ファイナルファンタジーVII リメイク | Final Fantasy 7 Remake, DLC chapter dialogues
Japanese-English text dump
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ユフィ | おっ 都会のチューチューネズミ? | Yuffie | Hmph! Guess you're never far from a rat in Midgar! |
ユフィ | お手並み拝見! | Yuffie | Let's see what you got! |
ユフィ | 助っ人ユフィちゃん 登場! | Yuffie | Have no fear, Yuffie's here! |
ソノン | ムカデ型か? | Sonon | Centipede model, huh? |
ユフィ | 気持ちワルっ! | Yuffie | Couldn't they have made it less gross? |
ユフィ | なんか 光ってる? | Yuffie | What in the─ |
ソノン | 捕捉用レーザーだ | Sonon | It's a containment laser. |
ユフィ | 知ってるし | Yuffie | Ugh, I know that! |
ユフィ | もう しつこいな~ | Yuffie | This thing just won't let up! |
ユフィ | こっち 見んな~っ! | Yuffie | Quit pickin' on me! |
ユフィ | どこ? どこが安全? | Yuffie | Think, Yuffie! Where's a safe place to be!? |
ソノン | いったん 離れよう | Sonon | Let's split up. |
ソノン | 先輩 狙われてるぞ | Sonon | Boss, it's got you in its sights! |
ソノン | 急げ くるぞ! | Sonon | Move! Now! |
ユフィ | あんなの 避けらんないよ | Yuffie | How're we supposed to dodge those things!? |
ソノン | 撃たれる前が勝負だな | Sonon | By not letting it launch 'em. |
ユフィ | おろ~ トンズラ? | Yuffie | Oho... Running away, are we? |
ユフィ | おしまい じゃないよね | Yuffie | Or maybe it's doing one of those..."tactical retreats"? |
ソノン | 先輩! | Sonon | Boss! |
ユフィ | わっ なんか出た! | Yuffie | It's spitting little critters! |
ソノン | 小型機? なんのために…… | Sonon | Drones? What does it need <i>them</i> for? |
ソノン | 目ざわりだな | Sonon | Let's clean these things up. |
ユフィ | 邪魔モノから つぶしちゃお! | Yuffie | Don't want 'em spoilin' all our fun! |
ユフィ | ちっこいのを 落とさないと | Yuffie | Gotta get rid of the little ones first! |
ユフィ | モタモタしてたら ミサイルくるよ | Yuffie | Leave those things alone and we get a missile to the mouth! |
ソノン | 順番に片付けよう | Sonon | Focus on the drones for now. |
ソノン | まずは 飛んでるやつだ | Sonon | Pick the flies off first. |
ユフィ | こいつらも? ってことは…… | Yuffie | They've got lasers too! And where there's lasers... |
ソノン | ミサイルがくる | Sonon | There's missiles. |
ユフィ | やる気になったみたい | Yuffie | So now you come crawling down. |
ソノン | 狙いやすくなった | Sonon | This'll make things easier. |
ユフィ | また逃げた! | Yuffie | Not again! |
ユフィ | こら おりてこ~い! | Yuffie | Hey, get back down here, right now! |
ユフィ | こんニャロ~! | Yuffie | What are ya? A scaredy-cat!? |
ソノン | 地の利は あちらにある | Sonon | It's gone for the high ground again. |
ソノン | 面倒だな | Sonon | Here we go... |
ソノン | 気を抜くなよ | Sonon | Stay alert. |
ソノン | 面倒が増えたな | Sonon | Ugh, if three's a crowd... |
ユフィ | まとめて ぶっつぶ~す! | Yuffie | Then we're about to have ourselves a party! |
ユフィ | ど~よ イイ感じ? | Yuffie | So, are we doin' good, or are we doin' good? |
ソノン | このまま攻める! | Sonon | Just don't let up! |
ソノン | 正体をあらわしたか | Sonon | Looks like it wants to get serious. |
ユフィ | んじゃ アタシも本気出そっかな | Yuffie | Oh, we'll make it serious, alright─dead serious. |
ユフィ | イヤなかんじ~ | Yuffie | I don't like the looks of this... |
ソノン | やられる前にやる | Sonon | Then let's do something about it. |
ユフィ | ピンチは 最大のチャンス! | Yuffie | When Shinra gives you lemons, squirt 'em in the eye! |
ユフィ | 先手ひっしょ~! | Yuffie | Strike while the iron's hot! |
ソノン | 先に潰すぞ! | Sonon | Now's our chance! |
ソノン | 今のうちに叩くぞ | Sonon | Let's put the pressure on! |
ユフィ | 弾かれてる! | Yuffie | Didn't work at all! |
ソノン | 無策でつっこむな | Sonon | It's a <i>spinning drill</i>, boss... |
ユフィ | ちがう手を考えないと | Yuffie | There has to be another way. |
ユフィ | ムリムリ ぜんぜんきかない | Yuffie | You gotta be kiddin' me! What am I doin' wrong? |
ソノン | きいてないな | Sonon | This isn't working. |
ソノン | 他の手でいこう | Sonon | Let's take a different tack. |
ユフィ | やりやがったな~! | Yuffie | Oh, you are <i>so</i> in for it now! |
ソノン | 次は止める | Sonon | We'll get him next time. |
ユフィ | やられる前に やらないと | Yuffie | It's either kill or be killed. |
ユフィ | 何度もくらってらんないよ! | Yuffie | I can't just let it do whatever it wants! |
ソノン | 発動前に叩くか | Sonon | It's open before it attacks. |
ソノン | 攻撃前の隙をつこう | Sonon | Won't do that if we hit it first. |
ユフィ | ビリビリは苦手? | Yuffie | Not a fan of lightning, huh? |
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ユフィ | みんな これがミッドガルだって | Yuffie | Well, guys... Your girl finally made it to Midgar. |
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ユフィ | おわっ!? | Yuffie | Awha! |
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ユフィ | くさっ! | Yuffie | Blech! |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | 負けるもんか | Yuffie | You got this, Yuffie! |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | アタシはウータイ暫定政府の精鋭部隊 マテリアハンターのユフィ |
Yuffie | My name is Yuffie, materia hunter and elite special forces operative for the new Wutai government. |
ユフィ | 邪智暴虐の神羅カンパニーより 究極マテリア奪取 |
Yuffie | I have orders to infiltrate Shinra headquarters and steal their ultimate materia. |
ユフィ | ウータイの本気を示すため 遠方よりやってきた |
Yuffie | To prove to our common enemy that Wutai is not to be trifled with. |
ユフィ | 盟友アバランチよ | Yuffie | Members of Avalanche... |
ユフィ | 協力に感謝する | Yuffie | with your full support... |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | よろしくね! | Yuffie | We got this! |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | 盟友アバランチよ | Yuffie | So, members of Avalanche... |
ユフィ | いないじゃん | Yuffie | Where are you!? |
ユフィ | お迎え どこだ! | Yuffie | Come get me already! |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | モーグリ モーグリ…… | Yuffie | Okay. If I was a man in a moogle hat... |
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ユフィ | これを たどってこいってこと? | Yuffie | Wait, does this mean what I think it does? |
ユフィ | さては アタシを試そうって魂胆? | Yuffie | Interesting... So, I gotta come to you, do I? |
ユフィ | い~い度胸じゃん! | Yuffie | You got some nerve! |
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ユフィ | おろ? | Yuffie | Huh? |
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ユフィ | ノー・モーグリ | Yuffie | No pom... |
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ユフィ | だいじょーぶ? | Yuffie | You okay? |
*** | Yuffie | Anybody home? | |
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黒マントの男 | ジェ……ノ…… | Robed Man | Je...no...va... |
ユフィ | なんだよお~ | Yuffie | This is too weird... |
ユフィ | シュシュシュ! | Yuffie | Hn, hn, hah! |
ユフィ | 行くぞ~ | Yuffie | Okay...! |
ユフィ | おう! | Yuffie | You got this! |
スカーレット | 現在 伍番魔晄炉は運転を停止し すでに火災も消し止められております |
Scarlet | Mako Reactor 5 has been temporarily shut down, and all fires have been successfully extinguished. |
スカーレット | 以降 被害が拡大する心配はございませんので 市街地の皆様は ご安心ください |
Scarlet | The situation is under control, and the people of our fair city need not worry about any additional complications. |
スカーレット | 原因につきましては 鋭意調査中ではありますが |
Scarlet | We are in the process of conducting a full forensic investigation. |
スカーレット | 壱番魔晄炉で使用された爆弾と同じもの と考えて 間違いないでしょう |
Scarlet | But we suspect the device used was similar to that employed in the attack on Mako Reactor 1. |
ユフィ | きたきたきたきた~! | Yuffie | Oh, oh, oh! Whadda we have here!? |
ユフィ | アバランチのしわざ? | Yuffie | Man, that's gotta be Avalanche! |
ユフィ | やるねえ いいねえ! アタシも負けないぞ~ |
Yuffie | Not bad. Not bad at all... But I can do better! |
???? | ユフィ? | ??? | Yuffie? |
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ユフィ | イエス・モーグリ! | Yuffie | There's our pom! |
*** | ??? | Yo. | |
ユフィ | あんたは アバランチ―― | Yuffie | So, you're Avalanche? |
ジージェ | 俺はジージェ ついてきな | Zhijie | I'm <i>Zhijie</i>. Follow me. |
ユフィ | 待ってよ! | Yuffie | Wha─? W-wait up! |
ジージェ | ビリー・ボーとポルコだ | Zhijie | These two are Billy Bob and Polk. |
ジージェ | そして ナヨ | Zhijie | And that's Nayo. |
*** | Yuffie | Hi. | |
ユフィ | アタシはウータイ暫定政府の精鋭部隊 マテリアハンターのユフィ |
Yuffie | My name is Yuffie, materia hunter and elite special forces operative for the new Wutai government. |
ユフィ | 邪智暴虐の神羅カンパニーより 究極マテリア奪取 |
Yuffie | I have orders to infiltrate Shinra HQ and steal their ultimate materia. |
ユフィ | ウータイの本気を示すため 遠方よりやってきた |
Yuffie | To prove to our common enemy that Wutai is not to be trifled with. |
ユフィ | 盟友アバランチよ 協力に感謝する | Yuffie | Members of Avalanche, with your full support... |
ユフィ | よろしくね! | Yuffie | We got this! |
ビリー・ボー | 元気いいね | Billy Bob | Ready to rumble, huh? |
ユフィ | そりゃ もちろん | Yuffie | You better believe it! |
ユフィ | ねえ アタシの相棒のソノンは もう着いてる? |
Yuffie | So, did you guys meet Sonon yet? He was supposed to be here. |
ポルコ | ああ 三日前にね | Polk | Yeah, he got in three days ago. |
ナヨ | いまは 外出中 毎日 楽しんでるみたい |
Nayo | He's out on the town as we speak. Really seems to be enjoying it here. |
ユフィ | な~に~! | Yuffie | Oh he does, does he!? |
ポルコ | ねえユフィ 荷物は? | Polk | You, uh...got any bags? |
ユフィ | そんなの ないよ シノビの末裔が大荷物なんて 恥だからね |
Yuffie | As if. Ninjas always travel light. It's like a rule. |
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ユフィ | これ食べて ウータイ名物 ダチャオ豆 |
Yuffie | But I did bring these─Wutai's famous Da-chao beans. Eat up. |
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ビリー・ボー | これ 食べ物なのかい? | Billy Bob | And you...eat these things? |
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ビリー・ボー | すごいな | Billy Bob | Guess you do. |
ナヨ | シノビ おそるべし | Nayo | Sheesh. You ninjas are insane. |
*** | *** | ||
ジージェ | じゃあ ユフィ ここでソノンを待ってくれ |
Zhijie | Do me a favor, Yuffie, and wait here for Sonon. |
ジージェ | 俺は出かけてくる | Zhijie | I gotta head out. |
ジージェ | 君たちのIDカードが調達できそうなんだ | Zhijie | Your IDs should be ready for pickup by now. |
ユフィ | だったら アタシも行く! | Yuffie | Then why don't I join ya!? |
ジージェ | いや ひとりがいい 君はトラブルの匂いがする |
Zhijie | Naw, I got this. Besides, you reek of trouble. |
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ソノン | ただいま | Sonon | I'm back. |
ナヨ | おかえり ソノン ユフィが お待ちかねだよ |
Nayo | Ah, there you are. Someone's been expecting you. |
ユフィ | おそ~い! | Yuffie | What took you!? |
ソノン | ごめん ごめん | Sonon | Sorry ‘bout that. |
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ユフィ | なに? | Yuffie | Wh-what? |
ソノン | 父上に似ていないと思ってね | Sonon | Just thinking how you're nothing like your old man. |
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ソノン | はじめまして ユフィ 俺は ソノン・クサカベ |
Sonon | Anyway, it's nice to meet you. I'm Sonon Kusakabe. |
ソノン | ゴドー様から 直接拳法の指導を── | Sonon | I was lucky enough to learn how to fight from G─ |
ユフィ | あんなやつの話は いいから | Yuffie | Yeah, I don't wanna talk about him. |
ユフィ | それよりさ 街に馴染んじゃったって 大人の街で遊んでるって |
Yuffie | Let's talk about something else. Like how you've adjusted to life here─indulging in "adult" pastimes. |
ユフィ | 辛いのや苦いの 食べてるんでしょ | Yuffie | Which I guess means...drinking yourself stupid! |
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ユフィ | アタシの相棒が オヤジみたいだと 最悪だからね |
Yuffie | Last thing I need is my partner stinking like an over-the-hill has-been. |
ユフィ | ところでさ かめ道楽は行ったの? | Yuffie | Speaking of drinking...you been to the Happy Turtle? |
ユフィ | ミッドガル堕落作戦なら 話はべつ ぜんぜん 手伝うから |
Yuffie | If you're part of Operation Down-in-One, I take it back. I am <i>there</i> next time you go. |
ユフィ | ほら アタシもそろそろオトナだし | Yuffie | Don't worry, I can do adult stuff just fine. |
ソノン | おそろしいスピードで誤解してるな | Sonon | Well, I don't even know where to begin with all of that... |
ソノン | 堕落作戦は 楽しそうだけど知らないな | Sonon | But I <i>do</i> know I haven't heard of "Operation Down-in-One." |
ソノン | とにかくよろしく ユフィ先輩 | Sonon | At any rate, I'm looking forward to working with you, Boss. |
ユフィ | 先輩……アタシが? | Yuffie | "Boss"? As in <i>me</i>? |
ソノン | 俺の方が ずっと年上だけど 特殊部隊に入ったのは 君が先だからね |
Sonon | Well, I've got a few years on you, I'll admit─but out of us two, you've done this longer. |
ユフィ | おろ そう? | Yuffie | I...I guess I have! |
ユフィ | 先輩か いいね アタシいつも チビッコ枠だから |
Yuffie | "Boss," huh? I could get used to that. Beats being stuck on the bottom rung, that's for sure. |
ソノン | 究極マテリアを手に入れて かめ道楽で お祝いだ |
Sonon | After we get that materia, we can celebrate your promotion at the Happy Turtle. |
*** | Yuffie | Yeah! Yeah! | |
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ユフィ | ハト……? | Yuffie | Stupid bird. |
ポルコ | ブツが完成したってさ | Polk | Says the merchandise is good to go. |
ポルコ | 受け渡しは 物資保管区の倉庫 | Polk | Handoff's at a depot in municipal storage. |
*** | Nayo | Okay. | |
ナヨ | ユフィ ソノン 付き合ってくれる? |
Nayo | Yuffie, Sonon. You mind coming along? |
ユフィ | もちろん! 街を歩いて 敵のこと知っておかなくちゃ |
Yuffie | Not at all! Need to scope out the city anyway. Really get to know the enemy. |
ナヨ | 危険なところを通るから 準備はしっかりね | Nayo | We'll be passing through a rough part of town, so you'll wanna go prepared. |
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ナヨ | 外で待ってる 支度が終わったら 声をかけて |
Nayo | I'll leave you to get ready. Hit me up outside when you're done, okay? |
ユフィ | りょ~か~い | Yuffie | Be right there! |
ユフィ | どうしたの? | Yuffie | Uh, what's up? |
ナヨ | あれ 分派の連中 | Nayo | Those guys there are from the splinter cell. |
ユフィ | 分派って? | Yuffie | Splinter cell? |
ナヨ | 方針の違いで揉めて アバランチを飛び出したの |
Nayo | They used to be with Avalanche, but left after a "policy dispute." |
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ビッグス | おつかれ 派手に決めたな これで伍番魔晄炉も……あれ |
Biggs | Well, look who it is. Lovin' your work! So how many reactors is that now? Wait... |
ビッグス | クラウドは? | Biggs | Where's Cloud? |
*** | *** | ||
バレット | はぐれちまった | Barret | We lost him. |
ビッグス | おいおい | Biggs | You what? |
ティファ | クラウド 大丈夫だよね | Tifa | He <i>will</i> be okay though...right? |
バレット | 決まってんだろ | Barret | Well...of course he will! |
バレット | あれくらいのピンチ なんなく切り抜けるさ | Barret | A little fall ain't gonna stop a hard-ass like him. |
バレット | 自慢話 いっちょ追加ってなもんだ | Barret | He'll come swaggerin' back before long, you mark my words. |
ティファ | うん そうだね | Tifa | Yeah...I guess he will. |
バレット | それにしても プレジデントの野郎! | Barret | Now can we talk about President Shithead? |
バレット | オレたちが ウータイの手先だあ? バカにしやがって |
Barret | Spoutin' all that crap about us!? That lyin' son of a bitch! |
バレット | アバランチは 誰の手先でも―― | Barret | Working for Wutai!? Avalanche ain't nobody's─ |
ティファ | バレット | Tifa | Barret. |
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ビッグス | 気になる情報がある | Biggs | Speakin' of sons of bitches... |
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ビッグス | ウォール・マーケットのドン・コルネオが 手下を使って あんたを探してるらしい |
Biggs | I heard that Wall Market's very own Don Corneo has his stooges out lookin' for ya. |
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バレット | コルネオか | Barret | Is that so? |
バレット | こっちはな 神羅を相手にしてるんだ | Barret | Don't got time for no low-level mobsters. |
バレット | しょっぱいチンピラなんか ほっとけ | Barret | We got Shinra in our sights. |
*** | *** | ||
バレット | ティファ | Barret | Tifa. |
バレット | オレたちはこのあとも走り続ける だろ? | Barret | You and I both know this is far from over. Right? |
バレット | そのためにも 今は休んでくれ | Barret | Might as well get some rest─while we still can. |
ティファ | うん | Tifa | Right. |
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ティファ | 私 やっぱり調べてみるね | Tifa | You know what? I think I am gonna look into this. |
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ビッグス | 気をつけろよ | Biggs | Good luck out there. |
ナヨ | 魔晄炉は 彼らの仕事よ | Nayo | They're the ones who blew up the reactors. |
ユフィ | うわ 挨拶しとく? | Yuffie | Cool. Should we say hi? |
ソノン | いや やめておこう | Sonon | Nah, better not. |
ソノン | あの連中 もう神羅に マークされているかもしれない |
Sonon | After what they've done, you gotta assume Shinra's on their tail. |
ソノン | 近づかない方がいい | Sonon | Should keep our distance. |
ナヨ | うん わたしもそう思う | Nayo | Yeah. My thoughts exactly. |
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コルネオの手下 | あれ 見ろ! | Corneo Lackey | See that one? |
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コルネオの手下 | ねえねえ 街のビューティさん | Corneo Lackey | Well hello there, hot stuff... |
コルネオの手下 | 一攫千金のチャンスだよ | Corneo Lackey | How'd ya like a shot at the big time? |
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コルネオの手下 | 応募資格は そのルックス | Corneo Lackey | With those looks, I guarantee you're golden. |
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コルネオの手下 | あなたが持つ美貌で 稼いでみませんか | Corneo Lackey | So whaddaya say? Ready to be queen of the undercity? |
ユフィ | コラ 素通りすんな! | Yuffie | Hey! What am I? Chopped liver!? |
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コルネオの手下 | 子供は あっち向いてて | Corneo Lackey | The kid doesn't need to hear this. |
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コルネオの手下 | はい お耳はふさいでねっと | Corneo Lackey | Now be a good girl and cover your ears, okay? |
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コルネオの手下 | ウォール・マーケットの豪邸で 悠々自適な暮らしが―― |
Corneo Lackey | You'd be living and working in the most luxurious residence in all of Wall Ma─ |
*** | *** | ||
ナヨ | もしかして コルネオのお嫁さん探し? | Nayo | You want me to be one of Corneo's brides, is that it? |
*** | *** | ||
ナヨ | あなたはなに 推薦人? | Nayo | Which makes you a "person of influence," right? |
コルネオの手下 | おっと 話が早い 俺は推薦人の助手 |
Corneo Lackey | Oh, I see you know your stuff. But I'd say I'm more of a "helping hand." |
コルネオの手下 | 仲良くしといて 損はない | Corneo Lackey | So, why don't you help me help you? |
*** | *** | ||
ナヨ | なにするの 離しなさい! | Nayo | What're you doing!? Get your hands off me! |
*** | *** | ||
コルネオの手下 | 悪いようにはしない── | Corneo Lackey | Now, don't go playin' ha─ |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | 子供ナメるな! | Yuffie | Know any kids who can do <i>that</i>? |
ユフィ | ア~ンド アタシは子供じゃない | Yuffie | No, you don't, 'cause <i>I'm</i> an adult. |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | それに アタシだってビューティだ! | Yuffie | Also, I'm pretty hot stuff myself, thank you very much. |
*** | *** | ||
コルネオの手下 | まずいことになったぞ ビューティガール | Corneo Lackey | Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night, <i>little girl</i>. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
コルネオの手下 | お望みどおり 子供あつかいは おしまいだ |
Corneo Lackey | But if you wanna pull up a seat at the grown-ups' table...be my guest. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | Corneo Lackey | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ソノン | 意外と がんばるな | Sonon | Hey, at least you tried. |
コルネオの手下 | この稼業 ナメられたら終わりよ | Corneo Lackey | You're gonna eat those words, you smug piece of shit. |
*** | *** | ||
コルネオの手下 | アニキ アニキ! | Corneo Lackey | Boss! Boss! You're not gonna believe this! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
コルネオの手下 | とんでもないビューティを 確保しました | Corneo Lackey | The hottie of the century just fell right into our laps! |
コルネオの手下 | ほんとか! | Corneo Lackey | She did? |
*** | *** | ||
コルネオの手下 | こう こう…… そんでもって こうよ! |
Corneo Lackey | Goods under the hood, junk in the trunk, and down for a bumpy ride! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
コルネオの手下 | 姉ちゃんたち ごめんな オレ 妥協しすぎだったわ |
Corneo Lackey | Sorry, ladies, but after careful consideration, we've decided to go with a more "qualified" applicant. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
コルネオの手下 | 行くぞ! | Corneo Lackey | Let's go. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | Corneo Lackey | See ya around! | |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | おろ~? | Yuffie | Okay... |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ナヨ | ここが指定された IDの受け渡し場所 | Nayo | Well, we're here. Now we just have to wait. |
ユフィ | 誰が来るの? | Yuffie | Wait for who? |
ナヨ | さあ 前は偽造職人みたいな先輩がいたけど 分派のほうに行っちゃったの |
Nayo | Not sure. We used to have someone who could make fake IDs in-house, but...they went off with the splinter cell. |
ナヨ | だから 今回は別の偽造屋に頼んだ | Nayo | We've never dealt with this particular vendor before. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | ねえねえ あの人どうしたの? | Yuffie | Hey, uh...what's up with that guy? |
ナヨ | 魔晄中毒 | Nayo | Mako poisoning. |
ナヨ | ソルジャーのなりそこない あるいは 成れの果てだという者もいる |
Nayo | That's what happens if you don't make the grade as a SOLDIER...or when the military's done using you. |
ソノン | どっちにしても 神羅の犠牲者だ | Sonon | Just another one of Shinra's victims. |
ユフィ | また神羅か 神羅め~! | Yuffie | Them again!? Oh, Shinra's so gonna get it! |
ブローカー | 神羅にクレームを入れるなら── | Counterfeiter | If it's Shinra you've got beef with... |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ブローカー | これが必要かもな 上への越境用IDだ | Counterfeiter | You'll be needing these. Can't access the plate without 'em. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ブローカー | 列車の中でスキャンされるから 肌身離さず 持ってろよ |
Counterfeiter | They're gonna scan for those things on the train, so make sure to keep 'em on you. |
ナヨ | ありがとね | Nayo | Thank you. |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | ちょっと待って | Yuffie | Hey, hold up! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | 食べてみて おいしいよ | Yuffie | Try it. You'll love it. |
*** | *** | ||
ブローカー | カタッ! | Counterfeiter | Awh! |
ユフィ | みんな 軟弱だねえ | Yuffie | Foreigners and their weak jaws... |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ナヨ | じゃあ アジトへ戻ってジージェを待とう | Nayo | We should probably head back and wait for Zhijie. |
ユフィ | IDがそろったら いよいよ作戦開始! | Yuffie | Enjoy your materia while you still can, Shinra, 'cause we're comin'! |
ソノン | 先輩 魔晄炉が爆破されて 街の状況は一変 |
Sonon | Not yet, Boss. With things the way they are, we can't just go strolling up to the front gates. |
*** | *** | ||
ソノン | ナヨたちに協力してもらって 警備状況だけでも把握しておかないと |
Sonon | We're gonna need Avalanche to help us bypass security before we can do anything. |
ユフィ | んなー あ~ぁ…… | Yuffie | Aw! Hmph. |
*** | Zhijie | Shit... | |
警備兵 | もう 逃げ場はないぞ | Security Officer | Got nowhere to run. |
警備兵 | 言え どこまで知っている | Security Officer | Tell us what you know. Now. |
*** | *** | ||
ジージェ | 言ったら 命は無いんだろ? | Zhijie | How 'bout later? I'm not stupid. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
警備兵 | なに! | Security Officer | Hey! |
*** | *** | ||
警備兵 | 追うぞ | Security Officer | After him! |
ユフィ | もしかして ジージェもウータイ出身? | Yuffie | Talk about fast. Is he one of us? |
ソノン | 感心してる場合じゃないよ | Sonon | We don't have time to get into that, Boss. |
ソノン | 思っていたよりマズい状況だ 急ごう | Sonon | You can ask him yourself once he's safe. Come on. |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | おろ? | Yuffie | A-wha...? |
ナヨ | なにかな | Nayo | Huh. What's this about? |
*** | *** | ||
ナヨ | 『予定変更 支柱の下で待つ 急がれたし ジージェ』 |
Nayo | "Change of plans. Go to the pillar. Will explain there. Hurry. – Zhijie" |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | 予定変更? | Yuffie | "Change of plans"? |
ソノン | 支柱とは? | Sonon | The <i>S7</i> pillar? |
ナヨ | スラムの屋根を支える大きな柱 | Nayo | Otherwise known as "the roof of the slums." |
ナヨ | 案内するね | Nayo | Follow me, guys. |
*** | *** | ||
ジージェ | 悪いね | Zhijie | Sorry! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | Security Officer | Dammit. | |
警備兵 | 別動隊に連絡を入れましょう | Security Officer | We should radio the other squads. |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | おっ いたいた~ | Yuffie | Aha! Been lookin' for you! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
警備兵 | 誰だ! | Security Officer | The hell!? |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
警備兵 | おい おまえ 聞いてるのか? | Security Officer | Hey, I'm talking to you! Answer me! |
*** | Security Officer | Well? | |
警備兵 | 待て! | Security Officer | Stop! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ジージェ | えーっと…… | Zhijie | Uh... |
ジージェ | あっ モーグリ! | Zhijie | Look! A moogle! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ソノン | 追いかけよう | Sonon | We gotta help. |
*** | *** | ||
ナヨ | ジージェのこと 頼んでいい? | Nayo | You two go after Zhijie. |
*** | *** | ||
ナヨ | わたしは戻って みんなに知らせなくちゃ | Nayo | I'll head back and tell the others what happened. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ソノン | あっちだ | Sonon | That way. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | 行こう | Yuffie | C'mon. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ジージェ | しつこいと嫌われるぜ? | Zhijie | You guys just don't know when to quit. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | いったぁ~ | Yuffie | Man, that stings... |
ユフィ | やってくれたな~ | Yuffie | Alright, now you've done it! |
ユフィ | あとで キッチリ仕返しするから 待ってろ ジージェ! |
Yuffie | When this is over, you're gettin' it good! Enjoy your freedom while you can, Zhijie! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
警備兵 | 了解 我々も合流する | Security Officer | Ten-four. Be there as soon as we can. |
*** | *** | ||
警備兵 | 三班が メインピラー整備場付近で 例の男を確保 俺たちも向かうぞ |
Security Officer | Unit 3 says they've got the suspect detained near pillar maintenance. We'd better not keep them waiting. |
警備兵 | メインピラー整備場? そんな奥まで入り込まれたか |
Security Officer | What? Pillar maintenance? How'd they let him get that far? |
警備兵 | まったくだ 行くぞ | Security Officer | Hell if I know. Come on. |
ユフィ | あとをつけよう | Yuffie | You heard the man! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ソノン | 待て 先輩 | Sonon | Boss! No! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
警備兵 | 貴様! | Security Officer | Freeze! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | あひょ! | Yuffie | Eek! |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | シノビれず? | Yuffie | Uh... Good morning! |
*** | *** | ||
ソノン | 師匠…… | Sonon | Why me? |
*** | *** | ||
警備兵 | さあ 接触した社員の名を言え! | Security Officer | Now spill it! Who gave you that information!? |
ジージェ | はい たしか……ハイデッカー | Zhijie | Oh, his name was something like...Heidegger? |
警備兵 | ふざけるな! | Security Officer | Wrong answer! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
警備兵 | もういちど 聞くぞ | Security Officer | I'm gonna ask you again. |
ジージェ | わかった ちゃんとこたえる | Zhijie | Alright, alright, I'll tell you. |
ジージェ | ルーファウスだ | Zhijie | It was Rufus. |
警備兵 | なるほど | Security Officer | You don't say... |
*** | *** | ||
ジージェ | 宝条だったかも? | Zhijie | ...Or was it Hojo? |
ユフィ | へぇ~ 意外とやるねえ ジージェ | Yuffie | Huh. Nice goin', Zhijie. |
ソノン | 行きますか 先輩 | Sonon | Ready to do this, Boss? |
ユフィ | もちろん! | Yuffie | Born ready! |
ソノン | 俺が 敵を引きつける その隙に 先輩はジージェを |
Sonon | Great. I'll draw their attention. You grab our guy. |
ユフィ | 陽動作戦だね いいじゃん | Yuffie | A diversion, huh? I like it. |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | でも目立つのは このアタシ | Yuffie | But don't forget: <i>I'm</i> the leading lady. |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | おい そこの悪党ども | Yuffie | Hey, you! Evildoers! Over here! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
警備兵 | なんだ!? | Security Officer | What the hell? |
*** | *** | ||
警備兵 | 誰だ! | Security Officer | Who's there!? |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | よくぞ聞いてくれました | Yuffie | That's exactly what I was hoping you'd ask! |
*** | Yuffie | And...action! | |
ユフィ | ある時は 美少女忍者 | Yuffie | Some know me as a beguiling ninja! |
ユフィ | ある時は 凄腕マテリアハンター | Yuffie | Others as the world's greatest materia hunter. |
ユフィ | はたして その正体は | Yuffie | But! Who am I truly? |
ユフィ | さあ 一同ちゅーもく! | Yuffie | Well, excited onlookers, wonder no more! |
ユフィ | このアタシこそが ウータイに咲く 一輪の花 |
Yuffie | Before you stands a rare bloom: the single white rose of Wutai... |
ユフィ | ユフィちゃんだよ! | Yuffie | the one-and-only Yuffie! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
警備兵 | ただのガキだ 気にするな | Security Officer | Never mind, it's just some kid. |
*** | Security Officer | Right? | |
ユフィ | 誰がガキだ―― | Yuffie | Hey, who're you callin' a kid!? |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | いててて…… | Yuffie | Uh...guh...uhk... |
ソノン | 先輩 派手にやりすぎ | Sonon | Award-winning performance, Boss. |
*** | *** | ||
警備兵 | なんだ 貴様ら | Security Officer | Who are you anyway!? |
警備兵 | ウータイ? | Security Officer | Wutaians? |
警備兵 | 敵と遭遇 応援を要請する | Security Officer | Got eyes on hostiles. Requesting backup. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | うそ~! | Yuffie | No freakin' way! |
