はーとふる彼氏 | Hatoful Boyfriend

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{character_name_Azami} 小柴アザミ Azami
{character_name_Punkgeon} ドバト Punkgeon
{character_name_Okosan} 尾呼散 Okosan
{character_name_Ryota} 華原涼太 Ryouta
{character_name_Sakuya} 銀朔夜 Sakuya
{character_name_Shuu} 岩峰舟 Shuu
{character_name_Anghel} 緋紅アンヘル Anghel
{character_name_Kazuaki} 七姫一明 Kazuaki
{character_name_Nageki} 藤代嘆 Nageki
{character_name_San} 尾呼散 San
{character_name_LordPudi} プリン神 Lord Pudi
{character_name_Yuuya} 坂咲優夜 Yuuya
{character_name_One} 緒根さん One
{character_name_LeoneJB} レオネJB Leone JB
{character_name_Mino} 壱条箕継 Mino
{character_name_Scarecrow} 案山子男 Scarecrow
{character_name_Alarm} 警報 Alarm
{character_name_Student} 生徒 Student
{character_name_Panel} 操作パネル Panel
{character_name_StudentA} 男子生徒 Student A
{character_name_StudentB} 男子生徒 Student B
{character_name_Hitori} 埋音陽鳥 Hitori
{character_name_Shadow} Shadow
{character_name_Horn} 鼓笛隊1 Horn
{character_name_Tuba} 鼓笛隊2 Tuba
{character_name_Kenzaburou} 漆原健三郎 Kenzaburou
{character_name_Rabu} ラブさん Rabu
{character_name_Blaster} ブラスター Blaster
{character_name_Clerk} 店員 Clerk
{character_name_RS-17} 追跡隊A RS-17
{character_name_RS-14} 追跡隊B RS-14
{character_name_Pelican} 配達ペリカン Pelican
{character_name_Tohri} 錦小路斗織 Tohri
{character_name_ResearcherA} 研究員A Researcher A
{character_name_ResearcherB} 研究員B Researcher B
{character_name_Gull} カモメ Gull
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{bbl:1-2:Sakuya:0} これは…一体どういうことだ……!? "Wh... what... !?"
{bbl:1-2:Kazuaki:1} 華原くん、いけないよ。見ちゃ、いけない "Look away, Kawara. Looking will only hurt you."
{bbl:1-2:Ryouta:2} うあ、あ…… "Ah... aah..."
{bbl:1-2:&c=FF0000&Alarm&c=&:3} 緊急警報です。緊急警報です "Emergency alert. Emergency alert."
{bbl:1-2:&c=FF0000&Alarm&c=&:4} 非常事態が発生しました。全生徒は体育館へ避難してください "We have entered a state of emergency. All students please evacuate
to the gymnasium."
{bbl:1-2:&c=FF0000&Alarm&c=&:5} 繰り返します。非常事態が発生しました── "Repeat, we have entered..."
{bbl:1-2:San:6} ポポロッぷ~わ!?
(真っ赤っかですし! 何が起こってるんですし!?)
"Coo, coo!?"
(What is happening? Why is everything red!?)
{bbl:1-2:Kazuaki:7} ぼくにも、わからないよ~…… "I don't know..."
{bbl:1-2:Sakuya:8} くっ。状況がわからない以上、今は従うしかないな…… "Bah! Until we know what's going on, there is nothing to do but follow
{bbl:1-2:Sakuya:9} おい、華原! 何をぼーっとしている! 行くぞ! "What are you spacing out for, Kawara!? Come on!"
{bbl:1-2:Ryouta:10} い、嫌だ……$namef を置いて行くなんて、嫌だ…… "N-no... I-I don't want to leave $namef here alone..."
{bbl:1-2:Sakuya:11} 華原、立て! それは……
$namel $namef だったモノだ!
"Get up! She's gone! That thing... is no longer $namel !"
{bbl:1-2:Ryouta:12} 嘘だ……こんな………… "It... can't be..."
{bbl:1-2:Sakuya:13} いいから来い! "Come!"
{bbl:1-2:NARATOR:14} 僕が朔夜に連れられて体育館にたどり着いた頃には、
By the time we arrived, the gym was already crowded with students and
{bbl:1-2:NARATOR:15} だけど、誰も状況を把握できていないらしい。広い体育館の中は、
No one seems to know what's going on, though. The gym echoes with
whispered speculation.
{bbl:1-2:Student:16} プリント箱見たか? "Hey, did you see the box?"
{bbl:1-2:Student:17} うん、そっちもアレだったの? "Yeah. You had... that, too?"
{bbl:1-2:Student:18} そうそう、クラス委員がすぐ閉じたから、オレは見てないんだけどさ。
"Yup. Well... the class rep opened it and I didn't see, but... Apparently
there was a human arm in it."
{bbl:1-2:Student:19} うちのクラスは脚半分だったよ。超気持ち悪ぃー "Ours had half a leg. It was really gross..."
{bbl:1-2:NARATOR:20} 周囲から聞こえて来る会話をまとめると、他のクラスにも人間の体の一
From the snatches of conversation I hear, it sounds like all the print
boxes had pieces of a human corpse in them.
{bbl:1-2:NARATOR:21} 全て、$namef の一部なんだろうか……。 Were they all pieces of $namef , I wonder...?
{bbl:1-2:NARATOR:22} 皆はさほど動揺していない。それもそうだ。猟奇的だけど、
Nobirdie seems particularly concerned. Which isn't all that odd: it
was grotesque, but it's not like it was a dead bird. Just some primate...
{bbl:1-2:Sakuya:23} おい七姫、避難訓練でしたなんてくだらないオチはないだろうな "Nanaki. This isn't some idiotic disaster drill, is it?"
{bbl:1-2:Nanaki:24} うん、避難訓練は来月の筈だからね~… "We're not supposed to have one until next month."
{bbl:1-2:Sakuya:25} あの趣味の悪い箱に関係があるのか?あれは確かに、$namel の…… "Do you suppose it has something to do with that distaseful box? That
was definitely $namel 's..."
{bbl:1-2:Sakuya:26} 誰でもいい、早くこの状況を説明してみせろ! "Bah! Won't someone explain this ridiculous state of affairs already!?"
{bbl:1-2:NARATOR:27} そうだ。頼むから、何が起こってるのか僕に教えてくれ。 Yeah. Someone, tell me what's going on.
{bbl:1-2:NARATOR:28} 悪い夢だって起こしてくれる、誰か…誰か……。 This is a bad dream, right? Someone wake me up... someone...
{bbl:1-2:Mino:29} 皆さん、お揃いでしょうか?学園長の、壱条箕継です "Is everyone here? This is Ichijou Mino, the headmaster."
{bbl:1-2:Ryouta:30} 学園長……? "The headmaster...?"
{bbl:1-2:Mino:31} 慌てず、騒がず、集まることができましたね。大変素晴らしいことです "It seems we have all gathered together without panic or noise. Excellent."
{bbl:1-2:Mino:32} 困ったことに、この街で自然災害が発生しました。
"Unfortunately, there has been a natural disaster outside. This school
is a designated evacuation site, so please remain here a little longer."
{bbl:1-2:Sakuya:33} 自然災害だと?今日は晴天だぞ。予報にも何の注意報も無かった "Natural disaster? Nonsense. The weather is perfectly clear."
{bbl:1-2:San:34} ぷ~わ!
(Okosan felt no earthquakes!)
{bbl:1-2:Kazuaki:35} 火山噴火……でもないよね~、この辺りには火山なんて無いし…… "It's not like we're anywhere near a volcano, or anything..."
{bbl:1-2:Sakuya:36} おい、説明しろ学園長!外で何が起こっているんだ! "I demand an explanation, headmaster! Just what is going on outside!?"
{bbl:1-2:Sakuya:37} そしてこの事態に$namel $namef は関係しているのか!? "Does this have something to do with $namel $namef !?"
{bbl:1-2:Sakuya:38} 何故我々はここに避難しなければならない! "Why have you brought us here!?"
{bbl:1-2:Mino:39} 繰り返します。この街で自然災害が発生しました "I repeat. There has been a--"
{bbl:1-2:Sakuya:40} そうではなくて──! "No, imbecile!"
{bbl:1-2:NARATOR:41} 再び体育館の中がざわめきだした。 The gymnasium erupts in whispered discussion once more.
{bbl:1-2:NARATOR:42} 状況はさっきと何も変わらない。
Well, that changed nothing. I still have no idea what's going on...
{bbl:1-2:Kazuaki:43} 華原くん、大丈夫かな~? "Are you alright, Kawara?"
{bbl:1-2:Ryouta:44} ………いえ、あの……はい "... no, um... yes, I am."
{bbl:1-2:Kazuaki:45} …今日はとても、とても辛い一日に、なるかもしれないね~ "... this could prove to be a very bad day for us all."
{bbl:1-2:NARATOR:46} なる『かも』?まさか、もうとっくに『辛い』なんて、
Could prove to be? It already is.
{bbl:1-2:San:47} ポロッぷ~わ!
(七姫先生!大変ですし!$namef がいないですし!)
(Mister Nanaki! $namef is missing!)
{bbl:1-2:San:48} ぷ~わ!
(She must have run off somewhere! Okosan will go look for her!)
{bbl:1-2:Ryouta:49} 散、違うよ…$namef は…… "San, no, she's..."
{bbl:1-2:Ryouta:50} ……… "......"
{bbl:1-2:NARATOR:51} 散は野生のハトに近い旧来種だ。死という概念自体が無いのかもしれない。 San is an older breed, much closer to pigeons of the human era. Maybe
he doesn't understand the concept of death...
{bbl:1-2:NARATOR:52} だとしたら、これ以上説明したところで僕の自傷行為にしかならないだろう。 Trying to explain would only hurt myself.
{bbl:1-2:Sakuya:53} どうするんだ七姫、学園長は何の指針も出さずに切り上げたぞ "The headmaster has proven entirely unhelpful. What should we do, Nanaki?"
{bbl:1-2:Kazuaki:54} 少なくとも、授業をする訳には、いかないよね~ "Well, we can't exactly carry on with class..."
{bbl:1-2:Ryouta:55} ……そうだ、散の言う通りだ。$namef を迎えに戻ろう "... I agree with San. Let's go get $namef ."
{bbl:1-2:Sakuya:56} しっかりしろ華原!非常事態こそ正気を手放しては命取りになるぞ! "Calm yourself, Kawara! To relinquish your sanity during a state of emergency
is suicide!"
{bbl:1-2:Ryouta:57} 僕は、大丈夫。大丈夫だから "I'm fine. There's nothing wrong with me."
{bbl:1-2:Ryouta:58} 先生、残してきた$namef を放っておくなんてできません。
"Sir, we can't just leave her there like that. May I go back to the
classroom, just once?"
{bbl:1-2:Kazuaki:59} そうだね~。学園長も、敷地内にいてください、とは言っていたけど、
"Well... the principle did ask us to remain here. But he didn't say we
couldn't leave the gym, now did he?"
{bbl:1-2:Sakuya:60} ………… "......"
{bbl:1-2:Sakuya:61} …私も行く。生徒会長としてこの緊急事態を正確に把握する必要があるからな "... I'm coming with you. As president of the student council, I have
a responsibility to get to the bottom of this."
{bbl:1-2:Ryouta:62} …ありがとう、朔夜 "... thanks, Sakuya."
{bbl:1-2:Sakuya:63} 貴様の為ではない。自惚れるな "Do not flatter yourself. I am not doing this for you."
{bbl:1-2:Sakuya:64} ……$namel は、愚かで、暴食で、よく喋る、絶望的に空気が読めない人間だった "... $namel was foolish, loud, and had no manners or sense."
{bbl:1-2:Sakuya:65} しかし、だからといってこうも冒涜的な目に遭っていい筈が無い "But she never deserved anything like this."
{bbl:1-2:Sakuya:66} 誰が、何の目的でこの猟奇的犯行に及んだのか。
"I swear, by my blood and name as a Le Bel... I will find the one
who did this."
{bbl:1-2:Sakuya:67} 貴様を手下にしてやろう。行くぞ、華原 "You shall be my assistant. Come, Kawara."
{bbl:1-2:Ryouta:68} ……うん "... right."
{bbl:1-2:NARATOR:69} 僕は堂々と体育館を出る朔夜の後を追った。 And so I exited the gymnasium in Sakuya's majestic wake.
{bbl:1-2:NARATOR:70} そうだ。$namef に何が起こったのか知りたい。 I want to... I want to know what happened to $namef .
{bbl:1-2:NARATOR:71} 誰が、何の為に$namef にこんな事をしたんだ。 Who did that to her, and why?
{bbl:1-2:NARATOR:72} 突然の避難警報は$namef とは無関係なんだろうか?何故、
Can the evacuation possibly have nothing to do with her? Why wouldn't
the headmaster explain anything?
{bbl:1-2:NARATOR:73} 疑問ばかりが渦巻く中、僕は朔夜と共に体育館を出た。 My head was a raging whirlpool of questions, and no answers.
{bbl:1-2:NARATOR:74} そこに新たな謎が待っているとも知らずに──。 And I did not yet know what we would find...
{bbl:1-2:Sakuya:75} これは……一体何だ!? "... what is this...!?"
{bbl:1-2:Ryouta:76} ……壁だ……とてつもなく大きい、灰色の…… "... a wall. A huge, grey..."
{bbl:1-3:NARATOR:0} 今朝は秋晴れの空が広がっていたグラウンドの向こうが、一面灰色になっている。 What had been a clear autumn sky is now blocked off by dull grey.
{bbl:1-3:NARATOR:1} まだ午前中ということを忘れてしまいそうなぐらいに、辺りが薄暗い。 It's dark, almost like the sun has already gone down.
{bbl:1-3:Sakuya:2} 壁……というよりはドームだな。見ろ、上空も全て覆われているぞ "A dome, rather... we appear to be shut in from above, as well."
{bbl:1-3:Ryouta:3} そんな…いつの間に!?さっき避難してくる時は、どうだったっけ…… "What... when did they do this, and how...!?"
{bbl:1-3:Sakuya:4} 私としたことが、避難の最中は周囲に気を配る余裕が無かったからな。
"I don't think any of us was in full command of his faculties as we came
this way. We can't be certain that it wasn't already there."
{bbl:1-3:Sakuya:5} 気付いている様子の者がいなかった以上、
"... it does seem most likely that it was put in place while we all were
in the gymnasium listening to the headmaster, though."
{bbl:1-3:Ryouta:6} 学園長は自然災害だって言ってたよね。外で何か、
"He did say there was a natural disaster... maybe this is some sort of
{bbl:1-3:Sakuya:7} 密封したシェルターにしなければならない程の災害か? "A disaster so destructive there's nothing to be done but hide under
an enormous grey blanket and wait?"
{bbl:1-3:Ryouta:8} パニックにならない為に、敢えて学園長が細かい説明をしていない……とか "Maybe they... didn't give the headmaster the details, to avoid causing
a panic...?"
{bbl:1-3:Sakuya:9} だとしたら我々は知る権利を侵害されている訳だ "If that were the case, they would be robbing us of our right to know
why our very lives are in danger."
{bbl:1-3:Sakuya:10} シェルター化した学園か……本当にこれはただの自然災害なのか? "Is this really a shelter...? Is there really a natural disaster?"
{bbl:1-3:Ryouta:11} どちらにしても、ここでは$namef と災害の関係は分からないよ。
"Either way, we don't know if there's a connection between what happened
to $namef and all this. Let's go to the classroom and then tell mister
Nanaki about the dome thing."
{bbl:1-3:Sakuya:12} ああ、そうだな "Very well."
{bbl:1-3:Sakuya:13} 他のクラスも例の段ボール箱を放置したまま出て来たらしいな。
"Looks like the other classes left theirs as they were, as well. They're
at the teachers' desks."
{bbl:1-3:Ryouta:14} 僕達以外に教室に戻った鳥はいないみたいだね。
"Is everybirdie else planning to stay in the gym...?"
{bbl:1-3:Sakuya:15} 日本は平和ボケした奴ばかりだからな。
"Japan is a country full of fools who have grown lazy through too much
peace. I doubt anyone else has dared take it upon themselves to investigate
this matter."
{bbl:1-3:Sakuya:16} …着いたぞ、2年3組だ "... we're here."
{bbl:1-3:NARATOR:17} 例の段ボール箱はまだ教卓の上にあった。 The box is still where I left it.
{bbl:1-3:NARATOR:18} 中身は── Inside is--
{bbl:1-3:Ryouta:19} ……ごめん、朔夜。中は、まだ "... I can't... Sakuya, I'm sorry, could you...?"
{bbl:1-3:Sakuya:20} フン、構わん。私が確かめる "Hmph. No matter."
{bbl:1-3:Sakuya:21} ……… "......"
{bbl:1-3:Sakuya:22} ……どういうことだ "... what is this madness?"
{bbl:1-3:Ryouta:23} えっ? "Huh?"
{bbl:1-3:Sakuya:24} 無いぞ。何も "There's... nothing here."
{bbl:1-3:Ryouta:25} !? "!?"
{bbl:1-3:Ryouta:26} そ……そんな筈ないよ!避難する時にはそこにあったんだ!勝手に動く訳がない! "Th-that can't be right! We left it right here! It's not like it got
up and moved on its own, is it!?"
{bbl:1-3:Sakuya:27} 生徒が避難している間に何者かが移動させたのか?三流推理小説じゃないんだぞ! "Someone came and removed it while everyone was at the gym? This is
life, not some third-rate mystery novel!"
{bbl:1-3:???:28} ああ、その通りだ朔夜 "Exactly, Sakuya."
{bbl:1-3:Ryouta:29} 坂咲先輩! "Yuuya!"
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:30} サリュー、涼太。朔夜が世話になってるみたいだね "Salutations, Ryouta. I see you're babysitting Sakuya."
{bbl:1-3:Sakuya:31} 雑種め。軽々しく私の名を呼ぶな "Do not throw my name about like some cheap toy, mongrel."
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:32} 手厳しいねぇ。まあ、突然こんな非常事態になったんだ、
"How cruel! Well, I can't blame you for being tense, given the circumstances."
{bbl:1-3:NARATOR:33} 朔夜が先輩に手厳しいのは非常でも日常でも同じだと思うんだけど。 ... I think he'd act like that regardless of the circumstances, Yuuya.
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:34} $namef ちゃんのことは……残念だったね。俺も、胸が痛い "I am... sorry, about her. It pains me to think what happened."
{bbl:1-3:NARATOR:35} 先輩の表情が曇った。 His expression clouds.
{bbl:1-3:NARATOR:36} 陽気な先輩のこんな表情を見たのは初めてだ……この鳥も、
It's strange, I've never seen him with any expression other than carefree
cheerfulness before.
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:37} キミは$namef ちゃんと付き合いが長いんだっけ "You'd known her for a long time, right?"
{bbl:1-3:Ryouta:38} …はい。先輩は何かこの事件の事、知ってるんですか? "... yes. Do you know something about all this, Yuuya?"
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:39} そうだな……俺もまだ知らない事の方が多いんだけど、
"Well... most of this business is still a mystery to me, but I can at
least answer the question we face right now."
{bbl:1-3:Sakuya:40} 遺体はどこに消えたのか、か? "The whereabouts of the corpse, you mean?"
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:41} そう、それ。言っただろう?これは三流推理小説じゃないのさ "Yeah, that. As you said, this isn't some third-rate mystery novel."
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:42} 死体が勝手に消える筈ないし、
"Corpses don't disappear, and we won't be having a famous detective show
up and find the culprit for us."
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:43} バラバラになった体は、俺達保健委員が回収したのさ。
"Anyway, the other infirmary assistants and I gathered her up in the
chemistry lab."
{bbl:1-3:Sakuya:44} 化学室だと? "The chemistry lab?"
{bbl:1-3:Ryouta:45} 一体何の為に? "Wh-what for?"
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:46} 一つ目の理由としては……まあ、そのままにしておく訳にもいかないからね。
"For one, well... we couldn't just leave her scattered throughout the
school, if only for the mental health of the students."
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:47} 二つ目の理由は、検死だ "Secondly, for the autopsy."
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:48} 知っての通り、今この学園には二つの出来事が同時に起こっている。
"As you know, we have two things going on at once here. The only human
in the school was cut up and distributed to the rest of the school, and
now there's some natural disaster happening."
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:49} この二つの出来事に関連性はあるのか?それはキミ達も気になってるだろう "I imagine you're wondering if there isn't a connection between the two."
{bbl:1-3:Ryouta:50} はい。でも僕らはさっき体育館を出て来たばかりだから、何のヒントもなくて "We are, but... we haven't found anything."
{bbl:1-3:Sakuya:51} 貴様は何か知っているのか? "What do you know?"
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:52} いや、俺も知らない事だらけだって言っただろ? "I told you, this is all a mystery to me, too."
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:53} けれど、閉じたシェルターの外がどうなってるかよりは、
"I suspect that we will have an easier time investigating the murder
as long as we're sealed in like this, though."
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:54} 今は化学室で岩峰先生が検死を進めてる筈だ "The doctor should be proceeding with the autopsy by now."
{bbl:1-3:Ryouta:55} 岩峰先生が!?よりによって岩峰先生が!? "The doctor? Why him!?"
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:56} 信頼できないかい? "You don't trust him?"
{bbl:1-3:Ryouta:57} 当たり前です!だって岩峰先生に$namef を渡したりなんかしたら、
"Of course not! I-I don't want to think about what he might do to her...!"
{bbl:1-3:Ryouta:58} そもそもこの事件自体が…… "He might even have..."
{bbl:1-3:Sakuya:59} む。貴様、岩峰先生を疑っているのか? "Hrrm. You suspect the doctor?"
{bbl:1-3:Ryouta:60} そりゃあそうだよ。
"Y-yes! Everybirdie knows he's a nutcase! He probably killed her for
some crazy experiment..."
{bbl:1-3:Sakuya:61} 岩峰先生は病理学の権威だ。検死をするなら彼をおいて他にないだろう "He is an expert in the field. Who else here could perform the autopsy?"
{bbl:1-3:Ryouta:62} でも…… "But..."
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:63} キミの言い分もわかるよ。
"I know where you're coming from, Ryouta. He's not exactly the most
ethically-minded bird around."
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:64} 検死には、七姫先生に立ち会いをお願いしておいた。
"That's why I asked professor Nanaki to come, too. He should be there
by now, if you want to go make sure."
{bbl:1-3:Ryouta:65} ……わかりました。後で行ってみます "... all right. We'll go later."
{bbl:1-3:NARATOR:66} $namef は化学室に集められていて、それを岩峰先生が調べてる。
So $namef has been gathered in the chemistry lab, and the doctor and Mister
Nanaki are examining her now.
{bbl:1-3:NARATOR:67} 立会鳥が七姫先生ってほいほい目を離しそうでちょっと不安だけど、
Mister Nanaki might not be the best witness, but he's better than no one,
{bbl:1-3:Sakuya:68} 段ボール箱の中身については理解した。しかし貴様は何故ここにいる? "We know where the corpse went, then. But why are you here?"
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:69} ん、俺?俺は調査中。個人的にね "Me? I'm investigating. Under my own orders, of course."
{bbl:1-3:Sakuya:70} 探偵気取りは貴様の方じゃないのか。雑種め "Playing detective, mongrel?"
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:71} 一応、保健委員長としても回収忘れが無いか確認しなきゃいけないしねぇ "That and I have to make sure we didn't miss any pieces."
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:72} で、キミ達はこれからどうする? "Anyway, what are you two going to do now?"
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:73} 俺の個人的な見解としては──この殺人事件と学園封鎖事件、
"Personally, I think... The murder and the evacuation are almost certainly
{bbl:1-3:Sakuya:74} 学園長が避難指示の理由を明確に説明していない以上、
"I am inclined to agree. The headmaster's refusal to explain our situation
makes me doubt his story in its entirety."
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:75} そう、そう。だから……涼太 "Indeed. So, Ryouta..."
{bbl:1-3:Ryouta:76} あ、はい! "Y-yeah?"
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:77} キミの気持ちは痛い程わかる。$namef ちゃんをこんな目に遭わせたのは誰なのか、
"I know how you feel. You want to find the one who did this to $namef
as soon as possible, right?"
{bbl:1-3:Ryouta:78} ……はい "... yes."
{bbl:1-3:NARATOR:79} $namef 。 $namef .
{bbl:1-3:NARATOR:80} 突然見る影もない、無惨な姿になってしまった$namef 。 Gone for a moment, and suddenly she was turned into this.
{bbl:1-3:NARATOR:81} 誰がこんな事をしたんだ。見付け出して、それから── Who did that to her? I'll find them, and I'll--
{bbl:1-3:Ryouta:82} 殺害犯を見付けて、僕は…僕は…… "I'm going to find the culprit, and I'll... I'll..."
{bbl:1-3:NARATOR:83} 僕の心のどこかに、見た事もない感情が産まれ始めているのを感じる。 I've never felt this emotion before, but now I feel nothing else.
{bbl:1-3:NARATOR:84} 殺害犯を見付けて、それから僕はその鳥を── When I find that bird, I'll...
{bbl:1-3:Ryouta:85} ……… "......"
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:86} 俺も同じ気持ちだ。だけど今、この学園には謎ばかりが溢れ返ってる。
$namef ちゃんの影を追っているだけでは光が見えないよ
"My thoughts exactly. Unfortunately, this school is a mess, and we
won't find anything by chasing after her shadow."
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:87} なるべく二つの事件を両方、
"I think we should try to solve both mysteries at once, whenever possible. Of
course, the wall could just be there because of some natural disaster."
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:88} ま、俺から言えるのはこんなところかな "That's about all I have to say."
{bbl:1-3:Sakuya:89} フン。貴様の助言など最初から不要だ。口ばかり回る凡愚め "Hmph. We didn't need your advice from the start. You're nothing but
talk anyway, mongrel."
{bbl:1-3:Ryouta:90} ……ありがとうございました、先輩。僕らも、頑張ります "... thanks, Yuuya. We'll do our best to help."
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:91} あ、そうそう。最後にもう一つ "Oh, one other thing!"
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:92} 管理作業員室の緒根さんに会ってみるといい。
"You might want to talk to One, in the maintenance office. Tell him I
sent you."
{bbl:1-3:Ryouta:93} 緒根さんっていうと……
"You mean that antisocial cockatiel dandy everybirdie hates?"
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:94} そう、その緒根さん。恐がらなくていいよ、ああ見えていい鳥だからさ "Yup, him. Don't worry, he's a good guy."
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:95} 緒根さんは物知りだし、管理作業員室には便利な道具も色々ある。
"He'll be able to help you, and you might find something useful in there."
{bbl:1-3:Yuuya:96} じゃ、おしゃべりな雑種は退散することにするよ。アデュー! "Well, that's it for the talky mongrel. Adieu!"
{bbl:1-3:NARATOR:97} 先輩は颯爽と次のフロアへ向かって行った。 He saunters off towards the staircase.
{bbl:1-3:Sakuya:98} ベラベラベラベラとよく喋る男だな。少しは慎め "What a dreadfully obnoxious man. I thought he'd never shut up."
{bbl:1-3:Ryouta:99} アドバイスしてくれたんだから、感謝しないと "He gave us some good advice, right? We should be grateful."
{bbl:1-3:Ryouta:100} とにかく、ここにはもう何も無いし、調査を再開しようよ "Anyway, I don't think we'll find anything else here."
{bbl:1-3:Sakuya:101} そうだな。次にどこへ向かうか、だが…… "Indeed. Hmm... where should we head next...?"
{bbl:1-3:Sakuya:102} 検死が始まっている化学室、学園の外周に現れた未知の壁、
"I doubt we would go amiss by visiting the lab, the maintenance office,
or by investigating the wall outside."
{bbl:1-3:Ryouta:103} そうだね "Right."
{bbl:1-3:NARATOR:104} 折角坂咲先輩が紹介してくれたことだし、まずは管理作業員室に行ってみよう。 Let's go to the office first. Maybe this One guy will be able to help us.
{bbl:1-3kabe:NARATOR:0} 僕たちは再びグラウンドに出た。
We step outside once more. The grey dome remains, blocking out the morning
{bbl:1-3kabe:Ryouta:1} 取り敢えず、壁に近付いてみようよ。遠くからじゃよくわからないし "Hmm... let's go get a closer look at it. We can't see much from over
{bbl:1-3kabe:Sakuya:2} そうだな "Indeed."
{bbl:1-3kabe:Sakuya:3} ……… "......"
{bbl:1-3kabe:Sakuya:4} 鉄、か……?少なくともかなりの強度があるようだ "Iron, maybe...? It's quite firm, at any rate."
{bbl:1-3kabe:Ryouta:5} 本当にシェルターって感じだね "Maybe it is some sort of shelter..."
{bbl:1-3kabe:Ryouta:6} そういえば携帯がずっと圏外になってるんだよ。この壁のせいかな "Hmm, my phone's out of range. Maybe this wall is blocking the signal...?"
{bbl:1-3kabe:Sakuya:7} そう考えるのが自然だろうな "That seems likely."
{bbl:1-3kabe:Sakuya:8} この感触は、そう薄いものじゃないな。力技で破壊するのは諦めた方が良さそうだ "... it sounds thick, and dense. Trying to break a hole in it will not
be practical."
{bbl:1-3kabe:Ryouta:9} どこかに非常口みたいなものは無いかな "Maybe there's an emergency exit or something?"
{bbl:1-3kabe:Sakuya:10} 一応、探してみるか。
"We should check. We still don't know whether or not we are completely
sealed in, after all."
{bbl:1-3kabe:Ryouta:11} うん。じゃあ、外周を一周してみよう "Right. Let's walk around the perimeter."
{bbl:1-3kabe:Ryouta:12} ううーん、それらしいのは無かったね…… "Doesn't look like there are any doors or anything..."
{bbl:1-3kabe:Sakuya:13} ああ、どこも下から上まで灰色だ。
"Indeed, it appears to be identical all the way around. Do you suppose
it is ventilated? I can't say I fancy the prospect of suffocating under
this thing without even knowing why it's here."
{bbl:1-3kabe:Ryouta:14} 学園長は避難だって言ってたし、
"I'd think an emergency shelter would have some sort of airflow built
in, yeah..."
{bbl:1-3kabe:NARATOR:15} というか、されてないと物凄く困る。 If not, then... we're in deep trouble.
{bbl:1-3kabe:Sakuya:16} "Hrrm."
{bbl:1-3kabe:Ryouta:17} 朔夜、どうかした? "What are you looking at?"
{bbl:1-3kabe:Sakuya:18} あれはハッチじゃないか? "Up there. Is that some sort of hatchway?"
{bbl:1-3kabe:NARATOR:19} 朔夜がグラウンドの上空を指した。 He points upwards.
{bbl:1-3kabe:Ryouta:20} あっ "Ah!"
{bbl:1-3kabe:NARATOR:21} 本当だ。高さ15mか20mぐらいのところに、
He's right. About twenty meters up, there's a joint or something of a
different color.
{bbl:1-3kabe:Ryouta:22} 確かに、あそこは何となく開きそうな形をしてるね。ちょっと調べてみようよ "That does look like it might lead outside. Let's go look."
{bbl:1-3kabe:Sakuya:23} ……取っ手の類いは見当たらないな。手動では開けられないのか? "... I don't see any sort of latch. Can we open it by hand?"
{bbl:1-3kabe:Ryouta:24} そうだね……もしかしたら、どこか離れた所に操作パネルがあるのかも "Hmm... yeah, maybe there's a switch or something somewhere."
{bbl:1-3kabe:Sakuya:25} 今は用無しということだな。場所を記憶しておくに留めるか "It does not seem like we can do anything here now. Let us remember its
location and return later."
{bbl:1-3kabe:Ryouta:26} 考えたくないけど……
"I don't like to think about it, but... if there really is such a terrible
disaster out there that this is the only option, maybe it would be better
to leave it shut, anyway."
{bbl:1-3kabe:Sakuya:27} ああ。次の調査へ行くぞ "Indeed. Let us move on."
{bbl:1-3kabe:NARATOR:28} そうだ。外で何が起こっているのか僕はまだ知らない。 We still don't know what's going on outside...
{bbl:1-3kabe:NARATOR:29} $namef のこと、自分のことで頭がいっぱいになってしまっていたけど
I've got enough on my mind just thinking about $namef , but... I'm worried
about my family outside, too.
{bbl:1-3kabe:Ryouta:30} 母さん、無事かな…… "I hope my mother's okay..."
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Ryouta:0} 失礼します "Excuse us!"
{bbl:1-3kagaku:NARATOR:1} 元々化学室ってあんまりいい雰囲気の場所じゃないけど、
It's always been one of the gloomier parts of the school, but today the
lab is downright depressing.
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Kazuaki:2} あ、華原くんだ~ "Hello, Kawara."
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Ryouta:3} 先生、$namef といてくれているんですよね。……ありがとうございます "Sir, thank you... for being with $namef now."
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Kazuaki:4} ううん、いいんだよ~。君たちが体育館を出たすぐ後に、坂咲君に、頼まれてね~ "Of course. Sakazaki came and asked me to come right after you two
left the gym."
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Sakuya:5} 行き違いか。あの男、間が悪いな…… "He must have gone past us. How unfortunate..."
{bbl:1-3kagaku:NARATOR:6} 脇を見ると岩峰先生が机上に$namef を並べている。 The doctor is lining the pieces of $namef up on one of the lab benches.
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Ryouta:7} ……… "......"
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Shuu:8} そう睨まないでくれませんか、華原君 "Must you glower at me so, mister Kawara?"
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Ryouta:9} 睨んでないです "I'm not glowering at you."
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Shuu:10} 私が彼女に触れているのが、そんなに不服ですか? "Do you disapprove of my handling her?"
{bbl:1-3kagaku:NARATOR:11} 岩峰先生は意地悪な笑みを浮かべた。 He gives me an evil smile.
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Ryouta:12} ……別に、そういうのじゃありません "... no, that's not it."
{bbl:1-3kagaku:NARATOR:13} ただ、この学園の中で、あんな惨い事をできそうなのは先生しかいない、
I just wish we had a doctor who wasn't this malicious.
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Sakuya:14} 岩峰先生、何かわかりそうですか "Are you finding anything, doctor Iwamine?"
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Shuu:15} そうですね……まだ、はっきりした事は言えません。
"Not yet, no. I only just finished assembling her."
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Shuu:16} 少し時間がかかるかもしれません。結果は追って報告することにしましょう "It will take some time... I will send word to you when I've finished."
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Shuu:17} その間、他を見て来ては如何です? "Perhaps you have something else to do while you wait?"
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Sakuya:18} 分かりました。先生の邪魔をする訳にもいきませんね "Very well. We shall not interfere."
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Sakuya:19} 行くぞ、華原 "Come, Kawara."
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Ryouta:20} ……うん "... right."
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Shuu:21} ああ、華原君。少し待ってください "Oh, mister Kawara. A moment, please."
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Ryouta:22} 僕ですか? "Yes?"
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Shuu:23} ええ、貴方には……1つ、ヒントをあげましょう "Mmm... allow me to give you a hint."
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Ryouta:24} ヒント……? "A hint...?"
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Shuu:25} 貴方は私を疑っているようですね。
"You suspect me of foul play, do you not? In light of that, I shall
leave it up to you whether you decide to believe me or not."
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Shuu:26} 貴方は、おそらく大変大きな見落としをしている "Anyway, I think you have missed something very important."
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Ryouta:27} 見落とし……? ".....?"
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Shuu:28} より正確に言うと、『忘れ物』かもしれません。
"One might say that you have forgotten something. Perhaps
you should bear that in mind, hmm?"
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Shuu:29} 今はまだ、楔が外れただけ。
"You're just a little bit off. But, I'm sure you'll find the answer yourself
if you keep looking."
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Shuu:30} ククク……楽しいですねぇ、華原君。日常が壊れていく音というのは "Hohoho... isn't it beautiful, mister Kawara? The sound of your life
crumbling apart around you."
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Ryouta:31} ……… "......"
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Shuu:32} 貴方は、あまりお好きではないようですね。
"I take it it does not suite your tastes. Very well. He was
rather fond of the unusual, himself... a pity."
{bbl:1-3kagaku:NARATOR:33} 『彼』……? He...?
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Shuu:34} さあ、こちらは私に任せて、貴方はどうぞ外の調査を。良い報告を期待しています "Well, then. You can handle the outside investigation, and I, the... internal.
Hohoho. Good luck, mister Kawara."
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Ryouta:35} はい……失礼します "Right... thanks, doctor."
{bbl:1-3kagaku:NARATOR:36} 岩峰先生は心からこの非常事態を楽しんでいる。気分が悪い。 He's definitely enjoying himself. What a psycho...
{bbl:1-3kagaku:NARATOR:37} 大きな見落としをしている?
What did he mean when he said I was missing something? Or maybe he was
just trying to lead me astray...
{bbl:1-3kagaku:NARATOR:38} 気にする事は無いと思うんだけど……。 Better not to worry about it for the time being.
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Kazuaki:39} 岩峰先生、華原くんに何を話してたんですか~? "What were you talking with Kawara about, doctor?"
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Shuu:40} 大した事ではありません。ただの激励ですよ "Nothing important. I was just giving him a little emotional support,
and encouragement."
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Kazuaki:41} そうですか~。それなら、いいんですけど…… "I see... that's good, then."
{bbl:1-3kagaku:Kazuaki:42} あまり、ぼくの生徒を、困らせないでくださいね~ "I'm sure you'll remember not to cause any trouble for my students, doctor."
{bbl:1-3kanri:Sakuya:0} 管理作業員か……言い換えれば雑用だろう?到底役に立つとは思えないのだが "The maintenance office... in other words, the repairman's shop? I doubt
we will find anything useful there."
{bbl:1-3kanri:Ryouta:1} でも、折角先輩が紹介してくれてるんだし "Yuuya said to go, right?"
{bbl:1-3kanri:Sakuya:2} あいつの言うことをいちいち聞いていると碌な事にならないと思うがな "I doubt the integrity of his advice."
{bbl:1-3kanri:Ryouta:3} もー、先輩はお兄さんなんでしょ?
"Geez, is that anything to say about your own brother? You should be
nicer to your family."
{bbl:1-3kanri:Sakuya:4} 血のつながった家族だと!? "My family!?"
{bbl:1-3kanri:Sakuya:5} 私を侮辱する気か!あんな汚れた血と一緒にするな!! "Do you mock me!? That filthy- blooded mongrel is no relation to me!"
{bbl:1-3kanri:Ryouta:6} どうどう "Woah, calm down."
{bbl:1-3kanri:NARATOR:7} 非常事態でも朔夜の選民思想は通常運行らしい。 I guess his elitism is still running business as usual.
{bbl:1-3kanri:NARATOR:8} こんな事で時間を潰すのは勿体ないし、早く管理作業員室に行こう。 We don't have time to waste. We should hurry.
{bbl:1-3kanri:Ryouta:9} 確か管理作業員室は、本館1階の隅っこ……だったかな "The maintenance room is... in the corner of the main building, on the
ground floor, right?"
{bbl:1-3kanri:Ryouta:10} 失礼しまーす "Excuse us!"
{bbl:1-3kanri:Sakuya:11} なんだ、ここは。学園らしからぬ雰囲気だな "What is this? This doesn't look very educational."
{bbl:1-3kanri:Ryouta:12} この学園の管理作業員室は当直室も兼ねてるからね。
"The handyman pretty much lives in here, I think."
{bbl:1-3kanri:One:13} ……ハト。更にもう一羽ハト、か "... a dove. And one more."
{bbl:1-3kanri:Ryouta:14} あ、緒根さん!お邪魔しています "Mister One! Hello!"
{bbl:1-3kanri:One:15} こんな所で何をしている。避難警報を聞いただろう "What are you doing here? Didn't you hear the alarm?"
{bbl:1-3kanri:Ryouta:16} 僕は華原涼太、それからこっちは銀朔夜。
"I'm Ryouta, and this is Sakuya. We got permission from our teacher
to investigate the building."
{bbl:1-3kanri:Sakuya:17} 貴様こそ避難しないのか? "Didn't YOU hear the alarm?"
{bbl:1-3kanri:One:18} 慌てず、騒がず……そして動かざること山の如し。
"No panic, no noise... and no leaving. That's what I do here."
{bbl:1-3kanri:Ryouta:19} よ、よくわからないけど緒根さんからカッコいいオーラが出てる……! "W-woah, somehow he seems really cool...!"
{bbl:1-3kanri:Sakuya:20} 動くのが面倒なだけじゃないのか? "You mean you're too lazy to go to the gymnasium?"
{bbl:1-3kanri:One:21} ここは私に任せろ。若い諸君は、私に構わず先に行きたまえ "Don't worry about me. You two go ahead and find your class there."
{bbl:1-3kanri:Ryouta:22} いえ、だから僕らは避難途中という訳じゃなくて── "No, we're not--"
{bbl:1-3kanri:Sakuya:23} 我々が邪魔だというのか?面倒くさい男だな "Do you mean to interfere with us? Wretched fool!"
{bbl:1-3kanri:Ryouta:24} 坂咲先輩の紹介で来ました。緒根さんに手伝ってもらえって "Umm, Yuuya said we should ask you for help..."
{bbl:1-3kanri:One:25} 坂咲優夜が、そう言ったのか? "Sakazaki Yuuya?"
{bbl:1-3kanri:Sakuya:26} ああ、そうだ。この私があの雑種の言うことを聞いてわざわざ来てやったんだ "Yes, him. We decided to honor his request by coming all the way over
{bbl:1-3kanri:Sakuya:27} まさかこのまま閉め出すつもりじゃないだろうな? "Do you intend to stop us now?"
{bbl:1-3kanri:Ryouta:28} 口が悪すぎるよ朔夜!もっと丁寧に喋ろうよ "Sakuya, where the heck are your manners!?"
{bbl:1-3kanri:Ryouta:29} すみません。朔夜は外国から転校して来てまだ半年だから、
"Uh, sorry... he transferred from overseas, and his Japanese isn't too
{bbl:1-3kanri:One:30} ふむ、よく吠えるものよ。よかろう、入りたまえ "He certainly has more bark than I imagine he has bite. Very well,
come in."
{bbl:1-3kanri:One:31} 諸君は調査中と言っていたな。何を調べているのかね? "What did you say you gentlemen were investigating?"
{bbl:1-3kanri:Sakuya:32} 現時点での調査対象は2件だ。$namel $namef 殺人事件、そして不可解な学園の封鎖 "Two things. The murder of $namel $namef , and the mysterious wall
{bbl:1-3kanri:Ryouta:33} 緒根さんは、管理作業員室から動かざること山の如しなんですよね。
"You've been in here the whole time, right? Do you know what he's talking
{bbl:1-3kanri:One:34} ああ。坂咲優夜から概要は聞いている "Yes, I got an idea of it from mister Sakazaki."
{bbl:1-3kanri:Sakuya:35} ということは、
"In other words, you know only what you have heard from that mongrel.
{bbl:1-3kanri:One:36} しかし、学園そのものについてなら知識はある。
"I know plenty about the school itself, though. My job is to take care
of the entire campus."
{bbl:1-3kanri:Ryouta:37} あ、じゃあもしかして外に突然出て来た灰色の壁の事も知ってるんですか!? "Maybe you know what the big grey wall outside is, then?"
{bbl:1-3kanri:One:38} 知らん "Nope."
{bbl:1-3kanri:Sakuya:39} この役立たずが!!! "Useless wretch!"
{bbl:1-3kanri:Ryouta:40} 朔夜、気持ちは分かるけど暴言はやめようよ! "Sakuya, calm down!"
{bbl:1-3kanri:Ryouta:41} うーん…でも、確かにここで得られる新情報って、無さそうだね…… "Though... I'm not sure there's anything we can learn here right now..."
{bbl:1-3kanri:Ryouta:42} あ、パソコン!緒根さん、パソコンを使わせてもらうことってできないですか?
"Oh, wait! Mister One, could we use your computer? Maybe we can find
out what's going on outside!"
{bbl:1-3kanri:One:43} それは不可能だ。今朝から電話も含めて全ての回線が遮断されている "Sadly not. Everything's been cut off since this morning."
{bbl:1-3kanri:Sakuya:44} 有線でも駄目か。徹底的な封鎖らしいな "Even the telephone wires, eh. This is too thorough."
{bbl:1-3kanri:Ryouta:45} 避難の為の封鎖なら、外への連絡手段ぐらい残しておいてくれてもいいのに…… "I can't think of any reason why they'd need to cut communication systems
off if it were some sort of storm protection..."
{bbl:1-3kanri:Sakuya:46} 本格的に無駄足だったようだ。時間の浪費だな。行くぞ、華原 "This has been a wild goose chase, then. A complete waste of time. Let
us go, Kawara."
{bbl:1-3kanri:One:47} 待て、諸君にブライト&マッシヴな助言をしよう "Wait. I have a Bright And Massive piece of advice for you."
{bbl:1-3kanri:Ryouta:48} ブライト・アンド・マッシヴ? "Bright And Massive?"
{bbl:1-3kanri:NARATOR:49} ブライトって何だろう。 What?
{bbl:1-3kanri:One:50} 行き詰まったなら学園長室に向かいたまえ "If you get stuck, try the headmaster's office."
{bbl:1-3kanri:One:51} 私はこれまで様々な教室の整備をしてきたが、学園長室に入った事は無い。
"I've been almost everywhere in this school, but never there. You might
be able to find something out about the wall if you check in there."
{bbl:1-3kanri:Sakuya:52} なるほど。学園長は直接体育館に姿を現していない。
"Of course! The headmaster did not speak to us in person in the gym. If
he was broadcasting from his office--"
{bbl:1-3kanri:Ryouta:53} まだ学園長室にいるかもしれないね "... then he might still be there!"
{bbl:1-3kanri:NARATOR:54} 確かに学園長に聞くのが一番確実で早そうな気がする。 Asking him certainly seems like the best way to get some solid information.
{bbl:1-3kanri:NARATOR:55} 後で行ってみよう。 We should try that.
{bbl:1-3kanri:One:56} それから、見ての通りこの部屋は寝泊まりできる環境だ。
"If you need a break later on, feel free to come back here and rest. Anyone
mister Sakazaki sent is trustworthy."
{bbl:1-3kanri:One:57} 調査ノートはここに置いておく。記録も好きにして構わない。
"I'll get you some notes. If you find anything, you can come write
it down. You never know what could happen in a situation like this, and
you don't want to forget anything."
{bbl:1-3kanri:Ryouta:64} ありがとうございました、緒根さん! "Thank you, mister One!"
{bbl:1-3kanri:NARATOR:65} 緒根さんのアドバイスも聞けたし、出発しよう。 We can come back here later.
{bbl:1-3kanri:NARATOR:66} えぇっと、…化学室と、灰色の壁。それが終わったら学園長室かな。 For now... we should check the lab, or the wall. After those two we
can try the headmaster's office.
{bbl:1-3kanri:NARATOR:67} どこに行こう? Go to...
{bbl:1-3kanri:DECThe lab:68} 化学室 The lab
{bbl:1-3kanri:DECThe wall:69} 灰色の壁 The wall
{bbl:1-4:Sakuya:0} さてと……これで調査は一段落と言ったところか "I suppose we've finished the first stage of the investigation, now."
{bbl:1-4:Ryouta:1} そうだね。少なくとも状況確認は進んだ……かな "Yeah. We've got a better idea of the situation... I guess."
{bbl:1-4:NARATOR:2} 化学室では検死中、灰色の壁は全面を覆っているけど一ヶ所だけハッチがあって、
The doctor's working in the lab, the grey dome covers the entire school
but for one small hatch, and we can use the maintenance office as a base.
{bbl:1-4:Ryouta:3} それから、緒根さんが…… "Mister One did say..."
{bbl:1-4:Sakuya:4} ああ、学園長室に行ってみろと言っていたな "Indeed, he suggested we visit the headmaster's office."
{bbl:1-4:Ryouta:5} うん。学園長室も本館の1階だよ。行ってみよう "Yeah. It's on the first floor. Let's go."
{bbl:1-4:Ryouta:6} 学園長、学園長! "Headmaster! Sir!"
{bbl:1-4:Sakuya:7} いるのか、学園長!いるなら入るぞ! "Are you within? We demand entry!"
{bbl:1-4:NARATOR:8} 朔夜って学園長にまでこんな態度なんだ。
Rude even to the headmaster? I wonder if the doctor is the only person
in the entire school who he actually respects...
{bbl:1-4:Sakuya:9} 返事が無いな。よし、入るぞ "No reply. Let's go in."
{bbl:1-4:Ryouta:10} あ、ダメだよ朔夜勝手に入っちゃ── "Wait, Sakuya, that's--"
{bbl:1-4:Sakuya:11} ……む "... hrrm."
{bbl:1-4:Ryouta:12} 閉まってる……みたいだね "It's locked...?"
{bbl:1-4:Sakuya:13} チッ、不在か "Bah! Where is that old geezer?"
{bbl:1-4:Ryouta:14} それとも、居留守かな "Maybe he's pretending to be out so we'll go away?"
{bbl:1-4:Sakuya:15} そうだな……学園内をざっと歩き回っても学園長はいなかった。
"Indeed... he never was the type to walk about the campus. Or perhaps
he has locked the door from the inside and plans to stay inside until the
siege lets up."
{bbl:1-4:Ryouta:16} どうしよう。待ってみる? "Should we wait around?"
{bbl:1-4:Sakuya:17} そんな悠長な事ができるか。こじ開けてやる "We have no time for such frivolities. We shall enter this room if it
means reducing the door to a miserable pile of splinters."
{bbl:1-4:Ryouta:18} 学園長室の扉だよ。明らかに他の部屋より丈夫そうだし、
"It's the headmaster's door... I don't think it will be easy to break down."
{bbl:1-4:Sakuya:19} くっ……仕方ないな。外から開ける鍵が無いか七姫に聞いてみるか "Hmph... you speak the truth. Let us ask Nanaki if there isn't a key
to open it from the outside."
{bbl:1-4:Ryouta:20} そうだね。一度化学室に戻って── "Yeah. We can head back to the--"
{bbl:1-4:Ryouta:21} "?"
{bbl:1-4:Sakuya:22} どうした、華原 "What is it, Kawara?"
{bbl:1-4:Ryouta:23} 何か……何か、聞こえた気がしたんだけど "I think... I thought I heard something."
{bbl:1-4:Sakuya:24} 何も聞こえないぞ。気のせいじゃないのか "I hear nothing. Perhaps you are imagining things?"
{bbl:1-4:Ryouta:25} 引きずるような音っていうか……後ろから、ほら── "Like something being dragged across the floor... listen, there it
is again! Behind--"
{bbl:1-4:Ryouta:26} !! "!"
{bbl:1-4:???:27} ひゅ、ひゅ……オ、ォア…… "Hh... hhh... aaah..."
{bbl:1-4:NARATOR:28} 目の粗い汚れた麻袋の頭。 Suddenly, behind us stood...
{bbl:1-4:NARATOR:29} 案山子みたいな大きな生き物が、いつの間にか僕らの後ろに、立っていた………。 A gigantic scarecrow-like creature, with a rough burlap sack for a head.
{bbl:2-1:Sakuya:0} "Wh... what in...!?"
{bbl:2-1:NARATOR:1} 案山子男はアンバランスに長い金属製の右腕を引き摺りながら近付いて来る。 The scarecrow-man draws closer, dragging its long, ungainly metallic arm
behind it.
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:2} 危ない、朔夜! "Sakuya, watch out!"
{bbl:2-1:NARATOR:3} 案山子男の腕は空を切って廊下の窓ガラスを砕いた。 Its arm slices through the air, smashing the window into tiny shards,
which scatter across the hallway floor.
{bbl:2-1:NARATOR:4} 何者かは分からない。だけど僕らに危害を加えようとしているのは間違いない! We don't know what it is, but apparently it isn't friendly!
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:5} 逃げよう!ここは危ないよ! "Sakuya, we have to run!"
{bbl:2-1:Sakuya:6} 分かっている!! "I am well aware!"
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:7} はぁ、はぁ…… "-pant-... -pant-..."
{bbl:2-1:Sakuya:8} 撒いた、か……? "Did we... lose it...?"
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:9} そう、みたいだね……。良かった、動きはのろいみたいだ "... I think so. Lucky it moves so slowly..."
{bbl:2-1:Sakuya:10} アレは一体何なんだ?悪戯にしては趣味が悪過ぎる! "What WAS it? Surely no one could devise a prank as bizarre that!"
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:11} 二足歩行だったよね。人型をしてたけど、人間じゃなさそうだったし…… "It looked like a biped... it was humanoid, but I don't think it was a
{bbl:2-1:Sakuya:12} 鉄と麻でできた人間など聞いた事もないからな "I've never heard of a human made of metal and burlap."
{bbl:2-1:Sakuya:13} 殺人、封鎖、それから怪人か。誰の企みかは知らないが、
"A murder, the dome, and now this! I know not who is behind these trickeries,
but they must have a deathwish to mock me so."
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:14} とにかく、七姫先生に報告しようよ。他の皆にも気をつけるように言わないと…! "For now, we have to get back to the lab. We need to warn mister Nanaki!"
{bbl:2-1:Kazuaki:15} あっ。華原くん、銀くん、おかえり~。お茶でも飲んでいくかい? "Oh! Welcome back, Kawara, Shirogane. Would you like some tea?"
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:16} のほほんと迎えないでください! "I-is this really the time!?"
{bbl:2-1:Sakuya:17} 悠長に構えている場合じゃないぞ "We cannot afford to relax now, professor."
{bbl:2-1:Kazuaki:18} んー、何かあったみたいだね~。教えてもらえるかな~ "Hmm... so, I take it something happened?"
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:19} えぇっと、さっき、学園長が!学園長が案山子で恐くて!
"Uhh, the headmaster! He must've been hiding from the scarecrow-- it
smashed the window!"
{bbl:2-1:Sakuya:20} 落ち着け華原!支離滅裂にも程があるぞ! "Calm yourself, Kawara! You become incoherent!"
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:21} あ、ごめん…… "S-sorry..."
{bbl:2-1:Sakuya:22} 学園長室前の廊下で巨大な生き物に襲われた。
"We were attacked by a gigantic creature outside the headmaster's office. It
was a bizarre thing, like a scarecrow in appearance."
{bbl:2-1:Kazuaki:23} 案山子……? "A scarecrow...?"
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:24} はい。人型の何かです。さっき突然襲われて、僕たち必死で逃げて来たんです "Yeah. Like the ones humans used to make... it attacked us, and we ran
back here."
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:25} 案山子男は足が遅いけど、
"It was slow, but... its arm was heavy and dangerous."
{bbl:2-1:Sakuya:26} まだ他の生徒は体育館にいるのか? "Are the other students still in the gymnasium?"
{bbl:2-1:Kazuaki:27} うーん、全員が全員、という訳じゃないと思うな~ "Probably not all of them..."
{bbl:2-1:Kazuaki:28} 本館の中に、危ない何かがいるなら、
"If there's something dangerous in here, we should probably tell everybirdie
to stay together in the gym."
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:29} はい、お願いします "Y-yeah..."
{bbl:2-1:Sakuya:30} しかし難題が増えたな。外壁を開く手段が見つかっていない以上、
"The plot thickens, indeed. Not only are we trapped under this confounded
dome, but now it seems we must contend with this monstrous new guest."
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:31} そうだね……案山子男も、今起こってる事件に関係があるのかな "I wonder what the scarecrow- man's connection to all this is..."
{bbl:2-1:Shuu:32} 案山子男、ですか "A scarecrow-man, you say?"
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:33} 岩峰先生! "D-doctor!"
{bbl:2-1:Shuu:34} 興味深いですね。私も案山子は解剖した事がありませんから、
"Fascinating. I've never cut into one of those... I'd love to get my
hands on it. Hohoho."
{bbl:2-1:Sakuya:35} 先生、検死はもう終わったんですか? "Have you finished the autopsy, doctor?"
{bbl:2-1:Shuu:36} ええ、一通りは "Yes, for now."
{bbl:2-1:Kazuaki:37} ちゃんとうたた寝せずに、僕も一緒にいたから、心配しないでね~ "I was awake here the whole time, don't worry."
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:38} ありがとうございます、七姫先生 "Thank you, mister Nanaki."
{bbl:2-1:Shuu:39} そうですね……
"Hmm... you two may well have a right to know what I've found, given your
efforts towards the investigation."
{bbl:2-1:Shuu:40} 簡単に御説明しましょう。$namel さんだった肉の塊が、私に何を教えてくれたのか "I shall try to state simply and briefly what I have learned from the
lumps of meat which once were miss $namel ."
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:41} ……ッ "......"
{bbl:2-1:Sakuya:42} 抑えろ、華原。この程度で怒っている場合じゃないだろう "Control yourself, Kawara. Falling out among ourselves would only do
us harm."
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:43} ……わかったよ "... I know."
{bbl:2-1:Shuu:44} フフ。そうですねぇ、状態が状態ですし、
"Hoho. Anyway, we lack the tools for a proper examination, but..."
{bbl:2-1:Shuu:45} 窒息死ですね。それも、物理的な要因ではなく、服毒か何らかの病によるものです "The cause of death was asphyxiation. There are no signs of any strangulation
or smothering, so she was either poisoned or sick."
{bbl:2-1:Sakuya:46} 切断されたこと自体は原因ではない、ということか "She was dismembered after death, then, doctor?"
{bbl:2-1:Shuu:47} そのようです。失血死の痕跡はみられません。
"It would appear so. There is little evidence of bleeding, so we may
assume that she was cut up some time after death."
{bbl:2-1:NARATOR:48} あんなに元気だった$namef が突然病気で倒れるなんて、そんなことある筈が無い。 $namef was one of the healthiest people I know. She couldn't have become
that sick that quickly.
{bbl:2-1:NARATOR:49} それなら、誰かが$namef に毒を盛って、そして── Meaning, someone poisoned her.
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:50} どうして…こんな事…… "Why...?"
{bbl:2-1:Sakuya:51} 猟奇的な趣味か、効率よく運ぶ為か、他に理由があったのか……
"For the sake of the grotesque, or to make her easier to carry, or for
some other reason... disgusting, either way."
{bbl:2-1:Shuu:52} それから、死亡推定時刻に関してもお話しておきましょうか。
$namel さんの心臓が止まったのは──
"I suppose I should also tell you the estimated time of death. Obviously
I cannot be completely certain, but..."
{bbl:2-1:Shuu:53} 昨日の放課後です "I believe that miss $namel died yesterday, after school."
{bbl:2-1:Sakuya:54} 夕方ということか "In the evening, then."
{bbl:2-1:Shuu:55} ええ、そうなりますね。そして今朝学園で発見された "Precisely. And she was found this morning."
{bbl:2-1:Sakuya:56} ということは…昨日の放課後以降に$namel を見た者がいないとしたら、
$namel は昨日から今までずっと学園内にいた可能性が高いな
"In other words... unless she was seen yesterday afternoon, she may have
been here all along."
{bbl:2-1:Sakuya:57} 華原、貴様は$namel と住所が近かったな。
昨日授業が終わった後に$namel に会ったか?
"Kawara, her house was near yours, was it not? Did you see her yesterday?"
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:58} えぇっと、昨日は…… "After school? Umm..."
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:59} ……… "......"
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:60} うぅん、会ってない。昨日はHRが終わってから真っ直ぐ帰ったんだ。
"... no, I didn't. My mother asked me to run some errands, so I went
straight home yesterday."
{bbl:2-1:NARATOR:61} そうだ、昨日は僕独りで帰ったんだ。 That's right. I went home alone.
{bbl:2-1:NARATOR:62} 今更後悔しても遅いのは分かってるけど、
もし$namef を誘って一緒に帰っていたら、
It's too late to regret it now, but maybe if I'd just asked her to walk
home with me...
{bbl:2-1:Sakuya:63} そうか。それなら、
学園内で他に$namel と関わりがあった者から証言を集めるしかないな
"I see. Perhaps we should ask any other students with whom she was close."
{bbl:2-1:Kazuaki:64} また、調査を始めるんだね~。ウロウロするのは、危ないと思うんだけど…… "You're going out again? Be careful. It sounds like wandering around
the school could be dangerous..."
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:65} 大丈夫です。いざとなったら飛んで逃げればいいんだし、心配しないでください "Don't worry. We can outrun the scarecrow, if it shows up again."
{bbl:2-1:Kazuaki:66} ちなみに、ぼくは昨日、すぐに帰っちゃったからね~。
"Incidentally, I went home early yesterday, too. I left as soon as
class ended..."
{bbl:2-1:Kazuaki:67} だから、『華原くんが知っている以上のこと』は、知らないんだ~。
"So, I only know what Ryouta has told me. I wish I had
some useful information, but..."
{bbl:2-1:Shuu:68} 私はいつも通りに下校時刻まで保健室にいました。
"I was in the infirmary right up until I returned home, as usual. I know
nothing of what happened in the rest of the school, sadly."
{bbl:2-1:NARATOR:69} 七姫先生と岩峰先生はどちらも、昨日$namef を見てないのか……。 So, neither mister Nanaki nor doctor Iwamine saw $namef yesterday afternoon...
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:70} あ!そうだ、七姫先生!お願いしたいことがあるんです "Oh, right! Could we ask a favor of you, mister Nanaki?"
{bbl:2-1:Kazuaki:71} お願い?何だろう~ "A favor?"
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:72} 学園長室の扉が閉まっていたんです。
"The headmaster's office is locked. We think he might be hiding in there..."
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:73} もし外から開けられる鍵があるなら、使わせてもらえませんか? "If there's a spare key to his door, could we use it?"
{bbl:2-1:Kazuaki:74} 学園長室の鍵……うん、確か職員室に、あったんじゃないかな~。
"A spare key... mmm, yes, there should be one in the faculty room. I'll
ask the vice- principal for you."
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:75} ありがとうございます。また後で受け取りに来ますね "Thank you, sir! We'll be back soon."
{bbl:2-1:Kazuaki:76} うん、気をつけて行っておいで~ "Be careful out there."
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:77} はい、先生も! "You too, sir!"
{bbl:2-1:Kazuaki:78} 華原くん、おかしいね~ "Kawara is a strange boy..."
{bbl:2-1:Kazuaki:79} どうして『真っ直ぐ帰った』なんて、嘘ついてるんだろう~? "I wonder why he lied about going straight home...?"
{bbl:2-1:Shuu:80} ……… "......"
{bbl:2-1:Sakuya:81} 学園長室については鍵が到着するまで後回しだ。先に殺人事件の調査を進めるぞ "We won't be able to talk to the headmaster until we have that key. Let
us work on the murder case until then."
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:82} うん、昨日の放課後の話を皆から聞くんだね "Right. We should ask everybirdie where they were yesterday..."
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:83} 岩峰先生はいつも通り下校時間まで保健室にいたらしいけど……。………本当かな "The doctor said he was in the infirmary until he went home... I wonder
if we can trust him."
{bbl:2-1:Sakuya:84} 証拠も無く鳥を疑うのはやめろ華原 "Do not bias yourself with baseless suspicions, Kawara."
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:85} ……うん、わかってるよ "... yeah, I know."
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:86} 朔夜こそ、岩峰先生を妄信し過ぎだと思うんだけど……
"I think maybe you trust him a little too easily, Sakuya. He's a world
authority, but that doesn't make him honest."
{bbl:2-1:Sakuya:87} 貴様は何もわかっていないな。実績あっての権威だ "You know nothing of what that means."
{bbl:2-1:Sakuya:88} ル・ベル家当主──つまり私の父は長く患っていた。
"The head of the Le Bel family-- my father, was once crippled with chronic
illness. He was cured by medicines developed by doctor Iwamine."
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:89} 岩峰先生って治療薬も作れるの!? "He makes medicine!?"
{bbl:2-1:Sakuya:90} 寝言は寝て言え!貴様、
"Save the sleep talk for your dreams! Have you no idea what contributions
he has made to the medical world!?"
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:91} し、知らなかった…
"I-I didn't know... I thought he was some kid of mad scientist, cooking
up nothing but death and all-around woe."
{bbl:2-1:Sakuya:92} 凡愚どもの偏見と噂に振り回されるから、貴様は無知なままなんだ。反省しろ "You have become biased by the foolish rumors of the peasantry. Reconsider
{bbl:2-1:Sakuya:93} とにかく、ル・ベル家は彼に恩があるんだ。貴族たるもの、
"In any case, the Le Bel family is indebted to him. A noblebird will
never treat a benefactor with disrespect."
{bbl:2-1:NARATOR:94} 朔夜がしつこいぐらいに岩峰先生を擁護するのはそんな理由だったんだ……。 So that's why he's so polite to the doctor...
{bbl:2-1:NARATOR:95} でも朔夜こそ岩峰先生にフィルターがかかってるっていうか、
Doesn't that make him biased as well, though?
{bbl:2-1:Ryouta:96} ……じゃあ、そろそろ出発しようよ "... anyway, let's go."
{bbl:2-1:Sakuya:97} うむ "Very well."
{bbl:2-1:NARATOR:98} どこに行こう? Go to...
{bbl:2-1:DECThe gymnasium:99} 体育館 The gymnasium
{bbl:2-1:DECThe maintenance office:100} 管理作業員室 The maintenance office
{bbl:2-1kanri:Ryouta:0} 緒根さん、失礼します "Mister One?"
{bbl:2-1kanri:One:1} ……君たちか。入りたまえ "... you two again. Come in."
{bbl:2-1kanri:One:2} どうかね、調査の方は。巧くいっているならいいのだが "How goes the investigation? Well, I hope?"
{bbl:2-1kanri:Sakuya:3} 貴様の助言通りに学園長室に行ったぞ。しかし内側から鍵がかけられていた "We went to the headmaster's office, as you requested. It was locked,
{bbl:2-1kanri:Ryouta:4} そう、それから学園長室の前で変な化け物に襲われたんです!
"Yeah, we got attacked by this weird thing outside there! I'm glad
you're okay, the office isn't that far from--"
{bbl:2-1kanri:Yuuya:5} そのバケモノっていうのは、薄汚れた案山子みたいな男じゃないかい? "Was that 'thing' a muddy scarecrow-like man, perhaps?"
{bbl:2-1kanri:Ryouta:6} 先輩! "Yuuya!"
{bbl:2-1kanri:Sakuya:7} 貴様も見たのか "So, you've seen it too."
{bbl:2-1kanri:Yuuya:8} ついさっき、ね。2年生のフロアで見かけたよ "Just now, yeah. On the second floor."
{bbl:2-1kanri:Yuuya:9} もっとも、遠くから背中を見ただけで引き返して来たから、
"I caught a glimpse of it from behind at the other end of the corridor
and didn't stick around to let it see me, so alas I was not blessed with
a look at its pretty face."
{bbl:2-1kanri:Sakuya:10} 腰抜けめ "Coward."
{bbl:2-1kanri:Ryouta:11} 僕らも一目散に逃げただろ! "Hey, we ran away as soon as we saw it, too!"
{bbl:2-1kanri:Ryouta:12} とにかく、案山子男が学園の中をうろついてるんです。
"Anyway, it sounds like it's wandering around the building... Maybe it
would be better for you to leave, mister One."
{bbl:2-1kanri:One:13} 私の事は構うな、若鳥。私には私の職務がある……ここを動く訳にはいかない "Don't worry for me, young one. My duties prevent me from leaving this
{bbl:2-1kanri:One:14} それは諸君とて同じだろう。危険の1つや2つ増えた所で、
"You two aren't planning to call off your investigation because of a
bad guy or two, either."
{bbl:2-1kanri:Ryouta:15} それは……そうですけど "Well... yeah, that's true."
{bbl:2-1kanri:Sakuya:16} 融通の利かない中年だな。危険な目に遭っても知らないぞ "Hmph, already stuck in the rut of unadaptable middle age? Don't come
crying to us if you get hurt."
{bbl:2-1kanri:One:17} 死地なら数えきれない程越えて来た。案ずるな "I've come within touching distance of death in the past. I will be fine."
{bbl:2-1kanri:NARATOR:18} 管理作業員さんが乗り越えるような死地ってどんなだろう? I wonder what kind of death comes that close to a maintenance worker?
{bbl:2-1kanri:NARATOR:19} この学園って管理するだけで命懸けなのかな……。 Then again, knowing this school, there could be all kinds of evil going
on behind the scenes...
{bbl:2-1kanri:Sakuya:20} それで、貴様は何をフラフラしているんだ?案山子男が現れてからは、
"Well then, what are you standing around for? I believe orders were given
for everyone to gather in the gymnasium to avoid the scarecrow."
{bbl:2-1kanri:Yuuya:21} キミたちこそ、ここは体育館じゃないよ? "Same goes for you. Why aren't you headed over there?"
{bbl:2-1kanri:Sakuya:22} うっ "Erp."
{bbl:2-1kanri:Ryouta:23} じっとしてるなんて、僕にはできません "I can't just... sit around."
{bbl:2-1kanri:Yuuya:24} だろうね。……俺も同じさ。だからこうして学園内を歩き回ってるってワケ "Indeed... same here. Hence walking around the school."
{bbl:2-1kanri:Yuuya:25} と、そんな感じだから俺は次の目的地に向かうよ。
"On that note, I'd better go to the lab. Professor Nanaki wanted me there."
{bbl:2-1kanri:Ryouta:26} 七姫先生に? "What for?"
{bbl:2-1kanri:Yuuya:27} キミ達が七姫先生に頼み事をしたんじゃなかったのかい? "Something you asked him to do."
{bbl:2-1kanri:Ryouta:28} あっ "Oh."
{bbl:2-1kanri:Sakuya:29} そうか、七姫に代わる『見張り役』ということだな。岩峰先生の "Ah, he wants you to help him keep an eye on doctor Iwamine."
{bbl:2-1kanri:Yuuya:30} うーん、そうだねぇ。岩峰先生と$namef ちゃん、かな "Most likely, yes. The doctor and $namef , that is."
{bbl:2-1kanri:Yuuya:31} まあ、そういう訳だから、二羽とも安心して調査を続けるといいよ。
$namef ちゃんは、俺が見てるから、さ
"Anyway, you two go on with your investigation. I'll be watching over
her, so don't worry."
{bbl:2-1kanri:Ryouta:32} ……よろしくお願いします "... right."
{bbl:2-1kanri:Sakuya:33} 待て、貴様に聞く事がある "Wait."
{bbl:2-1kanri:Yuuya:34} 何だい? "Yeah?"
{bbl:2-1kanri:Sakuya:35} 検死の結果が出た。$namel の死亡推定時刻は昨日の放課後だそうだ。
貴様はその時間$namel を見なかったか?
"According to the autopsy, $namel died after school yesterday. Did
you see her during that time?"
{bbl:2-1kanri:Yuuya:36} 昨日の夕方、ねぇ。岩峰先生は何か言ってなかったかい? "Yesterday evening, huh... What did the doctor say?"
{bbl:2-1kanri:Ryouta:37} 保健室にいた、とだけ言ってました "Just that he'd been in the infirmary all day."
{bbl:2-1kanri:Yuuya:38} 俺もそこにいたんだよ。岩峰先生と二羽でね "I was there, too."
{bbl:2-1kanri:Yuuya:39} 昨日は岩峰先生に付き合って検品作業をしていたんだ。
"We were inspecting and cleaning all day, so I can verify the doctor's
{bbl:2-1kanri:Sakuya:40} だから偏見で鳥を疑うなと言っただろう華原 "I told you not to doubt him without evidence, Kawara."
{bbl:2-1kanri:Ryouta:41} うっ……。わかったよ…… "Aah... right."
{bbl:2-1kanri:NARATOR:42} 考えてみれば、あの案山子男だって容疑者だしね……。 ... at this point, the prime suspect is that scarecrow, anyway.
{bbl:2-1kanri:Yuuya:43} もういいかい?じゃ、俺は行くよ。アデュー! "That's everything? Well, adieu!"
{bbl:2-1kanri:Ryouta:44} 僕らも行かないと。……その前に一応ノートを確認しておいた方がいいかな "We should head out, too... But first let's write down what we've found."
{bbl:2-1kanri:NARATOR:45} ここまでのデータをセーブしますか? Save your progress?
{bbl:2-1kanri:DECYes:46} セーブする Yes
{bbl:2-1kanri:DECNo:47} 先へ進む No
{bbl:2-1kanri:Ryouta:48} よし、出発しよう "All right, let's go."
{bbl:2-1taiiku:NARATOR:0} 避難した頃に比べて少し体育館が騒々しい。 The students in the gymnasium have grown somewhat restless since the
{bbl:2-1taiiku:NARATOR:1} 何の説明もないまま閉じ込められて、学園内に不審者が現れたんだ。
Shut up with no explanation, and now there's a suspicious individual
wandering the campus. I guess even doves lose their cool eventually...
{bbl:2-1taiiku:Ryouta:2} 散、散はいる? "San! San, where are you?"
{bbl:2-1taiiku:San:3} ポロッぷ~わ!
(Okosan is right here, alive and well! So far!)
{bbl:2-1taiiku:San:4} ポポロッぷ~わ!
"Coo, coo!"
(Where did you and Sakuya go? Leaving Okosan behind and
going outside is not fair!)
{bbl:2-1taiiku:Sakuya:5} 貴様にウロつかれると話がややこしくなる。大人しくしていろ "You'd just confuse the issue if we brought you along."
{bbl:2-1taiiku:Ryouta:6} 散に聞きたい事があって戻って来たんだ。ちょっといいかな "We came back because we had a question for you."
{bbl:2-1taiiku:San:7} ぷ~わ!
(Come at me, whippersnapper!)
{bbl:2-1taiiku:Ryouta:8} いや、ケンカとかそういうのじゃないんだけど…… "Uhh, that's not what I..."
{bbl:2-1taiiku:Ryouta:9} 散はいつも放課後のグラウンドを走り回ってるよね "You usually practice on the ground after school, right?"
{bbl:2-1taiiku:San:10} ポロッぷ~わ!
"Coo, coo!"
(Of course! It is Okosan's duty as track captain!)
{bbl:2-1taiiku:Ryouta:11} 昨日の放課後、$namef は見なかった? "Did you see $namef while you were out there yesterday?"
{bbl:2-1taiiku:San:12} ぷ~わ!
(No! Okosan did not see her then, or as he was going home!)
{bbl:2-1taiiku:Sakuya:13} 夢中で走り回っていたんだろう?見落とした可能性も大いにあるんじゃないか "Can we really be sure that he would have noticed her, even if she had
been there while he was running?"
{bbl:2-1taiiku:Ryouta:14} うーん、それは確かに…… "Good point..."
{bbl:2-1taiiku:San:15} ポロッぷ~わ!
"Coo, coo!"
(Do not look down on Okosan's visual memory!)
{bbl:2-1taiiku:San:16} くりゅぽこぷ~わ!
(If you had asked Okosan about the blood-stained interloper
he saw, then he would have had something to say!)
{bbl:2-1taiiku:Ryouta:17} !? "!?"
{bbl:2-1taiiku:Sakuya:18} !? "!?!?"
{bbl:2-1taiiku:Ryouta:19} ちょ、ちょちょちょっと待って散、今なんて……!? "W-w-w-wait, San, what did you just...!?"
{bbl:2-1taiiku:San:20} ポロッぷ~わ!
"Coo, coo!"
(Do not look down on Okosan's visual memory!)
{bbl:2-1taiiku:Sakuya:21} 違う、その後だ! "After that, imbecile!"
{bbl:2-1taiiku:San:22} くりゅぽこぷ~わ!
(If you had asked Okosan about the blood-stained interloper
he saw, then he would have had something to say!)
{bbl:2-1taiiku:San:23} ポロッぷ~わ!
"Coo, coo!"
(Okosan saw the interloper going to the infirmary!)
{bbl:2-1taiiku:Sakuya:24} 保健室、だと…… "The infirmary...?"
{bbl:2-1taiiku:Ryouta:25} それって、もしかして$namef だったんじゃ…… "Could that have been $namef ...?"
{bbl:2-1taiiku:Sakuya:26} しかし出血したのは死んだ後だった筈だ。
"She wouldn't have been stained with blood until after she died. She
was a bit hyper, but I don't think she'd still be walking around at that
{bbl:2-1taiiku:San:27} ぷ~わ!
($namef じゃないですし!おこさんの知らない鳥でしたし!)
(It was not $namef ! It was a bird unknown to Okosan!)
{bbl:2-1taiiku:Ryouta:28} 放課後の保健室に血まみれの誰かが向かっていた……?一体誰なんだろう…… "So, someone covered in blood was going into the infirmary after school...?
Who in...?"
{bbl:2-1taiiku:Sakuya:29} 誰かは知らんが、重要参考鳥かつ容疑者であることは疑いようもないな "Whoever he is, he's our prime suspect now."
{bbl:2-1taiiku:Ryouta:30} 教えてくれてありがとう、散。助かったよ "Thanks for telling us, San."
{bbl:2-1taiiku:Sakuya:31} 無駄足にはならなかったようだ。解決への糸口というよりは、
"At least we found something. Even if it raises more questions than
it answers."
{bbl:2-1taiiku:Ryouta:32} そうだね "Yeah."
{bbl:2-1taiiku:NARATOR:33} 血まみれの不審な鳥……何か引っかかる。心当たりがあるような、ないような……。 Some bird who San doesn't know... Could it have been someone from outside
the school?
{bbl:2-1taiiku:Sakuya:34} もう昼を回ったのか……次へ行くぞ。こう悠長に進めていては日が暮れる "... it's past noon already. Let us hurry onwards."
{bbl:2-2:NARATOR:0} それから、$namef と親しかった鳥達から話を聞けた僕らは、
$namef と新たな不審者『血まみれの鳥』
And so we walked about the school searching for clues of $namef and the
mysterious blood-stained stranger.
{bbl:2-2:NARATOR:1} 運良く例の案山子男には遭遇せずに移動できたんだけど、
We were lucky enough to avoid encountering the scarecrow, but we didn't
find any information, either.
{bbl:2-2:Ryouta:2} 次は何処に行こう? "Where to now?"
{bbl:2-2:Sakuya:3} そうだな……そろそろ七姫が学園長室の鍵を調達しててもいい頃だろう。
"Hrrm... Nanaki has probably gotten the key for us by now. Let us return
to the lab.
{bbl:2-2:Ryouta:4} うん、わかった "Okay."
{bbl:2-2:NARATOR:5} ……… ......
{bbl:2-2:Ryouta:6} ……あれ? "... huh?"
{bbl:2-2:Sakuya:7} なんだ "What is it?"
{bbl:2-2:Ryouta:8} 朔夜、今何か言った? "Did you say something just now?"
{bbl:2-2:Sakuya:9} いや、何も言ってない。まさかまた案山子男が来たのか!? "I did not. Could it be that confounded scarecrow again!?"
{bbl:2-2:Ryouta:10} 違うんだ、案山子男の音じゃなくて、何か喋り声が聞こえた気がしたんだけど…… "No, it's not him... I thought I heard somebirdie say something."
{bbl:2-2:Sakuya:11} くっ、私に余計な気を使わせるなッ。
"Bah! Don't scare me like that. ... though, we've been walking around
half the day. It's hardly surprising that your mind should be playing tricks
on you.
{bbl:2-2:Ryouta:12} えぇっと、ここは── "This is..."
{bbl:2-2:NARATOR:13} 図書室だ。 The library.
{bbl:2-2:Ryouta:14} ここ、放送が聞こえにくいからまだ避難してない子がいるのかも。
"What if there's somebirdie in here? They might not have heard the alarm. Let's
{bbl:2-2:Sakuya:15} 勝手にしろ "Very well."
{bbl:2-2:NARATOR:16} 非常事態とはいえ、元々不人気なスポットだったから、
Far removed from the emergency throughout the rest of the school, the
library is the same as always--empty. It is a little gloomier than usual.
{bbl:2-2:Ryouta:17} 誰もいない……みたいだね "I guess there's no one here..."
{bbl:2-2:Sakuya:18} しっかりしろ華原。正気を保っていられないなら手下不適合者として解雇するぞ "Pull yourself together, Kawara. I have no use for subordinates who lose
hold of their sanity."
{bbl:2-2:NARATOR:19} 手下になったつもりはないんだけど……。 Since when am I your subordinate?
{bbl:2-2:Ryouta:20} ごめん、やっぱり気のせいだったみたい。化学室に戻ろうか "Sorry, Sakuya. Let's head back to the lab."
{bbl:2-2:NARATOR:21} ……… ......
{bbl:2-2:Nageki:22} やっぱり、何か……何か、良くない事が起こってる "Something... something bad happened."
{bbl:2-2:Nageki:23} ぼくは、この後に何が起こるか、確かに知っていた筈なんだ。
"I should have known what would happen after this... if it hadn't been
for me, none of it would have happened at all."
{bbl:2-2:Nageki:24} ぼくは、ここで何をしようとしていたんだろう。
"What was I trying to do here? What did I see? ... why can't I remember...?"
{bbl:2-2:NARATOR:25} ………。 ......
{bbl:2-2:NARATOR:26} ……………。 ...... !
{bbl:2-2:Nageki:27} 聞こえない。聞こえないよ。何を言ってるの? "I can't hear... what are you saying?"
{bbl:2-2:Nageki:28} 遠ざかってるんだ。きみの声が、ここに届かない── "You're fading away. It's too far..."
{bbl:2-2:Nageki:29} $namel さん……… "Miss $namel ...!"
{bbl:2-2:Ryouta:30} 七姫先生! "Mister Nanaki!"
{bbl:2-2:Kazuaki:31} あ、おかえり~。何か新しいものは、見つかったかな~? "Welcome back. Have you found anything interesting?"
{bbl:2-2:Sakuya:32} ああ。不可解な謎が一つ増えたな "Yet another suspicious individual."
{bbl:2-2:Sakuya:33} しかし今は学園長に話を聞く方が先だ。鍵は手に入れたのか? "But, we should speak with the headmaster first. Have you gotten the
{bbl:2-2:Kazuaki:34} うん、うん。これだよ~ "Yes, I have. Right here."
{bbl:2-2:Ryouta:35} ありがとうございます先生 "Thank you, sir!"
{bbl:2-2:Kazuaki:36} じゃあ、早速行ってみようか~ "Well, let's go have a look, shall we?"
{bbl:2-2:Yuuya:37} 俺と岩峰先生はここに残るよ。気をつけて行っておいで。アデュー! "The doctor and I will be here. Be careful. Adieu!"
{bbl:2-2:NARATOR:38} 右よし Clear left.
{bbl:2-2:NARATOR:39} 左よし Clear right.
{bbl:2-2:Ryouta:40} 大丈夫、案山子男はいないみたいだよ "Good, doesn't look like the scarecrow is here."
{bbl:2-2:Kazuaki:41} 良かった~。大きい生き物が突然追いかけて来るなんて、実際に遭っちゃうと、
"That's good. If I had to fly away from something like that I might panic
and hit the ceiling."
{bbl:2-2:NARATOR:42} ああ、そうか、ウズラって驚いた時は物凄く高く飛び跳ねるんだっけ……。 Oh, right... quails' reflex when startled is to fly straight up.
{bbl:2-2:Sakuya:43} 移動していれば長い腕を引き摺る音が聞こえて来る筈だからな。
"We should hear it dragging its arm when it moves, so we'll have plenty
of time to get away. Let's go in!"
{bbl:2-2:Kazuaki:44} うん、うん。じゃあ、教頭先生から借りてきた鍵を、使うね~ "Right, right. Let's see..."
{bbl:2-2:NARATOR:45} 全然説明をしてくれないまま僕たち皆を体育館に集めた学園長。 The headmaster, who gathered us all in the gym without any real explanation.
{bbl:2-2:NARATOR:46} この部屋にいるなら、僕たちの抱える全ての疑問に、答えをくれるんだろうか? How many of our questions will he be able to answer...?
{bbl:2-2:Ryouta:47} 失礼します "Excuse us!"
{bbl:2-2:Ryouta:48} ……… "......"
{bbl:2-2:Ryouta:49} 返事が、無いね "Maybe he's not here?"
{bbl:2-2:Sakuya:50} む。やはり居留守か "Hrrm. That, or hiding."
{bbl:2-2:NARATOR:51} 本当だ。よく見るとデスクに誰かいる。 There's somebirdie at the desk.
{bbl:2-2:NARATOR:52} こっちに背を向けて腰掛けているからよく見えないけど、
He's sitting with this back to us, but his feathers are the unmistakeable
green of a nicobar.
{bbl:2-2:Sakuya:53} 学園長!聞こえているなら返事ぐらいしろ!耳が遠いのか! "Speak to us, headmaster! Have you gone deaf!?"
{bbl:2-2:Ryouta:54} 朔夜、学園長にまで容赦ない暴言だね……もうちょっと遠慮しようよ、
"Sakuya, be polite! Japan is the country of courtesy, after all."
{bbl:2-2:Sakuya:55} 構うものか。礼儀を欠いているのはあっちだろう "Is it his fault or mine that we had to come here?"
{bbl:2-2:Sakuya:56} 学園長、返事をし── "Headmaster, will you--"
{bbl:2-2:Sakuya:57} こ……これ、は…… "Th... this..."
{bbl:2-2:Ryouta:58} ど、どうしたの朔夜……? "S-Sakuya...?"
{bbl:2-2:Ryouta:59} !! "!"
{bbl:2-2:NARATOR:60} ここにいるのは、学園長じゃない。『学園長だったモノ』だ……。 The thing here... is no longer the headmaster.
{bbl:2-2:NARATOR:61} 半分だけ開いた目は、もう何も映していない。 His half-closed eyes are dull and cloudy.
{bbl:2-2:NARATOR:62} 深緑の羽毛から除く肌は、青ざめている。 The skin showing beneath his feathers is pallid.
{bbl:2-2:Sakuya:63} 馬鹿な……馬鹿な!! "What... what madness...!?"
{bbl:2-2:Ryouta:64} 学園長が、殺された……? "H-him, too...?"
{bbl:2-2:NARATOR:65} ここまでのデータをセーブしますか? Save your progress?
{bbl:2-2:DECYes:66} セーブする Yes
{bbl:2-2:DECNo:67} 先へ進む No
{bbl:3-1:Shuu:0} ……中毒死、ですね。さほど時間は経っていません "... poisoning. Only a few hours ago."
{bbl:3-1:Shuu:1} ただし、今朝の避難警報の時点で既に死んでいた可能性は高いでしょうね "I believe he was already dead when the announcement was broadcasted
this morning, though."
{bbl:3-1:Kazuaki:2} 学園長室の放送機器も確認してみたけど、去年の避難訓練の映像を、
"I checked his broadcasting equipment, and it looks like they put the
video together from last year's disaster drill footage."
{bbl:3-1:NARATOR:3} 誰かが今朝学園長を殺して、それから皆を体育館に集めたってことだよね……。 Meaning, somebirdie killed the headmaster and gathered everyone else in
the gym...
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:4} 一体誰が、何の目的でそんなことを…… "Why would anyone...?"
{bbl:3-1:Sakuya:5} 冒涜的としか言いようが無いな "There is no explanation but mere obscene delight in the grotesque."
{bbl:3-1:Kazuaki:6} なんだか、思っていたよりずっと、大変なことが起こってるみたいだね~ "I think we may all be vastly underestimating the magnitude of whatever's
going on..."
{bbl:3-1:Kazuaki:7} このことは、体育館の皆には、黙っておいた方がいいかも~…… "It might be better if we kept this to ourselves, for now."
{bbl:3-1:Shuu:8} 同感です。状況が把握できていないまま混乱の種を撒く必要もないでしょう "I concur. Until we have a proper grasp of the situation, telling the
others would only cause unnecessary panic."
{bbl:3-1:NARATOR:9} $namef だけじゃなくて、学園長まで毒殺された。 First $namef , and now the headmaster, both poisoned.
{bbl:3-1:NARATOR:10} 殺害犯は、同じなんだろうか? Were they killed by the same person...?
{bbl:3-1:Sakuya:11} 学園長が殺された。つまり学園長はこの封鎖に何らかの形で関わっている筈だ "More rationally, they must have had a reason for killing him and fabricating
the broadcast. This must be connected to the quarantine."
{bbl:3-1:Sakuya:12} ようやくここに入る事ができたんだ。今の内に解決の手がかりが無いか探すぞ、
"Since we're finally here, let us search for some clues, Kawara."
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:13} うん "Right."
{bbl:3-1:NARATOR:14} ……と言っても、学園長室の本棚には資料が山ほど並んでいる。 ... easier said than done. Every shelf in his office is piled high with
documents and papers.
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:15} ど、何処から手をつければいいかな…… "Where do we even start...?"
{bbl:3-1:Sakuya:16} 無能め。これだからカワラバトは……。有事の対策マニュアル、学園の構造、
"Incompetent feral! Examine each piece one at a time, looking for anything
about emergency procedures, plans of the school..."
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:17} わかった、やってみるよ "Got it."
{bbl:3-1:NARATOR:18} 『PTAの活動記録』これは全然関係ない。 PTA Records... That's not it.
{bbl:3-1:NARATOR:19} 『推薦入学の枠組』これも違うよね。 Demographics for Dummies... Nope.
{bbl:3-1:NARATOR:20} 『交換留学生について』それからその隣には── Transfer Students... Wait, next to that is--
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:21} 『人類親善大使について』…… "The Human Representative?"
{bbl:3-1:NARATOR:22} 人類親善大使っていうと、$namef のことだよね。ファイルの記録も2年前だし、
ちょうど$namef が入学する直前だ。
That must mean $namef . And the date is from two years ago: right before
she enrolled.
{bbl:3-1:NARATOR:23} 非常事態に関係があるとは思えないけど、一応見ておこう。 It's not really related to today's incidents, but it might have something
{bbl:3-1:Sakuya:24} 学園のシェルター化……それらしい記述が見当たらないな。
"There doesn't appear to be anything about converting the school into
a shelter... anything this large-scale would have to leave some sort of
paper trail, were it official."
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:25} ……朔夜、ちょっと来て "... hang on, Sakuya."
{bbl:3-1:Sakuya:26} 華原、何を読んでいるんだ? "What are you reading, Kawara?"
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:27} これ "This."
{bbl:3-1:Sakuya:28} 人類親善大使について、か "'The Human Representative'?"
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:29} このファイル、鍵がかかってる。他はどれもそんなの付いてないのに "It's locked, even though none of the others are."
{bbl:3-1:Sakuya:30} 肩書きこそ仰々しいが、
"A minority representative is no more important than a transfer student,
or the like... there's no need to have it sealed up like a criminal record."
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:31} この中身、どうにかして見られないかな "I wonder what's written in here...?"
{bbl:3-1:Sakuya:32} 学園長が死んだ今となっては解錠の方法が分からないからな……
"We can't exactly ask the headmaster to open it for us. I don't suppose
the key is in here somewhere..."
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:33} 緒根さんに頼んでみる、とか "Maybe we should ask mister One for help?"
{bbl:3-1:Sakuya:34} こじ開けるつもりか? "Do you intend to break it open?"
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:35} うん、その方が早いかもしれない "Yeah, it'll be faster than looking around for the key."
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:36} それから── "And--"
{bbl:3-1:Sakuya:37} あれか。私も気になっていた所だ "That? I was wondering about it, as well."
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:38} 学園長のデスクにある、あのあからさまに怪しい機械って、
"That thing on his desk... some sort of control panel? Whatever it is,
it's suspicious."
{bbl:3-1:Sakuya:39} そうらしいな "I believe it is a control panel for some machine, yes."
{bbl:3-1:NARATOR:40} それに、隣に貼ってあるこれって……。 And spread out next to it is...
{bbl:3-1:Sakuya:41} ああ、例の壁だな "The dome."
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:42} 壁か、グラウンドから見えたハッチのどちらかの起動スイッチなのかな "Maybe this is controls the dome? Or the hatch we saw earlier..."
{bbl:3-1:Sakuya:43} 緒根も学園長室にあると予測していたからな "One did postulate that it would be in here."
{bbl:3-1:Sakuya:44} しかし思った通りロックがかかっている。
"Locked, of course... I doubt we will find it easy to break that one."
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:45} そうだね…… "Yeah..."
{bbl:3-1:NARATOR:46} でも、少なくとも今のこの閉鎖環境を抜け出す希望が見えた。
All the same, we have some actual hope of getting out of here, now. Even
just that is comforting.
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:47} この操作パネルのことも、ついでだから緒根さんに相談してみようよ "Let's go talk to mister One."
{bbl:3-1:Sakuya:48} そうと決まればここに留まる理由も無いな。行くぞ "I think we have exhaused the possibilities of this room for the time
being. Let us go."
{bbl:3-1:Shuu:49} 華原君 "Mister Kawara."
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:50} ……何ですか? "... yes, sir?"
{bbl:3-1:Shuu:51} フフ、相変わらず貴方は私に対する敵意を隠そうとしませんね "Hoho, I see you have yet to lose your open distrust of me."
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:52} だって、この学園の中で一人と一羽が毒殺されたんですよ "Well, two people have been poisoned."
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:53} それに、昨日の放課後、
"And we have evidence that the perpetrator went into the infirmary."
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:54} だから、先生を警戒しない鳥なんていません "It's... sort of hard not to doubt you a little, sir."
{bbl:3-1:NARATOR:55} 朔夜は無実を盲信してそうな気がするけど。 Not too hard for Sakuya, though.
{bbl:3-1:Shuu:56} 正直ですね、貴方は "How honest of you."
{bbl:3-1:Shuu:57} もう見つかりましたか?貴方の『忘れ物』は "Did you find it yet? The thing you forgot about."
{bbl:3-1:NARATOR:58} 『忘れ物』──岩峰先生が今朝僕に言ったヒントのことか。 The thing I forgot about? He must be talking about what
he said earlier...
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:59} いいえ。……先生は僕の邪魔をしたいだけなんじゃないんですか? "No. I'm not convinced you're not just trying to mess with me."
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:60} 何か僕らに踏み込まれると困る事があるから、
"Are you sure you're not trying to keep me from finding something you
thought nobirdie knew about?"
{bbl:3-1:Shuu:61} 酷いですねぇ。ここまで疑われると、さしもの私も傷付きます "How cruel, mister Kawara. Your boundless suspicion wounds me."
{bbl:3-1:NARATOR:62} 嘘だ、全然傷付いたって顔をしてない。寧ろ先からずっと薄い笑みを浮かべている。 He doesn't look wounded at all. More like amused.
{bbl:3-1:Shuu:63} 私は、貴方が核心に近付く為の協力を惜しむつもりはありません。
"I have no reason to regret your solving this mystery, mister Kawara.
Let me give you another hint."
{bbl:3-1:Shuu:64} これは、謎解きなどという高等なものではありません。
"There are no riddles here. If you want to find the truth, you need
only keep going. You need not use your brain at all."
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:65} 言ってる意味がよくわからないんですけど…… "What are you talking about?"
{bbl:3-1:NARATOR:66} 謎解きじゃない?いや、それよりも── No riddles? Wait, not that--
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:67} 先生は真相を知ってる、ってことですよね "You mean to say that you know the truth already?"
{bbl:3-1:Shuu:68} さあ?どうでしょうね "Well... who knows?"
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:69} 知っているなら教えてください! "If you do, tell me!"
{bbl:3-1:Shuu:70} 言ったでしょう。貴方はただ進み続ければいい。
"I told you, you need only keep going. Everything here is a plot that
was laid out just for you, after all."
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:71} 僕の為に……? "Just for me...?"
{bbl:3-1:Sakuya:72} おい、華原。いつまで待たせるつもりだ "How long must you babble, Kawara? Come!"
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:73} あ、ごめん……すぐ行くから "Sorry..."
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:74} 岩峰先生、これは先生からの挑戦状ですよね "I take it this is a challenge, doctor?"
{bbl:3-1:Shuu:75} そうですね……そう取って頂いても結構です "Hmm... you may take it that way if you so wish."
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:76} 僕は絶対に、$namef の死の真相を突き止めてみせます。
"I swear, I will find the truth. And if I find that you
killed $namef --"
{bbl:3-1:Shuu:77} ククク……貴方がどのように答えを見付け出すか、楽しみにしていますよ "Hohoho... oh, I do look forward to seeing what sort of answer you find."
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:78} 緒根さん、お邪魔します "Mister One?"
{bbl:3-1:One:79} 若鳥達か。今度は何だ "You two again. What is it?"
{bbl:3-1:NARATOR:80} 僕達は学園長室で見たことを緒根さんに説明した。 We explain to mister One what we found in the headmaster's office.
{bbl:3-1:One:81} いよいよ深刻さを増してきた……といった所か "The plot thickens, I see."
{bbl:3-1:Sakuya:82} このファイルに学園封鎖の謎を解く手掛かりがあるかもしれない。
"We think this file may be connected to the mystery. Can you unlock it?"
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:83} 無理だったら、もうこの際壊してこじ開けても大丈夫です "Or break it."
{bbl:3-1:One:84} ふむ、見せてみたまえ "Let me see."
{bbl:3-1:One:85} これは……少々厄介な代物だな "Hmm... this will be rather troublesome."
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:86} ただの鍵付きフォルダにしか見えないんですけど、何が厄介なんですか? "It's just a lock, right...?"
{bbl:3-1:One:87} 無理矢理あけると爆発する "Forcing it will result in spontaneous combustion."
{bbl:3-1:Sakuya:88} 爆発だと!? "What!?"
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:89} ただの書類にどうしてそんな危険な仕掛けが!? "Why would they put something like that on a bunch of ordinary documents!?"
{bbl:3-1:One:90} ただの書類ではないから、ではないかな "Perhaps because these documents are not ordinary."
{bbl:3-1:Sakuya:91} それにしても無茶苦茶なトラップだな "All the same..."
{bbl:3-1:One:92} こういった爆発トラップは何度も見て来た。
"I have dealt with similar things in the past. It will take time, but
believe I can open it."
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:93} 管理作業員さんって爆発物の処理までする仕事なんですか!? "So defusing bombs falls under maintenance operations?"
{bbl:3-1:One:94} 私はただの管理作業員ではない。ブライト&マッシヴな管理作業員だ "Do not forget, I'm not just a maintenance worker. I am a Bright and
Massive maintenance worker."
{bbl:3-1:NARATOR:95} わけがわからないよ! What does that have to do with anything!?
{bbl:3-1:Sakuya:96} 日本の管理作業員というのは様々な資格を持っているんだな。見直したぞ "So, maintenance work in Japan requires a number of skills. I am impressed."
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:97} いや、緒根さんが特殊なだけじゃないかな…… "Uh, I think mister One is the only..."
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:98} そうだ、ブライト&マッシヴな緒根さんにもう一つお願いしたいことがあるんです "Oh, right! Can we ask you one more thing?"
{bbl:3-1:One:99} ああ、言ってみろ "You may."
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:100} 学園長室にロックのかかった操作パネルがありました。
"We found a control panel that looks like it's for the dome, as well. But
it's locked."
{bbl:3-1:Sakuya:101} 解除方法が分からない。アクセス権限の問題らしい "It seems to require a password."
{bbl:3-1:One:102} ロックの解除か……うむ、それなら坂咲優夜に頼みたまえ "A password? Hrrm... ask mister Sakazaki for help."
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:103} 先輩に? "Yuuya?"
{bbl:3-1:One:104} 不正アクセスなら彼に任せれば問題あるまい。彼の腕は一流だ "He is a master of unauthorized access."
{bbl:3-1:Sakuya:105} あの雑種め、犯罪にまで手を染めていたのか! "So that wretched mongrel has lowered himself to crime!?"
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:106} 先輩、そんなこともできるんだ……。
"I never knew he could... Sakuya, just let it go. We need his help
{bbl:3-1:One:107} この機密フォルダは私が預かっておくとしよう "I shall take care of this folder, then."
{bbl:3-1:One:108} 爆発トラップの解除には少々時間がかかるのでね。
"I can't say for sure, but... it should be done by the time you and
mister Sakazaki get back."
{bbl:3-1:Ryouta:109} はい、そうします "All right. Thanks!"
{bbl:3-1:NARATOR:110} ついでだから、調査ノートも確認しておこう。 We should probably write all this down, since we're here.
{bbl:3-1:NARATOR:111} ここまでのデータをセーブしますか? Save your progress?
{bbl:3-1:DECYes:112} セーブする Yes
{bbl:3-1:DECNo:113} 先へ進む No
{bbl:3-2:Ryouta:0} えぇっと、今先輩がいるのは…… "Where is Yuuya right now...?"
{bbl:3-2:Sakuya:1} フラフラ遊び回っていないなら化学室、か "Either in the lab or possibly gallivanting around like a nincompoop."
{bbl:3-2:Ryouta:2} 携帯が使えたら、簡単に連絡できて助かるんだけどね…… "This would be a lot easier if we could use our phones."
{bbl:3-2:NARATOR:3} 使えないものはどうしようもない。先輩を探しに化学室へ向かおう。 But, we can't. Off to the lab.
{bbl:3-2:Sakuya:4} よし、化学室が見えて来たぞ "Here we are."
{bbl:3-2:Ryouta:5} そうだね。先輩、まだいるといいんだけど "I wonder if he's still in there...?"
{bbl:3-2:NARATOR:6} 僕たちが化学室に続く廊下の、最後の角を曲がったその時── As we turn the corner--
{bbl:3-2:Ryouta:7} !! "!"
{bbl:3-2:NARATOR:8} 案山子男が、目の前に立ちはだかった。 The scarecrow-man blocks our path!
{bbl:3-2:Scarecrow:9} ひゅ、ふす………オ…ォア…… "Uuhh... fssh... oo... wa..."
{bbl:3-2:Sakuya:10} くっ、こんな所で──! "Of all the--"
{bbl:3-2:Ryouta:11} 朔夜!走って!! "Sakuya, run!"
{bbl:3-2:Scarecrow:12} オォオ………あ、お… "Oooh... aah, oh..."
{bbl:3-2:Sakuya:13} わかっている!私に指図するな!! "Don't order me around, feral!"
{bbl:3-2:Ryouta:14} はー、はー………何とか逃げ切った……かな "-pant-... -pant-... we lost it. ... right?"
{bbl:3-2:Ryouta:15} ……あっ "... oh."
{bbl:3-2:NARATOR:16} しまった。夢中で逃げているうちに、朔夜とはぐれてしまったらしい。 Shoot. Sakuya and I must have run in different directions.
{bbl:3-2:Ryouta:17} 大丈夫……だよね… "I hope he's okay."
{bbl:3-2:NARATOR:18} まさかあんなタイミングでまた出くわしてしまうなんて思わなかったよ。 Of all the times to run into that thing again.
{bbl:3-2:NARATOR:19} 待ち伏せされると、腕を引き摺る音でも判断できない。
If it's lying in wait for us like that, we can't rely on the noise of
its arm to find it. And the dome makes the building dark, so it's hard
to see... I'd better be careful.
{bbl:3-2:NARATOR:20} 今頃あの案山子男は何処を歩いているんだろう。
Where is it now? I want to head straight to the lab, but...
{bbl:3-2:Ryouta:21} ……? "...?"
{bbl:3-2:NARATOR:22} 今、何か物音がしたような……。 Did I just hear something?
{bbl:3-2:Ryouta:23} "!"
{bbl:3-2:Ryouta:24} 君、どうしたの?独り? "What are you doing in here all alone?"
{bbl:3-2:Nageki:25} ……! "...!"
{bbl:3-2:Ryouta:26} 外の壁、気付いた?今は避難警報が出て皆体育館に集まってるんだ。
"Did you see the wall outside? There's been an emergency, and everybirdie's
supposed to gather in the gym. You should--"
{bbl:3-2:Nageki:27} ……きみが華原涼太? "... you're... Kawara Ryouta?"
{bbl:3-2:Ryouta:28} えっ…… "Uh..."
{bbl:3-2:NARATOR:29} どうしてこの子は僕の事を知ってるんだろう?どこかで会ったっけ……。 He knows my name? Have I met him somewhere before...?
{bbl:3-2:Ryouta:30} そうだけど……僕たち、どこかで会ってる? "Yeah, uh... have we met before?"
{bbl:3-2:NARATOR:31} 見知らぬナゲキバトは首を振った。 The unfamiliar mourning dove shakes his head.
{bbl:3-2:Nageki:32} 話すのは、初めてだよ "This is the first time we've spoken."
{bbl:3-2:Ryouta:33} じゃあどうして僕の名前を? "Then why do you know my name...?"
{bbl:3-2:Nageki:34} 教えてくれた。$namel さんが "She told me. Miss $namel ."
{bbl:3-2:NARATOR:35} $namef が……?そういえば図書室に引きこもってる友達がいるって言ってたっけ。 $namef ...? Oh, right, didn't she say she made friends with a freshman
who's in the library all the time?
{bbl:3-2:Ryouta:36} 君の名前は? "Can I ask your name?"
{bbl:3-2:Nageki:37} 藤代、嘆 "Fujishiro... Nageki."
{bbl:3-2:Ryouta:38} $namef と友達だったんだよね。あのさ、昨日の放課後、もし$namef を見たなら、
"You were friends with $namef , then? Umm, did you maybe see her after
school yesterday? Was she acting strange at all, or..."
{bbl:3-2:NARATOR:39} あっ。しまった。 Oh. Shoot.
{bbl:3-2:NARATOR:40} この子は避難警報の事を知らないみたいだ。
という事は$namef に何が起こったのかも知らないんじゃないだろうか。
He didn't hear the emergency broadcast. So he probably doesn't know
what happened to her, either.
{bbl:3-2:Ryouta:41} えぇっと……$namef は……。……… "Ummm... she's... ..."
{bbl:3-2:Nageki:42} 別に、いいよ。説明しなくても "Don't worry about it. You don't have to explain again."
{bbl:3-2:Ryouta:43} えっ? "Huh?"
{bbl:3-2:Nageki:44} もう、知ってる "I already know."
{bbl:3-2:Ryouta:45} そっか…… "Oh..."
{bbl:3-2:Nageki:46} $namel さんが、ここに流れ着いて、ぼくに声をかけたから、つまり、そういう事。
$namel さんはもう、生きてはいないんだ
"She washed up here, and spoke to me. Which can only mean one thing... she's
{bbl:3-2:NARATOR:47} なんだか分かり辛い表現をする子だ。
He doesn't exactly make things easy to understand... almost as if he's
talking to himself, and doesn't care whether or not his interlocutor knows
what he means.
{bbl:3-2:Ryouta:48} 流れ着いて声をかけたっていうのは昨日のこと?
放課後、$namef に何かあったんだ。何でもいいから、知ってる事を教えてほしい
"She washed up here? Do you mean yesterday? If you know anything about
what happened to her last night, please tell me!"
{bbl:3-2:Nageki:49} 知らない。昨日は、$namel さん図書室に来てないから "I do not. Miss $namel did not come to the library after school yesterday."
{bbl:3-2:Ryouta:50} うーん、こっちには来てないんだね。ありがとう "Hmm, so she didn't come here, either...? Thanks."
{bbl:3-2:Ryouta:51} 僕は今から急いで化学室に行かなきゃいけないんだけど、
"I need to hurry back to the chemistry lab, and you should probably get
out of here, too. There's a suspicious individual in the building."
{bbl:3-2:Nageki:52} ……$namel さんがここに来たのは、昨日じゃない "... it was not yesterday that miss $namel came here."
{bbl:3-2:Nageki:53} ついさっきだよ "It was... just now."
{bbl:3-2:Ryouta:54} えっ……!? "What...!?"
{bbl:3-2:NARATOR:55} いない。 He's gone.
{bbl:3-2:NARATOR:56} 今そこにいた筈のナゲキバトは忽然と姿を消していた。
The mourning dove who just spoke to me has disappeared. Did he go to
the gym? I hope so...
{bbl:3-2:NARATOR:57} 考えたくはないけど、朔夜の言う通り、僕は正気を保てていないのかもしれない。 I don't really want to consider the possibility, but maybe Sakuya's right.
Maybe I am going crazy.
{bbl:3-2:NARATOR:58} $namef を殺した誰かを見付けるまで、僕は冷静でいなきゃいけないのに─── I have to last long enough to find the killer...!
{bbl:3-2:Sakuya:59} 遅いぞ、華原!これだからドバトは…… "You're late, Kawara! Blasted feral doves..."
{bbl:3-2:Ryouta:60} 朔夜!無事だったんだね! "Sakuya! You're safe!"
{bbl:3-2:Yuuya:61} こうは言ってるけど、朔夜の奴待ってる間かなりキミの事を心配してたんだよ?
"He was pretty worried about you, Ryouta. He couldn't sit still the
entire time you were gone."
{bbl:3-2:Sakuya:62} 貴様、余計な事を言うなッ! "Silence, mongrel!"
{bbl:3-2:Ryouta:63} あはは、ありがとう。心配かけてごめんね "Ahaha, thanks. Sorry for worrying you, Sakuya."
{bbl:3-2:Yuuya:64} さて、話は朔夜から聞いたよ。学園長の専用端末に侵入してほしいんだって? "Anyway, Sakuya filled me in on your adventures. You want me to hack
into the headmaster's computer?"
{bbl:3-2:Ryouta:65} はい、お願いできますか? "Can you do it?"
{bbl:3-2:Yuuya:66} もちろんさ。俺に任せておけば大丈夫大丈夫。さ、行こうか "Naturally. Just leave it to me. Come on, let's go!"
{bbl:3-3:Kazuaki:0} あ、華原くんおかえり~ "Oh, welcome back, Kawara."
{bbl:3-3:Ryouta:1} 先生、この操作パネルなんですけど…… "Sir, about this control panel..."
{bbl:3-3:Kazuaki:2} うん。これって、何だろうね~? "What about it?"
{bbl:3-3:Sakuya:3} 見て分からないのか。あの陰鬱な壁の操作盤に決まっている "Can't you tell? It must be the controls for that dome."
{bbl:3-3:Kazuaki:4} うーん、そうだね~。そうかもしれないね~ "Mmm, right. I suppose it could be."
{bbl:3-3:Ryouta:5} このパネル、ロックがかかってるんです。
"It's locked, though. We were going to have Yuuya get into it for us,
{bbl:3-3:Kazuaki:6} それは、不正アクセスだね~ "That's illegal, you know."
{bbl:3-3:Sakuya:7} 平和ボケも大概にしろ。今の状況を理解していないのか? "That doesn't matter! Don't you comprehend our situation!?"
{bbl:3-3:Kazuaki:8} うん、うん。ダメだとは言ってないよ~。
"I never said you shouldn't do it. We don't have much choice, do we?
Go on."
{bbl:3-3:Ryouta:9} ありがとうございます! "Thank you, sir!"
{bbl:3-3:Yuuya:10} 先生から許可が出たなら鳩胸を張って着手できるよ。じゃ、ちょっと見てみよう "Well, having mister Nanaki's approval certainly helps my conscience. Let's
{bbl:3-3:NARATOR:11} 先輩は慣れた羽付きで操作パネルを起動して、
He wakes up the computer, and before long I have no idea what he's doing
to it.
{bbl:3-3:Ryouta:12} 凄いね、先輩。どこでこんなこと覚えられるんだろう "Wow... I wonder where he learned to do that."
{bbl:3-3:Sakuya:13} どうせ普段から違法動画サイトでいかがわしい
"I imagine he spends his spare time stealing illegal x-rated videos off
the intertubes."
{bbl:3-3:NARATOR:14} 煩悩でこんな技術が身につけられるなら、煩悩のポテンシャル超凄い。 X-rated videos can teach someone how to do this sort of thing? Maybe I
should watch more of them.
{bbl:3-3:Yuuya:15} うん、大丈夫そうだ。後は── "There we go. Now then--"
{bbl:3-3:Yuuya:16} 開いたよ。もう管理者モードでログインした状態になってるから、見てごらん "There. We're logged in as the administrator now."
{bbl:3-3:Ryouta:17} ほんとだ、凄い! "Woohoo!"
{bbl:3-3:Sakuya:18} ……フン "... hmph."
{bbl:3-3:Ryouta:19} でも、開閉ボタンしかない……よね、これ。あっさりしてるなあ "This... only has an open and a close button. I guess that's pretty
{bbl:3-3:Yuuya:20} この難事件を率先して調べているのはキミたちだ。どうするかは任せるよ "Well, I'll leave the rest of this to you two."
{bbl:3-3:NARATOR:21} このボタンを押すと、あの灰色の壁か、壁のハッチのどちらかが開くんだと思う。
If we press this button, either the dome itself or the hatch will probably
open. But with the headmaster dead, we have no way of knowing what's
happening outside.
{bbl:3-3:NARATOR:22} もし……もし空気が汚されるような、大きな災害だとしたら、

If... if there really is some terrible disaster, then opening the dome
could put everybirdie in danger... I wonder if mom's at home. I hope
she's okay...
{bbl:3-3:Sakuya:23} 有害な不審者が徘徊し、学園の代表も殺された。
"There is a dangerous individual wandering the premises, and the bird
in charge is dead. I think it would be wise to open the dome now."
{bbl:3-3:Ryouta:24} うん、それも一理あるね "That's true..."
{bbl:3-3:NARATOR:25} わざわざ先輩に手伝ってもらったんだし、あの壁をどうにかできるなら、
We did get Yuuya to help and everything...
{bbl:3-3:NARATOR:26} どうしよう? We should...
{bbl:3-3:DECOpen it:27} 壁を開く Open it
{bbl:3-3:DECLeave it closed:28} そのままにしておく Leave it closed
{bbl:3-3:Ryouta:29} 開こう。皆の逃げ道を作っておかないと "Let's open it. We need to get everyone out of here."
{bbl:3-3:Sakuya:30} 同感だ。自然災害がデタラメかどうか確かめてやる "Agreed. And we can confirm once and for all that the talk of a disaster
was nonsense."
{bbl:3-3:Ryouta:31} ……でも、開いた方が危ないってこともあるかもしれないし…… "... it might be more dangerous to open it."
{bbl:3-3:Ryouta:32} あ、でも案山子男といるよりはいいのかな。うーん…… "But maybe still better than being stuck inside with the scarecrow..."
{bbl:3-3:Sakuya:33} でもでも優柔不断な奴だな!もういい、私がやる! "Too many buts! Stop waffling, Kawara! Bah, I'll do it myself!"
{bbl:3-3:Ryouta:34} あ、ちょっと……! "Hey, wait--"
{bbl:3-3:Panel:35} 承認しました。脱出用ハッチを開きます "Escape hatch opened."
{bbl:3-3:Ryouta:36} ……壁全体じゃないみたいだね "I guess it's... not for the whole dome."
{bbl:3-3:Sakuya:37} 構わん。外の状況を把握する出口さえできれば十分だ "No matter. All we need to do is get a look outside."
{bbl:3-3:NARATOR:38} もし外が凄い暴風雨になっていたり、そんな災害だったら、
Just having the hatch open is better, anyway, in case there really is
a storm or something out there.
{bbl:3-3:Panel:39} 尚、脱出用ハッチは15分後自動的に閉鎖されます。
"The escape hatch will close automatically in 15 minutes. To reopen
it, please reboot and try again."
{bbl:3-3:Ryouta:40} 勝手に閉まっちゃうってこと?なんだか不便な仕組みなんだね "It closes on its own? That seems like a risky design."
{bbl:3-3:Sakuya:41} 開放は一度きりという訳ではないようだが……面倒だな。
"Fifteen minutes isn't enough to get everyone out..."
{bbl:3-3:Ryouta:42} とにかくグラウンドに出てみようよ。すぐ閉まっちゃうみたいだし "Let's go out and take a look, before it closes."
{bbl:3-3:Ryouta:43} 先生、僕たち今からグラウンドに行ってきます "We're going outside again, mister Nanaki."
{bbl:3-3:Sakuya:44} 外の安全が確認できれば、体育館に集められている全生徒を外に脱出させるぞ。
"If it's safe, we'll organize an evacuation at the gym."
{bbl:3-3:Kazuaki:45} うん、そうだね~。じゃあ、すぐに体育館に伝えられるように、
"Mmm, that's a good idea... maybe I'll come, too."
{bbl:3-3:Kazuaki:46} 坂咲くんと、岩峰先生は、どうします~? "Sakazaki, doctor, what will you two do?"
{bbl:3-3:Shuu:47} そうですね……私としては、もうここに留まる理由も特にありません。
"Hmm... well, I don't have any more business here. I shall return to
the lab."
{bbl:3-3:Yuuya:48} $namef ちゃんを独りにしておくなんて紳士のやることじゃないからね。
"Leaving $namef alone with another man would hardly be gentlemanly, so
I'll go with the doctor.
{bbl:3-3:Kazuaki:49} じゃあ、華原くん、銀くん、行こうか~ "Well, then. Let's go, Kawara, Shirogane."
{bbl:3-3:Sakuya:50} うむ "Very well."
{bbl:3-3:Ryouta:51} はい、行きましょう "Yup!"
{bbl:3-3:Kazuaki:52} 脱出用ハッチっていうのは、どれのことだろう~? "Where was that hatch?"
{bbl:3-3:Sakuya:53} 貴様の目は節穴か。あれだ "Have you eyes, or pickled onions? Right there!"
{bbl:3-3:NARATOR:54} グラウンドの上、ちょっと高い所にあるハッチが開いている。 The hatch, high above the ground, is open.
{bbl:3-3:NARATOR:55} やっぱり学園長室の操作パネルはここに連動してたんだ。 Looks like the control panel worked.
{bbl:3-3:Ryouta:56} あれぐらいの高さなら、飛ぶのが苦手な子でも十分飛んでいけそうだね。
"Hmm... I think everybirdie should be able to fly up to that. It's a
little narrow, so we'll have to go two or three at a time..."
{bbl:3-3:Sakuya:57} しかし、壁の外は── "But, outside--"
{bbl:3-3:Ryouta:58} ……うん "... yeah."
{bbl:3-3:Ryouta:59} 晴れてる、よね "It's perfectly clear."
{bbl:3-3:NARATOR:60} ここからは空しか見えないけど、少なくとも嵐でも何でもない。
We can only see the sky, but there is no storm or gale. Nothing but
the same calm autumn sky from this morning.
{bbl:3-3:Sakuya:61} 地震でもない、暴風雨でもない。わざわざ学園長の録画映像を使ったんだ、
"No earthquake, and no typhoon, and the announcement video was a fake. I
think it safest to assume that the whole thing was a lie."
{bbl:3-3:Sakuya:62} 外の様子は気になるが、わざわざ短時間で自動的に閉まる作りといい、
"I am curious about the state of things out there, but... the door closes
on its own, so we had best think carefully before going out."
{bbl:3-3:NARATOR:63} ハッチを通して見えるのは空だけ。これじゃ外で何が起こってるのかは分からない。 We can't see the city at all... We don't really know what's going out
there, if anything.
{bbl:3-3:NARATOR:64} だけど、もしこれがただの自然災害じゃないなら、この壁も$namef
But if there really is no disaster, and this is all some plot surrounding
$namel 's death, then we need more clues...
{bbl:3-3:Ryouta:65} 僕が行くよ "I'll go."
{bbl:3-3:Sakuya:66} 正気か?外の安全を保証するものは何も無いぞ "Are you sure? We have no guarantee that it's safe out there."
{bbl:3-3:Ryouta:67} それはここにいても一緒だよ。だから── "It isn't safe here, either."
{bbl:3-3:StudentA:68} あっ、壁に穴が開いてるぞ! "Look, the hatch is open!"
{bbl:3-3:StudentB:69} 本当だ!これで家に帰れる! "It is! We can go home!"
{bbl:3-3:Kazuaki:70} ダメだよ~。みんな体育館に集まってるんだから、まだ出て来ちゃいけないよ~ "No, you're supposed to be in the gym! You shouldn't go out yet."
{bbl:3-3:StudentA:71} あんな適当な説明で閉じ込められるなんてごめんだ! "Like heck are we sticking around with nothing but that bogus explanation
from earlier!"
{bbl:3-3:StudentB:72} 息が詰まりそうだ!俺は出て行く! "I can't wait any longer! I'm going out!"
{bbl:3-3:Sakuya:73} おい、戻れ!戻って来い! "Wait, come back! Come back at once!"
{bbl:3-3:Ryouta:74} 待って、外はどうなってるか分からないんだよ! "We don't know if it's safe out there yet!"
{bbl:3-3:StudentB:75} ぎゃあああぁぁーーッ!! "Gaaaaaaaaah!"
{bbl:3-3:NARATOR:76} !! !
{bbl:3-3:Sakuya:77} 銃声だと!? "A gunshot!?"
{bbl:3-3:Ryouta:78} 早く!早く助けに行かないと!! "W-we have to go help him!"
{bbl:3-3:Sakuya:79} 落ち着け華原、貴様も撃ち殺されるぞ!! "Calm down, Kawara! You'll only get yourself shot, as well!"
{bbl:3-3:Ryouta:80} でも──!! "But--"
{bbl:3-3:NARATOR:81} 呆然とする僕らを嘲笑うように、
As if to laugh at my shock, the hatch gives an unpleasant rumble and swings
{bbl:3-3:NARATOR:82} 撃たれた。
He was shot. As soon as he went out, someone on the other side shot him.
{bbl:3-3:NARATOR:83} 自然災害じゃない。外に行くと殺される。
It's not a natural disaster. If we go out, we get killed. But why...?
{bbl:3-3:NARATOR:84} ここまでのデータをセーブしますか? Save your progress?
{bbl:3-3:DECYes:85} セーブする Yes
{bbl:3-3:DECNo:86} 先へ進む No
{bbl:4-1:NARATOR:0} 突然各クラスに届けられた$namef の体。 $namef 's corpse, delivered without warning throughout the school.
{bbl:4-1:NARATOR:1} 避難警報と共に体育館に集められた僕たち。


