ウィッシュルーム | Hotel Dusk Chapter 3 dialogue
Japanese-English text dump
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- Summary Restaurant Kitchen Pantry Electrical Room Central Hallway Restaurant Hallway Room 215 Room 218 Room 219 Hallway Roof
レストランに行こうとして メリッサが父親のケビンに 叱られているところを 見かける。ケビンは医者で メリッサが家出した母親の ことを俺に話していないか 気にしていた。 |
On the way to dinner, I catch Melissa's old man, Kevin, giving her an earful. Guy's some kind of sawbones, and he seems real worried that Melissa said something about his missing wife. |
レストランの受付で ルイスに俺と同じ名前の 客が217号室に泊まって いたことを話すと、217 号室が半年前から使われて いないことがわかる。 俺はルイスに217号室 の鍵を持って来るように 頼んだ後、レストランへ。 |
Louie's playing host at the restaurant entrance. He tells me that Room 217, where the other me was, has been empty for six months. I ask him to lift the room key for me, then go to dinner. |
レストランの入り口で 216号室のアイリスと 会い、メリッサがアイリス に人形をぶつけたことを 知る。レストランで俺は メリッサが忘れていった その人形を拾う。 |
Before I can get inside, I run into Iris from 216. She says that Melissa smacked her with a rag doll. When I get inside, I find the doll on a chair and take it. |
ローザの作ったうまい晩飯 を食べ終わると、サマーが やってきて、間違えた荷物 の中にしおりが入っていな かったかと聞いてくる。 ローザから、サマーが ベストセラーを出した 小説家だと教えられる。 |
When I finish stuffing my face with Rosa's home cooking, Summer shows. He asks if there was a bookmark in the package Louie brought. Then Rosa tells me that he's actually a best-selling novelist. |
レストランを出ると ルイスから落し物の 万年筆を見せられる。 その万年筆のボディには 「アランへ 愛を込めて」 という文字が彫り込まれて いたが、アランという客は 宿泊していなかった。 |
After dinner, Louie shows me a fountain pen he found. The words "To Alan, with love" are engraved on it, but there's no one named Alan in this place. |
メリッサに人形を届ける ために219号室を訪ねる と、メリッサとまた一緒に パズルをする羽目になる。 パズルはメリッサの母親 からのプレゼントで、その 裏側に、さよならの言葉が 残されていた。 |
I take the doll up to 219 and give it to Melissa, who makes me be her puzzle patsy again. Seems the puzzle's a gift from her missing mom, and she left a good-bye message on the back of it. |
荷物の箱の中を調べて しおりをみつけ、サマーに 届けると、そのしおりに 印刷されている天使の絵が オスターゾーンという画家 の「扉を開ける天使」と いう作品だということが わかる。 |
I search the box in my room and find Summer's missing bookmark with an angel picture on it. I take it to Summer and learn it shows the Angel Opening a Door, which was painted by a cat called Osterzone. |
メリッサがケビンとけんか して、停電中の218号室 に入り込んで閉じ込められ るという出来事が起きて 配電盤を修理してメリッサ を助け出す。 |
More problems with Melissa. She and the old man get into it, and she runs to Room 218. Problem is, the room's got no power, and she gets locked in. I fix the switchboard and get her out in one piece. |
俺は、メリッサから 母親のグレイスがケビンと 何かもめごとがあって その結果、家を出たことを 聞かされ、メリッサが 小さな胸を痛めていること を知る。 |
Melissa says her folks fought like cats in the rain, and that's why her mom split. Kid seems pretty torn up about the whole thing, and I guess I can't blame her. |
- Summary Restaurant Kitchen Pantry Electrical Room Central Hallway Restaurant Hallway Room 215 Room 218 Room 219 Hallway Roof
Hyde_24 | …ん? | ...Huh? |
Hyde_02 | …あれは | What's that? |
Hyde_02 | ||
%p65534FF | 椅子の上に何かある | There's something on the chair. |
%p65534FF | 木の椅子だ | It's a wooden chair. Looks uncomfortable. |
Hyde_20 | …ん? これは… |
Huh? This is... |
%p0000000 | 俺は 「カントリードール」を 手に入れた |
I found a rag doll. |
Hyde_19 | これか… | So this is it? |
Hyde_FF | アイリスが言っていた 人形というのは |
This is the doll Iris was talking about? |
Hyde_02 | メリッサのやつ 忘れていったんだな |
Melissa must've forgotten it. |
Hyde_FF | あとで届けてやるか… | Guess I'll run it up to her later. |
Hyde_FF | 忘れないように 手帳にメモしておこう |
Might as well jot it down in my notebook so I don't forget. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r0000 | ||
%r104_02 | ||
Hyde_19 | ||
%p65534FF | 俺は中央の テーブルに座った |
I sit down at a table in the middle of the restaurant. |
%b0190 | ||
Hyde_02 | ひとりで食事をするのは いつものことだが |
Guys like me get used to eating at odd times but... |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_FF | こんなに早い晩飯は 久しぶりだ |
I haven't had dinner this early in a long while. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r0000 | ||
%p65534FF | 『おまたせ』 | Sorry to keep you waiting. Busy busy, you know? |
%r104_L | ||
Rosa_04 | リブロースの ガーリックステーキだよ |
Anyway, here's your rib eye steak, Mr. Hyde! |
Rosa_FF | ハッシュポテトと サニーサイドアップ添えの ご注文だったね |
And you also ordered hash browns and eggs sunny- side up, right? |
%b0174 | ||
Hyde_19 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Rosa_05 | 今日のリブは タイムとオリーブオイルに 漬け込んでから |
This steak was seared with salt, pepper, and my own homemade garlic butter. |
