ファイナルファンタジーVII リメイク| Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Chapter 2 dialogues

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警備兵 おい そこの男 Security Officer Hey! You there!
警備兵 止まれ! Security Officer Stop!
警備兵 行け! Security Officer Get 'em!
警備兵 貴様だな 見つけたぞ Security Officer There he is! You're not going anywhere!
警備兵 こちら 八番街警備四班
Security Officer HQ, this is Sector 8 Unit 4. We have eyes on the target!
警備兵 増援求む!
繰り返す こちら八番街警備四班――
Security Officer We need backup! I repeat: this is 8-4 requesting immediate backup!
警備兵 おまえ! Security Officer You!
警備兵 おとなしくしろ Security Officer Show me your hands!
警備兵 やれ! Security Officer Kill!
警備兵 抵抗はよせ Security Officer Just give it up!
警備兵 逃がすか Security Officer Don't run!
警備兵 かかれ! Security Officer Sic 'em!
警備兵 見つけたぞ Security Officer We've got you now!
警備兵 覚悟しろ Security Officer Take him down!
警備兵 行くんだ! Security Officer Get him!
警備兵 貴様だな Security Officer It's him.
警備兵 通さん Security Officer You're trapped.
警備兵 あきらめろ Security Officer Just give it up.
警備兵 出口はないぞ Security Officer There's no way out.
警備兵 追い込め Security Officer Move in!
警備兵 慎重に行け Security Officer Don't underestimate him!
警備兵 逃がさない Security Officer I see him!
警備兵 ターゲット確認 交戦する Security Officer Target spotted! Moving to intercept!
警備兵 ターゲットと遭遇 Security Officer I have eyes on target.
警備兵 行かせるか Security Officer You're mine now.
警備兵 かかれ! Security Officer Get the bastard!
警備兵 来たな Security Officer He's here!
警備兵 通さんぞ Security Officer Not so fast!
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バレット 全員いるな? Barret Looks like we made it.
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バレット ケガは ねえみてえ―― Barret And with nothing but a few scratches to show─
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バレット 爆発が派手すぎねえか? Barret Think you might've overdone it?
ジェシー 爆弾は レシピどおりに作ったはず Jessie I followed the instructions to the letter.
ジェシー でも 気化した魔晄が反応してるのかも Jessie Maybe it triggered a reaction with the mako?
バレット こりゃ 街までイっちまったかもな Barret Well, let's hope this city's still in one piece.
ビッグス 街より 星だろ? Biggs But the planet's what matters, right?
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ビッグス 星の命 ちょっとは延びたかな Biggs I mean...this must've helped <i>some</i>.
ジェシー そうじゃないと 困る Jessie After all that, it'd better have.
ジェシー さあ 外に出よう
Jessie Anyway, let's get going. We in Sector 8?
ウェッジ まだ先ッス Wedge That'd be just down there!
バレット よし 先導してくれ Barret All right, then. Lead the way.
ウェッジ 了解ッス Wedge You got it!
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ジェシー セット完了 Jessie She's good to go.
ジェシー バクハーツ! Jessie Fire in the hole!
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ビッグス あいてる あいてる Biggs You sure told those doors.
ジェシー 邪魔者は 木っ端みじん
さあ 行こう
Jessie Let that be a lesson to anything that gets in my way!
アナウンス 緊急事態発生 緊急事態発生
Announcement Attention all citizens. Attention all citizens. This is an alert from the Shinra Emergency Operations Center.
アナウンス 壱番魔晄炉が 何者かの攻撃を受け
Announcement Unidentified intruders have detonated a bomb inside Mako Reactor 1.
アナウンス 現在も 断続的な爆発があり
Announcement Multiple explosions have been confirmed, as well as ongoing fires.
アナウンス 壱番街 および八番街は
Announcement In response, a disaster warning has been issued in Sectors 1 and 8.
アナウンス このあたりは 建物の倒壊の恐れがあり
Announcement Structures in the area are at high risk of collapse, rendering the entire sector hazardous.
*** *** Therefore, all residents of Sector 8 are to evacuate immediately.
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ジェシー 予想……以上 Jessie No... No way.
ビッグス こりゃ いくらなんでも Biggs This couldn't have been us...could it?
ウェッジ やりすぎッスね Wedge But what if it was...?
クラウド 今さらなにを Cloud What's done is done.
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バレット ああ そのとおり Barret Merc's right.
バレット オレたちは この先も
もっともっと 魔晄炉をぶっ壊す
Barret It ain't pretty, but we can't stop now.
This was just the first reactor.
バレット 星の命を 救うためにな Barret And the planet won't be safe till we get the rest.
ビッグス だよな
覚悟を決めて 始めたことだ
Biggs Yeah... We always knew this was gonna get messy.
ウェッジ まだ 始まったばかりッス Wedge And this is only the beginning...
バレット オレたちの活動は 星を救う
そのために 必要な犠牲は払う
Barret Y'all gotta look at the bigger picture here. Nothing worth fighting for was ever won without sacrifice.
バレット ああ 星だけじゃねえ
Barret Though you may not be crying out, I know you're in pain─just like the planet.
バレット ハッ 上等だ! Barret But it's okay, 'cause I'm here for you!
バレット ぜーんぶ オレが背負ってやる Barret To help take the load off your shoulders!
バレット 不安 疑問 悩み事 Barret Your fears... Your worries... Your concerns...
バレット それから 報酬も Barret And yes, your fees...
バレット まとめて オレにおっかぶせろ Barret Whatever your problem, I got you.
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ビッグス で リーダー どうするよ Biggs So, what's our next move, boss?
バレット 計画どおりだ Barret That's easy enough!
バレット 全力で逃げる! Barret We get our asses home!
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ジェシー トントン Jessie Yoo-hoo.
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ジェシー これ ソルジャーならわかるよね? Jessie I don't need to tell you what this is, right?
クラウド 回復マテリア 当然だ Cloud Of course not. It's healing materia.
ジェシー あげる 助けてもらったお礼 Jessie You can have it. For saving my life.
クラウド 仕事のうちだ 礼はいらない Cloud Just doing my job. Nothing more.
ジェシー いいから いいから Jessie Yeah, yeah...
ジェシー おかげで今 わたしはここにいる Jessie Fact is, I'm lucky you were there.
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クラウド 生き延びるのは
運がいいやつか 強いやつだ
Cloud Survival can be a matter of luck or skill.
クラウド あんたがどっちかは 知らないけど Cloud And you can't rely on luck.
ジェシー しみる~ Jessie Words to live by!
クラウド これは もらっておく Cloud Yeah, well...thanks.
ジェシー 使い方は 知ってるよね? Jessie You do know how to use it, right?
クラウド 俺をなんだと思ってる Cloud You do know what I was, right?
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クラウド なんだ? Cloud What the...?
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クラウド なぜだ…… Cloud How...!?
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クラウド ありえない あんたは Cloud You're not real... You're...
クラウド 死んだ Cloud ...dead!
*** Sephiroth I am?
クラウド 俺が この手で Cloud I killed you with my own─
セフィロス もちろん 覚えているとも Sephiroth Oh, you need not remind me.
セフィロス 我々の 大切な思い出だからな Sephiroth It was the crowning moment of our time together.
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セフィロス さて クラウド
Sephiroth But that was then, and this is now. I have a favor to ask.
セフィロス この星が 死のうとしている Sephiroth Our beloved planet is dying.
セフィロス 悲鳴もあげず
静かに ゆっくりと
Sephiroth Slowly. Silently. Painfully.
セフィロス 私たちの星が 消えてしまうのだ Sephiroth Can you bear to see the planet suffer...
セフィロス クラウド Sephiroth Cloud?
クラウド 母さん 母さん…… Cloud Mom... Mom...
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セフィロス 星が死ねば この艶やかに燃える
おまえの故郷が 消えてしまう
Sephiroth Were the planet to die, so many things would be lost. Your hometown that burns so bright...
セフィロス 息子だけは 助けてくれと
Sephiroth The sound of her voice pleading for me to spare you.
セフィロス 斬り捨てた時の感触さえ
Sephiroth The shiver of her flesh yielding to cold steel.
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セフィロス 我々を繋ぐ絆の喪失は
Sephiroth That which binds us together would be no more. And I would be loath to live in such a world.
セフィロス なあ クラウド
Sephiroth Which is why I must ask you this one favor.
セフィロス なに 簡単なことだ Sephiroth Don't worry. It's a simple thing.
セフィロス クラウド 走るんだ Sephiroth Run, Cloud... Run away.
セフィロス 逃げて 生き延びて Sephiroth You have to leave... You have to live.
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クラウド ふざけるな! Cloud You bastard!
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セフィロス いいぞ それでいい Sephiroth Good, Cloud. Very good.
セフィロス 私を忘れるな Sephiroth Hold on to that hatred.
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クラウド 幻覚か……
Cloud I'm seeing things. Fumes from all the mako, maybe.
クラウド さあ 行くぞ Cloud All right. You got this.
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セフィロス おまえには 誰も守れない Sephiroth You are too weak to save anyone.
セフィロス 自分さえもな Sephiroth Not even yourself.
花売りの女性 だいじょうぶ? Flower Peddler Are you okay!?
花売りの女性 ねぇ だいじょうぶ? Flower Peddler Hey... Are you okay?
クラウド ああ Cloud I'm fine.
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花売りの女性 お花 どうぞ Flower Peddler Here. This is for you.