The students, gathered without explanation in the gym. The headmaster,
appearing on-screen to announce an emergency situation, and
then turning up dead. The grey dome, enclosing the school.
{bbl:4-1:NARATOR:2} 封鎖された校内に何処からともなく現れた危険な不審者、案山子男。 The scarecrow, appearing for no apparent reason in the sealed-off building.
{bbl:4-1:NARATOR:3} それから──
And now-- The students, shot dead if they try to escape.
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:4} 外では、何が起こっているんだろう…… "What is going on outside...?"
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:5} ……屈辱的だな。思っていたより状況はかなり悪いらしい "... how humiliating. It would seem that things are worse than we ever
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:6} 僕がちゃんと引き止めていたら、こんな犠牲は…… "If only I'd stopped him..."
{bbl:4-1:Kazuaki:7} 残念だけど、後悔しても、仕方ないよ~。華原くんは落ち込んじゃ、いけないよ~ "There was nothing we could do that we didn't, Kawara. The last thing
you need to do now is start mourning what we've lost."
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:8} この程度で調査を中断するつもりじゃないだろうな "You don't intend to give up now, do you?"
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:9} ……うん。大丈夫。続けよう "... no. I'm fine. We have to keep going."
{bbl:4-1:Kazuaki:10} 体育館にいる皆には、まだこの事は、黙っておくね~。
"I think we should keep quiet about this to everyone in the gym. We
can explain to them after we've figured out what to do..."
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:11} はい、お願いします "Yeah, that's probably the best way to do it."
{bbl:4-1:NARATOR:12} ようやく見付けた出口は、
Our one chance at escape turns out to be a one-way ticket across the Styx.
{bbl:4-1:NARATOR:13} このまま学園の中で謎を解き明かす手掛かりを探すしかない。 There's nothing we can do but search for clues inside the school...
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:14} 次はどこを調査するべきか…… "Where shall we go next?"
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:15} 一旦管理作業員室に戻ろう。緒根さんが学園長のファイルを開いてくれてるかも "Let's go back to the maintenance office. Mister One might have that
file open."
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:16} うむ "Very well."
{bbl:4-1:NARATOR:17} 僕たちは管理作業員室に戻って、グラウンドで起こった事を緒根さんに説明した。 We return to the maintenance office, and explain what outside to mister
{bbl:4-1:One:18} そうか……どうやら予測されていた最悪の事態が起こりつつあるようだ "I see... it seems that our worst predictions have come to bear their
evil fruit."
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:19} 『予測されていた』だと?貴様、もしや何か知っていたのか? "Our worst predictions? Do you know something?"
{bbl:4-1:One:20} 知っていた訳ではない。知っていることと、予測できることは、全く違うものだ。
"We can predict things without knowing that they will happen. Confusing
predictions with reality can be fatal, young one."
{bbl:4-1:NARATOR:21} 緒根さんて、管理作業員さんにしては多才過ぎると思ってたけど── I've been wondering for a while...
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:22} 緒根さん、教えてください。緒根さんは本当にただの管理作業員さんなんですか? "Umm, mister One... are you really just a maintenance worker?"
{bbl:4-1:One:23} 無関係の生徒が射殺された。こうなっては私も正体を明かすしかあるまい "Hmm. An innocent student was shot. I suppose it's time I introduced
myself properly."
{bbl:4-1:One:24} 私の名はレオネJB。ハト派組織天翔ける翼 "I am Leone JB. One of the great 'Soaring Wings' of the Dove Party.
S-class agent. Pleased to meet you."
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:25} は、ハト派……? "Th-the Dove Party...?"
{bbl:4-1:NARATOR:26} 緒根さん、どう見てもオカメインコだけど……。 He looks like a cockatiel to me.
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:27} 聞いた事がある。人間との共存を謳う思想を持った秘密組織だな "I have heard of this Dove Party. The secret organization that advocates
living in harmony with humans, correct?"
{bbl:4-1:LeoneJB:28} その通りだ。よく知っているな若鳥よ "You are well-informed, young one."
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:29} ふっ、貴族の基礎教養だ "Hmph. It is a noble's duty to be well-informed."
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:30} 僕だけ置いてけぼりにされてる気分なんだけど…… "I feel like I must have missed something..."
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:31} この世界には大別して二つの思想が存在する。
"There are two schools of thought driving the politics of today. The
Dove Party, who believe we should live peacefully with humans, and the
Hawk Party, who believe we should exterminate them."
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:32} 駆逐!?でも世界史ではもう鳥類と人間との戦争は終わったって教えてもらったよ "Exterminate!? But I thought the wars with humans were over!"
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:33} 甘いな。戦争はやめよう、平和を目指そうと表向きに宣言したところで
"Do you really believe that everyone just decided to live
happily together?"
{bbl:4-1:LeoneJB:34} 大変残念なことだが、そういうことだ若鳥よ。
"Sadly, that is not how the world works. There are still many disagreements
between birds and humans, and so the Hawks and the Doves have come to the
{bbl:4-1:LeoneJB:35} そして、私はタカ派の不穏な動きを察知した天翔ける翼 "We discovered Hawk activity at this school, and so I was despatched
to investigate. And, what we feared would happen... has happened."
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:36} ちょ、ちょっと待ってください!
"W-wait a minute, are you saying the Hawk Party has something to do with
St. Pigeonation's!?"
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:37} 俄には信じ難いな……この学園は人類との共存を目指している。
$namel を人類親善大使として迎えたのもその一環だった筈だろう?
"It seems hard to believe... this school is known for its tolerant policies
towards humans. It even welcomed $namel as a representative."
{bbl:4-1:LeoneJB:38} 断言はできない。しかし、
"I cannot confirm or deny it... But there are a growing number of Hawk
operatives attached to the school."
{bbl:4-1:LeoneJB:39} 諸君の抱く疑問に対する答えはこの学園長の機密ファイルが示してくれるだろう "The headmaster's secret file will probably answer some of your questions."
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:40} あっ、もう開いたんですね!ありがとうございます! "Oh, you got it open! Thank you!"
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:41} それなら話が早い。中を確認するぞ "That should speed things up a little. Let's look inside."
{bbl:4-1:NARATOR:42} ~人類親善大使について~ The Human Representative
{bbl:4-1:NARATOR:43} 鳥類と人類が手を取り合い繁栄していく輝かしい未来の象徴として、
To help humans and birds advance hand-in-feather towards a bright and
happy future, we have decided to enroll one human in the school starting
in the year 2187.
{bbl:4-1:NARATOR:44} 15歳の全人類の中から遺伝的にスマトラインフルエンザに対する耐性と、
They will be the Human Representative. The pandemic has long since ended,
but we must nonetheless be cautious of the risk of infection with Sumatera
Influenza when making our selection.
{bbl:4-1:NARATOR:45} We will pick a strong, healthy fifteen-year old human who displays hereditary
resistance to Sumatera influenza.
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:46} 人類親善大使……どうやら$namel のことを指しているらしいな "The Human Representative... this is talking about $namel , no matter
how we look at it."
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:47} 2187年度からっていうことは、ちょうど僕たちが入学した年だしね "2187... that's when we enrolled here."
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:48} まだ続きがあるよ。読んでみよう "Come on, let's read the rest."
{bbl:4-1:NARATOR:49} 人類親善大使は人間からの歩み寄りの象徴である。
The chosen individual will be a symbol of human concession, to wit, a
hostage for birds. If the Representative is to die in the school, the
entire campus will be sealed off, and all the birds inside will be given
to the humans as prisoners.
{bbl:4-1:NARATOR:50} 死亡が判明してから12時間後に封鎖は解除され、
The seal will be lifted twelve hours after the death is confirmed, and
the birds will be delivered to the humans. The school will be declared
an extraterritorial zone, and avian protests of any human reprisal will
not be tolerated.
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:51} 学園内で$namef が死んだ場合は、学園を封鎖……? "If $namef is to die...?"
{bbl:4-1:NARATOR:52} やっぱり$namef がこんな目に遭った事と、
So her death was connected to the dome, after all.
{bbl:4-1:NARATOR:53} それに── And--
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:54} 注視すべきは最後の血なまぐさい取引だな "The important part is this final gruesome exchange."
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:55} これってつまり、人類の代表である$namef に何かあったら、
"Basically, if anything happens to $namef , the representative of humanity,
then... the entire school takes the blame."
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:56} そうらしいな。あの忌々しい鳥籠で我々を閉じ込め、
"So it would seem. They trap us in here to give the humans time to
arm themselves."
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:57} 12時間後には灰色の壁は開かれるが、
"The dome will open in a few hours, but what awaits us outside is a horde
of bloodthirsty monkeys... how humorous."
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:58} 全然笑えないよ! "I-it's not humorous at all!"
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:59} $namel の入学にあたって裏ではこんな取引が為されていた訳か。
"So, this was the true face of her enrollment here... I rather think
that this whole thing was arranged to widen the divide between humans and
birds from the start."
{bbl:4-1:LeoneJB:60} うむ。この学園には非常に複雑な生い立ちがあるらしいのでな "Indeed. Things here go deeper than we ever realized."
{bbl:4-1:LeoneJB:61} 諸君も知っての通り、この学園は表向きには人類に対して歩み寄りを見せ、
"As you know, this school's public stance is very liberal on the human
cohabitation issue."
{bbl:4-1:LeoneJB:62} 実際、学園設立の主な出資者である壱条グループも20
"In fact, the school's principle financer, the Ichijou Group, has been
heavily involved in human charities for the past twenty years."
{bbl:4-1:LeoneJB:63} 聖ピジョネイション学園は人類と共にあろうと、それを目指して生まれた。
"I have investigated the history of St. Pigeonation's extensively, and
I can confirmed that it was founded with the ideal of coexistence with
{bbl:4-1:LeoneJB:64} しかしそこにタカ派の不穏因子が紛れ込んだ。
"But the Hawk Party has been sending agents here for a long time, eating
away at the system. Like a dreadful virus."
{bbl:4-1:LeoneJB:65} この人類親善大使の契約は、以前から我々『天翔ける翼』
"We have had information about this document for some time. It is real."
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:66} 一度に沢山の情報が入ってきて、どうにかなりそうだよ。
"It's kind of hard to take all this in at once... just to make sure--"
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:67} $namef が死んでから12時間は学園全体が壁で覆われる。
その間に$namef の敵討ちの為に人類が集まってくる。
"For twelve hours, the dome will remain closed. During that time, humans
will gather to take revenge. And then--"
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:68} 壁が開かれると同時に、人間による鳥類大虐殺が始まるということだ "... when the dome opens, they will kill every bird in sight."
{bbl:4-1:LeoneJB:69} そして、それを引き金にまた人類と鳥類の全面戦争時代が始まるかもしれん "And with that, another era of war between birds and humans will begin."
{bbl:4-1:NARATOR:70} 脱出用ハッチから飛び出した直後に撃ち落とされてしまった生徒達。
That student who got shot when he flew out the hatch... There are already
humans waiting out there with guns.
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:71} $namel の死体が発見されたのは今朝だ。直後に封鎖が始まった事を考えると
"She was discovered this morning, and the dome was raised soon after. So
the time is not from when she died but from when
her death is confirmed."
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:72} 避難警報が出たのは二時間目だったか "The evacuation was about... Two hours ago?"
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:73} うん。二時間目が始まってすぐだったから……10時頃かな "Yeah. It was right at the start of second period. Around 10 o'clock."
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:74} ということは、今夜22時になると我々は無条件で射殺される訳だ "And so we have until ten PM before we're all killed."
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:75} ……冷静だね、朔夜。さっき目の前で犠牲者が出たばかりなのに "... you seem awfully calm, Sakuya. Even after watching somebirdie get
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:76} うろたえるな。後ろばかりを見ていては、次に死ぬのは貴様だぞ "Remain calm, Kawara. Do nothing but worry about what's gone wrong
and you'll be next."
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:77} 誰が企てたか知らんが、ル・ベルの血族に低俗な挑発をした事、後悔させてやる…! "I do not know who did this, but they will rue the day they decided to
tangle with a Le Bel...!"
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:78} レオネさん、今は何時ですか? "What time is it, mister Leone?"
{bbl:4-1:LeoneJB:79} 14時を回ったところだ "Just past two."
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:80} 残り8時間足らずか "We have only eight hours, then."
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:81} 8時間…… "Eight hours..."
{bbl:4-1:NARATOR:82} 8時間以内に脱出する方法を見付けなければ、皆殺される。
We have to find an escape route in eight hours, or we'll be killed. But
if we go outside, we'll be killed anyway.
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:83} ただ脱出するだけじゃ駄目なんだ。何か他の方法を探さないと "Just getting outside isn't enough... there has to be another way!"
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:84} 私の辞書に不可能は無い。調査を続行するぞ "My dictionary does not contain the word 'impossible'. We shall continue
the investigation!"
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:85} 朔夜は前向きだね。君がこの学園に来てくれて良かった "You're very decisive, Sakuya. I'm glad you're here."
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:86} フン、そんな見え見えのおだてには乗らないぞ "Hmph! Do not attempt to flatter me, Kawara."
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:87} おだてじゃないよ、本当にそう思ってるんだってば "I'm not. I mean it."
{bbl:4-1:NARATOR:88} $namef の死と学園の封鎖が関係していることが分かった。
$namef の死には、間違いなく何か大きな陰謀が関わっている筈だ。
We've found the connection between $namef 's death and the dome. There
is clearly some sort of intrigue behind it all.
{bbl:4-1:NARATOR:89} 真相を知らないまま殺されるなんて、嫌だ。 I don't want to die without knowing the truth.
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:90} レオネさん、僕たち出発します。
"We'd better go now. We have to solve this before we run out of time."
{bbl:4-1:LeoneJB:91} 頼もしいな若鳥よ。私からのアドバイスは……そうだな、『灯台下暗し』だ "You are a promising lad. If I were to give you a piece of advice,
well... don't miss the forest for the trees."
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:92} 灯台下暗し……だと? "Don't miss the forest for the trees...?"
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:93} !! "!"
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:94} 朔夜、この機密ファイルあと1枚ある "Sakuya, there's one more file!"
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:95} えぇっと…… "Ummm..."
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:96} オペレーション・ハートフル……? "Operation Hatoful...?"
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:97} なんだそれは "What is that?"
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:98} わからない。『オペレーション・ハートフルについて』とだけ書かれてて…… "I don't know. That's what it says on here..."
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:99} 下半分が破られているな。これでは内容まで読めない "The bottom half is torn off... We can't read it, at any rate."
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:100} ここにあるってことは、ろくな内容じゃ無さそうな予感がするけど
"I don't feel like it has anything hopeful, anyway... That's an awfully
friendly name for a confidential document, though."
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:101} これだから日本鳥は……。よく見ろ、ハートフルのスペルはhurtfulだ。
"Stupid Japanese... look, it's spelled 'hurtful'."
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:102} そ、そうだったの!? "W-woah, it is!"
{bbl:4-1:NARATOR:103} ハートウォーミング的な意味しか知らなかったよ! I thought 'hatoful' just meant 'heartful'!
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:104} hurtfulとは有害だとか、痛みをもたらすという意味だ。覚えておけ "I suspect that we will find many of the things to come quite hurtful."
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:105} う、うん、わかった……勉強になったよ… "R... right..."
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:106} ハートフルも、このフォルダに一緒に入ってるってことは重要な事なんだね。
"It was probably something important, given that it was in the locked
{bbl:4-1:LeoneJB:107} そういうことだ。私もこのフレーズを見たのは初めてだが、そうだな
"Indeed. I hadn't heard of this hurtful thing before, but... you
might want to look into the school's history."
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:108} 学園の歴史? "The school's history?"
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:109} 少なくとも学園長は親善大使が死亡した場合に起こることを知っていた "At any rate, the headmaster must have known what would happen after
$namel died."
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:110} 脱出用ハッチも、封鎖直後であれば人間がやってくる前に逃げ出せるだろうと
"The escape hatch was no doubt put in place to allow him alone to escape."
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:111} だとしたら、学園長は自分独りだけ助かる事が
"Which means that maybe he had a guarantee of safety for himself...?"
{bbl:4-1:NARATOR:112} 故鳥を悪く言うのはちょっと心苦しいけど、なんだかイヤな気分だ。 I don't want to suspect an elder, but... it does look that way.
{bbl:4-1:Sakuya:113} とにかく、今起こっている一連の出来事は、学園そのものに密接に関わる事件だ。
"Everything going on here is connected. We may well find something
of use in the records."
{bbl:4-1:Ryouta:114} そうだね。じゃあ学園の資料も探してみよう "Right. Let's go look at the school documents, then."
{bbl:4-1:LeoneJB:115} この学園には私以外にもハト派エージェントが派遣されている。
"I'm not the only Dove agent in this school. I'm sure the other will
help you, as well. Good luck, gentlemen."
{bbl:4-1:NARATOR:116} さあ、調査を再開しよう。 Time to go look for more clues.
{bbl:4-1:NARATOR:117} …今すぐ出発してもいいけど、一応調査ノートは確認しておこうかな。 ... maybe we should write in the notes, first.
{bbl:4-1:NARATOR:118} ここまでのデータをセーブしますか? Save your progress?
{bbl:4-1:DECYes:119} セーブする Yes
{bbl:4-1:DECNo:120} 先へ進む No
{bbl:4-2:Ryouta:0} レオネさんは学園史を確認しろって言ってたけど、どう調べればいいかな "Mister Leone said to investigate the school's history, but... how? Where
do we look?"
{bbl:4-2:Sakuya:1} 妥当な場所としては学園長室か、図書室だろうな "The headmaster's office, or the library, perhaps."
{bbl:4-2:Ryouta:2} 学園長室はもう調べたよね。何か学園の歴史に関する資料ってあったっけ? "We already looked through the headmaster's office... did you see anything
like school records or anything?"
{bbl:4-2:Sakuya:3} ない訳ではなかったが、数は限られていた上に特に目を引く情報は無かった筈だ "I would have thought they would be there, but I don't recall seeing
{bbl:4-2:Ryouta:4} じゃあ図書室で決まりだね "The library it is, then."
{bbl:4-2:Ryouta:5} それから、まだ解けていない謎っていうと── "And, the mystery we have left to solve is--"
{bbl:4-2:Sakuya:6} 尾呼が昨日放課後に見たという、保健室に向かった血まみれの鳥、か "The blood-stained stranger Oko saw going into the infirmary yesterday."
{bbl:4-2:NARATOR:7} そうだ。学園長が殺されていたり、壁の向こうに殺気立った人間が集まっていたり、
Exactly. What with the headmaster dying, an army of gun-toting bipeds
showing up to turn us all into jerk chicken, and it all, I almost forgot
about it.
{bbl:4-2:Ryouta:8} あと、案山子男のことも、よく分からないままだね "And the scarecrow. We still don't know where he came from..."
{bbl:4-2:Sakuya:9} 案山子男も学園の封鎖と共に現れた。一連の事態と無関係ということはないだろう。
"He appeared along with the dome, and no doubt is connected to it. If
we continue to investigate it, I am sure his origins will become clear."
{bbl:4-2:Sakuya:10} しかし、今は$namel の不可解な死を解き明かす上で
"... and $namel 's gruesome end is the best clue we have. For now, we
should forget the puppet, and chase after the blood- stained bird."
{bbl:4-2:Ryouta:11} 僕も同じ気持ちだよ "Right."
{bbl:4-2:NARATOR:12} これで行動指針は固まった。

That's that decided, then. We'll go to the library to read up on the
school's history, and... we'll look for that bird. It probably doesn't
matter, but which should we do first?
{bbl:4-2:NARATOR:13} どうしよう? Go...
{bbl:4-2:DECTo the library:14} 図書室に行く To the library
{bbl:4-2:DECLook for the bird:15} 血まみれの鳥を探す Look for the bird
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Ryouta:0} 血まみれの鳥……何か引っかかるなあ "The blood-stained bird... Hmm."
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Sakuya:1} 心当たりでもあるのか? "Do you have an idea?"
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Ryouta:2} ある……気はするんだけど "I... feel like I should..."
{bbl:4-2kagaku:NARATOR:3} 日常生活でこんな不穏なフレーズを耳にすることなんてそう無さそうなんだけど、
It's not something I'd encounter normally, but for some reason... Don't
I know somebirdie like that?
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Sakuya:4} はっきりしない奴だな。時間には限りがあるんだぞ。
"Vague, as always. We do have a time limit, here. We must not fall
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Ryouta:5} うん、わかってる。思い出せたらすぐに言うよ "I know, I know. If I remember what it is I'll say right away."
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Ryouta:6} 昨日の放課後のことなら、坂咲先輩が知ってる筈なんだ。
"Maybe Yuuya was still in there? Let's go ask him again."
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Sakuya:7} 奴は下校時間まで保健室にいたと言っていたからな。
"... he did say he was there until he returned home. If anyone went
in, he should have seen them. However--"
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Sakuya:8} あいつは特別な事は何も起こらなかったと言っていた。
"He said that he saw nothing out of the ordinary. If what said is true,
then he was lying."
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Ryouta:9} もしそうだとしたら、岩峰先生も何か知ってるのに黙ってるってことになるよね "Which would mean that the doctor was lying, too."
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Sakuya:10} ………… "......"
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Sakuya:11} ──フン、まあいい。化学室に向かうぞ "... hmph. Very well."
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Ryouta:12} 坂咲先輩! "Yuuya!"
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Yuuya:13} サリュー!どうだい、調査の方は "Salutations! How goes the investigation?"
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Sakuya:14} 順調に進んでいる。私を誰だと思っているんだ "Well. Just who do you think I am?"
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Yuuya:15} わかってるわかってる、俺と違って朔夜は出来のいい鳩だからねぇ "Yeah, yeah. Unlike me, you're a very capable bird."
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Ryouta:16} 先輩、確認したいことがあってここに来ました "Yuuya, we wanted to ask you something."
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Yuuya:17} 確認?何だろう。俺のプライベートに関わること以外なら答えてあげるよ。
"Oh? I'll answer anything that doesn't violate my privacy, so ask away."
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Ryouta:18} 本当に先輩は、昨日の放課後何も見ていないんですか? "Did you really not see anything yesterday after school?"
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Yuuya:19} ……質問の意図がわからないな "... I'm not sure what you mean."
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Yuuya:20} 俺はもう、昨日のことは証言したよね?
"I thought the doctor and I already verified each other's innocence? We
were in the infirmary the entire time."
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Ryouta:21} 散が言っていました。
"We talked to San earlier. He said that he saw a blood-stained stranger
going to the infirmary yesterday."
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Sakuya:22} 貴様はその血まみれの鳥を見ていないのか? "Did you see anything like that?"
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Yuuya:23} うーん……ごめんね、心当たりはないよ "Umm... nope, sorry."
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Sakuya:24} 貴様自身がその血まみれの鳥だったという可能性は? "Could you be the blood-stained bird yourself?"
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Yuuya:25} 物騒な事を言うねぇ。見ての通り俺はどこも怪我なんてしてないよ "Yikes! No, as you can see, I'm not hurt anywhere at all."
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Yuuya:26} それに、その目撃情報っていうのは『保健室に向かうのを見た』
"Besides, he said he saw this bird going to the infirmary,
not going into the infirmary, right?"
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Ryouta:27} そっか……言われてみればその通りだ "... yeah, he did."
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Yuuya:28} とにかく、俺は何も見てないし、何も知らない。これ以上言えることはないね。
"Anyway, I didn't see anything. There's not much more I can say. Right,
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Shuu:29} ……ええ、坂咲君の言う通りです。昨日は誰も、来ませんでしたよ "... yes, that's right. No one came yesterday."
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Ryouta:30} 朔夜、多分ここにいてもこれ以上の話は聞けそうに無いよ。何か他の糸口を探そう "I don't think we'll find anything more here, Sakuya. Let's move on."
{bbl:4-2kagaku:Sakuya:31} ……そうだな "... indeed."
{bbl:4-2kagaku:NARATOR:32} 保健室にいた坂咲先輩と岩峰先生。本当に二羽は何も見ていないんだろうか?
Did those two really not see anything yesterday? If there had actually
been some blood-stained stranger, then...
{bbl:4-2kagaku:NARATOR:33} 岩峰先生とグルになって嘘をついてるってことだよね…… That would mean that... Yuuya and the doctor are hiding something.
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:0} 図書室か……嘆はもう体育館に移動してるかな "The library... I wonder if Nageki's at the gym yet."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Sakuya:1} 嘆?誰だそれは "Nageki? Who?"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:2} 藤代嘆って子がね、さっきまで図書室にいたんだよ "I met him in the library earlier."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Sakuya:3} 逃げ遅れた生徒か?この非常事態に救い難いノロマだな "He stayed behind? An unusually dense individual, to be sure."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:4} 図書室はここから少し遠い。 The library's a little ways away from here.
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:5} 僕達は早足で階段を駆け上がった。 We spend some time jogging through the hallways.
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:6} 今までなるべく気にしないようにしようと思ってたけど、
"I've been trying to ignore it, but the dim light makes the library even
creepier than the rest of the school..."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Sakuya:7} この状況でそういった気が回るとは、逆に神経が図太いんじゃないか貴様は "Getting hung up over little things in a time like this is a sign of
weak nerves."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:8} そ、そうかな…… "Really...?"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Sakuya:9} で、学園の資料は何処にある? "Well, then. Where are the school documents?"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:10} うーん、普通ここに来る生徒ってそういうのは見ないよね。
"Hmm... probably not where just anybirdie can look at them."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Sakuya:11} 奥まった所にある可能性が高いということか。面倒だな。
"They are probably somewhere in the back, then. How dull. Come, let
us search."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:12} うん "Right."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:13} 古い画集にイマイチ使い道の無さそうな古い辞書……
Books, books, and none of them what we're looking for. I was hoping
it would be in this corner, but apparently not...
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:14} 隣にあるのも、最後に誰が借りたのかもわからないぐらい埃まみれの百科事典で─ And here, a line of incredibly dusty encyclo--
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:15} ?
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:16} 変なの。この百科事典、9巻が2冊並んでる。 That's odd. There are nine of them.
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:17} しかも6巻が無いし……酷い発注ミスだなあ。
"Volume six is missing... huh, that's weird. Did somebirdie misfile
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:18} ……そんなことより聖ピジョネイションの歴史だ。大判の棚に無いってことは、
"... anyway, St. Pigeonation's history. It's not back here with the large
volumes, so maybe it's a smaller book...?"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Nageki:19} 表には、出てないよ "It's not here."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:20} !! "!"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:21} まだここにいたの? "You never left?"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Nageki:22} ここにいちゃ、いけないの? "Is that a problem?"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:23} いけないっていうか……ほら、さっきも言ったけど、
"Well, not really, but... I told you earlier, there's an emergency going
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Nageki:24} ふーん…… "Hmm..."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:25} ふーんって。事態の深刻さを分かっていないのか、
"Hmm?" I can't tell if he doesn't realize what's going on, or just
doesn't care.
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Nageki:26} 史料 "The records."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:27} えっ? "Huh?"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Nageki:28} 学園の歴史、そんなところを探しても、永遠に見付からない "Keep looking there and you'll never find them."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:29} もしかして、何処にあるか知ってる? "So... you know where they are?"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Nageki:30} うん "Yup."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:31} こんな非常事態でも図書室に籠っているぐらいの図書室の民だ。
Well, since he's here even now, I imagine he basically lives in here... so
it's hardly surprising that he knows where to find things.
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:32} 急ぎの用で必要なんだ。場所を教えてもらえると助かるんだけど…… "I don't have much time. Could you tell me where to find them?"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Nageki:33} 閉架 "By request."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:34} へ…へいか? "R-request...?"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Nageki:35} ……知らないの? "... you don't know what that is?"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:36} 軽蔑の眼差しで見られてしまった。 He gazes at me with eyes like black holes of cosmic disdain.
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Nageki:37} 開架の反対。表に出てないってこと "You can only get at them by request. They're not kept out here."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:38} じゃあ、どこかに仕舞われてる? "Then... where are they kept?"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Nageki:39} うん。図書委員のカウンターの、裏側。鍵がかかってる訳じゃないから、
"Behind the reception desk, in the back. It's not locked, so go ahead."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:40} 確かに受付カウンターの向こう側にも、
There are a number of bookshelves behind the desk, it's true.
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:41} ありがとう、嘆。助かるよ "Thank you, Nageki! Really!"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Nageki:42} 大したこと、してない "Don't worry about it."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Sakuya:43} 先から何をごちゃごちゃ言っている。気が散るから独り言はやめてくれないか "You've been mumbling to yourself ever since we split up. Please, try
to remain in charge of your faculties, Kawara."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:44} あ、ごめんね朔夜。ちょっと話を聞いてて "Oh, sorry. I was talking to him."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Sakuya:45} 話?本棚とか?そのエネルギーを別の事に使え "Talking? To the bookshelves? Surely there are better uses for your
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:46} 違うよ、嘆から本棚の場所を── "No, Nageki was telling me where to find the--"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Sakuya:47} ……誰もいないじゃないか。一人芝居もいい加減にしろ "... there's no one else here. Cease this bizarre monodrama."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:48} ………… "......"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:49} …ええ……っと… "... u-ummm..."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:50} 朔夜は何を言っているんだろう?僕のすぐ隣に嘆はいる。
What is he talking about? Nageki is standing right next to me. It's
not like he's behind a shelf, or something...
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:51} 一時は僕の妄想の産物か何かじゃないかと心配になったけど、
I was worried he was a figment of my imagination for a minute, but he
just told me where to find the records. But Sakuya...
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:52} 一応、確かめてみよう。 Let's find out.
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:53} ねえ、嘆。ちょっと聞いてもいいかな "Can I ask you something, Nageki?"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Nageki:54} "Yes?"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:55} もしかして──君は僕の幻覚か何かだったりする? "Are you... a hallucination?"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Nageki:56} ……… "......"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Nageki:57} もし幻覚だったとして、君は自分の幻覚に、幻覚かどうか尋ねてることになるけど "If I was, that would mean you're asking a hallucination whether or not
he's a hallucination."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:58} う、うん…そうだね "Y-yeah... that's right."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:59} 言われてみればちょっと滑稽かもしれない。 It does seem a little weird.
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Nageki:60} どっちでもいいよ。そうかもしれないし、そうじゃないかもしれない "Does it matter? Maybe I am, or maybe I'm not."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:61} 一番困るタイプの答えだよそれ! That doesn't answer anything!
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Nageki:62} ……普通は、こんな事は、起こらない筈なんだ。今まで僕に気付かなかった鳥が、
"... this doesn't usually happen. I've never been able to talk to a
bird I've just met, before..."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Nageki:63} ぼくは、あともう少し。きっと、あと少しで全て思い出せる "I think I will remember everything, soon."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Nageki:64} きみはいつ、『忘れ物』を見付けるの? "What about you? Have you found the thing you forgot yet?"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:65} !! !
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:66} 嘆、君は何か僕のことを知ってるの!? "N-Nageki, do you know something about that!?"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:67} あれ……? Huh...?
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:68} 消えた…… "He disappeared..."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:69} 『忘れ物』──最初に岩峰先生が僕に出したヒントだ。
The thing I forgot... That's exactly what the doctor said,
too. Why did Nageki know about that? It wasn't just a coincidence, was
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:70} 僕がこの事件に関わる何か大切な事を忘れている?
Am I forgetting something important about all this? I don't think I
can dismiss him as just a hallucination.
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Sakuya:71} 閉架書庫……この本棚か "Request-only books... this shelf?"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:72} そうみたいだね。学園長室にあった資料と被ってる冊子も多いけど、
"Looks like it. I see a lot of the same books as were in the headmaster's
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Sakuya:73} 『聖ピジョネイション学園 年表』、これか "'Chronology of Saint Pigeonation's'... this?"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:74} 早速確認してみよう。 Let's see.
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:75} 2180年 学園設立
同年 壱条箕継 学園長に就任
2180? Founding of the school Same year: Ichijou Kitsugu inaugurated as
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Sakuya:76} 2180年設立か……比較的新しい学園とは聞いていたが、
"2180? Much more recent than I had thought."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:77} 8年前だね。学園の歴史なんて気にした事がなかったから、僕も初めて知ったよ "Only eight years... I hadn't known, either."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Sakuya:78} 後は……海外との交換留学生だの、体育会系の戦績だの、
"Aside from that, it's all transfer student records and sports scores.
Is there really a clue in here?"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:79} あっ、見て朔夜。これ "Wait, Sakuya! Look at this!"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:80} 2183年 学園付属医療センター 火災事故により閉鎖 "2183 Medical center shut down due to fire..."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Sakuya:81} 付属医療センター?そんなに大層な施設があるのか、この学園は "Medical center? Does this school have something like that?"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:82} 無い……と思う "I... don't think so."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Sakuya:83} 学園の案内にもそんなものは載っていなかったぞ。
"There was no mention of it in the student guide. I suppose it was
never reopened... does it say anything else?"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:84} えぇっと、まだこの項目には続きがあるね "Umm, right here..."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:85} 火災事故の被害について── "Damage from the fire--"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:86} ……!! "...!"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:87} これまで沢山の不可解な出来事に頭を抱えて来た僕達だけど、
The book presents us with a new mystery, as if to taunt our inability
to hold all those we already have.
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:88} しかも、今までには無かったタイプの謎だ。 A new sort of mystery.
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:89} 2183年 学園付属医療センター 火災事故により閉鎖 "2183 Medical center shut down due to fire..."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:90} 地下階で出火 この事故で学園在籍の1年生 藤代嘆が死亡 Freshman Fujishiro Nageki died in the basement, where the fire started.
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Sakuya:91} ……つい最近聞いたような名前だが "... didn't I just hear that name?"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:92} 同姓同名……な訳ないよね "The exact same... but that's..."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:93} 藤代嘆は5年前に、学園で死んでいる……? Nageki... died five years ago...?
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:94} じゃあ、今日僕が何度も会っている嘆は、一体何なんだろう…… Then what is the Nageki I keep meeting today?
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:95} 僕の幻覚であることは否定しなかった。朔夜には見えなかった。
He didn't deny that he was a hallucination. Sakuya couldn't see him. Which
means he's--
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:96} 幽霊…… "A ghost..."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Sakuya:97} き、気味の悪い事を言うな!非科学的だぞ! "D-don't say such dreadful things! It's unscientific!"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Sakuya:98} ナンセンスだ。我々は命を賭けてこの調査にあたっている。
"Tu dis des balivernes! We're betting our lives on this search, you know. I
won't have any occult rubbish brought into it."
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Ryouta:99} でも、嘆は何かを知ってるみたいだった。
"But I think he knew something! If he is the same bird, then he could
be the key to solving this mystery!"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:Sakuya:100} いもしない幽霊に頼れというのか。見通しが立たないにも程があるな "So you intend to rely on some invisible ghost? There are limits, Kawara!"
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:101} その後僕は図書室で嘆を探したけれど、彼が答えることは無かった。 I spent some time looking for him in the library, but couldn't find him.
{bbl:4-2tosyo:NARATOR:102} これまで嘆が現れる時は、向こうから声をかけてきた。
He's always found me, rather than the other way around. I'll just have
to wait for him to show up again...
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:0} 次に何処へ行くか……だけど、やっぱり医療センターだよね "Where do we... hmm, the medical center seems like a good place to go
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:1} そうだな。で、その医療センターとやらは何処にあるんだ? "Indeed. Where is it?"
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:2} それが問題だよね……。僕も初めて聞いたよ "That's the problem... I'd never heard of it before, either."
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:3} 大層な名前の施設なんだ。そう簡単に見落とすような小さなものではないだろう "It sounds rather large. I wouldn't expect it to be that hard to find."
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:4} 年表には地下階で出火とあった。全焼したならそう記述するだろう "The record book said the fire broke out in the basement... and if the
building was burnt to the ground, it would have said so."
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:5} それなら、今も何処かに残してあるかな "It should still be here, then."
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:6} 取り壊されていないなら、な。
"Assuming it wasn't demolished. Are there any unused buildings on the
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:7} 普段使わないような建物……えぇっと…… "Unused buildings...? Hmm..."
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:8} うん、あるよ。旧館だ "Oh, yeah. That old hall!"
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:9} 旧館!? "Old hall!?"
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:10} 僕らはそう呼んでる。裏門の隣にある、何にも使ってない建物だけど
"That's what we call it. It's by the back gate, and it's not used for... What's
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:11} …設立して10年も経っていない学園に、旧館などある訳がないだろう! "The school hasn't even been around for ten years! What reason does it
have for having an old hall!?"
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:12} "!"
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:13} そうか、言われてみればそうだね! "Now that you mention it, that is kind of strange."
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:14} 行くぞ、案内しろ! "Come, guide me there!"
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:15} これが旧館なんだけど…… "This is it."
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:16} あまり医療センターといった雰囲気ではないな "It doesn't really look like a medical center..."
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:17} 校舎とあんまり変わらないからね。でもやっぱり入り口は閉まってるみたいだ "It's pretty much the same as the main building, yeah. Looks like the
door's locked."
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:18} そんなもの、割って入ればいい "Then we shall break it down."
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:19} 朔夜、段々やり口がチンピラみたいになってきたね "You're starting to sound like a delinquent, Sakuya."
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:20} 何か言ったか "What? What did I say?"
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:21} ううん、何でもないよ "Don't worry about it."
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:22} 学園の建物を壊すなんてちょっと気が引けるけど、非常事態なんだ。
We'd probably be suspended for breaking in here, but... this is an emergency.
We don't have a choice.
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:23} ゲホッ、ゲホッ。ちょっと埃っぽいね…… "-cough- -cough- It's awfully dusty in here..."
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:24} 5年間放置されていたらしいな。しかし……
"It has been left unused for five years. Hmm... it appears that they
didn't leave much behind."
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:25} どこも殺風景な空室だね。閉鎖した時に全部片付けられちゃったのかも "Everything's empty... I wonder if they cleared everything out when they
sealed the building?"
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:26} やっぱり、建物の作りは本館とほとんど同じみたいだ "... this all looks pretty much the same as in the main building."
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:27} ──チッ、無駄足ということか "Bah! Did we come here for nothing!?"
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:28} まだ分からないよ。もう少し歩いてみよう "Let's look around a little more."
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:29} ……この部屋、資料室って書いてある "... look, this door still has a sign on it. I guess it was the reference
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:30} 他の部屋の伽藍堂ぶりを見るに期待は出来ないが、まあいい。確認してみるか "I do not relish the prospect of wandering about this mausoleum of
schoolrooms, but very well."
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:31} ここも埃が溜まってるなあ…… "It's even dustier in here..."
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:32} "The shelves are marked with dates... perhaps they once held medical
records. There's nothing left now, though."
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:33} それと……『オペレーション・ハートフル』 "And... Operation Hatoful."
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:34} えっ "Huh!?"
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:35} 日付が並ぶラベルの中に、確かにその文字はあった。 Among the rows of dates, sure enough, there's a shelf labelled Operation
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:36} しかしこの棚も空か。そう簡単にはいかないらしい "Empty, as well. It would have been asking too much to hope to find
anything, anyway."
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:37} オペレーション・ハートフル……何のことだろうね "Operation Hatoful... I wonder what it is?"
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:38} さあな。人類親善大使の密約に添えられていたんだ。
"Who knows? Something put in place along with the human representative
business, so no doubt it was nothing good."
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:39} もしこの謎の計画──オペレーション・ハートフルが医療センター
Is Operation Hatoful connected to this medical center? What if it's the
source of the mystery we're tangled in now?
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:40} ……頭がこんがらがってきたよ。 ... my head hurts.
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:41} 他に並んでいるのは……
"The only things left are... hmph, archaic medical journals."
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:42} ……あれ? ... huh?
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:43} 百科事典だ "It's the encyclopedia..."
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:44} この並びに百科事典ぐらい置いてあっても不思議じゃないだろう "An odd place to keep one."
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:45} でも、この百科事典…… "Wait, look at the volume numbers!"
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:46} 1、2、3、4、5、6、6、7、8、10、11、12巻。 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12.
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:47} なんだこれは。気持ち悪い数列だな "What? Does this unpleasant arrangement hold some meaning?"
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:48} つい最近、これに似たものを見た気がするんだけど "I saw them like this in the library, too."
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:49} 古びた上に不揃いな百科事典をか? "A bunch of old encyclopedias?"
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:50} うん。ちょっと確認してみてもいいかな "Yeah. Can I look at these for a bit?"
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:51} ああ、好きにしろ "Do as you please."
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:52} 図書室にも同じ装丁の百科事典が並んでいた。
The ones in the library had the same binding. And in the place of volume
nine, there's an extra copy of volume six...
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:53} 見て。この百科事典の6巻、片方には図書室の貸し出しカードがついてる "Look! This copy of volume six has a library sticker on it."
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:54} 元々は図書室にあった本ということか "Perhaps it came from the library, then?"
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:55} 医療センターがまだ開いていた時に、誰かが図書室の百科事典と入れ替えたのかな。
"Someone must have brought it here when the medical center was still
open... they probably switched it with volume nine."
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:56} 動機が分からない上に不注意な奴だな "An unpleasant piece of mischief, to be sure."
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:57} うん、まあそうだね…… "Yeah."
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:58} でも、他の百科事典には特に変わった所がない。 The other volumes all seem as they should.
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:59} 図書室にあった重複した9巻に何かあるとは限らないけど、
There probably isn't anything in the extra copy of volume nine, but maybe
we should go see if it came from here.
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:60} 一応、校舎に戻ったら図書室に寄ってみようよ "When we get back to the main building, let's go check the library."
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:61} また時間の浪費にならなければいいがな "Provided it isn't a mere waste of time."
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:62} 僕達は資料室を後にして、再び医療センター跡の調査を続けた。 We leave the reference room, and continue our investigation of the medical
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:63} 1階全域を歩いた筈だが、肝心のモノが見付からないな "We've searched the entire first floor, and have yet to find what we're
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:64} 地下階に続く階段、だね "The stairs into the basement?"
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:65} 年表によれば、5年前医療センターを閉鎖する原因になった
Apparently the fire that closed this building five years ago started in
the basement. But we haven't found it yet...
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:66} エレベーターのランプにも地下の表示が無いよ。何処から行けるんだろう "The elevator doesn't have a button for it, either. How do we get in...?"
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:67} ……今は入る事ができない、ということか "... perhaps we can't, anymore."
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:68} えっ? "Huh?"
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:69} 突き当たりの壁を見ろ "Look at that wall."
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:70} 壁? "The wall?"
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:71} ただのコンクリートの壁にしか見えないけど。 It looks like a normal concrete wall, to me.
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:72} 分からないのか?これだから庶民の脳は…… "Don't you see it? Stupid peasant..."
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:73} この壁が、どうかしたの? "What about it?"
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:74} 外観、そして上階の構造を思い出せ。ここに壁があるのは不自然なんだ。
"Think back to the building's exterior, and the second floor. There shouldn't
be a wall here. It's small, but there's a space behind there."
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:75} 火災事故の後に埋められたんだ、ここは "It must have been sealed off after the fire."
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:76} 言われてみれば周囲の壁とちょっと色が違うような気がする。
Now that he mentions it, this wall is a slightly different color than
the rest. Which would make sense if it had been put in later.
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:77} この壁の向こう側に、階段があるってこと? "So the stairs are beyond here?"
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:78} そうらしいな。ただの火災事故の後始末にしてはやり過ぎとしか思えないが "It seems likely. Isn't this a bit much for cleanup of some fire?"
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:79} ガラスと違って、こればっかりは無理矢理壊して入る訳にはいかないね "We probably won't be able to break this down..."
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:80} 地下に立ち入れないとなると、これ以上の収穫は望めそうにないな "If we can't get in there, I doubt we'll find anything more of use in
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:81} まあいい、医療センターで学園長の機密ファイルに
"At least we found that thing from the headmaster's documents again."
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:82} そうだね。一度本館に戻── "Yeah. Let's head ba--"
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:83} !?今、何か聞こえたよね……? "!? Did you hear something?"
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:84} ああ。誰かが医療センターに入り込んだらしいな "Yes. Someone else just broke in here."
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:85} 緊張が走る。ここはコンクリートに囲まれた袋小路だ。 This could be bad. We're in a dead end, with concrete all around...
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:86} 早く窓のある部屋に移動しないと……! We need to get to somewhere with a window, fast!
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:87} 走るぞ! "Run!"
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:88} うん! "Yes!"
{bbl:4-3:???:89} 待て、そこの二羽 "Stop!"
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:90} うわああっ、出たーーーッ! "Aaaagh, it's heeeeere!"
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:91} ま、待て!落ち着け華原!!何か小さいのが来たぞ! "W-wait! Calm down, Kawara! It's small!"
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:92} ほ、本当だ。案山子男とは比べ物にならない小さいのがやって来た。 So it is. Too small to be the scarecrow.
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:93} ……あれ?君は確か2年2組の── "... huh? Aren't you from 2-2--"
{bbl:4-3:Anghel:94} 緋き堕天使、緋紅アンヘルだ "I am the Crimson Fallen Angel, Anghel."
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:95} やっぱり。隣のクラスの漫研部員の子だ。 I knew it. The manga club boy from the class next door.
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:96} 常鳥には理解できない言動でちょっとした有名鳥なんだけど、
He's famous around the school for being a nutcase, but what is he doing
in here...?
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:97} ……また頭が痛くなりそうな相手が出て来たな "... I think I'm going to have a headache."
{bbl:4-3:Anghel:98} 葬送の歌を紡ぐ者よ!! "Textoris Melodia Funeris!"
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:99} えっ、僕? "Who, me?"
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:100} 良かったな、華原。こんな辺境まで追いかけて来てご指名らしいぞ "Good for you, Kawara. He came all this way to give you a title."
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:101} よく分からないけど全然嬉しくないよ!面倒ごとの予感しかしないし! "It's not good at all! Nothing but trouble will come of it!"
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:102} アンヘル、どうしてこんな所に乗り込んで来たか知らないけど、ここは危ないよ。
"I don't know why you came here, Anghel, but it's dangerous. We're
supposed to be in the gym with everybirdie else, so come on, let's go back."
{bbl:4-3:Anghel:103} 俺に安息の地は許されない……使命を果たすまでは! "I am not allowed rest... not until I have fulfilled my duty!"
{bbl:4-3:Anghel:104} 古の盟約に従い今!俺はお前を封印しなければならない!
"In accordance with the Pact of Old, I must seal you here now, Textoris
Melodia Funeris, Undertaker!"
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:105} あ、アンダーテイカー……?え、えぇっと、それなら── "U-undertaker? If that's it, then, umm..."
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:106} 遂にこの時が来てしまったのか……僕もおとなしく封じられるつもりは無い。
"So the time has come at last... I will not be stopped now, Crimson
Angel of Judecca! Come!"
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:107} 緋き堕天使アンヘルがあらわれた! Anghel, Crimson Fallen Angel appeared!
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:108} アンヘルのこうげき! Anghel uses Dark Void Shockwave!
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:109} 邪空絶烈波!
Ryouta takes 24 damage!
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:110} 涼太のターン! Ryouta's turn!
{bbl:4-3:DECBlue Moon Slash:111} 蒼月斬 Blue Moon Slash
{bbl:4-3:DECDeathbringer:112} デスブリンガー Deathbringer
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:113} 涼太のこうげき! Ryouta unleashes Blue Moon Slash!
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:114} 蒼月斬!
Anghel takes 78 damage!
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:115} 涼太のこうげき! Ryouta uses Deathbringer!
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:116} デスブリンガー!
Anghel takes 60 damage!
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:117} いい加減にしろお前たち! "Cease this jack-acting, you wretched imbeciles!"
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:118} 朔夜のこうげき! Sakuya attacks!
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:119} 涼太に260のダメージ!
Ryouta takes 260 damage! Ryouta returns to his senses!
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:120} アンヘルに295のダメージ!
Anghel takes 295 damage!?I Anghel is shaken!
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:121} あ、あれ……? "H-huh...?"
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:122} 呆れたな。貴様まで茶番に乗ってどうする華原 "I am shocked, Kawara. To think that even you would go along with that
{bbl:4-3:Anghel:123} くっ……俺の絶対領域が破られただと……!? "What...? He disrupted my territory!?"
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:124} 気付かない内にアンヘルに便乗してしまっていた。
I got carried away by Anghel before I even noticed! Influencing the
very reality of his surroundings is a frightful power indeed.
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:125} そこに直れヒムネバト。貴様、ここに何をしに来た。
"You, Luzon! What did you come here do to? After what you just did,
I think you may be our prime suspect!"
{bbl:4-3:Anghel:126} 何をしに来たか……答えはただ一つ "I came here... to do but one thing!"
{bbl:4-3:Anghel:127} 魔素あるところに、俺あり "I must follow the Demon Spores!"
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:128} 清々しいぐらいに意味が分からないよ! "A whole new variety of what the heck are you talking about!"
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:129} すまないが、標準語で説明しなおしてくれないか。貴様の方言は分かり辛い "Perhaps you could explain in normal Japanese. Your dialect is somewhat
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:130} いや、方言だから分かり辛いとかそういう問題じゃないと思うよ朔夜…… "I don't think it's just his dialect, Sakuya..."
{bbl:4-3:Anghel:131} 世界の危機が俺を呼ぶ。……ただ、それだけだ。それが、俺の背負う業 "The End is calling me. ... that is all. That this is the Cross I must
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:132} アンヘルは何処か遠くを見るような眼差しだ。 He stares off into space, as if gazing at something far away.
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:133} 標準語に言い換えるなら、『何となく危険な匂いのする場所には近寄りたくなる』
"Maybe that basically means that he's a thrill-seeker?"
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:134} 電灯に集まる蛾か貴様は "So you are a moth allured by a candle's light, Luzon?"
{bbl:4-3:Anghel:135} 違う。俺は許されざる緋色にして夜の闇を纏う翼だ。
"No! I am Stained in Crimson, Clad in Night, Unforgiven. My Eternal
Blood Seal calls me to Purgatory!"
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:136} ああ、噛み合ない会話が続いて行く……血の刻印なんて大げさに言ってるけど、
Aah, more crazy talk... it's not exactly a 'blood seal', that blood-stained
chest is just the way Bleeding-hearts' plumage looks!
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:137} ……あっ "... oh."
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:138} どうした、華原 "What is it, Kawara?"
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:139} 血まみれっぽい胸…… "Blood-stained chest..."
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:140} あのさ、もしかして散が言ってた『血まみれの不審者』って…… "Uhh, Sakuya, do you think maybe the blood-stained stranger
San saw was...?"
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:141} ………! ".....!"
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:142} アンヘル、貴様昨日の放課後は何処で何をしていた? "Anghel, where were you yesterday after school? What were you doing?"
{bbl:4-3:Anghel:143} 下級妖魔と戦い、魔素を追っていた "Battling Minor Demons of Baal, and following the Demon Spores."
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:144} もうちょっと分かり易くお願いできないかな…… "Could you rephrase that...?"
{bbl:4-3:Anghel:145} 冥大樹ルーファが俺を呼ぶ声が聞こえた "Rufa, the Tree of Blight, called out to me!"
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:146} 私にも理解できる言葉で話せと言っている! "He's asking you to say it using words we understand!"
{bbl:4-3:Anghel:147} 将聖の白魔導師よ、お前がこうも感情的になるとは……これが魔素の力か! "Hallowed Magician of White, your anger now... it is the power of the
Demon Spores!"
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:148} いや、どう考えても感情的にさせてるのはアンヘル独りの力じゃないかな…… "I think it's the power of you, Anghel..."
{bbl:4-3:Anghel:149} くっ……妥協するしかないのか……。何も知らない他の生徒達の言うところの、
"Bah...! I must compromise. I was in the place the ignorant many refer
to as the infirmary!"
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:150} やっぱり!! I knew it!
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:151} 話を聞かせてもらう必要がありそうだ。こっちに来い! "I think we need to talk to you. Come!"
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:152} 僕はアンヘルを引き摺る朔夜と共に医療センターを後にした。 And so we left the medical center, Sakuya dragging Anghel behind him.
{bbl:4-3:San:153} ポポロッぷ~わ!
"Coo, coo!"
(This one! This is the blood-stained stranger Okosan saw!)
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:154} これで確認も取れたね "That's that, then."
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:155} 貴様が昨日何をしていたのか答えてもらおう。保健室には入ったのか? "We need to know what you did yesterday. Did you go into the infirmary?"
{bbl:4-3:Anghel:156} できれば……そうしたかった。選ばれし者にしかあの魔素を止めることはできない "If I could... I would have. But only the Chosen One can stop the Demon
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:157} 入ってはいない、ってことだね "In other words, he didn't."
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:158} 役立たずめ…! "Useless!"
{bbl:4-3:Anghel:159} 闇の力によって門は封じられていたんだ。しかし、
"The gate was sealed with the Power of Darkness! However, Edel Blau
did venture within."
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:160} エーデルブラウ?誰だそれは。我々に分かる言葉で説明しろ "Edel Blau? Who is that? Explain in terms known to sane individuals,
{bbl:4-3:Anghel:161} 蒼穹の使徒エーデルブラウ。またの名を$namel $namef "The Apostle of the Blue Sky, Edel Blau. She also goes by
$namel $namef ."
{bbl:4-3:Ryouta:162} $namef が…!? "$namef went into...!?"
{bbl:4-3:Sakuya:163} どういうことだ…… "What...?"
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:164} $namef が昨日の放課後、保健室を訪れていた。 $namef was in the infirmary yesterday, after school.
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:165} それなのに、岩峰先生も坂咲先輩も『誰も来ていない、何も特別な事は無かった』

But the doctor and Yuuya said the no one came, and nothing happened.
They're lying!
{bbl:4-3:NARATOR:166} ここまでのデータをセーブしますか? Save your progress?
{bbl:4-3:DECYes:167} セーブする Yes
{bbl:4-3:DECNo:168} 先へ進む No
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:0} 朔夜、お前は他の下賎な鳥たちとは違うんだ。お前は生まれた時から特別なんだ。
"You are different from those peasants, Sakuya. You were chosen from
the day you were born. You must remain conscious of this."

"Yes, father."
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:1} 我々は選ばれし者だ。愚かな下々の民を導いていかなければならない
"We are the chosen ones. It is our duty to guide the foolish common

"Yes, father."
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:2} 見ろ、あの薄汚れた雑種どもを。本来なら生きている価値すらない民だ。
"Look at them, crawling in the mud. There is no value in their lives. Were
it not for our compassion, they would die as miserably as they live."

"Yes, father."
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:3} あれの血も汚れている。お前とは生きる世界が違うんだ。今日を最後に、
"Their very blood is tainted. Their world is not yours. You must
never speak with them again. Do you understand?"

"... yes, father."
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:4} 日本へ……ですか? "To... Japan...?"
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:5} そうだ。しばらく向こうに滞在することになる。
"Yes. You will be staying there for some time. Arrangements have
already been made for your education. Remember, you must such as to bring
honor to our family, Sakuya."

"Yes, father."
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:6} それと、編入先の学園には岩峰医師が在籍している。彼は素晴らしい学者だ。
"Also, doctor Iwamine is in residence at the institution you will be
attending. He is a prestigious doctor. It would not be exaggerating
to say that our current glory is thanks in part to him. Do not disrespect

"Yes, father."
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:7} 昨日の放課後、アンヘルが保健室に入って行く$namef を見てる。
"Anghel saw $namef going into the infirmary yesterday, and... Then
the door was locked."
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:8} 岩峰先生も坂咲先輩も、昨日$namef に会ってるんだ。そこで何かがあった "The doctor and Yuuya must have seen her. What happened in there?"
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:9} ……二羽とも、嘘をついてる "... they must both be lying."
{bbl:5-1:Sakuya:10} ……… "......"
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:11} これまで協力してくれた坂咲先輩は疑いたくない。
Yuuya has been helping us all this time, and I don't want to suspect him. But
he's clearly been hiding the truth...
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:12} 先輩は、岩峰先生を庇ってる……? "Could Yuuya be covering for the doctor...?"
{bbl:5-1:Sakuya:13} まだそうと決まった訳じゃない。
"We don't know that for sure. The mongrel could be lying to cast doubt
on doctor Iwamine..."
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:14} 全く考えられない訳じゃないけど…これまでのやり取りを見ていると、
It's not impossible, but... from what we've seen so far, the most likely
conclusion is that they're working together.
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:15} 朔夜……偏見を捨てろって言ったのは君だよ。事実を確かめないと "Sakuya... you were the one who said we needed to remove our biases. We
need to solve this."
{bbl:5-1:Sakuya:16} …わかっている "... I am aware."
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:17} 坂咲先輩か岩峰先生を問い詰めに行きたいところだけど、
I want to go confront them now, but with only Anghel's testimony, our
evidence is a little weak.
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:18} このまま挑んでも、また適当にはぐらかされそうだ。
They'll probably slip out of it again if we go now. They're both much
more eloquent than I am, and they'll try to dodge the issue...
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:19} それなら── Which means--
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:20} 保健室……調べてみようよ "We need to... search the infirmary."
{bbl:5-1:Sakuya:21} 勝手に侵入するつもりか? "Do you intend to go in without asking?"
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:22} うん。なるべくこっそりやった方がいいと思わない? "Yeah. The more stealthily we do it the better, right?"
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:23} 特に、一番怪しい岩峰先生には内緒にしておきたいんだけど…… "If the doctor finds out, he'll come up with some way of stopping us,
for sure..."
{bbl:5-1:Sakuya:24} ……貴様の言いたい事はわかった。
"... understood. I will go to the lab and keep them occupied, while
you search the infirmary."
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:25} ありがとう、朔夜 "Thank you, Sakuya!"
{bbl:5-1:LeoneJB:26} おっと、待ちたまえ諸君 "A moment, gentlemen."
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:27} あっ、レオネさん "Mister Leone!"
{bbl:5-1:LeoneJB:28} 諸君に渡すものがある。手配に手間取ってしまってな。遅れてすまない "I have something for you. Sorry for being late, I was somewhat delayed."
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:29} これは? "What are these?"
{bbl:5-1:LeoneJB:30} 片方はマッシヴキー。簡単な鍵であれば大概解錠することができる、
"The first is the Massive Key. It should open just about any of the
simple locks in the school, and is as Bright and Massive as its owner."
{bbl:5-1:LeoneJB:31} もう片方はスタンガンだ。護身用に持って行きたまえ "The other is a stungun. If you need to protect yourself, use it."
{bbl:5-1:Sakuya:32} どちらも華原が持っておいた方が良さそうだな。受け取っておけ "You will have more use for those than I, Kawara. Hold onto them."
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:33} うん。ありがとうございます、レオネさん "Right. Thank you, mister Leone!"
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:34} 保健室に向かう前に、調査状況を記録しておこう。 Maybe I should write in the notes before I go to the infirmary.
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:35} ここまでのデータをセーブしますか? Save your progress?
{bbl:5-1:DECYes:36} セーブする Yes
{bbl:5-1:DECNo:37} 先へ進む No
{bbl:5-1:Anghel:38} 遂に審判の刻がやってきた……ここなら冥大樹ルーファの力もほとんど及ばない。
"The Hour of Judgment has come! You cannot use the Dark Tree's power
here. Return to the Void, Wallenstein!"
{bbl:5-1:Kazuaki:39} おや~、なんだか盛り上がってるね~。岩峰先生、何をしてるんでしょう~ "Well, he seems excited. I wonder what the doctor is doing?"
{bbl:5-1:Shuu:40} ……見ての通り緋紅君から誹謗中傷を受けていたところですよ "... being slandered by mister Higure, as you can see."
{bbl:5-1:Shuu:41} 備品を壊すのはやめなさい緋紅君 "Please stop breaking school property, mister Higure."
{bbl:5-1:Anghel:42} 俺はお前を倒す為に地獄第九圏より舞い戻った。災厄を司る魔導師よ、
"I have returned from Judecca to defeat you! As long as you live, Calamitous
Sorceror, the world will be wrapped in Eternal Despair!"
{bbl:5-1:Kazuaki:43} これだけ真剣に言われると、なんだか本当みたいに聞こえてくるね~ "When he says things with such conviction, I almost find myself believing
{bbl:5-1:Shuu:44} 笑えない冗談です "Please, that isn't funny."
{bbl:5-1:Kazuaki:45} はいはい。緋紅くん、体育館に戻ろうね~ "Yes, yes. Come on, Higure. Let's go back to the gym, okay?"
{bbl:5-1:Anghel:46} やめろ!まるでヒナを扱うように俺をつまみ出すな!俺は── "No! Stop! Do not throw me out like some wretched doll!"
{bbl:5-1:Shuu:47} 彼は産まれついてのメガロマニアですからね "I suspect he has suffered from megolamania since birth."
{bbl:5-1:Kazuaki:48} メガロマニア?何でしょう、それは~ "Megalomania? Whatever do you mean?"
{bbl:5-1:Shuu:49} 誇大妄想狂。彼は常軌を逸して己を特別な存在だと思い込み、
"Delusions of grandeur. Eschewing societal standards, he lives his
life in the midst of some bizarre fantasy. Perhaps it is genetic."
{bbl:5-1:Kazuaki:50} それは、筋金入りですね~ "There would be no helping it then, would there?"
{bbl:5-1:Shuu:51} 体格のわりにはなかなか豪快に物を壊しているでしょう。
"He is unusually active in the destruction of his surroundings, especially
given his physique."
{bbl:5-1:Shuu:52} 厄介なのは、ある程度周囲を妄想に巻き込む力も持っている点です。もっとも、
"Internal prejudice is a terrible thing, I suppose. He is no doubt
exerting to the limits of his capacity at all times."
{bbl:5-1:Shuu:53} ……故に学園に招いたのですが、どうにも良い利用方法を見付けられない
"The most dangerous part his his ability to bring his surroundings into
his fantasy. Though, I seem to be less affected than you."
{bbl:5-1:Shuu:54} "... and since, although I invited him to the school, I have yet find
a use for him, the whole thing has been nothing but a waste of time."
{bbl:5-1:Kazuaki:55} 岩峰先生、今何か、言いましたか~? "Did you say something just now, doctor?"
{bbl:5-1:Shuu:56} なんでも。ただの独り言です "Nothing, nothing at all."
{bbl:5-1:Sakuya:57} 失礼します "Excuse me."
{bbl:5-1:Kazuaki:58} あっ、銀くんだ~。どうしたの~?華原くんは、一緒じゃないんだね~ "Oh, hello, Shirogane. What's going on? Where did Kawara go?"
{bbl:5-1:Sakuya:59} 今は別行動中だ "He is investigating another area at the moment."
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:60} ……化学室にいるのは七姫と岩峰先生だけ、か。 ... only doctor Iwamine and Nanaki here now.
{bbl:5-1:Sakuya:61} 坂咲はいないのか? "Isn't Sakazaki here?"
{bbl:5-1:Kazuaki:62} 坂咲君なら、また落ち着き無く校舎内を歩き回ってるみたいだね~。
"I think he's walking around to calm his nerves again. He's very brave,
to be out and about with that scarecrow on the loose."
{bbl:5-1:Sakuya:63} 思慮が浅いだけだ "Not brave, just imprudent."
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:64} あの雑種め。渡り鳥気取りもいい加減にしてほしいものだ。 Stupid mongrel! Stop pretending to be migratory and get back here so
I can distract you.
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:65} できれば二羽両方を足止めしたかったが……まだ向こうには勘付かれていない筈だ。
I wanted to occupy both of them, if possible, but... at least they don't
realize that we suspect them yet. Just the doctor should be enough.
{bbl:5-1:Sakuya:66} 岩峰先生、御意見をお伺いしたくてここに来ました "Doctor Iwamine, I came here to ask your opinion of something."
{bbl:5-1:Shuu:67} 私の意見ですか?残念ですが、あまり力になることはできないと思いますよ "My opinion? I fear I will not be of much use to you there."
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:68} 私の体は保健室と縁があるような出来損ないではない。
My body has never required me to visit the infirmary. I have not had
much occasion to talk to the doctor since moving here, but I can read his
expression perfectly well all the same.
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:69} お前に話す事は何も無いだ。 It says 'I'm not telling you anything'.
{bbl:5-1:Shuu:71} 彼は先入観だけで私を疑っていたようですからね。残念なことです "He did seem to be suspecting me based on nothing but his own prejudice... a
{bbl:5-1:Sakuya:72} はい。私もそう思います。偏見だけで鳥を疑うのはナンセンスです "I agree, sir. To doubt someone based merely on one's own preconceptions
is... balivernes, sir. It is nonsense."
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:73} そうだ。何事も完璧なロジックで考えるべきだ。 That's right. I must be perfectly logical in all things.
{bbl:5-1:Sakuya:74} 岩峰先生は、世界有数の頭脳をお持ちです。
"You are renowned as one of the most intelligent birds in the world,
doctor. I do not think that you could be involved in such a grisly crime
as this."
{bbl:5-1:Shuu:75} ル・ベル家の御子息にお褒め頂けるとは、光栄ですね "It is an honor to be so praised by the heir to the Le Bel family."
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:76} 平坦だ。岩峰先生はこうも感情を含まない話し方をする鳥なのか。 Completely flat. Does he never speak with emotion?
{bbl:5-1:Sakuya:77} 私は、先生を心から尊敬しています "I hold a deep respect for you, doctor."
{bbl:5-1:Sakuya:78} 先生はご存知ないかもしれませんが、貴方の薬が私の父を救いました。
"You might not be aware, but my father owes his life to your medicine. A
few years ago... your work allowed the Le Bel family to continue on to
even greater glory."
{bbl:5-1:Shuu:79} そうでしたか。それは初耳です。何せ開発が済んでしまえば、
"Is that so? I had not known. I am afraid that I know little of the
fates of the drugs that I develop."
{bbl:5-1:Sakuya:80} 一羽の命を救う事は、先生にとっては些末なのかもしれませんが、
"The life of but one bird may not be significant to you, but we of the
Le Bel family will never forget."
{bbl:5-1:Shuu:81} ククク、立派なことです。
"Hohoho, how wonderful. I take it your father is a figure of great
{bbl:5-1:Sakuya:82} 当然です。敬われない当主など、存在しえません "Of course. The family head must always be honored."
{bbl:5-1:Shuu:83} どうやら、
"It would seem that you hold your own biases even more dearly than mister
Kawara holds his, almost like the foundation of your very existence."
{bbl:5-1:Sakuya:84} ……… "......"
{bbl:5-1:Shuu:85} ……その礎が崩れた時、
"... I would rather like to see the expression on your face when that
foundation collapses. Hohoho."
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:86} やっぱり鍵は閉まってるや…… "Locked..."
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:87} 避難警報が出てからずっと、閉まったままなのかな?
Has it been locked ever since the alarm this morning? The doctor went
straight to the lab to begin the autopsy, and I think he's been with somebirdie
else ever since.
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:88} えぇっと、レオネさんから貰ったマッシヴなアレで開くといいけど…… "Let's see, maybe that Massive thing mister Leone gave me will do the
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:89} ……… "......"
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:90} …………… "......"
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:91} よし、開いた! "Yes!"
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:92} 元々この学園の保健室って何となく不気味で近寄りがたいけど、
薄暗いと不気味さの割り増し感じが凄い。早く$namef の痕跡が無いか探そう。
This room has always been a little creepy, but it's even worse in this
dim light. I need to look for evidence that $namef was in here, quickly...!
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:93} でも、何処から探すのがいいかな。あんまり隅々まで調べて長い時間を使う程、
But, where do I start? The longer I spend poking around in corners,
the bigger the risk that I'll get caught...
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:94} 思い出せ。お腹を壊して保健室に来た事は何回かあるんだ。
I need to remember... I've been in here a lot, every time I got sick. Where
would the doctor hide something he didn't want any one else to see...?
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:95} ……そういえば、保健委員ですら机は触らせてもらえてなかった…気がする "... didn't he forbid even his assistants from touching his desk...?"
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:96} デスクの引き出しも御丁寧に施錠されている。 It would seem he keeps his drawers locked tight.
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:97} 出番だよ、マッシヴなアレ! "You're up, Massive thing!"
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:98} 中に入っていたのは……カルテ?個人情報だからちゃんと鍵をしておいたとか、
Inside are... medical records? He's probably supposed to keep personal
information locked up... Though I never really thought of him as the
respectful type.
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:99} 保健室に来た生徒の分かな。1、2、3……4枚しかない。書かれている名前は── There are only one, two three... Four files. The names are--
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:100} 華原涼太、$namel $namef 、藤代嘆、銀朔夜。 Kawara Ryouta, $namel $namef , Fujishiro Nageki, and Shirogane Sakuya.
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:101} えっ……? "What...?"
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:102} 僕の名前があるのはそんなに不思議な事じゃない。
でも$namef と朔夜は保健室に全然縁がないぐらい丈夫な体だし、何より──
I'm not surprised to see a file on me in here, but... $namef and Sakuya
never had any reason to be in here. And--
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:103} 藤代嘆…… "Fujishiro Nageki..."
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:104} よく見ると嘆のカルテだけ隅に『聖ピジョネイション学園付属医療センター』
Looking closely, Nageki's folder says 'St. Pigeonation's Medical Center'
on the side, while the others don't. And the date is from five years
ago. Did he take this from the medical center?
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:105} ここにあるっていうことは、岩峰先生が持って来たんだよね……。
Since it's here... he must know something about the fire back then.
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:106} 僕達2年3組の面々のカルテは、健康診断の記録?なのかな。
Are the other three... records from physical exams? They're full of strange
symbols and numbers, and I'm not sure what they mean.
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:107} あれ? "Huh?"
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:108} 朔夜のカルテにだけ2枚目がある。何かメモが挟んであるみたいだけど── Sakuya's has a second piece of paper in it. It looks like some sort
of memo or--
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:109} うわっ "Agh!"
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:110} 突然、後頭部に激痛が走った。力が、入らない。 A sudden, blinding pain in the back of my head. I can't move.
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:111} 何が起こったのかわからなかった。僕は為す術も無く、意識を失った。 I fall, unconscious.
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:112} ………。 ......
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:113} …………。 .........
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:114} う…うぅ……… "U... uurgh..."
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:115} ここは何処だろう……頭がクラクラして気持ち悪い………。 Where am I...? I feel dizzy...
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:116} ! そうだ、僕は保健室で証拠品を探して── "! That's right, I was looking for evidence in the infirmary...!"
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:117} カルテが、無い。 The medical records are gone.
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:118} 盗まれちゃった……? "Somebirdie took them...?"
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:119} レオネさんから護身用の秘密道具まで預かったのにこの体たらく。
I managed to get knocked out even with the stungun mister Leone gave me.
Darn it!
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:120} 誰だか知らないけど、こんなにアグレッシブな奪い方をするなんて、
I don't know who attacked me, but those records must have been important,
to get stolen away like that.
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:121} クソ!僕の馬鹿!どうして簡単に後ろを取られちゃうんだよ! "Aargh! Darn it! Why did I let myself get taken from behind like that!?"
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:122} 僕達のカルテがあった。その情報だけじゃ事態を進展させるのは難しい。 I had our records. Even with those, it would have been hard to prove
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:123} 今僕を襲ったのは犯鳥の筈だ。
Whoever attacked me must have been the criminal. They probably wouldn't
leave anything, but maybe they missed a clue in here somewhere?
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:124} ……あれ? "... huh?"
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:125} 薄暗くてさっきは気付かなかったけど、デスクの下にカードが挟まっている。
I hadn't noticed earlier, but there's a card under the desk, in a corner
I wouldn't have seen if I weren't on the floor.
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:126} これって…… "This is..."
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:127} $namef の学生証だ "$namef 's student ID..."
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:128} 角に血痕がある。
There's blood on the corner. So it wasn't dropped here by accident before
she was killed.
{bbl:5-1:Ryouta:129} ……やっぱりここで、何かあったんだ "... it must have happened in here."
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:130} 岩峰先生への疑念はかなり確かなものになってきた。
It looks like my doubts about the doctor are confirmed. But for some
reason, I still feel unsure.
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:131} なんだか、話が出来過ぎてないかな。誘導されてるような気分になることが、
I almost feel like this is too good to be true. Like I'm being led along...
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:132} もし岩峰先生が黒幕なら、もっと疑われずに済む方法はいくらでもある筈なんだ。
If the doctor were behind it all, surely he could avoid casting so much
doubt on himself? Just what is he after, anyway?
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:133} ……けど、誰がどんな目的で動いていたのかなんて大した事じゃない。
$namef をあんな目に遭わせた奴を、僕は絶対に許さない。
... but, I'm not worried about who is doing what and why. I'm worried
about finding the one who did this to $namef .
{bbl:5-1:NARATOR:134} とにかく、朔夜と合流しよう。 I need to talk with Sakuya.
{bbl:5-2:Sakuya:0} ……それで、先生の見解としては、人間1人をこのように切り分けて、
"... so, you think it would take a fair amount of time to cut a human
up like this and distribute them into boxes, doctor?"
{bbl:5-2:Shuu:1} ええ、そうですね。昨日の放課後と今朝の2度に分けても、
"Correct. Even if she were cut up last night and distributed this morning,
it would involve a good deal of physical labor."
{bbl:5-2:Ryouta:2} 朔夜、いる? "Sakuya?"
{bbl:5-2:Sakuya:3} ……華原か "... you again."
{bbl:5-2:Ryouta:4} 一度管理作業員室に戻ろう。いくつか話したいことがあるんだ "Can we go to the maintenance room? We need to talk."
{bbl:5-2:Sakuya:5} ……ああ "Very well."
{bbl:5-2:Shuu:6} ……銀君 "... mister Shirogane."
{bbl:5-2:Sakuya:7} なんでしょうか、先生 "Yes, doctor?"
{bbl:5-2:Shuu:8} 先程の件ですが……少なくとも、私には物理的に不可能です "Just as an aside... it would be impossible for one such as myself."
{bbl:5-2:Sakuya:9} 先生ほどの知識と技量があっても、難しいんですか? "Even with the knowledge and tools of a physician?"
{bbl:5-2:Shuu:10} ええ。私は健常な体ではありませんので "Even so. I am not a particularly healthy person."
{bbl:5-2:Ryouta:11} 健常な体じゃない……? "Not a healthy person...?"
{bbl:5-2:Kazuaki:12} 岩峰先生はね~、体の右半分が、ちょっと不自由なんだよ~ "The doctor is slightly impaired down his right side, you know."
{bbl:5-2:Ryouta:13} えっ……?そんなの初耳です! "He is...? I never knew."
{bbl:5-2:Shuu:14} 昔、ちょっとした怪我をしましてね。日常生活には差し支えないのですが、
"I was injured, long ago. My right wing never fully recovered, though
it rarely poses problems in daily life."
{bbl:5-2:Shuu:15} 人間の体は重い。片翼であの芸当をこなすのは、少々無理があるでしょう? "A human corpse is heavy. It seems like a bit much to go dragging around
with one wing, don't you think?"
{bbl:5-2:Kazuaki:16} 岩峰先生が言ってる事は、本当だよ~。
"Yes, it's all true. It's even recorded in the faculty medical records."
{bbl:5-2:Ryouta:17} そうだったんですか……わかりました。覚えておきます "It is? I see... thanks, I'll remember that."
{bbl:5-2:NARATOR:18} 僕は管理作業員室に向かう道中で、
I tell Sakuya about what I found in the infirmary as we head to the maintenance
{bbl:5-2:Sakuya:19} 藤代嘆のカルテか……岩峰先生は何か医療センターと関わりがあったのか……? "Meaning... Fujishiro Nageki's records and the doctor have something to
do with the medical center...?"
{bbl:5-2:Ryouta:20} そうかもしれないね。それに、他のカルテも気になるよ "I think so, yeah. I wonder about the other records, too."
{bbl:5-2:Ryouta:21} どうして僕と、$namef と、朔夜のが揃ってたんだろう。
"Why you, me, and $namef all together? Could that really be a coincidence?"
{bbl:5-2:Ryouta:22} 朔夜は転校して来てから保健室のお世話になったりした? "Did you go there often after you moved here, or anything?"
{bbl:5-2:Sakuya:23} いや、それは全く無い。貴族は病と無縁だからな "Not once. Nobility knows no illness."
{bbl:5-2:NARATOR:24} だよねー。朔夜が不調なところって見た事がないし、いつでも健康なイメージだ。 Yeah. I've never seen him sick, and he always seems pretty lively.
{bbl:5-2:Ryouta:25} それにしても、岩峰先生の体が不自由だなんて知らなかったよ。
"I hadn't known about the doctor's injury... kind of a bad thing to
find out now."
{bbl:5-2:Sakuya:26} 厄介?お前にとって不都合だからか? "Bad? Because it is inconvenient to your theory?"
{bbl:5-2:Sakuya:27} 公正に考えろ。正確な情報が増えて困ることは無い "We must remain just. No harm can ever come from learning more of the
{bbl:5-2:NARATOR:28} それもそうか……。 I guess so...
{bbl:5-2:NARATOR:29} 岩峰先生ってあんまりアクティブじゃないっていうか、
Maybe it's because he's not very active, or because he never leaves the
infirmary, but guess I've never really had a chance to notice his disability.
{bbl:5-2:Ryouta:30} 岩峰先生だけで犯行が難しいなら、
"If he couldn't have done it alone, it makes it seem more likely that
he was working together with Yuuya."
{bbl:5-2:Sakuya:31} あの雑種め……あいつがいると碌な事にならないな。事態を混ぜ返すばかりだ "Blasted mongrel... no good can ever come of his presence. He merely
confuses the issue."
{bbl:5-2:Yuuya:32} サリュー!俺の噂でもしてるのかな? "Salutations! Were you gossiping about me?"
{bbl:5-2:Ryouta:33} 先輩! "Yuuya!"
{bbl:5-2:Yuuya:34} いやー、困っちゃうね。
"What a pickle! I guess I'm the topic of choice among the boys as well
as the girls, now. Not that I mind."
{bbl:5-2:Sakuya:35} 貴様、調子に乗るな。誰も良い噂などしていないぞ "Don't let it get to your head, mongrel. We weren't saying anything
good about you."
{bbl:5-2:Ryouta:36} そうです先輩。僕たちどちらかというと先輩の悪口を言ってました! "That's right, Yuuya. From your point of view, we were subjecting you
to vile slander and ill gossips!"
{bbl:5-2:Yuuya:37} 涼太は正直な少年だねぇ。ま、そういう所嫌いじゃないんだけどさ "You're very frank, Ryouta. Nothing wrong with that."
{bbl:5-2:Yuuya:38} で、悪口ってどんなこと?
"What kind of slander? Perhaps you shouldn't say, lest my fragile heart
shatter like a maiden's crystal glass, dropped by an unkind lover."
{bbl:5-2:NARATOR:39} この非常事態の中、
It should be obvious what we were talking about from our faces alone,
but... he's completely relaxed.
{bbl:5-2:NARATOR:40} ガラスのハートどころか、先輩の心臓ってゴムか何かで出来てるんじゃないかな。
I doubt his heart is made of glass, though. Used tires, maybe. Something
that is completely impervious to abuse.
{bbl:5-2:Sakuya:41} 貴様からノコノコ現れてくれて手間が省けた。率直に聞こう "Your unsolicited presence saves us the trouble of looking for you. We
demand answers from you."
{bbl:5-2:Sakuya:42} 貴様は嘘をついた。貴様は昨日、保健室で$namel に会っている筈だ。
"You lied. You met $namel in the infirmary yesterday. Did you kill
{bbl:5-2:Yuuya:43} ……なるほど、キミ達は俺を疑ってるワケだ。
"... so, you doubt me. I'd love to see your evidence."
{bbl:5-2:Ryouta:44} $namef の学生証です。血痕のついた状態で発見されました "We found her ID, stained with blood. In the infirmary."
{bbl:5-2:Sakuya:45} 貴様には説明する義務がある。昨日保健室で何を見た?
"You are duty-bound to answer. What did you see in the infirmary yesterday? And
what did you do?"
{bbl:5-2:Yuuya:46} そうだねぇ……俺から答えられる事は何も無いよ。ごめんね "Well, I... can't tell you anything. Sorry."
{bbl:5-2:Yuuya:47} 俺は、話す事ができないんだ……何も "I can't say... anything at all."
{bbl:5-2:Sakuya:48} ふざけるなッ!つまり何か知っているということだろう?
"Cease this foolishness! You know something, don't you!? Do not attempt
to dodge the--"
{bbl:5-2:NARATOR:49} !! !
{bbl:5-2:Scarecrow:50} ひゅ………ひゅぅ、オ……ォア……… "Hy... hyu... oh... oa..."
{bbl:5-2:Ryouta:51} 二羽とも、逃げよう! "Run, you two!"
{bbl:5-2:Yuuya:52} 間が悪いねぇ。空気を読めない男は嫌われるよ? "Such terrible timing! Nobirdie likes a man who can't read the atmosphere,
mister scarecrow."
{bbl:5-2:Sakuya:53} 暢気にアドバイスしてる場合か!行くぞ! "Is this the time for jokes!? Run! Go!"
{bbl:5-2:Yuuya:54} 涼太はうまく逃げ切ったみたいだね。……問題は俺達の方か "Ryouta seems to have left us in the dust... maybe we should hurry
up a little."
{bbl:5-2:Yuuya:55} まだ俺達に気付いてはいないみたいだけど、
"Well, it doesn't look like it's noticed us. I guess it's not too keen
on chasing people."
{bbl:5-2:Sakuya:56} あまりひっつくな暑苦しい。雑種の匂いが移る! "Your idle flirtations sicken me! Filthy mongrel!"
{bbl:5-2:Yuuya:57} 静かに、隠れてるのがバレたら困るだろ? "Ssh! Do you want it to hear us?"
{bbl:5-2:Yuuya:58} そうだな……じゃあ、こうしよう "Hmm... how about this."
{bbl:5-2:Yuuya:59} 俺が先に飛び出して、ノッポさんを食堂側に誘導する。
"I'll go first, and lure mister beanpole-man towards the cafeteria. You
head for the maintenance room while it's distracted, okay?"
{bbl:5-2:Sakuya:60} 囮だと……?そんな媚を私に売ったところで貴様の容疑が晴れる訳じゃないんだぞ "You plan to act as a decoy...? Don't think this will stop me from suspecting
{bbl:5-2:Yuuya:61} 媚なんかじゃないさ。俺は今までもこれからもお前の味方だから "I wasn't asking you to. I've been your ally until now, so why stop
{bbl:5-2:Sakuya:62} 味方……? "Our ally... ?"
{bbl:5-2:Yuuya:63} じゃ、そういうワケで朔夜も要領よく逃げるんだよ。アデュー! "Anyway, run for it as soon as we're out of sight. Adieu!"
{bbl:5-2:Ryouta:64} あっ、朔夜おかえり!無事で良かったよ……案山子男には邪魔されっぱなしだね "Sakuya! You're okay! I was worried that maybe you got caught..."
{bbl:5-2:Sakuya:65} ……ああ "... indeed."
{bbl:5-2:Ryouta:66} 先輩は一緒じゃないの?結局一番大切なところは聞けず終いだけど…… "Isn't Yuuya with you? We never got him to answer anything..."
{bbl:5-2:Sakuya:67} 知らん。私とは反対の方向に逃げたからな "I do not know. He ran in the opposite direction."
{bbl:5-2:Ryouta:68} そっか……もうあまり時間が無いし、先輩から話を聞き出せないなら、
"Hmm... we don't have much time left. I think the only thing to do
is get him to talk to us and then confront the doctor."
{bbl:5-2:Ryouta:69} 先輩はこれまで僕達に協力的だったけど、本当に味方かどうか……
"He's been helping us this whole time, but... I don't know if we can still
consider him our ally."
{bbl:5-2:Sakuya:70} 味方かどうか、か。……そうだな "Our ally... indeed."
{bbl:5-2:Ryouta:71} 朔夜は坂咲先輩ともずっと別居だったんだよね "You've always been separated, right?"
{bbl:5-2:Ryouta:72} じゃあ、先輩が普段何をしてるかとか、こういう状況ならこういう事しそうとか、
"So, you don't really know how he usually acts, or... if he'd be likely
to do something like this, or--"
{bbl:5-2:Sakuya:73} 知る訳がないだろう。あいつと私は文字通り住む世界が違うんだ。
"How could I know? He and I live in... different worlds. As my father
said. I couldn't know."
{bbl:5-2:Ryouta:74} 僕は独りっ子だから兄弟がどういうものか分からないんだけど……
"I'm an only child, so I don't really understand siblings, but I... think
I know how you feel about him, Sakuya."
{bbl:5-2:Sakuya:75} 何度も言わせるな。あんな男の事など私の与り知る所ではない "Do not make me repeat myself. He and I have no connection."
{bbl:5-2:Sakuya:76} しかし…… "But..."
{bbl:5-2:Sakuya:77} あいつは私の敵ではない。……それだけは、信じたい "I want to believe that... he is not my enemy."
{bbl:5-2:NARATOR:78} 朔夜も色々と思う所があるみたいだ。 Looks like Sakuya isn't entirely sure what to think.
{bbl:5-2:NARATOR:79} 家族を救った先生と半分血の繋がった兄の二羽が疑惑のただ中にいる──
The prime suspects are the doctor who aided his family and his own
half-brother... if
I were given the same situation, I wouldn't be as calm as he is.
{bbl:5-2:NARATOR:80} 調査状況を記録して、岩峰先生に会いに行こう。……確かめるんだ。
We should write in the notes, and then go talk to the doctor. ... go
find out exactly happened in the infirmary.
{bbl:5-2:NARATOR:81} ここまでのデータをセーブしますか? Save your progress?H
{bbl:5-2:DECYes:82} セーブする Yes
{bbl:5-2:DECNo:83} 先へ進む No
{bbl:5-2:NARATOR:84} 改めて整頓してみると、新しく分かったことも多いけど、
We've figured out a lot of things, but... there's still a lot that remains
a mystery.
{bbl:5-2:NARATOR:85} 時計は18時。もうあまり猶予も無い。あと4時間で$namef の死の真相と、
It's 6 PM. We don't have much time. Can we solve this and get out alive
in only four hours...?
{bbl:5-2:Ryouta:86} よし、行こう朔── "All right, let's go, Saku--"
{bbl:5-2:NARATOR:87} あれ? Huh?
{bbl:5-2:Ryouta:88} ……朔夜? "... Sakuya?"
{bbl:5-2:LeoneJB:89} クジャクバトの彼なら先に出発したぞ、若鳥よ "Your friend already left, young one."
{bbl:5-2:Ryouta:90} !! "!"
{bbl:5-2:Ryouta:91} 早く教えてくださいよレオネさん!! "Wh-why didn't you say so earlier!?"
{bbl:5-2:NARATOR:92} 朔夜は独りで岩峰先生に会いに行くつもりだ! He's planning to confront the doctor alone!
{bbl:5-3:NARATOR:0} 父は、この世になくてはならない、素晴らしい血統の鳩だ。
Father is of the pure bloodline, and so his life is of the utmost value. By
extension, the doctor who saved his life must also be valuable. I must
not disrespect him... because that is what father told me.
{bbl:5-3:NARATOR:1} 兄は、卑しい父を持つ兄は、この世に無用の存在だ。
My brother, born of a low father, is a worthless being. Though he looks
noble, his veins flow with filthy, impure blood. I must not associate
with those of low birth... because that is what father told me.
{bbl:5-3:NARATOR:2} しかし、わからない。
But I am no longer sure. What is blood? Why does it divide us so?
{bbl:5-3:Kazuaki:3} あれ~、銀くんだ。おかえり~ "Oh, hello again, Shirogane."
{bbl:5-3:Sakuya:4} ……岩峰先生は? "... where is the doctor?"
{bbl:5-3:Kazuaki:5} 先生は、保健室に戻るって、さっき出て行ったよ~。
"He said he was going back to the infirmary. Maybe he forgot something
{bbl:5-3:Sakuya:6} わかった "Thank you."
{bbl:5-3:Kazuaki:7} もう行っちゃうの?休憩しなくて、大丈夫?気をつけてね~ "You're going right after him? Don't you want any tea? ... well, be
{bbl:5-3:Kazuaki:8} ……… "......"
{bbl:5-3:Kazuaki:9} なんだか、思い詰めたような顔してたよ~。大丈夫かな~ "He looked rather troubled... I hope he's all right."
{bbl:5-3:Sakuya:10} 先生…… "Doctor..."
{bbl:5-3:Shuu:11} ……銀君ですか。随分と疲れた様子ですね。休んで行きますか? "... mister Shirogane. You look quite fatigued. Would you care rest
for a little while?"
{bbl:5-3:Sakuya:12} 先生……先生は、違いますよね "You... you are wrong, are you not, sir?"
{bbl:5-3:Shuu:13} 何の話でしょうか "Whatever could you mean?"
{bbl:5-3:Sakuya:14} 真実を聞きたいんです "I wish to learn the truth."
{bbl:5-3:Sakuya:15} 先生は、そして坂咲は何をしたんですか。$namel を手にかけたのは、
"What did you and Sakazaki do? Which of you decided to
kill $namel ?"
{bbl:5-3:Shuu:16} 何の論証もなく出す台詞ではありませんね、銀君 "That's not something to say without proof, mister Shirogane."
{bbl:5-3:Shuu:17} しかし……そうですね。残された時間はあと僅かです。それぐらいなら、
"But then... we have but little time left. Perhaps I shall explain
things to you."
{bbl:5-3:Shuu:18} $namel さんを殺したのは、私ではありません。これは真実です "I did not kill miss $namel . This is the truth."
{bbl:5-3:Sakuya:19} ……! ".....!"
{bbl:5-3:NARATOR:20} そうだ。不穏な噂などに惑わされてはいけない。
Of course. How could I let myself be swayed by idle rumors? The doctor
could not possibly carry out such an atrocity.
{bbl:5-3:Shuu:21} また……坂咲君でもありません。
ということは、一体誰が$namel さんを殺したんでしょうね?
"Mister Sakazaki did not kill her, either. Which raises the question... who
{bbl:5-3:Sakuya:22} 坂咲は事件との関与を認めています。無実とはとても── "Sakazaki admitted that he was involved in the crime! He cannot possibly
{bbl:5-3:Shuu:23} 坂咲君は『殺してはいない』、私はそう言ったでしょう?
"I merely said that he did not kill her. I did not say
he wasn't involved. Of course, the same applies to myself."
{bbl:5-3:Sakuya:24} 殺してはいない、しかし関与はしている……どういうことなんだ。
"The two of you did not kill her, but were involved...? But then... Who
did kill her...?"
{bbl:5-3:Shuu:25} ああ……いけませんね。貴方と話していると眠くなる "Oh, dear me... this won't do. Talking to you makes me feel like I'm
about to fall asleep."
{bbl:5-3:Shuu:26} これが『雑種』の限界ですか "I suppose these are the limits of a mere mongrel."
{bbl:5-3:NARATOR:27} ……今何と言った? ... what did he just say?
{bbl:5-3:Sakuya:28} 岩峰先生、私は── "Doctor, I--"
{bbl:5-3:Shuu:29} 少し静かにして頂けませんか、銀君。私はもう、貴方に興味がないんです "Could you be quiet for a minute, mister Shirogane? You bore me."
{bbl:5-3:Shuu:30} 低俗で、下賤な、雑種には "You filthy... low-born... mongrel."
{bbl:5-3:Sakuya:31} な………何を言うんですか先生。私は坂咲とは違── "Wha... what are you saying, sir!? I am not like Saka--"
{bbl:5-3:Shuu:32} 貴方はよく働いてくれました。
"You did well. Thanks to you, mister Kawara has found almost everything
he needs. Just one more push, and he'll be done."
{bbl:5-3:Shuu:33} お疲れ様でした、銀君 "Thank you, mister Shirogane."
{bbl:5-3:NARATOR:34} 白銀の刃物が光った。先生の左翼がゆっくりと弧を描く。 A glint of white steel. His left wing slowly traces an arc through the
{bbl:5-3:NARATOR:35} 殺される。殺される。岩峰先生は何と言った?
I'm dying. I'm dying. What did he say? Why was I left behind...? I
can't think...
{bbl:5-3:Sakuya:36} ……… "......"
{bbl:5-3:Sakuya:37} ………… "......"
{bbl:5-3:Sakuya:38} ………………? "........?"
{bbl:5-3:Sakuya:39} 坂咲……ッ! "Sakazaki...!"
{bbl:5-3:Yuuya:40} 話が違うぞ伊佐ッ。弟には手を出すなと言った筈だ!! "Stop that, Isa! I told you not to touch my brother."
{bbl:5-3:NARATOR:41} いつの間にか目の前に坂咲優夜が覆い被さっていた。 Suddenly, Sakazaki Yuuya blocks out the sun.
{bbl:5-3:NARATOR:42} 床に小さな血溜まりが広がっている。私に痛みはない。この血は── Blood is spreading across the floor. I am unhurt...? Whose--
{bbl:5-3:Sakuya:43} 貴様、翼を── "Y-your wing--"
{bbl:5-3:Shuu:44} 美しい兄弟愛ですねえ、坂咲君。流石、本職のヒーローは違います "Such beautiful brotherly love, mister Sakazaki. You were the real
hero all along, of course."
{bbl:5-3:Shuu:45} 私は『他の鳥に秘密を明かさない』という事しか約束していませんよ。
"I only promised that I wouldn't tell other people. Not
that I wouldn't tell him himself... or that I wouldn't kill him."
{bbl:5-3:Shuu:46} 折角他鳥に見せまいと華原君からカルテの強奪までしたのに、残念でしたねえ "And after all that work to steal the records from mister Kawara, too."
{bbl:5-3:Yuuya:47} ……ああ、お前はそういう男だったな。どうしようもなく卑怯で、悪趣味な "... yeah, you've always been like this. A coward and villain to the
{bbl:5-3:Shuu:48} お褒め頂き光栄です "Oh, such flattery."
{bbl:5-3:Sakuya:49} 岩峰先生、何をするんですか!何故!何故こんなことを! "What are you doing, doctor? Why? Why are you doing this!?"
{bbl:5-3:Shuu:50} 言ったでしょう。私はもう、貴方に興味がないんです。
"I told you, remember? You bore me. Now that you have helped mister
Kawara as much as you can, I have no more use for you."
{bbl:5-3:Shuu:51} 用済みの貴方にしつこく噛み付かれるのは、少々不快なのでね "Why should I put up with your babbling now that I am done with you?"
{bbl:5-3:Sakuya:52} 理解できません、先生。先生と坂咲は何を──! "I do not understand, sir. What did you and Sakazaki--"
{bbl:5-3:Shuu:53} ああ、だから嫌なんです。貴方に説明する義理はありません。
"This is exactly what I'm talking about. I have no responsibility to
explain to you. ... goodbye, mister Shirogane."
{bbl:5-3:Yuuya:54} 危ない、動くな朔夜ッ!! "No! Don't move, Sakuya!"
{bbl:5-3:Ryouta:55} 朔夜ッ! "Sakuya!"
{bbl:5-3:Shuu:56} ……ああ、華原君。ちょうど君の話をしていたところです "... oh, mister Kawara. We were just discussing you."
{bbl:5-3:NARATOR:57} 背から血を流しながら朔夜を庇っている先輩。その隣には岩峰先生。
Yuuya standing over Sakuya, blood running down his body. The doctor,
standing next to them. There is no question about what's happened.
{bbl:5-3:Ryouta:58} 先生ッ!やっぱり岩峰先生が犯鳥だったんですね!! "Doctor! So it was you all along!"
{bbl:5-3:Shuu:59} さあ?どうでしょうね。ククク "Was it? I wonder about that. Hohoho."
{bbl:5-3:Sakuya:60} おい、しっかりしろ坂咲!答えろッ! "P-pull yourself together, Sakazaki! Say something!"
{bbl:5-3:Shuu:61} 大丈夫。すぐには死にませんよ。聞きたい事があるなら坂咲君に聞いて御覧なさい。
"Don't worry, he won't die just yet. I'm sure you'll enjoy a confession
or two, so ask him all you want."
{bbl:5-3:Ryouta:62} 待ってください、岩峰先──! "Wait, doctor--"
{bbl:5-3:Scarecrow:63} ひゅ…………ぅ、ひゅ… "Hy... u... hyu..."
{bbl:5-3:Ryouta:64} 案山子男……! "Th-the scarecrow...!"
{bbl:5-3:Shuu:65} やっと来ましたか、レイバー9。待っていましたよ。さあ、行きましょうか "There you are, Labor 9. I was waiting for you. Come, let us go."
{bbl:5-3:Scarecrow:66} …ア、ァ…………… "... aa... aah......"
{bbl:5-3:NARATOR:67} レイバー9、それが案山子男の名前だろうか?
Labor 9? Is that the scarecrow's name? So, he was working under the
doctor this whole time!
{bbl:5-3:Shuu:68} あと少しですよ、華原君。『忘れ物』は見付かりそうですか? "Just a little more, mister Kawara. Do you think you'll remember
{bbl:5-3:Ryouta:69} もうはぐらかすのは止めてください! "Stop running away!"
{bbl:5-3:Ryouta:70} 先生が$namef を殺した!僕は貴方を許さない!! "You killed $namef ! I will never forgive you!"
{bbl:5-3:Shuu:71} まだ心は折れていないようで安心しました。元気なのは結構なことです "I'm glad you're so lively. That's good."
{bbl:5-3:Shuu:72} ……地の底、奥深く。お待ちしています。追って来なさい、華原君 "... I shall be waiting for you, deep beneath the surface. Chase me,
mister Kawara!"
{bbl:5-3:NARATOR:73} 翼を伸ばす。届かない。 I reach out. I can't reach.
{bbl:5-3:NARATOR:74} 岩峰先生は案山子男と共に保健室から姿を消してしまった。 The doctor and the scarecrow are gone.
{bbl:5-3:Yuuya:75} いけない、涼太……キミ独りでノッポさんを追うのは危険だ……
"Don't go chasing after... the beanpole-man on your own, Ryouta... a
good man keeps his cool, even in times like this."
{bbl:5-3:Sakuya:76} 喋るな、まだ血が止まっていない! "D-don't speak! You're still bleeding!"
{bbl:5-3:Yuuya:77} 大丈夫、大丈夫。
"Don't worry... who the hell do you think I am? I'll be... fine...
I know my limits better than anyone else."
{bbl:5-3:Yuuya:78} メスなんていうのは、生き物を殺す為に作られた刃物じゃない。
"I won't die... to a little scalpel. Getting whacked with a cleaver
would have been bad, but..."
{bbl:5-3:Ryouta:79} 包帯ならここにあるよね?朔夜、僕はレオネさんを呼んでくる! "There are plenty of bandages here! Sakuya, wait here, I'll go get
mister Leone!"
{bbl:5-3:Yuuya:80} 待ってくれ、涼太。君にも…話す事がある。ここにいて、聞いてくれないかな?
"Wait, Ryouta. I have... things to tell you. Can you wait long enough... to
hear my confession?"
{bbl:5-3:Yuuya:81} 先生の言う通りだ、時間を無駄にする事はできない。
"Like the doctor said... there's no time to waste. So let me tell you... everything
I can."
{bbl:5-3:Yuuya:82} ……次の機会が、無いかもしれないからねぇ "... this might be our last chance."
{bbl:5-3:Sakuya:83} 遅いぞ坂咲ッ。
"It's too late, Sakazaki! If you were involved, why didn't you tell
us before...!?"
{bbl:5-3:Yuuya:84} あはは、そうだねぇ。ちょっと色々、事情があったからね。
"Ahaha... we had... a deal. Of course, he broke it without a second
{bbl:5-3:Yuuya:85} 俺も岩峰先生も、$namef ちゃんを殺しては……いない。これは本当だ "The doctor and I... did not kill her. That is the truth."
{bbl:5-3:Ryouta:86} でも、それならどうして岩峰先生はこんな事を! "B-but then why did he--"
{bbl:5-3:Yuuya:87} $namef ちゃんは、ここで死んだ。昨日の放課後にね。……それは、正しい "She died... in this room. After school, yesterday. That... is also
the truth."
{bbl:5-3:Sakuya:88} お前と先生以外の第三者がいたということか? "Then there was someone else?"
{bbl:5-3:Yuuya:89} 朔夜は賢いねぇ……その通りさ "Yes... right as always, Sakuya."
{bbl:5-3:Ryouta:90} その第三者が、$namef を……?誰なんですか!誰がここに! "And that third person killed $namef ...? Who was it!?"
{bbl:5-3:Yuuya:91} ……。ごめんね。それだけは、勘弁してくれないかい "...... I'm sorry. I can't tell you that."
{bbl:5-3:Yuuya:92} ……キミならきっと、答えを見付けられる "... I think... you'll figure it out..."
{bbl:5-3:Yuuya:93} そして、俺はキミに謝らなきゃいけない。
死んだ$namef ちゃんを小さく切り分けたのは、俺と岩峰先生だからね
"I have to... apologize to you. The doctor and I were the ones who cut
her up."
{bbl:5-3:Sakuya:94} ……!! ".....!"
{bbl:5-3:Ryouta:95} クラスに届けられる箱に詰めて、僕らに運ばせたのも、先輩なんですか…… "So you stuffed her into those boxes...?"
{bbl:5-3:Yuuya:96} 時間だ。
岩峰先生は、$namef ちゃんの死を対外的に示す時間帯を調整しようとしていた
"It was... the time. The doctor needed to be sure of when she'd be found."
{bbl:5-3:Yuuya:97} なるべく多くの人間を集められるタイミングを、測っていたのさ。
"He decided morning... would be give time for the most humans to gather. I
suppose... he probably thought putting her in the print boxes was funny,
{bbl:5-3:NARATOR:98} 人間を、沢山?どうしてそんな必要があったんだろう……。 The most humans? Why would...?
{bbl:5-3:Yuuya:99} ……ああ、結局最後まで俺は中途半端なままだ。どちらの覚悟も、足りなかった "... looks like I've stayed on the fence to the very end. I didn't have
the resolve to go either way..."
{bbl:5-3:Yuuya:100} 言いなりになる以外の道も、もしかしたらあったのかもしれないのにねぇ…… "If only things... had been a little different..."
{bbl:5-3:Yuuya:101} ゲホッ、ゲホッ……! "-cough- -cough-"
{bbl:5-3:Sakuya:102} おい、大丈夫と言ったのはどこのどいつだ! "I-I thought you said you'd be fine!"
{bbl:5-3:Yuuya:103} 心配してくれるのかい?嬉しいねぇ "Are you... worried for me? I'm honored..."
{bbl:5-3:Yuuya:104} ごめんね、涼太。ちょっとだけ席を外してくれないかな。
"Could you... go outside for bit, Ryouta...? We'll go to the maintenance
office afterwords..."
{bbl:5-3:Yuuya:105} ……少しの間でいい。朔夜と二羽だけにしてくれ "... just for a little... I want to talk to Sakuya, alone..."
{bbl:5-4:NARATOR:0} 優夜、新しいパパができるの。
You have a new father now, Yuuya. He has a beautiful mansion, and you'll
be moving there tomorrow.
{bbl:5-4:NARATOR:1} だけどね、新しいパパは貴方の弟を、要らないって言うの。
But your new father says he doesn't want your brother. He says he can
only feed you if you leave the egg behind.
{bbl:5-4:NARATOR:2} ママが苦しいのは知ってるよ。
Mother is sad. He is her son, too.
{bbl:5-4:NARATOR:3} ぼくが行ってくるよ。
I will go. I will throw my brother away, mother. Give me the egg.
{bbl:5-4:NARATOR:4} ぼくは知っている。
The new father killed my father. I know he did. He killed him so he
could take mother from him.
{bbl:5-4:NARATOR:5} ぼくは待った。
I waited. Until she laid a new egg. Until she laid an egg with the
new father's child inside...
{bbl:5-4:NARATOR:6} そして、ぼくは隠していた弟の卵をお屋敷に運んだ。
I had hid him away, in the mansion. And I switched them. So he will
raise my brother as his own son.
{bbl:5-4:NARATOR:7} 新しいパパは、ぼくのことがきらいだ。
The new father hates me. But he will love my brother. He will give
him nice food, and nice clothes, and a nice bed.
{bbl:5-4:NARATOR:8} ぼくの弟はそれを知らない。
My brother will not know. No one will know but me.
{bbl:5-4:NARATOR:9} ぼくは新しいパパがきらいだ。 I hate the new father.
{bbl:5-4:NARATOR:10} ぼくは……入れ替えた卵を、たたきわった。 I took the new egg... and I smashed it.
{bbl:5-4:Yuuya:11} 今までずっと、打ち明けるべきかどうか悩んでた……
"I've always thought... that maybe I should have told you. The doctor
did not lie."
{bbl:5-4:Yuuya:12} お前は、俺と同じ雑種だ…異父兄弟なんかじゃなくて……実の、弟なんだ…… "You're... the same as me, Sakuya. We were never half-brothers... you
are my real brother."
{bbl:5-4:Sakuya:13} 馬鹿な……私はル・ベルの正統な血を引く跡継ぎだぞ。
"Im... impossible...! I am the heir of the Le Bel family...! Father told
me so! Everyone told me so...! I was raised for no other purpose..."
{bbl:5-4:Yuuya:14} 卵の入れ替えは、俺しか知らないからねぇ……
"I never told anyone... that I'd switched the eggs. If father found
out now, he'd throw you away..."
{bbl:5-4:Yuuya:15} 俺はお前の為に……いや、違うな。
"I did it for you... no, maybe I didn't. Maybe I just did it to spite
that man... I killed the child he had with mother."
{bbl:5-4:Yuuya:16} これは俺の背負った罪だ。だから…お前には、関係がない。俺は、
"That was... the cross I had to bear. It was never your problem. I
was happy... just to see you living in luxury..."
{bbl:5-4:Sakuya:17} 貴様、何の権限があってそう一方的な事ばかり……! "Y-you... under what authority...!"
{bbl:5-4:Yuuya:18} あはは、そうだね。俺は勝手ばかりしてるからねぇ…… "Ahaha... none. You're right, I only ever listen to myself."
{bbl:5-4:Yuuya:19} ……そして、岩峰先生は気付いた。お前の血統にね "... but the doctor noticed. He must have realized..."
{bbl:5-4:Yuuya:20} 情けない話だけど、俺は彼の言いなりになるしかなかったんだよ。
"I guess I was doing what he said all along... since I took your lineage."
{bbl:5-4:Yuuya:21} ル・ベルの卵を──異父弟を殺したことは、俺にずっと付いてまわる。
"The fact that I killed the Le Bel--the other father's child will never
leave me... I've never been able to forget."
{bbl:5-4:Yuuya:22} 兄弟殺しで糾弾されるなら、進んでそれを受け入れよう "If you're blamed for that child's death, you have to press on..."
{bbl:5-4:Yuuya:23} ……でも、お前の日常を壊すことはできない "... you can't let it stop you."
{bbl:5-4:Yuuya:24} これでも、ずっと迷ってたんだよ。いつかは話すべきなんじゃないか、
"I always worried... about whether I should tell you or not... and
now it's too late."
{bbl:5-4:Yuuya:25} だから…… "So..."
{bbl:5-4:Sakuya:26} 愚か者……!今更、私が…私の血が貴様と同じなどと……! "F-fool...! To deny me my lineage now...!"
{bbl:5-4:Yuuya:27} ごめん、朔夜……できることなら、もっと早く話しておきたかったんだけどね。
"I'm sorry, Sakuya... I should have told you long ago... I was never
as sure of myself as you..."
{bbl:5-4:Sakuya:28} 私は、ル・ベル家の正統な血筋ではない…それなら、私は一体何なんだ……? "If... if I am not of the Le Bel line... what am I...?"
{bbl:5-4:Yuuya:29} ああ、やっぱりそういう事を言いだす。真面目だねぇ、朔夜は "I knew you'd ask that. Straightforward, as always... Ahaha."
{bbl:5-4:Yuuya:30} ここを出るんだ、朔夜。それから…ゆっくり考えるといい "Leave this place, Sakuya. And... think about it, long and hard."
{bbl:5-4:Yuuya:31} "You have a lot more to worry about... than just who your family is, after
{bbl:5-4:Sakuya:32} 待て、坂咲ッ!眠るな!まだ聞きたい事はたくさんあるんだ!! "No! Wait, Sakazaki! Stay with me! There is still much for you to
tell me...!"
{bbl:5-4:Yuuya:33} ふふっ、これだけ話をしたのは久しぶりだねぇ。
"Haha, it's been a long time since we talked this much. I talked to
you every day, when you were still an egg..."
{bbl:5-4:Sakuya:34} しっかりしろ優夜、勝手に私を置いていくなど許さないぞ!!
"Pull yourself together, Yuuya! You can't leave like this! You said
a little scalpel like that couldn't kill you!"
{bbl:5-4:Yuuya:35} ……それも、謝らなきゃねぇ。学園長の体がどうなっていたか、覚えてるかい?
"... I should apologize about that, too... remember the headmaster...? That
was nerve toxin..."
{bbl:5-4:Sakuya:36} まさか、さっきのメスには……! "You mean that scalpel had...!?"
{bbl:5-4:Yuuya:37} さ、嘘つきのお兄ちゃんは置いておいて、お前は先に行くんだ。
"Go on, Sakuya... leave your liar brother, and go... the doctor must
have a way... out of here...."
{bbl:5-4:Yuuya:38} ……お前は、お前だ。朔夜、何物にも、縛られる、な…… "... you are... yourself. Never let anyone... tie you down..."
{bbl:5-4:Yuuya:39} …………… "Later... buddy..."
{bbl:5-4:Sakuya:40} 優夜ッ!優夜ぁぁーーッ!!! "Yuuya! Yuuyaaaaaaa!"
{bbl:5-4:NARATOR:41} ここまでのデータをセーブしますか? Save your progress?H
{bbl:5-4:DECYes:42} セーブする Yes
{bbl:5-4:DECNo:43} 先へ進む No
{bbl:6-1:NARATOR:0} 時計は18時半を指している。
It's six PM. I haven't had much of a sense of time passing since the
dome appeared, but... it's already evening.
{bbl:6-1:NARATOR:1} 管理作業員室の空気が重い。 The atmosphere in the maintenance office is tense.
{bbl:6-1:Ryouta:2} 岩峰先生は地の底で待ってる、って言ってたけど……
"The doctor said he'd be waiting deep beneath the surface... does this
building have a basement?"
{bbl:6-1:LeoneJB:3} 少なくとも、公表されている校舎案内には含まれていないな。可能性としては…… "Certainly not one that appears on the official plans. But maybe..."
{bbl:6-1:Ryouta:4} 医療センターの地下?
"Under the medical center? But that one's blocked off with concrete..."
{bbl:6-1:LeoneJB:5} これまでの調査結果から察するに、医療センターは完全に独立していたのではなく、
"It does not seem to me that the medical center is an entirely independent
{bbl:6-1:LeoneJB:6} 学園の敷地内に、医療センターの地下へ繋がる他のルートがあるかもしれん。
"There may well be a path from this building into the basement there. Is
there anywhere you might have missed something?"
{bbl:6-1:NARATOR:7} 見落とし……何か忘れていること。調べ忘れていること……。 Missed something... or forgotten something. Somewhere I forgot to look...?
{bbl:6-1:Ryouta:8} あっ "Oh."
{bbl:6-1:NARATOR:9} そうだ。何故か医療センターにあった図書室の百科事典。 That's right! The encyclopedia from the library, in the medical center...
{bbl:6-1:NARATOR:10} ……年表や保健室で見付かったカルテのこともある。
... and the chronology and the medical records. I'd like to talk to
Nageki again.
{bbl:6-1:LeoneJB:11} 何か心当たりがあるのかね "You've thought of something?"
{bbl:6-1:Ryouta:12} はい、出かけて来ます。朔夜は── "Yeah, I need to go check. Sakuya--"
{bbl:6-1:Sakuya:13} ……… "......"
{bbl:6-1:NARATOR:14} 保健室の出来事以降、朔夜は一度も口を聞いていない。 He hasn't spoken since what happened in the infirmary.
{bbl:6-1:NARATOR:15} 無理も無いよね……僕も、$namef を失っているから、気持ちは分かる。
I can't blame him... I know how he feels. Better to leave him alone.
{bbl:6-1:???:16} ……。…………… "...... ......"
{bbl:6-1:Nageki:17} …うん、分かってる。不安なのは、ぼくも一緒 "... I know. I'm worried about it, too."
{bbl:6-1:???:18} ………… "......"
{bbl:6-1:Nageki:19} また、遠ざかってる。きみは今、どこにいるの "You're fading again. Where are you...?"
{bbl:6-1:Ryouta:20} 嘆!よかった、また会えた "Nageki! There you are!"
{bbl:6-1:Nageki:21} ……何 "... what is it?"
{bbl:6-1:Ryouta:22} 学園のこと、色々調べて来たんだ。そして、君のことも "I've found out a lot about the school... and about you."
{bbl:6-1:Nageki:23} ……そう "... I see."
{bbl:6-1:Nageki:24} それなら、もう…ぼくが誰なのか、知ってるんだ "I suppose you... know who I am, then?"
{bbl:6-1:Ryouta:25} 少しだけね……まだ、わからない事もある。だからここに来たんだよ "Sort of, but... there are things I need to ask you. That's why I'm
{bbl:6-1:NARATOR:26} 5年前の火災事故、そして今回の封鎖事件。
The fire five years ago, and the dome today. How are they related?
{bbl:6-1:NARATOR:27} 嘆がこの学園の秘密を何か知っているなら、何としてでも聞いておかないと。 Nageki must know something about the secrets this school holds.
{bbl:6-1:Ryouta:28} 君は……本当は、もうここにはいなかったんだね "You... aren't really here anymore, are you?"
{bbl:6-1:Nageki:29} ……そうかもしれないし、そうじゃないかもしれない "... that might be so. Or it might not."
{bbl:6-1:Ryouta:30} 学園の歴史年表で見たよ。5年前、君は……
"I saw, in the school records. It says you... died, five years ago.
In an accident in the medical center."
{bbl:6-1:Nageki:31} ……… "......"
{bbl:6-1:Nageki:32} それは、なんとなく気付いてた。ぼくはここで自分の時計を止めたんだ。
"I had... become aware of that. I stopped my own clock here. That's
why I can never leave."
{bbl:6-1:Ryouta:33} 自分の時計を止めた……? "You stopped your...?"
{bbl:6-1:NARATOR:34} それって、つまり── In other words--
{bbl:6-1:Nageki:35} ……少なくとも、ぼくは、ぼくの意志で命を断った。
"... at the very least, I took my life through my own will. I am... almost
sure of that."
{bbl:6-1:Ryouta:36} じゃあ、事故で死んだ訳じゃないってこと…? "So you didn't die in the accident...?"
{bbl:6-1:NARATOR:37} 嘆は俯いて黙り込んだ。
He hangs his head in silence. Looks like he can't remember everything
from before he died...
{bbl:6-1:Ryouta:38} ヒントが欲しいんだ。
"I need a clue. There must be a basement under the medical center,
and I need to get in there..."
{bbl:6-1:Ryouta:39} あっ……そうだ、百科事典 "Oh, that's right... the encyclopedia."
{bbl:6-1:Nageki:40} 百科事典? "The encyclopedia?"
{bbl:6-1:Ryouta:41} ねぇ、君は昔医療センターに通っていたんだよね。
"You used to go to the medical center, right? Did you switch one of
the encyclopedias from there with one here?"
{bbl:6-1:Nageki:42} どうして、そんなこと "Why would...?"
{bbl:6-1:NARATOR:43} こっちが聞きたいよ!実物を確認する方が早そうだ。 That's what I want to know! I guess I should just tell him.
{bbl:6-1:Ryouta:44} ほら、この図書室の百科事典、おかしなことになってるんだ。
"Look, you know how the encyclopedias here are out of order? There
are two copies of volume nine, and no volume six."
{bbl:6-1:Nageki:45} 医療センターにも、同じ百科事典が? "The medical center has the same encyclopedias?"
{bbl:6-1:Ryouta:46} うん。向こうのは6巻が2冊あって、代わりに9巻が無かった "Yeah. There are two copies of six there, and no nine."
{bbl:6-1:Nageki:47} ……ややこしい "... how disorderly."
{bbl:6-1:Ryouta:48} うん、僕もそう思う……。
"Yeah... anyway, one of the copies of volume six there has a library
sticker on it. Someone must have taken it from here."
{bbl:6-1:Nageki:49} ……百科事典を、入れ替えて…… "... switched the encyclopedias..."
{bbl:6-1:Nageki:50} ………… "......"
{bbl:6-1:Nageki:51} 華原くん。この9巻…開いてみて "Mister Kawara. Try... reading this copy of colume nine."
{bbl:6-1:Ryouta:52} そうだね。百聞は一見になんたらーって言うし "Looking's worth a thousand spoken words, I guess."
{bbl:6-1:Ryouta:53} ………あれ? "... huh?"
{bbl:6-1:NARATOR:54} 何か変だ。 This isn't right.
{bbl:6-1:NARATOR:55} 閉じたままだと、一見辞典のように見えるけど、中身がそうじゃない。 It looks like just another book when it's closed, but...
{bbl:6-1:Ryouta:56} これ、辞典の形をした箱……なんだ "It's... a box...?"
{bbl:6-1:NARATOR:57} 百科事典の中にはファイルが入っている。
It's full of files. Some sort of documents...?
{bbl:6-1:Ryouta:58} 日付は5年前だ。やっぱりこれを持ち出したのって…… "They're all from five years ago. These must have been..."
{bbl:6-1:Nageki:59} 何が、書いてあるの。その紙 "What does it say? That one."
{bbl:6-1:Ryouta:60} 出してみるね "Let's see..."
{bbl:6-1:NARATOR:61} 『オペレーション・ハートフル』について……。 Operation Hatoful
{bbl:6-1:Ryouta:62} キャリア適性個体を生物兵器化する事で、
"This is talking about... using carrier individuals as biological weapons... to
fight humans...?"
{bbl:6-1:NARATOR:63} 学園長の機密ファイルにあったフレーズだ。でも思ってたよりずっと内容が重い。 It has the same title as the file in the headmaster's office. But I
never expected anything like this...
{bbl:6-1:Ryouta:64} 5年前から今までずっと、
"Meaning... this school has been being used for biological weapons development
for at least five years."
{bbl:6-1:Ryouta:65} 2180年、スマトラインフルエンザから更に進化した新型インフルエンザを確認 "2180: new strains of Sumatera Influenza isolated."
{bbl:6-1:Ryouta:66} 2183年、藤代嘆からウイルスを採取。
"2183: a new strain has been isolated from Fujishiro Nageki. It is
lethal to humans, and has been named Charon Virus. It has entered research
at St. Pigeonation's Medical Center."
{bbl:6-1:Nageki:67} ……カロン、ウイルス "... Charon Virus?"
{bbl:6-1:Nageki:68} …息が、できなくなるんだ。ぼくといると、人は…… "... humans I met... would always get very sick..."
{bbl:6-1:Ryouta:69} 何か、思い出せそう? "Are you remembering something?"
{bbl:6-1:Nageki:70} ……うん。多分 "... yes. I think so."
{bbl:6-1:Nageki:71} きっと、それを持ち出したのは、ぼくだ。
"I think I was the one who brought that book here. The birds with me
in the medical center often did... secret things in the reference room."
{bbl:6-1:Nageki:72} ぼくは、誰か大切な鳥に、医療センターで起こってることを伝えようとして── "I wanted to... tell someone. Tell someone important what was happening
the center--"
{bbl:6-1:Nageki:73} ……誰だろう、ぼくの、家族なんだ。ぼくの大切な家族が…… "... what was it? My family...? It must have been my family..."
{bbl:6-1:Nageki:74} …… "......"
{bbl:6-1:Nageki:75} そうか。ぼくが燃やした。ぼくには、消えなきゃいけない理由が、あった "That's right. I burned. I had to... disappear."
{bbl:6-1:Nageki:76} ……ああ、どうして気付かなかったんだろう。だから、きみは、
"... why didn't I notice? Did I your help to see...?"
{bbl:6-1:NARATOR:77} 嘆は落ち着き無く歩き回りながら独り言を続けている。 He paces nervously in circles, rambling on to himself.
{bbl:6-1:Ryouta:78} 何か気付いた事があるなら、教えてもらえると助かるんだけど…… "If you've realized something, it would help me to know what it is..."
{bbl:6-1:Nageki:79} 思い出したよ。ここで5年前、何があったのか "I've remembered. Remembered what happened here five years ago."
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:0} 両親の顔は、覚えていない。
I can't remember my parents' faces. I lived in an orphanage with other
birds my age since before I could remember...
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:1} その頃は気にしたことはなかったけど、ぼくが暮らしていた家にいた鳥達は、
I never thought much of it at the time, but apparently everybirdie there
was a war orphan.
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:2} だからといって戦争の元凶になった人間を恨む訳でもない。
But, I did not resent the humans who had started the war. I did not
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:3} ぼくはヒナの頃ここに来たから、親のいない皆と暮らす毎日も、
I thought that living with other chicks and no parents was as natural
as could be.
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:4} いつもと変わらない晴れたある日、孤児院に人間たちが押し入って来た。 One day, the endless routine was broken, and some humans broke into the
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:5} 人間たちは、銃を持って騒がしくわめいた。
They had guns, and kept shouting. 'Free humanity. Free humanity.'
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:7} 人間はぼく達の家に立てこもって、それから次々にぼくの家族を殺した。
They barricaded themselves in our house, and killed us one at a time. I
was helpless. I could only hide in the corner and weep as my family was
killed before my eyes.
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:8} 人間たちがやってきて、どれぐらいの時間が経っただろう。
I don't know how much time had gone by since they came. When I looked
around the silent room, they were all collapsed on the floor.
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:9} 鳥たちが助けに来てくれたんだ。
Birds had come to save us. They had come and killed the evil humans. That
is what I thought. But...
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:10} 君には素晴らしい力が備わっている。
You have been granted a great power. You are one of the chosen few.
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:11} ぼくは孤児院を出て、生き残った一羽の家族と、一つ屋根の下で暮らしていた。 I left the orphanage with my one remaining sibling, and we lived in an
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:12} だけど、ぼくは体が弱くて、学校にも仕事にも行くことができない。
But I was weak, and couldn't go to school or get a job. I was nothing
but a burden.
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:13} そんなぼくの所に、招待状が届いたんだ。 And then I received the invitation.
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:14} 君を特別な待遇で迎えたい。
We wish to welcome you with special treatment. How would you like to
study at the world's foremost avian school?
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:15} 必要なものがあれば何でも言ってほしい。
We will provide anything you need. Anything at all.
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:16} 学園の敷地内には小さな病院もある。
There is a hospital on the school grounds. We will provide a room for
you to live there. You shall receive all the care you require.
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:17} ぼくには一緒に過ごしている家族がいた。
I was living with my brother. I did not want to leave him.
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:18} でも、ぼくが彼と一緒に暮らしていても、一方的に彼の負担になるだけだったんだ。 But if I continued to live with him, I would only hold him down...
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:19} 彼は、ぼくの体が良くなるならと、喜んでぼくの背中を押した。
He was happy to hear that I would have a chance to improve my physical
condition. And so I enrolled in St. Pigeonation's...
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:20} ぼくは相変わらず体が弱かったから学校も休みがちで、友達はできなかったけど、
I was still weak, and so I often stayed in my room. I had no friends,
but I was not unhappy.
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:21} 学園の中にある病院でも、職員の鳥たちは親切にしてくれた。 The nurses and the faculty were all very kind to me.
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:22} そして、入学して最初の夏休みに、主治医の先生がぼくに提案した。 And then, early in my first summer vacation, the doctor made a proposal
to me.
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:23} 折角の長期休暇です。集中治療を行いましょう。
This vacation is the perfect opportunity. Would you like to undergo
intensive treatment? You will have to stay inside for some time, but
by the end of the summer you should be as healthy as any other bird in
the school.
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:24} 地下で過ごす、長い夏休みが始まった。
And so began a long summer in the underground facility. First, a routine
of daily examinations and numerous medications.
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:25} 次に、実験が始まった。
And then the experiments began. The experiments to kill humans.
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:26} 1人の人間がぼくの前に運ばれて来た。
A human would be brought to me. They would struggle, and gasp. And
then, with a last, painful sigh, they would stop moving.
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:27} ぼくは初めて、ぼくがここに迎えられた理由を知った。
I knew why I was brought here. Living in my body was a virus deadly
to humans in a matter of minutes.
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:28} 顔も知らない両親は、人間に殺された。
My parents, whose faces I never knew, were killed by humans. Everyone
else in the orphanage was killed by humans. And in return... I killed
another human with each experiment.
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:29} ただ同じ部屋にいて、同じ空気を吸うだけで、人間は倒れていく。 Simply by standing in the same room as me... by breathing the same air
as me... they would collapse.
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:30} ぼくは、耐えられなかった。
I couldn't stand it. I had no reason not to hate them, but... watching
them die in front of me shaved away at my heart, little by little.
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:31} だから、ぼくは自分の手で全て終わらせることにした。 And so I decided to end it all.
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:32} ぼくの願いはただ一つ。
I had only one wish. I wanted...
{bbl:6-2:NARATOR:33} ぼくが跡形も無く、この世界から消えてしまうこと。 I wanted to disappear from this world without a trace.
{bbl:6-3:Nageki:0} カロンウイルス。ぼくの体の中で進化した致死性変異ウイルス "The Charon Virus... the deadly guest that made its home in my body."
{bbl:6-3:Nageki:1} 医療センターにいた職員は、そう呼んでた。
"That is what they called it. No doubt they were searching for a way
to destroy humanity with that virus..."
{bbl:6-3:Ryouta:2} それが、オペレーション・ハートフル? "That was Operation Hatoful?"
{bbl:6-3:Nageki:3} ……うん "... yes."
{bbl:6-3:Nageki:4} ぼくが、やったんだ。5年前、何も残らないように、全部燃やした筈なのに── "That's why I... that's why I burned it all, five years ago. There
should have been nothing left, but--"
{bbl:6-3:Nageki:5} ぼくは…ここには、いないんだ。
"I am... not here. But maybe, just maybe... there's still something
left, somewhere."
{bbl:6-3:Nageki:6} それに、近くにいるのを感じる。ぼくの、大切な── "And, I can feel him, close by... my--"
{bbl:6-3:Nageki:7} ……華原くん。きみは、地下に行くの? "... mister Kawara. Are you going to the basement?"
{bbl:6-3:Ryouta:8} 他に道がないからね。
僕達が生きてここを出る方法も、$namef が殺された理由も……
"I don't have a choice. To find a way out of here alive, and to find
out why they killed $namef ... I need to ask the doctor."
{bbl:6-3:Nageki:9} ……そう "... I see."
{bbl:6-3:Nageki:10} その、百科事典。まだ入ってる物がある "That encyclopedia. What else is inside?"
{bbl:6-3:Ryouta:11} ……あっ "... oh."
{bbl:6-3:NARATOR:12} 書類と一緒に折り畳まれた大判の紙が挟まれている。これは── A piece of paper, folded up along with the files. This is--
{bbl:6-3:Ryouta:13} 医療センターの地図……? "A map of the medical center...?"
{bbl:6-3:Nageki:14} ぼくが地下に行った時は、センターから入ったけど、
"When I was there, I went in through the medical center. But it must
connect to the main buildings somewhere near here."
{bbl:6-3:Ryouta:15} えぇっと、ここが大体本館の入口辺りだから、この階段は…… "Umm, that looks like the gym, so those stairs are..."
{bbl:6-3:Nageki:16} 化学準備室だと、思う。研究員の鳥も、よく出入りしてたから "I believe it is in the chemistry preparation room. The researchers
often went in there."
{bbl:6-3:NARATOR:17} 化学準備室から地下エリア──そこに岩峰先生がいる。 The doctor is--beneath the preparation room.
{bbl:6-3:Ryouta:18} ありがとう、嘆。行ってみる "Thank you, Nageki. I have to go."
{bbl:6-3:Nageki:19} うん。きっと、また後で会える。ぼくと、それから── "Yes. I think you will be seeing me again. And--"
{bbl:6-3:Nageki:20} $namel さんにも "... miss $namel , as well."
{bbl:6-3:NARATOR:21} ここまでのデータをセーブしますか? Save your progress?
{bbl:6-3:DECYes:22} セーブする Yes
{bbl:6-3:DECNo:23} 先へ進む No
{bbl:7-1:Kazuaki:0} 化学準備室に、階段か~。今まで気付かなかったよ~。どこにあるんだろうね~? "A staircase in the preparation room...? I've never noticed one. I wonder
where it could be..."
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:1} もしあのまま案山子男も岩峰先生と一緒に地下に降りたなら、
"If the scarecrow went down there with the doctor, it would need to be
a pretty big opening..."
{bbl:7-1:NARATOR:2} とにかく、現地に行って調べてみよう。 We'll have to go and look.
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:3} もう19時。あと3時間したら武装した人間たちが僕らを殺しに押し掛けて来る "... seven PM already. We only have three hours until we're overrun with
bloodthirsty humans."
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:4} 地下から外に出る道があるのか確証は無いけど、希望はもうそこにしかないんだ "We don't know for sure if there's an escape route in the basement, but
it's our best bet."
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:5} 地下に降りる入口が見付かったら、
"Maybe we should get everybirdie from the gym to come with us as soon
as we find the stairs..."
{bbl:7-1:LeoneJB:6} 任せたまえ "Leave that to me."
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:7} レオネさん! "Mister Leone!"
{bbl:7-1:LeoneJB:8} マッシヴエージェントの名に賭けて、生徒達を案内しよう "I'll take care of the other students. Don't worry, I'm not a Massive
Agent for nothing."
{bbl:7-1:Kazuaki:9} 頼もしいです。緒根さん、よろしくお願いしますね~ "Well, then. Thank you, mister One."
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:10} あれ……先生は誘導に回らないんですか? "Umm... you aren't going with him, sir?"
{bbl:7-1:Kazuaki:11} ぼくは、華原くんについていくことにするよ~。何があるかわからないからね~ "I'm going to come with you, Kawara. We never know what could happen!"
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:12} ……ありがとうございます、先生 "... thank you, sir."
{bbl:7-1:Kazuaki:13} いいんだよ、いいんだよ~。ぼくは、華原くんの、担任なんだからね~ "You're welcome. I am your homeroom teacher, after all."
{bbl:7-1:Kazuaki:14} これまで華原くんは、よく頑張ったから、危険だってわかってるところには、
"You've done such a good job so far, I want to be there to help you if
things get dangerous."
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:15} 朔夜は……どうする? "... what about you, Sakuya?"
{bbl:7-1:Sakuya:16} ……… "......"
{bbl:7-1:Sakuya:17} ……先に、行け。私は後から追う "... you two go ahead. I'll catch up with you."
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:18} うん……わかった。必ず、一緒に脱出しようね "Right... okay. We're going to get out of here together, okay?"
{bbl:7-1:NARATOR:19} 朔夜にとっても、今日は短い時間にいろんな事があり過ぎた。 Too much has happened today, for both Sakuya and me.
{bbl:7-1:NARATOR:20} 本鳥があまり多くを語ってくれないから、
I don't know what's on his mind and he doesn't seem interested in telling
me, but-- if he wants to be alone, that's for the best.
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:21} じゃあ、僕は七姫先生と一緒に化学準備室に向かいます "I guess it's the two of us then, mister Nanaki."
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:22} もし何か大きな危険があったら、僕か七姫先生が知らせに戻るので、
"If something bad happens, one of us can come back to warn you and the
others, mister Leone."
{bbl:7-1:LeoneJB:23} 了解した "Understood."
{bbl:7-1:Kazuaki:24} 脱出作戦、開始だね~ "Commence operation breakout it is, then."
{bbl:7-1:Anghel:25} 待てッ! "Not so fast!"
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:26} あ、アンヘル……? "A-Anghel...?"
{bbl:7-1:NARATOR:27} このタイミングで面倒くさい鳥に乱入されてしまった……。 What does he want now? We don't have time for messing around...
{bbl:7-1:Anghel:28} 葬送の歌を紡ぐ者よ、お前は絶望の深淵アビスに行くのだろう "Textoris Melodia Funus! You travel now to the Abyss of Despair, do you
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:29} え、えーっと……ぜ、絶望の何…? "Uhh... the abyss of despair...?"
{bbl:7-1:Anghel:30} 冥大樹ルーファを遥かに凌駕する禍々しい魔素を感じる……
"I sense Demon Spores far greater in power than even those released by
the Tree of Blight... I cannot allow you to face the Dark Sorceror Wallenstein
{bbl:7-1:NARATOR:31} ヴァレンシュタインっていうのは岩峰先生のことだよね……。 The Wallenstein guy is the doctor, right?
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:32} うん、気持ちは嬉しいんだけど…… "Okay, uh..."
{bbl:7-1:Anghel:33} 待っていろヴァレンシュタイン!! "We're coming for you, Wallenstein!"
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:34} あーっ、ちょっと危ないよアンヘル!待って! "Wait, Anghel, we need to be careful! Wait!"
{bbl:7-1:Kazuaki:35} 大騒ぎだね~。ぼくも、追いかけよーっと "He certainly is lively. Let's go!"
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:36} 化学準備室の中って初めて入ったかも。なんだか味気ないっていうか……
"I think this is the first time I've been in here... It's kind of bland."
{bbl:7-1:Kazuaki:37} うーん、仕方ないね~。
"Mmm, yes. Not a very friendly room, but not distasteful, either."
{bbl:7-1:Anghel:38} 魔素が満ちている。善良な鳥であれば闇の気配を恐れ、避けるような場所だ "This place is flooded with Demon Spores. Any good bird would normally
avoid it."
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:39} 先生は何か、心当たりがありますか?隠し扉とか、そういう怪しい所の "Can you think of anything, sir? Like a hidden door, or..."
{bbl:7-1:Kazuaki:40} あんまりここに来ることって、ないからね~。ん~ "I don't come here very much, so... hmm..."
{bbl:7-1:Kazuaki:41} 風は、抜けてるね~ "Do you feel a draft?"
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:42} 風……ですか? "A draft...?"
{bbl:7-1:Kazuaki:43} 化学準備室に窓は無いから……多分、その地下から来た風が、
"There are no windows in here... It must be coming in from the basement."
{bbl:7-1:Anghel:44} !! "!"
{bbl:7-1:Anghel:45} 鎮まれ、俺の緋胸……ッ。食い止めなければ…滅びの賛歌を……! "Be silent, my Crimson Breast...! We must hold it back, or the Eulogy
of Doom will...!"
{bbl:7-1:Anghel:46} 冥界の門よ、俺をアビスへ導け! "Gate of Erebus! Guide me to the Abyss!"
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:47} あっ、待ってアンヘル!だから独りで盛り上がるのは止め── "Wait, calm down, Anghel! You can't--"
{bbl:7-1:Kazuaki:48} あっ、あったね~、入口。大鏡が、ドアになってたんだね~ "Oh, there it is. So it was behind the mirror all along?"
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:49} アンヘル……実は凄い鳥なのかな "He... he's a lot more clever than he acts, isn't he...?"
{bbl:7-1:NARATOR:50} 言ってることはよく分からないけど。 Even if he does spout nonsense whenever he opens his beak.
{bbl:7-1:Anghel:51} 進むぞ、葬送の歌を紡ぐ者よ。アビスの主が俺たちを待ち受けている "Let us proceed, Textoris Melodia Funus! The Master of the Abyss awaits
us below."
{bbl:7-1:NARATOR:52} 化学室の大鏡の向こうには、暗くて長い階段が続いている。 A long, dark staircase winds downwards behind the mirror.
{bbl:7-1:NARATOR:53} どこまで下るんだろう。中は広そうだし、まるで地下鉄の入口みたいだ。 How far does it go? The basement itself should be pretty big... this
is sort of like the entrance into a subway tunnel.
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:54} よし、入ってみよう "Let's go."
{bbl:7-1:Kazuaki:55} うわ~、立派な施設だね~ "Very impressive!"
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:56} 確かに……想像してたのよりずっと凄い "This is... a lot fancier than I expected."
{bbl:7-1:NARATOR:57} 学園の地下にこれだけ広大な施設があったなんて知らなかった。 I never knew this huge place was underneath the school...
{bbl:7-1:NARATOR:58} 学園の影では、医療センターとこの施設で、
This facility has been used for research to kill humans since the school
was founded...
{bbl:7-1:NARATOR:59} 僕も、$namef も、全然そんな事知らないまま、
I--$namef --none of us ever knew. We lived our carefree lives with all
this going on beneath our feet...
{bbl:7-1:Kazuaki:60} んー、鳥影は見当たらないね~。今は、使ってないのかな~ "Hmm, I don't see anybirdie. I wonder if it's closed now...?"
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:61} そうですね。どこも綺麗にしてあるけど……
"Yeah. It's clean and orderly, but... I don't get the feeling that it's
still in use."
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:62} 5年前にこの地下エリアのどこかが火事になって、
"There was a fire somewhere down here five years ago, and since then
the whole facility's been shut up--"
{bbl:7-1:Kazuaki:63} ここでの研究は、凍結されていたのかもしれないね~ "I supposed they froze whatever project they were working on..."
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:64} ねえ、アンヘル。君の勘では何処に向かえば岩峰先生を見付けられると思う? "Hey, Anghel. Which way do you think we should go to find the doctor?"
{bbl:7-1:Anghel:65} そうだな……俺の邪緋眼が告げている "That would be... ah! My Crimson Breast murmurs!"
{bbl:7-1:Anghel:66} ダークネスハンターが俺たちを狙っていると! "The Midnight Hunter approaches!"
{bbl:7-1:NARATOR:67} !! !
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:68} 気付いてたならもっと早く言ってほしいな! "C-couldn't you have said so earlier!?"
{bbl:7-1:Kazuaki:69} 困ったね~、ここまで一本道だったから、案山子さんに通してもらわないと、
"Oh, dear. If we don't get past him, we can't go on."
{bbl:7-1:Anghel:70} 闇の使いを倒さねばヴァレンシュタインを討つ事はできない……
"We cannot reach Wallenstein without first defeating his dark servant... this
trial cannot be avoided!"
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:71} でも、これまで逃げることを前提に行動してきたから、倒すなんて僕には──! "But all we've ever managed to do is run away from this thing! How can
{bbl:7-1:Scarecrow:72} ひゅ………ひゅぉ、ひゅ…… "Hyu... hyuo... hyu..."
{bbl:7-1:Kazuaki:73} 逃げてばかりじゃ、進めないね~。何か、武器があればいいんだけど…… "We can't get anywhere just by running away... do we have any sort
of weapon?"
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:74} 武器……えぇっと、レオネさんから借りたスタンガンなら、あるんだけど…… "A weapon...? I do have the stungun mister Leone lent me..."
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:75} 案山子男には、足止めにすら使えないんじゃ…… "Will it even work on a scarecrow...?"
{bbl:7-1:Kazuaki:76} ん~、普通の出力だと、足りないかな~。一応、息をしてる生き物みたいだし、
"Maybe not at normal output... But it looks like a living creature,
so I doubt it would be completely unaffected."
{bbl:7-1:Anghel:77} ダークネスハンターは虚無の影に宿った暗黒の狩猟者だ。
"The Midnight Hunter is a hound bred from the Black Void. We must purify
it with holy water!"
{bbl:7-1:Kazuaki:78} うんうん、緋紅くんの案でいこうか~ "Oh, yes! That's a good idea."
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:79} 意味がわかりませんよ先生! "Wh-what? What did he even say!?"
{bbl:7-1:Kazuaki:80} 壁に消火用のホースが、まとめられてるね~。
"There's a fire hose on the wall, there. If we time it right..."
{bbl:7-1:NARATOR:81} 七姫先生はひょこひょこ壁際に退くと、壁に備え付けられたホー
Mister Nanaki wobbles towards the wall, and pulls out the hose.
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:82} ……あっ、そうか! "... of course!"
{bbl:7-1:Kazuaki:83} せーの…… "Ready..."
{bbl:7-1:NARATOR:84} 七姫先生は案山子男に向かって勢いよく放水した。 He points the hose at the scarecrow, and opens the valve.
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:85} 先生、アンヘル、下がって!! "Anghel, sir! Get back!"
{bbl:7-1:NARATOR:86} 僕はスタンガンを最大出力にして案山子男に投げつけた! I set the stungun to maximum, and hurl it at the scarecrow!
{bbl:7-1:Scarecrow:87} ……ひゅ、ひゅご……ひゅぅ……… "... hyu... hyugo... hyu..."
{bbl:7-1:Scarecrow:88} ……………… "......"
{bbl:7-1:NARATOR:89} 不快な音を立てて案山子男は崩れ落ちた。 It collapses with an unpleasant noise.
{bbl:7-1:NARATOR:90} 帯電した金属の腕が時折痙攣しているけど、もうそれ以上動く気配は無い。 Its electrified metal arm twitches for a moment, but then it is still.
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:91} やった! "We did it!"
{bbl:7-1:Kazuaki:92} うーん、電気の力って、恐ろしいね~ "Electricity is a powerful thing indeed..."
{bbl:7-1:Anghel:93} 裁きの雷……ファイナルジャッジメントか…! "The Thunderous Voice of Doom... Judgment has come!"
{bbl:7-1:Scarecrow:94} ひゅ………ォ、オァ……オ、ォア……… "Hyu... o, o... oa..."
{bbl:7-1:Scarecrow:95} …オ、…………。……………… "... o... ........."
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:96} もうこれでさよならだ、案山子男 "Goodbye, mister scarecrow."
{bbl:7-1:Ryouta:97} ……先に進もう! "... onwards!"
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:0} 無様だ。私はこんなところで一体何をしている。 Disgraceful. What am I doing here?
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:1} ル・ベルの血族は立ち止まる事など許されないのに。 A Le Bel is not allowed hesitation.
{bbl:7-2:Sakuya:2} いや、違うな……私にはその家訓を背負う資格すら無いんだ "No... I have not even the right to claim that restriction anymore."
{bbl:7-2:Sakuya:3} ………優夜 "... Yuuya..."
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:4} 馬鹿みたいだ。いや、『みたい』ではない、正真正銘の愚か者だ。 Foolish. ... no, not 'ish' at all. I am a fool.
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:5} これまでずっと何不自由無く暮らして来た自分の影で、
I have been pampered my entire life, while in my shadow he crawled along
under the weight of a crime of which only he knew.
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:6} それを知らずにいた私は、虚栄の権化じゃないか。 I have been nothing but vain and selfish.
{bbl:7-2:Sakuya:7} ……優夜、私はどうすればいい…… "... what should I do, Yuuya...?"
{bbl:7-2:San:8} ポポロッぷ~わ!
"Coo, coo!"
(It is Sakuya! Sakuya is here!)
{bbl:7-2:Sakuya:9} ……帰れ。誰もお前など呼んでいない "... leave. No one wanted you to come here."
{bbl:7-2:San:10} ぷ~わ!
(Everyone is leaving! It is a grand daring escape!)
{bbl:7-2:San:11} ポロッぷ~わ!
"Coo, coo!"
(Sakuya will find Ryouta with Okosan! Away we go!)
{bbl:7-2:Sakuya:12} うるさいな……私に構うなと言っているんだ "Shut up... don't talk to me."
{bbl:7-2:San:13} ぷ~わ?
(Sakuya weeps?)
{bbl:7-2:Sakuya:14} なっ……そんな筈ないだろう、あっちへ行け! "N... no! I do not! It's raining!"
{bbl:7-2:San:15} ポポロッぷ~わ!?
"Coo, coo!"
(Is Sakuya in pain? That is bad! We must do something about
{bbl:7-2:San:16} くりゅぽこぷ~わ!
"Coo, coo, cooo!"
(Okosan used HEALING TOUCH!)
{bbl:7-2:Sakuya:17} ああ、もう、わからない奴だな!何度言えば── "Confound you! Must I repeat--"
{bbl:7-2:San:18} ポロッぷ~わ!
"Coo, coo!"
(Okosan knows! Okosan heard that Yuuya has gone somewhere
far, far away! We will never see him again!)
{bbl:7-2:Sakuya:19} ……貴様も知っていたのか "... so, they told you."
{bbl:7-2:San:20} ぷ~わ!
(Do not worry! If we cannot meet him, we need only chase after
{bbl:7-2:Sakuya:21} 貴様、自分が何を言っているのか分かっているのか?
"Do you have any idea what you're saying? Death is not a good place
to chase someone to."
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:22} やはり旧来種の脳に死の概念は理解できないということか。 No doubt the older breeds have no concept of death.
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:23} 後追い自殺?馬鹿な、誰がそんな愚かな事を……。 Chase Yuuya into the grave? What kind of fool would...
{bbl:7-2:San:24} ポロッぷ~わ!
(Okosan knows! The earth is a ball, so if we run far enough,
we will find him!)
{bbl:7-2:Sakuya:25} 話にならないな……雑種と話していると頭が痛くなる "What foolishness... speaking with mongrels makes my head hurt."
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:26} ……いや、私もその雑種だったか。 ... except I'm a mongrel, too.
{bbl:7-2:Sakuya:27} しかも、自分の惨めさに気付けなかった、救いようのない愚かな雑種だ "Poor mongrels who do not notice even their own error, that is."
{bbl:7-2:San:28} ポポロッぷ~わ!
"Coo, coooo!"
(Okosan is not a mongrel!)
{bbl:7-2:San:29} ポロッぷ~わ!
(Sakuya, and Yuuya, and Okosan all have their own wonderful
names! Names more important than any breed!)
{bbl:7-2:Sakuya:30} それで正論を掲げているつもりか?そんなもの、何の気休めにも── "Is that your argument? That isn't even--"
{bbl:7-2:Yuuya:31} お前は、お前だ。朔夜、何物にも縛られるな "You are yourself. Never let anyone tie you down."
{bbl:7-2:Sakuya:32} ……… "......"
{bbl:7-2:Sakuya:33} 私は私……か "I am... myself...?"
{bbl:7-2:San:34} ポポロッぷ~わ!
"Coo, coo!"
(It is time to go! Okosan and Friend are late!)
{bbl:7-2:San:35} ぷ~わ!
(Kick reason to the curb! Time to blast out of this prison and
find Yuuya!)
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:36} 尾呼といいあの男といい、
Oko is always brimming with useless energy, as he was... Am I the same,
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:37} 今更どれだけ追った所で、あの男の姿が見える事はない。 We will never see him again, no matter how far we run.
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:38} しかし──もしあの男がここにいたら、どう行動するだろう。私に何を望むだろう。 But-- if he were here now, what would he do? What would he want me
to do?
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:39} 少なくとも、ここに留まるなんて論外の筈だ。 At any rate, moping around here won't get us anywhere.
{bbl:7-2:Sakuya:40} 22時まで、あと2時間足らずか…… "Two more hours..."
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:41} 優夜の影を追おう。
I will chase after him. I will never find him... but I will find myself.
{bbl:7-2:Sakuya:42} 行くぞ、尾呼。ここにもう用はない "Let us go, Oko! There is nothing more for us here."
{bbl:7-2:San:43} くりゅぽこぷ~わ!
"Coo, cooo!"
(Sakuya is best when he acts cool! After Ryouta, full speed
{bbl:7-2:Anghel:44} 魔素が濃くなってきた……闇の腐臭がする "The Demon Spores are thick in the air... I smell the stench of the sorcerer."
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:45} この非常事態にアンヘルの勘に頼るのは危険過ぎる気がしたけど、
I feel a little nervous relying on Anghel's bizarre intuition alone, but
it's worked so far and we're in a hurry.
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:46} それにしても、アンヘルは岩峰先生の臭いを追っているんだろうか?
Is he actually following the doctor by his scent? Or was that just an
{bbl:7-2:Kazuaki:47} ここも、立派な設備が揃ってるね~。積んである資料は比較的新しいから、
"There's some very advanced equipment in here... and these documents
look fairly new. Maybe this place is still in use?"
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:48} 机の上には名簿が置きっぱなしになっている。
There's a register of names left open on one desk. Maybe it's a student
{bbl:7-2:Ryouta:49} アンヘルの名前もあるよ、ほら "Look, your name's here too, Anghel."
{bbl:7-2:Anghel:50} 惨劇の始まりを予言する、黒の書か……! "The Dark Grimoire...! I feel the Tendrils of Imminent Tragedy!"
{bbl:7-2:Kazuaki:51} 何羽かの生徒には、特記事項の枠があるね~。うーんと、緋紅くんの項目は…… "They have notes on some of the students, too. Under Higure..."
{bbl:7-2:Kazuaki:52} 興奮すると、神経伝達物質に作用し、
"'He acts as a neurotransmitter when excited. He seems to produce intoxicating
or hallucinogenic pheremones. Physical exertion acts as a stimulant.'"
{bbl:7-2:Kazuaki:53} 脳の抑制を一時的に解除できるものの、その効果は限定的。
"'The pheremone causes others to temporarily lose control of themselves,
but its usefulness is limited. Not currently applicable to combat.' Hmm..."
{bbl:7-2:Anghel:54} 俺は魔導師の手先になどならない……俺は、
"I shall not allow the sorceror to make me his pawn... I am the Crimson
Angel of Judecca, destined to wander this earth alone!"
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:55} なんだかよく分からないけど、
I'm not sure what he's talking about, but he sounds and looks unexpectedly
{bbl:7-2:Kazuaki:56} 他のページも見た感じ、特別に学園に招待された生徒たちは、皆それぞれ、
"It looks like all the students who were invited here have some sort
of physical indiosyncrasy."
{bbl:7-2:Kazuaki:57} ……華原くんは、どうやって入学してきたのかな~? "... how did you enroll, Kawara?"
{bbl:7-2:Ryouta:58} どうやって? "How...?"
{bbl:7-2:Ryouta:59} えぇっと……僕も、推薦でした。
"I was... invited, too. I don't know why."
{bbl:7-2:Kazuaki:60} うーん、でも、華原くんの枠には、ごちゃごちゃ数字が並んでるだけだね~。
"Hmm... yours is just a bunch of numbers. I wonder if it's the explanation
for something like Higure's...?"
{bbl:7-2:Anghel:61} ……!くっ、全てを破滅させる漆黒の瘴気が近付いている…… "...! No! The Black Miasma of Inevitable Doom draws near!"
{bbl:7-2:Anghel:62} この先が、深淵を分かつ門──アビスゲートだ。アビスの風を感じる……! "We are approaching the Gate of the Abyss. I feel its foul wind..."
{bbl:7-2:Ryouta:63} 行こう、岩峰先生が待ってる "Let's go. The doctor's waiting for us."
{bbl:7-2:Kazuaki:64} ……華原くん、ちょっと、待ってもらえるかな~ "... could you wait a minute, Kawara?"
{bbl:7-2:Ryouta:65} どうしたんですか先生。もうすぐこの事件も全て終わるんです。早く次の部屋へ── "What is it, sir? We're almost done. We need to--"
{bbl:7-2:Kazuaki:66} その前に、一つだけ、聞いておきたいんだけど…… "I want to ask you something first, Kawara."
{bbl:7-2:Kazuaki:67} きみは、嘘をついてるよね? "You lied, did not you?"
{bbl:7-2:Ryouta:68} えっ……? "Huh...?"
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:69} 嘘?僕が? Lied? Me?
{bbl:7-2:Kazuaki:70} どうしてきみが、そんな嘘をついてるのか、ぼくにはわからないんだけど…… "I don't know why you would lie about that."
{bbl:7-2:Kazuaki:71} それとも、もしかして、忘れちゃったのかな~。昨日の放課後のことなんて、
"Or maybe you forgot? Even though it was just yesterday..."
{bbl:7-2:Ryouta:72} 昨日の放課後?朔夜にも話した通りです。僕は昨日何があったか全然知りません。
"Yesterday? After school? Like I said to Sakuya, I don't know anything
about it. We have to ask the doctor--"
{bbl:7-2:Kazuaki:73} うーん、そっか~。そうだね、じゃあ、先に進もうか~ "Hmm, I see... let's go on, then."
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:74} 七姫先生はアンヘルの後を付いて、最奥部へ降りて行く。 Mister Nanaki follows Anghel down towards the innermost room.
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:75} 僕は今朝からずっと、$namef の死の真相を追って調査を続けて来た。
I've been trying to find the truth about $namef 's death since this morning. Why
would I lie?
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:76} 七姫先生の勘違い……で片付けていいのか少し引っかかる。 Maybe mister Nanaki misunderstood something...? But that seems too simple.
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:77} これまでとは打って変わって、黒く薄汚れた部屋にたどり着いた。 In contrast to the rooms above, this area is dark and filthy.
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:78} きっとここが5年前火災事故の起こった場所なんだろう。 This must be where the fire was, five years ago.
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:79} 黒ずんだ壁を見ていると、煤の臭いを錯覚してしまいそうなぐらいに生々しい。 I feel like I can smell the soot just by looking at the walls here...
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:80} 悲惨な実験を止めさせる為に、ここで嘆は炎の海に身を投げたんだ。 Nageki threw himself into the sea of fire here, to end the experiments.
{bbl:7-2:Ryouta:81} 僕がもし、同じ状況に置かれたら……どうしただろう。嘆みたいに、
"I wonder what I would have done in his place... would I have ended
it all, like him, or--"
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:82} 遅かったですね、華原君。待ちくたびれましたよ "You're late, mister Kawara. I have grown tired of waiting."
{bbl:7-2:Ryouta:83} ……!! "...!"
{bbl:7-2:Anghel:84} 出たな、闇魔導師ヴァレンシュタイン!! "The Dark Sorceror, Wallenstein!"
{bbl:7-2:Kazuaki:85} 岩峰先生…… "Doctor..."
{bbl:7-2:Ryouta:86} $namef だけじゃない。学園長も貴方が殺した。壁の向こうで殺された子だって、
"It wasn't just $namef . You killed the headmaster, as well. If it
weren't for you, the boy who went outside wouldn't have been...!"
{bbl:7-2:Ryouta:87} 何故こんな事をしたんですか! "Why are you doing this!?"
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:88} ……まだ私に訂正させる気ですか?私は$namel さんを分解しただけです。
"... must I repeat myself? I told you before, I merely disassembled
miss $namel after the fact. I did not kill her."
{bbl:7-2:Ryouta:89} 言葉遊びはもう十分です! "Do you think I care!?"
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:90} ふむ……どうやらもう少し誘導が必要らしい "Hmm... it would appear that you need some assistance."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:91} 地上でもお話しましたが……貴方の抱えている質問──『誰が、何故$namel $namef
"I told you before, but... you should already have everything you need
to answer your question. Who killed $namel $namef ?"
{bbl:7-2:Anghel:92} 葬送の歌を紡ぐ者よ、闇魔導師の呪詛を聞いてはならない。闇に堕ちるぞ! "Do not listen to the dark sorceror's words, Textoris Melodia Funus!
He will lay a spell on you!"
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:93} ……外野は静かにしていてもらえませんか "... perhaps the peanut gallery could keep its thoughts to itself?"
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:94} !! !
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:95} 僕の背後に、突然鉄格子が落ちてきた。しまった…孤立してしまった! An iron grill drops behind me, like an evil wizard's portcullis. I'm cut
{bbl:7-2:Kazuaki:96} うーん、困ったね~閉じ込められちゃったね~ "Oh, dear. We appear to be shut in."
{bbl:7-2:Anghel:97} くっ……これが闇の呪縛……! "No... the dark spell...!"
{bbl:7-2:Ryouta:98} 何をするつもりですか先生! "What are you doing!?"
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:99} 何もしませんよ。あちらの方々に用はありませんからね。
"Nothing at all. I simply have no business with them. I was waiting
for you, mister Kawara."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:100} ……さて、話を戻しましょうか。貴方の探している真相についてです "... now, let us return to our conversation. Our conversation about
the truth you seek."
{bbl:7-2:Ryouta:101} 今まで先生は信じられないくらいに酷いことをしてきた。
"You have done unbelievably cruel things, doctor. You were involved
in the medical center here, too! Nothing you can say to me will change
my mind."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:102} なかなか攻撃的な発言ですね。
"How pugnacious of you. But, you are lacking in logic: what I may or
may not have done has little to do with the truth of my words."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:103} 私は、医療センター設立当初から研究員としてここで働いていました。
"I was employed at this facility from the beginning. No doubt you have
already deduced that I was working on Operation Hatoful."
{bbl:7-2:Ryouta:104} オペレーション・ハートフル……致死性変異インフルエンザ、
"Operation Hatoful... the plan to wipe out humanity with the Charon
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:105} その通り。丁寧に予習をしてくださったようで助かります。
"Precisely. Oh, it does make me so happy when students read ahead and
come prepared for the lecture. You are exemplary. Hohoho."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:106} オリジナルの保有者が体内に宿していたカロンウイルスは、大変強力なものでした。
"The strain we isolated from the original host was extremely powerful. Quite
possibly the deadliest in human history."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:107} しかし、際立って特殊な変異を遂げた種というのは、
"However, strains of such lethality tend to be fragile themselves. Charon
Virus was no exception."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:108} カロンウイルスは、生物を離れると短期間で死滅します "It cannot last very long outside of a host's body."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:109} 対人兵器として利用するには、生身の鳥をキャリアとして人間社会に放ち、
"In order to deliver it to the enemy, we would have had to send live
carriers into their society, and allowed it to spread via airborne infection."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:110} しかし、ここでも問題が起こった。
"This proved troublesome. Charon Virus, in addition to being harmless
to birds, is ill- equipped to establish itself in our bodies."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:111} カロンウイルスのオリジナルを宿した藤代嘆には、
"Fujishiro Nageki, the original host, had a rare genetic condition which
resulted in a slightly compromised immune system. In his body alone was
Charon able to safely reside."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:112} 残念なことに、最終的に藤代君には協力を拒まれてしまいましたがね "Alas, he refused to cooperate."
{bbl:7-2:Ryouta:113} お前達が嘆に、ここで沢山の人間を殺させたんだ。その実験さえ無ければ、
"You forced him to kill human prisoners... if it weren't for your experiments,
he never would have killed himself!"
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:114} そうですねえ……
"Indeed... it had not occurred to us that the tests of the strain's
effects would harm his mental health."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:115} 彼の生い立ちを見るに、人間に対する復讐の機会を得られるのは
"We expected that he would be glad of the chance to avenge himself on
humanity, but... sadly, it was not so, and we lost our sample."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:116} 藤代嘆の死で計画は一時凍結となりました。
"The project was put on indefinite hold with his death. But thankfully,
we did not lose his corpse in its entirety."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:117} 私は焼け跡に残った藤代嘆の一部を保存して、待ち続けたのです。
"I preserved his remains, and have kept them to this day... I have
been waiting for a new carrier to arrive."
{bbl:7-2:Kazuaki:118} ……なんだか、さっきから聞いてると、随分と手間のかかる計画だったんだね~。
"... it sounds like this was a very labor-intensive project. Wasn't
there a better way...?"
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:119} 御指摘の通りです。私の本意から少々外れるのですが、
"Quite right. I digress a little, but there was a reason for our methods."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:120} ──程無く私の方針は固まりました。
"... it did not take me long to come up with a better plan. We need
only compromise a subject's immune system, creating a compatibility like
Fujishiro Nageki's."
{bbl:7-2:Ryouta:121} 免疫機能を破壊するって……そんなの、生きていけなくなる! "Compromise the immune system... They'd die!"
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:122} そうですね。確かに、カロンウイルスを生かすことができても、
"Indeed. Even if the subject were able to become a carrier for the Charon
Virus, if they died to some other infection it would all be for nought."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:123} ですから、被験者を厳選した上で…長期的に、段階的に、
"Which is why I was very careful with who I chose. I worked on the subject
over time, slowly weakening his immune system. I suppose I should count
myself lucky that I achieved my goal in only a year."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:124} 貴方は優等生ですね、華原君。合格です "You are an exemplary student, mister Kawara. I give you full marks."
{bbl:7-2:Ryouta:125} 合、格……? "Full... marks...?"
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:126} 頭が、痛い。まるで脳の深いところで、得体の知れない何かが蠢いているみたいだ。 My head hurts. Almost as if some strange creature is wriggling about,
deep inside my brain...
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:127} 涼太、大丈夫? "Are you okay, Ryouta?"
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:128} 七姫先生が、涼太は保健室に行ったって言うから……心配して見に来たんだよ "Mister Nanaki said you were coming here, so I wanted to make sure you
were all right..."
{bbl:7-2:Ryouta:129} $namef 、は……保健室に来た…… "$namef ... came to the infirmary..."
{bbl:7-2:Ryouta:130} 僕に、会う為に……? "To see... me...?"
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:131} ここまでたどり着いた貴方です。答えは自分自身で導き出しなさい "You have come this far. I am sure you can answer this."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:132} 貴方の一つ目の『忘れ物』は、何ですか? "What was it that you forgot?"
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:133} 意識が、朦朧とする。
Everything is hazy. I think my stomach is acting up again. I drink
the medicine doctor Iwamine gives me and lie down, but my body still feels
heavy. I'm tired.
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:134} 涼太、大丈夫?
"Are you okay, Ryouta?"
"Yeah... I'm fine now."
"Mister Nanaki said you were coming here, so I wanted to make
sure you were all right..."
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:135} $namef が僕に手を伸ばす。
$namef is reaching towards me.
'Want to go home? I'll walk you.'
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:136} 手は僕に届かなかった。 Her hand stops.
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:137} $namef は床に膝をついて、苦しそうに胸を押さえた。
$namef falls to her knees, clutching her chest.
"... Ryouta... I can't
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:138} ああ、そうだね。
$namef は、息ができないんだね。
Oh. She can't breathe.
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:139} 僕も困ってるんだ。
This is bad... My mother said to get home early.
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:140} 頭が、ぼーっとする。
Everything feels strange. Almost like it's a dream.
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:141} ああ……僕はもう、帰らなきゃ。 ... I need to go home.
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:142} ばいばい、$namef 。また明日ね。 Goodbye, $namef .
See you tomorrow.
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:143} …ひゅ、………ひゅぅ………… "... hy... hyu..."
{bbl:7-2:Ryouta:144} 僕の前で、$namef が……倒れて…… "She... fell down, before my eyes..."
{bbl:7-2:Ryouta:145} それ、から……… "And... then..."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:146} 実験は成功しました。
$namel さんはカロンウイルス感染者に典型的な症状を見せて死に至りましたからね
"The experiment was a resounding success. Miss $namel displayed the
archetypal symptoms of a human infected with Charon Virus, and passed away."
{bbl:7-2:Ryouta:147} 僕が、$namef を…… "I..."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:148} カロンウイルスが人間の体内に入り込むと、瞬時に呼吸器系を破壊します "Once the virus is inside a human body, it shuts down the respiratory
system in a matter of minutes."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:149} 正確には、免疫系の過剰反応を誘発することで、
"Technically speaking, it causes an overreaction of the immune system
which leads to widespread apoptosis in the lungs, but more simply--"
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:150} 『貴方に近付く人間は、肺が溶ける』──この方がわかりやすいですか? "Any human who comes into contact with you will die. You
{bbl:7-2:Ryouta:151} 嘘だ、僕は子供の頃からずっと$namef と一緒に過ごして来たんだ…… "You're lying! $namef and I were together since we were children..."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:152} 活性ウイルスを投与したのは昨日のことです。
"Of course, I only administered the live virus to you yesterday. All
the things I've done to you over the past year have been in preparation
for it."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:153} ……これに、見覚えはありますか? "... do you recognize this?"
{bbl:7-2:Ryouta:154} 案山子男の、頭…? "The scarecrow's head...?"
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:155} ええ、お陰様でもう体は使い物にならないのですが……
"Yes. Alas, the body is now useless, but... I shall tell you about
Labor 9--the being you call the scarecrow."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:156} これは、かつてハト派の中でも異端とされた研究グループが開発していた
"It is one of the Labor-Model New Humans, developed by
Dove Party researchers, but denounced as unethical."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:157} 我々鳥類は急激に進化しましたが、
"We birds have advanced quickly, but our physical capabilities are still
far behind those of the human race. These new creatures were... livestock,
if you will, to compensate for that."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:158} 人類との共存、美しく高潔な思想です。
"The Labor series was a great step towards the beautiful ideal of coexistance
with humans."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:159} ……もっとも、倫理的な観点からすぐに糾弾されて、
"With a human's head mounted inside an artificial body, they were durable
and capable of difficult tasks."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:160} こうして、
"... of course, they never entered development, the project having been
shut down early due to ethical complaints."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:161} あまり部外者に徘徊されては困りますからね。
"However, I carried on the Dove Party researchers' will, and created
this prototype. To be my sidekick."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:162} さて、次の問題です。この汚れた麻袋の中には、何が入っているのでしょうか? "We didn't want too many other people snooping around and disrupting
your investigation. So I had it patrol the building."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:163} "And now, the next question. What is inside this bag?"
{bbl:7-2:Ryouta:164} ………人間の、頭? "... a human's head?"
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:165} 惜しいですね。大外れという訳ではありませんが、まだ言葉が足りません "No, no, no! Close, but you have to be more specific!"
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:166} 貴方のクラスには$namel さんの頭部を届けた筈ですが……
貴方は気付きませんでしたか?$namel さんから何かが取り出されていたのを
"I believe we had miss $namel 's head sent to your classroom, but... did
you notice anything missing?"
{bbl:7-2:Ryouta:167} 頭から、取り出したもの…… "Missing...?"
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:168} 変わり果てた$namef を見たあの時、
When I found her in the box, I was too shocked to be looking for clues. I
may well have missed something...
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:169} まさか。 Wait.
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:170} まさか…! He doesn't mean...!
{bbl:7-2:Ryouta:171} $namef の、脳……? "$namef 's brain...!?"
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:172} 正解です。飲み込みが早いですね "Correct! You do catch on quickly."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:173} $namel さんは何度も貴方に会っていたんですよ。
"Miss $namel did come to meet you quite frequently. ... of course, having
been placed in Labor 9, she has lost much of her personality."
{bbl:7-2:Ryouta:174} じゃあ、$namef は…… "Then she's..."
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:175} 生きている? Alive...?
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:176} でも肉体はもう動かない。脳だけが残されている。
But her body is gone. All that's left is her brain... can we still
call that alive?
{bbl:7-2:Ryouta:177} ──生きてる、生きてない……どっちなんですか。助けることは、できるんですか "Alive, or not alive... I don't know anymore. Can you save her?"
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:178} それは難しい質問です。一個体の生死というのは、
"That is a difficult question. We tend to think of there being a definite
border between life and death, but really it's quite vague."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:179} 彼女の人格がこの世に存在するか、
"Her personality still remained in this world up until a few inutes ago. But..."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:180} 貴方は先程、随分と強い衝撃をレイバー9に与えましたね? "You gave poor Labor 9 quite a shock, shall we say."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:181} 可哀想に、$namel さんの脳はもう不可逆的な損傷を受けている筈です。
"Alas, miss $namel 's brain is no doubt irreversably damaged. The wonders
of modern medicine can do nothing for her now but sigh and shake their
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:182} 昨日は彼女の肉体を殺し、今日は人格を殺した。
"Yesterday her body, and today her mind. You are a far more twisted
villain than I could ever hope to be, mister Kawara."
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:183} 僕のせいで、$namef は死んだ。 I killed $namef .
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:184} 全ての元凶は、僕だった。 It was my fault all along.
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:185} 何故、こんなことになってしまったんだろう。 Why did it have to happen this way?
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:186} 全ては貴方の為に用意された筋書きです。
"This was all arranged for you. I had Labor 9, mister Sakazaki, and
the headmaster help you along in your investigation."
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:187} あと一歩進めば全てが完成します。貴方は二つ目の『忘れ物』に気付くべきだ。
貴方と$namel さんが、昔私に語った言葉を
"You are but one step from the end now. You must remember
one more thing... what was it that you and miss $namel told me, long
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:188} さあ、私と共に来なさい "Come, follow me."
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:189} 岩峰先生が僕に翼を差し出した。 He holds out his wing.
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:190} この奥には何が待っているんだろう。 What lies beyond here?
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:191} $namef はいない。
$namef を殺した犯鳥も、最初からここにいたんだ。
$namef is gone. The one who killed her was here from the beginning.
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:192} もう、失うものは何も無い。 I have nothing more to lose.
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:193} 聞き分けが良いですね、華原君 "You are obedient, mister Kawara."
{bbl:7-2:Anghel:194} 待て、葬送の歌を紡ぐ者よ!
"Wait, Textoris Melodia Funus! The Demon Spores are the thickest that
way! You will not be able to return!"
{bbl:7-2:Kazuaki:195} そうだよ~、きっと岩峰先生は、酷いことをきみにする気だよ~。戻っておいで~ "That's right, the doctor is probably going to do something unspeakably
horrible to you, Kawara. Come back!"
{bbl:7-2:Shuu:196} ……ここまで華原君を連れて来てくださって、ありがとうございました。
"... thank you for bringing mister Kawara this far, you two. And now,
{bbl:7-2:Kazuaki:197} あっ、あー……これは、ちょっと困ったね~。どう見ても、毒ガスか何かだね~ "Oh, dear.... this looks bad. Do you suppose it's poison gas?"
{bbl:7-2:Anghel:198} この気配……猛毒の化身、ミスティック・ファントムか……! "This presence... Mystic Phantom, the Avatar of Miasma!"
{bbl:7-2:Kazuaki:199} 緋紅くんは、こんな時でも、マイペースだね~ "You do take everything in stride, don't you, Higure?"
{bbl:7-2:NARATOR:200} ここまでのデータをセーブしますか? Save your progress?
{bbl:7-2:DECYes:201} セーブする Yes
{bbl:7-2:DECNo:202} 先へ進む No
{bbl:7-3:NARATOR:0} 人が折り重なるように二人、倒れている。
$namef のお父さんと、お母さんだ。
$namef のお父さんとお母さんは、交渉人っていう仕事をしているらしい。
Two humans lie in a twisted pile. They are $namef 's parents. She
said they work as mediators between birds and humans.
{bbl:7-3:NARATOR:1} 塀の向こうにいるお家に閉じこもっている人達に、話をしようとしたんだ。
They were trying to say something to the humans barricaded on the other
side of the wall. But they received only bullets as a reply.
{bbl:7-3:NARATOR:2} $namef のお父さんとお母さんが撃たれたのが、合図になった。
The death of her parents became a signal. The birds surrounding the
little house crossed the wall as one. I can hear gunfire from inside. I
can hear humans and birds screaming.
{bbl:7-3:NARATOR:3} 僕と$namef は、それをただ外から見ていることしか、できなかった。 We could do nothing but stand outside and watch.
{bbl:7-3:NARATOR:4} それから、見知らぬ鳥がやってきた。
And then the stranger came. And spoke to us.
{bbl:7-3:NARATOR:5} 何か欲しい物はないか。
Is there anything you desire? I will grant any wish for you. So tell
{bbl:7-3:NARATOR:6} 僕は答えた。 I answered.
{bbl:7-3:NARATOR:7} もう、こんな悲しいことは、いやだ。
I don't want these things to happen any more. My wish is for a world
where humans and birds no longer fight. Even if I die, I want there to
be peace.
{bbl:7-3:NARATOR:8} 隣にいた$namef も、僕に続いた。 And $namef continued.
{bbl:7-3:NARATOR:9} 私も、涼太と同じ気持ち。
I agree. I would do anything to make Ryouta's wish come true.
{bbl:7-3:NARATOR:10} 見知らぬ鳥は頷いた。 The stranger nodded.
{bbl:7-3:NARATOR:11} 今すぐには無理かもしれない。
It might not be possible right now. But, one day, I will make it happen.
{bbl:7-3:Ryouta:12} 子供の頃……そうか。先生は、あの時に現れた── "When we were children... that's right. That was you--"
{bbl:7-3:Shuu:13} それが貴方の二つ目の『忘れ物』です。思い出したようですね "That was the other thing you had forgotten. You have
remembered, I see."
{bbl:7-3:NARATOR:14} 8年前。僕と$namef が住んでいる場所からそう遠くない場所で、
Eight years ago. A number of humans barricaded themselves in a building
not far from where we lived.
{bbl:7-3:NARATOR:15} $namef の両親は犯人に撃ち殺されて、それから、現場で沢山の鳥と人が死んだ。 $namef 's parents were shot by the other humans, and many birds and
humans were killed in the ensuing gunfight.
{bbl:7-3:NARATOR:16} そこで僕は、岩峰先生に会ったんだ。 And I met the doctor.
{bbl:7-3:Ryouta:17} 僕は、二度と人と鳥が争う事が無い世界を、願った "I asked... for a world in which humans and birds no longer fight."
{bbl:7-3:Shuu:18} その願いの為なら犠牲になってもいいと貴方と$namel さんは言いました。
"You and miss $namel both said you would be glad to die to bring it about. And
so I am carrying out your wish, just as you had stated it."
{bbl:7-3:Shuu:19} 共生関係にある種でさえ、いつかは別離の時を迎えるのです。
"Even symbiotic relationships are not free from strife. In order to
end the wars between humans and birds forever--"
{bbl:7-3:Shuu:20} どちらかがこの地球から完全に消滅する他、ないでしょう? "One race would have to be completely destroyed, you see?"
{bbl:7-3:Ryouta:21} 先生は何故あの時、僕を選んだんですか "Why did you choose me, back then?"
{bbl:7-3:Shuu:22} 選ぶ?要求を聞く相手として、何故貴方を選んだかということですか? "Choose you? Why did I ask you what your wish was, you mean?"
{bbl:7-3:Shuu:23} 私もそう暇ではないのです。
"I assure you, it was not a coincidence. I am not so bored as to wander
around granting wishes willy-nilly."
{bbl:7-3:Shuu:24} 私にも、約束があったんですよ。……貴方の願いを聞くように、とね "I, too, had made a promise... to grant your wish."
{bbl:7-3:Shuu:25} 昨日は$namel さん1人を対象とした簡易テストだけを済ませました。
"The preliminary test yesterday was a resounding success. We need only
transfer the original lysosomes from Fujishiro Nageki to you, and everything
will be in place."
{bbl:7-3:Shuu:26} 私は、貴方の願いを叶えました。……貴方はすっかり願いを忘れていたようなので、
"I have granted your wish. ... though, I did make you jump through a
few hoops so you would remember your wish and understand my intentions."
{bbl:7-3:Shuu:27} 私としては、それを貴方自身に認めて頂けると嬉しいのですが、如何ですか? "It would be the least you could do to at least acknowledge all I have
done for you. Hmm?"
{bbl:7-3:Ryouta:28} ……… "......"
{bbl:7-3:NARATOR:29} もう、何もかもどうでもいい。$namef はこの世にいないんだ。 I don't care about anything now. $namef is gone.
{bbl:7-3:NARATOR:30} 僕の願いが、何もかも狂わせた。 My wish has destroyed everything.
{bbl:7-3:NARATOR:31} 胸が痛くなる物ばかり見てきた。 Nothing good has ever happened.
{bbl:7-3:NARATOR:32} こんなことなら、最初から産まれて来なければ良かったんだ。 If this is what my life is to be like, I wish I had never been born.
{bbl:7-3:Ryouta:33} ……僕はもう、何も見たくない "... I don't want to see anything anymore."
{bbl:7-3:Shuu:34} 安心してください。
"Do not be anxious. You have no will to resist, so soon you will forget
it all."
{bbl:7-3:Shuu:35} おやすみなさい、華原君 "Good night, mister Kawara."
{bbl:7-3:Anghel:36} クッ、俺の緋胸が危険を告げていゴホッゴホッ "Agh! My crimson breast senses dang-- -cough- -cough-"
{bbl:7-3:Kazuaki:37} 緋紅君、あんまり喋ると、余計に辛くなるよ~ "Talking will just make it worse, Higure..."
{bbl:7-3:Kazuaki:38} うーん……ジワジワ締め付けるようなガスだね~、
"Hmm... it seems to be leaking in quite slowly. I'm glad we have a little
more time, but it is getting hard to breathe..."
{bbl:7-3:Anghel:39} 卑怯だぞ…ヴァレンシュタイン……俺と、戦── "Wallenstein... you coward...! Come out and fi--"
{bbl:7-3:San:40} くりゅぽこぷ~わ!くりゅぽこぷ~わ! "Cooooooo! Coooooo!"
{bbl:7-3:Sakuya:41} 今助ける、少し待っていろ! "Hold on just a little longer! We'll get you out of there!"
{bbl:7-3:Sakuya:42} 尾呼、私は檻を何とかする、貴様はガスを止めろ! "I will try to open the cage, Oko! You see to the gas!"
{bbl:7-3:San:43} ポポロッぷ~わ!
"Coo, coo!"
(Okosan shall not fail!)
{bbl:7-3:Kazuaki:44} やー、助かったよ銀君~。流石生徒会長だね~ "Aah, much better. No one can say you slack off as student president,
{bbl:7-3:Anghel:45} お前には緋胸の加護が約束されるだろう "The crimson breast shall not forget this."
{bbl:7-3:Sakuya:46} 貴様たち2羽だけなのか?華原が見当たらないが "Are you two alone? Where did Kawara go?"
{bbl:7-3:San:47} ポロッぷ~わ?
"Coo, coo?"
(Were you separated? Did Ryouta wander off and get lost?)
{bbl:7-3:Kazuaki:48} 違うんだよ~、華原君は岩峰先生に、誘拐されちゃったんだよ~ "No, he didn't, he got carried off by the doctor."
{bbl:7-3:Sakuya:49} 誘拐だと……!? "Carried off...!?"
{bbl:7-3:San:50} ポポロッぷ~わ!
"Coo, coooo!"
(Oh nooo! No doubt the doctor is making him drink nasty
protein supplements as we speak!)
{bbl:7-3:Anghel:51} このままでは、闇に蝕まれ世界を破滅に導く葬送の歌が始まる……ッ! "If we do not act soon, the Funeral Song shall herald the Coming of the
{bbl:7-3:Sakuya:52} ああ、もう、こういう時ぐらいもっと分かり易く話せないのか貴様は! "Why can you never speak in plain Japanese, miserable poltroon!?"
{bbl:7-3:Kazuaki:53} 言い換えると、岩峰先生が華原君を、生物兵器に改造しちゃうって、ことだね~ "He's saying that the doctor is planning to turn Kawara into a biological
{bbl:7-3:Sakuya:54} なん…だと……!? "What...!?"
{bbl:7-3:Kazuaki:55} 細かい説明は、走りながらにしようか~。ちょっと息切れ、しそうだけどね~ "We can explain while we walk. Assuming I don't run out of breath..."
{bbl:7-3:Sakuya:56} わかった、奥に乗り込むぞ! "Very well. Let us proceed!"
{bbl:7-3:Sakuya:57} 華原、無事か!? "Kawara! Are you alive!?"
{bbl:7-3:Ryouta:58} ……… "......"
{bbl:7-3:San:59} ぷ~わ!
(Okosan has a bad feeling about this! Ryouta is not normal!)
{bbl:7-3:Sakuya:60} 貴様ッ!華原に何をした!! "Miserable medical man! What have you done to him!?"
{bbl:7-3:Shuu:61} おや……これは、高貴なるル・ベルの御子息ではないですか。
"Why, if it isn't the son of the noble Le Bel family. What is one of
your prestige doing here? Hohoho."
{bbl:7-3:Sakuya:62} そんな安い挑発には乗らないぞ。華原に何をしたんだ、答えろ! "Your pathetic jabs mean nothing to me. What have you done to Kawara!?"
{bbl:7-3:Shuu:63} 彼の願いを聞き届けました。それだけのことです "I have granted his wish. That is all."
{bbl:7-3:Shuu:64} ……間もなく22時。地上には人類の軍隊が結集しています "... it is almost ten. The human forces are gathered above."
{bbl:7-3:Shuu:65} 華原君にはこれから地上に戻り、壁を囲う部隊を一掃し、
"Mister Kawara must now return to the surface and begin the end of the
human race."
{bbl:7-3:Sakuya:66} 華原がそんなことを望む筈がない!奴ほどのお人好しはそういないんだ!
"Kawara would wish for no such thing! He would never harm a human! Right,
{bbl:7-3:Ryouta:67} ……… "......"
{bbl:7-3:Shuu:68} 残念ながら、同意しかねるようですよ? "It seems he is hesitant to agree with you. Hohoho."
{bbl:7-3:Sakuya:69} くっ…… "Bah...!"
{bbl:7-3:Anghel:70} 魔素に飲まれている……このままでは俺たちの声は届かない……ッ! "He has been swallowed by the Demon Spores... our voices will not reach
{bbl:7-3:Shuu:71} さあ、道を開けてあげてください。彼の命は残り僅かです。
"It is time for us to go. He has but little time left in this world,
and cannot afford to waste any of it."
{bbl:7-3:Sakuya:72} 残り僅かだと……?何の話だ! "He has but little time...? What does this mean!?"
{bbl:7-3:Shuu:73} 彼の仕事は地球上のあらゆる国を飛び、全ての人間に死のウイルスを散布すること。
"His duty now is to fly about the world spreading the seeds of throughout
all of humanity. It will be a feat impossible for any normal rock dove."
{bbl:7-3:Shuu:74} もちろん、銃撃されることもあるでしょう。多少の怪我で落ちるようでは、
"Of course, he will be shot at, as well. If he were to fall from his
wounds, he would die before completing his task."
{bbl:7-3:San:75} ポポロッぷ~わ!
(Do not fear! Okosan will stop Ryouta here and now!)
{bbl:7-3:Ryouta:76} ……… "......"
{bbl:7-3:San:77} ぷぅ~~わ~~~~…… "Coooooooooo...!"
{bbl:7-3:Kazuaki:78} 尾呼くんがとんでいったよ~っ "There he goes..."
{bbl:7-3:Shuu:79} ……彼は今、意志を手放した代わりに、一時的な強靭さを得ているのです "... mister Kawara has traded his free will for normally impossible physical
{bbl:7-3:Sakuya:80} ドーピング済みということか…… "He's been... brainwashed...?"
{bbl:7-3:Sakuya:81} なんとか地上に出る前に華原を押さえつけて正気に戻してやる必要があるが──
"We have to stop him and bring him back to his senses before he reaches
the surface! ... but Oko is stronger than any of us, and he was sent flying
just like that..."
{bbl:7-3:Sakuya:82} どうすれば華原を止められる……!? "How can we keep him here.!?"
{bbl:7-3:Kazuaki:83} 華原くんを、抑えつける方法か~ "Hmm..."
{bbl:7-3:Kazuaki:84} ……華原くんは今、抑制がきいてなくて、物凄く強い、ってことだよね~ "... Kawara is very strong but lacks control right now, right?"
{bbl:7-3:Kazuaki:85} 緋紅くんに、頼ってみようか~ "Maybe we should ask Higure."
{bbl:7-3:Sakuya:86} なっ……このどうしようもない凡愚にか!? "Wha... him!? He's nuts!"
{bbl:7-3:Anghel:87} クックックッ……黒マメリア "Ha ha ha... Black Beandonna...!"
{bbl:7-3:Sakuya:88} 見ろ、また支離滅裂なことを垂れ流しているじゃないか "There he goes again, spouting nonsense!"
{bbl:7-3:Sakuya:89} ……ッ!待て華原!待てと言っているだろう! "...! Wait, Kawara! Stop!"
{bbl:7-3:Sakuya:90} うぐっ!! "Aagh!"
{bbl:7-3:Kazuaki:91} ああ、銀君もあっさり返り討ちだね~…… "Oh, dear, there goes Shirogane..."
{bbl:7-3:Anghel:92} 俺の邪緋眼が告げている……選ばれし者の力が大いなる災厄を封じると! "The Demon Red Eye speaks...! Seal the disaster with the power of the
Chosen One!"
{bbl:7-3:Ryouta:93} ………! ".....!"
{bbl:7-3:Sakuya:94} 華原が動揺している……あんな貧弱なヒムネバトの攻撃がきいているのか? "He's reacting... how is that frail Luzon able to affect him!?"
{bbl:7-3:Sakuya:95} このヒムネバトは何ができるんだ、教えろ! "What is he doing!?"
{bbl:7-3:Kazuaki:96} 思い込みだよ、思い込み~ "Hypnotizing him."
{bbl:7-3:Kazuaki:97} さっきの資料が正しいなら、緋紅くんには、周りにいる子も妄想に巻き込んで、
"According to the documents back there, Higure has the ability to pull
others into his own fantasies and break down their mental restraints..."
{bbl:7-3:Kazuaki:98} 岩峰先生も緋紅くんの特異体質については、ちょっと話してたから、多分、
"I was talking to the doctor about it earlier, too. I think it's real."
{bbl:7-3:Sakuya:99} 脳の抑制を外す……火事場の馬鹿力とか言ったか。つまりそういう事か? "Mental restraints? ... like how a desperate man can be stronger than
{bbl:7-3:Anghel:100} 俺の邪緋眼が目覚めの時を告げている。
"The Demon Red Eye heralds the Awakening! By the power of the Blood-Stained
Hand, I seal the Funeral Song...!"
{bbl:7-3:San:101} くりゅぽこぷ~わ!
(Okosan attack! Okosan cannot possibly lose in a fight with
{bbl:7-3:Kazuaki:102} そう、そう、思い込みって大切だよ~ "There we go, perfect!"
{bbl:7-3:Sakuya:103} よくわからない妄想に付き合いながら華原を説得するのか?無茶苦茶だ! "We're supposed to convince Ryouta to stop while ourselves being drawn
into some bizarre fantasy? This is madness!"
{bbl:7-3:Kazuaki:104} 後先考えるのは、良く無いよ~。
"Don't think about the consequences, Shirogane! Just go along with it!"
{bbl:7-3:Anghel:105} 覚悟はいいかッ!いくぞ、紅蓮の絆で結ばれた仲間達よ!! "Prepare yourselves! We fight, brethren bound with the Red Lotus Fetters!"
{bbl:7-3:NARATOR:106} 葬送の歌を紡ぐ者、涼太が現れた! Ryouta, Textoris Melodia Funus appears!
{bbl:7-3:NARATOR:107} アンヘルのこうげき! Anghel's turn!
{bbl:7-3:DECBlack Demon be silent!:108} 鎮まれ、闇に飲まれし魂よ! Black Demon be silent!
{bbl:7-3:DECPure wings awaken!:109} 覚醒せよ、無垢なる翼よ! Pure wings awaken!
{bbl:7-3:Anghel:110} 葬送の歌を紡ぐ者よ、今こそヴァレンシュタインの呪縛を解く約束の時!
"Textoris Melodia Funus! Now is time to break Wallenstein's spell! Hear
the call of the Red Lotus!"
{bbl:7-3:NARATOR:111} 散のこうげき! San's turn!
{bbl:7-3:DECCoooo!:112} ポポロッぷ~わ! Coooo!
{bbl:7-3:DECCoo cooo!:113} くりゅぽこぷ~わ! Coo cooo!
{bbl:7-3:San:114} ぷ~わ!
(A violent Ryouta is not a good Ryouta! Come to your senses!)
{bbl:7-3:NARATOR:115} 七姫のこうげき! Kazuaki's turn!
{bbl:7-3:DECCome back:116} 戻っておいで~ Come back
{bbl:7-3:DECListen to us:117} 皆の声を、聞いてごらん~ Listen to us
{bbl:7-3:Kazuaki:118} 皆、華原くんのために、必死なんだよ~。元の華原くんに、早く戻ってほしいな~ "We're all trying our best for you, Kawara! Come back to us!"
{bbl:7-3:NARATOR:119} 朔夜のこうげき! Sakuya's turn!
{bbl:7-3:DECListen to me!:120} 私の声が聞こえないのか! Listen to me!
{bbl:7-3:DECPull yourself together!:121} しっかりしろ華原涼太! Pull yourself together!
{bbl:7-3:Sakuya:122} 貴様はそれでいいのか!?ここまでの積み重ねを全て無駄にする気か! "Do you not care!? Do you plan to destroy all we've gained!?"
{bbl:7-3:Sakuya:123} 止まれ、華原ッ!貴様の目指すべき道はこの先では無い筈だ! "Stop, Kawara! This is not the path you must travel!"
{bbl:7-3:NARATOR:124} &Layer.Fill = #000000 &Layer.Fill = #000000
{bbl:7-3:NARATOR:125} ???のこうげき! ???'s turn!
{bbl:7-3:???:126} もう、あんまり皆に迷惑かけちゃ駄目でしょ涼太。
"Geez, Ryouta, you're causing everybirdie trouble! I don't want to
see you like this, either!"
{bbl:7-3:???:127} 体力に自信がある元気キャラは私だけで充分なの。ほら、さっさと目を覚まして! "I'm the only berserker-class character this story needs! Wake up already,
{bbl:7-3:NARATOR:128} 涼太は倒れた!! Ryouta was defeated!
{bbl:7-3:Ryouta:129} ……う、うぅ… "... aagh..."
{bbl:7-3:Sakuya:130} 華原ッ!しっかりしろ!これが貴様の望みなのか!? "Kawara! Pull youself together! Do you want this!?"
{bbl:7-3:Ryouta:131} …い、嫌だ………こんな、事は…… "... n... no... I don't...!"
{bbl:7-3:San:132} ポロッぷ~わ!
"Coo, coo!"
(Ryouta is a vegetarian, and shouldn't exert himself!)
{bbl:7-3:Ryouta:133} …僕は、ただ……誰にも、悲しい思いを、してほしくなくて……… "... I don't want... to make anyone sad..."
{bbl:7-3:Shuu:134} リミッターが復帰した……?まさか……あと十数時間は有効な筈なのですが "The remitter reactivated...? Fascinating... it should not have been
possible for some hours yet."
{bbl:7-3:Kazuaki:135} 病は気から、って言うよね~。気の持ちようって、案外大切なんだよ~ "Disease is half in the mind, after all. Outlook is surprisingly important."
{bbl:7-3:Shuu:136} ……私のデータに不足があった、ということですか "... I suppose this means my data was insufficient."
{bbl:7-3:Anghel:137} これで終わりだ闇魔導師ヴァレンシュタイン。緋胸の裁きを受けろ! "This is the end, Dark Sorceror Wallenstein! Be judged by the Crimson
{bbl:7-3:Ryouta:138} 待っ……て、アンヘル…。岩峰先生だけ…が、悪いわけじゃ、ない‥‥ "Wait... Anghel... it's not just... his fault..."
{bbl:7-3:Sakuya:139} 何故擁護する。お前をこんな目に遭わせたのは他でもない岩峰先生なんだぞ "Why do you protect him? He is the one who did this to you."
{bbl:7-3:Ryouta:140} 教えて……ください、先生……。どうして、先生は…そうまでして、
"Tell me... doctor... why did... you go so far... to grant my wish...?"
{bbl:7-3:Shuu:141} 私が貴方の願いを聞き届けた理由、ですか。……大したことではありませんよ。
"Why did I grant your wish? My reason is nothing of note. It is not
worth telling."
{bbl:7-3:Shuu:142} 一つの実験が未遂に終わった。私にとっては、結果的にただそれだけのことです "This was merely an experiment, that has now come to an end."
{bbl:7-3:Ryouta:143} …何か、理由が…あった筈なんです。ただの、気まぐれで……子供に、
"... you must have had... a reason. You aren't the sort... to go around
talking to children... without some purpose."
{bbl:7-3:Ryouta:144} 僕は、全ての答えが……知りたい "I want to know... the answer to everything..."
{bbl:7-3:Shuu:145} ……。御期待に添えるような、面白い話は持ち合わせていないのですがね "...... The answer is nowhere near as glamorous as you are expecting,
I assure you."
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:0} やあ、伊佐君!おはよう!