Rosa_05 | ガーリックでカリッと 焼き上げてあるから 香ばしいよ |
Smells delicious, doesn't it? It sure does! |
%r104_02 | ||
Hyde_09 | ああ | Yeah. |
Rosa_01 | どうぞ、ごゆっくり | Enjoy! |
%p65533FF | ローザは テーブルにディナーを 置いて出て行った |
Rosa places my dinner on the table and walks away. |
%p65534FF | ||
%b0174 | ||
%r104_02 | ||
Hyde_19 | ||
%p65534FF | テーブルの上には ディナーの皿がある |
There's a huge plate on the table. It's filled with chow. |
%p65534FF | 皿の中には おいしそうな料理が 盛られている |
It all looks delicious. |
%b0186 | ||
%p65534FF | うまそうな匂いだ | Smells good... |
%b0172 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%b0175 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%b0173 | ||
%p65534FF | …うーん、うまかった | Oh... That was fantastic. |
%r0000 | ||
%p65534FF | 『食事はすんだかい』 | Are you finished? |
%r104_02 | ||
Hyde_24 | …ん? | Huh? |
%r104_L | ||
Rosa_04 | 空いた皿を 下げさせてもらうね |
I'll take your plate now if that's all right. Is it? I'm sure it is! |
Rosa_17 | おや きれいに食べてるね ソースまでペロリだ |
Well look at that! You joined the Clean Plate Club! Not a crumb left! |
Hyde_13 | ああ、うまかった | Thanks, Rosa. That was delicious. |
Rosa_05 | そりゃあ、よかった | Well, isn't that nice to hear?! It does my heart good to see a man eat! |
Rosa_04 | このデザートは マスターからのサービスだ |
Oh, and this dessert is from Mr. Smith. |
Rosa_FF | あんたに荷物の件で 迷惑かけちまった お詫びだってさ |
It's his way of apologizing for the mix-up with your package. |
%b0254 | ||
Hyde_19 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Rosa_04 | ふわふわしっとりの 特製シフォンケーキだよ |
It's another house specialty. Tea chiffon cake! |
Hyde_03 | ああ | Sounds great. |
Rosa_01 | どうぞ、ごゆっくり | Take your time, no need to rush! Enjoy your food! |
%p65533FF | ローザは テーブルにデザートを 置いて出て行った |
Rosa leaves the cake on the table and walks away. |
%p65534FF | ||
%b0254 | ||
Hyde_19 | 紅茶の シフォンケーキか |
That's quite the cake... |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_18 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%b0173 | ||
%b0255 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%r0000 | ||
%r104_02 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
%p65534FF | 『…ハイドさん』 | Mr. Hyde? |
Hyde_24 | …ん? | ...Huh? |
%r104_L | ||
Hyde_FF | …サマーだ | Oh. It's Summer. ...Bet he wanted a bite of my cake. |
Martin_18 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Martin_05 | お食事中にすみません ちょっとよろしいですか? |
I'm sorry to interrupt your meal, but may I have a moment of your time? |
Hyde_03 | 何だ? | ...Sure, why not. I'm too full to run away. |
Martin_04 | 実は交換していただいた 荷物のことなんですが… |
Er...yes, quite. Actually, it's about the package mix-up we had earlier. |
Martin_01 | もしかして あなたが受け取った ダンボールの箱の中に |
I was curious as to whether or not there was something else inside the box. |
Martin_01 | あのノートの他に 何か入っていたのでは と思って… |
Something other than the notebook, that is. |
Hyde_07 | …何かって? | Something else? |
Martin_04 | 箱の中に 残っていませんでしたか? |
Yes, something that you may have overlooked. |
Martin_04 | 小さいものなんです | Something small? |
Hyde_25 | …小さなもの? 何が入っていたんだ? | Like what? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Martin_04 | 箱の中に落ちていたかも しれません |
It's possible it fell into the box during transport. |
Martin_04 | あのノートの間に はさんであったはずで… |
It was supposed to have been placed within the pages of the notebook. |
Hyde_25 | あのノートには、何が書いてあったんだ? | What was written in there? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Martin_01 | ハイドさん もう一度、箱の中を 調べてもらえませんか? |
Mr. Hyde, would you mind searching that box for me one last time? |
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Hyde_05 | 小さなもの? 何が入っていたんだ? |
Something small? Like what? |
Martin_02 | ||
Martin_04 | しおりです | A bookmark. |
Hyde_25 | …しおりだと? | A bookmark? |
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Hyde_05 | どんなしおりなんだ? | What kind of bookmark? |
Martin_02 | ||
Martin_04 | 天使の絵がついている 小さなしおりです |
It's quite small, and it has a picture of an angel on it. |
Hyde_06 | …天使の絵だって? | Sounds lovely. |
Martin_03 | ええ | Yes, it is quite lovely. |
Martin_01 | ブルーのしおりで リボンがついています |
It is a blue bookmark with a ribbon. Please do remember to look for it, Mr. Hyde. |
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Hyde_05 | あのノートには 何が書いてあったんだ? |
So what was written in that notebook? |
Martin_02 | ||
Martin_07 | ||
Hyde_05 | ノートの表紙には 「秘密の言葉」という タイトルがあった |
I saw the title on the front. The Secret Word, wasn't it? |
Hyde_05 | 小説の原稿か? | Is it a book or a manuscript or something like that? |
Martin_09 | ハイドさん、あなた あのノートを読んだの ですか? |
Mr. Hyde, did you see fit to read the contents of my notebook? |
