ライフ イズ ストレンジ | Life Is Strange Episode 1 dialogue & HUD

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Act_E1_1A_CliffFuture_VoiceOver_Max_010 オレゴンでこんな嵐なんて… I've never seen a storm like this in Oregon...
Act_E1_1A_CliffFuture_VoiceOver_Max_020 とりあえずこの道を進むしかない… Maybe if I follow this trail I can find a way out...
Act_E1_1A_CliffFuture_VoiceOver_Max_030 怖い… 何が起きてるの…? This feels like the end of the world...
Act_E1_1A_CliffFuture_VoiceOver_Max_040 この先に灯台がある… あと少し… The lighthouse is up ahead, if I can make it...
Act_E1_1A_CliffFuture_VoiceOver_Max_050 大丈夫… 自分を信じて Come on Max, you can make it...
Cue_E1_1A_CliffFuture_IntroStorm_Max_010 え… 何? なんなの これ… Where am I? What's happening?
Cue_E1_1A_CliffFuture_IntroStorm_Max_020 すごい嵐… 私なんでここに…? っていうかここどこ!? I'm trapped in a storm? How did I get here? ...and where is "here"?
Cue_E1_1A_CliffFuture_IntroStorm_Max_030 あれは… 町の灯台… 中に入れば安全かも
とにかく 早く向かわないと…
Wait... There's the lighthouse... I'll be safe if I can make it there...
I hope... Please let me make it there...
Cue_E1_1A_CliffFuture_LighthouseBreak_Max_010 うそでしょ… Holy shit.
Cue_E1_1A_CliffFuture_LighthouseBreak_Max_030 うそ… NO!
Cue_E1_1A_CliffFuture_LighthouseBreak_Max_040 いやっ! Whoa! No!
Cue_E1_1A_CliffFuture_MaxFall_Max_010 ダメだ… これじゃまっすぐ歩けない…! Shit, I can't even walk in a straight line.
Cue_E1_1A_CliffFuture_MaxFall_Max_020 すごい風… 吹き飛ばされそう… This wind could actually blow me away...
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_ArcadiaPicture01_Look01_Max_010 この町も立派に見えるよね Arcadia Bay looks way more majestic here...
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_ArcadiaPicture02_Look01_Max_010 この辺の森は写真でもなんだか謎めいて見える… Even in pictures, the forest around here always looks mysterious...
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_ArcadiaPicture03_Look01_Max_010 この灯台は 町のどこにいても見える You can never escape the lighthouse here...
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Books_Look01_Max_010 生徒が自由に読める参考図書
レーボビッツはすごくリスペクトしてる。 ユージン・スミスも
アヴェドンの本もあるし もちろん ダリの本もある
聞いたことない名前も多いな… しっかり勉強しなきゃ
So cool that we can check these out anytime... "The Decisive Moment" by Henri Cartier-Bresson. That's rare... Annie Leibovitz, mad respect... the amazing Eugene Smith... good to see Avedon among the masters... Dali, of course... Lots of people I haven't heard of yet... I guess that's why I'm here.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Look01_Max_010 ジェファソン先生と話すときはいつもすごく緊張する。 恥ずかしい… This is ridiculous. I always get so shy and nervous around Mr. Jefferson.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Look02_Max_010 ジェファソン先生に何もかも話せたらな… でもそんなの無理… I wish I could go talk to Mr. Jefferson about what's going on... but I can't.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Look01_Max_010 ケイトはふさぎ込んでるな… どうしたんだろう Kate looks so sad and quiet today. Poor thing.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Look02_Max_010 ケイトに話せば信じてくれると思うけど… ふさぎ込んでるみたいだしな… Kate probably wouldn't laugh at me, but how could I ask her about what's going on?
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Computer_Interact01_Max_010 誰か作業中みたい。 結構いい感じ Looks like somebody was already working on this... cool.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Computer_Look01_Max_010 うちの学校 コンピューターにはお金かけてるよな… Obviously Blackwell spent bank on the computers here.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_DanielTable_Look01_Max_010 いい写真が撮れそう… Hmmm, this might make a cool shot...
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Diary_Interact01_Max_010 誰かに読まれたら 何て思われるかな… If anybody else looked at this, what would they think?
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Diary_Look01_Max_010 サボらずに ちゃんと毎日書かなきゃな… I haven't kept up with my journal as much as I should.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Diary_Look02_Max_010 どうなってるの…? さっきとまったく同じだ… What is going on? Nothing has moved at all.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Drawer01_Look01_Max_010 すごい…!
未開封の 35mm フィルムもある…!
Look at this...fancy shutter releases, more badass lenses, and actual 35mm film in original boxes! Even with the awesome new gear, I still dig my old hipster camera and glossies.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Generic_Look01_Max_010 早くしなきゃ… 間に合わなくなる! Get going, Max, you don't have time!
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Generic_Look02_Max_010 ぐずぐずしてる暇はない… What are you waiting for? Go!
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Generic_Look03_Max_010 こんなことしてるうちに あの子が死んじゃうよ! That's not as interesting as that girl about to die!
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Generic_Look04_Max_010 早く女子トイレに行かないと…! You better get to that bathroom!
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Generic_Look05_Max_010 遊んでないで あの子を助けにいかなきゃ Stop this bullshit and go save that girl!
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Generic_Look06_Max_010 いつまでもここにいたら間に合わなくなっちゃう! How long are you going to stall? Move!
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Generic_Look07_Max_010 早く行かなきゃ あの子が撃たれちゃうよ That girl is going to get shot, unless you go!
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Generic_Look08_Max_010 こんなことしてる場合じゃないよ! There's no time to fuck around here!
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Generic_Look09_Max_010 あの子を助けにいかなきゃ That girl needs your help now!
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Generic_Look10_Max_010 このままじゃ失敗しちゃう! …あの子を助けなきゃ Wowser, you are blowing it! Save that girl!
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Generic_Look11_Max_010 ぼーっとしてる場合じゃない。 急がなきゃ You don't have time to gaze. Get out of here!
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Generic_Look12_Max_010 こんなことしてる場合じゃない Stop wasting time. Go!
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_GroupPhoto_Look01_Max_010 最初の週に ジェファソン先生が撮ってくれたクラス写真
私は写りたくなかったけど 先生が実際に写真を撮る姿を見られて
That was amazing when Mr. Jefferson took a class picture the first week. Even though I didn't want to be in the picture at all, it was fairly fucking cool to watch him at work framing us.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Ipad_Interact01_Max_010 ビクトリアの持ち物は学校の備品より高性能だね I should have known. She'll have better equipment than Blackwell.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Ipad_Look01_Max_010 ビクトリアは 何から何まで一番高くて最新のものをそろえてる Of course, Victoria has to have the bestest, newest, most expensive everything.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_JeffersonCamera_Look01_Max_010 ジェファソン先生のカメラはやっぱり違うな…
これってたしか 2 万ドルはするはず…
私は インスタントカメラ派だけど
Whoa! Mr. Jefferson is not messing around with that monster. He probably paid 20 grand for that camera... I bet he gets pristine digital images. But I still dig my little instant camera.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_MaxBag_Look01_Max_010 カメラを入れてるバッグ。 ボロいけどお気に入り My little camera bag is battered, but still kicking.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_MaxBag_Look02_Max_010 何もかも同じだ…! Dammit, everything is the same!
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_PaperBall_Interact01_Max_010 はあ… 読まなきゃよかった。 忘れよう Now I wish I wouldn't have read this. Purge.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_PaperBall_Look01_Max_010 読まないほうがいいと思うけど… 気になるな… I know I shouldn't read this...but I'm nosey.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_PencilCase_Look01_Max_010 ペンケース いいかげんに買い換えたほうがいいかな…
でも このレトロな感じが気に入ってるんだよね
I can't believe I still have this pencil case. I should upgrade to the 21st century. But I like it old school.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_PencilCase_Look02_Max_010 ペンケースの位置も同じだ… My pencil case is still in the same place...
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_PhotoBook_Look01_Max_010 この授業だけは ノートを取るのも苦にならない This is my only class where taking notes is actually cool.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_PhotoBook_Look02_Max_010 さっきと何も変わってない… これってどういうこと? Okay, everything is still exactly the same...why?
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_PhotoStuff01_Look01_Max_010 すごい! カーボンファイバーの三脚だ!
Damn, they have carbon fiber tripods here. The ballhead even has a pan-lock? God, I'm such a photo nerd.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_PhotoStuff02_Look01_Max_010 名機がこんなにそろってる!
すごい 超音波モーターレンズだ!
ビンテージの距離計もある! いいなあ…
This is definitely where cameras go to heaven... Oh man, they have those sweet ultrasonic lenses... and look at that vintage rangefinder! Want!
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Photo_Look01_Max_010 こんな駄作 ジェファソン先生には見せられないよ
Look at this crap! How can I show this to Mr. Jefferson? I can hear the class laughing at me now.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Photo_Look02_Max_010 この写真も変わってない… 何もかもさっきと同じだ Still the same stupid picture... So everything seems the same as before.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_PlasmaTV_Look01_Max_010 授業で使うモニターまで 高性能のプラズマ HD テレビ…
Man, he even has the best plasma HDTV for a class monitor. Can't wait to watch some more documentaries on this bad boy.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Polaroid_Look01_Max_010 お気に入りのアナログカメラ。 ちょっと 1 枚撮ってみようかな I do love my analog camera. I should take a quick picture now.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Polaroid_Look02_Max_010 これ以上自撮りするのはやめておこう Sorry, Max. No more selfies right now.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Polaroid_Look03_Max_010 壊れたはずのカメラが ちゃんと直ってる… Wowser, my old broken camera is new again...
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Poster01_Look01_Max_010 コンテストのポスターだ
Here's the poster for the contest... Mr. Jefferson really expects me to enter. Why? I don't know if I'm ready for my 15 minutes of infamy.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Poster01_Look02_Max_010 ヒーロー If I want to be an "Everyday Hero" I better go save that girl!
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Poster02_Look01_Max_010 ジェファソン先生の作品を見てると 私も頑張ろうって思えてくる So cool to see Mr. Jefferson's actual published pictures. Gives me hope.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Poster03_Look01_Max_010 ジェファソン先生が撮った雑誌の表紙。 さすがだなあ I love seeing Mr. Jefferson's awesome photos on these magazine covers.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Printer_Look01_Max_010 こんなプリンターで 自分の写真をプリントしてみたいな…
ま もっとうまくなってからの話だけど…
That printer is amazing. I'd love to see how it reproduces my pictures. I could pump out a whole gallery show with that thing. When I don't suck. Someday...
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Taylor_Look01_Max_010 テイラーはビクトリアの取り巻きの 1 人 Taylor, one of Victoria's best friends.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Taylor_Look02_Max_010 さっきと同じ… I've already lived that...
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_TextBook_Look01_Max_010 何もかも特別仕様…
授業中にあんな嫌み言うなんて 中学生レベルでしょ!
Even her schoolbooks are gift-wrapped. I can't believe she made fun of me in class. What is she, fifteen years old? And people laughed...
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Victoria_Look01_Max_010 ビクトリアを見ると いつも悪口言われてるような気がする… Every time I look at Victoria I feel like she's talking smack about me.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Victoria_Look02_Max_010 ビクトリアもさっきと同じ場所にいる… Victoria hasn't moved from that spot...
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOver01_Max_010 何… 今の…? That was so surreal.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOver01_Max_020 落ち着かなきゃ… 大丈夫… Okay, Max, everything's cool.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOver01_Max_030 ヘンなもの飲まされたわけじゃない… Chill out. Nobody dosed you.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOver01_Max_040 写真を撮って これが現実か確かめよう… I should take a picture to prove I'm still here...
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOver01_Max_050 ポートフォリオ用の写真も要るし Plus it's perfect for my portfolio.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOver01_Max_060 毎日自撮りするって決めたしね And I have to get my daily selfie quota.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOver02_Max_010 ビクトリアはさっそく「営業活動」か… Victoria doesn't waste a second kissing ass.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOver02_Max_020 今日も順調に恥かいたな… Another daily fail in front of the world.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOver02_Max_030 憧れの先生の授業で大恥かくとか ホント最低… It's so awesome to look like an idiot in my favorite teacher's class.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOver03_Max_010 あーあ… やっちゃった… Good going Max. You dumbass.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_010 え… な… 何これ…!? Whoa! What the fuck...?
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_050 どういうこと…? 夢なんかじゃない… でも 意味が分からない… Good Lord, that was so real, so...strange.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_060 何が起きたの…? What just happened to me?
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_080 女子トイレにいたら… I was in the bathroom...
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_100 女の子が撃たれて… He shot that poor girl...
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_110 手を伸ばしたら… またここにいた… ...I held up my hand... and then I was back here.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_120 ウソ… ありえない…! How? How can that be?
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_130 よし… 落ち着いて考えてみよう… Max, don't freak out. Not yet.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_140 なんでまたここにいるの…? So how did I get back here?
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_150 さっきの女の子 死んじゃったの…? Is that girl actually dead?
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_160 この授業 さっき受けた I already heard this lecture...
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_170 どういうことか よく考えてみよう… I have to find out what's going on.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_180 深呼吸して… 落ち着いて… 頭を整理してみよう… Take another breath...Be cool...What the hell is happening?
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_200 しっかりしなきゃ… Keep it together, Max.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_210 ヘンなもの飲まされた…? Maybe I was dosed...
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_220 デジャブにしてはリアルすぎるよ… That was the most intense deja-vu ever...
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_240 ケイトがまたいじめられてる Now Kate is being hassled again...
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_250 ビクトリアの電話が鳴ったら… ホントにヤバい… And if Victoria's phone rings... This is real.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_260 そんなはずないよ… No way this is happening.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_270 ここは… いつもの教室… 大丈夫… 落ち着こう… Okay... I'm in class... Everything's cool... I'm okay...
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_280 これは… さっきと同じ光景…? Wait...I'm in class all over again...
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_290 授業の内容もまったく同じ…! And this is the exact same lecture!
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_300 あの女の子がまだ生きてたら… 助けられる…? What if that girl isn't dead yet? Can I save her?
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_310 急いで女子トイレに行ってみなきゃ…! I need to get to the bathroom fast and find out...
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_320 さっきは自撮りしたあと 先生に当てられた。 同じ事が起きたら… 間違いない When I took my selfie, Jefferson asked me a question. If he does again, I'll know this is for real.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_330 ウソでしょ…
さっきとまったく同じ質問された… ってことは…
Whoa, Jefferson asked me the same exact question...This is FOR REAL. That girl is going to die!
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_340 おかしくなったわけじゃないし… 夢でもない… 勇気を出さないと… Max, you are not crazy. You are not dreaming. It's time to be an everyday hero.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind01bis_Max_010 さっきの子… 今ならまだ助けられるかな? Is this girl really dead, or do I still have time to save her?
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind01bis_Max_020 今すぐ女子トイレに行って確認しなきゃ…! I need to go to the bathroom quickly and check it out!
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind02_Max_010 信じられないけど… これってひょっとして… 時間を巻き戻せるってこと…? Okay, if I'm crazy, I might as well go all the way... Can I actually reverse time?
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind03_Max_010 マズい… 居残りしろって言われちゃった… あの子を助けなきゃいけないのに! Oh shit, Jefferson wants to keep me after class. And I need time to save that girl...
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind03_Max_020 もう一度巻き戻して 正解を答えたら…? What if I rewind again, and give him the right answer?
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind04_Max_010 やっぱり 巻き戻せるんだ… So I can go back in time...
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind04_Max_020 これは絶対に夢じゃない。 現実だ。 間違いない I know I'm not dreaming this. It's real. I can tell.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind04_Max_030 どうして…? なんで私が…? Why is this happening? And to me?
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind04_Max_040 信じられないよ こんなの… This is so fucking bizarro.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind04_Max_060 誰かに話したら きっと変人扱いされる… I can't tell anybody; they'll think I'm nuts.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind04_Max_100 さっきの子 助けられるかな… Could I save the girl in the bathroom?
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind04_Max_110 女子トイレに行って あの子を助けなきゃ I need to hurry to the bathroom to save that girl.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_VoiceOverRewind04_Max_120 私が女子トイレに行かないと あの子がまた死んじゃう… That girl is going to die again, unless I get to the bathroom.
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Window_Look01_Max_010 キャンパスの風景は気に入ってる。 緑が多くて 落ち着くんだよね I like this panoramic view of Blackwell. Everything looks so green and serene...
Act_E1_2A_ArtClass_Window_Look02_Max_010 同じ風景だ… 時間がループしてるってこと…? 映画じゃあるまいし… Everything looks the same... I feel like I'm in Groundhog Day... But this isn't funny.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Alyssa_Look01_Max_010 アリッサはいつもスマホいじってるけど
Alyssa is always texting, but she doesn't hang out with a lot of people.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Alyssa_Look02_Max_010 ここにいる人は助けてくれない。 急がなきゃ! Nobody here can help you. Move!
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_BigfootBanner_Look01_Max_010 「ビッグフット」か。 自分の学校のチームなんだから 応援しなきゃね The Bigfoots' stomp... I should develop some school spirit. Go team.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Board01_Look01_Max_010 必要ないし 興味ないし バックパックは盗んでない Don't need a PC, missed the Poetry Jam Tryouts, and I did not steal that backpack.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Board02_Look01_Max_010 掲示板に貼ってあるものを見ると その学校のことがよく分かるね You can really learn a lot about a school by the weird shit posted on the boards.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Brooke_Look01_Max_010 ブルックはウォーレンと仲いいみたい。 ウォーレンが好きそうなタイプだし I've seen Brooke hanging out with Warren. She seems like his type.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Brooke_Look02_Max_010 何が起きてるか ブルックも全然気づいてない…! Brooke has no idea of the shit going on right now!
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_CHPrincipal_Look01_Max_010 校長のウェルズ先生はいつも上の空
私 嫌われてる?
Principal Wells always looks so distracted. I can never figure out what he's thinking... Does he hate me?
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Courtney_Look01_Max_010 あの子はたしかコートニー。 いつもテイラーとビクトリアの言いなりになってる I think that's Courtney. She's such a slave to Taylor and Victoria...
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Courtney_Look02_Max_010 みんな何が起きてるか気づいてない。 誰にも話せないよ They have no idea what is going with me and I can't tell them anything.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Dana_Look01_Max_010 デーナとは寮の階が同じ
こういう典型的な美人チアリーダータイプの子って 工場で量産されてるのかな…
でもデーナはいい子だから そんな言い方しちゃ悪いよね
Dana is on my floor, too. She's such an archetypal gorgeous cheerleader. They must make them in a factory. ...I shouldn't be so catty. Dana is nice to me.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Dana_Look02_Max_010 誰かに相談できたらいいけど… 信じてくれるわけないよね God, I wish I could talk to somebody about this... but everyone would think I'm nuts.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Daniel_Look01_Max_010 ダニエルはすごくいい人なのに… ローガンのヤツ ぶっ飛ばしてやりたい! Poor Daniel. He's so nice. I wish I could beat the shit out of Logan.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Daniel_Look02_Max_010 ダニエルがまたいじめられてる… 何度もごめんね… Daniel is getting bullied all over again. I hope he doesn't remember...
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Evan_Look01_Max_010 エバンはあまり話しかけてこない。 でもすごくいい写真を撮るんだ Evan doesn't say much to me, but, his photos are very cool.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Evan_Look02_Max_010 早く行かないと あの子が死んじゃうよ! Forget about them and go before that girl dies!
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Grant_Look01_Max_010 科学のグラント先生はいい先生だよ Ms. Grant is a great science teacher.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Grant_Look02_Max_010 先生に話してもムダだよ… Ms. Grant can't help me now.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Halloween01_Look01_Max_010 ハロウィンは一番楽しみなイベント! Yay Halloween, my favorite time of year!
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Halloween01_Look02_Max_010 廊下がガイコツだらけになるって いいよね! You can never have enough ghosts and skeletons in the hall.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Halloween01_Look03_Max_010 ずっと 10 月だったらいいのになあ… I wish October would last forever...
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Halloween01_Look04_Max_010 あれはハロウィンの飾りじゃないよね… ずっとあそこにあるっぽいし That doesn't look like a decoration...It looks like it's been here forever.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Hayden_Look01_Max_010 ヘイデンだ
ボルテックス・クラブのメンバーだけど そんなにイヤなヤツじゃない
There's Hayden, another Vortex Club bro. But, he's actually not an ass.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Hayden_Look02_Max_010 今話しかけてる場合じゃないよ Why look at him? He can't help you!
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Juliet_Look01_Max_010 ジュリエットとは寮の階が同じ。 彼女もボルテックス・クラブのメンバー There's Juliet from my dorm. Yet another Vortex Club disciple.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Juliet_Look02_Max_010 早く女子トイレに行って あの子を助けないと No, Max, they can't save that girl in the bathroom.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Justin_Look01_Max_010 あれはデーナ。 相手の男子は… ジャスティンだったかな That's... Dana talking to... I think his name is Justin.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Justin_Look02_Max_010 みんな完全にいつもどおり… 私一人でパニくってる… How can everybody look so calm, when I feel so stressed?
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Logan_Look01_Max_010 ローガンは弱い者いじめするから大ッ嫌い
それに ボルテックス・クラブのメンバーだし
I hate bully jockstraps like Logan. And he's a Vortex Club member.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Logan_Look02_Max_010 ローガンにだけは絶対相談しないよ You can't help me at all, Logan.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_MPA01_Look01_Max_010 このビラ 校内のあちこちに貼ってあるな… These "Missing Persons" posters are popping up everywhere.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_MPA01_Look02_Max_010 「レイチェル・アンバー」… きれいな子だな…
Rachel Amber.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_MPA01_Look03_Max_010 もう何か月も行方不明なのか… It looks like she's been gone for months.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_MPA01_Look04_Max_010 この子に何があったんだろう… I wonder what actually happened to her...
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_MPA01_Look05_Max_010 早く女子トイレに行かないと あの子が大変なことになる! If I don't hurry to that bathroom, another girl will be in trouble!
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_MaxLocker_Interact02_Max_010 パパとママの大事な写真
アンディ 今日もバッチリ決まってるね…
I love that picture of Mom and Dad... Hello Jack, kiss kiss... Andy, you look totally fabulous, as usual...
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_MaxLocker_Interact03_Max_010 やっぱり さっきと同じ Right, everything is still in the same place...
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_MaxLocker_Look01_Max_010 みんなにロッカーの中は見られたくない I hate having everybody see inside my locker.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Plan01_Look01_Max_010 こんなの暗記してる人 いるのかな? でも実際は みんなしたほうがいいよね How many students ever actually memorize all this shit? I guess we all should, these days.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Poster01_Look01_Max_010 大変だな… 私も活動に協力したほうがいいのかも… ま やらないけどね That's so messed up. I should contact them to find out what I can do... As if I am.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Poster02_Look01_Max_010 また灯台か… There's the lighthouse again...
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Poster03_Look01_Max_010 献血 したほうがいいよね? I shouldn't be so stingy with my blood.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Poster04_Look01_Max_010 銃はおうちに置いてきましょう! Good thing I left my AK at home.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Poster05_Look01_Max_010 こんなビラでいじめがなくなれば苦労しないって Yes, this poster must stop bullies dead in their tracks.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Poster06_Look01_Max_010 このポスター オタク臭全開だな。 ウォーレンが好きそう Nerd alert! This poster has Warren written all over it.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Poster07_Look01_Max_010 「私もネイサンやビクトリアみたいにイケてる生徒になりたいわ!」…
Oh, I can hardly wait to never be too cool like Nathan and Victoria. Lame.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalDoor_Look01_Max_010 校長先生はいつも校長室にこもってる Principal doesn't come out of his office much.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalDoor_Look02_Max_010 早く女子トイレに行かないと! What are you doing? Get to the bathroom!
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_RewindChoice_NathanDenounce_Max_010 校長はなにもしてくれないだろうけど…
Of course this academic drone won't do anything since the Prescott family owns Blackwell now. Should I rewind and change my story?
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_RewindChoice_NathanLie_Max_010 ダメだ 全然信じてない。 下手すると奨学金がもらえなくなるな…
巻き戻して 本当のことを話そうかな
No, he does not buy that at all. I may have just flushed my scholarship down the toilet...Yes, I could rewind and actually tell him the truth...
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Samuel_Look01_Max_010 サミュエルってほんと変な人。 でもそこがいいんだよね God, Samuel is such a weirdo. But I kinda like that about him.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Samuel_Look02_Max_010 サミュエルにも このことは話せないな I can't talk to Samuel about this, even if he might believe me.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_ScienceDoor_Look01_Max_010 ここが科学室。 ウォーレンの脳みそへの入り口… Ah, the science room. Here's the portal to Warren's brain...
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_ScienceDoor_Look02_Max_010 ダラダラしてないで 早くトイレにいかないと I have to stop screwing around and get to the bathroom!
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Stella_Look01_Max_010 ステラはいつもノートとにらめっこ。 本気で勉強しにブラックウェルに来てる Stella is always deep in her notes. She didn't come to Blackwell to mess around.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Stella_Look02_Max_010 ステラ まだノートを見てる。 早く行かないと! Stella is still there with her notes. Quick, move, Max!
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Taylor_Look01_Max_010 テイラーだ。 いつもビクトリアを待ってる There's Taylor, always waiting for Victoria.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Taylor_Look02_Max_010 見てないで早く行かないと! Stop staring and go!
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Trevor_Look01_Max_010 スケーターは好きだけど 私の想いはいつも一方通行 He's cute. I like skater boys. Too bad they don't like me.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Trevor_Look02_Max_010 みんな 前と同じ場所に立ってる。 急がないと Everybody is in the same place as they were before. I do need to hurry.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Trophy01_Look01_Max_010 すごいトロフィー。 さすがビッグフットってとこかな Look at these trophies. Gotta give it up for those Bigfoots. They do stomp.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Trophy02_Look01_Max_010 水泳にはだいぶ力入れてるな。 カワウソ かわいいからいいけど
Blackwell sure takes its swimming seriously. But otters are cute. Go Otters!
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_VendingMachine_Look01_Max_010 「砂糖販売機」って呼べばいのに… コインを入れたら砂糖が出てくる 最高だね They should just call it a "Sugar Machine"... That would be awesome if you put money in there and a bag of sugar dropped out.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_VoiceOver01_Max_010 わかってる コンテストに写真を出すのが怖いだけ You totally wussed out on entering the photo contest.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_VoiceOver01_Max_020 たかだか写真 1 枚でビクビクするなんて… It's just one stupid picture... Not your soul.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_VoiceOver01_Max_030 また個室に入って泣くつもり? Max, you can always hide in a stall and cry.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_VoiceOver01_Max_040 みんなここにいるだけで幸せって感じ Everybody looks happy just to be here. Whatever.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_VoiceOver01_Max_050 落ち着いて 水道で顔を洗おう… Okay, chill. Splash some water on your face.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_VoiceOver01_Max_060 トイレで一息つきたい… You need a bathroom time out...
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_VoiceOver02_Max_020 先に 顔を洗ってスッキリしたいな… I need to go splash some water on my face and freshen up first.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_VoiceOver02_Max_030 目がジンジンする。 先にトイレに行きたい My eyes are stinging. Let's go to the bathroom first.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_VoiceOver02_Max_040 まずトイレに行きたい I should hit the bathroom first.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_020 誰にも言えない… おかしいと思われる… I can't tell anybody... they'll think I'm crazy!
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_040 あの子をトイレで死なせられないよ… I can't let that girl die in the bathroom...
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_VoiceOverRewindExit01_Max_010 今出て行ったら あの子死んじゃう… If I leave now, that girl is going to die.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_VoiceOverRewindExit01_Max_030 ビビってないで トイレに行くんだ… Don't be a wuss, go to that bathroom.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_VoiceOverRewindExit01_Max_040 今逃げたら一生後悔する… If I bail now, I'll totally regret it forever...
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Zachary_Look01_Max_010 ジュリエットとザッカリーが付き合うのも当然
Figures Juliet would be dating Zachary. Jocks sucked up in the Vortex Club.
Act_E1_2A_Corridor_Zachary_Look02_Max_010 ここにいる人は助けてくれない。 急がなきゃ! Nobody here can help you. Move!
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_Butterfly_Look01_Max_010 あの蝶… 真っ青できれい
レースみたいな羽… 背景との対比もすてき…
Wowser. Look at that butterfly. It's so blue and perfect... I love the contrast of its colors against the tile...Those tiny wings are like lace...How far away did it come to get here?
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_Butterfly_Look02_Max_010 あの蝶 どこから来たの?
今までに見たことない種類。 羽が光ってるみたい…
空気が流れるのを感じる… まるで精霊のよう…
Whoa, where did that butterfly come from? It doesn't look like any kind I've ever seen before... The blue wings are practically glowing... I can almost feel the air moving around me... The butterfly feels almost like a spirit...
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_FireAlarm_Look01_Max_010 先月も誰かが鳴らしたな。化学の授業をサボれたからいいけど I remember when somebody punked the alarm last month...at least I got out of science class for that quiz.
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_FireAlarm_Look02_Max_010 ハンマーでもないと壊せない! I need a hammer to break it open!
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_Graffiti_Look01_Max_010 こんなこと わざわざ書く? Now who would bother to write that crap?
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_Hammer_Look01_Max_010 ハンマーがあった! これでガラスが割れる! There's the hammer! Now I can break this goddam glass!
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_Poster01_Look01_Max_010 これを見てセックスに励む人なんているのかな This poster must drive people to have sex.
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_Poster02_Look01_Max_010 こないだの予防接種は 何も"予防"しなかったし。 もういいよ The last time I got a flu shot, I got the flu. Fuck you.
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_Poster04_Look01_Max_010 人生 こんなに単純だったら… If only life was that simple.
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_TamponDispenser_Look01_Max_010 今はいらないかな I'm good to flow, thanks.
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_Trolley_Look01_Max_010 サミュエルが掃除用具のカートを忘れてったみたい Looks like Samuel forgot to take the cleaning cart out of here.
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOver01_Max_010 なにしに来たんだっけ… I did come in here for a reason.
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOver01_Max_020 脂汗で気持ち悪いな… My face feels so oily and gross.
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOver01_Max_030 せっかく来たし 顔でも洗おう… I should freshen up now that I'm here.
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOver01_Max_040 ダメ! NO!
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_010 よし さっきを思い出して… Okay, Max, retrace every step...
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_020 顔を洗って… I washed my face...
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_030 写真を破ったら… I shredded my photo...
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_040 えーっと… 蝶が入ってきて… Then the... butterfly flew in...
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOverRewind01_Max_050 写真を撮った… And I took a photo...
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOverRewind02_Max_010 うわ また同じだ… Wowser, it's happening again.
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOverRewind02_Max_020 助けるなら今よ… Here's your chance to save her...
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOverRewind02_Max_030 マックス ほら なんとかしないと Come on, Max, do something.
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOverRewind03_Max_010 ダメ これじゃ一緒だ… また時間を巻き戻せば助けられるかも Holy shit, I can't let this happen... If I can reverse time again, I can help her.
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOverRewind04_Max_010 本当に変な力があるんだ… Oh my God. I have powers.
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOverRewind04_Max_020 時間を巻き戻した… I actually reversed time...
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOverRewind04_Max_030 私にいったい何が起こってるの? What is going on with me?
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOverRewind04_Max_040 すごい… でも疲れた… Amazing... and now I feel tired...
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOverRewind04_Max_060 くたくただ… Now I'm totally drained...
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOverRewind04_Max_070 撃たれた女の子を この手で助けたんだ… いったいどうなってるの? I just saw a girl get shot and then saved her! What the fuck is going on?
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOverRewind04_Max_080 落ち着いて… 落ち着かないと… Calm down, Max...Calm fucking down!
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOverRewind04_Max_090 もう何が現実なのか分からないよ! That did not happen! This cannot be real!
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOverRewind04_Max_100 私は大丈夫… あまり深く考えちゃダメ… You got this shit, Max. You're cool. Just don't think. Don't...
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOverRewind04_Max_110 ウソ ウソ ウソ! Shit, shit, shit!
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOverRewind04_Max_120 こんなのあり得ない… 何が起きてるの… This can't be happening...What is happening?
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOverRewind04_Max_130 パニックを起こしちゃダメ Do. Not. Freak. Out.
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOverRewind04_Max_140 どうして私がこんな目に? Why is this happening to me? Why?
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOverRewind04_Max_150 おかしくなってなんかない。 絶対に… Max, you are not going crazy. You are not going crazy...
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOverRewind04_Max_160 夢なら早くさめて… Please please let me wake up...
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOverRewind04_Max_170 これは夢なの? 私 まだ寝てるの? Was that a nightmare? Am I still asleep?
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOverRewind04_Max_180 どうしてこんなことに… How can this be happening? How?
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOverRewind05_Max_010 ダメ あいつ銃を持ってる! 他の方法は…? No! He has a gun! I should do something else.
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOverRewind05_Max_020 近づくのはヤバいって! Max, you're going to get hurt!
Act_E1_2A_Toilets_VoiceOverRewind05_Max_030 あんなヤツに近づきたくない! I'm too scared to get near this psycho!
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_BellRing_Hayden_030 どうかな…? なにしろ俺のは マン・レイとマンガの融合だぜ? Wait till you see what I'm shooting. Man Ray meets Manga...
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_BellRing_Jefferson_010 みんな 「日常ヒーロー」コンテストの期限が迫ってるぞ
ステラも アリッサも 早く出すように
テイラー。 君もまだだな? 期待してるぞ
マックスも 言い訳は通用しないからな
And guys don't forget the deadline to submit a photo in the "Everyday Heroes" contest. I'll fly out with the winner to San Francisco where you'll be feted by the art world. It's great exposure and it can kickstart a career in photography. So Stella and Alyssa, get it together. Taylor, don't hide, I'm still waiting for your entry too. And yes Max, I see you pretending not to see me.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_BellRing_Taylor_020 そんな暇ないよ。 どうせビクトリアが選ばれるに決まってるし ...don't have any time. You know Victoria is in it to win it. As usual.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Jefferson_002 こらこら。 答えられないからといって誤魔化そうとするんじゃない
Nice try, Max. But you're not going to get away that easy. We can talk more after class.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_001 すみません… 気分が悪くて… 保健室行きたいです I'm sorry, I feel sick. May I be excused?
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_Max_003 すみません トイレに行ってもいいですか? I'm sorry but I really have to use the bathroom.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase02_Jefferson_002 じゃあなんだ? "絶好のシャッターチャンス"を待っているとか? Biding time, waiting for the elusive "right moment"?
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase02_Jefferson_004 マックス 時間をムダにするな
Max, don't wait too long. John Lennon once said that "Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans." Go on now, don't let me stop you.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase02_Jefferson_006 あれだけ自撮りしてるんだ 作品のストックなら いくらでもあるだろう? Given your selfie output, I'm sure you must have about a thousand pics by now.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase02_Jefferson_011 マックス 今日は絶好調だな!
今日中に作品を用意すること。 君には期待してるよ
Max, you're on fire today. All the right answers. Good. Make sure you finish working on it by today. I have faith in you.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase02_Jefferson_012 さて ちゃんと提出する写真を用意してきてくれたんだろうね I'd never let one of photography's future stars avoid handing in her picture.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase02_Jefferson_013 マックス 自分でも分かってるだろう?
君にしかない独自の視点で 世界を切り取ろうとする情熱がある
いいかい? 勇気を出して それを世界に発表するんだ
アマチュアからプロの卵へ 一歩踏み出してごらん
Max, you're a better photographer than a liar... Now I know it's a drag to hear some old dude lecture you... but life won't wait for you to play catch-up. You're young, the world is yours, blah blah blah, right? But you do have a gift, you have the fever to take images, to frame the world only the way you envision it. Now, all you need is the courage to share your gift with others. That's what separates the artist, from the amateur.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase02_Max_001 出すつもりなんですが… I'm not avoiding, just...
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase02_Max_003 そうです! Exactly.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase02_Max_005 でも… その… 出せる写真がなくて… Uh, yeah, I'm not sure I have one.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase02_Max_007 でもいい写真がなかなかなくて It'll take a long time to find a good one...
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase02_Max_008 今準備してます。 ジョン・レノンが言ってました
I'm on top of it. I think John Lennon once said that "Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans."
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase02_Max_014 でも先生… どうしても出さなきゃダメですか… Do I have to? I just don't think it's that big a deal.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase02_Max_015 宿題がありすぎて… どうしても時間が… I didn't have any time... Way too much homework.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_TalkJefferson_Jefferson_005 マックス。 ついでだから君に聞こう
世界で最初のセルフポートレートの誕生に 大きく貢献した製版法は?
Now Max, since you've captured our interest and clearly want to join the conversation, can you please tell us the name of the process that gave birth to the first self-portraits?
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_TalkJefferson_Jefferson_010 予習してこなかったな? So you didn't do the reading.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_TalkJefferson_Jefferson_011 要は答えられないということか You either know this or not, Max.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_TalkJefferson_Jefferson_016 正解だ ちゃんと予習してきたようだな。 感心だぞ マックス Somebody has been reading as well as posing. Nice work, Max.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_TalkJefferson_Max_006 私ですか…? えっと… その… You're asking me? Let me think... Um...
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_TalkJefferson_Max_007 知ってます! …でも忘れちゃって… I did know! ...But I kinda forgot.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_TalkJefferson_Max_015 ダゲレオタイプです
1830 年頃に フランス人のルイ・ダゲールが発明しました
The Daguerreian Process. Invented by a French painter named... Louis Daguerre. Around 1830.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Phase01_Kate_001 マックス。 お疲れ Oh, hi Max.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Phase01_Kate_003 急に当てられるとキツいよね It sucks to be dragged into the spotlight.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Phase01_Kate_005 マックスのほうが才能あるよ。 それじゃ またあとでね She's got nothing on you, Max. Well, I should get going.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Phase01_Kate_008 バイバイ Sure.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Phase01_Kate_010 うん ちょっと悩みごと Just thinking too much...
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Phase01_Kate_013 そうしたいところだけど… 宿題しないといけないから Thanks, but not today. I have to go over homework.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Phase01_Kate_016 マックス すごいね。 顔色悪いけど… 大丈夫? Nice answer, Max. Are you okay? You look pale.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Phase01_Kate_018 今が初めてだけど… どうかした? This is the first time. What's wrong?