"Hey, good morning, Isa! Sorry to spring this on you, but could you
take a look at these?"

"What is it, sir? You seem excited."

"It's amazing! The Healers we got earlier--"
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:1} ヒーラちゃん?……ああ、HeLa細胞ですか。先月届けられたサンプルの
"Healers...? ...... Ah, the HeLa cells from last month."

"Yeah, them. From the unusually old human."

"Aiding science even after death. Can't we at least call the samples
by their proper name?"
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:2} 伊佐君は真面目だね。サンプルは恋鳥みたいなものだよ。

"You've always been serious like that, Isa. These samples are like
sweet lovebirds! Touch them with kindness, and they respond beautifully."

"Just how many lovebirds do you have, again? Perhaps you should
call them pet birds, instead?"
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:3} ううっ。そうだね。改めるよ……。

"Uuuh... maybe you're right. Anyway, look at this! We've been looking
into cancer cell immortality."

"This... ... ... indeed, these results are amazing. You're quite
lucky with these things."
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:4} 愛だよ、愛
"It's all about love."

"Or intuition?"

"That too."
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:5} ──華原隆司。
Kawara Ryuuji. He is quite possibly the most gifted researcher alive. He
has abilities and intuition that not even he can explain.
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:6} やあ、伊佐君!おはよう!


"Hey, good morning, Isa! Nice weather, huh? Makes me want to do
something outside."

"... it's already evening. I believe one normally switches
to good evening around now."

"It's good morning whenever I get up, Isa! Get distracted by things
like common sense and you'll miss the greatest discoveries
of your life."
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:7} それは詭弁というんです "Sophistry?"
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:8} やあ、伊佐君!おはよう!おっと、手元が危なっかしいよ。


"Hey, good morning, Isa! Woopsie, we're low on cash. ... here, was
this the one?"

"I didn't ask you to pick it up for me."

"Here, take it. It's not like we're running out."
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:9} ……親切の押し売りをした側の台詞じゃないでしょう、それは
"... you sound like a pushy salesman."

"Your right wing is injured, right? If there's anything I can help you
with, just ask."
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:10} 間に合ってます "I've been doing fine so far."
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:11} やあ、伊佐君!おはよう!ちょっと聞いてくれないかな?


"Hey, good morning, Isa! Hey, can I say something?"

"What is it, sir? I am somewhat busy."

"You're always busy... if I waited for you to take a break,
I'd die of old age before I got to say."
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:12} 今こうしている時間も無駄なんです。用件をどうぞ "Talking like this gets us nowhere."
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:13} 凄いぞ!僕にも子供ができた! "Guess what! I had a kid!"
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:14} はあ……おめでとうございます
"Hmm... I see. Congratulations."

"Wh-what, don't you have anything else to say?"
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:15} 別に、何もありませんよ。生物として自然な流れです。
"Not particularly. Reproduction is natural for all living creatures. Of
course, were I to become a father, I would feel bad for the child, given
my habit of locking myself away in the laboratory."
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:16} 私が生涯で唯一認めた鳥。
The only bird who I ever recognized. The only one I ever recognized
as worthy of my respect.
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:17} やあ、伊佐君!おはよう!きみに凄いお土産を持って来たんだ
"Hey, good morning, Isa! I brought you something cool."

"Hmm... what is it?"
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:18} 化石!ほら!凄く大きい化石! "A fossil! Look at it! It's huge!"
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:19} 子供ですか貴方は


"You act like an excited child."

"Hey, I like geology, too! Aah, it tempts me with spousebreach."

"I will carry on your research while you are out, then. Go on."
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:20} 冷たいなあ。ねえ、伊佐君も一度ぐらいは一緒に海外出張に行ってみないかい?
"Dang, you're cold! Hey, listen, wanna come with me on a business trip
sometime? Field observation is fun! My next one's at the start of the
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:21} 華原博士の研究には興味がありますが、
"While I am interested in your work, sir, I am partway through a fascinating
process at the moment. Perhaps another time."
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:22} そっかー。それならまた誘うことにするよ。伊佐君と遊びに行くの、
"Yeah? I'll invite you next time, then. I bet traveling with you would
be a blast!"
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:23} 実地調査は遊びじゃありません。……ですが、
"Field observation is not exactly sightseeing. ... I will make sure
to open time in my schedule, though."
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:24} しかし彼の最期は、どうしようもなく呆気ないものだった。
His last moments were dreadfully anticlimactic. He fell ill with a disease
endemic to the island.
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:25} 帰国した時には痩せ衰えて、すっかり別鳥のような風貌になっていた。 By the time we returned home, he was so emaciated one
could barely recognize him.
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:26} これまで幾度も病で生涯を閉じる鳥たちを見てきた。


He had watched as many other birds succumbed to disease. So I was sure.
Sure that he would die in this examination room, surrounded by his family.
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:27} 伊佐君、僕としては、いつかこうなる事は予測の範囲内だったんだ "Isa. I always knew this was a possibility."
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:28} はい "Yes, sir."
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:29} だから僕は自分の生き方について後悔なんてしてないんだけど…… "I don't regret the way I did things..."
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:30} はい "No, sir."
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:31} 今、ちょっとだけ思い出したよ。よく考えたら、後悔が1つあった "But I just remembered. I do have one regret."
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:32} ……はい "... yes, sir?"
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:33} 僕はこれまで父親らしいこと、何もしてないんだよ。今回の出張が終わったら、
"I've never done anything a father's supposed to do. I'd promised... to
take time off, for the first time in years..."
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:34} ……… "......"
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:35} だから、伊佐君に頼みたいんだ。もし僕の息子に会うことがあったら、
"I want you to do me a favor, Isa. If you ever run into my son... can
you do something for him, in my stead?"
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:36} ……何か、とは随分抽象的ですね "... a rather vague request."
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:37} あいつは他鳥に気を使いすぎるから、
"He's too nice. He'd never ask for something, even if he wanted it."
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:38} 父親にもその奥ゆかしさを見習ってもらいたいものです "I suspect he inherited that trait from his father."
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:39} はは……まあ、とにかく、もし万が一何かのはずみで会うことがあったら、
"Haha... anyway, if you ever happen to meet him. You don't have to
go out of your way to find him, or anything."
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:40} ええ……そうですね。覚えておきます。貴方の息子さんの名前は? "Hmm... very well. I shall remember. What is his name?"
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:41} 涼太。華原涼太だ "Ryouta. It's Kawara... Ryouta."
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:42} 私の気も知らないで、貴方は永遠に私の前から消えた。
You vanished from my life before I ever told you my feelings. And I've
chased your shadow since then. Is this what they mean by quitting while
you're ahead? Or was it just cowardice?
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:43} 生物の在り方、その来し方行く末、どれだけ追究しても、
No matter how I study life, its past, its future, I will never be able
to surpass you. And that was my only goal.
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:44} 華原涼太……華原博士の一人息子。
Kawara Ryouta... the son of doctor Kawara. Carrying half his genetic
material, and otherwise unrelated.
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:45} しかし、この子供は── But, this boy--
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:46} 私が貴方の影と対する、唯一の方法かもしれない…… He may be the only way for me to catch your shadow now.
{bbl:7-4:NARATOR:47} ここまでのデータをセーブしますか? Save your progress?H
{bbl:7-4:DECYes:48} セーブする Yes
{bbl:7-4:DECNo:49} 先へ進む No
{bbl:8-1:Shuu:0} 貴方の父親は亡くなって尚私の視界にちらついていました "When your father died, my world was... altered."
{bbl:8-1:Shuu:1} 寧ろ…亡くなってからの方が、より強く私に影響を与えていたように思います。
"One might say that his influence over me grew after death. Both for
good and for ill."
{bbl:8-1:NARATOR:2} 華原隆司……うっすらと思い出せるのは、声と翼の色だけ。 Kawara Ryuuji... all I can recall of him now is his voice and the color
of his wings.
{bbl:8-1:NARATOR:3} 僕と母さんの所には滅多に帰って来なかった父さん。 He rarely returned home, always leaving mother and me alone.
{bbl:8-1:Ryouta:4} 僕の父さんの、遺言を実行する為に…僕に近付いて、これだけの事を…… "You did this... to carry out my father's will...?"
{bbl:8-1:Shuu:5} 貴方は何か勘違いしているようです。これはただの同僚の誼みではありません。
"You misunderstand. This was not just a parting kindness between colleagues."
{bbl:8-1:Shuu:6} これは、貴方の父親に対する1つの挑戦を兼ねた実験でもあったのです。
"I doubt that there is anyone in this world with a stronger sense of
duty than mine."
{bbl:8-1:Shuu:7} しかし……納得がいきませんね。私は貴方の願いを叶えようとしたんですよ。
"This was his final challenge to me. And you see the result."
{bbl:8-1:Shuu:8} 何が不満なのですか? "But... your refusal is hardly rational. I was trying only to grant
your wish, and had you but accepted, it would be so."
{bbl:8-1:Shuu:9} "Are you dissatisfied with something?"
{bbl:8-1:Ryouta:10} 争いが無い、誰も不条理に大切な存在を失わない世界……それは今でも、
"A world without strife, where no one will have a loved one stolen from
them.... that is the world I wish for."
{bbl:8-1:Ryouta:11} でも、人が皆いなくなればいいなんて、僕は思ってない…… "I never asked for a world where the human race is killed."
{bbl:8-1:Shuu:12} 8年前の約束に『ただしどちらかの種を滅ぼす以外の方法で』
"A pity that you did not say so eight years ago."
{bbl:8-1:Sakuya:13} さっきから聞いていれば無茶苦茶な契約履行だな…… "What absurd contract was this?"
{bbl:8-1:Ryouta:14} 祈りには、何の力もない。僕は、貴方に出会うべきじゃなかった "There is no power in prayer. I should never have met you."
{bbl:8-1:Ryouta:15} 先生……僕からの願い事は、もう今日限りで終わりです "Doctor... my wish ends today."
{bbl:8-1:Ryouta:16} 父さんは、もうこの世にいないんだ。……だから先生も、これ以上父さんの遺言に、
"Father is no longer in this world... there is no reason for you to
chase after his final will any more."
{bbl:8-1:Shuu:17} ……クク、クククク……はははは! "... hoho... hohohoho... hahahaha!"
{bbl:8-1:Shuu:18} ははははははは!!まさか貴方から同情されるとは! "Hahahahahahaha! Does this mean... you are sympathizing with me!?"
{bbl:8-1:Shuu:19} ……私も堕ちたものですねえ。
"... oh, how I have fallen. I can feel his pitying gaze even now."
{bbl:8-1:Shuu:20} いいでしょう、契約は今日で解消です。私の負けを認めましょう "Very well. The contract ends today. And I... must admit defeat."
{bbl:8-1:Anghel:21} まだ安心はできない……アビスの底から煉獄へ通ずる道を開かなければ……! "It is not over yet... we must open the Gate of Tartarus, in the depths
of the Abyss!"
{bbl:8-1:Sakuya:22} 地上で人間の軍隊が突入するまであと10分少々といったところか…… "We only have about ten minutes until the humans come in from above..."
{bbl:8-1:LeoneJB:23} 諸君、無事かね "I see you are still alive, gentlemen."
{bbl:8-1:Ryouta:24} レオネさん! "Mister Leone!"
{bbl:8-1:LeoneJB:25} 体育館の鳥たちを全員連れて来たぞ "I bring with me all those who had taken refuge in the gym."
{bbl:8-1:StudentA:26} うおーSFっぽい! "Woah, it's like something out of a science fiction movie!"
{bbl:8-1:StudentB:27} 秘密組織っぽい! "I bet it was built by MIBs!"
{bbl:8-1:StudentA:28} かっけー! "Raaaaad!"
{bbl:8-1:Ryouta:29} ああ……思ってたより皆冷静で助かるよ… "Well, I guess nobirdie's panicking, anyway..."
{bbl:8-1:LeoneJB:30} 銀朔夜といったか。坂咲優夜の体も回収して来た。安心したまえ "Mister Shirogane. I will recover Sakazaki's body before I leave, have
no fear."
{bbl:8-1:Sakuya:31} ……感謝する "... I am grateful to you."
{bbl:8-1:LeoneJB:32} タカ派の研究施設には必ず所属研究員の生体認証で開く非常口がある筈なのだが、
"The exit is no doubt activated by the vital signals of the researchers
who work here."
{bbl:8-1:Shuu:33} ……ええ、問題ありませんよ。私が案内しましょう "... correct. Do not fear, I shall lead you to it."
{bbl:8-1:San:34} ポロッぷ~わ!
"Coo, coo!"
(The doctor is even creepier when he's being cooperative!)
{bbl:8-1:Shuu:35} 私はつまらないプライドや感情で動いている訳ではありません。
"I do not base my actions on foolish pride or emotion. I carried out
an experiment, and I have now obtained the result. I have nothing more
to gain or lose here."
{bbl:8-1:Sakuya:36} ……これで全員の脱出が済んだか。一安心だな "... is that everyone? Thank God."
{bbl:8-1:Sakuya:37} 我々も行くぞ、華原。立てるか? "Shall we go, Kawara? Can you stand?"
{bbl:8-1:Ryouta:38} あ……うん。でも…… "Ah... yeah. But..."
{bbl:8-1:Sakuya:39} ……$namel も、連れて出なければな "... we need to bring $namel with us."
{bbl:8-1:Kazuaki:40} えぇーっと、これで皆、脱出かな~ "I think everyone else has gone outside..."
{bbl:8-1:Sakuya:41} 岩峰先生、私はここで起こった事を忘れない。外に出たら、必ずお前を裁く "Doctor, I shall not forget what has taken place here. Once we are
outside, I shall see that you face judgment."
{bbl:8-1:Shuu:42} 貴方の物言いは青く高慢ですね。できるものなら、どうぞ。ご随意に "Your words are haughty and immature, as always. Do as you please--if
you can."
{bbl:8-1:Sakuya:43} ああ、そうさせてもらう。私の顔を忘れるな "I will indeed. Remember my face, villain."
{bbl:8-1:Shuu:44} どうでしょうねえ……貴方にはあまり興味が無いので、自信がありません "Well, who knows...? I find you uninteresting, so I may well forget."
{bbl:8-1:Shuu:45} ……外に出てからの身の振り方は、追々考えるとしましょう。
"... I must think carefully about my plans once I am outside. I still
have much research to--"
{bbl:8-1:Shuu:46} ……ッ!! "...!"
{bbl:8-1:Ryouta:47} せ、先生……!? "D-doctor...!?"
{bbl:8-1:NARATOR:48} 突然部屋に響いた銃声。岩峰先生がその場に崩れ落ちた。 A gunshot echoes through the room. The doctor collapses.
{bbl:8-1:Sakuya:49} 馬鹿な、軍隊の突入までまだ時間がある筈── "Madness! There should still be time before the humans--"
{bbl:8-1:Ryouta:50} 七姫、先生………? "Mister... Nanaki...?"
{bbl:8-1:NARATOR:51} 七姫先生の手には、拳銃が握られていた。 A pistol is in his hand.
{bbl:8-1:NARATOR:52} いつもと変わらない、ひょこひょこした軽い足取りで岩峰先生に近付いて行く。 He wobbles over to the doctor, with the same unsteady, careless gait as
{bbl:8-1:NARATOR:53} そして And--
{bbl:8-1:Shuu:54} っ、……あッ!……っぐ "... agh! Gah..."
{bbl:8-1:Kazuaki:55} 終わりだよ。きみの研究は、これでおしまい "This is the end of your research."
{bbl:8-1:Sakuya:56} 七姫、一体何を!! "Nanaki, what--"
{bbl:8-1:Ryouta:57} やめてください、岩峰先生は地上で裁かれるべきなんです…! "Stop! The doctor should have a fair trial once we..."
{bbl:8-1:Kazuaki:58} 地上で裁かれるべき……そうかな~。ねえ、岩峰先生はどう思いますか? "A fair trial... hmm. What do you think, doctor?"
{bbl:8-1:Shuu:59} ……ハァ、ハ…ァ…そうですね…… "... aah... well..."
{bbl:8-1:Shuu:60} …私としては、痛覚の残る左脚ばかりを執拗に狙う貴方の心遣いに、
"I am impressed... at your acuity in attacking my uninjured left side..."
{bbl:8-1:Kazuaki:61} うん、うん。どういたしまして~ "But of course. Thank you."
{bbl:8-1:Kazuaki:62} ねえ、岩峰先生……ううん、伊佐さん。
"Tell me, doctor Iwami... no, Isa. I need to bring him back with me. That's
why I've done all this."
{bbl:8-1:Kazuaki:63} 教えてよ。嘆はどこにいるのかな? "Tell me. Where is Nageki?"
{bbl:8-1:NARATOR:64} 七姫先生が動けない岩峰先生に拳銃を突きつける。
Nanaki points his gun at the immobilized doctor. He looks quite prepared
to shoot the partridge dead at any moment.
{bbl:8-1:Shuu:65} ……そうでしたか。クク、すっかり忘れていましたよ "... oh, is that it? Hoho. I had quite forgotten."
{bbl:8-1:Shuu:66} ……藤代君の家族も、ヒメウズラでしたね "Mister Fujishiro's brother... he was a quail..."
{bbl:8-2:Hitori:0} あれー、嘆。またこんな所に独りでいたの?
"Nageki? Are you by yourself here again? You should play in the park
with everyone else..."
{bbl:8-2:Nageki:1} ……いいよ。疲れるだけだし "... I'm fine. I would just get tired."
{bbl:8-2:Nageki:2} 陽鳥<ひとり>こそ、ぼくに関わってる時間が勿体ないんじゃない? "Isn't talking to me a waste of time, Hitori?"
{bbl:8-2:Nageki:3} 最近忙しいんでしょ。聞いたよ、皆が暮らす為のお金が足りないって "You've been busy recently, have you not? I know we're short on money."
{bbl:8-2:Hitori:4} 子供は心配しなくていいんだよー。僕たち年長組がしっかり働くから、
"That's not something you need to worry about. We adults are working
hard to make sure you don't have to worry."
{bbl:8-2:Nageki:5} 陽鳥だって子供だ。たった5つしか違わないのに "You're a child too, Hitori. You're only five years older than me,
after all."
{bbl:8-2:Hitori:6} 僕が働き手じゃ、不安? "You don't think I should be working?"
{bbl:8-2:Nageki:7} 別に……そういう訳じゃないけど "No, that's... not what I meant."
{bbl:8-2:Nageki:8} ただ、ぼくは……役に立てないから。
"I just... I can't do anything. I at least want to stay out of your
{bbl:8-2:Hitori:9} 役に立つとか、立たないとかじゃないよ。
"It's not about whether you're doing anything or not. You're part of
the family, and we need you."
{bbl:8-2:Nageki:10} そんなの、気休めだ。ぼくの体が出来損ないで、ただ家に居るだけで、
"That doesn't help. With my body like this, I can't work... or go
to school. That's just how it is."
{bbl:8-2:Hitori:11} 嘆はちょっと深く考え過ぎなんじゃないかなあ…… "You're thinking too hard, Nageki..."
{bbl:8-2:Hitori:12} ねえ、裏庭に粟の実を取りに行こうか。もう食べ頃だよ "Let's go pick some millet in the yard. It's almost dinner time."
{bbl:8-2:Hitori:13} お腹がいっぱいになれば、イヤなこともきっと全部どこかに飛んで行く筈だから。
"A full stomach scares the bad things away. Right?"
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:14} 2180年、9月2日。 September second, 2180.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:15} ハートフル・ハウス。僕たち戦災孤児が寄り添って暮らしている小さな家。 Hatoful House. Where the rest of the war orphans and I live together.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:16} 僕は他の鳥より少しだけ勉強が得意だったから、講師のアルバイトで、
I was always a little better at studying than the others, so I teach at
the local school to help make ends meet.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:17} いつものように仕事に出て、いつものように家路につく。
Going to work, and coming home. Every Friday, we all gather together
and have supper.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:18} 学校に通っている子、僕みたいに仕事をしている子、
There are children who go to school. There are those who work, like
me. And children like Nageki, who stay home-- our family is a patchwork
of ages and lives, but we always eat together on this day.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:19} 今日の晩ご飯は、どうしようか。
What should we have? We might have enough left over, or we could pool
our money and buy something.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:20} そうだ、先月はちょっと仕事が忙しかったから、
I had more work than usual last month, so I got paid a little more than
usual. I'll get something nice. I'll head home and see what everyone
wants, first...
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:21} ……でも、その日はいつもと違った。
... but, this day was different. Our home was surrounded by security
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:22} 人類解放戦線のテロリスト達の襲撃だ。
"It's an attack by the Human Liberation Front. We can't let anybirdie

"We sent two human negotiators, but they were shot. We're going
to storm the place."
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:23} 下がりたまえ、ここは危険だ "Get back! It's dangerous!"
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:24} こら、君! 聞いているのか! "Hey, you! Are you listening!?"
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:25} 左右から怒鳴り声が聞こえた気がした。
I remember angry shouts coming from every direction. But I couldn't
tell what they were saying.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:26} 僕の意識は家の中から聞こえて来る、発砲音に真っ直ぐ向かっていた。 The only things I could focus on were the gunshots from inside.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:27} 今日は週に一度の約束の日だ。
Today was supposed to be our day. No one has ever been missing on a
Friday before. No one can disappear today. We have to be together today.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:28} 何が、あっても── No matter what--
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:29} 僕が家に踏み込んだ時には、すっかり銃声もやんでいた。
When I went in, the gunshots had stopped. All that was left were corpses
and ruin. And--
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:30} うわぁあああァアアァァーーーッッ!!! "Aaaaaaaaaagh!"
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:31} ……皆、皆、平等に血を流して動かない。
... everyone. Everyone is covered in blood, immobile. The humans, the
security forces, and my family. What did we do? We had nothing. Our
parents and our homes had already been stolen by the humans. All we had
left were each other.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:32} 僕たちが一体何をした?
Why do they have to keep stealing from us? Why? Why?
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:33} どうして、僕たちばかり奪われ続ける?
"... Hi... tori..."
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:34} ……ひと、り…… "!"
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:35} !! "... you were... outside... good."

"Nageki! You're alive...!"
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:36} ……良かった。外に、いたんだ……
"... everyone... else...?"


"... I see..."
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:37} ……他の、皆は…………
Nageki was hiding in the innermost room.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:38} 嘆は一番奥まった部屋に隠れていた。 He must have heard everything, from inside his hiding place.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:39} きっと物陰に隠れたまま一部始終を聞いていたんだろう。 Human corpses are scattered throughout the room.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:40} そこかしこに人間の死体が転がっていた。 "Nageki... were you afraid? I'm sorry..."

"It wasn't your fault, Hitori..."

"I wasn't here when you needed me...!"
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:41} 嘆……恐かったよね。ごめんね
"Don't apologize, Hitori. ... I don't know how I could live if you were
gone, too..."
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:42} 謝らないで、陽鳥。
When I found him then, I didn't notice, but...
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:43} 嘆を見付けたその時、僕は気付かなかった。 None of the human corpses in that room had been shot.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:44} その部屋に転がっていた人間の死体だけは、
{bbl:8-2:Hitori:44} 今日からは、ここが新しい部屋だよ。
"This will be our room from now on... the house is too big for just
the two of us."
{bbl:8-2:Nageki:45} ……うん "... right."
{bbl:8-2:Hitori:46} 二羽だけ……ちょっと、寂しいね "It's a little... lonely..."
{bbl:8-2:Nageki:47} …………うん "... yes..."
{bbl:8-2:Nageki:48} 陽鳥…ぼくは、何をすればいい。何か、役に立てることって、ある? "Hitori... what should I do? Isn't there anything I can do to help...?"
{bbl:8-2:Hitori:49} 嘆は元気でいてくれたらそれでいいんだよ。
"You just have to be happy and well. Don't push yourself. We'll find
something for you to do, okay?"
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:50} ハートフル・ハウスを離れて間もない頃、嘆の変調に気付いた。 I noticed almost as soon as we'd moved out of Hatoful House.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:51} 元々体が弱くて病気がちな子だけど、それにしても具合の悪い日が増えている。 He was never very healthy to begin with, but he was getting worse and
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:52} ちょっとした風邪かと思えば、その日の夜には高熱が出て、それが何日も続く。 What would start out as a slight cold would turn into a high fever, and
go on for days.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:53} 見ていて胸が苦しかった。本当にただの虚弱体質なんだろうか。
It was painful to watch. Was it really just his weak body? I couldn't
do anything.
{bbl:8-2:Hitori:54} 嘆、お医者さんに診てもらおうか "Should we get a doctor, Nageki?"
{bbl:8-2:Nageki:55} いいよ。大丈夫。ぼくは、大丈夫だから "I'm... fine. I'm fine."
{bbl:8-2:Hitori:56} 嘆、ちょっと逃げないで── "Nageki, wait--"
{bbl:8-2:Hitori:57} ほら、また熱が出てるじゃないか!
"You still have a fever! Don't worry about the dishes. I'll take care
of them."
{bbl:8-2:Nageki:58} ……本当に、大丈夫…だよ "... I told you, I'm... fine..."
{bbl:8-2:Hitori:59} あんまり心配させないで嘆。正直に言ってくれた方が僕も安心できるんだ。ね? "Don't... if you just say how you feel outright, I'll feel better too,
Nageki. Okay?"
{bbl:8-2:Nageki:60} でも…… "But..."
{bbl:8-2:Hitori:61} じゃあこうしよう。今日から『大丈夫』禁止 "How about this? From now on, 'I'm fine' isn't allowed."
{bbl:8-2:Nageki:62} 大丈夫禁止? "What do you...?"
{bbl:8-2:Hitori:63} そう、大丈夫禁止。嘆が大丈夫って言う時はいつも大丈夫じゃないからね "Whenever you say you're fine, you never are."
{bbl:8-2:Nageki:64} う、うん…… "O-okay..."
{bbl:8-2:Hitori:65} 今日はもう遅いし、温かくして早く寝よう。それから明日、病院に行こうね "Go to bed for now, okay? Tomorrow I'm taking you to a doctor."
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:66} 大変珍しい症例です。
"This is highly unusual. Nageki has a genetic condition which impairs
his immune system."
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:67} 免疫不全、ですか? "Impairs his immune system...?"
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:68} 我々生き物は、
"All living creatures inherit defense systems against viruses and the
like from their parents, and we call them the immune system. But Nageki's
is abnormally weak."

"And that's why he gets sick easily?"
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:69} そうですね。貴方のような健常な体にとっては何の害もない病にも、
"Indeed. He can become infected with diseases that bodies such as yours
or mine would fight off easily. It is probably best if he avoids going
outside, as that could bring him into contact with more dangerous viruses. He
could become seriously ill with little or no warning."
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:70} お願いです、嘆を治してあげてください。
"Please, can you cure him? I will find whatever money it takes. He's
the only family I have left!"
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:71} お気持ちはわかりますが、最初に御説明したように、
"I understand how you feel, but as I said, his condition is hereditary. I
have never seen anything like it. I'm sorry, but... I can't help him."
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:72} それから、沢山の病院に行き、沢山の医者に会った。
We went to many hospitals, and I talked to many doctors. They all said
the same thing. 'I can't help him.'
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:74} 独りぼっちだった僕らは、あの家で居場所を見付けた。
We had been all alone, but we found a home together. And it was taken
from us. And now this...
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:75} 誰か、助けて。 Someone, please help us.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:76} 2183年、年が明けてからまだ間もない冬のある日、一通の手紙が届いた。
Soon after the start of 2183, a letter arrived. It was from a researcher
at the St. Pigeonation's Medical Institute. A mister Isa Souma.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:77} ある病院の医師から、藤代嘆君の話を伺いました。
"I have received a report about a boy named Fujishiro Nageki from a doctor
at a certain hospital. I believe I know what his condition is. It is
extremely rare, so my fellow researchers and I would be grateful for a
chance to assist in curing it. We hereby invite him to come study at
St. Pigeonation's."
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:78} 藤代君の病の謎を解明することで、
"We believe that solving the riddle of his sickness will bring great
advances to all of bird science. The medical center will pay for his
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:79} 聖ピジョネイション学園は世界屈指の名門校です。
"St. Pigeonation's is a school of great prestige. Our curricula and
facilities are among the best in the world."
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:80} 学園付属医療センターは学園敷地内にあります。
"The medical center is located on the school grounds. We propose that
he live in the center, out of concern for his delicate health. He will
have access to professional medical expertise any time he should need it."
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:81} 一度御家族同士で御相談頂き、
"Please consult with the rest of your family, and if you are interested,
contact me at the following address. I will be waiting."
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:82} ──伊佐湊真 "--Isa Souma"
{bbl:8-2:Hitori:83} 凄いよ、嘆。沢山の病院にお願いした甲斐があったんだ。
"This is amazing, Nageki! I'm glad we went to so many hospitals. I never
expected an invitation like this!"
{bbl:8-2:Nageki:84} ぼくは……行きたくないよ。これからも、陽鳥といたい "I... don't want to go. I want to stay with you, Hitori."
{bbl:8-2:Hitori:85} 学校に行けるんだよ。
"But you'll be able to go to school! I can only teach you what I know,
and there's a lot that I don't know."
{bbl:8-2:Hitori:86} それに、同年代の友達もできる。
"And you'll be able to make friends! The doctors there will help with
your illness, so you won't have to be sick."
{bbl:8-2:Nageki:87} ……陽鳥は、ぼくと暮らすのは、嫌? "... do you not want me here, Hitori?"
{bbl:8-2:Hitori:88} 違う!僕は心配なんだ。嘆は、いつ重い病気にかかってもおかしくない体なんだよ "Of course I do! But I'm worried. If you were to get really sick,
I wouldn't be able to do anything..."
{bbl:8-2:Hitori:89} だから、専門家の先生の近くにいる方が嘆の為なんだ。
"I think it would be better for you to stay with the doctors. I'll
be lonely by myself... but I can wait until you're better."
{bbl:8-2:Hitori:90} 元気になって、帰っておいで、嘆。僕はここで待ってるからね "Become strong, Nageki, and then come back here. I'll wait for you,
however long it takes."
{bbl:8-2:Nageki:91} ………うん "... okay."
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:92} こうして、嘆は聖ピジョネイション学園に入学した。 And so Nageki enrolled in St. Pigeonation's.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:93} ハートフルハウスでは沢山の子供たちと一緒だったし、
There had been a lot of us at Hatoful House, and after that I was with
Nageki. I was lonely living by myself for the first time, but I was more
worried about Nageki.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:94} いい友達ができるといいけど、どうかな……嘆は内向的な子だから、
I hope he makes good friends, but... he's never been very sociable.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:95} 少しでも楽しい時間を送ってくれたらと思う。
At least he will have an easier life there than here. And most importantly,
they'll be looking for a cure.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:96} 嘆が入学したその年の夏、何度か手紙が届いた。 The summer of that year, he sent a lot of letters home.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:97} 夏休みは、医療センターで集中治療をするんだって。
"I'm going to be undergoing intensive treatment over the summer. I
wanted to come home, but they said this would be better for me. How are
you? I'll write again soon."
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:98} 面会のことだけど、伊佐先生に聞いてみたら駄目だって。ぼくがいる医療センター、
"I asked doctor Isa about a meeting, but he said no. I'm not the only
one here with an unusual illness, and they have to be very careful about
who comes in."
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:99} もう夏休みも、半分が終わっちゃったんだね。外は暑い?
"Summer's half over now. Is it hot out? The basement of the center
is always the same light and the same temperature."
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:100} 早く会いたいよ、陽鳥 "I miss you, Hitori."
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:101} 大丈夫。ぼくは大丈夫だよ陽鳥。心配しないで "I'm fine. I'm fine, Hitori. Don't worry about me."
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:102} 胸騒ぎがした。あれから3年間、約束通り嘆は一度も僕に対して
I was worried. Nageki hadn't told me he was 'fine' since he promised
not to three years ago. What are they doing to him? Are they doing
something bad to him?
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:103} 担当医の伊佐先生に電話をしてみても
I tried calling doctor Isa, but he always replied with 'Progress is good,
and everything is fine'. If everything is fine, why won't they let me
talk to him?
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:104} 僕は職員達の目を盗んで、医療センターに忍び込んだ。
I snuck into the medical center. I need to know if he's really all right.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:105} 集中治療室は地下にあると手紙に書かれていた。
He said that he was underoing intensive care in the basement. That must
be where he is. How do I get there? I need to the entrance to the basement.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:106} その時だった。医療センターに非常事態を告げる警報が響いた。 That was when I heard the alarm.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:107} 慌ただしい足音と羽音がフロアに響き始めた。最新の設備が整った新しい施設だ。
I could hear urgent footsteps and the sound of wings. This building
has all the most advanced equipment. They must have noticed me.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:108} だけど、曲がり角からやって来たのは警備員ではなかった。
But I was greeted at the corner not by guards, but by panicked researchers. All
shouting the same thing, all heading for the exit.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:109} 火事だ!! "Fire! Fire!"
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:110} 今、何と言った……? What...?
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:111} 火事だ!! 被験者00が火を放った!! 早く消火隊を呼べ!! "A fire! Subject 00 set a fire! Call the fire department!"
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:112} 地下奥深くから黒ずんだ煙が立ち上る。
Black smoke rolls towards me from the inner corridors. Nageki--where
is Nageki!?
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:113} 嘆ッ!! 返事をしてくれッ! どこにいるんだ!! "Nageki! Say something, please! Where are you!?"
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:114} あの時と同じだ。
It's happening again. Nageki needs me, and I'm not there. I always
leave him alone when he's in pain.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:115} 不快な臭いの煙の中を駆け抜けて行く。
The smoke is clogging my lungs with its foul stench. But I run onwards
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:116} 嘆は、炎に囲まれた部屋にいた。 Nageki is there, in a room filled with fire.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:117} 嘆! 僕だ、陽鳥だ! 助けに来たよ!!
"Nageki! It's me, Hitori! I'm here to save you!"

"... Hi... tori..."
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:118} 何があったんだ嘆! 何か酷い事をされたの!?
"What happened!? What did they do to you!? Come on, we have to get
out of here!"

"... I'm sorry."
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:119} 嘆は困ったような顔をして扉を閉め、それから鍵をかけた。 His face is clouded. He shuts the door, and I hear the lock click shut.
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:120} ………!? 開けて嘆、そこにいると死んでしまう! "...!? Open the door, Nageki!"
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:121} 陽鳥……ぼくはもう、外に出て行くことが、できない。
"Hitori... I can't go outside anymore. I can't live anymore."
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:122} ここにいる鳥達が君に何かしたんだね?
ねえ、嘆! ここを出てまた一緒に暮らそう!
"What did they do to you? I'm a fool! All this time I thought you were
getting better, thought you'd come home cured...! I should be the one
apologizing. Nageki, please! Come home with me, to our home!"
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:123} 聞いて……陽鳥。ここで起こったこと、学園の図書室に隠してきたんだ。
"Listen, Hitori... I recorded everything that happened here, and hid
it in the library. It's wrong. This is the only way... to stop them..."
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:124} 何の話をしてるんだ嘆。 君の命が一番大事なんだ、話なら後でゆっくりできる! "What are you talking about!? We can talk later! I can't let you die!"
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:125} 陽鳥、ぼくの願いを聞いて
君の頼みならいくらでも聞くよ! だから早く──!
"Can you do me a favor, Hitori?"

"Anything! Please--"
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:126} ぼくの願いは、ぼくの体が、跡形も無くこの世界から消えてしまうこと "Please... make sure there is nothing left of my body."
{bbl:8-2:NARATOR:127} そして── "And--"
{bbl:8-3:Shuu:0} ……埋音陽鳥<うずねひとり>。
"... Uzune Hitori. I had heard that he died after the fire, but it would
seem that our investigation was lacking."
{bbl:8-3:Shuu:1} ……名を変え顔を変え、御苦労なことです "It is hardly easy to change your name and face."
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:2} 嘆がね、ぼくを、呼んでいるんだよ "Nageki... he's calling. He's calling me, you know?"
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:3} ね、伊佐さん。ぼくは、嘆を迎えに来たんだ。嘆は今、どこにいるんだろう? "Isa. I came to greet Nageki. Where is he?"
{bbl:8-3:Shuu:4} ……正気を失っていますね、貴方は "I see you are losing hold of your sanity."
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:5} ぼくは大真面目だよ。ずっと、ずっとこの時を、待ってたんだから "I'm serious. I've been waiting for this from the beginning."
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:6} 嘆はぼくに、きみ達が地下で何をしていたのか教えてくれたけど、
"He told me what you were doing to him here. But then you closed the
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:7} この学園に来てから、ぼくはずっと、伊佐さんがもう一度ここを開いてくれるのを、
"I've been waiting for this, Isa. Waiting for you to open this place
again. Ever since I joined the faculty."
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:8} 嘆はまだ、ここにいるんだよね? "He's still here, isn't he? Nageki."
{bbl:8-3:Shuu:9} 正確には、ただの肉片ですよ。放っておけばすぐに腐って朽ちる肉の塊です。
"There were indeed some pieces of him left after the fire. They would
have degraded in mere hours, had I left them."
{bbl:8-3:Shuu:10} しかしその肉片も、もう……凍結保存を終えて華原君の体内に移植済みですが "If it pleases you to call those bits of meat 'Fujishiro Nageki', I will
not attempt to stop you."
{bbl:8-3:Shuu:11} "But, those pieces... have already been transferred to mister Kawara's
{bbl:8-3:Shuu:12} ………ッ!! ".....!"
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:13} そう簡単に、死にはしないよ。恐くない。恐くない "You won't die just yet, Isa. Don't worry. Don't worry."
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:14} だから早く、教えて。嘆はどこにいるの?早く……連れて帰らなきゃ "So tell me. Where is Nageki? I have to... take him home now."
{bbl:8-3:Shuu:15} ……貴方の言う、藤代嘆が…焼け跡に残った、肉片を指すのであれば…
"... if by Nageki you mean... what was left of him after the fire, then... it
is mister Kawara's liver."
{bbl:8-3:Shuu:16} カロンウイルスを保有した、藤代君のオリジナル細胞は…
"The cells from his body that contained the Charon Virus... are now
inside mister Kawara, parasitizing him."
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:17} そっかー。わかったよ、ありがとう伊佐さん "Oh, is that it? I see. Thank you, Isa."
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:18} じゃあ、伊佐さんは、ちょっとここで待っててね。
"Hang on just a little longer, Isa. I need to ask Nageki what he thinks
we should do with you."
{bbl:8-3:NARATOR:19} 七姫先生は教室で見せるのと同じ、柔らかい笑顔を浮かべると、僕に向き直った。 Mister Nanaki comes over to me, the same soft smile on his face as when
he teaches class.
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:20} 嘆、聞こえる?待たせてごめんね。迎えに来たよ "Can you hear me, Nageki? I'm sorry I made you wait so long. I'm here
{bbl:8-3:Ryouta:21} 先生、僕は華原涼太です!先生のクラスの、華原涼太です!
"Sir, it's me! Kawara Ryouta! From your class! Please, snap out of
{bbl:8-3:Sakuya:22} 七姫、何があったか知らないが今はこんなことをしてる場合じゃないだろう! "I don't know what happened in the past, Nanaki, but this is not the
time for such foolery!"
{bbl:8-3:Sakuya:23} あと数分もすれば人間が学園に突入する!ここが見付かるのも時間の問題だ! "We have only a few more minutes before the humans enter the school grounds!
It won't take them long to find this place!"
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:24} うーん……銀くん、ちょっとだけ、そこをどいてくれないかな~?
"Mmm... could you move over for a second, Shirogane? I need to talk
to Kawara."
{bbl:8-3:NARATOR:25} 七姫先生は朔夜に拳銃を向けた。 He points the gun at Sakuya.
{bbl:8-3:Sakuya:26} くっ………! ".....!"
{bbl:8-3:Ryouta:27} 駄目だ、朔夜。先生は本気だよ……! "Sakuya, h-he's serious...!"
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:28} ここは騒がしいね……
"It's too noisy in here... come on, Kawara. Let's go into that room,
just the two of us."
{bbl:8-3:Sakuya:29} 七姫の奴何を考えている!こんなところで籠城する気か!? "What are you thinking? Are you planning to lock yourself in!?"
{bbl:8-3:Sakuya:30} おい、開けろ!!開けろと言っているんだ!! "Open the door! Open it, I say!"
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:31} 肝臓だって、伊佐さん言ってたよね~ "Isa said he's in your liver, didn't he?"
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:32} ……肝臓って、どの辺りにあるんだっけ。ねえ、華原くんは知ってる? "... where is the liver, I wonder? Do you know, Kawara?"
{bbl:8-3:Ryouta:33} 先生…嘆はこんなこと、望んでいない筈です……! "S-sir... Nageki would never have wanted this...!"
{bbl:8-3:NARATOR:34} 七姫先生はナイフを片手に、僕の胴体を見ながらあれこれ考えている。 He stares thoughtfully at my stomach, a knife in his hand.
{bbl:8-3:NARATOR:35} 体に力が入らない。さっきの戦いが、凄く大きな負担だったみたいだ。
My body feels weak. I think I must have put too much into that fight
earlier. I won't be able to resist...!
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:36} 嘆、嘆、嘆。ぼくの声が聞こえる?今度こそきみを助けに来たんだよ "Nageki... Nageki... Nageki... can you hear me? I've come to save
you again."
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:37} きみはどの辺りにいる?返事をしてよ。
"Where are you? Tell me. What part of Kawara do I need to cut open
to find you?"
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:38} 嘆。嘆。嘆。
"Nageki. Nageki. Nageki. Nageki. Nageki. Nageki. Nageki. Nageki. Nageki.
Nageki. Nageki. Nageki."
{bbl:8-3:Ryouta:39} 先生、僕の話を……! "Sir, listen to me...!"
{bbl:8-3:NARATOR:40} 七姫先生は刃物をゆらゆらさせて、当たりを付けている様子だ。
He moves the knife from one place to another, as if making an estimation. He's
going to--
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:41} そっかー、かくれんぼだね。わかったよ、じゃあ頑張って探してみるから "Oh, I see. It's hide and seek. I'll look as hard as I can, then."
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:42} もうすぐだよ、もうすぐ家に帰ることができるんだ。嘆、ぼくと一緒に── "Just a little longer. We'll be able to go home in just a little bit,
Nageki. Together--"
{bbl:8-3:Ryouta:43} ………!! ".....!"
{bbl:8-3:NARATOR:44} ……もうやめよう、陽鳥 "... stop it, Hitori."
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:45} ………… "......"
{bbl:8-3:NARATOR:46} 刃物が、僕のすぐ傍の壁に深々と突き立てられている。 The knife is stuck deep into the wall under my wing.
{bbl:8-3:NARATOR:47} 嘆の声が聞こえた。 I can hear Nageki's voice.
{bbl:8-3:NARATOR:48} だけど、姿は見えない。この声は、僕の内側から届いているんだ。 But I can't see him. The voice is coming from inside me.
{bbl:8-3:Nageki:49} ……華原くん。少しの間、体を使わせて "... mister Kawara. Let me use your body for a bit."
{bbl:8-3:NARATOR:50} うん。……わかった。 Okay... go ahead.
{bbl:8-3:Nageki:51} 陽鳥、ぼくの声が聞こえてるよね "Can you hear me, Hitori?"
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:52} ……もちろんだよ。夜ごときみはぼくに話しかけてきたから "... of course. I've talked with you every night..."
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:53} きみは言ったよね。迎えに来てほしい、それから、伊佐に復讐してほしいって "You told me, Nageki. Told me to come get you. Told me to exact revenge
on Isa."
{bbl:8-3:Nageki:54} 陽鳥、それはぼくじゃないよ。ぼくはそんなこと、言ってない "No, Hitori. That was not me. I never told you to do that."
{bbl:8-3:Nageki:55} 陽鳥は、ぼくがここで何をお願いしたのか、忘れちゃったの?2つの、お願い "Have you forgotten what I asked you to do, Hitori? The second thing."
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:56} 覚えてるよ。覚えてる。だから、一緒に帰ろう "I remember. Of course I remember. So let's go home."
{bbl:8-3:Nageki:57} 聞いて、陽鳥。ぼくはもう、ここにいないんだ。
"Listen, Hitori. I am no longer here. I can no longer go home with
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:58} 誰がそんなことを言ったのかな?ああ、わかった。伊佐さんだね。
"Who said that? Oh, I see. It was Isa, wasn't it? Only he would say
something mean like that."
{bbl:8-3:Nageki:59} 違う、そうじゃないよ "No, it wasn't him."
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:60} 心配しなくていいんだよ、嘆。伊佐さんには、後でぼくが仕返ししておくから。
"Don't worry, Nageki. I'll take care of him in a minute. Don't worry."
{bbl:8-3:Nageki:61} 陽鳥。ぼくは迎えに来てなんて言ってない。復讐してくれとも、言ってない "Hitori. I never asked for you to come for me. I never asked for
you to exact revenge."
{bbl:8-3:Nageki:62} 誰がきみに、そんなことを言ったの "Who was it?"
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:63} 嘆だよ。嘆が── "Nageki. It was Nageki--"
{bbl:8-3:NARATOR:64} きみのせいで、ぼくは死んだ。
I died because of you. You abandoned me here. I never wanted to come
{bbl:8-3:NARATOR:65} きみが、ぼくを殺した。
It was you who killed me.
You killed me.
You killed me.
You killed me.
{bbl:8-3:Shadow:66} ぼくは陽鳥を許さない "I will not... forgive... Hitori..."
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:67} ごめんね、嘆。どれだけ、謝っても…ぼくの罪が消えるわけじゃないのは、
"I'm sorry, Nageki... but I know that no apology will ever fix it..."
{bbl:8-3:Ryouta:68} ……先生、何を…………? "... sir, what...?"
{bbl:8-3:Nageki:69} 陽鳥の心には、影が住み着いてる。ぼくの真似をした、陽鳥の影が "There is a shadow in Hitori's heart. His own shadow, pretending to
be mine."
{bbl:8-3:Shadow:70} 陽鳥、死んだぼくを迎えに来て。ぼくはここにいるよ "Come for me, Hitori. I'm here."
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:71} うん、わかってる。ぼくも、きみも、独りは嫌だよね "I know. I know. I don't want to be alone. I don't want... you to
be alone."
{bbl:8-3:Shadow:72} ぼくが死んでも、きみはぼくを忘れない。きみはぼくと生きていく。
"You will never forget me. You will live with me. You will live with
your sin, forever."
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:73} それが嘆の望みなんだね。
"That's what you want, isn't it? If you want me to carry this pain
I will, Nageki."
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:74} 許してなんて、言わない……言わないから…… "I won't ask... for forgiveness... I won't..."
{bbl:8-3:NARATOR:75} いつの間にか、七姫先生は泣いていた。 He's crying.
{bbl:8-3:NARATOR:76} 自分自身の影に、悲痛な声で訴えかけていた。 Tortured by his own shadow.
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:77} ごめんね、嘆。ごめんね…… "I'm sorry, Nageki. I'm sorry."
{bbl:8-3:Nageki:78} 陽鳥、ぼくはきみの苦しみなんて、願っていないのに…… "Hitori... I don't want you to be in pain."
{bbl:8-3:Ryouta:79} 七姫先生は罪悪感で押し潰されそうになってるんだ。先生も、救いを求めてる "He's trying to destroy his feelings of guilt... he wants to be saved."
{bbl:8-3:Ryouta:80} 君がいれば七姫先生の苦しみも終わらせられる筈なんだ。
"If you're here, his pain will go away. Help me save him."
{bbl:8-3:Nageki:81} ……うん "... yes."
{bbl:8-3:Shadow:82} 陽鳥。ぼくはここで、沢山の鳥たちに虐められた。ひどいよね "Hitori. I was tortured by them here, in this place. It was terrible."
{bbl:8-3:Shadow:83} あいつらも、伊佐先生も、皆苦しんで死ぬべきだ。
"Isa and the others should die in pain. All of them should die. As
long as they live, my pain will never disappear."
{bbl:8-3:Ryouta:84} 七姫先生── "Mister Nanaki."
{bbl:8-3:DECThat's wrong.:85} それは違います That's wrong.
{bbl:8-3:DECRevenge will solve nothing.:86} 復讐は何の解決にもなりません Revenge will solve nothing.
{bbl:8-3:Ryouta:87} 先生も、嘆も、今まで争いの中で大切な鳥を失ってきたんだよね "Sir, you and Nageki... both lost those most important to you to strife."
{bbl:8-3:Ryouta:88} 仕返しで生まれる幸せが無いこと…誰も満たされないことは、
"You should know best of all people that revenge helps no one. It brings
no happiness, only pain."
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:89} ぼくさえいなければ、嘆は死なずに済んだんだ。
"If I hadn't been there, Nageki would never have died. I was never
there when he needed me."
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:90} ごめんね、嘆。ぼくがもっとしっかりしていれば、こんな事にはならなかった "I'm sorry, Nageki. If I had been better, this would never have happened...!"
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:91} きみがぼくと出会うことさえなければ、全てうまくいったんだ。ぼくがいなければ、
"Everything would have been fine if you'd never met me. If I hadn't
been there, you never would have felt pain..."
{bbl:8-3:Ryouta:92} 先生、どうして…… "Sir, why..."
{bbl:8-3:DECAre you doing this to yourself?:93} それは勝手な思い込みです Are you doing this to yourself?
{bbl:8-3:DECDo you think he was sad?:94} 不幸だなんて、嘆は思ってなかった Do you think he was sad?
{bbl:8-3:Ryouta:95} 嘆にとって、先生と過ごした時間は宝物だった。
"The time Nageki spent with you was his greatest treasure. I know how
wonderful it is to be able to be together with loved ones, too."
{bbl:8-3:Ryouta:96} 嘆は先生と一緒にいられて幸せだった。 後悔なんてしてない! "Nageki is glad he got to be with you, sir. There is nothing to regret!"
{bbl:8-3:Shadow:97} ぼくと行こう、陽鳥 "Come with me, Hitori."
{bbl:8-3:Shadow:98} ぼくを見て、陽鳥 "Look at me, Hitori."
{bbl:8-3:Shadow:99} ぼくの声だけを聞いて、陽鳥 "Hear only my voice, Hitori."
{bbl:8-3:Shadow:100} ぼくはきみの心を切り裂き続ける。血が固まったなら、次。
"I will tear your heart to pieces. And when it heals, I will tear it
again. And again. And again. That is your punishment."
{bbl:8-3:Shadow:101} ぼくと共に生き続けるのは、どんな気分だろう。きっと、素敵なことだろうね "It will be wonderful to live with me again. Wonderful."
{bbl:8-3:Nageki:102} 陽鳥…… "Hitori..."
{bbl:8-3:DECBlame yourself no more.:103} もう、それ以上責めないで Blame yourself no more.
{bbl:8-3:Nageki:104} お願い、陽鳥。ぼくの言葉を聞いて "Please, Hitori. Listen to me."
{bbl:8-3:Nageki:105} きみが聞いてるその声は、きみ自身の影。きみはずっと、自分で自分を傷付けてる "The voice you hear is that of your own shadow. You have been hurting
yourself all this time."
{bbl:8-3:Nageki:106} もう、それ以上自分を責めないで。ぼくも、陽鳥が苦しむ姿は、見たくない "Stop blaming yourself. I don't want to see you in pain."
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:107} 嘆はぼくに2つの頼み事をした "You asked me for two things, Nageki."
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:108} 一つ目は、『ぼくを迎えに来て、助けて』。だから、ぼくは── "The first was... come save me. So I--"
{bbl:8-3:Nageki:109} 陽鳥、聞いて "Listen to me, Hitori."
{bbl:8-3:DECMy first wish was...:110} ぼくの一つ目の願いは My first wish was...
{bbl:8-3:Nageki:111} ぼくの一つ目の願いは、『ぼくの体が、跡形も無くこの世界から消えること』 "My first was for you to... make my body disappear from this
{bbl:8-3:Nageki:112} ぼくが生きている限り、ぼくの体がある限り、誰かが、
"As long as I live, as long as my body remains, someone will try to use
the Charon Virus."
{bbl:8-3:Nageki:113} あのウイルスは、ぼくの体ごと消えてしまった方がいいんだ。
"That virus must disappear, and my body with it. It will bring only
sadness as long as it remains."
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:114} 嘆は、もう一つ、ぼくに頼み事をした "You asked for one other thing."
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:115} 二つ目は、『伊佐先生に復讐して。
"You asked me to take revenge on doctor Isa. On all those
who brought you pain."
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:116} そうだ、この願いを叶えてあげないと、ぼくは── "Yes. I need to grant this wish. I need to--"
{bbl:8-3:Nageki:117} 陽鳥、ぼくの── "Hitori!"
{bbl:8-3:DECMy second wish was...:118} ぼくの二つ目の願いは My second wish was...
{bbl:8-3:Nageki:119} 違うよ、陽鳥。そうじゃない "No, Hitori. That was not my wish."
{bbl:8-3:Nageki:120} 思い出して、ぼくの最後のお願い "Remember, Hitori. Remember my final wish."
{bbl:8-3:NARATOR:121} 役に立つとか、立たないとかじゃないよ。

"It's not about whether you're doing anything or not. You're part of
the family, and we need you."

"That doesn't help. With my body like this, I can't work... or go to school.
That's just how it is."

"You're thinking too hard, Nageki..."
{bbl:8-3:NARATOR:122} ねえ、裏庭に粟の実を取りに行こうか。
"Let's go pick some millet in the yard. It's almost dinner time. A
full stomach scares the bad things away. Right?"
{bbl:8-3:NARATOR:123} 綺麗な夕焼け……もうすっかり秋なんだね。
嘆、寒くない? 平気?
"What a beautiful sunset... I guess it's autumn already. Are you
cold, Nageki?"

"... I'm fine."
{bbl:8-3:NARATOR:124} ねえ、陽鳥

{bbl:8-3:NARATOR:125} 陽鳥は、ぼくがいない方が楽……なんだよね
"It would be... easier for you without me, right?"

"Why do you think that?"

"I heard you and the others talking about it. Medicine costs
a lot more than food."
{bbl:8-3:NARATOR:126} 陽鳥が一羽で、ぼくの分の薬を、払ってくれてるんでしょ。
"You're paying for it out of your salary, right? If you had that money
for yourself, you could buy better food. You wouldn't have to work so
much. So, you would be better off without me."
{bbl:8-3:NARATOR:127} 嘆、そんな寂しいこと言わないで。
"Don't say that, Nageki. I don't care about fancy food, or free time. You're
more important than any of that. You mean more to us than you think, Nageki."
{bbl:8-3:NARATOR:128} 嘆はここに来た時、とても小さかったから、
"You were very young when you came here, so maybe you don't remember,
but... losing family is hard. I want to stay like this, watching over
the people I love, forever."
{bbl:8-3:NARATOR:129} だから、ね。嘆の為に働いているように見えるかもしれないけど、それって、

"So, listen. Maybe it looks like I'm working just for you, but... It's
for me, too. Seeing you happy makes me happy."

"... thank you, Hitori. I just wish I wasn't such a burden to you..."

"Stop that, already! You've never been a burden to me."
{bbl:8-3:NARATOR:130} ほら、粟の実だよ。お腹いっぱいになって、それからぐっすり眠ろう。
"Here, have some millet. Eat well and we can sleep well, too... Let's
hope for good dreams, okay?
{bbl:8-3:NARATOR:133} ずっと皆で、こうして幸せに暮らしていけたら、いいね
"I hope we can stay with everyone like this forever."

"... yes."
{bbl:8-3:NARATOR:134} そう、ぼくの二つ目の願いは── Yes... my second wish was--
{bbl:8-3:NARATOR:135} "Lebe, Hitori. Lebe und sei glücklich." Live, Hitori. Live, and be happy."
陽鳥は 生きて 幸せになって ""Vivi, Hitori. Vivi, e sii felice."
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:136} 嘆……ぼくは、幸せになれない……だって、きみがもう、いない……
"Nageki, I can't... be happy... You're gone. I can't be with you anymore..."
{bbl:8-3:Nageki:137} 陽鳥、顔を上げて。ぼくはきみに生きてほしい。罪悪感なんて、抱かなくていい "Look at me, Hitori. I want you to live. You don't have to feel guilty
for me."
{bbl:8-3:Nageki:138} ぼくがどうしてずっとここに留まっていたのか、不思議だった "I couldn't tell why I was still here..."
{bbl:8-3:Nageki:139} 最初は、焼け残ってしまったぼくの一部──今は、華原くんの中にいる、
"At first I thought my remains-- The parts of me that are inside mister
Kawara now were keeping me here..."
{bbl:8-3:Nageki:140} 多分、違う "But I don't think so now."
{bbl:8-3:Nageki:141} ぼくはきっと、心配だったんだね。残して来た陽鳥が、元気に生きていけるのか "I think I was worried. Worried that you wouldn't be able to keep going
{bbl:8-3:Kazuaki:142} 無理なんだよ、嘆。
"I can't, Nageki. I can't go on without you! I don't want to live without
{bbl:8-3:Nageki:143} ぼくも陽鳥も、立ち止まったまま長く留まり過ぎたんだ。もう出発しないと、ね "We've stayed here too long, Hitori. We have to move on."
{bbl:8-3:Nageki:144} 心配しないで、いつかまた、きっと会えるから "Don't worry. We'll meet again, somewhere, sometime."
{bbl:8-3:Nageki:145} ……華原くん。ありがと "... mister Kawara. Thank you."
{bbl:8-4:Sakuya:0} 華原ッ、無事か!! "Kawara! Are you unhurt!?"
{bbl:8-4:Ryouta:1} ……うん、無事だよ "... yeah, I'm fine."
{bbl:8-4:Shuu:2} とっくに華原君の中身が暴かれているのではと思っていたのですが……意外ですね "How unexpected. If it were me, your insides would have divulged themselves
and their secrets long ago."
{bbl:8-4:Kazuaki:3} ………… "......"
{bbl:8-4:Sakuya:4} 七姫、貴様このような横暴が許されると── "Nanaki! I will not forgive this madn--"
{bbl:8-4:Ryouta:5} いいんだ、朔夜。もう終わったことだから "Don't worry about it, Sakuya. It's already over."
{bbl:8-4:Ryouta:6} そんなことよりも、ここを出ないと。時間だ "We need to get out. We're already out of time."
{bbl:8-4:Sakuya:7} ……ああ、わかってる "... indeed."
{bbl:8-4:Ryouta:8} ……… "......"
{bbl:8-4:Ryouta:9} 岩峰先生、嘆はここで凍結保存されていたんですよね "Nageki was kept frozen here, right, doctor?"
{bbl:8-4:Shuu:10} ええ、その通りです。この一帯は隔壁で締切ることで、
"Indeed he was. The facility was sealed off, so it was hardly difficult
to keep people from snooping around."
{bbl:8-4:Ryouta:11} ……僕は、$namef とここに残ります "... I'm staying here with $namef ."
{bbl:8-4:Sakuya:12} 何を言い出すんだ華原、ここまで来て!! "What are you saying, Kawara!? Come with us at once!"
{bbl:8-4:Kazuaki:13} ……。そっか。華原くんは……… "... I see. Kawara..."
{bbl:8-4:Shuu:14} 貴方ならそう言うだろうと思っていましたよ。カロンウイルスは今、
"I thought you would say that. The Charon Virus has by now colonized
your body quite completely."
{bbl:8-4:Shuu:15} "Were you to leave, any humans you encountered would suffer a painful
{bbl:8-4:Sakuya:16} な……!自分でやっておいてその客観的な言い方はどうかと思うぞ!
"What...! Was this your plan all along, you conniving physician!? Surely
there is a way to remove the virus!"
{bbl:8-4:Shuu:17} 残念ながら、現在の医療技術では不可能ですね。
"Alas, that would be impossible with current medical technology. Once
established in the body, it is quite tenacious."
{bbl:8-4:Shuu:18} 今更華原君から藤代君の組織を取り除いたところで、何の意味も無いでしょうね "Even if we were to remove the tissues from mister Fujishiro, mister
Kawara would still carry the virus."
{bbl:8-4:Sakuya:19} そんな……! "Madness! Lunacy!"
{bbl:8-4:Shuu:20} $namel さんの損傷した脳についても同様です。
"The same goes for miss $namel 's damaged brain. It is currently preserved
inside a glass jar, but just barely."
{bbl:8-4:Shuu:21} ……もっとも、レイバー9の挙動を見るに損傷を補ったところで$namel
"... indeed, given Labor 9's behavior and the subsequent damage she was
dealt, there is no guarantee that her personality and memories are still
{bbl:8-4:Kazuaki:22} でも、どれも『今の技術では』っていう、前提だよね~…… "... with current medical technology, anyway."
{bbl:8-4:Kazuaki:23} 銀くん、ぼくたちは、外に出よう "Shirogane... let's go outside."
{bbl:8-4:Sakuya:24} 華原を置いて行けというのか!?貴様、どこまで勝手な男なんだ! "Do you mean to leave Kawara here? How deep does your selfish nature
{bbl:8-4:Kazuaki:25} 迎えに戻って来れば、いいんだよ。
"We'll come back for him. It's impossible now, but one day we may be
able to remove the virus from his body."
{bbl:8-4:Kazuaki:26} もし嘆がここにいたら……同じことを、言うと思うんだ "I think... that Nageki would say that same."
{bbl:8-4:Shuu:27} どうしますか、銀君。
"Well, mister Shirogane? I think perhaps you would do well to respect
mister Kawara's thoughts on the matter."
{bbl:8-4:Ryouta:28} 僕は今日一日で、一生分の疲れが溜まったような気分なんだ。
"I feel as if this one day has brought an entire lifetime's worth of
fatigue. I just want to rest for a little while..."
{bbl:8-4:Ryouta:29} 外に残してきた母さんのことだけ、ちょっと心配だけど……
"I'm worried about mother... Sakuya. Could you tell her I'll be back,
one day?"
{bbl:8-4:Sakuya:30} ……ッ "......"
{bbl:8-4:Sakuya:31} いいか、華原!ル・ベル家の…いや、私の辞書に二言はない! "Listen, Kawara! A Le Bel... no, I never go back on my word!"
{bbl:8-4:Sakuya:32} どれだけ時間がかかっても、必ずお前を起こしに戻ってくる!絶対にだ!だから── "No matter how long it takes, I will come back for you. I swear! So--"
{bbl:8-4:Sakuya:33} お前も約束しろ。いつか必ず、生きて私とここを出ると "Promise me, please. Promise me that you'll leave this place with me,
{bbl:8-4:Ryouta:34} うん、わかった。約束するよ "... right. I promise."
{bbl:8-4:Ryouta:35} 僕はここで、待ってる "I'll be waiting for you."
{bbl:8-4:NARATOR:36} ねえ、$namef 。今日は本当にいろんな事があったね
"A lot sure happened today, $namef ."