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Hyde_01 | 表紙を見ただけだ 中は見ていない |
I'm not much of a reader. I just looked at the cover. |
Martin_02 | ||
Martin_05 | …そうですか なら、けっこうです |
...I see. That is for the best. |
Hyde_02 | この男、何を 気にしているんだ? |
What's this guy so worried about? |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Hyde_03 | ああ、読んだ | Yeah, I read it. |
Martin_02 | ||
Martin_08 | …何ですって! | YOU WHAT? |
Martin_09 | 読んだんですね… | You read it!? |
Martin_12 | あのノートを 勝手に読むなんて! |
I cannot believe you had the audacity to read my notebook! |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …えっ | ...Huh? |
Hyde_FF | ||
Martin_09 | ハイドさん あれは私の小説の原稿です |
Mr. Hyde, The Secret Word is indeed a manuscript. One of mine, in fact. |
Martin_FF | 作家にとって 原稿は命より大切なもの なんですよ |
And you must know that authors value such things above even their own lives! |
Hyde_06 | あれ、あんたの小説の 原稿だったのか |
Yeah, I thought it looked like a manuscript. |
Martin_06 | ええ、そうです | What? Well...yes, it did, but... |
Martin_FF | You're missing the point, Mr. Hyde! |
Hyde_17 | 勝手に読んで悪かったが いい文章で感動した |
Sorry I looked. Good stuff, though. Pretty gripping. |
Martin_05 | そんなによかったですか? | You liked it? |
Hyde_03 | ああ | Sure. |
Martin_04 | ハイドさん、失礼しました 大人気ない態度を とってしまって… |
Mr. Hyde, I apologize for my outburst. It was no way for a mature adult to behave. |
Hyde_22 | いいんだ こっちも悪かった 気にしないでくれ |
Don't worry about it. I was outta line, too. |
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Hyde_05 | …待てよ | ...Hold it. |
Martin_FF | ||
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Hyde_17 | 勝手に読んで悪かったが いい文章で感動した |
I guess I shouldn't have read it, but it was good stuff. |
Martin_02 | ||
Martin_07 | …えっ | ...Excuse me? |
Hyde_05 | あれ、あんたの小説の 原稿なんだろう |
It's one of your books, right? |
Martin_06 | ええ、そうです | Yes, it is. |
Martin_05 | そんなによかったですか? | Did you really like it? |
Hyde_03 | ああ | Yeah, I suppose. |
Martin_04 | ハイドさん さっきは失礼しました 大きな声を出してしまって |
Mr. Hyde, I apologize for my earlier behavior. I had no cause to raise my voice. |
Hyde_22 | いいんだ こっちも悪かった 気にしないでくれ |
Don't worry. I'm too full of cake to fight anyway. |
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Hyde_06 | 読んじゃまずかったか? | I take it you didn't want me to read it? |
Martin_02 | ||
Martin_12 | もちろんですよ! | I most certainly did not! |
Hyde_07 | でも、そんなに 大声で怒らなくても いいだろう |
Still no reason to bust a gut, you know? |
Hyde_07 | あんただって 俺の荷物を見たんだから |
After all, you took a buzz through my package, right? |
Martin_FF | …ううっ | ...Yes, but... |
Hyde_07 | おまけに あんたのおかげで |
So why are you tryin' to give me guff? |
Hyde_07 | せっかくおいしい晩飯を 食べた幸せな気分も 台無しだ |
I just finished a good meal. I was full and happy, which is pretty rare for me. |
Hyde_11 | 俺の目の前から とっとと消えうせろ! |
But now I'm just pissed off. So do yourself a favor and get outta my sight! |
Martin_12 | なんですと! | How dare you, sir! How dare you speak to me like that! |
Martin_FF | なんて、失敬な! | You're nothing more than a common thug! A brigand! |
Martin_04 | 何を書いているのですか | What are you writing? |
Martin_04 | 何を見てるんです? | What are you looking at? |
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Martin_01 | では、しおりのこと お願いしますね |
My bookmark is in your hands, my good man! |
Martin_06 | 失礼します | Excuse me. |
Hyde_03 | ああ | Sure. |
Martin_FF | ||
%p65534FF | サマーが立ち去った | Summer leaves. |
Hyde_02 | しおりか… | Can't forget that bookmark. Grief from the talking blimp's one thing I don't need. |
Hyde_FF | 忘れないように、あとで 手帳にメモでもしておくか |
I'll just drop a line in my notebook so I don't forget. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Martin_FF | ||
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Martin_09 | あなたがまさか そんな人だったとは… |
I expected better from you, Mr. Hyde. |
Martin_09 | がっかりだ! | Congratulations, sir! You have proven me a fool! |
%p65533FF | サマーは興奮した様子で レストランから出て行った |
Summer leaves the restaurant in a huff. |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Hyde_05 | ちょっといいか | Got a minute? |
Martin_02 | ||
Martin_01 | 何でしょうか | What is it? |
%r104_02 | ||
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
%p65534FF | 『…どうしたんだい?』 | What's going on in here? |
%p65534FF | 突然、後ろから声がした | There's someone yelling behind me. |
Hyde_24 | …ん? | Huh? |
%r104_L | ||
Rosa_04 | 今、サマーさんが すごく興奮した様子で 出て行ったけど |
Mr. Summer just went flying out of here! And did he ever look angry! |
Rosa_01 | 何かあったのかい? | Did something happen? What? What happened? Tell me! |