ソノン | 先輩! | Sonon | Boss! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | トドメ~っ! | Yuffie | Get wrecked! |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | なんじゃっ? | Yuffie | Wait, what? |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | やった! | Yuffie | You see that? |
*** | *** | ||
ソノン | シノビの底力だな | Sonon | That's how ninjas do it. |
*** | Yuffie | Yep. | |
ジージェ | ありがとう 助かった | Zhijie | Nice work! You saved my ass. |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | わははは~ | Yuffie | Hahaha... |
ユフィ | どんなもんだ! | Yuffie | It was nothin'! |
ジージェ | さっそくだけど これ | Zhijie | Well, it did earn ya these. |
*** | *** | ||
ジージェ | 神羅ビルの中で使う 社員用のIDカードだ | Zhijie | Employee ID cards. They'll get you into the Shinra Building. |
ジージェ | これを使って 地下に行ってくれ | Zhijie | And pretty much any floor─basement included. |
*** | *** | ||
ジージェ | 地下には兵器開発部門のラボがあって その中に マテリア研究フロアがある |
Zhijie | That's where Advanced Weaponry's got their lab set up...and where they conduct their materia research. |
ジージェ | 究極マテリアがあるとすれば そのどこかだろう |
Zhijie | If what you're looking for's anywhere in that place, it's gonna be there. |
ユフィ | わかった | Yuffie | Got it. |
ジージェ | さあ 急いだ方がいい | Zhijie | You guys should probably get movin'. |
ジージェ | 神羅がなにか 大きな作戦を実行に移すらしい | Zhijie | Word is, Shinra's got something big lined up for us. |
ジージェ | 七番街を破壊しつくすなんて噂もある | Zhijie | Nothing less than the destruction of Sector 7. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ジージェ | なんであれ 巻きこまれないように 急いだ方がいい |
Zhijie | But whatever it is they're planning, you're better off out of it. |
ユフィ | うん | Yuffie | Right. |
ジージェ | 俺は 仲間に知らせにいく | Zhijie | Imma go report to the others. |
ジージェ | 成功を祈る | Zhijie | Good luck up there. |
*** | *** | ||
ジージェ | また会おう | Zhijie | See ya soon. |
*** | Sonon | Yeah. | |
*** | *** | ||
ソノン | 今度は 俺がおごるよ ウータイ流の乾杯を教えてやる |
Sonon | Next time, I'm buying. I'll show you how Wutaians really party. |
*** | *** | ||
ジージェ | いいね | Zhijie | Deal. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | 七番街の噂 分派にも伝えてね | Yuffie | Don't forget to tell the splinter cell─about Sector 7, I mean! |
ジージェ | 了解 | Zhijie | I won't. |
ソノン | さあ 先輩 スラムに長居は無用らしい |
Sonon | Well, Boss, sounds like we'd better get going. |
ソノン | 準備を整えたら 駅へ行こう | Sonon | Let's head up as soon as you're ready. |
ユフィ | おっしゃ~! | Yuffie | Ready! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | どうなってるの? | Yuffie | What's going on? |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
スラム住民 | 魔晄炉爆破犯どものたまり場だったんだ とんでもない話だよ |
Undercity Resident | To think this is where those bastards plotted their attacks. Right under our noses. |
*** | *** | ||
スラム住民 | 軍が突入した時は 空っぽだったらしいわ | Undercity Resident | Too bad they made it out before the military could get here. |
スラム住民 | 悪人は 逃げ足が速いから | Undercity Resident | Like chickens flying the coop... |
*** | *** | ||
ソノン | ここから離れた方が良さそうだ | Sonon | Prob'ly best if we don't stick around. |
ソノン | このまま 駅へ向かおう | Sonon | Let's catch the train. |
*** | Yuffie | 'Kay. | |
ユフィ | うわ~ なにこれ? | Yuffie | What's with all these people? |
駅員 | 現在 鉄道は伍番魔晄炉の事故を受け 本数を減らして運行しております |
Train Attendant | Due to the recent incident at Mako Reactor 5, only a limited number of trains are currently in service. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
駅員 | また 伍番街スラム駅には停車いたしませんので あらかじめ ご了承ください |
Train Attendant | Please note that the Sector 5 Undercity Station is closed until further notice. Thank you. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ナヨ | シーッ…… | Nayo | Shh! |
*** | *** | ||
ポルコ | 分派のせいで 列車の本数が減ってるんだ | Polk | Splinter cell's done its best to make things hard for ya. |
ポルコ | 次のを逃したら しばらく上へは行けない | Polk | Miss this train and there's no telling when the next'll be. |
ビリー・ボー | 無理してでも 乗った方がいいぞ | Billy Bob | Looks like it's now or never, guys. |
ナヨ | じゃあ いってらっしゃい 慌ただしくて ごめんね |
Nayo | Sorry we couldn't give you a proper send-off. Just know that we're rooting for you, okay? |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | とつにゅう~! | Yuffie | All aboard! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | 気持ちワルイ | Yuffie | Oh boy... |
ソノン | 酔うのか? | Sonon | Gonna be sick? |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | 立っていたら 大丈夫のはずなんだけど | Yuffie | I'll be fine...as long as I'm standing up... |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | 笑うな | Yuffie | Don't laugh. |
*** | *** | ||
ソノン | メルフィも 乗り物には弱かった | Sonon | Melphie always got motion sick. |
ソノン | 船 チョコボ…… 列車も たぶんダメだな |
Sonon | Chocobos, boats... Sure trains would've done it too. |
ユフィ | メルフィって? | Yuffie | Who's Melphie? |
ソノン | 妹だ | Sonon | My sister. |
ユフィ | ふーん | Yuffie | Huh... |
ソノン | ふたりで一緒に ゴドー様に師事していたんだ |
Sonon | She trained under your father at the same time as me. |
ソノン | 俺より 才能があった | Sonon | And she had such promise... |
ユフィ | あった? | Yuffie | "Had"? |
ソノン | 停戦の年だ | Sonon | The war was ending... |
ソノン | これは 復讐なんだ | Sonon | They deserve what's comin' to 'em. |
ユフィ | うん | Yuffie | Yeah... |
ユフィ | でも アタシは妹じゃない | Yuffie | They do. But I'm <i>not</i> your sister. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | やめる | *** | No |
*** | 引き返す | *** | Yes |
*** | コンドルコインの交換 | *** | Let me redeem condor coins. |
*** | <color=yellow>【ランク1】</color>のプレイヤーに挑戦できるようになった! | *** | You may now challenge <color=yellow>Rank 1</color> players! |
*** | <color=yellow>【ランク2】</color>のプレイヤーに挑戦できるようになった! | *** | You may now challenge <color=yellow>Rank 2</color> players! |
*** | <color=yellow>【ランク3】</color>のプレイヤーに挑戦できるようになった! | *** | You may now challenge <color=yellow>Rank 3</color> players! |
*** | <color=yellow>【ランク4】</color>のプレイヤーに挑戦できるようになった! | *** | You may now challenge <color=yellow>Rank 4</color> players! |
*** | <color=yellow>【ランク5】</color>のプレイヤーに挑戦できるようになった! | *** | You may now challenge <color=yellow>Rank 5</color> players! |
*** | <color=yellow>【コンドルチャンプ】</color>に挑戦できるようになった! | *** | You may now challenge <color=yellow>the grandmaster</color>! |
*** | CONDOR FORT | *** | Fort Condor |
*** | RANK UP! | *** | Promoted! |
*** | 『コンドルフォートスターターパック』を 入手した。 |
*** | Obtained the Fort Condor starter pack. |
*** | かめ道楽通信のヒント | *** | Give me flyer hints. |
*** | なんでもない | *** | Nothing. |
*** | ソノン&ナヨ | *** | <> |
*** | バトルを終了し、フィールドへ戻ります。 よろしいですか? |
*** | Are you certain you wish to end the battle and exit the simulation? |
*** | 神羅課長 | *** | Shinra Middle Manager |
*** | ???? | *** | ??? |
*** | ヒント:犬に気づかれずに近づこう! | *** | Don't let the dog notice you! |
*** | ヒント:犬が起きている間は 物陰に隠れよう! |
*** | Hide behind the boxes when the dog's awake! |
*** | ヒント:障害物に当たらないよう 気をつけよう! |
*** | Try not to bump into anything! |
*** | かめ道楽の歌 | *** | The Happy Turtle Jingle |
ソノン | 神羅の自走式兵器が暴走して それを止めようと── |
Sonon | But a Shinra mech went haywire near a crowd, and...she had to do something. |
ユフィ | らっくしょ~! 次のモーグリちゃんはどこかな~? |
Yuffie | Well, that was easy! And my search for the elusive moogle continues. |
黒マントの男 | リユ……ニオン | Robed Man | Re...un...ion. |
黒マントの男 | うう……ああ…… | Robed Man | Urh... Ah... |
ユフィ | あれを降ろさないと 進めない感じ? | Yuffie | Well, guess I'm not going anywhere until I get that elevator moving. |
ユフィ | よしよし 順調じゅんちょ~! | Yuffie | Ah, I never cease to amaze myself. |
ユフィ | あっちもこっちも ボロッボロ | Yuffie | Yeesh, this town's a total dump. |
ユフィ | ミッドガルは すっごい都会って聞いてたけどね~ |
Yuffie | I thought Midgar was supposed to be "the marvel of the modern world." |
ユフィ | な~んか 拍子抜け ウータイが攻撃する前に 壊れちゃいそう |
Yuffie | Talk about false advertising. "City of Mako"? "City of Garbage," more like. |
ユフィ | えっ? | Yuffie | Huh? |
ユフィ | ほっとけないよ! | Yuffie | I gotta do something! |
ユフィ | あっ! | Yuffie | Ah... |
ユフィ | あれ 使えそう | Yuffie | You'll do the trick. |
ユフィ | 落としちゃおう! | Yuffie | Come on down! |
ユフィ | よ~し 待ってろモンスター! | Yuffie | Sweet! Now to save the day! |
黒マントの男 | う……ああ…… | Robed Man | Uh... Urah... |
ユフィ | う~ん ノー・ありがと? | Yuffie | Uh, so...not even a "thank you"? |
黒マントの男 | う……ああ…… | Robed Man | Uh... Urah... |
黒マントの男 | ジェ……ノバ…… | Robed Man | Je...no...va... |
ユフィ | あれ もうニオイに慣れちゃったよ | Yuffie | Huh, okay... That rotten egg smell's gone. |
ユフィ | いろいろ慣れちゃって 都会に染まっていくんだねえ |
Yuffie | Must've gotten used to it. Way things are goin', I'll be workin' for Shinra next. |
ユフィ | アタシは だいじょ~ぶ! | Yuffie | Nice try, Midgar. |
ユフィ | ちゅーか 誰もいない | Yuffie | I'm talkin' to myself. City's getting to me! |
ユフィ | ジージェ なんで迎えにこないの? | Yuffie | So, Zhijie, why didn't you come meet me before? |
ジージェ | ウの衆は みんな 優秀な戦士だって聞いてたから |
Zhijie | I figured an elite W agent could find their own way. |
ユフィ | 優秀でも戦士でも 道案内はいるよ | Yuffie | I may be elite, but it's not like I've ever been to Midgar. |
ユフィ | っていうか “うのしゅー”って? | Yuffie | ...And what exactly is a "W" anyway? |
ジージェ | ウの衆は君たちのこと まあ 暗号だ |
Zhijie | Anyone who lives where you just came from. Think of it as a codename. |
ユフィ | ふ~ん | Yuffie | Uh-huh... |
ジージェ | それにしても 子供が来るとはな | Zhijie | Still can't believe they sent a kid to do this job... |
ユフィ | 蹴るぞコラ バカにするな! | Yuffie | This "kid" could kick your ass! |
ジージェ | かわいいって意味だよ | Zhijie | Sayin' you're a fresh face is all. |
ユフィ | はぁ~? そんなんで喜ぶか ナメてるだろ! |
Yuffie | Oh, don't worry. I know exactly what you're saying! |
ジージェ | からむねぇ | Zhijie | Gimme a break, will ya? |
ユフィ | ナメられたら 終わりだから | Yuffie | And let you walk all over me? |
ジージェ | おい 迷子になるぞ | Zhijie | Hey, don't wantcha getting lost. |
ジージェ | ここだ さあ入って | Zhijie | Well, here we are. Ladies first. |
ビリー・ボー | 歯が…… | Billy Bob | My teeth... |
ユフィ | それよりさ 究極マテリアは 神羅ビルの中なんでしょ? |
Yuffie | You're welcome. So, the materia I'm looking for is in the Shinra Building, right? |
ユフィ | 神羅ビルって どこ? | Yuffie | And where is that, exactly? |
ビリー・ボー | 気持ちいいくらい なにも知らないな君は | Billy Bob | Ignorance truly is bliss, huh? |
ユフィ | あ~ん? | Yuffie | What did you just say? |
ビリー・ボー | ごめん ごめん | Billy Bob | Haha, didn't mean to offend you. |
ビリー・ボー | 知ってるだろうけど 今いるスラムの上に プレートっていう街が広がってるんだ |
Billy Bob | Of course, you probably knew this already, but there's a whole other city built on the plate above us. |
ビリー・ボー | 神羅ビルは その中心に ドーンとそびえ立っている |
Billy Bob | Shinra Building's right in the middle. You can't miss it. |
ユフィ | ああ あれね そうだと思った |
Yuffie | Oh, <i>that</i> one. Why didn't you say so? |
ビリー・ボー | 神羅ビルに入るには まずプレートにのぼる必要があるんだけど |
Billy Bob | Now, if ya wanna get topside, ya first gotta get outta the slums. |
ビリー・ボー | そのあたりの手順は ポルコから聞いてよ | Billy Bob | And for help with that, you should talk to Polk. |
ビリー・ボー | 神羅ビルの中については ナヨが詳しいよ 彼女に 聞いてみるといい |
Billy Bob | As for what to do once you make it into the building, ask Nayo. She'll give you the deets. |
ビリー・ボー | ユフィ シミュレーターマシンって知ってる? | Billy Bob | You know about the VR combat simulation module, right? |
ユフィ | えっ? あ~…… もちろん知ってるよ アレでしょ |
Yuffie | Huh? Uh...course I do! Why wouldn't I? |
ユフィ | “しゅみゅれえたー”するマシン? のことでしょ |
Yuffie | It's that thing that...stimulates...modulation. |
ビリー・ボー | まあ シミュレーターするというか 仮想現実でバトルする機械だね |
Billy Bob | Kinda. It's a machine that puts you in a virtual world where you can practice fighting all you want. |
ビリー・ボー | 実は そのシミュレーターマシンの 携帯機を持ってるやつがいるんだよ |
Billy Bob | There's even a portable version of it. Guy around the corner has one. |
ユフィ | へえ~ | Yuffie | Uh-huh... |
ビリー・ボー | ミッドガルでも滅多に見られない 最新型さ | Billy Bob | Hardly ever see technology that cutting-edge down here. |
ビリー・ボー | どうだい 試したいだろう | Billy Bob | So whaddya say? Wanna try it? |
ユフィ | べつに しゅみゅれえたーなんて どうでもいいけど |
Yuffie | I really don't have time to be playin' around with some stimulator. |
ユフィ | まあ せっかくだから やってみてもいいかもね |
Yuffie | But, just to be polite, I guess I'll take it for a spin. |
ビリー・ボー | 自警団の詰所前に チャドリーって子がいる | Billy Bob | The guy's name is Chadley. He's over by the neighborhood watch. |
ビリー・ボー | その子が持ってるから 気が向いたら 話しかけてみるといい |
Billy Bob | If you ever feel like some virtual training, I'm sure he'd be happy to help. |
ビリー・ボー | ダチャオ豆 おそろしい食べ物だぜ まだ歯がズキズキするよ |
Billy Bob | Yeesh... Those Da-chao beans are really somethin' else. I think I broke a tooth. |
ビリー・ボー | ユフィは シノビなんだよな やっぱ修行って つらかった? |
Billy Bob | Hey, you're a ninja, right? So, like, how crazy was your training? |
ビリー・ボー | シノビっていいよな ミステリアスで | Billy Bob | Must be cool bein' a ninja, sneakin' around the place... |
ポルコ | 落ち着かないね | Polk | You look kinda nervous. |
ユフィ | 作戦のこと 確認したいんだけど たとえば プレートの行き方とか |
Yuffie | I just wanna make sure I have the plan down pat. You know, like how to get up top and all that. |
ポルコ | ああ それな…… | Polk | Huh, well... |
ポルコ | IDさえあれば 駅から列車に乗って なんてことなく到着だ |
Polk | If you had an ID, you'd normally just take the train up there. |
ポルコ | でもほら いま街が騒がしいだろ? 全体の警戒レベルも上がってしまった |
Polk | But with all the commotion going on, that's not really an option. Security's on high alert. |
ポルコ | だから 少し落ち着くまで様子見 それが僕たちのオススメかな |
Polk | If you ask me, your best bet is to sit tight and wait for things to settle down some. |
ユフィ | 様子見なんて 罰ゲームだよ | Yuffie | Sit tight? But I wanna go now... |
ポルコ | 神羅を甘く見ちゃ ダメだよ | Polk | Be my guest, then—go get killed. |
ユフィ | *** | ||
ユフィ | うん…… | Yuffie | Harsh. |
ポルコ | 神羅ビルの中のことは ナヨに聞いてよ | Polk | If you need specifics on the Shinra Building, ask Nayo. |
ユフィ | おおっ! | Yuffie | Okay! |
ポルコ | 神羅ビルがどこにあるかは そうだな ビリー・ボーにでも聞いてよ |
Polk | If you haven't introduced yourself to Billy Bob, you should. He's got some intel you might wanna hear. |
ポルコ | 退屈? だったら『コンドルフォート』で遊ぶ? |
Polk | You look about ready to die of boredom. Wanna play Fort Condor? |
ユフィ | こんどる? ふぉーと? | Yuffie | "Fort...Condor"? |
ポルコ | ごめん ウの衆は知らないか 最新の遊びだからね |
Polk | I shoulda known. It hasn't been out long, so there's no way you Ws would've heard of it. |
ユフィ | バカにすんな 知ってるに決まってるでしょ! |
Yuffie | Uh, yes I have! And what's more, I'm awesome at it. |
ユフィ | やってやろうじゃないの こんどるふぉーと! |
Yuffie | I'll whoop you so hard, you'll wonder if you ever knew the rules! |
ポルコ | じゃ 簡単にルールを説明するね | Polk | For my benefit, then, lemme go over them... |
ナヨ | 旅 大変だったんでしょ ゆっくりしたら? |
Nayo | You must be tired from your trip. Why don't you get some rest? |
ユフィ | こんな ザワザワした街で? むりむり! |
Yuffie | With all the noise in this city? Im-freakin'-possible. |
ユフィ | あのさ 究極マテリアってどこにあんの? 神羅ビルの中の どこ? |
Yuffie | How about you tell me where in the Shinra Building they're keeping that materia instead. Don't hold out on me now. I know you know. |
ナヨ | それはね…… 実は 正確な場所までは掴めていないの |
Nayo | Actually...I kind of don't. At least, not an exact location. |
ナヨ | でもね 神羅カンパニーの中では マテリアは兵器扱いなの |
Nayo | All I know is that Shinra─for most purposes─treats materia as a weapon. |
ナヨ | だから 兵器開発部門が扱っているはず その部署は地下にあるから── |
Nayo | Which means the Advanced Weaponry Division probably deals with it. And since that's in the basement... |
ユフィ | な~るほど | Yuffie | I see... |
ユフィ | 究極マテリアは 神羅ビルの地下にあ~る | Yuffie | So... Shinra hides its top secret materia in the basement. |
ユフィ | *** | ||
ユフィ | 究極マテリアちゃん 待っててね! | Yuffie | You won't have to wait much longer, my precious...I promise. |
ナヨ | 無理は禁物 いい? | Nayo | Just be careful, will you? Please? |
ナヨ | 神羅ビルがどこにあるかは そうね ビリー・ボーに 聞いてみて |
Nayo | Oh yeah, you should introduce yourself to Billy Bob. He knows a thing or two about the Shinra Building. |
ナヨ | プレートの上に行く方法は ポルコに聞いてみるといいよ |
Nayo | Also, if you wanna know how to get to the Shinra Building, Polk might have some info I don't. |
ナヨ | ソノン 遅いね また ウォール・マーケットかな |
Nayo | Sonon's still not back? Must be in Wall Market then. |
ユフィ | ウォール・マーケットって? | Yuffie | What's Wall Market? |
ナヨ | ひとことで言うと 大人の街ね | Nayo | Let's just say it's a place for people with "mature tastes." |
ユフィ | オトナの街 | Yuffie | Mature tastes... |
ナヨ | いろんなお店があるの 説明しづらいけどね | Nayo | There's lots of different establishments. It's...kinda hard to explain. |
ユフィ | まあ なんとなくわかるよ | Yuffie | No, I think I get it. |
ユフィ | 辛いのや苦いの 思いっきりマズいのに ヤセ我慢して 飲んだり食べたりするんだよね |
Yuffie | Like bars filled with smoke so thick you can't even see, and drinks so bitter you wanna spit 'em right back out! |
ナヨ | はぁ? | Nayo | Uh... |
ユフィ | んで 酔っ払って 昔はもっと厳しかった 大変だった |
Yuffie | Where everyone gets drunk and complains about how "Kids just don't understand the value of hard work. |
ユフィ | 最近の若いヤツは~って あ~もう! 堕落だよ あれは |
Yuffie | "They'll be the death of society." Ugh, how can they not see that <i>they're</i> the ones destroying it!? |
ナヨ | *** | ||
ユフィ | ウータイにもあるんだよね そういう オトナの店 |
Yuffie | Wutai's got a place like that, where grown-ups drink their lives away. |
ユフィ | 『かめ道楽』ってんだけど | Yuffie | It's called the "Happy Turtle." |
ナヨ | かめ道楽なら ミッドガルにもあるよ | Nayo | Interesting. There's a Happy Turtle in Midgar as well. |
ユフィ | えっ! | Yuffie | Huh!? |
ナヨ | どこにあるのか知らないし 行ったことないんだけど 時々チラシを見るもの |
Nayo | I don't know where exactly, because I've never actually been, but I do see their flyers from time to time. |
ユフィ | ふ~ん | Yuffie | You do, huh? |
ユフィ | *** | ||
ユフィ | ミッドガルを 堕落させる作戦かも! | Yuffie | They're taking down Midgar one citizen at a time! |
ナヨ | *** | ||
ユフィ | やるな かめ道楽 | Yuffie | I salute you, Happy Turtle! |
ナヨ | かめ道楽のチラシを貼り歩いてる おじさんがいるんだ |
Nayo | Come to think of it... There's a man who goes around putting up flyers for the bar. |
ナヨ | 通称 『かめおじさん』 | Nayo | People call him "Old Snapper." |
ナヨ | おもしろい格好してるから すぐに わかると思う |
Nayo | And he doesn't dress like your average Midgar male. |
ナヨ | 探してみたら? | Nayo | Might be from Wutai. |
ユフィ | いくいく! ダチャオ豆 差し入れしちゃう |
Yuffie | I oughta find him! Man deserves some Da-chao beans. |
ナヨ | ミッドガルまで 遠かったでしょう | Nayo | Getting here must've been quite a journey. |
ナヨ | 道中は 何事もなかった? | Nayo | Still can't believe you came all this way on your own. |
ナヨ | かめ道楽って ウータイの店だったんだね | Nayo | So the Happy Turtle's from Wutai, huh. I never knew! |
ナヨ | かめおじさんを 探してみるといいよ | Nayo | Old Snapper's a character. You'd like him. |
ビリー・ボー | 外に行く前に もっと情報共有しておかないか |
Billy Bob | Hey, you gonna be okay out there? Got all the info you need? |
ポルコ | ユフィ もう少しここでソノンを待ったら? | Polk | Uh, Yuffie? Might wanna wait for Sonon before hittin' the city. |
ナヨ | ねえ もうちょっとお話しない? | Nayo | You sure you gotta go? Thought we could chat some more. |
ユフィ | あ~もう 待ちくたびれた! | Yuffie | Ugh... All this talking's giving me a headache. |
ユフィ | アタシ 偵察に行く! | Yuffie | I'm gonna go do some recon. |
ナヨ | わかった あんまり遠くへは行かないようにね |
Nayo | I won't stop you. Just don't go too far, okay? |
ユフィ | そろそろ ソノン帰ったかな | Yuffie | Sonon's gotta be back by now. |
チャドリー | 協力者候補を発見 照合データの検索を開始します |
Chadley | Candidate detected. Performing physical analysis. |
チャドリー | 小柄ながら しなやかな筋肉と 俊敏な身のこなし―― |
Chadley | She seems relatively agile, and has substantial muscle mass for her stature. |
チャドリー | まずまずの逸材です | Chadley | An acceptable candidate. |
ユフィ | きみ なにブツブツ言ってんの? | Yuffie | Hey, uh...you wanna tell me what you're mumblin' about? |
チャドリー | ボクは チャドリー | Chadley | My apologies. |
チャドリー | よろしければ ボクの研究に 協力していただけませんか |
Chadley | My name is Chadley. Would you be interested in helping me with my research? |
ユフィ | アタシはユフィ よろしくね | Yuffie | I'm Yuffie. Nice to meet you. |
ユフィ | で 研究って? | Yuffie | So...what're you researchin'? |
チャドリー | こちらの 携帯バトルシミュレーターを使い 仮想空間で召喚獣データと戦ってみてほしいんです |
Chadley | Combat. It would entail doing battle with a summon in a virtual arena using this portable simulator. Interested? |
ユフィ | ふ~ん なんか面白そう やるやる! |
Yuffie | Hmmm...sure! Why not. Imma kick its butt! |
チャドリー | やるやる ですね | Chadley | Very well then... |
チャドリー | 準備ができたら いつでもお声がけください | Chadley | When you feel suitably prepared, please let me know. |
チャドリー | やらないんですね | Chadley | You're withdrawing? |
チャドリー | なんだろう 残念です | Chadley | That is...most disheartening. |
チャドリー | 召喚獣との戦いに臨む準備ができましたか? | Chadley | Can I assume you're ready to do battle with a virtual summon? |
チャドリー | ユフィさん やるやるですね | Chadley | You "kicked its butt," like you promised. |
チャドリー | どうぞどうぞ いつでも 挑戦してください |
Chadley | If you'd like to participate again, you're more than welcome! |
チャドリー | 今いっぽ 力及びませんでしたね ですが 貴重なデータを得られました |
Chadley | What a shame. It was a close match. However, I did manage to obtain some invaluable data. |
チャドリー | 今回の戦闘を分析して 次こそは ねじ伏せてください |
Chadley | Analyze and learn from your mistakes, so that you can claim victory next time. |
チャドリー | お見事です! | Chadley | Splendid! |
チャドリー | 戦闘データを解析した結果 召喚マテリアの生成に成功しました |
Chadley | Thanks to the data you provided during your battle, I succeeded in developing a new materia! |
チャドリー | ユフィさんのスピードは まさに“いかずち” | Chadley | One might say you were "faster than lightning." |
チャドリー | これからは 雷帝ラムウと共に 存分に暴れまわってください |
Chadley | And with the Lord of Levin on your side, your enemies will struggle to keep up! |
チャドリー | お見事でした! 新たな興味深いデータが取れました |
Chadley | Splendid! I have compiled some rather fascinating data. |
チャドリー | 態勢を整えて また来てください | Chadley | Another battle awaits! Find me when you're ready. |
ビリー・ボー | あんまり 目立つことはしないでくれよ | Billy Bob | Try and keep a low profile around here, okay? |
ビリー・ボー | 少し歩けば スラムの現状がわかると思うよ | Billy Bob | If you wanna get a feel for the undercity, why not take a stroll? |
ビリー・ボー | ミッドガルにも 神羅の被害者がいる それを忘れないでほしい |
Billy Bob | Remember, Midgar's filled with Shinra's victims, too. Not everyone here's out to get you. |
ポルコ | 外に行くのかい? 気をつけてよ | Polk | Headin' out? Watch yourself, okay? |
ポルコ | いってらっしゃい センパイ | Polk | Good luck out there, "Boss." |
ポルコ | 水に慣れないうちは 買い食いはしないこと | Polk | I know you're not a local, but try your best to act like one. |
ナヨ | 準備は万端? | Nayo | You guys all set? |
ナヨ | 準備は万端? | *** | You all set? |
ナヨ | じゃあ 行こっか わたしについてきて |
Nayo | Okay. Streets are kind of a maze, so stay close. |
ナヨ | ごゆっくりどうぞ | Nayo | Take all the time you need. |
ソノン | ナヨ どこへ行くんだ? | Sonon | So, Nayo, where we headed? |
ナヨ | IDの受け取り あなたたちの身分証明書ね |
Nayo | To pick up your IDs. There's no way to get topside without 'em. |
ユフィ | ジージェも “あいでー”を 受け取るって言ってたけど? |
Yuffie | But I thought Zhijie was getting our High-D's. What happened with that? |
ナヨ | それは 別のIDね | Nayo | He is, but those are different. |
ナヨ | この街で生きるには いくつものIDが必要なの |
Nayo | It takes more than one ID─or even two─to survive in this town. |
ナヨ | 神羅の 神羅による 神羅のための街だから | Nayo | Don't forget, Midgar was built by Shinra, for Shinra. |
ユフィ | 神羅 おうぼう~! | Yuffie | Those tyrants! |
ソノン | ユフィ先輩 『他人の家では猫かぶれ』だよ | Sonon | Put the claws away, Boss. Least while we're in Shinra territory. |
ユフィ | ギニャ~! | Yuffie | Reowr! |
ソノン | *** | ||
ナヨ | ユフィ スラムの感想は? | Nayo | So, Yuffie, what do you think of the undercity? |
ユフィ | 人が多い イラッとする あと ニオイが独特 |
Yuffie | Way too crowded. I can't stand it. Ugh, and the stench! How can anyone live here? |
ソノン | ニオイは確かにね でも すぐに慣れたな |
Sonon | Gotta agree with you about the smell, but you get used to it quick enough. |
ナヨ | 人の多さも すぐ慣れる この街の包容力はすごいから |
Nayo | And the crowds stop bothering you eventually. The place can grow on you if you give it a chance. |
ユフィ | 気になる言いかた ナヨ ミッドガルが好きみたい |
Yuffie | Uh...wait a second. Are you actually saying you like it here? |
ユフィ | ぶっ壊しちゃうんでしょ? | Yuffie | I thought you hated it. |
ナヨ | わたしたちの敵は 神羅カンパニー ウの衆と一致してるのは その点だけかも |
Nayo | Midgar isn't the enemy─Shinra is. I know Ws don't really see the distinction, but...we do. |
ユフィ | でもさ ニュースで見たよ 魔晄炉が爆発したって |
Yuffie | Then what was that stuff on the news? About a reactor blowin' up and all. |
ユフィ | あれって 事故じゃないよね アバランチがやった―― |
Yuffie | No way that was an accident. It had to be Avalanche. |
ナヨ | しぃ~! | Nayo | Shh! |
ユフィ | ごめん…… | Yuffie | Sorry... |
ナヨ | ユフィ どこ行くの? | Nayo | Yuffie? Where are you going? |
ユフィ | どうしたの | Yuffie | Uh, what's up? |
ナヨ | あれ 分派の連中 | Nayo | Those guys there are from the splinter cell. |
ユフィ | 分派って? | Yuffie | Splinter cell? |
ナヨ | 方針の違いでもめて アバランチを飛び出したの |
Nayo | They used to be with Avalanche, but left after a "policy dispute." |
ユフィ | なんだろ…… | Yuffie | Weird. |
ユフィ | ダチャオ様? | Yuffie | His ways are a mystery. |
ユフィ | モンスター? | Yuffie | What <i>is</i> this? |
ナヨ | 分派の連中はね 神羅とガチで戦うつもりなの |
Nayo | The people in the splinter cell, they couldn't care less about collateral damage... |
ナヨ | いわゆる 武闘路線 | Nayo | long as Shinra goes down. |
ユフィ | いいじゃん ナヨたちは違うの? | Yuffie | So, what's wrong with that? Sounds good to me. |
ナヨ | わたしたちの目的は 神羅カンパニーから ミッドガルを解放すること |
Nayo | We're not out to blow Midgar up or tear it down─we want to save it from Shinra. |
ナヨ | だから たとえそのためでも 市民の生活は大切にしないとね |
Nayo | Look around. Nine outta ten of the people living here are innocent bystanders. |
ナヨ | 街を壊すのは 違うと信じてる | Nayo | We can't level their home to take down one company. |
ユフィ | ウータイはやられたよ だから このままじゃ終われない |
Yuffie | Well, that company almost leveled <i>our</i> home, and they've gotta learn their lesson. |
ナヨ | それは 知ってる | Nayo | Yeah, I get that. |
ソノン | 君たちは よく我々を受け入れたね | Sonon | Gotta admit, I'm surprised you agreed to work with us. |
ナヨ | この協力体制は未来への架け橋になる そう判断したの |
Nayo | We're just doing what we think is necessary...to build a brighter future. That's all there is to it. |
ソノン | 我々を分派と組ませたら 大変なことになる そういう判断じゃないのかな |
Sonon | In other words, you're working with us so we don't work with your old buddies─knowing what would happen if we did. |
ナヨ | この話 あとにしない? | Nayo | Uh, can we table this for later, maybe? |
ナヨ | じっくり話して 理解しあおうよ | Nayo | Not sure now's the best time for heavy topics. |
ユフィ | うん あとにしよう あとあと! |
Yuffie | Yeah, couldn't agree more. Consider it tabled! |
ナヨ | ねえ 究極マテリアってどんなもの? 神羅から盗んで どうするつもり |
Nayo | So...what exactly does this "ultimate materia" do? I'm guessing you have big plans for it? |
ユフィ | どうするって マテリアがあれば 強いじゃん |
Yuffie | Like after we steal it? Well, the more materia you have, the stronger you are, right? |
ユフィ | 究極マテリアだから きっと キューキョクに強いよ! |
Yuffie | So once we've got the <i>ultimate</i> materia, we'll be stronger than anyone! |
ナヨ | なるほど | Nayo | I guess you will... |
ユフィ | くう~ 楽しみ~! | Yuffie | It's gonna be awesome! |
ソノン | 補足すると | Sonon | And not just that. |
ソノン | 我々が神羅の拠点に潜り込んで 最新の研究成果を奪取すれば |
Sonon | By sneaking into Shinra HQ and snatching their most prized possession from under their noses... |
ソノン | 神羅にとっては屈辱的な その事実を持ってして |
Sonon | not only will we deal a massive blow to their morale... |
ソノン | ウータイは侮れないという印象を 連中に植えつけることになる |
Sonon | but we'll prove to them that while Wutai might be down, we're not out. |
ソノン | だよね 先輩 | Sonon | That the gist of it, Boss? |
ユフィ | そうそう! | Yuffie | Uh, sure is! |
ユフィ | さっきの なんだったの? | Yuffie | So, who were those creeps anyway? |
ナヨ | ドン・コルネオの手下よ | Nayo | Don Corneo's "talent scouts." |
ナヨ | 甘い言葉で女の子をだまして ウォール・マーケットのお屋敷に連れていくの |
Nayo | They'll say and do just about anything to get unsuspecting girls back to the don's mansion. |
ソノン | コルネオの屋敷を見たよ 悪趣味なのは 建物だけじゃないんだな |
Sonon | I thought it looked seedy. Guess you'd <i>have</i> to be a scumbag to build a place like that. |
ユフィ | おろ~ ソノンくわしい~ | Yuffie | Oho? And how do <i>you</i> know what it looks like? |
ソノン | 敵情視察の一環だよ | Sonon | I saw it while I was scouting the area. |
黒マントの男 | リユ……ニオン…… | Robed Man | Re...un...ion... |
ソノン | 『急がれたし』か いやな予感がするな |
Sonon | Why's he need us to hurry? I don't like the sound of this. |
ユフィ | ちょうどいいよ ここまで ゆっくりしすぎ |
Yuffie | Well, if you ask me, it's high time things picked up around here. |
ナヨ | やっぱり ユフィはせっかちなの? | Nayo | You like living in the fast lane, huh. |
ユフィ | そう! ウータイにはめずらしいタイプだね | Yuffie | Yeah, I'm not your garden-variety Wutaian. I'm a rare bloom! |
ソノン | 突然変異かもしれない | Sonon | More like a mutant. |
ユフィ | それ かっこいい! | Yuffie | Ooh, I'm <i>so</i> gonna use that! |
ナヨ | もうすぐだよ | Nayo | Almost there. |