"Does this mean we're finally getting into recap mode, Ryouta?
I'm half sick from being stuck out here not even knowing
what's going on!"
{bbl:8-4:NARATOR:37} あはは、そうだね。$namef は、何がどうなってこうなったのか、
"Ahaha, yeah, I guess you only got to see bits and pieces of the story."

"Yup! So will you fill me in, please?"
{bbl:8-4:NARATOR:38} そうだね……$namef と過ごす時間は、沢山ある
"Mmm... I guess we have plenty of time for it."

"I'm going to miss eating udon... But having you here makes things
at least a little better. Right?"
{bbl:8-4:NARATOR:39} 何から、話そうか。
Where do I start? Everything that's happened, what's happening now,
{bbl:8-4:NARATOR:40} いつか来るかもしれないこれからのことを、
Everything that might happen, one day. We have plenty of time to talk
about it all.
{bbl:9-1:Sakuya:0} ふざけるな!!!! "Madness!"
{bbl:9-1:Yuuya:1} あれ、朔夜じゃないか。サリュー☆ "Why, if it isn't my darling little brother. Salutations!"
{bbl:9-1:Sakuya:2} 貴様!これは!どういうことだ!!何故貴様が生きているのか説明しろ!! "You scum! You villain! Explain yourself! Why are you still alive!?"
{bbl:9-1:Yuuya:3} 何故ってそれは、俺が死ぬと悲しむレディがいるからさ "Why? Well, for starters, I could never bring myself to leave all the
ladies sad and alone."
{bbl:9-1:Sakuya:4} 貴様、どこまで私を愚弄すれば気が済むんだッ! "How much must you mock me before you will be satisfied!?"
{bbl:9-1:LeoneJB:5} これは、いつぞやの若鳥君ではないか "Hello, again."
{bbl:9-1:Sakuya:6} レオネ……!? "Leone...!?"
{bbl:9-1:Yuuya:7} 種明かしをすると、あの後レオネに解毒剤を打ってもらってね。
"Truth be told, Leone here gave me an antidote. I was loitering around
on the border between life and death and he pulled me back up in a miraculous
{bbl:9-1:Sakuya:8} しかし地下施設から脱出する時に、優夜の体を回収してきたと…… "But he said he was going to go recover your body...!"
{bbl:9-1:LeoneJB:9} 私の記憶が確かなら、遺体を回収したとは言っていない "I do not recall saying I was going to recover his corpse."
{bbl:9-1:Sakuya:10} ふざけるな!!!!!! "Lunacy! Madness! Inconceivable!"
{bbl:9-1:Sakuya:11} 返せ!落ち込んだ私の時間とメンタルを返せ!! "Give it back! Give me back the time and mental energy I spent mourning
{bbl:9-1:Yuuya:12} 嬉しいねぇ、そんなに凹んでくれたのかい? "You mourned me? I'm flattered."
{bbl:9-1:Sakuya:13} う、うぐぐ……! "Gaaaah!"
{bbl:9-1:LeoneJB:14} さあ、長居はできないぞ坂咲優夜。
"We can't stay long, Sakazaki Yuuya. It's time to set out on our next
Bright and Massive Mission. This is your chance to regain the department's
{bbl:9-1:Yuuya:15} 了解、セクシー&ラグジュアリーにキメますよ "Roger that! Let's go, Sexy and Suave!"
{bbl:9-1:San:16} ポポロッぷ~わ!
"Coo, coo!"
(Okosan fell smood! There is deliciousness nearby!)
{bbl:9-1:Anghel:17} シッシッシ……白マメリア…… "Hehehehe! Black Beandonna...!"
{bbl:9-1:San:18} ポロッぷ~わ!?
"Coo, coo!?"
(Anghel! Do you have food!?)
{bbl:9-1:Anghel:19} ハッ、俺は何を……!
"Ah! What did I...? Gah! The Demon Spores encroach again...!?"
{bbl:9-1:San:20} くりゅぽこぷ~わ!
(Stick 'em up! Okosan demands your beans or your life!)
{bbl:9-1:Anghel:21} 現れたな、荒ぶる白き猛鳥よ。古の盟約に従い、俺の守護獣となれ! "So you appear, Bone-White Bird of Bean-Eating. By the Oath of Old,
join me!"
{bbl:9-1:Sakuya:22} ……貴様らはまだこんな低次元に生きているのか "... they're still going at it?"
{bbl:9-1:Kazuaki:23} あ、銀君だ~。久しぶりだね~ "Hello, Shirogane. How are you?"
{bbl:9-1:Sakuya:24} !! 七姫が岩峰の車椅子を押している…だと……!? "! Why are you, of all people, pushing Iwamine's wheelchair...!?"
{bbl:9-1:Sakuya:25} 驚いたな、最も考えていなかった組み合わせだ…! "I would never have expected to see you two together."
{bbl:9-1:Shuu:26} 責任を持って怪我を負わせた相手を看護するのは、
"Taking responsibility for injuries dealt to another party by tending
to them seems to be a natural enough reaction to me."
{bbl:9-1:Kazuaki:27} そうだね~、なるべく、お詫びしなきゃって思ってるし…… "I need to apologize somehow, don't I?"
{bbl:9-1:Sakuya:28} ……七姫の気が変わって復讐を再開されても知らんぞ "... if you change your mind and decide it's time to exact revenge again,
I never met either of you, understand?"
{bbl:9-1:Kazuaki:29} やだなあ、銀君。そんなことしないよ~……多分ね "Come on, Shirogane... that would never happen. Probably."
{bbl:9-1:Shuu:30} ククク、素晴らしい。実にいい緊張感です "Hohoho, how wonderful. I can feel the suspense in the air!"
{bbl:9-1:Sakuya:31} 駄目だ、この2羽に一般的な倫理観は通用しない…… "Somehow I feel like attempting to apply ethical guidelines to either
of you is completely futile."
{bbl:9-1:Sakuya:32} それより、今日は伝える事があってここに来た。
"Anyway, I needed to talk to you. I have the results from the experiment
the other day."
{bbl:9-1:Shuu:33} 何も問題は無かったでしょう? "There were no problems?"
{bbl:9-1:Sakuya:34} ああ、成功だ "None at all. It was a perfect success."
{bbl:9-1:Kazuaki:35} あっ、ということは……いよいよなんだね~ "Well, I guess... that means it's time, doesn't it?"
{bbl:9-1:Sakuya:36} 一応、日時を伝えておく。来たければ勝手に来い "I have the date. If you can come, please do."
{bbl:9-1:Nageki:37} ……華原くん "... mister Kawara."
{bbl:9-1:Nageki:38} 華原くん、$namel さん、聞こえる? "Mister Kawara, miss $namel . Can you hear me?"
{bbl:9-1:Nageki:39} もうすぐだ。朝が、来るよ "Morning is almost here."
{bbl:9-1:NARATOR:40} 起きろ、華原!$namel !
Wake up, Kawara! $namel I told you I wouldn't go back on my word!
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:0} じゃあ、今日はここまでだよ~。みんな気を付けて帰ってね~ "That's all for today. See you tomorrow, everyone!"
{bbl:start:NARATOR:1} うう、夏休み明けの授業ってやっぱり物凄く長く感じるなあ……。
Aah, classes always feel really long after summer vacation... I think
I'll go home and sleep.
{bbl:start:$namef:2} ねえ、涼太。今日は寄り道しないで帰ろうと思ってるんだけど、
"I'm going to go home, Ryouta. Want to come with--"
{bbl:start:NARATOR:3} あれ? Huh?
{bbl:start:NARATOR:4} 涼太の席には誰もいない。涼太はどんくさい方だから、
Ryouta isn't at his desk. He's always slow, so I don't think he packed
up and went home...
{bbl:start:$namef:5} 先生、先生ちょっと待ってくださーい! "Sir! Sir, wait!"
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:6} あれ、$namel さんだ~。どうしたのかな~ "Hello, $namel . What is it?"
{bbl:start:$namef:7} 涼太を見ませんでした?さっきのHRからいなかった気がするんですけど…… "Do you know where Ryouta went? I don't think I've seen him since
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:8} 華原くんなら、保健室に行ったよ~。なんだか、具合が悪そうだったからね~ "He went to the infirmary earlier. I think he wasn't feeling well."
{bbl:start:$namef:9} またお腹壊しちゃったんですか? "He had a stomach ache?"
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:10} そうだね~、そうかもしれないね~。時間があったら、
"Mmm, could be. Maybe you should go check on him, if you weren't going
somewhere else."
{bbl:start:$namef:11} わかりました、そうします! "I will!"
{bbl:start:Ryouta:12} うわあぁぁっ 遅刻遅刻ー!! "Aaaaagh! I'm late!"
{bbl:start:NARATOR:13} 家事に追われて時間がギリギリになっちゃうことはあるけど、
I've been slow getting out before, but I've never slept through my alarm
like this!
{bbl:start:NARATOR:14} なんでだろう、疲れてるのかな……。とにかく早く教室に行かないと! Maybe I'm not getting enough sleep... anyway, gotta go fast!
{bbl:start:Ryouta:15} すみません、遅れました! "Sorry I'm late!"
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:16} あ、おはよう華原くん~。今ちょうど、出席を取り始めたところだよ。
"Good morning, Kawara. We were just about to sit down."
{bbl:start:Sakuya:17} 二学期が始まって早々に遅刻か。これだからドバトは "Late on the second day? As expected of a feral."
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:18} まあまあ、誰にだって失敗はあるんだから~ "Now, now; nobirdie's perfect."
{bbl:start:Ryouta:20} あれ……? "...?"
{bbl:start:Ryouta:21} 先生、$namef はまだ来てないんですか? "Sir, where's $namef ? Isn't she here?"
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:22} そうみたいだね~ "Apparently not."
{bbl:start:Sakuya:23} ……人類の程度も知れているな "... no wonder her kind died off."
{bbl:start:NARATOR:24} どうしたんだろう、$namef 。 Where are you, $namef ?
{bbl:start:NARATOR:25} どちらかというと学園には早く来る方なんだけど、昨日もギリギリだったし、
Usually you'd be here early... You were late yesterday, and now this?
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:26} じゃあ、ホームルームを始めます "I think we can start homeroom now."
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:27} 今日はぼくたち、鳥類の歴史についての、おさらいです "Today we'll do a little review on the history of birdkind."
{bbl:start:Sakuya:28} 鳥類の歴史だと?日本ではこの年齢になるまでろくに教えないのか? "You wait until now to teach that? What a pathetic country."
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:29} そうだね、改めて教えることも、ほとんどないんだけど……一応、
"Of course, everyone learned it years ago. But it's required for the
second day of the semester."
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:30} まだぼくたち鳥類がただの野生動物や家禽だった頃、
"Back when we birds were still beasts and pets, a virus known as A(H5N1)
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:31} この病気は、本来一部の鳥類にしか感染しない病気でしたが、
"At first it only infected birds, but it underwent a mutation and spread
to humans."
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:32} この、進化したトリインフルエンザは、強い感染力を持ち、
"This mutated strain was highly infectious and had an extremely high
mortality rate."
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:33} 人類は考えました。このままでは人類は淘汰されてしまうかもしれない。
"It became clear that it posed a threat to the survival of the human
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:34} 人類は鳥類だけを殺す強力なウイルスを人工的に作り出し、
"So the humans engineered a powerful virus to cull birds and prevent
A(H5N1) from becoming pandemic."
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:35} 今のぼくたちから見ると、あまりに無茶苦茶で冗談みたいな作戦ですが、
"In hindsight it seems foolhardy and rash, but the world leaders of the
time saw no better option."
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:36} ところが、人間の作ったウイルスは、トリを殺しませんでした "... except the new virus didn't work. Infected birds didn't die."
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:37} 代わりに、トリの頭脳を進化させたのです。
"Rather, their brains grew in size and power. Starting with doves."
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:38} だから、今でも鳥類の社会は、ハトが主体になっているんですね~ "That's why doves make up the majority of professionally qualified workers
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:39} ぼくはヒメウズラですが、みんなも知っての通り、
"Other birds, including quails like me, are still adapting to social
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:40} たとえば、先月は、ツノメドリが史上初の州知事に選ばれて話題になりました "... incidentally, I heard that the first puffin in history to hold a
governorship was elected last month."
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:41} 一時は絶滅の危機に瀕していたカカポも、出遅れつつも徐々に賢くなり、
"Even kakapos, which were once close to extinction, can now be toilet-trained."
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:42} みなさんもよく知っていると思いますが、
"And, as you all know, the prime minister of Japan is a shoebill."
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:43} しかし、本来絶滅する筈だった鳥類が、イレギュラーな形で文明を築いたので、
"Anyway, the development of social intelliegence in birds had a huge
impact on their predators."
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:44} この点についても、まだまだ鳥類全体で、考えていかなければならない問題です "Which leads me to the next point..."
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:45} こうして、ハトに牽引される形で、鳥類が急速に知恵をつけていく一方で、
"Since their gambit failed, humans were left defenseless to A(H5N1).
Most died out."
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:46} 今でこそ生き残った少数の人類と、賢くなった多数の鳥類は、
"The few that are left now live peacefully with birds, though in the
past there were large conflicts."
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:47} あ、時間だね~。じゃあ休み時間だよ~。2時間目もホームルームだから、
"Aah, that's the bell. We'll vote on student council members in second
period, so be on time."
{bbl:start:NARATOR:48} 結局$namef は来ないまま。何があったんだろう? $namef never came. I hope she's okay.
{bbl:start:NARATOR:49} 携帯に連絡したら出てくれるだろうか。 Maybe I should try calling her...
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:50} 華原くん、ちょっといいかな "Kawara, do you have a minute?"
{bbl:start:Ryouta:51} あ、はい "Uh, sure."
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:52} この休み時間に、どのクラスも、プリント箱を教室に運ばなきゃいけないんだけど、
"We're supposed to get our print boxes today. Would you mind picking
ours up?"
{bbl:start:Ryouta:53} プリント箱……? "Our print box...?"
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:54} うん、みんなに配るプリントや、教室用の備品をまとめた、便利箱だよ~。
"Yup! It has all the hand-outs and everything. Since we don't have a
council yet..."
{bbl:start:Ryouta:55} わかりました。職員室にいけばいいんですか? "Okay. It's in the faculty room, right?"
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:56} うん、そうそう。じゃあ、2時間目が始まる前に、運んでおいてね~ "That's right. If you could have it back here before second period, please."
{bbl:start:Ryouta:57} えぇっと、プリント箱、プリント箱…… "Print box... Print box..."
{bbl:start:NARATOR:58} 職員室に入ってすぐの棚にいくつかのダンボール箱が並んでいる。
Inside the faculty office is a stack of cardboard boxes. These must be
the ones.
{bbl:start:Ryouta:59} これかな "This one, maybe?"
{bbl:start:NARATOR:60} 僕は『2-3』と書かれた箱を持ち上げた。思ったより重い。 I pick up the box marked 2-3. It's awfully heavy...
{bbl:start:Ryouta:61} 紙って束になると案外重いもんね…… "I guess paper isn't exactly light when there's this much of it..."
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:62} あ、お疲れさま~。独りで大丈夫だったかな? "Oh, thank you. You were okay by yourself?"
{bbl:start:Ryouta:63} はい、思ったより重かったですけど "It was a little heavier than I expected, but I was fine."
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:64} じゃあ中身を配ろうか~。どれも大事なお知らせだから、ちゃんと目を通して── "Let's take a look inside, then. Just to make sure everything's there..."
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:65} あれ? "Huh?"
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:66} 華原くん、もしかして、運んでる途中に怪我したのかな~? "Did you cut your wing, Kawara?"
{bbl:start:Ryouta:67} 怪我……?いえ、別にしてないですけど "Cut my... I don't think so."
{bbl:start:Kazuaki:68} 羽、血が出てるよ~? "It's bleeding."
{bbl:start:NARATOR:69} !! !
{bbl:start:NARATOR:70} ほんとだ。運ぶ途中にフチで切ったかな……?
It is. Did I scratch myself on something? It doesn't hurt at all...
{bbl:start:NARATOR:71} いや、違う。この血は、僕の血じゃない。 No. This isn't my blood.
{bbl:start:Ryouta:72} ……なんだ、これ…… "... what... is that...?"
{bbl:start:NARATOR:73} 箱の角に血が染み付いている。 There's blood leaking through a corner of the box.
{bbl:start:NARATOR:74} 嫌な予感がする。
I feel sick. But I reach out and open the lid anyway.
{bbl:start:NARATOR:75} 中に入っていたのは、 Inside the box...
{bbl:start:NARATOR:76} ヒトのアタマだ。 is a... human... head.
{bbl:start:NARATOR:77} 両の目が、白濁している。
The eyes are glassy. But even like this, I still recognize her.
{bbl:start:NARATOR:78} 遅刻なんかしていなかった。
$namef はとっくに学校にいて──
She wasn't late. She was here all along.
{bbl:start:Ryouta:79} 嘘、だ……こんな…… "This... it can't..."
{bbl:start:NARATOR:80} ここまでのデータをセーブしますか? Save your progress?
{bbl:start:DECYes:81} セーブする Yes
{bbl:start:DECNo:82} 先へ進む No
{otome:00Tutorial:defaultfname} ひよこ Hiyoko
{otome:00Tutorial:defaultlname} 十坂 Tosaka
{otome:00Tutorial:enterfname} 名前を入力してください Enter your first name
{otome:00Tutorial:enterlname} 苗字を入力してください Enter your last name
{otome:00tutorial:NARATOR:0} 聖ピジョネイション学園へようこそ!
Welcome to Saint Pigeonation's! Please enter your name.
{otome:00tutorial:NARATOR:1} $namel = 十坂 $namel = Tosaka
{otome:00tutorial:NARATOR:2} $namef = ひよこ $namef = Hiyoko
{otome:00tutorial:NARATOR:3} &Dialog= 苗字を入力してください(全角3文字まで),3 , $namel &Dialog= Last name (up to 8 characters),8 , $namel
{otome:00tutorial:NARATOR:4} $namel= &Dialog $namel= &Dialog
{otome:00tutorial:NARATOR:5} ?$namel= : &jmp= lastname ?$namel= : &jmp= lastname
{otome:00tutorial:NARATOR:6} &Dialog= 名前を入力してください(全角3文字まで),3 , $namef &Dialog= First name (up to 8 characters),8 , $namef
{otome:00tutorial:NARATOR:7} $namef= &Dialog $namef= &Dialog
{otome:00tutorial:NARATOR:8} ?$namef= : &jmp= firstname ?$namef= : &jmp= firstname
{otome:00tutorial:NARATOR:9} $namel $namef で登録します。 Is $namef $namel okay?
{otome:00tutorial:DECYes:10} はい Yes
{otome:00tutorial:DECNo:11} いいえ No
{otome:00tutorial:NARATOR:12} 登録を完了しました。 ?o?^???????????????B
{otome:00tutorial:NARATOR:16} はーとふる彼氏では外見が鳥類では脳内再生が困難という方の為に
Hatoful Boyfriend includes a powerful visualization module, allowing even
the birdiest of birds to appear as normal humans when first introduced.
{otome:00tutorial:NARATOR:17} 擬人化表示をONにしますか? ※本編の立ち絵は全て鳥類です。 Display human portraits?
{otome:00tutorial:DECYes:18} はい Yes
{otome:00tutorial:DECNo:19} いいえ No
{otome:00tutorial:NARATOR:20} 設定を完了しました。 Configurations saved.
{otome:00tutorial:NARATOR:21} Escキーで各種エフェクトやテキストの表示スピードを変更することができるメニュー画面を表示することができます。 Press ESC key to show a menu with more options, such as graphics, effects,
and text speed.
{otome:00tutorial:NARATOR:22} 貴方は遠い昔の約束を果たすことも、1年間の学園生活を送ることもできます。 You can take this chance to fulfill a promise from long ago, or you can
live a normal school life this semester.
{otome:00tutorial:NARATOR:23} どちらを選びますか? Which do you choose?
{otome:00tutorial:DECA normal life:24} 普通の学園生活を送る A normal life
{otome:00tutorial:DECFulfill the promise:25} 約束を果たす Fulfill the promise
{otome:00tutorial:NARATOR:26} 何か欲しい物はないか。
Is there anything you desire? I can grant whatever you wish. Tell me...
{otome:00tutorial:NARATOR:27} 見知らぬ鳥が、そう言った。
A strange bird once said that. Who was that bird talking to...?
{otome:0101-moude:NARATOR:0} 御来光!
The sun! Its majestic brilliance sweeps across the land, lighting it into
incandescent glory.
{otome:0101-moude:NARATOR:1} 明けましておめでとうございます。
It's the first day of the new year. Looks like I'm still alive to enjoy
{otome:0101-moude:NARATOR:2} ちょっと寒いけど天気は悪くないし、折角だから初詣に行こうかな♪ It's a little cold out, but it's calm and the sun is warm. I think I'll
go visit the shrine.
{otome:0101-moude:NARATOR:3} 朝も早いのに境内は鳥がいっぱい。皆冬毛でフカフカしてる。羨ましいなあ。 There are a lot of birds here already. Must be nice to have warm winter
plumage... Maybe I should borrow some from somebirdie.
{otome:0101-moude:NARATOR:4} ここまで来たんだし、お守りを何か買って帰ろうかな。 I think I'll buy an amulet and go home.
{otome:0101-moude:Ryouta:5} あ、$namef ! "$namef !"
{otome:0101-moude:$namef:6} !? "!?"
{otome:0101-moude:Ryouta:7} あけましておめでとう、$namef 。今年もよろしくね "Happy new year! Here's to many happy returns, right?"
{otome:0101-moude:$namef:8} 何してるの涼太!? "What are you doing, Ryouta?"
{otome:0101-moude:Ryouta:9} 見ての通りだよ。今日と明日だけの臨時バイト "Exactly what it looks like! I'm working here today and tomorrow."
{otome:0101-moude:$namef:10} そ、そうなんだ…似合ってるよ…… "O-oh... it looks good on you...!"
{otome:0101-moude:Ryouta:11} ここに来たということはお守りを買いたいんだよね。
"You came here to buy an amulet, right? Which would you like?"
{otome:0101-moude:NARATOR:12} えぇっと…… Umm, I'd like one for...
{otome:0101-moude:DECFulfillment in school:13} 学業成就 Fulfillment in school
{otome:0101-moude:DECFulfillment in art:14} 技芸成就 Fulfillment in art
{otome:0101-moude:DECFulfillment in conquest:15} 破壊成就 Fulfillment in conquest
{otome:0101-moude:Ryouta:16} はい! "Here you go!"
{otome:0101-moude:$namef:17} ありがとう涼太。今日はずっとここにいるの? "Thanks, Ryouta! Are you here all day today?"
{otome:0101-moude:Ryouta:18} うん、初日は物凄く忙しいから "Yup! The first day's always busy."
{otome:0101-moude:$namef:19} そっかー、一緒にお昼ごはんでも食べに行けたらと思ったんだけど難しいよね。
"Oh, well. I was going to ask if you wanted to get lunch together, but..."
{otome:0101-moude:Ryouta:20} ごめんね。また誘ってよ "Sorry $namef . Maybe some other time?"
{otome:0101-moude:Ryouta:21} あ、おみくじは向こうの、本殿の傍にあるんだ。ここまで来たんだし、
"Since you're here, why not go get a fortune? They're next to the main
building, over there."
{otome:0101-moude:$namef:22} うん、そうする。じゃあね、涼太! "Okay! Thanks. See you Ryouta!"
{otome:0101-moude:Kazuaki:23} ん~ "Hmm..."
{otome:0101-moude:$namef:24} あ、先生!
"Mister Nanaki! Happy new year!"
{otome:0101-moude:Kazuaki:25} あれ、$namel さんも、来てたんだね~。おめでと~ "Oh, hello, $namel . Happy new year."
{otome:0101-moude:$namef:26} 先生もおみくじ引いたんですか? "Did you get a fortune, sir?"
{otome:0101-moude:Kazuaki:27} うん。でも、ちょっと残念なニワトリ凶だったよ~。
$namel さんも、引いてみるといいんじゃないかな~
"Yes. Unfortunately, I seem to have drawn the chicken of ill omen... why
don't you take one?"
{otome:0101-moude:$namef:28} はい、そうします! "I will!"
{otome:0101-moude:$namef:29} どれにしようかな……。
"Hmm, which should I take...? ... this one!"
{otome:0101-moude:Kazuaki:30} うん、ぼくより凄くいいね。
きっと$namel さんにとって、今年はいい年になるよ~
"Good, you got a better one than I did. I think this will be a good year
for you, $namel ."
{otome:0101-moude:$namef:31} はい、今年もよろしくお願いします先生! "Thank you, sir!"
{otome:0101-moude:NARATOR:32} あれ、あそこにいるのって…… Wait, isn't that...
{otome:0101-moude:$namef:33} 朔夜くん? "Sakuya?"
{otome:0101-moude:Sakuya:34} ! なんだ、貴様か "! Oh, it's you."
{otome:0101-moude:$namef:35} びっくりしたー!朔夜くんが初詣を知ってるなんて思わなかったよ "What're you doing here? I hadn't thought you were the type!"
{otome:0101-moude:Sakuya:36} 視察に来たのだ。
"I am here to observe. I may one day be ruling this country, so there
is no harm in familiarizing myself with the customs of the masses."
{otome:0101-moude:Sakuya:37} それにしても話には聞いていたが、
"That aside... I had heard the rumors, but this place is a battlefield!
Some lunatic almost killed me throwing coins earlier."
{otome:0101-moude:$namef:38} あ、朔夜くんは神社で何をするかもよく知らないよね。
"Oh, right, you don't get out too often. Those are offerings! They--"
{otome:0101-moude:Sakuya:39} ああ、知っている。
"Yes, I am aware. The custom was created by a secret policeman during
the Edo period, I believe."
{otome:0101-moude:NARATOR:40} アレ?
I never knew!
{otome:0101-moude:Sakuya:41} オカッピキの投げ銭は、
"I understand that the coins thrown by this policeman also inspired the
shuriken later used by ninja all across the country."
{otome:0101-moude:Sakuya:42} 新年から感覚を研ぎすまし、
"To begin the year by testing each other's reflexes in deadly monetary
skirmishes... Japan truly is a brutal country."
{otome:0101-moude:NARATOR:43} 朔夜くんは感心した様子で皆のお賽銭を眺めている。 He gazes with mixed admiration and fear at the donations falling into
the shrine box.
{otome:0101-moude:NARATOR:44} 面倒くさいし訂正するのはやめておこう。 Correcting him would be a pain, so I think I'll leave it at that.
{otome:0101-moude:NARATOR:45} あれ、あそこにいるのって…… Wait, isn't that...
{otome:0101-moude:$namef:46} 岩峰先生……ですよね? "Doctor...?"
{otome:0101-moude:Shuu:47} ……! "...!"
{otome:0101-moude:NARATOR:48} 鳥ごみから少し離れたところに岩峰先生がいた。 He's standing a little way away from the crowd.
{otome:0101-moude:NARATOR:49} 先生にも冬毛があるのだろう。いつもより少しふくふくしているように見える。 Do partridges have winter plumage? He looks a little fluffier than usual.
{otome:0101-moude:$namef:50} 先生も初詣ですか?ちょっと意外です "I wouldn't have expected to see you celebrating the new year here, sir!"
{otome:0101-moude:Shuu:51} 初詣?まさか。神事にも、祭事にも、興味はありませんよ "Celebrating? Hardly. I have no interest in gods, temples, or celebrations."
{otome:0101-moude:$namef:52} ですよねー "Yup, that's what I thought!"
{otome:0101-moude:NARATOR:53} あれ、じゃあどうしてこんな所にいるんだろう? So wait, what's he doing here?
{otome:0101-moude:$namef:54} 先生、何してたんですか? "... so, what are you here for, sir?"
{otome:0101-moude:Shuu:55} 通りがかっただけです "I just happened to be passing by."
{otome:0101-moude:$namef:56} この辺りって何も無いですよ。
"But there's nothing else here! Why would you be..."
{otome:0101-moude:Shuu:57} 私が気まぐれで歩くことに、不都合でも? "Is it a crime to aimlessly wander the city in the morning?"
{otome:0101-moude:$namef:58} いえ、そういう訳じゃないですけど。気になっちゃいます "N-no... I was just wondering."
{otome:0101-moude:Shuu:59} ……ひと時にこれだけの数の鳥が集まるのです。
"... such a crowd, all at once. And as you said, there's nothing else
around here."
{otome:0101-moude:Shuu:60} 一羽や二羽消えたところで、誰も気付かないかもしれませんね "Who would notice if one or two were to disappear...?"
{otome:0101-moude:Shuu:61} ……それでは "... well, then. Goodbye, miss $namel ."
{otome:0101-moude:NARATOR:62} 新年から不穏な岩峰先生、今年もよろしくお願いします! Happy new year, creepy doctor man!
{otome:0101-moude:NARATOR:63} あれ、あそこにいるのって…… Wait, isn't that...
{otome:0101-moude:$namef:64} 先輩……ですよね? "Yuuya...?"
{otome:0101-moude:Yuuya:65} あ、$namef ちゃんじゃないか。あけおめサリュー☆ "Happy new salutations, mon amie!"
{otome:0101-moude:$namef:66} やっぱり先輩だ!ことよろサリュー☆ "It is you! Happy new salutations to you, too."
{otome:0101-moude:Yuuya:67} いやあ、新年からこんなところでキミに会えるなんて嬉しいよ。
"Aah, to meet you on the first day of the new year! A good omen indeed."
{otome:0101-moude:$namef:68} 先輩、一羽で来てるんですか? "Did you come alone?"
{otome:0101-moude:Yuuya:69} うーん、正確にはそうじゃないんだけどねぇ "Not... exactly, no."
{otome:0101-moude:Yuuya:70} 鳥探しをしてたんだけど……見失ったみたいだ "I was looking for someone, but... I seem to have lost sight of them."
{otome:0101-moude:NARATOR:71} 先輩、新年早々にまた怪しい活動をしてるんだろうか。 You're just as suspicious as always, Yuuya.
{otome:0101-moude:Yuuya:72} ま、$namef ちゃんに会えて無駄足にはならなかったけどね "But, I've found you instead, so I can't say this was a wild goose chase,
mon amie."
{otome:0101-moude:Yuuya:73} 運命の出会いを祝して、神社のカミサマに感謝しておこう。
"I shall go thank the gods of this shrine for this fated encounter. Adieu!"
{otome:0101-moude:NARATOR:74} 坂咲先輩は颯爽と去って行った。新年から忙しそうだなあ。 And so he sauntered off with a dashing wave. I guess he was in a hurry.
{otome:0101-moude:NARATOR:75} 初詣も満喫できたし、そろそろ帰ろうかなー。 I think that's enough celebration for today! Time to go home.
{otome:0101-moude:NARATOR:76} あれ?社務所に見覚えのある後ろ姿が……。 Huh? Over by the office, isn't that...
{otome:0101-moude:Anghel:77} 俺の緋胸がざわめく…これが審判の時だと告げているのか "Ah! The emotions stirring in this Crimson Breast... Has the Time of
Judgment come already, oh lord?"
{otome:0101-moude:Ryouta:78} 悩む気持ちはわかるんだけど、後ろがつかえちゃってるよアンヘル…… "I understand that you're upset, but you're holding up the line..."
{otome:0101-moude:NARATOR:79} お守り売り場の前でアンヘルくんが物凄く真剣に悩んでいる。 Anghel appears to be having some sort of breakdown at the amulet stall.
{otome:0101-moude:Ryouta:80} あ、$namef !ちょうどいいところに! "Oh, $namef ! Good timing!"
{otome:0101-moude:Ryouta:81} アンヘルがどれを買うか悩み過ぎて全然動いてくれないんだ。
"Anghel couldn't decide which to get, and now he's hysterical. I'm
gonna get my pay docked for selling slowly..."
{otome:0101-moude:Ryouta:82} どうにかして引き取ってくれると助かるんだけど…… "I need to get him out of the line, but..."
{otome:0101-moude:NARATOR:83} すっかり私のポジションがアンヘルくんの保護者になってるね!解せないね! Looks like I get to be Anghel's babysitter! Who could've known?
{otome:0101-moude:$namef:84} アンヘルくん、何をそう悩んでるの? "What's wrong, Anghel?"
{otome:0101-moude:Anghel:85} エーデルブラウ、お前は世界の持つ無限の可能性を知っているだろう "Do you know of the infinite possibilities of this universe, Edel Blau?"
{otome:0101-moude:$namef:86} むげんのかのうせい? "Infinite possibilities?"
{otome:0101-moude:Anghel:87} ここは特異点……この先には、賢者の翡翠に守護されし俺、
"The present is a single point in the vast, Cosmic Soup of Time. Do I
place myself under the protection of the Wise Kingfisher, or the Guiding
Pearl, or...?"
{otome:0101-moude:Anghel:88} 俺が俺である為に、この審判の行方は── "I must decide which one will most likely aid me in the--"
{otome:0101-moude:$namef:89} 交通安全にしよう!
"How about traffic safety? You strike me as the type to fly out into
the road and get hit by a car, Anghel. Traffic safety is good!"
{otome:0101-moude:$namef:90} 涼太、交通安全のお守りひとつ! "Ryouta, can you give us a traffic safety charm?"
{otome:0101-moude:Ryouta:91} はい!ありがとう$namef ! "Here you are! Thanks, $namef !"
{otome:0101-moude:NARATOR:92} 私はお金を払うとアンヘルくんをつっかえた販売列から連れ出した。 And so I paid for the amulet and dragged Anghel out of the choked- up
{otome:0101-moude:Anghel:93} 俺に代わって業を背負ってくれるのかエーデルブラウ……!? "Y... you lifted the mighty Burden of Decision from my shoulders, Edel
{otome:0101-moude:$namef:94} うん、気にしないでアンヘルくん "Yup! Don't worry about it."
{otome:0101-moude:$namef:95} はい、お守り。大事にしてね "Here's your amulet. Don't lose it!"
{otome:0101-moude:Anghel:96} ……感謝する。道標たる真珠よ、俺を導け! "... I thank you. Guide me well, oh Wondrous Pearl!"
{otome:0101-moude:NARATOR:97} アンヘルくんは交通安全のお守りを握りしめると颯爽と木立にかけていった。 And so Anghel took off into the trees, clutching his traffic safety amulet.
{otome:0101-moude:NARATOR:98} 道路に出る時はちゃんと左右確認してね。 I wonder if he'll remember to look both ways.
{otome:0101:$namef:0} あけましておめでとうございます!! "Happy new year!"
{otome:0101:$namef:1} あけましたが外が嵐です!! "... but it's raining!"
{otome:0101:NARATOR:2} どないやねん。 Oh, well.
{otome:0101:NARATOR:3} 初詣に行く気満々だったんだけど、
I'd go to the shrine, but this weather makes the wilderness dangerous.
I think I'll sleep in like a good girl instead.
{otome:0101:NARATOR:4} こんな天気じゃ年賀状も届かないよ。
I won't be able to send out cards in this rain, either! Fiddlesticks.
{otome:0110:Kazuaki:0} みなさん、明けまして、おめでとうございます "Happy new year, everyone."
{otome:0110:Kazuaki:1} 冬休みは、元気に過ごせましたか?先生は、冬眠していました "I hope you all had good vacations? I hibernated."
{otome:0110:Ryouta:2} 通常運行だね "What a shocker."
{otome:0110:Kazuaki:3} ……すやり "... zzz..."
{otome:0110:$namef:4} まだ冬眠期間中だった!?先生起きて! "You're still hibernating! Sir, wake up!"
{otome:0110:Kazuaki:5} ハッ! "Oh!"
{otome:0110:Kazuaki:6} えぇと、改めて言うまでもないかもしれないけど、三学期は本当に、一瞬です "Umm, I've said this before, but your junior year will be over before
you know it."
{otome:0110:Kazuaki:7} 短いなりに、中身のある毎日を、過ごそうね~ "Let's enjoy this time while it lasts!"
{otome:0110:NARATOR:8} 三学期って、何の行事も無いもんね……。気を抜かずに日々を送ろう! There's nothing special this semester... Nothing to worry about!
{otome:0207:NARATOR:0} ううっ、今夜は寒いなあ……。
Aah, it's cold... Legumentine's is over and now I just want Spring to
come already.
{otome:0207:NARATOR:1} あ! Oh!
{otome:0207:NARATOR:2} こんなタイミングで薪のストックがきれちゃった!
I'm out of firewood! What should I do? Climbing down to gather more
right now would be dangerous...
{otome:0207:NARATOR:3} …………。 ......
{otome:0207:NARATOR:4} まあ、これぐらいなら耐えられるよね!
Well, I can last one night in the cold! Good night!
{otome:0207:Ryouta:5} ねえ、$namef …大丈夫? "Hey, $namef ... are you okay...?"
{otome:0207:$namef:6} ……えっ、何が? "... huh? What do you mean?"
{otome:0207:Ryouta:7} なんだか顔色が悪いような気がするんだけど…… "You look kinda sick... your skin's all pale."
{otome:0207:$namef:8} 別に何ともないよ。涼太の気のせいじゃない? "I'm fine. Maybe it's your imagination?"
{otome:0207:Ryouta:9} そうかな。それならいいんだけど "Hmm... well, okay."
{otome:0207:Ryouta:10} $namef は丈夫だもんね "You're always healthy, after all."
{otome:0207:$namef:11} そうよ。私ほどのタフガイこのクラスにもいないでしょ? "That's right. I'm the toughest guy in the town!"
{otome:0207:Ryouta:12} $namef はガイじゃないよ! "You're not a guy, $namef !"
{otome:0207:$namef:13} あ、今日は図書委員の仕事があるんだった。涼太、じゃあまた明日! "Oh, I need to go to the library today. See you, Ryouta!"
{otome:0207:Ryouta:14} うん、またねー "See you!"
{otome:0207:NARATOR:15} 確かに昨日は物凄く寒い中、凍死スレスレな夜を過ごしたけど……
Last night was awfully cold... But I don't feel sick or anything.
{otome:0207:NARATOR:16} 涼太のいつものエクストリーム心配性が発動しただけじゃないかな♪ Probably just Ryouta worrying about everything, as usual!
{otome:0207:$namef:17} 嘆くん、いる? "Nageki?"
{otome:0207:Nageki:18} ……何 "... what is it?"
{otome:0207:$namef:19} あのね、今迷子になってる本を御自宅に戻してるんだけど── "Umm, I'm returning books that've wandered away from home to their loving
families, and--"
{otome:0207:Nageki:20} 迷子? "Wandered away from home?"
{otome:0207:Nageki:21} ……ああ。正しい棚にいない本 "... ah. Misshelved books."
{otome:0207:$namef:22} そうそう "Right."
{otome:0207:$namef:23} そっちからここまでは終わったんだけど……
"I'm almost done, but... where do you think this one goes?"
{otome:0207:$namef:24} これって中身を見ても、文学なのか思想なのか科学なのか、
"I flipped through it, but I can't tell if it's fiction, or psychology,
or science, or what!"
{otome:0207:Nageki:25} 分類記号、付いてる筈だけど "It should have a genre mark."
{otome:0207:$namef:26} 分類記号? "Genre mark?"
{otome:0207:Nageki:27} 背表紙の下の方に、ラベル無い? "Isn't there a label near the bottom of the back cover?"
{otome:0207:$namef:28} あ、あるある!でも数字だらけでさっぱり分からないよ! "Oh, yes, there is! But it's all numbers."
{otome:0207:Nageki:29} 図書委員なのに分類覚えてないんだ。今までどう整理してたの? "... you work here and you don't remember the classifications? How have
you been filing them up until now?"
{otome:0207:$namef:30} 感覚 "Woman's intuition!"
{otome:0207:NARATOR:31} 嘆くんが蔑んだ目で私を見た。 He stares at me with eyes like scornful daggers.
{otome:0207:NARATOR:32} そんな目で見るなァァァ!
Stop iiiiiiiit! You'll leave a hoooooole!
{otome:0207:Nageki:33} 見せて "Give it to me."
{otome:0207:Nageki:34} これは……自然科学だよ。4から始まってるのは、理学 "This is... natural science. It starts with 4, so it's physics."
{otome:0207:Nageki:35} 二つ目の数字が5だから、これは── "The second number is a 5, so--"
{otome:0207:Nageki:36} ……聞いてる? "... are you listening?"
{otome:0207:$namef:37} うん。うん "Yes. Yes!"
{otome:0207:Nageki:38} 二つ目の数字が5だと、地学。だからこの本が帰らなきゃいけない本棚は── "The second number is a 5, so this is a book on seismology. So it should
{otome:0207:Nageki:39} !! "!"
{otome:0207:Nageki:40} $namel 、さん……? "Miss... $namel ...?"
{otome:0207:Nageki:41} どうしたの、$namel さん。ねぇ、返事してよ……! "What's wrong, miss $namel ? ... hey, say something...!"
{otome:0207:Nageki:42} 誰か……誰か! "Somebirdie... somebirdie...!"
{otome:0207:Nageki:43} どうしよう…何か、他の鳥に知らせる方法は……!? "How can I get someone else's attention...!?"
{otome:0207:Nageki:44} ………ッ "......"
{otome:0207:NARATOR:45} ううっきもちわるい……。 Uuurgh... I feel lousy.
{otome:0207:NARATOR:46} ここ、どこなんだろう。
Where am I? I feel like I've--
{otome:0207:$namef:47} 保健室……? "The infirmary...?"
{otome:0207:Ryouta:48} $namef ! "$namef !"
{otome:0207:Ryouta:49} 良かった!気分はどう?大丈夫?僕が誰かわかる?欲しいものはない?
"You're awake! How do you feel? Are you all right? Do you remember
who I am? Can I get you anything? Would you like me to peel you an apple?"
{otome:0207:$namef:50} ちょ、ちょっと待って涼太……
"W-wait, Ryouta... I can't answer all that at once!"
{otome:0207:Ryouta:51} あ、ごめんね "Oh, sorry."
{otome:0207:$namef:52} どうして私、こんな怪奇スポットにいるの? "Why am I here, of all places?"
{otome:0207:Shuu:53} 怪奇スポットとは心外ですね "You wound me."
{otome:0207:Ryouta:54} 先生! "Doctor!"
{otome:0207:Shuu:55} 華原君が体調不良の貴方をここへ連れて来た。
"You collapsed, and Kawara brought you here. Any other questions?"
{otome:0207:$namef:56} 体調不良って……? "Collapsed...?"
{otome:0207:NARATOR:57} そういえば物凄く体がだるい。さっきまでは平気だったのにな……。 I do feel really heavy... I was fine just a minute ago.
{otome:0207:Shuu:58} 発熱と、上気道の炎症が見られます。何のことはない、ただの風邪ですね "A sudden fever, and inflamation of the upper respiratory tract. A
cold, and nothing more."
{otome:0207:Shuu:59} ……ただ、意識の混濁が見られる点に不安は残りますが "... though, the violent episode leaves me somewhat puzzled."
{otome:0207:$namef:60} えっ……? "The... violent episode...?"
{otome:0207:Ryouta:61} $namef 、覚えてない?図書室のドア、君が壊したんだよ "You don't remember? You kicked down the library door."
{otome:0207:$namef:62} 記憶にございません! "I remember no such thing!"
{otome:0207:Ryouta:63} 下校途中に、図書室のドアのガラスが割れる音が聞こえたんだ。
"I heard the glass smashing as I was heading home, and when I went to
look I found you collapsed in the doorway."
{otome:0207:Ryouta:64} 他に誰もいなかったし、$namef が割ったと思うんだけど…… "There was no one else there, so I figured it was you who..."
{otome:0207:$namef:65} ううっ……無意識の内にそんな迷惑なことを…… "I made that much of a mess while I was out cold...?"
{otome:0207:Shuu:66} 心の奥深くに破壊衝動が募っているのでは? "Do you think you might have some deep-seated desire to indulge in violent
{otome:0207:$namef:67} そんな危険人物みたいに言わないでくださいよ!ゲホッゲホッ "Don't make me sound like some sort of psychopath! -cough- -cough-"
{otome:0207:Ryouta:68} ほら、ちゃんと寝てなきゃ駄目だよ$namef ! "You have to rest, $namef !"
{otome:0207:Ryouta:69} $namef は僕が見てます。
岩峰先生が近くにいると$namef の調子が悪くなりそうなので、
"I'll sit with you. Doctor, I think you're making her worse by hanging
around like that, so please go back to whatever you were doing."
{otome:0207:Shuu:70} 嫌われたものですね。とても教諭に向ける台詞とは思えません "My, I am unpopular. Is that any way to speak to a member of of the faculty?"
{otome:0207:Shuu:71} …まあ、いいでしょう "... but, very well."
{otome:0207:NARATOR:72} 頭がぼんやりする。 Everything inside my head feels fuzzy.
{otome:0207:NARATOR:73} 涼太には迷惑かけちゃったなー……。
I'm causing trouble for Ryouta... I'm probably going to have to pay
for the library door, too...
{otome:0207:NARATOR:74} 図書室……そうだ、嘆くんはどうしたんだろう。 The library... where'd Nageki go?
{otome:0207:NARATOR:75} 4から始まってるのは科学で、えぇっと……。
Natural sciences start with 4, and... Umm...
{otome:0207:NARATOR:76} 本棚に、戻してくれたかな? I wonder if he put it back on the right shelf...?
{otome:0408-2:NARATOR:0} もう昼休み。今日は時間が経つのが早いなー。 Lunch already! Today is slipping by so quickly...
{otome:0408-2:NARATOR:1} あっ、そういえば、春休みから本を借りっぱなしだった!
... that reminds me, I've had these books out from the library all summer!
I'll return them now.
{otome:0408-2:NARATOR:2} 今日はちょっと生徒が少ないかも?
Where is everyone? Aside from the receptionist, there's hardly anybirdie
{otome:0408-2:NARATOR:3} Huh?
{otome:0408-2:NARATOR:4} 気のせいだろうか。どこかから視線を感じる。 Is someone looking at me? Probably just my imagination.
{otome:0408-2:NARATOR:5} あの子かな。
... or not. A mourning dove stands in a dark corner, staring in my direction.
{otome:0408-2:NARATOR:6} 日本にナゲキバトだなんてちょっと珍しい。
Mourning doves aren't very common in Japan, but apparently they're
everywhere in America.
{otome:0408-2:$namef:7} あの、私に何か用ですか? "Umm... did you want something from me?"
{otome:0408-2:Nageki:8} ……!! "...!"
{otome:0408-2:$namef:9} (目をそらされた……) (He looked away...)
{otome:0408-2:Nageki:10} 別に…… "Not really..."
{otome:0408-2:NARATOR:11} 確かにこちらに視線を向けていたと思うんだけど……。
I'm pretty sure it was him who I felt looking at me... There's no one
else here.
{otome:0408-2:$namef:12} 本当に? "Are you sure?"
{otome:0408-2:Nageki:13} 本当だよ。
"Yes. I don't want anything with you."
{otome:0408-2:Nageki:14} 用があるのは、その手の中にあるものだよ "... it's the things you're carrying that I'm interested in."
{otome:0408-2:NARATOR:15} だからさっさと返却しろとばかりに
"He glances at the desk, as if to say "hurry up and return them already!""
{otome:0408-2:$namef:16} あ……ごめんね。
"Oh... sorry. Ehehe, they were a little too dense and I never finished
{otome:0408-2:$namef:17} ずっと待ってたの? "Were you waiting for them all summer?"
{otome:0408-2:Nageki:18} ……… "......"
{otome:0408-2:NARATOR:19} 彼は手元の本に視線を戻すと
He silently returns his gaze to his book.
{otome:0408-2:NARATOR:20} 機嫌が悪いのかな? Maybe he's in a bad mood?
{otome:0408-2:$namef:21} ねえ、私$namel $namef 、2年生なの。
"I'm $namel $namef . A sophomore. What about you?"
{otome:0408-2:Nageki:22} ……… "......"
{otome:0408-2:$namef:23} き、君は……? "Y-you're...?"
{otome:0408-2:Nageki:24} ……… "......"
{otome:0408-2:Nageki:25} "Nageki."
{otome:0408-2:Nageki:26} 藤代<ふじしろ>、嘆<なげき>。
"Fujishiro Nageki. Freshman."
{otome:0408-2:NARATOR:27} このナゲキバトは藤代嘆<ふじしろなげき>くんと言うらしい。 Fujishiro Nageki, huh.
{otome:0408-2:NARATOR:28} ナゲキバトは皆そうらしいけど、この子もやっぱりどこか悲しげな声をしている。 Maybe it's just because he's a mourning dove, but he seems a little sad.
{otome:0408-2:NARATOR:29} このナゲキバトは藤代嘆<ふじしろなげき>くんと言うらしい。
Fujishiro Nageki, huh. Mourning doves are pretty rare in Japan...
{otome:0408-2:NARATOR:30} ナゲキバトは皆そうらしいけど、この子もやっぱりどこか悲しげな声をしている。 Maybe it's just his voice, but he seems kind of sad.
{otome:0408-2:Nageki:31} ……ぼくのことは放っておいてよ "... leave me alone."
{otome:0408-2:NARATOR:32} 相変わらず視線は本に落としたままで、こちらを見ようともしない。 He's reading his book again.
{otome:0408-2:$namef:33} うん、邪魔してごめんね "Okay. Sorry to bother you."
{otome:0408-2:$namef:34} 今日は生き辛そうな鳥によく会う日だなあ "I keep meeting depressing people today."
{otome:0408-2:$namef:35} さてと、返却も済んだし、教室に戻ろーっと。
"Now that I have that out of the way, I think I'll head back to class.
Wait, isn't that..."
{otome:0408-2:Sakuya:36} 校内では話しかけないでくれと
"You should have been instructed not to approach me in school."
{otome:0408-2:Yuuya:37} 10年振りの再会だっていうのに
"Come on, Sakuya--what kind of thing is that to say to your own brother?
After all these years!"
{otome:0408-2:Sakuya:38} 実の兄?
"My brother? You must be joking. You've never once been a brother to
{otome:0408-2:Sakuya:39} 気安く私の名前を呼ばないでくれ。雑種に聞く口などないのでね。
"Please, don't try to talk to me again. I've no time for half-breeds.
I'll be going, now."
{otome:0408-2:Yuuya:40} ちょ、話は最後まで聞けって……! "Hey, wait just a--"
{otome:0408-2:Yuuya:41} 同じ学校に入ったところで溝がそう簡単に埋まる訳がない、か……。 "I guess even if we're in the same school now what's done is done..."
{otome:0408-2:NARATOR:42} 盗み聞きするつもりはなかったんだけど、何やら複雑な背景を伺わせる
I hadn't meant to eavesdrop, but I think I just overheard something juicy!
{otome:0408-2:NARATOR:43} 人気者のムードメーカーで、
The ever-popular trend-setter and ladies' man Sakazaki Yuuya is Sakuya's
{otome:0408-2:NARATOR:44} どういうことだろう……。 I wonder what the story behind that is...
{otome:0408-2:Yuuya:45} キミ "Hey."
{otome:0408-2:$namef:46} "!"
{otome:0408-2:Yuuya:47} ずっとそこにいたねぇ。朔夜の知り合いかい? "You heard that whole thing, right? Are you a friend of Sakuya's?"
{otome:0408-2:$namef:48} ご、ごごごめんなさい![shake name=ADVScene]立ち聞きするつもりはなかったんです! "I-I-I-I-I'm sorry![shake name=ADVScene] I didn't mean to listen in on you!
{otome:0408-2:$namef:49} \(^o^)/ !?
{otome:0408-2:Yuuya:50} あはは、大丈夫。
"Haha. No sweat."
{otome:0408-2:Yuuya:51} いつもならセクシー&ラグジュアリーにきめてるんだけど、
"I try to stay sexy and suave in front of all you little ladies, but that there
wasn't too cool."
{otome:0408-2:NARATOR:52} このクジャクバトは坂咲優夜<さかざきゆうや>先輩。 This fantail pigeon is Sakazaki Yuuya, an upperclassman.
{otome:0408-2:NARATOR:53} 話をするのは初めてだけど、善くも悪くも学園内では有名鳥だから知らない生徒はいないんじゃないかな。 I've never talked to him before, but he's famous, or infamous, throughout
the school. Everybirdie knows of him.
{otome:0408-2:NARATOR:54} このクジャクバトは坂咲優夜<さかざきゆうや>先輩。 This fantail pigeon is Sakazaki Yuuya, an upperclassman.
{otome:0408-2:NARATOR:55} 話をするのは初めてだけど、
I've never talked to him before, but he's famous, or infamous, throughout
the school. Everybirdie knows of him.
{otome:0408-2:Yuuya:56} キミ、$namef ちゃん… だったっけ? "You're $namef ... right?"
{otome:0408-2:$namef:57} ど、どうしてそれを!? "H-how did you...!?"
{otome:0408-2:Yuuya:58} 学園中の皆が知ってるよ。
"I know everybirdie here. Besides, you're the only human. A single
poppy in a field of rye."
{otome:0408-2:Yuuya:59} キミ、もしかして朔夜と知り合いだったりする? "Did you say you were a friend of Sakuya's?"
{otome:0408-2:$namef:60} 知り合いというか…今朝衝撃の初対面を果たしたばかりなんだけど…… "Not exactly... We had a rather ballistic introduction this morning."
{otome:0408-2:$namef:61} えぇと、朔夜くんとは同じクラスになりました。
"We're in the same class. That's all."
{otome:0408-2:$namef:62} あの貴族みたいに偉そうな朔夜くんと先輩が兄弟なんて驚きました "I'd never have thought that stuck-up aristocrat wannabe was your brother."
{otome:0408-2:Yuuya:63} 貴族みたい……ねぇ "Aristocrat wannabe..."
{otome:0408-2:Yuuya:64} 貴族だよ。正真正銘の "He is an aristocrat, actually. The genuine article, in the flesh."
{otome:0408-2:NARATOR:65} そうだったの!? He is!?
{otome:0408-2:Yuuya:66} あいつ何かと面倒くさい奴だからさ、
よろしく頼むよ$namef ちゃん。アデュー!
"He's a bit of a pain, so good luck, mon amie. Adieu!"
{otome:0408-2:NARATOR:67} 朔夜くん、本当に貴族だったんだ……。 He really is a noblebird...
{otome:0408-2:NARATOR:68} でも坂咲先輩が貴族なんて噂は聞いたことがないよ。
I've never heard anything like that about Yuuya, though. Probably a twisty
{otome:0408-2:Kazuaki:69} 今日はこれでおしまい。みんな、気をつけて帰ってね "That's all for today. Stay safe, everyone."
{otome:0408-2:$namef:70} はーい "Yaaay!"
{otome:0408-2:$namef:71} あれ? "Huh?"
{otome:0408-2:$namef:72} 先生、涼太がいません! "Sir, where's Ryouta?"
{otome:0408-2:Nanaki:73} ああ、涼太くんなら保健室に行くって言ってたよ。
"He said he was going to the infirmary. Maybe you should go and see if
he's still there?"
{otome:0408-2:NARATOR:74} 涼太はああ見えてお腹が弱いから、
Now that I think about it, Ryouta always did have a weak stomach.
{otome:0408-2:NARATOR:75} ちょっと心配だし、保健室に行ってみようかな。 I should go to the infirmary just to make sure he's okay.
{otome:0408-3a:$namef:0} 失礼しまーす…… "Excuse me..."
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:1} ………。 ......
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:2} 誰も、いない……? Nobirdie's here?
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:3} カーテンの中には誰も寝ていないし、そもそも保健室の先生がいない。 There's no one sleeping behind the curtains, and the doctor isn't here,
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:4} 私の野生の勘もここには誰もいないと告げている。生き物の気配がない。 My hunter-gatherer instincts feel no presence. There's nobirdie here.
{otome:0408-3a:$namef:5} 涼太、いる? "Ryouta?"
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:6} 返事がない。ただの保健室のようだ。 No reply. The infirmary is empty.
{otome:0408-3a:$namef:7} おかしいなー。もう帰っちゃったのかな? "Weird! Did he go home already?"
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:8} 誰もいない保健室でウロウロキョロキョロしてると
I feel a little nervous poking around the empty room...
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:9} そういえばこんなにじっくり保健室を見るなんて初めて。
Now that I think of it, I haven't been in here much before. Unlike Ryouta,
I'm perfectly healthy.
{otome:0408-3a:$namef:10} へー、いろんな薬が置いてある "Woah, they've got all kinds of drugs in here!"
{otome:0408-3a:$namef:11} えちるぱらにとろふぇにるちおのべんぜ…なにこれ呪文みたい。
"Ethylpar, tri-fe, lucio benzene... what do these even do?"
{otome:0408-3a:???:12} 飲んでみますか? "Care to find out?"
{otome:0408-3a:$namef:13} せっせせせせ先生!!? "D-d-d-d-d-doctor!?"
{otome:0408-3a:Shuu:14} 御希望でしたらいくらでも飲ませて差し上げますよ、如何です? "I'll feed you all sorts of things, if you want. Hmmm?"
{otome:0408-3a:$namef:15} 結構です!! "No, thank you!"
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:16} このイワシャコは岩峰舟<いわみねしゅう>先生。 This partridge is Iwamine Shuu, the school doctor.
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:17} 保健室の先生なんだけど、
He's rather creepy in person, and has a bad reputation among the student
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:18} 顔を合わせていると余計体調が悪くなるってみんな言ってるの。 Everybirdie knows that even just talking to him can bring you down with
aspergillus, psittacosis, or even worse things.
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:19} それにしても私の背後を取るなんて、
And I never even heard him come in the door. ... ninja doctor!?
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:20} このイワシャコは岩峰舟<いわみねしゅう>先生。 This partridge is Iwamine Shuu, the school doctor.
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:21} 保健室の先生なんだけど、
He's rather creepy in person, and has a bad reputation among the student
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:22} 顔を合わせていると余計体調が悪くなるってみんな言ってるの。 Everybirdie knows that even just talking to him can bring you down with
aspergillus, psittacosis, or even worse things.
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:23} それにしても私の背後を取るなんて、この男…できる……ッ! And I never even heard him come in the door. ... ninja doctor!?
{otome:0408-3a:Shuu:24} 見たところ貴方はここに縁があるとは思えないのですが、何か御用ですか? "You don't look like you have a good reason to be in here. Did you need
{otome:0408-3a:$namef:25} あの、涼太が
"Umm, I heard Ryouta... Kawara from 2-3 was supposed to be here."
{otome:0408-3a:Shuu:26} 彼ならもう帰りましたが "Him? He's already gone."
{otome:0408-3a:$namef:27} うっ、行き違い……! "... oh."
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:28} それならそうと帰る前に声かけてほしかったな……。 Why didn't he come find me before going home?
{otome:0408-3a:$namef:29} お、お邪魔しました!
"S-sorry to bother you! I'll be going now!"
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:30} うへぇ
Aaah! Finally out of that den of evil.
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:31} あー、涼太は帰っちゃったし、どうしようかなー。
Ryouta's already gone home... what do I do now?
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:32} あ! Oh!
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:33} そういえば結局1年生の間は
I never got around to joining a club last year.
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:34} 折角だしこの放課後はどこかに見学に行こうかな。 Maybe I'll go take a look at some of my options.
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:35} ええと、この学園にある部っていうと…
I think there are clubs for baseball, soccer, track, kendo, migration,
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:36} あと何があったかな……。 Wasn't there another one...? Anyway, I'll start with the track team.
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:37} 取り敢えず、中学の頃と同じ陸上部に行ってみようかな。
I ran in middle school, and it's always funny watching the birds hop around.
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:38} えーと、陸上部はグラウンドの脇に部室があるって聞いたけど……
I think their clubroom is on the ground floor, off to the side...
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:39} 部室の前で1羽の白いハトがあらぶってる。
A white dove is having a tantrum outside.
{otome:0408-3a:San:40} ポポロッぷ~わッ!
"Coo, coo!"
(This is no pudding for a man!)
{otome:0408-3a:San:41} ぷ~わッ!!
(Okosan rejects it! It is a lie! A vicious falsification!)
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:42} よく見るとあらぶるハトはプリンを蹴り回している。 He's dancing around on a squished pudding.
{otome:0408-3a:$namef:43} ねえ、食べ物を粗末にするのは良くないよ…… "Hey... that's not very nice to the pudding."
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:44} この白ハトは尾呼散<おこさん>くんと言うらしい。 This is Oko San.
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:45} 妙につるんとしたフォルムだけどこの子もクジャクバト…なのかな? He doesn't really look it, but supposedly he's a fantail pigeon. ... I
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:46} かなり野生を留めてるみたい。 Either way, he's hyper.
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:47} この白ハトは尾呼散<おこさん>くんと言うらしい。 This is Oko San.
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:48} 妙につるんとしたフォルムだけどこの子もクジャクバト…なのかな? He doesn't really look it, but supposedly he's a faintail pigeon. ... I
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:49} かなり野生を留めてるみたい。 Either way, he's hyper.
{otome:0408-3a:San:50} ぷ~わ!!
(Okosan has suffered a deception most vile! A wretched betrayal!)
{otome:0408-3a:$namef:51} 騙された? "Betrayal?"
{otome:0408-3a:San:52} ポロポッぷ~わッ!
(Okosan instructed that pudding be provided for new members!)
{otome:0408-3a:San:53} ぷ~~わッ!!
(But this is no pudding! Ousted, scorned, betrayed! Dragged
into the street and shot by those he trusted most!)
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:54} 見た所足下に転がってるのはコンビニでよく見る
It's squished and filthy, but the thing under his feet looks like normal
store-bought pudding...
{otome:0408-3a:$namef:55} これ、プリンじゃないの? "What's wrong with it?"
{otome:0408-3a:San:56} ポポロぷ~わ!!
"Coo, coo!"
(Spare the jests, young lady!)
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:57} 尾呼散の つばさでうつ!
こうかは ばつぐんだ!
Okosan used WING ATTACK! It's super effective!
{otome:0408-3a:San:58} ぷ~わッ!!
(They'll rue the day they crossed Okosan! He'll have them flayed,
hanged, shot at dawn! He will!)
{otome:0408-3a:San:59} ポロッポぷ~わ!!
(Okosan must now train to achieve true pudding! Farewell!)
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:60} 行っちゃった……。 ... and he's gone.
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:61} 確かに凄い俊足みたいだけど、陸上部とプリンに何の関係があるんだろう? He's a good runner, but what does pudding have to do with the track team?
{otome:0408-3a:NARATOR:62} こうして私の2年生1日目は平和に過ぎ去ったのだった。 And so ended the first day of my second semester at St. Pigeonation's.
{otome:0408-3b:$namef:0} 失礼しまーす…… "Excuse me..."
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:1} ………。 ......
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:2} 誰も、いない……? Nobirdie's here?
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:3} カーテンの中には誰も寝ていないし、そもそも保健室の先生がいない。 There's no one sleeping behind the curtains, and the doctor isn't here,
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:4} 私の野生の勘もここには誰もいないと告げている。生き物の気配がない。 My hunter-gatherer instincts feel no presence. There's nobirdie here.
{otome:0408-3b:$namef:5} 涼太、いる? "Ryouta?"
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:6} 返事がない。
No reply. The infirmary is empty.
{otome:0408-3b:$namef:7} おかしいなー。
"Weird! Did he go home already?"
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:8} 誰もいない保健室でウロウロキョロキョロしてるとなんだか空き巣みたいな気分。 I feel a little nervous poking around the empty room...
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:9} そういえばこんなにじっくり保健室を見るなんて初めて。私は涼太と違って丈夫だし、あんまり縁が無いんだよね。 Now that I think of it, I haven't been in here much before. Unlike Ryouta,
I'm perfectly healthy.
{otome:0408-3b:$namef:10} へー、いろんな薬が置いてある "Woah, they've got all kinds of drugs!"
{otome:0408-3b:$namef:11} えちるぱらにとろふぇにるちおのべんぜ…なにこれ呪文みたい。何に使う薬なんだろう "Ethylpar, tri-fe, lucio benzene... what do these even do?"
{otome:0408-3b:???:12} 飲んでみますか? "Care to find out?"
{otome:0408-3b:$namef:13} せっせせせせ先生!!? "D-d-d-d-d-doctor!?"
{otome:0408-3b:Shuu:14} 御希望でしたらいくらでも飲ませて差し上げますよ、如何です? "I'll feed you all sorts of things, if you want. Hmmm?"
{otome:0408-3b:$namef:15} 結構です!! "No, thank you!"
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:16} このイワシャコは岩峰舟<いわみねしゅう>先生。 This partridge is Iwamine Shuu, the school doctor.
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:17} 保健室の先生なんだけど、何を考えてるのかわからない不気味さであんまりいい評判は聞かない。 He's rather creepy in person, and has a bad reputation among the student
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:18} 顔を合わせていると余計体調が悪くなるってみんな言ってるの。 Everybirdie knows that even just talking to him can bring you down with
aspergillus, psittacosis, or even worse things.
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:19} それにしても私の背後を取るなんて、
And I never even heard him come in the door. ... ninja doctor!?
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:20} このイワシャコは岩峰舟<いわみねしゅう>先生。 This partridge is Iwamine Shuu, the school doctor.
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:21} 保健室の先生なんだけど、何を考えてるのかわからない不気味さであんまりいい評判は聞かない。 He's rather creepy in person, and has a bad reputation among the student
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:22} 顔を合わせていると余計体調が悪くなるってみんな言ってるの。 Everybirdie knows that even just talking to him can bring you down with
aspergillus, psittacosis, or even worse things.
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:23} それにしても私の背後を取るなんて、
And I never even heard him come in the door. ... ninja doctor!?
{otome:0408-3b:Shuu:24} 見たところ貴方はここに縁があるとは思えないのですが、何か御用ですか? "You don't look like you have a good reason to be in here. Did you need
{otome:0408-3b:$namef:25} あの、涼太が
"Umm, I heard Ryouta... Kawara from 2-3 was supposed to be here."
{otome:0408-3b:Shuu:26} 華原君? "Him?"
{otome:0408-3b:Shuu:27} 彼は来ていませんよ "I haven't seen him."
{otome:0408-3b:$namef:28} えっ、でも…… "But..."
{otome:0408-3b:Shuu:29} 何かの間違いでは?あるいは貴方の方が一足早かっただけかもしれませんね "Are you sure he was coming here? Or maybe you just got here first."
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:30} 考えてみれば涼太がいないのに気付いたのはホームルームだし、涼太が途中でトイレに寄ったりしたなら、走ってきた私の方が先に着いちゃうよね……。 ... I did come straight here. Maybe he went to the restroom or something?
{otome:0408-3b:Shuu:31} ここで待っていても構いませんよ。ククク "I'd love to have you wait here. Hohoho."
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:32} 岩峰先生と二人っきり……ってちょっと不安だなあ。 Do I really want to be alone with this man...?
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:33} どうしよう? Do I?
{otome:0408-3b:DECGo home alone:34} 独りで帰る Go home alone
{otome:0408-3b:DECWait here for Ryouta:35} 保健室で涼太を待つ Wait here for Ryouta
{otome:0408-3b:$namef:36} じゃあ、お言葉に甘えてここで待っていてもいいですか? "... okay, then."
{otome:0408-3b:Shuu:37} ええ、もちろん。どうぞ、ごゆっくり…… "Of course. Please, make yourself at home..."
{otome:0408-3b:$namef:38} いえ、遠慮しておきます! "No thanks!"
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:39} うへぇ
Aaah! Finally out of that den of evil.
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:40} あー、涼太は帰っちゃったし、どうしようかなー。
Ryouta's not here... what do I do now?
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:41} あ! Oh!
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:42} そういえば結局1年生の間は
I never got around to joining a club last year.
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:43} 折角だしこの放課後はどこかに見学に行こうかな。 Maybe I'll go take a look at some of my options.
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:44} ええと、この学園にある部っていうと…
I think there are clubs for baseball, soccer, track, kendo, migration,
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:45} あと何があったかな……。 Wasn't there another one...? Anyway, I'll start with the track team.
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:46} 取り敢えず、中学の頃と同じ陸上部に
I ran in middleschool, and it's always funny watching the birds hop around.
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:47} えーと、陸上部はグラウンドの脇に部室があるって聞いたけど……
I think their clubroom is on the ground floor, off to the side...
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:48} 部室の前で1羽の白いハトがあらぶってる。
A white dove is having a tantrum outside.
{otome:0408-3b:San:49} ポポロッぷ~わッ!
"Coo, coo!"
(This is no pudding for a man!)
{otome:0408-3b:San:50} ぷ~わッ!!
(Okosan rejects it! It is a lie! A falsification!"
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:51} よく見るとあらぶるハトはプリンを蹴り回している。 He's dancing around on a squished pudding.
{otome:0408-3b:$namef:52} ねえ、食べ物を粗末にするのは良くないよ…… "Hey... that's not very nice to the pudding."
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:53} この白ハトは尾呼散<おこさん>くんと言うらしい。 This is Oko San.
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:54} 妙につるんとしたフォルムだけどこの子もクジャクバト…なのかな? He doesn't really look it, but supposedly he's a fantail pigeon. ... I
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:55} かなり野生を留めてるみたい。 Either way, he's hyper.
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:56} この白ハトは尾呼散<おこさん>くんと言うらしい。 This is Oko San.
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:57} 妙につるんとしたフォルムだけどこの子もクジャクバト…なのかな? He doesn't really look it, but supposedly he's a fantail pigeon. ... I
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:58} かなり野生を留めてるみたい。 Either way, he's hyper.
{otome:0408-3b:San:59} ぷ~わ!!
(Okosan has suffered a deception most vile! A wretched betrayal!)
{otome:0408-3b:$namef:60} 騙された? "Betrayal?"
{otome:0408-3b:San:61} ポロポッぷ~わッ!
(Okosan instructed that pudding be provided for new members!)
{otome:0408-3b:San:62} ぷ~~わッ!!
(But this is no pudding! Ousted, scorned, betrayed! Dragged
into the street and shot by those he trusted most!)
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:63} 見た所足下に転がってるのはコンビニでよく見る普通のプリンみたいだけど……。 It's squished and filthy, but the thing under his feet looks like normal
store-bought pudding...
{otome:0408-3b:$namef:64} これ、プリンじゃないの? "What's wrong with it?"
{otome:0408-3b:San:65} ポポロぷ~わ!!
"Coo, coo!"
(Spare the jests, young lady!)
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:66} 尾呼散の つばさでうつ!
こうかは ばつぐんだ!
Okosan used WING ATTACK! It was super effective!
{otome:0408-3b:San:67} ぷ~わッ!!
(They'll rue the day they crossed Okosan! He'll have them flayed,
hanged, shot at dawn! He will!)
{otome:0408-3b:San:68} ポロッポぷ~わ!!
(Okosan must now train to achieve true pudding! Farewell!)
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:69} 行っちゃった……。 ... and he's gone.
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:70} 確かに凄い俊足みたいだけど、陸上部とプリンに何の関係があるんだろう? He's a good runner, but what does pudding have to do with the track team?
{otome:0408-3b:NARATOR:71} こうして私の2年生1日目は
And so ended the first day of my second semester at St. Pigeonation's.
{otome:0408:NARATOR:0} 聖ピジョネイション学園。充実したカリキュラムと施設に恵まれた名門校。 St. Pigeonation's. A school blessed with extensive curricula and facilities.
{otome:0408:NARATOR:1} 平凡な暮らしを続けてきた私が突然この校門をくぐることになってもう1年。 It's already been a year since I ended my ordinary life and walked through
these gates.
{otome:0408:NARATOR:2} さて、改めて説明するまでもないんだけど、
I should probably say... This school is known for one thing in particular.
{otome:0408:NARATOR:3} ここには日本中、ううん、世界中から優秀なハトが集まっているの。 This school is Japan's--no, the world's, greatest gathering-place for
gifted birds.
{otome:0408:NARATOR:4} 文系のハト、理系のハト、得意スポーツで推薦を受けて入学した子もいる。 Birds who want to study the arts, the sciences, even sports all come to
St. Pigeonation's.
{otome:0408:NARATOR:5} 教職員にはハト目以外の鳥類もいるの。
The teaching staff and student body are both made up of a diverse blend
of birds of different backgrounds and species.
{otome:0408:NARATOR:6} ハトではない君がどうしてこの学園に?
I'm often asked why I chose to come here, despite not being a bird.
{otome:0408:NARATOR:7} 1年前、どうして私がここに入学することになったかというと…… It's a long story...
{otome:0408:???:8} 珍しいね、こんなギリギリに登校なんて "Not every day I see you rushing along like this!"
{otome:0408:$namef:9} 涼太! "Ryouta!"
{otome:0408:Ryouta:10} いつもの$namef なら、もうとっくに1時間目の準備を済ませてる時間だよ "Usually you'd have been ready for an hour by now, $namef !"
{otome:0408:Ryouta:11} 寝坊でもしちゃった? "Overslept?"
{otome:0408:NARATOR:12} このカワラバトは華原涼太<かわらりょうた>くん。
This rock dove is named Kawara Ryouta. We've been friends since he was
barely hatched.
{otome:0408:NARATOR:13} イクラみたいな目が時々鋭く光るけど、
He can be a little mischevious, but he's responsible and kind.
{otome:0408:NARATOR:14} このカワラバトは華原涼太<かわらりょうた>くん。
This rock dove is named Kawara Ryouta. We've been friends since he was
barely hatched.
{otome:0408:NARATOR:15} イクラみたいな目が時々鋭く光るけど、面倒見が良くてとても優しい男の子だよ。 He can be a little mischevious, but he's responsible and kind.
{otome:0408:$namef:16} 今朝はなかなか獲物が見つからなくて、
"Breakfast was a little hard to catch today... I can't relax without red
meat inside."
{otome:0408:Ryouta:17} そっかー、狩猟民族は大変だよね。
"Living as a hunter-gatherer sounds tough... I'd be happy to make you
breakfast, you know."
{otome:0408:$namef:18} 飢えてどうしようもない時は相談するね。
"I might take you up on that offer when starvation looms. Thanks, Ryouta!"
{otome:0408:$namef:19} あ、いけない!もう予鈴が鳴ってる。早く教室に行かないと "Oh! The bell already? Come on, we need to hurry to class!"
{otome:0408:Ryouta:20} うわあっホントだ!
急いで$namef 、初日から遅刻は良くないよ
"Jeepers! No good being late on the first day!"
{otome:0408:NARATOR:21} 私は涼太に引きずられるようにして教室に滑り込んだ。 And so Ryouta pulled me along into the school.
{otome:0408:NARATOR:22} 今日から新学期。
Today is the start of a new semester. I wonder what lies in store...
{otome:0408:NARATOR:23} 1年生の間はこの雰囲気に慣れるのに精一杯だったけど、
It was all I could do to adjust to the atmosphere last year. Better make
up for all that lost fun!
{otome:0408:NARATOR:24} えーと、私のクラスは2年3組……かな。
I think we're in 2-3... Ryouta and I are in the same class again.
{otome:0408:NARATOR:25} よく知っている顔、初めての顔、見渡す限りのハト達を見ていると、
Old faces, new faces... a strange thrill fills my heart as I look around
at the assembled birds.
{otome:0408:NARATOR:26} 皆と仲良くなれるといいな。
I hope we all get along. Here's to the formation of many happy memories!
{otome:0408:NARATOR:27} あっ、先生が来た! Oh! The teacher's here!
{otome:0408:Kazuaki:28} みなさん、おはようございます。 "Good morning, everybirdie!"
{otome:0408:Kazuaki:29} えぇと、ぼくの名前は、七姫一明<ななきかずあき>です。
"Err, I'm Nanaki Kazuaki. I seem to be your teacher this year."
{otome:0408:Kazuaki:30} 担当は数学です。それから、物理も多少は、わか…… "I specialize in math and physics and also some other things..."
{otome:0408:Kazuaki:31} ……………。
"...... zzz."
{otome:0408:Ryouta:32} 先生!
"Sir! Wake up! It's homeroom!"
{otome:0408:$namef:33} 立って目を開けたまま寝てる!? "... he sleeps with his eyes open!?"
{otome:0408:NARATOR:34} このヒメウズラは七姫一明<ななきかずあき>先生。
This quail is Nanaki Kazuaki. He's a famously soporiphic math professor.
{otome:0408:NARATOR:35} 噂には聞いてたけど、ほんとにどこでも居眠りできるんだこの先生……。でも数学界ではとっても有名らしいよ。 I'd heard the rumors, but I hadn't expected him to fall asleep just like
{otome:0408:NARATOR:36} 実は凄く頭がいい鳥なのかなあ。 Apparently he's well-known as a mathematician. Just goes to show, great
minds come in all forms!
{otome:0408:NARATOR:37} このヒメウズラは七姫一明<ななきかずあき>先生。
This quail is Nanaki Kazuaki. He's a famously soporiphic math professor.
{otome:0408:NARATOR:38} 噂には聞いてたけど、ほんとにどこでも居眠りできるんだこの先生……。
I'd heard the rumors, but I hadn't expected him to fall asleep just like
{otome:0408:NARATOR:39} 実は凄く頭がいい鳥なのかなあ。 Apparently he's well-known as a mathematician. Just goes to show, great
minds come in all forms!
{otome:0408:Kazuaki:40} はっ。
"Ah! I'm sorry... Isn't it a little warm in here?"
{otome:0408:Kazuaki:41} そう、そうだ、忘れてた。
"Which reminds me, we have a transfer student."
{otome:0408:Kazuaki:42} 今日この学園に転校してきた、銀くんです。
"Please, introduce yourself, Shirogane."
{otome:0408:Sakuya:43} 名乗る意味があるとは思えないな。
"What is the point? I have no wish to speak with commoners. Do not
think I'm here because I wish to be."
{otome:0408:Kazuaki:44} うーん、そうかー。
"Oh, well. I guess that's that."
{otome:0408:Ryouta:45} いやいやいや!
"Hey, hey, hey! That's no good!"
{otome:0408:Kazuaki:46} でも銀くんが名乗りたくないって "But he doesn't want to introduce himself..."
{otome:0408:$namef:47} 私も流石に流すのは良くないと
"But we can't just let him break the rules like that, sir! The system
will collapse and we'll all turn into kulaks and dissenters!"
{otome:0408:Kazuaki:48} だって、銀くん。
"... well, when you put it like that... could you at least say your name,
{otome:0408:Sakuya:49} ……。 "......"
{otome:0408:Sakuya:50} 銀しろがねル・ベル朔夜さくやだ "Shirogane Le Bel Sakuya."
{otome:0408:NARATOR:51} このクジャクバトは銀朔夜<しろがねさくや>くんと言うらしい。
It seems this fantail is Shirogane Sakuya. His feathers would make anybirdie
{otome:0408:NARATOR:52} でもちょっぴり偉そうな喋り方が気になっちゃう。
He's pretty stuck up. But then, transferring is never easy. I hope we
can be friends!
{otome:0408:NARATOR:53} このクジャクバトは銀朔夜<しろがねさくや>くんと言うらしい。
It seems this fantail is Shirogane Sakuya. His feathers would make anybirdie
{otome:0408:NARATOR:54} でもちょっぴり偉そうな喋り方が気になっちゃう。
He's pretty stuck up. But then, transferring is never easy. I hope we
can be friends!
{otome:0408:NARATOR:55} 朔夜くんは私と涼太に鋭い敵意を込めた視線を投げて席についた。 Sakuya sits down, glaring daggers at Ryouta and me.
{otome:0408:NARATOR:56} なんだか初日から、波乱の予感がする。 I think this little bird is telling me there's going to be trouble down
the line.
{otome:0411:Kazuaki:0} えぇと、今日は学級委員を決めたいと思います "Err, I think we want to choose the class council today."
{otome:0411:Kazuaki:1} 皆さんも御存知の通り、この学園では部活動も、委員会も、義務ではないです "As you all know, this school doesn't require you to join any club."
{otome:0411:Kazuaki:2} 入りたい子は入るといいし、面倒な子は、帰宅部帰宅委員会でも大丈夫です "If you want to you can, but if you don't then you're free to go home
after school."
{otome:0411:San:3} ぷ~わ!!
(Okosan has time only for the track team!)
{otome:0411:Kazuaki:4} そうだね、それもいいね。銀くんはどうする? "That's good. What about you, Shirogane?"
{otome:0411:Sakuya:5} 愚問だな。
"A foolish question. I already hold a position here."
{otome:0411:Kazuaki:6} あ、そうか。
"Oh, that's right. You became student president when you were admitted."
{otome:0411:$namef:7} 何それ貴族特権!?
"Nepotism, ho! Don't we get to vote!?"
{otome:0411:Ryouta:8} 僕はあんまり放課後も長居できないし、今年も帰宅部かな…… "Just coming to school is enough for me."
{otome:0411:$namef:9} 涼太は母子家庭だもんねー "You have to take care of your mother on your own, and all..."
{otome:0411:$namef:10} うーん、私はどうしようかな "Hmm, I wonder what I should do."
{otome:0411:NARATOR:11} どれに入ろう? Join the...
{otome:0411:DECStudent council:12} 生徒会に入る Student council
{otome:0411:DECTrack team:13} 陸上部に入る Track team
{otome:0411:DECLibrary staff:14} 図書委員に入る Library staff
{otome:0411:NARATOR:15} どれに入ろう? Join the...
{otome:0411:DECStudent council:16} 生徒会に入る Student council
{otome:0411:DECTrack team:17} 陸上部に入る Track team
{otome:0411:DECLibrary staff:18} 図書委員に入る Library staff
{otome:0411:DECInfirmary staff:19} 保健委員に入る Infirmary staff
{otome:0411:Kazuaki:20} これでみんな、決まったかな "That's everyone, isn't it?"
{otome:0411:Kazuaki:21} みんな、それぞれにがんばってね "Have fun!"
{otome:0412:NARATOR:0} 今日は選択科目の日。
Today's an elective day! What should I do?
{otome:0412:NARATOR:1} どの科目にする? Attend...
{otome:0412:DECMath class:2} 数学 Math class
{otome:0412:DECGym class:3} 体育 Gym class
{otome:0412:DECMusic class:4} 音楽 Music class
{otome:0412:NARATOR:5} 七姫先生は相変わらずよくうたた寝して授業がストップするけど、
Mister Nanaki dozed off as usual, but class was somehow good anyway. I
feel smarter already!
{otome:0412:NARATOR:6} $namef のレベルがあがった!
$namef leveled up! Wisdom increased by 5!
{otome:0412:NARATOR:7} 羽ばたき演習は見学になっちゃったけど、楽しい時間を過ごした。
I had to sit out the wing training, but it was fun anyway. Maybe someday
I'll be able to fly, too!
{otome:0412:NARATOR:8} $namef のレベルがあがった!
$namef leveled up! Vitality increased by 5!
{otome:0412:NARATOR:9} ハトにまつわる童謡メドレーで1限丸々歌い続けた。
We sang birdie melodies. It was a little tiring, but singing together
is fun.
{otome:0412:NARATOR:10} $namef のレベルがあがった!センスが5あがった! $namef leveled up! Charisma increased by 5!
{otome:0421:NARATOR:0} ふー、やっぱり我が家は落ち着くなあ♪ Aah... sitting at home is so relaxing.
{otome:0421:NARATOR:1} あっ!
Oh! Tomorrow is the class hike!
{otome:0421:NARATOR:2} 何を準備していけばいいんだっけ……。
Should I prepare anything? We won't be going far, so I don't have to...
{otome:0421:NARATOR:3} いいや、健康第一!
Well, health first! I think I'll have some udon and go to sleep.
{otome:0421:NARATOR:4} 今日は2年生の皆で春の遠足!
Today is the hike! We've stopped for a break on a hillside. Who should
I talk to?
{otome:0421:NARATOR:5} 誰に会いに行く? Talk to...
{otome:0421:DECRyouta:6} 華原涼太 Ryouta
{otome:0421:DECSakuya:7} 銀朔夜 Sakuya
{otome:0421:DECSan:8} 尾呼散 San
{otome:0421:DECKazuaki:9} 七姫一明 Kazuaki
{otome:0421:$namef:10} ねっ、涼太、いっしょにお弁当食べよう! "Ryouta! Let's eat together."
{otome:0421:Ryouta:11} うん、いいよ。素敵な眺めだね "Sure. Great view, huh?"
{otome:0421:Ryouta:12} ん? "Huh?"
{otome:0421:Ryouta:13} $namef 、もしかしてそれがお弁当……? "... is that your lunch, $namef ...?"
{otome:0421:$namef:14} うん、カロリー●イトだよ "Yup! It's a CalorieM--e. "
{otome:0421:Ryouta:15} 折角遠足で山に来てるのにそれはちょっと残念な感じだよ$namef …… "That's a pretty sad thing to bring on a picnic..."
{otome:0421:$namef:16} そんなことないよ!
"No, it's not! A great man once said it's the ambrosia of the gods!"
{otome:0421:Ryouta:17} もー、そんなだといざっていう時に力が出ないよ。
"Geez, if you eat like that you'll be dead on the roadside by the time
we head back. Here, I'll share mine."
{otome:0421:$namef:18} えっ、いいの!?ありがとう涼太! "Really? Wow! Thanks, Ryouta!"
{otome:0421:NARATOR:19} こうして私は涼太くんのお弁当を分けてもらったのだった。
And so I got to eat half of Ryouta's lunch. His cooking is so good!
{otome:0421:NARATOR:20} カ●リーメイトは何かあった時の為の保存食にするね。 We can save the CalorieM--e in case of a survival situation.
{otome:0421:Sakuya:21} あ り え な い ! ! "Unacceptable!"
{otome:0421:NARATOR:22} もしかしたらと思ったけど、やっぱり朔夜くんが機嫌悪そうにしている。 In a temper, as usual.
{otome:0421:Sakuya:23} 何故!好き好んで!
"Why?! Why do I have to come to a place like this? And on foot!"
{otome:0421:$namef:24} 遠足なんだから、足を使わなきゃダメだよ朔夜くん "It's a hike, Sakuya! You have to walk."
{otome:0421:Sakuya:25} 何の為に?鍛錬か何かか?バカバカしい。
"For what purpose? As exercise? Foolishness! Exercise is for peasants."
{otome:0421:$namef:26} 違うよ、鍛錬じゃないと思うな。
"No, for fun! You're supposed to enjoy the change of scenery."
{otome:0421:$namef:27} ほら、ここからの眺めは凄くきれいなの。
"Look over here! Don't we have a nice view?"
{otome:0421:Sakuya:28} ………… "......"
{otome:0421:NARATOR:29} 朔夜くんはまだ何か言いたげな顔だけど、渋々私に着いて展望台に来てくれた。 Sakuya looks like he still has something to say, but he reluctantly comes
over to me.
{otome:0421:NARATOR:30} 満更でもない……ってことでいいのかな?
I think maybe he's acting angrier than he really is. Sheesh! What a kid.
{otome:0421:NARATOR:31} そういえばおこさんはどこに行ったんだろう? I wonder where Okosan went?
{otome:0421:NARATOR:32} 山頂についてから見てない気が…… I haven't seen him since we stopped here...
{otome:0421:San:33} くりゅぽこぷ~わッ!
"Coo, coo!"
(It's not here! The pudding is not here!)
{otome:0421:NARATOR:34} いた。 Ah.
{otome:0421:$namef:35} プリンがない?おやつに持って来たの? "It's missing? Did you bring it to eat for lunch?"
{otome:0421:San:36} ぷ~わッ!
(No! Okosan believed that wonderful pudding could be found on
{otome:0421:$namef:37} プリンって山に自生してるものだっけ…… "Is there a kind of pudding that lives in the mountains...?"
{otome:0421:San:38} ポポロッぷ~わ!
(Okosan will now search elsewhere for the pudding!)
{otome:0421:NARATOR:39} 行っちゃった……。 ... and he's gone.
{otome:0421:NARATOR:40} おこさんが探してるプリンって、どんなプリンなんだろう? What kind of pudding is he looking for, anyway?
{otome:0421:Kazuaki:41} ん……?
どうしたのかな、$namel さん。自由時間はまだ終わってないよ~
"Hmm...? What is it, $namel ? Break isn't over yet!"
{otome:0421:$namef:42} あの、先生とお話がしたくて来ました "Umm... I wanted to talk to you, sir."
{otome:0421:Kazuaki:43} 折角みんなで来た遠足なんだから、みんなと過ごせばいいんじゃないかな "Your friends are all here. Why not talk with them?"
{otome:0421:$namef:44} 先生といっしょじゃ、だめですか? "Do you not want to talk to me?"
{otome:0421:Kazuaki:45} ううん、そんなことないよ "No, that's not what I meant..."
{otome:0421:Kazuaki:46} $namel さんは、変わった女の子…だね……………………すやり "You're a funny girl... $namel ... ... zzz."
{otome:0421:$namef:47} 会話する前に寝ちゃった!? "Wait! No! I haven't said anything yet!"
{otome:0421:NARATOR:48} こうして私は七姫先生の隣で昼寝して過ごすのだった。 And so I took a nap with mister Nanaki.
{otome:0421:NARATOR:49} こんなに寝てばっかりなんて、
I wonder if he has some sort of illness? I hope he's okay...
{otome:0506:NARATOR:0} 今日は選択科目の日。
Today's an elective day! What should I do?
{otome:0506:NARATOR:1} どの科目にする? Attend...
{otome:0506:DECMath class:2} 数学 Math class
{otome:0506:DECGym class:3} 体育 Gym class
{otome:0506:DECMusic class:4} 音楽 Music class
{otome:0506:$namef:5} うう、ちょっとハイレベル過ぎて付いていけない…… "I'm not getting this at all..."
{otome:0506:Kazuaki:6} うーん、$namel さんは、もう少し基礎から勉強しなおした方が、いいかもね~ "Hmm... maybe you should review the basics a little more, $namel ."
{otome:0506:$namef:7} が、がんばります…… "Y-yes, sir..."
{otome:0506:NARATOR:8} $namef のレベルがあがった!
$namef leveled up! Wisdom increased by 5!
{otome:0506:$namef:9} こんなに暑いと熱中症になっちゃいそうだね "It's too hot! I feel like I'm going to have a stroke."
{otome:0506:San:10} ぷ~わ!!
(It is rehydration time! Okosan wants to go swimming!)
{otome:0506:NARATOR:11} $namef のレベルがあがった!
$namef leveled up! Vitality increased by 5!
{otome:0506:NARATOR:12} 今日は音楽史の授業。
Today is a music history lesson. So much thinking outside the Bachs I
feel like I'm going to fly off the Handel! But this is what Moztart is
all about, I guess.
{otome:0506:$namef:13} ああいうヅラってどんな感触なんだろうね。
"I wonder what those wigs felt like... they look like they're wearing
ptarmigans on their heads."
{otome:0506:Sakuya:14} 貴様、偉大な音楽家を愚弄するのか。
"Do you seek to mock the great masters, low-born philistine!?"
{otome:0506:NARATOR:15} $namef のレベルがあがった!
$namef leveled up! Charisma increased by 5!
{otome:0516:Kazuaki:0} えぇと、みなさんももう知っていると思いますが… "Err, I imagine you're all well aware, but..."
{otome:0516:Kazuaki:1} もうすぐ、体育祭があります。
"The sports festival is right around the corner. Please think about what
you'll do!"
{otome:0516:$namef:2} もう体育祭の季節なんだ…… "Sports festival season already...?"
{otome:0516:Ryouta:3} 秋に開催すると文化祭と被っちゃうからね。
"If it were in the fall it would conflict with the cultural festival,
so it's always been in May."
{otome:0516:$namef:4} 涼太は何に出るの? "What are you going to do, Ryouta?"
{otome:0516:Ryouta:5} まだ決めてないけど、毎年あんまり人気が無い二羽三脚かな。
"I haven't decided, but... Probably the three-legged race. Somebirdie
has to."
{otome:0516:San:6} ポポロッぷ~わ!
(Okosan will handle the marathon! Indeed he will!)
{otome:0516:$namef:7} おこさんの持久力は凄いもんね。朔夜くんは? "You do have a lot of stamina, Okosan... what about you, Sakuya?"
{otome:0516:Sakuya:8} まさか私に走れと言うのか? "You can't possibly be expecting me to run in some race, can you?"
{otome:0516:$namef:9} だって体育祭だよ。走らない競技ってあったっけ…… "It is a sports festival. Is there an event that doesn't involve running...?"
{otome:0516:Kazuaki:10} 応援団長なんて、どうかな "How about being a cheerleader?"
{otome:0516:Sakuya:11} つまり軍師……か。よし、悪くないな。任せろ "The general, in other words... Very well. Leave it to me."
{otome:0516:$namef:12} 何か違うくない……? "Umm... I don't think that's..."
{otome:0516:Kazuaki:13} それから、当日の救護班の、人手が足りていないそうです。
"Also, the first-aid team is always shorthanded, so I'm sure they could
use help if anybirdie still can't decide."
{otome:0516:Kazuaki:14} それじゃあ、今日はここまで~ "That's all for today."
{otome:0516:NARATOR:15} 涼太は二羽三脚、おこさんは長距離走、朔夜くんは応援団長。 Ryouta's doing the three-legged race, Okosan's running the marathon, and
Sakuya's a cheerleader.
{otome:0516:NARATOR:16} 救護班には保健委員長の坂咲先輩がいるかも。 Yuuya might be running the first- aid tent...
{otome:0516:NARATOR:17} 私はどうしようかな?
What should I do? I'll have to think about it.
{otome:0521:NARATOR:0} 今日は体育祭! Today's the sports festival!
{otome:0521:NARATOR:1} 結局こないだのホームルームでは決められなかったけど、
I never did make up my mind. What should I do?
{otome:0521:NARATOR:2} どれに参加しよう? Go to the...
{otome:0521:DEC3-legged race:3} 二羽三脚 3-legged race
{otome:0521:DECMarathon:4} 長距離走 Marathon
{otome:0521:DECCheerleaders:5} 応援団 Cheerleaders
{otome:0521:DECFirst-aid tent:6} 救護班のお手伝い First-aid tent
{otome:0521:DECLibrary:7} 図書室で涼む Library
{otome:0521:Ryouta:8} あ、$namef も二羽三脚に参加するの? "Oh, are you joining us?"
{otome:0521:Ryouta:9} 良かった、なかなか相手が見つからなかったんだ。よろしくね、$namef "Want to run together? I haven't found a partner yet."
{otome:0521:$namef:10} うん、任せて! "Okay!"
{otome:0521:NARATOR:11} よーい、スタート! Get set... Go!
{otome:0521:NARATOR:12} 私に引きずられるようにして走る涼太。
Ryouta's running for both of us. Pairing up a bird and a primate might
have been a bad idea...
{otome:0521:NARATOR:13} とはいえ、二人……
We somehow came in second anyway, though. We have brought honor to our
{otome:0521:San:14} ポポロッぷ~わ!
($namef も長距離走に参加するんですし?)
(You're running the marathon too, $namef )
{otome:0521:$namef:15} うん、女子の部代表だよ。おこさんも頑張ってね "Yup! Someone needs to act as female representative. Good luck, Okosan!"
{otome:0521:San:16} ポロッぷ~わ!
"Coo, coo!"
(Never worry, never fear! Okosan never brings up the rear!)
{otome:0521:NARATOR:17} おこさんは相変わらずの俊足振りで駆け抜けていく。
Swift as the wind, as usual. I think he came in first, but I can't see
from here.
{otome:0521:NARATOR:18} 私も頑張らなきゃ! I'd better do my best, too!
{otome:0521:NARATOR:19} クラスの応援団エリアに行くと何やら鳥だかりが見えた。 There's something of a crowd around our cheerleaders.
{otome:0521:NARATOR:20} あれは朔夜くんと……
I see Sakuya, and... a brass band? That's overdoing it.
{otome:0521:NARATOR:21} バッキンガム宮殿の衛兵交代式で同系統のものを見た記憶があるかも。 I think I saw something similar during the changing of the guard at Buckingham
{otome:0521:Sakuya:22} きたぞ きたぞ!! "You're here!"
{otome:0521:$namef:23} 本格派だね、朔夜くん "You're not cutting any corners, I see."
{otome:0521:Sakuya:24} 当然だ。ル・ベルの名にかけて一流の指揮をしなければならないからな "Naturally not. Only the best from a Le Bel."
{otome:0521:Horn:25} 朔夜様、準備が完了しました! "Sir! Preparations are complete, sir!"
{otome:0521:Tuba:26} 朔夜様、御指示を! "Your orders, sir!"
{otome:0521:Sakuya:27} よし、整列!! "Very well! Begin!"
{otome:0521:NARATOR:28} 朔夜くんの指揮に合わせて応援団の皆さんの演奏が始まった。 And so the band began to play.
{otome:0521:NARATOR:29} どこから呼び寄せて来たんだろう?
Where did he get these people? They all look like professionals. Shouldn't
cheerleaders be students...?
{otome:0521:Sakuya:30} 貴様もじっとしていないで参加しろ! "You! Join in!"
{otome:0521:$namef:31} う、うん…… "Umm, okay..."
{otome:0521:NARATOR:32} 私はシンバルを担当することになった。 I seem to be in charge of the cymbals.
{otome:0521:NARATOR:33} こういう一人だけで担当する大音量の楽器って失敗すると
One wrong slip, and I'll be the laughing-stock of the playground! Yikes.
{otome:0521:NARATOR:34} それにしても朔夜くんの指揮、妙に様になってる。
Sakuya's conducting is awfully flashy. Is this the Le Bel style?
{otome:0521:Yuuya:35} サリュー、$namef ちゃん!
"Salutations! Did you come to gaze into my eyes, mon amie?"
{otome:0521:$namef:36} えっと、救護班の手が足りてないって聞いて来たんです。
"Umm... I heard the first-aid team was shorthanded."
{otome:0521:NARATOR:37} (それにしてもサリューって何だろう???) ('Salutations'??)
{otome:0521:Yuuya:38} ああ、残念!
"Alas! Spurned for the sake of medicine. I must work harder to prove
my love."
{otome:0521:Yuuya:39} でも保健委員長としては大歓迎さ。
"Anyway, happy to have you. As you can see, we have plenty of work to
{otome:0521:$namef:40} あー……
"Aah... the obstacle course does always hurt a lot of birds. Why use a
game designed for humans?"
{otome:0521:Yuuya:41} 言うねぇ$namef ちゃん。俺も同意するけど伝統らしいからね "Beyond me, mon amie. I suppose it's tradition."
{otome:0521:$namef:42} ところで先輩、岩峰先生はいないんですか?ただでさえ忙しそうなのに "Where's the doctor? Shouldn't he be here, too?"
{otome:0521:Yuuya:43} 先生はほら、あっち "Over there."
{otome:0521:NARATOR:44} 遠く木陰に岩峰先生が座っているのが見える。
He's resting in the shade of a tree, some distance away. It looks like
he's taking notes on the performance of the birds on the race track...
{otome:0521:$namef:45} 先生、何してるんです? "What's he doing over there?"
{otome:0521:Yuuya:46} 暑いし面倒くさいしって、毎年ああやって高みの見物さ。
"He doesn't want to ruin his girlish complexion working in the heat.
He does the same thing every year."
{otome:0521:$namef:47} 何かメモしてるみたいですけど "Is he taking notes on something?"
{otome:0521:Yuuya:48} この学園を卒業してそのままプロのスポーツ選手になる学生も多いからねぇ。
"A lot of the birds graduating from this school get scouted by pro sports
teams, so maybe he's checking up on the promising ones?"
{otome:0521:Yuuya:49} さ、もうすぐ競技が終わる。忙しくなるぞ。
準備しようか$namef ちゃん
"Uh-oh, they've started. We'll be busy soon--get ready, mon amie."
{otome:0521:$namef:50} はい、先輩! "Yes, sir!"
{otome:0521:NARATOR:51} 次々と運び込まれてくる縄に絡まったハト達を先輩と二人で対処して、
And so I spent the sports festival patching up damaged doves with Yuuya.
{otome:0521:NARATOR:52} ついでに救護のあれこれも先輩に教えてもらって勉強にはなったし、
I learned some first-aid from him, so it was time well spent... ... I think?
{otome:0521:NARATOR:53} 5月といってももう体感は初夏みたい。
May is practically summer already... it's too hot! I think I'll rest in
the library.
{otome:0521:NARATOR:54} ふー、快適! Aah, much better!
{otome:0521:$namef:55} って当たり前のように避難して来たけど、
"... it's nice that the AC is on, but do we really need it? Nobirdie's
in here today."
{otome:0521:???:56} 5月はまだクーラーなんて付けないよ "It's not on."
{otome:0521:$namef:57} !! "!"
{otome:0521:$namef:58} やっぱり嘆くんだ "It's you, Nageki!"
{otome:0521:Nageki:59} やっぱり$namel さんだ "It's you, miss $namel ."
{otome:0521:NARATOR:60} あ、名前で呼んでくれた。 Woah! He called me by my name.
{otome:0521:Nageki:61} 冷房を使うのは6月に入ってから。日向にいたから暑かっただけだよ、きっと "They don't turn the air conditioning on until June. It just feels cold
compared to outside."
{otome:0521:$namef:62} そうなの? "Oh, is that it?"
{otome:0521:NARATOR:63} 確かに、言われてみれば利用者も少ない図書室
It would be a little strange to start spending money to cool a barely-used
library in May.
{otome:0521:$namef:64} それより嘆くん、こんな日までここにいるんだ。参加しないの? "Anyway, aren't you going to participate in the festival, Nageki?"
{otome:0521:Nageki:65} きみだって、参加してない "Aren't you?"
{otome:0521:$namef:66} うっ "Eep!"
{otome:0521:Nageki:67} 外にいられない。だからここにいる。それだけ "I don't like it outside. So I stay in here. That's all."
{otome:0521:$namef:68} うーん、そっかー "Hmm... I see."
{otome:0521:Nageki:69} ………。どうしてぼくの前に座るの? "... ... ... Why are you sitting next to me?"
{otome:0521:$namef:70} 邪魔? "Do you mind?"
{otome:0521:Nageki:71} ………別に "...... not really."
{otome:0521:$namef:72} あっあのね、聞いて聞いて、
"U-um, listen, our class president got duped into being a cheerleader,
{otome:0521:Nageki:73} ……… "......"
{otome:0521:$namef:74} ご、ごめん邪魔になっちゃうね…… "S-sorry..."
{otome:0521:Nageki:75} ……いいよ、続けて "...... No. Keep going."
{otome:0521:NARATOR:76} こうして私は、
And so I spent the day telling him about the festival and whatnot while
he read.
{otome:0521:NARATOR:77} どこまで私の話を聞いてくれていたのか分からないけど、
I don't know how much he was listening to me, but he didn't seem to mind... I
{otome:0527:NARATOR:0} 遂にやって来た2年生最初の関門、1学期中間テスト! The first barrier for all students who make it this far, the midterm exam!
{otome:0527:NARATOR:1} 今日まとめて全部返ってくるみたいだけど、うう、不安だなあ……。 We're getting them back today... Aah, I don't think I did too well.
{otome:0527:Kazuaki:2} $namel さーん "$namel !"
{otome:0527:$namef:3} はい! "Yes!"
{otome:0527:Kazuaki:4} よくがんばったね。この調子でいけば、大丈夫じゃないかな~ "You worked hard. Keep going like that and you'll do just fine."
{otome:0527:Kazuaki:5} いつか、先生を追い抜いてね。
"One day, you could surpass me. I'd love to see that!"
{otome:0527:NARATOR:6} 思ったより結果は良かったみたい! ... I guess I did pretty well, after all!
{otome:0527:NARATOR:7} 先生にも喜んでもらえてうれしいな♪ And mister Nanaki seems happy with me too. Yay!
{otome:0527:Kazuaki:8} $namel さーん "$namel !"
{otome:0527:$namef:9} はい! "Yes!"
{otome:0527:Kazuaki:10} うーん、悪くはない……とは思うんだけど…… "Hmm... I don't think you did too badly..."
{otome:0527:$namef:11} は、はい…… "Y-yes...?"
{otome:0527:Kazuaki:12} 悪くは……ううん、ごめん、やっぱり悪いね~ "Not too... mmm... nope, sorry. You did badly."
{otome:0527:$namef:13} ……すみません "... nooo..."
{otome:0527:Kazuaki:14} これから、がんばってね "Try harder next time, okay?"
{otome:0527:NARATOR:15} 先生に心配されてしまった……。次からはもうちょっとテスト勉強がんばりマッスル。 I disappointed mister Nanaki... I'll have to study more from now on.
{otome:0527:NARATOR:16} 近頃、時々見る夢。
I've had this dream a lot, recently. I can see a little house on the
other side of the fence. I wonder who lives there? I don't think it's
anyone I know.
{otome:0527:NARATOR:17} 隣には涼太がいて、それから私のお父さんとお母さん。
Ryouta is next to me, and my parents are here, too. We're all together
again, but...
{otome:0527:NARATOR:18} ねえ、お父さんとお母さんは、どうしてそんなところで眠ってるの? ... mom? Dad? Hey... wake up... Please...!
{otome:0609:NARATOR:0} 体育祭も中間も終わったし、
With the festival and the midterm over, there's nothing to look forward
to but summer heat.
{otome:0609:NARATOR:1} 湿度が高くなるとハト独特の体臭がちょっと気になっちゃうんだよね、
Doves smell kind of funny when it gets humid like this...
{otome:0609:NARATOR:2} あれ、職員室の前に鳥だかりができてる。皆何してるんだろう?
Huh? There's a bunch of birds in front of the staffroom. What are they
doing? Oh! There's Yuuya.
{otome:0609:$namef:3} 先輩、何かあったんですか? "Yuuya! What's going on?"
{otome:0609:Yuuya:4} サリュー、$namef ちゃん!
"Salutations, $namef ! Brian won his seventh Pulitzer!"
{otome:0609:NARATOR:5} 先輩が指し示す方に目をやると、
He gestures at a news clipping on the staffroom pinboard.
{otome:0609:NARATOR:6} 『知恵あるハトの始祖ブライアン、7冠達成』ってあるけど…… "It says "Brian, the first Intelligent Pigeon, Crowned Again"."
{otome:0609:$namef:7} ぶらいあん……? "Brian...?"
{otome:0609:Yuuya:8} もしかして知らないのかい!? "Don't tell me you don't know who he is!"
{otome:0609:$namef:9} 名前は聞いたことがあるような…… "I think I've heard the name, but..."
{otome:0609:Yuuya:10} ロンドンに住んでいる世界一有名なブロガーだよ。
"He's the world's most famous blogger. He began when birds were barely
{otome:0609:Yuuya:11} そして今もハトに関する記事を鋭い観察眼で綴ってる "He's a very skilled and insightful writer."
{otome:0609:Yuuya:12} 最近はハトの、ハトによる、
"He was the one who suggested that the dove olympics be called the
'Pigeolympics'. He's extremely influential--the name was adopted right away."
{otome:0609:Yuuya:13} $namef ちゃんも目の前の魔法の箱で調べてみるといいんじゃない?
興味があるならBrian Pigeonで検索してみてよ
"Why don't you look him up right now, mon amie? Try Googling 'Brian Pigeon'."
{otome:0609:$namef:14} はい、そうしてみます "Okay!"
{otome:0609:Yuuya:15} 俺もいつかこれぐらい世界を動かせるようになってみたいものだねぇ。
{otome:0609:Yuuya:16} ……おっと、もう昼休みも終わるねぇ。アデュー、$namef ちゃん! "... uh-oh, lunch is nearly over. Adieu, $namef !"
{otome:0612sakuoko:NARATOR:0} もうすぐ昼休みが終わっちゃう。早く教室に帰らないとね。 I'd better hurry back to class!
{otome:0612sakuoko:$namef:1} ただいまー……って、あれ? "Hello, everybi--... huh?"
{otome:0612sakuoko:NARATOR:2} 教室の机がいくつかひっくり返っている。
There's a pile of overturned desks in the middle of the floor. Ryouta
is overturned next to them.
{otome:0612sakuoko:NARATOR:3} ドバトって翼の裏側やお腹の色が薄いから、
Rock doves' underwings and bellies are light, so they look pretty different
{otome:0612sakuoko:$namef:4} じゃなくて、一体どうしちゃったの!? "I mean, wait, what's going on!?"
{otome:0612sakuoko:Ryouta:5} お、おこさんと朔夜が…… "O-Okosan and Sakuya are..."
{otome:0612sakuoko:NARATOR:6} 見上げると教室の片隅でおこさんと朔夜くんが対峙していた。 I look up to see the two of them at each other's throats in the corner.
{otome:0612sakuoko:NARATOR:7} 一触即発の様相だ。 I think we might have a diplomatic incident on our hands.
{otome:0612sakuoko:$namef:8} 涼太、何があったの? "... what happened, Ryouta?"
{otome:0612sakuoko:Ryouta:9} 朔夜がおこさんをバカにしたんだよ "Sakuya was making fun of Okosan..."
{otome:0612sakuoko:Ryouta:10} プリンだか何だか知らないけど意味の分からない妄言ばっかりで、
"He called him a stupid mongrel who only thinks about imaginary pudding,
and said he was ashamed to be in the same class..."
{otome:0612sakuoko:$namef:11} そんな、ひどい!
"That's terrible! I mean, Okosan is a nutcase and I don't know what
he's saying half the time, but he really does like pudding!"
{otome:0612sakuoko:Ryouta:12} それで、おこさんが朔夜に飛びかかろうとしたから── "Either way, Okosan kind of went for the jugular, and..."
{otome:0612sakuoko:$namef:13} 涼太が止めに入って、おこさんの つばさでうつ で反撃されちゃったのね "... you tried to pull them apart, and Okosan used WING ATTACK on you?"
{otome:0612sakuoko:Ryouta:14} うん……後は任せたよ$namef 。ガクリ "Y-yup... you're our only hope now, $namef ...! Hgggckckck."
{otome:0612sakuoko:San:15} ポポロッぷ~わ!
"Coo, coo!"
(Okosan will not allow pudding or himself to be ridiculed!
You will apologize!)
{otome:0612sakuoko:Sakuya:16} 貴様に頭を下げろだと?どこにその必要がある "You tell me to take back my word? I shall not!"
{otome:0612sakuoko:Sakuya:17} 雑種は雑種だ。貴様には私と口を聞く権利すらないんだぞ "A mongrel like you hasn't even the right to speak to me."
{otome:0612sakuoko:San:18} ポロッぷ~わ!
(Okosan is not a mongrel!)
{otome:0612sakuoko:NARATOR:19} 涼太決死の制止むなしく二羽はすっかりケンカ腰になっている。 The battle still rages, and it looks like Ryouta's sacrifice was in vain.
{otome:0612sakuoko:NARATOR:20} どうしよう? I should...
{otome:0612sakuoko:DECSide with Sakuya:21} 銀朔夜に味方する Side with Sakuya
{otome:0612sakuoko:DECSide with Okosan:22} 尾呼散に味方する Side with Okosan
{otome:0612sakuoko:DECScold them both:23} 喧嘩両成敗 Scold them both
{otome:0612sakuoko:$namef:24} こらっ、おこさん!ダメでしょ、教室で暴れちゃ! "Okosan, settle down! This is a classroom!"
{otome:0612sakuoko:San:25} ぷ~わ!
(これはハトとハトの問題ですし!人間の$namef は黙ってろですし!)
(This is a matter between doves! Stay out of it, $namef )
{otome:0612sakuoko:Sakuya:26} いいぞ、$namel 。それでこそ霊長類だ。貴様の判断力を評価してやる "You are a credit to your simian ancestry, $namel . I respect your judgement."
{otome:0612sakuoko:San:27} くりゅぽこぷ~わ~…!! "Coooo...!"
{otome:0612sakuoko:NARATOR:28} 私は暴れるおこさんを捕まえると窓から中庭に放り出した。 I catch Okosan and throw him out the window.
{otome:0612sakuoko:$namef:29} いくら頭にきても周りに迷惑かけちゃ駄目だよ!頭を冷やしておいで! "Just because you're angry doesn't mean you can make a mess! Come back
in when you're prepared to be civilized!"
{otome:0612sakuoko:$namef:30} ダメだよ朔夜くん。
"Sakuya, that wasn't very nice! Just because you don't know what Okosan
is talking about doesn't mean you can start slurring him!"
{otome:0612sakuoko:Sakuya:31} なっ……
"You... are you siding with this mongrel rebel? Aren't you supposed to
be a human!?"
{otome:0612sakuoko:San:32} ポポロッぷ~わ!
"Coo, cooo!"
(Okosan is resolved! Okosan will end this now!)
{otome:0612sakuoko:NARATOR:33} おこさんは腰を低く落として体当たりの構えに入った。 He drops low, and prepares to strike with all his might.
{otome:0612sakuoko:San:34} くりゅぽこぷ~わ!!
{otome:0612sakuoko:Sakuya:35} ぐぁあああ~ッッ!!! "AAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!"
{otome:0612sakuoko:NARATOR:36} おこさんは体を捻りつつ強烈な体当たりを朔夜くんにぶちかました。 Okosan crashes into Sakuya with a spinning bodyslam.
{otome:0612sakuoko:NARATOR:37} 朔夜くんは受け身も取れずに廊下に転がり出て行く。うわー、痛そう……。 Sakuya goes flying out into the hallway, bouncing helplessly. ... that
must have hurt.
{otome:0612sakuoko:San:38} ぷ~わ!
(Okosan is a match for any aristocrat!)
{otome:0612sakuoko:San:39} ポポロッぷ~わ!
"Coo, coooo!"
(Okosan is a match for the mighty Giants themselves!)
{otome:0612sakuoko:NARATOR:40} おこさんはカッコよく胸を張ると教室を出て行った。 He puffs up his chest and swags his way out of the classroom like a real
gangsta pigeon.
{otome:0612sakuoko:NARATOR:41} ……あれ、昼休みってもう終わっちゃうよね? ... wait, class is about to start!
{otome:0612sakuoko:$namef:42} 待っておこさん!授業すぐ始まるよ!! "Okosan, come back! Break is over!"
{otome:0612sakuoko:$namef:43} もう、落ち着いてよおこさん! "Okosan, calm down!"
{otome:0612sakuoko:San:44} ぷ~わ!!
(Do you think Okosan can 'calm down' after such insults!?)
{otome:0612sakuoko:Sakuya:45} どうだ尾呼。$namel も私の味方だぞ "Well, mongrel? $namel is on my side."
{otome:0612sakuoko:$namef:46} 朔夜くんも大人げないよ! "You too, Sakuya! You have acted immaturely!"
{otome:0612sakuoko:Sakuya:47} なん…だと……! "Wh... what...?"
{otome:0612sakuoko:$namef:48} 二羽ともケンカしないの!食らえ、涼太の仇! "No more fighting, you two! Take this! FOR RYOUTAAA!"
{otome:0612sakuoko:NARATOR:49} 私はおこさんと朔夜くんを捕まえると窓から中庭に放り出した。 I grab them both and hurl them out the window into the courtyard.
{otome:0612sakuoko:NARATOR:50} もうっ、外で反省してきなさいよね! Stay out there and think about what you've done! Geez!
{otome:0626:NARATOR:0} 今日は選択科目の日。好きな科目を選べるけど、どの授業を受けよう? Today's an elective day! What should I do?
{otome:0626:NARATOR:1} どの科目にする? Attend...
{otome:0626:DECMath class:2} 数学 Math class
{otome:0626:DECGym class:3} 体育 Gym class
{otome:0626:DECMusic class:4} 音楽 Music class
{otome:0626:NARATOR:5} 数学って、時々これって何の役に立つんだろう?
I always find myself wondering what the math we learn is good for...
{otome:0626:San:6} ぷすー ぷすー
"Coo..." (Zzz...)
{otome:0626:Kazuaki:7} ここから、ここまで、直線を引くことができ……すやり "And now we can draw a line perpendicular to the... ... zzz."
{otome:0626:NARATOR:8} お昼寝タイムだこれー! Is this math class or nap time!?
{otome:0626:NARATOR:9} $namef のレベルがあがった!
$namef leveled up! Wisdom increased by 5!
{otome:0626:NARATOR:10} 今日は体操なんだけど…… Today is calisthenics.
{otome:0626:$namef:11} 涼太、高校生にもなって逆上がりできないんだ…… "Ryouta... you're in highschool and you still can't do a chinup?"
{otome:0626:Ryouta:12} そ、そんなあからさまに蔑むような目で見ないでよ!悲しくなってくるよ! "D-don't look at me like that! You're making me feel like a failure..."
{otome:0626:NARATOR:13} $namef のレベルがあがった!
$namef leveled up! Vitality increased by 5!
{otome:0626:NARATOR:14} 今日は一羽ずつ皆の前で独唱の日!緊張しちゃうなあ…… We all have to stand up and sing solos today! Aah, I'm nervous...
{otome:0626:San:15} ぷ~わぷ~わ♪ ポロッポ ポロッぷ~わ♪ "Coo, coo ?? coo cooo, coo coo ??"
{otome:0626:NARATOR:16} 美声だ!! H-his voice is beautiful!
{otome:0626:NARATOR:17} $namef のレベルがあがった!
$namef leveled up! Charisma increased by 5!
{otome:0707:NARATOR:0} 今日は七夕祭。 Today is Tanabata!
{otome:0707:NARATOR:1} 今年も広場に笹が立てられてるかも。
There's probably a bamboo tree in the plaza this year, too... I think
I'll go make a wish.
{otome:0707:NARATOR:2} わあ、もう沢山短冊がついてる!誰か知ってる名前はないかなー。 Wow, there're lots here already! Anybirdie I know?
{otome:0707:NARATOR:3} よーし、私もお願い書いちゃおうかな♪ What should I wish for?
{otome:0707:DECConquer the world by force:5} 力で全てを破壊する覇王になりたい Conquer the world by force
{otome:0707:DECRule the world from the shadows:6} 乱世を制する名軍師になりたい Rule the world from the shadows
{otome:0707:DECBecome a famous artist:7} 神絵師になりたい Become a famous artist
{otome:0707:DECConquer the world by force:8} 力で全てを破壊する覇王になりたい Conquer the world by force
{otome:0707:DECRule the world from the shadows:9} 乱世を制する名軍師になりたい Rule the world from the shadows
{otome:0707:DECBecome a famous artist:10} 神絵師になりたい Become a famous artist
{otome:0707:DECThe mad love of a fallen angel:11} 我は願う、紅き堕天使の狂想歌を The mad love of a fallen angel
{otome:0707:$namef:12} 力で全てを破壊する覇王になれますように! "I wish to crush all opposition that rises before me and rule the world
with an iron fist!"
{otome:0707:$namef:13} 乱世を制する名軍師になれますように! "I wish to take the reins of power through clever schemes and rule the
world from the shadows!"
{otome:0707:$namef:14} 神絵師になれますように! "I wish to become a famous artist whose work is known the world over!"
{otome:0707:$namef:15} 我は願う、紅き堕天使の狂想歌を! "I wish for the mad love of a fallen angel!"
{otome:0707:Kazuaki:16} あれ、$namel さん……だよね~? "Oh, hello... is that you, $namel ?"
{otome:0707:$namef:17} あっ、先生! "Mister Nanaki!"
{otome:0707:Kazuaki:18} ダメだよ~、あんまり遅い時間まで、女の子一人でいるなんて "You should be careful out this late! It can be dangerous for a girl,
you know."
{otome:0707:Kazuaki:19} 先生は今帰るところなんだけど、
"I was about to head home. Would you like me to walk you to your place?"
{otome:0707:NARATOR:20} えぇっと…… Umm...
{otome:0707:DECYes please!:21} お願いします Yes please!
{otome:0707:DECNo thank you:22} もうちょっと遊んでから帰ります No thank you
{otome:0707:$namef:23} じゃあ、お願いします! "Yes, please!"
{otome:0707:Kazuaki:24} うん、じゃあ、帰ろっか~ "All right."
{otome:0707:NARATOR:25} 先生は歩きながらも度々眠る器用な芸当を披露してくれたけど、[r[無事うちに辿り着いた。 Mister Nanaki demonstrated some extreme sleeping on the way home, but
we arrived eventually.
{otome:0707:Kazuaki:26} $namel さんのおうちは、いつ見てもワイルドだね~ "Your house is very... rustic, $namel ."
{otome:0707:$namef:27} 自慢のマイホームです! "I like it this way!"
{otome:0707:Kazuaki:28} 帰る場所があるって、いいものだよね~ "It's wonderful to have a place to come back to, isn't it?"
{otome:0707:Kazuaki:29} 大切にするんだよ "Wonderful indeed..."
{otome:0707:NARATOR:30} あれ、今一瞬悲しそうな顔をしたような……? ... he looks a little sad.
{otome:0707:$namef:31} 先生、あの、 "Umm, sir--"
{otome:0707:Kazuaki:32} じゃあまた明日!
"See you tomorrow! Don't forget your homework."
{otome:0707:NARATOR:33} 先生はいつものふんわりした口調で別れを告げて去って行った。 And so he left, a somewhat hollow-sounding farewell echoing behind him.
{otome:0707:NARATOR:34} 私の気のせいかな? Or was it just my imagination?
{otome:0707:$namef:35} いえ、もう少しここにいます "No, thank you. I still have some errands to run."
{otome:0707:Kazuaki:36} そう?あんまり遅くならないようにね~ "Oh? Well, don't stay out too late!"
{otome:0707:NARATOR:37} そういえばキーマニIIDXのロケテ今日からじゃーん。
Wasn't the Keymania IIDX public playtest starting today? Maybe I'll stop
by the arcade...
{otome:0711-br:NARATOR:0} 今日は3年生と合同の水泳授業!
We're having a swimming class with the third-years today! All these damp,
tight-clinging feathers are making my heart race...
{otome:0711-br:Yuuya:1} サリュー、朔夜。泳ぐ姿もキマってるねぇ "Salutations, Sakuya. The wet look suits you well."
{otome:0711-br:Sakuya:2} ……馬鹿にしているのか "... do you mock me?"
{otome:0711-br:Yuuya:3} まさか!褒めてるのさ。優秀な弟を持てて俺は幸せだね "Hardly! I'm praising you. I'm proud to have such a handsome little brother."
{otome:0711-br:Sakuya:4} 貴様が私に話しかけること自体が侮辱行為だ、雑種め。
"Your very act of speaking to me is an insult, mongrel! You probably
can't even swim."
{otome:0711-br:Yuuya:5} フフ、それはどうかな。試してみるかい?俺とキミ、どっちが速いか "Hoho, I wonder? Want to decide who's faster once and for all, little
{otome:0711-br:Sakuya:6} 凡愚が……試すまでもなく既に答えは出ている "Fool. We already know who the victor will be."
{otome:0711-br:Sakuya:7} しかし宣戦布告を無視してはル・ベルの名折れだ。特別に受けて立ってやる "But, to ignore a challenge would be a disgrace to my name. Very well."
{otome:0711-br:Yuuya:8} $namef ちゃん! "Mon amie!"
{otome:0711-br:$namef:9} あ、はい! "Yes!?"
{otome:0711-br:Yuuya:10} キミにジャッジを任せたいんだけど、頼まれてくれるかい? "Will you be our judge?"
{otome:0711-br:$namef:11} わかりました。公正に判定することをここに誓いマッスル "I shall judge your noble combat with all possible fairness!"
{otome:0711-br:Sakuya:12} 当然だ "Of course."
{otome:0711-br:Yuuya:13} ちなみに一応、好奇心で聞いてみようかな。$namef
"Just out of curiosity, who do you think will win?"
{otome:0711-br:NARATOR:14} 勝ちそうなのは…… Probably...
{otome:0711-br:DECSakuya:15} 朔夜くん Sakuya
{otome:0711-br:DECYuuya:16} 坂咲先輩 Yuuya
{otome:0711-br:$namef:17} 朔夜くんが勝つと思います。貴族だし "Well, Sakuya's an aristocrat, so probably him...?"
{otome:0711-br:Sakuya:18} ふっふっふ。どうだ、人類も私の実力を認めているぞ "Hahah! Even the hominid recognizes my superiority."
{otome:0711-br:Yuuya:19} あはは、手厳しいねぇ "Ahaha, that's harsh!"
{otome:0711-br:$namef:20} 先輩が勝つと思います。いい体してるし "I think you'll win, Yuuya. You're ripped, and Sakuya's all fluff!"
{otome:0711-br:Sakuya:21} なんだと…… "What...!"
{otome:0711-br:Yuuya:22} 嬉しいねぇ$namef ちゃん。がんばるよ "Why thank you, mon amie. I'll swim my fastest for you."
{otome:0711-br:$namef:23} よぉーい、ドン! "Get set... go!"
{otome:0711-br:NARATOR:24} 一斉に飛び込む二羽のクジャクバト。 They dive with perfect synchronization.
{otome:0711-br:NARATOR:25} 凄い!どっちも速い!
Yikes, they're both fast! Even though their skeletal structure isn't designed
for it at all!
{otome:0711-br:NARATOR:26} ほとんど横並びになってるように見えるけど、結果は── It was awfully close, but in the end...
{otome:0711-br:Sakuya:27} ぜぇ……はぁ……… "-pant-... -pant-..."
{otome:0711-br:Yuuya:28} で、どっちだった?$namef ちゃん "So, who won, mon amie?"
{otome:0711-br:$namef:29} 本当に、本当に微妙な差なんですけど…… "It was almost too close to tell, but..."
{otome:0711-br:$namef:30} 先輩が、ちょっとだけ速かったです "Yuuya was a little faster."
{otome:0711-br:Sakuya:31} !! "!"
{otome:0711-br:Yuuya:32} だってさ、朔夜 "Well, there you have it, little brother."
{otome:0711-br:NARATOR:33} 朔夜くんがあからさまにギリギリしている。 I can hear Sakuya grinding his beak in frustration.
{otome:0711-br:Sakuya:34} これは…これは何かの間違いだ。日を改めて再戦する! "This... this is some sort of mistake! I demand a rematch!"
{otome:0711-br:Yuuya:35} 俺は構わないよ。お前からの挑戦ならいつでも大歓迎さ "Sure. I'm always happy to take you on."
{otome:0711-br:NARATOR:36} 坂咲先輩、なんだか嬉しそう。 Yuuya looks pleased.
{otome:0711-br:NARATOR:37} 朔夜くんと話す口実ができて機嫌がいいのかな? Maybe he's happy because he got to talk to Sakuya?
{otome:0711-oko:NARATOR:0} 今日は水泳の授業!
Today is swim class! All these damp, tight-clinging feathers are making
my heart race...
{otome:0711-oko:San:1} ポポロッぷ~わ!?
($namef は人間ですし。$namef は泳げるんですし?)
"Coo, coo?"
($namef is a human! Can you still swim?)
{otome:0711-oko:$namef:2} うん、泳げるよ "Yup!"
{otome:0711-oko:San:3} ぷ~わ!
(Okosan challenges you to a race, then! Okosan has never swum
against a hominid!)
{otome:0711-oko:$namef:4} おこさんは走るのだけじゃなくて、泳ぐのも得意なの? "So you're fast in the water, as well as on land?"
{otome:0711-oko:San:5} ポロッぷ~わ!
"Coo, coo!"
(Naturally! Okosan is the fastest in all things!)
{otome:0711-oko:$namef:6} よーし、私も負けないぞー! "All right, then! Let's go!"
{otome:0711-oko:NARATOR:7} よぉーい、ドン! Get set... go!
{otome:0711-oko:$namef:8} !?? "!?!?"
{otome:0711-oko:NARATOR:9} おこさんは合図と同時に水面上を猛スピードで駆け抜けて行った。 Okosan is running across the top of the water with incredible speed before
the signal has stopped ringing in my ears.
{otome:0711-oko:$namef:10} それ泳いでなくない!? "Th-that's not swimming!"
{otome:0711-oko:San:11} ポポロッぷ~わ!
(おこさんの勝ちですし!$namef は遅いですし!)
"Coo, coo! Coo!"
(Okosan is victorious! You are slow, $namef !)
{otome:0711-oko:NARATOR:12} まず泳ぎに対する既成概念を捨てなければ
And so I learned that I would need to redefine my very concept of swimming
before hoping to defeat Okosan.
{otome:0711:NARATOR:0} 今日は選択科目の日。好きな科目を選べるけど、どの授業を受けよう? Today's an elective day! What should I do?
{otome:0711:NARATOR:1} どの科目にする? Attend...
{otome:0711:DECMath class:2} 数学 Math class
{otome:0711:DECGym class:3} 体育 Gym class
{otome:0711:DECMusic class:4} 音楽 Music class
{otome:0711:$namef:5} 先生!微分積分って人生にとって何の役に立つんですか? "Sir! How will integral calculus help us in life?"
{otome:0711:Kazuaki:6} そうだね~、難しい質問だね~。
$namel さんにとっては、役に立つことはないかもしれないね~
"Hmm... hard to say. It might never help you at all, $namel !"
{otome:0711:Kazuaki:7} でも、役に立つものだけだと味気ないし、
"But, only studying things that help you in life is tiresome. Think of
it as educational candy."
{otome:0711:NARATOR:8} 微分積分がお菓子……その境地はちょっと遠いかな! Integral calculus is educational candy!? I'm not prepared to accept this...
{otome:0711:NARATOR:9} $namef のレベルがあがった!
$namef leveled up! Wisdom increased by 5!
{otome:0711:NARATOR:10} 進むでもなく、後退するでもなく、水面でカワラバトがもがいている。 A rock dove is wiggling about on the surface of the water, advancing neither
forwards nor backwards.
{otome:0711:$namef:11} 涼太、まだ泳げないんだ…… "You can't swim, Ryouta...?"
{otome:0711:Ryouta:12} 努力はしてるつもりなんだよ!
"I-I'm doing my best! I'm going to learn before I graduate...!"
{otome:0711:NARATOR:13} $namef のレベルがあがった!
$namef leveled up! Vitality increased by 5!
{otome:0711:NARATOR:14} 今日の合奏の担当パートはティンパニ。前回は銅鑼だったような……。 I've been placed in charge of the timpany today. Last time it was the
{otome:0711:$namef:15} どうして私ばっかり重量級担当なんだろう? "What am I supposed to be, the musical gorilla!?"
{otome:0711:NARATOR:16} $namef のレベルがあがった!
$namef leveled up! Charisma increased by 5!
{otome:0711angel:NARATOR:0} あとちょっと頑張れば短縮授業だドン! Just a little longer until early release days!
{otome:0711angel:NARATOR:1} 期末テストも近いから軽く鬱になりそうだけど、
Finals are coming up and the glum depression is already setting in, but
at least we won't have to swelter in the classroom all afternoon.
{otome:0711angel:NARATOR:2} っていうかどうして名門校なのに冷暖房は公立校レベルにケチってるんでしょうね。
... why is a school this famous even stingier with its air conditioning
than a public school, anyway?
{otome:0711angel:Ryouta:3} あっ、$namef ! "$namef !"
{otome:0711angel:$namef:4} どうしたの?涼太 "Ryouta?"
{otome:0711angel:Ryouta:5} もうお昼ごはんは食べた?
"Have you had lunch yet? I was about to go to the cafeteria. Want to
come with me?"
{otome:0711angel:$namef:6} うん、いいよ!先週から新メニューが増えたって聞いて私も気になってたし。
"Okay! I heard they've expanded the menu, and I wanted to try it sometime.
They have massacred ramen now!"
{otome:0711angel:Ryouta:7} そうなんだ。半殺しチャーハンと同じ路線なのかな? "Is that like half-dead fried rice?"
{otome:0711angel:$namef:8} たぶんね。おこさんも褒め── "Probably! And Oko--"
{otome:0711angel:$namef:9} な、何!?何事!? "What!? What's going on!?"
{otome:0711angel:NARATOR:10} 振り返るとそこには胸を血で真っ赤に染めた、やや小柄なハトが佇んでいた。 I turn around to see a short dove standing behind me, his chest stained
a deep red.
{otome:0711angel:???:11} お前か……
"You... are you the one who called forth this disaster? The one who invoked
the Braud Taris of the Blue Sky?"
{otome:0711angel:NARATOR:12} わけがわかりません。 I have no idea.
{otome:0711angel:$namef:13} そんなことより血!血を何とかしようよ! "Th-the blood! You're bleeding!"
{otome:0711angel:???:14} !!
"! My chest... You are...!"
{otome:0711angel:$namef:15} 涼太、この子日本語が通じない!保健室に連れて行かなきゃ! "Ryouta, I don't think he understands Japanese! We have to get him to
the infirmary!"
{otome:0711angel:Ryouta:16} あー……大丈夫だよ、$namef 。よく見て、その子はケガなんてしてないよ "Oh... don't worry. Look closely, he isn't hurt at all."
{otome:0711angel:$namef:17} えっ、だって胸に血がにじんで…… "What? But the blood..."
{otome:0711angel:Ryouta:18} その子は隣のクラスのヒムネバトだよ。そういう模様の種なんだ "He's the Luzon from the class next to ours. Their plumage just looks
like that."
{otome:0711angel:$namef:19} そうなの!? "What, really!?"
{otome:0711angel:Anghel:20} そう、我が名は緋紅アンヘル。罪業の血を刻んだ死天使だ "Correct. I am Higure Anghel, the Fallen Servant of God, stained with
the Blood of Sin."
{otome:0711angel:NARATOR:21} この真っ赤な胸が印象的な子は緋紅<ひぐれ>アンヘルというらしい。隣のクラスということは同じ2年生なのかな? This impressively upholstered bird is Higure Anghel. He's in the class
next to ours, so he must be another sophomore.
{otome:0711angel:NARATOR:22} 変わった名前だけど、朔夜くんみたいに外国から来たのかなあ。
That's an odd name... I wonder if he came from overseas, like Sakuya? His
Japanese is kind of strange, too.
{otome:0711angel:NARATOR:23} この真っ赤な胸が印象的な子は緋紅<ひぐれ>アンヘルというらしい。
This impressively upholstered bird is Higure Anghel. He's in the class
next to ours, so he must be another sophomore.
{otome:0711angel:NARATOR:24} 変わった名前だけど、朔夜くんみたいに外国から来たのかなあ。
That's an odd name... I wonder if he came from overseas, like Sakuya? His
Japanese is kind of strange, too.
{otome:0711angel:Anghel:25} くっ……思ったより早く侵蝕が進んでいるようだ…。
"Agh! The corruption spreads faster than I expected... I had hoped
to find it before it came this far...!"
{otome:0711angel:Anghel:26} 眠れる蒼穹の使徒よ! "Sleeping Servant of the Heavens!"
{otome:0711angel:$namef:27} はい! "Yes!?"
{otome:0711angel:NARATOR:28} あれ、私のことでいいんだよね? Umm, he is talking to me, right?
{otome:0711angel:Anghel:29} 何れ時が満ち、審判の日が訪れる。紅き月の下でお前は真実を── "Time is slipping by. Judgment draws ever nearer! You must find The Truth
by the Light of the Red Moo--"
{otome:0711angel:Anghel:30} ぐっ! "Gah!"
{otome:0711angel:Anghel:31} まだだ、まだ耐えてくれ…鎮まれ、俺の緋胸……!! "I must last... a little longer...! Be silent, Crimson Breast...!"
{otome:0711angel:$namef:32} やっぱりケガしてるんじゃないの!? "You are hurt, aren't you!?"
{otome:0711angel:Anghel:33} 俺に触れるな! "Do not touch me!"
{otome:0711angel:Anghel:34} さらばだ、蒼穹の使徒エーデルブラウ。
"Farewell, Edel Blau of the Blue Sky. Fate decrees that we shall meet
{otome:0711angel:NARATOR:35} 行っちゃった。
He's gone. What was that all about?
{otome:0711angel:Ryouta:36} 変なのに絡まれちゃったね$namef "I think you've picked up a weird one, $namef ."
{otome:0711angel:$namef:37} 平気平気。食堂に行こうよ涼太! "Hmm... let's go eat lunch!"
{otome:0713:NARATOR:0} 思ってたより掃除に時間がかかっちゃった!
Cleaning the classroom took longer than usual. I need to hurry to the
{otome:0713:Ryouta:1} あっ、$namef ! "$namef !"
{otome:0713:$namef:2} 何?今から保健室に行かなきゃいけないから、ちょっと急いでるんだけど…… "What is it? I'm in a bit of a hurry..."
{otome:0713:Ryouta:3} いや、大したことじゃないんだけど……。
$namef は聖ピジョネイション七不思議って知ってる?
"Nothing much. Just... have you heard of the seven mysteries of
St. Pigeonation's, $namef ?"
{otome:0713:$namef:4} ここにもそんなのがあるんだ。それがどうかしたの? "This school even has its own horror stories? Do tell."
{otome:0713:Ryouta:5} 七不思議の中にね、『保健室に行った生徒は行方不明になって、
"Yeah. Well... there's one that says that sometimes students will disappear
in the infirmary only to show up again as food in the dining hall and quill
pens in the school store."
{otome:0713:$namef:6} でも、よくある怪談とか、都市伝説の類いじゃないの? "Sounds like an urban legend to me."