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Phase01_Kate_020 つらいよね… I know the feeling.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Phase01_Kate_022 うん 考えとく。 ありがとね I'll see how I feel. Thanks Max.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Phase01_Kate_024 分かった Sure.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Phase01_Max_002 今日は授業中に恥かいちゃったよ… Kate, I hope I didn't embarrass you with my lame answer.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Phase01_Max_004 ビクトリアは別だろうけど Unless you're Victoria.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Phase01_Max_007 うん またね。 お疲れ Yeah, me too. Talk to you later.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Phase01_Max_009 元気ないみたいだけど… You seem quiet today.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Phase01_Max_011 コンテストの代表に選ばれるのはビクトリアだよ。 今回もね I think Victoria has already won the contest... As usual.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Phase01_Max_012 そっか。 お茶でもしながらグチりたい? つきあうよ I hear that. Want to go grab a cup o' tea and bitch about life?
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Phase01_Max_015 うん わかった。 また今度ね No worries. Let's hang later.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Phase01_Max_017 ケイト… あのさ… 今日私と話した? Kate, uh, did we talk at all today?
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Phase01_Max_019 ごめん 変なこと聞いて… ストレスのせいかな I'm sorry, I'm just tripping. Too much stress.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Phase01_Max_021 ケイトも元気ないね。 もう行かなきゃだけど あとでお茶でもする? I wish we didn't. I do have to go, but we can talk later if you want.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Phase01_Max_023 もう行くね 今ちょっとテンパッてて I have to go... Too much happening right now.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Phase01_Max_025 ケイト Hi, Kate.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Phase02_Kate_001 またあとでね Let's talk later Max.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_Dial01_Daniel_020 みんなギスギスしてて空気悪いよ… I was distracted by the mini-drama here...
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_Dial01_Stella_010 今日の授業もためになったね I always learn something new in class...
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_Dial01_Stella_030 私には関係ない。 気にしたら負けだよ I ignore it all. Don't want to get sucked in.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_Dial02_Taylor_020 きっと優勝だね I bet it is.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_Dial02_Victoria_010 コンテストの課題 ちょっと本気出し過ぎたかも I think my entry for the contest might be too good.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_Dial03_Alyssa_040 宿題多すぎ… もう最悪 Too much homework. Far too much homework.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_Dial03_Hayden_020 今日は教室にヤバいオーラが充満してたな… I feel like there was a lot of weird energy in class today.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_Dial03_Hayden_030 ヤバいのは俺か…? 教室じゃなくて俺がヤバいのか…? I am so baked...maybe that's why class was so weird...
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_Dial03_Victoria_010 アリッサは今日も相変わらず うっとうしいわね Alyssa is looking particularly emo today.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_Dial04_Courtney_010 インスタントカメラとか めちゃくちゃダサいんですけど Why would anybody want to carry around a dorky instamatic?
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_Dial04_Courtney_030 それに何なの あのおとなしいキャラ As if. She plays it so shy.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_Dial04_Taylor_020 マックスはイケてると思ってんでしょ Because Max wants everybody to see how hip she is.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_Dial04_Taylor_040 自撮り魔なんだから ほんとは目立ちたいに決まってるじゃん She's so fucking shy she take selfies with a giant camera.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_DiscussionLoop_Jefferson_010 ダメだ ビクトリア 宿題を免除することはできない
特別扱いは できないよ
Yes Victoria, you still have to do your homework this week, even if you're submitting your photo for the competition. Everybody in class is turning in a photo, so you see the dilemma.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_DiscussionLoop_Jefferson_030 君はコンテストに応募した。 それだけでも十分有意義だ
誰が代表に選ばれても この先チャンスはいくらでもある
先生は 写真の世界は厳しいという現実も知ってもらいたいと思ってるんだよ
チャンスというのは誰にでも 公平に訪れるべきだ
You have just by participating, by putting yourself out there in the world. Well, no matter who wins, this is just a bump on a bigger road. I don't want anybody to feel excluded from this process. But I also want everybody to know that this photographic world is not for everybody. I had my moment in the camera eye and everybody should have that chance, right?
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_DiscussionLoop_Victoria_020 それは分かってます。 ただこの写真を撮るのすごく大変だったんです
I know Mr. Jefferson. I just worked so hard on this shot, and I'm sure you know what it's like to be consumed by your work. I just really think "Everyday Heroes" is an important cultural event and I want to represent Blackwell Academy.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_DiscussionLoop_Victoria_040 分かってます。 私は自分の才能を世に発表したいだけです Oh totally. I only want to share whatever gifts I have with the world...
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_JeffGivingLesson_Jefferson_010 では 人物の内面をモノクロ写真で完璧にとらえた写真家といえば誰だろう?
分かる人? 誰か?
Now, can you give me an example of a photographer who perfectly captured the human condition in black and white? Anybody? Bueller?
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_JeffGivingLesson_Jefferson_030 なるほどね なぜそう思う? There you go, Victoria! Why Arbus?
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_JeffGivingLesson_Jefferson_050 アーバスは人間を「苦悩の存在」と考えた。 正直ヘドが出るね
はいはい 騒がない…
例えば 誰かを暗い部屋に座らせれば 絶望のシーンのできあがりだ
そんな写真は誰にだって撮れる。 要は安直すぎるんだ
逆に アーバスが被写体の最も美しい瞬間をとらえていたら どうだっただろう?
あれだけのセンスの持ち主なら 別なアプローチだって できたはずだ
She saw humanity as tortured, right? And frankly, it's bullshit. Shh, keep that to yourself. Seriously though, I could frame any one of you in a dark corner, and capture you in a moment of desperation. And any one of you could do that to me. Isn't that too easy? Too obvious? What if Arbus chose to capture people at the height of their beauty or innocence? She had a brilliant eye, so she could have taken another approach.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_JeffGivingLesson_Jefferson_070 同感だね。 戦後のアメリカをとらえたフランクの作品には
貧しくても懸命に生きる人びとの姿が 浮き彫りになっている
2 人とも 50 年代の 偉大なアーティストだ
Me too, Victoria. He captured the essence of post-war, beat America. And there was honesty about the economic conditions of the era, but a beauty in the struggle. You don't have beauty without a beat. Which explains why Frank was Kerouac's photographic muse and both were the great chroniclers of the 1950's. Well... We've all seen that iconic shot of Kerouac on the balcony —and if you haven't, shame, shame— capturing the romantic urban solitude of the 20th century poet. You dig?
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_JeffGivingLesson_Jefferson_080 さて フランクと対照的なのが サルバドール・ダリのシュールレアリズムだ
コクトーと同様 ダリも多才な人物だったが
君たちがよく使うセンスのない言葉で言うところの 「自撮り」だ
でもセルフポートレートの歴史は古い。 自撮りだって立派な自己表現だ
言葉のチョイスは ま どうかと思うけどね
Now, contrast Frank's stark Americana, with Salvador Dali's surrealist photographs. Like Cocteau, he was a true renaissance man, and his famous self-portraits are famous early examples of that truly awful word you pesky kids love so much, the "selfie"... And it's a great tradition, and I wholeheartedly fight for your right to self-expression. Or selfie-expression. Heh, sorry, I know.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_JeffGivingLesson_Jefferson_090 自撮りは現代特有のナルシシズムだと思っている人
さてと… そろそろ眠くなってきた人もいるかな… それじゃあ質問しよう
セルフポートレートの誕生に貢献した 製版法の名前は なんでしょう?
So if anybody wants to question the portrait as modern narcissism, they could go back hundreds of years to blame society. Speaking of questions, I bet you thought I'd talk all the way until the bell rang. It's your turn to lecture us. Now, based on the chapters I have no doubt you all memorized, who can tell me the name of the actual process that led to the birth of the self-portrait?
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_JeffGivingLesson_Victoria_020 ダイアン・アーバスです Diane Arbus.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_JeffGivingLesson_Victoria_040 アーバスの作品にとらえられた 失意の人びとの目には 鬼気迫るものがあります Because of her images of hopeless faces. You feel like, totally haunted by the eyes of those sad mothers and children.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_JeffGivingLesson_Victoria_060 確かに私 アーバスはいいと思えません
それより… ロバート・フランクとか…
I have to admit, I'm not a big fan of her work. I prefer... Robert Frank.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_JeffIntroDial_Jefferson_030 ビクトリア 口を慎みなさい No, Victoria, excuse us.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_JeffIntroDial_Jefferson_040 さてマックス。 やっとコンテストの課題を持ってきてくれたんだな Max Caulfield, so you finally decided to turn in a photograph for the contest.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_JeffIntroDial_Max_010 あのう… ジェファソン先生 今ちょっといいですか? Excuse me, Mr. Jefferson, can I talk to you for a moment?
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_JeffIntroDial_Max_050 えーっと… Er...
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_JeffIntroDial_Victoria_020 じゃまよ あっち行って Yes, excuse you.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_JeffWaitingAnswerLoop_Jefferson_010 誰か? 誰も答えられないのか…? Anybody? ... This does not bode well.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_JeffWaitingAnswerLoop_Jefferson_020 遠慮なく答えていいんだぞ Just jump right in with an answer.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_JeffWaitingAnswerLoop_Jefferson_030 教科書に書いてあったはずだ This was in the chapters you read.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_JeffWaitingAnswerLoop_Jefferson_040 みんな予習してきたよな? You did read the chapters, right?
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_JeffWaitingAnswerLoop_Jefferson_060 気まずい沈黙だな… Your silence is deafening.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_JeffWaitingAnswerLoop_Jefferson_070 みんなどうしたんだ? 顔が固まってるぞ If this were a photo, I'd call it a still life.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_JeffersonTalks_Jefferson_010 マックス・コールフィールド。 待ちなさい。 コンテストの課題はどうした I see you, Max Caulfield. Don't even think about leaving here until we talk about your entry.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_MaxAnswers_Jefferson_010 「ダゲレオタイプ」は別名「銀板写真」ともいい
The Daguerreian Process made portraiture hugely popular, mainly because it gave the subjects clear defined features. You can learn more when you actually finish reading the assigned chapters. Max is so far, way ahead of everybody.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_MaxAwake01_Jefferson_030 アルフレッド・ヒッチコックは映画を「時間の断片」だと考えた
光 影 カラー キアロスクーロなど 技法はさまざまだ
Alfred Hitchcock famously called film "little pieces of time" but he could be talking about photography, as he likely was. These pieces of time can frame us in our glory and our sorrow; from light to shadow; from color to chiaroscuro...
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_MaxAwake01_Max_010 …ッ! Whoa!
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_MaxAwake01_Max_020 居眠りなんかしてない… それに 夢にしてはリアルすぎた… なんなの? I didn't fall asleep, and... that sure didn't feel like a dream... Weird.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_MaxSurprised_Max_010 ウソ… ホントに巻き戻った…! I did it... I actually did it!
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_MaxSurprised_Max_020 タイムマシンみたい… I'm a human time machine...
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_Polaroid_Broken_Max_010 ちょっと ウソでしょ… Man, I cannot believe this...
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_Polaroid_Picture01_Jefferson_010 ちょうど今 マックスが「自撮り」を撮ったぞ
マックス 君は筋がいい
Shh, I believe Max has taken what you kids call a "selfie"... A dumb word for a wonderful
photographic tradition. And Max... has a gift.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_Polaroid_Picture01_Jefferson_020 肖像写真は 1800 年代初期から広く普及し 現在に至る
君たちの世代よりはるか昔から 「自撮り」の文化は存在したんだ
Of course, as you all know, the photo portrait has been popular since the early 1800s. Your generation was not the first to use images for selfie-expression. Sorry. I couldn't resist. The point remains that the portraiture has always been a vital aspect of art, and photography, for as long as it's been around.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_VictoriaJoke02_Victoria_010 マックスはデジタル時代が怖いのよ Maybe Max is scared of the digital age.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_VictoriaJoke02_Victoria_020 自分の身の丈を知るっていうのも 大事なことよね I think it's awesome that Max knows her limitations.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_VictoriaJoke_Jefferson_010 マックス 君はもういいよ Sorry Max, you're off the island.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_VictoriaJoke_Jefferson_020 誰か他に 答えられる人は? Is there anybody here who knows their stuff?
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_VictoriaJoke_Jefferson_050 正解だ
1800 年代以降 広く普及した
この技法で初のセルフポートレートを撮ったのが コーネリアスだ
Very good, Victoria. The Daguerreian Process brought out fine detail in people's faces, making them extremely popular from the 1800s onward. The first American daguerreotype self-portrait was done by Robert Cornelius.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_VictoriaJoke_Jefferson_060 彼に関する詳しいことは 教科書に書いてある You can find out all about him... In your textbook.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_VictoriaJoke_Jefferson_070 もちろん ネットにもね Or even... online.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_VictoriaJoke_Victoria_030 フランスの画家​ルイ・ダゲール発明の​「ダゲレオタイプ」
Louis Daguerre was a French painter who created "daguerreotypes" a process that gave portraits a sharp reflective style, like a mirror.
Cue_E1_2A_ArtClass_VictoriaJoke_Victoria_040 あなたのぼんやりした顔とは 正反対ね Now you're totally stuck in the Retro Zone. Sad face.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_ArtClassDoor_Interact04_Max_010 早く女子トイレに行かなきゃ… お願い 間に合って… I hope I have enough time to get to the bathroom... please... please...
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial05_Juliet_010 で? 私のことどう思ってるの? You didn't tell me how cute I looked yet.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial05_Juliet_030 カワイイだけ? Just cute?
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial05_Juliet_050 それだけじゃ 授業中に"いい写真"送ってあげないよ Then I might send you a special picture during class.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial05_Juliet_070 そんな女じゃないし You know I don't tease.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial05_Juliet_090 は? 急に何の話? Whats that got to do with anything?
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial05_Juliet_110 最低ね You suck.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial05_Zachary_020 分かってるだろ。 カワイイと思ってるよ I was about to. You always look cute.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial05_Zachary_040 ダメか? Hawt.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial05_Zachary_060 じらしプレイかよ Don't even tease me.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial05_Zachary_080 科学の授業はオタクばっかでキモい I hate that Science class with those nerds.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial05_Zachary_100 でもお前が写真送ってくれたら 気が紛れる Uh, because if you send me a picture I won't be bored.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial06_Brooke_010 ここが正念場だよ… Oh, come on, baby, hold it together...
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial06_Brooke_020 コーナー決めて… Take that corner...
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial06_Brooke_030 ヤバッ… ひと轢いちゃった… Oooo, shit! Sorry, farmers.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial06_Brooke_040 ここでギアチェンジッ! Come on, shift it!
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial06_Brooke_050 そこのフェラーリ どいたどいた! Get out of my way, Ferrari, si?
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial06_Brooke_060 あと少し…! Almost there...
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial06_Brooke_070 3位!? なによこのクソゲー! くっだらない… Third place? That's bullshit! Grand Pricks!
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial07_Samuel_010 掃除は好きだけど 足ひきずるのはやめてくれ I don't mind the mopping but can't you pick up your damn feet?
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial07_Samuel_020 汚れが広がってしまうだろう Dragging dirty tracks everywhere.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial07_Samuel_030 でもこれはいいモップだ。 大事に使うよ This is an excellent mop however. I keep it clean.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial07_Samuel_040 僕は幽霊のようなものさ。 生徒には見えてないのさ I feel like a ghost to these kids. They barely see me.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial07_Samuel_050 かわいそうに… 行方不明だなんて… Poor girl. Nobody should vanish like that...
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial08_CitizenM1_020 バイト代入ったのか? Yeah, payday...
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial08_CitizenM1_060 ようし ボコボコだ! Yeah, your ass.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial08_CitizenM1_090 指図すんなよ! Not the boss, bro.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial08_Daniel_040 なんのことだよ I forgot for what.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial08_Daniel_070 ローガン 頼むよ もうやめて Logan, seriously, leave me alone.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial08_Daniel_100 お願い… 授業に行かせてよ No, I'm, I'm..., I'm just trying to go to class.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial08_Logan_010 ダニエル! バイト代 入ったか? Yo Daniel, you remember that it's payday?
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial08_Logan_030 金のこと忘れてねえだろな I know you didn't forget you owe us cash.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial08_Logan_050 こいつボコボコにされてえらしい For making sure nobody kicks your ass.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial08_Logan_080 俺に指図すんのか? You're not the boss of me, bro.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial09_Dana_020 いつもでしょ When can you?
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial09_Dana_040 たまにはシャキッとしてよ You should take a smoke break.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial09_Dana_060 居眠りするなら授業出る意味ないじゃない What's the point of even coming to class if you're baked?
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial09_Dana_080 まったく… Okay, rebel.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial09_Dana_100 あなたと話してると 怒るのもバカらしくなるわ You are such a dork I can never get mad at you.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial09_Justin_010 眠くてさー… 全然起きられなかったよ I'm serious. I couldn't even get off the couch.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial09_Justin_030 でも君に会うためだったらー… ちゃんと起きるよ When I have to get my education on. And see you.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial09_Justin_050 してるよ。 今日なんてさ 7 時に起きたんだぜ? Dana, I have. I haven't smoked since... I haven't smoke since I woke up at seven.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial09_Justin_070 授業なんてもともと意味ないよ What's the point of coming to class, period?
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial09_Justin_090 俺はね 授業中 起きてたら 負けだと思ってる Besides, why do you think they call it ‘high school'?
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Dial09_Justin_110 不眠症になったら 俺に相談しなー Want to take a quick rip of my new Fire OG?
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Insertion_ArtClassToCorridor_Max_010 いつも通りの風景… Welcome to the real world...
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Insertion_ArtClassToCorridor_Max_020 トイレに行って ちょっとひとりになろう
顔でも洗って シャキッとしなきゃ… もっとバカにされちゃう
I need a serious time out in the bathroom. Splash water on my face and make sure I don't look like a total loser.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalAndDavid_David_010 おい! 非常ベルが聞こえないのか? 早く非難しろ Hey, do you hear that fire alarm? That means you should be outside.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalAndDavid_David_030 お決まりの言い訳だな Girls always use that excuse.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalAndDavid_David_050 やましいことがあるんだろう。 顔にそう書いてあるぞ For whatever you're up to. Your face is covered in guilt.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalAndDavid_David_070 ならさっさと外へ出るんだ。 それとも出られない理由があるのか? Then trip on out of here, Missy. Or are you hiding something? Huh?
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalAndDavid_Max_020 トイレに行ってたんです… I had to use the bathroom...
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalAndDavid_Max_040 言い訳? Excuse for what?
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalAndDavid_Max_060 急にベルが鳴るから… The alarm tripped me out.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalAndDavid_Principal_080 もういい マドセン君。 安全の確認が取れた
生徒の尋問はそのくらいにして 早く非常ベルを解除しにいったらどうだね
Thank you Mr. Madsen, the situation is under control. There's no emergency here. Leave Miss Caulfield alone and please turn off that alarm, since that's your job.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalDenounceNathan_Max_010 今ネイサン・プレスコットが 銃を持ってました…女子トイレで I just saw Nathan Prescott waving a gun around... in the girls' room.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalDenounceNathan_Max_030 はい
銃を持ってブツブツ独り言を言ってるところ 私見たんです
Yes. He was in the bathroom talking to himself with a gun. I saw everything! He was babbling like crazy—
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalDenounceNathan_Max_050 物陰に隠れてて… 女子が女子トイレにいて 何かおかしいですか? I was hiding behind a stall. I have the right to be there. It's the girls' room—
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalDenounceNathan_Max_070 彼… ネイサンは すぐに出ていきました… どうするんですか? Then... then he left. I ran out here wondering what to do. Are you going to bust him?
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalDenounceNathan_Max_090 それだけ? 銃を持ってたのに!? That's it? After what I told you—
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalDenounceNathan_Principal_020 プレスコット君が? 確かかね? Nathan Prescott? You sure?
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalDenounceNathan_Principal_040 ちょっと待ちなさい
では何かね? 君は見ていたのに ネイサンは気づかなかったと?
Okay, slow down, slow down. So now you saw this... Without him seeing you?
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalDenounceNathan_Principal_060 そうは言っていない 事実関係をはっきりさせたいだけだ
彼がトイレで銃を振り回したなど にわかには信じがたい
I know, I know. I just want to be completely clear what happened.
Mr. Prescott happens to be from the town's most distinguished family. And one of Blackwell's most honored students. So it's hard for me to see him brandishing a weapon in the girls' bathroom. So what happened next?
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalDenounceNathan_Principal_080 事実なら… 深刻な問題だ
私が個人的に対応する 知らせてくれてありがとう
This is a serious charge. I'll look into the matter
personally. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalDenounceNathan_Principal_100 話の続きはまた後ほど 校長室ですることにしよう
We'll continue this discussion, later, in my office. Please go outside with the rest of your class now, Miss Caulfield.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalProtectNathan_Max_010 ちょっと具合が悪くて… その… 今日はあの日で… I just got sick in class... Um, female trouble—
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalProtectNathan_Max_030 ウソじゃないです。 写真の授業中 めまいがして… It's the truth. I felt dizzy in Mr. Jefferson's class—
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalProtectNathan_Max_050 だから具合が悪いって… それだけです。 隠してなんかないし There's nothing to hide. I got sick. It happens, you know—
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalProtectNathan_Principal_020 だがフラフラ歩き回る元気はある
Except you're wandering around like a zombie. And do you think that's the first time a student has used that line on me?
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalProtectNathan_Principal_040 隠していることがあるなら 言ってみなさい Just tell me what you're hiding. You can trust me.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalProtectNathan_Principal_060 君がそういう態度を取るなら もう結構だ。ただ 私の目はごまかせないぞ
君は入学して 3 週間でさっそく問題を起こした
話は以上だ。 行きなさい
There's that teen 'tude again. You know, I've heard enough. Don't think I don't know what goes on around here. You've only been here for three weeks and you're already causing conflict. I don't think your parents will approve when they find out. Now get outside with the class. Please.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalTalks_Max_030 えっと… その… 進路のことでちょっと悩みが I'm... I'm just a little worried about my... future.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalTalks_Principal_010 マックス ちょっと来なさい Hold on, Max. Come back here.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalTalks_Principal_020 顔色が悪いようだが… どうかしたのか? You look a little stressed out. Are you okay?
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalTalks_Principal_040 すごい汗だ 本当にそれだけかね? 私には何でも打ち明けなさい You're sweating pinballs. Is that all you're thinking about? You can always be upfront with me, Max.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalTalks_Principal_050 それとも何かやましいことでもあるのか? …どうなんだ?
マックス。 答えなさい
Or have you done something wrong... Is that it? Well, Max? Talk to me.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalWarning_Principal_010 マックス 早く外へ出なさい Max, you better go on outside now.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalWarning_Principal_020 フラフラしていないで 外に出なさい Don't wander around here, get on outside.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_PrincipalWarning_Principal_040 マックス 何をしてる 行きなさい Max, you should be outside, not in here.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Random_CitizenF1_010 この学校 マイノリティが少ないよね It's not like Blackwell is such a diverse school.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Random_CitizenF1_030 この地方にしては ってことでしょ? There's more Bigfoot sightings than minorities...
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Random_CitizenF1_140 ヤッバ! スマホ忘れた! Oh shit, I left my phone in the class!
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Random_CitizenF2_020 そうかな。 私はそうは思わないけど I don't know. There's lots of different types of people here.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Random_CitizenF2_150 非常ベルの音って嫌い! I hate that fucking sound!
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Random_CitizenF3_040 あんた 結局あいつと付き合ってるんだって? You are such a ho bag! I knew you'd hook up with that loser!
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Random_CitizenF3_160 銃声なんかしなかったよね I don't hear any gunfire...
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Random_CitizenF4_050 ボルテックス・クラブのパーティ 超アツいらしいよ I heard that the Vortex Club parties are wild.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Random_CitizenF4_070 実際 世の中 そんなもんじゃん They're just getting you ready for the real world.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Random_CitizenF5_060 でもふるいにかけられてるみたいで感じ悪くない?
親の仕事とか クレカ持ってるかとか
I feel like you have to pass some sort of test to get in. Like you have to show your black credit cards and your parent's bank statements.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Random_CitizenF6_090 LA の友達は オレゴンは毎日雨で寒いって言ってたけど
そんなことないし この夏は一度も雨降らなかったよ
All my friends in LA told me that Oregon was going to be wet and cold every day. But it's like 75 degrees and I haven't seen the rain once this summer. Is that climate change?
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Random_CitizenF7_100 地元の住民がわざとウソの情報流してんでしょ No it's people in Oregon trying to keep Californians out.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Random_CitizenM1_010 授業だりー つまんねー I hate that class. It's so fucking boring.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Random_CitizenM1_110 おーい 待ってくれよ! Dude, wait for me!
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Random_CitizenM2_020 授業中 スマホ見てると怒られるぜ He checks you if you're looking down at your phone.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Random_CitizenM2_120 煙のにおいしないよな? I don't smell any smoke...
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Random_CitizenM3_030 ライブのチケット 150 ドルとか ありえねー I'm not paying 150 dollars for a concert.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Random_CitizenM3_130 凸面鏡は別名「集光鏡」とも言って 光が集まる位置に像を結ぶ構造なんだ Convex mirrors are sometimes called converging mirrors...an image is the location in space where light diverges...
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Random_CitizenM4_040 そのうち 50 パーはサービス料なんだって Dude the service fee is like 50 percent of it!
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Random_CitizenM5_050 大丈夫だ… 俺は絶対大丈夫… You're not gonna fail...You're not gonna fail...
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Random_CitizenM6_060 次のターゲットはあの子だ Bro, I would so bang her.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Random_CitizenM6_080 お前のお袋 I banged your mother.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Random_CitizenM7_070 で その次は? You'd bang your mother.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Random_CitizenM7_090 だから あんな笑い上戸だったのか So that's why she was laughing so hard.
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_Random_CitizenM8_100 違うって 授業で使う画材が思ったより高くてさ!
お願いだから あと 600 ドル振り込んでよ…
No, I told you my art supplies cost more than I thought! Can't you just deposit the 600 dollars into my account?
Cue_E1_2A_Corridor_ToiletDoor_Interact03_Max_010 よかった 誰もいない。 こんなとこ人に見られたら 最悪だよ… Empty. Good. Nobody can see my meltdown. Except for me.
Cue_E1_2A_Toilets_FireAlarm_Interact01_Chloe_020 二度と近づくんじゃねえぞ! Don't EVER touch me again, freak!
Cue_E1_2A_Toilets_FireAlarm_Interact01_Nathan_010 ウソだろ… No way...
Cue_E1_2A_Toilets_FireAlarm_Interact01_Nathan_030 ふざけやがって… Another shitty day...
Cue_E1_2A_Toilets_Mirror_Interact01_Max_010 今日はどこへ行っても誰かにバカにされてる気分… I feel like the universe is taunting me everywhere I go today.
Cue_E1_2A_Toilets_Mirror_Interact01_Max_020 授業中にあの幻を見てからおかしくなった… 私どうしちゃったんだろう… It all started with that bizarro dream in class... Am I going crazy?
Cue_E1_2A_Toilets_NathanAndChloe_Chloe_030 ちゃんと誰もいないか確認したんだろうな? さて 本題だけど… I hope you checked the perimeter, as my step-ass would say. Now, let's talk bidness—
Cue_E1_2A_Toilets_NathanAndChloe_Chloe_050 ウソつけ ボンボンめ Wrong. You got hella cash.
Cue_E1_2A_Toilets_NathanAndChloe_Chloe_070 いいのか そんな態度をとって。 お前のろくでもない「ビジネス」のこと… Oh boo hoo, poor little rich kid. I know you been pumpin' drugs n' shit to kids around here...
Cue_E1_2A_Toilets_NathanAndChloe_Chloe_090 あいにく あたしが欲しいのは現金だけだ。 そんな話 興味ないね I don't want your pills. I want good ol' American green. Not weed. Cash.
Cue_E1_2A_Toilets_NathanAndChloe_Chloe_100 ご両親の耳に入ったら なんて言うだろうね。 新聞にデカデカと出たら… I bet your respectable family would help me out if I went to them. Man, I can see the headlines now—
Cue_E1_2A_Toilets_NathanAndChloe_Chloe_120 それとも 学校中にネイサン・プレスコットは
トイレで独り言を言う 泣き虫野郎だって言いふらして…
I can tell everybody Nathan Prescott is a punk ass who begs like a little girl and talks to himself—
Cue_E1_2A_Toilets_NathanAndChloe_Chloe_140 何よそれ? ちょっとやめて… やめろ 近づくな! Where'd you get that? What are you doing? Come on, put that thing down!
Cue_E1_2A_Toilets_NathanAndChloe_Chloe_160 こんなことしてタダで済むと思ってるの… You are going to get in hella more trouble for this than drugs—
Cue_E1_2A_Toilets_NathanAndChloe_Chloe_180 ふざけんなよ 離れろ! Get that gun away from me, psycho!
Cue_E1_2A_Toilets_NathanAndChloe_Nathan_010 大丈夫だ 落ち着け 心配いらない… 深呼吸だ …
しっかりしろ… ここは俺の庭だ… 何でも思いどおりになる… だろ?
It's cool, Nathan... Don't stress... You're okay, bro. Just count to three...
Don't be scared... You own this school... If I wanted, I could blow it up... You're the Boss...
Cue_E1_2A_Toilets_NathanAndChloe_Nathan_020 何の用だ So what do you want?
Cue_E1_2A_Toilets_NathanAndChloe_Nathan_040 金ならねえぞ I got nothing for you.
Cue_E1_2A_Toilets_NathanAndChloe_Nathan_060 金持ちなのは親だ That's my family, not me.
Cue_E1_2A_Toilets_NathanAndChloe_Nathan_080 そうか… ならこうしよう。 うちの商品 回してやるよ Teens, not kids. Listen... I can hook you up—
Cue_E1_2A_Toilets_NathanAndChloe_Nathan_110 親は関係ねえだろう! Leave them out of this, bitch.
Cue_E1_2A_Toilets_NathanAndChloe_Nathan_130 てめえ なめた口利きやがって ぶっ殺してやる! You don't know who the fuck I am or who you're messing around with!
Cue_E1_2A_Toilets_NathanAndChloe_Nathan_150 俺に指図するんじゃねえ! どいつもこいつも ひとをコケにしやがって! Don't EVER tell me what to do. I'm so SICK of people trying to control me!
Cue_E1_2A_Toilets_NathanAndChloe_Nathan_170 てめえみてえなクズ 死んだって誰も気にしねえだろ! Nobody would ever even miss your "punk ass" would they?
Cue_E1_2A_Toilets_NathanAndChloe_Nathan_190 え… ウソだろ! 違う… そんなつもりは…! Oh... Shit! No, no, no, no...
Cue_E1_2A_Toilets_NathanAndChloe_Rewind_Nathan_200 そんな ウソだろ… なんで! なんでこんなこと…! お前が俺を怒らせるから…!
俺… どうしたらいいんだよ… もうイヤだ… もうおしまいだ…
No, please God no... I didn't mean to... You just kept pushing me... Everybody is always pushing me... I'm sorry... I'm so, so sorry... My life is Hell... And I am so busted...
Cue_E1_2A_Toilets_Tap_Interact01_Max_010 大丈夫 自信持たなきゃ… 私には才能がある… Just relax. Stop torturing yourself. You have "a gift."
Cue_E1_2A_Toilets_Tap_Interact01_Max_020 ダメだ… Fuck it.
Cue_E1_2A_Toilets_Tap_Interact01_Max_030 「扉が閉じたとき 別の窓が開いている」… とか なんとか… When a door closes, a window opens... Or, something like that.
Cue_E1_2A_Toilets_Tap_Interact01_Max_040 シャッターチャンス。 これは絶対撮らないと… Okay girl, you don't get a photo op like this everyday...
Cue_E1_2A_Toilets_Tap_Interact01_Max_050 一歩踏み出さなきゃ… Don't wait for life to start...
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_BigFootBanner_Look01_Max_010 美術のコンクールとか科学展にも こういう垂れ幕を作ればいいのに How come there's never a giant banner for art contests or science projects?
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_BigFootStatue_Look01_Max_010 我が校のマスコットよ 私たちを見守りたまえ… I hope our Sasquatch is looking out for everybody here at Blackwell...
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Board01_Look01_Max_010 サスカッチとレーザーバックが本当に戦うなら興味がわいたのに I would so be there if a sasquatch actually did battle a razorback.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Board01_Look02_Max_010 ノーコメント No comment.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Board02_Look01_Max_010 ちょっとお腹が空いたな… I could go for a burger now...
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Board02_Look01_Max_020 詩のコンテスト 撮影してみたい… 自信ないけど It would be uber-cool to shoot that poetry slam...But scared I am.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Board02_Look01_Max_040 地元のことをもっと知るべきだと思うけど… 行かないだろうな I should go to learn more about the local culture...but I likely won't.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Board03_Look01_Max_010 このポスターのおかげでどれだけいじめが減ったんだろう I'm sure this poster has stopped millions of bullies.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Board03_Look01_Max_030 まだそこまで追い詰められてないしなあ I'm not that desperate. At the moment.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Board03_Look01_Max_040 これは行ってみないと だね Sold. I'll definitely have to try a slice.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Board03_Look01_Max_050 オタクの聖地って感じ? 行ってみようかな This looks like Nerd Ground Zero...I should go.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Board03_Look01_Max_060 パス Pass.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_BrookeBag_Interact01_Max_010 小さいのに大げさな名前がついてるんだな What a complicated name for such a tiny drone.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_BrookeBag_Look01_Max_010 ウォーレンと同じカバンかな? ちょっとオタクっぽいような… I'm almost sure Warren has the same bag! It looks a bit nerdy though...
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_BusSign_Look01_Max_010 いつでも シアトル行きのバスに乗れる… I could always escape on a bus back to Seattle...
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_CHBrooke_Look01_Max_010 ブルック 本当にドローンを持ってるの? Brooke actually has a drone?
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_CHBrooke_Look02_Max_010 そっけない反応。 時間を戻して関心を引くべきかも She's a little aloof. Maybe I could rewind to impress her.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_CHDaniel_Look01_Max_010 ダニエルはいつも何かを描いてる。 内気さは彼の勝ちね Daniel is always drawing something. He makes me look like an extrovert.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_CHDaniel_Look02_Max_010 話しかけてみてよかった。もっといろんなことにチャレンジすべきかも That was so cool. I'm glad I talked to him. Take more chances, Max.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_CHDaniel_Look03_Max_010 ダニエルを傷つける気はなかったのに。申し訳ないな… I feel bad now. I didn't want to hurt Daniel's feelings.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Look01_Max_010 たしか エバンって名前。 いっつもなにかに集中してる I think his name is Evan. He always looks so intense.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Look02_Max_010 しっかりして 私… 巻き戻して 正解を答えるべきかな Damn, I suck. I could rewind to get the answer right.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Look01_Max_010 グラント先生 熱心に署名を集めてるな… Ms. Grant sure is dedicated to that petition.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Look02_Max_020 私の答え あれでよかったのかな… I hope I made the right decision about the petition...
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Look01_Max_010 ヘイデンとボルテックス・クラブの取り巻きだ。 「夢を生きる」ってやつね… There's Hayden and his Vortex Club harem. He sure is "Living The Dream"...
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Look01_Max_010 ジャスティンとスケーター仲間だ。 色々できてかっこいいな There's Justin and his skater posse. They're so cute doing their tricks.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Look02_Max_010 スケーター界の秘密を知ったことだし
Now that I know some secrets of the skater world, I could rewind and get Justin to tell me more.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_CHLuke_Look01_Max_010 ルーク・パーカーだ。 ザッカリーがロッカーに押し込んだ子… かわいそうに That's Luke Parker... Zachary pushed him into a locker last week. Go Bullies.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_CHStella_Look01_Max_010 ステラはいつも真面目で しっかりしてる。 さすがだな Stella always looks so serious and dedicated. Good for her.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_CigaretteButts_Look01_Max_010 うわっ。 電子タバコにすればいいのに Ew, gross. At least switch to e-cigs.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Coins_Look01_Max_010 いい画だな… 水の底できらめく 緑のコイン。 みんなのお願いは叶ったのかな This is a great image... all those rippling green coins... I hope everybody got their wish.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Direction_Look02_Max_010 ウォーレンの USB を取りに行かなきゃ I need to go there and grab Warren's flash drive.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_EvanPhotoBook_Look01_Max_010 すごくいい写真だ… レイチェル・アンバーの顔から目が離せない… These photos are great...and Rachel Amber's face is mesmerizing...
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_EvanPhotoBook_Look02_Max_010 エバンのポートフォリオ プロみたいでかっこいい。 中身 見てみたいな… Evan's portfolio always looks so uber-pro. I'd love to see his photos in there...
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Fountain_Max_010 本当におかしな日だな… This day has been so insane...
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Fountain_Max_020 いろいろ起きすぎて混乱しちゃうよ Everything is happening too fast...
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Fountain_Max_030 訳のわからない幻覚も この… 力も And none of it makes any sense... these visions, this... power.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Fountain_Max_040 いまにも全部夢でした… って目覚めそう I keep expecting to wake up one more time...
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Fountain_Max_050 でも やっぱりどう考えても夢の感じがしない But if this is a dream, then I'm not asleep.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Fountain_Max_060 ってことは 本当に時間を巻き戻したんだ Which means somehow... I did rewind time.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Fountain_Max_070 なにか 理由があるはず。 それを解明しなきゃ… So there has to be a reason... and I have to find out why.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_GoingPark_Max_020 ウォーレンに会う前に 部屋から USB メモリを取ってこないと I still have to get the flash drive from my room before I meet Warren.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_GoingSchool_Max_010 もう中には戻れない… I'm not going back in there.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_GoingSchool_Max_020 部屋に戻って ウォーレンの USB を取ってこなきゃ Now I have to go to my room and grab Warren's flash drive.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_GoingStreet_Max_020 ウォーレンは USB を受け取るために駐車場で待ってる。寮に戻らなきゃ Warren's waiting for me and his flash drive in the parking lot so I better get to my dorm.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Graffiti01_Look01_Max_010 コインを投げ入れて願いを叶えるんじゃなかったの? Whatever happened to "Three Coins In The Fountain"?
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Graffiti02_Look01_Max_010 なにかあげたいけど ポケットはからっぽよ I would love to feed you but not a penny in my pocket.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Graffiti03_Look01_Max_010 冴えた落書きね Graffitti For Dummies.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Graffiti03_Look01_Max_020 これって何語? What language is that?