ソノン | 先輩 必要なものがあれば 街を離れる前に準備しておこう |
Sonon | Boss. We might not be back for a while. Best to stock up before leaving. |
ユフィ | ジージェってば なにかやらかしたのかな | Yuffie | Do you have any idea what Zhijie actually did? |
ソノン | 俺たちのために 無茶をしたのかもな | Sonon | Whatever it was, he probably did it for us. |
ユフィ | 責任 感じるな~ | Yuffie | Well, now I feel bad. |
ソノン | 急ごう 先輩 | Sonon | No time for that, Boss. |
ユフィ | Yuffie | Right. | |
ジージェ | おたくらも 頑張るねえ | Zhijie | You got grit, I'll give ya that. |
警備兵 | クソ すばしっこい! | Security Officer | Piece of shit. He's toying with us. |
ジージェ | 悪いね | *** | |
警備兵 | くそっ! | *** | |
警備兵 | 別動隊に連絡を入れよう | *** | |
ユフィ | おっ いたいた~! | *** | |
警備兵 | 誰だ! | *** | |
ユフィ | あ~ あれを止めないと アタシたちも進めない感じ? |
Yuffie | Ah, I know how this goes. If we wanna get to Zhijie, we gotta shut that down. |
ユフィ | どこだ スイッチ! | Yuffie | Okay, off switch, show yourself! |
ユフィ | あっ ジージェだ | Yuffie | Hey! That's Zhijie. |
ソノン | ああ―― | Sonon | You're right. |
ソノン | *** | ||
ソノン | ちょっと待って | Sonon | Hold up. |
ユフィ | *** | ||
ユフィ | つたって行けそうじゃん! | Yuffie | Whoa-ho! Looks like our ticket across! |
ユフィ | あ~あ 上手くいくと思ったんだけどな | Yuffie | Well that sucked. Why did tailing people have to be so hard? |
ソノン | せっかちすぎるんだよ 先輩は いつか身を亡ぼす |
Sonon | You gotta learn to think before ya act, Boss. Gonna get yourself killed one of these days. |
ユフィ | *** | ||
ユフィ | それよりさ どうやってジージェを探す? | Yuffie | Sure, whatever. Now how do we find Zhijie? |
ソノン | 見当はついた いちど 見晴らしのよさそうな場所へ出よう |
Sonon | I've got an idea about that, but let's get to a vantage point first. |
ソノン | 奥に見えているのが メインピラーだよ ミッドガルを支える大黒柱 |
Sonon | Alright, see that massive structure up ahead? That's the pillar those troopers were talking about. |
ソノン | だから やつらが話していた整備場は あのあたりのはずだ |
Sonon | Assuming the maintenance facility's near there, we should probably head toward it. Sound good? |
ユフィ | な~るほど | Yuffie | Yeah, works for me. |
ソノン | 急ごう | Sonon | C'mon. |
ユフィ | あっちに渡る方法は……っと | Yuffie | Now how are we gonna get across. Hmmm... |
ユフィ | おっ 怪しげなスイッチ発見! | Yuffie | Oho! Is that a switch I see? |
ソノン | 先輩 今度こそ慎重に | Sonon | Hey, Boss... Wanna try treading a little lighter this time? |
ソノン | 無用な戦いは避けたい | Sonon | No point fighting if we don't have to. |
ユフィ | わかってるって! | Yuffie | Yeah, yeah, I know...! |
ユフィ | ぬきアシ さしアシ シノビアシ―― | Yuffie | Gotta be quiet... Very quiet... As quiet as a mouse... |
ユフィ | あとちょっと がんばろ~! | Yuffie | Alright, it can't be far now. Let's get our rears in gear! |
ユフィ | えいえい ヤー! | Yuffie | Big "g", little "o", go, go, go! |
ユフィ | 見て あのゴッツい建物 | Yuffie | Up ahead. Building just screams "important." |
ソノン | あれが メインピラー整備場だろうね | Sonon | Pillar maintenance. It has to be. |
ユフィ | うげっ 兵士だらけ | Yuffie | Bleh, why'd there have to be so many guards? |
ソノン | そりゃそうだろうな | Sonon | I think you know exactly why. |
ソノン | それにしても この設備 整備場というより 兵器工場だ |
Sonon | Gotta say, they might call this place a maintenance facility...but it looks more like an arms factory to me. |
ソノン | 先輩 今度はしくじらないでくれよ ジージェの命もかかってる |
Sonon | Let's keep it tight, Boss. We can't afford any more mistakes. Zhijie's life depends on it. |
ユフィ | りょーかい! | Yuffie | Understood. |
ユフィ | ナヨたち ちゃんと逃げたよね | Yuffie | So...you think Nayo and the others got away? |
ソノン | いまは人の心配より 自分の心配 | Sonon | We can worry about that once <i>we</i> have, Boss. |
ソノン | 先輩 やり残したことはないか? もう後戻りはできないぞ |
Sonon | Boss. I don't think we'll be back here anytime soon, so make sure you're ready for anything, okay? |
ソノン | *** | ||
ソノン | 列車を待ちますか? | *** | Ready for anything? |
ソノン | *** | ||
ソノン | 列車を待ちますか? | *** | Ready for anything? |
ユフィ | よし じゃあ行きますか! | Yuffie | I think we're good here. Let's roll. |
ソノン | うん 準備はしっかりしておこう | Sonon | Good call. Can never be too prepared. |
ソノン | 準備はいいか? | Sonon | All set, Boss? |
ユフィ | ナヨ 大丈夫だったかな | Yuffie | Hey, you think Nayo's alright? |
ソノン | 彼女の地元だ 心配いらないよ | Sonon | She's a local, remember. She'll be fine. |
ユフィ | なんか フツーの人だよね | Yuffie | You know, she's actually pretty cool. |
ユフィ | 実はね アタシ ウータイでアバランチともめたことがあって |
Yuffie | I feel bad saying this, but after what happened back home, I just kinda assumed no one in Avalanche could be trusted. |
ユフィ | で 信用してなかったんだ | Yuffie | Like, they were all the same as the ones I fought. |
ソノン | ああ あの事件ね | Sonon | Yeah. I can imagine. |
ユフィ | アバランチ あの頃とはホントに変わったんだね | Yuffie | But it looks like Avalanche has changed a lot since that went down, huh? |
ソノン | さっきの話だけど | Sonon | Hey, about what you said earlier. |
ユフィ | どのはなし? | Yuffie | Which was...? |
ソノン | アバランチが変わったって話 | Sonon | About Avalanche─how it's changed. |
ユフィ | ああ | Yuffie | Oh. That. |
ソノン | 彼らは 覚悟が足りない | Sonon | These people are too soft. |
ソノン | 分派と呼ばれていた連中のほうが 手を組む相手としては好ましい |
Sonon | But those splinter cell guys? <i>They</i> sound like the ones we should've teamed up with. |
ソノン | 俺は そう思う | Sonon | Don'tcha think? |
ユフィ | うん そうだね | Yuffie | Yeah... I guess so. |
ソノン | さんざん本家の世話になっておいて 問題発言だな |
Sonon | I feel bad for complaining, considering all they've done for us. |
ユフィ | ナヨたちはさ | Yuffie | I know what you mean, though... |
ユフィ | ホント いい人たちなんだよね | Yuffie | They're all just really good people, huh. |
ソノン | そこが問題 ミッドガルに いい人はいらない |
Sonon | And that's the problem. Midgar doesn't need good people. |
ユフィ | *** | ||
ソノン | この街がどうなろうと 知ったことか | Sonon | Not that we care what happens to it. |
ユフィ | うん…… | Yuffie | Right... |
ユフィ | ここって なんかの工場? 来た時にも似たようなとこ通ったけど |
Yuffie | This some kind of factory or something? It reminds me of a place I passed through when I first got here. |
ユフィ | この雰囲気 絶対モンスターいるよね | Yuffie | And if it's anything like that, it'll be crawlin' with monsters. |
*** | リフトで引き返しますか? | *** | Return using the conveyor belt? |
*** | リフトで引き返しますか? | *** | Return using the conveyor belt? |
*** | リフトを起動しますか? | *** | Operate the conveyor belt? |
*** | リフトを起動しますか? | *** | Operate the conveyor belt? |
ポルコ | コンドルフォート やってく? | Polk | Hey, you up for a round of Fort Condor? |
*** | <color=yellow>【コンドルフォート チュートリアル】</color> ポルコと対戦しますか? |
*** | Challenge Polk to a <color=yellow>Fort Condor tutorial match</color>? |
ポルコ | あれ やらないの? | Polk | Oh... You sure? |
ポルコ | 練習しようよ~ | Polk | C'mon, I need the practice. |
ポルコ | やるな ユフィ さっき教えたばっかりなのにすごいや |
Polk | Damn, Yuffie! How'd you do that? You totally kicked my ass! |
ユフィ | そう? ポルコが弱すぎるんじゃない? | Yuffie | You mean you didn't lose on purpose? ...Wow. |
ポルコ | あはは…… | *** | |
ポルコ | でも 街には『ホンモノ』が大勢いるから 挑戦してみなよ |
Polk | Well, if you're looking for a challenge, the undercity's got no shortage of serious players. |
ユフィ | アタシ 任務中だし | Yuffie | I've kinda got better things to do. |
ポルコ | あれ? 『コンドルチャンプ』に勝てば 賞金と豪華なマテリアがもらえるらしいよ |
Polk | Sure 'bout that? Word is if you beat the grandmaster, you can win some serious cash─materia, too. |
ユフィ | マテリア! | Yuffie | Materia!? |
ポルコ | ホンモノはなかなか相手してくれないけど 腕を磨けば チャンスはあるかもよ |
Polk | That's right. But you should know the hardcore competitors won't give you the time of day till you've proven yourself. |
ユフィ | やってやろ~じゃん! | Yuffie | Whatever! Bring it on! |
ポルコ | 僕って 本当は弱いのかな | Polk | Maybe I really do suck at this... |
ポルコ | 師匠が 弟子に負けるとは | Polk | Ah, for the love of... You've been playing for like five seconds! |
ポルコ | 上達には 対戦あるのみだよ | Polk | The path to victory is paved with defeat. |
ユフィ | あ~ もうっ! | Yuffie | Ugh. Get over yourself. |
ポルコ | あはは…… | *** | |
ポルコ | ルールは ちゃんと頭に入ってる? | Polk | You sure you know the rules? |
ポルコ | 上達には 対戦あるのみだよ | Polk | The path to victory is paved with defeat. |
キリエ | はいは~い コンドルフォートなら1回…… ご新規さん? |
Kyrie | You know the drill. You wanna play, you gotta fork over─ Hm? What's your deal? |
キリエ | てかなんなの その お子様なかっこう |
Kyrie | And why're you dressed like a five-year-old? That's just weird. |
ユフィ | これ お子様なの? ひたすら かわいくない? |
Yuffie | Uh... What are you talking about? This isn't weird─it's super cute! |
キリエ | あ~ なるほど センスわかんない人だ |
Kyrie | "Super cute"? More like "super lame." |
ユフィ | ミッドガル女め | Yuffie | Not as lame as Midgar. |
キリエ | ええ? | Kyrie | Huh? |
ユフィ | ねえねえ コンドルフォートやんない? アタシ 修行中なんだよね |
Yuffie | Just saying how much I was looking forward to playing Fort Condor. I could really use the training, y'know? |
キリエ | おっと いいね でもわたし 対戦料もらうよ? |
Kyrie | Sure, I'll put you through your paces...but you do know it's gonna cost ya, right? |
キリエ | 1回3ギルで~す! | Kyrie | One match, three gil. Pay up. |
ユフィ | *** | ||
*** | <color=yellow>【コンドルフォート ランク1】</color> キリエと対戦しますか? |
*** | Challenge Kyrie <color=yellow>(Rank 1)</color> to a match? |
*** | <color=yellow>【コンドルフォート ランク5】</color> キリエと対戦しますか? |
*** | Challenge Kyrie <color=yellow>(Rank 5)</color> to a match? |
キリエ | あれ お金ないよ? | Kyrie | Weren't you listening? No gil, no game. |
キリエ | 賞金が欲しいなら まずは わたしに勝たないとね |
Kyrie | If ya wanna get your grubby hands on that prize money, you'll have to go through me. |
キリエ | 1回3ギルで~す! | Kyrie | One match, three gil. Pay up. |
キリエ | しつこいな~ 対戦1回 10ギルで~す |
Kyrie | Ugh, you just don't quit, do you? Fine. Ten gil for a match, take it or leave it. |
*** | <color=yellow>【コンドルフォート ランク1】</color> キリエと対戦しますか? |
*** | Challenge Kyrie <color=yellow>(Rank 1)</color> to a match? |
*** | <color=yellow>【コンドルフォート ランク5】</color> キリエと対戦しますか? |
*** | Challenge Kyrie <color=yellow>(Rank 5)</color> to a match? |
キリエ | なんで? ちゃんとズルしたはずなのに~ |
Kyrie | Um, excuse me? I cheated and I <i>still</i> lost? |
ユフィ | センスがいいからね アタシ! | Yuffie | What can I say? Talent trumps all. |
キリエ | ほら 付き合ってあげたんだからさ 7ギルちょうだい 7ギル! |
Kyrie | Whatever. You still owe me for my time. It's gotta be worth...seven gil at least! |
ユフィ | ヤなこった! | Yuffie | As if! |
キリエ | つまんない やめやめ! | Kyrie | This is a dumb game for babies. I'm out. |
キリエ | ワザと負けてあげたんだから ひとつ貸しね! |
Kyrie | Don't let it go to your head. I lost that one on purpose. |
キリエ | やっりぃ まいどあり~! | Kyrie | Thank you very much for your continued patronage! |
キリエ | わたしの勝ち またど~ぞ! | Kyrie | If you ever want another lesson, you know where to find me! |
神羅課長 | で 相手がこう来た時は…… はぁ なかなか難しいもんだな |
Shinra Middle Manager | So when your opponent leads with this, you respond with...this? This game is insane... |
ユフィ | おじさん なにブツブツ言ってるの? | Yuffie | Hey there, suit. How's that conversation with yourself workin' out? |
神羅課長 | ああ うるさくしてすまない | Shinra Middle Manager | Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb anyone. |
神羅課長 | 娘に ゲームの遊び方を 教えてほしいって せがまれてね |
Shinra Middle Manager | My daughter's been dying to play this game, and I promised to teach her. |
神羅課長 | 絶賛 勉強中なんですよ | Shinra Middle Manager | But first, I have to teach myself. |
ユフィ | もしかして コンドルフォート? アタシでよかったら 相手になるよ |
Yuffie | That "game" wouldn't happen to be Fort Condor, would it!? If you want, I'll help you figure stuff out. |
神羅課長 | そっ そうかい? じゃあ お言葉に甘えて |
Shinra Middle Manager | Y-you will? Uh, thanks, that'd be a great help. |
ユフィ | *** | ||
*** | <color=yellow>【コンドルフォート ランク1】</color> 神羅課長と対戦しますか? |
*** | Challenge the Shinra middle manager <color=yellow>(Rank 1)</color> to a match? |
*** | <color=yellow>【コンドルフォート ランク5】</color> 神羅課長と対戦しますか? |
*** | Challenge the Shinra middle manager <color=yellow>(Rank 5)</color> to a match? |
神羅課長 | コンドルフォートの 練習相手になってくれるのかい? |
Shinra Middle Manager | You don't mind helping me hone my skills, do you? |
神羅課長 | また 教えてくれるのかい? 助かるよ |
Shinra Middle Manager | So kind of you, taking time outta your day to help me. |
*** | <color=yellow>【コンドルフォート ランク1】</color> 神羅課長と対戦しますか? |
*** | Challenge the Shinra middle manager <color=yellow>(Rank 1)</color> to a match? |
*** | <color=yellow>【コンドルフォート ランク5】</color> 神羅課長と対戦しますか? |
*** | Challenge the Shinra middle manager <color=yellow>(Rank 5)</color> to a match? |
神羅課長 | なるほど ようやくコツが掴めてきたぞ | Shinra Middle Manager | Well, whaddya know! I think I'm startin' to get the hang of this! |
ユフィ | 負けたのに? | Yuffie | Starting to get the hang of what? Losing? |
神羅課長 | うまく負ける練習ですよ | Shinra Middle Manager | Losing on purpose, to be precise. |
神羅課長 | 娘の機嫌をそこねないように ギリギリで負けるのが コツなんだな |
Shinra Middle Manager | If I can let my daughter win without her suspecting, that to me is as good as a victory. |
ユフィ | ズルい! | Yuffie | Boo! |
神羅課長 | そのとおり 家庭円満の秘訣です | Shinra Middle Manager | I know, I know... But if it'll make her happy... |
神羅課長 | 勉強になりましたよ | Shinra Middle Manager | Now to apply what I've learned... |
神羅課長 | なるほど いい負けっぷりだ | Shinra Middle Manager | Now <i>that</i> is what I call losing with style. |
神羅課長 | う~ん 加減が難しいな | Shinra Middle Manager | Hm, maybe I should've let up earlier. |
神羅課長 | ダメだ これじゃ娘を泣かしてしまう | Shinra Middle Manager | Shoot, I don't want to make my little girl cry. |
ジョニー | うおっ びっくりした! 急になんだよ てか 誰? |
Johnny | Ah! Don't freakin' scare me like that! I'm highly strung! You trying to kill me or─ Huh? Who the hell are you? |
ユフィ | アンタこそ コソコソ隠れてさ アヤシイよ |
Yuffie | Who am I? Someone who doesn't spend all day muttering to themselves in the shadows... |
ユフィ | さては 神羅のスパイ? | Yuffie | Like some kinda Shinra spy! |
ジョニー | んなワケあるか! オレは ちょっとその……野暮用で |
Johnny | Say what!? <i>Me</i>!? Nuh-uh! I was just...y'know...thinkin' about stuff. |
ジョニー | *** | ||
ジョニー | つーか コンドルフォートで一攫千金! 大金持ちになろうと思ってよ |
Johnny | Yeah, like how to bag that sweet, sweet Fort Condor prize money! It's my ticket outta here! |
ユフィ | はっはーん アンタもチャンプ狙い? | Yuffie | Heh. So you're after the grandmaster too? |
ユフィ | でも残念 賞金をゲットするのは アタシなんだよね |
Yuffie | Sorry to burst your bubble, Mr. Shadow Lurker, but <i>I'll</i> be the one takin' home those spoils of war. |
ジョニー | なっ なにおう~! | Johnny | Wha─ Over my dead body you will! |
ジョニー | こっちだって 人生かかってんだ! 引き下がるワケにはいかねえぜ |
Johnny | My life's on the line here! I deserve to eat! I deserve to live! |
ユフィ | *** | ||
*** | <color=yellow>【コンドルフォート ランク1】</color> ジョニーと対戦しますか? |
*** | Challenge Johnny <color=yellow>(Rank 1)</color> to a match? |
*** | <color=yellow>【コンドルフォート ランク5】</color> ジョニーと対戦しますか? |
*** | Challenge Johnny <color=yellow>(Rank 5)</color> to a match? |
ジョニー | 男には 譲れないモンがあるんだ | Johnny | Sometimes a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do! |
ジョニー | 連敗記録更新中 よろしく! | Johnny | Alright, baby, I'm game if you are! |
*** | <color=yellow>【コンドルフォート ランク1】</color> ジョニーと対戦しますか? |
*** | Challenge Johnny <color=yellow>(Rank 1)</color> to a match? |
*** | <color=yellow>【コンドルフォート ランク5】</color> ジョニーと対戦しますか? |
*** | Challenge Johnny <color=yellow>(Rank 5)</color> to a match? |
ジョニー | ぐはぁ! 負けた…… | Johnny | What!? No, this can't be─ Say it ain't so! |
ジョニー | オレの賞金が ピヨピヨと飛んでいく | Johnny | Goodbye fortune... Goodbye pride! |
ユフィ | 堕落してるヤツ ひとり倒した! | Yuffie | Now <i>I'm</i> taking down Midgar, a citizen at a time. |
ジョニー | えっ なんか言いました? | Johnny | Huh? Wait, what'd you say? |
ユフィ | ミッドガルには負けないんだ アタシ | Yuffie | That all of Midgar's gonna suffer the same fate. |
ジョニー | オレなんかいじめて 楽しいっすか? | Johnny | You enjoying yourself? 'Cause I'm not. |
ジョニー | 勘弁してくださいよ | Johnny | Cut me some slack, will ya? |
ジョニー | 勝った? マジで? | Johnny | Wha─? Did I─? I won? I won! |
ジョニー | うぉっしゃあ ツイてきたあ! | Johnny | Fate's smilin' on old Johnny! |
ジェシー | 遅い いくらなんでも遅すぎる | Jessie | Where are they? They should've been here by now... |
ユフィ | 誰か待ってるの? でえと? | Yuffie | Waiting for someone? Ooh, you got stood up. |
ジェシー | 違うし って誰? | Jessie | As if! Wait, who are you? |
ジェシー | *** | ||
ジェシー | 悪いけど 話しかけないで いま 機嫌サイアク |
Jessie | Don't mean to be rude or anything, kid, but do you mind? I'm not exactly in the mood. |
ユフィ | ねえねえ ヒマしてんなら アタシとコンドルフォートやんない? |
Yuffie | So, I've been thinkin' about it, and I know just what you need... Round of Fort Condor? |
ジェシー | ああ いま流行ってるんだっけ | Jessie | You gotta be─ Didn't I tell you I'm not in the mood? |
ジェシー | イライラしてても しゃーないか いいよ 相手してあげる |
Jessie | You know what? Fine, why the hell not. Might help take my mind off things. |
ユフィ | *** | ||
*** | <color=yellow>【コンドルフォート ランク2】</color> ジェシーと対戦しますか? |
*** | Challenge Jessie <color=yellow>(Rank 2)</color> to a match? |
*** | <color=yellow>【コンドルフォート ランク5】</color> ジェシーと対戦しますか? |
*** | Challenge Jessie <color=yellow>(Rank 5)</color> to a match? |
ジェシー | 遊びたいなら ほかの人を当たって | Jessie | Not in the mood. Go bug literally anyone else. |
ジェシー | また? まあ いいけどね | Jessie | Again? I mean, no skin off my nose... |
ジェシー | しょうがないな~ これが 最後だからね |
Jessie | Well, if you're gonna insist. But this is the last time, got it? |
*** | <color=yellow>【コンドルフォート ランク2】</color> ジェシーと対戦しますか? |
*** | Challenge Jessie <color=yellow>(Rank 2)</color> to a match? |
*** | <color=yellow>【コンドルフォート ランク5】</color> ジェシーと対戦しますか? |
*** | Challenge Jessie <color=yellow>(Rank 5)</color> to a match? |
ジェシー | あ~あ 負けちゃった | Jessie | Damn... Well, can't win 'em all. |
ユフィ | ふふふ~ん! | *** | |
ジェシー | 気は済んだ? じゃあほら 行った行った |
Jessie | Ha ha, laugh it up. Now leave me alone, wouldja? |
ユフィ | ますますキゲン悪くなったね~ ごめんね! | Yuffie | Hm? What's that I hear? The sound of the world's smallest violin? |
ジェシー | ぐぬ~…… | Jessie | Keep pushing me... |
ジェシー | げっ 負けた | Jessie | I lost again? |
ジェシー | あ~ イライラ イライラ倍増! | Jessie | Fantastic. This is <i>just</i> what I needed right now. |
ジェシー | フッフッフ ど~よ? | Jessie | Mm mm mmm, victory tastes sweet. |
ジェシー | もう1回くらいなら 相手してあげてもいいけど? |
Jessie | So sweet, in fact, I'd be up for one more round. |
ジェシー | ざんねん 出直してこ~い! | Jessie | Man, am I ever good. Better luck next time. |
ジェシー | ごめんね 子供相手に本気出しちゃって | Jessie | Aw, must be tough playing with adults. |
ローチェ | お嬢さん! | Roche | Why, hello there! |
ローチェ | おっと もしかして マイフレンドと知り合いなのかい? |
Roche | Forgive me for saying, but you remind me of a dear friend of mine. Perhaps you've met him? |
ユフィ | あんた 神羅だよね | Yuffie | I dunno─is he Shinra too? |
ローチェ | いかにも 私はローチェ! | Roche | Perhaps, perhaps... My name is Roche, by the way. |
ローチェ | キミは…… なにか まずいニオイがするね |
Roche | Ordinarily, your ill-concealed hostility and exotic wardrobe would give me pause. |
ローチェ | だが 安心したまえ いまはプライベートだよ |
Roche | But not today, for I am here on business of a <i>personal</i> nature. |
ローチェ | 友達を探しに来ていてね | Roche | Looking for my aforementioned friend. |
ユフィ | どんなやつ? | Yuffie | What's his name? |
ローチェ | オーマイ! 名前は聞きそびれてしまってね 私と同じ熱いハートの持ち主だよ |
Roche | I only wish I knew! But I <i>can</i> tell you that he has a real..."need for speed," as they say. |
ローチェ | グレートな剣を背負って バイクへの愛も グレートなんだ |
Roche | And while he boasts a <i>very</i> large sword, his first love is plainly his mount! |
ユフィ | ねえねえ それよりさ コンドルフォートの相手してくんない? |
Yuffie | Yeah, he sounds great. Say, is that Fort Condor I see over there? You play? |
ローチェ | コンドルフォート! | Roche | I'm always ready for a round of Fort Condor! |
ローチェ | 相手をしてあげたいところだが 私の熱いハートは キミにはまだ早い! |
Roche | Though...I suspect a delicate flower like you would wither if exposed to my scorching passion for the game. |
ローチェ | もっと修業をしてきたまえ | Roche | Maybe after some practice, hm? |
ローチェ | いいね マイフレンドを待つのにも 飽きてきたところだ |
Roche | In the absence of my friend, you will provide some much-needed entertainment, my dear! |
ユフィ | *** | ||
*** | <color=yellow>【コンドルフォート ランク2】</color> ローチェと対戦しますか? |
*** | Challenge Roche <color=yellow>(Rank 2)</color> to a match? |
*** | <color=yellow>【コンドルフォート ランク5】</color> ローチェと対戦しますか? |
*** | Challenge Roche <color=yellow>(Rank 5)</color> to a match? |
ローチェ | フハハハハ! 出直してきたまえ | Roche | Hahahahahaha! Nice try, but no. |
ローチェ | いいね しつこいレディは大好きさ! | Roche | Back for more? Such youthful determination! I love it! |
ローチェ | とことん付き合おう マイフレンド! | Roche | I could never refuse a fellow Fort aficionado! |
*** | <color=yellow>【コンドルフォート ランク2】</color> ローチェと対戦しますか? |
*** | Challenge Roche <color=yellow>(Rank 2)</color> to a match? |
*** | <color=yellow>【コンドルフォート ランク5】</color> ローチェと対戦しますか? |
*** | Challenge Roche <color=yellow>(Rank 5)</color> to a match? |
ローチェ | オーマイフレンド キミの勝ちだ! | Roche | Well played, my friend! And to think I thought I'd best you easily! |
ユフィ | ふれ……んど アタシ? | Yuffie | Wait...did you just call me your friend? |
ローチェ | 感じさせてもらったよ キミの熱いパッション! | Roche | But of course! With that display of passion, you've more than proven yourself worthy! |
ローチェ | こうして本気でぶつかりあったのだから 私たちはもう 親友だ! |
Roche | Henceforth, you shall occupy a place in the pantheon of my closest companions! |
ローチェ | 次は ふたりでツーリングに行こう 約束だぞ マイフレンド! |
Roche | When next we meet, it will be on the open road, the wind in our hair... Just don't make me come looking for you, my friend! |
ローチェ | フハハハハ! 負けてしまったよ | Roche | Hahahahahaha! You have made a fool of me yet again! |
ローチェ | 見事だ マイフレンド! | Roche | Such passion! Such skill! Bravo, my friend! Bravo! |
ローチェ | 落ち込む必要はない 私が慰めよう! | Roche | A valiant effort, but not quite good enough. Remember though─there's always next time. |
ローチェ | 戦場とは かくも厳しいものだよ! | Roche | Now that you've taken a fall...will you get back in the saddle!? |
ウェッジ | よ~しよしよし ゴロゴロゴロ | Wedge | Oh, you're purrin' like a motor, aren't you, little buddy? |
ユフィ | ねえ ねえ | Yuffie | What's goin' on? |
ウェッジ | ちょっと待ってほしいッス いま ネコちゃんタイムなんで |
Wedge | Not right now. I'm in the middle of something important. |
ユフィ | それって コンドルフォートだよね アタシと対戦しない? |
Yuffie | So...I couldn't help noticing your Fort Condor set. Got time for a game? |
ウェッジ | もちろんッス | Wedge | It'd be my pleasure! |
ユフィ | やろやろ! アタシ ちょ~っと自信あるんだよね |
Yuffie | Then let's do it up! I gotta warn you though, I'm kind of an expert at this. |
ウェッジ | フッフッフッフ…… | *** | |
ウェッジ | オレをその辺のプレイヤーと 一緒にしてもらっちゃ 困るッスよ! |
Wedge | Pretty sure I'll hold my own. I eat experts for breakfast! |
ユフィ | いいね いいね~ いざ じんじょ~に勝負! |
Yuffie | Oho, is that right? Well, you can talk the talk, so let's see ya walk the walk! |
ユフィ | *** | ||
*** | <color=yellow>【コンドルフォート ランク3】</color> ウェッジと対戦しますか? |
*** | Challenge Wedge <color=yellow>(Rank 3)</color> to a match? |
*** | <color=yellow>【コンドルフォート ランク5】</color> ウェッジと対戦しますか? |
*** | Challenge Wedge <color=yellow>(Rank 5)</color> to a match? |
ウェッジ | ちょっと待ってほしいッス いま ネコちゃんタイムなんで |
Wedge | Not right now. I'm in the middle of something important. |
ウェッジ | オレに挑むとは いい度胸ッス! | Wedge | Sure, we can go again. Show me what you got! |
ウェッジ | コンドルフォートッスか? いいっスよ |
Wedge | Alright then, let's play ourselves some Fort Condor. |
*** | <color=yellow>【コンドルフォート ランク3】</color> ウェッジと対戦しますか? |
*** | Challenge Wedge <color=yellow>(Rank 3)</color> to a match? |
*** | <color=yellow>【コンドルフォート ランク5】</color> ウェッジと対戦しますか? |
*** | Challenge Wedge <color=yellow>(Rank 5)</color> to a match? |
ウェッジ | 負けちゃった キミ 強いッスね |
Wedge | Not gonna lie...I didn't think you had a chance. Sure showed me. |
ユフィ | と~ぜん! ほら ネコちゃんに慰めてもらったら? |
Yuffie | You freakin' bet I did! Aw, not gonna go cryin' to your cats, are ya!? |
ウェッジ | くう~ | Wedge | Ugh! |
ユフィ | ネコちゃん あとはよろしく! | Yuffie | Looks like you've got your work cut out for you, my furry friends! |
ウェッジ | オレの負けッス | Wedge | Man, you got me good. |
ウェッジ | もう お腹いっぱいッス! | Wedge | Now <i>that</i> gave me some food for thought. |
ウェッジ | オレ こういうの得意なんで | Wedge | Told you I eat experts for breakfast. |
ウェッジ | いつでも 相手になるッスよ | Wedge | But if you're game, I'm always up for brunch! |
ウェッジ | フッフッフ まだまだッスね | Wedge | Haha. I could do this all day. |
ウェッジ | ミッドガル・スペシャル・パワーッス! | Wedge | Couldn'ta done it without you, Midgar Special! |
ユフィ | もう みんな倒したよね コンドルチャンプは ガセネタ? |
Yuffie | Hey... Wait a second. That was everyone, right? Including the grandmaster? |
ユフィ | どこだ 豪華マテリア! | Yuffie | So where's my materia!? I want it now! |
チャドリー | ユフィさん! | Chadley | Hello, Yuffie. |
チャドリー | コンドルフォートでの対戦履歴を確認しました | Chadley | I've finished reviewing your Fort Condor match records. |
チャドリー | ここぞと言う場面での果敢な決断 不利な状況でもあきらめない不屈の精神 |
Chadley | You exhibit what in sporting parlance is called "the ability to perform in the clutch," and "the heart of a champion." |
チャドリー | ユフィさんは まさに 理想のプレイヤーです! |
Chadley | In combination, these traits make you the ideal player! |
チャドリー | データ収集のため 是非ボクと コンドルフォートで対戦してもらえませんか? |
Chadley | That being the case, if it isn't too much trouble, would you mind testing your mettle against me? |
ユフィ | べつに いいけど? | Yuffie | Uh... I guess so? |
チャドリー | やるやる ですね! | Chadley | I'm sure you'll "kick butt"! |
チャドリー | コンドルフォートの対戦データ収集に ご協力をよろしくお願いします |
Chadley | Would you care to assist in my research by joining me in a game or two of Fort Condor? |
チャドリー | コンドルフォートの対戦意欲を検知 | Chadley | Ongoing desire to play confirmed. |
チャドリー | お見事です ユフィさん! ついに ボクの仮説が証明されました |
Chadley | That was quite the performance, Yuffie! Thanks to you, my hypothesis has been substantiated. |
ユフィ | カセツ しょーめい? | Yuffie | Your hypo-thingy's what now? |
チャドリー | はい ウータイの堕落作戦に対抗するための 仮説を検証していました |
Chadley | Substantiated. I was testing security measures against Wutaian espionage operations. |
チャドリー | 賞金をかけることで 意図的かつ急速的に この街にコンドルフォートを浸透させ―― |
Chadley | By offering a reward, I surmised I could accelerate the rate of adoption, which would, in turn─ |
ユフィ | あ~もう いいから! | Yuffie | Yeah, yeah, skip to the end! |
チャドリー | 失礼しました 結論としては | Chadley | My apologies. What I meant to say was this: |
チャドリー | 賞金とマテリアは ユフィさんのもの ということです |
Chadley | The money and the materia are yours. Do with them as you please. |
ユフィ | マテリア! | Yuffie | Did you say "materia"!? |
ユフィ | ってことは チャドリーがコンドルチャンプ! |
Yuffie | So...<i>you're</i> the Grandmaster!? Whodda thunk! |
ユフィ | 見たかミッドガル 神羅 ユフィちゃんの 完全しょ~り! |
Yuffie | How does it feel, Shinra─to see the whole of Midgar brought to its knees by the Amazing Yuffie! |
チャドリー | ユフィさんなら どこでもどんな時でも たくましく生き抜くことができますよ |
Chadley | Your capacity to remain undeterred and overcome adversity is commendable. You are truly a worthy competitor. |
チャドリー | また 新しい仮説を思いついたときには ご協力をお願いしますね |
Chadley | When I next wish to test a hypothesis, I would be honored if you would agree to... |
チャドリー | やるやる で! | Chadley | ..."kick its butt"! |
ユフィ | やるやる! | Yuffie | Anytime! |
チャドリー | ユフィさんの能力値データを更新中 | Chadley | Upgrading skill evaluation in line with new data... |
チャドリー | 素晴らしいデータの提供 感謝します | Chadley | I am extremely grateful for the contribution you've made. |
チャドリー | 今いっぽ 力及びませんでしたね | Chadley | Shame; it was a close match. Maybe next time. |
チャドリー | ユフィさんの能力値を 下方修正中 | Chadley | Downgrading skill evaluation in line with new data... |
かめおじさん | かめかめ かめかめ かめ道楽~ | Old Snapper | Oh the joy and cheer that await at the Happy Turtle... |
かめおじさん | おや お嬢さん チラシを見つけてきてくれたのかな? |
Old Snapper | Oho! Greetings, softshell. So, how many of those flyers didja find? |
ユフィ | チラシ? | Yuffie | Wha? |
かめおじさん | おやおや | Old Snapper | Ahem! |
かめおじさん | かめ道楽のチラシを6枚集めて 豪華景品をゲットしようキャンペーン! |
Old Snapper | Collect just six flyers for the Happy Turtle, and a one-of-a-kind prize could be yours! |
かめおじさん | ……を ご存知ない? | Old Snapper | Ring any bells? |
ユフィ | ない | Yuffie | Nope. |
かめおじさん | では ご説明しましょう | Old Snapper | Well then! Allow me to explain. |
かめおじさん | かめ道楽 ミッドガル支店では | Old Snapper | The Happy Turtle's running a contest. |
かめおじさん | 七番街スラムのどこかに貼られた 6枚のチラシを集めてくださった皆様に |
Old Snapper | And the rules are simple. All you have to do is collect six of our fabulous flyers from around Sector 7... |
かめおじさん | 豪華景品をプレゼントするキャンペーンを 行っているのです が! |
Old Snapper | and you'll earn yourself a prize sure to delight even the dourest diamondback! Hah hah! |
かめおじさん | 魔晄炉の事件がありまして ウータイのことを こころよく思われていない方々がですね |
Old Snapper | Sadly, a handful of locals have taken to acting like stinkpots toward anything Wutaian, 'specially since the bombings. |
かめおじさん | チラシを隠してしまいまして まだ 誰もクリアしておりません |