{otome:0713:Ryouta:7} そうだとは思う……んだけど、でも気を付けてね。
"It does, but... Doctor Iwamine is pretty suspicious. Be careful, okay?"
{otome:0713:$namef:8} 保健室なら涼太も時々行ってるよね。でも今まで無事だったんでしょ? "You go to the infirmary a lot, right? Has he ever done anything to
{otome:0713:Ryouta:9} それは、そうだけど……。_やっぱり心配だよ。$namef$は僕達と違って 女の子なんだし "No, but... Well, you're a girl, $namef . I'm a little worried."
{otome:0713:$namef:10} うん、そうだね。ありがとう "That's true. I'll be careful."
{otome:0713:NARATOR:11} 涼太の考え過ぎじゃないかなー。
Ryouta always has been one to overthink things. Anyway, can't keep Yuuya
{otome:0713:$namef:12} 失礼しま…… "Excuse m..."
{otome:0713:NARATOR:13} あれ? Huh?
{otome:0713:NARATOR:14} 岩峰先生と坂咲先輩が何か話してるみたい。 Yuuya and the doctor are talking about something.
{otome:0713:Shuu:15} 私が気付いていないとでも思っていましたか? "Did you really think I hadn't noticed?"
{otome:0713:Yuuya:16} やだなぁ、コワイ顔して。何のことです? "You sure look like you woke up on the wrong side of the nest. What are
you talking about?"
{otome:0713:Shuu:17} 私から説明するまでもないでしょう。貴方が一番よく知っている筈だ "I shouldn't have to explain. You know exactly what I'm talking about."
{otome:0713:Shuu:18} 机の私物には触れないように……と確かに伝えたのですが "I have told you never to touch my desk, haven't I?"
{otome:0713:Yuuya:19} 俺が先生の机に触れた証拠でも? "And what makes you think I ever have?"
{otome:0713:NARATOR:20} 何やら険悪な雰囲気だ。 This doesn't look too good.
{otome:0713:$namef:21} あ、あの……! "Umm..."
やっと来たね、$namef ちゃん
"$namef ! There you are, mon amie!"
{otome:0713:Yuuya:23} $namef ちゃんが証明してくれますよ。
俺、さっきまで$namef ちゃんと一緒に中庭にいて戻って来たところなんです
"$namef can back me up on this. We were in the courtyard together until
a few minutes ago."
{otome:0713:Yuuya:24} $namef ちゃんがお手洗いに行きたいっていうから
"She said she was going to the restroom, so I should go ahead. I only
just got here."
{otome:0713:Yuuya:25} つまり、今日先生の机に小細工する時間なんてありませんでしたよ。
ね、$namef ちゃん?
"In other words, I haven't had time to go rifling through your stuff,
doctor. Right, mon amie?"
{otome:0713:NARATOR:26} これは一体どういう状況なんだろう? Just what is going on here?
{otome:0713:NARATOR:27} たぶん岩峰先生が不在の内に坂咲先輩が先生の机を勝手にあさった……
It sounds like the doctor suspects Yuuya of having searched his desk while
he was out...
{otome:0713:NARATOR:28} 私はさっきまで教室で掃除していたし、先輩は明らかに嘘をついている。 I came straight from the classroom to here, so Yuuya's obviously lying.
{otome:0713:NARATOR:29} どうしよう? "I..."
{otome:0713:DECWas with Yuuya:30} はい、先輩は私といました Was with Yuuya
{otome:0713:DECWas in my classroom:31} いいえ、私は教室にいました Was in my classroom
{otome:0713:NARATOR:32} 状況がまだ見えてこないけど、私は先輩に合わせることにした。 I don't quite know what's going on, but I don't like the look on the doctor's
{otome:0713:$namef:33} 先輩が言う通りです。
"That's right. Yuuya and I were having a sexy and luxurious sunbath in
the courtyard up until a few minutes ago."
{otome:0713:Yuuya:34} そうそう、セクシー&ラグジュアリーね。
"Sexy and luxurious it was indeed. Well, doctor?"
{otome:0713:Shuu:35} ……なるほど。わかりました、物的証拠はありませんからね "... very well. I shall have to wait for more solid evidence."
{otome:0713:Shuu:36} あまり余計なことはしないようにお願いしますよ "Please, do be careful."
{otome:0713:Yuuya:37} はい "Of course, doctor."
{otome:0713:$namef:38} 先輩、これは一体どういう…… "Yuuya, what--"
{otome:0713:Yuuya:39} ごめんね、$namef ちゃん。今はまだ話せないのさ "Forgive me, mon amie. I can't explain right now."
{otome:0713:Yuuya:40} でもいつか……ね "But... one day."
{otome:0713:NARATOR:41} 先輩は意味ありげな言葉を残して去って行った。 And he's gone. What was that supposed to mean?
{otome:0713:NARATOR:42} 一体この学園の保健室では何が起こっているんだろう? Is something really happening in this infirmary?
{otome:0713:NARATOR:43} 状況がまだ見えてこないけど、嘘はよくない。 I don't even know what's going on yet. I can't just lie through my teeth!
{otome:0713:$namef:44} いえ、私はさっきまで教室の掃除をしていました。
"No, I was in my classroom until just now. Ryouta was there, too. Yuuya
is lying."
{otome:0713:Yuuya:45} ………くっ "... shit."
{otome:0713:Shuu:46} 良くできました、$namel さん。
"Well done, miss $namel . I am glad our new assistant is so astute."
{otome:0713:Shuu:47} 残念ですねぇ坂咲君。君は少々誠実さに欠ける男のようです。
"What a pity, Yuuya. It would seem that you are somewhat in lacking basic
truthfulness. I think we need to have a long, serious discussion."
{otome:0713:Shuu:48} ……二羽きりで "... alone."
{otome:0713:Shuu:49} $namel さん、申し訳ないのですが席を外して頂けますか?
"I'm sorry, miss $namel , but could you leave? This is important."
{otome:0713:NARATOR:50} 追い出されてしまった。 I got kicked out again.
{otome:0713:NARATOR:51} 坂咲先輩の表情、青冷めてた。
Yuuya's face looked pretty bad. Doctor Iwamine praised me, but... What
on earth is going on?
{otome:0713angel:$namef:0} 暑いよー
"It's too hot! I'm gonna melt..."
{otome:0713angel:Sakuya:1} 見苦しいぞ$namel 。これだから哺乳類は "Pathetic, $namel . As expected of a mere mammal."
{otome:0713angel:$namef:2} 朔夜くんは平気なの?ハトって寒さより暑さの方が苦手なんだよね? "Aren't you uncomfortable, too? I thought doves faired badly in the heat."
{otome:0713angel:Sakuya:3} 易々と他者に弱みを見せるのは凡愚の証拠だ "Letting your weakness show in front of others is the mark of the vulgar
{otome:0713angel:$namef:4} そっかー、朔夜くんは強いんだね。見習わなきゃ "Hmm... maybe I should take a leaf out of your book."
{otome:0713angel:Anghel:5} 邪緋眼がうずくと思って来てみれば……
"The red eye of the Demon led me here... you summoned me once more, Apostle
of the Blue Sky?"
{otome:0713angel:NARATOR:6} また出たァー Him again!
{otome:0713angel:Sakuya:7} ……なんだこのヒムネバトは "... who is this?"
{otome:0713angel:$namef:8} アンヘルくん……だっけ?隣のクラスの個性的なエキセントリックボーイだよ "I think he's named Anghel. He's the class eccentric next door."
{otome:0713angel:Sakuya:9} フン、下賎な種め。貴様のような凡愚はこの学園に在籍するに値しない。
"Hmph, another peasant. None of you have the right to even be in this
school. Go back to the Philippines and bang some coconuts together, why
don't you."
{otome:0713angel:$namef:10} ヒムネバトってフィリピン産なんだ! "Luzon Bleeding-hearts are from the Philippines?"
{otome:0713angel:NARATOR:11} フィリピン産っていうとバナナのイメージだよね。
That would be why they're called "Luzon" Bleeding-hearts. The Philippines
have bananas, right? Now I want to call him "Bananaman".
{otome:0713angel:NARATOR:12} ところで今気付いたけど朔夜くんも大概アンヘルくんに近い
Incidentally, Sakuya is about as unhinged as Anghel, so maybe they should
be friends.
{otome:0713angel:Anghel:13} 将聖の白魔導師よ、お前に用はない "I have no business with you, Hallowed Magician of White."
{otome:0713angel:Anghel:14} 蒼穹の使徒! "Apostle of the Blue Sky!"
{otome:0713angel:$namef:15} はい! "Yes!?"
{otome:0713angel:Anghel:16} お前は…まだ思い出せないのか?俺が一体、何者なのか…… "Can you not... remember who I am?"
{otome:0713angel:NARATOR:17} えぇっと…… Umm...
{otome:0713angel:DECA fallen angel:18} まさか第九圏の監獄より出でし死の堕天使…!? A fallen angel
{otome:0713angel:DECI don't know:19} わからないです I don't know
{otome:0713angel:$namef:20} まさか第九圏の監獄より出でし死の堕天使……!? "Could you be... a fallen angel escaped from the Demonic Prison of Judecca!?"
{otome:0713angel:Anghel:21} !! "!"
{otome:0713angel:Anghel:22} ……遂に覚醒したのか、蒼穹の使徒エーデルブラウ "... have you awoken at last, Apostle Edel Blau!?"
{otome:0713angel:Anghel:23} 最早残された時間は僅かだ。覚悟を早く決めろ。
"We have but little time left. You must decide! Will you cross swords
with me on the promised ground, or--"
{otome:0713angel:Anghel:24} うぐ……ッ! "Agh...!"
{otome:0713angel:Anghel:25} クソッ、こんな時に……! "No! Not now...!"
{otome:0713angel:$namef:26} あっ、アンヘルくん! "A-Anghel!?"
{otome:0713angel:NARATOR:27} アンヘルくんは私の制止も聞かずに廊下に飛び出して行った。
He flies away down the corridor, in spite of my protests. What a busy
{otome:0713angel:$namef:28} わからないです "I dunno!"
{otome:0713angel:Anghel:29} くっ…やはり早過ぎたのか……。
"Too soon...!? If only you could hear the screaming of this tortured soul...!"
{otome:0713angel:NARATOR:30} アンヘルくんは残念そうに帰って行った。
He leaves, a dejected look on his face. What was all that about?
{otome:0713angel:NARATOR:31} この日を最後に、私がアンヘルくんを見ることはなかった……。 And that was the last I ever saw of Higure Anghel...
{otome:0713ryota:NARATOR:0} 次の時間は移動教室だったっけ……。 We're in a different room for next period, right...?
{otome:0713ryota:NARATOR:1} まだ2時間目が終わったところなのにお腹がすいたよー。堪え難いこの苦痛! Barely two hours into the day and I'm already hungry! Aaah, I can't bear
{otome:0713ryota:$namef:2} あ、涼太!次は被服教室だよ。一緒に行こう? "Ryouta! We're in the textile room next, right? Let's walk together!"
{otome:0713ryota:Ryouta:3} あ……うん "Uh... sure."
{otome:0713ryota:NARATOR:4} あれ?なんだか反応が鈍い。 Huh? That was an awfully unenthusiastic response.
{otome:0713ryota:$namef:5} 涼太、なんだか顔色が悪いよ。大丈夫? "Umm... you don't look too good. Are you okay, Ryouta?"
{otome:0713ryota:Ryouta:6} だ、大丈夫、大丈夫だよ。行こ……。うぅ…… "I-I'm fine! I'm fine. Let's go. Uuurgh..."
{otome:0713ryota:$namef:7} 全然大丈夫じゃないじゃない! "You're not fine!"
{otome:0713ryota:Ryouta:8} そ、そう、だね……ちょっと胃の調子が悪いんだ…… "Y... yeah... it's my stomach."
{otome:0713ryota:Ryouta:9} ほら、よくある事だから…心配しないで "This happens all the time. It's nothing to worry about."
{otome:0713ryota:Ryouta:10} ちょっと保健室に行ってくるから、次の時間、
"I'll just go to the infirmary for a bit... could you let the teacher
know, pleae?"
{otome:0713ryota:$namef:11} 保健室まで付き添わなくても大丈夫? "Can you make it there on your own?"
{otome:0713ryota:Ryouta:12} うん、大丈夫。自分で行けるから……じゃあ、また後でね "Yeah, I can. Thanks. ... see you in a bit."
{otome:0713ryota:NARATOR:13} 結局涼太は3時間目も、4時間目も、戻ってこなかった。 He never showed up for third period, or fourth.
{otome:0713ryota:NARATOR:14} まだ保健室にいるのかな? Is he still in the infirmary?
{otome:0713ryota:NARATOR:15} お昼ご飯を食べたら、様子を見に行ってみよう。
I'll go check on him after I eat lunch. A $namef marches on her stomach,
after all!
{otome:0713ryota:$namef:16} ……って、涼太!? "... Ryouta!?"
{otome:0713ryota:Ryouta:17} あ……ただいま "Oh... hello."
{otome:0713ryota:$namef:18} もう平気なの?なんだか余計顔色が悪くなってる気がするんだけど…… "Are you okay? You look even worse than you did earlier..."
{otome:0713ryota:Ryouta:19} 平気…だよ。あんまりじっとしてても、余計に具合が悪くなるしね "I'm... fine. Sitting around just makes it worse..."
{otome:0713ryota:Ryouta:20} 岩峰先生に薬も出してもらったし…… "I got some medicine from the doctor, but..."
{otome:0713ryota:NARATOR:21} もしかして岩峰先生に貰った薬で
I'm not convinced that medicine is doing him any good!
{otome:0713ryota:NARATOR:22} あの先生なら体に悪いアレコレをどさくさに紛れて処方しかねない。 I wouldn't trust anything that doctor prescribed.
{otome:0713ryota:$namef:23} 調子が悪くなって保健室に行ったのに、
"Something's wrong if you go to the infirmary feeling sick and go home
feeling worse!"
{otome:0713ryota:$namef:24} 待ってて、涼太。私ちょっと岩峰先生にクレーム付けに行ってくる! "Wait a minute, Ryouta. I'm going to go give that doctor a piece of my
{otome:0713ryota:Ryouta:25} ま、待ってよ$namef !先生は悪くないよ。悪いのは僕の胃腸なんだから…… "W-wait, $namef ! It's not his fault! I just have a weak stomach..."
{otome:0713ryota:NARATOR:26} どうしよう? I'm going to...
{otome:0713ryota:DECGo yell at the doctor:27} 保健室に苦情を出す Go yell at the doctor
{otome:0713ryota:DECStay here:28} やめておく Stay here
{otome:0713ryota:$namef:29} 確かに貧弱すぎる涼太の胃腸が諸悪の根源だけど、
"That has nothing to do with it!"
{otome:0713ryota:$namef:30} ちょっと保健室に行ってくる! "I'll be back in a minute."
{otome:0713ryota:$namef:31} 先生、岩峰先生いますか!? "Doctor! Doctor Iwamine!?"
{otome:0713ryota:Shuu:32} 白昼大声と共に保健室に乗り込むなんて正気の沙汰とは思えませんね。
"Barging in the door and shouting for the doctor is hardly accepted practice.
Shall I prepare a sedative for you?"
{otome:0713ryota:$namef:33} 結構です! "No, thank you!"
{otome:0713ryota:$namef:34} 先生、涼太のことでお話したいことがあるんですけど "I want to talk to you about Ryouta!"
{otome:0713ryota:Shuu:35} 涼太……?ああ、華原君のことですか。彼なら先程帰しましたが "Ryouta...? Oh, mister Kawara. He left some time ago."
{otome:0713ryota:$namef:36} 二時間もここで休んだのに全然良くなってないんですよ。
"He rested here for two hours, and wasn't any better for it! You did
something to him, didn't you!?"
{otome:0713ryota:Shuu:37} 何もしない方が問題があるのでは?私の仕事がなくなるでしょう "Wouldn't it have been worse to do nothing to him? Doing things to
people is my job, after all."
{otome:0713ryota:$namef:38} えっと、それはそうですけど……何かこう、余計な何かです! "Well, yes, but... I mean something unnecessary!"
{otome:0713ryota:Shuu:39} 何の根拠も無く苦情だけ持ち込まれても困ります "I'm afraid I can't respond to complaints with no evidence."
{otome:0713ryota:Shuu:40} 私は彼を診て、適切な処方をしました "I examined his condition, and provided him with the appropriate medicine."
{otome:0713ryota:Shuu:41} 彼の生来の肉体がその程度の回復能力しか無い、ということですよ。
"Beyond that, it's all down to how quickly his body recovers. You can't
possibly be holding me responsible for his unhealthy nature, can you?"
{otome:0713ryota:$namef:42} うっ…… "Waah...!"
{otome:0713ryota:NARATOR:43} 言われてみれば涼太の体が弱い事は、
He's probably right... he doesn't have anything to do with Ryouta's weak
{otome:0713ryota:$namef:44} もし涼太に何かしたら、許さないですからね! "I-if you did something to him...!"
{otome:0713ryota:Shuu:45} ええ、その時はまた申し立てにいらしてください。
"Please, do send in a complaint. ... after you find evidence, of course."
{otome:0713ryota:NARATOR:46} 岩峰先生に一瞬意地悪な笑みが浮かんだ気がした。 An evil smile flickers across his face for a moment, and is gone.
{otome:0713ryota:NARATOR:47} 涼太、やっぱり変なモノ盛られてるんじゃないかな……。 He did something to Ryouta, didn't he...
{otome:0713ryota:$namef:48} そっか……考えてみれば私が苦情を出したせいで、これから涼太が岩峰先生の嫌がらせターゲットにされる可能性もあるよね "... you're right. If I go yell at him, it might make him target you next
time you're there."
{otome:0713ryota:Ryouta:49} 恐い事言わないでよ!!! "D-don't say stuff like that!"
{otome:0713ryota:$namef:50} 涼太の今後の為にも、保健室に乗り込むのは止めておくね "I'll try to stay on his good side, for your sake, Ryouta."
{otome:0715:NARATOR:0} 今日は期末テストが返ってくる日!
We get our finals back today! I'm not sure I did too well...
{otome:0715:Kazuaki:1} $namel さーん "$namel !"
{otome:0715:$namef:2} はい! "Sir!?"
{otome:0715:Kazuaki:3} すごいね、伸びてるよ~。
"Well done! You've gotten even better. Keep up the good work!"
{otome:0715:$namef:4} はい、がんばります! "Yes, sir!"
{otome:0715:NARATOR:5} やった、絶好調! Success!
{otome:0715:Kazuaki:6} $namel さーん "$namel !"
{otome:0715:$namef:7} はい! "Sir!?"
{otome:0715:Kazuaki:8} うーん、悪くはない……とは思うんだけど…… "You didn't do too badly... I think..."
{otome:0715:$namef:9} は、はい…… "Y-yes...?"
{otome:0715:Kazuaki:10} 悪くは……ううん、ごめん、やっぱり悪いね~ "You... nevermind, you did badly. Sorry."
{otome:0715:$namef:11} ……すみません "... nooo..."
{otome:0715:Kazuaki:12} これから、がんばってね "Try harder next time, okay?"
{otome:0715:NARATOR:13} 先生に心配されてしまった……。
I disappointed mister Nanaki... I'll have to study more from now on.
{otome:0715:NARATOR:14} また同じ夢。
That dream again. Ryouta, my parents, and me, at a stranger's house.
{otome:0715:NARATOR:15} 私のところにやってきた、私の知らない鳥は、魔法使い。
The strange bird who comes to me is a magician. He says he'll grant
any wish that Ryouta and I make.
{otome:0715:NARATOR:16} 今すぐには無理かもしれない。
Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. But one day...
{otome:0722torimi:NARATOR:0} 夏休みだからって油断してるとすぐ夏休み太りしちゃうよね。 It's easy to fall out of practice and get fat and lazy during summer vacation.
{otome:0722torimi:NARATOR:1} 狩猟民族は身体が資本なんだし、
A hunter-gatherer's body is her way of life, so maybe I'll go running
{otome:0722torimi:$namef:2} ふー、走ったー!! "Aaah! That was a good run!"
{otome:0722torimi:NARATOR:3} 充実した夏休みのスタート!いわゆるランニング女子! A true Running Girl's way to start vacation!
{otome:0722torimi:$namef:4} 何kmぐらい走ったのかな。
"I wonder how far I ran... I always lose track of where I'm going once
the runner's high kicks in."
{otome:0722torimi:$namef:5} ……… "......"
{otome:0722torimi:NARATOR:6} どこだろう、ここ。 ... where am I?
{otome:0722torimi:NARATOR:7} 我を忘れて走り過ぎて見知らぬ土地に来てしまったみたい。 I must have wandered out of my usual stomping ground at some point.
{otome:0722torimi:NARATOR:8} 家、どっちだろう……。 Which way did I come from...?
{otome:0722torimi:$namef:9} 私としたことが、帰巣本能に見放されるなんて迂闊過ぎるわ…… "Don't fail me now, paleolithic homing instinct...!"
{otome:0722torimi:NARATOR:10} すぐに日が暮れてしまいそう。見知らぬ土地で野宿は避けたいな……。 The sun's setting. I'd rather not sleep outside...
{otome:0722torimi:???:11} そこのアンタ "Hey, you."
{otome:0722torimi:$namef:12} "?"
{otome:0722torimi:???:13} アンタ、見ないカオだねェ。何処から来たんだい? "I don't know you. Where'd you come from?"
{otome:0722torimi:NARATOR:14} 気付けば私の傍に一羽の桜文鳥が立っていた。 A sparrow stands next to me, squinting up at my face.
{otome:0722torimi:NARATOR:15} 脇にはスクーターを停めている。 Her wing is resting on a motor scooter.
{otome:0722torimi:NARATOR:16} ちょっと古風な感じのかわいいスクーターだなあ。 It looks a little bit vintage. How cute!
{otome:0722torimi:NARATOR:17} しかしこの並々ならぬ威圧感……私は直感で悟った。
I feel a strange pressure... I can tell right away that this sparrow
isn't just anybirdie.
{otome:0722torimi:$namef:18} えっと、学園町の外れです。走り込んでたらここまで来ちゃって "Umm, I'm from St. Pigeonation's. I was out for a run and got lost."
{otome:0722torimi:???:19} 学園町から?ほんとかい?アンタ、随分いい脚してんだね "You ran all the way from there? You must be good."
{otome:0722torimi:???:20} ここからアンタの地元まで車で2時間はかかるよ "It's about a two hour drive from here."
{otome:0722torimi:$namef:21} そんなに!? "What!?"
{otome:0722torimi:NARATOR:22} 道理で疲れてる訳だよ!! I guess that's why my legs hurt!
{otome:0722torimi:$namef:23} どうしよう……今から走って帰るだけの体力残ってるかな…… "Aaah... I wonder if I'll be able to run home again..."
{otome:0722torimi:???:24} アンタ "Hmm."
{otome:0722torimi:???:25} その根性、アタイとしては認めてやらない訳にはいかないねェ "I like the cut of your jib."
{otome:0722torimi:???:26} アタイが送ってやるよ。乗んな "Anyone that determined deserves a ride home. Come on."
{otome:0722torimi:NARATOR:27} 威圧感をまとった桜文鳥は脇のスクーターを指した。 The intimidating sparrow gestures at her scooter.
{otome:0722torimi:NARATOR:28} ちょっと狭いけど、なんとか乗れる……かな? It's a little small, but we should both fit... I think...?
{otome:0722torimi:$namef:29} ありがとうございます。あの、文鳥さんのお名前は? "Th-thank you! Umm... may I ask your name?"
{otome:0722torimi:???:30} アタイはアザミ。たこ焼き屋の小柴アザミだ "Koshiba Azami. I sell takoyaki."
{otome:0722torimi:Azami:31} アザミと呼んでおくれよ "Call me Azami."
{otome:0722torimi:$namef:32} じゃあ、よろしくお願いしますアザミ姐さん! "Then thank you, Azami!"
{otome:0722torimi:$namef:33} ……… "......"
{otome:0722torimi:$namef:34} 姐さん、安全運転なんですね…… "You're a very... cautious driver."
{otome:0722torimi:Azami:35} ソウルに刻んで覚えておきな。注意一瞬怪我一生。
"Carve it into your soul, kid! One accident is all it would take, and
that would be the end of both our lives."
{otome:0722torimi:Azami:36} アンタみたいな若い娘にはわからないかもしれないけど、
"It may seem strange to a young girl like you, but... once you've lost
someone, you'll understand."
{otome:0722torimi:NARATOR:37} 姐さんの目がどこか遠い。 There is a far-off look in her eyes.
{otome:0722torimi:NARATOR:38} それはそうなんだけど、この調子だといつ家に帰られるか分からないよ! I'm sure you know what you're talking about, but at this rate I might
get home faster by walking!
{otome:0722torimi:$namef:39} 私、夜明け前に戻れるのかなあ…… "Do you think we'll get there by dawn...?"
{otome:0722torimi:Azami:40} ソウルに刻んで覚えておきな。スクーターの法定速度は最高時速30km! "Carve it into your soul! The speed limit for scooters is 30 kilometers
per hour!"
{otome:0722torimi:$namef:41} 道理で遅い訳だよ!! "We're not even going that fast!"
{otome:0722torimi:Azami:42} 道路交通法は最低限守るべき仁義ってヤツだからねェ "Following traffic laws is part of my credo!"
{otome:0722torimi:$namef:43} じゃあこんな小さいスクーターで二人乗りもダメなんじゃないですか? "Isn't riding tandem against the law, too?"
{otome:0722torimi:Azami:44} そいつは人間が作ったルールだろ? "That rule is for humans."
{otome:0722torimi:Azami:45} うちらは軽いからねェ。
"Birds are light, so one or two more doesn't stop the brakes from working."
{otome:0722torimi:Azami:46} だから二羽乗りもOKって訳さ "We're fine like this."
{otome:0722torimi:NARATOR:47} 私は人間なんだけどなあ。 But I'm not a bird...
{otome:0722torimi:NARATOR:48} この後もアザミ姐さんの安全運転は続いて、
And so we putted along at Azami's hyper-cautious speed. By the time we
got to my house it was almost light out...
{otome:0724torimi:NARATOR:0} 二学期までまだまだ沢山時間があるなー。
It's still a long time until the semester starts... And I still have a
lot of homework!
{otome:0724torimi:NARATOR:1} 折角時間があるんだし、たまにはバイトに挑戦してみようかな? Maybe I should apply for a part- time job, since I have the chance?
{otome:0724torimi:NARATOR:2} どうしよう? I'll...
{otome:0724torimi:DECGet a job:3} バイトを始める Get a job
{otome:0724torimi:DECForget it:4} やめておく Forget it
{otome:0724torimi:NARATOR:5} バイトなんて大学生になってから講義そっちのけで打ち込むものだよね。 Hmm... I think I'll wait until I'm in college. That way I can skip lectures
to go to work.
{otome:0724torimi:NARATOR:6} 今は思いっきり遊ぶことに集中した方が高校生っぽいかも。
Slacking off and having fun is more the highschooler thing to do. Wheeee!
{otome:0724torimi:NARATOR:7} そういえば駅前で学生OKのバイト募集チラシを見かけたような気がする。 I think I saw a flier at the station hiring highschool students over the
{otome:0724torimi:NARATOR:8} 確か喫茶店だったかな?
It was the cafe, right?
{otome:0724torimi:$namef:9} わあ、素敵なお店! "... it's beautiful in here!"
{otome:0724torimi:???:10} おやおや "Oh, my!"
{otome:0724torimi:???:11} お嬢さん、申し訳ないのですが、表の札の通りまだ準備中でございます "Pardon me, miss, but we're not open yet."
{otome:0724torimi:???:12} 当店はお昼からの営業となっておりまして── "If you could come back at noo--"
{otome:0724torimi:$namef:13} あ、すみません!
"Oh! Sorry! I was here to ask about the job."
{otome:0724torimi:NARATOR:14} 上品な雰囲気のサザナミインコだ。 The proprietor of the cafe is an extremely elegant parakeet.
{otome:0724torimi:NARATOR:15} Le gentloiseau idéal ! L'incarnation parfaite du charme de
l'homme mûr !
A true gentlebird, without a doubt. This must be what people mean when
they refer to a "mature attractiveness"!" これは紛う事無きジェントルバード。
オトナの魅力ってこういうものを指すんだろうと私は直感した。 "Un vero gentiluello, senza dubbio. Deve essere questa ciò che le persone
definiscono "attrazione matura"!" "Zweifellos ein wahrer Vogelkavalier. Das müssen die Leute meinen, wenn sie von 'Attraktivität im reifen Alter' reden!
{otome:0724torimi:NARATOR:16} 普段学校では落ち着きの無いハト達の若気の至りばかり見てるし、
All the students at school are young and hyper, and the the most dignified
birds there are the teachers!
{otome:0724torimi:???:17} ああ、さようでしたか。これは、失礼致しました "Oh, is that right? Forgive me."
{otome:0724torimi:Kenzaburou:18} わたくし、漆原健三郎と申します。こちらの喫茶店,『とりみカフェ』
"I am called Urushihara Kenzaburou. I am the owner of Torimi Cafe."
{otome:0724torimi:$namef:19} $namel $namef です "I'm $namel $namef ."
{otome:0724torimi:Kenzaburou:20} $namef さん、歓迎致します。まさか人間の方にお越し頂けるとは "Welcome, miss $namef . I hadn't expected a human..."
{otome:0724torimi:$namef:21} えっと、面接とかは……? "Um, are you going to interview me...?"
{otome:0724torimi:Kenzaburou:22} 素敵なお嬢さんにお越し頂けたのです。どこに拒む理由などございましょう? "I do not see any need to test such a wonderful young lady's desire to
work here."
{otome:0724torimi:Kenzaburou:23} それに、人間の方でしたら、コーヒー豆や茶葉を詰めた箱を運ぶ事だって、
"And I believe you will be much more capable than I at moving the boxes
of coffee and tea about."
{otome:0724torimi:$namef:24} はい、もちろんです! "I'll be glad to!"
{otome:0724torimi:NARATOR:25} なんてったって私は体力ガール! After all, I am a vitality girl!
{otome:0724torimi:Kenzaburou:26} 夏の間、宜しくお願い致します、$namef さん "I shall be relying on you for this summer, then, miss $namef ."
{otome:0724torimi:Kenzaburou:27} 早速ですが、明日からいらして頂くことは可能でございますか? "It is perhaps a little sudden, but could you start tomorrow?"
{otome:0724torimi:$namef:28} 可能でございます! "Of course!"
{otome:0724torimi:Kenzaburou:29} それは心強い。わたくしはこの小さな鳥籠でお待ち申し上げております "I am glad. I shall be waiting for you here in my cage."
{otome:0724torimi:Kenzaburou:30} それでは、また、明日 "Tomorrow, then, miss $namef ."
{otome:0725torimi:NARATOR:0} 今日から漆原さんのお店でバイト!遅れないように早く行かないとね。 Today's my first day working at mister Urushihara's cafe! I think I'll
leave early, to make a good impression.
{otome:0725torimi:Kenzaburou:1} おはようございます、$namef さん "Good morning, miss $namef ."
{otome:0725torimi:$namef:2} おはようございます! "Good morning, sir!"
{otome:0725torimi:Kenzaburou:3} 早速、どこに何がしまってあるのか、順を追って御説明しましょう "Let me start by showing you where everything is."
{otome:0725torimi:Kenzaburou:4} 大きい店ではありませんから、$namef さんならすぐに覚えられるでしょう "I'm sure you'll be able to remember everything soon, so please ask if
you can't find something."
{otome:0725torimi:NARATOR:5} 漆原さんは店内を歩き回ってあれこれ説明してくれた。 He shows me around the cafe, explaining everything inside.
{otome:0725torimi:NARATOR:6} お店が大きくないから、
The shop is small and he keeps everything very tidy, so I'll be able to
remember it all.
{otome:0725torimi:Kenzaburou:7} 如何でしょうか。わたくしのお店、気に入って頂けましたか? "Well, then. What do you think?"
{otome:0725torimi:$namef:8} はい、とても!住みたいぐらいです! "It's very nice! I almost want to move in!"
{otome:0725torimi:Kenzaburou:9} お嬢さんが暮らすには、少し華が無さ過ぎるかもしれませんね "Come, now, it's far too plain for a young lady such as yourself!"
{otome:0725torimi:$namef:10} そんな、私の家に比べたらずっと華が── "Actually, compared to my hou--"
{otome:0725torimi:???:11} すみませーん "Excuse me...!"
{otome:0725torimi:Ryouta:12} あの、駅前のビラを見て来たんですが…… "Umm, I saw the flier at the station, and..."
{otome:0725torimi:$namef:13} 涼太!? "Ryouta!?"
{otome:0725torimi:Ryouta:14} えっ、$namef …!?どうしてここにいるの? "$namef ? Wh-what are you doing here?"
{otome:0725torimi:Kenzaburou:15} お知り合いですか?$namef さん "A friend of yours, miss $namef ?"
{otome:0725torimi:$namef:16} あ、はい。友達なんです "Oh, yes. This is Ryouta."
{otome:0725torimi:$namef:17} 涼太もバイトをしに来たの? "You came for the job, too, Ryouta?"
{otome:0725torimi:Ryouta:18} うん、勤務時間は昼からだけってあったから、
$namef に決まったなら仕方ないね
"Yeah, I saw that it starts at noon, so I thought I could fit it in after
my other job... But if you've already got the position then that's that."
{otome:0725torimi:$namef:19} 漆原さん、涼太も雇ってもらうのは難しいですか? "Umm... mister Urushihara, could you use two people...?"
{otome:0725torimi:Kenzaburou:20} そうですね。申し訳ないのですが、見ての通りわたくしの鳥籠は小さいので、
"Hmm... Sadly, my cage is too small to have that much work to do."
{otome:0725torimi:NARATOR:21} どうしよう? I should...
{otome:0725torimi:DECDo the job I was hired for:22} 責任を持ってバイトを続ける Do the job I was hired for
{otome:0725torimi:DECGive the job to Ryouta:23} バイトは諦めて涼太に譲る Give the job to Ryouta
{otome:0725torimi:$namef:24} 涼太、ごめんね。私涼太の分まで真面目に働くから "Umm... I'm sorry, Ryouta, but I really want to do this."
{otome:0725torimi:Ryouta:25} いいんだ、気にしないで。他にもいくつかメモしてきてるんだ "Don't worry about it, $namef . I've got a couple more places to check."
{otome:0725torimi:Kenzaburou:26} わたくしはいつでもここにおります。
"Perhaps some other time. I will be here, if you are looking for something
later on."
{otome:0725torimi:Ryouta:27} ええ、ありがとうございます。じゃあ、がんばってね$namef ! "I'll keep that in mind, sir. Have fun, $namef !"
{otome:0725torimi:NARATOR:28} もうすぐ開店時間。初日だし緊張しちゃうけど、
Almost opening time. I'm kind of nervous, but I'm not about to mess up
after taking the job from Ryouta!
{otome:0725torimi:NARATOR:29} 記念すべき最初のお客さんはどんな鳥さんなのかなー…… I wonder who the first customer of my life will be...
{otome:0725torimi:???:30} なんや、見たことあれへん子がおるな。しかも人間やないか "Y'all get a new girl? A human?"
{otome:0725torimi:NARATOR:31} セキセイインコの青年が一羽やってきた。 A budgerigar steps in the door.
{otome:0725torimi:NARATOR:32} 記念すべき最初のお客さんは、
The first customer of my life... A young man who doesn't quite suit the
atmosphere of the cafe.
{otome:0725torimi:NARATOR:33} どうせならいかにも攻略フラグが立ちそうな
I was hoping for somebirdie who'd raise a few more flags! Maybe a white
{otome:0725torimi:$namef:34} いらっしゃいませー! "Welcome!"
{otome:0725torimi:$namef:35} お風呂にします?ごはんにします?それとも漆・原・さ・ん? "Would you like a bath? Or a meal? Or maybe you'd like mister Urushihara?"
{otome:0725torimi:???:36} せやなぁ、ここはやっぱり健三郎はんで……ってなんでやねん!! "I'll take Kenzaburou... Hey, wait just a minute, now!"
{otome:0725torimi:NARATOR:37} きました!狙い通りのノリツッコミ!! Yes! A perfect delayed reaction!
{otome:0725torimi:Kenzaburou:38} これはこれは、ラブさんではありませんか。いらっしゃいませ "Oh, hello, Rabu."
{otome:0725torimi:Kenzaburou:39} $namef さん、こちらはラブさん。当店の常連さんでございます "This is Rabu, miss $namef . A regular customer."
{otome:0725torimi:Rabu:40} 超がつくほどのVIPやねんで!
"I'm something of an important figure here. See this card? 206 stamps."
{otome:0725torimi:NARATOR:41} それは凄い。これがカフェ廃鳥か。 Amazing. Is he a cafe-addict?
{otome:0725torimi:Rabu:42} せやけどいきなりノリツッコミさせられるとは
"Hey, what was with that when I came in?"
{otome:0725torimi:$namef:43} 私、小さい頃から関西弁キャラにノリツッコミしてもらうのが夢だったんです "I've wanted to provoke that reaction out of someone with a Kansai accent
since I was a little girl!"
{otome:0725torimi:$namef:44} ありがとうラブさん、私の夢が今日叶いました! "Thank you, mister Rabu! Thanks to you, my dream has come true and I
can die happy!"
{otome:0725torimi:Rabu:45} 何やわかれへんけど、けったいな子やなあ。
"Y'all lost me on the roadside, there."
{otome:0725torimi:Rabu:46} まあけったいな子は嫌いやないけどな "Well, that's how it is."
{otome:0725torimi:Rabu:47} 自分、$namef ちゃん言うんか。
"$namef , right? That seat there is my private property. Y'all remember
that, now."
{otome:0725torimi:Kenzaburou:48} 小さな鳥籠で新たな出会いがまた一つ……今日は良い日ですね "A new encounter in the little birdcage... today is a good day."
{otome:0725torimi:Kenzaburou:49} ラブさんと$namef さんの出会いを祝して、
"I shall make some coffee to celebrate."
{otome:0725torimi:Kenzaburou:50} さあ、どうぞお二方共お座りになってください "Please, sit down, both of you."
{otome:0725torimi:NARATOR:51} こうして私とラブさんと漆原さんは、
And so the three of us enjoyed an early afternoon pot of coffee.
{otome:0725torimi:NARATOR:52} あれ、私バイトしてなくない? Wait, aren't I supposed to be working?
{otome:0725torimi:$namef:53} 漆原さん、私の代わりに涼太を雇ってくれませんか? "Mister Urushihara, do you think you could take Ryouta instead of me?"
{otome:0725torimi:Ryouta:54} $namef …!? "$namef ...!?"
{otome:0725torimi:Kenzaburou:55} 貴方がそうおっしゃるのでしたら、わたくしは構いませんが…… "I don't see why not, but..."
{otome:0725torimi:$namef:56} 私はなんとなく夏の思い出にーってぐらいにしか考えてなかったから。
"I don't really need the a job, but Ryouta does. Don't worry! He's a
hard worker!"
{otome:0725torimi:Ryouta:57} でも君に悪いよ。折角決まったことなのに "Are you sure, $namef ? It's not really fair to you..."
{otome:0725torimi:$namef:58} 確かに、色々教えてもらってすぐ出て行くなんてそれも失礼な話だけど…… "I do feel a little bad leaving on my first day, too, but..."
{otome:0725torimi:NARATOR:59} 涼太は生活の為のバイトで忙しいのはよく知ってる。 Ryouta works several jobs every summer to support his mother.
{otome:0725torimi:NARATOR:60} 漆原さんは凄く感じのいい紳士だし、
Mister Urushihara is a real gentlebird, and Ryouta deserves to be treated
nicely. This is for the best.
{otome:0725torimi:$namef:61} 涼太になら安心して引き継げるの。だから、ね? "I know you'll do a good job, Ryouta."
{otome:0725torimi:Ryouta:62} $namef …ありがとう "I... thanks, $namef ."
{otome:0725torimi:Kenzaburou:63} 話は決まった様子でございますね "Well, then."
{otome:0725torimi:Kenzaburou:64} $namef さん、星が降るような短い時間となってしまいましたが、
"Our encounter has been as transient as a comet's tail on the horizon,
but I am glad I met you."
{otome:0725torimi:Kenzaburou:65} わたくしはいつでもここにおります。また御縁がありましたら、是非 "Please do stop by. I will always be here, miss $namef ."
{otome:0725torimi:$namef:66} はい、いつかまた! "I will! Thank you, mister Urushihara!"
{otome:0729torimi:NARATOR:0} 調子に乗って遊んでたらとんでもない時間になっちゃった! I stayed out on the town for too long and it's late!
{otome:0729torimi:NARATOR:1} もちろん一人遊びですけどね!
On my own, of course! Riding the stormy waves of life alone is what
we humans are all about.
{otome:0729torimi:???:2} おい、そこの人間 "Hey, human."
{otome:0729torimi:$namef:3} なっ…… "Wha..."
{otome:0729torimi:NARATOR:4} いつの間にか私は柄の悪いドバト達に囲まれていた。 Suddenly, I'm surrounded by a bunch of unkempt pigeons.
{otome:0729torimi:Punkgeon:5} 知ってるぜ、お前ピジョネイションのモンだろ "You go to St. Pigeonation's, don't you."
{otome:0729torimi:Punkgeon:6} なあ、名門校のお嬢様ならお小遣いたんまり貰ってんじゃねぇの? "I bet a rich little girl like you gets a lot of pocket money from daddy,
{otome:0729torimi:Punkgeon:7} ようよう、名門校とかクッソむかつく響きでクルックー "Rich little girl going to a fancy school, thinks she's so great."
{otome:0729torimi:$namef:8} くっ…… "Gh...!"
{otome:0729torimi:NARATOR:9} しまった、私としたことが……見分けが、つかない……!! Darn it, I... I can't tell them apart!
{otome:0729torimi:NARATOR:10} 涼太ならドバトの群れに紛れ込んでも
I can pick Ryouta out of a crowd about eighty percent of the time, but
rock doves I've just met all look the same!
{otome:0729torimi:$namef:11} 私に何か用ですか?無いなら帰るのでどいてください "Do you have some business with me? If not, go away!"
{otome:0729torimi:Punkgeon:12} おっとそうはいかねぇな "Hey, that's not nice."
{otome:0729torimi:Punkgeon:13} 空気ぐらい読めよなー。有り金おいてけって言わなきゃわかんねぇの? "Show us some cash, first."
{otome:0729torimi:Punkgeon:14} クルックー クルックー "Cash."
{otome:0729torimi:NARATOR:15} ドバト達は首を膨らませて威嚇し始めた。 They buff up their chests, threateningly.
{otome:0729torimi:$namef:16} やだ、このチンピラ…
"Dumb punks! Picking on girls in the park is a good way to get ostracized
for life."
{otome:0729torimi:Punkgeon:17} なんだと! "What?"
{otome:0729torimi:Punkgeon:18} なんだと!? "What!?"
{otome:0729torimi:Punkgeon:19} クルックー!! "You little--"
{otome:0729torimi:NARATOR:20} 刺すようなこの空気…私の野生の勘が告げている。戦いは避けられない。 They're angry now. My hunter- gatherer instincts can feel a fight coming.
{otome:0729torimi:NARATOR:21} 相手はドバト3羽……勝てる、か……? Three pigeons on my own... Can I win this...?
{otome:0729torimi:NARATOR:22} ガシッ!
Slam! THUD!
{otome:0729torimi:$namef:23} !!? "!?"
{otome:0729torimi:NARATOR:24} 一瞬の出来事だった。 The work of a moment.
{otome:0729torimi:NARATOR:25} 何者かがひらりと現れたかと思うと、
Somebirdie flits forward, and in the blink of an eye, the doves are knocked
to the ground, twittering in surprise.
{otome:0729torimi:NARATOR:26} 気絶したドバト達の上に堂々と君臨しているのは── Looming majestically over the fallen doves is--
{otome:0729torimi:$namef:27} アザミ姐さん!? "Azami!?"
{otome:0729torimi:Azami:28} 危なかったねェ、$namef 。
"That was close, $namef . Are you sure you should be out this late?"
{otome:0729torimi:Punkgeon:29} クソッ!て、てめぇ……一体どこのどいつなんだ!? "What the f--! Who are you!?"
{otome:0729torimi:Azami:30} アタイかい? "Me?"
{otome:0729torimi:Azami:31} アタイはねェ…… "Well..."
{otome:0729torimi:Azami:32} 通りすがりの、たこ焼き屋さんよォッ!! "I'm a passing takoyaki lady!!"
{otome:0729torimi:Punkgeon:30} "T-Takoyaki...!? Don't screw with us!"
{otome:0729torimi:NARATOR:33} 3羽目のドバトがアザミさんの華麗なキックで沈んだ。 The dove collapses before the might of Azami's magnificent kick.
{otome:0729torimi:$namef:34} す、すいやせん姐さん!あっしには覚悟が足りやせんしたッ!! "S-sorry, Azami! I let my guard down!"
{otome:0729torimi:Azami:35} わかりゃあいいんだよ。アンタはまだ若い。
"Easy for a kid to do. Life lesson!"
{otome:0729torimi:Azami:36} 気をつけよう!甘い言葉と暗い道!! "Always be prepared! Speak softly, and drive a Sherman tank!"
{otome:0729torimi:NARATOR:37} カッコいいなあ、アザミ姐さん。憧れちゃう! She's so cool! I think I'm in love...!
{otome:0729torimi:$namef:38} あの、アザミ姐さん。
"Umm, Azami? I'm working at a cafe near here over the summer."
{otome:0729torimi:$namef:39} もし良かったら、
"Could I treat you to something sometime, as thanks?"
{otome:0729torimi:Azami:40} 仁義って奴かい?いいねぇ、覚えとくよ "Is that part of your credo, kid? Good by me."
{otome:0729torimi:NARATOR:41} アザミ姐さんは私の差し出したお店のチラシを受け取ると、
Azami takes the proffered flier, mounts her trusty scooter, and putts
off into the darkness.
{otome:0729torimi:NARATOR:42} 颯爽とした去り際!私もアザミ姐さんみたいにカッコいいオトナになりたいな☆ A heroic entrance, and a cool exit! I hope I can be like her when I grow
{otome:0729torimi:Azami:43} しぶといねェ。ホラ、まだまだ来るよ! "They're stubborn. Here they come!"
{otome:0729torimi:Punkgeon:43} フィンチと人間がナメてんじゃねぇぞ! "We're not gonna take this from a finch and a human!"
{otome:0729torimi:Punkgeon:44} ッシャコラポー! "Take this!"
{otome:0729torimi:$namef:45} でぇぇい!! "Yaaaah!!"
{otome:0729torimi:Azami:46} まだまだなっちゃいないねェ。
"Not done yet, huh? I'll teach you chicks a lesson! Sparrow Kick!"
{otome:0729torimi:$namef:47} か、かっこいい……文鳥キック超COOLです姐さん! "S-So cool... Your Sparrow Kick is super cool, Azami!"
{otome:0729torimi:Azami:47} 気を抜くんじゃないよ!ここからが本番なんだからねェ! "Don't relax just yet! This is where the real fight starts!"
{otome:0729torimi:NARATOR:48} 夜のネオンに照らされながら華麗に舞うアザミ姐さん……
Azami, fluttering magnificently under the glow of the neon lights...
and me, gleefully punching the daylights out of the punkgeons...
{otome:0729torimi:$namef:49} 背中を預けて闘えること……これが、信頼!! "Fighting back-to-back... now that's trust!!"
{otome:0810torimi:Rabu:0} もうええ時間やなあ。ここおったら時間忘れるわ "Time sure flies when I'm in here."
{otome:0810torimi:Rabu:1} ほなオレもう行くわ。おおきに、漆原さん "See y'all around, Kenzaburou."
{otome:0810torimi:Rabu:2} あっ "Oh."
{otome:0810torimi:Rabu:3} ちょいちょい、$namef ちゃん "Hey, $namef ."
{otome:0810torimi:$namef:4} "?"
{otome:0810torimi:NARATOR:5} 今日も今日とて入り浸っていたラブさんは、
Rabu, finally heading home after staying in the cafe for much of the day,
gestures to me on his way out the door.
{otome:0810torimi:Rabu:6} これ、チップやで。取っとき "Here. This is your tip."
{otome:0810torimi:$namef:7} これは……! "It's...!"
{otome:0810torimi:NARATOR:8} 大阪のおばちゃんの奥義、鞄からアメちゃん!!
The magical candy from the pocket of an old lady from Osaka! So young
men from Osaka can do it, too!
{otome:0810torimi:Rabu:9} ほな、さいならー "See y'all around!"
{otome:0810torimi:Kenzaburou:10} ええ、どうぞ、お気をつけてお帰りください "Good day to you, Rabu."
{otome:0810torimi:Kenzaburou:11} さて、そろそろ閉店の時間が近付いて参りましたね "I think it is time to close up."
{otome:0810torimi:Kenzaburou:12} $namef さん、何か飲み物でも如何でしょうか "Would you care for something, $namef ? It won't be as good after sitting
{otome:0810torimi:$namef:13} えっと、じゃあ豚汁お願いします! "Is there any tonjiru left?"
{otome:0810torimi:Kenzaburou:14} かしこまりました "Of course."
{otome:0810torimi:Kenzaburou:15} はい、どうぞ "Here you are."
{otome:0810torimi:$namef:16} ンマ~イ!!
"Mmmmm! Tonjiru from a fancy cup is the best! Mmmmm!"
{otome:0810torimi:$namef:17} ねえ、ところで漆原さん "... by the way, mister Urushihara?"
{otome:0810torimi:Kenzaburou:18} はい、何でございましょう "Yes?"
{otome:0810torimi:$namef:19} ラブさんってほとんど毎日ここに来てません? "Mister Rabu comes here every day, right?"
{otome:0810torimi:Kenzaburou:20} ええ、その通りですね "He does, yes."
{otome:0810torimi:$namef:21} 普段何をしてるんでしょう。自宅警備員的な何かですか? "I wonder what he does... is he a night security guard, or something?"
{otome:0810torimi:Kenzaburou:22} ドライバーをなさっているそうです。
"A chauffeur, apparently. He is generally out all night."
{otome:0810torimi:Kenzaburou:23} ここへはいつも、出勤前にいらしてくださっているようですね "He likes to come here to relax before work."
{otome:0810torimi:$namef:24} 昼夜逆転じゃないですか!セキセイインコなのに! "A budgerigar who works at night!?"
{otome:0810torimi:Kenzaburou:25} 良いではないですか。
"There are those among us parrots who prefer the night. The moon is
wonderfully calming, on clear nights."
{otome:0810torimi:Kenzaburou:26} ラブさんも、安心安全の堅実な運転で社内の評判も良いそうですよ "Rabu is renowned for being a very careful and reliable driver."
{otome:0810torimi:NARATOR:27} そうだったんだ。
And here I took him for the type to go wild behind the wheel!
{otome:0810torimi:NARATOR:28} そういえばつい最近もキャラ付けの割に安全運転の鳥に会ったような……? Hmm, haven't I met another careful driver recently...?
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:0} 8月の終わりまであと一週間。 One more week until the end of August.
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:1} 長いようで短かった夏のバイトも今日で最後。なんだか名残惜しいなあ。 I guess my summer job is over... I'll miss this place.
{otome:0824torimi:Kenzaburou:2} $namef さん、お世話になりました。
"Thank you for everything, miss $namef . It's been a pleasure."
{otome:0824torimi:$namef:3} こちらこそ!とてもいい経験になりました "Likewise! Thank you for everything, mister Urushihara!"
{otome:0824torimi:$namef:4} 漆原さんのコーヒーも紅茶も大好きです。
"I think I'll be back here sometime as a customer!"
{otome:0824torimi:Rabu:5} なんや、$namef ちゃんもうやめてまうんか? "Y'all retiring early?"
{otome:0824torimi:Kenzaburou:6} $namef さんは学生さんでございますから、
"Miss $namef is a student, and so must return to her studies with the
turning of the leaves."
{otome:0824torimi:$namef:7} ぶっちゃけた話、夏休みの宿題がまだ半分近く残ってますしね!\(^o^)/ "I haven't even finished half my summer homework!" ? \(^o^)/
{otome:0824torimi:Rabu:8} 残り一週間で半分かー。まあ大丈夫やろ、優秀優秀 "Doing the last half in one week? I reckon you'll do just fine."
{otome:0824torimi:Rabu:9} いやー、$namef ちゃんがおらんようなんのは寂しいわ "Gonna feel real lonely around here without you, $namef ."
{otome:0824torimi:Rabu:10} ま、オレには漆原さんがついてるからええんやけどな! "Least Kenzaburou ain't going anywhere."
{otome:0824torimi:Kenzaburou:11} 恐れ入ります "Naturally not."
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:12} ラブさんがいつものように漆原さんのコーヒーを受け取る。 Rabu sips from his cup.
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:13} 一ヶ月の間働いて気付いたけど、
I think after working here for a month I can safely say that he accounts
for the majority of the cafe's business.
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:14} きっと皆、漆原さんを都会のオアシスみたいに感じてるんだろうなあ。
Everybirdie who comes here probably thinks of it as an oasis in the city--an
island of soothing parakeet in the sea of urban life.
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:15} こんなに素敵なお店なのに、
It's kind of a pity that so few people come in...
{otome:0824torimi:$namef:16} あ、いらっしゃいませー! "Oh! Welcome!"
{otome:0824torimi:$namef:17} アザミ姐さん!来てくれたんですね! "Azami! You came!"
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:18} 可愛い舎弟に呼ばれたとあっちゃ来ない訳にはいかないからねェ "Can't exactly refuse an invitation from my sweet little protege, now
can I?"
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:19} あれ、私いつから舎弟になったんだろう???
When did I become your protege?? Okay then.
{otome:0824torimi:$namef:20} 嬉しいですアザミ姐さん、さあこちらへどうぞ! "Yay! Have a seat, please!"
{otome:0824torimi:Rabu:21} アザミ…アザミなんか……!?? "A... Azami, is that you...!?"
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:22} !! "!"
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:23} アザミ姐さんの表情が急に険しくなった。
Her expression suddenly hardens. It feels like the cafe is going to
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:24} 鈍い私でもわかる、この雰囲気は……修羅場的なアレだ! It feels like one of those scenes when the retired cop finally faces down
the mob boss, just before the bullets start flying!
{otome:0824torimi:$namef:25} お知り合いだったんですか…? "D-do you know each other...?"
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:26} 知り合い、ねェ…… "You might say that..."
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:27} アンタ、突然姿を消したと思ったらこんな所で茶ァしばいてたのかい?
"You disappear one day and then turn up sipping tea in a place like this!? Left
us all behind, have you!?"
{otome:0824torimi:Rabu:28} アザミ、オレは…… "Azami, I...!"
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:29} アタイがこの半年どんな思いでいたのかわかってるのかい!? "How do you think I felt these past six months!?"
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:30} アザミ姐さんは今にも飛びかからん勢いだ。 She looks ready to fly at him any moment.
{otome:0824torimi:$namef:31} あ、あの、アザミ姐さん! "U-umm, Azami!"
{otome:0824torimi:$namef:32} 過去に何があったのかは知りませんが、
"I don't know what's happened between you two, but mister Rabu is a nice
man now! He drives cars and gives out candy!"
{otome:0824torimi:$namef:33} 相手はパンバー(※一般バード)なんです、
"Please, forgive him!"
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:34} アンタは引っ込んでな、$namef 。これはアタイとコイツの問題なんだよ "Stay out of this, kid. It doesn't concern you."
{otome:0824torimi:Rabu:35} …… "......"
{otome:0824torimi:$namef:36} アザミ姐さんをそんなに怒らせるなんて…
"Wh-what happened, mister Rabu? I've never seen her this mad..."
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:37} ラブさんなんてふざけた名前で通ってるのかい?呆れたもんだねェ "Since when are you calling yourself 'Rabu'?"
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:38} 昔のアンタはハヤブサのように鋭くセクシーな目をしてた…… "I remember your sexy, raptorous eyes back then!"
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:39} コイツはかつて生きる伝説と呼ばれた暴走族のリーダーだったのさ "He used to be a living legend, kid. The leader of the toughest bikers
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:40} 細川ブラスター……夜の街でその名を知らない者はいなかった "Back then... There wasn't a bird on the night roads who didn't now
the name of Hosokawa Blaster."
{otome:0824torimi:Blaster:41} ソウルに刻んで覚えときや!
"Carve it into your souls! When we stand together, ain't nobirdie gonna
hold us back!"
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:42} あの頃はアタイも若かった。心からアンタを尊敬してたもんさ "I was young, then."
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:43} アタイたち夜の暴走Birdsは皆アンタのソウルに心酔してた "Every one of us Hell's Birdies would have followed you to the ends of
the earth!"
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:44} そう、決して道交法を破らないそのソウルにね!! "And we all knew we would have gotten there without a single traffic
{otome:0824torimi:$namef:45} 道交法守ってると暴走できなくないですか!? "S-since when do biker gangs obey traffic laws!?"
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:46} わかってないねェ$namef 。
"You don't get it, kid. You're still a rookie."
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:47} 道交法を守っても暴走はできる。そう── "You can Ride with the Law. Wh--"
{otome:0824torimi:Rabu:48} "暴走させるのは、ソウルだけ"…… "'When you Ride, you Ride on the Inside'..."
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:49} 気高い思想を打ち立てたアンタは、多くの賛同を得て更に名を高めた "You were pretty famous for your strong ideals."
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:50} 道交法を厳守し、
"Riding with the Soul, as wild as any other gang but never breaking the
law... you were my hero!"
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:51} ヒーローは、逃げやがったのさ。アタイが淡い恋心を、想いを伝えた直後にね "But a hero doesn't run away. And you did. As soon as I confessed to
you, you were gone..."
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:52} まさかの恋バナ入りましたー。 Done with the gang tales, on to the love story.
{otome:0824torimi:Rabu:53} アザミ、オマエを傷付けてもうたんちゃうかと、
"Azami... I can tell, I've hurt you. I'm sorry."
{otome:0824torimi:Rabu:54} せやけど…… "But..."
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:55} 気不味い空気が流れる。
Tension crackles in the air. Only mister Urushihara remains exactly
as he was when it all started, slowly polishing glasses behind the counter.
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:56} ラブさんが夜の街を駆け抜けた伝説の暴走族で本名(もしかして芸名?)
So mister Rabu used to lead a biker gang, and his real (fake?) name is
Hosokawa Blaster... This entire situation seems extremely out of place
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:57} それにしてもブラスターって何処かで見たような……? Wait... haven't I seen the name 'Blaster' somewhere before...?
{otome:0824torimi:Rabu:58} アザミ……オレの話を聞いてくれへんか "Will you listen to me, Azami?"
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:59} フン、今更アタイに話だって?ごめんだね! "It's a little late for that!"
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:60} なんだい、ソラマメみたいな顔しちまってさ! "Six months of tea and cake and you look like mister fava bean!"
{otome:0824torimi:Rabu:61} そ、ソラマメやて!? "M-mister fava bean!?"
{otome:0824torimi:$namef:62} これは…トレス疑惑……!! "This... It fits so well...!"
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:63} アタイはソラマメ男になんざ興味無いのさ。
"I don't like fat men! All my love for you burned up long ago."
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:64} アザミ姐さんは凄い剣幕でソラマメ男に罵声をあびせかけている。 Azami subjects mister fava bean to a harrowing tirade over his new physique.
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:65} このままじゃソラマメ男さんがアザミ姐さんに
At this rate mister fava bean won't be able to get a word in edgewise...
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:66} アザミ姐さんがもうソラマメ男さんに興味は無いって本当かな? Has she really stopped loving mister fava bean?
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:67} どうしよう? I should bring up...
{otome:0824torimi:DECAzami's martial arts:68} 姐さんの必殺キックについてつっこむ Azami's martial arts
{otome:0824torimi:DECAzami's scooter:69} 姐さんのスクーターについてつっこむ Azami's scooter
{otome:0824torimi:$namef:70} 姐さん、姐さんはソラマメ男のことを今でも全然忘れてはいない筈です! "Azami, I don't think you've forgotten mister fava bean!"
{otome:0824torimi:Rabu:71} なんや$namef ちゃん、何か知ってるんか? "What's all this, $namef ?"
{otome:0824torimi:$namef:72} アザミ姐さんは、今でもソラマメ男のことを大事に思っている筈です "I think you think about him all the time even now!"
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:73} アタイがソラマメ男を?根拠を言ってみな "What are you talking about, kid?"
{otome:0824torimi:$namef:74} だってアザミ姐さんは、
"You practice your elegant kicking technique every day, right?"
{otome:0824torimi:$namef:75} いつかソラマメ男に再会した時の為に必殺技を磨いてきたんでしょう?
"You've been preparing a special move for your reunion with him, right!?"
{otome:0824torimi:Rabu:76} き、キックやて……? "K-kicks...?"
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:77} それもそうだねェ "... you're right, I have."
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:78} 覚悟しな、ソラマメ男。アタイを捨てたことを死ぬほど後悔させてやるよ "Grit your teeth, mister fava bean. You'll regret dumping me until the
day you die!"
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:79} ガシッ
Whump! Thud!
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:80} こうして隠れ家的な素敵な喫茶店は、
And so the oasis of soothing parakeetitude was transformed into a scene
of avian fury, the Wrath of God falling to earth in the guise of a sparrow's
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:81} これ以降、私がソラマメ男と姐さんに会うことは二度と無かった。 I never saw Azami or mister fava bean after that day...
{otome:0824torimi:$namef:82} 姐さん、姐さんはソラマメ男のことを今でも全然忘れてはいない筈です! "Azami, I don't think you've forgotten mister fava bean!"
{otome:0824torimi:Rabu:83} なんや$namef ちゃん、何か知ってるんか? "What's all this, $namef ?"
{otome:0824torimi:$namef:84} アザミ姐さんは、今でもソラマメ男のことを大事に思っている筈です "I think you think about him all the time even now!"
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:85} アタイがソラマメ男を?根拠を言ってみな "What are you talking about, kid?"
{otome:0824torimi:$namef:86} 私知っています "I know it!"
{otome:0824torimi:$namef:87} アザミ姐さんのスクーターに、
"Your scooter right outside is emblazened with his name!"
{otome:0824torimi:Rabu:88} !! "!"
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:89} !! "!"
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:90} アザミ姐さんのスクーターにこれ見よがしに貼られていたBLASTERの文字。 I saw it when we first met.
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:91} あんなに目立つ所でかつて愛した鳥の名前を主張してたんだもの。
Writing his name right on her vehicle like that... she loves him, I'm sure
of it!
{otome:0824torimi:$namef:92} アザミ姐さん、今でもソラマメ男のことが好きなんじゃないんですか? "You still like mister fava bean, right, Azami?"
{otome:0824torimi:Rabu:93} $namef ちゃん……オレの名前はソラマメ男ちゃうで…… "Uhh, $namef ... My name isn't--"
{otome:0824torimi:$namef:94} 私は見ました。間違いありません "I saw it with my own two eyes! When you gave me a ride home, and a
lecture on traffic laws!"
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:95} アンタ…人間のクセによく気がつくねェ…… "Y-you're pretty sharp, for a human, kid...!"
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:96} そうだよ。アタイは今でもアンタのことが忘れられないのさ "... she's right. I haven't forgotten you."
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:97} 情けない話だねェ。
"What a sad story. You left without even saying no, and I'm still chasing
your shadow..."
{otome:0824torimi:Rabu:98} アザミ、オレもそうなんや…… "Azami, I--"
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:99} 情けをかけるつもりかい?ゴメンだね、惨めな気分になるのはもう十分さ "Trying to sympathize with me? No, thanks. I've had enough of that."
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:100} アンタはアタイを捨てた。その事実は消えないんだからねェ "You threw me away. And there's nothing that can change that."
{otome:0824torimi:Rabu:101} 違うんやアザミ、聞いてくれへんか! "No, Azami! Listen to me!"
{otome:0824torimi:Rabu:102} オレはオマエを捨てたんやない。オレは…… "I never threw you away! I..."
{otome:0824torimi:Rabu:103} オレは不安やったんや。オマエと家庭を築いていくことができるんやろかって "I-I didn't know if I could settle down with you."
{otome:0824torimi:Rabu:104} オレは世間のはみ出しモンや。
"I was an outcast. I was a hero on the midnight roads, but would I
be a good father?"
{otome:0824torimi:Rabu:105} 考えてもみぃ。
"Think about it! Any guy will panic a little when the girl he likes confesses
like that!"
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:106} 気持ちはわかるけど、伝説の暴走族にしてはなんだか小物くさいレスポンスだ。 Yes, but... is the hero of the midnight riders really supposed to be that
{otome:0824torimi:Rabu:107} オレは思たんや。堅気でやっていけるんかどうか…
"I sat down, and I thought. I had to go straight. I couldn't have made
you happy like that!"
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:108} アンタ…… "You..."
{otome:0824torimi:Rabu:109} 何も言わんとおれへんようなったんは悪かった思てる "I'm sorry I left you behind."
{otome:0824torimi:Rabu:110} 堅気お試し期間に貯金して、自信つけてからオマエを迎えに行こう思てたのも、
"I was planning to come back to you when I'd saved money, but... That
wasn't good, either."
{otome:0824torimi:Rabu:111} これも運命かもしれへん。ビリケンさんが言うとんのや。
"Maybe this is destiny. Like Billiken said... our souls are being tested
even now."
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:112} 細川ブラスター…
"Hosokawa Blaster... your eyes look like they did back then."
{otome:0824torimi:Rabu:113} アザミ、もう女々しいのはやめや! "Azami! Enough girl-talk!"
{otome:0824torimi:Rabu:114} オレの嫁になってくれや!! "Marry me!"
{otome:0824torimi:Azami:115} オフコース!! "Of course!"
{otome:0824torimi:$namef:116} ちょっと待って!スタッフロール入らないで! "Wait, no! No! It's not over yet! Stop the credits!"
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:117} ラブさんもアザミ姐さんも攻略対象ですらなくない!? This is supposed to be the story of my romance, not theirs!
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:118} 私を放置したままエンディングなんて、ちょっと信じられませんね!! Who did that? Who started the ending scene there!?
{otome:0824torimi:$namef:119} もー、近年稀に見る茶番! "Geez!"
{otome:0824torimi:$namef:120} 漆原さん、なんだか凄いことになってましたね "... that was kind of amazing, mister Urushihara."
{otome:0824torimi:Kenzaburou:121} ええ、たまの事件も良いものでございます。
"Yes, a little excitement here and there is not a bad thing. Such things
just make our lives richer."
{otome:0824torimi:$namef:122} 私の人生、豊かになったのかなあ? "I wonder if my life is richer now?"
{otome:0824torimi:Kenzaburou:123} ええ、きっと "No doubt it is."
{otome:0824torimi:Kenzaburou:124} それでは$namef さん。改めまして、最後のお仕事をお願いできるでしょうか? "Well, then. A few more hours until we close, miss $namef ."
{otome:0824torimi:$namef:125} はい、任せてください! "Yes, sir!"
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:126} 鳥を見たい方、 Those who want to see others.
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:127} 鳥に見られたい方、 Those who want to be seen.
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:128} そんな人々の癒しの聖地── The soothing Mecca for all such people--
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:129} その名は『とりみカフェ ぽこの森』 Torimi Cafe - Poko's Forest
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:130} 自由に遊ぶ小鳥たちの隣で過ごすティータイムは格別! Tea next to chattering birds!
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:131} ランチにはカレーライスもお勧めです! Curry rice to die for!
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:132} お店の場所は、大阪からもアクセス便利な神戸。 Right in the middle of Kobe, just a little ways from Osaka!
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:133} 鳥類充実の王子動物園のすぐ傍なので、
And if you still haven't had your fill of avian company, the zoo is just
around the corner!
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:134} エクセレントかつファンタスティックな時間をお届けするとりみカフェ。
The excellent, fantastic Torimi Cafe. The birds are waiting here for
{otome:0824torimi:NARATOR:135} ※この情報は2011年9月時点のものです。
As of September, 2011. Please check the website for more recent information.
{otome:0824torimi:Kenzaburou:136} わたくしも、この小さな鳥籠でお待ち申し上げております "I shall be waiting here in my birdcage for you."
{otome:0824torimi:$namef:137} だからまだエンディングじゃないって!! "I said, the game isn't over yet!"
{otome:0830:$namef:0} すっげ二度寝!すっげ!! "Aaah! I knew I should've gotten up when I first woke up!"
{otome:0830:$namef:1} やばいよー!!完全に休みボケした!!今日から二学期だよね!?
"I slept way too late! School starts today, right? I'm gonna be late!"
{otome:0830:Kazuaki:2} あ、$namel さんおはよ~ "Oh, hello, $namel !"
{otome:0830:$namef:3} あっ、先生!すみません!すみません!!完全に寝坊しました!! "Sir! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I overslept!"
{otome:0830:Kazuaki:4} 寝坊……? "Overslept...?"
{otome:0830:$namef:5} あーッ!宿題!宿題も!すみません持ってくるの忘れました!! "... aaah! My homework! I forgot to bring my homework!"
{otome:0830:Kazuaki:6} $namel さんは、ちょっとだけ未来に生きてる、のかな……? "Aren't you a getting a little bit ahead of yourself, $namel ?"
{otome:0830:$namef:7} へ? "Huh?"
{otome:0830:Kazuaki:8} 画面の左上を見てごらん "What's the number in the top left-hand corner say?"
{otome:0830:$namef:9} アッー "Oooh..."
{otome:0830:Kazuaki:10} ふふ、ちょっとだけ早かったね~、$namel さん。
"You're just a little bit early."
{otome:0830:$namef:11} うう…… "Waaah..."
{otome:0830:Kazuaki:12} $namel さん、折角学園まで来たんだし、もしよかったら、先生のお手伝い、
"Though, since you're here... Could you lend me a hand for a bit,
$namel ?"
{otome:0830:$namef:13} お手伝いですか? "Lend you a hand?"
{otome:0830:Kazuaki:14} うん、1年生の補習テストが終わったところなんだ。
"I was about to start grading the freshmen's exams, and I thought maybe
you could help, if you don't have something else."
{otome:0830:Kazuaki:15} もちろん、9月に入ったらすぐ実力テストがあるし、
"... of course, you have a test in September, so if you want to go and
study in the library..."
{otome:0830:NARATOR:16} どうしよう? I want to...
{otome:0830:DECHelp mister Nanaki:17} 七姫先生のお手伝い Help mister Nanaki
{otome:0830:DECStudy in the library:18} 図書室で自習 Study in the library
{otome:0830:DECReturn to my glorious abode:19} 華麗に直帰 Return to my glorious abode
{otome:0830:Kazuaki:20} わあ、本当?助かるよ~。
"You will? Thank you! I'll go make us some tea..."
{otome:0830:NARATOR:21} Und so verbringe ich den Morgen damit, im klimatisierten Lehrerzimmer Arbeiten zu korrigieren, fast wie eine junge Referendarin. And so I spent the morning grading tests in the air- conditioned staffroom,
like a proper little lady." こうして私は冷房のきいた職員室で優雅に採点のお手伝いをするのだった。 "E così ho passato la mattinata ad aiutare il professore nella sala insegnanti,
completa di aria condizionata, da brava ragazza.
{otome:0830:$namef:22} 先生、この紅茶甘くて美味しいですね! "This tea is very good!"
{otome:0830:Kazuaki:23} マンゴーティーだよ。甘いお茶はいいよね~ "It has mango in it. I do like sweet tea..."
{otome:0830:NARATOR:24} もう図書室は開いてるよね、自習することにしようかな。 The library should be open now. I think I'll go study...
{otome:0830:$namef:25} 先生、すみません。実力テストが不安なので図書室で勉強してから帰ります "Umm... I'm sorry, sir, but I'm not sure I've prepared enough for my tests.
I'd like to go study, if it's all right."
{otome:0830:Kazuaki:26} うん、いいよいいよ。がんばってね "Of course! Work hard, okay?"
{otome:0830:NARATOR:27} 既に図書室にはちらほら先客がいた。見たところ3年生が多いかな……? There are already a number of students working in the library. Looks like
mostly third-years...?
{otome:0830:NARATOR:28} もうみんな進路は決めてるのかな。
They've probably all decided on their colleges and careers already...
Will I be that frantic this time next year, I wonder?
{otome:0830:NARATOR:29} !
{otome:0830:NARATOR:30} 机から遠く離れた片隅に嘆くんがいた。本棚に寄りかかって、
Nageki is here, too, leaning against a bookshelf in a far corner.
{otome:0830:$namef:31} 嘆くん "Nageki!"
{otome:0830:Nageki:32} ……$namel さん?何か用? "... miss $namel ? Did you need something?"
{otome:0830:$namef:33} どうしてそんな隅っこに立ってるの?まだ席は空いてるよ。座ればいいのに "Why are you over here? There are still plenty of seats open... You should
sit down!"
{otome:0830:Nageki:34} いいよ、ぼくに構わないで "I don't mind standing."
{otome:0830:NARATOR:35} そんな思い詰めたような顔で言われても。 You look like you mind!
{otome:0830:$namef:36} 鳥の多いところに居たくない……とか? "You don't... like being near other birds? Is that it?"
{otome:0830:NARATOR:37} 嘆くんは黙って頷いた。 He nods.
{otome:0830:Nageki:38} ……どうせ "... they'll just..."
{otome:0830:Nageki:39} いてもいなくても一緒なんだ、ぼくは。無視されるだけ…… "They'll just ignore me, anyway. Whether or not I go near."
{otome:0830:NARATOR:40} 嘆くん、もしかして Nageki, are you being...
{otome:0830:DECBullied?:41} いじめられてるんじゃ…… Bullied?
{otome:0830:DECParanoid?:42} それ気のせいだよ多分…… Paranoid?
{otome:0830:Nageki:43} ……… "......"
{otome:0830:NARATOR:44} 嘆くんはそれっきり黙り込んでしまった。 He falls silent.
{otome:0830:NARATOR:45} 困っているなら、何か力になれたらいいんだけど……。 If there's something wrong, I'd like to help...
{otome:0830:$namef:46} すみません先生、私まっすぐ帰ります! "... forgive me, sir, but I need to go home. I must return to my people
with the spoils of war, lay my bloodied sword at the feet of my great king,
and celebrate my conquest of all the lands from here to distant Macedonia."
{otome:0830:Kazuaki:47} そっか~、気を付けてね~ "Oh? Have fun!"
{otome:0903-okosan:San:0} ポポロッぷ~わ!!
"Coo, coo!"
(A beautiful autumn day for all doves!)
{otome:0903-okosan:$namef:1} おこさん、今日も絶好調だね "You're in a good mood, Okosan."
{otome:0903-okosan:San:2} ポロッぷ~わ!
(Okosan was granted a vision in his dreams!)
{otome:0903-okosan:$namef:3} お告げ……? "A vision...?"
{otome:0903-okosan:San:4} ポポロッぷ~わ!?
(プリン神のお告げですし!$namef はプリン神伝説を知ってますし?)
"Coo, coo!?"
(A vision from Lord Pudi himself! Do you know the legend
of Lord Pudi, $namef !?)
{otome:0903-okosan:San:5} ポロッぷ~わ……!
(Clad in feathers of the purest white, his golden pudding steed
shining like the sun itself...!)
{otome:0903-okosan:NARATOR:6} えぇっと…… Umm...
{otome:0903-okosan:DECAnd the pudding is invincible!:7} プリンは滅びぬ、何でも蘇るさ! And the pudding is invincible!
{otome:0903-okosan:DECAt last he returns...:8} 失われし大地との絆を結び、遂に…… At last he returns...
{otome:0903-okosan:$namef:9} プリンは滅びぬ、何でも蘇るさ! "The indistructible pudding, which heals any injury!"
{otome:0903-okosan:San:10} ポポロッぷ~わ!
"Coo, coo!"
(Incorrect! Nonsense! Inconceivable!)
{otome:0903-okosan:San:11} ぷ~わ!
($namef と話しても無駄ですし!さらばですしはとし!)
(You don't understand, $namef ! Okosan wants no more of this!)
{otome:0903-okosan:NARATOR:12} 行っちゃった……。 And he's gone...
{otome:0903-okosan:$namef:13} 失われし大地との絆を結び、遂に鳥々を清浄の地に導かん "At last he returns to his lost home, guiding the pigeons to the pure,
promised land!"
{otome:0903-okosan:San:14} ポポロッぷ~わ!
(その通りですし!$namef は物知りですしはとし!)
"Coo, coo!"
(Yes! Yes! $namef knows the legend!)
{otome:0903-okosan:San:15} ポロッぷ~わ!
(The Lord of Pudding appeared in Okosan's dreams! The pudding
must be nearby!)
{otome:0903-okosan:San:16} ポポロッぷ~わ!
(きっと$namef も鍛えていればプリン神に会えますし!)
"Coo, coo!"
(Okosan believes that one day $namef might meet the Pudding
Lord, too!)
{otome:0903-okosan:San:17} ぷ~わ!!
(Okosan must now go! Farewell!)
{otome:0903-okosan:NARATOR:18} 行っちゃった。 And he's gone.
{otome:0903-okosan:NARATOR:19} プリン神って何なんだろう……? What was that Lord of Pudding thing...?
{otome:0903:NARATOR:0} 今日は選択科目の日。
Today's an elective day! What should I do?
{otome:0903:NARATOR:1} どの科目にする? Attend...
{otome:0903:DECMath class:2} 数学 Math class
{otome:0903:DECGym class:3} 体育 Gym class
{otome:0903:DECMusic class:4} 音楽 Music class
{otome:0903:Sakuya:5} 選択授業なら少しは高等な内容だろうと期待していたのだが……肩透かしだな "I had hoped for something a little more interesting from an elective,
but... this is dull."
{otome:0903:$namef:6} 七姫先生が噛み砕いて説明してくれてるから、何とか私は追いつけてるよ "I can just barely keep up, even though mister Nanaki explains everything
so clearly..."
{otome:0903:$namef:7} こんなに難しい問題なのに、朔夜くんは余裕なんだね。尊敬しちゃう "So this is all easy for you, Sakuya? Wooow!"
{otome:0903:Sakuya:8} 機嫌を取っているつもりか?フン…… "Are you trying to curry favor with me? Hmph...!"
{otome:0903:NARATOR:9} あれ、朔夜くんちょっと嬉しそう。 He looks happy, though.
{otome:0903:NARATOR:10} $namef のレベルがあがった!
$namef leveled up! Wisdom increased by 5!
{otome:0903:NARATOR:11} 今日は待ちに待ったバレーボールの日! Today is volleyball day!
{otome:0903:San:12} ぷ~わ!
(Take this! OKOSAN SMASH!)
{otome:0903:$namef:13} 受けて立つ!! "Have at you!"
{otome:0903:NARATOR:14} $namef のレベルがあがった!
$namef leveled up! Vitality increased by 5!
{otome:0903:$namef:15} 大変!リコーダー忘れてきちゃった!! "Oh, no! I forgot my recorder!"
{otome:0903:Ryouta:16} リコーダーばっかりは僕も貸せないよ…困ったね "I don't think we have any spares..."
{otome:0903:$namef:17} 間違えて持って来ちゃった篳篥ならあるんだけど…… "I-I do have my hichiriki, at least."
{otome:0903:Ryouta:18} 吹けるの!? "You can play that!?"
{otome:0903:NARATOR:19} $namef のレベルがあがった!
$namef leveled up! Charisma increased by 5!
{otome:0903sakuya:Kazuaki:0} あ、もう時間だね~。じゃあ、今回はここまでにしようか~ "This late already? Let's stop here for today."
{otome:0903sakuya:Kazuaki:1} 次から新しい公式が出てくるから、なるべく予習しておいてください。
"We'll start looking at some new formulas next time, so try to read ahead,
{otome:0903sakuya:Sakuya:2} フン、まったく日本の教育の程度の低さには呆れるな "Hmph. The lassitude of Japan's educational system never ceases to amaze
{otome:0903sakuya:$namef:3} 朔夜くんは七姫先生の授業に不満があるの? "You don't like mister Nanaki's classes, Sakuya?"
{otome:0903sakuya:Sakuya:4} 当然だ。数学に限ったことではないがな "What do you think? And I'm not just talking about the math."
{otome:0903sakuya:Sakuya:5} この程度の学問、義務教育どころか幼児レベルだ。あくびが出る "Not only is attendance at this school mandatory, but everything it covers
is infantile. It bores me to yawning."
{otome:0903sakuya:Ryouta:6} 七姫先生の授業なら寝てても怒られないよ "Hey, at least mister Nanaki won't chew you out for snoozing in class,
{otome:0903sakuya:$namef:7} それはちょっと違う問題なんじゃないかな涼太 "I don't think that's the issue here, Ryouta..."
{otome:0903sakuya:Ryouta:8} ほら、おこさんも出欠以外寝てたし "Look at Okosan! He conked out as soon as we took attendance."
{otome:0903sakuya:San:9} ぷすー ぷすー
{otome:0903sakuya:Sakuya:10} 見ろ、教師のレベルが低いから生徒のレベルも無惨に落ち込むんだ "Exactly! These pathetic teaching practices destroy the students' motivation
and interest. No wonder nobirdie takes school seriously."
{otome:0903sakuya:$namef:11} でも七姫先生ってああ見えてそのスジでは有名な学者さんなんでしょ?
"But isn't mister Nanaki a big name in science? I mean, I'm not really
that well informed, but..."
{otome:0903sakuya:$namef:12} とにかく先生をdisるのは良くないよ朔夜くん "I don't think it's very nice to go around piddling on him, Sakuya."
{otome:0903sakuya:Sakuya:13} 貴様の知能も知れているな$namel 。
"We know his capabilities as a teacher quite well, $namel . Do you mean
to say that we should respect and obey him simply because he is a teacher?"
{otome:0903sakuya:Sakuya:14} 七姫の知名度はせいぜい国内レベルだ "His fame is merely on the national level, anyway."
{otome:0903sakuya:Sakuya:15} 世界レベルの論文を記してこそ尊敬に値する教師だ。岩峰先生のようにな "The only world-renowned professor here would be doctor Iwamine."
{otome:0903sakuya:$namef:16} えっ、岩峰先生ってそんなに凄いの!? "Eh!? The doctor is that well- known!?"
{otome:0903sakuya:Ryouta:17} 初耳だ! "I never heard about that."
{otome:0903sakuya:San:18} ぷふふー
(It is Okosan's pudding...! ... zzz...)
{otome:0903sakuya:Sakuya:19} 凡愚しかいないのかこのクラスは……! "I am surounded by ignoramuses and fools...!"
{otome:0903sakuya:Sakuya:20} 彼は病理学の権威だぞ。
"He is a world authority on pathology. His name is known the world over."
{otome:0903sakuya:Sakuya:21} とにかく、七姫とは比べものにもならないな "Anyway, Nanaki does not even come close."
{otome:0903sakuya:NARATOR:22} 岩峰先生、そんなに凄い鳥だったんだ……。 I never knew the doctor was that famous...
{otome:0903sakuya:NARATOR:23} でもどうして名門校とはいえ、
But then, why's he working as the doctor for a highschool? Even if it
is a prestigious one.
{otome:0913:NARATOR:0} ふー、今日も充実した!
Aaah! That was a productive day. Time to go home and indulge in idleness
and debauchery!
{otome:0913:Ryouta:1} ねえ、$namef "Hey, $namef ?"
{otome:0913:$namef:2} あっ、涼太!どうしたの? "Ryouta! What's up?"
{otome:0913:Ryouta:3} 一緒に帰らない?何か用事があるなら構わないんだけど "Want to walk home together? Though, if you were going somewhere else..."
{otome:0913:NARATOR:4} どうしよう? I...
{otome:0913:DECWould love to!:5} うん、一緒に帰ろう Would love to!
{otome:0913:DECCan't.:6} 無理 Can't.
{otome:0913:Ryouta:7} ちょっとずつ日が短くなってきたね。秋の足音が聞こえるよ "The sun's going down already... I guess it's fall, now."
{otome:0913:$namef:8} 風流だねー "The most elegant of seasons..."
{otome:0913:Ryouta:9} あ、ツバメだ! "Hey, look, a swallow!"
{otome:0913:$namef:10} 風流だねー "The most elegant of birds..."
{otome:0913:$namef:11} あっ、そこに巣があるみたい "Oh, there's its nest!"
{otome:0913:Ryouta:12} ツバメの子育ては夏の始めに終わってるのが普通だと思うんだけど……
"They're supposed to be done rearing chicks by the start of summer... I
guess all birds are changing, now."
{otome:0913:$namef:13} そうかも。まだ巣の中にいるヒナは小さいみたいだいし "I guess so. The chicks are really small..."
{otome:0913:$namef:14} 子供の頃のこと、思い出しちゃった "... that reminds me of something from a long time ago."
{otome:0913:Ryouta:15} 僕もだよ。あの時は本当にありがとう "Me too. ... thank you, $namef ."
{otome:0913:NARATOR:16} 私がまだ小さかった頃、
When I was young, I found Ryouta freezing on the ground after falling
out of his mother's nest.
{otome:0913:NARATOR:17} ハトは一年中通して繁殖するんだけど、
Doves breed all year round... no wonder they're everywhere.
{otome:0913:$namef:18} 地面に無様に這いつくばってオロオロしてた涼太を抱えて、
"That was how we met, right? When I found you flopping around in the
dirt and carried you back up to your nest."
{otome:0913:Ryouta:19} 手厳しいね$namef "Th-that's mean!"
{otome:0913:$namef:20} だって考えてもみてよ。私がたまたま通りがかったから良かったけど、
"Thinking about it, if I hadn't walked by then, you'd be dead."
{otome:0913:$namef:21} ただでさえ体が丈夫じゃないんだから、もっと強く生きてよね! "Though, you're still not exactly the healthiest bird around!"
{otome:0913:Ryouta:22} うん……$namef には感謝してる。あの日君が僕を見付けてくれなかったら、
"Yeah... thank you, $namef if you hadn't found me then, I wouldn't
be here now."
{otome:0913:Ryouta:23} あの日の光景は今でもかすかに記憶に残ってるよ。
"I remember it as if it were yesterday. Ever since, I've... I've always
loved your kindness and monkey tree-climbing genes."
{otome:0913:Ryouta:24} それは今も変わらないんだけどね。これからもずっと$namef は元気でね "And you're just the same as you were then. Never change, okay?"
{otome:0913:$namef:25} うん、ありがとう! "Ehehe..."
{otome:0913:$namef:26} 無理 "Nope."
{otome:0913:Ryouta:27} "Oh... tut mir leid, dass ich dich gestört habe. Bis dann." Oh... sorry to bother you, then. See you." そう…ごめんね呼び止めて…… ""Oh... scusa se ti ho disturbato, allora. Ci si vede."
{otome:0913angel:NARATOR:0} 午前中の授業終わり! Lunch time!
{otome:0913angel:NARATOR:1} 今日から食堂のメニューも秋バージョンに変わるんだっけ。
The cafeteria switches to the fall menu today, right? I wonder what
they have!
{otome:0913angel:Yuuya:2} $namef ちゃん、いるかい? "Is $namef in here?"
{otome:0913angel:$namef:3} せ、先輩!? "Y-Yuuya!?"
{otome:0913angel:$namef:4} どうしたんですか?先輩から会いに来るなんて珍しいですね "What it is? Usually I'm the one looking for you!"
{otome:0913angel:$namef:5} 私のセクシー&ラグジュアリーさに引き寄せられたんですか? "Are you finally being drawn in by my Sexy And Gradual style?"
{otome:0913angel:Yuuya:6} その通り、キミの溢れんばかりの魅力は遠くからでも目立つ眩しさだからねぇ。
"Exactly. Your bountiful allure stands out from afar, drawing me ever
nearer. Like a guiding Polaris, smelling of udon."
{otome:0913angel:Yuuya:7} ……でも、今回はちょっと別の用があるのさ "... but that's not what I came here to talk to you about."
{otome:0913angel:$namef:8} !?? "!?"
{otome:0913angel:NARATOR:9} 先輩はアンヘルくんをつまみ上げると私に差し出した。 Yuuya lifts Anghel up by the nape of his neck, and holds him out towards
{otome:0913angel:$namef:10} ど、どうして先輩がアンヘルくんと一緒にいるんですか……? "Wh-what are you two doing together...?"
{otome:0913angel:Anghel:11} 案ずるなエーデルブラウ。この男は敵ではない "Do not fear, Edel Blau. This man is not our foe."
{otome:0913angel:$namef:12} 状況がよくわからないんだけど…… "Umm, what exactly..."
{otome:0913angel:Yuuya:13} いやあ、さっき委員の仕事で保健室に寄ったんだけど── "Well, I was going to clean up the infirmary, and..."
{otome:0913angel:Anghel:14} クッ…日に日に魔素の影響力が強まっている……。いつだ、時が満ちるのは……! "Agh! The Demonic Blight grows stronger with each passing day... When?
When will the time for action come?"
{otome:0913angel:Yuuya:15} そこのキミ、一体何してるんだい? "Hey, you. What's up?"
{otome:0913angel:Anghel:16} !! "!"
{otome:0913angel:Anghel:17} 貴様…闇の眷属か!? "You...! Be you a Fiend of Darkness, spawned from the deep Pits of Erebus!?"
{otome:0913angel:Yuuya:18} うーん、確かに夜の闇を華麗に生きてはいるけどね。
"Well, I may be a little bit of a creature of the night, but I wouldn't
exactly call myself a fiend, no."
{otome:0913angel:Yuuya:19} 言うなればそう、夜の薔薇!かな "My proper title would be... The Midnight Rose! Or something like that."
{otome:0913angel:Anghel:20} そうか…お前は紫の薔薇の使徒か。疑ってすまない "I see it now! An Apostle of the Violet Rose! Forgive my suspicions.
Demons lurk behind every corner, friend."
{otome:0913angel:Yuuya:21} ムラサキのバラのシト…どこかの少女漫画に出てきそうな二つ名だね。
"Apostle of the violet rose... Sounds like the dashing, masked hero in
some shoujo manga. Suits me just fine."
{otome:0913angel:Yuuya:22} それより今は保健室に入らない方がいい。命が惜しいならね "That aside, I'd advise you not to go in there. If you value your life,
{otome:0913angel:Anghel:23} 紫の薔薇の使徒が警告するなら、従うしかないな…… "Warnings from those who follow the Violet Rose are heeded well by all
but fools and dead men."
{otome:0913angel:Yuuya:24} 先生、ここの所研究で徹夜続きらしくてね。集中力は素晴らしいものだけど、
"The doctor works in here all night, sometimes. His concentration is
admirable, but it does take a toll on his patience."
{otome:0913angel:Yuuya:25} 無遠慮に立ち入ると何をされるか…
"If somebody were to barge in while he was in the middle of something,
well... Let's just say it would be a pity if that mark on your chest
got any larger, you know?"
{otome:0913angel:Anghel:26} !! 闇魔導師はそうも残忍なのか! "! Would the Dark Magician be so cruel!?"
{otome:0913angel:Anghel:27} ならば今すぐ封じる!! "We must seal him away, immediately!"
{otome:0913angel:Yuuya:28} だーかーらー!今保健室に乗り込むのは自殺行為だって言ってるだろ? "No, stop! I told you, man... Going in there is suicide!"
{otome:0913angel:Yuuya:29} で、何度言っても保健室に乗り込もうとするから無理矢理引っ張ってきたってワケ。
"Aaand he kept trying to go in anyway, so I picked him up and hauled
him away. OK?"
{otome:0913angel:$namef:30} あんまりOKじゃないです先輩。どうして私のところに連れてきたんですか? "I wouldn't call it OK, Yuuya... Why are you bringing him to me?"
{otome:0913angel:Yuuya:31} キミが仲間だって言うから "He said you were his friend."
{otome:0913angel:Anghel:32} お前に報告すべきだと思ったからだ、エーデルブラウ "I thought it wise to report these discoveries to you, Edel Blau."
{otome:0913angel:Yuuya:33} じゃ、そういう訳だから。あとは任せたよ$namef ちゃん。アデュー! "Anyway, that's what that was all about. I'll let you take it from
here, mon amie. Adieu!"
{otome:0913angel:$namef:34} あ、待ってくださいよ先輩! "Yuuya, wait!"
{otome:0913angel:NARATOR:35} どうして私がアンヘルくんの保護者みたいなことになってるの??? Why do I have to babysit Anghel??
{otome:0913angel:$namef:36} えぇっと…… "Umm..."
{otome:0913angel:$namef:37} アンヘルくん、取り敢えず一緒にお昼ご飯でも食べに行こうか "Well, let's go get lunch, Anghel."
{otome:0913angel:Anghel:38} !? "!?"
{otome:0913angel:Anghel:39} お、俺は構わないが…いいのか?俺といるとお前が狙われるかもしれない "I-I don't mind, but... are you sure? Being seen with me may put your
very soul at risk, Edel Blau."
{otome:0913angel:$namef:40} 狙われるとかよくわからないけどいいよ。あんまり時間が無いし、早く行こうよ "Whatever! Break is almost over, so let's hurry."
{otome:0913angel:NARATOR:41} うーん、今日のお昼休みは文学少女を気取りたい気分!ちょっと図書室に行ってみよーっと☆ Hmm, I think I want to be a Cultural Girl today! I'll go to the library.
{otome:0913angel:NARATOR:42} いつも通りに静かな図書室。その一角で数羽のシラコバト達が談笑している。 The same as always. Empty, aside from a few collared doves chatting
in one corner.
{otome:0913angel:NARATOR:43} それから── Aaaand...
{otome:0913angel:NARATOR:44} 書棚の前で屈み込んでいるナゲキバトが一羽。 One mourning dove bent over in front of a bookshelf.
{otome:0913angel:$namef:45} やっほー嘆くん。何してるの? "Hi, Nageki! What are you doing?"
{otome:0913angel:Nageki:46} ……探し物。何冊か、足りなくて "... searching. There are a number of volumes missing."
{otome:0913angel:$namef:47} 足りない……? "Missing...?"
{otome:0913angel:NARATOR:48} Auf dem Regal steht 'Sachbücher und Lexika'. The shelf is labelled "Reference and Encyclopaedias"." 書棚には『図鑑・百科事典』の札がかかっている。 ""Lo scaffale è etichettato "Riferimenti ed Enciclopedie".
{otome:0913angel:$namef:49} 嘆くんって、小説以外も読むんだ "You read non-fiction, too, Nageki?"
{otome:0913angel:Nageki:50} ここにある本、ほとんど読んでしまったから "I've already finished most of this library's stock."
{otome:0913angel:Nageki:51} だから、他の本もって思ったんだけど……数が、合わない "So, I decided to look at some other things, but... the numbers don't
match up."
{otome:0913angel:$namef:52} 貸し出し中なんじゃなくて? "Maybe they're out on loan?"
{otome:0913angel:$namef:53} ……あっ "... oh!"
{otome:0913angel:NARATOR:54} 本当だ。一見整然と端から端まで埋まっているように見えるけど、百科事典の並びがおかしい。 He's right. Everything appears orderly on first inspection, but several
books have multiple copies--are they filling in for missing ones?
{otome:0913angel:NARATOR:55} どれかが重複していて、その代わりに足りない巻がある……のかな?
{otome:0913angel:Nageki:55} 全部で12巻、らしいけど "It seems there are twelve, all told."
{otome:0913angel:$namef:56} 変なの。発注ミスかな? "That's weird. Maybe someone's been misfiling things?"
{otome:0913angel:$namef:57} アンヘルくん!? "Anghel!?"
{otome:0913angel:$namef:58} ビックリしたー!ダメだよ、図書室で暴れちゃ。嘆くんが── "You scared me! And you can't fool around in here! Nageki will-"
{otome:0913angel:Nageki:59} ……… "......"
{otome:0913angel:NARATOR:60} あれ?怒らないんだ。 Huh? He doesn't even look angry.
{otome:0913angel:Anghel:61} 滅びの詩が聴こえた。エーデルブラウ、ここにいるという事はお前も気付いたんだろう? "The End echoes throughout this place. No doubt you heard it too, Edel
{otome:0913angel:$namef:62} えっ。えー。私はなんとなく気が向いて来ただけだよ "Eh... eh...? I just came here because I felt like it."
{otome:0913angel:NARATOR:63} アンヘルくんは嘆くんに向き直った Anghel turns to face Nageki.
{otome:0913angel:Anghel:64} 葬送の歌を紡ぐ者よ!お前は闇の魔導書の在処を知っているんじゃないか? "Textoris Melodia Funus! You know the whereabouts of the Dark Grimoire,
do you not?"
{otome:0913angel:Nageki:65} ………! ".....!"
{otome:0913angel:NARATOR:66} 嘆くんはどう返せばいいのか分からないといった様子で立ち尽くしている。 Nageki freezes, looking as if he doesn't know what to say.
{otome:0913angel:NARATOR:67} そうだよね、いきなりこんなエキセントリックな絡まれ方したら普通困るよね……。 Not that I blame him. Anghel has that effect on people.
{otome:0913angel:$namef:68} ごめんね嘆くん、アンヘルくんは私が責任もってお持ち帰りするからね! "Sorry about this, Nageki! I'll take care of him, okay?"
{otome:0913angel:Nageki:69} あ……うん "Uh... okay."
{otome:0913angel:Anghel:70} くっ……エーデルブラウ、ここに魔導書は無いというのか? "Agh...! Does this mean the Dark Grimoire was not there, Edel Blau?"
{otome:0913angel:$namef:71} うん、購買部にあるかもしれないし探しに行こう。ね? "Yup! Maybe it will be in the store. Let's go look, okay?"
{otome:0913nanaki:$namef:0} おっはよー!
"Good morn-- What the heck is going on!?"
{otome:0913nanaki:NARATOR:1} 教室の中を羽毛が舞っている。 The classroom is filled with a cloud of dancing feathers.
{otome:0913nanaki:NARATOR:2} 誰かが羽毛布団を引き裂いたんだろうか?……それも、教室の中で? Did somebody eviscerate a down pillow, or something?
{otome:0913nanaki:$namef:3} 涼太、何これ……? "Ryouta, what...?"
{otome:0913nanaki:Ryouta:4} 昨日の掃除当番がちゃんと仕事しなかったんじゃないかな "Maybe they didn't clean up properly yesterday...?"
{otome:0913nanaki:Ryouta:5} 僕らは換羽期だから……ちょっとでも放ったらかしにして、
"It's molting season, so... Well, one little breeze and it looks like
this unless we make sure to keep everything clean."
{otome:0913nanaki:NARATOR:6} そういえばよく見ると涼太の頭の羽が所々ピンピンチクチクしている。
Now that I look closely, Ryouta's headfeathers are looking a little loose,
too. I guess everybirdie's growing themselves new outfits.
{otome:0913nanaki:Kazuaki:7} みなさん、おはようございます。今日もがんばろうね~ "Good morning, everyone!"
{otome:0913nanaki:$namef:8} 先生!HR前に掃除しませんか! "Sir! Can we clean up a little before homeroom?"
{otome:0913nanaki:Kazuaki:9} 朝に、掃除? "Cleaning in the morning?"
{otome:0913nanaki:Sakuya:10} 確かにこの環境は気が狂いそうだ。昨日の掃除当番は一体誰だったんだ? "This atmosphere is quite distracting. Who was supposed to clean yesterday?"
{otome:0913nanaki:San:11} ぷ~わ!
{otome:0913nanaki:Sakuya:12} 貴様、雑種の分際で!与えられた職務ぐらい全うしろ!! "Wretched mongrel! Can't you even fulfill the duty given to you!?"
{otome:0913nanaki:Ryouta:13} 皆で協力すればすぐ終わるよ、大丈夫 "Come on, arguing won't solve anything. It'll be easy if we all pitch
{otome:0913nanaki:NARATOR:14} こうして私たちは1時間目が始まる前に大急ぎで羽毛を片付けるのだった。 And so we swabbed the room down before homeroom.
{otome:0913nanaki:$namef:15} ふー、結構な量ですね!布団は無理だけど、枕ぐらいなら作れるかも "This is a lot of feathers! Not enough for a futon, but I bet we could
make a nice pillow!"
{otome:0913nanaki:Kazuaki:16} 普通は、こんな量にはならないんだけどね~。
"It certainly is more than usual... Did they come in the window, perhaps...?"
{otome:0913nanaki:$namef:17} ………あれ? "...... huh?"
{otome:0913nanaki:$namef:18} 先生、あの……そこはかとなく塩素臭いです "Sir, umm... did you spill some chlorine on yourself?"
{otome:0913nanaki:Kazuaki:19} 塩素?掃除に塩素は、使ってないよ~ "Chlorine? We don't use that kind of detergent..."
{otome:0913nanaki:$namef:20} でも先生から塩素っぽい匂いがプンプンします "But, umm, you really smell like it..."
{otome:0913nanaki:Kazuaki:21} ああ、それは漂白剤の匂いだね~ "Oh, that would be the bleach."
{otome:0913nanaki:NARATOR:22} ひ、漂白剤……!? B-bleach...!?
{otome:0913nanaki:$namef:23} 先生、まさか入浴剤に漂白剤使ってる系変質者なんですか!? "S-sir! Are you one of those degenerates who bathes with bleach powder!?"
{otome:0913nanaki:Kazuaki:24} 誤解だよ~、昨日うっかり洗濯機にハマっちゃったんだよ~ "No, no, I dozed off and got stuck in the washing machine last night,
that's all."
{otome:0913nanaki:$namef:25} とんでもなく体に悪いじゃないですか!気をつけてくださいよね!! "Th-that's dangerous! Sir, please be careful!"
{otome:0913nanaki:Kazuaki:26} そうだね、気をつけ……すやり "Mmm, yes, I'll... zzz."
{otome:0913nanaki:NARATOR:27} 朝からいきなりの重労働で先生が眠らない訳がなかった。 I guess there wasn't any way he was going to stay awake after helping
us clean the room.
{otome:1007-teach:NARATOR:0} あー! Aagh!
{otome:1007-teach:NARATOR:1} たいへん、数学の宿題と間違えてリコーダーを提出しちゃった! I handed in my recorder instead of my math homework!
{otome:1007-teach:NARATOR:2} どうしよう、まだ七姫先生は職員室にいるかな……? What do I do? Is mister Nanaki still in the staff room...?
{otome:1007-teach:$namef:3} 失礼しまー…… "Excuse m--"
{otome:1007-teach:NARATOR:4} あれ? Huh?
{otome:1007-teach:NARATOR:5} 七姫先生と岩峰先生だ。ちょっと珍しい組み合わせな気がする。 Mister Nanaki and doctor Iwamine. I hadn't expected to see them together.
{otome:1007-teach:Shuu:6} ……それでは、この統計に関しても不自然な点はない、と? "... and you see nothing peculiar about these numbers?"
{otome:1007-teach:Kazuaki:7} ええ、ぼくは、そう思います "Nothing at all."
{otome:1007-teach:Shuu:8} ここ数年の生徒達の数値データにやや特徴的な偏りがあるのです。
"There is a statistical deviation visible in the data on students from
the past few years. I had hoped to get some insight from you, but..."
{otome:1007-teach:Shuu:9} どうやら私は貴方を過大評価していたらしい "It would seem I have overestimated you."
{otome:1007-teach:Kazuaki:10} う~ん、御期待に応えられなくて、すみません "Really? Sorry I couldn't help, then."
{otome:1007-teach:NARATOR:11} どうしよう? I'll...
{otome:1007-teach:DECSide with Kazuaki:12} 七姫先生をフォローする Side with Kazuaki
{otome:1007-teach:DECSide with Shuu:13} 岩峰先生に便乗する Side with Shuu
{otome:1007-teach:$namef:14} 七姫先生をいじめないでください! "That's not very nice, doctor!"
{otome:1007-teach:Shuu:15} ……なんですか、貴方は "... what do you want?"
{otome:1007-teach:Kazuaki:16} あ、$namel さんだ~。どうかしたのかな~ "Hello, $namel . What is it?"
{otome:1007-teach:$namef:17} そうですよ先生、しっかりしてくださいよ! "You should look more closely, mister Nanaki!"
{otome:1007-teach:Kazuaki:18} あれ、$namel さんだ~ "Hello, $namel ."
{otome:1007-teach:Shuu:19} 生徒からも侮られているとは……救いがないですね "Even the students disrespect you? Pathetic."
{otome:1007-teach:$namef:20} あの、七姫先生、
"Umm, sir. I gave you my recorder earlier instead of my homework!"
{otome:1007-teach:Kazuaki:21} あれ、ほんとだ、紙の間に笛が挟まってるね~ "... so you did. Here you go."
{otome:1007-teach:$namef:22} こっちが問題集です、すみません! "Here's the workbook! Thank you, sir! Sorry, sir!"
{otome:1007-teach:Shuu:23} 担任が担任なら生徒も生徒、か…… "Like teacher, like pupil...?"
{otome:1007:NARATOR:0} もうすぐ中間テスト!
Midterms are right around the corner! Aaagh, I got too excited for the
festival and didn't study at all.
{otome:1007:NARATOR:1} 今日も帰ったら我が家でお勉強しないと……
I'll have to study at... Huh? Where's my history textbook? It's not on
my desk...
{otome:1007:NARATOR:2} あっ、昼休みに図書室で自習したんだった!
Oh! I was reading it in the library during lunch, so maybe it's still
there. I'll go look.
{otome:1007:$namef:3} あ、先生! "Sir!"
{otome:1007:Kazuaki:4} $namel さん、おかえり~。どうしたの、そんなに急いで "Welcome back, $namel . Where are you going?"
{otome:1007:$namef:5} 図書室に忘れ物しちゃったんです。
"I think I left something in the library! Do you know if the door's still
{otome:1007:Kazuaki:6} えぇっと、さっき職員室に自習してた子が、鍵を届けに来ていたから、
"Umm... somebirdie brought the key to the staff room a few minutes ago,
so I think it's locked now."
{otome:1007:$namef:7} じゃあ職員室に寄ってから行きます、ありがとうございます! "I'll go there first, then! Thank you, sir!"
{otome:1007:NARATOR:8} えぇっと、今日私が座ってた席は……。 I was sitting... over there?
{otome:1007:$namef:9} あった!よかったー "Here it is! Yaaay!"
{otome:1007:$namef:10} ……あ!! "... oh!"
{otome:1007:NARATOR:11} 開きっぱなしで置いていたページにらくがきがしてある。『会議は踊る、
Somebirdie's written on the page I left open. 'The congress dances, but
does not progress.' ... well, that's funny, but don't write on people's
{otome:1007:???:12} そんなところに置きっぱなしにしてるからだよ "Don't leave books lying around with their pages to the four winds."
{otome:1007:$namef:13} 嘆くん!? "Nageki!?"
{otome:1007:Nageki:14} どうしたの、そんなにびっくりして "What? Why are you so surprised?"
{otome:1007:$namef:15} まさかいるなんて思わなくて "I hadn't thought you'd still be here..."
{otome:1007:Nageki:16} どうして? "Why not?"
{otome:1007:$namef:17} だって、鍵、閉まってたんだよ。閉じ込められてたの? "The door was locked! Don't tell me they locked you in!?"
{otome:1007:NARATOR:18} だとしたら相当陰湿ないじめだ。 That would be terrible!
{otome:1007:Nageki:19} ……そうなんだ、知らなかった "... it was? I hadn't realized."
{otome:1007:NARATOR:20} 本人も気付いてなかった……のかな?それならいいんだけど。
Well, if it was an accident, then it's all right... maybe? Geez, you're
supposed to make sure there's nobirdie left inside before you lock the
{otome:1007:NARATOR:21} どうしよう、図書室は閉めなきゃいけないし、嘆くんと一緒に帰ろうか? Anyway, I need to lock the door again.
{otome:1007:NARATOR:22} どうする? I should...
{otome:1007:DECGo home with Nageki:23} 嘆くんと一緒に帰る Go home with Nageki
{otome:1007:DECGo home alone:24} 独りで帰る Go home alone
{otome:1007:$namef:25} ね、嘆くん。一緒に帰ろうか "Hey, Nageki... Let's go home together."
{otome:1007:Nageki:26} 結構です "No, thank you."
{otome:1007:NARATOR:27} 敬語で拒絶された……。 H-he didn't even pause to think about it!
{otome:1007:$namef:28} おうちはどっち?送っていくよ "Where do you live? I'll walk you."
{otome:1007:Nageki:29} ぼくに構わないで。さっさと帰ったら? "I'm fine, really. Don't worry about me."
{otome:1007:$namef:30} 嘆くん、ここを出ようって私が言うといつも凄く機嫌が悪くなるね "You always get mad when I suggest you go outside..."
{otome:1007:Nageki:31} …… "......"
{otome:1007:Nageki:32} ………勝手、ばっかり…。出られるなら、ぼくだって…… "...... don't jump to... If I could, I'd..."
{otome:1007:$namef:33} えっ……? "What...?"
{otome:1007:Nageki:34} いいよ、戸締まりはぼくがするから。鍵、そこに置いといてよ "Don't worry about it. I'll lock the door, so just leave the key there."
{otome:1007:NARATOR:35} そっけなく言い放って嘆くんは読書モードに戻ってしまった。 He's already reading again.
{otome:1007:NARATOR:36} なんだか凄くイライラしてるみたい。どうしたんだろう……。 I think I'm annoying him...
{otome:1007:$namef:37} 嘆くん、私もう帰るから戸締まり任せてもいいかな "I'm going to go home, so... Would you mind locking the door?"
{otome:1007:Nageki:38} ………。
"...... Not at all. Leave the key there."
{otome:1007:NARATOR:39} 私は嘆くんに図書室の鍵を預けて再び家路についた。 And so I left the key with Nageki and headed home once more.
{otome:1007yuya:NARATOR:0} 今日は保健室の掃除道具を新調する日! We're getting brand new cleaning supplies for the infirmary today!
{otome:1007yuya:NARATOR:1} 保健室の掃除道具って異様に消耗するのが早いんだよね……
It doesn't seem like a particularly dirty room, but for some reason they
always run out really quickly.
{otome:1007yuya:NARATOR:2} 坂咲先輩は先に行ってるみたいだし、待たせちゃ悪いよね。
Yuuya went ahead, and I can't keep him waiting. Blast off at the speed
of light! To the maintenance office and beyond!
{otome:1007yuya:NARATOR:3} あれ? Huh
{otome:1007yuya:NARATOR:4} 用務員の緒根さんが先輩と何か立ち話してる。 Yuuya's talking with the janitor, mister One.
{otome:1007yuya:NARATOR:5} 寡黙ダンディーで一部にコアなファンがいる緒根さんと、
I hadn't expected mister One, the quiet, foppish bird with a cult following
to get along with the infamous studmuffin Sakazaki Yuuya!
{otome:1007yuya:One:6} ──は念の為確認しておいた。が……そうだな、
"... but I don't think we'll find any evidence."
{otome:1007yuya:Yuuya:7} 了解。俺は他を当たってみますよ "Right. I'll check the others."
{otome:1007yuya:$namef:8} せんぱーい! "Yuuuyaaaaaa!"
{otome:1007yuya:Yuuya:9} ああ、$namef ちゃんじゃないか。サリュー! "Saluations, mon amie!"
{otome:1007yuya:Yuuya:10} 待ってたんだよ、さあ運ぼうか。重い方は俺が持つから、
"I was waiting for you. Here, I'll take the heavy stuff, you take the
{otome:1007yuya:One:11} ……ご苦労 "... that is that, then."
{otome:1007yuya:NARATOR:12} 緒根さんはやや無愛想に言うと管理作業員室に引っ込んでしまった。 Mister One retreats into his lair with an unsociable expression.
{otome:1007yuya:$namef:13} 緒根さん、孤高のオヤジって感じですよね。
"Mister One seems like kind of a loner. I wonder if it's part of the
job description."
{otome:1007yuya:Yuuya:14} ああ見えて緒根さんは良い鳥さ。
"He's a nice fellow, once you get to know him. I think his taciturn
nature does him great injustice, personally."
{otome:1007yuya:$namef:15} 先輩、緒根さんと仲がいいんですか? "You're friends with him?"
{otome:1007yuya:Yuuya:16} 委員長やってると付き合いも増えるからね。
"I do have a lot of opportunities to talk to him, yes. It was only
to be expected."
{otome:1007yuya:NARATOR:17} 先輩は話を切り上げてさっさと掃除セットを運び始めた。 He starts carrying the supplies down the hall, ending the conversation.
{otome:1007yuya:NARATOR:18} もしかして、あんまり緒根さんの話はしたくないのかな?
Somehow I feel like he doesn't want to talk about it. Hmm...
{otome:1019:NARATOR:0} 今日は陸上部の活動日!タイム記録するって言ってたし、
Today is track day! We'll be timing each other today, so I've made sure
to prepare to be in top shape!
{otome:1019:$namef:1} あれ? "Huh?"
{otome:1019:$namef:2} どうして岩峰先生がここにいるんですか? "Why's the doctor here?"
{otome:1019:Shuu:3} ああ、御存知ありませんでしたか?
"You didn't know? I'm in charge of nutrition for all the athletic clubs.
Your advisor asked me to bring steroids today, but..."
{otome:1019:San:4} ぷ~わ!!
(Okosan has no need for those!)
{otome:1019:San:5} ぷ~わ!!
(Bring Okosan pudding, or bring nothing at all!)
{otome:1019:Shuu:6} ……と御覧の通り部長の尾呼君が受け取ってくれないのですよ "... as you can see, your captain doesn't want them."
{otome:1019:Shuu:7} 尾呼君用に配合した特別仕様なので、
"I prepared this just for him, and I'd really like to see how his body
will react to it..."
{otome:1019:San:8} ポポロッぷ~わ!!
(Okosan said he doesn't want it! It smells weird!)
{otome:1019:San:9} ポロッぷ~わ!!
($namef が代わりに飲むといいですし!)
(Have $namef drink it instead!)
{otome:1019:NARATOR:10} えー…… Umm...
{otome:1019:DECDrink it:11} おこさんの代わりに飲んであげる Drink it
{otome:1019:DECMake Okosan drink it:12} おこさんに無理矢理飲ませる Make Okosan drink it
{otome:1019:$namef:13} 仕方ないなあもう。ゴキュキュッ "Whatever. Anything to make the doctor get lost! -gulp- -gulp-"
{otome:1019:Shuu:14} !!
"!!! Nooooo! What are you doing!? That's not for humans!"
{otome:1019:San:15} ぷ~わ!!
(助かりましたし!$namef はおこさんの味方ですし!)
(Okosan knew he could trust you, $namef ! You are his greatest
{otome:1019:$namef:16} うっ、あんまりおいしくない…… "Yuck! What was in that?"
{otome:1019:NARATOR:17} $namef のレベルがあがった!
$namef の知力が10あがった!
$namef leveled up! Wisdom increased by 10!
{otome:1019:Shuu:18} ほう……こんな効果があるとは少々予想外です。
"Hmm... an interesting reaction. Thank you, this has been most informative."
{otome:1019:NARATOR:19} なんだかよくわからないけど、頭が良くなったみたい??? I'm not sure why, but I think it made me smarter???
{otome:1019:$namef:20} じゃあ、走りに行こうかおこさん "Race you to the other end of the field, Okosan!"
{otome:1019:San:21} ぷ~わ!! "Coo!"
{otome:1019:$namef:22} 先生が作ってくれたんだからちゃんと飲まなきゃ!ほら、おこさん! "Come on, Okosan! He made it for you, you need to drink it!"
{otome:1019:San:23} ぷぶっぽぷ~わ!? "Coooo!?"
{otome:1019:NARATOR:24} 私はおこさんを押さえつけて無理矢理プロテインを飲ませた。 I force San to the ground and make him drink the steroids.
{otome:1019:Shuu:25} 感謝しますよ、$namel さん。これでいいデータが取れそうです "I am grateful to you, miss $namef . I am sure this will help my research... hohoho."
{otome:1019:NARATOR:26} おこさんは目を回しながらジタバタしている。 Okosan is out cold and twitching.
{otome:1019:NARATOR:27} 岩峰先生は満足そうだけど、これで良かったのかな……? The doctor seems happy, but maybe this wasn't a good idea...
{otome:1019ryota:NARATOR:0} うっかり寄り道しすぎて夜になっちゃった。フンフフンフフーン♪ I window-shopped too much on the way home and the sun's already down.
{otome:1019ryota:NARATOR:1} あれ、町中にやたら可愛らしい格好をしたハトがビラ配りをして── Huh? Who's the cute girl handing out fliers?
{otome:1019ryota:$namef:2} !!? "!?"
{otome:1019ryota:$namef:3} な、何してるの涼太!!もう学園祭は終わったよ!?それともそれは私服!? "Wh-what are you doing, Ryouta!? The festival's over! Or is that... is
that what you always wear!?"
{otome:1019ryota:Ryouta:4} 違うよ!バイト中だよ!! "No! No! This is my job!"
{otome:1019ryota:$namef:5} バイト!?余計いかがわしいよ!! "What kind of job is that!?"
{otome:1019ryota:Ryouta:6} そんなことないよ!ただの男の娘喫茶だよ!! "Y-you're misunderstanding! It's just a transvestite cafe!"
{otome:1019ryota:$namef:7} やっぱりいかがわしいよ!! "I'm not misunderstanding at all!"
{otome:1019ryota:Ryouta:8} 家計に余裕がないんだ。僕も働かないとね "We need the money..."
{otome:1019ryota:Ryouta:9} $namef もチラシ受け取ってよ。はい "Here, you take a flier, too!"
{otome:1019ryota:NARATOR:10} えぇっと…… Umm...
{otome:1019ryota:DECI'll ask for you when I go there:11} うん、指名させてもらうね I'll ask for you when I go there
{otome:1019ryota:DECFind a better job!:12} もっとマシなバイトしようよ Find a better job!
{otome:1019ryota:$namef:13} うん、指名させてもらうね "I'll make sure to ask for you."
{otome:1019ryota:Ryouta:14} ありがとう!待ってるね$namef "Thank you! I'll be waiting, $namef !"
{otome:1019ryota:Ryouta:15} あ、ちなみにバイト中の僕は『ポポリーヌ』で通ってるから、
"Oh, and my name at work is 'Coolene', so address me with that."
{otome:1019ryota:$namef:16} ポポリーヌね、うん、わかった! "Coolene? Okay!"
{otome:1019ryota:$namef:17} じゃあお仕事頑張ってねポポリーヌ! "See you later, Coolene!"
{otome:1019ryota:NARATOR:18} チップははずませてもらうぜ、お嬢さん! I'll tip you big, little lady!
{otome:1019ryota:$namef:19} もっとマシなバイトしようよ…… "Seriously, Ryouta..."
{otome:1019ryota:Ryouta:20} 心配してくれてありがとう、$namef 。でも母さんも公認だし、危ないことは何もしてないよ "Thanks for the concern, but really, it's fine. I told my mother and
{otome:1019ryota:$namef:21} そうなんだ…ごめんね、余計なお節介だよね。がんばって涼太 "Well... okay. Sorry for bothering you. Good luck, Ryouta!"
{otome:1019ryota:Ryouta:22} うん。僕はいつも火曜日と水曜日にいるから、よかったら遊びに来てね "Thanks. You should come sometime! I work on Tuesdays and Wednesdays."
{otome:1019ryota:NARATOR:23} 涼太も苦労してるんだね……。 He's always working hard...
{otome:1019sakuya:NARATOR:0} 今日の音楽の授業も楽しかった! Music class was fun today!
{otome:1019sakuya:NARATOR:1} 一羽ずつ前に出て独唱のテストって緊張しちゃうけど、
Solo tests always make me nervous, but they can be fun, too. I sang well today!
{otome:1019sakuya:NARATOR:2} さてと、次は物理だしさっさと移動移動~ We have physics next, right?
{otome:1019sakuya:$namef:4} …ってあれ? "... huh?"
{otome:1019sakuya:NARATOR:5} 朔夜くんが音楽準備室にまとめられた楽器たちを見つめている。 Sakuya is standing in the music room, staring at the instrument rack.
{otome:1019sakuya:$namef:6} どうしたの朔夜くん、移動しないの? "What's wrong, Sakuya?"
{otome:1019sakuya:Sakuya:7} $namel は……芸術というものを、どう思う "What... do you think of the arts, miss $namel ?"
{otome:1019sakuya:$namef:8} げ、芸術……? "The arts...?"
{otome:1019sakuya:NARATOR:9} 突然何を言い出すのこのクジャクバトは。 Where did that come from?
{otome:1019sakuya:Sakuya:10} 貴様なら少しは理解しているのではないかと思って聞いている。
"Surely one such as yourself has an opinion of some kind. What do you
think of the arts?"
{otome:1019sakuya:$namef:11} いきなりそんなことを言われても……
"Umm, well... I'm not really sure it's something I could put into words
just like that."
{otome:1019sakuya:Sakuya:12} ドストエフスキーは言った。芸術家とは己自身に耳を傾け、
"Dostoyevsky once said that an artist is a man who turns his ear inwards,
and writes down with zeal what he hears."
{otome:1019sakuya:Sakuya:13} ……表現者とは、下賤なものだ "... such a common idea."
{otome:1019sakuya:NARATOR:14} 朔夜くんは暗い面持ちで出て行ってしまった。 He looks angst-ridden.
{otome:1019sakuya:NARATOR:15} 何かあったのかな……? I wonder if something happened...?
{otome:1123:NARATOR:0} ううっ、段々帰り道の寒さに心が折れる季節になってきたなあ……。
Aah... it's that time of year when the chill outside gradually breaks down
my soul. Well, I'm done cleaning, so I guess it's time to go home.
{otome:1123:$namef:1} あれ……? ".....?"
{otome:1123:NARATOR:2} 携帯が見当たらない。 Where's my phone?
{otome:1123:NARATOR:3} 昼休みに携帯からデイリーポータルZの
I remember looking at Daily Portal Z during break, so... I can't have
left it at home.
{otome:1123:$namef:4} うーんと、今日の移動教室は化学実験室だけ……だったよね "We had chemistry lab today, right...?"
{otome:1123:NARATOR:5} 教室には見当たらないし、一応見に行ってみようかな。 Maybe I left it in there...
{otome:1123:NARATOR:6} 鍵は……良かった、開いてる。 The door... is open. Good.
{otome:1123:$namef:7} あ、やっぱり! "There it is!"
{otome:1123:NARATOR:8} 机の下の棚に携帯がぽつんと居残っていた。 Sitting right on the bench I worked at.
{otome:1123:$namef:9} ごめんね、寂しかったねー。サクサク帰ろうねー "Sorry, were you lonely? Come on, let's head home!"
{otome:1123:$namef:10} わわっ "Aah!"
{otome:1123:NARATOR:11} な、何かにぶつかった……!? I bumped into...
{otome:1123:$namef:12} い、岩峰先生……!? "D-doctor...!?"
{otome:1123:Shuu:13} ……また貴方ですか。私の進路妨害を生き甲斐にでもしているんですか? "... you again. Has your life no purpose aside from meddling with me?"
{otome:1123:$namef:14} いえ、そんなつもりは…! "No, I...!"
{otome:1123:NARATOR:15} 先生、こんな所で何してるんだろう?
What is he even doing here? He came out of the chemistry prep room... right?
{otome:1123:Shuu:16} 放課後に化学室に一人…何をしていたんですか? "Alone, after school, in the lab... what were you doing?"
{otome:1123:$namef:17} えっ、えーっと、忘れ物です。忘れ物を取りに…… "U-umm, I left something behind..."
{otome:1123:Shuu:18} 見ましたか? "Did you see anything?"
{otome:1123:$namef:19} えっ…? "Eh...?"
{otome:1123:Shuu:20} 見ましたか、と聞いているんです "I'm asking if you saw anything."
{otome:1123:$namef:21} な、何のことでしょうか…… "Wh-what are you..."
{otome:1123:NARATOR:22} 先生は何を言っているんだろう。
What is he talking about? Would it be a problem if I had seen something?
{otome:1123:Shuu:23} ……… "......"
{otome:1123:Shuu:24} まあ、いいでしょう "... very well."
{otome:1123:Shuu:25} $namel さん、一つお願いしたいことがあるのですが "May I ask a favor of you, miss $namel ?"
{otome:1123:$namef:26} あ、はい!何でしょうか! "Ah, yes! What is it?"
{otome:1123:Shuu:27} 準備室にあるファイルを持って来てくれませんか。
"Could you bring me the files from the prep room? The black ones, on
the desk."
{otome:1123:$namef:28} 準備室……って目の前ですけど "... isn't this the prep room right here?"
{otome:1123:Shuu:29} 力仕事は私の管轄ではありません。
"They are... somewhat heavy, for me. But I am sure you will have no problem
with them."
{otome:1123:Shuu:30} 取りに行ってくれますよね? "Would you mind?"
{otome:1123:$namef:31} は、はい…… "N-no, sir..."
{otome:1123:NARATOR:32} 断ると何が起こるかわからない雰囲気だ。今は静かに従っておこう……。 I'm not sure I could get away with saying no. I'll just do as he says...
{otome:1123:NARATOR:33} ファイル、ファイル……どれのことだろう? Files... files... which ones?
{otome:1123:NARATOR:34} それらしいのが見つからないけど……。 I don't see anything like what he asked me for...
{otome:1123:$namef:35} !! "!"
{otome:1123:NARATOR:36} も、もしかして! W-wait!
{otome:1123:NARATOR:37} ………。 ......
{otome:1123:$namef:38} 閉じ込められちゃった…… "I'm locked in...?"
{otome:1123:$namef:39} 先生!先生出してください! "D-doctor! Doctor, let me out!"
{otome:1123:$namef:40} なんてことするんですか先生ー!外道ー!!このモフモフ外道ーーーッッ!!!! "What are you doing!? Let me out! Brute! Villain! Fluffy heretic!"
{otome:1123:NARATOR:41} 力の限り叫んでみたけど、返事はない。 No reply.
{otome:1123:NARATOR:42} 教室からここに来るまで誰ともすれ違わなかったし、
The building's going to be locked soon, and I didn't tell anyone I was
coming here...
{otome:1123:$namef:43} ど、どうしよう…… "Waaaah...!"
{otome:1123:$namef:44} 誰か!助けて!岩峰先生に閉じ込められちゃったの!! "Somebirdie, help me! The doctor locked me in here!"
{otome:1123:NARATOR:45} どうして岩峰先生はこんなことしたんだろう? Why did he do that?
{otome:1123:NARATOR:46} 考えられる可能性は、やっぱり── There's no reason to, unless--
{otome:1123:$namef:47} 岩峰先生の中では、私が『見てはいけないものを見た』ってことになってて── "H-he thinks I saw something I shouldn't have..."
{otome:1123:$namef:48} いわゆる証拠隠滅っていうか、口封じを計ってる……って線が濃厚だよね "This must be his way of... Shutting me up. Or removing the evidence.... That's
probably it."
{otome:1123:NARATOR:49} 絶望した!絶望した!!
I'm in despair! This evil doctor who will probably be coming back with
a cleaver or something has left me in despair!
{otome:1123:NARATOR:50} どうしよう…窓から逃げるのはちょっと難しそうだし……。 I'm not sure I could make it out the window...
{otome:1123:NARATOR:51} 早くしなきゃ…早く、何かここから逃げる方法を……! But I have to get out of here, quickly! How can I...!?
{otome:1123:$namef:52} !! "!"
{otome:1123:NARATOR:53} 誰かの足音だ。近付いて来る。 Footsteps. Coming closer.
{otome:1123:NARATOR:54} 隠れよう!ううん、それも無理、隠れられそうなスペースが無いよ……! I have to hide! B-but there's nowhere to hide in here...!
{otome:1123:$namef:55} ごめんなさい!ごめんなさい!!許してくださいーーーッッ!! "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please, don't--"
{otome:1123:NARATOR:56} ... аа? ... huh?" ……あれ? "... eh?" ... Huch? ... Hein ? ""¿Eh?"
{otome:1123:Kazuaki:57} $namel さん、こんな所で何してるのかな~。もう、下校の時間だよ~ "What are you doing in here, $namel ? School is closed already!"
{otome:1123:$namef:58} な…ななきせんせい………… "M-mister Nanaki..."
{otome:1123:Kazuaki:59} なんだか暴力的な音が遠くから聞こえるな~って思って、
来てみたんだけど、$namel さんが扉を叩いてたのかな?
"I thought I heard noises coming from over here... were you banging the
door, $namel ?"
{otome:1123:Kazuaki:60} ダメだよ~。ドアは、殴ったり蹴ったりする物じゃ、ないからね~ "That's not good. The door isn't a punching bag!"
{otome:1123:NARATOR:61} 先生に後光が差して見える。私生きてる!! I think I can see a halo around his head. I can practically hear angels! I'm
{otome:1123:$namef:62} 先生、私…私…… "Sir, I-I..."
{otome:1123:Kazuaki:63} 準備室には危ないモノも沢山あるから、勝手に入らないようにね~ "There are some dangerous things in here, so don't come in without asking,
{otome:1123:$namef:64} あの、入りたくて入ったんじゃないです。岩峰先生に── "I-I didn't come in of my own accord! The doctor--"
{otome:1123:Shuu:65} ええ、私が彼女にお願いしたんです "That's right, I asked her to."
{otome:1123:$namef:66} !! "!"
{otome:1123:Kazuaki:67} 岩峰先生が? "You did?"
{otome:1123:Shuu:68} ええ、不注意で、申し訳ありません "Indeed. I am... truly sorry."
{otome:1123:Shuu:69} 私としたことが、
"I completely forgot I'd asked her to get something, and locked her in
and walked off."
{otome:1123:NARATOR:70} お使い頼んだ瞬間に施錠だったよ!どんだけスピード感のある健忘症なの! You locked the door as soon as I walked in here! Who are you, Clive Wearing!?
{otome:1123:Kazuaki:71} そっか~、それは仕方ないですね~ "Is that it? Well, then..."
{otome:1123:$namef:72} 事件性の匂いがプンプンしますよ七姫先生! "This whole thing stinks of ill- doing, mister Nanaki!"
{otome:1123:Kazuaki:73} でも、岩峰先生は事故だって、言ってるしね~ "But the doctor said it was an accident."
{otome:1123:Kazuaki:74} そんなことより、最近は日が落ちるのが早いから、
"I think it might be best if you went home as soon as possible this time
of year, $namel . It gets dark so quickly."
{otome:1123:NARATOR:75} 言われてみればそれもそうだよね。
That is true. I wanted to leave early, but then all this happened!
{otome:1123:$namef:76} じゃあ……私、帰りますね "Well, then... I'll head home now."
{otome:1123:Kazuaki:77} うん、おつかれさま~。明日のHRは進路調査があるから、
"Stay safe! We'll have a career plans survey tomorrow, so don't forget
the printout from earlier today."
{otome:1123:Kazuaki:78} ……… "......"
{otome:1123:Kazuaki:79} $namel さん、真面目ないい子でしょう~ "$namel is a very honest, nice girl, isn't she?"
{otome:1123:Kazuaki:80} ちょっと落ち着きが無いのが、玉にキズなんですけどね~ "Though, she is a little bit restless."
{otome:1123:Shuu:81} ええ、同感ですね。それでは、私も用があるので失礼します "I agree completely. Anyway, I shall excuse myself now. Good bye."
{otome:1123:Kazuaki:82} ねえ、岩峰先生 "Doctor."
{otome:1123:Shuu:83} ……何でしょう "... yes?"
{otome:1123:Kazuaki:84} やり方が、杜撰です。周囲を過小評価してますね "That was a little sloppy. You failed to pay sufficient attention to
your surroundings."
{otome:1123:Kazuaki:85} いつか、後悔するよ "That sort of thing will be the death of you, you know."
{otome:1123:Shuu:86} ……… "......"
{otome:1123:Kazuaki:87} ……なんて、ちょっとだけ、思ったんだけどね~。
"... just kidding. Accidents like that happen to everyone, and you remembered
to come let her out in the end. Don't worry about it."
{otome:1123:Shuu:88} ええ……そうしますよ "... yes. Thank you, professor."
{otome:1208:NARATOR:0} 今日は期末テストが返ってくる日。二学期って出だしから実力テストがあるし、
We get our finals back today. Between midterms and practice exams this
whole semester has been nothing but tests...
{otome:1208:Kazuaki:1} $namel さーん "$namel !"
{otome:1208:$namef:2} はい! "Sir!"
{otome:1208:Kazuaki:3} すごいね、$namel さん。今回は5教科合計、学年トップだよ~ "You ranked top of the year this time. Well done!"
{otome:1208:Sakuya:4} なんだと……!? "Wh... what...!?"
{otome:1208:Kazuaki:5} 銀くんとは、2点差だったかな。惜しかったね~ "She beat you by two points, Shirogane. Oh well!"
{otome:1208:Sakuya:6} うぬぬ………ッ "Grr...!"
{otome:1208:NARATOR:7} 朔夜くんに思いっきり睨まれた。 Sakuya's glaring daggers at me again. How nostalgic!
{otome:1208:NARATOR:8} でも努力の結果が出てうれしいな♪ Anyway, my hard work payed off! Yippee!
{otome:1208:Kazuaki:9} $namel さーん "$namel !"
{otome:1208:$namef:10} はい! "Sir!"
{otome:1208:Kazuaki:11} ちょっとずつ、伸びてきたね~。これからも、がんばってね~ "You're getting better. Keep it up!"
{otome:1208:$namef:12} はい! "Yes, sir!"
{otome:badend:???:0} ──続いて本日の主題になりますが……
"... which brings us to our main topic: the observational reports on the
human representative at St. Pigeonation's."
{otome:badend:HHH:1} 御覧の通り、この人間は親善大使を名乗りながら、
"As you can see, while she was meant to act as a goodwill ambassador,
she... fails to display sufficient intimacy with the birds."
{otome:badend:HHH:2} 我々タカ派としてはこの事態を見過ごすことはできません。
"We of the Hawk Party cannot overlook this situation. These reports only
confirm what we already knew of human nature."
{otome:badend:HHH:3} この人間は規定の条件を満たすことができませんでした。
"We will execute the termination sequence. Adjourned. Coffee, anyone?"
{otome:badend:$namef:4} うーん、星の輝く素敵な夜!テンションあがっちゃうなー。ウッホッホーイ "Mmm! I love watching the stars at night... I can feel the excitement
bubbling up from light years away. Yooodelihiiihoo!"
{otome:badend:NARATOR:5} Huh?
{otome:badend:NARATOR:6} 今何か音が聞こ── I think I just heard someth--
{otome:badend:$namef:7} !!
"Who's there? Ninjas!?"
{otome:badend:???:8} 名乗る必要はない。2秒で終わりだ "You don't need to know. It'll all be over in two seconds."
{otome:badend:$namef:9} ぐっ!
"Eeek! Aah... ah..."
{otome:0203:00:NARATOR:0} まだ外は明るいし、どこかに寄り道してから帰ろうかな~。
It's still light out, so maybe I'll go somewhere before I head home. Wheeee!
{otome:0203:00:NARATOR:1} あっ、そういえば明日はマメンタインじゃない!
Oh! Tomorrow's Legumentine's! I think I'll buy some beans.
{otome:0203:00:NARATOR:2} マメンタインって、今では気になる男の子に豆を送る日だけど、
Today, Legumentine's is a holiday where you give beans to the boy you
like, but apparently it used to involve throwing them at pigeons. Disgraceful!
{otome:0203:00:Clerk:3} いらっしゃいませ。豆をお求めですか? "Good evening! Here for beans?"
{otome:0203:00:$namef:4} はい、そうなんです。何かお勧めの豆ってありますか? "Yes. Is there a kind that you think is particularly good?"
{otome:0203:00:Clerk:5} そうですねー。今年のトレンドは少々値の張るレース鳩仕様配合豆ですが、
"This year's trend is towards these bean medleys for racers, but they
are a little pricey. It's hard to say without knowing the bird in question,
{otome:0203:00:$namef:6} んー、そうだよね。800円のラーメンより500円のラーメン
"Hmm... that's true. And sometimes the cheap ramen tastes better than
the expensive stuff."
{otome:0203:00:NARATOR:7} どれを買って行こう? I think I'll buy...
{otome:0203:00:DECCalm corn:8} 安心コーン Calm corn
{otome:0203:00:DECBitter black beans:9} ビター黒豆 Bitter black beans
{otome:0203:00:DECCountry millet:10} カントリー粟の実 Country millet
{otome:0203:00:DECSwollen hemp:11} モリモリ麻の実 Swollen hemp
{otome:0203:00:DECRacing blend:12} 高級ブレンド豆 Racing blend
{otome:0203:00:$namef:13} じゃあ、これでお願いします! "I'll take these!"
{otome:0203:00:Clerk:14} ありがとうございます。どうぞ "Thank you, miss. Here you are."
{otome:0203:00:NARATOR:15} 今日はマメンタイン。準備は万全、早速気になる彼に豆を届けよう。 Today's the day. The preparations are complete! Time to give the beans
to that special somebirdie.
{otome:0203:angel:NARATOR:0} えーっと、アンヘルくんは2組だったよね。まだ教室にいるかな? Anghel's in class 2, right? I wonder if he's still in the classroom...
{otome:0203:angel:$namef:1} アンヘルくーん!アンヘルくん、いるー? "Anghel? Are you in here?"
{otome:0203:angel:NARATOR:2} いた。 Yup!
{otome:0203:angel:$namef:3} ね、アンヘルくん。渡したいものがあるんだけど── "Hi, Anghel! I, umm... have something to give you."
{otome:0203:angel:Anghel:4} 静かに、エーデルブラウ。ここはまずい……! "Quiet, Edel Blau! We are in grave danger!"
{otome:0203:angel:$namef:5} えっ、えっ??? "Eeeeh???"
{otome:0203:angel:NARATOR:6} アンヘルくんは私を教室から連れ出すと、逃げるように廊下の死角に駆け込んだ。 Anghel pulls me from the room, and runs into the hallway as if fleeing
{otome:0203:angel:NARATOR:7} from something.
{otome:0203:angel:Anghel:8} 俺のクラスでは声をかけるなエーデルブラウ。あの部屋には邪悪が潜んでいる。
"Do not call on me in that room, Edel Blau, for a terrible evil lurks
within! Well, not that terrible, but..."
{otome:0203:angel:Anghel:9} 俺とお前の関係を他鳥に知られたら、
"There is a risk that I could be cursed if others were to learn of our
{otome:0203:angel:NARATOR:10} それってつまりお前彼女いんのかよーオラオラ
In other words, the other boys in your class would make fun of you for
having a girlfriend.
{otome:0203:angel:$namef:11} ごめんねアンヘルくん、配慮が足りなかったね "Sorry, Anghel. I wasn't thinking."
{otome:0203:angel:$namef:12} アンヘルくん、今日はマメンタインだよ。私の豆、受け取ってくれる? "It's Legumentine's today. Do you... want my beans?"
{otome:0203:angel:Anghel:13} こ、これは! "Th-these are...!"
{otome:0203:angel:NARATOR:14} アンヘルくんの表情が変わった。 A change comes over him.
{otome:0203:angel:Anghel:15} クックック…黒マメリア…… "He he he... aah, Black Beandonna...!"
{otome:0203:angel:$namef:16} ど、どうしちゃったのアンヘルくん!? "Wh-what's going on?"
{otome:0203:angel:Anghel:17} ハッ。出て行け、これは俺の躯だ。貴様の好きにはさせない……! "Agh! Get out! This is my body, and I won't let you use it as you please!"