Hyde_07 | あの男がごちゃごちゃと わけのわからんことを 言ってきたから |
Nothing to tell. Guy came in here and started shooting off at the mouth. |
Hyde_07 | 一発怒鳴りつけてやった | I gave him what for and sent him packing. |
Rosa_10 | なんだって?! | You did WHAT?! |
Rosa_10 | あんた、サマーさんに 向かって、そんなこと してくれたのかい! |
You had an argument with Mr. Summer? You...you had words? |
Hyde_07 | ああ | Not many. |
Rosa_08 | 大変だよ マスターに早く 知らせなくちゃ |
Oh my goodness! I have to tell Mr. Dunning. This is terrible! Oh dear... |
Hyde_06 | …えっ | Whatever you gotta do. |
%p65533FF | ローザは急いで レストランから出て行った |
Rosa turns and hurries out of the restaurant. |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%r104_02 | ||
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
%p65534FF | 『…食事は終わりかい』 | Are you finished? |
%p65534FF | 突然、後ろから声がした | There's someone yelling behind me. |
Hyde_24 | …ん? | Huh? |
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Rosa_04 | どうだった、デザートは? | How was the cake? Was it good? I sure hope so! |
Hyde_09 | 最高だ | It was fantastic, Rosa. |
Hyde_FF | 久しぶりに うまい晩飯だった |
Best meal I've had in ages. |
Rosa_05 | そりゃあ、よかった | That's so nice to hear. Many thanks. |
Rosa_04 | ところでさ | By the way... |
Rosa_01 | 今の人、211号室の サマーさんだろ |
The man who was just here is the guest in Room 211, right? Mr. Summer? |
Hyde_03 | ああ | Yeah. |
Rosa_06 | 何してる人なんだろうね | He seems so familiar... |
%r104_L | ||
Rosa_07 | そうか… マーティン・サマー… |
Hold it! Martin Summer... Martin Summer... |
Rosa_12 | いやだよ、あたしときたら 気が付かなかったなんて |
Oh, I'm such a fool! How could I have not realized? It's so obvious! |
%r104_02 | ||
Hyde_06 | 何、言ってるんだ? | What're you talking about? |
Rosa_05 | いやね 同じ名前だってことは わかっていたけど |
I saw his name on the register and recognized it, of course, but... |
Rosa_05 | まさか、あの人が 本当にそうだったなんて… |
I never thought it was THE Martin Summer! |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …あの人? | Yeah, who knew? |
Hyde_FF | ||
Rosa_FF | ||
%r104_L | ||
Rosa_03 | わかったんだよ | It really IS him! Now I'm sure of it! |
Rosa_04 | あの人が本物の マーティン・サマーだって |
Martin Summer is staying here! THE Martin Summer! Oh, this is exciting! |
Rosa_05 | あたし、ファンなんだよ あの人の小説の |
I'm such a fan! |
Hyde_25 | …ローザはあの男のファンだったのか? | She's a big fan, huh? |
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Rosa_10 | だのに、あの人が 本物のサマー先生だとは 気付かずに |
I still can't believe I didn't recognize him! |
Rosa_10 | ただの同姓同名のお客だと 思いこんでいたなんて… |
I just assumed it was a guest with the same name. |
Hyde_25 | …同姓同名の客か | Hey, that reminds me... |
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Rosa_13 | やだよ、なんて ドジだったんだろう |
I tell you, I'm a world-class fool! Such a fool! |
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Hyde_06 | 小説家だそうだ | He's some kind of writer. |
Rosa_10 | えっ、小説家だって… | What? A writer? |
Hyde_03 | ああ、結構有名だとか 自分では言ってた |
Yeah, pretty famous, too. As least in his own mind... |
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Hyde_02 | さあな、よくは知らない | I never heard of him. |
Rosa_FF | ||
Rosa_10 | ちょっと、待って | Hold on a minute. |
Hyde_06 | どうした? | What's wrong? |
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Hyde_05 | ちょっといいか? | ...Hey. |
Rosa_FF | ||
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Hyde_06 | 本当にそうだったって どういうことだ? |
What do you mean, THE Martin Summer? |
Rosa_FF | ||
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Hyde_05 | おい、そんなことより テーブルをかたづけてくれ |
Who cares who he is. Clean the table, will ya? |
Rosa_FF | ||
Rosa_06 | 何、言ってるんだい うるさいね |
Oh, be quiet now. You're distracting me! AND you're being rude! |
Rosa_10 | そんなことより 今、大切な話してるだろ |
This is much more important than clearing away your dishes. |
Hyde_06 | …はあ? | Nothing's that important... |
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Hyde_05 | あんた、サマーの ファンだったのか? |
So. You're a Summer fan, eh? |
Rosa_02 | ||
Rosa_03 | まあね、ものすごくって 言うわけじゃないけど 好きだね、あの人の本 |
Oh, I'm not crazy or anything, but yes. I enjoy his books. |
Hyde_05 | サマーって どんな作家なんだ? |
So what kinda writer is Summer, anyway? |
Rosa_01 | サマー先生は10年前に 大手出版社の懸賞小説で デビューした作家だよ |
Well, his first book came out about ten years ago and won some major awards. |
Rosa_01 | いきなり大賞をとった 期待の新人でね |
Publishers were very excited. They called him "the maestro of mysteries." |
Rosa_10 | 衝撃のデビュー作は ほら「秘密の言葉」って いうタイトルの本で… |
You must have heard of his first book. It was called The Secret Word. |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …何? | That sounds familiar... |
Hyde_FF | ||
Rosa_FF | ||
%r104_L | ||