Old Snapper | Some've even gone so far as to tear down my poor posters. Little wonder nobody's won yet. |
ユフィ | へえ~ | Yuffie | Bummer. |
かめおじさん | いや~ まいったまいった | Old Snapper | Which leaves me in a pretty predicament... |
かめおじさん | しかし これは好機ですぞ お嬢さん | Old Snapper | But hey, my pain might be your gain. |
かめおじさん | 七番街スラム隠された6枚のチラシを探し出し 景品ゲット第1号に なってみませんかな |
Old Snapper | By collecting just a handful of flyers, you could be the first, and─at this rate─the only winner of the most testudinarious contest in Midgar's history! |
かめおじさん | こちらが チラシの見本です イカすでしょう |
Old Snapper | This here's a sample of one of our ads. Breathtaking, isn't it? |
かめおじさん | ぜひ 七番街スラムを くまなく探してみてください |
Old Snapper | Now it's up to you to find all six. Leave no shell unturned, no pond unplumbed! |
ユフィ | やってやろ~じゃん! | Yuffie | That prize is as good as mine! |
かめおじさん | そうだ お嬢さん 『コンドルコイン』はお持ちじゃないですか? |
Old Snapper | Ah, since you're here. You wouldn't happen to have any condor coins on you, wouldja? |
かめおじさん | 実は わたくし コンドルコインを集めておりまして |
Old Snapper | This job may keep a shell over my head, but my real passion's coin collecting. |
かめおじさん | もし お持ちでしたら アイテムと交換しますよ |
Old Snapper | I'd gladly part with some oddities and commodities in exchange for those little beauts. |
かめおじさん | ご用件は なんですかな? | Old Snapper | So, what can I do ya for? |
*** | ご用件は なんですかな? | *** | What can Old Snapper do for you? |
かめおじさん | さっき チラシを1枚確認してきましたが 子供たちに隠されてました |
Old Snapper | Went to check on one of my flyers, and wouldn't ya know, some rascally youngsters've hidden the darn thing. |
かめおじさん | 掲示板にも貼っておいたのですが 見事に 隠されてましたな |
Old Snapper | Put one right on the bulletin board, plain for all to see, and now...gone, just like that. |
かめおじさん | なじみのご婦人が経営するアパートにも 貼らせていただいております |
Old Snapper | Friend of mine manages some apartments nearby, and she's been kind enough to let me post a flyer. |
かめおじさん | 土管通りに貼ったものは ネコに奪われてしまいました |
Old Snapper | The one I put up in Culvert Street's vanished, too. Swiped by one of those pesky cats... |
かめおじさん | 廃工場の近くにも ポスターを貼ったはずなのですが |
Old Snapper | Pretty sure I remember putting up a poster near the abandoned factory. |
かめおじさん | あの1枚は どこに行ってしまったのでしょう | Old Snapper | Though it's long gone, too. Anyone's guess where it coulda ended up. |
かめおじさん | 1枚は 空にフワフワ浮いとりました | Old Snapper | Saw one of my babies floating through the air earlier! Poor thing... |
かめおじさん | そうそう チラシを貼った場所には CMソングを流していますよ |
Old Snapper | Oh, if you overhear any songs, jams, or grooves about the Happy Turtle, be sure and follow 'em. |
かめおじさん | かめかめ かめかめ かめ道楽~ | Old Snapper | Oh the joy and cheer that await at the Happy Turtle... |
*** | またいるぜ あのおっさん | *** | Look at him, standin' there. |
*** | 人の街を汚してんじゃねーよ おっさん |
*** | Go home, turtle freak! This town's got enough problems! |
*** | ウータイに帰れ! | *** | Go back to Wutai! |
*** | カメならカメらしく 引っ込んでろ | *** | We don't need your kind around here! |
*** | かめかめ かめかめ かめ道楽~ | Old Snapper | Oh the joy and cheer that await at the Happy Turtle... |
*** | この歌 耳に残るのよね やめてほしいわ |
*** | Ugh, it's so stupid...but so catchy. I can't get it outta my head. |
ユフィ | かめ道楽の気配がする! | Yuffie | My turtle senses are tingling! |
ユフィ | ん? このミュージック…… | Yuffie | Aha! I'd know that tune anywhere. |
ユフィ | チラシはどこだ~? | Yuffie | I'm comin' for ya, flyer! |
ユフィ | かめ道楽が アタシを呼んでいる! | Yuffie | There it is. The call of the turtle! |
ユフィ | かめの歌声が聞こえる! | Yuffie | Wait, is that the song of the turtle I hear? |
ユフィ | ふふふ~ん ふんふふふ~ん | Yuffie | Hm hm hm hm-hm-hm-hm-hmmm... |
ユフィ | チラシゲット! | Yuffie | Flyer acquired! |
ユフィ | よっしゃあ かめ発見! | Yuffie | You never stood a chance, little guy! |
ユフィ | ふふん み~つけた! | Yuffie | Heh heh, gotcha! |
ユフィ | アタシにかかれば こんなもんよ! | Yuffie | You thought you could hide from me, didn't ya! |
ユフィ | これぞ シノビの力! | Yuffie | The gumshoe ninja strikes again! |
ユフィ | 最後のチラシ ゲット! そんじゃ かめおじさんのところに戻ろっかな |
Yuffie | And that makes six! Won't Old Snapper be impressed when I rock up with these bad boys. |
*** | かめおじさんの元に戻りますか? | *** | Return to Old Snapper? |
ユフィ | *** | ||
マーレ | 最近 自意識過剰な男どもが多くてね ワンコに見張りをさせてるのさ |
Marle | Got the place a guard dog. Figured it'd spare my tenants the trouble of chasin' off nosy men. |
マーレ | もしかして なんでも屋に用かい | Marle | Ah, have business with the merc, do ya? |
マーレ | 仕事なら取り次ぐけど それ以外は お断りだよ |
Marle | If it's a job you want done, he's your man, but otherwise don't bother. |
ユフィ | うわっ! | *** | |
ユフィ | あっちゃ~ | Yuffie | Easy, Fido... |
ユフィ | もうっ! | Yuffie | Yeesh! |
ユフィ | *** | ||
マーレ | あんた そんなとこで なにやってんだい |
Marle | Just what do you think you're doing, young lady? |
ユフィ | ひゃっ! | *** | |
マーレ | そのチラシが どうかしたかい | Marle | And whaddya want with <i>that</i>, exactly? |
マーレ | 見ない顔だね | Marle | Better yet, who are you? |
マーレ | 最近 かめ道楽のチラシに イタズラする輩がいるって聞いたけど |
Marle | Heard some punks've been hasslin' the nice people at the Happy Turtle, rippin' down their flyers. |
マーレ | その仲間かい | Marle | Are you one of 'em? |
ユフィ | *** | ||
マーレ | なんでも屋の追っかけじゃないだろうね | Marle | So you're trying to sneak a peek at the merc? |
マーレ | まあ 顔はアレだから わからなくもないけどさ |
Marle | Not that I blame ya. Boy's easy on the eyes, I'll give him that much. |
ユフィ | はあ…… | Yuffie | Uh... |
マーレ | でも やめときな ありゃとんでもなく面倒な男だよ |
Marle | But cut your losses, honey. Unless you like your men silent and emotionally unavailable. |
マーレ | よほど根気強く待つか それか 強引にいかないと |
Marle | Merc's built a wall around himself so damn high, even he can't see over it. |
マーレ | 本心は見せないだろうね | Marle | He'll never tell you what he's thinking. |
マーレ | いるんだよ そういうのが | Marle | And that attitude of his...! |
マーレ | こっちが あれこれ気を回してやって やっと── |
Marle | I tried to get through to him─but would he listen? Would he? |
ユフィ | あの アタシ 違うんで | Yuffie | Uh, I'm really not here for...whoever he is. |
マーレ | じゃあ なんだい | Marle | Then what <i>are</i> you here for? |
ユフィ | 迷子です! | Yuffie | For, uh...directions! |
ユフィ | でも もう大丈夫! | Yuffie | But I'm all good now, thanks! |
ユフィ | はあ びっくりした | Yuffie | Hah... That was a close one. |
マーレ | なんでも屋は いないよ | Marle | Sorry, merc's not here. |
マーレ | 恋愛相談は 順番待ちだよ | Marle | Here for advice? Gonna have to wait your turn. |
マーレ | なんだか 胸騒ぎがするね | Marle | Something about today. Not sure what... |
ユフィ | あっ チラシ! | Yuffie | There you are! |
ユフィ | 待て かめドロボウ! | Yuffie | Get back here, you little turtle thief! |
ユフィ | ありゃ このコじゃない | Yuffie | Nope. Got the wrong cat. |
ユフィ | チラシは 持ってニャいな~ | Yuffie | Why do you all have to look the same! |
ユフィ | ちがうニャ~ | Yuffie | Different cat. |
*** | カメが浮いてる! | *** | Look, a flying turtle! |
*** | 石 投げてみようぜ | *** | Bet we can knock it down! |
*** | どうにかして 取れないかな | *** | There's gotta be some way we can reach that thing. |
*** | みんなで肩車したら 届くかな | *** | Maybe if you got on my shoulders or something? |
*** | フーセン ほしい~ | *** | I want a balloon like that. |
*** | かめかめ かめかめ かめ道楽~ | *** | Oh the joy and cheer that await at the Happy Turtle. |
*** | 空飛ぶカメだ! | *** | Wow... Turtles can fly!? |
*** | わたしも 飛びたい! | *** | I wanna fly like a turtle, too! |
*** | しゅりけん かっこいいな | *** | Whoa, that ninja star's so cool. |
*** | こんど みんなで作ろうぜ | *** | Hey, we should make our own! |
*** | なんでも屋の剣を作ろうと思ってたけど | *** | At first, I was planning on making that merc's sword... |
*** | 剣じゃなくて しゅりけんもいいな | *** | But a ninja star would be <i>way</i> better! |
*** | フーセンって どこで売ってるんだろ | *** | Wonder if my mom'll buy me one of those balloons. |
*** | かめどーらくって カメを売ってるの? | *** | So, is the Happy Turtle like a pet shop for turtles? |
*** | カメって かわいいよね | *** | I like turtles! |
ワイマー | おーい こっちだ! | Wymer | Hey! Over here! |
ワイマー | どこかのバカが かめ道楽のチラシを 廃工場に隠そうとして襲われたんだ |
Wymer | Can't believe those freakin' morons... They damn near got 'emselves eaten tryin' to hide that stupid poster. |
ワイマー | お嬢さんも 廃工場には近づくんじゃないぞ | Wymer | You stay away from that factory, y'hear? Place has monsters comin' outta the walls. |
ワイマー | 連日の爆破で モンスターも気が立っているようだ |
Wymer | Fiends've been actin' up since the bombings─like they know something we don't. |
ワイマー | こんなとき なんでも屋がいてくれたら | Wymer | Just wish that merc were still around. He'd sort those critters out. |
ワイマー | お嬢さんが廃工場のモンスターを 倒してくれたって 本当か |
Wymer | You just go in there and kick the tar outta those fiends all by yourself? For real? |
ユフィ | まあね~ | Yuffie | I might've! |
ワイマー | すごいなあ そうだお嬢さん 自警団に興味はないか? |
Wymer | Well, color me impressed. Hey, got a proposition for ya. Our town could use a good fighter like you. |
ワイマー | いっしょに スラムの平和を守らないか | Wymer | So what would you say to joining the neighborhood watch? |
ユフィ | ミッドガルの平和? きょーみナシ | Yuffie | And risk my neck for this dump? Find another sucker. |
ワイマー | なんでも屋に続く大型新人だな きみは | Wymer | Y'know, I'm bettin' you could do just as good a job as our merc. |
ワイマー | お嬢さんなら いつでも大歓迎だよ | Wymer | Anyway, we'd love to have ya, if ya change your mind. |
ワイマー | 自警団も 人手不足でね | Wymer | Watch is always on the lookout for helpin' hands. |
かめおじさん | おお お嬢さん チラシを集めてきてくださった! |
Old Snapper | Well, well, well... Look what the tide washed in. |
かめおじさん | いちかめ にかめ さんかめ よんかめ ごかめ ろくかめ! |
Old Snapper | That's a one, two...three and a four...five and─I can't believe it─six! |
かめおじさん | すばらしい! | Old Snapper | We have a winner! |
かめおじさん | お嬢さんが キャンペーン達成第1号です おめでとうございます! |
Old Snapper | Three cheers for the Happy Turtle's all-conquering champion! Hip hip, hooray! Hip hip, hooray! Hip hip, hooraaay! |
ユフィ | まあ アタシの手にかかれば これぐらい ヨユ~だね |
Yuffie | Please, it was a piece of cake. Only these Midgarian dummies would find <i>that</i> a challenge. |
ユフィ | そうだ これ 差し入れ | Yuffie | Speaking of which... Here─for a fellow tough nut! |
かめおじさん | これは ダチャオ豆? ということは お嬢さんも…… |
Old Snapper | Would ya look at that... Da-chao beans! Does this mean what I think it does? |
ユフィ | *** | ||
かめおじさん | なるほど オシノビというわけですね | Old Snapper | Well, whaddya know. A real-life ninja, paying Old Snapper a visit. |
かめおじさん | 本当なら うちの店で 酒でも酌み交わしたいところですが |
Old Snapper | Truth be told, I'd love to have you 'round to the bar, but... |
かめおじさん | お忙しいようですな | Old Snapper | you got your hands full. |
かめおじさん | それに 酒を飲むには ちと年齢が足りませんな |
Old Snapper | Not to mention the whole underage thing. Still just a young'n, I s'pose, ninja though you are. |
かめおじさん | もう少し経験を積まれたあかつきには ぜひ かめ道楽ミッドガル支店にお越しください |
Old Snapper | Well, I don't plan on movin' from Midgar anytime soon, so once your shell's seen a bit more wear and tear, make sure to come on back. |
かめおじさん | とびきりの料理と酒を用意して お待ちしてますよ |
Old Snapper | Whip you up the finest food and drink this side of Wutai. Only the best for you. |
かめおじさん | おやおや お嬢さん またお会いしましたね |
Old Snapper | If it isn't my favorite ninja. Good to see you again. |
かめおじさん | コンドルコインは お持ちですかな? | Old Snapper | Ready to part with any condor coins? |
かめおじさん | お嬢さんなら いつでも大歓迎ですよ | Old Snapper | Come back anytime. You, softshell, are always welcome. |
かめおじさん | コンドルコインが手に入ったら また お越しください |
Old Snapper | And if you ever find yourself with a few spare coins, remember Old Snapper. |
かめおじさん | フンフンフ~ン♪ | *** | |
かめおじさん | ラララ~ン♪ | *** | |
かめおじさん | ヘイヘイヘ~イ♪ | *** | |
児童館の先生 | 『忠犬スタンプのおつかい』 はじまり はじまり |
Teacher | Okay, everyone, listen up! Time for "Stamp: The Loyal Little Helper." |
児童館の先生 | 『ばうわう ばうわう! ボクの名前は スタンプ』 |
Teacher | "Bow wow! I'm Stamp, the good boy who never stops helping!" |
児童館の先生 | 『今日は隊長の命令で 夕食のパンを買いにいくんだ』 |
Teacher | "Cap'n's given me a very important mission: to buy bread for tonight's dinner!" |
児童館の先生 | 町に飛び出したスタンプは パンの いいかおりをめざして |
Teacher | So with his super-duper nose, Stamp went into town to sniff out a bakery. |
児童館の先生 | ずんずん ずんずんと進みます | Teacher | He went a-sniff-sniff here, and a-sniff-sniff there! |
児童館の先生 | ミルクやハムやケーキには 目もくれません | Teacher | Even finding milk, sausage, and cake didn't distract him. |
児童館の先生 | スタンプは じまんの鼻を使って 町でいちばんのパン屋さんを見つけだします |
Teacher | Using his trusty nose, Stamp was able to find the best, most yummiest bakery in the whole city! |
児童館の先生 | そうして とってもいいにおいがする パンを手に入れました |
Teacher | And from that bakery, he picked out the best, most yummiest-smelling loaf of bread! |
児童館の先生 | 任務を達成したスタンプはじょうきげん 鼻歌をうたいながら 基地へ帰ります |
Teacher | Thinking about how pleased the captain would be, Stamp went trotting back to base, wagging his tail, and singing a happy song. |
児童館の先生 | その途中 スタンプは 泣いているモーグリを見つけます |
Teacher | But on the road home, he came across a moogle crying all by himself. |
児童館の先生 | 『どうしたの?』と スタンプは話しかけます | Teacher | "What's wrong?" Stamp asked the forlorn little fellow. |
児童館の先生 | 『おなかが ぺこぺこクポ……』 と モーグリは言いました |
Teacher | "I'm so hungry. I haven't eaten in ages, kupo," the moogle sniffled. |
児童館の先生 | 『それはたいへん じゃあ これを食べて!』 |
Teacher | "Never fear, Stamp's here! And I know just how to help." |
児童館の先生 | スタンプは モーグリにパンをあげました | Teacher | So Stamp gave the crying moogle his loaf of bread. |
児童館の先生 | 『ありがとうクポ!』 モーグリは えがおになりました |
Teacher | "Thank you, kupo," the moogle exclaimed, his pom bouncing excitedly. |
児童館の先生 | そうして 基地に帰ったスタンプは | Teacher | Then Stamp waved goodbye and returned to base. |
児童館の先生 | パンをあげてしまったことを 隊長に しょうじきに言いました |
Teacher | When he got there, he went straight to the captain and told him what had happened. |
児童館の先生 | 『そうか スタンプ きみはとてもりっぱなことをしたね』 |
Teacher | The captain was very proud of Stamp. Helping that moogle was the right thing to do. |
児童館の先生 | そう言って隊長は あたまをやさしく なでてくれました |
Teacher | "Who's a good boy," the captain laughed, as he gave Stamp a good scratch behind the ears. |
児童館の先生 | ほめられたスタンプは しっぽをふって よろこびました |
Teacher | And Stamp let out a happy bark, for he knew that he was the good boy. |
児童館の先生 | めでたし めでたし | Teacher | The end. |
児童館の先生 | 今日は これでおしまい | Teacher | That's all for today. |
児童館の先生 | 楽しんでもらえたかな? | Teacher | Did everyone enjoy that? |
駅前アイテム屋 | 七番街で買い物するなら うちが いちばんよ |
Item Vendor | Lookin' for quality you can trust? This is your one-stop shop. |
駅前アイテム屋 | ゆっくりしてってね お姉さん | Item Vendor | Stay and browse as long as you like, miss. |
駅前アイテム屋 | 可愛らしいお客さんは 大歓迎 | Item Vendor | Where there's one new customer, there's sure to be more! |
駅前アイテム屋 | あら モーグリさん いらっしゃい |
Item Vendor | Ooh, that is such a cute hat! I love moogles... |
駅前アイテム屋 | は~い いらっしゃい じっくり見ていって |
Item Vendor | Hey there, welcome! Look around, take all the time you need. |
駅前アイテム屋 | 安いの そろってるわよ | Item Vendor | Best goods at the best prices. |
アイテム屋 | いらっしゃい おつかいかい? | Item Store Owner | Welcome, welcome! How's it goin'? |
アイテム屋 | 可愛いコには サービスするよ | Item Store Owner | I might give ya a discount, since I like your face. |
アイテム屋 | なにを買いにきたんだい? | Item Store Owner | Lookin' for anything in particular? |
アイテム屋 | イカすな そのマント | Item Store Owner | Well now, that's quite the getup you're sportin' there. |
アイテム屋 | いっぱい買っていきな | Item Store Owner | Spend some of that gil. |
アイテム屋 | いらっしゃい ゆっくり選びな | Item Store Owner | Good to see ya. Take all the time ya like. |
武器屋 | お嬢ちゃんも 戦うのかい? | Weapons Vendor | You a fighter then, kiddo? |
武器屋 | お嬢ちゃんでも 扱える武器もあるよ | Weapons Vendor | I'm sure we've got something that'll work for ya. |
武器屋 | お嬢ちゃんには ち~っと早い気もするが | Weapons Vendor | I will say you look kinda young to need a weapon. |
武器屋 | まあ 見るだけ見ていきな | Weapons Vendor | Whatever, as long as you've got money. |
武器屋 | 見ない顔だな 武器がほしいのか? | Weapons Vendor | Ain't seen you 'round here before. Sure you're in the right store? |
武器屋 | おう 気になるモンはあるか | Weapons Vendor | Hey there! See anything you like? |
武器屋 | どれも 自慢の品だぞ | Weapons Vendor | I only stock the best of the best! |
ジャンク屋 | やあ うちはジャンク屋だよ | Junk Dealer | If ya like salvaging, this is your home away from home. |
ジャンク屋 | お嬢ちゃんに ジャンクの価値がわかるかな | Junk Dealer | Say, you look a little younger than the average salvager... |
ジャンク屋 | さて ほしい品物が見つかるかな | Junk Dealer | Hey, I don't wanna keep ya too long. Hope somethin' catches your eye. |
ジャンク屋 | 面白い格好してるね 買い物かい? | Junk Dealer | That's quite the outfit─but wait till you see <i>my</i> stock. |
ジャンク屋 | 買い物か? さあ ゆっくり見てきな |
Junk Dealer | Gil burnin' a hole in your pocket? Then you've come to the right place! |
ジャンク屋 | いらっしゃい じっくり見てってくれ | Junk Dealer | Welcome! Lemme know if you need help. |
ジェシー | 作戦は成功したはずなのに なんで まだ帰ってこないの? |
Jessie | I don't get it. The mission was a success. So why aren't they back yet? |
ビッグス | じきに戻るさ ニュースを見る限り 捕まったわけじゃない |
Biggs | Well, judging from the news, they didn't get caught. They'll turn up. |
ウェッジ | クラウドさんたち帰ってきたら 打ち上げッスよね |
Wedge | And when they do, we're gonna treat 'em to a feast! |
ウェッジ | ジェシーのピザ 楽しみ~! | Wedge | I can almost taste your pizza now, Jessie! |
ジェシー | ウェッジにはあげな~い | Jessie | Shame, since you won't be getting any. |
ウェッジ | えぇ~? | Wedge | What!? |
ビッグス | はは | Biggs | Heh heh... |
チャドリー | 協力者を選定中 | Chadley | Searching for candidates... |
キリエ | キリエちゃんとコンドルフォート 1回 3ギルで相手するよ~! |
Kyrie | Attention! For three gil, you can play Fort Condor against the lovely Kyrie! |
キリエ | 上手くやって賞金が手に入れば…… 今夜は 豪勢にパーティーかな~ |
Kyrie | Oh, when I get my hands on those winnings...it'll be the greatest party <i>ever</i>. |
キリエ | 絶対イケると思ったんだけどな~ | Kyrie | Man, I seriously don't get how I coulda lost. |
キリエ | やめやめ 今日はもう帰って寝るか~ |
Kyrie | I don't wanna think about it. Maybe I should just go home and pass out. |
神羅課長 | 勝利の極意はユニットの…… ユニットっていうのは なんだったかな |
Shinra Middle Manager | So the key to victory is ensuring that your units─ Wait. What was a unit again...? |
神羅課長 | え~っと それから…… はぁ 覚えることが多いなあ |
Shinra Middle Manager | And then there's formations and placement... Who came up with this stuff? |
神羅課長 | 列車はまだ動きそうにないか いちど営業所に連絡を入れておかないと |
Shinra Middle Manager | The trains aren't gonna move anytime soon, are they? Maybe I should put in for a day off. |
神羅課長 | 次の休みは 娘とコンドルフォート三昧かな |
Shinra Middle Manager | You're gonna love it, honey! Fort Condor morning, noon and night! |
ジョニー | ああ 金 カネ かね…… どっかに落ちてないかなぁ |
Johnny | Ugh. Great work, Johnny. Just great. Where you gonna find enough money at this short notice? |
ジョニー | オレってば 有り金はたいて コンドルフォート買っちまったんだよな |
Johnny | Dumbass. This is what you get for wasting your last gil on some flavor-of-the-month game. |
ジョニー | ほら 俺って流行りに敏感じゃん? | Johnny | But you know me. I'm a sucker for fads. |
ジョニー | って なにしてるんだよオレ 遊んでる場合じゃないじゃん! |
Johnny | There you go again, making excuses... |
ジョニー | ああ そうだ! ティファに会いに行くかな |
Johnny | When what you should be doing is getting your affairs in order by seeing Tifa! |
ジョニー | ああでも そしたら引き止められるよな | Johnny | No, then she'd try to stop me from leavin'! |
ジョニー | 行かないでジョニー 私 あなたのこと……なんてな~ |
Johnny | "Would you still go, Johnny, If I told you that I...that <i>we</i>─" Ugh... |
ジョニー | ヤバイよな ぜったいヤバイ | Johnny | You need to pull yourself together, man. |
ジョニー | 一発当てるなら あそこしかねえな 行くべきか 行かざるべきか |
Johnny | Only got one option left if I wanna strike it rich. The question is...to enter or not to enter... |
ジョニー | オヤジ おふくろ | Johnny | Mom...Dad... |
ジョニー | 不肖の息子 ジョニー 男になって帰ってくるぜ! |
Johnny | Your little boy's goin' away for a while, but when he comes back, he'll come back a man. |
ジェシー | さっきから 同じニュースばっかり | Jessie | Enough already, Shinra. We get it. |
ジェシー | わたしも一緒に行ってれば…… はぁ 足ひっぱるだけか |
Jessie | I should be up there with them... Not that I'd be much use, but still... |
ジェシー | ウジウジしてる場合じゃないか | Jessie | You know what, screw all this worrying. |
ジェシー | 打ち上げの準備 はじめないと 買い出しはウェッジかな |
Jessie | Got some celebrating to do, and that party's not gonna prep itself. Where's Wedge when you need him? |
ローチェ | フハハハハ! どこに居るんだい マイフレンド! |
Roche | Hahahahahahahahaha! I'm waiting, my friend! Come out, come out, wherever you are! |
ローチェ | 私はここだ! 恥ずかしがらずに 出てきたまえよ |
Roche | Don't be shy. I simply wanna finish what we started. Now let me see that dour face of yours! |
ローチェ | どこに隠れてるんだい マイフレンド! | Roche | Why do you hide from me, my friend!? The two of us had a deal! As sons of the saddle! |
ローチェ | 早く来ないと 私の休暇が 終わってしまうぞ~! |
Roche | My leave is almost over, so if you don't want me to ride off into the sunset, you'd better show yourself soon! |
ウェッジ | よ~しよしよし アニキたち 遅いっすねえ |
Wedge | There, there... Don't worry. They'll be back soon. I promise. |
ウェッジ | みんなも アニキたちがいないと 寂しいッスよね |
Wedge | We're all sad they aren't here, but we gotta be brave. |
ウェッジ | よ~しよしよし | Wedge | Yes, you're good little kitties. |
ウェッジ | 今日こそ みんなで打ち上げッスよ ニャルたちも一緒にごちそうだからね |
Wedge | Know what's gonna happen later? We're gonna have a party to celebrate their successful mission. And you're all invited! |
チャドリー | 挑戦者を選定中 | Chadley | Searching for competitors... |
チャドリー | 挑戦者候補を発見 対戦データの検索を開始 |
Chadley | Competitor detected. Initiating proficiency analysis... |
*** | また 運休かよ | *** | No, not again... |
*** | もう上に行くのは あきらめよう | *** | Might as well give up on getting to the plate... |
*** | はいはい運休ね わかってたよ | *** | Trains are canceled, huh? No one saw that coming. |
*** | はあ 今度はいつ動くんだ? | *** | Ugh... Think they'll be running anytime soon? |
*** | 再開は 昼ぐらいか? | *** | Hope they start up before noon... |
*** | なんかもう 慣れてきたな | *** | Kinda gotten used to life without 'em though. |
*** | 仕事の心配をしている場合じゃ ないのかもな |
*** | Work's probably the least of our worries at a time like this. |
*** | 結局 アバランチは捕まってないんだろ | *** | With Avalanche still on the loose, no one's safe. |
*** | ああもう 七番街は関係ないのに | *** | The Sector 7 reactor's fine, so why are <i>our</i> trains canceled? |
*** | 爆破してない街だけ 動かしてくれないかな |
*** | Can't they at least run a few trains to sectors that haven't been bombed? |
*** | スラムのほうが安全なの 上に居たほうが安全なの? |
*** | Is it safer down here or up there? I don't even know anymore. |
*** | ミッドガルから出たほうがいいのかも | *** | Might be better to leave Midgar altogether. |
*** | 再開するって言ってるけど ホント? | *** | They say the trains'll resume, but will they? |
*** | 仕事はあきらめて 買い物でも行こっかな |
*** | Maybe I should just treat myself to some retail therapy... |
*** | きみも 上に行きたいのかい? | *** | Hm? You trying to get topside too? |
*** | いま上は どこも危ないよ | *** | The plate's no place to be right now. |
*** | 急ぎじゃないなら また今度にしたらどうだい |
*** | If it's not an emergency, you'd best stay down here. |
*** | 魔晄炉が次々爆破されてるのに 今日も 仕事のために列車を待ってる |
*** | The city's blowing up all around us, and here we are, waiting for a train like everything's okay. |
*** | みんな どこか おかしくなってるのね きっと |
*** | If you stop and think about it, it's obvious we've all lost our minds. |
*** | ねえ 気晴らしに今夜 ウォール・マーケットに行かない? |
*** | Hey, you know what'd do us some good? A wild night out in Wall Market. |
*** | やだよ 怖いもん | *** | No thanks. Every place there's been a total rip-off. |
*** | 神羅のエリートくんからのお誘いでも? | *** | Hm... Would it change anything if I told you some Shinra bigwigs were paying? |
*** | うそ 行く行く! | *** | It very well might. When do we leave? |
*** | ミッドガルが戦場になる日も 近いかもな |
*** | Midgar's really starting to feel like a warzone... |
*** | 気がついてないだけで もうとっくに 戦争なのかも |
*** | Yeah well, maybe it is one and they just haven't gotten around to telling us. |
*** | 怖いこと言うなよ | *** | Stop it. You're freaking me out. |
*** | 電車が動いたところで どこへ向かえばいいのやら |
*** | Say the trains do start up again...where would we even go? |
*** | もう どこでなにが起きても驚かないわ | *** | Who knows. Wouldn't be surprised if the whole plate came crashing down. |
*** | 七番街が爆破されても そう言ってられるか? |
*** | Oh, if it did that, I guarantee you'd be surprised. |
*** | 夕方までには再開するって話もあるけど | *** | Rumor has it that the trains'll start up by sometime this evening. |
*** | 壱番に続いて 伍番か | *** | First Sector 1, now Sector 5... |
*** | 七番は 大丈夫よね? | *** | But 7's safe, right? |
*** | 取引のついでに 上で事務所を探そうと思ってたが |
*** | Figured I'd look for a new office after I closed that deal, but... |
*** | 進出は当分 おあずけね | *** | Not going to be doing that anytime soon. |
*** | もうしばらく七番街スラムで やっていくしかないか |
*** | Nope. Just gonna have to make do with what we've got down here for now. |
*** | 伍番魔晄炉の事故の影響で 現在 列車は全線運休しております |
*** | Due to an incident at the Sector 5 reactor, all trains have been temporarily suspended. |
*** | 点検が済み次第 順次再開して いきますので しばらくお待ちください |
*** | Services will resume once each line has been declared safe for travel, so please bear with us. |
*** | ただいま 線路と車両の点検中のため 運転を見合わせております |
*** | We are currently doing our utmost to quickly and efficiently inspect every car and route. |
*** | 安全が確認でき次第 再開いたします | *** | Your safety is our priority, so we ask for your patience. |
*** | なお 運行が再開した後も 駅および車両内 大変混み合うことが予想されます |
*** | Please be aware, however, that due to the delays, trains are likely to be crowded once service resumes. |
*** | お急ぎでない方は ご乗車をご遠慮いただきますよう お願いいたします |
*** | Passengers are advised to avoid unnecessary travel for the duration of the disruption. |
*** | 今日こそ家賃を払わないと 追い出されちまう |
*** | They said they'll evict me if I don't pay up this month. |
*** | どうすんだよ | *** | How you gonna get the money!? |
*** | もう 諦めた 明日から四番街の弟んとこへ行くわ |
*** | I'm not. Tomorrow, I'm headin' over to Sector 4 and crashin' at my brother's place. |
*** | うぃーん がしゃーん うぃーん | *** | Bzzzt...shwing...bzzzt. |
*** | エアバスターごっこ | *** | I'm playin' "Airbuster." |
*** | ビッグボンバー ドゴーン! | *** | Big Bomber! Kaboom! |
*** | ズギューン フィンガービーム! | *** | Pew pew! Take 'em out, Finger Beams! |
*** | ガハハハハ キサマらをシュクセーする! |
*** | Hahaha! Your punishment is death! |
*** | はい ストップ! この先は立ち入り禁止だよ |
*** | That's far enough. Sorry, but no one's allowed beyond this point. |
*** | この先は 列車墓場っていって オバケが出るんだ |
*** | It's not called the train graveyard for nothing. Place is teeming with ghosts. |
*** | だから やめといたほうがいいぞ | *** | Best not "disturb their rest." |
*** | コラ 勝手に入ったら こわ~いオバケに さらわれちゃうぞ? |
*** | Wouldn't want you turning into one yourself and haunting this place for all eternity. |
*** | この先は危険なモンスターが出るから 通れないの ごめんね |
*** | Hate to break it to ya, but we can't let you through. Too many monsters skulkin' about. |
*** | ちょっと 列車墓場の噂を知らないの? ほら 帰った帰った |
*** | You may think you can handle these fiends on your own, but you can't. Now beat it. Find somewhere else to play hookey. |
*** | ケガしたら 危ないでしょ? 