInsult_000 死ねばいい Eat shit and die.
E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_MaxInsult_001 口が臭い Fuck you.
E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_MaxInsult_002 あんたに言うことなんてない Go fuck your selfie.
E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_MaxInsult_003 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : GT_HUD_Dial_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_MaxInsult_003 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : GT_HUD_Dial_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_MaxInsult_003
E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_MaxInsult_004 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : GT_HUD_Dial_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_MaxInsult_004 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : GT_HUD_Dial_E5_5D_DarkRoom_CHJefferson_MaxInsult_004
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_000 ジェファソン先生が殺した Mr. Jefferson killed him
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_001 復讐は無駄 Don't seek for revenge
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_002 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : GT_HUD_Dial_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_002 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : GT_HUD_Dial_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_002
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_003 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : GT_HUD_Dial_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_003 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : GT_HUD_Dial_E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_003
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_004 銃を渡して [BC] Give me the Gun [BC]
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_005 手を貸して [GC] Give me your hand [GC]
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_006 クロエを傷つけた [GC] Handicaped Chloe [GC]
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_007 レイチェルは死んでほしいと思ってない [GC] Rachel woudn't like you to die. [GC]
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_008 もう過去のことだよ [BC] It's the past, live your life. [BC]
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_009 他に助ける方法がなかった [GC] Only way to save her [GC]
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_010 死んで置いてった方がマシ? [BC] Rather die and leave me alone? [BC]
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_011 ネイサンはもう死んでる… Nathan is dead.
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_012 死んじゃったら… Too dangerous.
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_013 ジェファソンが殺した Jefferson killed him.
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_014 ジェファソンにクスリを注射されて Jefferson hurt me.
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_015 ジェファソンは殺人鬼 Jefferson is a psychopath.
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_016 ジェファソンにクスリを注射されて Jefferson hurt me.
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_017 私から離れないで Don't leave me.
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_018 過去を捨てて未来を救う Let the past go.
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_019 本当のことを話すね… Terrible choice.
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_020 未来をよくしようと思った I fucked up.
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_021 なんでもない Nothing...
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_022 おじさんの事故を防いだ Back in time.
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_023 なんでもない Nothing.
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_024 あとは警察に任せよう Tell the police.
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_025 デイビッドに任せよう Tell David.
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_026 クロエが生きててくれればいい I don't care.
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_027 デイビッドは命の恩人 David saved me.
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_028 クロエを大事に思ってる David cares about you.
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_029 独自に調査していた David was ahead of us.
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_030 ジェファソンにクスリを注射されて He hurt me.
E5_6A_Parking_CHChloe_Phase01_031 ネイサンはもう死んでる… Nathan is dead.
E5_7B_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_000 先生のことが好き I love you, Mr. Jefferson.
E5_7B_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_001 私たちだけの「暗室」 Our dark room.
E5_7B_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_002 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : GT_HUD_Dial_E5_7B_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_002 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : GT_HUD_Dial_E5_7B_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_002
E5_7B_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_004 私の自撮りはゴミ My selfies are shit.
E5_7B_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_005 クロエを殺してくれてよかった Thanks for killing Chloe.
E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_000 こんな力望んでなかった Wasn't my choice...
E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_001 みんなの力になりたかった I tried to help...
E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_002 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : GT_HUD_Dial_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_002 /!\ WARNING /!\ Text not localized : GT_HUD_Dial_E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_002
E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_003 ふり I do care.
E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_004 確かに… That's true.
E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_005 あれは正当防衛 Self-defense.
E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_006 やるべきことをやった I'm a survivor.
E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_007 親友 My best friend.
E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_008 クロエと私だけじゃない We all are.
E5_7B_Diner_CHMaxGhost_Phase01_009 私の使命 Destiny.
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E3_5A_BrightEyes ブライト・アイズ Bright Eyes
E3_5A_Sparklehorse スパークルホース Sparklehorse
Focus [action_interact] 写真にフォーカスする [action_interact] Focus On The Photo
E5_A1 本当のことを言う TELL THE TRUTH
E5_A2 本当のことを言わない HIDE THE TRUTH
E5_B1 何もしない LEAVE
E5_B2 キスする KISS
E5_B3 ハグする HUG
E5_C2 アルカディア・ベイを犠牲にする SACRIFICE ARCADIA BAY
Tuto34 [action_move] と [action_movecamera] で写真のピントを合わせる Use [action_move] and [action_movecamera] to focus the photo.
Tuto35 [action_move] と [action_movecamera] を回して最適なポイントを見つける Rotate [action_move] and [action_movecamera] until you find the sweet spot.
Tuto36 写真のピントが合ったら [action_move] と [action_movecamera] をホールド When the photo is clearly defined, hold [action_move] and [action_movecamera].
Tuto36PC 写真のピントが合ったら、すべてのキーとマウスボタンを離す When the photo is clearly defined, release all keys and mouse buttons.
Tuto37 [action_move_left]/[action_move_right] キーおよび [action_interact]/[action_rewind] でピントを合わせる Use [action_move_left]/[action_move_right] keys and [action_interact]/[action_rewind]
until you find the sweet spot.
Tuto38 (写真のフォーカス方法)
[action_move] と [action_movecamera] を回して最適なポイントを見つける
写真のピントが合ったら [action_move] と [action_movecamera] をホールド
(Focus gameplay)
Rotate [action_move] and [action_movecamera] until you find the sweet spot.
When the photo is clearly defined, hold [action_move] and [action_movecamera].
Tuto39 (写真のフォーカス方法)
[action_move_left]/[action_move_right] キーおよび [action_interact]/[action_rewind] でピントを合わせる
(Focus gameplay)
Press Left/Right keys and [action_rewind]/[action_interact] to focus.
Tuto42 この重要な情報は、フランク、ネイサン、警官に対して使える You can use this key information
with either Frank, Nathan, or Officer Berry.
E5_2A_DavidSMS01 [マドセンさん。 レイチェル・アンバーを探してますよね 犯人はマーク・ジェファソンです。 彼の「暗室」は] [Mr Madsen. You're after Rachel Amber. Mark Jefferson is guilty. His Dark Room]
E5_2A_DavidSMS02 [プレスコット家の農場の下にあります 場所はご存じのはずです。 彼はイカれていて危険です。 どうか止めてください] [is under the Prescotts’ farmhouse. You know the location. He’s sick and dangerous. Stop him.]
E5_2A_DavidSMS03 [彼はイカれていて危険です。 どうか止めてください] [He’s sick and dangerous. Stop him.]
E5_3A_IngameNewspaper [地元の教師、逮捕] [Local Teacher Arrested!]
E5_3A_IngameSMS [マジかよ!! おめでとう!! 親友がスーパースターなんて嬉しすぎる ここから写真家人生のスタートってことだな] [HOLY SHIT U RULE MAX!!!!! i am so proud of my superstar. this is just the start of your career]
E5_3B_MissedCall [不在着信 6 件] [6 Missed Calls]