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Graffiti04_Look01_Max_010 かわいそうなカワウソ… なんちゃって Aw, that's not nice. Poor li'l otter.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Graffiti05_Look01_Max_010 ふーん Clever.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_JeffersonPhoto01_Look01_Max_010 ジェファソン先生の作品を展示してるの 最高 That's so cool that Blackwell is doing a show of Mr. Jefferson's work.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_JeffersonPhoto02_Look01_Max_010 これは先生の代表作のひとつ。 その瞬間を切り取ってるのが素敵 That's one of his famous shots. I love how it captures the moment.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_JeffersonPhoto03_Look01_Max_010 ジェファソン先生はいろんな作風ができるんだよね Mr. Jefferson has such a gift for different styles.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_MPA01_Look01_Max_010 わざわざポスターの上に貼るなんて…
Posters over posters? Somebody really wants to find Rachel Amber.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_MPA01_Look02_Max_010 一人の人間のために こんなにポスターが貼られてるなんて… I've never seen so many "Missing Persons" posters for the same person...
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_MPAGround_Look01_Max_010 レイチェル・アンバー。 きれいで 希望に満ちた顔…
Rachel Amber... She looks so hopeful and pretty... I wonder what happened to her...
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Park_Look02_Max_020 寮に戻らなきゃ。 今日は長い一日だな… Now I have to go back to the dorm. This day never ends.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Poster01_Look01_Max_010 なんでカワウソ…? よくわからない… Otter Power
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Poster02_Look01_Max_010 カワウソがよっぽど好きなのかな They sure get a lot of mileage out of "Otter Power"...
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Poster03_Look01_Max_010 ウソでしょ? これは絶対に行くしかない You gotta be fucking kidding me. I'm there.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Poster04_Look01_Max_010 グラント先生は監視システムに反対みたい… Ms. Grant is so not down with this surveillance system.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_SignMainBuilding_Look01_Max_010 今日の授業が終わっててよかった… Thank God I'm done with class today.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Statue_Look01_Max_010 スマホ片手にうろうろしてる生徒の姿を見たら 学校の創始者はなんて言うだろう I bet the Blackwell founders would shit cats if they saw today's student body walking around like zombies on their phones.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_SwimmingPoolDoor_Look01_Max_010 水泳部… オッターズの巣だ And this is where the Otters perform their aquatic magic.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Tree_Max_010 5 年ぶりに戻ったけど 変な感じ… So bizarro to be back here after five years...
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Tree_Max_020 すぐに学校になじめると思ったのにな… I thought I could just fit right back in at school...
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Tree_Max_030 妙なことが起きたせいで 余計によそ者気分… But with all this shit going on, I'm even more an outsider...
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Tree_Max_040 おまけに 日記とカメラ以外に相談相手はいないし And who can I confide in, besides my journal and my camera?
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Tree_Max_050 こんな青春で本当にいいのかな…? Man, these are supposed to be the best years of my life...
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_Tree_Max_060 まさに身も心も孤独って感じ… This is what it's like to be alone and feel lonely at once...
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_VoiceOver01_Max_010 さて 寮から USB を持ってこなきゃ Okay, I better get to my dorm and grab that flash drive.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_VoiceOver01_Max_020 ウォーレンが USB を待ってる。 取りに行こう Warren really wants that flash drive. I better grab it.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_VoiceOver01_Max_030 ウォーレンの USB を取りに行かなきゃ Time to go grab Warren's flash drive...
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_VoiceOver01_Max_040 受信箱が爆発する前に ウォーレンのメールを読もう… I better read Warren's text before he blows my phone up.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_VoiceOver02_Max_010 今日はいったいなんなの? What is going on today?
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_VoiceOver02_Max_020 おかしいでしょ… 幻覚とか… 力とか… This is so weird... these visions... this power...
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_VoiceOver02_Max_030 女の子が撃たれるのを見たなんて… I can't believe I saw that girl get shot...
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_VoiceOver02_Max_040 ネイサン・プレスコットは おかしい。 校長に言ってよかった That Nathan Prescott is... scary. I'm glad I busted him.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_VoiceOver02_Max_050 ネイサン・プレスコットは危険だ。 校長に言えばよかった… Nathan Prescott is dangerous... Why didn't I tell the Principal?
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_VoiceOver02_Max_070 本当に時間を巻き戻したなんて… I can't believe I actually reversed time...
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_VoiceOver03_Max_010 5 年経って来てみると 変な感じ… So weird to be back here after five years...
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_VoiceOver03_Max_020 アルカディア・ベイは変わってないようで… 変わってる Arcadia Bay seems exactly the same... but different.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_VoiceOver03_Max_030 ブラックウェルは… 高校だけど大学みたい Blackwell Academy is like... a high school college.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_VoiceOver03_Max_040 古い森の近くに学校があるのっていいな I like this school energy near the primordial forest.
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_VoiceOver03_Max_050 子どもの頃は町を知り尽くしてたのに 今は誰も知らない… I used to own this town as a kid and now I don't know anybody...
Act_E1_3A_CampusA_VoiceOver03_Max_060 まさに身も心も孤独って感じ… This is what it's like to be alone, and feel lonely at once.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHBrooke_Phase01_Brooke_004 すごい よく知ってるね。 ちょっと驚いたよ You're full of surprises. Why would you know that?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHBrooke_Phase01_Brooke_011 ひょっとして… ドローン飛ばしたいの? Let me guess... You want to fly my drone?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHBrooke_Phase01_Brooke_012 一緒にしないでよ。 ドローンってなんだか分かってるの? This is neither. Do you know what a drone really is?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHBrooke_Phase01_Brooke_013 ネットのウワサ信じすぎでしょ?
ウォーレンからは 頭いいって聞いてたのに… あっち行ってくれる?
Uh, you read too many conspiracy sites. This might be too complicated for you. Funny, Warren said you were smart. Please, step back.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHBrooke_Phase01_Brooke_017 違います。 まだ誰にも見せてないんだ Of course. Nobody knows about it yet.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHBrooke_Phase01_Brooke_021 へえ さすが。 ウォーレンが一目置くだけあるね Most impressive, Max. Warren said you were multi-faceted.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHBrooke_Phase01_Max_014 飛ばしたい! 飛行機とか気球とか大好き! I'd love to! I love planes and balloons and—
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHBrooke_Phase01_Max_015 それってブルックの? 違法じゃないの? Is that really yours? Is that even legal?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHBrooke_Phase01_Max_016 それ HiFly ドローンだよね。 B400 EVO モデル? いいなあ That looks like a HiFly drone, model ...B400 EVO? Now that's a nice piece of tech.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHBrooke_Phase01_Max_018 えっと… 武器でしょ? A weapon, right?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHBrooke_Phase01_Max_019 ドローンって軍事兵器じゃないの? Isn't it considered a weapon of war?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHBrooke_Phase01_Max_020 航空写真が好きなの
遠くまで飛ばせるモデルは 撮影機材に向いてるんだ
I love aerial photography. Drones are perfect for that, especially those with great range. It's a new era of images.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHBrooke_Phase01_Max_023 ブルック Hi, Brooke.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHBrooke_Phase02_Brooke_001 あとにして。 今ドローンの整備で忙しいから Sorry, Max, I have to focus on making sure this drone doesn't crash.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHBrooke_Phase02_Brooke_004 デイビッド・マドセンなら ドローンをうちらの監視に使うだろうね I bet David Madsen would love to spy on us with this kind of drone!
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHDaniel_Phase01_Daniel_001 ああ… マックス。 よかったら… 頼んでもいいかな?
スケッチの… モデルになってほしいんだ
完成したら SNS にアップするけど…
Oh, hi Max. Could I, um, ask you a question? Would you mind letting me sketch you? I do put my sketches on Facebook though...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHDaniel_Phase01_Daniel_005 いいんだ 僕なんかじゃイヤだよね。 じゃ スケッチを続けるから… Never mind. I guess you would be too ashamed. Now I have to get back to my drawing...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHDaniel_Phase01_Daniel_008 インスピレーションといえば… 一目見ただけで湧き立つモデルがいたよ…
Funny you should say that. I was just thinking about my real muse, Rachel Amber...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHDaniel_Phase01_Daniel_010 急に授業に来なくなってね
家出したって言う人もいるし 崖から飛び降りたって言う人もいるけど…
She just stopped coming to class. Some people say she ran away, some say she jumped off a cliff. I just hope she's okay.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHDaniel_Phase01_Daniel_011 違うけど 僕の絵のモデルになりたいって言われて 描いてあげたことがあるんだ No, but once she asked me to draw her portrait. Oh, she was a natural.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHDaniel_Phase01_Daniel_012 そんな! 君だって… 十分代わりになるよ No way! You're a... good substitute muse.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHDaniel_Phase01_Daniel_015 彼女の顔をあんな形で見るのはつらいよ… 優しい子だった Kills me to see her sweet face used as a crime photo... She had a good heart.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHDaniel_Phase01_Max_002 ごめん やめておく。 すごく光栄だけど… I'd rather not, Daniel. Not that I don't want you to...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHDaniel_Phase01_Max_004 友達だったの? You knew her?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHDaniel_Phase01_Max_007 私でよければもちろん! インスピレーション湧きそう? I'd be honored, Daniel. Makes me feel like a muse.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHDaniel_Phase01_Max_009 何があったんだろうね。 なんでいなくなったのかな So, what happened to her? There's got to be a story.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHDaniel_Phase01_Max_013 ダニエル お疲れ What's up, Daniel?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHDaniel_Phase01_Max_014 どこへ行ってもビラが貼ってあるよね… Hard to avoid her posters all over campus.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHDaniel_Phase01_Max_016 それじゃ… そろそろスケッチ始めて
Okay, why don't you start drawing me, even though I must be a step down from Rachel...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHDaniel_Phase02_Daniel_001 ありがとう。 よかったら また今度 モデルになってよ Thanks Max, I'd like to draw you another time, if you want.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHDaniel_Phase02_Daniel_002 スケッチ中なんだ。 ごめんね Do you mind, Max? I'm drawing.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase01_Evan_001 その前にテストさせてくれ。 質問に答えてもらうよ
Let's see if you're worthy of it, Max. You'll have to answer a simple question: Who photographed the famous "Falling soldier"?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase01_Evan_003 へえやるな。 ちょっと意外だったよ My my. This quiet child knows things.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase01_Evan_007 おいおい… 君はストリートフォトとジャーナリズムの区別もつかないのか?
Oh my, you can't even tell the difference between street photography and photojournalism...No portfolio peek for you.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase01_Evan_010 たしかに 2人とも著名な戦場カメラマンだが まさか混同するとはね
残念ながら 不正解だ
Well, they both were famous war photographer images, but you should know the difference. Good try, wrong answer.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase01_Evan_012 君とは気が合いそうだな
You are a kindred spirit, Max. Would you care for a perusal of my portfolio? It's not a privilege I grant to many...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase01_Evan_028 あの写真が撮影された当時 彼はまだ生まれてもいなかったというのに?
悪いけど ポートフォリオは見せられない
Unless he could travel back in time, McCurry was born five years after the "Falling soldier" picture. McCurry also shoots in color. In other words, no portfolio.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase01_Max_002 ロバート・キャパでしょ? あの写真の真相はともかく 彼の作品は大好き Robert Capa, of course. I love his work, despite the controversy about that photo.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase01_Max_004 見直してくれた? That's why I'm here.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase01_Max_006 ロベール・ドアノーだっけ…? Isn't it Robert Doisneau?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase01_Max_009 えーっと… ユージン・スミス Gotta be... Eugene Smith.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase01_Max_013 拝見いたします I'd be honored, sir.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase01_Max_026 エバン。 ポートフォリオを見せてもらってもいいかな? Hey, Evan. Mind if I check out your cool portfolio?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase01_Max_027 えっと… スティーブ・マッカリー? Uh... Steve McCurry?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase02_Evan_001 遠慮せず見てくれ。 僕も光栄さ。 どうか お手柔らかに頼むよ Of course, you're honored. As I am. And I hope you don't judge my work too harsh.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase02_Evan_003 アマチュアにつきあってる暇はないよ。 一枚でも多く撮らなきゃ
Sorry, I have to get back to my portfolio. No time for amateurs. No offense, Max.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase02_Evan_004 失礼… ポートフォリオ作りで忙しいんだ Sorry, I have to get back to my portfolio.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase03_Evan_001 見てのとおり レイチェル・アンバーは最高のモデルだった
As you can see, Rachel Amber was my favorite model here. She knew exactly what angles worked best with my eye.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase03_Evan_002 いわば「戦友」ってところさ。 僕を批判せず 理解してくれた
ボルテックスの連中とつきあっても 自分を見失っていなかった
Like brother and sister in arms. She understood me, never judged me. I hated her Vortex Club clique, but she never acted like she cared. Her friends were her friends.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase03_Evan_005 一言で言えば「機知縦横」。意味分かる? She was like mercurial. You know what that means?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase03_Evan_009 よからぬことだよ… 間違いない Nothing good Max... Nothing good.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase03_Max_003 親しかったの? You were close...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase03_Max_004 どんな子だった? What was she like?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase03_Max_006 分かるよ それぐらい Of course I do, you snob.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase03_Max_007 お気遣い どうもありがとう I know, I can be a little diva.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase03_Max_008 何があったんだろうね… What do you think happened to her?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase03_Max_010 エバン Hi, Evan.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_Grant_001 あらマックス ちょっとだけ話を聞いてくれないかしら?
今 署名運動を始めてるのよ
Excuse me, Max? I know everybody loves being asked to sign a petition, but would you do
Ms. Grant a favor and hear me out?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_Grant_004 残念ね
またあとで話を聞きにきてちょうだい。 よろしくね
Too bad. Serious things are taking place at Blackwell and they effect you most of all. Come back and see me when you do have time, promise?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_Grant_005 警備主任のデイビッド・マドセンが 校内に監視カメラを設置しようとしているの
廊下に教室 体育館と寮にもね
David Madsen, our chief of security, wants to put surveillance cameras all around the campus. Halls, classrooms, gym, dorm rooms, etc. Blackwell Academy should be a high school, not a high security penitentiary.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_Grant_008 ブラックウェルは由緒正しき学校です
ネイティブ・アメリカンが創立し 開拓者たちにも門戸を開いた
Blackwell Academy has a noble heritage, from the Native Americans who founded this land, to the pioneers who shared it in peace, not fear and violence.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_Grant_009 断固阻止しないと。 取り返しのつかないことになってからじゃ遅いわ It's a slippery slope. And it's up to you and your classmates to stand up here.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_Grant_012 彼らは植民者たちを温かく受け入れ 2 つの文化は共生関係を築いて発展したの The tribes who were here first, who welcomed the settlers. Both cultures found a mutual symbiosis and thrived.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_Grant_013 自分の学校の歴史を知るのは大事よ
You should learn a little history about your alma mater. You'll find some fascinating facts. There's a lot of power in this region. I think it helps the creative juices flow around here...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_Grant_014 特別講義はこのくらいにして…
Now before I assign you homework with this lecture, will you please sign the petition to keep our campus from going back to 1984?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_Grant_017 もちろん警備は大事よ
ただ プライバシーがなくなるのも危険だと言ってるの
あなたたちの世代は なんでも録画されて当然だと思ってるのね
I'm not against security, Max. We should all be concerned when private space becomes public. Your generation has been tricked to think everything should be recorded.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_Grant_018 ありがとう あなたならきっと賛成してくれると思ったわ I knew you were my favorite new student at Blackwell for a good reason.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_Grant_030 そういう問題じゃないのよ
自由を重んじるブラックウェルの伝統と 公民権は保護しないと
Max, this isn't about personalities. This is about protecting civil rights and our school's legacy of freedom.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_Grant_032 中立ってことね
You're fair minded, Max. And we all pray Rachel is found safe and sound, bless her soul. But this petition isn't about her.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_Grant_034 科学はある意味 歴史よ
Science is history, Max. And I have a secret wish to teach local lore and legends. There's a lot of unique facts about this you might really enjoy discovering...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_Grant_035 署名運動の説明を聞く気になった? Do you want to hear more about this petition now Max?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_Grant_038 ずいぶん忙しいのね。 気が変わったら いつでも来なさい 詳しい話をするわ It's all about time, isn't it? If you change your mind and want more details, please come back and see me.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_Max_002 でも… 今ちょっと急いでて… あんまり時間ないんです… Well... I'm kind of in a rush right now, I don't really have the time...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_Max_003 ええ もちろん かまいませんよ。 何の署名ですか? Sure, I always have time for you. What's the petition?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_Max_006 そんなの マドセン主任の嫌がらせを増長させるだけです David Madsen doesn't need another excuse to harass students here...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_Max_007 信じられない。 今のご時世 確かにいろいろ物騒だけど 寮にカメラなんて… That's crazy. I get why schools should be on high alert these days, but cameras in the dorm rooms?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_Max_010 ネイティブ・アメリカン? The Native Americans?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_Max_011 そんなに昔から? 知らなかったです Blackwell is that old? That's incredible.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_Max_015 もちろんです。 安全対策はいいけど… これは行き過ぎです Absolutely. I don't mind security, but not... pure surveillance.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_Max_016 おっしゃることはよく分かるんですけど
でも 監視カメラがあると安心なのも事実なので…
Ms Grant, I totally respect your passion and knowledge, but some security cameras make me feel a little safer.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_Max_029 グラント先生 Hi, Ms. Grant.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_Max_031 カメラがあればレイチェルは見つかったかも。 どっちがいいとも言えない… I guess cameras could have helped Rachel. I can see both sides.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_Max_033 科学の先生なのに歴史好きなんですね You know a lot about Blackwell for being the science teacher.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_Max_036 はい。 詳しく聞かせてください Sure, I like to get all the facts first.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_Max_037 いえ… まだ急いでて ちょっと時間がないです Well... I'm still in a rush, I don't really have the time...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase02_Grant_002 署名は順調よ。 目標数に届きそう The petition is going well. I think we'll hit our goal!
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase02_Grant_004 写真以外には興味ないわよね。 別にかまわないのよ At least I know where you stand, Max. Always in front of the camera.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Hayden_001 お! レトロな自撮り系女子のご登場だな! There she is, the retro-selfie master.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Hayden_004 この学校の生徒が自然と身につけるスキルさ
ボルテックス・クラブを代表するメンバーだったら… 特にね
It's a skill one cultivates at Blackwell. Especially when one represents the Vortex Club. Not to boast.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Hayden_005 そんなに嫌うなよ…
ネイサンは親が金持ちだから なにかと目をつけられやすいんだ
つきあってみると いいヤツだよ
Oh please. Nathan is like everybody's voodoo doll. "Kill the rich kid!" He's all right, and a fun guy to hang with. Fuck the haters.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Hayden_008 メンバーになれない人にとってはね。 いたって健全なクラブさ Only if you're not cool enough to get in. And it doesn't hurt your resume.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Hayden_010 ホントさ。 君も一度 遊びにきてみるといいよ
そうすれば ウワサなんか信じなくなる
I do. But you should actually come hang with us one night. Then you wouldn't be so inclined to gossip.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Hayden_013 俺たちと遊んだことがないからさ
ビクトリアも パーティでは楽しい子なんだよ
That's because you haven't partied with us. Or even Victoria. Who's pretty funny when she's baked.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Hayden_014 考えすぎだよ。 俺たちはそんなくだらないことしなくたって 十分楽しめる Chillax, paranoia girl. We're not that desperate for fun. We know how to do that on our own.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Hayden_016 くだらないこと言うなよ
レイチェルもよく俺たちと遊んでたんだ。 楽しい子だったよ
You're high. Rachel used to hang out with us too. She was a blast. Smart, not bitchy like... you know.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Hayden_021 そりゃ ムシの居所が悪いときもあるさ。 人間なら当然だろ? Nate has his extreme moments, but... don't we all?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Hayden_022 それは残念
Your loss. Bro is fucking hilarious when he's blazed. And he does always have the best shit.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Hayden_025 パーティ好きな子だったよ。 明るくて楽しくて…
そして何より すごく美人だった
I knew she liked to party. Hah, fun to be around. Oh yeah, and she was hot.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Hayden_027 ああ またな。 俺もそろそろ 勉強に戻ったほうがよさそうだ
今度 デーナと君をパーティに呼ぶよ
Bye Max. Now, I have to get my chemical on
and study. We should get you and Dana out one night...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Hayden_029 そうだなあ… まあ… 行方不明ってことだけははっきりしてるな Oh, whatever happens to people who disappear without a trace.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Hayden_031 君は分かってないな
ああ見えて ビクトリアだってレイチェルに一目置いてたよ
Don't think you know Victoria so well. She respected Rachel, even if she didn't act like it.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Hayden_033 いやいや… レイチェルはレイチェルさ
俺にそう言わしめるんだから 相当さ
No. Rachel was like her own club. She was actually too cool for us. And I'll deny I ever said that.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Hayden_035 ああ そうだね。 俺もそろそろ 勉強に戻ったほうがよさそうだ
今度 デーナと君をパーティに呼ぶよ
That it is, Max. Now I have to get my chemical on and study. We should get you and Dana out one night...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Hayden_037 マックス どうした? Hey yourself, Max.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Max_002 どうも 自撮り系女子です。 ヘイデンは相変わらずまったりしてるね That's me all right. You look relaxed as usual, Hayden.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Max_003 でも ネイサン・プレスコットもメンバーでしょ? Do you really want Nathan Prescott to "represent"?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Max_006 そもそもボルテックス・クラブって何? 閉鎖的なイメージだけど What the hell is the Vortex Club anyway? Seems so elitist...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Max_007 すぐキレる危険人物だと思うけど He seems genuinely unstable to me.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Max_009 ホントかなあ… If you say so...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Max_011 遠慮しとく。 パーティとか 興味ないから I don't think so. I'm not Ms. Party.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Max_012 ボルテックス・クラブのパーティに?
なんか ドッキリ仕掛けられそうで怖いんだけど…
You mean hang with the Vortex Club? That sounds like a set-up to a horrible prank...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Max_015 生徒が行方不明なのに パーティで騒ぐ気分になれないよ It seems weird to think about partying with all those Rachel Amber posters up...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Max_019 ヘイデン Hey, Hayden.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Max_020 それでも ネイサンと遊ぶ気にはなれないよ Fair enough, but I'm still not going to party with him.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Max_023 それはどうかな I don't know yet, Hayden.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Max_024 レイチェルと知り合いだったの? So you knew Rachel Amber?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Max_026 それじゃ またね Let's talk later, Hayden.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Max_028 何があったんだろうね… What do you think happened to her?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Max_030 ビクトリアはレイチェルと仲よかったの? やきもち焼きそうだけど Did Victoria like Rachel? She seems like the jealous type.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Max_032 レイチェルもボルテックス・クラブのメンバーだったの? Rachel was actually a member of the Vortex Club?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Max_034 なんだか余計混乱してきたよ… すべてがナゾって感じ… また今度話そう I'm more confused than before... It's such a mystery. Let's talk later Hayden.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_Max_036 ねえ ヘイデン Hey again, Hayden.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase02_Hayden_001 悪いけど テストがあるから勉強しないと。 あとにしてくれよ Seriously. I have to study for a test now, so I can't talk now.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase02_Hayden_002 マックス また今度にしてくれよ Max, you're harshing my mellow.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase01_Justin_001 マックスじゃーん。 かましにきたの? Check out the Max. Come to thrash?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase01_Justin_004 うわ だっせー
You're such a poser. If you can't even name a simple noseslide or a tre flip, you should walk on.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase01_Justin_005 最初のトリックは何? What's your first move gonna be?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase01_Justin_008 へえええ 結構詳しいじゃん Oh, sick, you're not a poser.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase01_Justin_010 そんじゃさ 俺らがお手本見せてやるよ。 リクエストある? Oh check it. We're gonna destroy some rails for you. What do you want to see?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase01_Justin_020 うちのトレバーがいいとこ見せるぜ Let's get Trevor all over that action.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase01_Max_002 かます? そんな魚いたような気が… Thrash? You mean stage diving or...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase01_Max_003 もちろん そのつもり Oh, yeah. Bring it.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase01_Max_006 えっと… ジャンプかな Uh... jump?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase01_Max_007 ノーズスライドしたいとこだけど 誰かトレフリップ見せてくれるかな I came to noseslide, but I'd love to see somebody do a "tre flip"!
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase01_Max_009 まあね。 ぜんぜんヘタくそだけど Nah, I just can't skate worth shit.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase01_Max_018 じゃあ… ノーズスライド I'd love to see a... noseslide.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase01_Max_019 トレフリップがいいな Go for a "tre flip".
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase01_Max_021 ジャスティン Yo, Justin.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase02_Justin_003 君ってたしか 写真の勉強してんだよね? スケボーやってそうに見えないけど I'm stoked to see those photos framed and shit. You're not really a Skate Betty tho.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase02_Justin_006 そりゃ残念
レイチェル・アンバーとツレも よく俺たちとつるんでたし
Too bad. It's nice to have the females on board too. Rachel Amber and her punk friend used to love skating with us.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase02_Justin_008 だよねー
I can tell. We need more girls out here. Rachel Amber and her punk friend used to skate with us...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase02_Justin_010 よくスケボーしに来てたけど ある日急に来なくなったんだよ
レイチェルに何かするようなヤツは 俺らがボードでボッコボコにするぜ!
She used to chill with us sometimes. But one day she just vanished... Hope she's livin' the dream somewhere. If anybody hurt her we'll get a skate posse and take 'em out with our boards.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase02_Justin_011 名前 忘れちゃったけど… かわいかったよ
タトゥー入ってて 髪の毛 青くて かっけーの
レイチェルがいなくなって その子も来なくなっちゃったんだけどさ
I can't remember her name... But she was hot. Tats. Blue hair. Hardcore. She stopped hanging out with us after Rachel disappeared... or ran away.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase02_Justin_015 またマックスじゃーん。 どした? Max appears again. What's up?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase02_Justin_018 俺らの写真撮りたくなったら いつでもモデルになるぜ Anytime you want to take some action shots, we're here for you, Max.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase02_Justin_019 まさか! あんなツンツンした女とつるむかっつの Fuck that! I'd rather rollerblade than hang out with snobs like her.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase02_Justin_020 スケボーやってそうに見えないけど You're not really a Skate Betty.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase02_Max_004 うん あんまり Not really.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase02_Max_005 昔やってたけど 今はカメラ一筋 I used to be, but I'm into my camera now.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase02_Max_012 レイチェルと知り合い? You knew Rachel?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase02_Max_013 レイチェルのツレって? Who was Rachel's punk friend?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase02_Max_014 よっ! Hey.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase02_Max_016 ビクトリアともよく遊ぶ? You ever hang out with Victoria?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase02_Max_017 じゃ またあとでね Let's chill later, Justin.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase03_Justin_002 スケボーに興味ないなら 話すことはないね We're done talking. You're too sketchy!
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase04_Justin_001 またトリック見せてやろっか? You can watch us destroy these rails!
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHLuke_Phase01_Luke_001 今はほっといてくれるかな? Max, I don't feel like talking...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHLuke_Phase01_Luke_004 ネイサン・プレスコットのやつ
Nathan Prescott, little rich bitch kid. He thinks he can own people like his parents own Blackwell... Like he owns the Vortex Club.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHLuke_Phase01_Luke_007 知り合いなのか? You... You know him?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHLuke_Phase01_Luke_008 誰かガツンと言ってやらなきゃダメだ Somebody needs to take that prick down...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHLuke_Phase01_Luke_013 え! それホント? What? Seriously?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHLuke_Phase01_Luke_014 ちょっとその話 詳しく聞かせてよ。 何があったの? Sounds like you know way more than that. Max, tell me.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHLuke_Phase01_Luke_015 それがホントなら 世の中 善人だらけだ
正義は寝て待てって? アホらしい…
Yeah, history always proves that, right? Just wait for justice, you sheeple...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHLuke_Phase01_Luke_017 マックス すげえじゃん! ついに正義の味方の登場だ You are my new hero. Finally, karma comes to Blackwell!
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHLuke_Phase01_Max_002 どうしたの? What's wrong?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHLuke_Phase01_Max_003 ああ ごめん… じゃあ またね Oh sorry... I won't bother you.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHLuke_Phase01_Max_006 あいつにはホント 気をつけたほうがいいよ Yes, he's a nasty piece of work.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHLuke_Phase01_Max_009 銃 持ってたから先生に報告した I busted him today, with a gun.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHLuke_Phase01_Max_010 違うよ ときどき見かけるだけ Not really... I've seen him around.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHLuke_Phase01_Max_011 そのうちきっと 罰が下ると思うよ It'll happen... Karma doesn't play favorites.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHLuke_Phase01_Max_012 そのうち墓穴掘るでしょ He'll take himself down.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHLuke_Phase01_Max_016 銃を振り回してたから校長先生に言いつけたの… あとは先生次第だけど I saw him wave a gun around today and I went to the Principal... We'll see what happens next...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHLuke_Phase01_Max_018 ルーク? Uh, hello?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHLuke_Phase01_Max_019 ううん。 ああいう勘違いしたボンボンとは 関わりたくないな Nope, he's just a entitled dick with a lot of money. Not my type.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHLuke_Phase02_Luke_001 話せてよかったよ マックス。 また今度な I'm glad you told me that, Max. Let's talk later, cool?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHLuke_Phase02_Luke_002 また今度話そうぜ Let's talk later, okay Max?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHStella_Phase01_Max_002 うん 私も先生の作品 大好き。 有名な先生に教えてもらえてラッキーだよね I think so. We're lucky to have such a famous teacher. And I actually love his work...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHStella_Phase01_Max_003 でもちょっと… よそよそしいというか 近づきがたいというか…
偉そうってわけじゃないけど 何考えてるか分からない
He's aloof...He seems like he's always above you, not like a snob, but like you don't know what's in his head.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHStella_Phase01_Max_007 え… どういうこと? Now how do you know this?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHStella_Phase01_Max_009 そ… そうなんだ… 学校生活って 毎日驚きの連続だね Interesting. See, you learn something new everyday at school.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHStella_Phase01_Max_010 レイチェルと知り合いだったの? So you knew Rachel?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHStella_Phase01_Max_013 ステラ お疲れ Hey there, Stella.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHStella_Phase01_Max_014 どうなんだろう
確かに天才だとは思うけど 先生の言うこと全部うのみにするのは違うかな
I'm not sure yet, I mean, he's clearly a genius. But I don't agree with everything he says.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHStella_Phase01_Max_017 ビクトリア 分かりやすいよね。 先生は相手にしてないと思うよ Victoria is pretty obvious. I don't think Jefferson is into her.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHStella_Phase01_Max_018 言われてみれば 先生はビクトリアをスルーしてるね。 先生もバカじゃないし Now that you mention it, he doesn't respond to Victoria's flirting. That means he has good taste.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHStella_Phase01_Max_020 まさか。 先生クビになっちゃうよ。 第一 生徒とつきあったりしないでしょ No way. You can get him so busted. And he's not going to mess around with a student.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHStella_Phase01_Stella_001 あなたはたしか 写真のクラスで一緒だよね
ジェファソン先生 最高じゃない?
Hey, I know you! You're the new quiet girl in Jefferson's class. Isn't he incredible?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHStella_Phase01_Stella_004 ホントに
ニューヨークでの作品もよかったけど やっぱり先生のルーツはオレゴンだから
Me too. His New York urban stuff is great, but I'm glad he came back to his Oregon roots. Screw the East Coast elite. It must piss off those pretentious galleries that Mark Jefferson is teaching photography to us Blackwell hicks... plus he is pretty hot for an older guy.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHStella_Phase01_Stella_005 まあね。 先生はアーティストだから Maybe. Mr. Jefferson just has his own style.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHStella_Phase01_Stella_006 ビクトリアがいなかったら 私もアタックするのに If Victoria wasn't all over him, I would definitely make a move.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHStella_Phase01_Stella_008 それはどうかな That's what you think.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHStella_Phase01_Stella_011 そういうわけじゃないけど ビクトリアたちと一緒にいるのをよく見かけたよ
レイチェルに関しては いろいろとすごいウワサを聞いてる
Not really. I saw her hanging with the other cool kids like Victoria. Not my kind of clique. But I heard insane stories about Rachel...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHStella_Phase01_Stella_012 ま そのうちいろいろ分かってくるよ。 それじゃ… また授業でね Like I said, you have a lot to learn, Max. See ya in class.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHStella_Phase01_Stella_015 ちょっと気取ったとこはあるけど 本音で向き合ってくれるいい先生だよ He does get a bit pretentious, but he's passionate and just says what he thinks.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHStella_Phase01_Stella_016 私もそう思う。 でも ライバルは他にもいるし… I don't think she's closed the deal. But she's not the only player...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHStella_Phase01_Stella_019 本当に何も知らないんだね
You have a lot to learn here at Blackwell. Rachel Amber absolutely had sex with him. Well... I heard that from a good source.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_CHStella_Phase02_Stella_001 ごめん 今ちょっと忙しいから I'd like to study this photo if you don't mind.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_DanielDraws_Daniel_010 いいね いいポーズだ Oh, that's a good posture.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_DanielDraws_Daniel_020 うん いいね… Good, good...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_DanielDraws_Max_030 すごいよ ダニエル…! Best portrait ever.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_DroneControl_Brooke_010 はい。ドローン 操縦していいよ Here, give the drone a whirl around campus.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_FactNathan_Principal_010 ネイサン・プレスコット君 至急校長室に来るように。 以上 Would Nathan Prescott please come to the front office. Thank you.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_Idle_Grant_010 校内のプライバシーが侵害されようとしています。 署名にご協力ください! Would anybody like to sign a petition to stop Blackwell from becoming a surveillance state?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_Idle_Grant_020 あなたたち全員に関わる 深刻な問題ですよ This is a very important issue that effects all of you here.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_Idle_Grant_030 あと 100 人の署名が集まれば 公聴会を開けます We just need to collect 100 more signatures to get a public hearing...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_Idle_Grant_040 安全対策も 行き過ぎると危険です We all want to be safe but not spied upon.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_Idle_Grant_050 政治的な主張とは無関係よ
And this isn't about any politics, just about our Blackwell's great tradition of free speech.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_Idle_Grant_060 スマホでチャットする時間があったら この問題のことも考えてみて I know you're in a hurry to text before your next class but this is important too...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_Idle_Grant_070 警備員にチャットの内容まで監視されたら 困るでしょう? What if Big Brother was watching what you're texting? Are you cool with that?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_Idle_Grant_080 みんな聞いてる? Is anybody listening?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_Idle_Grant_090 もしもし? Anybody?
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_StellaFriend_CitizenF1_020 コントラストが絶妙 I love the contrasts.
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_StellaFriend_Stella_010 すごく繊細だよね… Oh his work is so sensitive...
Cue_E1_3A_CampusA_StellaFriend_Stella_030 ジェファソン先生は光と影のエキスパートだよ Mr. Jefferson is a master of light and shade...
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_BrokenWindow_Look01_Max_010 カルマっていうのはこういうこと! Now that's what I call Instant Karma!
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_Bucket_Interact02_Max_010 今は無理… サミュエルにバレちゃう I can't grab that, Samuel is way too close.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_Bucket_Look01_Max_010 ビクトリアの近くにペンキ… いいこと考えた Hmmm, a paint bucket next to Victoria. I see a plan.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_Bucket_Look02_Max_010 さあ うまくいくかな Okay, show me the magic.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_CHAlyssa_Look01_Max_010 アリッサとはもっと仲良くなれそうだな I feel like Alyssa and I should be better friends.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_CHAlyssa_Look02_Max_010 かわいそうに 今のはあざになりそう… Ouch, poor Alyssa. That'll leave a bruise.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_CHAlyssa_Look03_Max_010 これでアリッサが平和に本を読める Now Alyssa can savor her bad novel in peace.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_CHKate_Look01_Max_010 ケイトだ。 いつもよりふさぎこんでるみたい There's Kate, looking sadder than usual.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_CHLogan_Look01_Max_010 こちらローガン・ロバートソン。 100% イヤなヤツ Hey, Logan Robertson: All American Asshole.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_CHSamuel_Look01_Max_010 サミュエルのことを怖がる人もいるけど 怖い人じゃない。 変人ではあるけど Good ol' Samuel. Some people are creeped out by him. He's not creepy, just X-Files weird.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_CHSamuel_Look02_Max_010 サミュエルがペンキを塗り始める… There goes Samuel DaVinci to paint the window...
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_CHVictoria_Look01_Max_010 うわ ビクトリアと取り巻きちゃんたちだ Oh shit, there's Victoria and her "mean girls".
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_CHVictoria_Look02_Max_010 ひどい言葉… もう二度と聞きたくもない That's the first and last time I expect to hear that.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_CHVictoria_Look03_Max_010 ずぶぬれでミジメなのに オシャレに見える She looks like a pissed off wet cat. And she's still stylish.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_CHVictoria_Look04_Max_010 テコでも動きそうにないや… Victoria is not getting the hint.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_CHVictoria_Look05_Max_010 1 人で座ってるとなんだか悲しそうに見える… Oh man, she looks so sad and lonely sitting there alone.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_CHVictoria_Look06_Max_010 同情すべきなのかもしれないけど 結局 自業自得だよね I should feel really bad for Victoria, but, I really fucking don't. Karma.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_CHVictoria_Look07_Max_010 これで少しは ビクトリアに気に入られるかな I hope Victoria won't hate me so much now.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_CHZachary_Look01_Max_010 ザッカリーってフットボールよりビールが好きそうな顔してる Zachary always looks like he'd rather be throwing back a beer than a football.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_CHZachary_Look02_Max_010 サイテーな男じゃなかったら 同情したかもしれない
ジュリエット かわいそう
I could almost feel sorry for him, if he wasn't such a serious dick. Poor Juliet.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_Graffiti01_Look01_Max_010 どうして木に当たるの? Don't take it out on the tree, loser.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_Graffiti02_Look01_Max_010 いい被写体になってくれそう This is all good future photograph material.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_Graffiti03_Look01_Max_010 ここの落書き ホントにひどいな People sure do write stupid shit on the walls here.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_Graffiti04_Look01_Max_010 象形文字にしか見えない… I feel like I'm reading ancient hieroglyphics...
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_Ladder_Look01_Max_010 ハシゴをいじってサミュエルをケガさせたくない
I don't want to mess with that ladder and hurt poor Samuel. I just want to get Victoria the hell out of the way...
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_MPA01_Look01_Max_010 このポスター もっと見かけるようになればいいのに I won't feel right until I see another of these posters.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_Pipe_Look01_Max_010 スプリンクラーのバルブ 私でも使えそう… This main sprinkler valve looks easy enough to use...