早くおうちに帰りなさい |
*** | I don't want you getting hurt, and I <i>definitely</i> don't want your blood on my hands. |
*** | 神羅が 怪しいやつを捕まえたって? | *** | You hear that Shinra caught some guy snooping around? |
*** | ああ 奥へ連れてったよ | *** | Yeah, they brought him through here. |
*** | もしかして アバランチ? | *** | You don't think he was with Avalanche, do you? |
*** | 怪しい人には 見えなかったけど | *** | I dunno. Seemed pretty normal to me. |
*** | 奥で なにをする気なんでしょう | *** | What do you think they'll do to him back there? |
*** | そりゃ 痛めつけて 仲間のことを吐かせるのさ |
*** | Same thing they always do. Beat the crap out of him till he talks. |
*** | そういうのは スラムじゃなくて 上でやってくれよな |
*** | Why do those assholes have to do their dirty work down here? Leave us be. |
*** | また列車が止まったって これでまだまだ 一緒にいられるね |
*** | Sounds like the trains won't be running for a while. Guess that means we've got some more time together. |
*** | そうだね ふぁあ~ | *** | Guess it does. |
*** | あくびするきみも 素敵だよ | *** | I even love the way you yawn. |
*** | うふふ そう? | *** | You do? |
*** | このまま爆破が続けば ずっと いっしょにいられるのにね |
*** | I wish these bombings would never end─we could stay like this forever. |
*** | うん…… | *** | Yeah... |
*** | きみのことは 俺が守るよ だから安心して |
*** | You have nothing to fear, my love. I would never let any harm come to you. |
*** | スゥスゥ…… | *** | Zzz... |
*** | 寝顔も チャーミングだよ | *** | Sweet, sweet music... |
*** | ごめんなさい 眠ってしまったわ | *** | Sorry 'bout that. Think I dozed off. |
*** | 気にしてないよ ステキな夢を見た? | *** | No need to apologize. Did you sleep well? |
*** | あなたと いっしょにいる夢を見たわ | *** | Yeah. I had a dream we were together. |
*** | それはよかった ふぁあ~ | *** | Sounds lovely. |
*** | あら おねむ? | *** | I think someone's ready for bed. |
*** | きみといっしょにいるのに 眠るわけないだろ…… |
*** | As long as I'm with you, sleeping's the last thing I wanna do... |
*** | ふぁあ~ やだ つられちゃった |
*** | Uh-oh. Now <i>I'm</i> yawning again. |
*** | あくび おそろいだね | *** | It seems the sandman has us both in his clutches. |
*** | 今度は いっしょに夢を見ましょう | *** | Then all we can do...is go to sleep...and dream of each other. |
*** | そうだね…… | *** | I...agree... |
*** | スゥスゥ…… | *** | Zzz... |
*** | グゥグゥ…… | *** | Zzz... |
*** | おまえが スラムの食べ物が 恋しいなんて言うから |
*** | If you hadn't insisted on trying slum food, we wouldn't be stuck down here. |
*** | まあまあ | *** | Don't be like that. |
*** | あと1日 七番街スラムに泊まって 明日の朝に戻ればいいんじゃない? |
*** | We should treat it like a little vacation. Stay the night here and then go back in the morning. What do you think? |
*** | そんなこと言って また食べたいだけなんだろ |
*** | I think you're looking for an excuse to have another burger. |
*** | うふふふ | *** | Hehehe! |
*** | やっぱ 黒ミリオンダブルだよな | *** | Extra black milly's gotta be the way to go, yeah? |
*** | あの独特な風味が たまんねえんだよな | *** | I mean, nothin' on the menu can beat that, right? |
*** | いっそ今日は 黒ミリオンダブルを ダブルにしてみるか! |
*** | Unless...I go all out with extra <i>extra</i> black milly! |
*** | それとも ここは限定フレーバー | *** | Ah, but what about the special? |
*** | ダチャオスパイス・スペシャルを 経験しておくべきか? |
*** | Who could say no to that eclectic blend of Da-chao herbs and spices? |
*** | まだ 悩んでんのか? | *** | Make up your mind already, will ya? |
*** | 品物はいいんだけど 値段がね | *** | I mean, there's lots of good stuff, but these prices... |
*** | 先に言っとくけど 値引きはしねえぞ | *** | Hem and haw all you want─I'm not givin' ya a discount. |
*** | そこをなんとか | *** | Come on. Please? |
*** | 早くしないと 七番魔晄炉も 爆破されちまうかもだぜ? |
*** | You mind hurryin' it up? Wanna serve a few more customers before Reactor 7 blows. |
*** | う~ん そうかもね | *** | Right, right... |
*** | お目が高いね この絨毯はレア物だぜ | *** | You've got a keen eye, miss. Don't find rugs like that around here anymore. |
*** | もしかして 戦争前のやつ? | *** | No? Are you saying it's pre-war? |
*** | ご明察 しかもここだけの話 ウータイ産さ |
*** | That it is! And, just between you and me...it's from Wutai. |
*** | ウータイって 伍番魔晄炉爆破に 関わってたって噂の? |
*** | Wait a minute... Wasn't Wutai behind the attack on Mako Reactor 5? |
*** | ああ あっちの商品は もう入ってこないだろうな |
*** | So they say. And if trade relations break down, this rug'll be one of a kind. |
*** | なあ 聞いてくれ 仕事が見つかったんだ! |
*** | Guess what! I actually found a job on the plate! |
*** | 明日から魔晄炉の修理に行くんだ これでスラムとも おさばらさ |
*** | Starting tomorrow, I'll be a mako reactor repair technician. So long, slums! |
*** | 結局 爆発しちまったけど アバランチは捕まったのか? |
*** | So, they let another reactor get bombed, but did they at least catch Avalanche yet? |
*** | いや 逃亡中って話だ | *** | Nope. Still on the run, apparently. |
*** | おいおい 頼むぜ神羅 | *** | For cryin' out loud, Shinra... Do your freakin' job. |
*** | 今日も仕入れは絶望的だ | *** | Our larder's as good as empty at this point... |
*** | 今夜 ウォール・マーケットに 仕入れに行ってくるよ |
*** | Guess I'll go to Wall Market tonight and look for stuff there. |
*** | 頼む 寄り道はするなよ? | *** | Just remember─you're going for business, not pleasure. |
*** | あれ いないなぁ | *** | Huh, that's weird. He's always here... |
*** | 猫ちゃん どこッスか~? | *** | Where'd you go, little guy? Come on out, kitty-kitty. |
*** | あ~あ 上で遊ぶ予定がぜんぶパア | *** | And here I was, looking forward to a nice day out on the plate... |
*** | アバランチが捕まって 落ち着いたら また遊びに行こう |
*** | Nothing to do but wait until Avalanche is caught and everything's back to normal. |
*** | さっさと捕まれ アバランチ! | *** | Hurry up and turn yourselves in already! |
*** | 気を取り直して 今日はスラムで朝まで遊ぼう! |
*** | If we can't get to the plate, let's party till sunup right here! |
*** | 朝までは ちょっと | *** | Or maybe just sundown? |
*** | ふわぁ~ 今日も休み っと |
*** | Looks like I get today off too. |
*** | 寝てるだけの仕事って ないかなぁ | *** | If only...I could get paid to do this every day... |
*** | 今日も列車 動いてないね | *** | The trains are still stopped! Woohoo! |
*** | わかってるの? | *** | Don't look so happy. |
*** | 仕事に行けないと 私たち 飢え死にしちゃうんだよ? |
*** | If I don't get back to work soon, we won't be able to eat. |
*** | やっぱりスラムで新しいお仕事探そうよ わたしも 手伝うから |
*** | If you can't get to the plate, you can just get a new job down here─and...and I can help too! |
*** | もう わがまま言わないで | *** | Sorry...but it's not that simple. |
*** | あのね 困ってる人がたくさんいるの 働いてみんなで助け合わないと |
*** | Lots of people need help right now, and I have to do my part. It'd be wrong to think only of myself. |
*** | わかってるよ でも心配なんだもん! もしお姉ちゃんになにかあったら…… |
*** | I know, but...but what if you get hurt? What if you can't come home? I don't want that. |
*** | ごめん そうよね | *** | Sorry. I know it's scary. |
*** | 今日からプレート住民のはずだったのに | *** | This was supposed to be my first day as a topsider! |
*** | まあまあ いいじゃない 1日ぐらい延びたって |
*** | Well, it's not like the plate's going anywhere. You can be a topsider tomorrow. |
*** | まあね | *** | I guess... |
*** | しょうがないから 今夜はスラムで 最後の食事を満喫しようと思ってるの |
*** | Alright. If I gotta spend one last night in this dump, I'm having the meal of a lifetime. |
*** | こうやって のんびり飯が食えるのも いつまでかな |
*** | Gotta say, I'm really gonna miss enjoying decent meals like this... |
*** | おい 不吉なこと言うなよ アバランチなんて すぐ捕まるさ |
*** | What are you talking about? Everything's gonna be fine. Avalanche can't run forever, you know. |
*** | もっと強いヤツを頼む 全部 忘れちまうくらいの |
*** | I can't take it anymore. I just wanna forget. Gimme the strongest thing you got. |
*** | 特別だぞ | *** | Fine. |
*** | お嬢ちゃんも飲むかい? | *** | Hey there, missy. Wanna drink? |
*** | お嬢ちゃんには ちょっと早いかな | *** | On second thought...you look a little too young. |
*** | 若いってのはいいよな 酒がなくても 前向いて進めるんだから |
*** | What I wouldn't give to change places. At your age, I didn't need anything to help me get through the day. |
*** | 頭がガンガンする | *** | My head's freakin' killing me... |
*** | 昨日はウォール・マーケットで 飲みすぎちゃった |
*** | If it means drinking like that, I'm never going to Wall Market again. |
*** | やだ 子供がこんなところに 来ちゃダメよ |
*** | What's a kid like you doing here? Go find a sandbox to play in. |
*** | どうしよう 今日も運休だって! | *** | Oh no, the trains aren't running. Whatever will we do? |
*** | しかたない 今日もスラム飯だ! | *** | Since we've no other choice...let's hit up the food stalls! |
*** | もう スラムに引っ越しちゃう? | *** | You know what? We should just move here. |
*** | たしかに 家賃は安いし 飯もうまいしな |
*** | Not a bad idea. Rent's cheap, and the food's out of this world. |
*** | アバランチは ウータイと組んでるって話だ |
*** | Now they're saying Wutai put Avalanche up to it. |
*** | ウータイの卑怯者どもめ | *** | Shoulda known they'd be behind this. |
*** | ウータイには 魔晄炉がないから ひがんでるんじゃないの? |
*** | They're just mad they don't have their own reactors, so they're taking it out on us. |
*** | ウータイって 本当に魔晄なしで 生活できてるのか? |
*** | Come to think of it, how do they even live without mako energy anyway? |
*** | さあ 強がってはいても 相当苦しいんじゃない? |
*** | Not well, I bet. They act all proud, but life there has to be miserable. |
*** | 自分たちで魔晄を拒んでるくせに ひがみで攻撃されちゃ たまんないよな |
*** | So they decide not to use mako, then they get mad that we have better lives than them? Seriously? |
*** | 神羅はウータイを侵略したんだ 仕返しされて 当然だね |
*** | Shinra invaded Wutai first. It's only natural that they'd fight back. |
*** | 星や自然を重んじる考え方にも 共感できる |
*** | And they're doing this for the environment. Hard not to sympathize with 'em. |
*** | おい 頼むからめったなことを 言うんじゃない |
*** | Hey! You two got a death wish or somethin'? Stop running your mouths! |
*** | 誰が聞いているか わからないんだぞ | *** | You never know <i>who</i> could be listening. |
*** | 大体 神羅のやり方は強引すぎるんだ | *** | You'd think Shinra would try to be a little more subtle about all this. |
*** | ニュースで色々報道されているけど どうも 嘘くさい感じがするよな |
*** | Right? If people took two seconds to think about it, they'd realize the news was nothing but a pack of lies. |
*** | わかってても みな信じたいんだよ | *** | But it's what people wanna hear, and so they believe it. |
*** | 神羅を疑いはじめたら 今の生活は 成り立たん |
*** | They'd rather live in blissful ignorance than question everything they know about Shinra. |
*** | アバランチの野郎 また 爆破しやがったな |
*** | When are those Avalanche assholes gonna stop terrorizing our city? |
*** | 本当に これで 星を救うことになるのかな |
*** | They say they wanna save the planet, but what good will blowing things up do? |
*** | 無駄でしょうね 伍番魔晄炉の修理も 始まったみたいだし |
*** | None, that's what. Especially when repairs on Reactor 5 have already started. |
*** | 私たちの考え方が変わらない限り おなじことの繰り返しだよね きっと |
*** | Sounds like if they really want to change anything, they should start with how people think about the environment. |
*** | アバランチって 給料出るのかな | *** | You think Avalanche pays its members? |
*** | もう雇ってくれるなら どこでもいい | *** | At this point, I'll work for just about anyone. |
*** | これはいいぞ 大物だ! | *** | Jackpot! I'll be rollin' in gil! |
*** | 妹にいいメシを買って帰るんだ | *** | I'm gonna sell you and buy her some awesome food! |
*** | 兄ちゃん がんばるからな | *** | I'll be the best big brother ever! |
*** | 待ってろ ごちそう~! | *** | Now get out of there right nooow! |
*** | 聞いたか 戦争になるんだってよ | *** | You hear the news? Apparently, we're going to war. |
*** | 戦争か 金属の需要が ぐんとあがりそうだな |
*** | War, huh? Know what that means, right? Demand for metal's gonna go through the roof. |
*** | いまのうちに かき集めておくか | *** | Then I say we get in on the ground floor! |
*** | 戦争になって 上もスラムになればいいんだ |
*** | I'm gonna enjoy watching this war turn the plate into one big slum. |
*** | いいな それ | *** | You and me both. |
*** | 上でドンチャカ始まれば プレート資材なんかも ガンガン落ちてくるかもな |
*** | With all the bombs going off, I wouldn't be surprised if some scrap from the plate made its way down here. |
*** | いいね 貴重な資源が 大漁たいりょう! |
*** | Talk about a windfall! We're gonna be swimming─no, drowning in money! |
*** | バカ そんなん拾う前に 頭に当たって死んじまうよ |
*** | Buried, you mean. We're talking about shit falling from the sky here! |
*** | 店にウータイ出身の子っていたっけ | *** | Wasn't there someone from Wutai working at that bar? |
*** | えっ どうだろう | *** | No...really? |
*** | 調べたほうがいいかもね どこにスパイがいるか わからないし |
*** | We should tell the authorities. You never know; they might be a spy. |
新人兵士 | これから どうなるんでしょう | New Recruit | Um... Sir? What are we going to do? |
先輩兵士 | しゃきっとしろ 俺たちは 俺たちの任務をこなすだけだ |
Senior Officer | We're going to concentrate on our jobs, and not worry about things that don't concern us. |
新人兵士 | この辺にも アバランチが 紛れてるかもしれないんですよね |
New Recruit | But...what if Avalanche is hiding somewhere in this sector? |
新人兵士 | 四番街の同期も 伍番街に招集されたみたいです |
New Recruit | I know a guy stationed in Sector 4 who's been transferred to Sector 5. |
先輩兵士 | いまは どこも人手不足だからな | Senior Officer | Not surprising. 5's been hit hard. |
新人兵士 | このまま爆破が続いたら 俺たちも…… | New Recruit | So...if this keeps up, what's gonna happen to us? |
先輩兵士 | バカモン 我々神羅が アバランチだのウータイだの |
Senior Officer | Nothing! Do you think Shinra─the most powerful organization in the world─ |
先輩兵士 | ならず者どもに そう何度もやられてたまるか! |
Senior Officer | is gonna let some Wutai-backed terrorists bring 'em down!? |
新人兵士 | ですよね! | New Recruit | N-no! No, sir! |
新人兵士 | 容疑者が見つかったって 本当ですか | New Recruit | I heard that one of the suspects was apprehended... |
先輩兵士 | みたいだな | Senior Officer | You heard right. |
新人兵士 | 支柱のほうに連れていったって 聞きましたが |
New Recruit | Word is they took him to the pillar, but why there? |
先輩兵士 | 話を聞くなら 人目がないところの方が 好都合だからな |
Senior Officer | Because they wanted to have a chat with him somewhere they wouldn't be disturbed. |
新人兵士 | 話を聞く だけですか? | New Recruit | A chat? Really? |
先輩兵士 | ああ みっちりじっくりな | Senior Officer | Yeah. A nice, long one. |
新人兵士 | なっ なんでしょう | New Recruit | Wh-what is it? |
新人兵士 | 次は七番魔晄炉を狙ってるかも | New Recruit | I can't help but think Reactor 7's next. |
先輩兵士 | なんだ 迷子か? | Senior Officer | What? You lost or somethin'? |
先輩兵士 | 子供に構ってるヒマはない | Senior Officer | Get the hell outta my face, brat. |
*** | 気をつけろよ | *** | Stay alert now! |
*** | 無理は禁物だぞ | *** | Don't get yourself hurt. |
*** | ご苦労さん! | *** | Hey there! |
*** | これで少し安全になるか | *** | Now I <i>know</i> we'll be safe. |
*** | 昨日のテレビ 見たか? | *** | Watch that fight yesterday? |
*** | エアバスターだっけか かっこよかったな |
*** | The─what was it again? Airbuster? Was so cool. |
*** | 今さら 魔晄なしの生活には戻れねえよ | *** | I can't even imagine what life would be like without mako now. |
*** | 魔晄バンザイ! | *** | Long live mako! |
*** | アバランチは まだまだ やるつもりだろうな |
*** | After all this, no way Avalanche is gonna pack it up. |
*** | 次はどこの魔晄炉を狙うつもりだ? | *** | Only a matter of time before they hit another reactor. |
*** | 結局 予告通り爆破されちまったわけだ | *** | How could Shinra let this happen? They knew Reactor 5 was the target. |
*** | 神羅も案外 だらしねえな | *** | And here I thought they had everything under control. |
*** | ウータイと また戦争になるのかね | *** | Looks like we're going to war with Wutai again. |
*** | ミッドガルに攻めてくる なんてことは ないよな |
*** | If there <i>is</i> a war, I just hope the fighting's over there. |
*** | ウータイには シノビってやつらがいるんだろ? |
*** | They've got those "ninja" guys in Wutai, right? |
*** | もしかしたら すでに忍び込んでるかもな |
*** | 'Cause I keep thinking... What if they're already among us? |
*** | ウータイ……ウータイって なんだっけ? |
*** | Wutai... Why's that name ring a bell? |
*** | 戦争の時のこと あんまり覚えてないんだよな |
*** | I know it has something to do with that war, but what exactly? |
*** | どうしよう 伍番街に友達がいるのに | *** | I can't believe this. One of my friends lives in Sector 5. |
*** | うちにくる? って連絡してみようかな | *** | Maybe I should invite them to come stay with me for a while. |
*** | 狙われてるのは 魔晄炉なんでしょ? | *** | Avalanche's only going after reactors, right? |
*** | じゃあ スラムにいれば安全よ | *** | Meaning we should be safe down here on the surface. |
*** | 魔晄炉が止まっていちばん困るのは 上の人たちでしょ? |
*** | Those topsiders are gonna have quite the time making do without mako. |
*** | ちょっと いい気味かも | *** | Serves 'em right, I say. |
*** | こんなことが これからも続くの? | *** | We can't go on living in fear like this. |
*** | 一刻も早く アバランチを捕まえてほしいわ |
*** | Shinra needs to do something about those terrorists. |
*** | なにか 新しい情報はない? | *** | Did you hear about any new developments? |
*** | 次は七番魔晄炉が狙われてるって噂は ホントかしら |
*** | I wonder if the Sector 7 reactor really is next on their list. |
*** | ふたつもやられたんだ 神羅も黙ってないよ |
*** | Shinra's not just going to stand by and let a third reactor be destroyed. |
*** | アバランチが捕まるのも 時間の問題さ | *** | Avalanche <i>will</i> be brought to justice, you mark my words. |
*** | プレートがある生活にも すっかり慣れたつもりだったけど |
*** | I thought I'd gotten used to living under the plate, but now I'm not sure I ever will. |
*** | 頭のすぐ上で 爆破テロが起きてるなんて |
*** | All this stuff─it's going on right above our heads! |
*** | ここの薄暗さが 急に息苦しく感じるわ | *** | Just thinking how the plate might come crashing down...I can barely breathe. |
*** | 伍番街スラムは どうなってるのかしら | *** | So have you heard any news about the Sector 5 undercity? |
*** | 列車は止まってるみたいだけど ほかは特に問題ないみたい |
*** | Not much. Pretty sure the trains aren't running, but otherwise it's business as usual. |
*** | やっぱり スラムは安全ってことね | *** | I guess that means they're safe for at least a bit longer. |
*** | 上で爆発が起きても 下は案外 平気なものね |
*** | To look at things from down here, you'd never guess what had gone on up top. |
*** | あのプレートは それだけ分厚い鉄板で できてるってことでしょ? |
*** | Must be some really good steel they used if the plate can take that kind of a beating. |
*** | あんなに高い場所に 持ち上げられてるのが ちょっと 不思議に思えてくるわ |
*** | Imagine getting those beams all the way up there in the first place... Bet that was a task. |
*** | 神羅の技術って やっぱりすごいのね | *** | You gotta hand it to them... Shinra really knows how to build stuff. |
*** | センソウって なんだろう | *** | Hey, do you know what war is? |
*** | なんか ちょっとこわいな | *** | I don't, but it sounds scary. |
*** | 魔晄炉が2基も止まって 影響はないのかな |
*** | You think having two of the reactors down is gonna affect us at all? |
*** | スラムに入ってくる電力が 削られるとか? |
*** | Maybe they'll start cutting power to the slums or have brownouts. |
*** | 可能性はあるな | *** | I wouldn't put it past them... |
*** | 四番街はスラムの太陽が消えちゃって ひと晩中 真っ暗闇で過ごしたんだって |
*** | I heard the suns over in 4 got turned off, and the whole sector's been dark ever since. |
*** | あの大きさの照明だ 消費電力も すさまじいんだろう |
*** | Makes sense. Those things are massive. Must suck up a ton of power. |
*** | 準備だけはしておいたほうがいいな | *** | Might be be a good idea to prepare for the worst. |
*** | 準備って? | *** | Prepare how? |
*** | まず 食料と水 あと固形燃料もほしいな |
*** | By stocking up on food and water, for starters. And some fuel couldn't hurt either. |
*** | 今のうちに 廃材を確保しておいたほうがいいかもな |
*** | Know what I say? We start salvaging while everyone else is in shock. |
*** | たしかに このまま流通が止まったら 廃材だってなくなる |
*** | Good thinking. With no supplies coming in, people will just have to make do with scrap. |
*** | そしたら 高値で売れるってわけだ | *** | So we get to it first, and make a killing. |
*** | アバランチには もっと暴れてもらわねえと |
*** | Let's hope Avalanche keeps stirring the pot a little longer. |
*** | 俺たちが 廃材を牛耳るまでな | *** | Yeah, at least until we've cleaned this place out. |
*** | 故郷に戻ったほうが いいかもね | *** | Maybe we should move back to the country after all. |
*** | プレートに住む夢はいいのか? | *** | And give up on your dream of living on the plate? |
*** | 引っ越すにしたって 金がいるからな | *** | Either way, moving costs money. |
*** | じゃあ 私たち ずっとスラムで暮らすの? |
*** | So what, we should stay in the slums for the rest of our lives? |
*** | わたし スラム好きだよ | *** | I don't mind. I like it here. |
*** | クギとネジ 持ってきたぞ だから 働かせてくれ |
*** | Alright, I brought those nails and screws you wanted. Now can I <i>please</i> have a job? |
*** | あのな やめとけ この商売に未来なんてないんだよ |
*** | I said I'd think about it─and my answer's "no." There's no future for you in this kinda business. |
*** | オレには 今がないんだよ! | *** | But without a job, I've got not future at all! |
*** | ったく わかったよ | *** | Fine, fine. I'll give you a chance. |
*** | ホントか? | *** | Really!? You will!? |
*** | 言っておくが 厳しいぞ | *** | Yeah, but you're gonna wish I hadn't. |
*** | のぞむところだ | *** | Bring it on, old man! |
*** | いま映ってた スカーレットってのが 兵器開発部門のトップなんだよな |
*** | Hey, wasn't that Scarlet just now? From the Advanced Weaponry Division? |
*** | やっぱ すげえな | *** | What a head-turner. |
*** | 壱番の時より被害はちいさそうだな | *** | The damage there looked much worse than it did at Reactor 1. |
*** | これで今日も 列車は運休ってか | *** | Guess there won't be any trains running today either. |
*** | 俺たちの生活は どうなっちまうんだよ | *** | How do they expect us to live under these conditions? |
*** | 昨日のハイデッカーに続いて 今度はスカーレットか |
*** | First Heidegger, now Scarlet? Some big names on TV. |
*** | 神羅の大物が 立て続けにご苦労なこって |
*** | Wouldn't wanna be a Shinra exec right now. No way, no how. |
*** | 見るからに キャリアって感じ | *** | I guarantee she's married to her job. |
*** | キレイな人だけど なんか 性格悪そうよね |
*** | She's beautiful, I'll give her that, but hearing her talk, you can tell she's an absolute bitch. |
*** | 伍番街の様子は 映るかしら | *** | Are they going to show anything besides the reactor? |
*** | やったのは 壱番魔晄炉と同じ人たちなの? |
*** | So...did the same people who blew up Reactor 1 do this? |
*** | 爆弾って そんな簡単に作れるものなの? |
*** | Can any old person really make a "device" like that? |
*** | 神羅カンパニー関係者によりますと 犯人グループは |
*** | According to officials involved with the ongoing investigation... |
*** | 爆破の影響を受けていない区域に 拠点を構えている可能性があり |
*** | the bombers are believed to have gone into hiding somewhere far from the site of the attacks. |
*** | 軍による大規模な捜索も 視野に入れているとのことです |
*** | A large-scale search led by military forces is currently being planned. |
*** | アバランチの魔晄炉爆破は ウータイと共謀した策略であると判明し |
*** | Furthermore, initial reports confirm that terrorists were coordinating their efforts with Wutai─ |
*** | 市民の間には 動揺が広がっています | *** | a revelation that has left many citizens shaken. |
*** | 市民たちの間では 魔晄炉爆破の黒幕とされる ウータイへの反感が高まっており |
*** | Anti-Wutai sentiment has reached a fever pitch in the city as more information about their involvement comes to light... |
*** | 一部では すでに戦争は始まっている という声も上がっています |
*** | and amid this growing hostility, many believe that war is inevitable. |
*** | 本日 プレジデントによる 正式な宣戦布告を期待する市民たちが |
*** | These citizens are already gathering in Sector 2 for President Shinra's upcoming speech... |
*** | 弐番街の公園で 集会を開いています | *** | hoping it will include a declaration of war. |
*** | アバランチのやつら まさか 七番街にはいないよな |
*** | You don't think those terrorists could be lying low down here, do you? |
*** | アバランチとウータイ 最悪の組み合わせだな |
*** | Avalanche and Wutai? Talk about a match made in hell... |
*** | やられる前に 反撃しねえと | *** | We gotta hit them before they hit us! |
*** | ウータイは なんでこんなことするの? | *** | Does Wutai really think it stands a chance? |
*** | 結局 アバランチは 操られてるだけなのね |
*** | So...what? Wutai's been calling the shots all along? |
*** | 戦争 また始まるの? | *** | Are they...really going to start another war already? |
*** | ウータイって なに? | *** | Uh, what's a "Wutai"? |
*** | ケンカしてないで 仲直りしたらいいのに |
*** | I don't get it. Why don't they make up and be friends again? |
*** | バイク 返ってこねえな | *** | Wonder what they got up to with those bikes. |
*** | もしかして このまま…… | *** | They wouldn't just take off with them, would they? |
*** | いや 信じよう | *** | Naw, they'll definitely be back. |
*** | きっと 列車が止まってるから 取りに行けねえだけさ |
*** | It's probably the trains keeping them from going topside to pick 'em up. |
*** | もしかして 忘れられてるんじゃ | *** | I don't know. What if they just forgot? |
*** | ジョニーのやつ 本当に帰ってねえんだな |
*** | Kinda surprised Johnny hasn't come crawling back yet. |
*** | そういえば 街を出る前に ウォール・マーケットに寄るって 言ってたらしいよ |
*** | Well, I did hear him say something about stopping by Wall Market for one last hurrah. |
*** | なに! | *** | What!? |
*** | ジョニーの野郎 蜜蜂の館だな | *** | That bastard's at the Honeybee Inn, I just know it. |
*** | 探しにいってみる? | *** | Should we go get him? |
*** | いや 邪魔しないでやろう きっと文学的になってるはずだ |
*** | Naw, better not. He's probably getting all "philosophical" as we speak. |
*** | なにそれ | *** | What's that mean? |
*** | 服なんて見てる場合なのかな | *** | Should we even be shopping at a time like this? |
*** | いいのよ こういう時こそ 平常心でいないと |
*** | Of course we should. We can't let them keep us from living our lives. |
*** | それで 買うの? | *** | So, you gonna buy anything? |
*** | う~ん やっぱり 上の店のほうがセンスがいいわね |
*** | Hmmm... No. This stuff's nothing compared to what I can get topside. |
*** | ただいま タイムセール中です | *** | Top-notch quality at rock-bottom prices! |
*** | 暗い時こそ オシャレをして 心を明るくしましょう |
*** | These are dark times, but there's nothing like a new outfit to brighten your day! |
*** | そこの可愛らしいお嬢さんも 見ていきませんか? |
*** | Care to look at our selection, young lady? You're sure to find something you like. |
*** | あら お嬢さんの服 珍しいデザインね |
*** | My oh my... I can't remember the last time I saw clothes like yours around here. |
*** | もしかして 上の最新トレンドかしら | *** | You topsiders certainly are fashion forward, aren't you. |
*** | スラムのトレンドも取り入れてみない? | *** | How'd you like to try on the latest <i>undercity</i> trends? |
*** | やっぱり ティファちゃんだね | *** | Honestly, how can you not think Tifa's better? |
*** | カクテルを渡してくれるときの あの笑顔 オレの天使! |
*** | The way she smiles when she hands you your drink... <i>That's</i> why it's called Seventh Heaven! |
*** | わかる | *** | What he said. |
*** | ふん わかってねえな | *** | You don't get it at all. |
*** | 本当にイイ女ってのは ジェシーのことを言うのさ |
*** | Jessie's got a heckuva lot more going for her than a cute smile! |
*** | わかるぜ 俺が仕事でヘマして落ち込んでたら |
*** | Agreed! You remember when I was having a tough time of it a few months ago? |
*** | ジェシーがバンッと背中を叩いて 元気づけてくれてよ |
*** | She slapped me on the back so hard, knocked me right outta my slump. |
*** | それから 俺はジェシーひとすじさ | *** | I've been a proud member of Team Jessie ever since! |
*** | でも最近 な~んか | *** | But ever since <i>he</i> showed up... |
*** | わかってる みなまで言うな | *** | Hey... We said we wouldn't talk about this. |
*** | なんでも屋だろ | *** | The merc, right? |
*** | だから 言うなって! | *** | What did I just say!? |
*** | 俺たちの女神を あのイケメンの野郎 | *** | I mean, where does he get off taking both of 'em from us!? |
*** | ふたりが幸せなら いいんだ 俺は |
*** | Look, the important thing...is that they're happy. |
*** | ぐぬぬ びくともしない! | *** | This is...heavier than it looked...! |
*** | パパ ファイト | *** | You can do it, Daddy! |
*** | わたし お手伝いしよっか? | *** | If it's too heavy, I can help you! |
*** | なんの これしき! | *** | Thanks, honey...but I've got it. |
*** | いい? こういう時こそ冷静に | *** | Alright, girls. We have to stay calm and prioritize. |
*** | 必要なものを 見極めないとね | *** | What provisions do we actually need? |
*** | 店の人に聞いたら 食べ物も日用品も 当分はなくならないって |
*** | Whoa there. I asked one of the stores, and they said they have enough food and essentials for a while. |
*** | でもほら 誰かが買い占めたら? | *** | That may be─but what if people start hoarding them? |
*** | なくなっちゃう! | *** | There'll be none left for us! |
*** | その前に 私たちで買い占めないと | *** | If we wanna survive, we have to get to the stores now! |
*** | えっと だから 冷静になってね | *** | Didn't one of you say something about "staying calm"? |
*** | サムズデリバリーに 仕入れを頼んでおいて よかったな |
*** | Sure am glad I didn't put off ordering all that stuff through Sam's. |
*** | 最悪 列車が動かなくても 当分はしのげるわね |
*** | Yeah, me too. It should be more than enough to tide us over until the trains are running again. |
*** | あとは 買い占めするヤツが 出ないといいが |
*** | I dunno... What if people start panic buying? |
*** | 購入制限は必要ね | *** | Then we limit the number of items per customer. |
*** | コンドルフォート 入荷しました! | *** | We proudly carry Fort Condor! |
*** | 最新の戦略ボードゲームだよ | *** | Get your hands on the board game sensation! |
*** | この流行に 乗り遅れるな! | *** | Hurry, hurry, 'cause they're going fast! |
*** | コンドルフォートがあるのはウチだけ! | *** | Don't be the only one on your block without one! |
*** | 走れ 走れ 走れスタンプ | *** | Go all out, Go all out, Go all out, little Stamp. |
*** | 見て見て ちゅうけんスタンプ! | *** | You'll do all you can, 'cause you're the best, Stamp! |
*** | ばうわうわう ばうわうわう~ | *** | Bow-wow-wow, bow-wow-wow... |
*** | 進め 進め 進めスタンプ | *** | Fight for us, Fight for us, Fight for us, little Stamp. |
*** | きみの首輪は せいぎのあかし | *** | You're justice on four legs and you're the hero that we need. |
*** | アイス アイス! | *** | I scream, you scream... |
*** | アイス アイス! | *** | We all scream for ice cream! |
*** | さっさと食べてね これから 買い出しにいくんだから |
*** | Make sure to eat it before it melts. I don't want any sticky hands while we're out shopping. |
*** | きょうは なにを買うの? | *** | So, what are we gonna buy today? |
*** | 食べ物とか いろいろ なにがあるかわかないから備えないと |
*** | Lots of different things─to make sure we're prepared for whatever happens. Like groceries and toilet paper. |
*** | おもちゃは? | *** | And new toys? |
*** | 買いません | *** | No toys. |
*** | で 昼間からずっと飲んでたんだ | *** | So, was drinking your whole day away worth it, ya think? |
*** | はい すいません | *** | No. No, it wasn't. |
*** | で 1ギルも残ってないんだ | *** | And did spending all our gil on booze make you happy? |
*** | 面目ありません | *** | No. It didn't. |
*** | セブンスヘブン 今日は休みか | *** | Oh well, so much for Seventh Heaven opening... |
*** | 昨日 なんかバタバタしてたしな | *** | Not that I'm surprised, after what went down yesterday. |
*** | 今日はゴロツキどもはいない か | *** | What a relief. Those thugs are nowhere to be seen. |
*** | 変なのが店の周りをうろついてたせいで もう何日もセブンスヘブンに行けてない |
*** | I got so sick of them hanging around the bar, scaring everybody off. I was starting to think I might never get to go in again. |
*** | うわ セブンスヘブンが開いてない! | *** | What!? Nooo... It can't be closed! |
*** | 私の天国が…… | *** | Seventh Heaven's my happy place! |
*** | なあ 聞いてくれよ | *** | You're gonna wanna hear this. |
*** | 先週よ ビリー・ボーってやつと 飲み比べをしたんだけどよ |
*** | So last week, went head to head with Billy Bob in a drinking competition, right? |
*** | あんた またやったの? | *** | You still do that stuff? C'mon. |
*** | で 相手におごらせたんだろ | *** | And what? You completely wiped the floor with him? |
*** | いや それが 初めて飲み負けちまった |
*** | Nope. Totally drank me under the table! |
*** | あいつは バケモンだよ どんなに飲んでも顔色も変わらねえんだ |
*** | Should've seen him. Total beast. Kept knocking 'em back, and never so much as burped! |
*** | あんたが負けるなんて | *** | Whoa, you lost? |
*** | ビリー・ボーか 覚えておこう | *** | Whadja say the guy's name was again? Billy Bob, yeah? |
*** | 知ってる? いまコルネオのスカウトが 七番街に来てるみたい |
*** | So, get this: <i>the</i> Don Corneo's been sending talent scouts down here. |
*** | 私 声かけられたよ | *** | Ugh, I know. They already got to me. |
*** | あなたも? 