クラウド 花? Cloud A flower?
花売りの女性 うん お礼 Flower Peddler That's right. It's a gift.
花売りの女性 追い払って 助けてくれた Flower Peddler You know, for scaring those things away.
クラウド なんの話だ Cloud What things?
花売りの女性 じゃあ 出会いを記念して Flower Peddler Never mind. Think of it as a memento.
クラウド 面倒だな Cloud Just my luck...
花売りの女性 聞こえてますけど Flower Peddler I heard that, you know.
クラウド いくらだ Cloud How much?
花売りの女性 値段は相手 見て決めるの Flower Peddler Well, that depends on the customer.
花売りの女性 タダでいいや Flower Peddler It's on the house.
花売りの女性 あなたは…… Flower Peddler In your case...
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クラウド いらない Cloud I'm good.
花売りの女性 まあまあ そんなこと言わないで Flower Peddler Oh, don't be like that. I know you want one.
花売りの女性 本物のお花 貴重なんだよ? Flower Peddler When was the last time you saw a real flower, huh?
花売りの女性 カノジョさんにあげたら
喜ぶこと 間違いなし
Flower Peddler Plus, it'll make your girlfriend's day. I guarantee it.
クラウド バカにするな 2ギルでいいか Cloud Enough already. I'll give you two gil for it.
花売りの女性 2ギル?
これ 本物のお花だよ?
Flower Peddler Two measly gil!? For a real flower?
Come on.
クラウド 3ギル足そう Cloud Five then.
花売りの女性 全然 足りませんけど Flower Peddler Please, that's not nearly enough.
花売りの女性 それに タダでいいって言ってるのに Flower Peddler Besides, I clearly said it was on the─
花売りの女性 追い払おうとしてる!
しかも 5ギルで
Flower Peddler You're trying to get rid of me! For five lousy gil!
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花売りの女性 そうは行きませんからね~ Flower Peddler Sorry, but your plan won't work.
花売りの女性 花言葉は “再会” Flower Peddler Lovers used to give these when they were reunited...
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クラウド 警告しておこう Cloud Look, I'm involved in things.
クラウド 俺は強いぞ Cloud Dangerous things.
花売りの女性 うん そんな感じするよ Flower Peddler Oh, I'm sure you are. So?
クラウド 脅しには屈しない Cloud So keep your distance.
花売りの女性 怖いお兄さん
脅しにくるとか 警戒してる?
Flower Peddler Wait─you think someone's out to get you?
Is that what you're all worked up about?
花売りの女性 ないない Flower Peddler Relax.
花売りの女性 そういう心配 しなくていいから Flower Peddler No one's going to attack you. I promise.
クラウド いくらだ Cloud How much?
花売りの女性 値段は相手 見て決めるの Flower Peddler Well, that depends on the customer.
花売りの女性 タダでいいや Flower Peddler It's on the house.
花売りの女性 あなたは…… Flower Peddler In your case...
*** お花 どうぞ? *** Here. This is for you.
*** いくらだ *** How much?
*** いらない *** I'm good.
*** あなたは……タダでいいや *** In your case... It's on the house.
*** バカにするな *** Don't be stupid.
*** 受け取る *** Fine, I'll take it.
クラウド 魔晄炉が爆発したんだ  Cloud Hey, a mako reactor just blew.
クラウド あんたも 今夜は店じまいして Cloud You shouldn't be out here trying to sell fl─
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花売りの女性 助けて Flower Peddler Help me!
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花売りの女性 これ なに? Flower Peddler What are they?
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警備兵 武器を捨てろ! Security Officer Drop your weapon!
クラウド 見えてないのか? Cloud Are you blind...?
花売りの女性 やっぱり いっかい解散 Flower Peddler You know─you're right!
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クラウド おい Cloud Wha─ Wait!
花売りの女性 またね Flower Peddler Nice meeting you!
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警備兵 剣を地面に置け Security Officer Sword on the ground!
警備兵 ゆっくり Security Officer Right now!
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警備兵 袋のネズミだ Security Officer End of the line, punk!
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警備兵 てこずらせやがって Security Officer I'm gonna enjoy this!
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警備兵 追いつめろ Security Officer Move in!
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警備兵 逃がすな Security Officer Don't let him escape!
警備兵 八番街警備二班
男を追いつめた これより確保する
Security Officer HQ, this is Sector 8 Unit 2. Target is surrounded. Moving to secure.
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警備兵 おい その剣は―― Security Officer Wait! I know that─
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ウェッジ クラウドさん 来なかったッスね Wedge Guess Cloud won't be joining us after all...
ビッグス そんな顔するな
あいつは きっと無事さ
Biggs No need to assume the worst. I'm sure he's fine.
ビッグス あの身のこなし 見ただろ? Biggs You saw him in action, didn't you?
ビッグス ソルジャーってのは
やっぱり ただモンじゃない
Biggs Guy's a SOLDIER. Goddamn one-man army.
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ジェシー うん 本気で誘わない? Jessie Mmm, you think he's a keeper?
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バレット ちょっと待て Barret On my go.
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バレット 心配したじゃねえか Barret Ugh, you had me worried for a minute...
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バレット なにしてやがったんだ? Barret What the hell you been up to? Huh!?
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クラウド 治安維持部隊が うろついていたから
Cloud Giving Public Security the runaround, that's what.
クラウド 連中を 駅から引き離せたはずだ Cloud Had to draw them away from the station somehow.
ジェシー よゆう~ Jessie Nicely done.
ビッグス な 頼りになるだろ? Biggs Well─can't argue with results, huh?
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クラウド 待て Cloud Wait.
クラウド ひとつ 聞きたいことがある Cloud Got a question for you all.
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*** Barret What?
クラウド 見えない敵を 見たことはあるか? Cloud Ever been attacked by an invisible enemy?
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クラウド ローブを着た 霧のようなやつだ Cloud Wearing robes. Came and went like the wind.
ビッグス それ 見えてるし Biggs Thought they were invisible...
クラウド 突然見える
おそらく 接触がきっかけだ
Cloud They were─at first. Only saw them after she grabbed me...
ジェシー 神羅の新兵器? Jessie A new Shinra weapon, maybe?
バレット びびって 幻覚でも見たのだろう Barret Hah! More like a panic-induced hallucination!
クラウド もういい 聞く相手を間違えた Cloud Never mind. Forget I said anything.
バレット 車両 変えんぞ Barret Suit yourself. C'mon, let's move up.
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神羅社員 魔晄炉を爆破するなんて
Shinra Employee What kind of maniacs would go so far as to bomb a reactor?
神羅課長 公表されていないが
犯人は十中八九 アバランチだ
Shinra Middle Manager They've yet to announce it publicly, but I heard it was Avalanche's doing.
神羅社員 昔から うちのプレジデントを
Shinra Employee Really? Aren't they the terrorists who tried to kill the president?
神羅社員 神羅にたかるつもりか Shinra Employee Is there nothing they won't do?
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バレット おい 適当なこと言うな Barret Hey! Quit talking out your ass.
バレット アバランチの目的は 『星を救う』だろ Barret Everyone knows Avalanche only cares about saving the planet.
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神羅課長 なんなんだ 君は? Shinra Middle Manager J-just who do you think you are?
バレット 星を思う 善良な市民よ Barret A law-abiding concerned citizen.
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神羅社員 どこが善良? Shinra Employee "Law-abiding"? Really?
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神羅社員 殴られるぞ Shinra Employee Don't antagonize him!
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バレット あの爆発は 悪党への警告に
Barret In my humble opinion, that explosion was a message─
バレット 星の命を搾取する 悪党へのよ Barret a message to the bastards bleeding our planet dry.
バレット 悪党の名前は
てめえら よ~く知ってるよな?
Barret Think they got it? Heard it loud and clear? Y'all's masters?
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神羅課長 あたしらは 暴力なんかに屈しない Shinra Middle Manager We will not submit to intimidation or violence!
神羅課長 なにがあっても
Shinra Middle Manager But work together for peace and prosperity!
神羅課長 これが 神羅社員の戦い方だ Shinra Middle Manager That is how civilized people change the world!
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神羅社員 異議なし Shinra Employee That's right!
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神羅社員 これぞ 神羅魂! Shinra Employee That is the Shinra creed!
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バレット いっぱいいっぱいじゃねえか Barret Hmph. Them's fighting words.
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神羅課長 悪いか Shinra Middle Manager It's what we believe.
神羅課長 いつだって 精一杯生きてる Shinra Middle Manager We all have to follow our conscience, don't we?
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神羅社員 行きましょう Shinra Employee We should go.
*** Shinra Middle Manager Right...
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ジェシー ちょっと 話そ? Jessie Let's get this out of the way...
ジェシー 新しい仲間には
これを使って 説明するんだ
Jessie Personally, I find visual aids make the dull stuff a lot more bearable.
ジェシー 知ってることばかりだろうけど
儀式だと思って 聞いて
Jessie If it helps, think of it as an initiation rite.
クラウド 何度も言ったはずだ 俺は── Cloud How many times do I have to tell you people. I'm not─
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ジェシー 否定ばかりじゃ イイ男が台なし Jessie There's such a thing as playing too hard to get.
ジェシー ほら 見て
Jessie So, here we've got a wireframe model of the great city of Midgar.
ジェシー 地上300メートルに持ち上げられた
プレートと呼ばれる 鋼鉄の大地
Jessie Complete with massive steel plates suspended three hundred meters above ground level...