{otome:0203:angel:Anghel:18} エーデルブラウ、この豆は危険だ "These beans are evil, Edel Blau of the Blue Sky."
{otome:0203:angel:$namef:19} 一見普通のビターな黒豆が? "They look like normal black beans to me..."
{otome:0203:angel:Anghel:20} ああ。しかし安心しろ。俺が今ここで滅してやる "Indeed. Have no fear, I shall destroy them now."
{otome:0203:angel:NARATOR:21} アンヘルくんはその場で開封して黒豆を食べ始めた。 He opens the package and dumps its contents into his beak.
{otome:0203:angel:Anghel:22} ウッ、ゲッホゲッホ "*cough* *cough*"
{otome:0203:angel:$namef:23} だ、大丈夫?むせてない……!? "A-are you okay!? How do I heimlich a pigeon!?"
{otome:0203:angel:Anghel:24} 俺に構うな…お前は先に行けエーデルブラウ……! "D... don't worry... about me...! Escape while you can, Edel Blau...!"
{otome:0203:angel:NARATOR:25} もしかしてちょっと苦めの黒豆はアンヘルくんには早過ぎた…のかな? Maybe he's a little young for black beans.
{otome:0203:angel:Anghel:26} もちろんだ。それがお前の願いなら "If it is your wish."
{otome:0203:angel:$namef:27} アンヘルくん、来年は同じクラスになれるといいね。これからも、よろしくね "I hope we get to be in the same class next year, Anghel."
{otome:0203:angel:Anghel:28} エーデルブラウ、お前の想いは受け取った。それから、その… "I accept your love, Edel Blau. And..."
{otome:0203:angel:Anghel:29} …… "..."
{otome:0203:angel:$namef:30} アンヘルくん!!??? "Anghel!?!?"
{otome:0203:angel:NARATOR:31} アンヘルくんは窓を突き破って外に飛び出してしまった。 He leapt through the window and flew away.
{otome:0203:angel:NARATOR:32} 何なの!?
What the heck!? What a cop-out!
{otome:0203:iwamine:Shuu:0} 貴方を呼び出した記憶はありませんよ。何の用です? "I do not recall summoning you to duty today. What is it?"
{otome:0203:iwamine:NARATOR:1} 保健室にやってきたものの、先生は机に向かって紙の束相手に忙しそう。 The doctor seems to be engaged in sweet embrace with a stack of papers
at his desk.
{otome:0203:iwamine:NARATOR:2} こちらに視線さえ向けてくれないまま、
He didn't even look at me, and from his voice, he wants me to leave.
{otome:0203:iwamine:$namef:3} 先生、今日は何の日か知ってますか? "Do you know what day it is, doctor?"
{otome:0203:iwamine:Shuu:4} ……2月3日ですか "... February third."
{otome:0203:iwamine:NARATOR:5} 先生は机上のカレンダーを一瞥した。と思ったらまた書類に視線を落とす。 He glances at the calendar above his desk, and then returns to his papers.
{otome:0203:iwamine:Shuu:6} 人類が初めて受精卵移植による出産に成功した日ですね "The anniversary of the first successful human embryo transfer."
{otome:0203:iwamine:$namef:7} そうだったんだ! "Really!?"
{otome:0203:iwamine:Shuu:8} もっとも、試験管ベビーの成功例自体はこれよりも古い記録があるのですがね "Of course, test tube babies had been successfully grown before then."
{otome:0203:iwamine:Shuu:9} それで、受精卵の日に何の用です?鳥類の卵細胞を移植してほしいとでも? "So, what did you want? Were you hoping I would transfer you an avian
{otome:0203:iwamine:$namef:10} 違いますよ!!保健室に鳥類の卵細胞の話を振りにくる
"N-no! I'd have to be a really sad girl to be fantasizing about bird
eggs in the school infirmary!"
{otome:0203:iwamine:$namef:11} 今日はマメンタインですよ先生。気になる男性に豆を贈る日です。
"It's Legumentine's, sir. You give beans to the boy you like. So, h-here!"
{otome:0203:iwamine:Shuu:12} これを私に、ですか? "You're giving these to me?"
{otome:0203:iwamine:$namef:13} はい! "Yes!"
{otome:0203:iwamine:NARATOR:14} 先生はようやくこちらを向いてくれた。表情は相変わらず面倒くさそ…
He finally looks over at me. But his expression is still... no, it's changed
to something else.
{otome:0203:iwamine:Shuu:15} 随分と外装に凝った豆ですね、これは "These are quite elegantly packaged."
{otome:0203:iwamine:$namef:16} はい、先生の為に一番高い豆を選びました! "Yes! I got the most expensive ones for you, sir!"
{otome:0203:iwamine:Shuu:17} こういったものが、
"So these were sold to you as some sort of luxury item. I see."
{otome:0203:iwamine:Shuu:18} 昔の我々は考えもしなかったでしょうね "Such a thing would never have occurred to us, if we had lived long ago."
{otome:0203:iwamine:Shuu:19} ──本来生命活動を維持する為に存在する筈の食料に、量や栄養価、
"To think that we live in a society where price is completely disconnected
from amount and nutritional value."
{otome:0203:iwamine:NARATOR:20} もしかして遠回しに『値段に見合う栄養価が無い』って言われてる……? Is this a roundabout way of saying that the beans aren't worth their pricetag...?
{otome:0203:iwamine:Shuu:21} 嗜好品の定着──なるほど、興味深い。
"The value comes from the fact that they are expensive alone... Fascinating.
I shall experiment on them later."
{otome:0203:iwamine:$namef:22} いや、食べてくださいよ!! "No, you're supposed to eat them!"
{otome:0203:iwamine:$namef:23} 栄養とか、見た目とか、そんなことじゃなくて…
"The nutritional value and appearance aren't important... The important
part is the fact that I gave them to you, today!"
{otome:0203:iwamine:Shuu:24} 対価さえ支払えば誰でも手に入れられる豆を、私に渡す事が? "You gave me beans that anyone could get, with the money."
{otome:0203:iwamine:Shuu:25} ……くだらない "... worthless."
{otome:0203:iwamine:NARATOR:26} うーん、鉄壁!
Aaah, rejected! ... your resistance only makes my maiden heart burn stronger
for you, doctor!
{otome:0203:iwamine:$namef:27} じゃあ来年は自力で栽培した豆を持ってきます!
"In that case, I'll bring you beans that I grew myself, next year! Just
you wait!"
{otome:0203:iwamine:Shuu:28} これを私に、ですか?見たところごく普通のありふれた豆のようですが "You're giving these to me? ... they look like just normal beans."
{otome:0203:iwamine:$namef:29} ありふれた豆でも、この日に私から先生に渡すという事自体が大事なんですよ! "It's the fact that I'm giving them to you today that matters!"
{otome:0203:iwamine:Shuu:30} ……まったく、貴方の言うことはどうも要領を得ない "... your words are meaningless babble."
{otome:0203:iwamine:Shuu:31} もっとも、貴方を理解できなかったところで私に何か不都合があるかというと、そうでもないでしょうね "Or perhaps I simply cannot perceive their true meaning."
{otome:0203:iwamine:Shuu:32} まあ、いいでしょう。受け取っておきます。そこへ置いて出て行きなさい。私は忙しいのです "Very well, I will take them. Put them there and leave. I am busy."
{otome:0203:iwamine:$namef:33} はーい "Okay."
{otome:0203:iwamine:NARATOR:34} ロマンス感の無いマメンタインになってしまった。そもそも先生にロマンス感を求めた私が間違ってたんだよね、きっと……。 No romantic Legumentine's for me! Well... Hoping for romance from him
was probably foolish, anyway.
{otome:0203:nageki:NARATOR:0} 今日の図書室も鳥が少ない。2月ってまだまだ寒いもんね。 Almost empty, as always. And unsurprisingly! The heating doesn't work
well here, so the winter cold will stick around well through February.
{otome:0203:nageki:NARATOR:1} 暖房の効きが良くないから、
The pervading chill has earned the library the dubious honor of being
one of the school's least popular places in winter.
{otome:0203:nageki:NARATOR:2} 他の生徒達は暖房のあたる場所に固まって座っている。
The few students here are huddled around the heater. So, Nageki should
{otome:0203:nageki:$namef:3} あ、いたいた。嘆くーん! "There you are, Nageki!"
{otome:0203:nageki:NARATOR:4} やっぱり嘆くんは暖房から遠い、室温の低い一角に座っていた。 Sitting in a frigid corner far from the meagre effects of the heater,
as expected.
{otome:0203:nageki:Nageki:5} 図書室では "Please be--"
{otome:0203:nageki:$namef:6} ──静かに "--quiet in the library."
{otome:0203:nageki:NARATOR:7} たいへん申し訳ございません。 Oh, can you somehow forgive my dreadful sin?
{otome:0203:nageki:$namef:8} ううっ、この辺りはちょっと寒いね……嘆くん、平気なの? "Brrr, it's cold here... are you okay, Nageki?"
{otome:0203:nageki:Nageki:9} 別に。平気だけど "I am fine."
{otome:0203:nageki:Nageki:10} $namel さんは、寒いの?ぼくに構わずに、向こうの、
"Don't mind me, miss $namel . Feel free to go sit by the heater if
you're cold."
{otome:0203:nageki:$namef:11} ううん、これぐらい大丈夫!何せ暖房の無い家に住んでるしね! "Nope, I'm fine! My house doesn't have a heater at all."
{otome:0203:nageki:$namef:12} そんなことより、あのね、嘆くんに渡したいものがあるの。
"Anyway, I... have something to give you. It's Legumentine's, you know."
{otome:0203:nageki:$namef:13} はい、粟の実だよ "Here! Foxtail millet!"
{otome:0203:nageki:Nageki:14} ……これ、ぼくにくれるの? "... for me?"
{otome:0203:nageki:$namef:15} うん。だって今日は一番大切な鳥に豆をプレゼントする日だもの。
"Yup! You're supposed to give beans to the most important bird in your
life today. ... do you want them?"
{otome:0203:nageki:Nageki:16} ……うん。ありがと "... yes. Thank you."
{otome:0203:nageki:NARATOR:17} 気のせいだろうか。嘆くんの表情がどこか柔らかい。 He looks happier than usual. Or is it my imagination...?
{otome:0203:nageki:Nageki:18} 昔、小さい頃……よく、食べてたんだ。懐かしい "I often ate these, when I was younger... This brings back memories."
{otome:0203:nageki:Nageki:19} 大切に、するから "Thank you, miss $namel ."
{otome:0203:nageki:$namef:20} うん。これからもよろしくね、嘆くん! "You're welcome, Nageki!"
{otome:0203:nageki:$namef:21} はい! "Here!"
{otome:0203:nageki:Nageki:22} ……これ、ぼくにくれるの? "... for me?"
{otome:0203:nageki:$namef:23} うん。だって今日は一番大切な鳥に豆をプレゼントする日だもの。受け取ってくれる? "Yup! You're supposed to give beans to the most important bird in your
life today. ... do you want them?"
{otome:0203:nageki:Nageki:24} ……うん。ありがと "... yes. Thank you."
{otome:0203:nageki:NARATOR:25} 嘆くんは言葉少なく受け取ると、物珍しそうに豆袋を眺めた。 He wordlessly accepts the beans, and stares at the package as if he doesn't
know what to do with it.
{otome:0203:nageki:NARATOR:26} あんまりこういう豆を見る機会って無いのかな?気に入ってもらえますように! Maybe he's never gotten Legumentine's beans before? I hope he likes them!
{otome:0203:nanaki:$namef:0} 先生!七姫先生! "Sir! Mister Nanaki!"
{otome:0203:nanaki:Kazuaki:1} あれ、$namel さん、どうかしたのかな~ "Hello, $namel . What is it?"
{otome:0203:nanaki:$namef:2} あの、今日はマメンタインです。だから、先生に豆を贈りたいなって "Umm... today is Legumentine's! So I wanted to give you beans..."
{otome:0203:nanaki:Kazuaki:3} $namel さんが、先生に?いいのかな~。他に渡す相手は、いないのかな? "You want to give them to me? Are you sure that's okay? You don't have
someone else?"
{otome:0203:nanaki:$namef:4} 私に迷いなんてないです、先生に受け取ってもらいたいんです! "No, sir! I want to give them to you, sir!"
{otome:0203:nanaki:$namef:5} 先生の食べ物の好みってよく分からないから、
"I don't know what kind of things you like to eat, so I wasn't sure which
to get, but..."
{otome:0203:nanaki:Kazuaki:6} あ、これは粟の実だね~。うん、大好きだよ~ "Aah, millet seeds... I like them very much."
{otome:0203:nanaki:Kazuaki:7} ぼくは昔から、粟の実で過ごしてるからね~。
"I've enjoyed them for a long time. They bring back good memories... mmm,
such a nice, gentle smell..."
{otome:0203:nanaki:Kazuaki:8} ……すやり "... zzz."
{otome:0203:nanaki:$namef:9} 先生!いい匂いに負けて眠らないでください先生! "S-sir! They do smell nice, but please don't fall asleep!"
{otome:0203:nanaki:Kazuaki:10} ハッ。えぇっと、本当の、本当に、これはぼくが貰ってもいいのかな? "Oh! Umm... are you really sure you want to give these to me?"
{otome:0203:nanaki:$namef:11} はい、狩猟民族に二言はありません! "Yes, sir! A hunter-gatherer never goes back on her word!"
{otome:0203:nanaki:Kazuaki:12} ありがとう、それじゃあ、受け取らせてもらうよ~ "Thank you, then. Mmm..."
{otome:0203:nanaki:Kazuaki:13} お返しは、何がいいかな~。考えておくね~ "I wonder what I should give you in exchange... I'll have to think
about it."
{otome:0203:nanaki:NARATOR:14} 七姫先生はふんわり微笑むと職員室に歩いて行った。 And so he wandered off towards the staff room, a gentle smile on his face.
{otome:0203:nanaki:NARATOR:15} 喜んでもらえて良かった! I'm glad he liked them!
{otome:0203:nanaki:$namef:16} 先生の食べ物の好みってよく分からないから、喜んでもらえるか不安なんですけど…… "I don't know what kind of things you like to eat, so I wasn't sure which
to get, but..."
{otome:0203:nanaki:Kazuaki:17} 余程のとんでもない罰ゲームアイテムじゃなければ、大丈夫だと思うよ~ "I like anything, as long as it's not some terrible prank..."
{otome:0203:nanaki:$namef:18} マメンタインに罰ゲームアイテム用意する女子なんていませんよ! "What kind of girl would play pranks on Legumentine's!?"
{otome:0203:nanaki:$namef:19} これです、受け取ってください! "Please, take this, sir!"
{otome:0203:nanaki:Kazuaki:20} ほんとだ、美味しそうな豆だね~。ありがと~ "Mmm, they look good. Thank you."
{otome:0203:nanaki:$namef:21} 先生、私3年生になっても先生に担任になってもらいたいです。そうしたら…… "Sir, I hope I'm in your class again next semester! I hope..."
{otome:0203:nanaki:Kazuaki:22} すやり "Zzz."
{otome:0203:nanaki:NARATOR:23} 先生大事なところはちゃんと聞いてくださいよ!!わざとなの?これはわざとなの? Sir, this is important! You have to listen! Sir! Was that on purpose?
That was on purpose, wasn't it!
{otome:0203:okosan:$namef:0} おこさん、おこさん待って! "Okosan! Okosan, wait!"
{otome:0203:okosan:San:1} ポロッぷ~わ!
(What is it? Okosan was about to escape into the great outdoors!)
{otome:0203:okosan:$namef:2} おこさんに渡したいものがあるの。今日はマメンタインだよ "I have something for you! It's Legumentine's, remember?"
{otome:0203:okosan:$namef:3} はい、麻の実だよ! "Here! Hemp seeds!"
{otome:0203:okosan:San:4} !! !
{otome:0203:okosan:San:5} くりゅぽこぷ~わ! "Coooo!"
{otome:0203:okosan:San:6} くりゅぽこぷ~わ!! "Coooo!"
{otome:0203:okosan:NARATOR:7} おこさんが目に見えて興奮し始めた。 He seems extremely excited.
{otome:0203:okosan:$namef:8} おこさん、春に初めて会ってから色々あったよね "Okosan, umm... a lot's happened since we met last spring..."
{otome:0203:okosan:$namef:9} もうすぐ2年生も終わっちゃうけど、これからも一緒に── "The semester's almost over, but I hope we can--"
{otome:0203:okosan:San:10} ぷ~わッ!!
(Enough flirtations! Hand over the hemp and no one gets hurt!)
{otome:0203:okosan:NARATOR:11} おこさんは私に飛びかかると麻の実を奪い取ってその場にぶちまけた。
He leaps at me, grabbing the package and scattering its contents across
the floor. He pecks at the seeds with a motion and speed reminiscent
of a jackhammer.
{otome:0203:okosan:NARATOR:12} とても私の話を聞いてくれそうな気配じゃない。 I don't think he's going to listen to my confession.
{otome:0203:okosan:NARATOR:13} 気持ちを伝えてから麻の実を見せるべきだったかな…
Maybe I should have told him before I let him see the seeds... Oh, well.
At least he's happy!
{otome:0203:okosan:San:14} ハッシュハッシュ!!
"Munsh Munsh!"
{otome:0203:okosan:San:15} くりゅぽこぷ~わ!!
($namef はこの世に降り立ったプリン神の遣いですし!!)
($namef is an angel of the pudding god, come to this world
to spread joy and goodwill!)
{otome:0203:okosan:San:16} くりゅぽこぷ~わ!!
(Okosan will remember this gift forever!)
{otome:0203:okosan:NARATOR:17} 麻の実ごときで一生分の信頼を獲得してしまった。安い信頼だなあ……。 I seem to have earned his lifelong trust with hemp. That's pretty cheap
lifelong trust...
{otome:0203:okosan:$namef:18} おこさん、私たち知り合ってからいつの間にかもうすぐ一年になるんだよ "It's already been a year since we met, Okosan."
{otome:0203:okosan:$namef:19} ぶっちゃけおこさんと意思疎通ができてるのか不安になることもまだ多いんだけど、それでも私はおこさんが好きだよ "I'm never sure if we'll get along, but... I like you."
{otome:0203:okosan:$namef:20} だから私の気持ち、受け取ってね "So, please! Here!"
{otome:0203:okosan:San:21} ぷ~わ!
(Such beautiful beans!)
{otome:0203:okosan:San:22} ポポロッぷ~わ!
(ありがとうですし!おこさんも$namef が好きですし!)
(Okosan is thankful! Okosan likes you, too, $namef !)
{otome:0203:okosan:NARATOR:23} おこさんは豆袋を受け取ると即座に開封して貪り始めた。 He immediately opens the package and begins to devour its contents.
{otome:0203:okosan:NARATOR:24} 幸せそうに豆をついばむおこさんを見てると私まで嬉しくなっちゃう♪ Seeing him enjoying them makes me happy, too!
{otome:0203:ryota:$namef:0} 待って、涼太 "Ryouta, wait!"
{otome:0203:ryota:Ryouta:1} どうしたの? "Huh?"
{otome:0203:ryota:$namef:2} 涼太、ちょっとだけ時間いい? "Umm, do you have a minute?"
{otome:0203:ryota:Ryouta:3} うん、大丈夫だよ。どうかした? "Sure. What's up?"
{otome:0203:ryota:$namef:4} はい、安心コーン!今日はマメンタインだから "Here! Calm corn, for Legumentine's!"
{otome:0203:ryota:Ryouta:5} わあ、ありがとう$namef !僕が貰っていいの? "Woah! Thanks, $namef ! Are you sure?"
{otome:0203:ryota:Ryouta:6} この安心シリーズ、好きなんだ。美味しいよね "I love these. They're really good!"
{otome:0203:ryota:$namef:7} 胃腸の弱い鳥でも大丈夫って書いてあったから、涼太向きかなーって "It said they were easy on birds' stomachs, so I thought you might!"
{otome:0203:ryota:$namef:8} 色々、大変だと思うけど…少しでも涼太の力になれたら嬉しいな "I know sometimes it's tough, but... I like being around you and helping
you, Ryouta."
{otome:0203:ryota:Ryouta:9} 凄く嬉しいよ、$namef 。ほんとにありがとう "... thank you, $namef . That makes me really happy."
{otome:0203:ryota:Ryouta:10} $namef はうどんが好きだったよね。お礼に今度ご馳走するよ "You like udon, right? Let me take you out sometime."
{otome:0203:ryota:$namef:11} うん!楽しみにしてる! "Okay!"
{otome:0203:ryota:NARATOR:12} 涼太に喜んでもらえたみたい。良かった! He seems happy. Yay!
{otome:0203:ryota:$namef:13} はい!昨日買ってきたんだよ "Here! I got these for you!"
{otome:0203:ryota:Ryouta:14} あ…ありがとう、$namef … "Th-thanks, $namef ..."
{otome:0203:ryota:$namef:15} ……もしかして、この豆じゃダメだった? "Umm... do you maybe not care for these...?"
{otome:0203:ryota:Ryouta:16} そそそんなことないよ!$namef がプレゼントしてくれたんだから!なんでも食べるよ!! "N-n-no, that's not it! I-I mean, it's a present from you! Of course
I'll eat it!"
{otome:0203:ryota:$namef:17} そんなに必死にならなくてもいいよ!清々しいぐらいに誤摩化せてないよ!! "Don't worry about it, Ryouta! You're not fooling anyone, anyway."
{otome:0203:ryota:Ryouta:18} うう…… "Aaagh..."
{otome:0203:ryota:Ryouta:19} ごめんね$namef 。僕、これはお腹壊しちゃうんだ…… "I-I'm sorry, $namef . These will make me sick..."
{otome:0203:ryota:NARATOR:20} しまった、涼太の胃腸の弱さをすっかり忘れてた……。 Nooooo! I forgot about his weak stomach...!
{otome:0203:ryota:$namef:21} そういえばそうだよね、涼太は普段から食べる物を凄く選んでるもんね。こっちこそごめん…… "Oh, that's right, you have to be really careful with what you eat. S-sorry,
{otome:0203:ryota:Ryouta:22} $namef は謝らなくていいんだよ!僕の消化器官が悪いんだよ!気にしないで!! "You don't have to apologize! It's my digestive system that should
be saying it's sorry."
{otome:0203:ryota:NARATOR:23} ちょっと気まずいマメンタインになっちゃった。来年は気をつけよう……。 All I managed to do was make a faux pas. I'll have to be more careful
next year...
{otome:0203:sakazaki:NARATOR:0} 先輩に豆を届けに行きたいけど……
I want to go give Yuuya beans, but... I don't even know if he's at school
{otome:0203:sakazaki:NARATOR:1} よし、駄目元で電話してみよう! I guess I'll have to call him!
{otome:0203:sakazaki:Yuuya:2} サリュー、$namef ちゃんかい? "Salutations! Mon amie?"
{otome:0203:sakazaki:NARATOR:3} つながった! He answered!
{otome:0203:sakazaki:$namef:4} はい!先輩、元気ですか?今どこにいますか? "Hello! How are you, Yuuya? Where are you right now?"
{otome:0203:sakazaki:Yuuya:5} 元気にしてはいるけど、どこにいるかまでは答えられないな。
"I'm fine, but alas, I cannot say where I am. The best men always have
a mystery or two thousand, after all."
{otome:0203:sakazaki:Yuuya:6} 何か俺に用でもあるのかい? "Do you need me for something?"
{otome:0203:sakazaki:$namef:7} 先輩、ちょっとだけでいいから会えませんか?一生のお願いです! "Umm, could we meet up for a bit? Please! I'll only ask this once!"
{otome:0203:sakazaki:Yuuya:8} 一生のお願い?本当に? "A once-in-a-lifetime request, in other words? Really?"
{otome:0203:sakazaki:$namef:9} 一生の(間に何度もする内の一つの)お願いです! "A once-in-a-lifetime (plus plenty more times in the same lifetime) request!"
{otome:0203:sakazaki:Yuuya:10} 他でもない$namef ちゃんにそこまで言われちゃ断る訳にはいかないねぇ "Well, that sounds important. I can't exactly say no, now can I!"
{otome:0203:sakazaki:Yuuya:11} そうだな…じゃあ今夜20時に公園に来てくれないかい。
"Shall we meet at the usual place in the park tonight, say at eight?"
{otome:0203:sakazaki:$namef:12} はい! "Okay!"
{otome:0203:sakazaki:$namef:13} 先輩、待ちましたか? "Yuuya! I hope I didn't keep you waiting."
{otome:0203:sakazaki:Yuuya:14} レディと会える日は、
"Time spent waiting for a lady is magical, irreplaceable time. Pay
it no mind, mon amie."
{otome:0203:sakazaki:Yuuya:15} でも、あまり今日は時間が無くてね。無粋で悪いけど、
"Unfortunately, I do not have much time left today. Forgive my lack of
romance, but may I ask what you wanted to meet with me for?"
{otome:0203:sakazaki:$namef:16} あ、はい! "Oh, yes!"
{otome:0203:sakazaki:$namef:17} 今日はマメンタインだから、先輩に豆を受け取ってほしいなって "It's Legumentine's, so I wanted to give you this."
{otome:0203:sakazaki:Yuuya:18} $namef ちゃんが、俺に? "You wanted to give me beans, mon amie?"
{otome:0203:sakazaki:$namef:19} はい! "Yes!"
{otome:0203:sakazaki:Yuuya:20} 嬉しいねぇ、命懸けで出てきた甲斐があったよ "Aah, how wonderful! I am glad I risked my life to come here."
{otome:0203:sakazaki:$namef:21} 大人っぽい先輩にはこれがいいかなって思ったんですけど…… "I thought maybe your mature, manly spirit would like these."
{otome:0203:sakazaki:Yuuya:22} ビター黒豆じゃないか!ありがとう$namef ちゃん。
"Bitter black beans! Thank you, mon amie. I have loved these since
I was but a child."
{otome:0203:sakazaki:Yuuya:23} 俺が黒豆好きなのって$namef ちゃんに話したことあったっけ? "Had I told you that?"
{otome:0203:sakazaki:$namef:24} いえ、野生の勘です! "Nope! But my hunter-gatherer instincts never fail."
{otome:0203:sakazaki:Yuuya:25} そうか、やっぱりキミと俺は運命の糸で結ばれてるのかもしれないね。
"I see. I wonder if we truly are bound together by fate! How romantic."
{otome:0203:sakazaki:Yuuya:26} お陰で今夜も希望を胸に生きていけそうだ。
"This gives me hope and caffeine to carry me through this darkest of
nights. Adieu, mon amie!"
{otome:0203:sakazaki:NARATOR:27} 先輩は颯爽と夜の街に消えていった。 And so he disappeared into the night.
{otome:0203:sakazaki:NARATOR:28} 相変わらず神出鬼没というか、何をしてるのかよくわからない先輩だけど、
I can't say I have any more of an idea what he's up to than I ever do,
but I'm glad he liked the beans!
{otome:0203:sakazaki:$namef:29} 先輩、受け取ってください! "Here, Yuuya!"
{otome:0203:sakazaki:Yuuya:30} ありがとう、$namef ちゃん。今日という日に心から感謝するよ!大切に食べさせてもらうからね "Thank you, mon amie! How very kind of you indeed. I shall enjoy these."
{otome:0203:sakazaki:Yuuya:31} さて……夜も更けてきたねぇ。あまり遅くなる前に$namef ちゃんも帰った方がいいよ。アデュー! "And now... the night wears on, mon amie. Don't stay out too late. Adieu!"
{otome:0203:sakazaki:NARATOR:32} 心なしか先輩は周囲を警戒した様子で私の背を押した。 He gives me a little shove, either out of imprudence or to push me from
the path of some unseen danger.
{otome:0203:sakazaki:NARATOR:33} 余韻の無さが酷いけど、先輩が元気そうで良かった……かな? That wasn't very romantic, but at least he's doing well... I think?
{otome:0203:sakuya:$namef:0} 待って、朔夜くん "Sakuya!"
{otome:0203:sakuya:Sakuya:1} 私は忙しいんだ。あまり時間を浪費させないでくれないか "I am busy. May I ask you not to waste too much of my time?"
{otome:0203:sakuya:$namef:2} すぐ済むから大丈夫だよ!渡したいものがあるの。はい! "This will only take a minute! I have something for you. Here!"
{otome:0203:sakuya:Sakuya:3} なんだ、これは "What are these?"
{otome:0203:sakuya:$namef:4} 見ての通り、ブレンド豆だよ。朔夜くんは高いのが好きそうだなーと思って "It's a pricey blend of beans! I know you like expensive things."
{otome:0203:sakuya:Sakuya:5} そうではない。何故私に今豆を渡す? "That is not what I meant. Why are you giving me beans?"
{otome:0203:sakuya:$namef:6} だって今日はマメンタインじゃない "It's Legumentine's!"
{otome:0203:sakuya:Sakuya:7} 何だそれは "And what is that?"
{otome:0203:sakuya:NARATOR:8} そこから説明しなきゃいけないのかこの外来種は! What planet are you from, anyway!?
{otome:0203:sakuya:$namef:9} 女の子が、気になる男の子に豆をプレゼントする日だよ "It's a holiday where girls are supposed to give beans to the boys they
{otome:0203:sakuya:Sakuya:10} なん…だと……!? "Wh... what...!?"
{otome:0203:sakuya:$namef:11} そんなに動揺しないでよ!私からのプレゼント、受け取ってくれないの? "Don't look so disturbed, geez! I gave you those. Will you accept them,
{otome:0203:sakuya:Sakuya:12} むむ…… "Hrrm..."
{otome:0203:sakuya:Sakuya:13} この程度のブレンド豆、
"These beans seem somewhat cheap for their illustrious recipient but..."
{otome:0203:sakuya:Sakuya:14} $namel がどうしてもと言うなら、受け取ってやらないでもない…ぞ "Since you ask it, I will not refuse them."
{otome:0203:sakuya:$namef:15} ほんと?やったー! "Really? Yaaay!"
{otome:0203:sakuya:Sakuya:16} ……貴様の言う『気になる』とはどういう意味だ "... what did you mean by 'like'?"
{otome:0203:sakuya:$namef:17} "?"
{otome:0203:sakuya:Sakuya:18} 『気になる男の子』とはどういう意味だと聞いている "I am asking what you meant by 'the boys they like'."
{otome:0203:sakuya:$namef:19} えっ、そんなの文字通りそのままに決まってるじゃない "Umm... exactly what I said!"
{otome:0203:sakuya:$namef:20} 何をしてても、いつでもどこでも、
"No matter what I'm doing or where I am, your beautiful plumage always
comes to mind, Sakuya."
{otome:0203:sakuya:Sakuya:21} "Umm."
{otome:0203:sakuya:$namef:22} はい、朔夜くん。これからもよろしくね "Anyway, here! I hope we can continue to get along."
{otome:0203:sakuya:Sakuya:23} ……ああ "... indeed."
{otome:0203:sakuya:NARATOR:24} 朔夜くんは豆と私を二度見すると言葉少なく帰って行った。 He glances at the beans, and then at me, and then wordlessly leaves.
{otome:0203:sakuya:NARATOR:25} 喜んでもらえた(?)みたいで良かった! I'm glad he liked them! He did like them, right?
{otome:0203:sakuya:Sakuya:26} なんだこれは。安っぽい豆だな。嫌がらせ何かか? "What are these cheap-looking things? Do you mean to insult me?"
{otome:0203:sakuya:$namef:27} えっ、違うよ!プレゼントだよ! "What? No! It's a present!"
{otome:0203:sakuya:Sakuya:28} 私にこのような下賎な物を押し付けるとは、宣戦布告とみなすぞ! "Do not press this low-born drivel on me! It practically constitutes
an act of war!"
{otome:0203:sakuya:$namef:29} 私の話を聞いてよ、プレゼントの価値っていうのは値段じゃなくて── "Wait, listen! The important part isn't the price, it's--"
{otome:0203:sakuya:Sakuya:30} 不愉快だ!私は帰る! "I find this most disagreeable! I am leaving!"
{otome:0203:sakuya:NARATOR:31} 貴族様に受け入れてもらえなかった。 ... he didn't take them.
{otome:0203:sakuya:NARATOR:32} くそー、貴族様め!
Stupid nobility! I'm starting a revolution!
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:NARATOR:0} あ、今日は保健委員の呼び出しがきてたっけ。 Oh! I'm supposed to help at the infirmary today.
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:NARATOR:1} 待たせちゃ悪いよね、さっさと保健室に行こう。 I shouldn't keep them waiting. Better hurry!
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:Yuuya:2} サリュー、$namef ちゃん "Salutations, $namef ."
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:$namef:3} 坂咲先輩!? "Yuuya!?"
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:$namef:4} どうしたんですか先輩、どこか体の具合でも悪いんですか!? "What's wrong!? Are you hurt?"
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:Yuuya:5} まさか!違うよ、俺は保健委員長だから。
"So sweet of you to worry for me! But, no. I'm the second-in- command
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:$namef:6} そうだったんですか!?
"... you are? I never would have guessed!"
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:Yuuya:7} 言うねぇ$namef ちゃん。そういうところ嫌いじゃないよ "I couldn't be happier, mon amie. Mystery is the most powerful of aphrodisicacs."
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:Yuuya:8} で、保健委員の仕事なんだけど、
"Anyway, our job as staff is to check the medicines and clean up in here.
Normally, I'd do that."
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:Yuuya:9} でも今日はちょっと外せない用があってねぇ。
長居できないから$namef ちゃんに頼みたいんだけど
"But today I've got some stuff I need to take care of, so could you handle
this mess for me?"
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:$namef:10} わかりました、任せてください! "Of course!"
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:Yuuya:11} ありがと、$namef ちゃん。助かるよ。
"My thanks, $namef . Oh, and don't touch the desk--it's the doctor's
personal area."
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:Yuuya:12} お礼に今度素敵な場所に連れてってあげるからね。
"I'll take you somewhere nice in return. Adieu!"
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:NARATOR:13} 坂咲先輩は羽をひらひらさせながら去って行った。
Yuuya flutters out the door. ... did he just ask me out?
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:NARATOR:14} とにかく保健室掃除、がんばるぞー! Anyway, cleaning.
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:NARATOR:15} それにしても本当に見れば見るほど怪しい薬品だらけだ……。
Some of these drugs are a little weird, no matter how you look at it.
Is this really an infirmary?
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:NARATOR:16} どちらかというと人体実験…違う、鳥体実験室みたいな雰囲気。
It feels more like a human, or rather, avian experimentation room.
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:NARATOR:17} あれ?机の引き出しが半開きになってる。
Huh? The desk drawer is open, and there are files sticking out.
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:NARATOR:18} 前に来た時はどこもすっきり整ってた気がするんだけど、
Everything was very neat when I was in here last, but maybe the doctor's
a little careless about tidying up?
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:NARATOR:19} 机には触らないでって言われたけど…… Yuuya did say not to go near the desk, but...
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:NARATOR:20} 岩峰先生の引き出しを… I think I'll...
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:DECNeaten the desk:21} 片付ける Neaten the desk
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:DECLeave it alone:22} そのままにしておく Leave it alone
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:NARATOR:23} このままだと気になっちゃうよね。
Just putting the files back in order should be fi--
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:???:24} また貴方ですか "You again?"
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:$namef:25} せっせせせせ先生!!?
"D-d-d-d-doctor!? When did you...!?"
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:Shuu:26} つい先程戻ったのですが……いけませんね、貴方は随分と手癖が悪いようです "I just got back, but... Oh my, we do have sticky fingers, don't we."
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:$namef:27} ご、誤解です!
"Th-that's not it! Sakazaki asked me to clean..."
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:Shuu:28} 掃除? "Clean?"
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:Shuu:29} ああ、なるほど……
"... oh, I see. You're on the staff now."
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:$namef:30} は、はい…… "Y-yes..."
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:Shuu:31} 坂咲君から『机には触れないように』とは? "Did he say anything about going near the desk?"
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:$namef:32} ……言われました "... yes, sir."
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:Shuu:33} 今後気を付けてくださいね "Please do be more careful next time."
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:Shuu:34} 好奇心はヒトを殺しますよ "Curiosity killed the cat... among other things. Hohohoho."
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:$namef:35} は、はい…… "Yes, sir..."
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:NARATOR:36} これからは気をつけよう……。 Let's never do that again.
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:NARATOR:37} ちょっと気になるけど、触っちゃいけないって言われたからには
I'm a little curious, but he did say not to go near the desk. Better to
leave it alone.
{otome:0415:0415-hoken:NARATOR:38} また岩峰先生が突然現れて、今度は本気で殺されるかもしれないし……。 The doctor might show up and turn me into $namef salami.
{otome:0415:0415-rikujou:NARATOR:0} あ、陸上部に入部届けを出しに行かなきゃ。 I need to go sign up for track!
{otome:0415:0415-rikujou:NARATOR:1} 陸上部に決めたはいいけれど、今日もおこさんはあらぶってるのかな。 I want to join the team, but... I wonder if Okosan's having a fit again.
{otome:0415:0415-rikujou:NARATOR:2} 取り敢えずグラウンドに向かおう。 I'll find out when I get there!
{otome:0415:0415-rikujou:San:3} ぷ~わ!?
(A $namef appears! Is this a challenge, then!? Choose your weapon,
ma'am, and draw!)
{otome:0415:0415-rikujou:NARATOR:4} プリンは蹴り回していないけどあらぶってた。 A fit he is having, though not over pudding.
{otome:0415:0415-rikujou:$namef:5} 勝負というか……陸上部に入部したいなーと思って。
"Not really... I want to join the team. Do you know where the captain is?"
{otome:0415:0415-rikujou:San:6} ポポッぷ~わ!
(He stands before you! Okosan is the captain, and a faster
bird the world has never known!)
{otome:0415:0415-rikujou:NARATOR:7} そうだったの!? I never knew!
{otome:0415:0415-rikujou:$namef:8} じゃあ、はい!入部届!よろしくね "Oh! Well... here! My forms! Thank you!"
{otome:0415:0415-rikujou:San:9} ポポロッぷ~わ!
(A dove never refuses a challenge! Commence the entrance
{otome:0415:0415-rikujou:$namef:10} えっ、テストなんてあるの? "There's an exam?"
{otome:0415:0415-rikujou:San:11} ポロッぷ~わ!
(Of course! Track isn't daisy- chain-making, missy!)
{otome:0415:0415-rikujou:San:12} ぷ~わ!
(Okosan will be your opponent in noble combat! Sprint, or long-
{otome:0415:0415-rikujou:$namef:13} えっと…… "Umm..."
{otome:0415:0415-rikujou:DECLong-distance:14} 長距離走で勝負 Long-distance
{otome:0415:0415-rikujou:DECSprint:15} 短距離走で勝負 Sprint
{otome:0415:0415-rikujou:San:16} ぷ~わ!
(Long distance? You've got guts! Let us begin!)
{otome:0415:0415-rikujou:San:17} ポロッぷ~わ!
(Hmph! A sprint barely lasts long enough to get started. How
{otome:0415:0415-rikujou:San:18} ポポロッぷ~わ!
"Coo, coo!"
(On your mark! Get set! Gooooo!)
{otome:0415:0415-rikujou:NARATOR:19} どうしてただのハトがこんなに速いの!?
How is he so fast!? He can't even fly this fast!
{otome:0415:0415-rikujou:$namef:20} ぜぇ……はぁ………… "-pant-.... -pant-"
{otome:0415:0415-rikujou:San:21} ポポロッぷ~わ!
(You're still weak, but you've got potential! Welcome to the
{otome:0415:0415-rikujou:$namef:22} あ、ありがとう……… "Th... thanks...?"
{otome:0415:0415-rikujou:San:23} ポポロッぷ~わ!
(That's all, folks!)
{otome:0415:0415-rikujou:NARATOR:24} こうして私は正式に陸上部員に迎えられたのだった。
And so I joined the track team. Who knew doves could run like that?
{otome:0415:0415-seitokai:NARATOR:0} つい勢いで生徒会に入るなんて言っちゃったけど、
I was pretty sure I wanted to join it, but what does the council do again?
{otome:0415:0415-seitokai:NARATOR:1} それに選挙があった訳でもないし、
We skipped the vote, and I think it's only Sakuya and me.
{otome:0415:0415-seitokai:NARATOR:2} 何はともあれ生徒会役員招集がかかったから、
Anyway, he called a meeting, so to the council-room I go!
{otome:0415:0415-seitokai:$namef:3} 何これいい会社の社長室っぽい!! "This looks like a CEO's office!"
{otome:0415:0415-seitokai:Sakuya:4} 当然だ。
"Naturally. Do you think I would stand for anything less?"
{otome:0415:0415-seitokai:$namef:5} あ、朔夜くん。
"Hi, Sakuya. So, you had this done?"
{otome:0415:0415-seitokai:Sakuya:6} フン、元あった部屋があまりに汚かったのでな。
"Hmph! This room used to be filthy. Better suited to rabbits than to
{otome:0415:0415-seitokai:NARATOR:7} 貴族すごい。 What a prig!
{otome:0415:0415-seitokai:Sakuya:8} 貴様、生徒会役職はもう決めたのか? "Have you decided which position you will take?"
{otome:0415:0415-seitokai:$namef:9} えっ、勝手に自分で決めていいの? "I get to choose?"
{otome:0415:0415-seitokai:Sakuya:10} 他者に決めさせるのか?これだから日本人は…… "Who is there to choose for you? Dumb Japanese..."
{otome:0415:0415-seitokai:$namef:11} 朔夜くんも日本国籍じゃないの? "Aren't you Japanese too, Sakuya?"
{otome:0415:0415-seitokai:Sakuya:12} 愚弄するな。私はフランス国籍だ "Do not mock me! I am French."
{otome:0415:0415-seitokai:NARATOR:13} フランス鳥貴族だったのね……。
A French noblebird? That sounds delicious.
{otome:0415:0415-seitokai:NARATOR:14} なんだかよく分からないけど、役職は今ここで宣言しなきゃいけないらしい。 I guess I have to pick a post now.
{otome:0415:0415-seitokai:NARATOR:15} 何になろう? I think I'll be the...
{otome:0415:0415-seitokai:DECVice president:16} 副会長 Vice president
{otome:0415:0415-seitokai:DECTreasurer:17} 会計 Treasurer
{otome:0415:0415-seitokai:DECClerk:18} 書記 Clerk
{otome:0415:0415-seitokai:Sakuya:19} 私の片腕になるだと? "You wish to be my right wing?"
{otome:0415:0415-seitokai:Sakuya:20} ふっふっふ、傲慢な奴だな。その姿勢、嫌いじゃないぞ "Hahaa! You've got nerve. I like that."
{otome:0415:0415-seitokai:NARATOR:21} 何故か同族認定されてしまった気がする。
I think I just got bonded with. Gosh, he looks pretty happy right now.
{otome:0415:0415-seitokai:NARATOR:22} こうして私は聖ピジョネイション学園生徒会副生徒会長の
And so I became vice president of the student council.
{otome:0415:0415-seitokai:Sakuya:23} 貴様、その程度の端役を得る為にここに来たのか?
"You came here to take a job like that? Unacceptable!"
{otome:0415:0415-seitokai:Sakuya:24} 何故進んで大役を担おうとしない。
"Where is your ambition!? Are you testing yourself? You've got more backbone
than that!"
{otome:0415:0415-seitokai:$namef:25} え、えーーー……。
"Umm... then... Vice president...?"
{otome:0415:0415-seitokai:Sakuya:26} うむ、今日から貴様は副会長だ "Very well."
{otome:0415:0415-seitokai:NARATOR:27} よくわからない誘導によって生徒会副会長になってしまった。 And so I was inflicted with vice presidency.
{otome:0415:0415-seitokai:NARATOR:28} もしかしてこの生徒会、他にメンバーがいないのかな? There isn't anybirdie else on the council, is there...
{otome:0415:0415-tosyo:NARATOR:0} あ、今日は図書室の受付当番の日だった。
I'm on receptionist duty today. Better hurry!
{otome:0415:0415-tosyo:NARATOR:1} うーん、相変わらず暇だ。
Boring, as usual. The library here doesn't seem very popular... Not enough
{otome:0415:0415-tosyo:NARATOR:2} 立地は4階、窓からの眺めはいいんだけどねー。 It's on the fifth floor, though, so at least the view is nice.
{otome:0415:0415-tosyo:NARATOR:3} 座ったまま何時間もじっとしてるなんて体に悪いなあ。
Sitting here twiddling my thumbs is bad for me. I wish someone would come
ask me something..........
{otome:0415:0415-tosyo:NARATOR:4} そもそも生徒がいない。 There's nobirdie here.
{otome:0415:0415-tosyo:$namef:5} 早めに閉めて帰っちゃっても怒られない……かな? "I wonder if it would be okay to close early...?"
{otome:0415:0415-tosyo:$namef:6} はー、ここからフライアウェイしたい…… "Aaah, I wish I could just spread my wings and fly away!"
{otome:0415:0415-tosyo:???:7} 飛び降りでもしたいの?図書委員 "Planning to jump off the building? The window there is rather good for
that, miss receptionist."
{otome:0415:0415-tosyo:$namef:8} !! "!"
{otome:0415:0415-tosyo:$namef:9} 嘆くん!?い、いつの間に…… "Nageki!? When did you...?"
{otome:0415:0415-tosyo:Nageki:10} ずっといたよ "I've been here all along."
{otome:0415:0415-tosyo:NARATOR:11} 気付かなかった……。
I never noticed... He's almost as bad as the doctor.
{otome:0415:0415-tosyo:Nageki:12} 存在感が無いって言いたいの?
"You're thinking I have no presence, right? It's okay. I already know
{otome:0415:0415-tosyo:$namef:13} 嘆くん、いつもここにいるんだね "You certainly seem to like this place."
{otome:0415:0415-tosyo:Nageki:14} そうだけど。何か問題でもある? "Yes. Is that a problem?"
{otome:0415:0415-tosyo:$namef:15} えっと…… "Umm..."
{otome:0415:0415-tosyo:DECYou should go outside:16} たまには外に出ようよ You should go outside
{otome:0415:0415-tosyo:DECNo books are nice:17} ううん、本好きなんだね No, books are nice
{otome:0415:0415-tosyo:Nageki:18} ……… "......"
{otome:0415:0415-tosyo:NARATOR:19} 嘆くんの表情が曇った。地雷踏んじゃった…かな……? He looks angry. I think I just tripped a landmine.
{otome:0415:0415-tosyo:Nageki:20} ……陽射し "... it's too sunny."
{otome:0415:0415-tosyo:$namef:21} えっ? "Huh?"
{otome:0415:0415-tosyo:Nageki:22} 陽射し、好きじゃないんだ。ぼくに構わないでよ "I don't like the sun."
{otome:0415:0415-tosyo:NARATOR:23} 嘆くんは棚から数冊の本を手に取り、図書室の奥へと消えて行った。
Nageki takes a book off the shelf and disappears between the stacks. Did
I offend him?
{otome:0415:0415-tosyo:Nageki:24} ……うん "... they are."
{otome:0415:0415-tosyo:$namef:25} ねえ、嘆くん、図書委員にならない?
"Why don't you join the library staff, Nageki? You could read whatever
you want."
{otome:0415:0415-tosyo:Nageki:26} いらない。別に図書委員にならなくても好きなだけ読んでるよ "I already read whatever I want."
{otome:0415:0415-tosyo:NARATOR:27} ううっ、その通りだ……! ... touche?
{otome:0415:0415-tosyo:Nageki:28} 仕事さぼらないでよ、図書委員 "You shouldn't slack off, miss receptionist."
{otome:0415:0415-tosyo:NARATOR:29} 嘆くんはそう言い放つと本を片手に図書室の奥へと消えて行った。
And with that, he takes a book and is gone between the stacks. What a
strange bird...
{otome:0622:0622-0:NARATOR:0} うーん、今日も充実の学園生活!私輝いてる!
Mmm! Today is a good day. I feel like I'm shining!
{otome:0622:0622-0:NARATOR:1} 昼休みは何して過ごそうかなー。 I wonder what I should do during break...
{otome:0622:0622-0:NARATOR:2} どこに行こう? Go to the...
{otome:0622:0622-0:DECStore:3} 購買部 Store
{otome:0622:0622-0:DECInfirmary:4} 保健室 Infirmary
{otome:0622:0622-0:DECCafeteria:5} 食堂 Cafeteria
{otome:0622:0622-1:NARATOR:0} 特に用事がある訳じゃないんだけど、たまには購買部に行ってみようかな。 I don't really need anything, but I think I'll go to the store.
{otome:0622:0622-1:NARATOR:1} うん、そうしよう I've never really looked around there before.
{otome:0622:0622-1:NARATOR:2} わああ、流石名門校の購買部!
Wow! They've got all sorts of things for sale.
{otome:0622:0622-1:NARATOR:3} でも巣皿まで置いてあるのってどうなんだろう……
Though, these nest-building materials... look like what you'd find in a
human store's trash.
{otome:0622:0622-1:???:4} 意外とマセてるんだねぇ$namef ちゃん。巣作りに興味あるの? "My, how mature of you, mon amie. Planning to settle down already?"
{otome:0622:0622-1:$namef:5} 坂咲先輩! "Yuuya!"
{otome:0622:0622-1:$namef:6} ご、誤解です!
"N-no, that's not it! I'm still a highschool student...!"
{otome:0622:0622-1:Yuuya:7} 高校生と言っても、
"That may be so, but you know we doves reach sexual maturity within a
year of birth."
{otome:0622:0622-1:NARATOR:8} そうなの!?
... they do!? That seems a little hasty.
{otome:0622:0622-1:$namef:9} それで、先輩は何を買いに来たんですか? "That aside, what are you here to buy, Yuuya?"
{otome:0622:0622-1:Yuuya:10} キミと作る愛の巣の下見さ "Your love, of course."
{otome:0622:0622-1:$namef:11} なっ………!? "My l.....!?"
{otome:0622:0622-1:$namef:12} いけません先輩!
"Yuuya, that's... We're not... .....!?"
{otome:0622:0622-1:Yuuya:13} 俺じゃ不満かな?
"I'm not good enough? Oh well, I'll have to try again later."
{otome:0622:0622-1:NARATOR:14} もしかして先輩は女の子になら誰にでもこんなスタンスなの? Is this how he talks to every girl he meets...?
{otome:0622:0622-1:DECI think that's a little rude!:15} そういうのってあんまり良くないと思います! I think that's a little rude!
{otome:0622:0622-1:DECLet it slide:16} 黙ってスルー Let it slide
{otome:0622:0622-1:$namef:17} そういうのってあんまり良くないと思います! "I think that's a little rude, Yuuya!"
{otome:0622:0622-1:Yuuya:18} そういうのって言うと、何が? "What is?"
{otome:0622:0622-1:$namef:19} 尻軽な感じというか、ビッチな感じというか…… "That sort of... loose talk. Like I'm a game, or something."
{otome:0622:0622-1:Yuuya:20} 言うねぇ、$namef ちゃん。女の子からそんな表現されるなんて初めてだよ "You know, that's the first time a girl's ever said that to me."
{otome:0622:0622-1:$namef:21} まさにサノバビッチって感じです先輩 "I'm surprised."
{otome:0622:0622-1:Yuuya:22} ありがとう、忠告はこの鳩胸に大切にしまっておくことにするよ。アデュー! "Thank you, mon amie. I'll carry this warning in my pigeon heart forever.
{otome:0622:0622-1:NARATOR:23} 今更何か言ったところで先輩のキャラ付けが変わる訳じゃないしね……。 ... it's not like it's surprising coming from him.
{otome:0622:0622-2:Shuu:0} また貴方ですか。どこか体の具合に問題でも? "You again. Are you ill?"
{otome:0622:0622-2:$namef:1} いえ、どこも問題はないんですけど…… "Umm, not exactly..."
{otome:0622:0622-2:Shuu:2} ならばここにいる道理もない筈ですが "Then why are you here?"
{otome:0622:0622-2:NARATOR:3} えぇっと、 I came here to...
{otome:0622:0622-2:DECHear your voice:4} 先生の声を聞きたくて Hear your voice
{otome:0622:0622-2:DECSkip class:5} 保健室登校の下見に Skip class
{otome:0622:0622-2:$namef:6} 先生の声を聞きたくて、来ました "I wanted to hear your voice."
{otome:0622:0622-2:Shuu:7} 私の声を? "My voice?"
{otome:0622:0622-2:$namef:8} はい、スナフキンみたいないい声だなーって "Yes! You sound like Snufkin."
{otome:0622:0622-2:Shuu:9} 他には? "And?"
{otome:0622:0622-2:$namef:10} えっ "Umm..."
{otome:0622:0622-2:Shuu:11} まさかそれだけの為にここへ来たんですか? "Don't tell me you came here just for that."
{otome:0622:0622-2:$namef:12} ダメでしょうか "Would it be bad if I did?"
{otome:0622:0622-2:Shuu:13} 貴方は私が想定していた以上の変質者らしい。
"You're even stranger than I had thought. I'm fascinated. How I'd love
to experiment on you..."
{otome:0622:0622-2:Shuu:14} あいにく、私は今忙しいのでね。
"Sadly, I am busy at present. Please go elsewhere."
{otome:0622:0622-2:$namef:15} はーい…… "Okay..."
{otome:0622:0622-2:NARATOR:16} 追い返されてしまった。 I got kicked out.
{otome:0622:0622-2:NARATOR:17} 興味を持ってもらえただけ一歩前進、ということでいいのかな? I guess being told I'm interesting is a step in the right direction... or
is it?
{otome:0622:0622-2:$namef:18} 保健室登校の下見に来ま── "I wanted to skip cla--"
{otome:0622:0622-2:Shuu:19} 帰ってください "Get out."
{otome:0622:0622-2:NARATOR:20} 光の速さで断られた。 Kicked out at the speed of light!
{otome:0622:0622-2:NARATOR:21} やっぱり真面目に学園生活を送ることにしよう……。 I should probably take my school life more seriously...
{otome:0622:0622-3:NARATOR:0} 今日は学食で昼ごはんにしようそうしよう。 I think I'll eat at the cafeteria today.
{otome:0622:0622-3:$namef:1} すみませーん!半殺しチャーハン1つくださーい! "Excuse me! One half-dead fried rice, please!"
{otome:0622:0622-3:NARATOR:2} おいしいんだよね、これ。
Yum! My favorite.
{otome:0622:0622-3:???:3} ぷ~わ!!
(No! This is wrong! A fake! A vicious lie!)
{otome:0622:0622-3:NARATOR:4} 聞き覚えのある声が食堂の一角から聴こえてきた。 A familiar voice indeed.
{otome:0622:0622-3:San:5} ポポロッぷ~わ!
(This is not pudding!)
{otome:0622:0622-3:Ryouta:6} わかったから!
"I know! You said! So come on, let's eat outside! We can't horse around
in here!"
{otome:0622:0622-3:$namef:7} 何してるの涼太? "What's going on?"
{otome:0622:0622-3:NARATOR:8} まあ、何となく見ていればわかるけど。 Not that I can't tell by looking.
{otome:0622:0622-3:Ryouta:9} 散が突然食堂のプリンにクレームを付けに来たんだ "San saw the pudding here and went nuts."
{otome:0622:0622-3:Ryouta:10} あんまり暴れ回るからこうして僕が抑え付けてるんだけど……痛っ!痛いよ! "I stopped him from going on a rampage, but... Ow! Cut it out, Okosan!"
{otome:0622:0622-3:San:11} ポポロッぷ~わ!
(Release me at once! My RAGE VOLTAGE is rising!)
{otome:0622:0622-3:Ryouta:12} $namef 、何とかしてよー! "Help me, $namef !"
{otome:0622:0622-3:NARATOR:13} えぇっと……。 Umm...
{otome:0622:0622-3:DECLeave it to me!:14} 任せて涼太! Leave it to me!
{otome:0622:0622-3:DECLet him go! :15} その子を解き放て! Let him go!
{otome:0622:0622-3:$namef:16} 任せて涼太!
"Leave it to me, Ryouta! MY HUNTER-GATHERER BLOOD BOILS!
{otome:0622:0622-3:San:17} ポポロッぷ~わ!
(No! The beast-queen shows her true colors! Pull out! Pull out!)
{otome:0622:0622-3:NARATOR:18} おこさんは猛スピードで食堂を駆け抜けていった。 Okosan rushes from the cafeteria like a rabbit from a catapult.
{otome:0622:0622-3:Ryouta:19} ふー、助かったよ$namef 。ありがとう "Aaah! Safe at last. Thanks, $namef ."
{otome:0622:0622-3:$namef:20} ううん、気にしないで。私がやった事なんて、ただ構えただけだし "No problem. All I did was shout at him, anyway."
{otome:0622:0622-3:Ryouta:21} 充分だよ。これで皆もゆっくり昼ごはんを食べられるね "Apparently that was enough. Now we can all eat lunch without fear of
{otome:0622:0622-3:$namef:22} その子を解き放て!その子はクジャクバトだぞ! "Let him go! Don't you realize he's a fantail!?"
{otome:0622:0622-3:Ryouta:23} えっ、えええぇー "Eeeeeeeeeeeh!?"
{otome:0622:0622-3:San:24} ぷ~わ!
(Silence, fool boy!)
{otome:0622:0622-3:NARATOR:25} 解き放たれたおこさんはひとしきり暴れてから、
Once freed, Okosan rampages for a while and then comes over with a satisfied
{otome:0622:0622-3:San:26} ぷ~わ!
($namef は好きですし。でも偽物のプリンをゆるすことはできませんし)
(Okosan loves you, gentle maiden, but fake pudding cannot
be forgiven!)
{otome:0622:0622-3:$namef:27} それでもいい。散は森で、私はタタラ場でくらそう。
"Very well. San in the forest, and me in Tatara Village, our love pure!
Carry me away on Yakul!"
{otome:0622:0622-3:Ryouta:28} ヤックルだれ!? "Who the heck is Yakul!?"
{otome:0720:0720-0:NARATOR:0} 今日は終業式!もう一学期も終わっちゃうんだなあ……。 Today's the last day! It's been a semester already...
{otome:0720:0720-0:NARATOR:1} 長かったようで短い一学期、そして待ちに待った夏休み! Sometimes it seemed long and sometimes it seemed short, but either way,
it's summer now!
{otome:0720:0720-0:NARATOR:2} しばらくここに来ることもないだろうけど、何か忘れ物はないかな……。 I won't be here for a while... I have everything, right?
{otome:0720:0720-0:NARATOR:3} 夏休み何して遊ぶか考えながら帰ろーっと☆ Wheee! Time to fantasize about summer vacation while I walk home!
{otome:0720:0720-angel:NARATOR:0} 取り敢えず借りてた本返しに行こーっと♪ I'll go return the books I have out from the library.
{otome:0720:0720-angel:$namef:1} このパターンは…… "Hello, Anghel!"
{otome:0720:0720-angel:NARATOR:2} 降臨なすったァー He appears like the Christmas Star, descending from the heavens.
{otome:0720:0720-angel:Anghel:3} 蒼穹の使徒エーデルブラウ。俺は異界への扉を開こうと思っている。
"Edel Blau of the Blue Sky. I am about to open a Gate to the Other World.
What will you do?"
{otome:0720:0720-angel:$namef:4} 異界への扉?っていうと── "A gate to the other world? You mean--"
{otome:0720:0720-angel:NARATOR:5} アンヘルくんが真剣な眼差しで廊下の先を見据えている。その先にあるのは── He stares intently towards the end of the hallway.
{otome:0720:0720-angel:$namef:6} ……保健室? "... the infirmary?"
{otome:0720:0720-angel:Anghel:7} それは仮の姿だエーデルブラウ。あの扉の向こうからはただならぬ魔素を感じる。
"A mere disguise, Edel Blau. I sense a powerful, Evil Magic inside--no
doubt the Tree of Blight, Rufa, has taken root within."
{otome:0720:0720-angel:Angel:8} このままでは学園が飲まれる…今の内に浄化しなければ……! "Left alone, it will soon swallow the entire school. We must stop it
{otome:0720:0720-angel:NARATOR:9} こんなエキセントリック・フィリピンボーイが押し入ったら、
I wonder how doctor Iwamine would react to an eccentric Filipino breaking
down his door.
{otome:0720:0720-angel:NARATOR:10} どうしよう? "Umm..."
{otome:0720:0720-angel:DECThe time is not yet come:11} 紅き堕天使よ、未だ時は満ちていない The time is not yet come
{otome:0720:0720-angel:DECSure go ahead:12} うん、行っておいで Sure go ahead
{otome:0720:0720-angel:$namef:13} 紅き堕天使よ、未だ時は満ちていない "The time is not yet come, Crimson Angel of Judecca!"
{otome:0720:0720-angel:Anghel:14} !! "!"
{otome:0720:0720-angel:Anghel:15} そうなのか?エーデルブラウ "Is that true, Edel Blau?"
{otome:0720:0720-angel:Anghel:16} 実は俺の邪緋眼もまだ殺意の波動に満たされていない。
"... indeed, my Demonic Red Eye feels no murderous aura. Perhaps it
would be wise to wait and observe for a while..."
{otome:0720:0720-angel:$namef:17} うん、その方がいいよ。岩峰先生、騒がしいのは嫌いみたいだし "That's probably a good idea. The doctor doesn't take kindly to roughhousing,
I think."
{otome:0720:0720-angel:NARATOR:18} アンヘルくんは納得した様子で帰って行った。 Anghel leaves, satisfied.
{otome:0720:0720-angel:$namef:19} うん、行っておいで "Sure, go ahead."
{otome:0720:0720-angel:Anghel:20} ああ……さらばだ、エーデルブラウ。約束の地でまた会おう "Aah... farewell, Edel Blau! We shall meet again at the promised place."
{otome:0720:0720-angel:Anghel:21} さあ、姿を現せ冥大樹ルーファ!! "Now, show yourself, Tree of Darkness!"
{otome:0720:0720-angel:NARATOR:22} アンヘルくんは保健室に乗り込んでいった。 Anghel rushes into the informary, the door slamming behind him.
{otome:0720:0720-angel:NARATOR:23} その後、緋紅アンヘルを見た者は誰もいない……。 And I never saw him again...
{otome:0720:0720-hoken:NARATOR:0} えぇっと、夏休みに入る前に保健委員の登校日を聞いておかないとね。 I should probably find out if I need to come to school to clean the infirmary
at all.
{otome:0720:0720-hoken:Shuu:1} 登校日……ですか? "Cleaning...?"
{otome:0720:0720-hoken:Shuu:2} そうですね、私は校門の開いている日であればほぼ毎日ここにいます……
"Well, I will be here just about every day the building is open... but
there isn't any real need for you to come too."
{otome:0720:0720-hoken:$namef:3} 私がいても特にする事はないんでしょうか "There's nothing I could do to help?"
{otome:0720:0720-hoken:Shuu:4} ええ、その通りです。何か他に、質問は? "No. Was there anything else?"
{otome:0720:0720-hoken:NARATOR:5} えぇっと…… Umm...
{otome:0720:0720-hoken:DECThat's all:6} ありません That's all
{otome:0720:0720-hoken:DECMissing students:7} 保健室で生徒が行方不明になるってほんとですか? Missing students
{otome:0720:0720-hoken:$namef:8} ありません "No, that's all."
{otome:0720:0720-hoken:Shuu:9} なるほど、それではお引き取り願えますか。
"I will ask you to leave, then. You aren't an unpleasant companion, but
I have many experiments to conduct."
{otome:0720:0720-hoken:NARATOR:10} 追い出されてしまった。 I got kicked out again.
{otome:0720:0720-hoken:NARATOR:11} というか保健室の先生が実験って何なの。
What did he mean by "experiments", anyway? Like a chemist does?
{otome:0720:0720-hoken:NARATOR:12} 先週の坂咲先輩のことも気になるし……ちょっと踏み込んでみよう。 I kind of wonder about what Yuuya said last week... Maybe I'll test the
{otome:0720:0720-hoken:$namef:13} あの、先生。
"Umm, sir? I heard that sometimes students disappear after coming in
here, and..."
{otome:0720:0720-hoken:Shuu:14} 誰からです? "Who told you?"
{otome:0720:0720-hoken:$namef:15} えぇっと……誰ともなく、皆が噂してます。学校の怪談みたいな感じで "No one in particular... Everybody's talking about it. It's kind of like
a school legend, or something."
{otome:0720:0720-hoken:Shuu:16} 貴方は都市伝説を真に受けるタイプですか? "So you believe in urban legends?"
{otome:0720:0720-hoken:$namef:17} えっ?うーんと、実際にあったら面白いなーって思う程度です "What? No, not really. Just that it would be kind of cool if it were
{otome:0720:0720-hoken:Shuu:18} ならばそれを答えにしておきましょうか "Then we shall leave it at that."
{otome:0720:0720-hoken:$namef:19} ??? "???"
{otome:0720:0720-hoken:Shuu:20} 実際に消えていたら、面白いですね。
"That it would be 'cool' if you were to disappear. ... or something
like that. Hohohoho."
{otome:0720:0720-hoken:NARATOR:21} 結局それらしい答えを貰えなかった。 I guess I shouldn't have expected a straight answer in the first place.
{otome:0720:0720-hoken:NARATOR:22} どれだけ話をしても、岩峰先生って何を考えてるのか分からない鳥だなあ。 I never can tell what the doctor is thinking when I talk to him...
{otome:0720:0720-rikujou:NARATOR:0} 夏休みに入る前に部室の掃除と、
I should help clean up the club- room and check the summer schedule before
I go home.
{otome:0720:0720-rikujou:NARATOR:1} いざ、陸上部! To the track club!
{otome:0720:0720-rikujou:San:2} ハッシュハッシュ "Munsh munsh munsh!"
{otome:0720:0720-rikujou:NARATOR:3} 部室に着いてみるとおこさんが大興奮していた。 Okosan looks excited.
{otome:0720:0720-rikujou:NARATOR:4} 怒ってる様子ではないみたいだけど、これは…… ... not angry for once, but still, this is...
{otome:0720:0720-rikujou:$namef:5} あーーーッ!!
"Aaaah! What are you doing!? The floor is covered in beans!"
{otome:0720:0720-rikujou:San:6} ハシュッハシュッ
"Munsh munsh!"
(They're goooood!)
{otome:0720:0720-rikujou:NARATOR:7} どうやら買いだめしておいた選手用栄養バランス鳩豆を何かの拍子にぶちまけて、
It looks like he's been stockpiling his nutritional balance supplements
and is eating them all at once. He certainly seems happy about it...
{otome:0720:0720-rikujou:NARATOR:8} どうしよう? What should I do?
{otome:0720:0720-rikujou:DECScold him:9} 叱る Scold him
{otome:0720:0720-rikujou:DECJoin in:10} 一緒になって食べる Join in
{otome:0720:0720-rikujou:$namef:11} こら!おこさん!こら! "Okosan, stop it!"
{otome:0720:0720-rikujou:San:12} ぷ~わ!!
(These are Okosan's beans! You cannot interfere!)
{otome:0720:0720-rikujou:$namef:13} 鎮まりたまえ!
"Be quiet! Where is your pride as captain of the track team!?"
{otome:0720:0720-rikujou:San:14} ポポロッぷ~わ!!
(Come at me, whippersnapper!)
{otome:0720:0720-rikujou:NARATOR:15} こうして私とおこさんの血で血を洗う戦いが数時間続いた。 And so began a food-fight that spanned several hours, the floor awash
in blood and beans.
{otome:0720:0720-rikujou:San:16} ぷ~わ!
(You've got guts! Okosan will step down in light of your determination.)
{otome:0720:0720-rikujou:$namef:17} おこさんこそ……ハァ、ハァ……なかなかやりおるな……見直したぞ…… "You're... -pant-... not bad yourself... -pant-... Okosan..."
{otome:0720:0720-rikujou:NARATOR:18} おこさんと好敵手と書いて友と読む関係になれた気がする。 I think I just got rival-zoned.
{otome:0720:0720-rikujou:NARATOR:19} よーし私も鳩豆食べちゃうぞー Those look pretty good!
{otome:0720:0720-rikujou:San:20} ハシュッハシュッ
"Munsh munsh!"
{otome:0720:0720-rikujou:NARATOR:21} 二ヶ月分の栄養バランス鳩豆が一日にして失われた。 And so we devoured two month's worth of dietary supplements in one day.
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:NARATOR:0} 生徒会室も学期末の大掃除をするって言ってたっけ。 I think Sakuya said to help him clean the council room before going home...
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:NARATOR:1} あんまり待たせると朔夜くんどれだけ機嫌が悪くなるか分からないし、
He always gets angry if I make him wait, so I should hurry!
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:Sakuya:2} 遅いぞ!! "You're late!"
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:NARATOR:3} 走って来たんだけどやっぱり怒られた。 I came as fast as I could!
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:$namef:4} ごめんね、朔夜くん。じゃあ掃除を始めようか "Sorry, Sakuya. Let's start cleaning."
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:Sakuya:5} うむ "Very well."
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:Sakuya:6} まず椅子と棚を動かせ。埃が溜まっている "First, move the shelf and chairs. There's dust underneath."
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:$namef:7} うんうん "Okay."
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:Sakuya:8} それから戸棚の中だ。書類を日付順に整頓しろ "Next, inside the cupboard. Arrange the files by date."
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:$namef:9} うんうん "Okay."
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:Sakuya:10} そして床掃除。最低3回は全面を磨け。あとは窓ガラスと── "And then the floor. Polish it at least three times. And the windo--"
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:$namef:11} ちょっと待って朔夜くん、もしかしてそれ全部私がやるの? "Hold on. Are you telling me to do all that by myself?"
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:Sakuya:12} 他に誰がいる "Who else is there?"
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:NARATOR:13} お前がいるだろうが!!!! You, bonehead!!
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:NARATOR:14} ここは反論しておくべきなのかな? Maybe I should stand up to him?
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:DECYou help too!:15} 朔夜くんも一緒にやろうよ You help too!
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:DECNevermind:16} 隷属する Nevermind
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:$namef:17} 朔夜くん、副生徒会長は雑用班じゃないよ…… "Sakuya, I'm the vice-president, not the charwoman."
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:Sakuya:18} そうなのか? "Is that so?"
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:$namef:19} 生徒会長を補佐するのが副生徒会長だよ。主役は朔夜くんなんだから、
"My job is to help you. So maybe you should be taking the lead role in
cleaning up?"
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:Sakuya:20} だからこうして指示を出しているんだ "That's why I'm giving you orders."
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:$namef:21} もー、そうじゃなくて……
"No! Geez, that's not what I... Here's a mop! Work!"
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:Sakuya:22} なん…だと……!? "I... you... what...!?"
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:$namef:23} 使い方ぐらい分かるよね、じゃあ始めようよ "You know how to use it, right? Let's get started."
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:Sakuya:24} ……… "......"
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:$namef:25} もしかしてモップ持ったこともない…とか……? "Don't tell me you've never..."
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:Sakuya:26} 当然だ "Of course not."
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:NARATOR:27} そんなところで偉そうにされても……。 Talk about living in the lap of luxury.
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:NARATOR:28} 朔夜くんは渋々一緒に掃除を始めた。 And so Sakuya reluctantly helped me clean.
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:NARATOR:29} 前々から思ってたけど、朔夜くんって意外に素直なところがあるよね。 I'd thought he might complain for a while, but he certainly can be obedient!
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:NARATOR:30} さあ、手早く済ませて気持ちよく夏休みを迎えよう! Now, then... the sooner we finish, the sooner we get to go home!
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:$namef:31} そうだね、じゃあ私がやるから朔夜くんはそこで座って監督してて…… "... well, all right. You can sit there and tell me what to do."
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:Sakuya:32} 任せろ、適確な指示を出してやる "Excellent."
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:NARATOR:33} 優秀なブレーンのお陰で生徒会室はピカピカになった! And so the council room was polished until it shone with the light of
a thousand suns. Just as planned.
{otome:0720:0720-seitokai:NARATOR:34} ……わしゃあ納得いかんぜよ!! ... aaagh, I went along with him!
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:NARATOR:0} 一学期が終わる前に課題図書の数をチェックしておかないと。
I need to check all the assigned books before I go home. There will be
a lot of students coming in to borrow their summer reading pretty soon!
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:NARATOR:1} 終業式の日ともなるといつにも増して鳥影がない。 Today is the closing ceremony, so there are even fewer birds in here than
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:NARATOR:2} 私一人だけかな?まあ、作業し易くて助かるんだけど。 Am I the only one? Well, that just makes my job easier.
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:NARATOR:3} でもこんな時は、大抵私一人じゃなかったりする。
... but I'm probably not alone. I've seen this situation before.
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:$namef:4} 嘆くん!いるー? "Nageki?"
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:NARATOR:5} 返事がない。ただの図書室のようだ。 No reply. Maybe he's not here.
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:$namef:6} あれ、いないのかな。嘆く── "Are you here, Nage--"
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:Nageki:7} 図書室では静かに "Please be quiet in the libary."
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:$namef:8} あ、やっぱりいた "Hello!"
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:Nageki:9} 騒がしいよ。何か用? "You're rather noisy today. Did you want something?"
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:$namef:10} ううん、別に。もしかしたらいるかなーって。それだけ "Nope! I was just wondering if you were here."
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:Nageki:11} 呆れた。非常識だよ "Of course. I'm always here."
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:NARATOR:12} 図書室の片隅に座ったままうんざりした様子で返す嘆くん。
He replies from his corner, in a somewhat annoyed tone of voice. Oh! The
book he's holding...
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:$namef:13} あ、それ今年の夏の課題図書だね。面白い? "That's assigned reading this semester! Is it any good?"
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:Nageki:14} ………あんまり。もう切り上げようと思ってたところ "... not really. I'm almost done with it."
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:Nageki:15} 無難な倫理観を押し付ける本ばかり。
"It forces its 'safe' ethical viewpoint on the reader. Like all assigned
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:Nageki:16} そもそも、全員に同じ本を読むように押し付けること自体、
"The whole concept is inane. Why force everyone to read the same books?"
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:$namef:17} 私も課題図書の一覧はあんまりパッとしない感じだったかなー "It is pretty boring most of the time."
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:Nageki:18} $namel さんは何読んでるの、普段 "What do you like to read?"
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:$namef:19} えっ? "Huh?"
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:Nageki:20} 図書委員なら本が好きなんじゃないの?
"You volunteered to work here. So you must like books. I was wondering
what to read next."
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:$namef:21} つまりオススメの本を教えてってことだよね "So you want me to recommend something?"
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:NARATOR:22} 嘆くんは黙って頷いた。 He nods.
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:NARATOR:23} 何を勧めよう? What about...
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:DECNight on the Galactic Railroad:24} 銀河鉄道の夜 Night on the Galactic Railroad
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:DECOreHato:25} 俺のミノバトは威圧感が少ない OreHato
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:$namef:26} 銀河鉄道の夜……とか。私は好きだよ "What about Night on the Galactic Railroad? I liked it."
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:Nageki:27} ……改めて勧めるには定番過ぎる "... too stereotypical."
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:$namef:28} あっ、そうか、ごめん!嘆くんならもうとっくに読んでるよね "Oh! Sorry. You've already read it, I imagine."
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:Nageki:29} うん。
"Yes. Though..."
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:Nageki:30} ぼくも好きだ "I liked it, too."
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:NARATOR:31} その後も私は時々嘆くんと言葉を交わしながら
And so I spent the afternoon working in the library, occasionally exchanging
a word with Nageki.
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:NARATOR:32} 穏やかに時間が流れていく。こういうのも、いいよね。 Time flows slowly by. This sort of thing is nice, too.
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:$namef:33} 俺のミノバトは威圧感が少ない……とか。私は好きだよ "What about My Little Nicobar Can't Be This Cute? I liked it."
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:Nageki:34} 初めて聞いたよそんなの。何それ? "I've never heard that name before. What is it?"
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:$namef:35} 先月出たラノベだよ "It's a light novel that came out last month."
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:$namef:36} ミノバトなのに威圧感の無い美少女が劣等感から物凄くツンツンしてるんだけど、
"It's about an incredibly tsundere Nicobar with a complex, and her faceless
male protagonist brother, and..."
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:Nageki:37} ふーん…… "I see."
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:NARATOR:38} 明らかに興味の薄そうな反応だ。 He sounds extremely uninterested.
{otome:0720:0720-tosyo:NARATOR:39} ラノベ馬鹿にするなよー!
Don't look down on light novels! Kirinico is cute!
{otome:0806:0806-0:NARATOR:0} 今日は地元の夏祭り!
Today's the local summer festival! I think I'll go with somebirdie.
{otome:0806:0806-0:NARATOR:1} 誰を誘おう? Invite...
{otome:0806:0806-0:DECRyouta:2} 華原涼太 Ryouta
{otome:0806:0806-0:DECSakuya:3} 銀朔夜 Sakuya
{otome:0806:0806-0:DECNageki:4} 藤代嘆 Nageki
{otome:0806:0806-0:DECYuuya:5} 坂咲優夜 Yuuya
{otome:0806:0806-0:DECSan:6} 尾呼散 San
{otome:0806:0806-0:DECKazuaki:7} 七姫一明 Kazuaki
{otome:0806:0806-0:DEC Shuu:8} 岩峰舟 Shuu
{otome:0806:0806-0:DECAnghel:9} 緋紅アンヘル Anghel
{otome:0806:0806-0:NARATOR:10} 誰を誘おう? Invite...
{otome:0806:0806-0:DECRyouta:11} 華原涼太 Ryouta
{otome:0806:0806-0:DECSakuya:12} 銀朔夜 Sakuya
{otome:0806:0806-0:DECNageki:13} 藤代嘆 Nageki
{otome:0806:0806-0:DECSan:14} 尾呼散 San
{otome:0806:0806-0:DECKazuaki:15} 七姫一明 Kazuaki
{otome:0806:0806-0:NARATOR:16} 誰を誘おう? Invite...
{otome:0806:0806-0:DECRyouta:17} 華原涼太 Ryouta
{otome:0806:0806-0:DECSakuya:18} 銀朔夜 Sakuya
{otome:0806:0806-0:DECNageki:19} 藤代嘆 Nageki
{otome:0806:0806-0:DECYuuya:20} 坂咲優夜 Yuuya
{otome:0806:0806-0:DECSan:21} 尾呼散 San
{otome:0806:0806-0:DECKazuaki:22} 七姫一明 Kazuaki
{otome:0806:0806-0:DECShuu:23} 岩峰舟 Shuu
{otome:0806:0806-1:Ryouta:0} 誘ってくれてありがとう!
"Thanks for inviting me, $namef ! Come on, let's go!"
{otome:0806:0806-1:$namef:1} わあぁ、充実の夜店群!
"So many booths! How are we supposed to choose?"
{otome:0806:0806-1:Ryouta:2} ハンターの目をしてるね$namef 。今日は僕が奢るし、好きなのを食べていいよ "Use your hunter-gatherer instincts, $namef ! Let's go find something
to eat. I'll pay!"
{otome:0806:0806-1:$namef:3} えっ、ダメだよ涼太、私だけが奢ってもらうなんて。
"What? No fair! I'm paying for yours!"
{otome:0806:0806-1:Ryouta:4} うん、そうだね。
"It's a deal!"
{otome:0806:0806-1:$namef:5} 私焼き鳥食べたいなー "Hmm... yakitori sounds good right about now!"
{otome:0806:0806-1:Ryouta:6} えっ "!?"
{otome:0806:0806-1:NARATOR:7} こうして涼太との時間は楽しく過ぎて行った。 And so I spent a happy evening with Ryouta.
{otome:0806:0806-1:NARATOR:8} 来年もまた来たいな♪
Maybe we can go again next year! I love me some yakitori.
{otome:0806:0806-2:$namef:0} あ、朔夜くん!こっちだよ、こっち "Sakuya! Over here!"
{otome:0806:0806-2:Sakuya:1} 私を休日に呼び出すとは大した度胸だな。何の用だ? "You've got nerve, to call me out during vacation. What is it?"
{otome:0806:0806-2:$namef:2} そっか、朔夜くんはこの町に来たばかりだから
"Oh, right! You just moved here, so you wouldn't have known."
{otome:0806:0806-2:$namef:3} 今日は夏祭りなの。一緒に行こうよ "Today's the festival! Let's go together!"
{otome:0806:0806-2:Sakuya:4} 夏祭り?何だそれは "Festival? What's that?"
{otome:0806:0806-2:$namef:5} 行けばわかるよ!着いて来て! "You'll understand when you see it. Come on!"
{otome:0806:0806-2:Sakuya:6} な、なんだこれは……! "Wh... what in the...?"
{otome:0806:0806-2:$namef:7} 見ての通り、夜店だよ "Shops! Food! Good fun all around!"
{otome:0806:0806-2:Sakuya:8} まさかこんな環境で食べ物を売り買いしているのか?
"People can't possibly be eating food prepared like this! It's... It's
unsanitary! It's madness!"
{otome:0806:0806-2:$namef:9} 大丈夫大丈夫、食中毒になったとかそういう話、
"Don't worry! There haven't been any reports of food poisoning for two
{otome:0806:0806-2:Sakuya:10} 3年前にあったということだろう! "So there were reports three years ago!?"
{otome:0806:0806-2:NARATOR:11} うん。 Yup!
{otome:0806:0806-2:NARATOR:12} 警戒心を露にした朔夜くんと歩くのは大変だけど面白い。 Guiding the panic-stricken Sakuya around the festival is a little troublesome,
but hilarious nonetheless.
{otome:0806:0806-2:NARATOR:13} こうして祭りの夜は更けていったのであった……。 And so the night wears on...
{otome:0806:0806-2:$namef:14} あれ、朔夜くんりんご飴買ったの?いつの間に? "Huh? When did you buy that candy apple, Sakuya?"
{otome:0806:0806-2:Sakuya:15} フン、珍しい色の食べ物だから買ってみただけだ。食べるつもりはないぞ。
"They had an interesting color, so I thought I would buy one. I'm not
going to eat it. I shall take it home and mount in a case."
{otome:0806:0806-3:NARATOR:0} よし、嘆くんを誘ってみよう! I'll invite Nageki. He needs to get out more!
{otome:0806:0806-3:NARATOR:1} ……と思ったけど、そういえば私まだ嘆くんの連絡先聞いてないや。
... but I don't know his address or phone number. I'd go look in the library
if the school weren't already closed.
{otome:0806:0806-3:NARATOR:2} よく考えたら私、嘆くんのことは『いつも図書室にいる生きにくそうな1年生』
Now that I think about it, I only know him as 'the depressed freshman
who's always in the libary'.
{otome:0806:0806-3:NARATOR:3} もっと嘆くんのこと、知りたいな。本人が話してくれるかどうかが問題だけど。 I'd like to learn more about him... though, he'd probably never tell me
anything if I asked.
{otome:0806:0806-3:NARATOR:4} あー、もう面倒だし今日は外に出るのやめようかな。
Aah, going out is too much trouble. I think I'll have some udon and go
to bed!
{otome:0806:0806-4:NARATOR:0} 坂咲先輩を誘ってみよーっと。
I'll invite Yuuya! ... huh?
{otome:0806:0806-4:NARATOR:1} 電話が繋がらない。電源を切ってるのかな? The phone isn't connecting. Is his power out?
{otome:0806:0806-4:NARATOR:2} どうしよう…ぼっちで行く程の情熱もないよ……。
Hmm... going alone is no fun... I think I'll stay home tonight.
{otome:0806:0806-4:Yuuya:3} サリュー、$namef ちゃん。キミにお誘い頂けるなんて光栄だねぇ "Salutations, $namef . I am honored to act as your escort tonight, my
{otome:0806:0806-4:$namef:4} あ、先輩!すみません、待ちました? "Oh! Yuuya! Sorry, did I keep you waiting?"
{otome:0806:0806-4:Yuuya:5} 気にしないで。紳士たるものレディを待たせちゃいけないからね、
"Don't worry about it. A gentleman never keeps a lady waiting, so I always
show up half an hour early."
{otome:0806:0806-4:NARATOR:6} 早ぇー。 That's... pretty early.
{otome:0806:0806-4:Yuuya:7} さ、行こうか$namef ちゃん "Shall we go, mon amie?"
{otome:0806:0806-4:Yuuya:8} 盛況だねぇ。
$namef ちゃん、手をつなごうよ。はぐれちゃうよ?
"A successful festival indeed. Take my hand, $namef , lest the crowd
separate us."
{otome:0806:0806-4:$namef:9} えっ……! "Eh...!?"
{otome:0806:0806-4:Yuuya:10} まさか手をつなぐのさえNG? "Don't tell me you're a hand- holding virgin?"
{otome:0806:0806-4:Yuuya:11} 誘ったのはキミなんだから、これぐらい許してよ。ね? "Better late than never. You were the one who invited me. Okay?"
{otome:0806:0806-4:$namef:12} は、はい…… "Umm... okay."
{otome:0806:0806-4:NARATOR:13} 先輩の羽毛…柔らかい……。 His feathers are... soft...
{otome:0806:0806-4:Yuuya:14} 楽しかったね$namef ちゃん。家はどっちだっけ?送っていくよ "This was fun, $namef . Where do you live? I'll walk you home."
{otome:0806:0806-4:$namef:15} あの、先輩…! "Umm, Yuuya...!"
{otome:0806:0806-4:Yuuya:16} なんだい、遊び足りないのかな?夜はまだ長い、
"What is it? Do you want to play some more? The night is yet young, and
if dangerous games are your desire, I will accompany you."
{otome:0806:0806-4:$namef:17} いえ、そうじゃないんです!ちょっと聞きたい事があって…… "Th-that's not what I meant! I... wanted to ask you something."
{otome:0806:0806-4:Yuuya:18} 聞きたい事ねえ。いいよ。ただし身長体重他、
"Of course. Just, my height and weight are classified information, so
I can't tell you those."
{otome:0806:0806-4:$namef:19} どうして岩峰先生に嘘をついたんですか? "Why did you lie to doctor Iwamine?"
{otome:0806:0806-4:Yuuya:21} $namef ちゃんがお手洗いに行きたいっていうから
"She said she was going to the restroom, so I should go ahead. I only
just got here."
{otome:0806:0806-4:Yuuya:22} "Mit anderen Worten, ich hatte noch gar keine Zeit, in Ihren Sachen zu schnüffeln, Doktor. Stimmt's, $namef ?" In other words, I haven't had time to go rifling through your stuff, doctor.
Right, $namef ?" つまり、今日先生の机に小細工する時間なんてありませんでしたよ。
ね、$namef ちゃん? ""In altre parole, non avrei avuto tempo di frugare tra la sua roba, dottore.
Giusto, $namef ?"
{otome:0806:0806-4:$namef:23} 私はあの日、直前まで教室掃除をしていました。
"I came straight from cleaning my classroom. I hadn't seen you before
I went into the infirmary."
{otome:0806:0806-4:$namef:24} でも先輩は岩峰先生に私と一緒にいたって言ってましたよね。
"But you told the doctor that we'd been together. Why?"
{otome:0806:0806-4:Yuuya:25} その話か……もう先月の話だし時効だと思ってたよ "That was... a month ago, now. I was hoping my obligation to explain had
{otome:0806:0806-4:Yuuya:26} $namef ちゃんは嘘と分かってて俺に話を合わせてくれた訳だ。
"You knew I was lying, then. So why did you play along?"
{otome:0806:0806-4:$namef:27} 岩峰先生が恐かったから……
"Because... the doctor looked mad? I felt like if I didn't help you he
was going to do something to you--"
{otome:0806:0806-4:$namef:28} って先輩!質問してるのは私の方なんですけど! "... hey! I'm asking the questions here!"
{otome:0806:0806-4:Yuuya:29} あはは、ごめんね$namef ちゃん。
"Ahaha. Sorry, mon amie your hunter-gatherer instincts are too much for me.
But yes, if you hadn't helped me back then..."
{otome:0806:0806-4:Yuuya:31} 今頃俺はバラされて冷蔵庫の中だったかもねぇ "I'd probably be in little plastic bags in the freezer by now."
{otome:0806:0806-4:$namef:32} シャレにならないですね!! "Th-that's not funny!"
{otome:0806:0806-4:Yuuya:33} うん、そう、シャレにならないねぇ。あはは "Indeed, it isn't funny at all. And it's not a joke. Ahaha."
{otome:0806:0806-4:$namef:34} 真剣に答えてくださいよ先輩…… "Please, give me a straight answer, Yuuya..."
{otome:0806:0806-4:Yuuya:35} 真剣だよ、真剣。俺はいつでも恋に真剣 "That was a straight answer. I'm always straight, in love. Almost always."
{otome:0806:0806-4:$namef:36} そうじゃなくて…… "No, I meant..."
{otome:0806:0806-4:Yuuya:37} !! "!"
{otome:0806:0806-4:Yuuya:38} $namef ちゃん、ちょっといいかな "Uhh, $namef , could you do me a favor?"
{otome:0806:0806-4:$namef:39} 何ですか改まって。どうせまたはぐらかす気なんでしょ "What now? You're just trying to avoid the question again."
{otome:0806:0806-4:Yuuya:40} 静かに。よく聞いて。
"Ssshhh. Listen. I'll only say this once."
{otome:0806:0806-4:NARATOR:41} ?
{otome:0806:0806-4:NARATOR:42} どういうことだろう。
What's going on? His usual detached air is gone. He's looking around,
almost nervously...
{otome:0806:0806-4:Yuuya:43} ごめんね、ここで別れた方が良さそうだ。家まで一人で帰れるかい? "... I'm sorry, mon amie. It looks like we had better split up. Can you
get home all right by yourself?"
{otome:0806:0806-4:$namef:44} えっ、それはもちろん…… "O-of course I..."
{otome:0806:0806-4:Yuuya:45} いい子だ。そこの十字路で別れよう。
"Good girl. We'll part ways as soon as we reach that intersection. I'll
head into an alleyway, so go straight home. Don't look back."
{otome:0806:0806-4:Yuuya:46} 夜の街はどこもかしこもワナだらけ。気を付けて帰りなよ。アデュー! "The night roads are laden with traps. Be careful. Adieu, mon amie!"
{otome:0806:0806-4:NARATOR:47} 先輩はひらりと方向転換して小道に消えてしまった。 He turns briskly and disappears into a narrow alley.
{otome:0806:0806-4:NARATOR:48} 一体何があったんだろう?振り返るなって言われたけど…。 What on earth is going on? He told me not to look back, but...
{otome:0806:0806-4:NARATOR:49} !! !
{otome:0806:0806-4:NARATOR:50} 銃声……!? A gunshot...!?
{otome:0806:0806-4:NARATOR:51} その夜、先輩からメールが届いた。 Later that night, he sent me an e-mail.
{otome:0806:0806-4:NARATOR:52} 無事に帰ったかい?夢の中で俺が会いに行くから、ぐっすり眠るといい "Did you make it home in one piece? I'll be visiting in your dreams,
mon amie, so sleep well."
{otome:0806:0806-4:NARATOR:53} 緊張感のないメールだ……。
The message bears no trace of the tension I felt in him earlier. Are you
all right, Yuuya...?
{otome:0806:0806-4:NARATOR:54} ほんとに不思議だらけな先輩だなあ。
He really is mysterious bird. I think I'll assume that his existence is
one of the seven mysteries of St. Pigeonation's.
{otome:0806:0806-5:San:0} ポポロッぷ~わ!?
(Is it true that you will take Okosan to a wonderful place!?)
{otome:0806:0806-5:$namef:1} うん、今日は夏祭りだよ。一緒に行こ! "Yup! Today's the summer festival. Let's go together!"
{otome:0806:0806-5:San:2} ポポロッぷ~わ!!
(Okosan smells excellent things! Okosan's excitement is almost
at maximum!)
{otome:0806:0806-5:$namef:3} 美味しいものがたくさんあるよ。目移りしちゃうね! "There's lots of good food! More than we could ever try!"
{otome:0806:0806-5:San:4} ぷ~わ!
(Perhaps even pudding!)
{otome:0806:0806-5:$namef:5} いや…プリンはちょっと…どうかな……。
"Well... probably not. I've never seen a stand selling pudding..."
{otome:0806:0806-5:$namef:6} あ、見て見ておこさん、打ち上げ花火が始まってるよ "Oh! Look, look! The fireworks are starting!"
{otome:0806:0806-5:$namef:7} きれいだね、おこさん "Aren't they pretty, Okosan?"
{otome:0806:0806-5:$namef:8} おこさん……? "... Okosan...?"
{otome:0806:0806-5:San:9} くりゅぽこぷ~わ!!! "Coooooooooooooo!!"
{otome:0806:0806-5:San:10} くりゅぽこぷ~わ!!! "Coooooooooooooo!!"
{otome:0806:0806-5:$namef:11} いけない、おこさんが光と音に我を失って野生に帰ってる! "Nooo! He's lost himself to the shining lights and returned to his feral
{otome:0806:0806-5:$namef:12} 鎮まりたまえ!
"Calm down! Okosan, calm doooown!"
{otome:0806:0806-6:Kazuaki:0} こんばんは、$namel さん。いい夜だね~。ぼくに何か用が、あるのかな? "Good evening, $namel . Such nice weather! ... anyway, you needed something?"
{otome:0806:0806-6:$namef:1} あの、先生!今日は夏祭りです。一緒に行きませんか? "Umm... sir! Today's the summer festival! Want to go together?"
{otome:0806:0806-6:Kazuaki:2} ぼくと、$namel さんが?ぼくは構わないけど、若い子は、
"The two of us? I wouldn't mind, but wouldn't it be more fun with someone
your own age?"
{otome:0806:0806-6:$namef:3} 先生と行ってもきっと楽しいです。行きましょう先生! "I think it will be plenty of fun with you, sir! Let's go!"
{otome:0806:0806-6:Kazuaki:4} この町の夏祭りには初めて来たけど、とっても賑やかなんだね~。
"This is the first time I've been to a festival here... it's very lively!
I feel a little dizzy."
{otome:0806:0806-6:$namef:5} だ、大丈夫ですか先生……? "A-are you okay, sir...?"
{otome:0806:0806-6:Kazuaki:6} うんうん、大丈夫。鳥が多いところに、ちょっと慣れてないだけだよ~ "I'm fine, don't worry. I'm just not very used to crowds."
{otome:0806:0806-6:Kazuaki:7} あ、打ち上げ花火もあるんだね。きれいだね~ "Aah, fireworks! How nice..."
{otome:0806:0806-6:Kazuaki:8} $namel さんは、もう炎色反応の勉強はしたかな? "Have you studied redox color reactions, $namel ?"
{otome:0806:0806-6:$namef:9} あ、はい。確か中学で実験しました。銅だと緑色になったり、
"Oh, yes! In middleschool. Copper turns green, and sodium turns red,
and that sort of thing..."
{otome:0806:0806-6:Kazuaki:10} 惜しいね~、ナトリウムは黄色だね~ "No, no! Sodium turns yellow, right?"
{otome:0806:0806-6:$namef:11} そうでしたっけ。テヘペロ☆ "Oh, that's right. Teehee, silly me."
{otome:0806:0806-6:Kazuaki:12} 花火もね、同じ原理でできてるんだよ~。
"Anyway, that's how fireworks work. Mmm, so beautiful..."
{otome:0806:0806-6:$namef:13} でも……先生の瞳の方がずっときれいです "Though... ... y-your eyes are even more beautiful, sir."
{otome:0806:0806-6:Kazuaki:14} ………すやり "... zzz."
{otome:0806:0806-6:NARATOR:15} 寝てたー! He fell asleep!?
{otome:0806:0806-6:NARATOR:16} いつもより保った方だとは思うけど、
He held up pretty well, but I guess he gets even sleepier than usual as
soon as the sun goes down...
{otome:0806:0806-6:NARATOR:17} っていうか普通『夜景より君が綺麗』って、
... and besides, I think the girl is supposed to get told she's prettier
than the night, not the man. Oopsie!
{otome:0806:0806-7:Shuu:0} なんですか?こんな場所に呼び出して "What do you want?"
{otome:0806:0806-7:$namef:1} ウワァァァァッ!
"Waaaaaaaah! It's the doctooooor! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"
{otome:0806:0806-7:Shuu:2} ……… "......"
{otome:0806:0806-7:Shuu:3} 呼び出しておいてそれですか。帰りますよ "Is that all? I'm going home."
{otome:0806:0806-7:$namef:4} す、すみません、まさか本当に来てくれるなんて思いませんでした。
"S-sorry! I just... hadn't thought you'd actually come."
{otome:0806:0806-7:$namef:5} "But I didn't have anything better to do, so I decided that even if it
was a 0.05% chance it was still worth trying."
{otome:0806:0806-7:Shuu:6} 0.05%の試算を踏まえて私を呼んだのですか?
"You invited me based on a chance like that? Fascinating. I think I want
to try studying primate ethology next."
{otome:0806:0806-7:Shuu:7} それで、貴方の要求は? "That aside, what did you want?"
{otome:0806:0806-7:$namef:8} 要求なんて、そんな大層なものじゃないです!
"I wanted to go to the festival with you!"
{otome:0806:0806-7:Shuu:9} 祭事ですか。私は無神論者なのですが "A festival? Forgive me, but I don't ascribe to idle superstition."
{otome:0806:0806-7:$namef:10} 思想と信仰の為に祭りに来る鳥なんてそれこそ全体の0.05%
"I think 99.95% of the people there will be there just for fun, not
{otome:0806:0806-7:Shuu:11} まあいいでしょう、付合って差し上げますよ "... very well. I shall accompany you."
{otome:0806:0806-7:Shuu:12} 貴方の左腕と交換です "In exchange for your left arm, of course."
{otome:0806:0806-7:$namef:13} ひだりうで……!? "M-my left arm...!?"
{otome:0806:0806-7:Shuu:14} ああ、腕一本は学園生活に支障が出てしまいますか。
"Oh, would that pose problems to your active and youthful high- school
lifestyle? I shall accept a lock of your hair instead, then."
{otome:0806:0806-7:$namef:15} は、はあ……わかりました "U-umm... okay."
{otome:0806:0806-7:NARATOR:16} ワーイ、やっぱり変態だァー。 Yup, he's a pervert. Yippee.
{otome:0806:0806-7:Shuu:17} 花火ですか。素晴らしい "Fireworks. How marvelous."
{otome:0806:0806-7:$namef:18} 意外です、先生も花火を美しいと思うんですね! "You mean even you like fireworks, sir!?"
{otome:0806:0806-7:Shuu:19} ええ、美しいまでのポテンシャルです!これだけの熱量があれば……ククク "Naturally! Such potential... If only I could be so grossly incandescent.
{otome:0806:0806-7:NARATOR:20} これ以上聞かない方が良さそうだ。 I'm not sure I want to know what he's thinking about.
{otome:0806:0806-7:Shuu:21} 楽しませて頂きました。それでは、失礼 "I enjoyed myself tonight. Thank you, miss $namel ."
{otome:0806:0806-7:NARATOR:22} 岩峰先生は機嫌良さそうに去って行った。 And so he left, a satisfied expression on his face.
{otome:0806:0806-7:NARATOR:23} 私が眼中に入ってたのかちょっと不安だけど、満足してもらえたなら良かった! I'm a little worried that he was trying to study me, but I'm glad he had
{otome:0806:0806-8:NARATOR:0} 待ち合わせ場所に着いたけど、アンヘルくんが見あたらない。
The appointed time and place, but Anghel is nowhere to be seen. He said
he'd come, but is he going to stand me up anyway...?
{otome:0806:0806-8:???:1} ………ラウ… "... lau..."
{otome:0806:0806-8:NARATOR:2} 場所も時間もここであってると思うんだけど……。 This is the right time, isn't it? Is my phone's clock off...?
{otome:0806:0806-8:???:3} ……デルブラウ… "... del Blau..."
{otome:0806:0806-8:NARATOR:4} どうしよっかなー、独りで行こうかな、 Hmm... maybe I should go ahead by myself...?
{otome:0806:0806-8:???:5} エーデルブラウ! "Edel Blau!"
{otome:0806:0806-8:$namef:6} えっ!? "Wah!?"
{otome:0806:0806-8:NARATOR:7} あらぬ方向から声が聞こえる。だけど姿が見えない。 I can hear him, but where is he!?
{otome:0806:0806-8:$namef:8} アンヘルくん?どこにいるの? "Anghel? Is that you?"
{otome:0806:0806-8:Anghel:9} ここだエーデルブラウ "I am here, Edel Blau!"
{otome:0806:0806-8:NARATOR:10} 植え込みの影から野生のアンヘルがとびだしてきた! A wild ANGHEL appeared!
{otome:0806:0806-8:$namef:11} ビックリしたー!そんなところで何してたの? "Aaah! You scared me!"
{otome:0806:0806-8:Anghel:12} シッ "Sh!"
{otome:0806:0806-8:NARATOR:13} アンヘルくんは緊張した様子で辺りの様子を伺っている。 He frantically glances about.
{otome:0806:0806-8:Anghel:14} 下級妖魔の一種だ。まだ微かに気配が残っている。近いな "A lower demon of Baal. I can still feel its presence! It lurks nearby,
Edel Blau."
{otome:0806:0806-8:$namef:15} アンヘルくんまた何かと戦ってるの? "Fighting evil again, Anghel?"
{otome:0806:0806-8:Anghel:16} 覚醒したばかりのお前に退魔烈陣は早過ぎる。そうだな…これを持っていろ "... you have but just awakened. It is too soon to bring you into battle.
Take this."
{otome:0806:0806-8:NARATOR:17} アンヘルくんに渡されたのは…… He hands me...
{otome:0806:0806-8:NARATOR:18} お守り? A charm?
{otome:0806:0806-8:Anghel:19} それがお前を魔素から守ってくれる。しかし早く移動した方が良さそうだ "This will protect you from the forces of witchcraft. But we should leave
this place nonetheless."
{otome:0806:0806-8:$namef:20} そうだね、じゃあ早くお祭りに行こうか♪ "You're right. Come on, let's go to the festival!"
{otome:0806:0806-8:NARATOR:21} アンヘルくんはお祭りの真っ最中もずっと緊張していた。 He's still as high-strung as a violin.
{otome:0806:0806-8:NARATOR:22} もしかしてこういう場所に慣れてないのかな? Maybe he's not used to crowds?
{otome:0806:0806-8:$namef:23} アンヘルくん、夏祭りに来るのって初めて? "Is this your first time coming to a summer festival, Anghel?"
{otome:0806:0806-8:Anghel:24} 俺は孤高の星の下に産まれた。享楽は許されない "I was born beneath the star of solitude. I am not allowed these pleasures."
{otome:0806:0806-8:$namef:25} もしかして一緒に遊ぶ友達もいないとか…… "Don't tell me you don't have any friends...!?"
{otome:0806:0806-8:Anghel:26} !! "!"
{otome:0806:0806-8:Anghel:27} あれは斬獲禍翼刃(カオティックエイヴスキラー)!何故こんな所に…!? "An Aveskellar of Chaos! Why here, why now...!?"
{otome:0806:0806-8:NARATOR:28} アンヘルくんの視線の先には夜店によくある光るおもちゃが並んでいる。 He's staring agitatedly at stand selling cheap toys and trinkets.
{otome:0806:0806-8:$namef:29} えーと……夜店だからじゃないかな? "Umm... that looks like a normal booth to me..."
{otome:0806:0806-8:Anghel:30} 混沌の翼を狩る刃が地上に現れる時、世界の終焉の足音が聞こえてくるという…。
"When the Chaotic Wings of the Reaper appear on this Earth, The Echoes
of The End shall be heard across the land... Edel Blau, you must undergo
{otome:0806:0806-8:NARATOR:31} 体を鍛えろってことかな?
It is easy to lose track of your exercise regime during vacation.
{otome:0806:0806-8:NARATOR:32} その後もアンヘルくんと私は夏祭りを満喫して過ごしたのだった。 And so Anghel and I enjoyed the festival in our own special way.
{otome:0814:0814-iwamine:NARATOR:0} 夏は日が長いからついつい遅くまで遊んじゃうよね。
The late sunset in summer makes it easy to stay out late! I feel like
my internal calendar is off already.
{otome:0814:0814-iwamine:NARATOR:1} 生活指導される前にうどん食べて帰ろーっと。 I think I'll get some udon and go home before I get life counseled.
{otome:0814:0814-iwamine:NARATOR:2} あれは……岩峰先生? Wait, isn't that... the doctor?
{otome:0814:0814-iwamine:$namef:3} こんばんは岩峰先生!何してるんですか? "Good evening, doctor!"
{otome:0814:0814-iwamine:Shuu:4} ……! "......!"
{otome:0814:0814-iwamine:Shuu:5} 貴方でしたか。学生が独りで徘徊する時間ではないと思うのですが "Ah, it's you. Is this any hour for a highschool student to be wandering
{otome:0814:0814-iwamine:NARATOR:6} あれ? Huh?
{otome:0814:0814-iwamine:NARATOR:7} 岩峰先生の羽先が少し土で汚れている。 There's mud on his wing.
{otome:0814:0814-iwamine:Shuu:8} 夜遊びは感心しませんね。早くお帰りになったらどうです? "Little of this city's nocturnal entertainment is to be admired. Perhaps
you should go home."
{otome:0814:0814-iwamine:NARATOR:9} どうしよう? I'm going to...
{otome:0814:0814-iwamine:DECAsk what he's doing:10} 何をしていたのか聞く Ask what he's doing
{otome:0814:0814-iwamine:DECGo home:11} 大人しく帰る Go home
{otome:0814:0814-iwamine:$namef:12} あの、先生…… "Umm, sir...?"
{otome:0814:0814-iwamine:Shuu:13} なんでしょう "Yes?"
{otome:0814:0814-iwamine:$namef:14} 何をしていたんですか? "What are you doing out here, sir?"
{otome:0814:0814-iwamine:Shuu:15} 何も。これから帰宅するところです。
"Nothing. Nothing at all. I was on my way home. I just happened to pass
{otome:0814:0814-iwamine:$namef:16} でも、ただ通り抜けるだけなら…そんな土、付きませんよね "But... if you were just walking around, how'd you get all muddy?"
{otome:0814:0814-iwamine:Shuu:17} ……… "......"
{otome:0814:0814-iwamine:Shuu:18} ……なるほど、人類の方がまだ夜目は利くということか… "... I had forgotten that primates retain their keen vision in the dark..."
{otome:0814:0814-iwamine:Shuu:19} 良い教訓になりました。感謝しますよ$namel さん。それでは "Informative, indeed. Thank you, miss $namel . Good night."
{otome:0814:0814-iwamine:$namef:20} ま、待ってください先生!結局何をしていたんですか? "W-wait! You didn't answer my question!"
{otome:0814:0814-iwamine:Shuu:21} ……廃棄 "... throwing something away."
{otome:0814:0814-iwamine:$namef:22} えっ……? "Huh...?"
{otome:0814:0814-iwamine:Shuu:23} 不要な物を捨てに来ただけですよ "I was disposing of some things I no longer needed."
{otome:0814:0814-iwamine:NARATOR:24} そう言って岩峰先生は立ち去った。 And so he hurried away into the night.
{otome:0814:0814-iwamine:NARATOR:25} 捨てたって、何をだろう?
Throwing something away? What? Littering is bad, doctor!
{otome:0814:0814-iwamine:$namef:26} はい、すみません…… "I-I was just going home now..."
{otome:0814:0814-iwamine:NARATOR:27} 二学期が始まる前に学校に呼び出されたりしたら滅入っちゃうし、大人しく従っておこう……。 Getting called in to school before the semester begins would be too depressing...
{otome:0814:0814-nageki:NARATOR:0} 今日は図書室の受付当番。 Today is my day as receptionist.
{otome:0814:0814-nageki:NARATOR:1} といっても相変わらず仕事はほとんど無いし、
There's nobirdie here, as usual. Maybe I should work on the newspaper...
{otome:0814:0814-nageki:$namef:2} ねぇ、嘆くん "Nageki?"
{otome:0814:0814-nageki:Nageki:3} ………何 "... yes?"
{otome:0814:0814-nageki:$namef:4} 今、忙しい? "Do you have a minute?"
{otome:0814:0814-nageki:Nageki:5} 別に。どうして? "What is it?"
{otome:0814:0814-nageki:$namef:6} 書評書いてみない?図書委員新聞の9月号を作ってるんだけど、
"Want to write a book review? I'm working on the library newspaper, and
there's a corner open, so I thought..."
{otome:0814:0814-nageki:Nageki:7} 自分で書けばいいのに、そんなの "Can't you write one yourself?"
{otome:0814:0814-nageki:$namef:8} 毎月書いてるよ!あまりに書評投稿が少ないから、
"I'm always writing them! We never get submissions, so the book reviews
are just turning into our personal soapbox!"
{otome:0814:0814-nageki:Nageki:9} じゃあそのコーナー止めれば?需要がないんだ、きっと "Perhaps it would be better to remove them from the paper."
{otome:0814:0814-nageki:NARATOR:10} おっしゃる通りでございます。 My thoughts exactly.
{otome:0814:0814-nageki:$namef:11} でも、嘆くんがどの本をどういう風に勧めるのかちょっと興味あるよ "I'd like to see how you'd write one, though."
{otome:0814:0814-nageki:$namef:12} そんなに長い文章じゃなくても大丈夫だから、お願いしちゃダメ? "It doesn't have to be very long, either!"
{otome:0814:0814-nageki:Nageki:13} ……後で書く。原稿用紙、そこに置いといて "... I'll write one later. Leave the paper there."
{otome:0814:0814-nageki:$namef:14} やったー!ありがとう!! "Yaaay! Thank you!"
{otome:0814:0814-nageki:NARATOR:15} これで無事来月号も発行できそう。よかった! I think that's everything for the September issue. Wheee!
{otome:0814:0814-yuya:NARATOR:0} 夏は日が長いからついつい遅くまで遊んじゃうよね。
The late sunset in summer makes it easy to stay out late! I feel like
my internal calendar is off already.
{otome:0814:0814-yuya:NARATOR:1} 生活指導される前にうどん食べて帰ろーっと。 I think I'll get some udon and go home before I get life counseled.
{otome:0814:0814-yuya:NARATOR:2} あれは……坂咲先輩? Wait, isn't that... Yuuya?
{otome:0814:0814-yuya:NARATOR:3} 先輩が公園のゴミ箱をあさっている。 He's rummaging around in a garbage can.
{otome:0814:0814-yuya:$namef:4} 先輩何してるんですか!そこまで落ちぶれたんですかこの雑種め!! "Yuuya, what are you doing!? Have you fallen so far, mongrel?"
{otome:0814:0814-yuya:Yuuya:5} あ、$namef ちゃんじゃないか。どこかの誰かに言葉選びが似てきたねぇ "Good evening, mon amie. You sound rather like a certain someone."
{otome:0814:0814-yuya:$namef:6} 信じられません先輩、
"I-I can't believe you need to fish around in trash cans for food, Yuuya...!"
{otome:0814:0814-yuya:Yuuya:7} 誤解しないでほしいね$namef ちゃん。
"Please, don't misunderstand, mon amie. I was looking for something."
{otome:0814:0814-yuya:Yuuya:8} 残念ながらもう、ここに痕跡は無いようだねぇ "Sadly, no clues were to be found in this barrel."
{otome:0814:0814-yuya:NARATOR:9} 痕跡……?
Clues...? What is he talking about?
{otome:0814:0814-yuya:Yuuya:10} このことは朔夜には言わないでくれないかな?
"Let's keep this a secret from Sakuya, shall we? I would hate for him
to have new names for me when school starts up again."
{otome:0814:0814-yuya:$namef:11} ゴミ鳩とかゴミ虫ですか "'Mister garbage disposal'!"
{otome:0814:0814-yuya:Yuuya:12} そうそう、そんな感じ "Something like that."
{otome:0814:0814-yuya:Yuuya:13} じゃあ、俺は行くよ。
紳士としては$namef ちゃんを家まで送って行きたいんだけど、
"I would like to escort you home, mon amie, but unfortunately I am somewhat
busy at the moment. Will you be all right on your own?"
{otome:0814:0814-yuya:$namef:14} はい、大丈夫です。これでも私、狩猟民族ですから "A hunter-gatherer can always find her way home!"
{otome:0814:0814-yuya:Yuuya:15} たのもしいね。アデュー、$namef ちゃん! "Indeed. Adieu, mon amie!"
{otome:0814:0814-yuya:NARATOR:16} 謎ばかり増えていくゴミ咲先輩。
The smell of garbage surrounding him fades as he strides off into the
night, but the mysteries don't. What was he looking for?
{otome:0901:0901-0:Kazuaki:0} えぇと、みなさん、おはようございます。夏休みは元気に過ごせましたか? "Umm, good morning, everyone. I hope you had fun over the summer?"
{otome:0901:0901-0:San:1} ぷ~わ!
(Okosan is always having fun!)
{otome:0901:0901-0:Ryouta:2} はーい、元気です "Yup, yup."
{otome:0901:0901-0:Sakuya:3} 貴族は病と無縁だ "What is this 'fun'?"
{otome:0901:0901-0:Kazuaki:4} 夏を乗り切ると、時間が過ぎるのはすごく早いからね~。
"Once summer's over, time starts slipping by faster than ever. Try to
stay focus... ed..."
{otome:0901:0901-0:Kazuaki:5} すやり "... zzz."
{otome:0901:0901-0:$namef:6} 先生休みボケないで! "Focus, sir! Focus!"
{otome:0901:0901-0:NARATOR:7} あれ、これって……。 Huh? Is that...
{otome:0901:0901-0:$namef:8} 生徒手帳? "A student ID?"
{otome:0901:0901-0:NARATOR:9} 誰の落とし物だろう。2年2組……うーん知らない子の名前だ。 Whose is it? Someone from 2-2? ... not a name I recognize.
{otome:0901:0901-0:NARATOR:10} こういう場合ってクラスに直接持っていくのがいいのかな?あ、
Should I go find their classroom? They might already have gone home,
{otome:0901:0901-0:NARATOR:11} じゃあ先生に届けることにしよう。 Well, any teacher will do, right?
{otome:0901:0901-0:$namef:12} せんせー! "Sir!"
{otome:0901:0901-0:Kazuaki:13} ………すやすやり "... zzzzzz."
{otome:0901:0901-0:$namef:14} せんせー!!!! "SIR!!"
{otome:0901:0901-0:Kazuaki:15} ハッ "Oh!"
{otome:0901:0901-0:Kazuaki:16} どうしたのかな、$namel さん。宿題の出し忘れでも、あったのかな~? "Hello, $namef . Did you forget to turn in your homework...?"
{otome:0901:0901-0:$namef:17} 先生、あの、さっきそこで生徒手帳拾ったんです。
"I found someone's ID card, sir. It's someone from 2-2... I thought I
should take it here."
{otome:0901:0901-0:Kazuaki:18} そっか~、ありがとう。預かっておくね~ "Oh? Thank you, $namef , I can take care of it."
{otome:0901:0901-0:Kazuaki:19} ……ん? "... huh?"
{otome:0901:0901-0:$namef:20} どうかしました? "What is it?"
{otome:0901:0901-0:Kazuaki:21} うーん、おかしいなあ。$namel さんは、これを今日拾ったんだよね "Nothing, just... you did find this today, right, $namel ?"
{otome:0901:0901-0:$namef:22} はい、廊下で "Yes. In the corridor just outside..."
{otome:0901:0901-0:Kazuaki:23} この子、一学期の後半から登校拒否してるんだよ~。
"This student has been absent since the middle of June... How strange."
{otome:0901:0901-0:NARATOR:24} ずっと学校に来ていない子の生徒手帳?
So then, was the card lying there all summer? Nobirdie noticed it?
{otome:0901:0901-0:NARATOR:25} それにしては埃もついてなくてきれいだったけど……。 It's awfully clean, though... Shouldn't it at least be dusty?
{otome:0901:0901-0:Kazuaki:26} とりあえず、先生が預かっておくよ~。わざわざありがとう、$namel さん "Anyway, I'll take care of it. Thank you, $namel ."
{otome:0901:0901-0:$namef:27} 岩峰先生、失礼します "Doctor?"
{otome:0901:0901-0:Shuu:28} どうぞ "Good afternoon."
{otome:0901:0901-0:Shuu:29} また貴方ですか。何の御用ですか? "What is it this time?"
{otome:0901:0901-0:$namef:30} あの、そこで落とし物の生徒手帳を拾ったんです。
"Umm... I found someone's student ID, and I thought maybe you'd know what
to do with it."
{otome:0901:0901-0:Shuu:31} 落とし物……?
"Isn't that something for the staffroom? Why bring it all the way here?"
{otome:0901:0901-0:$namef:32} 保健室の方が近かったのと、実力テストがもうすぐだから、
"It was closer! And they've started printing out tests in there already,
so I'm not sure I can go in..."
{otome:0901:0901-0:Shuu:33} どうも詭弁に聞こえなくもないですが……
"There is no need for excuses, young lady. Leave it there and get out,
{otome:0901:0901-0:$namef:34} はい "Yes, sir."
{otome:0901:0901-0:Shuu:35} ……待ちなさい、$namel さん "... wait, miss $namel ."
{otome:0901:0901-0:$namef:36} ……? "...?"
{otome:0901:0901-0:Shuu:37} 貴方はこれを、どこで拾いましたか? "Where did you find this?"
{otome:0901:0901-0:$namef:38} えっと……2年生と1年生のフロアの間の、
"Umm... it was on the staircase between the first and second floors. On
the south side."
{otome:0901:0901-0:Shuu:39} そうですか……クク、ありがとうございます。
"I see. Hoho, it wouldn't do to have someone finding it and asking questions...
I am indebted to you, miss $namel ."
{otome:0901:0901-0:$namef:40} 詮索……? "Asking questions...?"
{otome:0901:0901-0:Shuu:41} こちらの話ですよ。気を付けてお帰りなさい "Nothing you need to worry about. Please, do be careful on your way home."
{otome:0901:0901-0:NARATOR:42} どういうことだろう?
What was that all about? He certainly is as strange as ever.
{otome:0901:0901-angel:NARATOR:0} 二学期も行事が沢山で楽しみ♪
This semester has lots of events! The cultural festival is coming up already.
{otome:0901:0901-angel:NARATOR:1} 2年3組は喫茶店やろうって話になってるけど、コンセプトはどうするのかなー。 We're planning to do a cafe, but we haven't decided on the theme yet...
{otome:0901:0901-angel:$namef:2} あれ? "Huh?"
{otome:0901:0901-angel:NARATOR:3} 廊下の片隅に生徒手帳が落ちている。誰かの落とし物かな? There's a student ID card lying on the floor. Did somebirdie drop it here?
{otome:0901:0901-angel:$namef:4} えぇっと……2年2組、赤木良夫。誰だろう、職員室に届けておけば大丈夫かな "Umm... Akagi Yoshio, 2-2. Who's that? I guess I should take this to
the faculty room."
{otome:0901:0901-angel:Anghel:5} ぐぁあああぁぁーーッ!!! "Gyaaaaaaaaah!"
{otome:0901:0901-angel:$namef:6} !?
"!? Wh-what's going on, Anghel?"
{otome:0901:0901-angel:Anghel:7} 真名を…封じられたその名を口にしてはならない……
"You must not... you must not say forbidden name! It shall open Pandora's
Gate, and bring about the End of All Things!"
{otome:0901:0901-angel:$namef:8} えー…… "Eeeeh...?"
{otome:0901:0901-angel:NARATOR:9} つまりこの生徒手帳の持ち主って This ID card's owner is going to cause the end of the world? ... and what's
'Pandora's Gage'?
{otome:0901:0901-angel:$namef:10} アンヘルくんってもしかして本当は赤木よ── "Anghel, are you actually Akag--"
{otome:0901:0901-angel:Anghel:11} ぐぁあああぁぁーーッ!!! "Gyaaaaaaaaaaaah!"
{otome:0901:0901-angel:Anghel:12} 今生においてもお前は…お前は!俺を苦しめるのかエーデルブラウ!! "E-Edel Blau! Seek you to torture this Servant of God!?"
{otome:0901:0901-angel:Anghel:13} 天使を語ってはならない!天使を歌ってはならない!
"You must not speak the names of angels! You must not sing songs about
the names of angels! You must not say it!"
{otome:0901:0901-angel:Anghel:14} ハァ…ハァ……… "-pant-... -pant-..."
{otome:0901:0901-angel:Anghel:15} やはり俺に希望は許されなかったのか……? "Perhaps... my wish was not granted...?"
{otome:0901:0901-angel:NARATOR:16} どうしよう、アンヘルくん落ち込んでるみたい……。 Oh, no! Now he's sad.
{otome:0901:0901-angel:NARATOR:17} えぇっと…… Umm...
{otome:0901:0901-angel:DECAccept the contract!:18} 汝、真名の下に契約を受け入れ賜え Accept the contract!
{otome:0901:0901-angel:DECYoshio is a nice name:19} 良夫くんって素敵な名前だよ Yoshio is a nice name
{otome:0901:0901-angel:$namef:20} 汝、真名の下に契約を受け入れ賜え "Accept the contract offered to you, fool!"
{otome:0901:0901-angel:Anghel:21} なん…だと……? "Wh... what...!?"
{otome:0901:0901-angel:Anghel:22} 忘れた訳ではない筈だエーデルブラウ。
"You cannot have forgotten, Edel Blau. You, the Angel of Fire, who
drove me from this world and imprisoned me in an eternal cage of ice!"
{otome:0901:0901-angel:Anghel:23} そのお前が、俺と手を結ぶ…だと……!? "Are you saying... you will join me...?"
{otome:0901:0901-angel:$namef:24} 君は独りじゃないよ、アンヘルくん "You are not alone, Anghel!"
{otome:0901:0901-angel:Anghel:25} そうか……! "Yes...!"
{otome:0901:0901-angel:Anghel:26} ならばこの場において契約を結ぼう、エーデルブラウ。永久に儚く "Very well. We shall seal the contract on this ground, Edel Blau! Fleeting,
as it is eternal!"
{otome:0901:0901-angel:NARATOR:27} アンヘルくんは生徒手帳に文字か記号かよくわからない
Anghel scribbles some sort of indicipherable symbol or script on the ID
card, and and smiles happily.
{otome:0901:0901-angel:Anghel:28} これが契約の証だ。持っていろ "This shall be proof of our alliance! Keep it with you."
{otome:0901:0901-angel:$namef:29} えっ、えっ……? "Eh, eeeh...?"
{otome:0901:0901-angel:NARATOR:30} アンヘルくんは自分の手帳を私に押し付けると立ち去ってしまった。 He places his ID card in my hand and strides away.
{otome:0901:0901-angel:NARATOR:31} なんで私がアンヘルくんの生徒手帳を持ってなきゃいけないの??? Why do I have to carry this around for you???
{otome:0901:0901-angel:$namef:32} 良夫くんって素敵な名前だと思うよ "I think Yoshio is a nice name!"
{otome:0901:0901-angel:Anghel:33} 絶望!悔恨!悲愴!憎悪!憤死!断罪! "Despair! Regret! Sorrow! Indignation! Conviction!"
{otome:0901:0901-angel:Anghel:34} ……嗚呼、零に還る時が来た…さらばだエーデルブラウ…… "... alas, the time has come for it all to end. Farewell, Edel Blau."
{otome:0901:0901-angel:NARATOR:35} アンヘルくんは力なく去って行った。 He slowly walks away, his shoulders slumped and his head low.
{otome:0901:0901-angel:NARATOR:36} この日が、アンヘルくんを見た最後の日になってしまった……。 And I never saw him again...
{otome:0925:0925-0:NARATOR:0} 今日は学園祭!
Today's the school festival! Our class decided to do a maid cafe. I'm
not scheduled to work until tomorrow, so... I have today off!
{otome:0925:0925-0:NARATOR:1} 今日は時間を持て余してるんだけど、折角だからどこかに遊びに行かないとね。 I don't have anything to do, so I guess I'll go look around.
{otome:0925:0925-0:NARATOR:2} どこから回ろうかなー♪
Where to go, where to go! Let's see...
{otome:0925:0925-0:Ryouta:3} 待って$namef ! "$namef , wait!"
{otome:0925:0925-0:$namef:4} あれ、涼太どうしたの? "What's up, Ryouta?"
{otome:0925:0925-0:Ryouta:5} 今時間空いてる?思ってたよりお客さんが多くて僕らじゃ回しきれないんだ手伝ってもらえると助かるんだけど…… "Are you free right now? We've got way more customers than we expected,
and we could really use another waitress..."
{otome:0925:0925-0:$namef:6} ほ、ほんとだ…いつの間にかすごい大盛況…… "Y-you're right... where are they all coming from!?"
{otome:0925:0925-0:$namef:7} 任せて涼太!私がスーパーメイドっぷりを発揮してあげるわ! "Leave it to me, Ryouta! I'll give them a taste of my SUPER MAID technique!"
{otome:0925:0925-0:NARATOR:8} こうして結局一度も外に出ることなく、
And so I never ended up looking around the festival. Only maids now!
{otome:0925:0925-angel:NARATOR:0} そういえばこの学園って漫研があるんだっけ。
Isn't there a manga club here? I wonder if they're doing a zine or something
for the festival...
{otome:0925:0925-angel:NARATOR:1} ちょっと気になるから見に行ってみよーっと。 I think I'll go look!
{otome:0925:0925-angel:Anghel:2} なんの用だエーデルブラウ "What seekest thou, Edel Blau?"
{otome:0925:0925-angel:$namef:3} !? "!?"
{otome:0925:0925-angel:$namef:4} ビックリした!アンヘルくんって漫研部員だったの!? "Anghel! Are you a member of the manga club, then?"
{otome:0925:0925-angel:Anghel:5} ああ…これが俺の武器だ "Indeed. This... is my weapon."
{otome:0925:0925-angel:NARATOR:6} アンヘルくんは丸ペンを振りかざした。 Anghel produces a mapping pen with a dramatic flourish.
{otome:0925:0925-angel:$namef:7} あー……刺さると痛そうだね "Woah... that looks like it would hurt if you got poked."
{otome:0925:0925-angel:Anghel:8} 確かに、数々の血塗られた惨劇を引き起こしてきたからな "It has stained many a day with the gore of friend and foe alike."
{otome:0925:0925-angel:NARATOR:9} もしかして手元不注意で怪我してるだけなんじゃ……。 Are you sure it's not just that you're careless and end up stabbing yourself
a lot...?
{otome:0925:0925-angel:Anghel:10} !! "!"
{otome:0925:0925-angel:Anghel:11} 緋胸がざわめく…奴らめ…こんな時に……! "My scarlet breast stirs... No! Why now...!?"
{otome:0925:0925-angel:Anghel:12} エーデルブラウ、ここは任せた。俺は行かなければ…! "I shall leave this to you, Edel Blau. I must go...!"
{otome:0925:0925-angel:NARATOR:13} つまり漫研の店番をしてほしいということだろうか? In other words, it's your turn to run the stand and you want me to do
it for you?
{otome:0925:0925-angel:NARATOR:14} どうしよう? Umm...
{otome:0925:0925-angel:DECDo what you must:15} 汝の使命を果たせ、紅き堕天使よ Do what you must
{otome:0925:0925-angel:DECI'm busy:16} 忙しいから無理です I'm busy
{otome:0925:0925-angel:$namef:17} 汝の使命を果たせ、紅き堕天使よ "Do what must be done, Crimson Angel of Judecca!"
{otome:0925:0925-angel:Anghel:18} 血の盟約に従い、必ず。とうッ! "I shall follow the Covenant of my Blood to the End! Haah!"
{otome:0925:0925-angel:NARATOR:19} アンヘルくんはひらりと在庫の山を飛び越えると中庭に駆け出して行った。 He nimbly leaps over a stack of books and runs off into the courtyard.
{otome:0925:0925-angel:NARATOR:20} どうせ他に予定もなかったし、店番ぐらいしてあげてもいっか。 It's not like I have anything better to do, so I'll take his shift for
{otome:0925:0925-angel:$namef:21} ごめん、忙しいから無理 "Sorry, Anghel, I have something else to do."
{otome:0925:0925-angel:Anghel:22} なん…だと……!? "Wh... what...!?"
{otome:0925:0925-angel:Anghel:23} 差し迫った危機を感じないのかエーデルブラウ。そこまで落ちぶれたとは…… "Can you not sense the danger, Edel Blau!? Have you truly fallen this
{otome:0925:0925-angel:NARATOR:24} よく分からないけどアンヘルくんを凹ませてしまったらしい。 I'm not sure why, but I think I hurt his feelings.
{otome:0925:0925-angel:NARATOR:25} この日を最後に、私はアンヘルくんに会うことは二度となかった……。 And I never saw him again...
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:NARATOR:0} 外にはたくさん部活の出店が並んでるんだっけ。 A whole bunch of clubs have food stalls outside...
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:NARATOR:1} 美味しそうな看板も見かけたし、折角だから行ってみよーっと☆ They looked good when I was coming in, so maybe I'll go get something
for lunch!
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:$namef:2} あれ、あそこにいるのは…… "Wait, isn't that..."
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:NARATOR:3} 沢山の鳥たちが行き交うグラウンドの向こう側を
A familiar silhouette floats by on the other side of the crowded schoolyard.
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:$namef:4} 今の、岩峰先生……だよね? "Doctor Iwamine...?"
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:NARATOR:5} てっきりこういう日は面倒くさがって保健室にこもってると思ってた。 I thought he'd be cooped up in infirmary doing something boring today!
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:NARATOR:6} 折角だから岩峰先生を誘ってみようかな。 Maybe I should ask him to eat lunch with me?
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:NARATOR:7} どうしよう? I'll...
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:DECInvite him to lunch:8} 岩峰先生を誘う Invite him to lunch
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:DECAvoid him like the plague:9} 万一を考えてスルー Avoid him like the plague
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:NARATOR:10} よし、先生を追いかけてみよう。 I have to catch up to him first!
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:$namef:11} えーっと、確か先生が歩いて行ったのってこっちだったよね…… "Umm... he did go this way, right...?"
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:NARATOR:12} うっ。
Aah... Did I lose him?
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:NARATOR:13} 先生、どこに消えちゃったんだろう。
Where did he go? There aren't even any stands set up here, and there's
nothing in the pamphlet about anything outside the main area...
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:NARATOR:14} こっちにあるモノっていうと── The only thing back here is-
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:$namef:15} 焼却炉、ぐらい……だよね "The incinerator...?"
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:Shuu:16} 何方ですか? "Who goes there!?"
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:NARATOR:17} !! !
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:$namef:18} せっせせせ先生!!! "D-d-d-d-d-doctor!"
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:NARATOR:19} さっきまで先生の背中を追いかけていた筈なのに、
I was following him up until a minute ago, but now he's behind me!?
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:Shuu:20} ああ、貴方でしたか。尾行とはあまり良い趣味ではないですね "Oh, it's you. Stalking is a bad habit, young lady."
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:$namef:21} 誤解です、尾行なんてそんな… "No, I wasn't..."
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:$namef:22} ただ、ちょっと先生が見えたから、何してるのかなーって…… "I was just wondering what you were doing!"
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:Shuu:23} 教師が所属する学園内を歩いている事に、何か不自然な点でも? "Is it a crime to walk about one's own school?"
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:$namef:24} この辺りって何も無い……ですよね "But there's nothing back here..."
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:Shuu:25} 焼却処分 "There's the incinerator."
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:$namef:26} し、処分……? "Wh-why...?"
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:Shuu:27} 今日は科学部の発表の監督を任されているのでね "I was placed in charge of the science club's activities today."
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:Shuu:28} 後始末に来ただけですよ。不要になった、塊を "I just came back here to get rid of some things that were left over.
Unneeded... things."
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:$namef:29} 塊ですか…… "Things..."
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:NARATOR:30} これ以上踏み込まない方が良いと私の野生の勘が告げている。 My hunter-gatherer instincts are telling me to change the subject.
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:$namef:31} そ、そうだ!先生!一緒に校内を見て回りませんか?
"O-oh, right! Sir, would you like to walk around together? I heard
the haunted house is-"
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:Shuu:32} 結構です "No, thank you."
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:NARATOR:33} 台詞言い終わる前に断られたー! At least let me finish inviting you before you refuse!
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:Shuu:34} 言ったでしょう。今日は監督日ですから、
"As I said, I am supervising the science club. So I do not have time
for fraternization."
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:$namef:35} はーい…… "Okay..."
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:NARATOR:36} 私は岩峰先生のガードの固さに落胆しつつ、それから自身の無事に安心して、
And so I returned to the cafe, scared off by his obstinance and my own
survival instinct.
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:Shuu:37} $namel $namef ...
"$namel $namef ... If only I could tell how she plans her actions, I
could deal with her fairly easily..."
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:Shuu:38} ……困ったものです "... how troubling."
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:NARATOR:39} 先生が校内をウロウロしてるなんて、絶対にろくなことを考えてない。 There's no way he isn't doing something sinister.
{otome:0925:0925-iwamine:NARATOR:40} 触れずにいた方が私の寿命に優しいよね、きっと……。 Avoiding him will probably be better for my lifespan...
{otome:0925:0925-nageki:NARATOR:0} そういえば、嘆くんってこんな日でも図書室の民なのかな……。 Hmm, I wonder if Nageki's in the library today? Probably.
{otome:0925:0925-nageki:NARATOR:1} なんとなく徹底して図書室にいそうな気がするし、
I think I'll go buy something and hang out with him.
{otome:0925:0925-nageki:$namef:2} うん、開いてる開いてる "Yup, door's open!"
{otome:0925:0925-nageki:$namef:3} 嘆くん、いる? "Nageki?"
{otome:0925:0925-nageki:Nageki:4} 閉めてよ "Close it, please."
{otome:0925:0925-nageki:$namef:5} あ、いたいた "I knew you'd be here!"
{otome:0925:0925-nageki:Nageki:6} ドア、閉めて。廊下がうるさい "The door. It's loud outside."
{otome:0925:0925-nageki:$namef:7} うん、ごめんね "Oh! Sorry."
{otome:0925:0925-nageki:$namef:8} 嘆くん、やっぱり文化祭でもここを出ないんだ。
"You're staying in here even today? It's almost like this is where you
{otome:0925:0925-nageki:Nageki:9} ……ここにいちゃ、いけないって言うの? "... is there something wrong with that?"
{otome:0925:0925-nageki:$namef:10} そんなことないよ!嘆くんがここにいると、なんだか安心するし "Of course not! You're kind of like a friendly ghost, or something. It's
reassuring to know you're here."
{otome:0925:0925-nageki:$namef:11} それよりほら、お土産買ってきたの。嘆くん、
"Anyway, I brought you something! You're planning to stay here all day,
{otome:0925:0925-nageki:Nageki:12} 何これ……クッキー? "What did... cookies?"
{otome:0925:0925-nageki:$namef:13} うん、バードウォッチング部がね、鳥型クッキーを売ってるの。
"Yup! The birdwatching club was selling bird-shaped cookies. Aren't they
cute? Have some!"
{otome:0925:0925-nageki:Nageki:14} ふーん…… "Hmm..."
{otome:0925:0925-nageki:Nageki:15} ……ありがと "... thanks."
{otome:0925:0925-nageki:NARATOR:16} ぼそりとだけど、嘆くんに感謝の言葉を貰えるなんて凄くうれしい。
Hearing him thank me makes me very happy, even if it was in a whisper.
He even looks a little happier than usual!
{otome:0925:0925-nageki:$namef:17} 他にもね、色々あったよ。3年生の演劇は今年も凄かったし、
"There's lots of other stuff, too! The third-years are doing a play,
and one class put together a god-tier haunted house..."
{otome:0925:0925-nageki:$namef:18} ねえ、嘆くん。
"I was thinking of looking around a little more... Nageki, want to come
with me?"
{otome:0925:0925-nageki:Nageki:19} 嫌だ "No."
{otome:0925:0925-nageki:NARATOR:20} 一瞬にしてまた表情が固くなってしまった。 Oh, no! He looks angry...
{otome:0925:0925-nageki:Nageki:21} それは……嫌。$namel さん独りで行って来れば "I... no, thank you. Go ahead, if you want."