私もなんだけど | *** | Yeah, same here. Weren't they just the worst? |
*** | 豪邸暮らしは魅力的だけど なんか 怪しいよね |
*** | All that bullshit about "living in the lap of luxury"! Honestly, they must think we were born yesterday. |
*** | そもそも スカウトって あんな下っ端がやるわけ? |
*** | Right? If the man was serious, he wouldn't be sending out total nobodies. |
*** | 代理人にコネがあるとか言ってたけど | *** | You mean they <i>weren't</i> under orders from "people of influence"? |
*** | そういえばスカウトの人たち なんか 変なこと言ってなかった? |
*** | Meant to ask, did those scout guys say anything...I dunno...odd? |
*** | 言ってた! 『ほし~』って なにが欲しいんだろう |
*** | Besides everything? Well, they <i>were</i> talking about what kinda outfit I'd look good in. The choices were "exotic," "sporty," or "refined." |
*** | ウォール・マーケットで 流行ってるのかな |
*** | Well, who understands those Wall Market people. |
*** | いま なにがいちばん欲しい? | *** | Seriously, though─what would <i>you</i> do if you were picked? |
*** | そりゃあ プレートに家がほし~! | *** | Oh, that's easy. Make the don buy me a mansion topside! God knows he can afford it. |
*** | 私も私も あと 仕事がほし~! |
*** | Please, with that kind of money, you could buy at least two! What am I saying? Three! |
*** | ふわぁあ~ 眠い…… | *** | I'm about to keel over. |
*** | 昨日は爆破騒ぎで あんまり踊れなかったな |
*** | Last night was a bust. This bombing shit isn't good for the club scene. |
*** | 子供がこんなとこに来ちゃダメだよ | *** | This ain't no place for kids. Beat it. |
*** | 戦争になったら 踊れなくなるのかな | *** | If war breaks out, you just know the clubs'll be the first to close. |
*** | じゃあ 戦争はんた~い | *** | Which means I'm officially anti-war. |
*** | やっぱり 夜まで もうひと眠りしよっと |
*** | I'm gonna crash. Wake me up when it's time to party. |
*** | さてと 蜜蜂の館に並びに行くかな | *** | A'ight, pro'ly oughta head over to the Honeybee before the line gets too long. |
*** | 今日も行くのかよ | *** | You <i>can</i> skip a day, ya know? |
*** | いつ行けなくなるかわかんねえからな 俺は 今を生きるのさ |
*** | Why would I? Gotta live for the moment and all that. Shit could hit the fan any second! |
*** | 戦争になれば 兵士として雇ってもらえるかな |
*** | They'll need troopers if they're planning on going to war. Wonder if I could enlist. |
*** | あん? なに見てんだよ | *** | What? This ain't no show─get lost. |
*** | おい お嬢ちゃんが 来るようなとこじゃねえぞ |
*** | Hey girly. Back it up. Kids aren't exactly welcome here. |
*** | こんなとこにいたら いい大人になれねえぜ |
*** | Trust me, you don't wanna hang around. Now move it along. |
*** | 最新の神羅製品は いらんかね | *** | Hey. Got the latest in Shinra-brand goods. |
*** | ニセモノじゃないよ 純正品だけだよ | *** | These are the real deal, kid. No knock-offs here. |
*** | なんか シミがついてねえか | *** | The hell? Is this blood? |
*** | ああそれ ワインですね | *** | Oh, that? Nah, that's a wine stain. |
*** | 血だったりして | *** | Pretty sure it's blood. |
*** | あはは そんなわけないでしょ | *** | C'mon, would I lie? |
*** | シミの分 安くしてくれます? | *** | Well, whatever it is, it's a stain, so... |
*** | 安くはできませんけど サービスで やかんをおつけしますよ |
*** | 'Fraid I can't give you a discount, but what if I throw in this teakettle for free? |
*** | あんたら ラッキーだぜ | *** | Ya'll are in luck, lemme tell ya! |
*** | コンドルフォートを ひとつだけ 入荷したぜ |
*** | Got a copy of Fort Condor in stock. But just the one! |
*** | 俺に売ってくれ! | *** | Oh, me! Sell it to me! |
*** | いや 俺に! 100ギル払う |
*** | Screw him. Give ya 100 for it! |
*** | なら 俺は200! | *** | Screw <i>you</i>! Two-hundred! |
*** | だったら 300! | *** | Three-hundred! |
*** | 500! | *** | I'll do five! |
*** | さあさあ 次はいつ入荷するか わからないよ |
*** | That all it's worth to you? Who knows when it'll be back in stock...? |
*** | ああやって 値段をつりあげてるのさ | *** | Just look at 'em, gouging prices. |
*** | ここだけの話 あいつが売ってるのは ニセモノだよ |
*** | Heh, you didn't hear this from me, but the set he's selling's fake. |
*** | 今日中には 終わりそうだな | *** | This'll be done before the day's out, no problem. |
*** | 明日からは ピッカピカさ | *** | And come tomorrow, it'll look good as new. |
*** | どんな感じだ 原因はわかったか? | *** | How's it lookin' up there? Figured out what the problem is? |
*** | お~い 聞いてるか | *** | Hey! Ya hear me!? |
*** | 作業に没頭してやがんな | *** | How many hours has he been up there now? |
*** | お~い そろそろ休憩にするぞ | *** | Hey! Let's take five, man! |
*** | 昨日の夜 土管通りの店に行ってみたんだ |
*** | I, uh...hit up Culvert Street last night. |
*** | えっ ひとりで? 大丈夫だった? |
*** | What? Alone? And you made it out alive? |
*** | うん ぼったくられた | *** | Yeah, but they took everything I had. |
*** | 食料や日用品を 備蓄しておこうと思ったんだよ |
*** | It isn't fair, dammit! I've really been trying to save up. |
*** | いくら取られたの? | *** | How much did they get outta you? |
*** | 言えない…… | *** | I don't wanna talk about it... |
*** | 聞いてよ 中止になったの 『LOVELESS』のミュージカル! |
*** | Did you hear about the Loveless musical? Canceled! Can you believe that!? |
*** | まあ この混乱じゃ仕方ないな | *** | After everything that's happened? You bet I can. |
*** | アバランチ 許さない | *** | Oh, if I ever meet one of those Avalanche thugs...! |
*** | プレミアムチケットだったのに | *** | Do you have any idea how much these tickets cost me!? |
*** | 払い戻しになるのか | *** | Then ask the theater for your money back. |
*** | うん でもそのためには 劇場まで行かないといけないの |
*** | But that's just it! I can't <i>get</i> to the theater, can I!? |
*** | 上に行けなくて 今日も 休みになっちゃった |
*** | No way up, meaning it's another jobless day on the ground floor. |
*** | アバランチの動き次第で ずっと 休みになるかもね |
*** | Something tells me there'll be a lot more if Avalanche carries on the way it has. |
*** | 悩んでても仕方ないから 今夜 飲みに行かない? |
*** | Whatever. I'm done thinking about it. Let's go for drinks tonight! |
*** | セブンスヘブン? | *** | Where? Seventh Heaven? |
*** | ほかのスラムの店でも いいかもね | *** | Could do. Or we could try another sector? |
*** | どうせ しばらく上には行けないし スラムで副業でもしてみる? |
*** | With the way things are, might be best to find a second job down here─far away from the reactors. |
*** | そんな簡単に仕事が見つかったら 苦労しないわよ |
*** | "Down here"? Get real. Jobs don't grow on trees, you know. Not that there are any trees. |
*** | 時間はたっぷりあるし お酒を飲みながら 考えてみよう |
*** | Anyway...we can always come back to this once we've got a few drinks in us. |
*** | お嬢ちゃん チリビーンズはいかが? | *** | Howdy, young lady! How's about some chili beans? |
*** | お子様には チーズトッピングがオススメだよ |
*** | Nothin' beats a pipin'-hot bowl with a generous helping of cheese! |
*** | さすがに3日連続 昼から飲んでると | *** | Three days in a row, drunk off our faces in the middle of the day. |
*** | ダメになるな | *** | We're cream'a the crop. |
*** | 魔晄炉はどんどん爆破されるし これから どうなるんだ |
*** | Reactors blowin' up left 'n' right... Where's it gonna end? |
*** | 俺たちが壊れるのが先か ミッドガルが壊れるのが先か |
*** | ...Beats me. Don't know who's gonna fall over first, us or Midgar. |
*** | なんだ また来たのか | *** | Wait, you're back again? |
*** | なんか ここの味が忘れられなくて | *** | Couldn't stay away. Food up top's got nothing on this place. |
*** | 上にはもっと うまい店があるだろうに | *** | Come off it. You came all the way down here just for that? |
*** | 正直 食事は上より スラムのほうがうまいよ |
*** | I swear to you─the grub's just better down here, less pretentious. |
*** | ほめたって サービスしねえからな | *** | Real cute, but flattery's not gonna get you a discount. |
*** | 七番街で いちばんの品ぞろえだよ | *** | We're your one-stop Sector 7 shop! |
*** | お姉さん 寄っていかない? | *** | You there, young lady! |
*** | いつ品切れになるか わからないよ | *** | Why not take a look while we're still fully stocked? |
*** | リフォーム中なの | *** | We're remodeling the place. |
*** | 長く住むためには 定期的にメンテナンスをしないとね |
*** | Been living here a while, but that doesn't mean it has to look like it! |
*** | アバランチって 上か下 どっちにいるんだろうな |
*** | Hey, do you think Avalanche are a bunch of platies, or grounders like us? |
*** | まあ スラムのほうが 隠れやすいだろうな |
*** | Hell if I know, but it'd be a lot easier to hide down here. |
*** | アバランチがスラムの人間だったら 応援するね |
*** | If Avalanche really are grounders, though, shouldn't we be supporting 'em? |
*** | でも スラムだって 魔晄炉の恩恵は受けてるんだぜ |
*** | You <i>do</i> know we need the reactors, too, yeah? They're not just for platies. |
*** | 上の連中に比べたら 微々たるもんさ | *** | Yeah, right. Keep telling yourself that. |
*** | 真犯人は ウータイなんですって | *** | I heard that Wutai's behind the bombings. |
*** | いつか 仕返しにくるって思ってたよ | *** | Sounds about right. Those savages don't know when they're beaten. |
*** | 手下のアバランチに すべての魔晄炉を 破壊させてから 攻めてくるのかしら |
*** | I bet you they're getting Avalanche to soften us up, ready for them to waltz in and take the city. |
*** | そんなこと 神羅が許すはずないわ | *** | Don't be ridiculous. Shinra would never let that happen! |
*** | イジョージタイです もうすぐ ウータイが攻めてきます! |
*** | This is a state of emergency! Wutai's practically on our doorstep! |
*** | はやく 戦争のじゅんびをするんだ! | *** | We must prepare for war─and quickly! |
*** | 電力の自粛要請がくるって ホント? | *** | If there are shortages, think they'll turn the power off on us? |
*** | ウソ そんなの困る | *** | They wouldn't! ...Would they? |
*** | 七番魔晄炉は無事なんだから うちらは 除外してほしいわよね |
*** | I doubt it'll come to that─at least for us. The Sector 7 reactor's still up and running. |
*** | ウータイには 魔晄炉がないんでしょ? | *** | Wutai doesn't have any reactors, right? |
*** | そのはず 建設に反対して 戦争までしたんだから |
*** | I'd be surprised if they did. They hated them enough to go to war, after all. |
*** | 魔晄なしで どうやって暮らしてるのかしら |
*** | Crazy. Can you imagine living without mako? |
*** | おめおめと爆破されおって 神羅はなにしとったんだ |
*** | You see the way that reactor blew? God damn... The hell is Shinra doing? |
*** | でっかいロボットで守ってたんだけどな | *** | Heard there was some kinda big robot guarding it, too. |
*** | 俺は ウータイのシノビが 手助けしたんだと思うね |
*** | Bet you anything Wutai was involved. Ninjas, most likely... |
*** | ウータイのシノビか あれは厄介だ | *** | Ninjas, y'say? Now <i>that's</i> a scary thought. |
*** | 前の大戦でも 手こずったって言うしな | *** | Sure is. If they're anything like the stories ya told. |
*** | じいさん ウータイのシノビを見たことあんの? |
*** | Now hold on a minute. You tellin' me you've seen a ninja? |
*** | むかし 戦争中にな ちょうど そこにいる娘のような格好で |
*** | Long time ago, yeah, during the war. Wearin' a getup just like that young lady there, funnily enough. |
*** | えっ どこどこ! | *** | Wait, are you serious!? |
*** | 爆破のせいで モンスターも活性化してるってよ |
*** | Hate to think how much these bombings will have riled up the monsters. |
*** | 自警団も とんだとばっちりだな | *** | Neighborhood watch's got their work cut out for them. |
*** | 二次被害が起きなきゃいいけど | *** | Hope they can keep things under control. |
*** | いまごろ 伍番街は大変だろうな | *** | Sector 5 must be an absolute mess right now. |
*** | オレ 様子を見てこようかな | *** | Maybe I'll go see if everyone's okay. |
*** | 見ない顔だね もしかして 部屋を探してる? |
*** | Haven't seen you around here before. Looking for a place to crash? |
*** | 残念ながら 天望荘の空き部屋は 埋まったってよ |
*** | I would recommend Stargazer Heights, but they're full up at the moment. |
*** | 天望荘のマーレさんは 恋愛相談の達人なんだって |
*** | Y'know the landlady Marle? She's an expert on matters of the heart. |
*** | あなたも マーレさんに 相談しにきたの? |
*** | Lemme guess, you're here to see her, too? |
*** | マーレさんに相談して やっぱり 別れることにしたの |
*** | I talked it out with Marle earlier. Decided it was time to cut that dead weight loose. |
*** | それがいいよ あんな甲斐性ナシ | *** | Finally! That guy was <i>such</i> a parasite. |
*** | 私 いつの間にか 彼のママになってたみたい |
*** | He really was. He didn't want a girlfriend─he wanted a second mom! |
*** | 甘やかして おこづかいをあげて | *** | I never should've given him an allowance... |
*** | それを マーレさんに しかられたってわけか |
*** | So what, Marle chewed you out, told ya to dump the guy? |
*** | わかってないなあ | *** | Oh, no. That's not her MO. |
*** | マーレさんはしかるんじゃなくて 背中を押してくれるの |
*** | Marle doesn't tell you what to do. She just...gives you a nudge in the right direction. |
*** | 俺もマーレさんに相談してみようかな | *** | Huh, maybe I'll try her, see what she has to say. |
*** | 言っとくけど 男には厳しいよ | *** | Oh yeah, nearly forgot: she eats men alive. |
*** | 覚悟しときなさい | *** | Just try not to cry, okay? |
*** | ええ~ | *** | O...kay? |
*** | きみ この奥から来たの? | *** | W-wait, did you just come from...!? |
*** | モンスターに襲われなかった? | *** | Any monster troubles, or...? |
*** | 爆破でモンスターの気が立ってるんだ | *** | The bombings must've freaked the monsters out. |
*** | 気が立ってるのは 俺たち人間もか | *** | Guess you can say the same thing about the human population. |
*** | 爆破の影響で モンスターが騒いでる | *** | Monsters've been actin' strange since the bombings. |
*** | 不用意に出歩かないでくれよ | *** | Don't go letting your guard down, okay? |
*** | モンスターも 連日の爆破で びっくりしてるだろうな |
*** | These reactor bombings've really spooked the fiend population 'round here. |
*** | だからって 人は襲わないでくれよ | *** | Just wish they wouldn't take it out on us. |
*** | こう列車が止まってばっかりだと | *** | Can't keep cancelin' trains like this... |
*** | 仕入れを上だけに頼るのも 見直したほうがいいな |
*** | How else're we supposed to get shipments down here? Parachute 'em? |
*** | だから ほかの街の自警団と連携して | *** | I'm telling you, what we need to do is reach out to the other sectors. |
*** | スラム間の流通網を作ろうって 話が出てるんだ |
*** | Set up some kinda trade network─one just for us grounders. |
*** | スラム全体でみれば まだまだ 備蓄はあるよ |
*** | I mean, each sector may not have much...but collectively? |
*** | それを どう流すかだな サムんとことも 話したほうがいいな |
*** | Question is, though, how would we handle transport? Think Sam'd be willing to chip in? |
*** | コルネオの嫁オーディションって 知ってる? |
*** | You've heard about Corneo's bridal auditions, right? |
*** | よくない噂だけは | *** | Ugh, yes, unfortunately. |
*** | そのスカウトが 七番街に来てるって | *** | They're scouting for candidates right here, in our own backyard! |
*** | 女の子が引っ掛からないように 注意しないと |
*** | Gotta tell everyone we know to stay away from those Wall Market creeps. |
*** | いっそ 叩き出しちゃう? | *** | That, or kick their asses ourselves! |
*** | これから どうなるんだろう | *** | What's gonna happen to our town? |
*** | 俺たちがやることは変わらない 街を守るだけさ |
*** | Nothing, because you and I are gonna protect it, no matter what. |
*** | お姉ちゃん もしかして迷子? | *** | Hey, lady, are you lost or somethin'? |
*** | 迷ったら動かない スラムの心得 その2だよ |
*** | If you're ever lost, stay put. That's lesson two for life on the ground floor! |
*** | あれ その3だったかな? | *** | Wait... Maybe it was lesson three? |
*** | じけーだんの おてつだいをしてるの | *** | Look at me, I'm helping the neighborhood watch! |
*** | あやしい人がいたら 教えるかかりなんだよ |
*** | I'm keeping a super close watch out for any weirdos or baddies! |
*** | 屈伸 負荷 乳酸! | *** | Drop down. Stand up. Get ripped! |
*** | 筋力 アップ 歓喜! | *** | Gotta! Get! Bulging! Biceps! |
*** | 俺は 絶対に やり遂げる! | *** | No more...flab...just mythril...abs! |
*** | 500回でジェシーちゃんに 告白! | *** | Just...500 more...then I'll...ask...Jessie out! |
*** | 最後に頼れるのは 筋肉だ | *** | Who needs fun...when you've got guns! |
*** | 破壊と再生 それが筋トレ | *** | Destruction and rebirth: the mantra of muscle growth! |
*** | ウータイのシノビには 銃が効かないんだと |
*** | Know what I heard? Guns're useless against Wutai's ninjas. |
*** | ホントかよ | *** | Shut up. |
*** | 弾をよけるんだってよ | *** | For real. You just can't hit 'em! |
*** | シノビの身体能力は ソルジャー級って話だ |
*** | The way the vets tell it, ninjas're just as tough as our SOLDIERs. |
*** | でも 戦争に勝ったのは神羅だぜ? | *** | Ah, come off it. We crushed those guys, remember? |
*** | 伍番街のモンスターが こっちに来ないといいが |
*** | Seriously hope the bombing hasn't sent a buncha new monsters our way. |
*** | 銃弾の備蓄は 大丈夫なのか | *** | We may not have the bullets to fend 'em off. |
*** | 上でも食料が不足してるって本当かな | *** | Is it true what they're saying? That even the platies are starting to go hungry? |
*** | 情報が足りないわ | *** | I just wish we knew more. |
*** | ここは 自警団の施設だよ | *** | This here's the headquarters of the neighborhood watch. |
*** | なんだ お嬢ちゃん 入団希望か? |
*** | What? You thinkin' about joining the ranks? |
*** | ここは 初心者の館って呼ばれてんだ | *** | People around these parts call this place the "Beginner's Hall." |
*** | お嬢ちゃんみたいな素人も 大歓迎さ | *** | Everyone's welcome, even greenhorns like you. |
*** | まさか ウータイが関係してるとはな | *** | Never even occurred to me Wutai could be behind all this. |
*** | オレ 前の戦争でウータイに行ったんだ 自然が豊かで 美しいとこだったよ |
*** | I was on the frontlines, you know, deep in Wutaian territory. Place's beautiful. Lots of trees. |
*** | それをオレたちは…… 恨んで 当然かもな |
*** | And when I think about what we did to them. Can hardly blame 'em for hating us. |
*** | こんな時だからこそ 手持ちの武器の点検を! |
*** | War's a-comin', people! Need to be armed and ready! |
*** | お嬢ちゃんでも扱える武器も 置いてるよ |
*** | Whether you're a rook or a merc, we got weapons that work! |
*** | 食品だけでなく 武器の備えもお忘れなく |
*** | Stock up on anything you need! Food, provisions, weapons, and more! |
*** | なんでも屋 見なかったか? | *** | You see that merc around? |
*** | そういや 今日は見てねえな | *** | Come to think of it, no, uh, not today. |
*** | 仕事の依頼か | *** | He must've found a gig. |
*** | いや 街に強いヤツがいるってだけで ちょっと安心するだろ |
*** | I guess. Pity, though. Was nice havin' someone that tough waiting in the wings. |
*** | ああ わからんでもないな | *** | Yeah, the guy was a powerhouse. |
*** | 結局 おめおめと爆破されたってわけか | *** | Look at that. They blew it up, easy as you please. |
*** | だらしがねえな 神羅軍も | *** | Some military Shinra's got, huh. |
*** | ウータイが噛んでるなら 仕方ねえかもな |
*** | Not gonna be good for any of us if Wutai's got their claws in this. |
*** | シノビは どこにでも 潜入できるんだとよ |
*** | They send their ninjas in, we're gonna be in big trouble. |
*** | 戦争になったら スラムの人間も徴兵されんのかな |
*** | Think they'll start sendin' us grounders draft papers when war breaks out? |
*** | まあ仕事もないし 別にいいか | *** | Guess it wouldn't be the end of the world. Not like I got a job. |
*** | このまま爆破が続けば 物価が上がるよな |
*** | If these bombings keep up, food prices are gonna go through the roof. |
*** | なんとか 金もうけできねえかな | *** | Just gotta figure out a way to get in on the action. |
*** | 壱番の次が 伍番か | *** | First Sector 1, now 5. |
*** | この爆破順に なにか メッセージが隠されてたりして |
*** | Could the order of reactors mean something? Like a secret code maybe? |
*** | アバランチって どれぐらいの組織なのかしら |
*** | Can't help wondering how big Avalanche actually is. |
*** | まさか 七番街に アジトがあったりしないわよね |
*** | Who's to say they don't have people in Sector 7 hiding right under our noses? |
*** | あのハデな人が 神羅の統括なんでしょ? |
*** | <i>Someone</i> certainly dresses the part of division director. |
*** | そう スカーレットさま! 神羅で成り上がるなんて 憧れちゃう |
*** | Hell yeah! That's Scarlet for you. Climbing that corporate ladder in a skin-tight dress and heart-piercing heels! |
*** | でも なんか怖くない? さっきもテレビで…… |
*** | I dunno, she kinda freaks me out. You saw that interview on TV just now, right? |
*** | あの見下ろす感じが たまんないわ | *** | How she talked down to the cameraman like he was trash? I love it! |
*** | うん まあ 感じかたは人それぞれよね |
*** | Oh, well, if that's what you're into... To each their own? |
*** | 新しく『なんでも屋モデル』を 作ろうと思うんだけど |
*** | Y'know what might be a good idea? Replicatin' that merc's weapon. |
*** | もしかして あの大きな剣のこと? | *** | Wait, you don't mean that ridiculous sword, do you? |
*** | そうそう きっと売れるぞ | *** | That's the one. It'll sell like gangbusters! |
*** | たしかに なんでも屋さんの剣は 格好いいけど 売れるわけないでしょ |
*** | Okay, sure, it looks kinda cool, but let's not kid ourselves─no one'd ever buy it. |
*** | えっ そうかな? | *** | Ah, you don't mean that. |
*** | あのね あんな大きな剣 普通の人は扱えないの |
*** | Sure I do. Thing would be way too heavy. Who the hell you think's gonna be able to swing it? |
*** | このまえ 飲んでる時に ウータイ戦争の話になったんだけどよ |
*** | Hey, do you remember the last time we went out for drinks, how we were swapping war stories and stuff? |
*** | どうせまた ウータイ兵を倒した時の自慢話だろ? |
*** | Not this again. We get it, ya killed a buncha Wutaians. |
*** | まあな その時よ 近くにいたジージェが妙に絡んできてよ |
*** | Damn straight I did! But that's not it─you remember how that Zhijie guy got all up in my face? |
*** | おまえの自慢に うんざりしたんだろ | *** | Yeah, probably because he was sick of all your goddamn bragging. |
*** | まあ ジージェのやつも 相当酔ってたからな |
*** | But he was <i>real</i> angry. Though I suppose it coulda been the booze. |
*** | もしくは 戦争に イヤな思い出でもあったのかもな |
*** | Well, we don't know his story, do we? Maybe the war did a real number on him. |
*** | ほら 身内を亡くしてるとか | *** | Like, he could've lost his family or whatever? |
*** | だとしたら 悪いことをしたな | *** | Aw, don't say that. Now I feel like an asshole! |
*** | ビッグスを見習って 俺たちも掃除を始めたんだ |
*** | I took a page outta Biggs' book and decided to clean up a bit. |
*** | みんながビッグスになれば スラムもいつか 上みたいになるかもしれないでしょ? |
*** | If we all channeled our inner Biggs, we'd have the undercity sparkling like the plate in no time. |
*** | スラム清掃運動か いいな | *** | Givin' the slums a makeover? I like it! |
*** | 今度 ビッグスにも 声をかけてみようと思って |
*** | Y'know, maybe we oughta get Biggs in on the action next time. |
*** | 列車が再開したら 上の住人が スラムに避難してくるんじゃないかって |
*** | I heard some talk about how platies might come looking to take refuge down here once the trains're running again. |
*** | ただの噂だろ? 上の連中が下で暮らせるわけがない |
*** | And that's all it is is talk. Like hell those fancy bastards'd slum it down here. |
*** | でも 万が一を考えて | *** | It's unlikely, yeah, but not impossible. |
*** | 今のうちに 食料を確保しておいた方が いいんじゃない? |
*** | Plus, it's better to be safe than sorry. We should stock up on provisions. |
*** | よく考えろ 列車が再開すれば 食料もいっしょに来るだろ |
*** | What's the point? We'll have more food'n we know what to do with when the trains're up again. |
*** | 魔晄炉が爆破しても 正直 スラムはあんまり関係ないよね |
*** | Bomb one reactor, bomb 'em all─whatever. Makes no difference down here. |
*** | 上ほどエネルギーは使わないからな | *** | Undercity hardly uses any power, true. |
*** | ただ エネルギーは上が優先だ 爆破のしわ寄せは きっとスラムにくる |
*** | Thing is, platies are always gonna get their fill. If anyone's gonna starve, it's us. |
*** | そんなあ | *** | Ugh, I hate that you're right. |
*** | モーグリだ! | *** | Look, a moogle! |
*** | クポクポ~ | *** | Kupo kupo! |
*** | ネコちゃん 遊びにこないかな | *** | Wonder if that kitty's gonna come around today. |
*** | にゃんにゃんにゃ~ん | *** | Here kitty kitty! |
*** | モーグリごっこしてるの? | *** | Are you pretending to be a moogle? |
*** | しぃ~ 静かに! | *** | Shhh, I can't hear. |
*** | モグも おはなし聞きにきたの? | *** | Did you come for story-time, too? |
*** | おねえちゃんも おはなし 聞きにきたの? |
*** | Wanna listen too? You can sit next to me! |
*** | そのマント かわいいね | *** | Your hat's real cute! |
*** | わたし おはなし好き | *** | Storytime is my favorite. |
*** | 今日は モーグリのおはなしじゃないよ | *** | Hi, moogle! You want a piece of bread, too? |
*** | スタンプ 飼いたいな | *** | Sure wish Stamp was my dog. |
*** | モーグリだ! | *** | It's a moogle! |
*** | ちゅーけんって どういう意味? | *** | What does "loyal" mean? |
*** | モグねえちゃん ジャマ | *** | Moogle lady, you're in the way. |
*** | おねえちゃん ジャマ | *** | I can't see. Move. |
ベティ | モーグリさんもおはなし 聞きにきたの? |
Betty | Hi there, moogle! Are you here for the story? |
ベティ | モーグリさんも スタンプ好きなの? | Betty | I bet you like Stamp, too, huh! |
ベティ | スタンプは やさしくてえらいんだよ | Betty | Stamp's the best dog in the whole wide world. |
ベティ | ラララ~ン♪ | *** | |
ベティ | 走れ 走れ走れスタンプ きみの首輪は 勇気のあかし~ |
Betty | Go all out, go all out, little Stamp. You've got so much courage and everybody thinks you're swell. |
ベティ | マリンといっしょに きたかったな | Betty | It'd be nice if Marlene was here. |
ベティ | ネコも スタンプのことは好きみたい | Betty | Everyone loves Stamp─even cats! |
ベティ | スタンプ かわいいよね | Betty | Stamp's so cute. I just love him! |