ジェシー その上に整備された ピカピカの都市 Jessie Atop which stands a shining beacon of civilization.
ジェシー 魔晄炉で作る電力が 住民たちを
Jessie The whole system is sustained by the mako reactors, which feed the insatiable appetites of the public.
アナウンス まもなく IDスキャニングエリアを通過します Announcement The train will be passing through an ID checkpoint shortly.
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ジェシー これは 列車の運行ルート Jessie This here is the train's route.
ジェシー メインピラーの周囲を
Jessie As you can see, it'll take us around this main pillar.
ジェシー ほら 今はちょうど中間地点 Jessie Look─we're about halfway through it now.
ジェシー IDスキャニングエリアはここにあって
Jessie They've set up a checkpoint here to scan the IDs of all passengers heading in and out.
ジェシー 生年月日 居住許可区分 賞罰 Jessie Date of birth, residential status, criminal history...
ジェシー わたしたちのことを なんでも知ってる
Jessie All that and more is automatically cross-referenced in their databases.
ジェシー 主に治安維持に役立てる Jessie Public Security wouldn't have it any other way.
ジェシー ほら 来た Jessie Heads up.
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ジェシー IDは偽造だから 安心して Jessie Don't worry. Our IDs are impeccable.
ジェシー ね? 腕によりをかけたんだから Jessie What'd I tell you? Have a little faith.
ジェシー 地上まであと少し ホッとしない? Jessie Won't be long till we reach the bottom. Relax.
バレット 見ろよ あの腐ったピザのせいで
Barret Take a good look. It's because of that great big pizza in the sky that people down there gotta struggle to survive.
バレット 神羅がどんどん魔晄をくみ上げちまうから
土地は枯れ 空気はよどみ 花も咲かねえ
Barret Shinra sucks up mako while the soil turns to dust, the air fills with smog, and the flowers die.
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クラウド 嫌なら 街を出ればいい Cloud Then leave and don't look back.
*** ***
クラウド 俺は そうやって生きてきた Cloud That's what's always worked for me.
バレット 自分は強いって自覚があるなら Barret Hmph! Well, that's all well and good if you're only out for yourself.
*** ***
クラウド みんな この列車と同じ Cloud Like this train, I suppose...
クラウド 敷かれたレールには 逆らえないんだ Cloud There's only one way it can go...
バレット もちっと 他人の弱さに
Barret But the folks down there don't have the luxury of choice, you know?
ウェッジ あの辺りから出るのがいいッス Wedge That's about as good a place as any.
ジェシー じゃ 爆弾仕掛けるから離れて Jessie Stand back then. I'll set the bomb.
バレット 待ってろよ マリン Barret Can't wait to see you, Marlene.
ビッグス 待ってろよ シャワー Biggs Can't wait to take a hot shower.
警備兵 貴様だな 見つけたぞ Security Officer There he is! You're not going anywhere!
警備兵 こちら 八番街警備二班
報告の男を発見 増援求む
Security Officer HQ, this is Sector 8 Unit 4. We have eyes on the target!
警備兵 繰り返す
こちら 八番街警備二班――
Security Officer We need backup! I repeat: this is 8-4 requesting immediate backup!
警備兵 囲め 囲め! Security Officer Box him in! Box him in!
警備兵 逃げ場はないぞ Security Officer There's nowhere to run!
ウェッジ あちこち漏電してるッスよ
Wedge Watch out for live wires. They're everywhere.
ビッグス 鉄臭いサビ臭い
新鮮な空気 カモン
Biggs Ugh, the air in here reeks. Can't wait to get out in the open!
ビッグス この鼻腔を切り裂く
すっぱいにおいは なんだ
Biggs Man, what <i>is</i> that? I've never smelled anything so foul.
ビッグス あ 俺か Biggs Aw, it's me.
ビッグス 変な汗 いっぱいかいたからな Biggs Gotta do something about that, and soon.
ジェシー ウェッジ まだ? Jessie How much farther do we have to go?
ウェッジ もう少しッス Wedge Not far!
ジェシー 魔晄濃度 触媒……まさか火薬? Jessie Was it the mako density? The primary explosive? The blasting agent?
ビッグス ジェシー あとにしようぜ Biggs Hey, we can figure that out later.
ウェッジ おなかがグーグー 鳴いちゃって Wedge I'm running on empty here...
バレット アジトまで 我慢してろ Barret You can refuel at the base.
ウェッジ 次は お弁当持ってこなくちゃ Wedge Next time, I'll have to bring a little pick-me-up.
バレット 八番街ステーションから 最終に乗り込む Barret We'll split up and shoot for the last train home.
バレット いったんばらけて 貨物車に集合だ Barret Regroup in the freight car. Got it?
ウェッジ じゃ あとで! Wedge Later then!
クラウド おい 約束の金は? Cloud Hey.
I'd like my money now.
バレット アジトに帰るまでが 作戦だ Barret You can have it─once we're <i>back at base</i>.
ジェシー Jessie
ジェシー 倒れる前に ちゃんと使ってね Jessie Okay! I was only trying to help.
ジェシー それからこっちは
Jessie Oh─before I forget, here's a little something extra, for being so brave.
ジェシー スリル満点の ごほうび Jessie That really was the ride of a lifetime...
ジェシー じゃ 貨物車で Jessie Well, see you on the train!
ジェシー Jessie
ジェシー 倒れる前に ちゃんと使ってね Jessie Just...remember to use it, huh?
ジェシー じゃ 貨物車で Jessie Well, see you on the train!
クラウド 逃げ切れるか Cloud This'll be fun...
ジェシー ここ 崩れやすいから気をつけて Jessie Careful up here! This could collapse at any moment!
ジェシー のぼるのは そこの階段からね Jessie If you want up, you'll have to use those stairs!
ジェシー ***
*** ***
*** ***
*** ***
*** ***
クラウド 駅は無事か Cloud Station's intact.
クラウド やつはどこだ Cloud Where'd he─? Where'd he go?
クラウド まさか どうして Cloud He couldn't be... But then...
クラウド 嘘だ…… Cloud The hell...?
クラウド ***
クラウド 待て…… Cloud Wait...
クラウド こっちは 無理だな Cloud Well, can't go this way.
クラウド 別のルートを探すか Cloud All right. Need to find another route.
クラウド まずいな そろそろ時間だ Cloud Better hurry. Don't have much time.
クラウド 予想以上か Cloud Man... What a mess.
クラウド こっちも手配済みか Cloud Security's everywhere...
クラウド ここで騒ぐと いろいろ面倒だ Cloud No need to make it harder for yourself.
部隊長 報告のあった不審者は
まだ 近くに居るはずだ
Captain That bastard couldn't have gotten far. Stay alert!
クラウド 一度 ここから離れるか Cloud Don't wanna stick around here.
部隊長 怪しい奴は すべて捕らえろ Captain Arrest <i>anyone</i> who looks suspicious!
クラウド 回り込むしかなさそうだ Cloud Gonna have to find a way around...
部隊長 ターゲットは武器を携行している
Captain The suspect is armed and dangerous. Be on your guard!
クラウド 正面突破は難しいな Cloud So much for the direct route.
警備兵 異常なし Security Officer All clear.
警備兵 問題ないな Security Officer No sign of him.
部隊長 ターゲットは1名 見逃がすなよ Captain Our target's just one man. We'll get him!
クラウド 今は駅から離れたほうがいいな Cloud Not going to the station anytime soon...
部隊長 六班から十班も まもなく合流する Captain Squads 6 through 10 are inbound as we speak!
クラウド 広場まで引き返すか Cloud Might be safer in the plaza...
部隊長 絶対に駅に入れるな Captain Don't let him get to the station!
クラウド 戻って 別の道を探そう Cloud Back to the drawing board...
クラウド 駅方面は 警備を固めているはずだ Cloud Looks like the station's crawling with Public Security...
クラウド 上から行くのが 無難だな Cloud ...But the rooftops look clear.
警備兵 あそこだ Security Officer Over there!
警備兵 撃て 撃て! Security Officer Open fire! Shoot to kill!
クラウド 強行突破しかないな Cloud It's all or nothing now...
クラウド ギリギリか Cloud Close call.
警備兵 いたぞ あそこだ Security Officer Target sighted! Get him!
クラウド 迷っている時間はない Cloud It's all or nothing now...
神羅ヘリ ターゲットは住宅街を進攻中 Shinra Helicopter Confirmed─target has entered residential area!
神羅ヘリ 道路封鎖と 増援を急げ Shinra Helicopter Full lockdown is in effect! All units─
ウェッジ 混んでるッスね Wedge Lotta people here...
ジェシー 貨物車なのに Jessie And in the freight car, too...
ビッグス 避難命令のせいか Biggs 'Cause of the evacuation order, maybe?
バレット 運が回ってきたな 人ごみにまぎれるぞ Barret Lucky us. We've got a crowd to hide in.
アナウンス ミッドガル八番街ステーション発
終点 スラム七番街駅
Announcer This train from Sector 8 Station is bound for Sector 7 Undercity.
アナウンス この列車は 壱番魔晄炉爆破により
Announcer Due to an explosion at Mako Reactor 1, an emergency schedule is now in effect.
アナウンス 車内混み合いまして ご迷惑をおかけします Announcer Your understanding and cooperation is appreciated.
バレット 到着までに 先頭車両に集合だ Barret Head for the front of the train and hold there.