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_Plaque_Look01_Max_010 「プレスコット寮」だって。 この寮までネイサンの家の持ち物ってわけ? The Prescott Dormitory.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_PuzzleVoiceOver01_Max_010 いいよ どかせてみせるから Okay, I'll find a way to make this bitch leave.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_PuzzleVoiceOver01_Max_020 任務開始 「ビクトリアをどかせ」 Mission Accepted: Get Victoria Off The Steps.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_PuzzleVoiceOver01_Max_030 むかつく 絶対どかせてやる Oh yes Victoria, I'll get your boney ass out of my way.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_PuzzleVoiceOver02_Max_010 よし これでどうだろう Okay, let's see if this works.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_PuzzleVoiceOver03_Max_020 おしい! バケツの下に立っててくれないとダメだな Close but no cigar. They have to be right under the bucket.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_PuzzleVoiceOver04_Max_020 全然ダメ。 考えて… あとなにが足りない…? That didn't quite work. Think, Max, think, what else...
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_PuzzleVoiceOver05_Max_010 大成功! 私をなめた罰だ It worked! Don't mess with Max, bitches.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_PuzzleVoiceOver06_Max_030 さすがにやりすぎたかな… 部屋に戻って ウォーレンに会いに行かなきゃ Maybe I shouldn't have done that... Now I have to get to my room, then see Warren.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_PuzzleVoiceOver07_Max_040 これじゃビクトリアに都合がいいだけ… 仕返しした方がいいかな…
とにかく 部屋に戻って ウォーレンに会おう
Victoria probably played me. I should have played her... Better get to my room before I find Warren.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_RecycleBin_Look01_Max_010 エコな学校でよかった Glad to see our campus is eco-friendly.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_RewindChoice_KateIntervene_Max_010 ケイトを助けられて日常ヒーロー気分だけど
戻って 見て見ぬふりすべき?
I felt like an everyday hero helping Kate but now Officer David Dickhead is after me. Maybe I should rewind and mind my own business?
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_RewindChoice_KatePhoto_Max_010 ケイトとデイビッドの間に割って入ればよかった…
なんなの あの人…
Man, I should have stepped in between Kate and David... That asshole was so over the line... I could rewind and try something different...
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_RewindChoice_VictoriaComfort_Max_010 ビクトリアの「改心」は演技に決まってる…
I don't buy Victoria's "let's be pals" bullshit for a minute. I should rewind and play her.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_RewindChoice_VictoriaPhoto_Max_010 ざまあみろって感じ
でも 彼女と同じような人間にはなりたくない
力を使って 優しい言葉をかけてあげるべきかな…
Victoria earned that smackdown...but I shouldn't sink to her level. I could use my new power to say something nice to her...
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_Sign_Look01_Max_010 ここに自分の部屋があると思うと 変な気持ち I always get a little giddy when I think about having my own room here.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_Sprinkler01_Look01_Max_010 オレゴンはしょっちゅう雨が降るんだから スプリンクラーなんていらないでしょ
You'd think with all rain here in Oregon, you wouldn't need to water the lawn. I guess Blackwell has to keep the lawn and plants well-manicured to look good on a catalog.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_Sprinkler01_Look02_Max_010 最近は水不足なのに こんなに水を無駄遣いしちゃって With all these new droughts, it seems kinda obscene to waste all this water.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_Sprinkler01_Look03_Max_010 水をもっと出して ビクトリアと取り巻きを移動させられるかも I could crank the sprinkler up and give Victoria and her clones incentive to beat it...
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_Sprinkler01_Look04_Max_010 スプリンクラーのバルブはどこ? Okay, now where exactly is the sprinkler valve?
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_Sprinkler01_Look05_Max_010 今日だけはブラックウェルのスプリンクラーに感謝してる Well, I would be a hypocrite if I wasn't grateful for Blackwell's sprinkler system today.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_Sprinkler01_Look06_Max_010 ビクトリアに水をやったら やさしい一面が開花したりしないかな That would be nice, if the water blossomed Victoria into a nicer person.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_Squirrel_Look01_Max_010 かわいすぎるでしょ。 猫だったらもっとヤバかった This is going to be too damn cute. At least it's not a cat picture.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_SupplyOffice_look01_Max_010 忍び込んで校長先生の生活を覗いてみたい… I would love to ninja my way in there and see how the principal lives.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_Totem_look01_Max_010 あのトーテムは「トバンガ」っていうらしい。 前にウォーレンがそう言ってた Warren told me that totem is named "Tobanga" for a reason nobody knows.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_Umbrella_Look01_Max_010 よその人ね Tourist.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_VoiceOver01_Max_010 部屋に戻って ウォーレンの USB を取ってこないと I need to go to my room and return Warren's flash drive.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_VoiceOver02_Max_020 ウォーレンに今の状況を話したら 笑われるかな If I told Warren what's going on, would he laugh?
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_VoiceOver03_Max_010 みんなに 寮生活に向いてそうって言われたけど 大ハズレ Everybody said I'd love being on my own in a dorm. Wrong.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_VoiceOver03_Max_020 一見すると 楽しそうな学校だよね This place looks like such a hub of scholastic joy. "Looks."
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_VoiceOver03_Max_030 友だちや家族は「いつか花開く」って言ってくれるけど… My friends and family said I would "blossom" on my own. I feel like ass.
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_VoiceOver04_Max_010 彼氏との問題を解決しただけで
Man, it didn't take much to get Juliet and Dana to open up to me... I just had to help them with their boy troubles. This is some super power...
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_VoiceOver04_Max_020 みんなのゴシップを伝えて回るだけで人気者になれそう
I could become very popular by just becoming everybody's gossip ninja. Is this why I have these visions and this power?
Act_E1_3B_CampusB_VoiceOver05_Max_010 やっとちゃんと人助けができた! こういうのがしたかったんだ Now that's what I'm talking about! I actually helped somebody.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_AlyssaHurt_Alyssa_020 痛った! なにすんの! Ow! That hurt!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_AlyssaHurt_Zachary_010 ふざけんなよ! Fuck this shit!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_AlyssaMoveSit_Alyssa_020 えー 別にいいけど… If you insist, Max.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_AlyssaMoveSit_Max_010 アリッサ そこどいて! Alyssa, move your head.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_BucketFall_Samuel_030 ダメだよ… それはダメだ… Can't do that, can't do that...
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_BucketFall_Victoria_010 ちょっとなにこれ! どういうつもり!? Jesus Christ! What the hell?
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_BucketFall_Victoria_020 服が台無しになるところだったじゃない Thanks so much for almost ruining my outfit.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_BucketFall_Victoria_040 うちらの上に落ちてたらどうするのよ! 訴えられたいの? You're so lucky that it didn't fall on us. We'd sue your ass so fast...
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHAlyssa_AlyssaThanksMax02_Alyssa_001 ホント ありがとね。 じゃ また Thanks again, let's talk later.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHAlyssa_AlyssaThanksMax_Alyssa_001 マックス おかげで助かったよ。 ありがとね Max, that was awesome. Thank you!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHAlyssa_AlyssaThanksMax_Alyssa_004 まあね。 子どもの頃から こういうの慣れてるから Years of mad dodging skills. Bullies never change.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHAlyssa_AlyssaThanksMax_Alyssa_005 これだから脳筋男は…
Jock assholes. If I was a member of the Vortex Club they'd never pull that...
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHAlyssa_AlyssaThanksMax_Alyssa_008 だよね。 今度ゆっくり話そうよ。 今はこの中身空っぽの小説 読まなきゃ You're smart. We should hang out more... Now I have to finish this stupid book.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHAlyssa_AlyssaThanksMax_Max_002 よかった。 反射神経いいね No problem. You have quick reflexes.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHAlyssa_AlyssaThanksMax_Max_003 危なかったね… That was close.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHAlyssa_AlyssaThanksMax_Max_006 相手にしないことだよ That's why you're better off.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHAlyssa_AlyssaThanksMax_Max_007 くだらないクラブだよ Would you want to be a member?
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHAlyssa_MaxTalkAlyssa02_Alyssa_001 もういいかな。 続きが気になっちゃって Sorry, I really have to find out what happens.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHAlyssa_MaxTalkAlyssa_Alyssa_001 あれ マックス Oh, hi Max.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHAlyssa_MaxTalkAlyssa_Alyssa_005 「愛と永遠の眠りの狭間で」… 分かってる 何も言わないで Love Today Or Die Forever
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHAlyssa_MaxTalkAlyssa_Alyssa_006 一人で恋愛小説を読んでる私に聞く?
Fantastic. I'm by myself reading chick-lit. Pretty soon I'll be bonding with Victoria at the Vortex Club...
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHAlyssa_MaxTalkAlyssa_Alyssa_009 まあね。 じゃ 続きを読むから… Good point. Now, if you'll excuse me...
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHAlyssa_MaxTalkAlyssa_Max_003 何 読んでるの? What are you reading?
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHAlyssa_MaxTalkAlyssa_Max_004 元気? How are you doing?
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHAlyssa_MaxTalkAlyssa_Max_007 でもそれ ベストセラーだよね? It's a best-seller. What to say?
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHAlyssa_MaxTalkAlyssa_Max_008 読書のほうがマシだよ I think you're better off reading chick-lit.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHKate_MaxTalkKate01_Kate_001 マックス Hey, Max...
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHKate_MaxTalkKate01_Kate_004 よく覚えてない… 授業なんてどうでもいい気分なのかも I don't remember... I guess I don't care about much of anything today.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHKate_MaxTalkKate01_Kate_005 なんか今日は何もかもどうでもよくて… めんどくさくてごめんね I'm kind of over humanity today... Sorry to be a drama queen.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHKate_MaxTalkKate01_Kate_007 今はちょっとひとりになりたいんだ。 ごめん Max, I'd like to be alone, if you don't mind. I'm sorry...
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHKate_MaxTalkKate01_Max_002 授業はどうだった? How did you like class today?
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHKate_MaxTalkKate01_Max_003 元気ないけど… 大丈夫? You look down. You okay?
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHKate_MaxTalkKate01_Max_006 私でよかったら… Is there anything...?
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHKate_MaxTalkKate01_Max_008 ケイト Hi, Kate.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHKate_MaxTalkKate02_Kate_001 ごめん マックス。 あとにして Seriously Max, I don't want to talk.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHKate_MaxTalkKate02_Kate_002 しつこいよ マックス Max, get a clue.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHLogan_MaxTalkLogan_Logan_001 やめろよ。 写真を撮りたかったら 金曜日の試合中にしてくれ No bro, you can't take a picture. You gotta wait till Friday's game.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHSamuel_MaxTalkSamuel01_Max_002 今日は忙しそうですね You look busy, Samuel...
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHSamuel_MaxTalkSamuel01_Max_003 レイチェル・アンバーに何があったんですか? What's up with these Rachel Amber posters?
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHSamuel_MaxTalkSamuel01_Max_006 レイチェル・アンバーのビラまで塗りつぶさないでくださいね Just don't paint over the posters for Rachel Amber.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHSamuel_MaxTalkSamuel01_Max_007 まあ… たしかに。 でも ビラを見ると気がめいっちゃって ...Uh, I guess? ...It just makes the campus look sad.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHSamuel_MaxTalkSamuel01_Max_009 レイチェルと知り合い? You knew Rachel?
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHSamuel_MaxTalkSamuel01_Max_011 サミュエル Howdy, Samuel.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHSamuel_MaxTalkSamuel01_Max_012 何があったんですかね… What do you think happened to her?
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHSamuel_MaxTalkSamuel01_Max_013 どんな子でしたか? 人気者だったと思うけど… What was she like? She must have been popular.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHSamuel_MaxTalkSamuel01_Max_014 それじゃ また See you later, Samuel.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHSamuel_MaxTalkSamuel01_Samuel_001 やあ 元気かい? Well, hello there.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHSamuel_MaxTalkSamuel01_Samuel_004 僕はいつでも忙しいさ。 今日は庭掃除。 それからペンキ塗り Oh, I'm always up to something. Today it's sweeping, then painting windows.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHSamuel_MaxTalkSamuel01_Samuel_005 それは本人にしか分からない Only she would know that, right?
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHSamuel_MaxTalkSamuel01_Samuel_008 光を塗りつぶすことはできない You can't color over that sunlight...
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHSamuel_MaxTalkSamuel01_Samuel_010 プリズムを知ることはできない
では ペンキを塗りにいくよ
How can you know a prism? You just stare in awe... Now I have to go paint windows.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHSamuel_MaxTalkSamuel01_Samuel_015 過去に執着すべきではない。 僕は前進しつづける。 時計のように Best not to dwell on the past. Samuel looks forward. Like a clock.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHSamuel_MaxTalkSamuel01_Samuel_016 太陽の光も影を作る。 彼女は光であり 影だった
乾電池と同じだよ。 プラスとマイナスを持つ
Even sunlight can cast shadows. Rachel did both at once, you know? She was like a battery: Positive and negative.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHSamuel_MaxTalkSamuel01_Samuel_017 足元に気をつけるんだよ。 掃除が終わったら… ペンキ塗りだ And watch your step around here, Max... After I sweep, I paint...
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHSamuel_MaxTalkSamuel02_Samuel_001 悪いけど 今忙しいんだ。 掃除を済ませて ペンキを塗らなきゃ… Sorry Max, no more talk. I have to finish this before I paint.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHVictoria_Stained_Max_001 えっと… あの… ビクトリア… Uh... hey, Victoria...
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHVictoria_Stained_Victoria_002 マックス。 何か用? What do you want, Max?
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHZachary_MaxTalkZachary2_Zachary_001 あっち行ってろよ。 インタビューはお断りだ Get lost, hipster. I'm not doing any interviews.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_CHZachary_MaxTalkZachary_Zachary_001 今 フットボールの練習中だ。 あっち行けよ Football, Max. Bigfootball. Step away.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ComfortVictoria_Max_010 大丈夫…? その服 カシミアだよね I am sorry. That's an awesome cashmere coat...
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ComfortVictoria_Max_030 前から思ってたけど いつもおしゃれだよね Well, you always seem to know how to pick the right outfits.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ComfortVictoria_Max_050 それに写真の才能も すごいよ。 リチャード・アヴェドンっぽい I've seen your pictures. You have a great eye, Richard Avedon-esque.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ComfortVictoria_Max_090 ムカついたけど… ちょっと 笑えたよ That was mean... but pretty funny.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ComfortVictoria_Max_110 分かる そういうときってあるよね。 じゃ また I know exactly what you mean, Victoria. I'll see you later.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ComfortVictoria_Victoria_020 まあね。 でも他にもあるし It was. But there will be another.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ComfortVictoria_Victoria_040 否定はしないけど。 ジェファソン先生にも言われたし… I do have some talent. Mr. Jefferson told me—
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ComfortVictoria_Victoria_060 アヴェドンのファンなの… ちょっとうれしい He's one of my heroes... Thanks Max.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ComfortVictoria_Victoria_070 …ったく タオルはまだ? いつまで待たせるの… I hope those sluts get me a towel before they hang a sign on me.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ComfortVictoria_Victoria_080 さっきの写真 消すね
いじわるして悪かった… あと 「自撮りぼっち」とか言って
You deserve a better shot. Sorry about blocking you and... and the "go fuck your selfie."
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ComfortVictoria_Victoria_100 今日はなんかツイてないみたい Just one of those days, you know?
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ComfortVictoria_Victoria_120 じゃあね Au revoir.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_KateAndDavidIntervene_David_020 なんだお前は。 仕事の邪魔をしないでもらいたい Excuse us, this is official campus business—
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_KateAndDavidIntervene_David_040 なんだと? 人聞きの悪いことを言うな… 安全を守るためだ Hey, hey, nobody is bullying anybody. I'm doing my job.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_KateAndDavidIntervene_David_060 お前も要注意だな。 このことはよく覚えておく You're part of the problem, missy. I will remember this conversation.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_KateAndDavidIntervene_Kate_080 マックス ありがとう! やっと追い払えたよ
もう行かなきゃいけないんだけど 本当に感謝してるから
Oh Max, that was great. I think you scared him for once... I have to go, but thank you. It means a lot.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_KateAndDavidIntervene_Max_010 ちょっと! もうやめてください Hey, why don't you leave her alone?
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_KateAndDavidIntervene_Max_030 生徒を怒鳴りつけ いじめることが仕事なんですか? Excuse me, you shouldn't be yelling at students. Or bullying them.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_KateAndDavidIntervene_Max_050 ウソばっかり No, you're not.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_KateAndDavidIntervene_Max_070 「お前」って… Missy?
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_KateAndDavidIntervene_Max_090 気にしないで Anytime, Kate.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_KateAndDavidPhoto_David_010 …いいか よく聞け。 俺の目はごまかせない
隠し事ができるなどと思わないことだ。 わかったな
...you can't fool me. I know everything about this school. I cover the waterfront. So you better figure out what side you're on...
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_KateAndDavidPhoto_David_020 俺のことは嵐だと思え。 嵐が近づいている。 覚悟しておけ Just think of me as a storm. And that storm is headed your way. Be prepared.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_KateAndDavidPhoto_Kate_030 もうやめてください… Please, leave me alone!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_KateAndDavidPhoto_Kate_040 なんで止めてくれなかったの? 黙って見てるだけなんて Hope you enjoyed the show. Thanks for nothing, Max.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_KateAndDavid_David_010 …いいか 俺は生徒のことは何もかも把握しているんだ
黙っていないで なんとか言え
...so don't think I'm blind! I see everything here at Blackwell! Do you understand what I'm saying?
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_KateAndDavid_Kate_020 なんのことか分かりません No, and leave me alone!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_PipeActivated_Taylor_020 大丈夫 ただの水だよ… Chill, Victoria. It's just water—
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_PipeActivated_Taylor_040 そ… そうだよね You look... great.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_PipeActivated_Victoria_010 ちょっとなんなの!? 信じられない! ずぶ濡れよ! What the hell? Are you kidding? Look at this...
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_PipeActivated_Victoria_030 これカシミアなんですけど! この服 いくらしたか分かってるの!? Yeah, water on my cashmere! Do you know how much this fucking outfit cost?
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_PipeActivated_Victoria_050 もうマジで最悪 I can't even chill on the steps...
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_TauntVictoria_Max_020 待って。 動かないで Oh wait, hold that pose!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_TauntVictoria_Max_030 これは SNS いき決定 And no filter needed before I post this.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_TauntVictoria_Max_040 もうどいてくれる? 早く部屋に戻りたいんだけど Now please move. I've had a messed up day and I'm going to my room.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_TauntVictoria_Victoria_010 黙って。 嫌みとか聞きたくないから Don't... Don't say a word, Max.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_TauntVictoria_Victoria_050 生意気に… せいぜい気をつけなさい… ネイサンにもね You do that... I know where you live... So does Nathan...
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_VictoriaBitch_Victoria_010 あーら 自撮りクイーンのマックス・コールフィールドさん Oh look, it's Max Caulfield, the selfie ho of Blackwell.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_VictoriaBitch_Victoria_020 個性派 気取って マーク… じゃなかった ジェファソン先生の気を引くなんて What a lame gimmick. Even Mark —Mr. Jefferson— falls for your waif hipster bullshit.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_VictoriaBitch_Victoria_030 「ダゲレオタイプです~!」 ろれつ回ってなかったし
The Daguerreian Process, Sir!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_VictoriaBitch_Victoria_040 かしこいマックスさんなら これを見て分かるでしょ? 通行止めよ Since you know all the answers, I guess you have to find another way into the dorm. We ain't moving.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_VictoriaBitch_Victoria_050 待って。 動かないで… Oh wait, hold that pose!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_VictoriaBitch_Victoria_060 傑作が撮れた 安心して
SNS にバラまく前に レトロフィルターで加工してあげる
So original. Don't worry, Max, I'll put a vintage filter on it right before I post it all over social medias.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_VictoriaBitch_Victoria_070 じゃ さよなら 「自撮りぼっち」さん Now, why don't you go fuck your selfie?
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_VictoriaHurt_Courtney_020 大丈夫 ビクトリア? You okay, Victoria?
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_VictoriaHurt_Courtney_060 今タオルを持ってくるから ちょっと待ってて! Hold on, hold on, we'll get some towels... We'll be right back!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_VictoriaHurt_Samuel_040 ああ 申し訳ない。 髪の毛につくと落ちないんだよ… すまない… Ol' Samuel is sorry. Wet paint is not good for hair, nope. Sorry—
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_VictoriaHurt_Victoria_010 ちょっと! 冗談じゃないわよ! No way! No fucking way!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_VictoriaHurt_Victoria_030 カシミアの服がペンキまみれになったのに 大丈夫だと思う!? I've got paint all over my cashmere and my makeup you idiots!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_VictoriaHurt_Victoria_050 近寄らないでよ 気色悪い! Get the hell away from me, weirdo!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_VictoriaHurt_Victoria_070 早くしてよ 乾いちゃうでしょ! So move your ass, before I dry!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_VictoriaStopsMax_Victoria_010 あっち行きなさいよ Keep walking, hippie.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_VictoriaStopsMax_Victoria_020 言葉 分からないの? あっち行って Do you understand English? Get lost.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_VictoriaStopsMax_Victoria_030 パパラッチは立ち入り禁止よ Sorry, no paparazzi allowed.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_VictoriaStopsMax_Victoria_040 通行止めよ。 お分かり? None shall pass, capiche?
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ZacharyAndLogan_Logan_020 よーしザック こいつを受けてみろ! Oh Zach, it is broughten, bro!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ZacharyAndLogan_Logan_110 ヒュー! Dude!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ZacharyAndLogan_Logan_120 いいねええええ! Oooh dude!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ZacharyAndLogan_Logan_130 おい! Just!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ZacharyAndLogan_Logan_140 おいおい! No!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ZacharyAndLogan_Logan_150 おいおいおい! No!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ZacharyAndLogan_Logan_160 よし! 'Kay!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ZacharyAndLogan_Logan_170 うっし! Yeah!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ZacharyAndLogan_Logan_180 いいねえ! Yeah!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ZacharyAndLogan_Logan_190 よーし! Yeah!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ZacharyAndLogan_Logan_200 うす! Yeah!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ZacharyAndLogan_Logan_210 うっしゃー! Yeah!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ZacharyAndLogan_Logan_220 おっし! Alright.
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ZacharyAndLogan_Logan_230 いいねえ! Bro'!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ZacharyAndLogan_Logan_240 おし! Bro'!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ZacharyAndLogan_Logan_250 投げろよ! C'mon!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ZacharyAndLogan_Logan_260 ははは! Dude!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ZacharyAndLogan_Zachary_010 早く投げろよ ローガン! Come on Logan! Bring it, brah!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ZacharyAndLogan_Zachary_030 うっし! Awesome!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ZacharyAndLogan_Zachary_040 よーし! Awesome!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ZacharyAndLogan_Zachary_050 おし! Bro'!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ZacharyAndLogan_Zachary_060 ナイス! Nice!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ZacharyAndLogan_Zachary_070 オッケー! Nice bro'!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ZacharyAndLogan_Zachary_080 ナイス スロー! Nice bro'!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ZacharyAndLogan_Zachary_090 おっし! Sweet!
Cue_E1_3B_CampusB_ZacharyAndLogan_Zachary_100 いいね! Sweet!
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_BlackwellMap_Look01_Max_010 ブラックウェルは広くないけど まるで迷路 Blackwell isn't that big, but, it sure feels like a labyrinth.
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_BrookeSlate_Look01_Max_010 ウォーレンはブルックと付き合えばいいのに。 どう見ても相性ばっちりだもん Warren should be all over Brooke. They're perfect for each other.
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Look01_Max_010 ジュリエット 今にも泣き崩れそう Juliet looks like she's ready to throw down.
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Look02_Max_010 マックス 人の名前は覚えた方がいい Note to Max: It pays to remember names.
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Look03_Max_010 くだらないケンカを止める方法を見つけないと I should find a way to end this silly stand-off.
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Look04_Max_010 かわいそうなジュリエットに真実を伝えなきゃ Poor Juliet is about to get smited with truth.
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_DanaSlate_Look01_Max_010 デーナは根っからのチアリーダーだな… Dana's still a cheerleader at heart...
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_DormMap_Look01_Max_010 ブラックヘル Welcome to BlackHell...
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_ExpressionPanel02_Look01_Max_010 ここの人たちは容赦ないな Man, people here are merciless.
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_ExpressionPanel02_Look01_Max_020 楽しそう。 唯一のオタク女子じゃないみたいでよかった Could be fun. Glad I'm not the only lonely nerd around here.
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_ExpressionPanel02_Look01_Max_030 警告どうも Thanks for the warning.
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_ExpressionPanel_Look01_Max_010 寮のすべてがここに詰まってる This is like the public DNA of our dorm...
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_ExpressionPanel_Look01_Max_020 頑張れグラント先生! 私は無理かもしれないけど… Go, Ms. Grant! Not sure if I will though... I'm a loser.
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_JulietSlate_Look01_Max_010 ジュリエット スーパーレポーター Juliet: X-treme Reporter
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_KateSlate_Look01_Max_010 なにこれ ホントにバカみたい Okay, this is just mean and stupid.
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_KateSlate_Look02_Max_010 世界共通の「私のことは放っといて」マーク The universal symbol for: "Please leave me alone, asshole."
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_MPA01_Look01_Max_010 人気者だったんだね。 あちこちに貼ってある This girl must have been popular, she's everywhere.
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_MPA02_Look01_Max_010 いなくなったのはわかったよ。 貼ってる人 大丈夫? We get it, she's missing. Somebody has gone crazy with these posters.
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_MaxSlate_Look01_Max_010 なにも書いてない。 なにも言いたいことがないの How sad. I didn't write anything. I have nothing to say.
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_MaxSlate_Look02_Max_010 まあ こういうこと Obvious, but true.
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_ModernAlarm_Look01_Max_010 非常ベルは まだ新しそう At least that's an alarm from this century.
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_Poster01_Look01_Max_010 雰囲気があるね。 ほこりをかぶってるけど Nice atmospheric shot. Needs dusting.
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_Poster02_Look01_Max_010 冗談でしょ As if.
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_Poster03_Look01_Max_010 奴らは生きてる! They Live!
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_Poster04_Look01_Max_010 このポスター 結局なにが言いたいの? But what's this poster really trying to tell me?
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_ScoreBoard_Look01_Max_010 ここに何か貼った人たちのコラージュを作ってみたいな I'd love to make a photo collage of every person who've posted these.
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_StellaSlate_Look01_Max_010 217 号室? ここには絶対入らない Room 217? No way in hell am I ever going in here.
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_TaylorSlate_look01_Max_010 ボルテックス・クラブなのか ビクトリア・クラブなのか はっきりして Is this a Vortex Club or a Victoria Club initiation? Truly pathetic.
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_ToiletPaper_Look01_Max_010 トイレットペーパー戦争に勝者はいない。 亡霊しか残らない Looks like nobody won this TP war. There's nothing left but ghosts.
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_VictoriaSlate_Look01_Max_010 勘弁してよ ビクトリア… Oh Victoria, give me a fucking break.
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_VoiceOver01_Max_010 部屋に戻って USB を取ってくるんでしょ Just get to your room and grab Warren's flash drive.
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_VoiceOver01_Max_020 そんな場合じゃないかもしれないけど USB は返さなきゃ After all this action, I still have to get Warren's flash drive.
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_VoiceOver02_Max_010 デーナを助けなきゃ…
I can help Dana... and check out Victoria's room to find out if she is the kind of person I hope she's not.
Act_E1_3C_Corridor_VoiceOver02_Max_020 まずはビクトリアの部屋に行かなきゃ I need to get to Victoria's room, now.
Act_E1_3C_DanaRoom_AbortionClinicList_Look01_Max_010 デーナ ちゃんと診察に行ったのかな… I assume Dana kept the appointment...
Act_E1_3C_DanaRoom_BigfootBanner_Look01_Max_010 デーナはちゃんと母校愛があるんだね Dana takes her Blackwell spirit seriously.
Act_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Look01_Max_010 デーナ かなり溜めこんでるみたい Dana really does look stressed about all this.
Act_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Look02_Max_010 最悪… さらにイヤな思いをさせちゃった Great. I made Dana even more stressed.
Act_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CheerleaderOutfit_Look01_Max_010 チアリーダーの生活ってどんなだろう? 色々あるんだろうな I can't even imagine what life would be like being a cheerleader. Dramatic, I guess.
Act_E1_3C_DanaRoom_ClubSticker01_Look01_Max_010 なにも書いてなかったら かっこいいステッカー It would be a cool sticker without the words.
Act_E1_3C_DanaRoom_DanaLaptop_Interact01_Max_010 デーナみたいな人気者なら 友だちもたくさんいるよね
リア充の SNS を覗けるなんてすごいけど ダメだよね 勝手に見ちゃ…
Of course a popular cheerleader like Dana would have a million friends. So fascinating to get a peek into Dana's social media world...and yes, Max, so terribly wrong.
Act_E1_3C_DanaRoom_DanaLaptop_Look01_Max_010 デーナの SNS 画面… 見ちゃダメだけど… Oooo, Dana's Facebook wall is up and running... I shouldn't look...
Act_E1_3C_DanaRoom_LoganNote_Look01_Max_010 読んでて悲しくなるよ This is both sad, and pathetic.
Act_E1_3C_DanaRoom_MaternityBook_Look01_Max_010 デーナ… 本当に本当なんだ… Good Lord. Dana really was on her own.
Act_E1_3C_DanaRoom_PregnancyTest_Look01_Max_010 あれって 妊娠検査薬… That looks like a home pregnancy test...
Act_E1_3C_DanaRoom_PregnancyTest_Look02_Max_010 妊娠検査薬なんて見えない っと La la la, I don't see that pregnancy test.
Act_E1_3C_DanaRoom_USBKey_Interact01_Max_010 愛しい USB… もう二度と離さないからね Must protect my precious, so Max never has to chase it down again.
Act_E1_3C_DanaRoom_USBKey_Look01_Max_010 あった USB メモリ There's that damn flash drive.
Act_E1_3C_DanaRoom_VoiceOver01_Max_010 あとは… USB を持ってウォーレンに会いに行くだけ Almost done... Get the flash drive and then I'll go see Warren.
Act_E1_3C_DanaRoom_VoiceOver01_Max_020 また余計なことして彼女を傷つけちゃった。 巻き戻したらフォローできるかな Nice, Max. You hurt her feelings by being so damn nosey again. But I could rewind and make it up to her...
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_Artbooks_Look01_Max_010 カルティエ=ブレッソン ドアノー ハミルトン… 最高 Cartier-Bresson, Doisneau, Hamilton... The greatest!
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_Binder_Interact01_Max_010 フィリップ=ロルカ・ディコルシア!
あんな所にカメラを持ちこむなんて… すごい画…
ジュリア・キャメロンのビクトリア朝の画面も素敵。 アナログ中のアナログね
それにダリ… 時間を止めて切り取る天才
Philip-Lorca diCorcia, my man! I don't think I could take my camera to those places, look at that shot... I love Julia Cameron's Victorian vibe. Talk about analog cameras... Ah, Dali, what a fantastic eye! He could truly freeze time...
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_Binder_Look01_Max_010 インスピレーションが必要な時はこれを見るんだ Here's my go-to source for instant photo inspiration.
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_Book_Look01_Max_010 ケイトに「10 月はたそがれの国」を借りてよかった
ブラッドベリ 集めようかな
I'm glad Kate let me borrow her copy of "The October Country"... I should have every Bradbury book for myself.
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_Cookies_Look01_Max_010 ママは誕生日にチョコクッキーをこんなに大きな箱で送ってくれたし
200 ドルの商品券も忍ばせてくれてた
I love that Mom sent me a fat box of chocolate coconut bites for my birthday, and slipped in a 200 dollar gift certificate. She sure knows how to make a sad birthday happy.
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_Cushion_Look01_Max_010 ありがちだけど ママとこれを作った日のことを思い出すとほっこりする So cheesy, but it makes me smile thinking of the day Mom and I sewed that together.
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_DVD_Look01_Max_010 いつか映画のコレクションをきちんと整理する… それとテレビも HD にする One day I'll organize my film collection... One day I'll get an actual HDTV.
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_DanaNote_Look01_Max_010 デーナがメモを置いて行ったみたい… Looks like Dana left me a li'l post-it note...
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_Guitar_Look01_Max_010 いいギターなんだよね。 もっと弾いてあげないとな It's such a pretty guitar. I need to play it more.
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_Hifi_Look01_Max_010 中古屋でレコード買いたいな…
いかにもな趣味だけど 音楽は私と作品に必要だからいいんだ
I should hit the thrift store and pick up some dollar vinyl... Is that too hipster? I don't care. Music inspires me, and my photography...
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_InstantFilm_Look01_Max_010 インスタントカメラのフィルムってもうほとんど見ないし 高いんだよね
Instant film is so damn hard to find and expensive now. But, I can't help it, I'm analog, not digital.
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_Laptop_Look01_Max_010 そろそろ買い替え時のパソコン My old computer, I should change it.
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_MaxChloePhoto_Look01_Max_010 「マックス&クロエ: ずっと友だち」… だったはずなのに
いい加減 クロエに連絡しないと…
遅くなるほど 気まずくなるし
...Max and Chloe: Best Friends Forever. Who even says that anymore? I'm going to have to call Chloe eventually and find out what she'll say. The longer I wait, the worse it'll be. Idiot.
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_MaxClothing_Look01_Max_010 映画に出てくるファッションには程遠いけど 私は気に入ってる It's not exactly "Pretty In Pink" but no shits are given. I like my wardrobe.
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_MaxLaptop_Interact01_Max_010 惨めな顔 I look so pathetic.
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_MaxLaptop_Interact02_Max_010 ダニエルはすごいな。 私を描いたからって何か言われないといいけど Daniel has so much talent. I hope nobody hates on it just because it's me.
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_MaxLaptop_Interact03_Max_010 このサイト大好き… ビンテージカメラがこんなに… I am so addicted to this site... Look at these vintage beauties...
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_MaxLaptop_Interact04_Max_010 ウォーレンってばホントおかしい。 ここでちゃんと友だちができてよかった Warren makes me laugh. It's nice to feel like I already made a real friend here.
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_MaxLaptop_Look01_Max_010 ノート PC が構ってほしそうにしてる There's my poor laptop begging me to check in.
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_MaxLaptop_Look02_Max_010 中身が全部あるか見ておかなきゃ
ウォーレンの隠しフォルダは… 見なくていっか
I better make sure everything is still in there... I think Warren forgot to hide the Party Buster folder... Not that I would open it no matter how tempting. I have my self-respect.
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_MaxRoomDoor_Interact01_Max_010 ウォーレンに会う前に机から USB を取らなきゃ I need to grab a flash drive on my desk before I see Warren.
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_Mirror_Look01_Max_010 18 歳になったなんて。 大人には見えないな。 顔色悪いだけで Hard to believe I'm 18. Do I look any older? Just more stressed.
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_PhotoPanel_Look01_Max_010 スペースニードル見物で 唯一私が写っている写真… That's the only tourist picture I let them take of me at the Space Needle...
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_PhotoPanel_Look01_Max_020 いい試合だったし 最高のホッケーが見れた That was a good hockey game, and a great fight.
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_PhotoPanel_Look01_Max_030 このママの写真はお気に入り Love this shot of Mom I took...
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_PhotoPanel_Look01_Max_040 クリステンとフェルナンドが酔っぱらって フリーモントトロールに登ってたね… Man, Kristen and Fernando were so drunk hanging on the Fremont Troll...
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_PhotoWall_Look01_Max_010 「マックス・メモリアル・フォトウォール」 The Max Caulfield Photo Memorial Wall.
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_Plant_Interact01_Max_010 カラカラだ。 私ダメなママね。 はい お水 You are thirsty. I'm the worst baby mama. Drink up...
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_Plant_Look01_Max_010 あなたのことは忘れてないよ リサ。 まだね I haven't forgotten you, little Lisa. Yet.
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_PostCard01_Look01_Max_010 自分が 18 なんて信じられない
Hard to believe I'm 18 now. I'm lucky my parents enabled my photo habit into adulthood.
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_Poster07_Look01_Max_010 このポスター大好き。 荒々しくて派手で I love that old rave poster. It's so raw and cheesy.
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_Poster08_Look01_Max_010 マン・レイも「自撮り」なんて言うかな? Would Man Ray call them "selfie-portraits"?
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_Scarf_Look01_Max_010 またパパと一緒にホッケーの試合を見に行きたいな I'll miss going to the games with my Dad. Go Thunderbirds!
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_TeddyBear_Look01_Max_010 ヨーホー キャプテン
Ahoy, Captain. At least I know you've got my back. When I swallowed your eye and my parents rushed me to the ER, I knew we were bonded forever...
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_VoiceOver_Max_010 ただいま 私の小さなお城 Home, sweet home. My favorite cocoon...
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_VoiceOver_Max_020 一人の生活もいいけど シアトルの友だちと家族にも会いたい… I love my space, but I do miss my friends and family in Seattle...
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_VoiceOver_Max_030 部屋に引きこもりたいけど ウォーレンに USB を返さなきゃ
I wish I could bolt the door and never leave, but I better get that flash drive to Warren. I have to cultivate my only friend here...
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_VoiceOver_Max_040 もうっ デーナの部屋に USB を取りに行かなきゃ Great. Now I have to go get the flash drive from Dana's room.
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_WarrenNote_Look01_Max_010 USB にメッセージまで仕込んでた。 ウォーレンはお茶目だなあ Warren even left me a little message with his flash drive. He's such a goofball.
Act_E1_3C_MaxRoom_Window_Look01_Max_010 私 いつもファインダー越しか窓越しに何かを見てる。 見てるだけ If I'm not looking through a viewfinder, I'm looking through a window... Always looking.
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_ClubSticker02_Look01_Max_010 要はボルテックス・クラブに入れってことね。 絶対やだ Yes, I get it: "Enter The Vortex Club." No.
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_GalleryLetter_Look01_Max_010 厳しいね。 私と違って作品をアピールしてるだけマシか Ouch. At least she puts her photographs out there. Unlike me.
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_Gazette_Look01_Max_010 この記事見て ビクトリアはジュリエットにキレたんじゃないかな… I bet Victoria put Juliet on her shit-list after this article...
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_JeffersonBook_Look01_Max_010 ビクトリアってジェファソン先生を崇拝してる Victoria is a real Jefferson groupie...