{otome:0925:0925-nageki:$namef:22} そっか……そうだね、そうする。ごめんね、無理に誘って "Well... all right. Sorry, I didn't mean to try to drag you out of here."
{otome:0925:0925-nageki:NARATOR:23} 嘆くんは絶対に図書室を出ようとしない。 I think he might actually live in here.
{otome:0925:0925-nageki:NARATOR:24} そういえばここ以外で嘆くんに会ったことって一度もないけど、
Now that I think about it, I've never seen him anywhere else. Maybe he
comes straight here as soon as he gets to school...?
{otome:0925:0925-nanaki:NARATOR:0} いろんなお店があって目移りしちゃうなー♪ So many things to do! I can't choose...!
{otome:0925:0925-nanaki:NARATOR:1} 次はどこに行こうかな…… Hmm...
{otome:0925:0925-nanaki:Kazuaki:2} あっ、$namel さーん "Oh, $namel !"
{otome:0925:0925-nanaki:$namef:3} 七姫先生?どうしたんですか? "Mister Nanaki? What is it?"
{otome:0925:0925-nanaki:Kazuaki:4} $namel さんは、今日は当番じゃなかったよね~ "Your shift is tomorrow, right?"
{otome:0925:0925-nanaki:$namef:5} はい、そうです "Yup!"
{otome:0925:0925-nanaki:Kazuaki:6} もしよかったら、受付を手伝ってもらえないかな~。
"Could you maybe help at the reception desk? We're getting a lot more
people than we expected..."
{otome:0925:0925-nanaki:$namef:7} そんなことでしたら任せてください!鬼のように受け付けますよ! "Of course! I shall mete out information and directions like an Oni of
old, cleaver in hand, seated atop a throne wrought from the skulls of my
{otome:0925:0925-nanaki:Kazuaki:8} ありがとう、とっても助かるよ~。
"Thank you! I'll go get a chair."
{otome:0925:0925-nanaki:$namef:9} はい! "Okay!"
{otome:0925:0925-nanaki:Kazuaki:10} ふ~、これで一段落、かな?ちょっと、疲れたね…… "Aah... it looks like the crowd is thinning out a little. That was tiring..."
{otome:0925:0925-nanaki:$namef:11} 先生、大丈夫ですか? "Are you okay, sir?"
{otome:0925:0925-nanaki:Kazuaki:12} うん、少し眠い、だけだ、よ……すやり "I'm fine, just a little t... ... zzz."
{otome:0925:0925-nanaki:$namef:13} 確かに先生がこんなに長時間寝ずに応対するなんて無理があるもんね…… "At least he held up pretty well until now..."
{otome:0925:0925-nanaki:NARATOR:14} もうすぐ後片付けと明日の準備の時間だ。 It's almost time to clear up and prepare for classes tomorrow...
{otome:0925:0925-nanaki:NARATOR:15} 時折椅子から滑り落ちそうになりながらうたた寝している七姫先生をハラハラ
And so I spent the last hours of the festival nervously watching mister
Nanaki sleep, slipping ever lower in his chair.
{otome:0925:0925-okosan:San:0} ポポロッぷ~わ!
"Coo, coooo!"
(Unhand Okosan! Unhand him at once!)
{otome:0925:0925-okosan:NARATOR:1} すっかり耳に馴染んだ雄叫びが教室の一角から聞こえて来た。 An all-too familiar battlecry emanates from one corner of the classroom.
{otome:0925:0925-okosan:$namef:2} どうしたの? "What now?"
{otome:0925:0925-okosan:Ryouta:3} あっ、$namef !いいところに! "$namef ! Just in time!"
{otome:0925:0925-okosan:San:4} ポロッぷ~わッ!
(Unhand Okosan or face the consequences!)
{otome:0925:0925-okosan:Ryouta:5} おこさんは今日が店番の日なんだけど、メイド服を真剣に嫌がるんだよ…… "Okosan's on duty today, but... He doesn't like the dress."
{otome:0925:0925-okosan:San:6} くりゅぽこぷ~わ!! "Cooooooo!"
{otome:0925:0925-okosan:San:7} くりゅぽこぷ~わ!! "Cooooooo!"
{otome:0925:0925-okosan:$namef:8} あー……なんだか動物虐待みたいな様相になってるね…… "Aaah... this is kind of looking like something PETA would start a protest
{otome:0925:0925-okosan:San:9} ぷ~わ!!
(Okosan refuses these constricting garments! REAL MEN FIGHT IN
{otome:0925:0925-okosan:Ryouta:10} でもメイド喫茶に全裸はあんまりにあんまりだよ "You can't go commando in a maid cafe!"
{otome:0925:0925-okosan:$namef:11} そうだよ、おこさん。それにそのメイド服すごく似合ってるよ。ほらほら "Come on...! Look, it suits you!"
{otome:0925:0925-okosan:NARATOR:12} 私は咄嗟に鏡を取り出しおこさんに見せた。 I whip out my mirror and hold it in front of him.
{otome:0925:0925-okosan:San:13} !! "!"
{otome:0925:0925-okosan:San:14} !!! "!"
{otome:0925:0925-okosan:San:15} くりゅぽこぷ~わ!! "Cooooooo!"
{otome:0925:0925-okosan:Ryouta:16} おこさんが興奮し始めた…!? "... he seems awfully..."
{otome:0925:0925-okosan:$namef:17} こ、これは…… "H-he..."
{otome:0925:0925-okosan:$namef:18} おこさんが、鏡に映った自分のメイド姿に求愛している……!! "He's trying to court his own be- maided reflection...!?"
{otome:0925:0925-okosan:Ryouta:19} まあ、僕たちのご先祖様はよく鏡に向かってこういう事、してたらしいし…… "Well, apparently that was a pretty common thing for pigeons, back in
the day..."
{otome:0925:0925-okosan:NARATOR:20} 私、まだおこさんに求愛されたことないんだけど……。 He's never tried to court me...
{otome:0925:0925-okosan:NARATOR:21} そっか、私の魅力はメイド服おこさん以下なんだね…
I guess I'm not as attractive as maid-Okosan. Sort of like Narcissus...?
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:NARATOR:0} そうだ、隣のクラスはおばけ屋敷やってるんだっけ。
Isn't 2-4 doing a haunted house? I'm well known for my reckless nature,
so maybe I'll go and scream a little bit.
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:NARATOR:1} えぇっと、私と同じ今日が自由時間の子は……朔夜くんかな? I think... Sakuya's free today, too, isn't he?
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:NARATOR:2} 朔夜くんを誘っておばけ屋敷に行ってみる? Maybe I should invite him along?
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:DECInvite him:3} 誘う Invite him
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:DECGo alone:4} 誘わない Go alone
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:$namef:5} 朔夜くん! "Sakuya!"
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:Sakuya:6} 何か用か? "Do you need something?"
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:$namef:7} 朔夜くんも店番は明日だよね。一緒に遊びに行かない? "You're free today, right? Want to go look at 2-4's haunted house?"
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:Sakuya:8} 遊びに行く?無為に時間を浪費するだけだ。
"Haunted house? A waste of time. Nothing but a foolish charade of commoners,
by commoners, and for commoners."
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:$namef:9} そんなの行ってみないとわからないよ。
"How do you know if you don't go? And besides, isn't keeping an eye on
the masses part of a noble- bird's job?"
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:Sakuya:10} "Erp."
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:Sakuya:11} 一理あるかもしれないな。どうせここにいても時間を無駄にするだけだ。
"... I suppose it might have some value. Since I have no other pressing
matters to which I must attend, I shall accompany you."
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:Sakuya:12} なんだこれは "What is this madness?"
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:$namef:13} おばけ屋敷だよ "A haunted mansion!"
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:Sakuya:14} なんだそれは。ニンジャが出てくるのか "What on earth is that? Will we be attacked by hostile ninjas?"
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:$namef:15} 違うよ、忍者が出てくるのは忍者屋敷だよ "Nooo! That would be a ninja mansion."
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:Sakuya:16} 屋敷と付く建物ならいずれも忍者が潜んでいると思えと乳母が言っていたぞ "... but my nurse told me that any mansion is bound to have ninjas lying
in wait inside."
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:NARATOR:17} 朔夜くんもしかしてサムライも現役だと思ってる系の外鳥なのかな。
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:$namef:17} テーマパークを小さくした感じっていうか、ほら、
"It's like a tiny theme park! With a ghost theme! Hence 'haunted'!"
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:Sakuya:18} くだらないな。どうせ子供騙しの域を出ないんだろう。行くぞ "How foolish. No doubt it has nothing but tricks to scare mere children.
We shall enter."
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:$namef:19} あ、ちょっと待って朔夜くん! "Oh! Hey, wait!"
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:Sakuya:20} なんだこれは! "What trickery is this!?"
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:Sakuya:21} 暗くて全然見えないぞ!! "I-I can't see! Why is it dark in here!?"
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:$namef:22} あ、そうか朔夜くん鳥目だから暗いと見えないんだね "Oh, right... you can't see in the dark, can you?"
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:Sakuya:23} 何か踏んだッ!今何か不快なものを踏んだぞッ! "Aaaaagh! I-I stepped on something nasty!"
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:Sakuya:24} や、やめろ!はなせ!!
"N-no! Stop! Unhand me! Aaaagh! AAAAIIIEEEEEEEEE!"
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:$namef:25} 朔夜くん落ち着いて!オバケ蹴っちゃダメだってば!! "Sakuya, calm down! Noooo! You're not supposed to kick the poor ghosts!"
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:Sakuya:26} はなせぇぇーーッ!!!! "Let me gooooooooo!"
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:Sakuya:27} ぜぇ……ぜぇ……… "-pant-... -pant-..."
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:NARATOR:28} こんなに動揺している朔夜くん初めて見た……。 ... I've never seen him this worked up before.
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:NARATOR:29} 取り敢えず満喫してもらえたし良かった……のかな? Anyway, I'm glad he enjoyed it... ... I think?
{otome:0925:0925-sakuya:NARATOR:30} 朔夜くん誘うと面倒くさそうだしやっぱりやーめたっ。 Nah, bringing him along would be a pain.
{otome:0925:0925-yuya:NARATOR:0} そういえば坂咲先輩のクラスは中庭を占領して
Didn't Yuuya say his class was doing a butler cafe in the courtyard?
{otome:0925:0925-yuya:NARATOR:1} むむむ、メイド喫茶組としては意識せざるをえない。
Hrrm. As a member of the maid team, I can't ignore this threat.
{otome:0925:0925-yuya:NARATOR:2} 執事喫茶に I should...
{otome:0925:0925-yuya:DECGo spy on them:3} 行ってみる Go spy on them
{otome:0925:0925-yuya:DECStay here:4} やめとく Stay here
{otome:0925:0925-yuya:NARATOR:5} わあああっ、ズルイ!
... aaaagh! No fair!
{otome:0925:0925-yuya:NARATOR:6} 2年生のメイド喫茶は教室で大人しく納まってるのに、
They have all this, and we're stuck in a classroom!? I think we've already
lost in terms of location...
{otome:0925:0925-yuya:Yuuya:7} あれ、$namef ちゃん? "Mon amie?"
{otome:0925:0925-yuya:$namef:8} 坂咲先輩! "Yuuya!"
{otome:0925:0925-yuya:Yuuya:9} 嬉しいねぇ、俺に会いに来てくれたんだ。
"How kind of you to come see m... Wait, no."
{otome:0925:0925-yuya:Yuuya:10} おかえりなさいませ、お嬢様。お待ちしておりました "Welcome back, my lady. Please, come this way."
{otome:0925:0925-yuya:NARATOR:11} 先輩が妙に様になってて、不覚にもドキッとしちゃった。 Oh! He does look good. I think I'm blushing.
{otome:0925:0925-yuya:$namef:12} だ、騙されませんよ先輩。誰にでもそうやってるんでしょう "Y-you're not fooling anyone, Yuuya! You say that to everybirdie, right?"
{otome:0925:0925-yuya:Yuuya:13} 本日のわたくしめの務めはサービス業ですので、
"It is my duty, for today. Please forgive me, my lady."
{otome:0925:0925-yuya:$namef:14} もー "Geez!"
{otome:0925:0925-yuya:Yuuya:15} $namef ちゃんのクラスは何をしてるんだい? "What's your class doing, mon amie?"
{otome:0925:0925-yuya:$namef:16} メイド喫茶です "A maid cafe."
{otome:0925:0925-yuya:Yuuya:17} そうだったのか!競合相手じゃないか、
"Well, well! I suppose that makes us rivals. You've certainly done a
good job of infiltrating our base, I must say."
{otome:0925:0925-yuya:NARATOR:18} 学園でメイドVS執事……ちょっと積み過ぎな気もする。 Maids VS Butlers: Battle of the Schoolground. ... I think it's a bit much.
{otome:0925:0925-yuya:Yuuya:19} 今日は店番やらなくていいの?それとも休憩? "You're not on duty today? Or are you taking a break?"
{otome:0925:0925-yuya:$namef:20} 私が店番するのは明日です "I'm on duty tomorrow."
{otome:0925:0925-yuya:Yuuya:21} そうなんだ。
じゃあ明日はメイド$namef ちゃんに会いに行くよ。
"I see. In that case, I shall come witness your maidery. I will, of course,
ask for you."
{otome:0925:0925-yuya:$namef:22} はい、お帰りをお待ちしていますねご主人様♪ "I await your return, master!" ~??
{otome:0925:0925-yuya:NARATOR:23} やっぱり面倒くさいからやーめた☆ Naaaah! Too much trouble.
{otome:1110:1110-angel:NARATOR:0} 今日のごはんも美味しかったー!
Lunch was good today! You can always rely on school food.
{otome:1110:1110-angel:NARATOR:1} あれ?あそこにいるのは…… Huh? Isn't that...
{otome:1110:1110-angel:$namef:2} アンヘルくん? "Anghel?"
{otome:1110:1110-angel:Anghel:3} シッ "Shh!"
{otome:1110:1110-angel:NARATOR:4} 周囲を警戒した様子で物陰に隠れているけど丸見えのアンヘルくんが手招きした。 Anghel beckons to me, completely visible despite his obvious attempts
to conceal himself.
{otome:1110:1110-angel:Anghel:5} この胎動を感じないかエーデルブラウ "Do you not sense the quickening, Edel Blau?"
{otome:1110:1110-angel:$namef:6} 胎動? "Quickening?"
{otome:1110:1110-angel:Anghel:7} 恐ろしい濃度の魔素が流れ出ている。あそこからだ "The Demon Spores swarm with alarming intensity! They come... from there...!"
{otome:1110:1110-angel:NARATOR:8} アンヘルくんの視線の先には── He's looking at--
{otome:1110:1110-angel:$namef:9} アンヘルくん、まだ諦めてなかったんだ保健室…… "Still going on about the infirmary, huh?"
{otome:1110:1110-angel:Anghel:10} あれはただの保健室ではないと言った筈だエーデルブラウ "I have told you that is merely a facade, Edel Blau."
{otome:1110:1110-angel:Anghel:11} 冥大樹ルーファ…言うなれば、そう……
"The Tree of Blight, Rufa... yes, it is the Incubator of Absolute Darkness!"
{otome:1110:1110-angel:$namef:12} 言い直してもわけがわからないよ。
"That makes even less sense! Why's a fallen angel stressing over an infirmary,
{otome:1110:1110-angel:Anghel:13} このままでは学園全体が魔素に飲み込まれる "The entire school will be swallowed by the Demon Spores if we do not
{otome:1110:1110-angel:Anghel:14} そうなれば俺の緋胸が暴走して、やがてお前さえもこの手で……! "Were that to happen, my Crimson Breast would run wild once more! I might
even... you..."
{otome:1110:1110-angel:NARATOR:15} よくわからないけど、
I'm not sure why, but it seems like he's planning to hurt me.
{otome:1110:1110-angel:NARATOR:16} コノヤロウ、殺られる前に殺れが$namel 家の家訓ですよ! Scum! Vagabond! Little do you know that the $namel family tradition is
to kill first and ask questions later!
{otome:1110:1110-angel:Anghel:17} ……しかし今は諸悪の根源、闇魔導士がいないな。
"... but the Root of All Evil, the Dark Sorcerer, is not here at present. I
must plan my attack... rest easy until then, Edel Blau."
{otome:1110:1110-angel:NARATOR:18} アンヘルくんはそう言うと教室に帰って行った。 And with that, he returned to his classroom.
{otome:1110:1110-angel:NARATOR:19} いつも通りの校内にしか見えないんだけど、
It looks like a normal infirmary to me. Is something really going to happen?
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:NARATOR:0} あ、今日は保健委員の呼び出しがあるんだった。
We're supposed to go in to the infirmary today. Better hurry!
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:$namef:1} 失礼しまーす……あれ? "Excuse me... huh?"
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:Shuu:2} 何か? "Yes?"
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:$namef:3} 坂咲先輩、まだ来てないんですか? "Where's Sakazaki? Didn't he come yet?"
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:Shuu:4} 坂咲君は来ませんよ "Mister Sakazaki won't be here today."
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:Shuu:5} 今日も、明日も、明後日も……ね "Or tomorrow, or the day after... hohoho."
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:$namef:6} えっ、それってどういう…… "Umm... what do you...?"
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:Shuu:7} 彼は先月からずっと登校していませんからね "He's been absent for almost a month, now."
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:NARATOR:8} !!
! I never realized!
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:$namef:9} 先輩、何かあったんですか……!? "Did... something happen...!?"
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:Shuu:10} さあ?
"Who knows? He never was a very good student. No one's surprised to see
him playing hooky again. Hohoho."
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:$namef:11} 先生……何か知ってるんですよね "... you know something about it, don't you, sir?"
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:Shuu:12} いいえ、まさか。私はこの狭い保健室の外のことはさっぱり "Me? Of course not! I know only what happens within this little room."
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:NARATOR:13} 岩峰先生がこういうちょっと魅力的だけど意地悪な笑みを浮かべている時は、
That somewhat alluring, slightly evil smile on his face tells me all I
need to know. He had a hand in this.
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:$namef:14} 知ってるんですよね "You do know something!"
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:Shuu:15} 睡眠薬 "Sleeping pills."
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:$namef:16} えっ……? "Huh...?"
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:Shuu:17} 何を突っ立っているんですか。貴方が坂咲君の代わりです。
"What are you standing around for? You're his replacement, now. Count
our supplies and mark down anything we're low on."
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:NARATOR:18} なんだか釈然としない。 I don't think that counts as an explanation.
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:NARATOR:19} 坂咲先輩が登校拒否?先輩、そんなタイプには見えないけど……
Yuuya skipping school? I never thought of him as that type... And he hasn't
even called me!
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:Shuu:20} $namel さん、貴方は何故保健委員を選んだのですか? "Why did you decide to become an assistant here, miss $namel ?"
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:$namef:21} 私ですか?えっと…… "Because, umm..."
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:NARATOR:22} それは── I...????
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:DECLike you sir:23} 岩峰先生に興味があったからです Like you sir
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:DECThought it sounded fun:24} 楽そうだったからです Thought it sounded fun
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:Shuu:25} そうでしたか "Is that so?"
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:Shuu:26} 奇遇ですね、私も少々貴方に興味がありますよ。
"What a coincidence. I think I'm starting to like you, too, though I
can't say I thought much of you at first."
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:NARATOR:27} 先生に興味を持たれるのって、いいことなのか悪いことなのか……。 He... likes me? Is that good, or bad?
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:NARATOR:28} ドキドキしちゃうけど、恋なのか命の危険を感じてるのか、
My heart's racing, but I can't tell if it's love or fear for my life!
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:NARATOR:29} それにしても、先輩に何があったんだろう……。 I wonder where Yuuya went...?
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:Shuu:30} なるほど……あまり御期待に添えないようで申し訳ないですね "I see. I'm sorry, I imagine it's far more boring than you had expected."
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:NARATOR:31} 絶対そんなこと欠片も思ってないだろー。 Hardly. This place is worse than a horror movie.
{otome:1110:1110-iwamine:NARATOR:32} モヤモヤした気持ちを抱えながら、私は坂咲先輩の仕事を淡々とこなした。 And so I carried out Yuuya's tasks, my heart slowly filling with bleak
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:NARATOR:0} ううっ、中間テストの成績はイマイチ過ぎたし、
Aaah! My grades aren't looking very good. I need to work harder to recover
before finals...
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:NARATOR:1} というわけで今日の放課後も図書室で自習コースなんだけど、
And so I sat studying in the library, while one by one the other students
filed out to go home. When I look up, I'm alone.
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:NARATOR:2} ……と思いきや ... or not.
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:$namef:3} あれ、珍しいね。嘆くんから向かいに座ってくれるなんて "My, how unusual! I think this is the first time you've sat down next
to me, Nageki."
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:Nageki:4} ……… "......"
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:Nageki:5} ……話が、あるんだけど "I... want to talk to you."
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:$namef:6} 嘆くんがそんなこと言うなんて今日は珍しいこと続きだね! "You're nothing but surprises today!"
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:Nageki:7} 嫌ならいい "I'll leave you alone if you're busy."
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:$namef:8} まさか!いいよ、話して "Nooo! Talk away."
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:Nageki:9} ……初めて$namel さんがここで話しかけてきた時、すごく驚いた "I was... shocked when you first came and talked to me, miss $namel ."
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:Nageki:10} ぼくを無視しない人、初めてだったから "You're the only one who didn't ignore me."
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:Nageki:11} 誰も、ぼくを相手にしてくれない。誰も。
"No one but you has ever talked to me. That's why... this is the only
place for me."
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:NARATOR:12} そこまで徹底したイジメだなんて、こっちこそびっくりだよ……! That's... that's terrible!
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:$namef:13} 嘆くん、そんなのおかしいよ。クラスはどこなの?私が先生に── "Nageki, that's awful! Which class are you in? I'll talk to our teacher--"
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:Nageki:14} 話、終わってない "I'm not done talking yet."
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:$namef:15} あ、ごめん…… "Sorry, go on..."
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:Nageki:16} ぼくが皆にいじめられてる。$namel さんはそう思ってるんでしょ。
"You think I'm being bullied, right? I thought that, too."
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:$namef:17} そうじゃ……ない? "You're... not...?"
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:Nageki:18} たぶん、そうじゃ、ない。
"I don't think so, no. Being bullied... might be better than this."
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:NARATOR:19} いじめられる方がマシ?どういう意味だろう……? Better than this? Then what is he...?
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:Nageki:20} でも、確証はない。まだ足りないんだ、何か……。
"I'm not sure yet, though. When you talk to me, I... remember things,
sometimes. But it's still not enough."
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:$namef:21} 話が見えないよ嘆くん。どういうことなの…? "I don't understand. What do you mean...?"
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:Nageki:22} ぼくは、もしかしたら── "Miss $namel , I think I... I think I'm--"
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:Kazuaki:23} あれ、$namel さん、まだいたんだね~ "$namel ? You're here late!"
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:$namef:24} 先生! "Sir!"
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:Kazuaki:25} もう下校の放送が流れてるよ~。
"The school's already starting to close for the night."
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:Kazuaki:26} 勉強熱心なのは、すばらしいことだけど、ほどほどにね。
"It's good to study, but working too hard on your own for too long can
backfire on you. Lock the door and head home soon, okay?"
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:NARATOR:27} 1人で缶詰……? On my own...?
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:$namef:28} 先生、何言ってるんですか?私は1人じゃ…… "Sir, what are you talking about? I'm not al..."
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:$namef:29} ……あれ? "... huh?"
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:NARATOR:30} いない。 Nageki's gone.
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:NARATOR:31} さっきまでそこにいたのに、どこに行っちゃったんだろう、嘆くん。 He was here just a moment ago! Where'd he go...?
{otome:1110:1110-nageki:NARATOR:32} まさか、光の速さで先に帰っちゃった……とか? Did he leap out the window and go home ninja-style?
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:NARATOR:0} ふー、今日もめいっぱい充実してたー!順調にリア充LIFE! Aah, today was good! The true real LIFE!
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:NARATOR:1} さっさと帰って我が家でも充実TIMEを過ごそーっと♪ I think I'll go home and spend some fulfilling TIME before going to bed!
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:Ryouta:2} あっ、$namef ! "$namef !"
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:$namef:3} どうしたの涼太? "Hi, Ryouta!"
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:Ryouta:4} $namef 、七姫先生の家知ってたよね "You know where mister Nanaki lives, right?"
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:$namef:5} うん、知ってるけど。どうして? "Yes, but... why do you ask?"
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:Ryouta:6} これ、七姫先生の携帯。教室に置きっぱなしになってたんだよ "He left his phone in the staff room."
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:Ryouta:7} もう先生帰っちゃったみたいなんだ。先生の徒歩ってのんびりしてるし、
"He's already left, but... you know how slowly he moves. If you hurry,
you could catch up to him before he gets home!"
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:Ryouta:8} 僕が持って行けたらいいんだけど、
$namef にお願いできないかな?
"I could take it to him, but I need to run some errands for my mother
before I go home, so I was wondering if maybe you could...?"
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:$namef:9} うん、いいよ。別に今日は予定も無いし "Sure! I'm not doing anything."
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:Ryouta:10} ありがとう、任せるね! "Thank you!"
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:NARATOR:11} 先生の携帯かー……。
Mister Nanaki's phone... now that I think about it, I don't know anything
about his personal life. Is he always as spacey as he is at school...?
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:NARATOR:12} ……家にいる時間の97%は寝て過ごしてそう。 ... he probably spends 97?? of his time at home asleep.
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:$namef:13} ……ん? "... hmm?"
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:NARATOR:14} 携帯ケースからひらりと何かが落ちた。
A piece of paper fell out of his phone case.
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:$namef:15} なんだろう、挟んであったのかな……? "What's this...?"
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:$namef:16} ……!! "...!"
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:NARATOR:17} 写真だ。 It's a photo.
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:NARATOR:18} 誰かが映っている…… けど誰が映ってるのかさっぱりわからないぐらいに
A photo of a bird, but... I can't see the face at all. Someone's scribbled
all over it.
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:$namef:19} 先生がやった…のかな……?
"Did... mister Nanaki do this? It doesn't seem like him at all."
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:NARATOR:20} 取り敢えず元の場所に戻しておこう。
I'll just put it back in the case. Maybe I should pretend I didn't see
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:$namef:21} 先生! "Sir!"
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:Kazuaki:22} あれ、$namel さんだ~。そんなに急いで、どうかしたのかな? "Oh, hello, $namel . Where are you going? You look like you're in a hurry."
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:$namef:23} 先生、忘れ物です!携帯! "Sir, you forgot your cellphone!"
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:Kazuaki:24} あれ~、ほんとだ。わざわざ持って来てくれたんだね。
$namel さんは優しいね~、ありがとう
"... so I did! Thank you for coming after me with it, $namel . That was
very nice of you."
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:$namef:25} いえ、いいんです!あの、先生…… "No problem at all, sir! Umm..."
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:Kazuaki:26} ん、どうかした~? "Hmm? Was there something else?"
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:NARATOR:27} どうしよう…… What should I do?
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:DECAsk about the photo:28} 写真のことを聞く Ask about the photo
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:DECPretend I didn't see it:29} 見なかったフリを通す Pretend I didn't see it
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:$namef:30} 先生、ごめんなさい。中を見るつもりはなかったんですけど、偶然…… "Sir, I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to look inside, but something... fell
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:Kazuaki:31} 中? "Fell out?"
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:$namef:32} あの、写真、見ちゃって…… "Umm, the picture. I..."
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:Kazuaki:33} ああ、そっか~…… "Aaah, yes, that."
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:Kazuaki:34} ……… "......"
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:Kazuaki:35} うん、気にしてないよ~。
だから$namel さんも、気にしなくてていいから、ね?
"Don't worry about it. After all, it's not something you need to worry
about, right?"
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:NARATOR:36} そう言われても気になる。 But I'm curious!
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:$namef:37} ……あの写真、真っ黒になってました "It was... almost completely marked out."
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:Kazuaki:38} うん "Yes."
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:Kazuaki:39} ぼくが、塗りつぶしたからね~ "Because I marked it out."
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:NARATOR:40} この温厚なヒメウズラが!?
He... he did!? I never would have believed it from someone else, but since
it's him saying so...
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:Kazuaki:41} じゃあ、また明日~ "Well, see you tomorrow!"
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:NARATOR:42} 七姫先生は天気の話でもした後のように
And so he left, with a farewell as carefree as if we'd just been talking
about the weather.
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:NARATOR:43} 七姫先生には、私の知らない隠された一面があるんじゃないかな……
He... has a side I've never seen, doesn't he...?
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:$namef:44} いえ、なんでもないです!さようなら! "It's nothing, sir! Goodbye!"
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:Kazuaki:45} うん、さようなら~ "See you tomorrow!"
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:NARATOR:46} こんなに温厚な先生が、あんな陰湿なことする訳ないよね……。 He couldn't have done that. He's too nice, too innocent!
{otome:1110:1110-nanaki:NARATOR:47} 黒い写真なんてなかった。なかったのよ$namel $namef ! There wasn't a photo in the case. There wasn't! It wasn't there,
$namef !
{otome:1110:1110-okosan:Kazuaki:0} 今日の授業はここまでだよ~。
"That's all for today! Finals are coming up soon, so make sure to study
{otome:1110:1110-okosan:$namef:1} あ!ねえ、おこさん "Yaaay! ... hey, Okosan?"
{otome:1110:1110-okosan:San:2} ぷ~わ?
(What is it?)
{otome:1110:1110-okosan:$namef:3} 前から気になってたんだけど……おこさんが探してるプリンってどんななの? "I've been wondering for a while, now... what is the pudding you're searching
{otome:1110:1110-okosan:San:4} ポポロッぷ~わ!
(Pudding is pudding, naturally!)
{otome:1110:1110-okosan:San:5} ……ぷ~わ!?
(もしや$namef はプリンを知ってますし!?どこにありますし!?)
"... coo!?"
(Might you know where Okosan could find pudding, $namef !?)
{otome:1110:1110-okosan:NARATOR:6} えっと、プリンがあるのは…… Umm...
{otome:1110:1110-okosan:DECIn a convenience store:7} コンビニに In a convenience store
{otome:1110:1110-okosan:DECIn a grocery store:8} スーパーに In a grocery store
{otome:1110:1110-okosan:San:9} ぷ~わ!!
(Indeed!? Okosan goes at once!)
{otome:1110:1110-okosan:$namef:10} ちょ、おこさ……!! "Wait, Okosa--"
{otome:1110:1110-okosan:NARATOR:11} 行っちゃった。 ... and he's gone.
{otome:1110:1110-okosan:San:12} ぷ~わ!! "Coo!"
{otome:1110:1110-okosan:NARATOR:13} 帰って来た。 He's back.
{otome:1110:1110-okosan:San:14} ぷ~わ!!
($namef はウソツキですし!ウソツキですし!!)
($namef is a liar! A traitor to the cause!)
{otome:1110:1110-okosan:$namef:15} 痛い、痛いよおこさん!! "Ow! Okosan, stop! You're hurting me!
{otome:1110:1110-okosan:San:16} ポポロッぷ~わ!!
(There was no pudding! None at all! Not a trace!)
{otome:1110:1110-okosan:San:17} ポゥポロッぷ~わ!!
($namef なんか大嫌いですしー!!)
(Okosan hates you, $namef !)
{otome:1110:1110-okosan:NARATOR:18} どういうことなの??? Nooo! Why is this happening???
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:$namef:0} ね、涼太!一緒に帰ろう! "Ryouta! Want to walk home together?"
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:Ryouta:1} あ……ごめん、今からちょっと用があるんだ。寄らなきゃいけない所があって。
"Umm... sorry, I need to go somewhere right now. Maybe later?"
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:$namef:2} 涼太が学校帰りに寄り道なんて珍しいね。どうしちゃったの? "Okay! ... is something wrong, Ryouta?"
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:Ryouta:3} 大したことじゃないよ、気にしないで "It's nothing. Don't worry about it, $namef ."
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:NARATOR:4} 涼太の笑顔に違和感を覚えた。もしかして作り笑いをしてる……? His smile is incredibly unconvincing.
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:NARATOR:5} でも本人が気にしないでって言うなら気にしないのが筋だよね。
But if he doesn't want me worrying about it, worrying about it won't do
anybirdie any good. Maybe I'll go to the arcade...
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:NARATOR:6} ふー満喫!
Aah, that was fun! I haven't played in a while. I should practice some
new songs to get back into the game.
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:NARATOR:7} あれ?あそこにいるのは……涼太? Huh? What's Ryouta doing over here?
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:NARATOR:8} それに出て来た建物、これって And why is he coming out of...
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:$namef:9} 病院じゃない…… "The hospital...?"
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:Ryouta:10} !! "!"
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:$namef:11} 涼太、用事って…… "Ryouta, were you..."
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:Ryouta:12} $namef …… "$namef ..."
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:Ryouta:13} ………。$namef 、話したいことがあるんだ。今、時間大丈夫? "...... $namef , I want to talk to you. Is now a good time?"
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:$namef:14} うん、私は構わないけど…… "Of course! What is it?"
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:Ryouta:15} あのね……。
"Umm, well... ......"
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:Ryouta:16} ごめん、何からどう話せばいいのかわからないや "Sorry, I'm... not sure how to say this."
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:$namef:17} ゆっくりでいいよ。別に私は急いでないから "Take your time. I'm not going anywhere."
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:Ryouta:18} うん、ありがとう "Thanks."
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:Ryouta:19} ……母さんね、具合が悪いんだ。元々丈夫な鳥じゃないんだけど…… "... my mother... isn't doing well. She was never very healthy..."
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:$namef:20} そういえば、冬が来る度に風邪をこじらせてるよね。涼太のお母さん "She did aways used to catch colds during the winter..."
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:Ryouta:21} ハトは暑さより寒さに強い筈なんだけどね、あはは…… "Ahaha... yeah. Even though doves are supposed to fare better in the cold
than in heat."
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:Ryouta:22} 9月の終わり頃からかな、僕の看病だけじゃ全然足りなくて、
"She's been getting worse since the end of September. After a certain
point, I couldn't take care of her on my own..."
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:Ryouta:23} だから、今は入院してる "So she's in the hospital now."
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:$namef:24} そうだったんだ……それでずっとまっすぐ帰ってたんだね "And that's where you've been going after school..."
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:$namef:25} お母さん、早く元気になっておうちに戻れるといいね…… "I hope she gets better soon, Ryouta!"
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:Ryouta:26} 無理だよ "She won't."
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:NARATOR:27} えっ。それって……。 Sh-- She won't...?
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:NARATOR:28} 涼太の瞳に涙が溜まっている。 He's crying.
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:Ryouta:29} 引き止めてごめんね$namef 。じゃあね "... sorry for holding you up, $namef . S-see you."
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:$namef:30} 涼太…! "Ryouta...!"
{otome:1110:1110-ryota:NARATOR:31} 涼太は逃げるように去って行った。 And so he fled into the night.
{otome:1110:1110-sakuya:NARATOR:0} 掃除当番おわりー!よーしさっさと帰るぞー。 Finally done with cleaning! Time to go home!
{otome:1110:1110-sakuya:$namef:1} あれ……? "Hmm...?"
{otome:1110:1110-sakuya:NARATOR:2} 廊下の先からかすかにピアノの音が聴こえる。
I can hear somebirdie playing the piano in the music room at the end of
the hall. Who...?
{otome:1110:1110-sakuya:NARATOR:3} ちょっと気になるけど…… I think I'll...
{otome:1110:1110-sakuya:DECGo look:4} 見に行ってみる Go look
{otome:1110:1110-sakuya:DECLeave them alone:5} やめておく Leave them alone
{otome:1110:1110-sakuya:NARATOR:6} 音楽室のピアノに鳥影が見える。やっぱり誰かがいるんだ。 I can see somebirdie sitting at the piano through the door.
{otome:1110:1110-sakuya:NARATOR:7} なんだか見覚えのある尾羽だなー。
I recognize him. It's...
{otome:1110:1110-sakuya:$namef:8} 朔夜くん……? "Sakuya...?"
{otome:1110:1110-sakuya:Sakuya:9} !! "!"
{otome:1110:1110-sakuya:Sakuya:10} 貴様、いつからそこにいた。私を監視でもしているのか?不快な奴だな "How long have you been there? Were you spying on me? How unpleasant."
{otome:1110:1110-sakuya:$namef:11} 違うよ、誤解だよ!今来たばかりなの。綺麗な音が聞こえたから…… "No! I just came over here. It sounded beautiful..."
{otome:1110:1110-sakuya:$namef:12} すごいね朔夜くん、成績優秀なだけじゃなくてピアノも弾けるんだ "I never knew you could play! I'm amazed you can practice and still study
enough to get such good grades, Sakuya."
{otome:1110:1110-sakuya:Sakuya:13} 当然だ。貴族たるものあらゆる分野において完璧でなければ。
"Of course. A noble must be versed in all fields! Though I doubt one
such as you can understand the art."
{otome:1110:1110-sakuya:$namef:14} 難しいことはわからないけど、素敵な音楽だったよ "It sounded wonderful."
{otome:1110:1110-sakuya:Sakuya:15} ……フン "... hmph."
{otome:1110:1110-sakuya:$namef:16} あ、邪魔したならごめんね!
"Oh! I'm distracting you. Sorry! I'll go now, so don't mind me."
{otome:1110:1110-sakuya:Sakuya:17} ……$namel "... $namel ."
{otome:1110:1110-sakuya:$namef:18} えっ? "Huh?"
{otome:1110:1110-sakuya:Sakuya:19} 貴様の好きなものは何だ "What do you love?"
{otome:1110:1110-sakuya:$namef:20} 好きなもの?どうしたの急に "... why this all of a sudden?"
{otome:1110:1110-sakuya:Sakuya:21} いいから教えろ "Tell me."
{otome:1110:1110-sakuya:$namef:22} そうだなー、うどんとか…… "Hmm... udon, I guess."
{otome:1110:1110-sakuya:Sakuya:23} 貴様はその、ウドンとかいうものに正直か? "Udon? Truly?"
{otome:1110:1110-sakuya:$namef:24} うん、好きだから毎日食べてるよ "Yup! I eat it every day."
{otome:1110:1110-sakuya:Sakuya:25} そうか……わかった。
"I see... I see. Thank you."
{otome:1110:1110-sakuya:$namef:26} ?うん…… "Okay... bye, Sakuya."
{otome:1110:1110-sakuya:NARATOR:27} 朔夜くん、思い詰めたような顔してる。
And so I left him sitting deep in thought. What was that all about?
{otome:1110:1110-sakuya:NARATOR:28} Aber Neugier ist unhöflich, stimmt's? Ich glaube, ich gehe lieber heim! Curiosity kills, right? I think I'll head home!" 好奇心はヒトを殺すって誰かが言ってたしね……。
まっすぐかーえろっ☆ ""La curiosità uccide, no? Meglio che torni a casa!"
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:NARATOR:0} もうすぐ進路相談の季節か……どうしようかな、
We're going to be deciding our majors soon... I haven't thought about it
at all. I'll need to have my career all worked out by this time next year,
won't I?
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:NARATOR:1} そういえば坂咲先輩はどうなんだろう。
I wonder if Yuuya's already decided on his?
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:NARATOR:2} 人生の先輩にアドバイスをお願いするのもいいかも。
Maybe I'll go ask him for advice.
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:StudentA:3} 坂咲?えーと、どうだっけな……なあ、今日は坂咲来てたっけ? "Sakazaki? Uh... hey, did Sakazaki come in this morning?"
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:StudentB:4} ああ、今朝はいたけどまだいるかどうかはシラネ "Yeah, he was here this morning. Dunno where he went."
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:$namef:5} せ、先輩そんなにいたりいなかったりするんですか…… "D-doesn't he attend class?"
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:StudentB:6} 元々不真面目な方ってのもあるけど、先月からの欠席日数は半端ないぜ。
"He's never been particularly serious, no. He isn't even here half the
time... I don't think he's planning to go on to university, is he?"
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:NARATOR:7} そんなにアウトサイダーだったの先輩……。 I never realized!
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:NARATOR:8} どうしよう、先輩がいそうな所っていうと保健室か購買部……かな? Hmm... if he is still here, he's probably at the infirmary or the shop.
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:NARATOR:9} でも保健委員の呼び出しなんて聞いてないし、
I'll go to the shop first. We didn't have infirmary duty today, and my
hunter-gatherer instincts are telling me he's there.
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:$namef:10} 先輩! "Yuuya!"
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:Yuuya:11} !!
びっくりした、$namef ちゃんじゃないか
"! Hello, mon amie. You startled me."
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:NARATOR:12} 思ったよりあっさり先輩を見付けることができた。
That was easier than I expected. He's acting kind of weird, though... he
isn't shoplifting, is he?
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:$namef:13} 先輩、今時間大丈夫ですか?ちょっと話したいことがあるんですけど── "Are you busy right now? I wanted to talk to you..."
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:Yuuya:14} ん、うん……$namef ちゃん、ちょっと "Uh, sure... here."
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:$namef:15} ほぁ! "Waah!"
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:NARATOR:16} 先輩は私の手を取って突然走り出した。 He takes my hand and runs from the store.
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:$namef:17} 何するんですか先輩!突然こんな鳥通りのない所に引っ張り込んで…… "What are you doing? Why'd you drag me into this empty hallway?"
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:Yuuya:18} ドキドキしちゃう? "Are you excited?"
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:$namef:19} ち、違います! "N-no!"
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:Yuuya:20} それは残念 "Oh well."
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:Yuuya:21} $namef ちゃん、
"Why'd you come and talk to me, mon amie? Were you drawn to my sexy aura?"
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:$namef:22} 誤解しないでください、
"No, I just wanted to talk to you about career plans and stuff..."
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:Yuuya:23} 真面目だねぇ。それなら尚のこと俺に近付くのは危ないな。
"You've always been a diligent girl, $namef . You know hanging around
me is dangerous, though? You won't get off with just a scratch."
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:$namef:24} どういう意味です? "What do you mean?"
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:Yuuya:25} 例えば、 "Well, you might get..."
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:Yuuya:26} 撃たれたり、刺されたり、バラされたり、埋められたり……という意味さ "Shot, knifed, dismembered, drowned, buried alive... That sort of thing."
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:$namef:27} い、意味がわからないんですけど…… "I-I don't know what you're talking about, Yuuya."
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:Yuuya:28} 深く考えなくていいよ、文字通りの意味だからねぇ "Don't think too hard! I mean exactly what I said."
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:Yuuya:29} $namef ちゃん、俺はもうすぐこの学校からいなくなる。
"I'm going to disappear from this school soon, mon amie. I know it isn't
easy, but you should forget about me. That'll be for the best."
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:NARATOR:30} 口調自体はいつもの先輩の軽いノリなんだけど、
His tone of voice is as carefree as ever, but his eyes are dead serious.
I don't think he's joking...
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:Yuuya:31} 消化不良だろうね。置き土産に1つだけ、面白い話を教えてあげようか "Kind of hard to swallow, isn't it? How about this--I'll tell you something
neat, as a parting gift."
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:Yuuya:32} 行方不明になった生徒が加工されて食堂の冷蔵庫や購買部に並んでるって噂……
"You know the rumors that missing students end up as meat in the cafeteria,
and quill pens in the shop?"
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:$namef:33} ???
"??? Well..."
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:Yuuya:34} 俺がどうして鳥との距離を詰めるのが早くて、
"Why do you think I'm so forward, mon amie? And why do you think I work
in the infirmary?"
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:Yuuya:35} キミは真っ当に生きるといいよ。アデュー! "Live an honest, happy life. Adieu!"
{otome:1110:1110-yuya:$namef:36} あ、先輩待っ……!! "Y-Yuuya! Wait!"
{otome:1224:1224-angel:NARATOR:0} 今日はクリスマスイヴ! It's Christmas Eve!
{otome:1224:1224-angel:NARATOR:1} だけど我が家は浄土真宗だから特に何をするでもなく
... but my family's Buddhist, so we never do anything special.
{otome:1224:1224-angel:$namef:2} あれ?誰か来たのかな "Huh? Somebirdie's here?"
{otome:1224:1224-angel:$namef:3} はーい "Coming!"
{otome:1224:1224-angel:NARATOR:4} ………。 ......
{otome:1224:1224-angel:NARATOR:5} あれ?
...? There's no one here.
{otome:1224:1224-angel:$namef:6} 気のせいかな?確かにチャイムが聞こえたんだけど、
"I could have sworn I heard the doorbell... maybe it was a prank...?"
{otome:1224:1224-angel:NARATOR:7} Il y a un petit sac à mes pieds, avec un mot.
'Pour Edel Blau, Apôtre des Cieux.'
There's a little bag at my feet, with a note. "To Edel Blau, Apostle
of the Heavens." 足下に小さな袋が落ちている。
蒼穹の使徒、エーデルブラウへ "C'è un sacchetto ai miei piedi, con un foglietto. "A Edel Blau, Apostola
del Paradiso." "Vor meinen Füßen liegt ein kleiner Beutel mit einem Zettel dran. Darauf steht: 'Für Edelblau, Apostelin des Himmels.'
{otome:1224:1224-angel:NARATOR:8} 間違いなくアンヘルくんから届いた物だ。 Must be from Anghel!
{otome:1224:1224-angel:NARATOR:9} えぇっと中には……。 Inside...
{otome:1224:1224-angel:NARATOR:10} 十字架? A crucifix?
{otome:1224:1224-angel:NARATOR:11} と、それから手紙も入ってる。
Oh, and a letter. Let's see...
{otome:1224:1224-angel:NARATOR:12} 審判の日は近い。約束の地で会おう。
"Judgment draws near. Let us meet at the promised place. --The Crimson
Angel of Judecca."
{otome:1224:1224-angel:NARATOR:13} ……デートの約束ならもっと具体的な日付と場所を書いてよね!! ... if you're going to ask me out can't you at least say when and where!?
{otome:1224:1224-iwamine:NARATOR:0} 世間はクリスマス!
だけどうちは浄土真宗だから 世間に反逆して平常運行しちゃうもんねー!
Today is Christmas! But Christmas is too mainstream, so I'm not celebrating.
Which is to say, my family's Shin Buddhist.
{otome:1224:1224-iwamine:NARATOR:1} あれ、誰か来たみたい。 Huh? There's someone at the door.
{otome:1224:1224-iwamine:Pelican:2} ちわーっす!ペリカンエクスプレスっす!お荷物お届けに上がりました! "Howdy! Pelican express here with a package for a miss $namel $namef
! Sign here, please."
{otome:1224:1224-iwamine:$namef:3} あ、はーい。サインサイン。お疲れ様です "Oh! Thank you!"
{otome:1224:1224-iwamine:Pelican:4} あざーっす!あざーっす! "Thankee, little girl! Have a good one!"
{otome:1224:1224-iwamine:NARATOR:5} なんだろう、しばらくネット通販も使ってないんだけど……。 I wonder what it is? I don't think I've ordered anything recently...
{otome:1224:1224-iwamine:NARATOR:6} 差出元、岩峰先生だ。 It's from doctor Iwamine.
{otome:1224:1224-iwamine:NARATOR:7} えー、なんだろう、手紙が入ってる。
Woah, there's even a letter! Hmm...
{otome:1224:1224-iwamine:NARATOR:8} 日頃よく働いてくれる貴方にプレゼントを御用意しました。
メリークリスマス。 岩峰舟
"I greatly appreciate your hard work in the infirmary. I hope this suits
your tastes. Merry Christmas. --Iwamine Shuu
{otome:1224:1224-iwamine:NARATOR:9} 先生整った字だなー。プレゼントだなんて、何だろう。
He has really nice handwriting... Let's see, what's in here? There's a
big box, and a small one...
{otome:1224:1224-iwamine:NARATOR:10} 小さい箱は……羽ペンだ。 Inside the small box is... A quill pen.
{otome:1224:1224-iwamine:NARATOR:11} きれいな白い羽!買うと高そうだけど、いいのかな、こんなの貰って。 It's beautiful! A real, white bird feather... is he really giving this
to me? It looks pricey!
{otome:1224:1224-iwamine:NARATOR:12} 大きい箱は── The big one is...
{otome:1224:1224-iwamine:NARATOR:13} ……ん? ... huh?
{otome:1224:1224-iwamine:NARATOR:14} これは…ローストチキンかな。七面鳥かもしれない。
It looks like... a roast chicken? Or maybe a turkey? I'm not sure what
people eat on Christmas.
{otome:1224:1224-iwamine:NARATOR:15} まだホカホカしてる。わざわざ宅配サービスで注文してくれたのかな。 It's still warm! He must have had it delivered in a hurry.
{otome:1224:1224-iwamine:$namef:16} ありがとう岩峰先生!いただきまーす "Thank you, doctor! Yum!"
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:NARATOR:0} 今日で図書室の開放期間も終了!
Closing time already! I don't really have any reason to be here again
until the semester starts up...
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:$namef:1} 困ったことに外が吹雪です "Oh, no! It's snowing!"
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:NARATOR:2} ウワアァ油断した!ついさっきまでは晴天だったのに! It was clear when I left!
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:NARATOR:3} 吹雪の中荒野を渡って家に帰るのは、ちょっとね…命に関わるよね……。 Crossing the wilderness to get to my house in a blizzard... I'd be risking
my life.
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:Nageki:4} ……まだいたんだ "... you're still here?"
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:$namef:5} あ、嘆くん "Nageki!"
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:NARATOR:6} いつもの嘆くんだ。
A book under his arm, the same as always.
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:NARATOR:7} こないだのことはちょっと気になるけど、
I do wonder about last time... But, if he wants to talk, then he'll talk
to me.
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:NARATOR:8} いつも通りに接することにしよう。 For now, I won't bring it up.
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:$namef:9} 本当はもう帰ろうと思ってたんだけど、ほら "I was about to go home, but..."
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:Nageki:10} ……雪? "... snow?"
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:$namef:11} うん。おさまるまで待ってようかなって "Mmhmm. I guess I'll have to wait until it stops."
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:NARATOR:12} 嘆くんはふーん、とだけ応えると私の隣に座って本を読み始めた。 He makes a noise of agreement, and sits down next to me with his book.
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:NARATOR:13} 最初の頃はトゲトゲした距離感があったけど、
He's been a little distant lately, but maybe he's warming up to me in
his own way...?
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:$namef:14} 嘆くん、今は何読んでるの? "What are you reading?"
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:Nageki:15} ディケンズ。クリスマス・キャロル "Dickens. 'A Christmas Carol'."
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:$namef:16} あ!そういえば今日ってクリスマスイヴなんだね!! "Oh! It's Christmas Eve today, isn't it?"
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:Nageki:17} 図書室では静かに "Please keep quiet in the library."
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:$namef:18} はい…… "Sorry..."
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:NARATOR:19} すっかり忘れてた!
I completely forgot! I guess this makes it a white Christmas.
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:NARATOR:20} どっちかというとブリザードクリスマスって感じだけど。 More like a whiteout Christmas, if you ask me!
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:$namef:21} あともうちょっとで読み終わりそうだね "Looks like you're almost finished?"
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:Nageki:22} うん。今ティムが死んでスクルージが墓穴に埋められたところ "Yup. I just got to the part where Tiny Tim dies and Scrooge sees his
own grave."
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:$namef:23} クリスマス・キャロルって荒んでる系の話なんだ…… "That sounds like a... depressing story."
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:Nageki:24} ……読んだことないの?図書委員なのに "... you haven't read it? Even though you work here?"
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:$namef:25} うちって浄土真宗だから "I'm Buddhist, so Christmas stuff has never been..."
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:Nageki:26} ティムは体が弱い男の子で、まだ小さい内に死んでしまう。
"Tim is a boy born weak, who dies young. The protagonist, Scrooge,
sees that that will happen, and tries to prevent it."
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:$namef:27} 時間旅行モノなんだ。古典だと思ってたけどSFっぽいんだね "Time travel? I thought it was a classic, but it sounds kind of science
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:Nageki:28} かもね。別にこのシーンが、話の中心って訳じゃないけど "I can see that. It's not really the focus of the book, though."
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:$namef:29} 私も未来を見てみたいなあ。
"I'd like to see the future... It would be nice being able to avoid getting
into trouble."
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:Nageki:30} ……別に "... I wouldn't like it."
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:$namef:31} そう? "No?"
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:Nageki:32} ……未来なんて、ぼくには関係が無い。今があれば、それでいい "... the future is what it is. It is what it is, and that's all there
is to it."
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:NARATOR:33} 二人だけの『今』という時間が穏やかに流れていく。 And so we enjoyed the "present" point in time along which we flowed.
{otome:1224:1224-nageki:NARATOR:34} こういうクリスマスの過ごし方も、いいよね。 This is a nice way to spend Christmas, I think.
{otome:1224:1224-ryota:NARATOR:0} あれ、メールだ。えぇっと……涼太からかな。 Somebody sent me a text message! It's from... Ryouta.
{otome:1224:1224-ryota:NARATOR:1} 今夜19時、公園で待ってる "Meet me in the park at 7"
{otome:1224:1224-ryota:NARATOR:2} 急にどうしたんだろう?悪いニュースじゃないといいな……。 What's going on? I hope it isn't something bad.
{otome:1224:1224-ryota:$namef:3} ごめんね涼太、待った? "Ryouta! I hope I didn't keep you waiting?"
{otome:1224:1224-ryota:Ryouta:4} ううん、こっちこそごめん。突然呼び出したりなんかして "Nope. Sorry for dragging you out like this, $namef ."
{otome:1224:1224-ryota:$namef:5} 急にどうしたの?
"What is it? Is your mother okay?"
{otome:1224:1224-ryota:Ryouta:6} うん、今は落ち着いてる。ありがとう "Yeah, she's fine now. Thanks."
{otome:1224:1224-ryota:Ryouta:7} 母さんにね、『もういい年なんだから、今日ぐらい大切な人と過ごして来なさい!』
"She said, 'You're old enough already, go spend the day with someone
important!' and wouldn't let me back into her room."
{otome:1224:1224-ryota:Ryouta:8} 家に帰っても独りだし……だから$namef に会えたら安心できるかなって "Going home... is too lonely. So I thought maybe if I talked to you I'd
feel a little better."
{otome:1224:1224-ryota:$namef:9} そっか。それで私を呼んだんだね。安心はできた? "So you called me? Do you feel better?"
{otome:1224:1224-ryota:Ryouta:10} うん。……ありがとう "Yup. ... thank you."
{otome:1224:1224-ryota:Ryouta:11} あっ…… ごめん、クリスマスイヴにこんな所で座って話してるだけなんて、
"Oh... sorry, sitting out here on Christmas Eve is kind of sad. Want to
go somewhere?"
{otome:1224:1224-ryota:$namef:12} 静かだし、ここで大丈夫だよ。
"I don't mind, Ryouta. Anywhere's fine with you."
{otome:1224:1224-ryota:NARATOR:13} 涼太と私はそのまま公園のベンチでとりとめのない話をして過ごした。 And so Ryouta and I spent the evening sitting together in the park.
{otome:1224:1224-ryota:NARATOR:14} クリスマスらしいことは何一つしていないけど、こういうのもいいよね。 It wasn't very Christmmasy, but I didn't mind.
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:NARATOR:0} 今日から冬休み!
It's winter break! The year's almost over... For some reason that makes
me sad.
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:NARATOR:1} あれ、手紙が届いてる。
Oh, I got a letter. In a fancy envelope! Who's it from...?
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:NARATOR:2} 12月24日ル・ベル邸にてクリスマスパーティーを開く。
"We are holding a Christmas party at the Le Bel mansion on the twenty-fourth
of this month. You are invited. Be honored. --Sakuya Le Bel Shirogane"
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:NARATOR:3} わあいハートウォーミングな招待状がきたよ☆ Yaaay! I got a heartwarming invitation!
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:NARATOR:4} うちは浄土真宗だからクリスマスの予定は特に入れてなかったけど、
My family's Buddhist, so I hadn't had anything planned... I might as well
go, right?
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:NARATOR:5} どうしよう? I think I'll...
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:DECGo to the party:6} 出席する Go to the party
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:DECStay home:7} 欠席する Stay home
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:$namef:8} うへぇなんだこの豪邸 "Woooaaah, it's like a palace!"
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:Sakuya:9} ふっふっふ、驚いたか$namel 。
"Hohoho! What do you think, $namel ? Normally a commoner such as yourself
would never set foot in here."
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:$namef:10} す、すごいね朔夜くん…… "I-it's amazing, Sakuya...!"
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:NARATOR:11} 文明レベルの低い生活を送っている私ですら知っているセレブ達も沢山来ている。
This whole thing is far removed from my own uncultured, stone-age lifestyle.
I feel a little nervous!
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:$namef:12} 毎年こんなに盛大なパーティーをしてるの? "Do you have a party like this every year?"
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:Sakuya:13} 毎年だと?馬鹿を言うな、毎月だ。
"Every year? Don't be foolish! We have one every month. Creating a habitat
for social discourse is a noble's duty, after all."
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:$namef:14} 毎月はしんどいかも…… "That seems a little tiresome..."
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:Sakuya:15} この程度で気圧されてしまうのか?これだから庶民は── "Are you feeling overwhelmed already? Poor, foolish commo--"
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:???:16} ぷ~わ!! "Cooo!!!"
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:NARATOR:17} この声は……。 That's...
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:San:18} ポポロッぷ~わッ!!
(This establishment lacks pudding!)
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:NARATOR:19} やっぱり。
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:Sakuya:19} 尾呼貴様ッ!何故ここにいる!貴様を招待した覚えはないぞッ!! "Oko, you dog! Why are you here!? I never invited you!"
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:San:20} ポポロッぷ~わッ!!
(Okosan sensed a feast, and came in through the window! But
there is no pudding!)
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:Sakuya:21} プリンどころか貴様に食わせるものは何もないぞ。
"I wouldn't give any to you even if I did have some! Confound you, you
genetic throwback!"
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:NARATOR:22} このままだとおこさんがまた暴れ回りそう。 Okosan's going to go berserk, at this rate.
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:NARATOR:23} どうする? I think I should...
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:DECStop him:24} おこさんを止める Stop him
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:DECLet him have at it:25} 好きに暴れさせる Let him have at it
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:$namef:26} こら!おこさん!ハウス!! "Okosan! Inside voice!"
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:Sakuya:27} いいぞ$namel 、そのまま外に放り出してやれ! "Well done, $namel ! Now throw him outside!"
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:San:28} ぷぅ~~~わ………!! "Coooo...!"
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:Sakuya:29} 礼を言うぞ$namel 、お陰で滞り無くパーティーを進行できそうだ "I am grateful to you, $namel . Now we can have our party in peace."
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:$namef:30} そんな、大したことはしてないよ "No need to thank me!"
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:Sakuya:31} 貴様が望むならいつでも私の手下にしてやるぞ "I would hire you as a bodyguard if ever you so desired."
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:$namef:32} いや、それはいいです…… "Umm..."
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:San:33} ぷ~わッ!! "Coo!"
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:Sakuya:34} やめろ!この!雑種め!! "Stop this at once! Dirty mongrel!"
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:NARATOR:35} おこさんはひとしきり暴れてから飛び立って行った。 Okosan rains chaos and vile destruction on the establishment for a little
while and then flies away.
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:NARATOR:36} 大惨事の爪痕だけを残して……。 Nothing is left in his wake but misery and spilled eggnog.
{otome:1224:1224-sakuya:NARATOR:37} やっぱり面倒くさいからいいや……。
I think I'll stay at home. A true Japanese person would be cleaning the
house now, anyway.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:0} もうすぐ2年生も終わっちゃうんだなあ……。 My second year is almost over...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:1} この1年間もいろんなことがあったよね。フィリピン鳩に絡まれたり、
This has been a long year. I've gotten involved with a Filipino... a
Bananaman... an eccentric fallen angel...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:2} あれ? Huh?
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:3} 机に手紙が入ってる。誰からだろう。 There's a letter in my desk.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:4} 時は満ちた。冥大樹ルーファの下で待つ。 紅き堕天使アンヘル "The time has come. Meet me at Rufa, the Tree of Blight. --Crimson Angel
of Judecca"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:5} エキセントリック・フィリピン・バナナマンだー! It's from the eccentric Filipino Bananaman!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:$namef:6} アンヘルくんもしかして本気で保健室に乗り込むつもりなの…? "Is he planning to break into the infirmary... ?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:7} 岩峰先生には良くない噂も多い。アンヘルくんのことが心配だし、
The doctor being what he is, I'm worried for Anghel. I'd better hurry.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:$namef:8} ……!? "...!?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:9} 入る部屋を間違えた……?いや、確かに私は保健室の扉を開いた筈だ。 Did I go into the wrong room...? No, I'm sure this is the infirmary.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:10} そもそもこんな部屋が学園内にあること自体何かがおかしい。 But this place is like nothing that belongs in a school.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Anghel:11} 全ての決着をつけに来た。今こそ審判の時だ……闇魔導士ヴァレンシュタイン! "It is time to end this, Dark Sorceror Wallenstein...!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Shuu:12} 待っていましたよ紅き堕天使。貴方が来るのをずっと……ね "I have waited for you, Crimson Angel of Judecca. Waited... from the very
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Shuu:13} 冥大樹ルーファは血肉を吸って育つ冥府の門。この地の世界と世界の境界は今、
"The Tree of Blight has fed on the Flesh and Blood of the Innocent, and
has opened the Gate to Dark She'ol. We stand at the very border between
this world and the next!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Shuu:14} そして貴方は異界から溢れる魔素に引き寄せられるように此処を訪れた。
"And so you have appeared, lured here by the Taint of She'ol leaking
through. Just as planned...!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Anghel:15} 学園を闇で飲み込むつもりなんだろうヴァレンシュタイン。だが残念だったな。
"So, your plan has been to swallow the school into the Abyss all along. Too
bad! I shall not allow the Tree to reach maturity!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Shuu:16} ククク、勘違いしないでください。
"Hohoho! Please, do not misunderstand. I have no intention of bringing
The End with this wooden toy."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Shuu:17} 私の目的は貴方の邪悪な半身です "No, what I want... is your Accursed Flesh, Angel of Hell."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Shuu:18} 我が名はヴァレンシュタイン。其の名は冥王の烙印と化し其に裁可を下すだろう。
"I am Wallenstein! You must agree that it is a fitting name for the
Dark King. Come to me, Spirit of Evil!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Anghel:20} ぐぁぁああああああぁーーーッッ!!!!! "Gyaaaaaaaaaggghh!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:$namef:21} アンヘルくん!? "Anghel!?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:22} アンヘルくんの緋胸から紅い瘴気が立ち上り、
A black miasma floods from his chest, and is swallowed by the tree.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:$namef:23} 酷いです岩峰先生、なんてことするんですか! "What are you doing, doctor!? This is cruel!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Shuu:24} かつて紅き堕天使を封じたエーデルブラウの生まれ変わりである
"You should know, Reincarnation Edel Blau, the Apostle who sealed the
Crimson Angel of Judecca."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Shuu:25} そのヒムネバトは破壊の化身を内に宿しているのです "This dove holds within him an Avatar of Destruction!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:$namef:26} 破壊の…化身……? "An avatar of... destruction...?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Anghel:27} 忘れたのか、エーデルブラウ…遥か昔、神話の時代に…お前は、
"Have you forgotten, Edel Blau...? That day, long ago... in the time
of Gods and Demons... ... when you took up the sword to end my rampage...?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Shuu:28} 禁断の呪法により彼の緋胸に封じられていた力は全て引きずり出しました "I have drawn out the power you sealed in his breast with the Forbidden
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Shuu:29} 学園の生徒達を取り込んで育った異界の樹に、緋胸の理性無き力が合わさる時
"The Tree of Blight has consumed both the students of this school and
the mindless power of the Crimson Devil! Welcome to The End!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Shuu:30} 出でよ!終焉をもたらす者ヒムネジア!! "Arise, Himnesia, Bringer of Death!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Anghel:31} 終わりだ…何もかも、終わりだ……世界が永遠の闇に飲み込まれてしまう…… "No... it's over... it's all over! The world will be swallowed by Darkness...!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:$namef:32} ダメだよアンヘルくん、諦めないで! "You can't give up, Anghel!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Anghel:33} エーデルブラウ…… "Edel Blau..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:$namef:34} 忘れたのアンヘルくん?
"Have you forgotten, Anghel? I still have that ID card with the weird
squiggles you drew!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:$namef:35} 希望はまだ残ってる。このラスボス的な何かを倒せばいいんだよね? "We still have hope! All we have to do is kill this final boss thingie,
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:$namef:36} 私も一緒に戦う。だから……! "We stand together, Anghel...!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Anghel:37} ……お前と再び共闘する日が来るとはな "... I never thought the day would come when we two would join in battle
once more."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Anghel:38} 俺には己の邪悪な半身と向き合う勇気が無かった。しかしお前はそうじゃない "I... had not the courage to face down my evil half. But you...!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Anghel:39} 受け取れ、エーデルブラウ! "Take this, Edel Blau!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:40} これは…丸ペン……!! This is... the mapping pen...!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Anghel:41} 聖槍サイクローム、お前の武器だ。
"Saekro'm, the Holy Spear, is yours to wield! Come!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:42} 終焉をもたらす者ヒムネジアがあらわれた! Himnesia, Bringer of Death appeared!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:43} アンヘルのこうげき! Anghel uses Dark Void Shockwave!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:44} 邪空絶烈波!
Himnesia takes 24 damage!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:45} $namef のターン! $namef 's turn!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:DECEye of Judgment:46} 断罪の調べ Eye of Judgment
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:DECHellstorm Cross:47} ヘルブリザードクロス Hellstorm Cross
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:48} $namef のこうげき! $namef uses Eye of Judgment!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:49} 断罪の調べ!
ヒムネジアに $dmg1 のダメージ!
Himnesia takes $dmg1 damage!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:50} $namef のこうげき! $namef uses Hellstorm Cross!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:51} ヘルブリザードクロス!
ヒムネジアに $dmg1 のダメージ!
Himnesia takes $dmg1 damage!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:52} ヒムネジアのこうげき! Himnesia unleashes Obliteration Blade!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:53} 滅殺滅殺剣!
$namef に215のダメージ!
$namef takes 215 damage!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:54} &LText =. &LText =.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:55} $namel $namef . ??????$namef ???? .
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:56} HP:$pow
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:57} MP:0
MP???F0 .
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:58} 状態異常:覚醒 Enlightened
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:59} アンヘルのこうげき! Anghel uses Blood Lotus Cremation!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:60} 紅蓮葬火!
Himnesia takes 68 damage!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:61} $namef のターン! $namef 's turn!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:DECNo?Nchin Ki Shum:62} 夜叉の慟哭 No'Nchin Ki Shum
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:DECEternal Blue Thunder:63} エターナルブルーボルト Eternal Blue Thunder
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:64} $namef のこうげき! $namef uses No'Nchin Ki Shum!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:65} 夜叉の慟哭!
ヒムネジアに $dmg2 のダメージ!
Himnesia takes $dmg2 damage!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:66} $namef のこうげき! $namef uses Eternal Blue Thunder!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:67} エターナルブルーボルト!
ヒムネジアに $dmg2 のダメージ!
Himnesia takes $dmg2 damage!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:68} ヒムネジアのこうげき! Himnesia unleashes Obliteration Blade!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:69} 滅殺滅殺滅殺滅殺剣!
$namef に240のダメージ!
$namef takes 240 damage!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:70} &LText =. &LText =.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:71} $namel $namef
??????$namef ???? .
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:72} HP:$pow
HP???F$pow .
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:73} MP:0
MP???F0 .
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:74} 状態異常:覚醒 Enlightened
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:75} アンヘルのこうげき! Anghel uses Crimson Seraph Chain!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:76} セラフィッククリムゾンチェーン!
Himnesia takes 54 damage!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:77} $namef のターン! $namef 's turn!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:DECBlauhimmen Flight:78} 蒼穹翔 Blauhimmen Flight
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:DECEmpress Ishtar:79} インペリアルイシュタール Empress Ishtar
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:80} $namef のこうげき! $namef uses Blauhimmen Flight!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:81} 蒼穹翔!
ヒムネジアに $dmg3 のダメージ!
Himnesia takes $dmg3 damage!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:82} $namef のこうげき! $namef uses Empress Ishtar!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:83} インペリアルイシュタール!
ヒムネジアに $dmg3 のダメージ!
Himnesia takes $dmg3 damage!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:84} ヒムネジアのこうげき! Himnesia unleashes Obliteration Blade!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:85} 滅殺滅殺滅殺滅殺滅殺滅殺剣!
$namef に364のダメージ!
$namef takes 364 damage!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:86} &LText =. &LText =.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:87} $namel $namef
??????$namef ???? .
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:88} HP:$pow
HP???F$pow .
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:89} MP:0
MP???F0 .
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:90} 状態異常:覚醒 Enlightened
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:91} $namef は力尽きた……。 $namef has fallen...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:93} $namel $namef
??????$namef ???? .
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:94} HP:$pow
HP???F$pow .
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:95} MP:0
MP???F0 .
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:96} 状態異常:覚醒 Enlightened
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Anghel:97} これで…終わりだ……! "This is the end, Demon!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:98} アンヘルのこうげき! Anghel uses Megido Nova Circumversio!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:99} メギドフレイム・ノヴァ・レボリューション!!
Himnesia takes 72 damage!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:100} ヒムネジアは倒れた! Himnesia defeated!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Shuu:101} 馬鹿な…ヒムネジアが敗れるだと……!? "No! Himnesia... was destroyed...!?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Anghel:102} 預言が常に正しいとは限らない…
"You miscalculated, Wallenstein. You did not account for Edel Blau's
presence here!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Shuu:103} クッ……仕方ない、ここは一度退かねばならないようです "Bah! I must withdraw...!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Shuu:104} 忘れないでください。
"Do not forget! I shall summon a second Himnesia, and a third, until
the world is torn apart by their Thirst for Blood!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Anghel:105} 待てヴァレンシュタイン……!! "Wait, Wallenstein...!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:106} こうして私とアンヘルくんの冒険は一時幕を下ろした。
And so our adventure ended as suddenly as it began. We never saw the doctor
at the school again...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:$namef:107} アンヘルくん、私何もかも思い出したの "Anghel, I've remember everything!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:$namef:108} アンヘルくんが堕天した時のことも、私が天界へ連れ戻そうとして追いかけて、
"I remember your Fall, and I remember chasing after you to try to bring
you back, and...!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Anghel:109} 聖槍サイクロームで俺を氷晶の監獄に貫き留めたことも? "... and you remember skewering me with Saekro'm and imprisoning me
in the Cage of Ice?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:$namef:110} うん…… "Yes..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Anghel:111} 俺は、お前を恨んでいない。あの時の俺は我を失って、
"I do not resent you. I had lost myself, and was but a Demon of Blood,
destroying all in my path..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:$namef:112} でも、もう緋胸の邪悪な半身はいないんだよね? "But the Demon is gone, now."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Anghel:113} ……ああ "... yes."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:$namef:114} 少しずつでも、普通の学生生活に戻れたら、素敵だね "I think you can live normally now, Anghel."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:$namef:115} 私、アンヘルくんのこと……ううん、 "Anghel, I... no."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:$namef:116} 良夫くんとこれからも一緒にいたいな "I hope we can stay together like this, Yoshio."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:Anghel:117} ぐぁぁああああぁーーッ!!!! "Gyaaaaaaah!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:118} アンヘルくんはうずくまって悶えだした。
He huddles in the corner, wailing in anguish. I guess that rule is still
in effect.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-angel:NARATOR:119} いつになったら本名で呼ばせてくれるようになるのかな……。 I wonder when he'll let me use his real name...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:NARATOR:0} 怒濤の勢いで叩き潰していく夏休みの宿題!
I'll decimate my summer homework with the force of a raging bull!
Next up is the individual research project!!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:NARATOR:1} 1日で済ませられる研究が理想なんだけど……
I want to research something that will only take one day...
but I don't really have any ideas.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:NARATOR:2} とりあえず散歩がてら都会を歩いて、
Anyway, I'll take a stroll around town and see if I can't find an interesting
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:$namef:3} ……あれ? "... Huh?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami::NARATOR:4} 中古バイク店の前にいるのは…… Standing in front of a used bike shop is...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:$namef:5} アザミ姐さん……ですよね? "Azami... ?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:azami:6} ……! "...!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:azami:7} なんだ、アンタかい……子供は帰って寝る時間だよ "Oh, it's you... Kids like you should head home and get some sleep already."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:$namef:8} 姐さん、もしかして泣いていたんですか? "Azami, were you crying?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:azami:9} 何を言うんだい!アタイをバカにするんじゃないよ! "What're you talking about!? Don't make fun of me!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:$namef:10} す、すみません!でも舎弟としてはやっぱり心配で……! "S-Sorry! But as your protegee, I really am worried about you!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:azami:11} 半鳥前の舎弟に心配されるなんざ、アタイもヤキがまわったねェ…… "Making my half-grown protegee worry... I must be losing my edge."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:NARATOR:12} そういえば、トレードマークのピンクのスクーターが見当たらない。
When I look around, her trademark pink scooter is nowhere to be seen.
And she came out of the used bike shop, which means...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:$namef:13} もしかして、あのスクーター売っちゃったんですか?
"No way... Did you sell your bike?
If you're having second thoughts, I'll go take it back for you!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:azami:14} いや、いいのさ。これがアタイなりのケジメだからね "Nah, it's fine. This is my way of ending things."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:azami:15} そして、ケジメをつけたからには前を見据える……
"And now that it's over, I'll look to the future... That is the Way of the
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:$namef:16} 文鳥道……かっこいい響きですね! "The Way of the Sparrow... That sounds pretty cool!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:azami:17} グッバイ、ソラマメ男。アタイは前に進むよ…… "Goodbye, Mister Fava Bean. It's time for me to move on..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:???:18} おいこらテメエら、ちょいと待ちなポー "Hey, you there. Hold on a sec."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:Punkgeon:19} 俺様のカワイイ弟分にケンカ売ったってのはテメエらだろポー? "You were the guys who picked a fight with my cute followers, huh?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:Punkgeon:20} アニキ、やっちゃってください! "Get them, Bro!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:Punkgeon:21} クルックー "Get them!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:$namef:22} いつぞやの悪いドバト軍団……!! "It's the gang of bad birdies from before...!!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:azami:23} なんだい、ぞろぞろ徒党を組んで。
"So you brought your friends. Chicks like you should be at home washing
their beaks and getting ready for bed!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:Punkgeon:24} ナマ言ってんじゃねぇポー。今日は精鋭揃いで仕返しに来たんだポー。
"Don't look down on us. We brought our best fighters to pay you back.
You better be ready!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:azami:25} このドバトども……強い……! "These doves... are strong!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:$namef:26} 数に物を言わせるなんて卑怯よドバト軍団! "Ganging up on her isn't fair, you punkgeons!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:$namef:27} 姐さん、加勢します!! "Azami, I'll help too!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami::NARATOR:28} 次々と襲い来る不良ドバト軍団。夜の街は一瞬の内に戦場と化した。 The punkgeons come at us one after another. In just an instant,
the nighttime city transforms into a violent battlefield.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami::NARATOR:29} アザミ姐さんの華麗な文鳥キックが炸裂し、私の不動拳が全てを粉砕する! Azami lays the smackdown with her magnificent Sparrow Kick,
and I pulverize everything with my fists of fury!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami::NARATOR:30} 戦いは劣勢かに思われたが、
We're at a huge disadvantage, but Azami and I pull through and live
to see the dawn...!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:azami:31} フフ……タダモノじゃないとは思ってたけど、
"Heh... I always thought you were something special, but you've gotten
pretty strong..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:$namef:32} いえ、私なんて……まだまだです……! "No, I... still have a long ways to go...!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:azami:33} いや、アンタこそ真の文鳥なんだよ……! "No, you're already a true sparrow!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:$namef:34} わ、私が文鳥……!?
"I-I'm a sparrow!? What do you mean, Azami?
I'm one hundred percent human!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:azami:35} 命ってのはねェ……文鳥に産まれるんじゃない……
"You know... Nobirdie's born a sparrow. You overcome obstacles,
and suffer hardships, but still always move forward... That's what makes
somebirdie a sparrow!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:azami:36} アンタの優しさ、強さ、その生き様全て……
"Your kindness, your strength, your way of life... Everything about you
screams sparrow! From this day forth, hold your head high and call yourself
a sparrow!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:$namef:37} 姐さん……! "Azami...!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:$namef:38} 私は文鳥……文鳥、$namel $namef !
"I am a sparrow... Sparrow $namef $namel !
And no punkgeon is a match for me!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:azami:39} アタイのソウルが囁くのさ……アンタは信頼できる、
"I feel it in my bones... I can trust you. If we're together, there's nothing
we can't do!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:azami:40} これからも背中は任せたよ、妹分! "I'll be counting on you, kid!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami:$namef:41} はい!! "Yeah!!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami::NARATOR:42} こうしてアザミ姐さんと私は新たなレディースを結成。 Azami and I formed a new all-girl delinquent gang.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami::NARATOR:43} “暴走させるのはソウルだけ”……
Only our souls run wild... Our Wild Birds embodied that noble spirit
as we drove through the night, never once breaking any traffic laws.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-azami::NARATOR:44} そして私たちは夜の街の伝説となったのだ……。 And so we became legends of the midnight roads...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:NARATOR:0} もうすぐ2年生も終わっちゃうんだなー……。
The year is almost over... it feels like it started only yesterday.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:NARATOR:1} 保健委員の仕事も今日が最後。早く岩峰先生のところに行こう。 This is the last day I have infirmary duty, as well.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:$namef:2} 先生、まだ来てないのかな "... ? The doctor's not here yet?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:NARATOR:3} 相変わらず保健室の中は静かで平和そのもの。
The infirmary is quiet and peaceful as always. The orderly rows of medicines,
the neatly- made be--
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:$namef:4} ……あれ? "... huh?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:NARATOR:5} 何だろう、この臭い。カーテンの向こうのベッドから漂ってくる。
Something stinks in here. It's coming from the bed behind the curtains... I'm
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:$namef:7} !! "!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:NARATOR:8} ベッドが真っ赤に染まっている。
The sheets are stained brilliant red.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:NARATOR:9} At the foot of the bed sits a washbasin, its liquid pink, with a stack
of scissors coated in blood and feathers in the bottom.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:NARATOR:10} The blood on the bed is still wet...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:$namef:11} こ、これって…… "Th-this is..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:NARATOR:12} 保健室で生徒が行方不明になるという噂。消えた坂咲先輩。
The students who disappeared after going to the infirmary. Yuuya. That
mysterious smile the doctor gave when I asked him...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:$namef:13} 逃げなきゃ…ここを早く…… "I... I have to get out of here... I have to tell someone...!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:NARATOR:14} それから通報しよう。
I need to report it. To the police? Anyway, I need to get away. I
need to get out before he--
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:Shuu:15} もういらしていたのですか、$namel さん "You're early today, miss $namel ."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:$namef:16} !! "!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:Shuu:17} ……顔色が悪いですよ、そこで休んでいきますか? "... you're rather pale. Here, why don't you lie down?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:$namef:18} せ…先生……この、血…は…… "D-doctor... this... blood..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:Shuu:19} ああ、失礼。
"Oh, forgive me. I just finished dismembering another student, and
hadn't cleaned up yet. Please, pay it no mind!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:NARATOR:20} 否定しない。
He didn't even try to deny it! He... he...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:$namef:21} ……ッ "......"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:NARATOR:22} あ、 The--
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:NARATOR:23} 開かない……!? The door's locked...!?
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:Shuu:24} そう急いで帰ることもないでしょう "Going home so soon?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:$namef:25} "Elle ne... veut pas s'ouvrir..." It won't... open..." 鍵がかかってる…… Non si... apre... ""Sie lässt sich nicht öffnen."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:Shuu:26} 内も鍵がかかるんですよ、この部屋は。貴方のように、
"Indeed it won't. After all, there are so many bad little boys and
girls who try to leave before their examinations are over... like you."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:$namef:27} 先生が…… "D-doctor, you..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:$namef:28} 先生が生徒をバラバラにして実験に使ってるって、本当なんですか…… You really have been... cutting people up and using them for your experiments...?
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:Shuu:29} 今更、私が言うまでもないのでは? "Do you really need to ask that?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:Shuu:30} 貴方も協力してくれたじゃないですか "After all, you even helped me!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:$namef:31} 協力……?してません、そんなこと…… "Helped you...? I... I would never...!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:Shuu:32} もう忘れてしまいましたか?二学期の始めに、
"Don't tell me you've forgotten already? Just at the start of this semester
you helped me destroy a little evidence."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:Shuu:33} 貴方が私に届けてくれた生徒手帳は、被験者の物でした。
"You brought back the ID card of one of my guinea pigs. I suppose I dropped
it by accident. You really helped me out, then. We can't leave things
like that lying around, now can we?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:$namef:34} じゃあ…坂咲先輩は!
"Then... Yuuya? What did you do to Yuuya!?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:Shuu:35} おや、それも私が言うまでもないと思っていたのですが、
"Oh? I thought you'd figured that out already."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:Shuu:36} ここですよ、ここ "He's in here, miss $namel . In here."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:NARATOR:37} 岩峰先生は私のお腹をなでた。 The doctor reaches over and lightly strokes my stomach.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:$namef:38} それって…… "The..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:NARATOR:39} 大きい箱は── The big one is...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:NARATOR:40} ……ん? ... huh?
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:NARATOR:41} これは…ローストチキンかな。七面鳥かもしれない。
It looks like... a roast chicken? Or maybe a turkey? I'm not sure what
people eat on Christmas.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:NARATOR:42} まだホカホカしてる。わざわざ宅配サービスで注文してくれたのかな。 It's still warm! He must have had it delivered in a hurry.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:Shuu:44} もっとも、とっくに消化されて貴方の血肉になっていますから、
"Of course, technically speaking, he's long since been digested and absorbed
into your body, so we don't really know exactly where he is, now do we?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:$namef:45} そんな……嘘、そんな訳、な…… "That... you can't be... No... no...!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:Shuu:46} 美味しかったですか?彼はほどよく引き締まった筋肉をしていましたからね。
"How did he taste? I was worried he might be a little tough... I did
so regret not having a better bird to send you. It simply wouldn't do
to have you throw him out."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:NARATOR:47} あれが、坂咲先輩?
That... that was Yuuya...?
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:Shuu:48} ああ、$namel さん、とてもいい顔です。その顔が見たかった "Aah! Aaaah... that's a beautiful face, miss $namel . I have longed
so dearly to see that face."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:Shuu:49} 私に対して、早い内から危険は察知していたんでしょう?
"You could tell from the start that I was dangerous, couldn't you? And
yet you came to see me, again and again. Very... assertively."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:$namef:50} それは……ただ、委員会の仕事で…… "No... I just... had to come for infirmary duties..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:Shuu:51} 本当にそうでしょうか?少なからず命の危険は感じていた筈です。
"Was that really it? You knew I planned to kill you, and yet you came
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:Shuu:52} ……貴方は私に好意を抱いていたんでしょう "... are you sure you didn't... Have feelings for me, perhaps?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:NARATOR:53} 違う、と言いたいけど言葉が出ない。
No! ... I want to say, but my tongue is like lead in my mouth. Maybe
it's true. Maybe, somewhere deep inside, I love the doctor...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:Shuu:54} 私の連れは知的欲求のみ。
"I am afraid that I have room for only one love in my life, and that
is research--but it would be cruel to ignore your earnestness. And so
I put much thought into how I might reward you."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:Shuu:55} ただバラして始末してしまうだけは勿体ない……それに、
"Just cutting you up would be a terrible pity... and I think I want to
keep you by my side. Forever."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:NARATOR:56} 本能が命の危険を察知しているのに、体が動かない。 He's going to kill me. I know he's going to kill me. So why can't I move?
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:Shuu:57} "Und daher habe ich Folgendes beschlossen: Ich werde nur Ihren Kopf konservieren. Der lässt sich leicht aufbewahren. Natürlich kann ich mir so ein seltenes Exemplar nicht entgehen lassen, daher werde ich Ihr Gehirn entfernen." And so, this is what I decided: I shall preserve only your head. It
will be easily stored. Of course, I can't let such a rare sample slip
by, so I will remove your brain." ですから、こうしましょう。頭だけは、今の外見を留めて保存します。
ただし重要なサンプルですから、脳だけは表に摘出させてください ""E così, ecco cosa ho deciso: preserverò solo la tua testa. Sarà facile da
conservare. Ovviamente, non posso ignorare un tale esemplare, per cui
sarò costretto ad estrarre il cervello."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:NARATOR:58} どうして、どうして先生の瞳から目を離せないの。 Why can't I pull my eyes from his?
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:Shuu:59} 首から下については、細分化して研究させて頂こうと思っています。
"From the neck down, I shall cut you up and study you thoroughly. Don't
worry, you won't go to waste. I will make sure to examine your insides
most... Intimately."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:NARATOR:60} 先生はいつの間にか左翼にナタをぶら下げている。 Suddenly, he has a cleaver in his left wing.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:Shuu:61} 命の危険に魅入られた貴方です。
"You have chased after death's allure most diligently. I suppose you're
too afraid to speak, now...?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:NARATOR:62} 瞬間、視界は天井へ、ドアへ、薬品棚へ、そして床へと目まぐるしく回転した。
For a moment, my vision shifts to the ceiling, the wall, the floor, my
eyes rolling wildly. The world twists, soaked in red.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine:NARATOR:63} 私の時間は、永遠に停止した。 And so my life came to an end.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine2:???:0} 緊急報告致します "We have an emergency report from the Pigeonation Project."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine2:???:1} 聖ピジョネイション学園に派遣していた研究員が、
"The researcher we despatched to the school has stolen a highly- classified
sample, and fled."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine2:???:2} サンプルコードはHB:087、霊長類の頭部のみ。
"He took sample HB:087, the human head. We have not confirmed that
he is armed."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine2:???:3} 既に一帯は封鎖しました。
"We have sealed off the area. He seems to be acting alone, so our retrieval
squad should take care of everything quickly. Please, help yourselves--the
cheese Danish are rather good."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine2:Shuu:4} ふぅ……… "Hmph..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine2:Shuu:5} ……まったく、容赦がありませんね。もっとも、
"... have these brutes no mercy? Though, I did agree to this from the
start... hoho."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine2:Shuu:6} ねえ、$namel さん。困ったものです "We seem to be in a bit of a pickle, miss $namel ."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine2:Shuu:7} 今になって突然、彼らは貴方を欲しいと言い出したのですよ。
"They suddenly asked that I give you to them. And to think that until
now, they considered you worthless!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine2:Shuu:8} 貴方をこうして、綺麗な状態に保存したのは、他ならない私です。
"I was the one who preserved you so beautifully. You like the jar,
do you not?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine2:Shuu:9} 貴方は単純接触効果というものを知っていますか。
"Do you know of the mere-exposure effect? It states that that one can
becomes attracted to things simply through repeated contact with them."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine2:Shuu:10} 不思議なものです。貴方を私の手元に置いてから、
"A conundrum, indeed. I think perhaps I have felt new emotions, since
I acquired you."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine2:Shuu:11} ……しかし、もう貴方といられる時間も、僅かです。
"... we have but little time left together, I fear. I do not like the
idea of handing you over to them, so I think I shall break you once more."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine2:Shuu:12} 勿論、無理心中を迫るつもりはありません。
"Of course, do not wish to force you into a double suicide. I shall
break this glass only after confirming your feelings."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine2:Shuu:13} ……貴方も私を愛していた。そうでしょう? "... you loved me, did you not?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine2:DECYes:14} はい Yes
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine2:DECYes:15} はい Yes
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine2:DECYes:16} はい Yes
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine2:Shuu:17} クク…ククク……ありがとうございます。貴方を殺して本当に良かった "Hoho... hohoho... thank you. I am... so glad I got to kill you."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine2:Shuu:18} おやすみなさい、$namel さん…… "Good night, miss $namel ..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine2:RS-17:19} いたぞ!池の奥だ!! "Contact! In the water, left side!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-iwamine2:RS-14:20} 射程に入り次第射殺しろ!逃がすな!! "Weapons free! Take him down!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:NARATOR:0} 今日はリクエストしていた本が沢山届く日なのだ。
Lots of requested books are going to come in today. I'll have to work
through lunch...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:NARATOR:1} ふー、これだけ沢山あると仕分けするのも大変!
Aah, sorting all of these takes forever! I think I just have the encyclopaedias
to do before I'm done.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:$namef:2} あれ? "Huh?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:NARATOR:3} 図書委員用のカウンターにメモが貼付けてある。 There's a note on the help desk counter.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:NARATOR:4} えぇっと…… Umm...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:NARATOR:5} $namel さんへ 放課後 他に鳥がいない時間 ここに来て  藤代嘆 "Miss $namel . Be here after the other students have all left. --Fujishiro
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:NARATOR:6} サムライの果たし状より簡潔だ……嘆くんらしい。 It reads like a challenge to a Samurai duel. ... how fitting.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:NARATOR:7} 嘆くんの方から私を呼び出すなんて初めてじゃないかな?何の用だろう。 I think this is the first time he's approached me? I wonder what it's
all about.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:$namef:8} 嘆くん、来たよー "Nageki, are you here?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:$namef:9} 嘆くーん "Nageki?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:10} ……こ……よ "... ver... ere..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:$namef:11} 嘆くん "Nageki!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:12} …ここ、だよ "... hello, miss $namel ."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:$namef:13} !!
"! You startled me! How long have you been standing there?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:14} ずっと、いたよ "From the very beginning."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:$namef:15} どうしたの?いきなり呼び出して "So, what did you need?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:16} うん……$namel さんと、話がしたい "I want to... talk with you, miss $namel ."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:$namef:17} 話? "Talk with me?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:18} 話の、続き "Continue our conversation."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:NARATOR:19} 話の続きっていうと……こないだの、いじめのことかな。 We were talking about... bullying, I think?
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:$namef:20} うん、わかった。嘆くんのお話、聞かせて "Okay. I'm all ears, Nageki."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:21} 何から話そうかちょっと、迷ってる。
"I'm... not sure where to start. I've noticed a lot, since we last spoke
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:22} ……… "......"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:23} $namel さん "Miss $namel ."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:$namef:24} ん? "Hmm?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:25} 外、出よう "Let's go outside."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:$namef:26} えっ!? "What!?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:NARATOR:27} あんなに外に出るのを嫌がってた嘆くんが……!? But... he hates going outside!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:28} いいから、外、出よう "Come on!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:NARATOR:29} 嘆くんは立ち上がって図書室の入口に向かった。私も慌てて追いかけて行く。 He stands up, and walks over to the door. I follow, agitated.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:30} $namel さん、先に出て "You first."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:$namef:31} う、うん…… "Okay..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:NARATOR:32} 嘆くんから突然外に出たいなんてどういうことだろう……いや、
Why does he want to go out all of a sudden? I should be happy, but...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:$namef:33} ……あれ? "... huh?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:$namef:34} 嘆くん、どうしたの?そんなところに立ち止まって。
"What's wrong? You said you wanted to come out here..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:NARATOR:35} 嘆くんは図書室の入口で虚空に羽を這わせている。 He stands in the doorway, pushing against open air.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:$namef:36} 何してるの?透明な壁のパントマイム? "What are you doing? ... mime?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:37} 見てて "Watch."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:NARATOR:38} 嘆くんは数歩下がって助走をつけて虚空に突進した。 He walks back a little ways into the library, and then... Runs forward,
crashing into the air.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:$namef:39} 嘆くん、何やっ……!! "Nageki, what--"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:NARATOR:40} ぶつかる!! Thud!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:NARATOR:41} ………。 ......
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:$namef:42} あれ………? "...... ?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:NARATOR:43} 嘆くんは透明な壁で跳ね返って、図書室の内側に転がっていた。
He bounces off the invisible wall, and falls back into the library. That's... too
good to be a mime act.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:44} やっぱりそうだ。出られない "As I thought. I can't leave."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:$namef:45} 一体どういうこと……? "What...?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:46} 出られないんだ…ここから…… "I... can't leave this room."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:47} ぼくは、目が覚めると、ここにいる。
"I wake up in this library. After a while, I lose consciousness and wake
up here again. And so it repeats."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:48} 言ったよね。
ぼくは、$namel さんに話しかけられてる内に、少しずつわかってきたことがある
"I said I'd come to understand the truth by talking to you,
miss $namel ."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:49} $namel さんも、もう気付いてるんじゃないの。
"You've probably noticed, too. Why no one else talks to me."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:NARATOR:50} それはもしかして── That's because...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:DECThey can't see you:51} 嘆くんが見えないから They can't see you
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:DECYou're quiet:52} 嘆くんの存在感が無いから You're quiet
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:$namef:53} 嘆くんが、私にしか見えていないから……? "I'm... the only one who can see you?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:54} ……たぶんね "... probably."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:55} 何故、こんなことになったのか。そもそもぼくは、どこから来たのか。
"I forgot why I was here. How I came to be stuck in this place..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:56} 何年も、ここに独りで、話す相手もいなかったから "I've been alone here for years, with no one to talk to."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:$namef:57} 何年も……ってそんなに長い間ここに? "For years...?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:58} 時間の感覚が狂うんだ。どれだけの時間ここにいたのか、ぼくも知らない "My sense of time... has broken. I cannot feel or remember its passage."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:59} ただ、少なくとも学園祭は……5回は見てる "I've seen at least... five school festivals go by."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:60} だけど、今年になって、きみが図書室にやってきた。
"But then, you came. And talked to me."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:61} これまでずっと自問自答しかしてこなかったけど、お節介なきみは、
"I had had no partner but myself for so long, and suddenly... You wouldn't
leave me alone."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:62} 他人と話してる内に、徐々に思い出して来たよ。
"As I talked to you, I finally remembered... why I can't leave."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:$namef:63} 理由……? "?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:64} ぼくはここで、ぼくを殺した。
"I killed myself in this room. And so here I stay."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:65} ぼくの時計は、ここで壊れたんだ…針は行ったり来たり、毎日、
"My clock broke here, its hands turning meaninglessly, each day the same
as the last."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:66} ずっと……独りで……… "Alone... forever..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:67} いじめられるなんて、そんな筈ない。
"No one is bullying me, or ignoring me. I'm not here to begin with."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:68} 後悔は、してないんだ。
"I have no regrets. It was my choice to end my life here, after all."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:69} だけど、$namel さんが何度もここに来るから、ちょっとだけ、
"But... I think I will miss you, miss $namel ."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:70} こんな形じゃなくて…もっと……もっと$namel さんと普通の会い方を、
"If I wasn't like this... I would... I would have liked to talk to
you more, for longer..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:$namef:71} 嘆くん…… "Nageki..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:NARATOR:72} 私はうつむく嘆くんを抱き締めた。 I wrap my arms around him.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:NARATOR:73} ぼんやりと触っているような感覚はある。だけど、体温は感じない。 I can feel him, softly... But he's cold.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:74} 同じことの繰り返しで、ここに座っているだけの、終わりの無い毎日は、
"At first, sitting here alone was painful. But I grew numb, over time... I
ceased to feel pain."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:75} そんな感覚、とっくになくしたと思ってたのに……$namel さんが、余計なこと、
"That feeling, that I thought I had lost, came back... Because of... You..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:$namef:76} 心配しないで嘆くん、私が皆の分まで嘆くんと話をするよ。
"I-I'll talk to you enough to make up for everyone else, Nageki! Maybe
one day you'll be able to leave..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:77} ……それは多分、無理 "... no."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:$namef:78} 無理……? "Why not...?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:79} ぼくがきみと話をしている内に、ぼくに変化が起こった。
"As I talked to you, I... changed. I didn't notice until just recently..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:80} ぼくはきっと、$namel さんから学園の話を聞くことで、
"When you told me about this school, I was probably trying to take back
the time I... was never able to spend here."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:81} $namel さん、頼んでもないのに、学園で起こったことをぺらぺら喋るから。
"I never asked you to, but you relentlessly told me everything that was
going on here. I already feel like I've spent a full year at this school..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:82} だから、もうおしまい "And... now it's over."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:83} もうすぐ、同じところをくるくる回っていた時計の針が……止まる "I think the clock's hands... are going to stop, soon."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:$namef:84} 嘆くん……!? "Nageki...!?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:NARATOR:85} こんなに近くにいるのに、嘆くんの声が何故か遠い。
His head is right next to mine, but his voice sounds muffled and distant.
When I look down, his feet are already disappearing...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:$namef:86} 嘆くん、待って!
"Nageki, wait! We've... we've never talked like this before! I don't
want this to be the last time...!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:87} 泣かないで、$namel さん。
"Don't cry, miss $namel . I'm already long gone. There's no one here
to mourn."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:$namef:88} だって……!! "But...!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:89} 最後に1つだけ、$namel さんに言わなきゃいけないことがある。
"There's just one thing I need to tell you before I go. The thing that
I noticed. The secret that stopped my clock..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:$namef:90} ダメ、言っちゃダメだよ嘆くん……私、もっと嘆くんと……! "No! No, don't say it! Nageki, I..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:91} ぼくは、満たされるほどに、消えていく。
ぼくをここまで消したのは、$namel さんなのに。
"As I filled up, I grew closer to disappearing. You're the one who made
me disappear, miss $namel . I can't stop it now."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:$namef:92} まだ、伝えたいこと…沢山、あるのに…… "But I still have so many things to tell you...!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:93} $namel さんからは、充分過ぎるぐらいにいろんなものを貰った。
"You've already given me more than enough. I'm satisfied."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:94} 秘密のおまじない、言うよ "The secret..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:95} ありがと。大好きだよ "Thank you. I love you."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:$namef:96} 嘆くんの存在感が薄いからじゃないかな…… "Maybe you're too quiet, Nageki?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:97} ……… "......"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:98} ……もういいよ "... nevermind."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:$namef:99} えっ? "Huh?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:Nageki:100} ぼくが期待しすぎてた。
"I hoped for too much. This conversation is over. Goodbye."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:NARATOR:101} そう言うと嘆くんは立ち去った。 And with that, he stalked off between the shelves.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nageki:NARATOR:102} これが、嘆くんを見た最後の日だった……。 I never saw him again...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:NARATOR:0} もうすぐ終業式。2年生でいられる時間もあと少し。 The semester's almost over. In a few short days, I will no longer be a
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:NARATOR:1} でも、3年生になる前にやる事が一つだけ残ってる。
But there's one thing I have left to do first. One thing I need to do.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:2} $namel さん、どうしたの~?外で会いたいなんて、
"Hello, $namel ! What is it? Asking to meet outside is a little odd."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:3} 進路のことだったら、まだ2年生なんだし、
"If it's about your career plan, don't worry, you're still a sophomore.