Rosa_05 | 面白い小説なんだよ | It was a very thrilling story. |
Hyde_25 | …面白い小説? どんな内容だ? | What was it about? |
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Rosa_08 | そうだ! | That's it! |
Hyde_24 | …どうした? | ...What? |
Rosa_10 | 絶対、サインもらって おかなくちゃ! |
I must get his autograph! |
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Hyde_05 | ちょっと、教えてくれ | Oh yeah. |
Rosa_FF | ||
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Hyde_06 | …「秘密の言葉」って? | Secret Word, huh? |
Rosa_03 | ||
Rosa_10 | ああ、それが デビュー作のタイトルで… |
Yes, that's right. That was the title of his debut novel. |
Hyde_14 | …「秘密の言葉」か どこかで聞いたことがある |
...The Secret Word? I know I've heard that name before. |
Hyde_02 | そうだ サマーのあのノートの 表紙にあった題名だ… |
Wait. That's what was written on the cover of Summer's notebook. |
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Hyde_06 | 衝撃のデビュー作だと? | Got lucky on the first try, did he? |
Rosa_03 | ||
Rosa_10 | ああ、1作目から ベストセラーだなんて |
Yes, his very first one was a huge best seller. |
Rosa_10 | あのときは すごい話題だったんだから |
I remember everyone talking about it at the time. |
Hyde_14 | …「秘密の言葉」か どこかで聞いたことがある |
...The Secret Word? I know I've heard that name before. |
Hyde_02 | そうだ サマーのあのノートの 表紙にあった題名だ… |
Wait. That's what was written on the cover of Summer's notebook. |
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Hyde_05 | 「秘密の言葉」って どんな小説だ? |
So what's The Secret Word about? |
Rosa_02 | ||
Rosa_01 | 親友から裏切られた男が 完全犯罪で復讐を果たす って話なんだけど |
It's about a man who commits the perfect crime! |
Rosa_FF | He does so to get revenge on a friend who betrayed him! |
Rosa_FF | 人の心の闇を描いた ハードな内容で 胸に響く話なんだよね |
Critics called it a gritty descent into the darkness of the human soul. |
Rosa_FF | It's really quite shocking. Oh, listen to me! Rosa the book reviewer! |
Hyde_02 | 親友に復讐か… | Revenge on a friend, huh? Hell of an idea. |
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Hyde_05 | 以前、俺と同じ名前の 客が泊まったことが あるだろう? |
There was a guest a while back who had the same name as me, right? |
Rosa_02 | ||
Rosa_06 | あんたと同じ名前? | The same name as you? |
Hyde_03 | ああ 半年くらい前に |
About six months ago? |
Rosa_11 | 半年前ねえ… | Six months ago? |
Rosa_04 | いや、覚えはないね | No, not that I remember. Nope, nope. Nothing. |
Rosa_06 | カイル・ハイドって 名前の客のことなんて 覚えてないよ |
I can't recall another guest by the name of Kyle Hyde. |
Hyde_02 | そうか… | Really? |
Rosa_04 | 何、書いてるんだい? | What are you writing? |
Rosa_04 | 何を見てるんだい? | What are you looking at? |
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Rosa_06 | あんたと話してる 暇はなかったんだ |
Oh, what am I thinking? I don't have time to stand here gabbing with you! |
Rosa_04 | じゃあ ごゆっくり |
I've got to go. Busy busy! |
%p65534FF | ローザはそう言うと 慌てて立ち去った |
Rosa finishes talking and scurries away. |
%p65534FF | ||
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Rosa_06 | なんだい? 話はもうおしまいかい? |
What is it? Are we finished talking? Tell me we're finished! |
%r104_02 | ||
%r104_L | ||
Hyde_05 | ちょっといいか | Got a minute? |
Rosa_02 | ||
Rosa_01 | なんだい? | What is it? |
Hyde_24 | …そうだ | Oh, right. |
Hyde_FF | あの人形は… | That doll... |
Hyde_24 | 話の途中で 行くのも失礼だな |
It's rude to walk away from a conversation... |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_24 | 話の途中で 行くのも失礼だな |
It's rude to walk away from a conversation... |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_02 | 食事は済ませたのか? | You done eating? |
Helen_02 | ||
Helen_04 | まだだよ | Not yet. At my age, even simple tasks can take a while. |
Hyde_02 | 食事は済ませたのか? | You done eating? |
Helen_02 | ||
Helen_04 | まだだよ | Not yet. |
- Summary Restaurant Kitchen Pantry Electrical Room Central Hallway Restaurant Hallway Room 215 Room 218 Room 219 Hallway Roof
Hyde_02 | ||
Rosa_06 | 今、厨房は 大忙しなんだよ |
The kitchen's too busy for chitchat! What are you thinking? |
Rosa_04 | お客は出て行っておくれ | You'll have to leave. Come on, get out! Go on now! |
Hyde_03 | わかった | All right. |
Hyde_02 | ||
Rosa_06 | 今、厨房は 大忙しなんだよ |
The kitchen's too busy for chitchat! What are you thinking? |
Rosa_04 | お客は出て行っておくれ | You'll have to leave. Come on, get out! Go on now! |
Hyde_03 | わかった | All right. |
Hyde_02 | ||
Rosa_06 | 今、厨房は 大忙しなんだよ |
The kitchen's too busy for chitchat! What are you thinking? |
Rosa_04 | お客は出て行っておくれ | You'll have to leave now. |
Hyde_03 | わかった | All right. |
Hyde_02 | ||
Rosa_01 | 私は、忙しいんだよ 用があるなら、 後にしておくれ |
Look, I'm busy. If you need something from me, talk to me later. OK? Great. |
Hyde_02 | ||
Rosa_01 | 今、忙しいんだよ 用があるなら、 後にしておくれ |