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_Jewelry_Look01_Max_010 高いアクセを着けられるなら 絶対にこれを着ける Okay, if I did wear expensive jewelry, I would wear this for sure.
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_MPAVictoria_Look01_Max_010 ビクトリアってこんなにレイチェルが嫌いなの? Victoria hates Rachel Amber this much? How insecure...
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_Mail_Look01_Max_010 再生紙じゃないじゃん。 地球を大事にしてないな
This isn't even recycled paper. Victoria's not doing her part to "Save The Earth"... But this is for a good cause too.
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_Mail_Take_Max_010 これでデーナが無実って信じてくれるかな… This better convince Juliet that Dana is innocent...
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_Photos_Interact01_Max_010 写真でちょっとしたメッセージを送ろうかな
これを動かして… こっちに…
うん だんだん見えてきた
Let's play a little photo Tetris and leave Victoria a message. Let's move this here... and this one there... Hmm... A pattern is emerging...
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_Photos_Look01_Max_010 自撮りしてるじゃん… Speaking of selfies...
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_Photos_Look02_Max_010 意地悪だけど 自業自得 That's mean, but she earned it.
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_Pictures_Look01_Max_010 この写真 なんだかビクトリアみたい。 冷たくて魂がない感じ They should call this series, "Aloof." Cold and soulless, kinda like Victoria.
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_PlasmaTV_Look01_Max_010 いいプラズマテレビ。 また忍び込んで「ファイナルファンタジー」でも観ようかな
誰が何と言おうとすばらしい SF 映画なんだから
That is a tasty plasma. Maybe I could sneak in and watch "Final Fantasy: Spirits Within". I don't care what anybody says, that's one of the best sci-fi films ever made.
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_Poster06_Look01_Max_010 ビクトリアの親がチェイス・スペースのオーナー? 素直に感心した Whoa, I had no idea Victoria's parents owned The Chase Space. Color me impressed.
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_Tablet_Interact01_Max_010 寮に 3D プリンターを置く気? 取り巻きに入れてもらおっかな… Is she going to get a 3D printer for her dorm room? Maybe I will join her posse...
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_Tablet_Look01_Max_010 「違います 怪しい者じゃありません… 見てるだけです…」 No, Officer, I'm not snooping, just admiring Victoria's cutting-edge tech...
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_VicPhotoStuff_Look01_Max_010 ビンテージの中判カメラに いいプライムレンズ… 許すまじ ビクトリア She's actually got a classic medium format camera with some awesome prime lens? I hate you, Victoria.
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_VictoriaClothing_Look01_Max_010 ディオールにジバンシー… 私の学費分は入ってそう Dior, Givenchy... You could pay for my tuition with that wardrobe...
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_VictoriaLaptop_Interact01_Max_010 いや サムい… 次 次 Eek. That gives me chills. Next.
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_VictoriaLaptop_Interact02_Max_010 やってくれるね。 誰も私をヒップスターだなんて思ってないよ That's real nice, Victoria. And who the hell thinks I'm a hipster?
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_VictoriaLaptop_Interact03_Max_010 さっきの写真じゃなく 素敵な写真を撮って上げたのは評価できるね I'll give Victoria props for not posting my photo... And for this nice shot.
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_VictoriaLaptop_Interact04_Max_010 これだ ジュリエットに見せるべきメール
Boom. This is the e-mail I need to show Juliet. Now I have to print this fast and get the hell out of here...
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_VictoriaLaptop_Look01_Max_010 もちろん ビクトリアだから高いノートを使ってるよね
Yes, Victoria has the best retina screen laptop. Let me just check to see if she posted my picture...
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_VictoriaLaptop_Look02_Max_010 メールの印刷さえ終われば… Once I print this e-mail, my work here is done.
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_VictoriaLaptop_Look03_Max_010 やることはやった。 もうここに用はない Okay, Max, your work here is done. Now ninja your ass out of here.
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_VictoriaShoes_Look01_Max_010 こんな靴じゃランウェイしか歩けないよ… Those boots are made for walking runways…
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_VoiceOver01_Max_010 まずすぎるよ… 早く証拠を探さなきゃ Oh man, this is so wrong. I better find proof fast.
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_VoiceOver01_Max_020 私は犯罪者じゃなくて ニンジャ… 早くしなきゃ Remember, you're not a criminal, you're a ninja. So move.
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_VoiceOver01_Max_030 イヤな気分だけど… 必要なら巻き戻せるし… I feel like ass doing this... but I could rewind things if I have to...
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_VoiceOver02_Max_010 証拠を印刷しないと… Now I just need to print this proof...
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_VoiceOver03_Max_010 早くプリンターから紙を取って この部屋を出なきゃ Max, take that paper from the printer and get the hell out of here for good.
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_VoiceOver04_Max_005 ぼーっとしてる場合じゃない。 もう行こう! Stop zoning, Max. You have the paper, so go!
Act_E1_3C_VicRoom_VoiceOver04_Max_010 やるべきことはやった。 もうこんなマネはゴメン My work here is done. And never shall I do this again.
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_Juliet_001 どうもしなかったら デーナを部屋に閉じ込めたりしないし Oh yes, Max. I've locked Dana in the room because we're "cool."
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_Juliet_003 あの女 ひとの彼氏とエロチャットしたのよ What didn't she do? Dana's been sexting with my boyfriend.
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_Juliet_010 そっか。 デーナが私の彼氏のザックとエロチャットしてたの。 信じられる? Thanks... I locked Dana in because she was sexting Zach, my boyfriend. Unbelievable.
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_Juliet_013 ビクトリアが教えてくれたの Victoria Chase. You know her.
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_Juliet_015 ひとの男とエロチャットするような人が? Friends don't sext with their best friend's boyfriend...
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_Juliet_016 あなたに関係ないでしょ? いちいち詮索しないでくれる?
Uh, why do you care? Why are you even asking me? You never talk, just zone out with your camera.
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_Juliet_020 私の名字は? What's my last name?
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_Juliet_024 ビクトリアによれば デーナは男のためなら何でもするって According to Victoria, Dana would do anything to date a quarterback.
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_Juliet_027 チャットのログ見たって。 ザックはさっきから電話出ないし
デーナが認めたら ここを開けてあげる。 絶交だけど
She saw the sext. And Zachary won't answer his phone. Once Dana admits it, she can go. Straight to Hell.
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_Juliet_030 意外。 私の名字 知らないと思った I'm flattered. I didn't even think you knew my name at all.
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_Juliet_033 ほら やっぱりね。 心配してる振りしてくれてどうもありがとう
ちなみに ジュリエット・ワトソンだから
That was truly sad. Thanks for your concern, "Max Caulfield." By the way, Juliet Watson.
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_Juliet_037 意外。 私の名字 知らないと思った I'm flattered. I didn't even think you knew my name at all.
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_Max_002 何があったの? What did she do?
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_Max_004 友だちでしょ? She's your friend.
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_Max_011 なんで分かったの? How do you know?
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_Max_014 ジュリエット どうかしたの? Hey Juliet, is everything cool?
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_Max_017 ひどいね。 なんで分かったの? Ouch. How did you find out?
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_Max_018 そんなことがあったんだ… でも なんで分かったの? No, probably not... How did you find out?
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_Max_019 だから今話してるの That's why I'm talking to you now.
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_Max_022 あ… 当たり前だよ Uh. Of course I do.
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_Max_023 間違いないの? Would Dana do that?
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_Max_025 ビクトリアが…? デーナがホントにそんなことするかな? You could say that... But, why would Dana go after your boyfriend?
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_Max_028 ジュリエット・パ… ジュリエット・パトソン Juliet Pats... Juliet Patson.
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_Max_029 ジュリエット・ワトソンでしょ Juliet Watson. Duh!
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_Max_031 知ってるよ。 人と話すのは得意じゃないけど 困ってるならほっとけない
で どうして分かったの?
Of course I do. Just because I don't talk a lot doesn't mean I don't care. So, how did you find out about them?
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_Max_034 ジュリエット… ジュリエット… オルソン Juliet... Juliet... Olson.
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_Max_035 えっと… ジュリエット… メイソン Uh. Juliet... Mason.
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_Max_036 ビクトリアに聞いたの? そっか… According to Victoria? Oh...
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_Max_038 ジュリエット・ワトソン 頭冷やして Juliet Watson, you be nice!
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase02_Juliet_002 あっち行ってよ。 関係ないでしょ Leave me alone, Max. Get a clue!
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase02_Juliet_004 認めるまで絶対に開けないから I'm not letting her out until she tells the truth!
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CourtneyAndTaylorTowel_Courtney_020 急がないとビクトリアに超怒られる… Victoria is going to be pissed we took so long...
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_CourtneyAndTaylorTowel_Taylor_010 コートニー 早く! Hurry Courtney!
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_DanaYells_Dana_010 マックス! 本当に誤解なの! きっとビクトリアの仕業だよ!
Max, I swear I didn't do ANYTHING! But I bet Victoria did! I know the proof is in her room!
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_DanaYells_Dana_020 ジュリエット! お願いだから ドアを開けて! Let me out Juliet! This is so stupid!
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_DanaYells_Dana_030 いい加減にしてよ! You are ridiculous!
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_JulietLocksDoor_Dana_020 ジュリエット! お願いだから ドアを開けて! いい加減にしてよ! Let me out Juliet! This is so stupid! You are ridiculous!
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_JulietLocksDoor_Juliet_010 本当のこと言いなよ デーナ。 言うまで絶対 開けないから! You can't get out now, Dana! So tell me the truth, or rot in there!
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_JulietLocksDoor_Max_030 まったく リアリティショーじゃあるまいし… Welcome to "The Real Drama Queens of Blackwell"...
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_JulietUnlocksDana_Dana_020 開けてくれないと 大声出すから If you don't let me out, I will scream.
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_JulietUnlocksDana_Dana_060 ホントだよ。 信じられない… 私がザックに手を出すと思う? You are, and I hope so. You really think I'd mess around with Zachary?
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_JulietUnlocksDana_Dana_090 洗濯もやってよね And you do my laundry.
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_JulietUnlocksDana_Dana_120 マックス ありがとう。 助かった。 USB は机の上だよ You set me free! Thank you. Warren's flash drive is on my desk.
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_JulietUnlocksDana_Juliet_010 出なさいよ! Answer you wuss...
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_JulietUnlocksDana_Juliet_040 そういうこと…! Of course...
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_JulietUnlocksDana_Juliet_050 デーナ ごめん。 私がバカだった I'm an asshole. I'm sorry, Dana.
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_JulietUnlocksDana_Juliet_070 分かってる。 頭に血が上っちゃって… No. But I get stupid jealous.
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_JulietUnlocksDana_Juliet_080 おわびにおごるから… 友だちでいて I owe you dinner. Still love me?
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_JulietUnlocksDana_Juliet_100 ありがと。 マックスはニンジャみたいだね Thanks Max. You're like the Blackwell Ninja.
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_JulietUnlocksDana_Juliet_110 ザックに ビクトリアのこと問い詰めてくる Now let's see what Zach has to say about Victoria...
Cue_E1_3C_Corridor_JulietUnlocksDana_Max_030 ジュリエット これ… Juliet, read this.
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_Dana_014 さっきはホントにありがとうね
まったく ジュリエットも子どもみたいなことするんだから
Seriously, thanks again. I can't believe Juliet locked me in my own room. Real mature.
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_Dana_016 ボルテックス・クラブが全員仲よしと思ったら大間違い
Just because they're in the Vortex Club doesn't mean they're BFF's. I'm in it and Victoria creeps me out.
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_Dana_018 殺されるならザックでしょ
正直 私はあんな男にはまったく興味ないけど
ま いかにもビクトリアが好きそうなタイプじゃない?
Zachary should worry too. As if I'd let that ego case jockstrap touch me. But I bet Victoria would be all over that action. Or has been...
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_Dana_020 え? まさか妊娠のこと? What? Who told you I was pregnant?
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_Dana_021 首を突っ込まないのが一番だよ… ウォーレンはあなたに首ったけだけど Max, you're smart to be a loner here. Though Warren obviously likes hanging with you...
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_Dana_024 USB メモリのファイル 見たでしょ? 「マックス」っていうフォルダーの中に
You saw the files in his flash drive? Tons of crazy shit. Films I've never even heard of. And in a special folder called "Max"?
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_Dana_025 別に…
USB の中に 「マックス」っていうフォルダーがあるの 気づかなかった?
Oh nothing. When you opened the flash drive, didn't you see the special folder called "Max"?
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_Dana_027 あれ? 赤くなってる…USB は机の上だよ Are you blushing? Ha! Go ahead and grab the flash drive whenever...
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_Dana_029 ほんっとにみんな耳ざといんだから…! ねえ 誰にも言わない? It's like a goddam reality show around here... Can you keep a secret, Max?
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_Dana_032 うん。 いいよ… だって 本当のことだし Yeah. Me neither, but I did. Anyway.
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_Dana_033 私ね… 妊娠してたの。 過去形 I... was pregnant. Was.
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_Dana_035 無責任な父親 Deadbeat Dad? You can catch him on the 40 yard line this Friday. And it's not Zachary.
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_Dana_045 マックスはいい人だね。 USB は机の上にあるよ。 ウォーレンによろしくね I like your spirit, Max. Anyway, you better get that flash drive so Warren has an excuse to bug you...
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_Max_015 ビクトリアはひどいよ。 あんなに恵まれてるのにどうして… 友だち同士なのに Victoria is not nice. I don't get it. She has everything. And to pull that prank on a friend.
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_Max_017 だまされたジュリエットがかわいそう。 ビクトリアを殺さないといいけど Poor Juliet gets her rage on. I hope she doesn't kill Victoria...
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_Max_019 デーナ… 余計なお世話かもしれないけど ちょっとウワサを聞いたの Dana, I'm not trying to be nosey but, I heard a rumor about you.
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_Max_022 いい人だよ。 趣味も合うし He's a good guy. A geek like me.
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_Max_023 どういうこと? What do you mean?
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_Max_026 ああ なるほど。 あれのことね Yeah, okay. I gotcha.
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_Max_028 誰も信じてないと思うし 気にすることないよ。 耳に入れときたかっただけ Nobody important. They just acted like it was bullshit. I just wanted you to know...
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_Max_030 もちろん Of course.
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_Max_031 本当に妊娠して…? ごめん 余計なこと… You're pregnant. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have.
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_Max_034 そうなんだ… えっと それじゃあ… Oh. What about the other...?
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_Max_043 ごめんね もうこれ以上は聞かないよ
それに フットボールの試合も見にいかない
Sorry to pry. It's not my business. And I won't be at the game Friday. Not much school spirit, I guess.
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_Max_044 じゃあ誰… あ ごめん 言わなくていいよ。 ヘンなこと聞いちゃったね Who then? And you don't have to tell me. In fact, you better not.
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_Max_046 デーナ Hey Dana.
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase02_Dana_001 なんか どっと疲れちゃった Now I feel too wiped out to leave...
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase02_Dana_006 これ以上何が欲しいのよ。 帰って There's no more gossip for you here, Max. So go.
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_DanaSad_Dana_010 早く出ていってよ I said, please go.
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_DanaSad_Dana_020 マックス。 帰って Max, enough.
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_DanaSad_Dana_030 聞こえないの? 帰って You are dense. Go.
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_PregnancyTest_Dana_010 ちょっと! 人の物 勝手に見ないで Uh, Max? That's mine, thank you!
Cue_E1_3C_DanaRoom_PregnancyTest_Dana_020 親切なフリして 結局詮索? もう帰って You're not helpful, you're just nosey. I think you better go...
Cue_E1_3C_MaxRoom_BedLie_Max_010 なんだか疲れちゃったよ…
ヘンなことばっかり起きるし… いつまで続くの これ…?
目が覚めたら 全部夢でした ってことにならないかな…
ポーの詩みたいに 「夢のまた夢」だったりして
Ah, it feels so nice to just relax. This day has been so damn bizarre and it feels like it has gone on forever... Maybe I'll just wake up now and find out I was dreaming all of this... Or like Poe said, "A dream within a dream"...
Act_E1_3D_CampusPark_Bike_Interact01_Max_010 いい構図じゃない This isn't a bad shot.
Act_E1_3D_CampusPark_Bike_Look01_Max_010 自転車にトイレットペーパーって… Who toilet papers a bike?
Act_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHJuliet_Look01_Max_010 ジュリエットはまだザックとビクトリアのことで動揺してる Juliet still looks upset about Zach and Victoria. I don't blame her.
Act_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Look01_Max_010 ウォーレン いたいた… ホントに中古車買ったの? And there's Warren... Did he actually buy a used car?
Act_E1_3D_CampusPark_ChloeCar_Look01_Max_010 えらそうでイライラする
Now this really pisses me off. So entitled. "Sorry, handicapped folks, my truck needs these two spots more than you do." Bastard.
Act_E1_3D_CampusPark_DinerSign_Look01_Max_010 ジョイスおばさんがまだ働いてるか見に行かなきゃ。 ついでにバーガーも食べよ I better go there soon to see if Joyce is still there... and get a burger.
Act_E1_3D_CampusPark_DirtyWindow_Interact01_Max_010 「拭いて」って書けなきゃ汚れてるとは言わない It's not a dirty window unless somebody writes "Clean me" on it...
Act_E1_3D_CampusPark_DirtyWindow_Look01_Max_010 指でなにか書きたくなるくらいの埃 That layer of dust is begging for my finger.
Act_E1_3D_CampusPark_DirtyWindow_Look02_Max_010 よし これで正式に汚れた窓となりました There. Now it's officially a dirty window.
Act_E1_3D_CampusPark_DirtyWindow_Photo01_Max_010 アルカディア・ベイの駐車場を撮って連作にできるかも I could use this picture for a series on Arcadia Bay lots...
Act_E1_3D_CampusPark_Dog_Look01_Max_010 あの犬 大人しく寝てるけど 近づきすぎたらダメ That dog looks peaceful asleep but if I get to close... Cujo!
Act_E1_3D_CampusPark_GoingCampus_Interact01_Max_010 駐車場についたことだし ウォーレンと話そう Now that I'm already here, I better go talk to Warren.
Act_E1_3D_CampusPark_GoingTown_Interact01_Max_010 ここから歩いて町に戻れないよ。 ウォーレンに会わないとだし There's no way I can walk to the town from here. Besides, I need to see Warren.
Act_E1_3D_CampusPark_Graffiti01_Look01_Max_010 まだ車を持ってなくてよかった Good thing I don't have a car. Yet.
Act_E1_3D_CampusPark_Graffiti02_Look01_Max_010 誰がこういうこと書くわけ? Now who writes that and why?
Act_E1_3D_CampusPark_JeffersonCar_Look01_Max_010 先生 車を大事にしてるんだな。 アートは儲かるのね Jefferson must keep this beauty in storage. Art pays.
Act_E1_3D_CampusPark_MPA01_Look01_Max_010 町全体が行方不明者のポスターになりそう The whole town is turning into one giant "Missing Persons" poster.
Act_E1_3D_CampusPark_MPA01_Look02_Max_010 ほとんどのポスターが捨てられるの 残念ね Too bad those posters will be trashed and ignored.
Act_E1_3D_CampusPark_MPA01_Look03_Max_010 レイチェルは 探してもらえる人がいるだけ幸せなのかも At least Rachel Amber has people who care about her...
Act_E1_3D_CampusPark_MPAPile_Look01_Max_010 ポスターを貼って回ってる人 本気だな Damn, somebody is seriously devoted to putting up these posters.
Act_E1_3D_CampusPark_OldVan_Look01_Max_010 これだけ外が汚かったら 中も汚いよ Anything that dirty on the outside has to be filthy inside...
Act_E1_3D_CampusPark_Poster01_Look01_Max_010 新しい監視システム? イヤな予感… A new surveillance system? That's how it starts...
Act_E1_3D_CampusPark_RetardedSign_Look01_Max_010 サミュエルが塗り直すんだろうな あれ I wonder how long before Samuel has to repaint that?
Act_E1_3D_CampusPark_VoiceOver_Max_010 割って入ってよかった。 ああいうのは許せない I'm glad I stepped in that time. Can't stand to see people being bullied.
Act_E1_3D_CampusPark_VoiceOver_Max_030 何かしてあげるべきだった。 あの人おかしいよ! Man, I should have done something. That guy was an asshole!
Act_E1_3D_CampusPark_VoiceOver_Max_050 ウォーレンを探そう。 USB を返してあげないとね I have to go find Warren and give him back his flash drive.
Act_E1_3D_CampusPark_WarrenCar_Look01_Max_010 ウォーレンと時代錯誤の車… よく買うよ Look at Warren and his Wayback Machine. He's a brave man.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHJuliet_Phase01_Juliet_001 ああ… マックス。 ごめん まだちょっと動揺してて Oh... Hey, Max. Sorry, I'm still screwed up.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHJuliet_Phase01_Juliet_005 気づけただけよかったよ。 これでビクトリアも陰で笑ってられないでしょ Better sooner than later. Now that skank Victoria won't be laughing behind my back anymore.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHJuliet_Phase01_Juliet_007 あのバカ 救いようがないぐらい完全に腐ってる
バカじゃないの? なんかウォーレンが呼んでるけど?
Mr. Badass Football Hero is such a chickenshit. He said he sexted Victoria as a joke. Ha ha. I think Warren wants your attention...
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHJuliet_Phase01_Juliet_009 早くまた ザックとビクトリアと一緒に パーティで遊ぶのが待ち遠しいよ Yeah, I'm sure we'll all be partying later with Zach and Victoria... and the Vortex Club...
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHJuliet_Phase01_Juliet_011 それじゃ またね See you around, Max.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHJuliet_Phase01_Max_003 ザックのこと あんなふうに知ったらショックだよね。 ホントにひどいよ Sorry you had to find out about Zachary that way... or any way.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHJuliet_Phase01_Max_004 じゃあそっとしとくね
ウォーレンが待ちくたびれてるから もう行くよ
I won't bother you then... I have to go see Warren before he melts. See you.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHJuliet_Phase01_Max_006 ザックとは話せた? Have you talked to Zach yet?
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHJuliet_Phase01_Max_008 あー… うん。 あまり気を落とさないようにね He usually does... Hang in there, Juliet.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHJuliet_Phase01_Max_010 あー うん… そうだね Uh, yeah, sure.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHJuliet_Phase01_Max_012 ジュリエット… 大丈夫? Hi Juliet, how are you doing?
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHJuliet_Phase02_Juliet_001 今は一人にして I don't feel like talking now, Max.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHNathan_Phase01_Max_003 チョウチョなら見たけど Nothing but a butterfly.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHNathan_Phase01_Max_004 何の話? What are you talking about?
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHNathan_Phase01_Max_005 銃を持ってる生徒がいるってだけ I told him the truth. A student had a gun.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHNathan_Phase01_Max_009 お説教されたのがそんなに不満? And did what? Give you a stern lecture?
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHNathan_Phase01_Max_010 もともとこの町出身だよ I'm not new. I've lived here for years.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHNathan_Phase01_Max_011 あんたなんか怖くない I don't need your respect—
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHNathan_Phase01_Max_015 ネイサン あなた 普通じゃないよ You should talk to somebody, Nathan...
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHNathan_Phase01_Max_016 じゃあ 私になんか構ってるヒマないね Then you don't have to worry about me... Worry about yourself.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHNathan_Phase01_Max_017 知ってるよ。 お金持ちのバカ息子でしょ? Actually, I have a pretty good idea of who you are...
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHNathan_Phase01_Max_019 下がりなさいよ ネイサン Take a step back, Nathan Prescott.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHNathan_Phase01_Max_020 警察呼ぶよ I could call the police.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHNathan_Phase01_Nathan_001 てめえ 校長に何を吹き込んだ? 言え! You best tell me what you told the Principal. Now.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHNathan_Phase01_Nathan_002 何を見たんだ。 吐け! You best tell me what you saw. Now!
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHNathan_Phase01_Nathan_006 No, you told him I had a gun. That's why he dragged me into his office.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHNathan_Phase01_Nathan_007 よそ者だからって 知らねえ振りしてんじゃねえぞ I know you're new here, but don't even play stupid with me.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHNathan_Phase01_Nathan_008 ウソつくな。 白状すれば 大目に見てやったのに You're full of shit. I'd respect you more if you told me the truth.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHNathan_Phase01_Nathan_012 俺は誰の説教も聞かない… 誰の指図も… 受けない… Nobody, nobody lectures me. Everybody tries though... They try...
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHNathan_Phase01_Nathan_013 なら 知ってるだろ。 この町はプレスコット家のもんだ Then you should know the Prescotts own this shithole.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHNathan_Phase01_Nathan_014 てめえ 俺がどこの誰か まったく分かってねえらしいな You're clueless. You have no idea who I am or what I can do.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHNathan_Phase01_Nathan_018 生意気な口を利くな! 余裕かましやがって… 人の心配してる場合か? Do not analyze me! I pay people for that. Worry about yourself, Max Caulfield.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHNathan_Phase01_Nathan_030 さっさと答えろ! Answer me, bitch!
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHNathan_Phase01_Nathan_031 なんか言うことあるか? Anything to say, huh?
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Max_002 大丈夫。 私もビクトリアの特ダネ写真をアップするつもりだから No worries, Warren. I took a sweet shot of Victoria I can't wait to share...
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Max_004 ビクトリアがしてきたことを思ったら いい薬だよね I guess she does deserve it for all the shitty things she's done to people here.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Max_005 その話はしたくない… I don't want to talk about it.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Max_007 茶化さないで。 そういう気分じゃないの I wouldn't push your luck, Warren. Not in the mood today.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Max_009 言ってくれれば 撮ったのに Really? I wish I would have known...
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Max_011 そうかもね。 でも ビクトリアも私の写真削除してくれたから よかったよ Had I known that... Anyway, Victoria took down my photo. So that drama ended well.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Max_014 絵 描けるの? 科学専門で 芸術は興味ないのかと You can draw? I thought you were Blinded By Science, not art.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Max_016 へえ! 絵を描くときは パソコン使うの? Hardcore. So you must use a computer to draw.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Max_018 おもしろそう。 お願いしようかな That might not suck. I'll let you know.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Max_019 ダニエル もうアップしてくれたんだ。 うれしい Daniel posted it online already? That was nice...
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Max_021 そのうちウォーレンにも声がかかるって Don't be jealous. I'm sure he'll ask you soon.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Max_023 だから やきもち焼かないで It's the company I keep, Warren.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Max_025 ごめん 勉強とかいろいろ忙しくて… 時間なくて No, I've been way too busy with class... and life.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Max_026 1 週間でしょ。 タイトルだけは全部チェックしたよ Or a week. I did browse through all the titles, drama queen.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Max_027 うん 観たよ
Yeah, thanks. You had some cool shit on there, from "Akira" to "Twilight Zone". Which seems apropos today...
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Max_028 物は言いようだね That does sound better than "thief".
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Max_032 観るわけないでしょ。 これ以上 人格ゆがんだら困るよ No fucking way will I watch that. My mind is twisted enough...
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Max_033 どうなのそれ So you're sensitive...
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Max_034 観たよ。 それより チープなバンパイア映画のほうがげんなりした Seen it. I was more disturbed by all those emo-vampire movies in there.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Max_038 「ファスター・プシィキャット・ダイ! ダイ!!」 まで持ってるなんて No, I was impressed you had "Faster pussycat. Kill! Kill!"
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Max_039 そういうつもりじゃないよ。 大丈夫
Not at all. Sensitive is good, unless you're a pushover. You have hip taste and a quick mind.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Max_040 きっと他の子も… The right girl will too...
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Max_041 普通 女子相手にそういうこと言う? Who would beat your sensitive ass down.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Max_045 できれば話したくない
私 本気でヘンになったんじゃないかって思うぐらい…
I don't want to speak about it. This is kind of a crazy day for me. I mean, I Iiterally think I'm going crazy...
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Max_046 ねえ 聞いてくれる? 聞いてくれるだけでいいから I need to talk to somebody... just to get it out of my system...
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Max_049 なんで? How so?
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Max_051 なにそれ! どんな思考回路してるのよ! Oh, God. You need a sensitive woman to kick your ass.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Warren_001 ビクトリアのやつ SNS にアップしたマックスの写真 まだ削除してないよ Man, I saw that Victoria didn't take down that pic of you on Facebook... Major bitch move.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Warren_003 マジかよ! あいつのマヌケ面がネットに出回るとは まさに因果応報だな Oh, score one for Team Max! It will be so karmic to see her ass clown face all over the interwebs...
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Warren_006 なんだよ… やけにピリピリしてんだな Geez, you're Little Miss Sensitive today...
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Warren_008 ビクトリアが顔にペンキ浴びたんだって?
写真があったら 金払ってでも見るのに
I bet. I heard Victoria got a faceful of paint... I'd pay money to see a photo of that...
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Warren_010 ネットで資金を募ってみたら? みんな喜んで出資する You probably could have raised a Kickstarter fund just for that one image of her covered in paint.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Warren_012 そういや ダニエルが君を描いたスケッチを見たよ
悪くないけど 俺ならもっとうまく描けたね
By the way, I saw Daniel's sketch of you online... Not bad, but I could do a much better job.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Warren_015 芸術は科学なり。 音楽も数学さ。 ホーキング博士はピカソに匹敵する芸術家だ Art IS Science. Music is math, etc. etc. I'd put Stephen Hawking against Picasso anyday.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Warren_017 もちろん。 マックスの自撮り写真も 加工してかっこよくできるよ Of course. I'd love to tweak one of your selfies with some cool graphics...
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Warren_020 よかったじゃん。 これでダニエルのモデル・クラブの一員だな Congrats! You're part of his online portrait posse.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Warren_022 そりゃ楽しみだね Oh you're a wit, Max.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Warren_024 USB に入れてあった映画 観てくれた? So did you get a chance to check out the movie booty on my flash drive?
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Warren_029 1 年ぐらい貸してたのに! Damn girl, you had it like a year.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Warren_030 俺は 既成概念にとらわれないポップカルチャー通だからね I consider myself a pop... cultural pirate connoisseur.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Warren_031 ちょっと待って。 「食人族」 観てないの? Ha ha. Make sure you watch "Cannibal Holocaust".
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Warren_035 そんな言い方されると傷つくじゃん Ouch... That sounds awful the way you say it.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Warren_036 俺は大笑いだったよ I laughed my ass off.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Warren_037 エモいバンパイアのよさがわからないとはね Can't a sensitive high school boy love sensitive vampires too?
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Warren_042 あの監督はモノクロ映画の天才だよ。 巨乳もヤバいしね Russ Meyer was a genius of black and white. Plus, babes with breasts.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Warren_043 ごめんごめん
そうそう 今週末さ 俺の車で 一緒に映画でも観に行かない?
If I was lucky... Speaking of hip and fast, we should cruise out in my car to an actual movie this week... But you seem distracted.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Warren_044 そいつはどうも Thanks for noticing, Max.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Warren_047 ウォーレン・グラハム先生に話してみな
悩みがあるなら何でも相談乗るよ。 遠慮しないで
Dr. Warren Graham is in da house. I won't even prescribe you any meds... Tell me everything.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Warren_048 俺 ひとの話 聞くのは 結構得意だよ I may be a pest, but... I'm a good listener.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_Warren_050 なんとなく 「タイプじゃない」って言われてる気がして Sensitive usually means: "Won't be having sex with you."
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_IntroDialWarren_Max_020 はい これ。 ありがと Here's your flash. Thanks.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_IntroDialWarren_Max_050 いいね。 レトロな感じで Cool. Very old school.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_IntroDialWarren_Max_070 ホント 古いもの好きだね You're in the wrong time, Warren.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_IntroDialWarren_Max_080 まあ… 私もだけど But then, so am I...
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_IntroDialWarren_Max_100 今日はなんか すごくいろいろあって… It's been one strange fucking day.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_IntroDialWarren_Warren_010 マックス! 待ってたよ What up, Max? How are you?
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_IntroDialWarren_Warren_030 ああ うん No problem.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_IntroDialWarren_Warren_040 車 買ったんだ Check out my new wheels...
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_IntroDialWarren_Warren_060 78 年製だよ。 これでどっか行こうよ
1978 to be exact. Now we can go to the drive-in. There's one in Newberg, just 60 miles away.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_IntroDialWarren_Warren_090 どしたの? You okay?
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_JulietLoop_Juliet_010 どうしてよ… ザックもビクトリアも なんでこんなことするの…? I don't get it... how could Zach and Victoria do that to me?
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_NathanArrives_Part01_Max_010 その前にお願い。 誰にも言わないでね。 ネットに書くのもナシ For reals Warren, this is between you and me, not social media.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_NathanArrives_Part01_Max_030 今日ね ジェファソン先生の授業中に ホントありえない体験をしたの
いまだに… 信じられない
I had this incredibly bizarro experience in Mr. Jefferson's class today... I mean, life changing.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_NathanArrives_Part01_Max_040 ウォーレンは 映画みたいにリアルな夢って見たことある? Have you ever had a dream, so real it was like a movie?
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_NathanArrives_Part01_Max_070 授業なら受けてるけど? I'm one of his students.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_NathanArrives_Part01_Nathan_060 マックス・コールフィールドだな Max Caulfield, right?
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_NathanArrives_Part01_Nathan_065 お前 ジェファソンの取り巻きだろ You're one of the Jefferson's photo groupies...
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_NathanArrives_Part01_Nathan_080 同じことだ! 写真を撮ったな? お前 女子トイレに隠れてただろ Whatthefuckever. I know you like to take pictures, especially when you're hiding out in the bathrooms.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_NathanArrives_Part01_Nathan_090 何を見たんだ。 吐け! You best tell me what you saw. Now!
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_NathanArrives_Part01_Nathan_100 てめえ なめた態度とってるとタダじゃおかねえぞ!
Listen photo-ho, Max or whateverthefuckever your name is, I know you just dropped some serious bullshit on the Principal.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_NathanArrives_Part01_Nathan_110 てめえ 校長に何を吹き込んだ? 言え! You best tell me what you told the Principal. Now.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_NathanArrives_Part01_Warren_020 当たり前だろ。 大丈夫。 話してよ Don't insult me. Max, go on.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_NathanArrives_Part01_Warren_050 えー… っと… Ruh roh.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_NathanArrives_Part02_Chloe_070 マックス? Max?
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_NathanArrives_Part02_Chloe_120 早く乗って! Get in Max!
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_NathanArrives_Part02_Chloe_140 ハハハ! ざまみろ! じゃあな! Later, punkasss psycho. Eat fumes.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_NathanArrives_Part02_Max_040 ちょっと! やめてよ! Hey, leave him alone!
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_NathanArrives_Part02_Max_050 痛い! 放して! Stop that! Right now!
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_NathanArrives_Part02_Max_080 クロエ? Chloe?
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_NathanArrives_Part02_Max_100 ウォーレン! Warren!
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_NathanArrives_Part02_Nathan_010 てめえ… 俺に指図する気か? Oh man, you're telling me what to do?
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_NathanArrives_Part02_Nathan_020 やってみろ。 警察は俺の味方だ Do it. The Prescotts own the pigs here.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_NathanArrives_Part02_Nathan_060 俺に指図するんじゃねえ! 親も 校長も お前も全員黙れ! Nobody tells me what to do. Not my parents, not the Principal, or that whore in the bathroom.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_NathanArrives_Part02_Nathan_090 ふざけるな… またお前か…! No way. You again?
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_NathanArrives_Part02_Nathan_130 おい てめえら どこ行くつもりだ! 逃げられると思うなよ!
2 人ともタダじゃおかねえからな!
Get your punk asses out of there now! Don't even try to run! Nobody messes with me! NOBODY!
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_NathanArrives_Part02_Warren_030 いい加減にしろよ Get away from her, dude!
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_NathanArrives_Part02_Warren_110 逃げろ! 早く行け! Go, go! I got this.
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_WarrenLoop_Warren_010 マックス! 見てよ これ! Yo Max! Check it out!
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_WarrenLoop_Warren_020 マックス! こっちこっち! Max! Get yer ass over here!
Cue_E1_3D_CampusPark_WarrenLoop_Warren_030 こっちだよ! おーい! Come on over here! Please?
Cue_E1_4A_CHouseFront_HouseReveal01_Chloe_010 どうぞ。 上がって Come on in, don't be shy.
Cue_E1_4A_CHouseFront_HouseReveal01_Chloe_030 ボロ家へようこそ Home, shit, home.
Cue_E1_4A_CHouseFront_HouseReveal01_Max_020 全然… 変わってないね… The house still looks... nice.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_BrokenCamera_Chloe_020 子どもみたいに泣くなよ Wow, haven't heard that one in a while...
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_BrokenCamera_Chloe_040 うちのクソオヤジの工具使えば 修理できんじゃない? My step-douche has a boatload of tools. Maybe you can fix it in my place...
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_BrokenCamera_Chloe_060 そりゃ失礼。 でも ガレージの中には色々あるから とりあえず見てみな Nerd alert! My stepdad has a fully stocked garage. And he actually is a tiny tool.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_BrokenCamera_Chloe_070 決まりだな Welcome home, Max.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_BrokenCamera_Chloe_080 じゃ 飛ばすよ Fasten your seatbelt.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_BrokenCamera_Max_010 うっそ… 壊れちゃってるよ… Broken. Oh man, are you cereal?
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_BrokenCamera_Max_030 泣いてなんかない… でも このカメラどうしよう 困ったな… Not everything changes. Except my camera has officially taken a shit.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_BrokenCamera_Max_050 専用の工具がいるんだけど I need very specific tiny tools.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Chloe_001 で さっきのは何? So what did that freak want with you?
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Chloe_004 バカ息子な。 …あの男子やるじゃん And an asshole. Your friend really stood up for you...
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Chloe_005 ここらじゃ有名なクズだよ… もう一人の子は知り合い? He's just another Arcadia asshole... Your friend really took a beatdown for you.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Chloe_007 「借り」は面倒だぞ… トラブルまで起こして… You're not the only one in debt, and you're already causing trouble.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Chloe_009 シアトルは肌に合わなかったんだ? So I guess Seattle sucked hard?
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Chloe_012 残念だったな ど田舎のアルカディアに戻るなんて Yeah, must be hard coming back to a hick town like Arcadia again...
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Chloe_013 都会のほうが好きそうだけど I would think you'd fit right in with the art school hipsters...