ウェッジ ああ せまい Wedge Ugh, so cramped...
ウェッジ みんな ピリピリッス Wedge Man, everyone's on edge.
クラウド 当然だろう Cloud Of course they are.
ウェッジ ***
ウェッジ クラウドさん オレ…… Wedge Hey, Cloud, I...um...
クラウド 罪の告白なら ほかでやってくれ Cloud If you're about to "unburden" yourself─don't.
ウェッジ 厳しいッスね Wedge Yeesh... You don't make it easy...
ビッグス ちょっと聞いていいか Biggs Hey, got a sec?
ビッグス あんた ああいう状況には慣れてるのか
さっきの駅前とか 八番街とか
Biggs You're uh...holding up pretty well, huh? Even after what we saw at the station and all over Sector 8?
クラウド ソルジャーだからな Cloud I'm a SOLDIER.
ビッグス 俺は足が震えてる やばい Biggs Well...my hands are still shaking.
クラウド そのうち慣れる Cloud You get used to it.
ビッグス だと いいけどな Biggs Something to look forward to...
ビッグス いや いいのかな…… Biggs Or maybe not.
ジェシー クラウド SOS Jessie Little help, Cloud? Please?
ジェシー ドキドキが止まらないの
やっぱり 八番街の被害が大きすぎる
Jessie I can't stop thinking about it. The bomb I made shouldn't have produced an explosion that big.
ジェシー わけがわからない Jessie It doesn't make any sense...
クラウド 気化した魔晄が誘爆を起こした
Cloud The explosion triggered a reaction with the mako. You said so yourself.
ジェシー 最初はそう思ったけど
魔晄炉は そんなこと想定内じゃない?
Jessie That was my first guess─but shouldn't a reactor have fail-safes to prevent that kinda thing?
クラウド Cloud
ジェシー 見えない敵がいるって 言ってたよね Jessie You mentioned "invisible enemies" back there, right?
クラウド ああ Cloud Right.
ジェシー ううん ダメ Jessie Hmm... No.
ジェシー ほかを疑うより
Jessie I'm just looking for excuses for something that was clearly my own fault.
ジェシー そう そうしないと進歩しないもの Jessie Gotta own up to it if I'm gonna learn from this and move on.
クラウド ***
ジェシー クラウド 聞いてくれてありがと Jessie Thanks, Cloud. You're a good listener.
バレット お子様じゃねえんだ おとなしくしてろ Barret Quit acting like a damn kid. I ain't in the mood.
ウェッジ クラウドさん どこ行くッスか Wedge You got somewhere you need to be?
ビッグス あまり ウロウロすんなよ Biggs Don't wander off, huh?
ジェシー クラウド こっち来て Jessie Cloud! Over here.
バレット くだらねえ なにが神羅魂だ Barret You hear that suit? "Shinra creed" my ass.
バレット オレは 間違っちゃいねえ Barret We're the good guys, dammit...
ウェッジ オレたち 嫌われ者ッス Wedge They'd probably kill us if they knew we were the ones responsible...
ウェッジ 仕方ない 仕方ない…… Wedge No─don't think about it.
ビッグス まあ 理解されるとは思ってないさ Biggs Well, I get it if you can't relate...
ビッグス 早く洗い流してえな いろいろ Biggs Shower might help. A long, hot one...
ジェシー クラウドこっち 上 上
Jessie Cloud! Up here! Look up! I said look <i>up</i>!
ジェシー 階段の先 崩れやすいから気をつけて Jessie I give up. If you ever get up here, just be careful you don't fall, okay?
ジェシー わざとやってる? ガレキの上 Jessie You doing this on purpose? I'm on top of the rubble!
ジェシー そっちじゃなくて 右 Jessie Not that way. Right!
ジェシー 上だってば! Jessie I said "look up"!
ジェシー もうちょい 左かな Jessie A little more to the left!
ジェシー そこから ぐっと視線を下げて Jessie Okay now, if you look straight down...
神羅ヘリ ターゲットを発見
繰り返す ターゲットを発見
Shinra Helicopter Target sighted. I repeat, target sighted.
神羅ヘリ 戦闘員 降下準備開始 Shinra Helicopter Shock troopers, prep for immediate deployment!
神羅ヘリ 降下準備 完了 Shinra Helicopter Troopers on standby!
神羅ヘリ 集中攻撃 開始 Shinra Helicopter You are clear to engage!
神羅ヘリ 噴水広場にて ターゲットと交戦中
Shinra Helicopter Ground forces engaging target in fountain plaza! All nearby units converge and provide immediate support!
神羅ヘリ ターゲットは
Shinra Helicopter Be advised─target is headed for the station!
神羅ヘリ こちら噴水広場 増援を求む Shinra Helicopter Requesting immediate reinforcements at fountain plaza!
神羅ヘリ ターゲット健在
Shinra Helicopter Target still mobile! Support, proceed to rally point at the station.
クラウド ほかの道は…… Cloud Find another way...
クラウド 建物をつたっていくか Cloud Use the rooftops, maybe...
神羅ヘリ ターゲットは住宅街方面へ逃走した模様
Shinra Helicopter Be advised─target approaching residential area. Seal all access immediately!
神羅ヘリ 貴様に逃げ場などない
武器を捨てて 投降しろ
Shinra Helicopter Enemy combatant─you are surrounded! Lay down your weapon and surrender!
神羅ヘリ 逃亡犯に告ぐ
Shinra Helicopter Enemy combatant─you have been warned! Surrender yourself to Public Security immediately!
神羅ヘリ おとなしく投降しろ Shinra Helicopter You have nowhere to run!
*** ***
*** ***
一同 ***
ウェッジ 腹まで揺れたッス Wedge I felt that one in my guts...
ビッグス 爆発 止まらねえな Biggs They just keep on coming.
バレット 潰されちまう前に 出るぞ Barret We need to get out of this place.
警備兵 不審者を見逃がすな Security Officer Don't let the intruder escape!
警備兵 近くにいるはずだ Security Officer He must be close.
*** どうすりゃいいんだよ *** What in the hell are we supposed to do?
*** これは夢 ゆめ ユメ *** It's just a dream. Just a bad dream...
*** 爆破……
嘘だろ 爆破?
*** A bombing? No, this can't be happening. No way.
*** ははは…… ***
*** 揺れて 看板が上から落ちて *** The ground started shaking...then the sign just...fell.
*** 攻撃……まさかウータイ? *** You don't think this was...Wutai, do you?
*** 家が燃えた *** Burned to the ground...
*** 駅は無事らしい *** How're trains still running?
*** 魔晄漏れとか してねえよな *** Don't even wanna think about if there was a mako spill...
*** 神羅を嫌ってるやつらが? *** Think it was those eco-terrorists?
*** どこ行きゃいい *** Where do I go...?
*** ケガしちまって *** Damn it, that hurts...
*** 爆破とか意味わかんねえ *** Who would bomb a reactor?
*** 七番は大丈夫なのか *** Hope Sector 7's all right...
*** 駅に行けばいいのかよ *** I should just hop a train.
*** なんなんだよ *** This is all too much!
*** 急げ ここだけじゃない! *** Hurry it up! We got fires all over!
*** ちくしょう! *** Damn it!
*** なんで 爆破なんか…… *** Why did this have to happen!?
*** 火を消すことに 集中しろ! *** Enough chitchat! Focus!
*** 応援は? *** Where are they!?
*** 要請はしています! *** Should be on their way!
*** 遅い……! *** "Should be"!?
*** あちこちで火災が発生していて
消防も救急も 手が足りていません!