I'm busy! If you need something, you'll have to come back later! Shoo! |
Hyde_02 | ||
Louis_01 | 無駄口叩いてると ローザのおばさんに 怒られてしまう |
You come in here lookin' to chat and Rosa's gonna skin ya alive, brother! |
Louis_01 | 用があるなら 後にしてくれ |
You're better off comin' back later. |
%p65534FF | 袋が破れて、小麦粉が こている |
There's a busted bag with flour spilled around it. |
Hyde_20 | …小麦粉だ | ...It's flour. |
Hyde_03 | そうか… | Here we go... |
%b0185 | ||
Hyde_19 | この小麦粉を 指につけて… |
If I put a little of it on my finger... |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_20 | 「アランへ、愛をこめて」 | "To Alan, with love." |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_24 | …アラン? アランって誰だ? |
...Alan? Who's Alan? |
Hyde_02 | ルイスに聞いてみるか | Maybe Louie knows. |
Hyde_20 | ん? だめか? | Huh? Well, that didn't work. |
Hyde_FF | 粉が全部飛んでしまった | All the flour just went flying. |
Hyde_18 | …やり直すか | If at first you don't succeed... |
Hyde_07 | このままでは 彫り文字が読めない |
I won't be able to read anything like this. |
- Summary Restaurant Kitchen Pantry Electrical Room Central Hallway Restaurant Hallway Room 215 Room 218 Room 219 Hallway Roof
%p65534FF | 袋が破れて、小麦粉が こぼれている |
There's a busted bag with flour spilled around it. |
Hyde_20 | …小麦粉だ | ...It's flour. |
Hyde_03 | そうか… | Here we go... |
%b0185 | ||
Hyde_19 | この小麦粉を 指につけて… |
If I put a little of it on my finger... |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_20 | 「アランへ、愛をこめて」 | "To Alan, with love." |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_24 | …アラン? アランって誰だ? |
...Alan? Who's Alan? |
Hyde_02 | ルイスに聞いてみるか | Maybe Louie knows. |
Hyde_20 | ん? だめか? | Huh? It didn't work? |
Hyde_FF | 粉が全部飛んでしまった | All the flour just went flying. |
Hyde_18 | …やり直すか | If at first you don't succeed... |
Hyde_07 | このままでは 彫り文字が読めない |
I won't be able to read anything like this. |
Electrical Room
- Summary Restaurant Kitchen Pantry Electrical Room Central Hallway Restaurant Hallway Room 215 Room 218 Room 219 Hallway Roof
Louis_10 | あそこだぜ | There it is. |
Hyde_02 | ||
%r109_R | ||
%r109_L | ||
Hyde_09 | よし | Got it. |
Louis_03 | ||
Louis_05 | すごいな、旦那 | Nice work, my man. |
Hyde_05 | 218号室を見てくる | I'll get back to 218. |
Hyde_24 | ||
Louis_15 | だめだね… | Aw, man, Dunning's gonna murder me! C'mon, you gotta fix it! |
%r109_R | ||
%r109_L | ||
Hyde_05 | どうすればいい? | What do we have to do? |
Louis_02 | ||
Louis_13 | 配電盤のスイッチを 入れるんだよ |
We gotta hit the breaker on the switchboard. |
%r109_R | ||
%r109_L | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Louis_10 | どうだった? | What happened? |
Hyde_05 | メリッサを部屋から 助け出せた |
I got Melissa out of the room. |
Louis_04 | そいつはよかったな | All right. |
%r109_R | ||
%r109_L | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Louis_01 | 早く行ってきな | Move it, man! Poor kid's probably bawlin' like a little girl! |
Central Hallway
- Summary Restaurant Kitchen Pantry Electrical Room Central Hallway Restaurant Hallway Room 215 Room 218 Room 219 Hallway Roof
%r117_L | ||
Hyde_24 | ん? あれは… | Oh, look who's here. |
Hyde_24 | 何を話してる? | Wonder what they're talking about. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r117_05 | ||
%r117_03 | ||
Kevin_09 | メリッサ! | Melissa! |
Melissa_02 | ||
Melissa_06 | ||
Kevin_10 | ちゃんと こっちを見るんだ! |
Look at me when I'm speaking to you, young lady! |
Kevin_10 | 食事中に どうしてあんなことを するんだ! |
Why would you do that while we're eating? |
Melissa_09 | …だって | But— |
Kevin_25 | だってじゃない! | But nothing! |
Melissa_08 | …パパ | Dad— |
Kevin_10 | どうして、おまえは 口答えばかりするんだ |
Don't "Dad" me! I've had it up to HERE with your back talk! |
Kevin_10 | どうして パパの言うことが 素直に聞けない? |
For once, could you just do as you're told and be quiet? |
Kevin_09 | もういい | |
Kevin_09 | おまえの言い訳なんて 聞きたくない! |
I'm so tired of this, and I don't want to hear any more excuses! |
Kevin_09 | 部屋に戻りなさい パパもすぐ行くから |
Go back to the room. I'll be up in a few minutes. |
Melissa_09 | …パパ | ...Dad. |
Melissa_09 | …パパなんて | Dad... I... |
%r117_03 | ||
%r117_03 | ||
Melissa_09 | …大嫌いだ!! | I HATE YOU!! |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …何だ? | Nice, kid. That'll score you points with the old man. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
%r117_03 | ||
%r117_03 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
%p65534FF | メリッサは 階段を走って上って行った |
Melissa turns and runs up the stairs. |
%r117_R | ||
Kevin_12 | …メリッサ | Melissa? |
%p65534FF | ||
%r117_05 | ||
%r117_03 | ||
Hyde_05 | …おい、チビ | Hey. |
Melissa_FF | ||