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Chloe_016 減らず口は変わらずか At least you're still a smartass.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Chloe_018 帰ってきたのは ブラックウェルに通うためだろ Please, girl. You came back for Blackwell Academy.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Chloe_021 つまり あたしのために戻ってきたわけじゃないと So you came back to Arcadia for a teacher... not your best friend.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Chloe_022 要は落ちぶれたんだろ。 ま なんでもいい Those that can't do, teach. I'm glad you found a good reason to come back.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Chloe_024 どうかな。 5 年間 音沙汰もなかったんだ No. You were happy to wait five years without a call, or even a text.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Chloe_028 そんな理由で あたしと縁切ったわけ? I guess those changes included dumping me from your life.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Chloe_029 よく言うよ。 電話くらいできただろ Oh, please. I'm sure your phone and laptop were frozen in time.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Chloe_030 いなかったクセに 何が分かんの? How do you know? You weren't even here.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Chloe_032 ウソだね。 シアトルで新しい友だち作る気だったんだろ? Bullshit. You thought you'd hook up with all these art pricks in Seattle. Didn't happen tho.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Chloe_035 戻ってきて 1 か月も連絡よこさなかった言い訳は? You've been at Blackwell for almost a month without letting me know. 'Nuff said.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Chloe_037 ジェファソンにはそんな見え透いたウソつかないだろ。 もういいよ I bet you don't use these sad excuses on Mr. Jefferson... Don't use them on me, Max.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Max_002 さあ。でも あれ プレスコット家の子だよね I have no idea. I know he's a Prescott.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Max_003 何でもないよ。 ねえ ネイサンとは知り合いなの? Hopefully nothing after today. So, how do you know Nathan?
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Max_006 ウォーレンね。 借りを作っちゃったな Warren? Yeah, I owe him big time.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Max_008 静かな町だから帰ってきたのに 全然落ち着かない… I thought it would be quiet here. Feels so weird to be back.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Max_010 ううん アーティストが集まる明るい大都市って感じで
No, it felt like a real city for artists, big and bright. Great for taking pictures.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Max_011 そうなのかも。 楽しかったけど… 地元から離れて ちょっとさみしかった I guess. It was cool but... I felt kinda lonely, out of my league.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Max_014 でも クロエに会えた Not after seeing you.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Max_015 そっちこそ。 どこの不良パンク少女かと思った Right. You look like the cover of Hipster Girl dot com.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Max_017 そうでしょ That's why I'm here.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Max_019 写真の授業で有名な学校だし
Of course. It's one of the best photography programs in the country... and my favorite teacher, Mark Jefferson.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Max_020 ジェファソン先生の授業を受けたかっただけ
90 年代に活躍した有名な写真家なんだ
Only for Mark Jefferson. He was a pretty famous photographer in the 90s... I've always loved his work.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Max_023 クロエとも会いたかったんだよ Don't you think I'm happy to see you?
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Max_025 仕方ないでしょ。 私だっていろいろあったんだよ Give me a break. I was going through changes... like you.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Max_026 連絡したかったよ… でも 急な引っ越しでバタバタして… I wanted to. I was just so tripped out over leaving Arcadia...
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Max_027 ごめん… クロエも大変だったんだよね I'm sorry. I know things were tough on you when I left.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Max_031 そんなんじゃないってば That's not true, Chloe.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Max_033 私だって 好きで引っ越したわけじゃないんだよ I didn't order my parents to move specifically to fuck you over, Chloe.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Max_034 厳しいな… You're merciless.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_Max_036 学校に慣れようと必死だったの 内気な自分はもうイヤで…
I just wanted to settle in first and not be such a shy cliché geek. I totally would have contacted you...
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_FirstReunion_Chloe_020 こら "ありがとう"は? Oh, and thanks, Chloe!
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_FirstReunion_Chloe_030 5 年たっても相変わらずだな After five years you're still Max Caulfield.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_FirstReunion_Chloe_040 そんな顔すんな 久々に会えたんだし Don't give me the guilty face. At least pretend you're glad to see me.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_FirstReunion_Chloe_070 あたしも同じだよ Yes, it's been that kind of day.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_FirstReunion_Max_010 なんなの あのネイサン・プレスコットってやつ…
シャレになんない… もうかんべんしてほしい…
Man, Nathan Prescott is messed up. And dangerous... This day never ends...
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_FirstReunion_Max_050 ホント 会えてうれしいよ I am seriously glad to see you.
Cue_E1_4A_ChloeCar_FirstReunion_Max_060 それから ありがとね。 今日はいろんなことがありすぎて… Oh, and thanks, Chloe. It makes perfect sense I'd see you today.
Act_E1_5A_BathRoom_Pills_Look01_Max_010 これ クロエの? 大丈夫かな… I wonder if Chloe is taking those pills? I hope she's okay…
Act_E1_5A_Bathroom_Cabinet_Interact01_Max_010 クロエの髪の色 好きだな。 内気さがミジンもない… 私とは正反対 I like Chloe's new hair color. She's the opposite of shy... of me.
Act_E1_5A_Bathroom_Dark_Look01_Max_010 暗っ! これじゃ何も見えない Whoa! Dark. I cannot see anything.
Act_E1_5A_Bathroom_Drawer01_Interact01_Max_010 クロエの薬じゃないといいけど… I hope Chloe isn't taking these pills...
Act_E1_5A_Bathroom_MakeUpStuff_Look01_Max_010 ジョイスおばさんの化粧品ね。 クロエは動物実験をするメーカーのは使わない This is definitely Joyce's make-up. Chloe wouldn't use animal products.
Act_E1_5A_Bathroom_Scale_Interact01_Max_010 ノーコメント No comment.
Act_E1_5A_Bathroom_Scale_Look01_Max_010 先週測ったばっかりだもん I already weighed myself last week.
Act_E1_5A_Bathroom_Shower_Interact01_Max_010 シャワーを浴びたいけど ガレージで道具を探さないと It's so clean I want to test it out. But I need those tools from the garage.
Act_E1_5A_Bathroom_Shower_Look01_Max_010 綺麗なシャワー Nice, clean shower.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Bed_Interact01_Max_010 もう子どもじゃないよ! ベッドの下には入れない! I'm not a kid anymore, I can't hide under the bed! Where else?
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_BlueDrawer01_Interact01_Max_010 一緒に描いたの 楽しかったな… We had such a blast drawing these together.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_BlueDrawer01_Look01_Max_010 これ覚えてる。 1 日かけて青く塗った。 クロエのお気に入りの青 Man, I remember this furniture. We spent all day painting it blue. Chloe loved that blue.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Box_Interact01_Max_010 クロエの言う通り しまうべきだ… Chloe's right. I should put this stuff away...
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Box_Look01_Max_010 古い段ボール… Old cardboard boxes...
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_BrokenGlobe_Look01_Max_010 やっちゃったな。 少し巻き戻したら直せるかも… Smooth move, Max. I could fix it with a quick rewind...
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_BrokenGlobe_Look02_Max_010 もう巻き戻して直せないじゃない Shit, too late for me to rewind and fix that now.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_BrokenGlobe_Look03_Max_010 もう巻き戻して直せないじゃない
この力で できることと できないこと… ちゃんと覚えないと
Shit, too late for me to rewind and fix that now. I need to seriously learn what I can and can't do with this power.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Look01_Max_010 つい 5 年前までは親友だったのに… Hard to believe Chloe was my BFF just five years ago.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Look02_Max_010 クロエはそんなに変わってない。 また親友になれるかな… She hasn't changed that much. We could still be BFF...
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Look03_Max_010 クロエがうれしそう。 身代りになってよかった It's nice to see Chloe happy. I'm glad I took a hit for the team.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Look04_Max_010 身代りにならなかったから 怒ってるみたい… Chloe looks super pissed because I didn't take the blame.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Closet_Interact01_Max_010 開かない Sealed shut.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Closet_Interact02_Max_010 動かない。 でも ここに CD は入れないな This won't budge. She wouldn't put her music in there anyway.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Closet_Look01_Max_010 子どもの頃に隠れた クローゼットの秘密基地! Oh, this is a flashback to youth. Our "Super Secret Closet Lair"!
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_ClothDrawer01_Interact01_Max_010 クロエ 雰囲気変わったな。 一瞬分からなかった Chloe totally changed her style. I barely recognized her.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_ClothDrawer01_Look01_Max_010 クロエのパパが作ったドレッサー Chloe's dad built this dresser.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Desk_Interact01_Max_010 ゴチャゴチャだ… 中に CD 埋もれてないかな I think this junk swallowed her discs.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Desk_Look01_Max_010 机なの? 収納スペースなの? Is this a desk or a storage space?
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Door_Interact01_Max_010 もうデイビッドには会いたくないな No way do I want to bump into David again.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DuffleBag_Interact01_Max_010 うわっ 汚れた服のニオイ! And it reeks like dirty laundry. Gross!
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DuffleBag_Look01_Max_010 洗濯物袋みたい This looks like a laundry bag.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_EmptyHiFi_Look01_Max_010 電源が入っても ディスクがないとひらけないよ… Houston, we have the power. But we need to find a disc to play…
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_FloorLamp_Look01_Max_010 このランプぐらついてる。 触ったら倒れるかも This lamp is wonky. It might fall if I touch it...
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_HeightGauge_Look01_Max_010 クロエはいつも私より背が高くて おじさんに測ってもらってた Chloe was always taller than me. We made her dad keep track of our height.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Hifi_Look01_Max_010 電源がないと動かない It won't play without any power.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Hifi_Look02_Max_010 最近のクロエはどんな音楽聴いてるのかな… Now let's see what kind of music Chloe is into these days.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Hifi_Look03_Max_010 こんなに切ない曲を聴いてるなんて… レイチェルのことを思い出すのかな I didn't expect anything this wistful from Chloe... Maybe it reminds her of Rachel?
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Joint_Interact01_Max_010 モノは隠せても臭いは隠せないよ… You can hide a joint, but not the smell... forget it.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Laptop_Interact01_Max_010 超楽しそう She looks super happy.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Laptop_Interact02_Max_010 超悲しそう She looks super sad.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Laptop_Interact03_Max_010 超トんでそう She looks super stoned.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Laptop_Interact04_Max_010 クロエらしさが出てる写真。 誰が撮ったんだろ? These photos capture Chloe. I wonder who took them?
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Laptop_Look01_Max_010 クロエのパソコンから音楽を流せないのは残念…
ステッカーまみれで まさにやりたい放題
Too bad I can't stream any music from Chloe's laptop. But I love how funky and outdated it is...She even covered it in punk stickers because Chloe doesn't give a shit.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Letter01_Look01_Max_010 レイチェルと 仲良かったんだ。 さみしいだろうな Rachel and Chloe really were close. She must miss her.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_MPA_Look01_Max_010 クロエがあのポスターを作ってたんだ So it was Chloe who printed all those flyers...
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_MetalBox_Look01_Max_010 ベッドの下に箱なんていかにも怪しい Okay Chloe, a metal box under the bed equals secret.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_MetalBox_Look02_Max_010 ここにもう秘密はない Now it's not a secret metal box anymore.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Multisocket_Look01_Max_010 電源ケーブルね There's the power strip.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Multisocket_Look02_Max_010 電源入るかな Now I have the power.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Paper01_Look01_Max_010 アルカディア・ベイから出るには お金が必要だ Damn, Chloe does need a lot of money to get out of Arcadia...
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Picture01_Look01_Max_010 あのポンコツに 3000 ドル? クロエ 貯金をはたいたんじゃない… Three grand to fix that piece of shit? Chloe must have beatdown her piggy bank...
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_PostCard01_Look01_Max_010 レイチェルからのポストカード… This postcard is from Rachel Amber...
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Poster_Look01_Max_010 私は好きじゃない。 狙いすぎ I'm not into them. Too pretentious.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_ReportCard_Look01_Max_010 クロエは 2 年前にブラックウェルを退学になってる…
Damn, Chloe was kicked out of Blackwell two years ago. She used to be a great student... when she cared.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_RewindChoice_InterveneTakeBlame_Max_010 私 まずい状況じゃない?
クロエのためとはいえ ウソをついたら奨学金が危ないし
Man, that did not go well for me. If I want to keep my Blackwell scholarship I shouldn't lie for anybody, even Chloe. I have to think about my own future...
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_RewindChoice_InterveneTakeBlame_Max_020 クロエとの関係はどうにかなったけど 面倒な人に目を付けられちゃった…
巻き戻して クロエにはあとでフォローしようかな
Okay I feel better about Chloe and me but I do have rent-a-cop on my case now, maybe I should rewind and make up to Chloe later.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_RewindChoice_NotHidden_Max_010 最悪… デイビッド完全にキレてる
Well that sucked ass. David is furious. Maybe I can rewind and hide in the closet...
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_RewindChoice_StayHiddenBlameChloe_Max_010 デイビッド クロエになんてことを… もし私が割って入ってたら…? David was such a mean bastard to Chloe... What if I had stepped up to help?
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_ShoeBox_Interact01_Max_010 いい写真。 クロエはパパっ子だったんだよね Look at that... Chloe and her dad were so close.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_ShoeBox_Look01_Max_010 ここに何入れてんだろ… I wonder what Chloe keeps in here...
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_ShoeBox_Look02_Max_010 平気なフリしてるけど おじさんのことは忘れられないんだと思う… Chloe tries to act like she's over her dad, but I don't think she can let go of him...
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_SuitCase_Look01_Max_010 このスーツケースにはがらくただけ Nothing but junk in this suitcase.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_TV_Look01_Max_010 あのテレビ 前にリビングにあったやつだ Hey, that TV used to be in the living room.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_TrashCan_Interact01_Max_010 駐車違反の罰金 払ってない… 大人しくできないタイプだもんね Whoda thunk Chloe wouldn't pay her parking tickets? She does love trouble.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_TrashCan_Look01_Max_010 クロエのゴミ 溢れ出ん Chloe's trash overfloweth.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_VoiceOver01_Max_010 クロエ 怒ってるな。 CD 見つけないと Chloe is pretty pissed at me. I better look for a CD...
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_VoiceOver01_Max_020 もう子ども向けの教育番組は観ないよね さすがに… I guess she's not into Blue's Clues or Teletubbies anymore...
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_VoiceOver01_Max_030 クロエの部屋で宝探しなんて何年ぶり? When's the last time I had to dig through Chloe's crap?
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_VoiceOver01_Max_040 変な日… 今度はクロエの CD を探すことになるなんて Such a bizarro day... and now I'm looking for Chloe's music.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_VoiceOver01_Max_050 全部打ち明けたいけど… きっとひかれるよ I wish I could tell her everything... but she would freak out.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_VoiceOver01_Max_060 ただでさえ不機嫌だったのに 悪化させちゃった。 どうにかできないかな… Oops. As if Chloe wasn't already in a bad mood. And I made it worse. Maybe I can fix this...
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_VoiceOver02_Max_010 クロエはそっとしておこう。 道具を探さなきゃ I shouldn't bug Chloe now. Plus I need those tools...
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_VoiceOver02_Max_020 クロエを 1 人にしてあげて 道具を探そう Looks like Chloe needs a time-out while I get these tools...
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_VoiceOver02_Max_060 昔はいつもクロエのママに うるさいって怒られてたのに。 静かだな Chloe's mom always busted us for being too loud. Now we're barely talking.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_VoiceOver03_Max_010 今日は不思議なことばかり… This day couldn't get any stranger...
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_VoiceOver03_Max_020 クロエが踊ってる。 いい写真が撮れそう This would be a great shot of Chloe dancing...
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_VoiceOverHelpChloe_Max_010 かなり疲れてるけど クロエを助けられるかも I feel a little drained, but I could help Chloe.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_VoiceOverHelpChloe_Max_020 力を使えば 助けられるかも If I used my power, it might help.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_VoiceOverMaxStress_Max_010 やっと落ち着けると思ったのに… Just when we had a quiet moment...
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_VoiceOverMaxStress_Max_020 時間を巻き戻せば… I could just try to rewind time...
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_VoiceOverMaxStress_Max_030 ウソでしょ。 今力を使うべき? Damn, should I use my power for this?
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_VoiceOverMaxStress_Max_040 隠れないと! I better hide quick!
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_VoiceOverMaxStress_Max_050 どこに隠れよう Where the hell am I going to hide?
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_VoiceOverNotHurtChloe_Max_010 クロエを傷つけないようにできるはず I could change this so I don't hurt Chloe.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_VoiceOverNotHurtChloe_Max_020 なんとかできるはず Okay Max, you can make things right.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_VoiceOverRewind_Max_010 怖い人だな…
学校に言われたら 奨学金没収されちゃうかも
クタクタだけど まだ力は使えそう
Man, David is scary... he could hurt my Blackwell scholarship. I still feel weak, but I could change that.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_VoiceOverRewind_Max_020 疲れてるけど 戻って違う選択もできる I feel so drained, but I could go back and fix this.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Window_Interact01_Max_010 全然ダメだ。 他の所を探そう This is going nowhere fast. I better look someplace else.
Act_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Window_Look01_Max_010 「ここから下に降りる」度胸試し… 結局やらなかったな We used to dare each other to climb down, but never did.
Act_E1_5A_Corridor_AuroraPicture_Look01_Max_010 「汝再び故郷に帰れず」というけど… 帰ってきた You can't go home again,
Act_E1_5A_Corridor_Books_Look01_Max_010 10 年は読まれてなさそうな本。 つまんないもんね These books have not been touched since the last decade. I see why.
Act_E1_5A_Corridor_Closet_Look01_Max_010 入れない Locked.
Act_E1_5A_Corridor_ExitCorridor_Interact01_Max_010 道具は持ってきたし もう下に用はないな Now that I have the tools I don't need to go downstairs.
Act_E1_5A_Corridor_GuestRoom_Look01_Max_010 ここも入れない。 何に使うんだろう Locked 2: Electric Boogaloo. Interesting...
Act_E1_5A_Corridor_ParentsRoom_Look01_Max_010 クロエの両親の部屋ね Chloe's parents must sleep here.
Act_E1_5A_Corridor_Window_Look01_Max_010 なにも変わってない。 私たち以外は Nothing's changed. Except for me and Chloe.
Act_E1_5A_ParentsRoom_Bird_Look01_Max_010 いや! かわいそうに! 私 助けてあげられるかも… Oh shit! Poor thing! I bet I could I do something to save it...
Act_E1_5A_ParentsRoom_Bird_Look02_Max_010 さようなら 鳥さん
力を使えば助けられたかもしれないけど 限界はあるみたい…
Bye, bye birdie. I could have used my rewind to save the poor thing but I guess every power has a limit...
Act_E1_5A_ParentsRoom_Bird_Look03_Max_010 さようなら 鳥さん
力を使えば助けられたかもしれないけど 遅すぎたみたい…
Bye, bye birdie. I could have used my rewind to save the poor thing but I was way too late...
Act_E1_5A_ParentsRoom_Bird_Look04_Max_010 おはよう 鳥さん。 さあ飛んでおいき You've been resurrected, birdie. Fly, be free.
Act_E1_5A_ParentsRoom_Book_Look01_Max_010 「21 世紀のサバイバルガイド: 行動か死か」
うわあ。 終末に向けての準備か
Act, React Or Die: A 21st Century Survival Guide.
Act_E1_5A_ParentsRoom_Closet_Interact01_Max_010 おばさん まだダイナーで仕事してるんだ
旦那さんは警官? どんまい クロエ
Joyce still works at the diner. Is her a husband a cop? Poor Chloe.
Act_E1_5A_ParentsRoom_Drawer01_Interact01_Max_010 ドッグタグだ。 「デイビッド・マドセン」 Dog tags, sweet. "David Madsen."
Act_E1_5A_ParentsRoom_Drawer02_Interact01_Max_010 おじさんの思い出の品だ。 新しい旦那さん 悪い人じゃなさそう… Aw, Joyce has a little shrine to William. Her new husband may not be such a douche...
Act_E1_5A_ParentsRoom_JoycePhoto_Max_010 おばさん 幸せそう。 クロエの新しいパパ 悪い人じゃないんじゃ… Joyce looks happy. Chloe's stepdad might not be a douchebag after all.
Act_E1_5A_ParentsRoom_Magazine_Look01_Max_010 おばさんは通販カタログが好きなんだよね Joyce always loved her mail-order catalogs of useless crap.
Act_E1_5A_ParentsRoom_Necklace_Look01_Max_010 あっ… これ クロエが母の日におばさんに作ってあげたんだっけ
Oh my... Chloe made this for Joyce on Mother's Day, years ago. I see why she would keep it.
Act_E1_5A_ParentsRoom_Papers_Look01_Max_010 請求書が払えてないみたい… Uh oh. The "Prices" are late on their bills.
Act_E1_5A_ParentsRoom_Uniform_Look01_Max_010 おばさん まだダイナーで仕事してるんだ
旦那さんは警官? どんまい クロエ
Joyce still works at the diner and Chloe's new dad is a security guard... Uh oh.
Act_E1_5A_ParentsRoom_VoiceOver_Max_010 クロエの両親の部屋だ。 今日は覗きまくり… This must be Chloe's parents room... Man, I am nosey today...
Act_E1_5A_ParentsRoom_VoiceOver_Max_020 今日だけで 2 つの命を助けた… どういうこと? Wowser. That's two lives I've saved today... What does this mean?
Act_E1_5A_ParentsRoom_Window_Look01_Max_010 すぐそこに住んでたなんて… To think I lived just half a mile away...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Box_Chloe_010 ちょっと! スノードームが壊れたじゃん! Dude, you broke my glass snow dome. Thanks.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_CDObj_Chloe_001 CD 見つかった? Hey, did you find the disc yet?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_CDObj_Chloe_002 散らかってるけど 探せばあるから I know my room is a disaster but you can find a disc.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_CDObj_Chloe_003 どっかにあるよ 探せって It's here, Max. Look a little harder.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_ChloeQuestion2_Chloe_001 音楽かけてくれる? Could you put on some music please?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_ChloeQuestion3_Chloe_001 5 年振りに会った大親友に いきなり大事なスノードーム壊されるとか
もういいからさ 早く音楽かけてくれる?
You are ridiculous. I don't see you for five years, and your first response is to break my glass snow dome. Thanks Max... Now please put on some music and let me smoke out by myself for a bit.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_ChloeQuestion_Chloe_001 で? 大人になったマックスは 毎日なにやってんの? So tell me, what does Max Caulfield do for fun now that she's a grown-up?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_ChloeQuestion_Chloe_006 高校デビューして クラブ通いでもしてるのかと I can't say I know you anymore. Maybe you love to go clubbin' every night.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_ChloeQuestion_Chloe_007 ムリすんなって。 パーティなんか行ったこともないクセに Not Little Miss Wallflower. I bet you've never even been to a party.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_ChloeQuestion_Chloe_008 あー… うん。 聞くんじゃなかったよ Gee thanks. I was hoping to hear something positive.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_ChloeQuestion_Chloe_009 ダサいってことないだろ It doesn't sound that sad.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_ChloeQuestion_Chloe_014 クラブで泥酔してひっくり返ってるバカどもなら観察する価値あるけど
きっといい写真 撮れるよ
I'd dose those candy-flipping morons and watch them twitch into a DJ dance death rattle...Take a photo of that.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_ChloeQuestion_Chloe_015 それ 12 歳のときの話だろ? 見栄張らないで 写真に専念しとけって Max, you were 12 years old. That's... sad. You should stick to taking photos.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_ChloeQuestion_Chloe_016 なんで謝る? 写真は楽しくないのかよ? もういい… No, about me. Duh! I thought you'd at least be happy taking photos... Forget it.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_ChloeQuestion_Chloe_017 へえ いいじゃん。 あたしもちょっと気が晴れたよ Now that's more inspiring. I don't feel so totally hopeless...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_ChloeQuestion_Max_002 特に何も。 自ら動くより 見てるタイプだからさ Not much. You know me. I like to observe the world more than participate.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_ChloeQuestion_Max_003 パーティ三昧だよ Party all night.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_ChloeQuestion_Max_004 大人って実感はないよ… 年を取るだけ分からないことが増える…
I don't feel grown up. Just more confused as I get older. Especially after today...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_ChloeQuestion_Max_005 写真撮ってる
自撮りしたり 風景撮ったり いろいろ
ダサいかもしれないけど すごく楽しいよ
I take photos. Of me, the world, everything. It may sound sad, but I have a blast.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_ChloeQuestion_Max_010 そんなわけないよ Can you see me at a rave?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_ChloeQuestion_Max_011 ひどいな。 クロエの誕生日パーティ行ったよ? Oh right. I went to your birthday blowout.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_ChloeQuestion_Max_012 ごめん… About me?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_ChloeQuestion_Max_013 フレームに「これだ!」って瞬間がおさまるとね…
怖いものなんてない って気分になる
I'm happiest when I've got a great image in my lens. I'm not lonely, not afraid...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_DeskObj_Chloe_001 工具 見つかったんだ。 そこの机 使っていいよ You found the tools? Sweet. You can sit at my desk and fix your camera.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Gun01_Chloe_001 その顔は なんか言いたいことがあるな? 言えよ You're giving me a look I haven't seen for awhile. What's the problem?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Gun01_Chloe_004 ネイサンみたいな野郎にまた襲われて 反撃できなかったら死ぬだろ? Or somebody like Nathan will bust me with a cap. Screw that. I need to cover my own back.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Gun01_Chloe_005 また誰かに襲われたらどうする Only if somebody gets in my way again.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Gun01_Chloe_008 あんなにたくさんあるんだ。 1 つぐらい借りても文句ないだろ What the hell does he need another gun for? To mow down Bigfoot cheerleaders?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Gun01_Chloe_009 レイチェルと一緒に LA に行けてたら こんなことしなくて済んだ You think I want to? I'd rather be in LA with Rachel than hiding a gun...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Gun01_Chloe_011 分かってる。 でも 銃を持ってれば身を守れるだろ? I know, Max. But I do feel safer having a nine millimeter in my pants.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Gun01_Chloe_014 あたしに銃を向けるヤツがいなくなれば 必要なくなる When assholes stop threatening me with guns, then I'll stop playing with mine.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Gun01_Chloe_015 ネットの動画で勉強したよ。 バッチリだ After about a hundred online videos, hell yeah.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Gun01_Chloe_018 危ないことしようってわけじゃない 護身用だよ
力が弱い女こそ 銃で武装すべきだ
Max, I'm not looking for trouble. I just want protection. If anybody in this country should have guns, it should be women...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Gun01_Max_002 なんで銃なんか盗んだの? 絶対バレるよ Why steal a gun from your stepdad? You know you're going to get busted.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Gun01_Max_003 銃は返したほうがいいよ。 危ないって… You should put the gun back. Too dangerous...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Gun01_Max_006 あの人にバレたら 大変なことになるよ Your stepdad won't let you off the hook that easy.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Gun01_Max_007 そんなこと言わないで Please don't talk that way...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Gun01_Max_010 でもクロエ… 私 怖いよ… This is all just so scary.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Gun01_Max_012 それは違うよ! 銃は怖い。 こんなことしてないで ギターでも弾いてようよ Well, I don't. Guns make me nervous. You should be playing guitar, not playing with a gun.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Gun01_Max_013 使い方 分かるの? Can you actually use it?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Gun01_Max_016 銃 持ってたって 安全は保証されないよ Your gun can't stop a bullet in your back.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Gun01_Max_017 むやみに持ち歩かないでよ? 分かった? Just don't keep it in your pants, okay?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Gun02_Chloe_001 窓から抜けだそう Let's sneak out the window.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_HifiObj_Chloe_001 MP3 の再生ぐらい 自力でできるだろ? Go on, it's an mp3, not a vinyl. You can play it...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_HifiObj_Chloe_002 音楽かけるより 気まずい沈黙のほうがいいか? I guess you love awkward silence instead of music.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_HifiObj_Chloe_003 おーい 音楽まだかー? I'm still not hearing any tunes.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_HifiObj_Chloe_004 マックス! ステレオはそこ Doh, Max. The player's over there.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_HifiObj_Chloe_005 さっさと音楽かけてくれよ Now can you please put on some jams?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_HifiObj_Chloe_006 静かすぎてヘンになりそうだ。 早く音楽かけろって Max, this silence is killing me. Must. Have. Music.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_HifiObj_Chloe_007 音楽かけろよ Let's hear that CD.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_Chloe_001 あたしが貼ったんだ。 親友だった
パパが死んでマックスが引っ越して ひとりぼっちだったとき…
Yeah, I put them up... She was my angel. After my dad died and you moved, I felt abandoned. Rachel saved my life.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_Chloe_004 レイチェル・アンバー。 あたしの…親友だった
パパが死んでマックスが引っ越して ひとりぼっちだったとき…
Rachel Amber. She was my... angel. After my dad died and you moved, I felt abandoned. Rachel saved my life.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_Chloe_006 知ろうともしなかっただろ。 14 歳までは… 親友だったのに Well you never made much effort to find out. I was 14, we were best friends.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_Chloe_009 レイチェルはいつも味方だった。 一緒にビッグになろうって言ってさ…
あたしとは全然違うタイプで… スターになりたがってた
Rachel had my back. We were gonna kick the world's ass. You would laugh at how different we were... She wanted to be a star.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_Chloe_011 それが夢だった あたしたち 2 人のね
こんな田舎町 出て ロスに行くつもりだった
That was her plan. Our plan. Get the hell out of Bigfootville, and into Los Angeles.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_Chloe_015 ママは再婚のことしか頭になかった My mom was too busy hooked up with Sergeant Shithead.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_Chloe_016 クズとの再婚で浮かれてたよ… それも出て行こうと思った理由 She was happy enough to marry a Nazi. Reason number 356 to escape.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_Chloe_017 再婚のほうが大事だったんだろ… 家を出る理由が増えただけだ She couldn't wait to get re-hitched. Step-dick is one reason I wanted to bail.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_Chloe_019 半年前。 突然 姿を消した。 あたしにも言わずに… 1 人で Six months ago. She just... left Arcadia. Without a word. Without... me.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_Chloe_022 あたしに黙って行くはずない。 絶対 何かあったんだ Unlike you, she would have told me, okay? Something happened to her.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_Chloe_023 現実逃避してるよ。 でも 絶対 何かあったんだ They're in denial. Max, I know she's missing.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_Chloe_026 みんないなくなる
パパもマックスも… レイチェルも… みんな。 ねえ 音楽まだ?
Like everybody in my life. My dad, you... and Rachel. Gone... Can you put on some music now?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_Chloe_028 いなくなる前 「運命の人と出会った」とか言ってた… それっきり Before Rachel left, she said she met somebody who changed her life... Then poof.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_Max_002 レイチェル・アンバーだよね? 「尋ね人」のビラ 学校中に貼ってあるよ That's Rachel Amber... Her "Missing Person" posters are all over Blackwell.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_Max_003 それ… 誰? 話したくなかったらいいよ So, who is she? Do you mind talking about her?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_Max_005 全然知らなかったよ… Man, I had no idea.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_Max_007 今も親友だよ
I never forgot. Even if I was an asshole and didn't keep in touch. But you had Rachel...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_Max_008 私の代わりに レイチェルがいてくれたんだね… So, Rachel took my place... I'm glad she was there for you.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_Max_010 モデルみたいだよね She looks like a model.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_Max_012 どうして行かなかったの? ご両親に… おばさんに反対されたとか? So, what happened? Did your folks, your mom, try to stop you?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_Max_013 気持ちは分かるけど… おばさん 反対したでしょ? I see why... I bet your mom was not too happy...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_Max_014 でもお母さんは? おばさんはそれを聞いてなんて? What about your mom? What did Joyce think about all this?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_Max_018 そうだったんだ… レイチェルは いつ頃いなくなったの? I feel the love... Now, when did Rachel actually disappear?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_Max_020 自分の意志でいなくなったんじゃない? 人生をやり直したくなったとか How do you know she disappeared? Maybe she wanted to start a totally new life...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_Max_021 レイチェルのご両親は? 探してるんでしょ? What about her parents? Are they looking for her?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_Max_024 分かってる。 ただ 可能性を考えてるだけ I believe you. I'm just trying to get all deductive...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_Max_025 他にも何か知ってる風だけど… I assume you know more than that...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_Max_027 そのあと 一度も連絡ないの? And you haven't heard anything from her since?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Chloe_001 なあ そうなんだろ? Now tell me the truth, Max.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Chloe_004 すげえ… ニンジャみたいだ! Damn. You're a ninja.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Chloe_005 相変わらずウソつくのがヘタだな Come on! Even after five years I can still tell when you're lying.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Chloe_009 マジかよ ヤベえ! That is so badass.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Chloe_012 あたしだって すぐ分かった? So, did you recognize me?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Chloe_014 だろうね。 なにしろ 5 年振りだもんな I hope so. I'm sure this is all so weird to you after coming back.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Chloe_016 ま 当然だろうな I know I look a lot different.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Chloe_018 ムリもないよ I don't blame you, Max.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Chloe_020 それじゃ ネイサンとの話も聞いてたのか So you must have overheard our conversation...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Chloe_022 聞いてたんだな So then you did hear us?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Chloe_024 ウソだ いたなら全部聞こえただろ? There is no way you didn't hear every single vowel.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Chloe_026 それじゃ 次の質問。 誰かに言ったか? Now for the big question: Did you tell anybody?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Chloe_031 あのクズ… 思い出すだけでぞっとする… で 誰に言った? Gutless prick... that was scary. Who did you tell?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Chloe_032 誰にでもだ! 言ったのか? Like anybody! Stop stalling, sister.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Chloe_033 ムリもないよ。 あたしもビビったし I don't blame you... That's some intense shit.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Chloe_034 あの甘ったれたボンボンに そんな度胸はないよ Nathan fronts like a thug, but he's a spoiled punkass beeatch.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Chloe_038 本気で言ってんの? あの酒浸りはな 学校の利益しか頭にないんだ
絶対 信用するなよ
The Principal? Are you still twelve? That drunk jackass only cares about cash for Blackwell Academy... Don't trust him.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Chloe_040 助かるよ… いつかちゃんと説明する。 ホント ありがとな Thank God... I'll tell you more someday, and I seriously owe you, Max.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Max_002 うん… 奥に隠れてた I was there... Hiding in the corner.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Max_003 誤解だよ I wasn't there...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Max_006 ニンジャならネイサンを始末してたよ。 私はチョウチョの写真撮っただけ A ninja would have cut Nathan's head off. I just took a butterfly photo...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Max_007 わかったよ… Okay, I was there, Sherlock.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Max_010 銃を見た瞬間 チビりそうになったけどね… Oh yeah, I almost wet myself when I saw the gun...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Max_013 全然。 髪の毛も服も違ったから Not at all. Your hair and clothes are so different...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Max_015 よく分からなかった I wasn't sure...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Max_017 すごく怖くて ちゃんと見てられなかったし I was scared, too. I couldn't see straight.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Max_019 うん… ホント 今日は驚きだらけ Like you said, it's been that kind of day.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Max_021 パニクってたし… 何かわめいてるのは分かったけど… I was freaking out! I could only hear Nathan ranting...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Max_023 少しだけね… Just a bit...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Max_025 お金がどうこうって話は覚えてるけど… それ以上はホントに知らないよ Okay, I only heard something about money... drugs... but that's it.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Max_027 そりゃ言うよ! ネイサンは銃を持ってたんだよ!? Absolutely. Nathan Prescott had a fucking gun on you.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Max_028 「誰か」って? Like who?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Max_029 ううん… 怖くて無理だった… No. I didn't know what to do...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Max_030 言いたかったけど… だって あいつ何するかわかんないし I wanted to... What if he goes on some rampage?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Max_035 校長先生に… でも信じてもらえなかった The Principal... but he didn't seem to believe me.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Max_036 校長先生に言ったほうが… Maybe I should go to the Principal...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Max_037 でも あのままいけば絶対撃たれてたよ! やっぱり校長先生に… He would have shot you, Chloe. That's a fact. I should tell the Principal...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Max_039 クロエの名前は出してない。 信じてよ I didn't mention you at all. Swear.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_Max_041 ホントだって。 誰にも言ってない ウソじゃないよ Seriously, I didn't blab to anybody. Promise.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_ToolsObj_Chloe_001 ガレージにクソオヤジの工具がある。 カメラ用のもきっとあるだろ My step-ass keeps tools down in the garage. I bet you can find something to fix your camera.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_ToolsObj_Chloe_002 マックス ここには工具はないぞ。 ガレージを探せって No Max, this isn't a tool shed. Like I said, check the garage.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_ToolsObj_Chloe_003 1 人でまったりさせろよ。 工具は 1 階のガレージだってば Can you let me chillax for bit? Alone? The tools are still downstairs.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_WindowObjBis_Chloe_001 窓から逃げるぞ。 クソオヤジに見つかると面倒だ We'll go out through the window. Seeing step-dick is not on the agenda.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_WindowObjBis_Chloe_002 何やってんだよ? 早く行こう Can you go already? I wanna get the hell outta here.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_WindowObjBis_Chloe_003 何グズグズしてんだ? 窓開けろって! Damn, what are you waiting for? Open the window!
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_WindowObj_Chloe_001 よし 窓から脱出だ! 大丈夫 毎晩やってるから Come on, let's escape out the window! It's cool, I do it every night...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_WindowObj_Chloe_002 マックス 窓を開けろよ。 早く逃げるぞ Max, open the window and we can blow this popsicle stand!
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_WindowObj_Chloe_003 早く逃げよう。 窓を開けろって! If you open the window, we can both get the hell out of here!