*** | 最近引っ越してきた カッコいい男の人 知ってる? |
*** | Tell me you've seen that new guy around. I could stare at him for hours! |
*** | なんでも屋さんでしょ | *** | Guessing you mean the merc? |
*** | ちがうんだな それが 剣じゃなく棒を持ってるの |
*** | The one with the sword? Nope, that's yesterday's news. This hottie's got a staff! |
*** | いたいた その人! | *** | That's him! That's the guy! |
*** | えっ どれどれ? | *** | What? Where? |
*** | ほら 棒の人 ああ~ カッコイイ! |
*** | The one with the staff. Mm, just look at those muscles! |
*** | なにがあったんだろう | *** | What d'you think happened? |
*** | わかんないけど 棒の人 大丈夫かな |
*** | I have no idea. I just hope my future husband's alright. |
*** | もしかして アバランチだったとか | *** | Even if your "future husband" is with Avalanche? |
*** | えっ そんなあ | *** | Hey, don't even joke about that. |
*** | なんか ハトが増えたよな | *** | Where the hell'd all these pigeons come from? |
*** | そうなのよ | *** | Who freakin' knows. |
*** | だれか エサでもやってんのかな | *** | Someone's gotta be feeding them... |
*** | フンの掃除が大変なのよね | *** | Wherever they came from, I am <i>over</i> cleaning up their poo. |
*** | 自警団に相談してみようか | *** | Should we take it up with the neighborhood watch? |
*** | 見ている分には 可愛いんだけどね | *** | Could do, but...I think I might miss 'em if they go. They're kinda cute. |
*** | 神羅軍が なにしてんだ? | *** | What're all these troopers doin' here? |
*** | なんか 家の中を調べてたみたいだけど | *** | Turning that house upside down by the looks of it... |
*** | 消臭剤研究会は しばらくお休みにします |
*** | For the time being, we've decided to disband the Friends of Freshness. |
*** | なんで? | *** | Seriously? |
*** | 状況を鑑みて 私が判断した | *** | If you're angry, blame me. This was my decision. |
*** | 会長! | *** | But sir! |
*** | 今はにおいより 戦争の心配をしないと | *** | There are more important things to worry about than bad smells. War, for one. |
*** | できる範囲で 各自 においの研究は続けていこう |
*** | I want you all to know our work doesn't end here─never will. Not till our town's clean again. |
*** | また みんなで集まれますよね | *** | We won't forget freshness...or each other. |
*** | そう願う | *** | I certainly hope not. |
*** | 仕事の心配に食料の心配に 戦争の心配 |
*** | I'm under way too much stress. First work, then bills, and now this? C'mon. |
*** | ちょっと 白髪増えたんじゃない | *** | Well that explains the gray hairs. |
*** | 言わないで | *** | Wow, thanks. |
*** | 落ち着くまで ミッドガルから出たほうがいいのかな |
*** | Starting to think we should leave Midgar before shit hits the fan. |
*** | 出たからって 仕事が見つかるか わかんないじゃない |
*** | And go where? Do what? I wouldn't even know where to begin. |
*** | スパイごっこ | *** | We're playing spies! |
*** | ウータイのシノビだよ | *** | I'm a ninja from Wutai! |
*** | シュシュシュッ! | *** | Hut hut hah! |
*** | アバランチはどこだ! | *** | Get out here, Avalanche! |
*** | こっちか? | *** | Where ya hiding!? |
*** | おまえは アバランチか? | *** | Hey! You with Avalanche? |
*** | ちがう なんでも屋だ | *** | Nooo! I'm the merc! |
*** | なに? オレもなんでも屋だ | *** | You can't be the merc. <i>I'm</i> the merc! |
*** | え~ じゃあ勝ったほうが なんでも屋な |
*** | Fine. We'll play for it. Winner gets to be him. |
*** | なんでも屋は せいぎのみかた | *** | Your friendly neighborhood merc is here! |
*** | 悪のそしき アバランチをたおす! | *** | It's over, Avalanche! Give up while you still can! |
*** | 伍番街の子 だいじょうぶかな | *** | Hey...do you think he's gonna be okay? |
*** | このまえ会った かっこいい子? | *** | Who? The "cool" kid from Sector 5? |
*** | うん 心配で | *** | Yeah... I'm really worried. |
*** | もしかして こっちに避難してくるんじゃない? |
*** | Naw, he'll prob'ly be a refu...referee! |
*** | そしたら 遊べるね! | *** | Then we'll be able to play together! |
*** | あら 児童館に興味ある? 子供好きは大歓迎よ |
*** | Yes? Oh, would you like to volunteer at the children's center? We're always in need of helping hands. |
*** | みんなのお姉さんに なってみない? | *** | Kids could use an older sister to look up to. |
*** | 児童館にいるほとんどの子が ウータイとの戦争で両親を亡くしてるの |
*** | The truth is...most of the children here are orphans. A lot of them lost their parents in the war. |
*** | また 戦争が始まるなんて | *** | Can't believe history's about to repeat itself. |
*** | みんな 子供だな | *** | Look at 'em. Buncha kids. |
*** | オレは いっぴきオオカミだ | *** | Me? I'm a lone wolf. |
*** | おねえちゃんも エトワール寮の人? | *** | Do you live at Étoile? Like Jessie does? |
*** | わたしもいつか ここに住みたいな | *** | When I'm all grown up, I'm gonna live there, too! |
*** | ジェシーねえちゃんが ケガしたって ホント? |
*** | Is it true? Is Jessie really hurt!? |
*** | うん でももう治ったって | *** | Well, she was, but she's doing a lot better now. |
*** | よかった | *** | That's good. |
*** | お芝居のけいこで ケガしたのかな | *** | You think she hurt herself during rehearsals, maybe? |
*** | アクションシーンだったのかも | *** | Could've been a stunt gone wrong. |
*** | モンスターを銃でバンバン! みたいな? |
*** | Oh yeah! That'd explain all the shooting earlier. |
*** | ナヨって子 知ってる? | *** | Hey, you know Nayo? |
*** | あ~ あの可愛い子でしょ | *** | Uh... Glasses? Pretty? |
*** | やっぱり 可愛いんだ | *** | Yep, that's her alright! |
*** | 実はね うちの弟が ホレちゃったみたいなの |
*** | Anyway, don't tell him I said this, but my brother's crazy about her─head over heels. |
*** | えっ! | *** | Really? |
*** | ラブレターを見つけちゃって その宛先に ナヨって |
*** | Found this super-sappy love letter addressed to her while I was cleaning. |
*** | あんた 弟のラブレターを読んだの? | *** | Wait, wait, wait. You <i>read</i> the letter? |
*** | 掃除してたら 出てきたのよ | *** | Not on purpose! It was just there! |
*** | わたし お姉ちゃんとして どうしたらいいと思う? |
*** | But now what? I'm in too deep; I have to help him out, right? |
*** | 見守るしかないんじゃない? | *** | What you <i>have</i> to do is step back. |
*** | 先生 ウータイってなに? | *** | Um, miss? What's Wutai? |
*** | ワルモノなの? | *** | Are they the bad guys? |
*** | う~ん なんて説明したらいいか | *** | Hmmm, well, it's a little complicated. |
*** | けっこんしたら 旅行にいこう | *** | Let's go somewhere cool for our honeymoon. |
*** | うんうん どこいく? | *** | Sounds fun! Where should we go? |
*** | う~ん 四番街とか | *** | Hmmm, how 'bout Sector 4? |
*** | え~ ミッドガルから出ないの? | *** | What? We're not even gonna get outta Midgar? |
*** | 外は モンスターがいっぱいって ママが言ってたから |
*** | No way. Mom says the wasteland's filled with monsters. |
*** | そうだ ウータイは? どんなところなんだろうね |
*** | But it's our honeymoon! We gotta think bigger! How about Wutai? Sound good? |
*** | ミッドガルの外のことなんて わかんないよ |
*** | Beats me. Never seen anywhere outside of the city. |
*** | おとなになったら ふたりで行ってみようよ |
*** | That's <i>why</i> we should go! C'mon, you know you wanna! |
*** | きっと 楽しいよ! | *** | It'll be romantic! |
*** | この前 アパートに引っ越してきた人が ウータイ出身だって話よ |
*** | You're not gonna believe this, but you know that new tenant who just moved in? Wutaian. |
*** | うそ スパイってこと? | *** | What, like some kinda spy or something? |
*** | 自警団に通報したほうがいいかしら | *** | Dunno, but I might report them to the watch. |
*** | 怪しい人がいたら どんどん通報しましょう |
*** | "A timely alarm keeps neighbors from harm," am I right? |
*** | 私たちも 街の安全を守らないとね | *** | Yeah. It's our duty to protect our fellow citizens. |
*** | 今回のことを口実に 俺たちみたいな者も掃除されちまうんだ |
*** | Course they'd use this bullshit as a reason to come down on us. Any excuse to get rid of us "undesirables." |
*** | もしくは 戦争にかりだされるのさ | *** | We're gettin' hauled off to the frontlines, you'll see. |
*** | 俺は だまされないぞ | *** | Can't pull the wool over my eyes. |
*** | ぜんぶ 神羅の陰謀さ 粛清が始まるんだ |
*** | I see this for what it is: a Shinra plot. They're tryin'a wipe out the undercity. |
*** | センソウになったら こいつも つれていかないと |
*** | If I go to war, there's no way I'd leave him behind. |
*** | あんたより先に逃げると思うけど | *** | He'd probably just run off, but okay.... |
*** | 明日 恋人とリーフハウスに行くんだ | *** | My partner and I were thinking about going to the Leaf House tomorrow. |
*** | 子供を引き取るって話? | *** | Really? To adopt? |
*** | うん そのあと プロポーズもしようと思ってる |
*** | That's the plan. Then after we get back, I was gonna pop the question. |
*** | こんな時に? | *** | Is now the best time? |
*** | こんな時だからこそ かな | *** | Don't think there's any better time, personally. |
*** | そっか おめでとう | *** | Well, if you're sure... Congrats, I guess. |
*** | お母さん こんなことしてていの? | *** | Hey, Mom, shouldn't we be doing something to help? |
*** | 大丈夫 いつも通りにしてたらいいの | *** | The best way to help is to stay strong and carry on. |
*** | 感情も服みたいに染まりやすいの だから 噂に惑わされちゃダメよ |
*** | Hearts are like shirts─no use if they're torn. We can't let rumors get to us. |
*** | あのコが着てる モーグリマントってある? |
*** | Got any moogle hats like the one that girl's wearing? |
*** | いや あれはちょっと…… | *** | Ummm...no, sorry. |
*** | 服の仕入れに 影響は出てないの? | *** | How've things been? Business as usual? |
*** | 問題なし うちのはスラムで作ってるから |
*** | Yep! A perk of only buying from undercity designers. |
*** | えっ プレートで作ってるって 言ってなかった? |
*** | Wait a sec. Didn't you tell me all this stuff was made on the plate? |
*** | 見て あのコ モーグリマント |
*** | You see that? Moogle chic. |
*** | すごいセンス あれは真似できないわ |
*** | Oh wow, it's certainly a...look. More power to her! |
*** | とびっきり ハデな服を着たい気分 | *** | I'm feeling adventurous. Wanna wear something crazy! |
*** | 見た目から明るくするわけね | *** | Bring a little color into people's lives! |
*** | ファッションで 街の空気を変えるのよ | *** | Right on! Fashion's gonna save this town! |
*** | 今日も買うの? | *** | Don't you have enough clothes? |
*** | 服は何着あってもいいでしょ | *** | Excuse you? There's no such thing. |
*** | 食料を買ったほうが よくない? | *** | But how 'bout saving some of that money for food? |
*** | 心配しすぎ そんなにすぐ無くならないって |
*** | Would you stop worrying? We have plenty of food. |
*** | ホントに? | *** | Really? |
*** | ひとまず服 食べ物はあと | *** | Yes, really! Now, fashion first, food later! |
*** | 今日も 上に行けなかった | *** | Stuck on the ground floor again. |
*** | 自警団のネコ先生のところに行こうかな | *** | Might as well check in with the neighborhood's resident cat whisperer. |
*** | へっくしょん! ネコは今日も平和そうだ よしよし |
*** | Hey there kitties, glad to see you're having a good day. |
*** | ネコアレルギーのネコ好きは 大変だな | *** | Gotta be tough loving the thing you're allegric to... |
*** | なんだい 見ない顔だね | *** | And just who're you? Never seen your face around here before. |
*** | ふん 見せ物じゃないよ | *** | You done gawking yet? |
*** | 洗濯が そんなに珍しいのかい 変な子だね |
*** | Seriously, what are you staring at? Do people not do laundry where you come from? |
*** | またもや 臨時収入ゲット! | *** | Alright! This oughta help pad the wallet a bit. |
*** | 私も ウータイの噂を流して お小遣いゲット! |
*** | Who knew spreading rumors about Wutai could be so lucrative? We're gonna be rich! |
*** | このままアバランチには 頑張ってほしいぜ |
*** | Just gotta hope Avalanche doesn't go soft on us. |
*** | また 噂を流すお仕事 もらえるかもだもんね |
*** | C'mon, you guys! Keep doing what you do and <i>we'll</i> reap the rewards! |
*** | でもさ この仕事 ちょっと怪しすぎない? |
*** | On second thought, isn't what we're doing a little─I dunno─shitty? |
*** | 怪しくても やるしかねえだろ | *** | What's it matter? Job's a job. |
*** | それって モーグリ? | *** | You supposed to be a moogle? |
*** | 仮装パーティーでもあんのか? | *** | Ah, I getcha. Costume party, right? |
*** | スラムにモーグリが出たって? | *** | Is it true there was a moogle here? |
*** | これから ミッドガルは どうなるのかねえ |
*** | I swear, Midgar's on a one-way road to ruin. |
*** | その服 手作り? | *** | Did you make that yourself? |
*** | わあ~ かわいい | *** | Oh my god, it's <i>so</i> cute. |
*** | 次は モーグリルックが流行ると思うの | *** | I'm calling it: the next big trend is "moogle mode." |
*** | モーグリのマントが どこで売ってるか知らない? |
*** | Hey, anyone know where you can get a moogle hat around here? |
*** | あっ モグだ! | *** | Look! A moogle! |
*** | モグヤのおねえちゃん? | *** | Are you, like, Moggie's sister? |
*** | 知ってる? モグが出たんだよ | *** | Did you hear? A moogle came to town! |
*** | 魔晄炉が またバクハツしたんだよ | *** | I heard there was another explosion at a reactor! |
*** | モーグリのマントだ! | *** | Ooh! A moogle hat! |
*** | モーグリクポ! | *** | I love moogles too, kupo! |
*** | こんど ママに モーグリマントを作ってもらうの |
*** | When I get home, I'm gonna ask my mom to make me a moogle hat! |
*** | みんな アバランチって ワルモノを探してるんだって |
*** | Everybody's looking for Avalanche... Oh! Those're the bad guys. |
*** | コンドルフォートってゲームが 流行ってるんだって? |
*** | What's this about that, uh, "Fort Condor" game? |
*** | きみも コンドルフォートを やってるんだって? |
*** | Heard you're neck deep in this Fort Condor stuff. |
*** | まあ がんばりなよ | *** | Keep at it, kid! |
*** | あっ コンドルフォートクイーン! 握手してくれ |
*** | The...The Condor Queen! Please, can I shake your hand? |
*** | はあ コンドルフォートが どこにも売ってねえ |
*** | Man, just my luck. Dumb game's sold out everywhere... |
*** | コンドルフォートに そこそこ腕が立つ子が参戦したらしい |
*** | Word is there's a new, up-'n'-coming game master. Came outta nowhere! |
*** | 女の子がコンドルフォートで 無双してるって マジ? |
*** | It true some teenager's kickin' ass and takin' names at Fort Condor? |
*** | スラムにコンドルフォートが 入ってきたって 本当か? |
*** | So Fort Condor's finally made it down to the undercity? |
*** | 可愛らしい女の子がコンドルフォートで 暴れてるって 噂になってるぞ |
*** | Some girl's takin' the scene by storm─knockin' players out left and right! |
*** | きみ 話題になってるよ コンドルフォートに新星が現れたって |
*** | Holy shit, it's you! You're the one everyone's talking about: the next Fort Condor master! |
*** | コンドルチャンプって すげえやつがいるらしいな |
*** | Heard there's some Fort Condor "grandmaster" somewhere in the city. |
*** | ゲームに勝ち続けると コンドルチャンプに挑めるらしいな |
*** | Keep racking up those wins and you'll be takin' on the grandmaster soon! |
*** | あんたなら コンドルチャンプにも勝てるかもな |
*** | Bet ya got what it takes to knock the grandmaster off of their throne! |
*** | 新コンドルフォート・チャンピオン! これからも応援してるぜ |
*** | There she is, the new grandmaster herself! You ever need a cheerleader, I'm your man! |
*** | コンドルなんとかってゲーム 知ってる? |
*** | You ever hear of that, uh, "Fort Condor" game? |
*** | コンドルフォートって あなたみたいな女の子でもできるんだね |
*** | Huh, thought that game was a total boy's club. Love that you proved 'em wrong! |
*** | 私も やってみよっかな | *** | Maybe I should give it a whirl. |
*** | あっ ユフィ! | *** | Oh, Yuffie! |
*** | 私 あなたに憧れて コンドルフォートを始めたの |
*** | Guess what? I'm a player now, too! All thanks to you, ya badass. |
*** | 昨日から コンドルフォートを始めちゃった |
*** | I only just got into the whole Fort Condor thing. |
*** | あなたもコンドルフォート やってるんでしょ? |
*** | Say, you're really big into that scene, right? |
*** | 今度 対戦しましょうよ | *** | We should play each other sometime! |
*** | 私もユフィさんにみたいに コンドルフォートが うまくなりたいんですけど |
*** | Oh, I'd kill to be even half as good at this game as you are, Yuffie! |
*** | どうすればいいでしょう | *** | Teach me how. Please! |
*** | 一気に広まったよね コンドルフォート | *** | This game really took off. Kinda surprised. |
*** | あなた コンドルフォートが まあまあ上手いんだってね |
*** | People've been talking, saying you're not half bad at this Fort Condor stuff. |
*** | あなた コンドルフォートで 敵ナシなんだって? すごいね |
*** | Everyone's going on about how you're, like, the master of Fort Condor! You must be real good! |
*** | コンドルチャンプって 誰なのかしら | *** | So, who do you think the grandmaster is? |
*** | 謎に包まれた コンドルチャンプの正体が知りたいわ |
*** | Their identity is a total mystery─nobody knows who they are! |
*** | コンドルチャンプ対クイーンか 対戦が楽しみ! |
*** | A match between the grandmaster and the Condor Queen!? My god, I'd die! |
*** | すごい コンドルフォートのてっぺんに 登りつめたのね! |
*** | You're incredible! The best of the best, the player of players! |
警備兵 | 近寄るな | Security Officer | Stay back. |
警備兵 | 離れろ | Security Officer | That's close enough. |
警備兵 | なんだ? | Security Officer | You hear me? |
警備兵 | 見せ物じゃないぞ | Security Officer | C'mon, keep it moving. |
*** | なにごとだ | *** | What happened here? |
*** | 酔っ払いでも暴れたか | *** | Someone have a few too many? |
*** | 神羅が動いてるってことは…… | *** | I dunno, if Shinra's already here... |
*** | もしかして アバランチか? | *** | Don't think it was Avalanche, do ya? |
*** | あそこって ポルコたちの家だよな | *** | Hey, weren't Polk and his friends living there? |
*** | まさか ポルコがアバランチ? | *** | You don't think he's with Avalanche, do you? |
*** | なに 事故? | *** | Was there an accident? |
*** | 魔晄炉の爆破と 関係ある? | *** | This couldn't be related to the reactors, could it? |
*** | いきなり 兵士がやってきたの | *** | Shinra just showed up out of nowhere. |
*** | あそこがアバランチのアジトってこと? | *** | Was that really Avalanche's base? No... |
*** | ナヨの家に なんで兵士が | *** | What are officers doing at Nayo's place? |
*** | ナヨ 大丈夫かな | *** | God, I hope everything's alright. |
*** | あそこにいるのって ソルジャーだよな | *** | You see that man there? He's definitely with SOLDIER. |
*** | スラムにソルジャーが なんの用だ | *** | What? Why would a SOLDIER be <i>here</i>? |
*** | 私 ナマでソルジャー見るの初めて! | *** | How cool. I've never seen a SOLDIER up close before! |
*** | 神羅の人が お友達を探してるみたい | *** | Wow, that Shinra guy <i>really</i> wants to find his friend. |
*** | ヘンな人がいる! | *** | Stranger danger! |
*** | まいふれんどって なに? | *** | I don't think I wanna be <i>his</i> friend... |
ユフィ | 突破! | Yuffie | Let's go! |
ソノン | 究極マテリアがなくても 得た情報は多い | Sonon | Right behind ya! We may not have that materia, but we do have good intel. |
ユフィ | 先輩 必ず帰ろう | Sonon | And we can't afford to let it die with us! |
ユフィ | えっ 壊せないよ!? | Yuffie | What the─!? Why can't I hit it!? |
ソノン | あいつの仕業なのか? ひとまずしのぐぞ 先輩! |
Sonon | Cause that tentacled freak won't let you. We're gonna have to tough this one out. |
ソノン | 先輩 今のうちに投影装置を | Sonon | Boss, the projector! While it's down! |
ユフィ | まかせて! | Yuffie | Leave it to me! |
ユフィ | 神羅って 変なヤツしかいないの? | Yuffie | What's with this company? They have a "freaks only" policy? |
ソノン | 油断するな ただものじゃない | Sonon | Careful. This "freak's" no pushover. |
ネロ | 怖がっているんですか? | Nero | Do I frighten you? |
ユフィ | ゾワゾワする~ | Yuffie | He's creepin' me out... |
ソノン | 相手にするな 先輩 | Sonon | Don't get distracted! |
ネロ | 捕まえた | Nero | I have you now. |
ユフィ | ソノン へるぷへる~ぷ! | Yuffie | Sonon, help! Get this creep off'a me! |
ネロ | 放しませんよ | Nero | You cannot run from me. |
ソノン | 先輩 いまのうちに! | Sonon | Now, Boss. While he's distracted! |
ユフィ | あの黒いの ぜったいヤバいよ | Yuffie | Dunno what this crap is, but it's definitely not good! |
ネロ | 闇の中で ひとつになりましょう | Nero | Surrender to the darkness. Embrace it. |
ユフィ | 気持ちわる~ アイツの闇 | Yuffie | Ew...I don't want that stuff anywhere near me! |
ソノン | ああ 早く終わらせよう | Sonon | Stay focused. We'll get through this. |
ユフィ | うぅっ……! | Yuffie | Uhn heh...! Urk...! |
ネロ | すぐに なにも感じなくなる | Nero | All your suffering will soon be at an end. |
ソノン | ぐっあああ! | Sonon | Aaah! Gah... Raaah! |
ネロ | 存分に感じてください | Nero | Yes, savor this pain. |
ネロ | くる……くるよ 兄さん | Nero | Oh, Weiss. This is it. This is it! |
ユフィ | うそっ くんなくんな~! | Yuffie | No darkness! Get it away from me! Get it away! |
ユフィ | どこもかしこも まっくろけ! | Yuffie | Gross! It's everywhere! |
ソノン | 飲まれる前に 片をつけるぞ | Sonon | Let's end this before it swallows us too. |
ネロ | 死に急ぎたいの? | Nero | Come closer. Allow me to hasten the inevitable. |
ユフィ | 近づかなくても 狙えるし! | Yuffie | Yeah, no. I don't think so. |
ソノン | 踏み込みすぎたか | Sonon | Not my finest moment. |
ユフィ | アタシならやれる 下がってて! | Yuffie | Just stand back. Your boss has got ya covered! |
ネロ | そろそろ 終わりにしましょう | Nero | It's time I brought this to a close. |
ネロ | ひどいじゃないか ひどいじゃないか ひどいじゃないか! |
Nero | This is impossible. I will not stand for it! I refuse to believe it!! |
ユフィ | なんか 囲まれてるし | Yuffie | Oh look, we're surrounded! |
ソノン | 周りのやつから 片付けるぞ | Sonon | But not for much longer, eh, Boss? |
ユフィ | 大掃除といきますか! | Yuffie | Right on! They're as good as scrap! |
スカーレット | ほらほら 周りにも注意しなさい | Scarlet | Rather rude to ignore your playmates, is it not? |
ユフィ | ずっこい! | Yuffie | Hey, no fair! |
スカーレット | やっておしまい! | Scarlet | Shoot to kill! |
スカーレット | 遠慮はいらないわ | Scarlet | No warning shots now. |
スカーレット | しっかり狙いなさい | Scarlet | Hit the target...or else! |
ソノン | よし! | Sonon | Got 'em. |
ユフィ | へへ~ん どーよ | Yuffie | Suck it, loser! |
スカーレット | お片付け お願いね | Scarlet | Clean up this filth. |
スカーレット | こざかしい! | Scarlet | Insolent vermin! |
スカーレット | しまった! | Scarlet | Dammit! |
スカーレット | この 役立たず! | Scarlet | You worthless pieces of...! |
スカーレット | どこ狙ってんのよ! | Scarlet | Can't you stupid things aim!? |
スカーレット | 一気に行くわよ | Scarlet | This will be quite the show. |
ユフィ | 狙い撃ち? | Yuffie | She's gonna pick us off! |
スカーレット | 準備はいいかしら? | Scarlet | I do hope you're ready. |
スカーレット | 貫いてあげる | Scarlet | This <i>will</i> hurt. |
スカーレット | いたぶるのって 楽しいわ | Scarlet | You can't beat a good torture session. |
スカーレット | 燃やし尽くしてあげる | Scarlet | Well-done Wutaians, coming up! |
ユフィ | ちょっ かんべ~ん! | Yuffie | Chill out a little, lady! |
スカーレット | ぜんぶ 受け取ってね | Scarlet | Open wide! |
スカーレット | 逃げ場があると思って? | Scarlet | Oh, you think you can run? |
スカーレット | どこにいようと 丸見えよ | Scarlet | No ratholes for you to hide in here. |
ソノン | 遠距離特化型か | Sonon | That's a long-range loadout. |
ユフィ | なんでも やっつける! | Yuffie | So what! Just smash it up! |
スカーレット | あら やるじゃない | Scarlet | My, aren't we tenacious. |
ユフィ | ざまあみろ~! | Yuffie | And then some! |
スカーレット | お気に召さなかったかしら | Scarlet | Not a fan of my handiwork, I take it? |
ユフィ | と~ぜん! | Yuffie | Well, duh! |
スカーレット | やだ また壊れちゃったの? | Scarlet | Another of my toys broken. |
スカーレット | 強度に問題ありね | Scarlet | A production issue, perhaps? |
スカーレット | もう 乱暴ねぇ | Scarlet | When will you learn some manners? |
スカーレット | いい子にしててね? | Scarlet | A moment, if you please. |
ユフィ | こら トンズラ禁止~! | Yuffie | Hey! Don't you know that's cheating!? |
スカーレット | とっておき 欲しいでしょ? | Scarlet | A present, from me to you. |
スカーレット | まだまだいくわよ | Scarlet | Not getting tired, are you? |
スカーレット | しつこいネズミどもね | Scarlet | You savages are nothing if not resilient. |
スカーレット | 悲鳴が足りないわね | Scarlet | How loud can you scream? |
スカーレット | おまたせ | Scarlet | Pardon the wait. |
ユフィ | まだあんの? | Yuffie | More? How many of those things you got? |
スカーレット | この武器も オススメよ | Scarlet | Here, a personal favorite. |
スカーレット | 次は これかしら | Scarlet | Yes, this will do nicely. |
スカーレット | これで遊んであげる | Scarlet | So many toys, so little time. |
スカーレット | 同じオモチャじゃ 飽きるでしょう? | Scarlet | We can't have you getting bored, now can we? |
プレジデント | 進捗はどうだ? | President Shinra | Are we on schedule? |
ハイデッカー | タークスが動いています | Heidegger | The Turks are on top of it. |
ハイデッカー | はい 順調順調 | Heidegger | Yes, there will be no delays. |
リーブ | プレジデント どうか計画の見直し いや 中止を |
Reeve | Please, Mr. President! I am asking you to reconsider─no, begging. |
リーブ | 七番街直下のスラムには推計で およそ 5万── |
Reeve | The Sector 7 undercity is home to more than 50,000─ |
プレジデント | リーブ君 | President Shinra | Director Tuesti. |
リーブ | せめて 避難勧告の許可を | Reeve | At least let us issue a warning, sir. |
ハイデッカー | また分別くさい顔で 青くさいことを | Heidegger | The stench of the director's cowardice fills the room yet again. |
*** | *** | ||
プレジデント | リーブ君 | President Shinra | Reeve. |
プレジデント | 腹をくくりたまえ | President Shinra | Learn to live with it. |
プレジデント | これも発展の潤滑油だ | President Shinra | Progress requires sacrifice. |
*** | *** | ||
ソノン | ここもすごいな | Sonon | Whoa, look at all these people... |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | さっさと行こう 人にも酔っちゃいそう |
Yuffie | Enough to make you sick. Let's get this over with. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
新聞記者 | 恐縮です 恐縮です! | Newspaper Reporter | Excuse me! I have some questions! |
*** | *** | ||
新聞記者 | 神羅カンパニーの方ですよね? | Newspaper Reporter | You work for Shinra, isn't that right? |
新聞記者 | 『次のターゲットは七番だ』という 噂もありますけど── |
Newspaper Reporter | Then would you care to comment on the rumors that Sector 7 will be the terrorists' next target? |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | えっ? | *** | |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
新聞記者 | 七番魔晄炉なんですか? | Newspaper Reporter | They're going to hit the reactor, aren't they? |
*** | *** | ||
警備兵 | おい! | Security Officer | You! |
警備兵 | そこまでだ! | Security Officer | Stop right there! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ソノン | エレベーターがある あれに乗ってみよう | Sonon | Elevators're right there. Let's catch one. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | こいつの出番! | Yuffie | You're up, High-D! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | はやく はやく! | Yuffie | C'mon, c'mon, c'mon! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
警備兵 | 待ってくれ | Security Officer | Hold the door. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
警備兵 | 行き先は? | Security Officer | What floor? |
ソノン | 地下……兵器開発 | Sonon | The basement. Advanced Weaponry. |
アナウンス | 下へまいります | Elevator | Going down. |
アナウンス | ドアが閉まります | Elevator | Doors closing. |
スカーレット | ったく とんだとばっちりね | Scarlet | Perfect. Just perfect. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
スカーレット | ウータイも姑息よね | Scarlet | But oh, how the mighty are fallen─ |
スカーレット | アバランチなんかと手を組んで コソコソ攻撃してくるなんて |
Scarlet | Wutai...colluding with Avalanche and resorting to terrorism? |
スカーレット | ウータイ人は誇り高いと聞いていたけど それは 昔の話みたいね |
Scarlet | I always thought the Wutaians an honorable people. They used to be, certainly... |
スカーレット | 今のウータイさんは 神羅にたかる 虫みたいなものよ |
Scarlet | But now? Now they're nothing but blood-sucking flies, buzzing around Shinra's face. |
*** | *** | ||
スカーレット | ねえ あなたたちもそうは思わない? | Scarlet | Would you not agree? In light of recent events, I mean. |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | 思います── | Yuffie | I would. |
ユフィ | そうですね! | Yuffie | A hundred percent! |
*** | *** | ||
スカーレット | いい笑顔 | Scarlet | What a lovely smile. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | ちょっと! | Yuffie | Open up! |
*** | *** | ||
スカーレット | 残念 ウータイのネズミさんはあっち | Scarlet | I think not. Foreign visitors should take the scenic route. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
スカーレット | あなたたちには 新しい兵器の実験台になってもらうわ |
Scarlet | ...And savor the opportunity to meet our latest autonomous weapons. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ソノン | くそっ! | Sonon | Dammit! |
*** | *** | ||
ソノン | 絶好のチャンスだったのに | Sonon | I'll never get a better chance. |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | 落ち着こう | Yuffie | Calm down. |
ユフィ | アタシたち なにしに来た? | Yuffie | Remember: we're here for a reason. |
ソノン | 先輩 すまない | Sonon | Right, Boss... I'm sorry. |
ユフィ | いいよ ムカつくのはアタシも同じ | Yuffie | Don't be. I was ready to strangle her myself. |
ユフィ | 究極マテリアんとこまで 案内させれば良かったよ |
Yuffie | And that's before she sent us off in the wrong direction... |
*** | *** | ||
ソノン | どこに案内する気だ | Sonon | Where <i>did</i> she send us? |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | 行ってやろうじゃないの | Yuffie | Only one way to find out. |
ユフィ | マテリア研究フロアだよね | Yuffie | Don't worry, we'll get to Materia Research eventually. |
ユフィ | 待ってろ マテリアちゃん | Yuffie | Just a little longer, my precious... |
部下 | スカーレット様 | Subordinate | Madam Director. |
部下 | このままでは 開発エリアに侵入されてしまいますが |
Subordinate | The intruders are about to reach the research facility. |
スカーレット | しばらく泳がせて やつらの目的を探りなさい |
Scarlet | And we'll let them. Meanwhile, find out what it is they want. |
部下 | は……? | Subordinate | Uh...? |
スカーレット | さっきの 見たでしょう? | Scarlet | You do have eyes, don't you? |
スカーレット | こんなところまで ノコノコやってきた おバカさんにしては 動きに隙がなかった |
Scarlet | Then you can see that, while they are simpletons, they've made it further than any normal Wutaian ever could. |
スカーレット | ウータイのシノビ | Scarlet | Clearly, they are ninjas. |
スカーレット | まだ お子様だけど | Scarlet | <i>Teenage</i> ninjas. |
*** | *** | ||
スカーレット | 面白いことになりそうじゃない? 存分に もてなしてあげましょ |
Scarlet | And they've come such a long way. We simply must roll out the red carpet. |
スカーレット | 私は 『お馬さん』の整備状況を 確認してくるわ |
Scarlet | My trusty steed should provide a fitting welcome, I think. |
スカーレット | あとで報告 お願いね | Scarlet | Keep me apprised, would you? |
*** | Subordinate | Ma'am. | |
部下 | 開発エリアのメインシステムをダウン | Subordinate | Cut system power to the research facility. |
部下 | 機密情報へのアクセスを制限しつつ 復帰経路から やつらの目的を探る |
Subordinate | Bar access to confidential data, then retrace their steps. Find out why they're here. |
部下 | 各員 侵入者の監視を再開しろ | Subordinate | Above all, do <i>not</i> let them out of your sight. |
*** | Subordinates | Sir! | |
ユフィ | どっち? | Yuffie | Uh...uh-oh. |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | 迷っちゃったな~ | Yuffie | Aw, c'mon! How could we have gotten so lost!? |
ソノン | 先輩 落ち着こう | Sonon | Easy now. Focus. |
ソノン | そうだ 豆 ダチャオ豆ある? |
Sonon | Ah, I know. Spare a Da-chao bean? |
ユフィ | あるけど | Yuffie | Sure... |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | かめる! | Yuffie | You ate it! |
ソノン | あたりまえだよ | Sonon | You sound surprised. |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | うれしいよ ソノン | Yuffie | Man, I'm glad you're here! |
ソノン | わかる | Sonon | Likewise. |
ユフィ | アタシたち 同郷の仲間だ | Yuffie | It really helps─knowing I'm not alone in all this. |
ソノン | ああ 心強い | Sonon | Yeah, same here. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | あっ! | Yuffie | Aha! |
ユフィ | あれ 使えるかも | Yuffie | Think I found our way across! |
ソノン | よし 行こう | Sonon | Right. Shall we? |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | ソノン! | Yuffie | Sonon! |
ユフィ | 見て あそこ | Yuffie | Check <i>that</i> out! |
*** | *** | ||
ソノン | 下にあった装置より 大掛かりだな | Sonon | It does look more important than the others... |
ユフィ | ってことは これが究極マテリア! | Yuffie | This has to be it! Oh, sweet baby, come to mama! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | あ~もう 見えない! | Yuffie | Can't see squat. |
ユフィ | 電気 デンキ でんき~! | Yuffie | Light. Light! I need more light! |
*** | *** | ||
スカーレット | どう やつらの目的はわかった? | Scarlet | So─have you found out what they want yet? |
部下 | 行動に一貫性が見られないため 断言はできませんが |
Subordinate | We think so. We can't say for certain, as their behavior is...erratic. |
部下 | どうやら マテリアを探しているようです | Subordinate | But they appear to be searching for materia. |
スカーレット | マテリア? | Scarlet | Excuse me? |
スカーレット | そんなもののために 敵地のド真ん中までやってきたっていうの? |
Scarlet | You mean to say that these savages have gone to all this trouble for <i>materia</i>? |
部下 | いまのところ そのようにしか | Subordinate | So far as we can tell, yes. |
スカーレット | つまらない お返事 | Scarlet | How very dull. |
スカーレット | まぁ いいわ 通信をつないでちょうだい |
Scarlet | Be that as it may, I suppose I should talk to them. |
*** | Subordinate | Ma'am! | |
スカーレット | ごきげんいかがかしら | Scarlet | Enjoying yourselves, I trust? |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
スカーレット | この程度で驚いてもらえて 光栄だわ | Scarlet | Awed by a simple hologram? How precious. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
スカーレット | ねえ 折角ここまで来たんだもの もう少し―― |
Scarlet | But I know just what you need─to loosen up a little. After such a long journey... |
スカーレット | 私と遊んでいかない? | Scarlet | you must be so tense! |
*** | *** | ||
スカーレット | ホログラムなんかより もっと面白いものを見せてあげる |
Scarlet | Luckily, I have toys for that─all far more entertaining than this. |
ソノン | なにが目的だ? | Sonon | What do you want!? |
スカーレット | やだ そんなに怖い顔しないで | Scarlet | Oh dear. Is that any way to talk to your host? |
*** | *** | ||
スカーレット | そうね あなたたちの探し物も この先にあるんじゃないかしら |
Scarlet | Really though, as guests, it's more about what you want. And I think you'll find it just up ahead. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
スカーレット | それじゃ 待ってるわね | Scarlet | Hurry now. Don't keep me waiting. |
ソノン | 先輩 どうする? | Sonon | So, Boss. What're you thinking? |
ユフィ | 罠だよね わかってるよ | Yuffie | That we're walking into a trap, I guess. |
ユフィ | でも 行くしかないでしょ | Yuffie | But it's nothing we can't handle, right? |
ソノン | 同じ意見でよかった | Sonon | Couldna said it better myself. |
ユフィ | ここは? | Yuffie | Where are we? |
ユフィ | あれは 未完成っぽいよね | Yuffie | That thing...can't be operational, can it? |
ソノン | そう願いたいね | Sonon | We better hope not, boss. |
スカーレット | お疲れ様 ウータイのシノビさん | Scarlet | At long last, Wutai's finest deign to join us. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
スカーレット | なかなか やるじゃない | Scarlet | You've performed admirably. |
ユフィ | な~に 余裕ぶってんの ホントは ビビってんでしょ! |