*** Not enough firefighters and medics to go around right now! Don't get your hopes up!
*** わかっている! *** Like I would!
*** プレートが崩れるかと思った *** Thought the whole plate was gonna collapse...
*** この世の終わりだ *** It's like the end of the world...
*** 魔晄炉って爆発するんだ *** Haha, now I've seen everything...
*** なんでだ なあ *** Why...? Tell me why!
*** めちゃくちゃ揺れて
俺 なにもできなくて
*** The ground was moving so much...it was all I could do to stay standing...
*** 震えが止まらないんだ *** I can't stop shaking...
*** 爆発の音が まだ耳に残ってて *** My ears are still ringing from the blast...
*** 車は無理だ 歩くしかない *** No use taking the car. Gonna have to go on foot.
*** 知り合いは 駅に行くって *** My friend's gone to the station, but...
*** 誰か 説明してくれ *** Someone tell me what's going on!
*** どこのバカがやった *** What kind of assholes'd do this!?
*** 信じねえぞ *** No, this can't be happening!
*** 避難場所まで 誘導しろよ *** I need to get to a shelter. Fast!
*** おい 避難場所ってどこだ? *** The nearest shelter. Where is it!?
*** プレートの上は安全なんだ *** We're supposed to be safe up here!
*** 恋人とはぐれたんだ *** I lost sight of my girlfriend!
*** 参番街には行けるのか? *** Any way to get to Sector 3?
*** 痛え…… *** Goddammit!
*** 誰か……! *** Help me!
*** なんで……痛えよ…… *** Please...I can't take it anymore...
*** ううう…… ***
*** くっ……うう…… ***
*** 帰れんのか? *** I'm screwed...
*** すげえ揺れて それで…… *** The ground started shaking...and then...
*** スラムに帰らねえと *** All I wanna do is go home...
*** 店が めちゃくちゃだ *** My store's ruined...
*** とにかく 逃げないと *** We need to get out of here.
*** 避難場所がわからないわ *** But we don't know where the shelter is...
*** おにいちゃんは 無事? *** Is he gonna be okay?
*** 駅で会えるはずだ *** He'll be at the station...
*** あえなかったら どうしよう…… *** But what if he's not?
*** おにいちゃん…… *** Where are you!?
*** あいつは しっかりしてるからな
*** Wherever he is, he's safe. I know it.
*** 無事でいますように *** I hope you're right...
*** 冗談だろ *** Is this for real!?
*** 来週から 魔晄炉勤務だったんだ *** I just started working at the reactor...
*** 反神羅どうこう言ってるやつらか *** Did those terrorists do this?
*** 駅は安全か? *** Is the station safe?
*** 家に 帰りてぇよ *** I just wanna go home...
*** ここで 死ぬんだ *** So this is it, huh?
*** 怖い怖い 怖い *** Just let it be over...
*** 列車は止まってるんじゃないのか *** Thought the trains had stopped...
*** プレートが壊れるかと思った *** My life flashed before my eyes!
*** 揺れがマジヤバくて やべえ *** Everything was, like, shaking, man!
*** 爆破ってなんだよ *** Hell is this bombing shit!?
*** 列車は動いてるのか? *** Are the trains running!?
*** 誰か 駅まで案内してくれ *** Somebody... Show a guy to the station, huh!?
*** どこに行けばいいの? *** I don't know where to go...
*** 夢よ こんなの…… *** This is a nightmare!
*** 信じない 信じない! *** This isn't happening... This isn't happening...
*** 魔晄炉が…… *** The reactor... It just...
*** もう 無理 *** I can't...
*** 八番街は 終わりでしょ *** There's no coming back from this...
*** 彼 ひとりで逃げていっちゃった *** My boyfriend just left me here...
*** ガレキで道が通れなくなってるって *** I heard the streets are full of rubble...
*** 爆破って なんなの? *** How could someone bomb the reactor?
*** きっと 勘違い *** The reactor's fine.
*** でも 燃えてる *** What're you talking about!?
*** 悪い夢よ…… *** Just a bad dream...
*** いつも通りの1日だったのに *** The day started out so normal...
*** 知ってるわ *** Like so many dreams...
*** どうして落ち着いてるのよ *** Will you stop saying that!?
*** もしもし 聞こえていますか *** Hey, can you hear me?
*** 返事をするか
*** If you can, give us a sign!
*** 急病人を発見し 救助中だ *** Got someone in need of medical attention.
*** 担架を頼む! *** Send a stretcher!
*** 医者に連れてくから
もう少し がんばって!
*** Don't worry, we'll get you looked at soon enough.
*** 七番街からの応援がそろそろ来るはずだ *** Pretty sure the guys from Sector 7 are on their way.
*** そうすれば……ああ 頼む *** Once they get here, could you─ Exactly! Thanks!
*** もうガレキは落ちてこないから *** It's okay, you're safe now!
*** 負傷者1名
*** Got a patient with me. Has trouble walking.
*** 担架を頼む *** Need a stretcher!
*** あまり待てない *** ASAP!
*** 病院に連れていきます
もう少し がんばって!