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_ChloeDanceLoop_Chloe_010 ちゃんとかっこよく撮ってくれよ! This is my moment, Max. Don't let it slip...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_ChloeDanceLoop_Chloe_020 どうした? 早く撮れって I can only strike so many poses, girl...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_AlreadyOut_Max_010 そうです… 私のです Uh, yeah. My pot...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_BlameChloe_Chloe_030 もう放っといてくれよ! 女子高生相手に軍隊ごっこしてんじゃねえ! Why don't you get off my crack? Stop taking your war rage out on high school girls.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_BlameChloe_Chloe_050 うるせえよ! Fuck you, pig.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_BlameChloe_Chloe_090 いいか 今度あたしに触れでもしたら ブタ箱にぶち込んでやるからな
Listen dipshit, if you ever lay a hand on me again, I'll have your ass in jail. Then you can guard yourself all night...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_BlameChloe_Chloe_110 ガキ相手に なにムキになってんだ? Look at you, battling young girls.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_BlameChloe_Chloe_150 知ってるぞ。 今日 ケイト・マーシュに嫌がらせしてただろ
Listen David. I have proof you got all up in Kate Marsh's face today. Surveillance proof.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_BlameChloe_Chloe_170 とぼけてんじゃねえよ You know what I'm talking about.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_BlameChloe_Chloe_210 言い訳はいい
みんな あたしを見捨てる。 親友も当てにならない
Whatever. Everybody bails on me. Even my "best friend" Max... Don't you?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_BlameChloe_Chloe_220 この町にもう用はない… あんたにも会わなきゃよかった…
こんなとこ さっさと出て行きたいよ
I'm so done with everybody in this town... I wish I hadn't even seen you. As if you care. Color me outta here...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_BlameChloe_David_020 ウソをつけ。 クロエから買ったんだろう? 友だち価格でもお願いしたのか? Of course not. I'm sure Chloe gets all the best shit, right? I'm sure she gave you "good friend" rates...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_BlameChloe_David_040 なんだその口の利き方は…! You haven't seen rage, you little—
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_BlameChloe_David_060 … いいか… お前が悪いんだ。 俺にも限界がある! I... Listen, you asked for that. You know exactly what you're doing.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_BlameChloe_David_070 マックス お前は相当な問題児だ。 せめて学校では大人しくしてるんだな I can already tell from today that you're trouble, Max. I hope this doesn't affect your status at Blackwell.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_BlameChloe_David_080 ここへは二度と来るな Don't ever come back here.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_BlameChloe_David_100 刑務所行きはお前のほうだ You're the ones who'll end up in jail.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_BlameChloe_David_120 その生意気な口と態度 いつか後悔するぞ You only think you're tough and clever. This too shall pass...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_BlameChloe_David_130 あと 部屋も片付けろ Now, clean this pigsty up.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_BlameChloe_David_140 警告しておく。 クロエには近づくな
For your own good you should stay away from Chloe. She's a loser and she'll only drag you down. Stick to doing your homework.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_BlameChloe_David_160 何の話だ What are you talking about?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_BlameChloe_David_180 その生意気な口と態度 いつか後悔するぞ You only think you're tough and clever. This too shall pass...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_BlameChloe_David_190 あと 部屋も片付けろ Now, clean this pigsty up.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_BlameChloe_Max_010 私のじゃありません No way. It's not mine.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_BlameChloe_Max_200 ごめん クロエ… パニクっちゃって… I'm sorry Chloe. I didn't know what to do...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_ChloeHappy_Chloe_010 かばってくれてありがと。 マックスのおかげで追い払えたよ
うちら 怖いものナシだな! 最高の気分だ!
Thanks for taking the heat. We totally smacked his punk ass down, Max. He's no match for you and me now... That was an epic win.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_ChloeHappy_Chloe_020 よし 窓から逃げよう。 とっておきの場所を知ってるんだ Anyway. Let's sneak out the window... There is one cool place we can hang in this hickhole...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_ChloeSad_Chloe_020 絵に描いたみたいなクソオヤジだったろ? Welcome to "The Real Step-douches of Arcadia Bay"...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_ChloeSad_Chloe_040 いや 見つかってたら あれじゃ済まないし For what? He would've been a bigger dick if he caught you in here.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_ChloeSad_Chloe_060 とりあえず 窓から逃げよう。 いいところに連れてってやるからさ Anyway. Let's sneak out the window... There is one cool place we can go to in this hickhole...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_ChloeSad_Max_010 クロエ 大丈夫? Hey, you okay?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_ChloeSad_Max_030 ごめんね… I'm sorry...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_ChloeSad_Max_050 想像つかないよ That's hard to believe.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_ChoiceHidden_David_010 誰のだ!? Whose is it?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_ChoiceNotHidden_Chloe_010 あたしのじゃないよ。 マックスのだ It's not my pot, it's from Max!
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_ChoiceNotHidden_David_020 そうなのか? Is this true?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_DavidDesk_Chloe_020 あんたの銃なんか取るわけねえだろ。 そもそも銃は嫌いだ Oh God, I didn't take your stupid gun. You do know I believe in gun control?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_DavidDesk_Chloe_040 いちいちうるせえな! 放っといてくれよ Oh yeah, guns, weed... You are trippin' balls.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_DavidDesk_David_010 銃が 1 丁なくなった One of my guns is missing.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_DavidDesk_David_015 お前か? Did you take it?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_DavidDesk_David_030 おい! なんだこれは! またここで吸ってたな!? Wait, is that grass? You've been toking up again in here!
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_DavidDesk_David_050 俺に口答えをするな… 質問に答えろ 命令だ! I'm sick of your disrespect! Tell me the truth, that's an order!
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_FileGarage_Chloe_020 触ってなんかねえよ! そんなもん興味もない I didn't touch your files, David. I could care less about your files.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_FileGarage_David_010 ファイルには触るなと言ったはずだ。 どういうつもりだ? I ordered you to never go through my files. You obviously have.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_FileGarage_David_030 問題ばかり起こすのもいい加減にしろ You care about starting shit, Chloe. And it's getting old.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_GetOut_David_020 そういうことか。 俺は他人を家に上げない。 特に問題児はな Well, well. I don't like strangers in my home. Especially dopers.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_GetOut_Max_010 ごめんなさい… それ 私のです I'm sorry... That was my joint.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_Hidden_Chloe_010 ったく… Shit!
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_Hidden_Chloe_030 服 着替えてただけだって。 大げさなんだよ Jesus, I'm just trying on clothes. You're so friggin' paranoid.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_Hidden_David_020 何をしていた? What's going on in here?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_Hidden_David_040 ごまかそうとしても無駄だ Yeah, combat will do that to you.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_NotHidden_Chloe_010 ちっ… Shit!
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_NotHidden_Chloe_030 関係ねーだろ None of your business.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_NotHidden_Chloe_050 だから他人じゃねえっつうの! 友だちだよ! Stop freaking, she's not a stranger. This is my friend.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_NotHidden_David_020 何をしている? どういうことだ What's going on in here? Why is she here?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_NotHidden_David_040 他人を家に上げるな I don't like strangers here.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_NotHidden_David_060 お前のか? まったく冗談じゃない Great, another one of your "friends".
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_ShowGun_Chloe_010 マックスには特別に見せてやるよ。 新しい"おもちゃ"だ Because you are such a badass, Max... Let me show my new toy...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_ShowGun_Chloe_020 「プライス… クロエ・プライスだ」 バン! I'm Price... Chloe Price! Bang!
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_ShowGun_Chloe_040 大丈夫だよ。 弾 入ってないし。 まだね Chillax, sista. It's not even loaded... yet.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_ShowGun_Chloe_060 男が持つ場合の話だよ。 ネイサンとデイビッドとか あぶないヤツばっかだろ Yes, I believe I should control the gun. It's the men who need to be checked. You trust Nathan or David?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_ShowGun_Max_030 ちょっと… 危ないよ! Jesus, put that thing down!
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_ShowGun_Max_050 銃は嫌いなんでしょ…? I thought you believed in gun control.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_StayHidden_Chloe_010 あたしもママも あんたの軍隊の兵士じゃない! Stop treating me and my mom like we're your family platoon.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_StayHidden_Chloe_020 さっさとママと別れろよ! I wish you'd leave Joyce. Like now.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_StayHidden_Chloe_040 二度と あたしに手あげんじゃねえぞ…
今度やったら… すぐに警察呼んでやるから…!
Don't touch me again, asshole. That's the last time. Or I'll bring the cops in here so fast...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_StayHidden_Chloe_060 ブタ箱にぶち込んでやる! I would be smart to have you busted.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_StayHidden_Chloe_080 知ってるぞ。 今日 ケイト・マーシュに嫌がらせしてただろ
By the way, I have proof you got all up in Kate Marsh's face today. Surveillance proof.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_StayHidden_Chloe_100 こっちのセリフだよ Then stay out of my life.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_StayHidden_David_010 黙れ! ジョイスは関係ない! Hey, leave Joyce out of this.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_StayHidden_David_030 クロエ… すまない。 ジョイスは大切な人だ… だがお前の態度は… Chloe, I'm sorry. I care about your mother and... You just keep pushing me.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_StayHidden_David_050 口だけだな You're not that dumb.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_StayHidden_David_070 クロエ… お前は何も分かっていない Chloe... Someday you'll grow up.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_StayHidden_David_090 なんだと…? 余計な真似するな What? You best stay out of my work.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_StayHidden_David_110 クロエ… お前は何も分かっていない Chloe... Someday you'll grow up.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_TakeBlame_Chloe_050 やめろ あたしの友だちにそんな口利くな Get the hell away from her, man! Stop harassing my friends!
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_TakeBlame_Chloe_070 あんたこそ 警察 気取ってんじゃねえよ ただの警備員だろ! Like you know. You're not even a real cop, you're a fucking security guard!
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_TakeBlame_Chloe_110 ケイト・マーシュにも嫌がらせして 次はマックスかよ! Get the hell away from her! I have proof you hassled Kate Marsh today!
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_TakeBlame_Chloe_130 証拠写真があんだ! 分かったら さっさと出てけ I have surveillance proof. Now please leave us alone.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_TakeBlame_David_010 よくも人の家にこんなものを… 警察を呼ぶか?
当然 学校にも報告がいくだろうな
So you're bringing drugs into my home. How about if I call the police? That would screw up your spotless Blackwell record...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_TakeBlame_David_020 どこで何をしようと勝手だが― You do seem to get around... "Max."
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_TakeBlame_David_030 クロエまで一緒に巻き込むのはやめろ I'm sick of you losers dragging Chloe down.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_TakeBlame_David_040 学校での一件といい 調子に乗るんじゃないぞ…
次から次へと… どうした 口答えしないのか? 何とか言え
Missy, you sure do like to pop up and start trouble. Like this afternoon. You don't have anything smart to say now? Do you? Huh?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_TakeBlame_David_060 お前に友だちなどいない You don't have any friends.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_TakeBlame_David_080 元軍人 のな I was a soldier, Chloe.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_TakeBlame_David_090 マックス。 今度この家に来たら… ただでは済まないからな And Max, if I see you here again... You'll learn all about real trouble.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_TakeBlame_David_100 非常ベルの件といい… どうもお前は図に乗っているようだ
どうした 口答えしないのか? え?
You're on a roll today. Between the fire alarm and now this... You don't have anything smart to say now? Do you? Huh?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_TakeBlame_David_120 何? 何の話だ What? What are you talking about?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_TakeBlame_David_140 まったく… 知ったような口を Okay Chloe. You know everything.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidFurious_TakeBlame_David_150 マックス。 二度とこの家に来るな。 最後の警告だ And Max, if I find you here again... It will be the last time.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidHome_Chloe_010 この曲 アガるな…! 恥ずかしがんなって! This song fucking rules! Can't dance, hippie? Come on!
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidHome_Chloe_020 踊れって! Rawk out, girl!
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidHome_Chloe_030 やればできるじゃん! Yes! Break it down, Max!
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidHome_Chloe_050 消して! 早く! Yo, turn it off, turn it off!
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidHome_Chloe_070 鳴らしてねえし! Dude, the music's not even on!
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidHome_Chloe_080 ウゼー Asshole.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidHome_Chloe_100 ふざっけんな…! No fucking way!
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidHome_Chloe_110 マックス 早く隠れて。 見つかったら あたしがぶっ殺される You need to hide. Now! My stepdad will kill me if he finds you here!
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidHome_Chloe_130 着替えてんだよ うるせーな! Chill, I'm changing, is that okay?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidHome_Chloe_140 マックス どっかに隠れろ。 早く! Max, find a place to hide, NOW!
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidHome_David_040 クロエ! 部屋にいるのか? Chloe, are you up there?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidHome_David_060 やかましい音楽を鳴らすな! 何度 言えば分かるんだ! How many times have I told you to stop blasting that punk shit?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidHome_David_090 そこにいろ 話がある I'm coming up, we need to talk!
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DavidHome_David_120 クロエ。 何してるんだ 早くドアを開けろ Chloe, what's going on? Open this door, please.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DoorLoop_Chloe_020 待てって! I'm coming!
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DoorLoop_Chloe_040 着替えてるっつってんだろ! I'm changing! Gimme a minute!
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DoorLoop_Chloe_060 ブラジャーが引っかかったんだよ! One second... my bra is stuck.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DoorLoop_David_010 クロエ… 何してるんだ Chloe... What are you doing?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DoorLoop_David_030 何を隠してる Chloe, you're stalling.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DoorLoop_David_050 ウソをつくな。 いいから ここを開けろ。 何をしてる? クロエ? Don't get smart, just let me in. Now. Please.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DoorLoop_David_070 ふざけるのもいい加減にしろ! さっさとここを開けるんだ! I'm not screwing around, soldier. Chloe. Open this door.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_DoorLoop_David_080 3 秒以内に開けないなら ドアを破るからな。 1… 2… 3… I'm giving you exactly three seconds to open the door. One... two... three...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_FriendAgain_Chloe_010 たしか… 先月 誕生日だったよな I, er, know it was your birthday last month...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_FriendAgain_Chloe_020 死んだパパのカメラ… プレゼントだ This was my real father's camera... I want you to have it.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_FriendAgain_Chloe_040 いいって。 あたしは使えないし ふさわしい人にあげたほうがパパも喜ぶし Of course you can. My dad would be pissed if I never used it. And now I know it will be used awesomely.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_FriendAgain_Chloe_050 再会の記念に この写真もらうから。 な? And I'll snag this picture as a symbol of our reunion. Cool?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_FriendAgain_Chloe_070 なんか湿っぽくなったな… よし 気分を変えて 踊りまくろう! Now that we got the mushy shit out of the way, I feel like stage diving! Let's thrash this place!
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_FriendAgain_Chloe_090 ほら マックスも踊るんだよ!
どうした 恥ずかしいのか!?
じゃ そのカメラであたしを撮って
Yep yep, I'm fucking insane in the brain! Let's dance! Shake that boney white ass! Or take my picture with your new camera!
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_FriendAgain_Max_030 誕生日覚えててくれてうれしいけど… これはもらえないよ That's so cool you remembered my birthday. But I can't take this.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_FriendAgain_Max_060 ホントにいいの!? ありがとう すごくうれしいよ Yes, of course it's cool! Thank you... This camera is so sweet.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_FriendAgain_Max_080 ちょっと本気? You're crazy.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Idle_Chloe_010 どうぞご自由に 何でも見てくれよ Good to see you once again browsing through all my shit.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Idle_Chloe_020 マックスは相変わらずだな There goes Curious Max, looking for trouble...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Idle_Chloe_030 相変わらずのマイペースだな Just take your time, Max.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_MetalBox_Chloe_010 おい 見るな! Hey, give me that!
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_MetalBox_Chloe_030 当たり前だよ… That's putting it mildly.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_MetalBox_Max_020 ごめん…! 悪気はなかったの… すごく仲よさそうに見えたから… Sorry. I wasn't trying to be nosey. Obviously she was a good friend...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_RepairFail_Chloe_010 どう? So?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_RepairFail_Chloe_030 これ マックスが? Are these your new photos?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_RepairFail_Chloe_050 えーと… Let me see...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_RepairFail_DavidTake_Chloe_010 あの野郎… なにやってやがる… Are you shitting me? That asshole is everywhere.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_RepairFail_End_Chloe_010 あれ…? これ見たことあるぞ。 どういうこと? いつ撮ったんだ? Wait... I've seen this before. No way! When did you take this?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_RepairFail_End_Chloe_030 おいおい マジかよ! YOU took this photo, you brat!
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_RepairFail_End_Chloe_040 トイレの非常ベル マックスの仕業?
In the bathroom today... You set off the alarm! That's why Nathan raged after you... It totally makes sense.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_RepairFail_End_Chloe_050 命の恩人じゃん… You hella saved my life...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_RepairFail_End_Chloe_060 なあ そうなんだろ? Now tell me the truth, Max.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_RepairFail_End_Max_020 それは… Uh...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_RepairFail_Max_020 全然ダメ I can't fix this thing.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_RepairFail_Max_040 うん。 今日撮ったやつね Yeah... I just took them today.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_RepairFail_Victoria_Chloe_010 はは… 笑える。 いい気味だな Boo yah, you skank! Karma is a bitch.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_RepairFail_Victoria_Chloe_020 構図もいい Nice framing too.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Reveal01_Chloe_010 この部屋もだいぶ変わっただろ My room looks a bit different than the last time you saw it.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Reveal01_Chloe_030 ま 義理のクソオヤジのせいで「まったり」ってわけにもいかないけど
This isn't exactly my "chill out zone" ...My step-führer makes sure of that. Come in and close the door.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Reveal01_Chloe_040 音楽でもかけてよ Put on some music while I medicate.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Reveal01_Max_020 いい感じ まったりできそう It's cool. At least we can chill out.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_SadChloe_Chloe_010 ガレージに行けば カメラを直す工具があるはずだよ Anyway... You can find tools to fix your camera in the garage...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_SadChloe_Chloe_030 全然平気。 ちょっとひとりでまったりしたいだけ Sure, I'm awesome. I just want to blaze and be alone for a moment...
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_SadChloe_Max_020 クロエ… 大丈夫? Chloe, are you okay?
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Window_Interact02_Chloe_010 いいよ 先に降りて Climb out. I'm right behind you.
Cue_E1_5A_ChloeRoom_Window_Interact03_Max_010 クロエ 待ってよ! Chloe, wait for me!
Act_E1_5B_Garage_BlackWellMap_Look01_Max_010 ブラックウェルの地図? どうしてこんなものが? Wowser, a map of Blackwell Academy. I wonder why?
Act_E1_5B_Garage_Box01_Look01_Max_010 おばさんはおじさんのものが捨てられないんだ Clearly it was hard for Joyce to get rid of William's stuff.
Act_E1_5B_Garage_Car_Look01_Max_010 すごい車! クロエの新しいパパが好きなんだろうな Check out the muscle car! Chloe's stepdad must be a gearhead.
Act_E1_5B_Garage_Computer_Interact01_Max_010 パスワードもないし 道具を見つける助けにならない No password. Like it would help me find tools anyway.
Act_E1_5B_Garage_Computer_Look01_Max_010 新しいお父さんのものかな This must belong to Chloe's stepdad.
Act_E1_5B_Garage_Cupboard01_Look01_Max_010 中を見てみるべき? Maybe I should look inside.
Act_E1_5B_Garage_Cupboard02_Look01_Max_010 棚の中に道具があるかも The tools might be in this cupboard.
Act_E1_5B_Garage_Drawer01_Interact01_Max_010 ないか Maybe not.
Act_E1_5B_Garage_Drawer01_Look01_Max_010 引き出しの中かな Maybe this drawer will reveal all.
Act_E1_5B_Garage_Drawer02_Interact01_Max_010 違う引き出しにカギがあるのかも。 他を見よう I bet Chloe's dad has the key locked in another drawer. Onward.
Act_E1_5B_Garage_Drawer02_Look01_Max_010 何かのデータ… A storage unit...
Act_E1_5B_Garage_Drawer03_Interact01_Max_010 道具 ないなあ Damn, still no tools.
Act_E1_5B_Garage_Drawer03_Look01_Max_010 ここにあるといいけど I hope the tools are in here.
Act_E1_5B_Garage_Drawer04_Interact01_Max_010 クロエの新しいパパって 学校の警備主任だ!
学校中に監視カメラを置くの? 心配性すぎない?
Chloe's stepdad is head of security at Blackwell! He wants to put surveillance cameras all over the school? How paranoid can you get?
Act_E1_5B_Garage_Drawer04_Look01_Max_010 道具あるかな? Hello, tools?
Act_E1_5B_Garage_Drawer05_Interact01_Max_010 元軍人で警備員のオジサン。 クロエのこと嫌いだろうな Chloe's stepdad is a veteran and a security guard? He must really hate her.
Act_E1_5B_Garage_Drawer05_Look01_Max_010 お願い! ここにありますように! Please, please, let the tools be in here...
Act_E1_5B_Garage_File_Interact01_Max_010 あっ! 手が滑っちゃった! Shit! Butterfingers!
Act_E1_5B_Garage_File_Interact02_Max_010 何度やっても落としちゃう! Ah man, I'll always make them fall!
Act_E1_5B_Garage_File_Look01_Max_010 あのファイル なにが書いてあるんだろう? I wonder what's in those files up there?
Act_E1_5B_Garage_FoodCan_Look01_Max_010 アルマゲドンに備えてるの? Apparently they're well prepared for Armageddon.
Act_E1_5B_Garage_Food_Look01_Max_010 すごい量! 100 年は缶詰めに困らないね Look at all that food! That's like enough Spam for 100 years...
Act_E1_5B_Garage_GarageDoor01_Interact01_Max_010 やった! 開いた Cool! Now it's opened.
Act_E1_5B_Garage_GarageDoor01_Look01_Max_010 こっち側からドアが開けられる I guess I could unlock the door from this side.
Act_E1_5B_Garage_GunRack_Look01_Max_010 銃が一丁ない… クロエのオジサンが持ってないといいけど Hmm, one of these guns is missing... I hope Chloe's stepdad isn't packing heat.
Act_E1_5B_Garage_IDcard_Look01_Max_010 クロエの新しいパパって 学校の警備主任だ! 信じられない! Chloe's step-father is this asshole from Blackwell? You’ve got to be shitting me.
Act_E1_5B_Garage_Medals_Look01_Max_010 すごい数のメダル。 元軍人だなんてすごいな クロエの新しいパパ Jeez, that is a serious collection of medals. Props to Chloe's stepdad if he's a war hero...
Act_E1_5B_Garage_Monitor_Interact01_Max_010 なに これ? 部屋にカメラをつけたの? ウソでしょ?
What the—? Chloe's stepdad actually installed cameras in the rooms? For reals? This guy has serious trust issues! Do Chloe and Joyce even know about this?
Act_E1_5B_Garage_Monitor_Look01_Max_010 スイッチ入れるべき? どうする…? Should I switch this on? Decisions, decisions...
Act_E1_5B_Garage_Picture01_Look01_Max_010 どうしてケイトの写真がここに? 待って なんかすごくイヤな感じがしてきた Kate Marsh? Why the hell would he have pictures of her? Okay, this is getting totally weird.
Act_E1_5B_Garage_Picture01_Look02_Max_010 あの写真はもう見たくない。 どうしてデイビッドが持ってるの? I don't want to look at these creepy photos again. Why does David have them?
Act_E1_5B_Garage_PizzaBox_Interact01_Max_010 落ちる前にやっとくべきだったね Man, I should have done that before they fell.
Act_E1_5B_Garage_PizzaBox_Interact02_Max_010 さすが やるねマックス! Yes! You have mad skills, Max.
Act_E1_5B_Garage_PizzaBox_Look01_Max_010 この古ぼけた段ボールで… Yes, here's some ancient cardboard...
Act_E1_5B_Garage_Shelf01_Interact01_Max_010 なにもない! もう… Nothing! This is so lame...
Act_E1_5B_Garage_Shelf01_Look01_Max_010 棚がたくさん。 道具の気配… Shelves. I smell the blood of tools...
Act_E1_5B_Garage_Target_Look01_Max_010 やった! 高得点! YES! Score!
Act_E1_5B_Garage_Tool01_Interact01_Max_010 これじゃ大きすぎて カメラは直せないな These are way too big! I need tiny tools for that camera.
Act_E1_5B_Garage_Tool01_Look01_Max_010 道具の宝庫ね This is a tool buffet...
Act_E1_5B_Garage_ToolBox_Look01_Max_010 精密ドライバー発見! でも手が届かない… Boom! Precision screwdrivers! Except, I can't reach them...
Act_E1_5B_Garage_ToolBox_Look02_Max_010 せっかく見つけたのにあんな所に入っちゃって届かないし どうしようもない
やったわね マックス
Let's see, the tools are stuck, out of reach and no way in hell to get them. Brilliant, Max, brilliant.
Act_E1_5B_Garage_ToolBox_Take01_Max_010 これでカメラを修理できるね。 さっさとここを出よう Sweet, I'm ready for some serious camera repair. I better bail out of here.
Act_E1_5B_Garage_Trophy_Look01_Max_010 かわいそうに。 殺された上に首を飾られるなんて Poor little deer... It's not enough to kill you, they have to display your head.
Act_E1_5B_Garage_VoiceOver_Max_010 ここに必要な道具があるはず I should be able to find the tools I need here.
Act_E1_5B_Garage_VoiceOver_Max_020 道具も見つけたし クロエが探す前に戻ろう I've got the tools, I should go back upstairs before Chloe freaks.
Act_E1_5B_Garage_VoiceOver_Max_030 カメラを直すなら 2 階ね I better get upstairs to fix my camera.
Act_E1_5B_Garage_WashingMachine_Interact01_Max_010 私はバカなの? 全然届かない That was very smart, dumbass. No can reach.
Act_E1_5B_Garage_WashingMachine_Interact02_Max_010 こっちにおいで… ほら… Come to mama... almost there...
Act_E1_5B_Garage_WashingMachine_Look01_Max_010 不安定そうだな That does not look stable.
Act_E1_5B_Garden_BBQ_Look01_Max_010 おじさんにバーガーを焼いてもらったっけ。 最後に使ったのはおじさんかな… William used to grill awesome burgers for us. I wonder if he was the last one to use this...
Act_E1_5B_Garden_Drawing_Look01_Max_010 クロエと 1 日がかりで描いたんだっけ。 今はほとんど見えない That took Chloe and me the whole day to draw. It's almost invisible now.
Act_E1_5B_Garden_Grave_Look01_Max_010 クロエの猫のお墓。 かわいそうなボンゴ 車に轢かれるなんて We made this grave for Chloe's kitty. Poor Bongo. He never saw that car coming...
Act_E1_5B_Garden_Swing_Look01_Max_010 大好きだったブランコ。 おじさんがクロエのために作ったの Oh, I loved this swing. William made it just for me and Chloe.
Act_E1_5B_Garden_VoiceOver_Max_010 寒い… もう夏も終わりって感じだね… Brrr... I can feel autumn pushing out the summer...
Act_E1_5B_Garden_VoiceOver_Max_020 静かだな… 日本庭園みたい。 オレゴンだけど It's so tranquil here. Like a Japanese garden in Oregon.
Act_E1_5B_LivingRoom_AnsweringMachine_Look01_Max_010 昔の留守番電話だ。 メッセージがあるみたい… I love that they have the same old answering machine. And there's a message...
Act_E1_5B_LivingRoom_BayWindow_Look01_Max_010 庭のドア… The garden door...
Act_E1_5B_LivingRoom_Books_Look01_Max_010 本を熟成させてるのかな I guess they're aging these books.
Act_E1_5B_LivingRoom_Couch_Look01_Max_010 ソファがまだある! ここで海賊ごっこをしたっけな… もはや難破船だね Damn, it's the couch! We used to pretend it was a pirate ship... Looks like a shipwreck now.
Act_E1_5B_LivingRoom_EntryDoor_Interact01_Max_010 集中して 私。 カメラを直す道具がいるんでしょ Okay, focus, Max. You need to find tools to fix the camera.
Act_E1_5B_LivingRoom_EntryDoor_Look01_Max_010 カギがいくらあっても足りないんじゃない? …昔はいつも開いてたのにな Gee, I think there should be a few more locks... This door used to always be open.
Act_E1_5B_LivingRoom_ExitHouse_Interact02_Max_010 道具を見つけないと。 クロエをずっとほっとくわけにもいかない I need to find those tools and I sure don't want to leave Chloe alone.
Act_E1_5B_LivingRoom_ExitLivingRoom_Interact01_Max_010 道具を見つけないと上には戻れないよ I can't go back upstairs until I find those tools.
Act_E1_5B_LivingRoom_FakeMagazines_Interact01_Max_010 わあ おいしそう。 おばさんの料理 また食べたい Yum. That looks tasty. I do miss Joyce's cooking...
Act_E1_5B_LivingRoom_FakeMagazines_Look01_Max_010 おばさんはいつもテーブルの上に雑誌を置いてたね Joyce always had a magazine on the table.
Act_E1_5B_LivingRoom_GarageDoor01_Interact01_Max_010 ダメだ 向こう側からカギがかかってる Nope. Someone locked it from the other side.
Act_E1_5B_LivingRoom_GarageDoor01_Look01_Max_010 向こうからカギがかかってるみたい The door seems locked from the other side.
Act_E1_5B_LivingRoom_Mail_Look01_Max_010 プライス家の経済状況はよくないみたい… Doesn't look the "Price" family is rolling in dough these days...
Act_E1_5B_LivingRoom_MoneyBox_Look01_Max_010 私もパリに行きたい。 この貯まり方じゃポートランド行きもあやしいよ Oh, I'd love to go to Paris too. At this rate they'll be lucky to get to Portland.
Act_E1_5B_LivingRoom_OfficeDoor_Interact01_Max_010 開いてるわけないか Locked of course.
Act_E1_5B_LivingRoom_OfficeDoor_Look01_Max_010 仕事部屋の扉ね Hmmm, the office door.
Act_E1_5B_LivingRoom_Picture01_Look01_Max_010 思い出の中のクロエはいつも笑ってた… 今はあんまりみたい Now this is the Chloe I remember... always smiling and laughing... not so much anymore.
Act_E1_5B_LivingRoom_Picture02_Look01_Max_010 ジョイスおばさんはまだ ツー・ホエール・ダイナーで働いてるんだ
町内一のバーガー 食べたくなってきた
Joyce still works at Two Whales Diner. Best damn burgers in Arcadia. I better get one soon.
Act_E1_5B_LivingRoom_Picture03_Look01_Max_010 私だったらもっと近くで撮れたのに If I took this picture the deer would be standing on your ass.
Act_E1_5B_LivingRoom_Stain_Look01_Max_010 このシミ覚えてる! おばさんのワインをこぼしちゃって
Hey, I remember that stain! Chloe and I knocked over Joyce's wine bottle, and we scrubbed forever,
but it never came out. We got so busted!
Act_E1_5B_LivingRoom_VoiceOver_Max_010 ここに来るのは 5 年ぶり。 もっと長く感じる I haven't seen this place in five years... seems like forever.
Act_E1_5B_LivingRoom_Window_Look01_Max_010 ここからおばさんに よく怒鳴られたな How many times did Joyce yell at us from this window?
Cue_E1_5B_Garden_CouchSit_Chloe_010 開けなよ。 ビビッたの? Come on, open it chicken!
Cue_E1_5B_Garden_CouchSit_Chloe_030 だったら マックスが先に飲んで Prove it! You drink first, Max!
Cue_E1_5B_Garden_CouchSit_Chloe_050 はいはい。 じゃあ 飲むよ? Whateva. Give me that bottle.
Cue_E1_5B_Garden_CouchSit_Chloe_070 おいしいよ… すごく Tasty. Very tasty.
Cue_E1_5B_Garden_CouchSit_Chloe_090 お子様はだーめ! Sorry, this is not for kids.
Cue_E1_5B_Garden_CouchSit_Chloe_110 ヤッバ! じゅうたんが! Oh shit, the carpet!
Cue_E1_5B_Garden_CouchSit_Chloe_130 パパたちが来る! 隠して! My parents are coming! Cover it up...
Cue_E1_5B_Garden_CouchSit_Max_020 ビビッてないもん! 今開けるって Hold on. And I'm not chicken!
Cue_E1_5B_Garden_CouchSit_Max_040 イヤだよ! 言い出しっぺはクロエじゃん No way! It was your idea, Chloe!
Cue_E1_5B_Garden_CouchSit_Max_060 どう? Well?
Cue_E1_5B_Garden_CouchSit_Max_080 私にも飲ませて! Here, I want a sip!
Cue_E1_5B_Garden_CouchSit_Max_100 ずるいよ! 私も飲む! Don't be greedy! Gimme some!
Cue_E1_5B_Garden_CouchSit_Max_120 ワインだらけだよ… どうしよう… There's wine all over! What do we do now?
Cue_E1_5B_Garden_SwingSit_Chloe_020 あたしはもう大人だもん。 マックスは? Max, I'm already grown up. What about you?
Cue_E1_5B_Garden_SwingSit_Chloe_040 あたしを置いて? ひどいな Far from me? Thanks a lot, dude.
Cue_E1_5B_Garden_SwingSit_Chloe_060 じゃあ あたし ララ・クロフトみたいになる! 強い女って超かっこよくない? I would be like Lara Croft, except real. That would be majorly cool.
Cue_E1_5B_Garden_SwingSit_Chloe_080 最高! 旅行先では何するの? Count me in. What would you do while I was bodyguarding you?
Cue_E1_5B_Garden_SwingSit_Chloe_100 ムリじゃないよ! マックスは写真の才能あるもん
マックスが撮った写真は いつか美術館に展示される
What are you talking about? Max, you are a photographer. Your pictures could be in a museum. Someday they will. I believe in you...
Cue_E1_5B_Garden_SwingSit_Max_010 ねえ… 大人になったら何したい? What do you truly want to do when you grow up?
Cue_E1_5B_Garden_SwingSit_Max_030 旅行したい。 すごい遠くの国とか… 世界中を旅したら 楽しいだろうな Travel. That would be awesome. Explore the world. Go far from here...
Cue_E1_5B_Garden_SwingSit_Max_050 クロエも一緒に決まってるじゃん。 冒険の旅にはボディガードが要るもん Dude, you would totally come with me! I need a bodyguard for our adventures!
Cue_E1_5B_Garden_SwingSit_Max_070 いいね! そんで 車とか船とか飛行機とかで 好きなとこ行くの!
Totally! We'd have cars and boats and planes all over for instant escape! And no adults could tell us what to do!
Cue_E1_5B_Garden_SwingSit_Max_090 写真をたくさん撮りたいな。 私ホントはね 写真家になりたいんだ
Maybe take pictures of our adventures. I would love to be a photographer. As if I ever could be...
Cue_E1_5B_LivingRoom_AnsweringMachine_Interact01_David_010 クロエ… そこにいるのか? ピートから聞いたぞ
非番の日に お前を例のゴミ捨て場の近くで見かけたそうだ
あそこには近づくなと何度も言ったはずだな。 いいか?
ろくでもない輩も住み着いている。 もう二度と行くな。 分かったな?
Chloe, if you're listening... Pete was cruising home off-duty and told me he saw you near that garbage dump. Now I've ordered—told you to stay away from that place. It's dangerous and you got no idea what kind of scum are living out there. Stay away. I'm serious.
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_Bird02_Look01_Max_010 鳥はいいよね… いつでも逃げ出せて Birds are so lucky, they can always escape...
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_Bird_Interact01_Max_010 捕まえた! I got you!
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_Bird_Look01_Max_010 すごくいい画になりそう! じっとしててね… Oh, this will be a great nature shot! Stay still, birdie...
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_Bush01_Look01_Max_010 植物の 好き勝手生えてる感じがすごくいい I love how all the weeds and plants just grow wherever they want...
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_Butterfly_Look01_Max_010 蝶は自由ね Butterflies are free...
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Look01_Max_010 太陽とクロエ いい構図になりそう… This would be a nice photo of Chloe framed by the sun...
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Look02_Max_010 本当に怒ってる。 さっきの 言わなきゃよかったな… She looks really pissed. I should not have denounced her earlier...
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_CampFire_Look01_Max_010 未だに町の子はここで遊ぶんだね。 私は来なかったな… Looks like the youth of Arcadia Bay still come up here to party. I never made it...
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_Fence01_Look01_Max_010 このフェンスはもう風景の一部。 奥の道が駐車場に通じてる That old fence is part of the landscape now. The path behind it leads to the parking lot...
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_FootPrints_Look01_Max_010 ビッグフットじゃないなら… なんの足跡かな? Those sure aren't bigfeet... What kind of animal left those prints?
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_Graffiti01_Look01_Max_010 これ いつからあるの? How long has that been here?
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_Graffiti02_Look01_Max_010 綺麗だけど不穏… That looks lovely and ominous...
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_Graffiti03_Look01_Max_010 うーん ここにもビッグフット Clearly, the Bigfoots are everywhere.
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_Graffiti04_Look01_Max_010 変だな このマークを見ると… 風を連想する Weird, those glyphs remind me of... the wind.
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_LightHouse_Look01_Max_010 カギがかかってる。 昔は階段を駆けあがったり降りたりしたな… Too bad it's locked... I remember racing up and down the steps...
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_OrientationMap_Look01_Max_010 あっ クロエが秘密基地の目印に描いたやつ
Wowser, Chloe drew that to mark our treefort... So we'd always be able to find each other in case of emergency... Oh...
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_SMSWarren01_Max_010 ウォーレンを助けてよかった。 後悔しないといいけど… I'm glad I helped Warren. I just hope it will not come back to bite me...
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_Sign01_Look01_Max_010 また悪夢を見てるみたい… I feel like I'm in my nightmare again...
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_Sign02_Look01_Max_010 この看板 ちゃんと読んだことなかったな All these years, I've never taken the time to read this board.
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_Squirrel_Look01_Max_010 こんにちは リスさん。 にらめっこしましょ Hello cute little squirrel. You and me: Stare contest.
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_Totem_Look01_Max_010 こんなのあったっけ? 長い間あるように見えるけど… I don't remember this at all, but it seems like it's been here for a long time...
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_TrashCan_Look01_Max_010 ひどい人もいるなあ People can be such pigs.
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_Tree01_Look01_Max_010 この木は何世紀も生きてるけど… 私は金曜日を生きのびられるかどうか… This tree has lived through centuries...I'm lucky if I make it through Friday...
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_TreeGraffiti01_Look01_Max_010 木に俳句? すてき A tree haiku? How pretty...
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_TreeGraphiti_Look01_Max_010 ウソ! すっかり忘れてた! この頃まで巻き戻せないの!? Oh my God! I forgot all about this! Too bad I can't rewind that far back...
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_VoiceOver02_Max_010 今思うと クロエを助けてあげればよかった… Man, I should have helped Chloe. I feel so bad...
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_VoiceOver02_Max_040 デイビッドとはもう会いたくないな Chloe's step-douche better not cause me trouble.
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_Voiceover01_Max_010 何年ぶりに来たんだろう… Wowser, been ages since I was here...
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_Voiceover01_Max_020 10 月の空気 大好き I love this October vibe...
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_Voiceover01_Max_030 悪夢よりずっと平和な光景 This is way more peaceful than my nightmare.
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_Voiceover01_Max_040 子どもの頃に戻れたらいいのに If only Chloe and I were kids here again...
Act_E1_6A_CliffNow_WildLifePanel_Look01_Max_010 80 年代から看板変えてないんじゃない… They haven't updated this sign since the 1980's...
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_001 いいから座れよ Sit down, if you want.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_003 座んなよ Have a seat, Pete.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_008 味方になってほしかっただけだ I just... wanted some back-up.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_009 気にすんな。 あのクソオヤジじゃ 普通ビビるって No worries. I know my step-dork can be scary.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_010 クソオヤジから一本取ったからな Seeing my step-dork get played makes me happy.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_011 おかげで助かったよ You really took one for Team Chloe.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_013 イヤな思いをさせてゴメンな I'm sorry you had to experience it firsthand.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_015 ママが家に連れ込んだとたん ずっとあの調子だよ Ever since my desperate mom dragged his ass to our home! ...I never trusted David.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_020 そもそも なんであの子を? Why was he all up in her shit?