Yuffie | Quit acting all superior. We both know you're afraid of us! |
スカーレット | どうかしら そうかも? | Scarlet | Is that so? Well, maybe I am! |
ユフィ | ウータイには アタシたちみたいのが大勢いるよ |
Yuffie | You should know there's more where we came from─lots more! |
ユフィ | 想像してみ? シノビの末裔たちが大勢来るの |
Yuffie | And you'll never see 'em comin'! Just imagine a whole clan of ninjas landing on your doorstep! |
ユフィ | シュシュシュ! | Yuffie | Shih, shih, hahn! |
スカーレット | それは大変 対策を立てなくちゃ |
Scarlet | Oh my! We must do something right away! |
ユフィ | ムダムダ! | Yuffie | Well, you can't! |
スカーレット | ケチくさいこと言わないで チャンスをちょうだい |
Scarlet | Don't say that. Won't you at least give us a chance? |
*** | Yuffie | What the─ | |
スカーレット | これはね 私のアイディア満載の 最新型バトルアーマー |
Scarlet | Allow me to present...the latest innovation in Shinra battle armor... |
スカーレット | テストに付き合ってちょうだい | Scarlet | Designed by yours truly. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
スカーレット | いい思い出にしてね 誰にも 話せないと思うけど |
Scarlet | This'll be a memory to cherish for the rest of your lives. All thirty seconds of them. |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | あ 逃げた! | Yuffie | Wha─ Come back! |
スカーレット | 誰が逃げたですって? | Scarlet | Oh, I will, my dear. |
スカーレット | さあ イイ声で泣いてね | Scarlet | But I rather suspect you'll wish that I hadn't. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
スカーレット | ちきしょう | Scarlet | Useless! |
*** | *** | ||
スカーレット | 機動性がイマイチね | Scarlet | Not nearly mobile enough. |
スカーレット | 関節まわりのアクチュエータを見直して それと―― |
Scarlet | Should've known those actuators weren't up to the task. Time for an overhaul. |
ユフィ | もっしも~し | Yuffie | Hellooo! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | さてと どうしよっかな~ | Yuffie | My, my, my, how the tables have turned... |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
スカーレット | いなかくさい顔 | Scarlet | Proud of yourself, little savage? |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ソノン | なにをしている! | Sonon | What're you doing!? |
*** | *** | ||
ヴァイス | お目覚めか | Weiss | Sleep well? |
ネロ | 兄さん こんなところで何してるの | Nero | Weiss? This is a surprise. To what do I owe the pleasure? |
ヴァイス | データを取って 仮想空間で 俺を再現する気だ |
Weiss | These idiots want to "digitally replicate" me, so I'm indulging them. |
研究員 | 準備よし | Researcher | All set. |
研究員 | 転送開始 | Researcher | Transporting... |
ネロ | 相変わらず 神羅は愚かだね | Nero | When will Shinra learn? |
ネロ | 兄さんを再現するなんて 無理なのに | Nero | There is no replicating <i>you</i>. They ought to know better. |
*** | *** | ||
ヴァイス | おまえは お楽しみか | Weiss | Looking forward to this? |
ネロ | ああ 久しぶりに狩っていいって | Nero | I am. It has been too long since my last hunt. |
*** | *** | ||
ソノン | 言え 何をした? | Sonon | What'd you do? Tell us! |
*** | *** | ||
スカーレット | さっきから 怒鳴ってばかり それが ウータイ流? |
Scarlet | Is this how it's done in Wutai? You just howl until you get what you want? |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | ソノン もういいよ | Yuffie | That's enough, Sonon. I got this. |
ユフィ | それより おばさん | Yuffie | Alright, lady, out with it. |
ユフィ | 究極マテリアは どこ? | Yuffie | Tell us where you're hiding the new materia. |
ユフィ | 知ってるよ むりくり 強力なマテリアを作ったんでしょ |
Yuffie | Don't play dumb now. We know you've been cooking up something super-powerful. |
スカーレット | へえ…… なかなかいい情報網を持ってるのね |
Scarlet | Well, well... Wutai must have some highly skilled intelligence operatives. |
スカーレット | それとも 内通者がいるのかしら? | Scarlet | That...or we have a mole in our midst. |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | なに? | Yuffie | What was...? |
ソノン | ちょっと見てくる | Sonon | I'll check on it. |
ユフィ | すぐ戻ってよ | Yuffie | Alright, but make it quick. |
スカーレット | 確かに ゴージャスなマテリアを 作る準備はしてきたわ |
Scarlet | You <i>are</i> correct that we're in the process of creating an exquisite new materia. |
スカーレット | でも まだできてないの | Scarlet | However, it is far from complete. |
ユフィ | ウソ だまされるもんか | Yuffie | Yeah right. You must think I'm stupid. |
スカーレット | ホントよ | Scarlet | Would I lie to you? |
スカーレット | ほかの仕事で忙しくなって 実験を延期したの |
Scarlet | Regrettable though it is, other plans have been deemed a higher priority. |
ユフィ | ほかの仕事? | Yuffie | What other plans? |
スカーレット | ふふ ここだけの話 | Scarlet | Well...just between you and me... |
スカーレット | 私たち 七番プレートを落とすの | Scarlet | My colleagues and I...are going to drop Plate Number 7 on the slums. |
スカーレット | ウータイとアバランチの犯行に見せかけてね | Scarlet | And then we're going to blame it on Avalanche and Wutai. |
ユフィ | なにそれ | Yuffie | I don't get it. |
ユフィ | プレートを落とす? | Yuffie | You're gonna drop a plate? And? |
ユフィ | なに? | Yuffie | What the─!? |
スカーレット | あら お友達が戦ってるみたいよ | Scarlet | Oh dear. I think your friend might've run into trouble. |
スカーレット | 加勢にいかなくていいの? | Scarlet | Aren't you going to save him? |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
スカーレット | 急ぎなさい キャハハ! | Scarlet | Quickly now! |
*** | *** | ||
ソノン | 先輩! | Sonon | There you are! |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | こいつら なに? | Yuffie | Who're these assholes!? |
ソノン | わからない いきなり現れた | Sonon | No clue. They just appeared! |
DGソルジャー | ターゲット確認 | Deepground SOLDIER | Targets surrounded. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | ソノン 悪い知らせなんだけど | Yuffie | I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but... |
ソノン | いちおう 聞こう | Sonon | Just hit me with it. |
ユフィ | 究極マテリアは まだできてないって 絶賛研究中…… |
Yuffie | There is no ultimate materia─not yet. She said it's still in the works. |
DGソルジャー | 囲め | Deepground SOLDIER | Push up! |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | もういっこ 悪い知らせ | Yuffie | And she mentioned somethin' else. |
ユフィ | 七番プレートを落とすって | Yuffie | They're gonna drop Plate Number 7. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ソノン | 七番プレートを落とす? | Sonon | They're gonna do <i>what</i>? |
ユフィ | そう 七番プレートを落とす | Yuffie | They're gonna drop Plate Number 7 on the slums...apparently. |
ソノン | 七番プレートって 七番街のことだよな | Sonon | But that's the whole upper part of the sector! |
ユフィ | うそ! | Yuffie | Wait! |
ユフィ | ジージェの話 ホントなんだ! | Yuffie | So Zhijie was being serious!? |
ソノン | どうする? | Sonon | This is bad. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
DGソルジャー | 獲物を発見 狩り殺せ! | Deepground SOLDIER | Have visual. Commence cleansing! |
DGソルジャー | 逃げ場はないぞ 囲め! | Deepground SOLDIER | They're cornered. Box 'em in! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | 負けるもんか! | Yuffie | No way I'm givin' up! |
ソノン | その意気だ 先輩! | Sonon | That's the spirit. Let 'em have it! |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | かめ道楽 行きたいんだから! | Yuffie | I'm not goin' down till I've been to the Happy Turtle! |
*** | *** | ||
DGソルジャー | いい気になるなよ | Deepground SOLDIER | Opening doors. Set it up! |
DGソルジャー | 終わらせてやる | Deepground SOLDIER | Grenade out! |
*** | *** | ||
ソノン | ユフィ! | Sonon | Yuffie! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | 助かった? | Yuffie | Is it over? |
ソノン | 先輩 そうは思えません | Sonon | Somehow, I seriously doubt it... |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | あれ あれっ? | Yuffie | Work, you stupid... |
ユフィ | ダメ あかない | Yuffie | No good. Door won't budge. |
ソノン | 閉じ込められたか | Sonon | Meaning we're trapped. |
スカーレット | せいぜい 苦しむといいわ | Scarlet | I want them...to suffer. |
*** | *** | ||
スカーレット | それじゃあ あとはご自由に | Scarlet | The rest, I leave to you. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
アナウンス | ペインリアリティが MAXに設定されました |
Combat Simulator | Pain Sensation Level set to: maximum. |
ユフィ | どういうこと? | Yuffie | What was that? |
ソノン | ペインのリアリティがMAX | Sonon | They figure we need a challenge. |
ソノン | たぶん とんでもなく痛いってことだ | Sonon | Meaning we're in for a world of hurt. |
ユフィ | マジか~ | Yuffie | No fair! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
研究員 | 対象の侵入を確認 | Researcher | Subjects on site. |
研究員 | これより ツヴィエートの 戦闘テストを開始する |
Researcher | It's time. Initiate the Tsviet field test. |
*** | Researcher | Sir. | |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | どうなってるの 仲間割れ? | Yuffie | What are you doing? Aren't you all on the same team? |
ネロ | 仲間? | Nero | "Team"? |
ネロ | ディープグラウンドに そんなものはないよ | Nero | Fool. There are no "teams" in Deepground. |
ユフィ | ディープ なに? | Yuffie | Deep...ground? |
ネロ | ボクと兄さんの遊び場 | Nero | The place where my brother and I like to play. |
ユフィ | そこ どいてくれない? | Yuffie | Cool. Now, mind moving aside? |
*** | *** | ||
ソノン | ダメらしいね | Sonon | Let's take a different tack. |
ユフィ | いちおう 聞いてみただけ | Yuffie | Well, can't blame a girl for trying. |
ネロ | さあ 楽しみましょうか | Nero | Now...let the games begin. |
*** | *** | ||
研究員 | 異常値を感知 制御プログラムを侵食しています |
Researcher | Abnormal readings detected. The control program's been compromised! |
研究員 | 拘束を急げ! | Researcher | Containment protocol! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | もらった! | Yuffie | You're dead! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ソノン | 先輩! | Sonon | Boss! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ネロ | 誰ですか ボクの邪魔をするのは | Nero | How dare you? How <i>dare</i> you stand in my way? |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | Researcher | No, please─ | |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | なに これ…… | Yuffie | Wh-what in the... |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ネロ | さあ 続けましょう | Nero | Now then...where were we? |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ネロ | 痛い 兄さん 痛いよ | Nero | It hurts, Brother. It hurts...so much... |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | これ やばくない? | Yuffie | This is bad! |
ソノン | 逃げるぞ | Sonon | Agreed. Let's get outta here. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | うそっ! | Yuffie | No! |
*** | *** | ||
ソノン | 危ない! | sonon | Boss! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ネロ | 沈めてあげる | Nero | This is where you die. |
*** | *** | ||
ネロ | いい いい! | Nero | Yes, yes! |
ネロ | もっと感じさせてください 痛みを 死を! |
Nero | I must know more of this feeling! Of pain! Of death! |
ソノン | 先輩 ここで決めよう | Sonon | Now, Boss! Let's finish this! |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | まっかせなさ~い! | Yuffie | Don't gotta tell me twice! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | 勝った? | Yuffie | Did we? |
ソノン | ああ | Sonon | We did. |
ユフィ | やったあ~ | Yuffie | Awesome... |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ソノン | おつかれのところ なんですけど | Sonon | Don't wanna spoil the moment, but... |
ソノン | 急いで 脱出しないと | Sonon | we should prob'ly get going. |
ユフィ | ちょっと休憩しない? | Yuffie | But I'm so tired... |
ソノン | おぶろうか | Sonon | I could carry you. |
ユフィ | けっこうです | Yuffie | You win. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | あった! | Yuffie | Aha! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | ちょっと なにすんの | Yuffie | Hey, whaddaya think you're─ |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | ソノン? | Yuffie | Sonon? |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ソノン | 行って | Sonon | Go... |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | そんな…… | Yuffie | No, I─ |
ソノン | 頼む | Sonon | Please. |
ユフィ | でも | Yuffie | But... |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | ソノン | Yuffie | Sonon...? |
ソノン | 先輩 生き延びて | Sonon | Yuffie... You gotta keep going... |
*** | *** | ||
ソノン | 戦え―― | Sonon | for <i>us</i>. |
ユフィ | やだよ そんなの…… | Yuffie | No... Stop it... |
ユフィ | ソノン! | Yuffie | Sonon!? |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ソノン | かたっ…… | Sonon | Damn... |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ソノン | メルフィ―― | Sonon | Melphie... |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | 挑戦しない | *** | Cancel |
*** | ソルジャーモード | *** | SOLDIER Training |
*** | 一般兵モード | *** | Basic Training |
*** | TARGET SCORE:<count=0>を達成した! | *** | Achieved target score of <count=0>. |
*** | SHINRA CRUSH BOX | *** | Shinra Box Buster |
*** | <color=yellow>【ソルジャーモード】</color>に挑戦できるようになった! | *** | <color=yellow>SOLDIER training</color> program unlocked! |
*** | SOLDIER MODE UNLOCKED! | *** | <> |
*** | 地下15階 製造フロア | *** | B15 - Production |
*** | 地下14階 整備フロア | *** | B14 - Maintenance |
*** | 地下13階 技術開発フロア | *** | B13 - Development |
*** | 移動しない | *** | Stay on This Floor |
ソノン | あの女は 兵器開発部門のスカーレット | Sonon | That was Scarlet, director of Advanced Weaponry. |
ソノン | メルフィを殺した兵器を作った張本人 | Sonon | It was one of <i>her</i> machines that killed Melphie! |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | 落ち着いて ソノン | Yuffie | Calm down, Sonon. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | なんだよお | Yuffie | You asshole! |
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | ナメんな! | Yuffie | I'm not a kid! |
ユフィ | 妹じゃないって | Yuffie | I'm not your sister! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | どうかしてるよ | Yuffie | This is just wrong... |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | ひとりじゃ 無理か | Yuffie | Don't think I can do this alone. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | アタシの手下になるひと | Yuffie | The Amazing Yuffie wants <i>you</i>! |
ユフィ | この指と~まれ! | Yuffie | Join her team and the sky's the limit! |
ティファ | ねえ バレット | Tifa | Hey, Barret. |
ティファ | 歩くしかないのかな? | Tifa | We really walking the whole way? |
バレット | おうよ | Barret | Yup. |
ティファ | かなり遠いよね カーム | Tifa | Kalm's still pretty far, though, isn't it? |
バレット | だいたい 1日ってところだな | Barret | 'Nother full day, give or take. |
エアリス | あのね | Aerith | Question... |
エアリス | わたしのお母さん 1日って言ったら それ 朝から夜 眠るまでなの |
Aerith | When my mom says, "a full day," she means from the time you get up in the morning till the time you go to bed... |
エアリス | わたしは 1日って言われたら 朝から次の朝まで 思い浮かべる |
Aerith | but for me, it means from the time you get up in the morning all the way through till the time you get up the <i>next</i> morning. |
エアリス | バレットは どっち? | Aerith | So, which is it for you? |
バレット | オレは エルミナ派だ | Barret | Gotta go with Elmyra on that one. |
エアリス | よかった | Aerith | Phew, that's a relief! |
ティファ | いいかなぁ | Tifa | Is it, though? |
バレット | クラウド | Barret | Cloud. |
バレット | おまえは 朝から晩までまるっと歩くなんて なんでもねえだろ |
Barret | Bet you've had to hoof it from sunup to sundown tons of times. |
バレット | 当然 経験ありだ | Barret | This is all just same old, same old, right? |
クラウド | まあな | Cloud | That's right. |
クラウド | ただし 十分な休息が条件だ 特に あんたには |
Cloud | But even so, we're all gonna need to stop and rest. Especially you. |
バレット | んなことたあ わかってる | Barret | Yeah, yeah, I know... |
バレット | まあ 知らねえ道は不安だろうが リーダーのオレに ドーンとまかせとけ! |
Barret | Anyway, marchin' into the unknown ain't easy, but don't worry, 'cause I'm here to lead the way! |
エアリス | たのもしい | Aerith | That's comforting! |
*** | Barret | Of course it is! | |
バレット | よーし とりあえず全員止まれ | Barret | Alright, everyone─let's stop here for a minute. Leader's orders! |
*** | *** | ||
バレット | 思いきり 深呼吸! | Barret | Now breathe in that fresh air! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
バレット | やっぱり やめとけ | Barret | Actually, scratch that. |
*** | *** | ||
バレット | もっと 離れねえとな | Barret | Let's, uh...save it for later. |
バレット | うまい空気は おあずけだ | Barret | When we're not so close to Midgar. |
ティファ | さらば ミッドガルだね | Tifa | Guess this is good-bye, City of Mako. |
*** | *** | ||
エアリス | う~ん | Aerith | Like this? |
ティファ | そうそう そんな感じ | Tifa | Yup. Just like that. |
*** | Aerith | Cool. | |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ティファ | うそ 来た! | Tifa | No way! A car! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | Barret | Hey! Stop! | |
*** | *** | ||
*** | Barret | What is it with these damn birds!? | |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | Tifa | Uh, sorry 'bout that. | |
グリン | いや ツイてるねえ | Chocobo Bill | No need to apologize, ma'am! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
エアリス | あめ! | Aerith | Look at that... |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
エアリス | 屋根 ないね | Aerith | Where's a roof when you need one? |
クラウド | 平気なのか? | Cloud | Gonna be okay? |
*** | Aerith | Should be, but... | |
エアリス | あれ? 急に不安 | Aerith | Weird... My stomach's in knots... |
バレット | そりゃ 腹が減ったせいだ | Barret | That's its way of telling you it's hungry. |
バレット | 急ぐぞ | Barret | Let's move. |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ザックス | 久しぶり | Zack | Long time, no see. |
ザックス | 元気だった? | Zack | How you been? |
ザックス | ごめん | Zack | Listen... |
ザックス | わりぃ…… | Zack | Hey... |
ザックス | ご無沙汰してます | Zack | It's been a while, huh? |
ザックス | ただいま | Zack | I'm back! |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ザックス | エアリス…… | Zack | Aerith...? |
*** | *** | ||
*** | *** | ||
ユフィ | 見てよ これ 兵器 兵器 兵器 兵器! |
Yuffie | Just look at this place. Weapons here, weapons there, weapons everywhere! |
ユフィ | やる気満々だよね | Yuffie | They're ready for some serious action. |
ソノン | 君も やる気満々だ | Sonon | It sounds like you are, too. |
ユフィ | アタシは オヤジとは違うから | Yuffie | Duh. Unlike my old man, I'm not some lazy drunk. |
ユフィ | あのぐうたらと違って いつでもやる気満々 | Yuffie | I fight for what I believe in, something <i>he'd</i> never understand. |
ソノン | ゴドー様は どうしてるんだ | Sonon | Wonder how he's holding up... |
ユフィ | 牢屋ん中 暫定政府に投獄されたよ | Yuffie | Behind bars, you mean? Not well, if the government's got anything to say about it. |
ユフィ | せっかくだから 頭冷やせばいいんだ | Yuffie | Good on 'em. Jail's where he belongs. |
ソノン | 俺の師匠だ あまり悪く言わないでくれ | Sonon | That's my master you're talking about. Mind laying off him a little? |
ユフィ | うん そうだね やめよう こんな話 |
Yuffie | You know what? Let's drop it. Not exactly my favorite topic. |
ユフィ | アタシも ムカつくだけだよ | Yuffie | It's only gonna make me mad. |
ユフィ | それより── | Yuffie | More importantly... |
スカーレット | 田舎者の話は 退屈ね | Scarlet | My god, you people are deadly boring. |
スカーレット | おしゃべりはそこまで 実験を始めましょう |
Scarlet | Luckily, I know exactly how to liven things up...with a little experiment. |
スカーレット | まさかとは思うけど こんなところで死なないでちょうだいね? |
Scarlet | Just don't go dying on me─that wouldn't yield very interesting results, now would it? |
アナウンス | テストマシン 起動完了 戦闘データの収集を開始します |
Announcement | Unit calibration complete. Initiating combat data-collection sequence. |
アナウンス | データ収集 完了 | Announcement | Data collection complete. |
アナウンス | 次のテストの準備を開始します | Announcement | Re-calibrating for next test. |
ユフィ | まだあんの? | Yuffie | What? There's more? |
アナウンス | データ収集 完了 | Announcement | Data collection complete. |
スカーレット | お粗末さま 思ってたよりやるじゃない |
Scarlet | Credit where credit is due. You exceeded my every expectation. |
スカーレット | どうぞ 先に進んで? | Scarlet | And for being such good sports...you may now leave. |
ユフィ | む~か~つ~く~! ってか どうやって登ればいいのさ |
Yuffie | Why did I ever think for a second she'd be nice to us!? She knows damn well it's gonna be a pain in the ass gettin' up there. |
ユフィ | よしよし イイ感じ ソノン 足場になってくんない? |
Yuffie | There we go. Honestly, how <i>do</i> I do it? Now then, Sonon, how ya feel about givin' me a boost? |
ソノン | はいはい | Sonon | Ecstatic. |
ソノン | せーの! | Sonon | And...go! |
ユフィ | *** | ||
ユフィ | *** | ||
ユフィ | どうぞ どうぞ~! | Yuffie | Okay, get to climbin'! |
ユフィ | マテリア どこだ~! | Yuffie | Oh, materia, where are you? |
ユフィ | むむ マテリアのにおい? | Yuffie | Hm? Is that materia I smell? |
戦闘員 | 来たな ウータイ! | Shock Trooper | End of the line, Wutai scum! |
ユフィ | な~んかここ 暗くない? | Yuffie | This their idea of mood lighting? 'Cause it's bad. |
ソノン | あの装置も 止まっているみたいだな | Sonon | Might be the power. That thing's off too. |
ユフィ | 大当たり~! ここでマテリアを作ってるんだ |
Yuffie | Talk about hitting the jackpot! This must be where they make their materia! |
ソノン | 見たところ 普通のマテリアだ 俺たちの獲物じゃない |
Sonon | Maybe─but they're not what we came for. Let's keep movin', Boss. |
ユフィ | でも ぜ~んぶいただきます! | Yuffie | Totally. After I grab a few souvenirs. |
アナウンス | システムダウン中 中央装置を 起動してください |
Announcement | System offline. Please activate central terminal. |
アナウンス | 現在 アクセス可能なフロアはありません | Announcement | Access denied. No floors currently accessible. |
ユフィ | えぇ~ ほかに出口あった? | Yuffie | Oh, not in the mood, huh? Fine! We'll find another way up! |
アナウンス | メインシステム・レベル1 起動 | Announcement | Level one power grid: online. |
アナウンス | 魔晄エネルギー 充填開始 防護柵を展開します |
Announcement | Initiating mako energy saturation. Deploying security grate. |
ユフィ | この柵 もしかして登れそう? | Yuffie | Wait, is that a security grate or a <i>ladder</i>? Thanks, Shinra! |
ユフィ | あっれ~? ここは マテリアのにおいがしないよ |
Yuffie | Huh, that's weird... Not even a whiff of materia up here... |
ユフィ | もっと上なのかな~ | Yuffie | But then there's nowhere else to go. |
*** | *** | ||
アナウンス | メインシステム・レベル2 起動 | Announcement | Level two power grid: online. |
アナウンス | 魔晄エネルギー 充填開始 防護柵を展開します |
Announcement | Initiating mako energy saturation. Deploying security grate. |
ユフィ | きたきた マテリアちゃんへの架け橋! | Yuffie | Not long now, my precious. You'll be safe in my arms soon! |
アナウンス | ゲートロック 解除 | Announcement | Entry lock released. |
ユフィ | もしかして マテリアの隠し部屋? | Yuffie | And what do we have here? A secret materia vault perhaps? |
*** | *** | <> | |
アナウンス | メインシステム・レベル3 起動 | Announcement | Level three power grid: online. |
アナウンス | 魔晄エネルギー 充填開始 防護柵を展開します |
Announcement | Initiating mako energy saturation. Deploying security grate. |
ユフィ | さあさあ 戻って究極マテリアとご対面だよ! |
Yuffie | Now we're cookin'! I'm comin', materia, ready or not! |
ユフィ | あのさ ソノン | Yuffie | Hey, Sonon. |
ソノン | なんだ | Sonon | What? |
ユフィ | ナヨが言ってたの どういう意味かな | Yuffie | You remember what Nayo said? About helping us? |
ユフィ | この協力体制は 未来への架け橋になるってやつ |
Yuffie | That it was "necessary for building a brighter future"? What did she mean? |
ソノン | 俺たちとナヨのアバランチは 本来 水と油 |
Sonon | Well...you know how it is between Wutai and Avalanche. We're never gonna see eye-to-eye. |
ソノン | いつか 対立することになるかもしれない | Sonon | And we're bound to come up against each other someday. |
ソノン | でもその時 俺たちの個人的なつながりが 衝突を回避する役に立つかもしれない |
Sonon | But, when we do, the fact they worked with us might help both parties put their differences aside and avoid a conflict. |
ソノン | そういうことだ たぶん | Sonon | That's what I got out of it anyway. |
ユフィ | だと思った | Yuffie | Figured as much. |
ソノン | 先輩がくる前に観察してたんだけど | Sonon | Before you got here, I did a little bit of recon. |
ソノン | 連中 リーダーの選び方とか 労働者の連帯とか 富の分配とか |
Sonon | Found out what they want. Free elections, workers' rights, fair distribution of wealth... |
ソノン | 俺たちとは 見てる世界が違う | Sonon | They don't see the world how we see it. |
ユフィ | ソノンには どんな世界が見える? | Yuffie | And when you look at the world, what is it that you see? |
ソノン | 爆発 銃声 悲鳴 血―― | Sonon | Homes bombed to dust...plumes of gunsmoke...people pleading...bloodshed. |
ユフィ | アタシも | Yuffie | Me too. |
ユフィ | 忘れられないよね | Yuffie | And I'll never forget. |
ユフィ | ちがう 究極マテリアじゃない | Yuffie | Man... Another stupid dud! |
ユフィ | なっ なに? | Yuffie | Wha─? Uh-oh... |
ユフィ | くっそ~ 兵士じゃなくて マテリアよこせ! |
Yuffie | Quit holdin' out on us, Shinra! We're here for materia, not these dorks! |
スカーレット | ここは 最新鋭の兵器試験場 | Scarlet | Welcome to our state-of-the-art weapons testing facility. |
スカーレット | 耐久テストをクリアした個体の 戦闘履歴から データを収集して |
Scarlet | This is where we push every piece of ordnance to its limits...and beyond. |
スカーレット | 新兵器の開発や改良に 役立てているのよ | Scarlet | Such tests are an invaluable part of the development process. |
スカーレット | じっくり 見学していってね | Scarlet | Go on, see where the magic happens. |
アナウンス | 耐久テストを開始します | Research Program | Commencing ordnance testing. |
アナウンス | 検証に使用する個体を 選択してください | Research Program | Select ordnance type to deploy for this trial. |
アナウンス | 受付完了 検証個体のセットアップを開始します |
Research Program | Selection confirmed. Initiating ordnance deployment procedure. |
アナウンス | 測定エリアに移動中 | Research Program | Subjects approaching test site. |
アナウンス | テスト開始に備えてください | Research Program | Test will begin momentarily. |
アナウンス | 測定 スタート | Research Program | Beginning analysis. |
アナウンス | クリア テストを継続します | Research Program | Analysis concluded. Continuing trial. |
アナウンス | 検証に使用する個体を 選択してください | Research Program | Select ordnance type to deploy for this trial. |
アナウンス | クリア 最終テストに入ります | Research Program | Analysis concluded. Beginning final test. |
アナウンス | 再検証を行いますか? | *** | Undergo further testing? |
アナウンス | 耐久テストを開始します | Research Program | Commencing ordnance testing. |
アナウンス | リフトへ移動してください | Research Program | Please proceed to platform. |
アナウンス | *** | ||
スカーレット | さすが 優秀ね | Scarlet | My, my, how impressive! |
スカーレット | ウータイのシノビさんには 物足りなかったかしら |
Scarlet | Seems I may have underestimated how resilient you ninjas can be. |
ユフィ | ぜ~んぜん 全然足りないよ! | Yuffie | "May have"!? How 'bout "did", you old hag!? |
スカーレット | 頼もしいこと それじゃ 次はどうかしら? |
Scarlet | You Wutaians, so feisty. But let's see how you fare against what I have in store for you next. |
スカーレット | 遠くからのお客様に敬意を表して 特別なおもてなしを用意したの |
Scarlet | It's quite the treat, I assure you. Only the best for our honored guests, after all. |
スカーレット | こちらへどうぞ | Scarlet | Whenever you're ready. |
スカーレット | 急ぎなさい | Scarlet | What are you waiting for? Better hurry. |
ソノン | *** | ||
ユフィ | いたた…… | Yuffie | Ow... |
ユフィ | わんさか待ち構えてるんだろーけど 戻るしかないよね |
Yuffie | Man, I so don't wanna go back out there...but I don't think we've got a choice. |
アナウンス | ペインリアリティMAX | Combat Simulator | Pain Sensation: Max. |
アナウンス | 増援データを展開します | Combat Simulator | Deploying additional combatants. |
ユフィ | 次から次へと どっからわいてくんのさ! |
Yuffie | Where are these freaks even coming from!? 'Cause I'd really like 'em to stop! |
アナウンス | ペインリアリティMAX | Combat Simulator | Pain Sensation: Max. |
アナウンス | 増援データを展開します | Combat Simulator | Deploying additional combatants. |
ユフィ | あ~もうっ ぜったい帰るんだから! | Yuffie | Joke's on you, Shinra, if you think we're dying in this ugly box! |
アナウンス | ペインリアリティMAX | Combat Simulator | Pain Sensation: Max. |
アナウンス | 増援データを展開します | Combat Simulator | Deploying additional combatants. |
ユフィ | キリがないよ! | Yuffie | Okay, this is gettin' old! |
ソノン | どこかに映像の投影装置があるはずだ | Sonon | There's gotta be a projection mechanism around here somewhere. |
ソノン | それを見つけて ぶっ壊せば…… | Sonon | If we can just find it... |
ソノン | あれだ! | Sonon | Boss! |
ユフィ | こんなとこ 早く出よう! | Yuffie | Now can we <i>please</i> get outta here already? |
ユフィ | わっ……! | *** | |
ソノン | なにが起きたんだ? | Sonon | Who could've done this? |
ユフィ | アタシたちを 助けに来た とかじゃないよね コレ |
Yuffie | I don't like the looks of this... I doubt they're here to help. |
*** | 何階へ行きますか? (現在:地下15階 製造フロア) |
*** | Go to which floor? Currently on B15 (Production) |
*** | 何階へ行きますか? (現在:地下14階 整備フロア) |
*** | Go to which floor? Currently on B14 (Maintenance) |
*** | 何階へ行きますか? (現在:地下15階 製造フロア) |
*** | Go to which floor? Currently on B15 (Production) |
*** | 何階へ行きますか? (現在:地下14階 整備フロア) |
*** | Go to which floor? Currently on B14 (Maintenance) |
*** | 何階へ行きますか? (現在:地下13階 技術開発フロア) |
*** | Go to which floor? Currently on B13 (Development) |
アナウンス | 社員ID認証 クリア | Announcement | Employee identity confirmed. |
アナウンス | トレーニングルームへのアクセスを確認 対象1名 ゲートへ進んでください |
Announcement | Access granted. Occupancy limited to one subject. Proceed to gate to begin training exercise. |
ユフィ | トレーニング~? なんだ マテリアじゃないの |
Yuffie | Training? Really? Just give us what we came for already! |
*** | どちらのモードに挑戦しますか? | *** | Select a training program to run. |
ソノン | ひとり用らしいな 先輩 行くなら十分気をつけて |
Sonon | Might still be worth a shot. Could be something in it for us. Just...be careful, 'kay? |
*** | <color=yellow>【トレーニングメニュー 一般兵モード】</color> 挑戦しますか? |
*** | Run the <color=yellow>basic training</color> program? |
*** | <color=yellow>【トレーニングメニュー ソルジャーモード】</color> 挑戦しますか? |
*** | Run the <color=yellow>SOLDIER training</color> program? |