*** We'll get you to a doctor soon. Hang in there.
*** 聞こえてますか *** Can you hear me!?
*** 応援はまだなのか *** Where's that stretcher?
*** 担架は? *** Where are you?
*** ダメだ 向こうも混乱している *** No dice. It's a shitshow over there too.
*** せかし続けろ *** Keep hounding them!
*** 担架を早く! *** Get over here!
*** ***
*** ***
*** 誰か なんとかして *** Someone do something...
*** また 爆発する? *** Are they ever going to stop...?
*** 家にいちゃダメなの? *** Why do I have to evacuate?
*** 燃えてる…… *** No...
*** 避難って どこに…… *** Where do I evacuate to!?
*** 逃げろって言われても *** They said to run, but to where?
*** 理解できない *** This is too much...
*** 車は諦めて 歩きで *** Car's no use, so what do I do...?
*** 歩けそうにないわ ひとりで逃げて *** Go on without me. I can't walk on it.
*** バカなこと言うな *** Then I'll carry you.
*** かっこつけないで *** Cut the tough guy act.
*** つけさせてくれ *** I'm serious.
*** もうすぐ 救助が来る *** Help's on the way.
*** 間に合うかしら *** Better come soon...
*** これ以上揺れなければ
*** We'll be fine...once the ground stops moving.
*** すぐに助けが来る *** Help has to be on the way.
*** 神羅は私たちを見捨てないわ *** Shinra wouldn't just leave us to die, would they?
*** ああ 絶対に *** No. They'd never do that.
*** 爆破って 本当かしら *** Do you really think it was a bomb?
*** わからん 間違いかもしれん *** I don't know. Might've just been a rumor.
*** きっと間違いね *** Yeah, probably...
*** これじゃ 駅に行けない *** We'll never catch our train now!
*** どこかに道があるかも *** There has to be another way.
*** 探してられないわよ *** Well, you're welcome to look!
*** プレート 壊れないよね *** The plate's...not going to collapse, is it?
*** ウータイがどうのって言ってる人が *** People are saying it was Wutai.
*** 爆破って 嘘でしょ? *** I refuse to believe it was terrorists.
*** 足元が崩れそうで 怖くて *** Any moment now the plate could just give out...
*** 逃げるって どこに *** I have nowhere to go...
*** 死にたくない *** I don't want to die!
*** 友達が遊びに来る予定で
*** I was supposed to meet my friend at the station. She's waiting for me. But I...I can't get to her!
*** 駅に向かった人もいるみたい *** Lots of people are leaving by train...
*** ああもう どうして…… *** Why did this have to happen?
*** 全部 燃えちゃうのよ *** There'll be nothing left but ash...
*** 車じゃ行けないの? *** Cars are no good?
*** 駅に行ったほうがいい? *** The station, you say?
*** 私たち なにか悪いことした? *** What did we do to deserve this!? Someone tell me!
*** 道は ふさがってる *** The roads are blocked!
*** 変なにおい まさか魔晄? *** Is that what mako smells like?
*** 兵士は 助けてくれないの? *** Why won't Public Security help us!?
*** 家の中はぐちゃぐちゃ *** My house is in pieces!
*** 家も職場も めちゃくちゃだ *** Our house... My office!
*** なんでこんなことになっちゃったの *** Why did this have to happen to us!?
*** 元通りにしねえと 許さねえ *** They'd better make this right...
*** 誰を許さないのよ *** Who the hell are "they"?
*** 知らねえよ *** Somebody!
*** 離れろ! *** Get back!
*** なに なんなの? *** What!? Why!?
*** 嘘よね? *** Wake me up.
*** まずは 落ち着こう *** Calm down, honey.
*** 嘘だと言ってよ *** Wake me up from this.
*** 理解できない *** Why'd this happen?
*** 無理にしなくていい *** There's a reason...
*** あなたは理解できる? *** Oh yeah, like what!?
*** できない…… *** I don't know.
*** 怖い 助けて *** Please...someone...help me!
*** プレートが崩れたら どうするの *** What if the plate collapses!?
*** なんで この街なのよ *** Why'd it have to be this sector?
*** スラムに帰りたい *** I wanna leave this place...
*** まさか 反神羅勢力ってやつ? *** I thought it was an accident...but they're saying it was an attack!
*** 仕事中に いきなりよ *** I just wanted to go to work, and do my job...
*** 避難用の列車が出てるって *** They're evacuating people by train!
*** 駅への道がわからなくて *** I don't know the way to the station...
*** このまま 帰れなかったら…… *** What if I can't get home?
*** 七番街スラムに帰りたいの *** I need to get back on solid ground!
*** 列車 乗れるの? *** Are the trains really running?
*** もう揺れない? *** The tremors...
*** あんな揺れが またきたら…… *** I can't handle all this shaking.
*** 地上に戻りたい *** Get me out of here.
*** ガレキで通行止めよ *** No getting past all that.
*** 裏道なんて知らない *** How do they expect us to get out!?
*** 軍はなにをしてる *** The military should be here!
*** こんな こんなのは知らん *** This... This is unforgivable!
*** 神羅の敵は 俺たちの敵だ *** Shinra's enemy is our enemy.
*** 娘夫婦が 迎えにくる予定だ *** My daughter and her husband should be here soon...
*** もう 動けん *** I'm so tired...
*** 誰か駅に連れていってくれ *** Someone help me to the station.
*** 息子と連絡が取れん *** I can't reach my son...
*** 嘘だと言ってくれ *** Tell me it's all a dream.
*** 夢なんだろ? *** This can't be real.
*** 魔晄炉が止まったら 俺らは…… *** Without the reactor, we're in trouble.
*** スラムは 無事だろうな? *** Hope the slums are all right.
*** 駅への道がない *** All the roads are blocked.
*** 避難所があるのか? *** Is there a shelter around?
*** 子供が向こうの通りに住んでるんだ *** My son lives on one of the streets down there.
*** 孫の家を訪ねる途中で…… *** I was on my way to see my grandson when─
*** 大丈夫かよ *** Hey, you alright?
*** 平気なの? *** You can still walk!?
*** あなた 大丈夫? *** How are you okay!?
*** びびったぜ *** What in the world?
*** ケガはないのか? *** Are you hurt?
*** びっくりした…… *** That was terrifying...
*** 信じられねえ *** That was insane.
*** これ以上は崩れない? *** Goodness me...
*** Female Plate Resident E
*** もっと崩れるぞ *** The danger's not passed.
*** ガレキの山……スラムかよ *** Look at all this debris... It's worse than the slums.
*** 家が揺れたの 急に家が…… *** The whole house started shaking. Just like that!
*** どうしてなの *** Why, oh why...
*** 孫の誕生日だったのよ *** It was my grandson's birthday today...
*** 終わりだわ…… *** This is the end...
*** あたま 真っ白よ…… *** I don't even know what to think...
*** 残業なんてしなきゃよかった *** I knew I shouldn't have worked late.
*** 今さらだ *** Stop whining.
*** 列車さえ動いていれば家に帰れるわ *** We're gonna be fine. As long as the trains are running, we can get home.
*** 少し休んだら 駅に行きましょう *** Once we've got our breath back, let's head to the station.
*** 無理だ…… *** Why bother?
*** おい 諦めるな *** Because we're not dead yet.
*** 息子が様子を見にいったままなの *** My son told me he'd be back soon...but...
*** 揺れて すごく揺れて *** Oh, how the ground shook...
*** 車は 無理なの? *** I can't use my car?
*** ガレキなんて 越えられないわ *** I could never hope to climb all that.
*** 早く逃げないと *** We have to get out of here.
*** 急に揺れて大きな音が 嫌……! *** It was so loud...and everything was shaking...
*** 目の前で 大きなガレキが落ちてきて *** Out of the blue, the road...it just...
*** 信じられないわ…… *** I'm at my wit's end.
*** まるで 戦争じゃない! *** Tell me: are we at war?
*** スラムには 帰れるの? *** Is there any way off the plate?
*** ミッドガルの終わりよ! *** Midgar will never be the same...
*** 助けて スタンプ! *** Stamp will save us...!
*** プレート こわれるの? *** The plate isn't gonna break, is it?
*** 父さんは どこ? *** Where's my daddy?
*** 地面 崩れたらどうしよう *** What if the plate falls? Will we...?
*** 棚が倒れてきたから
びっくりして すぐよけたんだ
*** The shelf tipped over and I went "Ah!" and I jumped out of the way.
*** 僕たち 死なないよね? *** We're not going to die...are we?
*** おかあさん どこ? *** Where are you, Mom!?
*** はぐれた…… *** Where'd they go?
*** オレのおとうと 見なかった? *** Have you seen my baby brother!?
*** 早く帰らないと *** I have to get home.
*** スラム行きの列車って動いてんの? *** Are there any trains going to the slums!?
*** もし 列車が止まったら…… *** What if the trains have stopped!?
*** おうちが…… *** No! Not our house!
*** もえてる…… *** It's on fire...
*** おとうさん…… *** Daddy...
*** ガレキ くぐったらまずいよな *** So what, do we dig our way through...? Nah, that's a death wish.
*** ガレキさえなけりゃ 駅まですぐなんだ *** Goddamn rubble... The station's right over there!
プレート住民 駅に行きてえけど
Topside Resident If I try to climb that crap, something bad's gonna happen, I just know it.
プレート住民 この向こうが 駅なんだがな Topside Resident Station's so close, yet so far...
プレート住民 ガレキの上を行くとか
Topside Resident You're askin' for it if you try to climb over that.
*** これから どうするの *** What do we do now?
*** 駅に行こう
*** We head for the station. Then we take the train to your sister's.
*** なんで…… *** I'm scared.
*** 大丈夫だ 大丈夫だぞ *** I know it's scary, but we'll be okay.
*** 遅いわ…… *** Where is he?
*** おとうさん いつもどる? *** When's Dad coming back?
*** きっと もうすぐ *** Anytime now.
*** いや もういや *** No more! Please! I can't take this!
*** ここは 大丈夫ですから *** It's okay. You're gonna be fine.
*** ぜんぶ崩れたの ぜんぶ *** Everything I had...it's all gone!
*** うん うん *** Try not to think about it.
*** 私たち死ぬのよ *** We're all going to die!
*** 神羅が守ってくれます *** Don't worry, Shinra will save us.
*** 信じましょう *** They'll make everything better again.
*** おうちにかえりたい *** I wanna go home.
*** スラムは なんともない? *** Is the surface okay?
*** いつものみち ふさがってた *** The normal road got blocked.
*** おかしくなりそう…… *** I must be seeing things...
*** あのあたり また崩れそう *** Oh my, I think that's about to give way too...
プレート住民 そこの階段からガレキの上に出れば
駅まですぐだ 俺は怖くて無理だけどね
Topside Resident If you really want to get to the station, you can always climb those stairs. Try picking your way across the rubble...
プレート住民 そこの階段をのぼれば
ガレキを 越えられるよ
Topside Resident The stairs are right there if you wanna try crossing the rubble.
*** 終わりだな *** What's the point in even trying...?
*** 見たか 道路が…… *** Did you see how the road just...
*** プレートが落ちるんじゃ…… *** The whole sector'll go...
*** 家族が待ってるんだ *** I need to see my family.
*** おい また崩れそうだぞ *** No, not again. Please, no!
*** ガレキから離れた方が…… *** You should get away from there...
*** ここも爆破されたのか? *** This place got hit too!?
*** 犯人は なにがしたい *** Why would someone do this!?
*** 向こうに友達が…… *** It happened so fast... One moment he was there...
*** 一瞬だった…… *** Then he wasn't.
*** 助けてくれよ 神羅 *** Without Shinra's help, we're screwed!
*** 笑うしかねえ *** Haha, it's all staged, isn't it? Good one...
*** すっげえ音で いきなりで…… *** And the noise! I'll never forget that noise!
*** どうして 八番街なんだよ *** Of all the sectors, why this one!?
*** 助けてくれよ *** Why won't anyone help me!?
*** 俺は駅に行くぞ 絶対 *** I'm getting to that station if it kills me!
*** なんで なんでだよ *** Why!? Why'd this have to happen!?
*** 家に帰してくれ *** Just let me go home!
*** スラムに帰らせてくれよ *** Get me out of here...please...
*** 落ちて……落ちてきて 上から *** It...it just collapsed. Without any warning!
*** 俺たちは助かる
*** We have to believe in Shinra. Th-they'll make it all better.
*** 列車はまだ 動いてる *** At least the trains are still running.
*** 家に帰らなきゃ 家族が待ってる *** I have to get home. I need to see my wife and kids.
*** ガレキ 越えていけないか? *** Maybe we can climb over the debris?
*** 深呼吸だ…… *** Just breathe...
*** 列車に間に合わない *** I'm gonna miss my train!
*** 裏通りから行きゃよかった *** I should've taken the side streets!
*** 恨むぞ 犯人め *** Whoever did this is gonna pay.
*** ギリギリで助かった *** Thought I was a goner...
*** 恋人が先に駅に行ったはずで…… *** My girlfriend's waiting for me at the station.
*** いや いや……! *** No more... Please...
*** 早く助けてよ *** Get me out of this place!
*** 信じたくない…… *** It's all just a dream...
*** もう 逃げられないの? *** Are we trapped here?
*** 子供が駅にいるの *** My baby's at the station!
*** こんなの無理 *** I can't take this!
*** 駅に……駅に行かないと 早く *** I have to get to the station. Right now.
*** いきなり…… *** Everything was fine, then...
*** どうして こんな目にあうのよ *** What did we do to deserve this!?
*** 駅で家族が待ってるのよ *** My family! They're at the station!
*** 高速道路も爆破されたの? *** The expressway was damaged too!?
*** 犯人はどういうつもりなの *** I hope whoever did this is happy!
*** 道路が落ちてきて *** The road... It just...collapsed.
*** もし 今また崩れたら…… *** What if...what if it happens again...!?
*** こんな時は 深呼吸よ
*** Deep breaths, now. Deep breaths. Remember the training course. You can't afford to panic...
*** 落ち着きましょう *** Just calm down...!
*** 神羅がなんとかしてくれるよね *** Shinra's going to do something about this...right?
*** 落ち着こう みんな *** Everyone...please remain calm!
*** ギリギリだった…… *** One second later and...
*** ガレキなんて のぼっちゃえば…… *** Climb over the debris and the station's right there!
*** 家族が待ってるのに *** I just want to see my family again...
*** これも 爆破のせいなのね? *** Did the explosion cause this too?
*** ここで死ぬのね…… *** So this is how I die... Haha.
*** どうにかして 駅に行けない? *** There has to be another way out.
*** 子供とはぐれたの *** I need to find my baby!
*** まだ崩れるの? *** When will it stop!?
*** 列車が止まる前に なんとかして *** Do something! Before the trains stop!
*** 腕が痛い 誰か…… *** Help! My arm! I think it's broken!
*** プレートの上なんて二度と来ない *** I'll never set foot on the plate again!
*** 耐えられない *** Is nowhere safe anymore!?
*** ああ もうダメだ *** It's up to fate now...
*** 子供の無事だけ知りたい *** I'm just worried about my kid...
*** 死にたくはない *** I don't want to die...!
*** 八番街が 終わる…… *** The whole sector's in ruins.
*** 足が 震えて…… *** My knees are knocking...
*** もう 逃げられん *** It's no use...
*** 危ないところだった *** Don't know how I survived this long...
*** 孫が待ってるんだ *** They were coming to visit...
*** まさか…… *** No... Please no...
*** 列車が動いてたって これじゃあ…… *** I won't get on a train without her...
*** お願い 娘を探して *** Please, find my daughter for me!
*** 子供が無事でありますように *** Please let her be safe. Please.
*** あきらめましょう *** Might as well give up.
*** 助かると思ったのに *** Help isn't on the way.
*** もうダメ 動けない *** I don't have the strength to...
*** このまま ここで…… *** I've made my peace with it.
*** 神羅が助けてくれるよね? *** Shinra will save us, I know it!
*** なんで…… *** No...
*** おかあさん…… *** Mommy...
*** なんでよお…… *** It's not fair...
プレート住民 この先はガレキでふさがってるわよ
Topside Resident There's no way we're getting through that mess. We should just turn back.