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_021 ケイトって 例の地味な子だろ? なぜあの子を? Yes he is. But why was he bullying Kate? She's kinda boring.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_022 ケイトなら知ってる。 クソオヤジは何であんないい子を… I know her. She's cool. Only that prick would bully her.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_023 それをダシにゆすれただろうな。 いまに見てろ… That would be killer blackmail material. Let's bust his ass.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_025 秘密のファイル作ったりな。 敵の情報でも集めてるつもりだろ He has a lot of secret files. Rambo still thinks he's gathering enemy intelligence.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_027 ファイル 見たか? Did you take a peek?
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_032 やっぱりな。 何が入ってた? Never change. What did you find?
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_033 見たんだろ? ウソつくな。 何が入ってたんだ? スナッフフィルムか? I know that look. You peeked. So, dish the dirt. Snuff videos?
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_034 あたしの予想じゃ… きっとエグいエロビデオだな I'd like to find out. I bet he's got some serious porn in there.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_035 いい子ぶっちゃってさ Not Max The Quiet Wallflower!
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_039 いくら仕事でもやりすぎだろ。 戦争じゃねえっつうの This dude takes his job too seriously. He still thinks he's at war or something.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_040 見なくてよかったな Good thing you didn't look.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_042 クソみたいな人生だよ。 この町じゃ 誰も秘密を持てない No wonder I'm so miserable. Everybody in this town knows everybody's secrets...
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_043 あいつは学校の生徒にヤバいもん売りつけてる…
あたしもだまされて 飲まされた
He's an elite asshole who sells bad shit cut with laxative...and he dosed me with some drug in his room.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_044 どうかな Not anymore.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_049 初めて会ったのは とあるシケた飲み屋だ
酔ったあいつは 札束をちらつかせてた
I met him in some shithole bar that didn't card me. He was too rich for the place and too wasted. And he kept flashing bills...
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_051 あの野郎… 許さないからな… That was Nathan's last mistake...
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_056 誰かさんが校長に言いつけてくれたから 大丈夫だろ Oh, good thing you notified the Principal. I feel safer already...
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_057 まだ誰も知らないのが救いだ。 このまま済ませてたまるか Good thing you didn't tell anyone. Nathan Prescott better watch his back now...
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_058 ムダだよ。 まだ誰も知らないのが救いだ。 あの野郎 覚えとけよ… Screw that. Good thing you didn't tell anyone, now I'm bringing the Walter White down on him.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_060 でも 今日は助けてくれたじゃないか。 いまだに信じられないよ
You were here today, Max. You saved me! I'm still tripping on that... Seeing you after all these years feels like—
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_064 だよな。 ガレージに大事に隠してんだから よほどのもんなんだろ I'd love to. They must be important or he wouldn't hide them deep in his garage bunker.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_065 あいつ ガレージに怪しいファイルを隠してるんだ。 前に見たことがある David stashes his secret x-files in there. I saw them once, but he secures them now.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_067 ああ でも 見なくてよかったかも。 バレたら殺されてた Most likely, but it's good you didn't find his files. He would go ballistic.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_068 監視マニアなんだろ… 家の中にもカメラがありそうだ He has a total surveillance fetish. I worry there are spy cams in the house.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_070 は? ウソだろ? What are you talking about?
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_072 やっぱり! あの野郎 どうかしてやがる…!
I knew it! He is so hella fucking paranoid. I'll keep this a secret for now...
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_082 欲しかったよ… 借金 やまほどあるから
Actually, yes. I owe big time. And I thought I'd have enough for me and Rachel if she showed up...
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_086 あいつの部屋… 男子寮に行って 自慢話につきあった
油断した隙に… 飲み物に何か入れられたんだ
We went to his room at Blackwell. We drank and I laughed at his rich kid bullshit. He was one step ahead and put something in my beer...
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_087 3000 ドルとその利子。 ネイサンから巻き上げようと思ったのに…
Three grand plus interest. And before I could get a chunk of that from Nathan...he dosed my drink with some shit...
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_088 気を失って倒れて… 目が覚めたら ネイサンがにやつきながらカメラを構えてた I know I passed out on the floor. I woke up and that perv was smiling, crawling towards me with a camera...
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_090 よく覚えてないけど… タマを蹴ってやろうとしたらランプに当たって
Everything was a blur... I tried to kick him in the balls and broke a lamp. Nathan freaked, so I managed to bum rush the door and get the hell out. Max, it was insane.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_093 口止め料を巻き上げようと 女子トイレに呼び出した I figured I would make him pay me to keep quiet. So we met in the bathroom.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_095 ムダだよ。 校長に言いつけて何かいいことあったか? Screw that. You already told the Principal and I'm sure it's useless.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Chloe_097 あたしがバカだった。 泥酔してたから いいカモだと思ってさ I was an idiot. I thought he was so blazed it would be an easy score.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_004 クロエ… 怒ってる? Are you... pissed at me?
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_005 助けられなくてごめん I'm sorry I wussed out.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_006 ずいぶんごきげんだね You're in a good mood.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_007 ありがと。 ここに来たら気持ちも晴れたよ My pleasure. Feels nice out here after all that drama...
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_012 クロエは強いね。 デイビッドは本当に最低だよ I'm not as brave as you. And David is indeed a "step-douche."
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_014 クロエは毎日でしょ…? いつもあんなふうなの? You have to live with him. Has he always been this way?
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_016 ケイトをいじめた証拠の写真 撮っといてよかった I'm glad I took his photo with Kate. Just in case...
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_017 ケイトの写真撮るのは気がひけたけど あまりにひどかったから… I felt weird taking his photo with Kate. But he was such a bully.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_018 今日 ケイト・マーシュをいじめてるの見たよ He freaked out on poor Kate Marsh today.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_019 ケイトをいじめてたところ 写真に撮っとけばよかった I should've taken his photo when he flipped out on Kate today.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_024 デイビッドはちょっと普通じゃないよ He has some kind of weird agenda.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_028 うん 見た… 気になっちゃって Well, yeah. I couldn't help it.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_029 ファイル? Uh... Files?
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_030 気にはなったけど… でも 余計なことに首突っ込まないほうがいいかなって You know I wanted to, but... I realized I have enough mystery in my life.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_031 まさか Not me.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_036 ケイト・マーシュと… 他の生徒の隠し撮り Creepy photos of Kate Marsh... other Blackwell students...
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_037 えー… Ew.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_038 うるさいな Shut up.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_045 ネイサンにも秘密があるの? What's Nathan secret?
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_046 クロエでも? Even yours?
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_047 なんでネイサンを脅してたの? So what do you have on Nathan?
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_048 うそ…! What?
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_054 やめときなよ… あいつ様子がおかしかったもん He's still dangerous, Chloe. Not just to you.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_055 私たちだけじゃどうにもならないよ? 警察に知らせなきゃ What are you going to do? Pop a cap in his ass? Let's call the police...
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_059 毎回助けられるわけじゃないよ I won't always be there to save you...
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_061 運命? Destiny?
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_062 見つけたら絶対読んでたのに… I wish. You know I would have read them.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_063 ファイルって? What files?
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_066 何それ 不気味だな… ファイルを見れば何か分かりそうだけど He kinda creeps me out. I bet the truth is out there in his files.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_069 やっぱり知らなかったんだね… クロエの家 監視されてるよ I knew you didn't know! Chloe, your house is under surveillance.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_071 家中に隠しカメラがある。 ガレージのモニターに映ってたの There are cameras all over the house. I saw it on a monitor in the garage.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_073 知らないほうがいいこともあるよね Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_074 それで? ちゃんと説明して Just tell me what happened, Chloe. Now.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_079 ホントなの…? For reals, Chloe?
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_081 そんなにお金 欲しかったの? You needed money that bad?
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_083 それから ネイサンとはどうなったの? So what about you and Nathan?
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_084 借金って いくら? How much do you owe?
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_085 信じられない… もちろん 信じるけど… ひどすぎるよ。 それで? God Chloe, I can't believe this... I mean, I do. Then what?
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_089 それで…? Go on...
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_091 信じられない… よく逃げたね。 それでどうしたの? Chloe, that is so fucked up. What did you do then?
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_092 ひどすぎる! 冗談じゃないよ! それでどうしたの? I am so furious I can't even speak... What did you do then?
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_Max_094 それがさっきの… And he brought a gun.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_DialEnd_Chloe_010 これが運命なら… レイチェルを見つけたい。 レイチェルに会いたい If this is destiny, I hope we can find Rachel. I miss her, Max.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_DialEnd_Chloe_020 あたしの大事な人はみんないなくなるんだ…!
こんな町 爆弾 落として フッ飛ばしてやりたい
This shit-pit has taken away everyone I've ever loved... I'd like to drop a bomb on Arcadia Bay and turn it to fucking glass...
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_IntroDialChloe_Max_010 しばらくひとりにしようか? Sure you don't want to be alone?
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_Reveal01_Chloe_010 早く来いよー! Come on, slowpoke!
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_Reveal01_Chloe_030 ここに来るとさー ガキの頃を思い出すよ Isn't this awesome sauce? Totally reminds me of when we were kids...
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_Reveal01_Max_020 待ってよ! Hold on!
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_Reveal01_Max_040 ここに来るのは久しぶりなのに… さっき来たばかりのような気がする… I haven't been here in forever... So why do I feel like I was just here?
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_Reveal01_Max_050 これって… 授業中に見た夢で通った道とまったく同じ… Whoa, this is the exact same path I was on during my nightmare today...
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_Reveal02_Max_010 クロエは根に持つタイプだからな Chloe sure knows how to hold a grudge.
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_Reveal02_Max_020 ここに来るのは久しぶりなのに… さっき来たばかりのような気がする… I haven't been here in forever... So why do I feel like I was just here?
Cue_E1_6A_CliffNow_Reveal02_Max_030 これって… 授業中に見た夢で通った道とまったく同じ… Whoa, this is the exact same path I was on during my nightmare today...
Act_E1_6B_CliffFuture_VoiceOver01_Max_010 また? ウソでしょ… Oh no, not again...
Act_E1_6B_CliffFuture_VoiceOver01_Max_020 クロエはまだいるの? 確かめなきゃ! Is Chloe still up there? I have to find out!
Act_E1_6B_CliffFuture_VoiceOver01_Max_030 どうして私がこんな目に… Why is this happening to me?
Act_E1_6B_CliffFuture_VoiceOver01_Max_040 クロエは大丈夫かな… I've got to see if Chloe is safe...
Act_E1_6B_CliffFuture_VoiceOver01_Max_060 どうしてまたここに? Why am I here again?
Act_E1_6B_CliffFuture_VoiceOver01_Max_070 あの鹿… 見覚えが… That doe... She looks so familiar...
Act_E1_6B_CliffFuture_VoiceOver01_Max_080 鹿についていけばいいのかな… I feel like the doe is leading me...
Act_E1_6B_CliffFuture_VoiceOver01_Max_095 進まなきゃ… あの鹿が導いてくれてる気がする I have to get to the other side...I feel like the doe is guiding me...
Act_E1_6B_CliffFuture_VoiceOver01_Max_100 そんな! また竜巻が! これ 現実なの? Oh my Lord! The tornado is back! Is this for real?
Act_E1_6B_CliffFuture_VoiceOver01_Max_110 オレゴンでこんな嵐なんて… I've never seen a storm like this in Oregon...
Act_E1_6B_CliffFuture_VoiceOver01_Max_120 怖い… 何が起きてるの…? This feels like the end of the world...
Act_E1_6B_CliffFuture_VoiceOver01_Max_130 大丈夫… 自分を信じて Come on Max, you can make it...
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_LightHouseFalling_Max_010 …ッ! Whoa, shit!
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_LightHouseFalling_Max_020 あの竜巻 町に向かってる…! That tornado is headed straight for the town...
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_LocalPaper_Max_010 10 月 11 日? 今は金曜日…? October 11th? Is this Friday!
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_LocalPaper_Max_020 あと 4 日しかない! That's only four days away...
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_LocalPaper_Max_030 そんな… Oh no...
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart01_Chloe_020 おい 大丈夫か? 気失ってたぞ… Max, what's going on? You totally blacked out—
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart01_Chloe_040 オレゴンに竜巻なんて滅多にない… 夢だろ Oregon gets about five tornadoes every 20 years. You just zoned.
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart01_Chloe_060 とにかく落ち着けって Come on, take a breath, okay?
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart01_Chloe_080 言ってみなよ Talk to me, Max.
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart01_Chloe_110 いや… 何… 言ってんだ? But high, right?
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart01_Chloe_130 時間を巻き戻したっていうのか? By reversing time? Yeah, sure.
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart01_Chloe_140 マジかよ For reals?
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart01_Chloe_160 マックスが想像力豊かなオタク少女なのはよく分かったけど
Okay. I see you're a geek now with a great imagination, but this isn't an anime or a video game. People don't have those powers, Max—
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart01_Chloe_180 落ち着けって。 今日はいろいろあったから… You need to get high. It's been a hella insane fucking day—
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart01_Chloe_190 おい なんだこれ What the hell is this?
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart01_Chloe_210 こんなに… あったかいのにか…? バカな It's like 80 degrees... How?
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart01_Chloe_240 マックス。 最初から話して Max, start from the beginning.
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart01_Chloe_250 ちゃんと聞くよ… Tell me everything...
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart01_Max_010 クロエ…! よかった… 戻れた…
どうしようやっぱり夢じゃないんだ… 私どうしたら…
Chloe... you're here. I'm back. Oh my Lord. This is real... it's real. Oh man, this sucks...
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart01_Max_030 違うの 聞いて! また見えたの…! 町が大きな竜巻に襲われる… I didn't black out... I had another vision... the town is going to get wiped out by a tornado—
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart01_Max_050 ホントなんだってば! 空気がビリビリするのまで肌に感じて… No, no. I saw it, I could actually feel the electricity in the air—
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart01_Max_070 クロエ 信じてよ。 他にも聞いてほしいことがあるの
すごく… ありえないこと
Chloe, I'm not crazy. But there's something else I have to tell you. Something... Hardcore.
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart01_Max_090 今日 授業中にも同じ光景を見たの… 我に返ったら…
I had this same vision earlier in class... When I came out of it, I discovered I could reverse time.
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart01_Max_100 笑わないで。 ウソじゃない Like I said: Not crazy.
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart01_Max_120 トイレでクロエを助けたときだってそう Listen to me. How do you think I saved you in the bathroom?
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart01_Max_150 クロエが撃たれるのを見たの
クロエが目の前で… 死んで…
I saw you get shot, Chloe. Saw you actually... die. I was able to go back and hit the fire alarm...
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart01_Max_170 だけどできるの。 ホントに。 怖くてしょうがない I don't know what I have... But I have it. And I'm scared shitless.
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart01_Max_200 雪…? Snowflakes...
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart01_Max_220 異常気象… Climate change.
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart01_Max_230 嵐の予兆かも Or a storm is coming.
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart02_Max_010 助けて… Help me...
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart02_Max_020 助けて… 誰か… Please help...
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart02_Max_030 誰か助けて… Somebody help me...
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart02_Max_040 ダメ… ダメ! No, stop!
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart02_Max_050 なんでこんなこと… Why are you doing this?
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart02_Max_060 やめてよ… お願い! Please stop...please...
Cue_E1_6B_CliffFuture_ShootBinkEndingPart02_Max_070 やめて… Don't do this...


E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_000 気分が悪くて… I feel sick.
E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase01_001 トイレに行ってもいいですか? I have to use the bathroom.
E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase02_000 出すつもりなんですが… I'm not avoiding.
E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase02_001 出せる写真がなくて… Not sure if I have one.
E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase02_002 ジョン・レノンが言ってました John Lennon said...
E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase02_003 どうしてもですか? Do I have to?
E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_Phase02_004 時間がなくて I didn't have any time...
E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_TalkJefferson_001 忘れました I forgot.
E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_TalkJefferson_002 時間がなかったんです Didn't find the time.
E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_TalkJefferson_003 私ですか…? You're asking me?
E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_TalkJefferson_004 忘れちゃって… I did know...
E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_TalkJefferson_005 ダグレオタイプです The Daguerole Press...
E1_2A_ArtClass_CHJefferson_TalkJefferson_006 ダゲレオタイプです The Daguerreian Process.
E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Phase01_000 授業中に恥かいちゃったよ… I hope I didn't embarrass you...
E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Phase01_001 元気ないみたいだけど You seem quiet today.
E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Phase01_002 代表に選ばれるのはビクトリア Victoria has already won...
E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Phase01_003 お茶でもする? Want to go grab a cup o' tea?
E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Phase01_005 元気ないね I wish we didn't.
E1_2A_ArtClass_CHKate_Phase01_006 もう行くね I have to go.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHBrooke_Phase01_002 それは…何 What is... that...
E1_3A_CampusA_CHBrooke_Phase01_005 やってみたい! I'd love to.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHBrooke_Phase01_006 B B
E1_3A_CampusA_CHBrooke_Phase01_007 C C
E1_3A_CampusA_CHBrooke_Phase01_008 それは…何? What is...that?
E1_3A_CampusA_CHBrooke_Phase01_009 改造した PTC5456CTHJ?! Hey, it's a pimped PTC5456CTHJ?!
E1_3A_CampusA_CHBrooke_Phase01_010 ドローンを使ってみてもいい? Can I play with your Drone?
E1_3A_CampusA_CHBrooke_Phase01_011 違法じゃないの? Is this legal?
E1_3A_CampusA_CHBrooke_Phase01_012 HiFly ドローンだよね That's a HiFly drone.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHDaniel_Phase01_000 ごめん I'd rather not.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHDaniel_Phase01_001 どうかな… I'm not sure...
E1_3A_CampusA_CHDaniel_Phase01_002 喜んで I'd be honored.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHDaniel_Phase01_003 友達だったの? You knew her?
E1_3A_CampusA_CHDaniel_Phase01_004 彼女に何があったの? What happened to her?
E1_3A_CampusA_CHDaniel_Phase01_005 ビラだらけだよね Hard to avoid her posters.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHDaniel_Phase01_006 やめとく I'd rather not.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHDaniel_Phase01_007 描いてもいいよ Ok, sketch me.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHDaniel_Phase01_008 スケッチを始めて Start drawing.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase01_000 ロバート・キャパ Robert Capa.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase01_001 ロベール・ドアノー Robert Doisneau.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase01_002 ユージン・スミス Eugene Smith.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase01_003 親しかったの? You were close.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase01_004 どんな子だった? What was she like?
E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase01_005 スティーブ・マッカリー Steve McCurry.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase01_006 スティーブ・マッカリー Steve McCurry.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase03_000 親しかったの? You were close.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHEvan_Phase03_001 どんな子だった? What was she like?
E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_000 今急いでて… No.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_001 もちろんです Sure.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_002 デイビッド・マドセンのこと David Madsen.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_003 信じられない That's crazy.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_004 ネイティブ・アメリカン? The Native Americans?
E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_005 そんなに昔から? Blackwell is that old?
E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_006 サインしない Don't Sign.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_007 サインする Sign.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_008 レイチェルを助けられたかも It could have helped Rachel.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_009 詳しいんですね You know a lot.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_010 もちろんです Sure.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_011 今急いでて… No.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_012 レイチェルを助けられたかも It could have helped Rachel.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_013 詳しいんですね You know a lot.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_014 今急いでて… No.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_015 もちろんです Sure.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_016 今急いでて… No.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHGrant_Phase01_017 もちろんです Sure.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_000 ハイ、ヘイデン Hi Hayden.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_001 どうも That's me.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_003 遠慮しとく I don't think so.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_004 ボルテックス・クラブに? Hang with Vortex Club?
E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_005 ボルテックス・クラブについて Vortex Club.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_006 ネイサンについて Nathan Prescott.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_007 レイチェルについて Rachel.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_008 またね Let's talk later.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_009 危険人物だと思う He seems unstable.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_010 それでも… Fair enough.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_011 彼女に何があったの? What happened to her?
E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_012 ビクトリアはレイチェルが好きだった? Did Victoria like Rachel?
E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_013 彼女はメンバーだったの? Rachel was in the Vortex club?
E1_3A_CampusA_CHHayden_Phase01_014 また今度話そう I'm more confused, let's talk later.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase01_000 かます? Thrash?
E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase01_001 もちろん Oh yeah.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase01_002 ノーズスライドしにきた I came to Noseslide.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase01_003 あんまり Not really.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase01_004 昔やってたけど I used to be.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase01_005 ノーズスライド Noseslide.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase01_006 トレフリップ Tre flip.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase02_000 あんまり Not really.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase02_001 昔やってたけど I used to be.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase02_002 レイチェルと知り合い? You knew Rachel?
E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase02_003 ツレって? Punk Friend?
E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase02_004 ビクトリアとも遊ぶ? You hang with Victoria?
E1_3A_CampusA_CHJustin_Phase02_005 またあとでね Let's chill later.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHLuke_Phase01_000 どうしたの? What's wrong...?
E1_3A_CampusA_CHLuke_Phase01_001 ごめん Oh sorry...
E1_3A_CampusA_CHLuke_Phase01_002 チクってやった I busted him.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHLuke_Phase01_003 違うよ Not really.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHLuke_Phase01_004 そうだね It will happen.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHLuke_Phase01_005 そのうちね He'll take himself down.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHLuke_Phase01_006 チクってやった I busted him.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHLuke_Phase01_007 関わりたくない Nope, he's just a dick.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHStella_Phase01_000 うん I think so.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHStella_Phase01_001 でもちょっと… He's aloof.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHStella_Phase01_002 レイチェルと知り合い? You knew Rachel?
E1_3A_CampusA_CHStella_Phase01_003 そうなんだ Interesting
E1_3A_CampusA_CHStella_Phase01_004 どうなんだろう Not sure yet.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHStella_Phase01_005 だめだよ No Way.
E1_3A_CampusA_CHStella_Phase01_006 分かりやすいよね Victoria?
E1_3A_CampusA_CHStella_Phase01_007 ビクトリアといえば Now that you mention it.
E1_3A_CampusA_Justin_Phase01_000 ゴミ? Trash?
E1_3A_CampusA_Justin_Phase01_001 もちろん Oh yeah.
E1_3A_CampusA_Justin_Phase01_003 マクツイストしにきた I came to McTwist.
E1_3A_CampusA_Justin_Phase01_004 あんまり Not really.
E1_3A_CampusA_Justin_Phase01_005 昔やってたけど I used to be.
E1_3B_CampusB_CHAlyssa_AlyssaThanksMax_000 反射神経いいね No problem.
E1_3B_CampusB_CHAlyssa_AlyssaThanksMax_001 危なかったね That was close.
E1_3B_CampusB_CHAlyssa_MaxTalkAlyssa_000 何読んでるの? What are you reading?
E1_3B_CampusB_CHAlyssa_MaxTalkAlyssa_001 元気? How are you?
E1_3B_CampusB_CHKate_MaxTalkKate01_000 授業はどうだった? How was class?
E1_3B_CampusB_CHKate_MaxTalkKate01_001 大丈夫? You look down.
E1_3B_CampusB_CHSamuel_MaxTalkSamuel01_000 忙しそうだね You look busy.
E1_3B_CampusB_CHSamuel_MaxTalkSamuel01_001 レイチェルに何が? What's with these posters?
E1_3B_CampusB_CHSamuel_MaxTalkSamuel01_002 知り合いなの? You knew Rachel?
E1_3B_CampusB_CHSamuel_MaxTalkSamuel01_003 何があったの? What happened?
E1_3B_CampusB_CHSamuel_MaxTalkSamuel01_004 どんな子? What was she like?
E1_3B_CampusB_CHSamuel_MaxTalkSamuel01_005 また後で See you later.
E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_000 何があったの? What did she do?
E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_001 友だちでしょ She's your friend.
E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_002 ジュリエット・ワトソン、でしょ Juliet Watson, be nice.
E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_003 ジュリエット・メイソン Juliet Mason.
E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_004 なんで分かったの? How do you know?
E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_005 ジュリエット・オルソン Juliet Olson.
E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_006 間違いないの? Would Dana do that?
E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_007 ジュリエット・パトソン Juliet Patson.
E1_3C_Corridor_CHJuliet_Phase01_008 ジュリエット・ワトソン Juliet Watson.
E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_000 何があったの? What's happening?
E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_001 デーナ? Dana?
E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_002 ザッカリー? Zachary?
E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_007 そうだよ That's right.
E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_008 ビクトリア? Victoria?
E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_009 ビクトリアはひどいよ Victoria is not nice.
E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_010 ジュリエットがかわいそう Juliet gets her rage on.
E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_011 ウワサを聞いた I heard a rumor about you.
E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_012 彼はいい人だよ He's a good guy.
E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_013 どういうこと? What do you mean?
E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_014 もちろん Of course.
E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_015 本当なの? You're pregnant.
E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_019 これ以上詮索しない Not my business.
E1_3C_DanaRoom_CHDana_Phase01_020 じゃあ誰が? Who then?
E1_3D_CampusPark_CHJuliet_Phase01_000 ザックのこと Sorry about Zachary.
E1_3D_CampusPark_CHJuliet_Phase01_001 そっとしとくね I won't bother you.
E1_3D_CampusPark_CHNathan_Phase01_000 ホントのことを話したの I told him the truth.
E1_3D_CampusPark_CHNathan_Phase01_001 何の話? What are you talking about?
E1_3D_CampusPark_CHNathan_Phase01_002 何の話? What are you talking about?
E1_3D_CampusPark_CHNathan_Phase01_003 別に Nothing.
E1_3D_CampusPark_CHNathan_Phase01_004 近づかないで Take a step back.
E1_3D_CampusPark_CHNathan_Phase01_005 警察呼ぶよ I could call the police.
E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_000 大丈夫 No worries.
E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_001 その話はしたくない I don't want to talk.
E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_002 その話はしたくない I don't want to talk.
E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_003 言ってくれれば Really?
E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_004 絵描けるの? You can draw?
E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_005 もうアップされてるの? Daniel posted it online?
E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_006 忙しくて I've been busy.
E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_007 うん Yeah, thanks.
E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_008 観たよ Seen it.
E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_009 観るわけないでしょ No fucking way.
E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_010 「ファスター・プシィキャット! ダイ! ダイ! 」 Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!
E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_011 そういうつもりじゃ Not at all.
E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_012 聞いてくれる? I need to talk.
E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_013 話したくない Don't want to speak about it.
E1_3D_CampusPark_CHWarren_Phase01_014 なんで? How so?
E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_001 さあ I have no idea.
E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_002 何でもないよ Hopefully nothing.
E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_003 ううん No.
E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_004 そうなのかも I guess.
E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_005 もちろん Of course.
E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_006 ジェファソン先生のため Only for Mark Jefferson.
E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_007 仕方ないでしょ… Give me a break.
E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_008 連絡したかったよ… I wanted to.
E1_4A_ChloeCar_CHChloe_TalkChloe_009 ごめん… I'm sorry...
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_ChloeQuestion_000 特になにも Not much.
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_ChloeQuestion_001 パーティ三昧だよ Party all night.
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_ChloeQuestion_002 大人になった気がしない I don't feel grown up.
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_ChloeQuestion_003 写真撮ってる I take photos.
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Gun01_000 なんで銃を? Why steal the gun?
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Gun01_001 銃を返したほうが… Put it back.
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Gun01_002 それは違うよ I don't.
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Gun01_003 使えるの? Can you use it?
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Phase01_000 特になにも Not much
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Phase01_001 パーティ三昧だよ Party all night
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Phase01_002 大人になった気がしない I don't fell grown up
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_000 レイチェルだよね? That's Rachel Amber...
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_001 それ… 誰? So who is she?
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_002 今も親友だよ I never forgot.
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_003 私の代わりに彼女が So Rachel took my place.
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_004 どうして行かなかったの? So what happened?
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_005 気持は分かるけど… I see why...
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_006 お母さんは? What about your mom?
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_007 どうして分かるの? How do you know?
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_Rachel_008 彼女の両親は? What about her parents?
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_000 うん I was there...
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_001 誤解だよ I wasn't there...
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_002 全然 Not at all.
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_003 よく分からなかった I wasn't sure.
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_004 あんまり… Not really...
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_005 少しだけ Just a bit...
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_006 ううん No.
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_007 言いたかったけど I wanted to...
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_008 そりゃ言うよ Absolutely.
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_CHChloe_RepairFail_009 誰かって? Like who?
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_RepairFail_ChloeAskMax01_000 うん I was there
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_RepairFail_ChloeAskMax01_001 誤解だよ I wasn't there...
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_RepairFail_ChloeAskMax01_002 全然 Not at all.
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_RepairFail_ChloeAskMax01_003 そうだよ I did.
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_RepairFail_ChloeAskMax01_004 あんまり… Not really...
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_RepairFail_ChloeAskMax01_005 少しだけ Just a bit
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_RepairFail_ChloeAskMax01_006 ううん No.
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_RepairFail_ChloeAskMax01_007 言いたかったけど I wanted to...
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_RepairFail_ChloeAskMax01_008 そりゃ言うよ Absolutely.
E1_5A_ChloeRoom_RepairFail_ChloeAskMax01_009 誰かって? Like who?
E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_000 ごきげんだね You're in a good mood.
E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_001 怒ってる? Are you pissed at me?
E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_002 ありがと My pleasure.
E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_003 ごめん… I'm sorry...
E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_004 写真撮っといてよかった I'm glad I took his photo.
E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_005 撮るのは気がひけたけど I felt weird taking his photo.
E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_007 ケイトをいじめてた He freaked out on Kate.
E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_008 写真を撮っとけば… I should've taken his photo.
E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_009 うん Well, yeah...
E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_010 ファイル? Files?
E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_011 気にはなったけど I wanted to...
E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_012 ファイルって? What files?
E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_013 ネイサンにも秘密が? What's Nathan's secret?
E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_014 クロエでも? Even yours?
E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_015 やめときなよ He's still dangerous.
E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_016 警察へ行こうよ Let's call the police.
E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_017 どこへ行くの? What are you going to do?
E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_018 そんな言い方しないでよ Don't say that.
E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_019 まさか Not me.
E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_020 見つけたら読んでた I wish.
E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_021 あなたが持ち込んだ You made a move
E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_022 教えて Just tell me
E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_023 ネイサンとはどうなった? What about Nathan?
E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_024 いくらくらい? How much?
E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_025 テレタビーズ Teletubbies
E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_026 信じられない That is fucked up
E1_6A_CliffNow_CHChloe_Phase01_027 ひどすぎる! I am so furious
E1_Page01_A これから書くのは、すごくありえない話… ありえなすぎて何から書いていいか分からないけど、始まりは、嵐の夢だった。 あんなリアルな夢は生まれて初めて。 私は嵐の中で行き場をなくしてて、灯台がある崖の上まで登っていった。 そしたら、大きな竜巻が町に近づいてるのが見えた。 顔にバシバシ雨が当たって、どう考えても現実みたいで、すごく怖かった。 ボートが飛んできて灯台にぶつかって… 私死ぬんだって本気で思った。 でも気がついたら… This will be the weirdest journal entry I will ever make. So weird I don't know how or where to start. But it started with the most vivid dream of my life. I was lost in a storm by the lighthouse until I came to the edge of the cliff. Then I saw a giant tornado headed for Arcadia Bay. It was so real that I could feel the rain stinging my face. And I was scared shitless. Then a boat hit the lighthouse and I swear I actually felt like I was going to die. But I woke up in Mr.
NotifOpenDiary [action_diary] 日記 [action_diary] Journal
ReceivedSMS #1 からメッセージを受信 Received message from #1
SkipCredits [action_skip_credits] Skip [action_skip_credits] Skip
SMSPreviewFormat #1 [WHITELETTER] #2 #1 [WHITELETTER] #2
SkipMatinee [action_skip] スキップ [action_skip] Skip
SkipSentence [action_skip] スキップ [action_skip] Skip
CantExit 今は出られない Can't exit now
GoCliff01 [action_interact] クロエの部屋を出る [action_interact] Leave Chloe's Room
GoDown [action_interact] 1 階へ行く [action_interact] Go Downstairs
GoToBoy [action_interact] 男子寮へ行く [action_interact] Enter The Boys' Dormitories
GoToCampusA [action_interact] メインキャンパスへ行く [action_interact] Go To The Main Campus
GoToCampusB [action_interact] 寮へ行く [action_interact] Go To The Dormitories
GoToCampusB02 [action_interact] 女子寮を出る [action_interact] Leave The Girls' Dormitories
GoToCampusB03 [action_interact] 男子寮を出る [action_interact] Leave The Boys' Dormitories
GoToDormitory [action_interact] 女子寮へ行く [action_interact] Enter The Girls' Dormitories
GoToParking [action_interact] 駐車場へ行く [action_interact] Go To The Parking Lot
GoUp [action_interact] 2 階へ行く [action_interact] Go Upstairs
LeaveDarkRoom [action_interact] 「暗室」を出る [action_interact] Leave The Dark Room
LeaveDarkRoomE5 [action_interact] 「暗室」を出る [action_interact] Leave The Dark Room
SignPaper [action_interact] 書類にサインする [action_interact] Sign Statement
E1_A2 ネイサンのことを話す REPORT NATHAN
E1_B1 からかう MAKE FUN OF
E1_B2 なぐさめる COMFORT
E1_C1 写真を撮る TAKE A PHOTO
E1_D2 口を出す STEP IN
E1_D4 クロエのせいにする BLAME CHLOE
ChoiceDisclaimer Life Is Strange ではあなたの選択次第で
Life Is Strange is a story based game that features player choice, the consequences of all your in game actions and decisions will impact the past, present and future. Choose wisely...
File01A ケイト・マーシュ 何かを知っている! Kate Marsh. She knows something!
File01B 3:17PM ブラックウェル・アカデミー駐車場 3:17PM. Blackwell Academy Parking
Tuto01 [action_rewind] 長押しで時間を巻き戻す Hold [action_rewind] to rewind.
Tuto02 [action_rewind] 長押しで会話を巻き戻す Hold [action_rewind] to rewind the conversation.
Tuto03 これ以上は巻き戻せない You can't rewind any further.
Tuto04 移動中に [action_jog_fastrewind] 長押しで走る Hold [action_jog_fastrewind] to move faster.
Tuto05 [action_move] で移動 Use [action_move] to move.
Tuto06 [action_movecamera] でカメラを動かす Use [action_movecamera] to move the camera.
Tuto07 [R] で写真に焦点を合わせ、[TRIANGLE] で見る Aim at the photo with [R] and press [TRIANGLE] to look at it.
Tuto08 巻き戻し中に [action_jog_fastrewind] 長押しで高速になる While rewinding, hold [action_jog_fastrewind] to rewind faster.
Tuto09 [R] でカメラに焦点を合わせ、[CROSS] で自撮りをする Aim at the camera with [R] and press [CROSS] to take a selfie.
Tuto10 [action_diary] で日記を開く Press [action_diary] to open your Journal.
Tuto11 巻き戻すことで未来を変えられるとき、このアイコンが表示される This icon means your action will have consequences.
You can rewind to change the outcome...
Tuto12 巻き戻すことで利用できるかもしれない情報を入手すると、このアイコンが表示される This icon means you learned a useful fact
that you may be able to use if you rewind.
Tuto13 時間を巻き戻しても元の場所には戻らないので、
As you rewind, you can move ahead of time to "teleport" yourself.
Tuto15 時間を巻き戻してもそれまでに入手した情報やアイテムはなくならない You are not affected by the rewind.
You retain facts and inventory objects.
Tuto17 このエリアから出てしまうと、もう選択を取り消せない You won't be able to undo your choices after leaving this area.
Tuto18 [action_quickrewind] で素早く巻き戻して、直前の選択を取り消す Press [action_quickrewind] to quickly undo your previous action using the rewind.
Tuto19 時間を巻き戻すと、起きてしまった出来事を未然に防げる You can use the rewind power to prevent some events from occurring.
Tuto20 日記に描かれた絵と同じ写真をすべて撮影しよう Take all the remaining photos that match the drawings in your Journal.
Tuto21 新しく追加された日記の情報には、このアイコン [NEW] が表示される New entries in your Journal are indicated by [NEW].
Tuto22 今やるべきことは、すべて日記に書いてある Your current objective is always available in your Journal.
Tuto23 [TRIANGLE]、[CIRCLE]、[CROSS]、[SQUARE] で行動を選択する Press [TRIANGLE], [CIRCLE], [CROSS] or [SQUARE] to perform a contextual action.
Tuto24 [action_interact] を押しながらドラッグし、放すことで行動を選択する Hold [action_interact], drag [MOUSE] and release [action_interact] to perform contextual action.
Tuto25 カメラに焦点を合わせ、[action_interact] を押しながらドラッグし、放すことで自撮りをする Aim at the camera, hold [action_interact], drag [MOUSE] downwards and release [action_interact] to take a selfie.
Tuto26 この行動が未来を決める… This action will have consequences...
Tuto27 [action_replacecamera] でカメラを初期位置に戻す Press [action_replacecamera] to recenter the camera.
Tuto28 マックスは同時に 2 つの場所へは行けない。 このまま選択を巻き戻すかどうかを選ぼう Max can't be at two different places at the same time.
Choose if you want to continue to rewind her action or not.
Tuto30 [action_interact] を押したまま [MOUSE] を「見る」の方へドラッグし、[action_interact] を放して写真を見る Hold [action_interact], drag [MOUSE] towards “Look” and release [action_interact] to look at the photo.
Tuto31 巻き戻しメーター上に表示される小さい丸印は、
Your latest action is represented by a mark on the gauge.
Tuto32 このアイコン [BUTTERFLY] が表示されるときの行動は
[BUTTERFLY] This icon means your action will have consequences.
You can rewind to change the outcome...
Tuto33 巻き戻すことで利用できるかもしれない情報を入手すると、
このアイコン [BULLE] が表示される
[BULLE] This icon means you learned a useful fact that you may be able to use if you rewind.
Tuto40 [Action_Interact] 長押しで写真に視線を合わせる Hold [Action_Skip] to auto-focus on the photo.
TutoTitle01 基本操作 How I move
TutoTitle02 能力について My power
TutoTitle03 その他 Other stuff
RewindSkip スキップ Skip