%r117_05 | ||
%r117_03 | ||
Hyde_05 | どうしたんだ? | What's going on? |
Melissa_07 | …あっ | Nuthin'... |
Hyde_06 | ずいぶん 大きな声が出るんだな |
You got quite a set of pipes there. |
Melissa_09 | いいじゃん! | Yeah, I'm loud. So? |
Melissa_09 | 声、大きいもん! | You gonna yell at me, too? |
%r117_05 | ||
%r117_03 | ||
Hyde_17 | 何を怒っているんだ | Why you so ticked off? |
Melissa_07 | …あっ | Leave me alone. |
Melissa_09 | おじさんには… | You... |
Melissa_09 | わかんないよ! | You wouldn't understand! |
%r117_03 | ||
Hyde_24 | …おい | Hey. |
Kevin_11 | ||
Kevin_12 | えっ… | Yes? |
Hyde_02 | やっかいだな 子供の面倒を見るのは |
Looks like a rough job. Raising kids, I mean. |
Kevin_14 | いや、みっともないところ を見せてしまって… |
Oh, yes. Sometimes it is... I'm sorry you had to see that. |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …何だと? | You and me both... |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
%r117_03 | ||
Hyde_02 | ところで、あんたは? | What's your name? |
Kevin_01 | …そうでしたね | Oh, that's right. We haven't... |
Kevin_01 | 挨拶が遅れてしまって すみません |
This is a bit after the fact, but let me introduce myself. |
Kevin_01 | 私は ケビン・ウッドワード |
I'm Kevin Woodward. |
Kevin_01 | サンタモニカの ロビンズ病院で 外科医をしています |
I'm a surgeon at Robbins Memorial Hospital in Santa Monica. |
Hyde_24 | ||
Kevin_19 | ||
Hyde_FF | …ケビン・ウッドワード この男がメリッサの父親か |
...Kevin Woodward, huh? Nice name, buddy. |
Kevin_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | 俺はカイル・ハイド レッドクラウン商会の セールスマンだ |
Kyle Hyde. I'm a salesman for Red Crown. |
Kevin_16 | …カイル・ハイド? | Kyle Hyde? |
Hyde_03 | ああ | Yeah. |
Kevin_15 | カイル・ハイド… | Kyle Hyde... |
Kevin_FF | …うむ | Interesting... |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …どうした? | What's the big deal? |
Hyde_FF | ||
Kevin_14 | いや、別に なんでもありません |
Oh, nothing. |
Kevin_14 | 気にしないでください | Sorry about that. I was just...musing... |
%r117_03 | ||
Hyde_05 | …待てよ | Hold it... |
Kevin_FF | ||
%r117_03 | ||
Hyde_06 | みっともなくはないだろ 親が子供を叱ることは |
Don't be sorry. Kids need to be kept in line, right? |
Kevin_14 | そうかもしれませんが | Well, yes, but... |
Kevin_14 | 私は、子供を叱る姿を あまり見られたくは ないですね |
I'd rather not be seen scolding my daughter in public. |
Hyde_02 | …そんなものか | It happens. |
%r117_03 | ||
Hyde_07 | ああ、みっともないな | Yeah, if I were you, I'd be sorry as hell, too. |
Kevin_16 | …えっ | Pardon me? |
Hyde_07 | 子供に言うことを 聞かせるのに 叱ることしかできないのか |
You think yelling's the only way to get a kid to listen to you? |
Hyde_07 | そんなことじゃ 子供に振り回されるだけだ |
Keep it up. She'll ignore you and you'll end up with a sore throat. |
Kevin_15 | …意外です あなたがそんなことを 言うなんて |
Somehow I didn't expect to get parenting advice from a stranger... |
Kevin_04 | 失礼ですが あなた、お子さんは? |
If you don't mind my asking, do you have children? |
Hyde_24 | そんなものいるか | You're a funny guy. |
Kevin_04 | じゃあ、ご結婚は? | Well, are... Are you married? |
Hyde_24 | そんなものするか | Why would I want to do that? |
Kevin_15 | …そうなんですか | I see... |
%r117_03 | ||
Hyde_05 | …何だ? | Now what? |
Kevin_FF | ||
%r117_03 | ||
Hyde_09 | いい名前だろう? | You like my name? |
Kevin_16 | …ええ、まあ | Oh...yes, I suppose. |
Hyde_06 | まあか… | You suppose? |
%r117_03 | ||
Hyde_24 | …どうした? | You got a problem? |
Kevin_01 | いや、 どこかで聞いた名前だと 思って… |
No, no! It's nothing. I just thought I'd heard your name before. That's all. |
Hyde_25 | 俺と同じ名前の人間を知っているのか? | He knows my name? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Kevin_04 | 以前に お会いしてますか? |
Have we perhaps met before? |
Hyde_07 | あんたと会うのは 今日が初めてだ |
Nope. First time. |
Kevin_03 | ですよね | Of course it is. Of course... |
Kevin_01 | 私の勘違いでしょう 気にしないでください |
I'm sure my memory's just playing tricks on me. Please forgive me. |
%r117_03 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Kevin_04 | ところで、ハイドさん | By the way, Mr. Hyde... |
Kevin_01 | うちのメリッサの相手を ときどきしてくださって いるようですが |
It seems you've spoken with my daughter Melissa on previous occasions. |
Kevin_01 | メリッサは あなたにどんな話をして いるのでしょうか? |
Would you mind telling me what sort of conversations you had? |
%r117_03 | ||
Hyde_24 | どんなって? | What do you mean? |
Kevin_14 | …いや、もしかしたら つまらないことを話して いるんじゃないかと |
I was just hoping she hadn't bored you or...told you anything...um... |
Hyde_06 | …何を気にしてるんだ? | Just spit it out, will you, pal? |
Kevin_14 | …いや、例えばその… 母親の話とか… |
Well...specifically, I was wondering if you talked about her mother. |
Hyde_25 | …母親の話だと? | About her mother? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Kevin_14 | …いや、 何も話していないなら いいんです |
If you didn't talk about anything in particular, that's fine, too. |
%r117_03 | ||