プレート住民 軍がどかしてくれるだろ Topside Resident Naw, Shinra's on it.
プレート住民 そこの路地を戻れば駅に抜けられるんだけど
Topside Resident Sure, we could try the alley, but is getting to the station really worth breaking our necks over?
プレート住民 絶対に戻るべきよ Topside Resident Yes, because we won't.
プレート住民 駅に行きたいの? Topside Resident Shooting for the station?
プレート住民 そこの路地を抜けた先の
Topside Resident Take the alley and climb up to the roof of that building at the end and you're practically there.
プレート住民 簡単に言うなよ Topside Resident If you make it that far...
*** 嘘でしょ 早く助けて *** Quickly! We have to get him out!
*** 軍がすぐに来る そうすれば…… *** The military's on the way. Once they're here─
*** 早く来てよ 早く! *** There's no time! He needs help now!
*** 私たち なにか悪いことしたの? *** Why us!? What did we do to deserve this!?
*** してない
こんなことは 許されない
*** Nothing! The people who did this are monsters!
*** なにがあった *** What's going on!?
*** どういうことなんだ *** What's happening down there!?
*** 大丈夫か? *** You all right!?
*** 安心しろ 近くに軍が来てる *** Don't worry! The military will be here any minute!
*** できることはあるか? *** Do you need any help!?
*** 落ち着け *** Don't panic!
*** これ どういうこと? *** Hey! What's going on out there!?
*** なにがあったのよ *** What the heck happened!?
*** 大丈夫? *** You okay!?
*** いるものがあれば 持ってくわよ *** Just tell me what you need and I'll bring it to you!
*** きっとすぐ 救助が来るわ *** The rescue workers'll be here soon!
*** みんな 落ち着いて *** Everyone try to stay calm!
*** この世の終わりだわ *** It's like the end of the world...
*** ひどいな…… *** Unbelievable...
*** 怖くて たまらない…… *** What'll become of us?
*** なにがあっても 一緒にいるよ *** No matter what happens, I'm here for you.
*** まだ 立てそうにないか? *** Think you're ready to walk?
*** ごめんね お父さん
*** I'm sorry, Dad. I should've never said I wanted to come up here.
*** 気にするな *** It's okay.
*** まだ 燃えてる? *** Have they put out the fires yet?
*** ああ…… *** Not yet.
*** ここも燃えちゃったら どうしよう *** Wh-what if they reach us? What do we do then?
*** 火 消えねえ *** Oh, man. It's still spreading.
*** 魔晄も 燃えてるのか? *** Sure hope the mako doesn't catch...
*** やばいぜ…… *** This is crazy...
*** これ 元に戻るのか? *** Will Midgar ever be the same?
*** こわい…… *** I'm so scared...
*** 魔晄炉が 魔晄炉が…… *** The reactor... It just... It just...
*** 知り合いが働いてるの *** My friend works there...
*** これからどうなるの? *** What will happen to us now?
プレート住民 そこの階段をおりりゃ
Topside Resident The station? Well, take that fire escape. It'll put you right on the street.
プレート住民 裏通りから駅に行くんなら
まずは階段おりて 噴水広場を目指しな
Topside Resident Once you're on the street, you'll want to head for the plaza with the fountain. Station's not too far.
*** ねえ おもちゃとってきていい? *** Mom, we wanna get our toys.
*** ダメ ここにいて *** Not now, honey. I'm sorry.
*** あとで とりにかえってこれるよね *** But we can get them later, right? Right?
*** ああ 大丈夫だ *** Sure you can. After this is all over.
*** せめて この子たちだけでも先に *** Do what you like. I'm taking the kids to safety.
*** 全員いっしょに逃げるんだ *** No, we stay together.
*** おとうさんとおかあさんも
いっしょじゃないと ダメ!