You don't have to decide for a few months yet."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:$namef:4} 進路のことじゃないんです。先生に聞きたいことがあって…… "N-no, sir. I... wanted to ask you something."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:5} 聞きたいこと?何だろう~、言ってごらん "Oh? Please, do."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:$namef:6} 私、先生のことが好きです。
"Sir... I like you. Is that... is that all right?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:7} 不思議なことを言うね~ "You do say the strangest things, $namel ."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:8} 先生も、$namel さんが好きだよ。優しいし、よく気が利くし、
"I like you, too. You're kind, smart, you work hard..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:$namef:9} そうじゃないんです、そういう普遍的な意味じゃなくて……! "I-I didn't mean it like that...!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:10} ん~ "Hmm..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:11} ……あのね、先生は誰か一羽を愛することは、もうできないんだ。だから、
$namel さんだからいけない、っていうわけじゃなくて……ごめんね
"... listen. I'm no longer able to love another creature. It's not your
fault, $namel ... I'm sorry."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:NARATOR:12} 一羽を愛することができない?
No longer able to love another creature? What does he mean?
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:13} $namel さんは、見たんだよね~ "You saw it, remember?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:$namef:14} ……何をですか? "... saw what, sir?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:15} 黒い、写真 "The photo."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:$namef:16} はい……すみません、勝手に…… "Yes, sir. I didn't mean to..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:17} ううん、それはね、構わないんだよ~。
$namel さんは嘘なんて、つかないもんね~
"Don't worry about it. I knew you wouldn't lie."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:18} $namel さんには、話しておこうかな "I suppose I should tell you..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:19} あれはね、ぼくの一番大切だった鳥の、写真だよ~ "That was a photo of the most important bird in my life."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:$namef:20} 先生、他に好きな鳥がいたんですね…… "... I'm sorry, sir, I didn't mean to come in between..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:21} ぼくは、あの子さえいれば、
"I thought we could live through anything, just the two of us."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:22} あの子は、ぼくにとって世界でたった一つの宝物で、
"I think we meant more to each other than anybirdie else in the world..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:23} でもね、その子はぼくを置いて、空に名前を返してしまって…… "But... one day I looked around, I was alone."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:24} それから、何かが変わってしまったんだよね~ "Life changed, after that."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:25} 突然、いろんなことが、どうでもよくなっちゃった "I... stopped caring. About a lot of things."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:26} ぼくは、あの子のことが忘れられない。とても、大切だった、あの子 "I can never forget. Never forget our life, our promises."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:27} けれど……ここからがちょっと、困ったところというか…… "But... I'm not sure how to say this."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:28} 毎日、あの子の写真を見ている内に、わからなくなってきたんだ~ "As I looked at the photo every day, I... realized I couldn't tell anymore."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:29} ぼくは今でも、この子のことを、愛しているのか。
"Couldn't tell if I felt love when I saw that face, or if... if I felt
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:$namef:30} そんな……誰だって大切な人に先立たれたら胸が苦しくなって、
"I... I think losing someone dear is painful for everyone..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:31} ぼくは……ね、写真の中のあの子と、目を合わせられなくなったんだよ~ "After a while, I... I couldn't stand to see it anymore."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:$namef:32} それで写真を……? "So you...?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:33} そうだね~。
"That's right... But even as I tried to forget, some part of me didn't
want to."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:34} もう、わかったよね。ぼくは、誰かを強く想うということは、
"You see now, right? Why I don't want to love again."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:35} だって、あんなに大切だった子にさえ、今はもしかしたら、
"By now, the love I felt has soured into resentment."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:36} だから、誰かに憎しみを抱いてしまうぐらいなら、誰にでも平等に、
"Rather than forcing all that hatred onto one person, I... I think
it's better to love everyone around you just enough that you won't regret
losing them."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:$namef:37} そんなの、悲し過ぎます…… "That's... too sad...!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:38} $namel さんは、そうは思わないのかな~ "You don't agree, $namel ?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:$namef:39} 私、先生の優しい所が好きなんです "I love your kindness, sir..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:$namef:40} でも、先生の優しさが先生を苦しめているように見えます……
"But when I see that kindness bringing you pain, I have to wonder if
there isn't a better way..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:41} ふふ、そうかな~ "Ahaha, I wonder."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:42} あのね~、$namel さん。もう一つだけ、$namel さんに、話しておこうかな~ "By the way... there's one more thing I should tell you."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:$namef:43} 私に? "?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:44} うん。あの写真ね、 "That photo..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:45} もうないんだ~。燃やしちゃった "It's gone now. I burned it."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:$namef:46} えっ "Eeh!?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:47} $namel さんがあの写真を見た日ね~、いろいろ、考えたんだよ~。
"When you saw it, it made me think about things again. I never would
have shown it to anyone, so I was... rather shaken."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:48} あの子は、ぼくの負い目になることは、きっと望んでない。
"We both knew that one of us would be gone one day, and... Neither
of us would have wanted the other to mourn."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:49} でも、なかなか気持ちに整理をつけるのも、難しくてね~ "So, as I looked at the photo..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:50} とりあえず、目の前にあるこれは、どうしようって、考えて…… "I thought... it was better. Better to put it away. So I burned it."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:51} 燃やしちゃった。『ごめんね、こんなにグチャグチャにしちゃって』って "Sort of... as an apology for defacing it like that."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:52} せめてぼくの思い出の中では、あの子はずっときれいなままでいてほしいから、
"I should remember the beautiful face I knew, not... a photo covered
in scribbles."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:$namef:53} そうだったんですか…… "Oh..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:54} ね、先生だからって、憧れるほどの価値のある人格者ばかりじゃ、
"$namel , just because I'm a teacher doesn't mean you should always look
up to me."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:$namef:55} 私、ただの憧れや勢いで先生に告白したんじゃありません "Th-that doesn't have anything to do with it...!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:$namef:56} でも…先生に忘れられない大切な鳥がいるってわかったから…… "But... I understand that you don't want to forget her, sir."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:57} そうだね~……$namel さん、あのね、それじゃあこうしようか~ "I have an idea, $namel ."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:58} 先生はずっと、聖ピジョネイションで、待ってる。
$namel さんが大きくなって、何年も経って、それでも$namel
"I will be waiting here at this school, forever. If after you've grown
up a little you still feel the same way... I'll be here for you."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:$namef:59} 先生、それって…… "Sir, that's..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:60} ぼくもまだ、軽々しく、無責任なことは言えないんだけど…… "I don't like to make idle promises, but..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:Kazuaki:61} 大人になった$namel さんも、きっと素敵なんだろうね。
"I'm sure you'll grow up into a wonderful person, $namel . So let's
wait until then."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:$namef:62} はい…!! "Yes, sir...!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:NARATOR:63} 学園を卒業して、大人になって、
Graduating, growing up, and then coming back here... That will be another
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-nanaki:NARATOR:64} 運命の日に先生にどんな言葉で迎えられるかもわからないけど、
I don't know what he will say to me on that day. I don't what I will feel,
or what he will feel. But right now, I am truly happy.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:NARATOR:0} 学年末テストも終わったし、あとは春休みを待つだけ! Finals are over! Time to coast along until spring break.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:NARATOR:1} そういえば春休み中の陸上部って何かするのかな……
Is the track team doing anything during break...? I should go ask.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:$namef:2} おこさーん "Okosan?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:$namef:3} おこさーん、いるー? "Are you in here?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:NARATOR:4} いた。 There he is.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:NARATOR:5} けど、足下には保存食の鳩豆や水筒が転がっている。
He has a bag of dried beans and a canteen. Is he going hiking?
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:$namef:6} おこさん何してるの? "What are you doing?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:San:7} ぷ~わ!
(As you can see, Okosan is preparing to depart on a great journey!)
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:$namef:8} 旅?春休みに? "Over spring break?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:San:9} ポポロッぷ~わ!!
(No! Okosan has quit school and is going on a quest!)
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:$namef:10} え!? "What!?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:$namef:11} ダメだよおこさん、
"Okosan, you can't do that! It was a miracle for someone with a brain
like yours to get into this school in the first place, and if you waste
this chance you'll end up a failure!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:San:12} ぷ~わ!!
(Okosan will not be stopped! Okosan is going on a quest to seek
the true pudding!)
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:$namef:13} ねえ、おこさんの言うプリンって何なの?
"What is 'the true pudding'? It's not what I think of as pudding, right?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:San:14} ぷ~わ!!
(Pudding is the ambrosia of the gods! Miracles in jiggling,
corporeal form! Treasure shining with the seven colors of the rainbow!)
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:San:15} ぽこぷ~わ!
(Those who partake of its wobbling flesh will never experience
sadness again!)
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:NARATOR:16} 七色のプリンはあんまり食べたくないな……。 Seven colors of the rainbow? I'm not sure I'd want to eat that...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:$namef:17} 本気なの?おこさん巣立っちゃうの? "You're serious? You're leaving?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:San:18} ぷ~わ!!
(Okosan never goes back on his word!)
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:NARATOR:19} どうしよう…… I'll...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:DECLet him go:20} 見送る Let him go
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:DECGo with him:21} おこさんと共に行く Go with him
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:$namef:22} そうだね、おこさん。夢は追うものだよね…… "Well, I'm... glad you're following your dreams, Okosan."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:San:23} ぷ~わ!!
(Farewell, gentle maiden! Okosan shall return when he has won
true pudding from the cruel jaws of this brutal, heartless world!)
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:NARATOR:24} おこさんは荷物を背負うと空へ飛び立っ…たりはせず俊足で駆け抜けていった。 He shoulders his bag and dashes away, as swift as the wind.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:NARATOR:25} この日を最後に、おこさんを見ることは二度となかった………。 I never saw him again.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:$namef:26} おこさん、私も行く "I'm coming with you."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:San:27} ポロロッぷ~わ!?
(What!? Fair maiden, this quest will be mortally dangerous!)
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:$namef:28} それでも構わない。
"I don't care. If this true pudding really exists, I want to find it
with you."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:San:29} ぷ~わ……!
(ムム……$namef の脚力はおこさんもよく知ってますし……
(Hrrmm... Okosan knows your abilities well, $namef . You will
not be an impediment.)
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:$namef:30} じゃあ連れてってくれる? "So you'll take me with you?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:San:31} ポポロッぷ~わ!!
(Very well! Birds of a feather must flock together, after all!)
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:$namef:32} 行こう、おこさん!! "Yaaay! Let's go!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:San:33} ぷ~わ!!
(Until we catch the end of the rainbow!)
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:NARATOR:34} こうして私とおこさんの長い旅が始まった。 And so our great quest began.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan:NARATOR:35} いつか本物の、七色に輝く素敵なプリンが見つかるその日まで俺たちの旅は続く! We will not rest until we have partaken of the seven-colored, jiggling
wonder that is the true pudding!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan2:NARATOR:0} 野を越え山を越え、走り続けて何年が経っただろうか。 We ran for years across fields, forests, and mountains, searching ever
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan2:NARATOR:1} 私とおこさんは今、秘境プリン遺跡を前にしていた。 And now we stand in the ancient, unexplored Ruins of Pudding.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan2:San:2} ポポロッぷ~わ!
$namef 、一緒にフタを開けるですしはとし!)
"Coo, coo!"
(This chest must contain the Pudding Itself! Help Okosan
open the lid, $namef !"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan2:$namef:3} 私たちの冒険もここで終わるんだね……。せーの! "So... this is the end? Haah!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan2:$namef:4} うおっ、まぶし! "Aah! It's bright!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan2:San:5} ぷ~わ~!!
(Eyes! Eyes!)
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan2:NARATOR:6} ……あれ? ......?
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan2:NARATOR:7} 箱には何も入っていない。いわゆるフェイクなの……? There's nothing inside. A fake...?
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan2:$namef:8} おこさん、どうしよう。これも違うのかな…… "What should we do, Okosan? I guess this..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan2:$namef:9} ……おこさん? "... Okosan?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan2:San:10} その者、白き羽毛をまといて金色のプリンに降り立つべし…… "... clad in feathers of the purest white, his golden pudding steed shining
like the sun itself..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan2:San:11} 失われし大地との絆を結び、遂に鳥々を清浄の地に導かんですしはとし…… "At last he returns to his lost home, guiding the pigeons to the pure,
promised land!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan2:$namef:12} ど、どうしちゃったのおこさん!どうしておこさんが喋ってるの!? "Wh-what's wrong, Okosan? Why are you talking!?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan2:Lord Pudi:13} 我はおこさんにあらず…プリン神なり…… "I am no longer the one called Okosan. I am now... Pudi, Lord of Pudding!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan2:Lord Pudi:14} おこさんとは世を生きる仮の姿なり。我はここに完全復活しましたしはとし "Okosan was but my Avatar on this mortal plane. I am now complete once
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan2:$namef:15} おこさん…何を言ってるのかわからないよおこさん…… "Okosan, what are you...?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan2:Lord Pudi:16} 我は其方に感謝する。ようやく我の目的を果たすことができますしはとし "I am grateful to you, fair one. I have at last achieved my goal."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan2:Lord Pudi:17} 我は真のプリンをもたらす者。宇宙にプリンをもたらす者 "I am the bringer of True Pudding! I shall bring about a World of Pudding!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan2:$namef:18} ねえ、おこさんの言うプリンって一体何なの?教えてよおこさん! "What is this pudding you're talking about? Come on, tell me...!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan2:Lord Pudi:19} プリンとは、希望。
"Pudding is hope. It is... the future."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan2:Lord Pudi:20} これより我はプリンという概念になりますしはとし…… "I shall now become... the very concept of pudding itself."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan2:$namef:21} そんなの因果律への反逆だよおこさん! "Th-that's not Newtonian!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan2:Lord Pudi:22} 我は其方と旅ができて幸せだった。されど、やがて其方は我のことを忘れるだろう "I have enjoyed our travels together. However, you must live on and
forget me!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan2:Lord Pudi:23} それでいいのだ。プリンという概念が其方を満たせば、我は満足ですしはとし "That is life. If you can fulfill the concept of pudding, I shall be
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan2:Lord Pudi:24} 我、生きずして死すこと無し。理想のプリン、満つらざるとも屈せず── "I shall not live, or die. I shall be the concept of Ideal Pudding,
never in wax or wane!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan2:Lord Pudi:25} これ、後悔とともに死すこと無しですしはとし "There shall be no regret."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan2:Lord Pudi:26} さらばですし、$namef ……! "Farewell, $namef ...!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan2:$namef:27} おこさーーんッッ!!!! "Okosaaaaaaaaan!!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan2:NARATOR:28} こうして、世界はプリンに包まれた。 And so the world was engulfed in pudding.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-okosan2:NARATOR:29} おこさんの創り出した新たな宇宙の法則により、
According to the fundamental principles of Okosan's new universe, every
living being carries pudding in its heart...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:NARATOR:0} 学年末テストも終わったし、あとは春休みを待つだけ。
Tests are over, and there's nothing else to do but wait for spring break.
This semester really was over before I knew it.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:NARATOR:1} それにしても寒い。
That aside, it's cold... I need to do something about the temperature in
my house before I get sick.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:NARATOR:2} あれ?メールだ。 Huh? Someone sent me a text message.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:NARATOR:3} 公園 すぐ来て お願い "In the park. Come quick."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:$namef:4} 涼太……? "Ryouta...?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:NARATOR:5} 涼太はいつものベンチに俯いて座っていた。 Ryouta is huddled on the bench where we usually meet.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:$namef:6} 涼太、どうし── "Ryouta, what's--"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:NARATOR:7} ……泣いてる? ... he's crying?
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:$namef:8} 涼太、まだ寒いよ。何か着てこないと風邪引いちゃう "It's still cold out, Ryouta. You'll catch cold without a coat on..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:Ryouta:9} ……うん "... right."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:Ryouta:10} ……… "......"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:Ryouta:11} $namef 、あのさ "Hey, $namef ..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:Ryouta:12} 母さん、死んじゃった "My mother... died, today."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:NARATOR:13} かける言葉が見つからない。
I can't find words. I had a feeling this conversation would come, but...
I don't know what to say.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:Ryouta:14} 母さん…ハト、なのに……、寒いのが、苦手で……
"She was... a dove, but... she... She always got sick when... When it
was cold... that's not right. That... isn't supposed to happen."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:$namef:15} 涼太…… "Ryouta..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:Ryouta:16} 僕も独りになっちゃった、$namef "I'm alone now, $namef ."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:$namef:17} そんなことないよ、私がいるじゃない "You still have me, don't you?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:Ryouta:18} 母さんも、最期に同じことを言ってたよ……これからは$namef
ちゃんに頼って、$namef ちゃんに頼られて生きていきなさいって
"She said the same thing, at the end. 'Rely on $namef , and let her
rely on you.'"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:Ryouta:19} でもね、僕は思うんだ。それって、凄く無責任なことなんじゃないかって "... but I think that would be irresponsible of me."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:Ryouta:20} 僕は、$namef が好き。
"I love you, $namef . More than anyone else, now."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:$namef:21} !!
"! I-I love you too, Ryouta!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:Ryouta:22} だけど、僕は……。
"But, I... How can I say this...?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:Ryouta:23} 母さんは、確かに体が弱かったけど、決してハトとしては短命だった訳じゃない "My mother was weak, but... It's not as if she had a short life, for
a dove."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:Ryouta:24} つまり……。
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:$namef:25} ……涼太、何が言いたいの? "... what are you trying to say, Ryouta...?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:Ryouta:26} もし、君が僕のお嫁さんになってくれたとしても……
"If... if you were to marry me... I'd die much sooner than you."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:$namef:27} !! "!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:Ryouta:28} 種が違う。寿命が違うのも当たり前なんだ。だけど…それが最初からわかってるのに、
"We're different species. We have different lifespans, too. That's nature.
But... knowing that from the start, knowing that I would end up leaving
you alone, it... It just seems too irresponsible."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:$namef:29} 生態が違うなんて最初からわかってたことじゃない!
"That doesn't matter! It doesn't mean we can't be together. I love you,
Ryouta! I want to be with you until the end!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:Ryouta:30} 残される立場になってこの気持ちが初めてわかったよ。
こんな苦しいこと、$namef に押し付けたくない
"I know what it feels like to be left alone, now. I don't want to make
you feel this pain, $namef ..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:Ryouta:31} だから、僕はもう$namef と一緒に過ごすのは、やめようって…… "I think we should... go our separate ways."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:$namef:32} そんなの認めない! "No! We won't!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:$namef:33} だって、生きるってそういうことじゃない "That's what life is, Ryouta!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:$namef:34} 苦しいことが沢山あって、理不尽な不幸もそこらじゅうに溢れてて、
"It's unfair, and painful, and sometimes it seems nothing good will ever
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:$namef:35} それでも本能に突き動かされて生きることに執着して喜びを求めるの。
"But fighting on, following our urge to seek happiness anyway... That's
what makes us alive! That's how our ancestors lived, and died, and evolved,
and brought us to where we are now!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:Ryouta:36} けれど僕らは……本能に頼って命を謳歌するには、
"But we... birds weren't meant to come this far. We've advanced more than
we were ever meant to."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:$namef:37} もうっ、まどろっこしいなー……! "That doesn't matter!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:$namef:38} 私は、涼太のことが好きなの。
"Ryouta, I love you. I want to be with you as long as I can, even if
it's just for a little while."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:$namef:39} そして、涼太も私と一緒にいたいと思ってる。
"I think you want be with me, too. Where's the problem?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:Ryouta:40} $namef …… "$namef ..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:Ryouta:41} 僕は君ほど丈夫な体はしてないし、これといって取り柄もないし…… "I'm not as healthy or strong as you are. I'm not smart, or handsome,
or rich."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:Ryouta:42} でも、嬉しいよ。ありがとう "But, I'm happy. Thank you."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:$namef:43} そんなに思い詰めなくてもいいよ涼太。
"You don't have to think about it so much, Ryouta. We can worry about
the future when it comes. Right?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:Ryouta:44} ……うん "... right."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:Ryouta:45} まだしばらく気持ちの整理はできそうにない。だけど…… "I don't think I'll have calmed down for a while yet, but..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:Ryouta:46} $namef が傍にいてくれるなら、僕はそれだけで生まれてきて良かったと思える。
"I'm glad I was born, if only because I got to be with you. It's like
a miracle."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:Ryouta:47} 本当に…ありがとう…… "... thank you."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:NARATOR:48} 誰にでもお別れの日はやってくる。
We have to part with everyone, eventually. If it comes a little early,
then... that's life.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:NARATOR:49} 時間の長さは重要なことじゃない。
I don't care for how long it is. I'm happy enough just being with Ryouta.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-ryota:NARATOR:50} だけど、できることならなるべく、一日でも長生きしてね、涼太。
... but, live as long as you can, Ryouta. Live as long as you can, so that
you can carry wonderful memories with you when you return to the sky.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:NARATOR:0} ううぅ寒い!寒いよぉ~!!
It's cooooold! It feels even colder than it was around New Year's... Maybe
the wind's stronger...?
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:NARATOR:1} 来年の冬までに壁土を盛るか奥に穴を掘るかした方が
I'm starting to think I should build a wall, or maybe dig myself a new
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:NARATOR:2} こんなに寒いんだもの、そりゃあ行き倒れのクジャクバトも出てくるよねー With this kind of weather, some birds are even collapsing in the street...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:NARATOR:3} ねー…… Hey, wait...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:NARATOR:4} あそこに倒れてるの朔夜くんじゃない!? Isn't that one Sakuya!?
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:5} ど、どうしたの朔夜くん!? "S-Sakuya? What's wrong!?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:6} じ、事情は聞くな……貴様の粗末な巣に上げろ "D... don't ask for the details... Just carry me to your miserable abode,
I beg of you!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:NARATOR:7} こんな時間に独りで彷徨って行き倒れなんて貴族のやることじゃないよね。 Wandering around and collapsing in the street at this time of night doesn't
seem like customary practice for an aristocrat.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:NARATOR:8} どうしたんだろう朔夜くん、没落貴族にクラスチェンジしたのかな……。 What's happened, Sakuya? Don't tell me your family has fallen from high
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:9} ねえ、何があったの朔夜くん "What happened?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:10} 黙秘する "I shall not say."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:11} えっ、えー……荒野を彷徨ってそれはないよ…… "Eeeeh? What were you doing wandering around in the wilderness, then?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:12} 彷徨ったのではない、貴様の巣を目指して歩いてきたのだ。ありがたく思え "I was not wandering. I was on my way here! Be honored."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:NARATOR:13} あ、たまたま辿り着いた訳じゃないんだ。 Oh, so this isn't a coincidence, after all.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:14} じゃあ私に何か用があるんだよね? "Did you want something from me, then?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:15} ない。自惚れるな "No. Don't flatter yourself."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:16} えっ、えー…… "Eeeeeeeeh?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:17} ねえ、おうちに連絡しようか? "Umm... should we call your family, or something?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:18} するなッ!!!! "No!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:19} !? "!?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:NARATOR:20} すごい剣幕。びっくりしたー。 He looks really angry!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:21} いいか、絶対に、私の屋敷に、連絡は入れるな "Listen... don't... you dare... Don't you dare call my house."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:22} 朔夜くん、もしかして家族の鳥に無断で飛び出して来たの……? "Sakuya, did you... run away from home...?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:23} 人聞きが悪いな。私は私の意志で屋敷を出ただけだ "That sounds bad. No, I simply left of my own violition."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:NARATOR:24} それって…… Umm...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:25} 家出なんじゃ…… "Isn't that the same thing...?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:26} …… "......"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:NARATOR:27} 正解みたい。 Yup.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:28} どうしたの朔夜くん、何があったの? "What happened, Sakuya?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:29} ……$namel 、音楽室で会ったことは覚えているか?秋の終わりの話だ "... $namel . Do you remember when we talked in the music room, at school?
Last fall."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:30} 音楽室?うん、覚えてるけど "Yes. What about it?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:31} あの時、私が貴様に何を尋ねたか覚えているか? "Do you remember what I asked you then?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:NARATOR:32} えぇっと…… You asked me what...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:DECI loved:33} 好きなものに正直か I loved
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:DECI wanted to do in the future:34} 将来の夢は何か I wanted to do in the future
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:35} 好きなものに正直か、って聞いたよね "You asked me what I loved."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:36} そうだ。そして貴様は躊躇無く肯定した。それが…… "That's right. And you... gave a simple, honest answer right away. And
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:37} それが? "That...?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:38} 羨ましい "That made me jealous."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:NARATOR:39} 一瞬耳を疑った。今、
Did I mishear? That's the last thing I'd have expected from him, of all
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:40} 意味がわからないよ朔夜くん。どうして? "I don't understand, Sakuya. Why?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:41} 私は…… "I..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:42} 私は、選ばれた純血種だ。兄弟の誰よりも優秀だ。
"I'm one of the few, of the pure bloodline. I am ranked higher than any
of my siblings. I have been slated to become the next family head since
birth. There is no reason I shouldn't be."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:43} しかし…… "But..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:44} 朔夜くん、もしかしてお父さんの立場を継ぎたくないの? "You don't want to take your father's place...?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:45} なっ、何故わかった!!? "H-how did you know that!?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:46} バレバレだよ……顔に出過ぎだよ…… "It's obvious... it's written all over your face."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:47} 私は……音楽が好きだ。しかし父はそれを快く思っていない "I... love music. But my father does not approve."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:48} 子供の頃は私も自分の楽器を持っていた。しかしそれも全て父に捨てられたのだ "When I was young, I owned a number of instruments. But he had them all
thrown away."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:49} 芸術は我々の領分ではない。創造の楽しみなど下賎な民の為にあるもの。
"Art is not our realm. The joy of creation is the domain of peasants."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:50} "Our role is to be patrons and promoters of the artists we admire--not
to be artists ourselves. A noble who sows his own wheat is a fool."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:51} そんなことないよ。楽器が弾ける鳥って、素敵だと思う "That's not true! I think anyone who can play music should be encouraged,
no matter who their parents are."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:52} そう感じるのは貴様が庶民の物差しで捉えているからだ。
"That is because you think with a peasant's values. My world is different
from yours!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:53} 違うよ、庶民どうのじゃなくて私は私の物差しで言ってるんだよ。
"I'm not talking about what peasants think, I'm talking about what I
think! What about you, Sakuya? What do you think?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:54} 自分の物差しだと?不可思議なことを言うな貴様は。
"What do... I think? You speak in riddles. I carry the name of Le Bel.
To play at applying my own standards and ideas to the world would be a
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:55} でもさっき『私の意志で屋敷を出た』って言ってなかった? "But didn't you just say you left the mansion of your own accord? Isn't
that applying your own idea to the world?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:56} む…… "Hrrm..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:57} 矛盾してるよね "You've contradicted yourself."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:58} ねえ、朔夜くんはどうしたいの? "What do you want to do in life, Sakuya?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:59} 私は当主を継がなければならない "I must succeed my father as the next family head."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:60} もー、めんどくさいなー "No, geez! That's not what I meant!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:61} もし、もしもの仮定の話だよ。ル・ベル家がふっとんで、
"What if you could forget about the Le Bel family and do anything in
the world? What would you do, then?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:62} ふっとぶだと!?
"Forget about the Le Bel family? What mockery is this!?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:63} 例えばの話って言ってるじゃない! "We're speaking hypothetically, dummy!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:64} 自由に…… "If I could do anything in the world...?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:65} 私は、音楽を続けたい。そしてできることなら、
"I would... continue studying music. I would like to see how far I could
go, as a musician."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:NARATOR:66} あ、朔夜くんなのにちょっと謙虚な言い方だ。 He sounds uncharacteristically modest.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:NARATOR:67} 普段なら何でも通用して王者になるのが当たり前みたいな前提で話すのに。 I was half expecting him to give some rambling speech about how he would
unite the world and become king, or something...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:68} 本当に好きなんだね、音楽 "You love music, don't you?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:69} 私はまた朔夜くんのピアノが聴けるなら、凄く嬉しいな。朔夜くんも、
"If I could hear you play the piano again, I would be very happy, Sakuya.
I think you've answered your own question."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:70} 答えだと?これはただの願望だ。現実的ではない "Answered my own question? Don't be ridiculous. This is a mere fantasy.
It has no connection to reality."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:71} お父さんには話したの?音楽の道に進みたいって "Have you told your father that you want to continue studying music?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:72} 馬鹿な。そんな恥知らずな真似できるわけがないだろう "Don't be ridiculous. How could I lower myself so?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:73} まだ話してさえなかったんだ…… "So, you haven't even asked him about it..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:74} 恥知らずなんて言い方ないよ。朔夜くんは、
"You wouldn't be lowering yourself, Sakuya. Are you ashamed to love music?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:75} む…… "Hrrm..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:76} お父さんに話してみようよ、ね? "You should ask him. It's worth a try, right?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:77} …… "......"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:78} ……そうか、それもそうかもしれないな。対話すら満足にこなせないようでは、
"... perhaps you are right. I suppose I never would have thought of that,
if I hadn't talked to you..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:79} 朔夜くんの気持ちはとっくに固まってたんだと思うよ。
"You were confused about what you wanted, Sakuya. I just gave you a little
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:80} $namel "$namel ."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:81} なに? "Yes?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:82} 私はこれから父と話をしてくる。もし決裂した場合は……その、 "I'm going to speak with him when I return. If he refuses, would..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:83} $namel は、私が身を落としても付いて来てくれるか? "Would you carry my fallen body to safety one more time?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:84} 次は本格的な家出をするってこと? "Are you planning to run away for real, next time?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:85} ……それも辞さない "... if it comes to that."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:86} 朔夜くんの為だもの、もちろんどこへでもお供するよ。
"I will follow you anywhere you need to go, Sakuya. You will always have
a safe place here, okay?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:87} いずれにしても必ずお前のところに戻ってくる。
"I shall return to you. Thank you... $namel ."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:NARATOR:88} こうして朔夜くんは荒野へ独り歩み去って行った。 And so he set out across the wilderness once more.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:NARATOR:89} お父さんに無事受け入れられるのか、
I don't know if his father will accept him, or if he really will run away.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:NARATOR:90} でも、朔夜くんは必ず戻ってくると約束してくれた。 But, I know he will come back to me.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:NARATOR:91} 朔夜くんと私が共に歩む未来が幸せに満ちたものでありますように! And I pray that our future will be a happy one!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:92} 将来の夢は何か……だっけ? "Didn't you ask me... what I wanted to do in the future?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:93} ……… "......"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:Sakuya:94} もういい、貴様を過大評価していた "Nevermind. I placed too much value in you."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:$namef:95} あ、ちょっと朔夜くん! "Wait, Sakuya! Where are you going!?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:NARATOR:96} 行っちゃった。 He's gone.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya:NARATOR:97} えー、そんな昔のこと思い出せないよ。
Eeeh... I can't remember stuff from that long ago! What was it again...?
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya2:$namef:0} 起きて!起きて朔夜くん!朝だよ!! "Wake up! It's morning, Sakuya!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya2:Sakuya:1} うるさいな……貴様の家は床が固くてよく眠れないんだ…… "Silence! ... the hall of your fathers has many lumps and sharp rocks,
$namel ..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya2:$namef:2} もー、朔夜くんの為にちゃんと敷き藁も用意してるのに "Geez, what are you complaining about? I even got you some straw!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya2:NARATOR:3} っていうか居候なんだから頑張って適応してよね! Which is to say, I did the best I could for a freeloader!
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya2:$namef:4} 朝ごはん、もうできてるよ。今日は初コンサートなんだから、早く準備して! "Here, I made breakfast. Your first concert is today, so you need to
get ready!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya2:Sakuya:5} ……む "... hrrm."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya2:NARATOR:6} ごはんに文句をつけなくなったのは大きな進歩かな。 He didn't complain about the food! That's an improvement.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya2:$namef:7} ねえ、そういえば…… "Umm, by the way..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya2:Sakuya:8} なんだ "What is it?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya2:$namef:9} 坂咲先輩には連絡取ってる? "Have you contacted Yuuya?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya2:Sakuya:10} ……まさか "... you must be joking."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya2:NARATOR:11} やっぱり。 I thought so.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya2:$namef:12} 私、先輩の連絡先なら知ってるんだけど、朔夜くんのこと話しておこうか? "I have his address. Should I tell him... about you?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya2:Sakuya:13} 要らぬ気遣いだ。奴に頼るつもりなどないからな "We need not worry him. I have no intention of asking favors of him."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya2:$namef:14} 頼る頼らないとかじゃなくて…… "I didn't mean..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya2:Sakuya:15} とにかく、何も伝えるな。今はまだいい "Anyway, let it be. Things are fine as they are."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya2:NARATOR:16} 自分の気持ちには踏ん切りが付いた朔夜くんだけど、
I guess he's still a little chilly about Yuuya.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya2:NARATOR:17} 今はまだ、ちょっと早過ぎるのかもね。 Maybe it's still too early...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya2:Sakuya:18} よし、行くぞ$namel 。付いて来い "Let us go, $namel ."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya2:$namef:19} うん! "Okay!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya2:NARATOR:20} $namef ちゃんへ。
To $namef Salutations! I trust you are well.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya2:NARATOR:21} 風の噂に聞いたよ。$namef ちゃんが朔夜の面倒を見てくれてるんだってねぇ。 A little bird told me you've been taking care of Sakuya.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya2:NARATOR:22} あいつ、文句ばっかり一羽前だから扱い辛いと思うけど、
$namef ちゃんならきっと大丈夫さ。
He's a pain, but I know you'll be able to handle him just fine.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya2:NARATOR:23} ……ところで、朔夜に話したい事がある。
I have something to tell him. Something very important.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya2:NARATOR:24} 本当はこのまま一生伝えずにいようと思ってたんだけどね。
$namef ちゃんがいるなら、もしかしたら──。
Something I've been meaning to tell him his entire life. Since you're...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya2:NARATOR:25} まあ、俺としてもまだちょっと迷ってるんだ。
もしあいつから俺に会いたいって言い出したら 改めてどうするか考えるよ。
Well, I guess I'm still a little unsure, myself. If he ever says he
wants to see me, I'll think it over.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya2:NARATOR:26} いつか朔夜が俺と顔を合わせてもいいって言い出したら、連絡くれないかな? When that time comes, let me know, okay?
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-sakuya2:NARATOR:27} こっちからもまたメールするよ。
I'll keep in touch. Adieu! --Sakazaki Yuuya
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:NARATOR:0} もうすぐ3学期も終わる。
The semester's almost over. In a few short weeks, I will no longer be
a sophomore.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:NARATOR:1} 近頃坂咲先輩には滅多に会えない。
I haven't seen Yuuya since New Year's. Apparently he hasn't come to school
all semester... There are rumors that he dropped out, but could that really
be true?
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:NARATOR:2} なんだか心にどっかり穴が空いたような気分。
I feel like a hole has opened up in my heart. I think I'll go drown my
sorrows in arcade games.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:NARATOR:3} あれ、あそこにいるのは…… Wait, isn't that...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:$namef:4} 先輩!? "Yuuya!?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:5} ……$namef ちゃん!? "... mon amie!?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:6} げ、元気そうだね……俺はちょっと用があるんだ、ごめんね。アデュー! "Y-you look like you're doing pretty well! I, uh, have some stuff to
do. Adieu!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:$namef:7} ちょちょちょちょっと待ってください!! "H-hey, w-w-w-w-w-w-wait!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:8} ッ!!
$namef ちゃん、あんまり強く掴まないでくれるかな
"! U-uh, $namef , could you not grab me so tightly?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:NARATOR:9} !! !
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:$namef:10} 先輩、もしかして翼が折れて…… "Yuuya, is your wing bro..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:11} 危ない!! "Look out!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:NARATOR:12} 何!?
!? A gunshot!?
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:13} まったくレディになんてことするんだろうねぇ。礼儀がなってない "Opening fire on a lady!? Such insufferable cads they are."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:14} こっちだ$namef ちゃん、走るぞ "This way, mon amie. Run!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:$namef:15} 先輩、もう何がなんだかわかりません!
"Yuuya, what's going on? Please, explain yourself! What are you? Why
are people trying to to kill you? Are you a wanted man!?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:16} そうだねぇ……キミも無関係とは言えないし、
"I... suppose I can't really say you're not involved anymore, can I. It's
time I explained."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:17} $namef ちゃんはタカ派とハト派……って知ってるかい? "Do you know of the Hawk Party and the Dove Party, mon amie?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:$namef:18} 政治思想の? "The political factions?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:19} そう。人間達が使っていた呼び名だ。
"Right. They were names used in human politics, but now they carry a
different meaning."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:20} 人間との共存を求める平和主義の鳥類がハト派、
"The Dove Party believes we should live peacefully with the remaining
humans, while the Hawk Party believes we should exterminate them to make
room for birds."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:21} 聖ピジョネイション学園はタカ派が秘密裏に作り出した実験施設だ "St. Pigeonation's is actually a secret experimental institute created
by the Hawks."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:NARATOR:22} なん…だと……!? Wh... what...!?
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:23} もっとも、全部が全部という訳じゃない。
"Of course, it's not like the entire faculty is working for them. There's
only one Hawk agent actually working at the school."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:24} 俺はハト派に派遣されたエージェントでね。
"By contrast, I was despatched by the Doves to infiltrate the school
and investigate the experiments."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:25} キミの言う通り俺はチャラ男で通ってたみたいだね。素晴らしい褒め言葉さ。
"As you said, I'm a wanted man. Ahaha, I'm proud to live up to that title!
I'm an expert at clandestine information retrieval, and information is
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:26} そして、勘のいいキミならもう気付いてるんじゃないかい?
"I imagine you've already realized why I was acting as a helper in the
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:NARATOR:27} もしかして、そのタカ派関係者って…… Because the Hawk agent is...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:DECDoctor Iwamine:28} 岩峰先生 Doctor Iwamine
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:DECProfessor Nanaki:29} 七姫先生 Professor Nanaki
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:30} ご名答 "Correct."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:31} 身元を偽っているけど、岩峰舟はタカ派研究員だ。
"'Iwamine' is no doubt an assumed name. He's a researcher for the Hawk
Party, and has been developing anti-human biological weapons using data
collected during physical examinations."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:32} キミとは購買部でも会ったよね? "Remember when we bumped into each other at the school shop?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:$namef:33} そういえば、何度か…… "Yes, I think we..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:34} 俺は購買部に並んでいる商品の流通ルートも調べていたんだ "I was investigating where the products sold there come from."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:35} その結果、
"I found that DNA samplings from the pens there matched samples taken
from missing students. Same goes for much of the poultry in the cafeteria."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:$namef:36} !!
"! Th-that's... horrible..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:$namef:37} でも、岩峰先生は人類を滅ぼしたいんタカ派なんでしょ?
"But, if the doctor was out to exterminate humans, why did he never do
anything to me?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:38} 滅ぼしたい…ねぇ……。これはスパイに入っていた俺の個人的な感想だけど、
"Hmm... this is just my interpretation, but I don't think he holds any
political ideals. I think he trusts only in his own knowledge, and his
own power to expand that knowledge."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:$namef:39} わかりやすく言うとマッドサイエンティスト……みたいな? "Something like... a mad scientist, maybe?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:40} その通り "Exactly."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:41} あの男の任務は目下のところキミを標的にしているわけじゃないみたいだ。
"I suppose it never occurred to him to target you, since you were working
for him. I think he was more interested in observing your interactions
with the other students."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:42} できれば学園にへばりついたタカ派の病巣を摘発できれば良かったんだけどねぇ…
"I wanted to reveal the Hawks' involvement in the school, but... In the
end, it proved to too much for me alone."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:43} さて……この通り俺はもう表の世界で生きていくことはできない。
"And now, well... I can no longer live in the open. I plan to leave this
city tonight."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:44} けれど、心残りがある。$namef ちゃんをここに置いていっていいのか……ね "But I can't leave just yet. I don't know if I can... just leave you here,
$namef ."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:$namef:45} 先輩…… "Yuuya..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:46} キミを置いて去るべきなのか、そうではないのか……。
"You may already have been marked as one of my associates, and if that
is the case, then leaving you alone would be dangerous."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:47} ……巻き込んでごめんね、$namef ちゃん "... I'm sorry I got you involved in all this, mon amie."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:$namef:48} そんな!先輩に関わりに行ったのは私の方なんですから、
"Hardly! I was the one who approached you. You don't need to apologize."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:49} 優しいねぇ$namef ちゃん、ありがと "Ahaha, you're such a nice girl. Thank you."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:50} そうだな…… "Hmm..."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:51} キミに決めてもらうことにするよ。どうする?俺と一緒に闇の世界に潜り込むか、
"I'll let you decide. Do you want to come with me into the world of darkness,
or would you rather live a normal life? Of course, if you want to stay,
I'll assign agents to protect you."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:NARATOR:52} どうしよう? I want to...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:DECGo with Yuuya:53} 先輩と闇の世界へ Go with Yuuya
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:DECStay here:54} 真っ当に生きる Stay here
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:$namef:55} 私、先輩と行きます "I want to go with you."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:56} 本当に?命の保証はできない世界だよ "Are you sure? You may be putting your life at risk."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:$namef:57} 二度も言わせないでください。大丈夫です "Don't make me say it twice."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:58} ああ……心のどこかでキミが頷いてくれることを期待してたみたいだ。
"Aah... somehow, I was hoping you'd say that. I haven't been this happy
in a long time."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:59} そうと決まればここにこれ以上いる意味もないね。行こうか、$namef ちゃん "There's nothing more keeping us here, then. Let us go, mon amie."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:NARATOR:60} こうして私は坂咲先輩と共に深い夜へ消えた。 And so I followed Yuuya into the world of darkness.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:NARATOR:61} そう遠くない未来、
Sometime in the future, a pair of spies and their endless battle for justice
behind the frail curtain of society will pass into legend... But that's
another story.
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:$namef:62} 私は平和に生きたいです先輩…… "Yuuya, I... I can't follow you. I want to live a normal life."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:63} そうか……。
そうだね、$namef ちゃんの気持ちはわかったよ
"I see... I see. I understand, mon amie."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:64} 今度こそさよならだ、$namef ちゃん。元気で暮らすんだよ。アデュー! "This is farewell, then. Live happily, and adieu!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:NARATOR:65} 先輩は夜の闇に消えていった。
And so he disappeared into the night. Did I make the right choice...?
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:NARATOR:66} そして、この日以降、私が先輩を見ることはなかった………。 I never saw him again after that day...
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:67} えっ "Eh?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:$namef:68} えっ "Eh...?"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:69} ごめんよ、キミには難し過ぎる話だったねぇ…… "Sorry, I... guess this went over your head."
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:Yuuya:70} やっぱりこの話は無しだ。聞かなかった事にしてよ。アデュー! "Maybe it would be better to leave it at that. Pretend you never saw
me today. Adieu!"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:$namef:71} そんな、先輩ー!! "Wait, Yuuya--"
{otome:lastepisode:lastepisode-yuya:NARATOR:72} この日以降、私が先輩を見ることはなかった………。 And I never saw him again.
{UI:STATS:STATS} 現在のパラメータ Stats
{otome:0903-tohri:NARATOR:1} 今日は保健室の大掃除! Today's the big cleanup day for the school infirmary!
{otome:0903-tohri:NARATOR:2} 夏休みの間に積もった塵芥を亡き者にするのだ!! Time to humanely put down all of the garbage that piled up over the summer holiday!!
{otome:0903-tohri:Yuuya:3} 張り切ってるね、[namef]ちゃん。頼もしいよ "You're full of spirit, $namef . That's promising."
{otome:0903-tohri:$namef:4} 新米兵士としては、先輩に負けてられませんからね! "As a new recruit, I won't lose to my superiors!"
{otome:0903-tohri:$namef:5} それに、今日は岩峰先生が出張でいませんから。キレイにするなら今の内です! "Besides, Doctor Iwamine is off on a business trip. So if we're gonna clean, now's our chance!"
{otome:0903-tohri:Yuuya:6} 確かに、岩峰先生がいると掃除もままならないからねえ…… "It IS pretty hard to clean up while Doc is here, huh..."
{otome:0903-tohri:NARATOR:7} そう。岩峰先生がいるとソレに触るなアレに触るなコレも触るな、でろくに掃除が進まないのだ! "Yup. It's pretty hard to clean up when Doctor Iwamine is all 'Don't touch this!' 'Don't touch that!' 'Don't even THINK about touching that!'"
{otome:0903-tohri:Yuuya:8} さてと、俺は一度ゴミ出しに行ってくるよ。すぐ戻るからね "Right, I'm gonna take the garbage out. Back in a sec."
{otome:0903-tohri:$namef:9} はーい "Okaaay!"
{otome:0903-tohri:$namef:10} ほんと、生徒に満足に掃除もさせてくれない先生ってイカガなものかと思──ん? "Man, what kind of a doctor doesn't let us clean the room properl-- huh?"
{otome:0903-tohri:NARATOR:11} 薬品棚の拭き掃除をしていると、不審な物を発見した。いや、
While I was cleaning the medicines, I found something suspicious. Well, I mean, more suspicious than the plentiful shady stuff this room is full of.
{otome:0903-tohri:$namef:12} これってカメラ……かな? "This... is a camera, right?"
{otome:0903-tohri:NARATOR:13} ファイルの並びに明らかに怪しいレンズが居座っている。 Between the files, as clear as day, there's a suspicious lens poking out.
{otome:0903-tohri:NARATOR:14} 岩峰先生の私物とは思えないけど…… I can't imagine it's Doctor Iwamine's personal property, but...
{otome:0903-tohri:DECsuspicious:15} 怪しいので取り敢えず壊しておく It's suspicious, so destroy it
{otome:0903-tohri:DECLeave it as it is:16} そのままにしておく Leave it as it is
{otome:0903-tohri:$namef:17} よぉし、疑わしきは罰せよ!! "Well, guilty until proven innocent!!"
{otome:0903-tohri:NARATOR:18} 私の拳が唸りを上げて怪しいカメラを亡き者にした! My fist lets out a bellow and executes the suspicious camera!
{otome:0903-tohri:$namef:19} ……よく考えたら、保健室にある怪しいモノは大体岩峰先生のモノだよね ... come to think of it, most of the suspicious items in the infirmary are Doctor Iwamine's...
{otome:0903-tohri:$namef:20} 勝手に動かすと叱られそうだし、このままにしておこーっと I'll get told off if I move stuff arbitrarily, so let's just leave it as is.
{otome:0913-tohri:Shuu:1} …… "......"
{otome:0913-tohri:$namef:2} …… "......"
{otome:0913-tohri:Shuu:3} …… "......"
{otome:0913-tohri:$namef:4} ……岩峰先生、先から陰謀めいた顔で何の資料を見てるんですか? "...... Doctor Iwamine, what's that you're looking at? You look like you've seen a hideous ghost!"
{otome:0913-tohri:Shuu:5} …… "......"
{otome:0913-tohri:$namef:6} それ、きれいな写真ですね! ピンクで真っ赤で。何の写真か知りませんけど "Oooh, that's a pretty photo! It's all pink and bright red. I don't know what it's a photo OF, though."
{otome:0913-tohri:Shuu:7} ……貴方は "It's you. I was going to ask why you put a photo of yourself here, but frankly I'd rather not know."
{otome:0913-tohri:Shuu:8} 貴方は何故ここにいるんですか? "What are you doing here?"
{otome:0913-tohri:$namef:9} 保健委員だからです! "Photo...? I didn't take any photos... Maybe those hidden cameras.. Hmm.. Ah! Anyway, I'm a member of the Health Committee!"
{otome:0913-tohri:Shuu:10} 保健医の職務を妨害するのが保健委員の務めですか? "And is it the job of a Health Committee member to hinder the professional duties of a physician?"
{otome:0913-tohri:NARATOR:11} ぐぬぬっ! Gah!
{otome:0913-tohri:Shuu:12} 下校時刻まであと僅かです。もう帰って頂いて結構ですよ "It's almost finishing time. You can go home now."
{otome:0913-tohri:$namef:13} はーい…… "Okay!"
{otome:0913-tohri:NARATOR:14} せめて当番の日は保健委員らしい仕事をしていきたいんだけどなあ。 On elective days, I feel like I want to at least do something related to my elective... but I wouldn't want to incur the doctor's wrath by sticking around!
{otome:0913-tohri:$namef:15} ……あれ? "...... huh?"
{otome:0913-tohri:NARATOR:16} 保健室を一歩出て違和感に気付いた。はっきりとは分からないけれど、
One step out of the infirmary and I'm hit by a weird feeling. I can't quite put my finger on it. My hunter-gatherer instinct is tingling.
{otome:0913-tohri:$namef:17} この感じ……誰かに見られているような…… "This feeling... like I'm being watched..."
{otome:0913-tohri:$namef:18} ああっ! これは!! "Aaaa-HA! I see you!"
{otome:0913-tohri:NARATOR:19} ロッカーの影に隠しカメラを見つけた! There's a hidden camera in the shadow of the locker!
{otome:0913-tohri:$namef:20} こないだ保健室で見つけたカメラによく似てるけど……一体誰がこんな物をセットしてるのかな? "It looks a lot like that camera I found in the infirmary the other day... who on earth put these here?"
{otome:0913-tohri:$namef:21} 学園の防犯カメラではなさそうだし……岩峰先生の物でもないみたいだし……
"It doesn't seem like a campus security camera... nor does it look like it belongs to Doctor Iwamine... could he have a stalker?"
{otome:0913-tohri:$namef:22} よし、これも壊しちゃおう! 今日の保健委員はなんだか消化不良だったし! "Well, let's smash it! This can be my Health Committee duty for the day!"
{otome:0915-tohri:Ryota:1} あっ、$namef!今日はまっすぐ帰るの? "Ah, $namef ! Are you going straight home today?"
{otome:0915-tohri:$namef:2} ううん、今日はカモノハシ書店に寄り道してから帰ろうかなって "Nope, I was thinking of stopping off at the Platypus Bookstore on the way home."
{otome:0915-tohri:Ryota:3} そうなんだ。バイトが始まるまでちょっと時間があるし、僕も一緒に行こうかな。[namef]は何か探してるの? "Oh really? I've got some time free before work, so I might come too. Are you looking for something in particular?"
{otome:0915-tohri:$namef:4} 昨日発売した『胸筋マガジン 10月号』がマッスル鳩胸特集なの!グラビアも充実で大評判だって! "There's a special feature on muscle-chested pigeons in this month's 'Pecks Magazine'! Everyone's going crazy about the photo-spreads!"
{otome:0915-tohri:Ryota:5} そうなんだ。……$namefはムキムキの鳩胸の方が好みなのかな…… "Oh, is that so?... You like the brawny muscle-chested type--"
{otome:0915-tohri:$namef:6} ……? "Huh......? Is that..."
{otome:0915-tohri:Ryota:7} 耳馴染みのある音がしたね "That sounds like..."
{otome:0915-tohri:Okosan:8} くりゅぽこぷ~わ! "Coooo!!"
{otome:0915-tohri:???:9} くっ……どこまでも付いてきて鬱陶しいねえ貴方は……ッ! "Gah... it's so gloomy with you following me around everywhere...!"
{otome:0915-tohri:Okosan:10} ポポロッぷ~わ!!(怪しいですし!怪しいヤツは引っ捕らえますし!!) "Coooooooo!!
(You're suspicious! Oko-san will detain anyone suspicious!)"
{otome:0915-tohri:Ryota:11} ……なんだろう、今の "... what the heck was that about? Who was that?"
{otome:0915-tohri:$namef:12} おこさんがクレイジーな配色の鳥を追いかけてたね "Oko-san was chasing a pigeon with a crazy colour-scheme."
{otome:0915-tohri:Ryota:13} 学園の生徒じゃなさそうだけど…… "He didn't seem like a St. Pigeonation's student..."
{otome:0925-tohri:$namef:1} あっ "Ah!"
{otome:0925-tohri:$namef:2} そういえば昨日うっかり保健室に鞄ごと置き忘れてたんだった!取りに戻らないと! "I almost forgot - I left my bag in the infirmary yesterday! I'd better go get it!"
{otome:0925-tohri:NARATOR:3} 学園祭の盛り上がりも何のその、保健室周辺はいつも通りなんとも言えない薄暗い空気に包まれている。 The school may be abuzz with the festival, but the area around the infirmary is as indescribably gloomy as always.
{otome:0925-tohri:$namef:4} 岩峰先生は科学部の顧問で今日はいないって言ってたけど……先生不在でも独特の負のオーラが漂ってるよね、ここ "Doctor Iwamine said he was off advising the science department today, but even when he's not here there's a peculiar negative feeling hanging around..."
{otome:0925-tohri:$namef:5} さくっと忘れ物回収して遊びにいこーっと! "Well, I'll just quickly grab my bag and get back to the fun!"
{otome:0925-tohri:???:6} !!!! "!!!"
{otome:0925-tohri:$namef:7} !!? "!!?"
{otome:0925-tohri:???:8} な、なななんだい貴方は!急に入ってくるなんて失礼だよ!? "W-w-what are you doing! Don't you know it's rude to barge into a room uninvited!?"
{otome:0925-tohri:$namef:9} 貴方こそ誰ですか!急にいるなんて失礼です!! "What are YOU doing?! Don't you know it's rude to suddenly appear like that!! And who invited you?!"
{otome:0925-tohri:$namef:10} 不審な侵入者さん!名を名乗りなさい! "Don't even try to dazzle me with your plumage and bluster! Identify yourself at once!"
{otome:0925-tohri:???:11} フフン……見られたからには仕方ないね…… "Hmmm... I suppose there's no choice, now that I've been spotted."
{otome:0925-tohri:Tohri:12} 僕は、錦小路斗織ッ!世紀の天才発明家にして芸術家さ! "I am Tohri Nishikikouji! Inventor, Artist and Genius of the Century!!"
{otome:0925-tohri:NARATOR:13} ウワアこの不審者素直に名乗りよったー!! Woah! Such plumage... Such bluster... Is there any reason to be suspicious of someone so.. dazzling?
{otome:0925-tohri:$namef:14} じゃあ私も名乗ります!私は、$namel $namefッ!普通の女子高生です! "Well, I'll introduce myself too! I'm $namel $namef ! I'm a regular highschool girl!"
{otome:0925-tohri:Tohri:15} $namel $namef、僕は今正に崇高な目的の為の栄えある一歩を歩もうとしているところなんだ。舞台を台無しにする前に帰ってくれないかい? "$namel $namef , I am right on the verge of taking a splendid step towards a noble cause! Would you kindly leave before you spoil the scene?"
{otome:0925-tohri:NARATOR:16} 派手な鳥は何やら怪しい機械を保健室に設置している。 This gaudy bird is setting up some kind of suspicious device in the infirmary.
{otome:0925-tohri:$namef:17} あー!その怪しいカメラ!貴方が岩峰先生の熱狂的なファン兼ストーカーだったんですね!? "Ah! That pervy camera! You're the crazy fan of Doctor Iwamine, right? The stalker!!!"
{otome:0925-tohri:Tohri:18} 失礼なッ!!!! "What?! How rude!!!!"
{otome:0925-tohri:Tohri:19} 断じてッ!違うよッ!僕はストーカーじゃないんだからね!! "Absolutely not! I'm no stalker!!"
{otome:0925-tohri:$namef:20} でも岩峰先生を四六時中観察したいんでしょう! "But your cameras are set up to observe Doctor Iwamine around the clock...?"
{otome:0925-tohri:$namef:21} 盗撮はダメ、ゼッタイ!壊しても壊してもキリがないこっちの身にもなってください! "Stalker, Peeping Tom - whatever you want to call yourself I'll never stop breaking these creeper cameras!"
{otome:0925-tohri:Tohri:22} 次々通信が切れると思ったら、貴方が僕の芸術品を壊していたのかい!? "I should've known someone was tampering with my equipment! So it was YOU destroying my works of art!"
{otome:0925-tohri:$namef:23} 保健委員ですから!岩峰先生のプライバシーを守るのも私の仕事です! "If by works of art you mean a gross invasion of infirmary staff privacy, then without a doubt! If I'd known I was being watched on camera I wouldn't have--"
{otome:0925-tohri:$namef:24} だから貴方を見過ごすことはできません!大人しくお縄についてください錦小路さん! "Aah! I don't even want to touch you, creeper! Tie yourself up with this rope!"
{otome:0925-tohri:Tohri:25} まさか伊佐湊真の手下に遭遇してしまうなんてね……仕方ない、ここは退かせてもらうよ! "To encounter an underling of great and terrible Isa Souma... It's no use, I must retreat!"
{otome:0925-tohri:NARATOR:26} 派手な鳥は小さい紙片を投げつけると、素早く舞い上がって窓から飛び去ってしまった。 Upon throwing a small piece of paper, the gaudy bird nimbly fluttered up on out the window.
{otome:0925-tohri:$namef:27} うーん、素早い!一歩及ばんかったぜよ……! "Darn, he's more agile than he looks!"
{otome:0925-tohri:NARATOR:28} そういえばあの一人サンバみたいな鳥、つい最近もおこさんに追いかけられてた……よね? Now that I think of it, that one man carnival bird was the one who was just being chased by Oko-san... wasn't it?
{otome:0925-tohri:NARATOR:29} 学園侵入の常習者なんだろうか。名門校のセキュリティとは。 Maybe he's a habitual trespasser. So much for the famous school security...
{otome:0925-tohri:NARATOR:30} それにイサソーマって何者? And who's this 'Isa Souma'?
{otome:0925-tohri:$namef:31} 何か残していったけど、これは…… "He left something behind. What is it?"
{otome:0925-tohri:$namef:32} 名刺? "A business card...?"
{otome:0925-tohri:NARATOR:33} 『錦小路斗織』……本鳥の名刺みたいだ。ご丁寧に連絡先まで載っている。親切な不審者だなあ! 'Tohri Nishikikouji'... looks like it's the card of the guy himself. It's even got his contact details on. What a POLITE and KIND strange person!
{otome:0925-tohri:NARATOR:34} 取り敢えず貰っておこーっと。 Well, I'll keep it for now.
{otome:1010-tohri:NARATOR:1} 今日は放課後保健委員の日! Today's my after school infirmary shift!
{otome:1010-tohri:NARATOR:2} そういえばすっかりさっぱり忘れてたけど、あのイシキリコウジさん……じゃなくてキリキリトウジさん……じゃなくて、 Come to think of it, I totally and completely forgot about that Ishikiri Kouji... no, wait, it was Kirikiri Touji...  or was it...
{otome:1010-tohri:NARATOR:3} ええと、とにかくあの一人サンバさんの事、岩峰先生に報告した方がいいのかな?本鳥は否定していたけど、立派なストーカー被害だし。 Uhhh, anyway, that bird who looked like a one-man-samba party... I guess I should tell Doctor Iwamine about that incident. I mean, that bird denied it, but Doctor Iwamine is the victim of a sinister stalker...
{otome:1010-tohri:NARATOR:4} 名刺があるから、一人サンバさんに直接連絡を取ることもできるけど……。 Though I've got his business card, so I guess I could confront the samba-bird directly...
{otome:1010-tohri:DECInform Doctor Iwamine about the stalker bird:5} 岩峰先生にストーカー鳥情報を報告する Inform Doctor Iwamine about the stalker bird
{otome:1010-tohri:DECContact the stalker bird first:6} 先にストーカー鳥に連絡を取る Contact the stalker bird first
{otome:1010-tohri:NARATOR:7} うん、やっぱり保健委員としては先生にきちんと報告しないと! Right, as a member of the health committee I must tell the doc precisely what happened!
{otome:1010-tohri:Shuu:8} 不審鳥……ですか? "A suspicious bird... you say?"
{otome:1010-tohri:$namef:9} はい、実はこれまでにもいくつか岩峰先生を狙った隠しカメラがセットされていたんです "Yeah! I found a number of hidden cameras which had been set up to record you."
{otome:1010-tohri:$namef:10} もちろん、私が保健委員の名に賭けて岩峰先生のデリケートなプライバシーを守るべく壊しておきました! "Naturally, in the name of the Health Committee I felt we should protect your delicate privacy, so I destroyed them!"
{otome:1010-tohri:Shuu:11} そうですか。貴方は働き者ですね "Is that so? You're quite the hard worker..."
{otome:1010-tohri:$namef:12} わーい!岩峰先生に褒められた!もっと褒めてくれてもいいんですよ! "Wha-! Doctor Iwamine, you praised me?! Are you feeling ok? Actually... you know, it's okay if you want to praise me some more!"
{otome:1010-tohri:Shuu:13} もう下がって結構です "Hohoho... I think not."
{otome:1010-tohri:NARATOR:14} ぐぬぬ。 "I should've known better than to expect lightning to strike twice."
{otome:1010-tohri:$namef:15} あの、ストーカー鳥についてなんですが、実は名刺を貰ったんです。はい! "Um, that stalker, he left his business card behind. Here you go!"
{otome:1010-tohri:Shuu:16} 錦小路、斗織……ですか "Tohri... Nishikikouji..."
{otome:1010-tohri:$namef:17} もしかしてお知り合いですか? "Is he an acquaintance of yours?"
{otome:1010-tohri:Shuu:18} 錦、小路……知らない名前ですね。まあ、内外に敵の多い身です。末端の刺客でしょうね "Nishi... kikouji... I don't think so. Well, I'm someone with enemies inside and out. Probably a fringe assassin, hmm?"
{otome:1010-tohri:NARATOR:19} 岩峰先生、どうして保健室にいるだけでそんなに敵ができちゃうのかなあ。プライベートでブイブイシャコシャコいわせてるのかも。 How does Doctor Iwamine manage to make that many enemies when he just stays in the infirmary? Maybe he's a real woman-pesterer in private?
{otome:1010-tohri:Shuu:20} 自ら情報を残すような、愚かな刺客です。大して手間はかからないでしょうから……後はこちらで処理しておきますよ "If he's an assassin stupid enough to leave information behind, I'm sure this will be trivial. I'll deal with this from here.
{otome:1010-tohri:NARATOR:21} これ以降、私が一人サンバさんに会うことは無かった……。 After that, I never saw the one-man-samba again...
{otome:1010-tohri:NARATOR:22} ストーカーは良くないけど、もしかしたら一人サンバさんにも事情があるかもしれないよね。 Stalking's not good, but maybe the one-man-samba has his reasons.
{otome:1010-tohri:NARATOR:23} 岩峰先生に報告するとうっかり一人サンバさんがアブナイ実験に巻き込まれかねないし……。 And if I report it to Doctor Iwamine, I might accidentally get the one-man-samba mixed up in some kind of dangerous experiment...
{otome:1010-tohri:NARATOR:24} よし! Right! Time to stalk the stalker!
{otome:1010-tohri:Tohri:25} 錦小路斗織】「はい、錦小路斗織です "Tohri Nishikijouji speaking."
{otome:1010-tohri:$namef:26} 一人サンバさん!先日はお世話になりました!聖ピジョネイションの$namel $namefです! "Mr One-Man-Samba? I'm $namel $namef from St. Pigeonations! It was a... uh... pleasure to meet you yesterday!"
{otome:1010-tohri:Tohri:27} あぁっ、あの失礼な人間だね……!?番号違いだよ。僕はそんな馬鹿馬鹿しい名前じゃないからね! "(Ohhh, that rude human...?!) You've got the wrong number. I don't have such a ridiculous name!"
{otome:1010-tohri:$namef:28} あっ、ちょ、ちょっと待って切らないでくださいタカノハナオヤカタさん! "Ah, d-don't hang up, Takanohana Oyakata-san!"
{otome:1010-tohri:Tohri:29} 全然掠ってもないじゃないか!ニシキコウジ、トオリ! "That's not even SLIGHTLY right! It's TO-H-RI NI-SHI-KI-KOU-JI!"
{otome:1010-tohri:$namef:30} ニシキコージさん!お話をしたいんです!プライベートで会えませんか? "Mr. Nishikikouji! There's something I want to talk to you about! Can we meet in private?"
{otome:1010-tohri:Tohri:31} お話?僕は貴方に話すことなんて何もないんだけど "You want to talk to me? Well, I have nothing to say to you."
{otome:1010-tohri:$namef:32} でも、私は保健委員ですよ。言っちゃなんですけど、岩峰先生のアレやコレやを色々知ってますよ "But, I have full access to the infirmary. I know a thing or two about Doctor Iwamine that might interest you!"
{otome:1010-tohri:Tohri:33} ……つまり情報提供をしたい、という事かい? "... in other words you wish to be my informant?"
{otome:1010-tohri:$namef:34} そういうつもりは無いんですけど……何か力になれるかもしれません "I didn't exactly mean that but... If it means no more secret cameras maybe I have information that you want..."
{otome:1010-tohri:Tohri:35} そうだねぇ……僕も忙しいんだけど、来月なら…… "I'm a busy bird with places to be and people to see! ... But there is a slot in my schedule next month?"
{otome:1110-tohri:NARATOR:1} 今日は遂にあの、アレ、あの一人サンバさん、なんて名前だったっけ……?えぇっと…… It's finally the day to meet that, that one-man-samba... what was his name again? Uh...
{otome:1110-tohri:NARATOR:2} そう、錦小路さん!錦小路さんを懐柔策で攻める日です。待ち合わせの喫茶店に行こう! Right, Tohri Nishikikouji! Today's the day I hit him with my plan to charm him out of his stalking ways. I'd better hurry to the cafe! He'll be waiting!
{otome:1110-tohri:$namef:3} それで、単刀直入にお伺いしたいんですが!錦小路さんは岩峰先生の何なんですか?おっかけですか? "So, to get right to the point... what's your connection do Doctor Iwamine? Are you a groupie?"
{otome:1110-tohri:Tohri:4} 失礼なことを言うね!この僕が、煌びやかな僕があんな冴えないイワシャコのおっかけだと本気で思うのかい? "Don't be so rude! You really think that I (dazzling wonder that I am!) would be groupie to a partridge that dull?!"
{otome:1110-tohri:$namef:5} でも、実際おっかけてますよね "Why else would you track him on camera and meet with strangers for information on him? That level of obsession can only mean-"
{otome:1110-tohri:Tohri:6} それは致命的な誤解だね。伊佐湊真……あいつは僕の宿敵!いつか倒すべき巨悪にして禍根なのさ! "This is a near fatal mortifying misunderstanding. Isa Souma... he is my arch-nemesis! He is a source of evil that I must one day vanquish!"
{otome:1110-tohri:$namef:7} ちょ、ちょちょっと待ってください。そのイサソーマっていうのは誰なんですか?もしかして鳥違いしていませんか? "Waaaaait a minute.. Isa Souma? Have you got the wrong bird?"
{otome:1110-tohri:Tohri:8} フ……どうやら貴方は何も知らないみたいだね、$namel $namef。彼は岩峰舟、なんてふざけた名前を自称してるみたいだけど、それは偽名さ "Heh... seems like you don't know anything, $namel $namef . He's going by that silly name Iwamine Shuu, but that is merely an alias."
{otome:1110-tohri:$namef:9} ぎ、偽名……!?じゃあ、岩峰先生って芸名みたいなものなんですか? "A... alias!? So 'Doctor Iwamine' is like a stage name or something?"
{otome:1110-tohri:Tohri:10} その通り "That's right."
{otome:1110-tohri:$namef:11} ということは、やっぱり岩峰先生がアイドルで、錦小路さんは痛いファンだったんだ……! "In other words, Doctor Iwamine is a pop idol after all, and you're an crazed fan...! What a twist!!"
{otome:1110-tohri:Tohri:12} 違う!! "How dense are you?!"
{otome:1110-tohri:Tohri:13} あいつは、伊佐湊真は……僕の鳥生をめちゃくちゃに蹂躙していったのさ……! "He, Isa Souma... is someone who has recklessly trampled all over my life...!"
{otome:1110-tohri:$namef:14} まさか、岩峰先生がいつにも増して外道な事を……? "That sounds about right but.. Could it be... Doctor Iwamine did something even more fiendish than normal...?"
{otome:1110-tohri:Tohri:15} フフン。何も知らない貴方に聞かせてあげよう。かつて僕と伊佐湊真が同じ研究所に務めていた頃の因縁の物語を……! "Pfft. Fine, I'll tell you, o clueless one. The circumstances of how we once worked together in the same laboratory sicken me to this day...!"
{otome:1110-tohri:Tohri:16} まただ!僕の研究成果が彼に劣るなんて……悪夢だ……これは悪い夢なんだ…… "Again! My results are inferior to his?!... it's a nightmare... this must be a nightmare!"
{otome:1110-tohri:Researcher A:17} いやー、また中間成績負けちゃいましたねーうちの部署 "I can't believe it, our division's interim results are just plain inferior again."
{otome:1110-tohri:Researcher B:18} まあいいじゃないですか。二番でも予算は充分下りるんだし、気にすることないですよ主任 "Well, even if we're second in our field, we'll still be granted a generous enough budget - right, chief?"
{otome:1110-tohri:Tohri:19} 気にするよ!!大問題さ!! "Absolutely not!! This is unacceptable!! It's a huge problem!!"
{otome:1110-tohri:Tohri:20} 一番でなければ意味が無い……僕らの部署名は? "We are better than this! We're better than him! What's the name of this department?"
{otome:1110-tohri:Researcher A:21} 第二光学武装研究部ですけど "Second Optical Weapons Division..."
{otome:1110-tohri:Tohri:22} そう!僕らは光の申し子なんだ!明暗、光陰、1かゼロ、そんな世界で生きているんだよ?だからいつでも第一位で当たり前なのさ "Right! We are the heaven-sent children of light!! Light or dark, sun or shadow, one or zero - this is the kind of world we live in! That's why we must always be number one!"
{otome:1110-tohri:Researcher B:23} ……後発だから部署名は第二ですけどねー "... but we started late, so 'Second' is even right there in the title.."
{otome:1110-tohri:Tohri:24} 何か言った? "Did you say something?"
{otome:1110-tohri:Researcher B:25} 言ってないでーす "*Sigh* No. Nothing, chief."
{otome:1110-tohri:Tohri:26} 伊佐湊真……奴がいる限り僕はここで永遠の二番手だ。唯一にして至高、それが僕のライフプランなのに "Isa Souma... as long as he exists, I will be forever second, and that is unacceptable! It was my lifeplan to be the only one, AND number one!"
{otome:1110-tohri:Tohri:27} 伊佐湊真が主任になってからろくな事がない。栄華を極めた第二光学武装研究部…その名が、こうも無惨に傷付けられるとは! "Since he's become chief, nothing's gone right for me. To think that the name of the glorious Second Optical Weapons Division could be defiled with the cruelty of second place! Has he no shame??"
{otome:1110-tohri:Tohri:28} ……伊佐湊真の素性には謎が多い。これは絶対に不正だ。不当な評価なんだ "There are so many mysteries surrounding his real identity... This is truly unfair. It must be his shadowy mystique, they don't even care about true intellect!"
{otome:1110-tohri:Tohri:29} あいつの提案ばかり採用される。二番手の僕の才能は腐るばかり……欺瞞に満ちた悲劇だ! "Only his proposals are being implemented. My talents, my 'number-two intellect', is ROTTING here. It's a tragedy, steeped in deceit!"
{otome:1110-tohri:Tohri:30} 腐敗の温床なんて願い下げ。僕はこの研究所を喜んで出て行くよ! "The time has come for me to withdraw from this hotbed of depravity. I will gladly leave this place for an institution where they appreciate my genius!"
{otome:1110-tohri:Tohri:31} ……という恐ろしくもおぞましい過去があるのさ "... and such is our hideously disgusting past."
{otome:1110-tohri:$namef:32} えーと…… "Ummmm..."
{otome:1110-tohri:NARATOR:33} 錦小路さんが真剣な顔をするので非常にコメントし辛いのですがこれは…… It's difficult to say anything when he looks as serious as he does now, but that was hardly a harrowing survivor's tale...
{otome:1110-tohri:NARATOR:34} いわゆる「逆恨み」という奴ではないでしょうか。 The doctor is hardly a welcoming ray of sunshine, but doesn't this resentment seem a tad unjustified? Even through his OWN narcissistic words.
{otome:1110-tohri:$namef:35} 一度整理したいんですけど、錦小路さんと岩峰先生(旧姓伊佐さん)は元々同じ職場にいて…… "Let me get this straight. You and Doctor Iwamine - 'Ito', was it? - originally worked in the same place..."
{otome:1110-tohri:Tohri:36} うんうん "Yes. This is correct. If you can call his posturing 'work'..."
{otome:1110-tohri:$namef:37} お互い別々の部署で主任をして、切磋琢磨する間柄だったんだけど…… "You both worked as chiefs of separate departments, and had a relationship of friendly competition..."
{otome:1110-tohri:Tohri:38} それは違うね。本来あんな冴えないイワシャコが僕と対等に戦える筈ないんだから "Incorrect! Naturally that kind of dull partridge could never compete on my level. And I don't like that use of the word 'friendly' to belittle a rivalry for the ages."
{otome:1110-tohri:$namef:39} 何はともあれ事業成績は岩峰先生の方が上だったから、錦小路さんの予算が削られた──と "In any case, the business results of Doctor Iwamine's department were better than yours, so your budget was cut--"
{otome:1110-tohri:Tohri:40} 何らかの不正行為によって、ね!! "Through some kind of malpractice or subterfuge, yes!"
{otome:1110-tohri:NARATOR:41} そうかなあ……。 I wonder...
{otome:1110-tohri:NARATOR:42} 実際に錦小路さんと岩峰先生の職場を見たことがない私に公平な判断は難しい。 It's difficult for me to make an impartial judgment when I've not seen their workplace.
{otome:1110-tohri:NARATOR:43} 岩峰先生は挙動不審だし研究の為ならどんな不正行為でもしそうな気がするけど、錦小路さんもどうやら自信過剰・自意識過剰の思い込み激しい派手キジだから言い分に疑問が残っちゃう。 I mean, Doctor Iwamine is a suspicious birdie, and I kind of feel like he'd do anything shady if it furthered his research. But Nishikikouji is an overconfident gaudy pheasant without a feather of self awareness on his body, so I still have my doubts.
{otome:1110-tohri:NARATOR:44} 今私ができることと言えば──女子会秘技、愚痴は取り敢えず相槌をうって相手が満足するまで聞きに徹せよ! What can I do right now--- Time for the girlie chat secret technique: listen and nod appreciatively at your companion's grumbles until they're satisfied!
{otome:1110-tohri:$namef:45} 錦小路さん!この際だから岩峰先生への愚痴をまとめて吐き出してみませんか! "Mr. Nishijikouji! Why not take this chance to vent all of your grumbles with Doctor Iwamine to me!"
{otome:1110-tohri:Tohri:46} いいねえ!いくらでも挙げられるよ。例えば目が合ってるのにエレベーターのドアを閉めたり、トイレットペーパーを使い終わっても替えてくれなかったり…… "Certainly! I've got plenty. For example, shutting the elevator door even though he made eye contact with me that one time, using up all the toilet paper and not replacing it, that time when--"
{otome:1110-tohri:$namef:47} わかるー! "How terrible!"
{otome:1110-tohri:NARATOR:48} こうして一羽と一人は岩峰先生のダメ出し会でシャレオッティな午後を過ごした。 And thus, the human and the bird spent a trendy afternoon bitching about Doctor Iwamine.
{otome:1111-tohri:NARATOR:1} おはようございまーす。 Moooorning!
{otome:1111-tohri:NARATOR:2} 私としたことが、うっかり自宅の食糧をきらしている事に気付いてしまいました!登校前に川釣りにでも行こうかなー。 I can't believe I've run out of food again! Maybe I should go river fishing before school...
{otome:1111-tohri:$namef:3} ん……? Huh?
{otome:1111-tohri:NARATOR:4} メールが届いている。えーっと、なになに……? Oh, there's a letter for me. Uhhh, what's this?
{otome:1111-tohri:Tohri:5} 昨日はありがとう。本来なら僕とプライベートで会うなんて光栄この上無いことなんだから、感謝するのは貴方の方なんだけど!僕も楽しい時間を過ごすことができたから、特別に感謝してあげるよ "Thanks for yesterday. Although, by all rights it should be me thanking you, given the ultimate honor of being able to have a private meeting with me! But I had fun too, I thought I'd thank you especially."
{otome:1111-tohri:NARATOR:6} 上から目線いただきましたー! So the snooty bird stooped to sending me a message! Interesting...
{otome:1111-tohri:Tohri:7} 貴方がその気なら、もっと会ってあげてもいいんだからね! "If you're so inclined, I'll let you meet me again!"
{otome:1111-tohri:NARATOR:8} こ、これは…… Th... this...
{otome:1111-tohri:$namef:9} 一人サンバさんちょろい "Regards, the all-too-kind one-man-samba."
{otome:1115-tohri:NARATOR:1} 錦小路さんと会うようになってから、岩峰先生の過去がほんの少し見えてきた。と言っても、見えれば見えるほど謎深まる。 Since I started talking to Nishikikouji, I've seen just a tiny sliver of Doctor Iwamine's past. How did he go from top researcher in his field to a school infirmary? Well, I mean, the more you look, the deeper the mystery seems.
{otome:1115-tohri:$namef:2} 岩峰先生……一体何者なの…… "Doctor Iwamine... just what is he?"
{otome:1115-tohri:Shuu:3} ただの保健医ですよ "Why, I'm just a mere doctor. Hohohoho.."
{otome:1115-tohri:$namef:4} おひゃあ!! "Gyaah! Can you read my thoughts?!?"
{otome:1115-tohri:NARATOR:5} イワシャコを覗く時、イワシャコもまたこちらを覗いているのだ! When you look into a chukar partridge, the chukar partridge stares back into your very soul.
{otome:1115-tohri:$namef:6} いたんですか岩峰先生! "Y-you were here, Doctor Iwamine?"
{otome:1115-tohri:Shuu:7} ここが私の持ち場ですからね "This IS my place of work. I trust you have a good excuse for your presence?"
{otome:1115-tohri:$namef:8} お掃除完了しました!ささ、社長椅子へどうぞ! "I'm finished cleaning! Please, take the executive seat!"
{otome:1115-tohri:$namef:9} ……あの、岩峰先生。質問いいですか? "... um, Doctor Iwamine. May I ask a question?"
{otome:1115-tohri:Shuu:10} 質問の内容によりますが、一つだけでしたら。どうぞ "It depends on the contents of said question, but if it's just one... Try me."
{otome:1115-tohri:$namef:11} 岩峰先生はピジョネイションに来る前は、何をしていたんですか? "What did you do before you joined St. Pigeonations?"
{otome:1115-tohri:Shuu:12} 死体を切り裂いていました "I cut up corpses."
{otome:1115-tohri:NARATOR:13} Wow!アグレッシブ! Wow! Not the answer I was expecting! But I'm not exactly surprised...
{otome:1115-tohri:$namef:14} えぇっと、それは……正規の職業的な……? "Um, was that... a legitimate job, or.. hobby or...?"
{otome:1115-tohri:Shuu:15} 質問は一つと言ったでしょう。深入りは身を滅ぼしますよ "I said one question, didn't I? Getting too involved could be your downfall. You might not like the answers you receive..."
{otome:1115-tohri:$namef:16} はーい。ゴミ出し行ってきマッスル "Okay. I need to leave this conversation, so I'm going to use this opportunity to take the trash out."
{otome:1115-tohri:NARATOR:17} うーん……明らかにカタギじゃない岩峰先生と同僚だったなんて、やっぱり錦小路さんもカタギじゃないのかな。 Hmmm... if Nishikikouji was a colleague of the clearly-shady Doctor Iwamine, I wonder... then he must be pretty suspicious too, right?
{otome:1115-tohri:NARATOR:18} このゴミ袋だって、なんかヤバい感じの赤やオレンジが見え隠れしてるし……。 What a mess! Does anyone even collect this trash--
{otome:1115-tohri:$namef:19} ん? "Hmm?"
{otome:1115-tohri:NARATOR:20} なんかヤバい感じの赤やオレンジの鳥が学園のゴミ捨て場に見え隠れしている。 A red and orange blur appearing and disappearing amongst the heaps of garbage...? I have a bad feeling about this...
{otome:1115-tohri:$namef:21} 一人サンバさん!?性懲りも無くまたきたんですか! "Ah Mr One-Man-Samba! It's you stalking amongst the rubbish!"
{otome:1115-tohri:Tohri:22} サンバじゃない!錦小路斗織ッ!! "How many times- I am NOT a samba! I am Tohri Nishikikouji!!"
{otome:1115-tohri:$namef:23} ダメですよ錦小路さん!学園に来るならきちんと受付で記名して訪問鳥カードを受け取らないと!きょうび世間は学園の侵入者対策にうるさいんですから! "If you're coming to the school, you need to sign-in at reception and take a visitor-bird badge! Modern-day society is a stickler for preventing intruders! They are considerably less forgiving of stalkers than my kind hearted self."
{otome:1115-tohri:Tohri:24} フフン、僕は世間の風潮に流されるような安易なキンケイじゃないからね "Pfft, well, I am not a golden pheasant who simply goes with the flow of modern society."
{otome:1115-tohri:Tohri:25} 今まで散々に行き違いが続いたけど……いや、もしかして伊佐湊真が僕を恐れて逃げ回っていたのか?そちらの方がしっくりくるねえ……フフフ…… "I keep on missing Ito Souma... or, perhaps he's been flitting around because he's scared of me? Regardless, he'll definitely come here sooner or later... hehehe..."
{otome:1115-tohri:$namef:26} 岩峰先生は逃げ回るようなキャラじゃないと思いますけど "I.. really don't think Doctor Iwamine is the type to 'flit around'..."
{otome:1115-tohri:Tohri:27} とにかく、今日こそ伊佐湊真を仕留めようと思ってね! "At any rate, today is the day I poach Ito Souma!"
{otome:1115-tohri:NARATOR:28} 錦小路さんは何やら物騒なものを取り出した。 Mr. Nishikikouji brought out a kinda dangerous object.
{otome:1115-tohri:$namef:29} こ、これは……SFっぽい光線銃……!? "Th-- this looks like a... science fiction raygun?!?"
{otome:1115-tohri:Tohri:30} 錦小路式芸術作品632番、小型光学兵器ディメンション・ボンバー! "It's the Nishikikouji Masterpiece No. 632, the Minature Optical Weapon DIMENSION BOMBER!"
{otome:1115-tohri:$namef:31} ディメンション・ボンバー……! "Dimension bomber?!? What are you going to do with THAT?"
{otome:1115-tohri:Tohri:32} ターゲットを跡形も無く完全消滅させる、近接戦闘兵器の決定版さ! "It's the ultimate short-range weapon, capable of completely eliminating a target without leaving even a molecule intact!"
{otome:1115-tohri:NARATOR:33} めっちゃ凶悪やん。 This is sounding increasingly like a super villain. I thought the Doctor was supposed to be the evil one here?
{otome:1115-tohri:$namef:34} いやいやいや!何考えてるんですか錦小路さん!ここは平和の象徴たるハトたちの名門校ですよ!事件禁止! "No! No! No! What are you thinking, Mr. Nishikikouji! These is a prestigious school for doves! Symbols of peace! Such altercations are forbidden!"
{otome:1115-tohri:Tohri:35} 関係ないよ。僕も伊佐湊真もハト科じゃないからね! "That is irrelevant! Both I and Isa Souma are not of the dove family!"
{otome:1115-tohri:$namef:36} それを言っちゃあ儂ぁ霊長類ですぜ!鳥類ですらねぇですぜ!でも刃傷沙汰はよろしくありません!それを寄越しなさい! "And I'm a primate! I'm not even in the bird family! But that doesn't make bloodshed OK, so hand that over!"
{otome:1115-tohri:Tohri:37} あっ、コラッ、返してよ!まだそれは実戦向けの保護をしてないんだ。ちょっとした衝撃ですぐ駄目になっちゃう上に量産化してないから作り直すのが大変なんだからね!? "H-hey, give that back! I haven't yet safeguarded that for actual use! Just a little whack it could break it, and it's not ready for mass-production and re-making it would take forever!!"
{otome:1115-tohri:$namef:38} よーしちょっとした衝撃を与えてやるー! "Okaay! One little whack, coming up!"
{otome:1115-tohri:Tohri:39} ぎゃー!やめろーーーッ!!!! "Gyahh! Stop it!!"
{otome:1115-tohri:NARATOR:40} 錦小路さんのディメンションなんちゃらはバラバラになった。 Tohri's Dimension thingy totally fell apart...
{otome:1115-tohri:$namef:41} ちょっとした衝撃で粉々になっちゃった…… A little whack and it smashed to smithereens...
{otome:1115-tohri:Tohri:42} ぼ、僕の芸術作品が…… "My... my masterpiece..."
{otome:1115-tohri:$namef:43} ご、ごめんなさい錦小路さん……まさかこんなに繊細な兵器だなんて思ってもみなくて…… "S-sorry Mr. Nishikikouji... I really didn't think such a destructive weapon would be so.. delicate.
{otome:1115-tohri:Tohri:44} ……いや、いいよ……壊れた物は元に戻らない……それはよく知ってるよ…… "... gah, it's fine... you can't remake what's been broken... that I know all too well."
{otome:1115-tohri:Tohri:45} こうなったらこの翼で伊佐湊真の首を直接絞めに……ッ "In that case, I'll just have to wrap my very wings around Isa Souma's neck directly!"
{otome:1115-tohri:$namef:46} 駄目です!私が誰だか忘れましたか?保健委員ですよ!岩峰先生を殺る気満々の鳥は通せません! "No! Have you forgotten how we met? I am a member of the infirmary staff! I can't let anybirdie full of murderous feelings towards Doctor Iwamine pass! It's my hypocritic oath, or something!"
{otome:1115-tohri:Tohri:47} それなら、ここで貴方を倒して進── "So you ARE protecting Isa! Then, I'll just have to kill you mys--"
{otome:1115-tohri:$namef:48} でぇい!! "Hi-yaaah!"
{otome:1115-tohri:Tohri:49} ちょっと!鳥が話してる最中に殴るなんてズルいよ!? "HEY! It's dishonest to strike a bird while he's talking!"
{otome:1115-tohri:$namef:50} だって錦小路さん意外と素早いから、隙を狙わないと攻め時を失うかなって! "But you're surprisingly nimble, so if I didn't take my chance I'd lose my window of attack!"
{otome:1115-tohri:Tohri:51} なんて卑怯な女子高生なんだ……! "Such cowardice! What a cowardly high-school girl you are!"
{otome:1115-tohri:$namef:52} 天性の戦士と呼んでください。でぇい!! "Huh, what a funny mispronunciation of 'innate warrior'! Hi-YAAAH!"
{otome:1115-tohri:Tohri:53} まただ!また殴った!僕をぶったのは貴方が初めてだよ!? "Again! Again you hit me! You're the first person to ever hit me!!"
{otome:1115-tohri:$namef:54} さあ、錦小路さんも殴り返してください!私を倒さない限り岩峰先生には会えませんよ! "Well, you'd better start fighting back! As long as I stand, you won't get to Doctor Iwamine!"
{otome:1115-tohri:Tohri:55} フフ……言ったね?キジ科のパンチは鋭いよ……!? "Hahaha... If you insist on your own demise! A pheasant's punch is sharp, don't you know!"
{otome:1115-tohri:NARATOR:56} 私たちは学園のゴミ捨て場で壮絶な殴り合いを繰り広げた! And so, an epic fist-fight broke out between us in the school refuse area.
{otome:1115-tohri:$namef:57} はぁ……はぁ…… "Haaa... Haaa..."
{otome:1115-tohri:Tohri:58} フフ……や、やるねえ$namel $namef …… "Heh heh... you're quite something, $namel $namef ..."
{otome:1115-tohri:$namef:59} 錦小路さんも、派手なモデル体型なのに意外にスタミナがありますね……! "You've got a lot of stamina too, for someone with a a flamboyant colour scheme and model figure!"
{otome:1115-tohri:Tohri:60} 鳥の美しさは健康状態に比例するからね……貴方も悪くなかったよ……! "Well, a bird's beauty is proportional to its health... You weren't bad, either..."
{otome:1115-tohri:NARATOR:61} こうして私と錦小路さんは強い絆で結ばれた! And thus, Mr. Nishikikouji - Tohri - and I were linked by a strong bond!
{otome:1224-tohri:NARATOR:1} 世間はクリスマス!だけどうちは浄土真宗だから世間に反逆して平常運行しちゃうもんねー! The world is celebrating Christmas! But we're Buddhists through and through, so we forsake the world and resume regular service!
{otome:1224-tohri:NARATOR:2} あれ、誰か来たみたい。 Huh, sounds like someone's here.
{otome:1224-tohri:Delivery Pelican:3} ちわーっす!ペリカンエクスプレスっす!お荷物お届けに上がりました! "Greetings! Gull Express at your service, here to deliver an express parcel! Sign here, please!"
{otome:1224-tohri:$namef:4} あ、はーい。サインサイン。お疲れ様です "Oh, right. I just need to scribble scribble here. Aaand... Thanks!"
{otome:1224-tohri:Delivery Pelican:5} あざーっす!あざーっす! "You're welcome, young lady!"
{otome:1224-tohri:NARATOR:6} なんだろう、しばらくネット通販も使ってないんだけど……。 What could this be? I've not bought anything on the net for a while!
{otome:1224-tohri:$namef:7} あれ?錦小路さんからだ "Huh? It's from Tohri..."
{otome:1224-tohri:NARATOR:8} こんな時期に錦小路さんから贈り物……ということは Getting a package from Tohri at this time of year... that means...
{otome:1224-tohri:$namef:9} もしかしてクリスマスプレゼントかな?すごい!ハイソな百貨店の包みに年上の余裕を感じる!! "Woah! Is this a Christmas present? You can sense the disposable income of adults emanating from the classy department store wrapping paper!"
{otome:1224-tohri:$namef:10} 何かな何かなー中身は何かなー♪ "What is it! What is it! WHAT'S! INSIDE! THE BOX! ♪"
{otome:1224-tohri:$namef:11} …… ...
{otome:1224-tohri:$namef:12} 海苔だ!!しかもいいヤツだーーッ!! It's seaweed!
That's.. Pretty unexpected. But! It seems like really expensive, fancy seaweed!
{otome:1224-tohri:$namef:13} 海苔かー Is it weird to be excited about receiving seaweed for a present?
{otome:1224-tohri:$namef:14} 海苔かー Aw, heck - I'm gonna just go with it. Yay seaweed!
{otome:1224-tohri:NARATOR:15} よく見るといい海苔の上に紙片が一枚置かれている。錦小路さんからの挨拶状らしい。 Looking closely, I can see that on top of the boutique seaweed is a piece of paper. It looks like a note from Tohri.
{otome:1224-tohri:NARATOR:16} 『師走を迎え、何かとご多忙の日々をお過ごしのことと存じます。 『December has come, and I assume a classy young lady like yourself has been very busy lately.
{otome:1224-tohri:NARATOR:17} 日頃の感謝の気持ちを込めまして、心ばかりの品をお送りしますので、ご笑納頂ければ幸いです。 As a token of my gratitude I humbly offer you this trifling gift and sincerely hope you'll accept it.
{otome:1224-tohri:NARATOR:18} 幸多き新年を迎えられますようお祈り申し上げますと共に、来年もよろしくお願い致します。 In addition to wishing you a new year filled with good fortune, I hope for our continued friendship.
{otome:1224-tohri:NARATOR:19} 錦小路斗織 Tohri Nishikikouji
{otome:1224-tohri:$namef:20} うわーちゃんとした手紙だー!ご笑納なんてフレーズ初めて見ちゃったー! "Wow! A proper old-school letter! And that's the first time I've ever seen the word trifling! I presume it means 'delicious'."
{otome:1224-tohri:$namef:21} つまりこれってクリスマスプレゼントじゃなくてお歳暮っぽい? "I guess it's not a Christmas present, but an early New Year's Present?"
{otome:1224-tohri:$namef:22} ありがとう錦小路さん!明日から健やかないい海苔ライフを送りますね! "Thank you, Tohri! From tomorrow I shall live the healthy good seaweed life!"
{otome:0203-tohri:NARATOR:1} グワーッ、待ち合わせ時間ギリギリ過ぎちゃった!もう錦小路さんは到着してるかなー……? Gyaaaa, I'm a little late to meet Tohri! Maybe I'm lucky and he's fashionably late?
{otome:0203-tohri:NARATOR:2} あっ、いたいた!たいへん目立つ格好で見付け易い! Ah, he's already here! He's easy to spot, standing out like a flamboyant flame in a crowd of mundane doves...
{otome:0203-tohri:$namef:3} 錦小路さーん! "Toh-riiii!"
{otome:0203-tohri:Tohri:4} やっと来たのかい?この僕を呼び出しておいて遅刻だなんて、度胸があるね "You finally came? It's pretty gutsy to invite someone out and then be late for them."
{otome:0203-tohri:$namef:5} ごめんなさい!ついつい教室掃除に気合いが入り過ぎちゃったんです! "I'm so sorry! I got a little worked-up cleaning the classroom!"
{otome:0203-tohri:Tohri:6} まあ……他ならぬ貴方だからね。特別に許してあげるよ "Well... How charmingly like you that is. I'll forgive you this once."
{otome:0203-tohri:$namef:7} ははー!ありがたき幸せ! "Haha--! I think I'm grateful?"
{otome:0203-tohri:Tohri:8} それで、その……うん、何か用があるんだね?僕に "So, uh... what did you need me for?"
{otome:0203-tohri:NARATOR:9} このキンケイ、やけにソワソワしている。 The golden pheasant looks extremely restless.
{otome:0203-tohri:$namef:10} はい!今日はマメンタインなので錦小路さんに豆をプレゼントです! "Oh, right! Today's Legumentines, so I wanted to give you some beans!"
{otome:0203-tohri:Tohri:11} マ、マメンタインプレゼント……!! "A... L--Legumentine's present?!"
{otome:0203-tohri:NARATOR:12} 錦小路さんは噛み締めるように復唱して飾り羽を震わせている。この反応、もしかして── Tohri chews over the words, as if reciting them, and flutters his decorative feathers. This reaction, could it be...
{otome:0203-tohri:$namef:13} もしかして錦小路さん、マメンタインに豆を貰うのは初め…… "Tohri, is this... the first time you've ever received beans on Legumentine's?"
{otome:0203-tohri:Tohri:14} そそそそんなことはないよ!?なんて言ったって僕はスターだからね!? "O-o-o-o-o-o-o-of COURSE not! How could yo-- I mean, I'm a STAR!"
{otome:0203-tohri:Tohri:15} だけど!喜ぶといいよ。特別に、僕が手ずから受け取ってあげるんだからね! "However! If it will make you happy, I will especially accept these!"
{otome:0203-tohri:$namef:16} はい!どうぞどうぞ! "Great!"
{otome:0203-tohri:Tohri:17} これは……ビター黒豆かい?貴方は若いのにいい趣味をしているようだね "These are... bitter black beans? Hmmm, seems like you've got full, mature tastes, even though you're young!"
{otome:0203-tohri:$namef:18} スターにお褒めに与り光栄です!錦小路さん、オトナっぽいからオトナっぽいのがいいかなって "It's an honor to be praised by a star! You seem like an adult, so I thought something similarly grown-up would suit you best."
{otome:0203-tohri:Tohri:19} 僕は京都の出身でね。子供の頃から黒豆を食べて育ったのさ "I was born in Kyoto... so I grew up on black soybeans."
{otome:0203-tohri:$namef:20} 京都って黒豆が主食なんですか?朝昼晩と黒豆コンボですか? "Are black soybeans the staple diet of Kyotoites? A black-bean combo for morning, noon, and night?"
{otome:0203-tohri:Tohri:21} いや、まさか!主食ではないよ。だけど黒豆抜きに京の食文化は語れないのさ "No, by no means! They're not a staple food! But Kyoto food culture wouldn't exist without the black soybean."
{otome:0203-tohri:Tohri:22} いつか京都においで。いい黒豆店を紹介してあげるよ "You should come to Kyoto some time. I'll take you on a tour around the best black bean shops."
{otome:0203-tohri:Tohri:23} フフ、フフフ……僕がこんな形でマメンタインプレゼントを手にする日が来るなんて……! "Hehe... hehehe... To think the day would come when I received a Legumentine's present in this way..."
{otome:0203-tohri:NARATOR:24} 錦小路さんは喜びを噛み締めている。 Tohri is processing this happiness he's experiencing...
{otome:0203-tohri:NARATOR:25} こんなにハッピーになってくれるなんて、プレゼントした甲斐があるってものですね! Watching him become this happy... that's what giving presents is all about!
{otome:0207-tohri:$namef:1} フンフンーフフーンフーン♪ "Da-da-daaaa, da-da-da-daaaa, daaaaah♪"
{otome:0207-tohri:Shuu:2} …… "..."
{otome:0207-tohri:Shuu:3} 私は貴方に棚の配置替えをするよう支持しました。歌をお願いした記憶はないのですが "I asked you to rearrange the shelves. I don't recall asking you to sing."
{otome:0207-tohri:$namef:4} ハッ、すみません!完全に無意識でした! "Ah, sorry! It was totally unconscious!"
{otome:0207-tohri:Shuu:5} おや……何か落ちていますね。これは名刺……でしょうか "Huh... something fell out. This is... a business card, no?"
{otome:0207-tohri:$namef:6} 名刺……? "A... business card?"
{otome:0207-tohri:NARATOR:7} 岩峰先生が拾い上げた紙片には見覚えがある。アレは…… "I recall that piece of paper Doctor Iwamine picked up. That's--"
{otome:0207-tohri:$namef:8} アーッ!ちょっと待ってくださいそれは! "Ah, wait a second! That's...!"
{otome:0207-tohri:Shuu:9} 『錦小路斗織』... "Tohri Nishikikouji, eh...?"
{otome:0207-tohri:NARATOR:10} うっかりポケットに入れたままにしてたー!その上うっかりポケットからポロリしちゃってたー!! I carelessly left that in my pocket! And it carelessly fell out!!
{otome:0207-tohri:NARATOR:11} ど、どうしよう……最近は錦小路さんのストーキング行為もおとなしくなってたし、まだ岩峰先生に錦小路さんの話をしてないんだけど……。 What should I do.. it's not like Tohri has been doing any stalking activities recently, and I haven't spoken to Doctor Iwamine about Tohri yet...
{otome:0207-tohri:NARATOR:12} 元同僚で因縁のライバルの名刺がこんな所に落ちてるって絶対マズい状況では……。 It's going to be pretty bad if he finds the business card of his old Ultimate Rival of Destiny in his own office...
{otome:0207-tohri:Shuu:13} ……知らない名前ですね "... well, I have no idea who that is."
{otome:0207-tohri:$namef:14} あ、あれ?そうなんですか……? "O--oh? Is that so?"
{otome:0207-tohri:Shuu:15} ええ、見覚えのない名前です "Yes, I can't say I recall that name."
{otome:0207-tohri:$namef:16} えっ、えーと……ほら、でも、保健室に落ちていた訳ですから岩峰先生の物じゃないかなーって…… "Uh, umm... but, uh, I assumed it was yours, seeing as it was on the floor of the infirmary.. You've.. Really never heard of him?"
{otome:0207-tohri:Shuu:17} 私の物ではありませんよ。恐らく職員室かどこかで紛れ込んだのでしょう "It's not mine. It probably drifted in from somewhere like the staff room."
{otome:0207-tohri:NARATOR:18} 岩峰先生は嘘をついているように見えない。 Doctor Iwamine doesn't look like he's lying.
{otome:0207-tohri:NARATOR:19} これってもしかして……錦小路さんが鳥違いをしているのか、もしくは…… So... either Tohri's got the wrong bird, or...
{otome:0207-tohri:NARATOR:20} 「錦小路さんが岩峰先生を一方的にライバル視していただけで、岩峰先生はきれいさっぱり忘れるぐらい錦小路さんのことは歯牙にもかけていなかった」……? Tohri merely has an unreciprocated rivalry with Doctor Iwamine, and Doctor Iwamine hasn't ever paid him any thought. To the point where he might as well have completely forgotten his very existence...?
{otome:0209-tohri:$namef:1} もうすぐ三学期も終わり。この教室を離れて、受験勉強だったり就職活動だったり、戦争に立ち向かわなきゃいけないんだなあ…… "It's almost the end of the school year. I'll have to leave this classroom, start studying for tests, look for work, go to war..."
{otome:0209-tohri:$namef:2} ん?メールかな "Huh? Have I got new mail?"
{otome:0209-tohri:$namef:3} えーっと……錦小路さんからの呼び出しだ! Umm... oh, it's an invitation from Tohri!
{otome:0209-tohri:NARATOR:4} 喫茶店に来てほしいみたい。女子会のお誘いかな? Looks like he wants to meet me at the cafe. Time for another girly chat?
{otome:0209-tohri:$namef:5} 放課後は予定も無いし、行っちゃおう! "I don't have any plans after school, so I'll go!"
{otome:0209-tohri:Tohri:6} 大事な話があるんだけど "I have something of the utmost importance to speak with you about."
{otome:0209-tohri:NARATOR:7} 突然の重い雰囲気が私と一人サンバさんを包む! A sudden heavy atmosphere envelops the one-man-samba and I.
{otome:0209-tohri:$namef:8} ど、どうしたんですか錦小路さん……まさか、痔 "What's the matter, Tohri? Is it.. No.. Not.. piles...?"
{otome:0209-tohri:Tohri:9} 違うよ! "It's-- WHAT? No! It's not piles!!"
{otome:0209-tohri:$namef:10} まさか、マルチ商 "It can't be! Surely not.. You're a victim of a pyramid scheme?!"
{otome:0209-tohri:Tohri:11} 違う!ちょっと黙って話を聞いてくれないかい! "IT'S NOT A--- look, will you just be quiet and listen to me for a second?"
{otome:0209-tohri:$namef:12} ガッテン! "But it sounds so serious! What is it?"
{otome:0209-tohri:Tohri:13} 僕はね……これから伊佐湊真との最終決戦に向かおうと思う "You see, I... I think I'm heading towards the final decisive battle between myself and Ito Souma."
{otome:0209-tohri:$namef:14} !! "!!"
{otome:0209-tohri:Tohri:15} 僕の最新作にして最高傑作、錦小路式芸術作品706番、超小型光学兵器ブルーフラッシュ・スパークが完成したのさ……! "My newest and most spectacular work - the Nishikikouji Masterpiece Number 706, Ultra-Miniature Optical Weapon 'BLUE FLASH SPARK' - is finally complete!"
{otome:0209-tohri:Tohri:16} おっと、いつかみたいに壊そうとしても無駄だよ。今度のは強度も抜群だからね! "Oh, and don't even think of trying to break it. This one's as resiliant as it is devastating!"
{otome:0209-tohri:$namef:17} ……壊しません。錦小路さんが一生懸命作った物だから、壊すのは良くないなって思うんです "I promise I won't break it. I don't think it'd be nice of me to destroy something you've put your heart and soul into..."
{otome:0209-tohri:$namef:18} だけど、錦小路さん!……もう、やめませんか。こういうこと "But, Tohri. Can't you stop all of this? Let the rivalry go? Be the bigger bird?"
{otome:0209-tohri:Tohri:19} なっ、何を言うんだい!アーティスティックに、美しく生きる事こそが僕の信条なんだよ! "What?! What are you saying?! My credo is to live my life artistically and beautifully!"
{otome:0209-tohri:Tohri:20} 僕の生き様はたった一羽のイワシャコに台無しにされた!伊佐湊真は僕の名前に傷を付けて、泥を塗って、その上惨たらしく踏みにじっていったんだよ!? "My way of life was ruined by one single chukar partridge! That Ito Souma sullied my name and trampled me gruesomely underfoot!"
{otome:0209-tohri:$namef:21} でも岩峰先生は錦小路さんのことさっぱり覚えてないんですよ! "But Tohri... Doctor Iwamine has absolutely no idea who you even are!"
{otome:0209-tohri:Tohri:22} ……!?? "...!?!"
{otome:0209-tohri:Tohri:23} な、なんだって……僕のことを覚えていない……!? "Wh-what did you say? He... he doesn't remember me?!"
{otome:0209-tohri:$namef:24} 錦小路斗織なんて知らないって言ってました! "He said he doesn't recall anyone called Tohri Nishikikouji!"
{otome:0209-tohri:Tohri:25} そんなバカな!あんなに熾烈に競い合う仲だったのに……!? "That fool! Even though we were such fierce rivals...!? How could he-"
{otome:0209-tohri:$namef:26} 非常に手厳しいことを言うようですが、多分岩峰先生にとって錦小路さんはいわゆる……『眼中に無い』というヤツだったんじゃないかなって…… "I know this sounds harsh, but... I wonder if, to Doctor Iwamine, you were just... inconsequential? Not even worth thinking about?"
{otome:0209-tohri:Tohri:27} うぐぐっ……! "G... gghhh!"
{otome:0209-tohri:$namef:28} 岩峰先生、ほんの些細な事までよく覚えているのに、興味が無いことは本当にきれいさっぱり忘れてしまうんです。錦小路さんも多分…… "Even though Doctor Iwamine can recall scientific facts with perfect clarity, he totally and completely forgets anything he's not interested in. That probably includes you..."
{otome:0209-tohri:Tohri:29} ううっ……ううっ……!! "Unfhhh.... Unhhhhh..."
{otome:0209-tohri:Tohri:30} こんなに……こんなにも冒涜的な所業が許されようか……いや許されない!! "Can I forgive such a... such a blasphemous deed? No! I won't forgive it! It's even worse!"
{otome:0209-tohri:Tohri:31} やはりあのイワシャコを生かしてはおけないよ!刺し違えてでも伊佐湊真を倒してやる!! "This just proves it! I cannot let that chukar partridge carry on living! I'll defeat Iso Souma, even if I die trying!"
{otome:0209-tohri:$namef:32} 錦小路さん!! "Tohri!"
{otome:0209-tohri:Tohri:33} 止めても無駄だよ。僕は……あいつを乗り越えない限り生きていく意味がないからね……! "It's no use trying to stop me. As long my monstrous rival still stands, life has no meaning!"
{otome:0209-tohri:$namef:34} 錦小路さん、聞いてください "Tohri, just listen to me!"
{otome:0209-tohri:$namef:35} 錦小路さんは、そのままで美しいんです "Tohri, you're beautiful as you are."
{otome:0209-tohri:Tohri:36} えっ…… "Huh...?"
{otome:0209-tohri:$namef:37} 錦小路さんの一人サンバめいた金の冠も、飾り羽も、やけに色合い盛り沢山な翼も、どれもとても美しいんです。そして根は真面目なところも "Your gold crown, like you're a one-man-samba party... your decorative feathers... your dazzlingly colourful wings... all of it is beautiful. And your true nature is earnest."
{otome:0209-tohri:$namef:38} 誰かに執着して過去を引きずっているその生き様こそが、錦小路さんの美しさを曇らせているんじゃないでしょうか! "Surely, isn't your beauty being dulled by your inability to detach yourself from this person and let go of the past?"
{otome:0209-tohri:Tohri:39} 僕を懐柔しようって言うのかい?そ、そんな手には乗らないよ……!? "Are you trying to win me over? I'm not going to be fooled by that!"
{otome:0209-tohri:$namef:40} 錦小路さん、今もとても立派な研究所で立派な地位についてるんですよね "Tohri, even today you are a prestigious researcher with a prominent standing, right?"
{otome:0209-tohri:Tohri:41} 当然さ。僕には溢れんばかりの才能があるからね "Naturally. It's because I'm overflowing with talent. Humbleness too."
{otome:0209-tohri:$namef:42} それに、皆に認められてるんでしょう? "And you're appreciated by everyone, right?"
{otome:0209-tohri:Tohri:43} もちろん。確かな実績を積み重ねてきたからね "Of course. It's because I have piles of tangible achievements. (But not THOSE kind of piles...)"
{otome:0209-tohri:$namef:44} じゃあ、もうどうでもいいじゃないですか!イワシャコの一羽ぐらい! "Right! So then, HE'S the one not worth thinking about. He's one little chukar partridge!"
{otome:0209-tohri:Tohri:45} あのねえ、それとこれとは……! "Well, I mean... that's a different story!"
{otome:0209-tohri:$namef:46} 錦小路さんは岩峰先生のことを考えていて楽しいですか? Do you LIKE thinking about Doctor Iwamine?
{otome:0209-tohri:Tohri:47} まさか!最低の気分になるね "Of course not! It puts me in the foulest mood!"
{otome:0209-tohri:$namef:48} だったら── "Well then--"
{otome:0209-tohri:Tohri:49} だけど、あいつを倒したその時には最高の気分になるだろうね! "But when I kill Doctor Iwamine, it'll put me in the most spectacular mood!"
{otome:0209-tohri:NARATOR:50} もー、めんどくさいキンケイだなー!! Ugh. This pheasant is killing ME, that's for sure.
{otome:0209-tohri:$namef:51} そんな、来るんだか来ないんだかわからない日に賭けて毎日最低な気分で過ごすのってイヤになりませんか!復讐は何も産まないんですよ! "Well then, is it not stupid to spend every day in the foulest mood wagering on a day that may not even come? Nothing good comes from revenge!"
{otome:0209-tohri:Tohri:52} それは第三者の傲慢というものさ。僕の鳥生の在り方を、その価値を決めるのは僕自身なんだからね "That's the arrogance of someone not involved in this! The only one who gets to place value on the state of my life is myself!"
{otome:0209-tohri:NARATOR:53} うーん……それも正論な気がする! Damn. That feels like a just argument.
{otome:0209-tohri:NARATOR:54} 錦小路さん、チョロいキンケイだと思ってたんだけど意外と説得が難しいなあ……。 I thought Tohri was just a simple pheasant, but... he's surprisingly difficult to persuade...
{otome:0209-tohri:Tohri:55} だけど……そうだね。貴方がどうしても、どうしても美しい僕をもっと見たいっていうなら譲歩してあげてもいいよ "But... yes. If you're saying that you want to keep on seeing me, beautiful as I am, at any cost... then I'll concede. Especially."
{otome:0209-tohri:$namef:56} !! "!!"
{otome:0209-tohri:$namef:57} 岩峰先生への復讐、諦めてくれますか! "You'll give up your revenge on Doctor Iwamine for me?!"
{otome:0209-tohri:Tohri:58} いいや、諦めない! "NO! I will NEVER give up!"
{otome:0209-tohri:$namef:59} ズコーッ Gahhhhh...
{otome:0209-tohri:Tohri:60} でも、作戦を変更してあげるよ。貴方の言う通り、イワシャコに積極的に関わろうとしたばかりに近頃の僕は少々精彩に欠けていたからね "But... I'll change my strategy. Like you say, if I actively engage with that partridge, it... it will cause my beauty to dull."
{otome:0209-tohri:Tohri:61} 焦らずに、好機を待つことにするよ "I won't rush into it. I'll wait for the opportune moment."
{otome:0209-tohri:NARATOR:62} 保留にしてくれる、ってことなのかな? Is he saying... he'll put it on hold for me?
{otome:0209-tohri:Tohri:63} これからも僕の伊佐湊真への憎しみは消えないよ?でも、それはそれとして── "I'll never lose my hatred towards Ito Souma. But, be that as it may--"
{otome:0209-tohri:Tohri:64} 僕としても、貴方とのお付き合いは大切にしていきたいと思うからね "Personally, I want to start cherishing my relationship with you."
{otome:0209-tohri:NARATOR:65} こうして自称岩峰先生の宿敵、錦小路さんはひとまず矛を収めてくれた。 And thus, Tohri - the self-styled long-term enemy of Doctor Iwamine - laid down his arms... uh, wings... for now, at least.
{otome:0209-tohri:NARATOR:66} 錦小路さんにも岩峰先生にも、怪我なんてしてほしくないもんね(実際に決闘になったらほぼ確実に錦小路さんの方が冷たい肉塊になりそうな気がするけど) Tohri... Doctor Iwamine... I don't want any harm to come to either of them (though if it really were to come to a decisive battle, I feel pretty certain that it's Tohri who'd become the cold slab of meat...)
{otome:0209-tohri:NARATOR:67} そして、ここから私と錦小路さんの新たな日々が始まるのだ! Now, my new life together with Tohri begins...
{otome:0209-tohri:Shuu:68} へくし "Achoo!"
{otome:0209-tohri:Shuu:69} ……風邪、ではなさそうですね "... strange, I've shown no symptoms of a cold."
{otome:0209-tohri:Shuu:70} 噂をされればくしゃみが出る、とは言いますが……このような迷信を真に受ける鳥達の気が知れませんね "Superstitious fools say you sneeze when someone's talking about you... but I don't understand birds who'd take such unscientific nonsense as truth..."
{ending:01:title} ED 01をクリアした ED no.01:
{ending:01:description} 限られた時間の中で  While it lasts
{ending:02:title} ED 02をクリアした ED no.02:
{ending:02:description} 夜の荒野へ Into the Night
{ending:03:title} ED 03をクリアした ED no.03:
{ending:03:description} 何も知らない鳥の歌 Song of the Foolish Bird
{ending:04:title} ED 04をクリアした ED no.04:
{ending:04:description} 夢の終わり Dream’s End
{ending:05:title} ED 05をクリアした ED no.05:
{ending:05:description} 先輩は二度死ぬ Yuuya Only Live Twice
{ending:06:title} ED 06をクリアした ED no.06:
{ending:06:description} 先生の次回作にご期待ください! Until Next Time!
{ending:07:title} ED 07をクリアした ED no.07:
{ending:07:description} 2011年プリンの旅 2011: A Pudding Odyssey
{ending:08:title} ED 08をクリアした ED no.08:
{ending:08:description} 不確定未来論 What May Come
{ending:09:title} ED 09をクリアした ED no.09:
{ending:09:description} くるりころころ Such Beautiful Eyes You Have
{ending:10:title} ED 10をクリアした ED no.10:
{ending:10:description} 相思相愛 The Happy Couple
{ending:11:title} ED 11をクリアした ED no.11:
{ending:11:description} 緋紅アンヘルエンドに到達 To the End of Emptiness
{ending:12:title} ED 12をクリアした ED no.12:
{ending:12:description} ソウルに刻め!Love★Blaster! Carve It Into Your Soul, Kid!
{ending:13:title} ED 13をクリアした ED no.13:
{ending:13:description} ソウルに刻め!文鳥道 To be the True Java sparrow
{ending:14:title} ED 14をクリアした ED no.14:
{ending:14:description} 最終決戦は回避された Final Decisive Battle Averted
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