*** Yeah, together! I don't wanna leave without you!
*** みんな いっしょなの! *** Me too! I'm staying!
*** まさか 崩れるとは *** To think it would just collapse...
*** 完成まで何年もかかったのに *** After all those years of construction...
*** こりゃ 市長交代だな *** The mayor can kiss his job goodbye.
*** 裏通りから行くしかない *** So much for the fast way.
*** 高速道路まで…… *** What didn't collapse?
*** 駅がダメなら どこに逃げんだよ *** How do they expect us to evacuate?
*** 知り合いが 駅に行ったの *** My friend's at the station.
*** 行かなくてよかった *** Good thing I stayed put.
*** あんまりだわ *** Just terrible...
*** 軍は予想していたの? *** So Shinra did know.
*** ハイウェイも爆破されたわけ? *** They blew up the expressway too.
*** 放送で 逃げろって言ってた *** The announcement said to leave.
*** よし 軍が来たぞ *** Good. Military's here.
*** 早く 犯人を捕まえてくれ *** They'd better catch the bastards who did this.
*** いつかこうなると思ってたんだ *** I knew something like this would happen one day.
*** さすがに ここまで火はこないだろ *** The fire won't spread this far, will it?
*** プレジデントの声明はまだか *** The president needs to make a statement.
*** 八番魔晄炉が無事なら なんとかなる *** We should be fine as long as Reactor 8 stays online.
*** この混乱は 市長の責任だ *** City's on fire and the mayor does what?
*** 噴水広場が 通行止め? *** Wait, we can't go through the plaza?
*** 魔晄炉がやられたってことは職場が…… *** Guess I'm out of a job now... Shit.
*** 非番で命拾いしたよ *** Could've been me working that shift...
*** 駅って この先の広場を
*** If you're looking for the station, you gotta go through the plaza, right?
*** 無理に逃げなくても…… *** Might as well stay, if you ask me.
*** 裏通りって 噴水広場の先だろ? *** The station? Gotta take the backstreets beyond the plaza.
*** 魔晄炉近くは悲惨らしいぞ *** I heard it's total chaos near the reactor.
*** いちおう 避難はした方がいい *** I'm gonna leave, just to be safe.
*** 知り合いが本社ビルに向かった *** My friend fled to Shinra HQ.
*** スラムに帰りたいんだけど *** How am I gonna get home?
*** 八番街には 遊びにきたんだ *** I came here to enjoy myself...
*** 実はただの事故とか ない? *** You think, maybe, it could've just been an accident?
*** 朝から 嫌な予感がしたのよ *** I had a feeling something bad was going to happen...
*** このあたりも危険? *** Should I leave too?
*** できれば 家にいたい *** I'd like to stay here, if I can.
*** 市長は なにをしてるの *** Where's the mayor when we need him!?
*** 軍が来たし 大丈夫よ *** We'll be fine now that the military's here.
*** 魔晄漏れが心配 *** The mako won't leak...will it?
*** 噴水広場 通らせてくれないかしら *** Just my luck. The military won't let me through the plaza...
*** 広場が通行止め? *** Why'd they blockade the plaza?
*** どうやって駅に行けばいいのよ *** How are we supposed to catch the train?
*** 犯人は まだ捕まってないの? *** Are the culprits still at large!?
*** 避難場所って どこ? *** Where's the shelter?
*** どこに逃げればいいの *** Where can we go that's safe?
*** 爆破じゃなくて 事故だったりして *** Maybe it was really an equipment failure instead.
*** プレジデントの見解を聞きたい *** The president has some explaining to do.
*** 本社ビルに逃げた人もいるって *** No place safer than Shinra HQ.
*** 魔晄炉がない生活なんて 無理 *** Mako energy is a human right!
*** 言うほど 建物は壊れてないね *** Huh, the damage isn't as bad as I thought.
*** 軍がいるなら 安全よ *** The military's here. We're fine.
*** プレジデントなら
*** The president's going to fix this, you mark my words.
*** 軍が来たなら 安心だ *** We're safe. Shinra's here.
*** 犯人には 極刑を望むぞ *** The bastards who did this should fry.
*** 市長は役に立たん *** The mayor's a lousy bum.
*** プレジデントからの説明が聞きたい *** What's the president got to say about all this?
*** このあたりは安全だろう *** The fires can't reach us here.
*** 神羅は このくらいでは倒れん *** This won't faze Shinra at all.
*** 軍が守ってくれる? *** Shinra will protect us, won't they?
*** 状況がよくわからないわ *** Could someone please tell me what's going on?
*** 家には帰れるの? *** Can we go home now?
*** 列車に乗れるなら そうしたいけど *** If I could, I'd hop one of those trains lickety-split.
*** スラムには戻れるの? *** Are the slums safe?
*** プレジデントの発表は まだ? *** Has the president said anything?
*** 兵隊さん 銃持ってた *** You see the army guys? They've got guns!
*** すっごい音がして めちゃくちゃゆれた *** There was a big "BOOM" and everything shook a lot!
*** 軍のひとが いっぱい *** So many army men...
*** あんなこわいの もうやだ *** No! No more 'splosions!
*** お客様 一度ホテルの中にお戻りください *** I must ask you to remain in the hotel along with the other guests.
*** 軍に事情を聞くだけだ *** But we want to know what's going on.
*** じゃないと 安心できないわ *** Better that than cowering inside.
*** お客様たちは 当ホテルが責任もって
*** Please─it is my responsibility to keep you safe and escort you to the shelter.
*** 軍に協力してもらおう *** We'll wait for the military.
*** そうよ そのほうが安心よ *** Yes, they will have been trained for this sort of thing.
*** 店はぐちゃぐちゃ
*** The restaurant's in total disarray. Plates, glasses...not much hasn't been broken.
*** きっと神羅が補償してくれるわよ *** I'm sure that Shinra will compensate you for all that.
*** おじさん にげないの? *** Why aren't you leaving too?
*** ああ この店を放っておけないんだ *** As a sailor would say, the captain goes down with the ship.
*** 狙われたのは ミッドガル市民よ *** The real target was people like us, here on the plate.
*** は……? *** What!?
*** 上層市民に嫉妬した スラムの人たちがさ *** Those filthy slum rats are jealous of everything we have.
*** ああ…… *** You think so?
*** プレジデント神羅は 無能 *** Could the mayor be behind this?
*** ええっ! *** Huh!?
*** そう思わせたい 市長の陰謀って可能性も *** Maybe it's part of a plot to tarnish President Shinra's name.
*** えぇ~? *** Okaaay...
*** 貨物車にも乗ってる人いたんだね
ま あの混乱じゃ仕方ないか
*** Wow... Who'da thunk there'd be people riding in the freight car? Guess they don't have much choice, but...rather them than me.
*** ひとりになりたいんだよね *** I just wanted to be alone...
*** ん? *** Hm?
*** なんだ *** <>
*** 押すな *** Quit it.
*** おい *** Hey!
*** あ わりぃ *** Oh, sorry.
*** っと *** Oh.
*** なんだよ *** The hell?
*** 気をつけろ *** Watch it.
*** えっ *** Huh?
*** もう *** Jerk.
*** なに? *** What the─?
*** あ ごめん *** Sorry about that.
*** 気をつけてよ *** Stop that.
*** ちょっと *** C'mon!
*** 押さないで *** Lay off.
*** はぁ…… *** *sigh*
*** んん? *** Huh?
*** ちゃんと前を見ろ *** Watch where you're going.
*** まったく *** For the love of...
*** え? *** Wha?
*** すみません *** Pardon me.
*** 邪魔だったわね *** My apologies.
*** うわ *** Woah.
*** ごめん! *** Sorry!
*** 人が多すぎるね *** So many people...
*** わ…… *** Ugh...
*** ごめんなさい *** My bad.
*** っとと *** Whoa.
*** 貨物車にして正解だぜ *** Maybe the freight car's not so bad.
*** あいつは乗れたかな *** Hope the others made it...
*** 目の前でハイウェイが落ちたんだ *** The highway collapsed right in front of me.
*** 帰れりゃ それでいい *** I just wanna get home.
*** 見まわり ねえよな? *** No guards here, right?
*** よかった 乗れて *** What a relief...
*** バレても おろされないよね *** They won't kick us off, will they?
*** スラムは無事かしら *** Do you think the slums are okay?
*** これで帰れる *** Finally, I can get home...
*** 友達とはぐれちゃったの *** I wonder where they are now.
*** 爆破ってマジかよ *** Whaddya mean it "exploded"!?
*** 下に影響はねえよな *** Are the slums alright?
*** 犯人は捕まったのか? *** They catch who did this?
*** 仕事がなくなっちまった *** Guess it's time to look for a new job...
*** すげえ炎だったぜ *** You see the size of that fire?
*** この世の終わりだ *** It's like the end of days...
*** 反神羅勢力……聞いたことある *** I'd heard there were anti-Shinra folks, but this...this is...
*** スラムは無事かな *** Hope nothing happened down below...
*** ボロ家でも 燃えるよりマシ *** At least I still have a house.
*** スラムを見下してたやつらは いい気味 *** Serves these assholes right for shitting on the slums.
*** 早く帰りてえ *** Just lemme get home...
*** 魔晄炉なんて いらないさ *** We don't need no reactors.
*** 参番街に逃げたかったのに *** Shoulda gone to Sector 3 instead...
*** スラムって 宿はあんの? *** They even have hotels down there?
*** スラムは何年ぶりかな *** I haven't been down to the surface in years.
*** 八番街 元に戻るよな? *** Sector 8 will be back to normal in no time. It has to be.
*** もし ほかの魔晄炉もやられたら…… *** What if...other reactors were hit as well?
*** 炎 怖かった *** I'm gonna have nightmares about those fires.
*** スラムがこんなに恋しいなんて *** Can't believe I'm excited to see the slums.
*** 職場はめちゃくちゃよ *** Glad it won't be me cleaning up the office...
*** 疲れた 寝たい…… *** All I wanna do is pass out.
*** 恋人とデートだったの *** We were out on a date when it happened.
*** 誰があんなことしたの *** Why would anyone do something like that?
*** すごい勢いで燃えてた *** The flames were brighter than the sun.
*** 乗れてよかった *** Thank goodness I made the train.
*** プレートの上も危険ね *** Guess the plate's not so safe.
*** 攻撃って言ってたけど 本当かしら *** They said it was an attack, but I'm not so sure.
*** ウータイが関わってるって噂よ *** Some people say Wutai's involved...
*** 星を守るためなんて 嘘よね *** How dare they say they're doing this for the planet.
*** まさか アバランチの仕業なの? *** Could Avalanche really be behind all this?
*** 弐番街行きに乗りたかったのよ *** I wanted the train for Sector 2...
*** 今夜は帰れそうもないな *** Looks like I won't be getting home tonight.
*** 八番街 どうなるのかな *** Who knows what'll become of Sector 8.
*** 出かけたりしないで
*** Should've never gotten out of bed this morning. Just called in sick.
*** ウータイが絡んどるのか? *** Do you think Wutai's to blame?
*** 死ぬかと思ったが
*** I can't believe I survived that. I was ready to die.
*** ほかの魔晄炉も狙われるかもしれんな *** I doubt this'll be the last attack on a reactor...
*** 娘が八番街に住んでいてね *** You see, my daughter now lives in Sector 8, so...
*** 犯人はどうなったのかしら *** Have they caught the perpetrators yet?
*** やっぱり 地上がいちばんよ *** I can't wait to set foot on the surface.
*** 反神羅勢力って 噂は知ってるわ *** Have you heard the rumors? Someone's trying to take down Shinra.
*** 家は大丈夫かな *** Will our house still be there?
*** 弟たちに話してやるんだ *** I'll be nice and talk to my brothers.
*** はんにん 神羅がつかまえた? *** Did Mr. Shinra catch the bad men yet?
*** すごく もえてた *** The fire was really big.
キリエ なに 仕事の邪魔だよ Kyrie Do you mind? I'm trying to work here.
キリエ なにか用なの? Kyrie Ugh, just leave me alone, all right?
キリエ いい加減にしてほしいなぁ Kyrie Why don't you learn to take a hint, buddy?
*** なんかくすぐったくて……
*** Wait, what the... Huh, that's weird.
*** 財布……
うん ちゃんとある
*** Uh oh... Phew, okay.
*** おい!
あ いや……なんでもない
*** Hey!
Never mind. Sorry to disturb you.
*** ポケットのあたりがくすぐったいんだ *** Oh, that better not have been what I thought it was...
*** すみません ぶつかって……あれ? *** Sorry, I didn't mean to bump─ Huh?
*** いま引っ張ったの 誰? *** Stop that right now!
*** スリに気をつけないと *** No thief's getting my money.
*** 財布は大丈夫ね *** Wait, where is it? ...Okay. Got it.
*** 袖を掴んだの あなた? *** Are you the one who grabbed my sleeve?
*** スラムをバカにしてきた罰だって
*** Maybe some grounders did it as payback?
*** 冗談やめてよ *** Don't be stupid.
*** 魔晄炉がなけりゃ 俺らも困る *** Yeah. The slums need power too, you know.
*** 電気がない生活なんて無理だわ *** Good thing there'll be electricity where we're going.
*** 七番にも影響があるはずだ *** I'm sure Sector 7's affected too...
*** 神羅がなんとかしてくれんじゃねえの *** Naw, Shinra wouldn't let that happen.
*** *** Zzz...
*** なんにも聞こえなかったぜ *** Uh, I didn't hear anything. You gotta believe me!
*** 早く着かねえかな~! *** Man, this train is slower than molasses, am I right?
*** 別に 怖くない…… *** Calm down... It's just a sword...
*** 早く駅についてよ…… *** How much longer till the station!?
*** 嘘でしょ? *** Oh dear...
*** 寝たふり…… *** T-time for a little nap.
警備兵 ここから出すな Security Officer Don't let him escape!
警備兵 逃がさん! Security Officer Give up!
警備兵 探せ 絶対に逃がすな Security Officer Don't let him get away, no matter what!
警備兵 上空部隊から伝達
Security Officer Message from aerial recon. They want us to lock down the station area.
クラウド 駅から離れて 様子を見るか Cloud I'd be better off trying my luck somewhere else.