Hyde_02 | …別に 何も聞いていないが |
We just chatted. Nothing specific. |
Kevin_14 | …そうですか | I see... |
%r117_03 | ||
Hyde_05 | 母親の話って何だ? | Why are you asking about her mother? |
Kevin_02 | ||
Kevin_12 | …いや、その… | Well, if Melissa didn't mention anything, then it's nothing to worry about. |
Hyde_06 | もしかして、それって 母親が帰ってこないって いう話のことか? |
She told me her mom can't come home. Is that what this is about? |
Kevin_06 | …やっぱり 話していたんですか |
So she brought it up after all... |
Hyde_03 | ああ | Yeah. |
Hyde_02 | これから母親に会いに行く ところだとも言っていた |
She also said that you're taking her to see her mom. |
Hyde_07 | まずかったのか? | This supposed to be a secret? |
Kevin_16 | …いや、そういうわけでは | ...Oh, no, nothing like that. |
Kevin_16 | でも、ただ… | It's just... |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …ん? | Talkin' to this guy's like pulling teeth from a grizzly... |
Hyde_FF | ||
Kevin_14 | …いえ なんでもありません |
No, it's nothing. Nothing at all... |
%r117_03 | ||
Hyde_05 | …どうした? | ...Yes? |
Kevin_FF | ||
%r117_03 | ||
Hyde_24 | …ただ、何だ? | You going to finish a sentence for once? |
Kevin_14 | どこの家庭にも それぞれの事情があります |
Please, every family has its own situation, its own... difficulties. |
Kevin_14 | 子供の口から出た話は どうぞ忘れてください |
Melissa's just a child. Don't put too much stock in what she says. |
%r117_03 | ||
Hyde_05 | 何か気になるのか? | You worried about something? |
Kevin_14 | ええ、少し | Well, yes. Maybe a little... |
Hyde_02 | 何が? | What is it? |
Kevin_14 | まさか、あなたが 子供の話を真に受けて いるとは思いませんが |
I doubt you're the type to believe everything you hear, but... |
Kevin_14 | 子供の口から出た話は どうぞ忘れてください |
Melissa's just a child. Don't put too much stock in what she says. |
%r117_03 | ||
Hyde_05 | 俺と同じ名前の 人間を知っているのか? |
You know somebody with my name? |
Kevin_02 | ||
Kevin_16 | いや、診察した患者の中に 似た名前の人がいたような 気がしただけで… |
No, I think one of my patients may have had a similar name, but... |
Kevin_01 | きっと 私の記憶違いでしょう |
I'm sure my memory's just playing tricks on me. Yes, that must be it... |
Kevin_01 | あなたに会ったのは 私も今日が初めてですから |
After all, we just met for the first time, yes? |
%r117_03 | ||
Hyde_05 | メリッサが何を話したのか 気になるのか? |
Are you worried about something Melissa may have told me? |
Kevin_02 | ||
Kevin_12 | …いや、例えばその… 母親の話とか… |
Well... Specifically, I was wondering if you talked about her mother. |
Hyde_25 | 母親の話? 何を気にしているんだ? | Why's he want to know that? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Kevin_14 | …いや 何も話していないなら いいんです |
If you didn't talk about anything in particular, that's fine, too. |
%r117_03 | ||
Hyde_05 | 俺の名前を聞いて 何を気にしていた? |
Why'd you give my name the once-over? |
Kevin_02 | ||
Kevin_01 | ええ どこかで聞いた名前だと 思って… |
Nothing, it's... I just thought I'd heard it before. That's all. |
Hyde_25 | 俺と同じ名前の人間を知っているのか? | You know my name? |
Kevin_04 | 何、書いてるんです? | May I ask what you're writing? |
Kevin_04 | 何、見てるんです? | May I ask what you're looking at? |
%r117_03 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Kevin_01 | すっかり 話し込んでしまいました |
I'm sorry for rambling. |
Kevin_01 | じゃあ、私はこれで | If you'll excuse me? |
%p65534FF | ケビンは 去って行った |
Kevin leaves. |
%r117_03 | ||
Hyde_02 | じゃあ、俺はこれで | Gotta go. |
Kevin_01 | ||
%r117_03 | ||
Hyde_05 | ちょっと、いいか | Got a minute? |
Kevin_02 | ||
Kevin_01 | 何ですか? | What is it? |
%r117_03 | ||
Hyde_02 | …そうだ | Wait a minute... |
Hyde_15 | ケビンは言っていた… | What did Kevin say? |
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Kevin_FF | ||
Kevin_01 | うちのメリッサの相手を ときどきしてくださって いるようですが |
It seems you've spoken with my daughter Melissa on previous occasions. |
Kevin_01 | メリッサは あなたにどんな話をして いるのでしょうか |
Would you mind telling me what sort of conversations you had? |
Hyde_14 | ケビンは何を気にして いたんだ? |
I wonder what Kevin's so worried about? |
%r117_03 | ||
Hyde_02 | …待てよ | Wait a minute... |
Hyde_15 | ケビンは言っていたな… | What did Kevin say? |
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Kevin_FF | ||
Kevin_15 | カイル・ハイド… | Kyle Hyde... |
Kevin_FF | …うむ | Interesting... |
Hyde_14 | ケビンは俺の名前を聞いて 何を気にしていたんだろう |
Something about my name set Kevin's mind on its ear. |
Hyde_24 | メリッサとケビンは 何をもめていたんだろうか |
What were Kevin and Melissa arguing about? |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_15 | …気になる | Wish I knew... |
Hyde_27 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%r117_05 | ||
Hyde_30 | …ん? | ...Huh? |
Hyde_02 | あれは…ミラだ | That's Mila. |
Hyde_FF | 何を見てるんだ? | What's she looking at? |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r0000 | ||
%r117_R | ||
Hyde_30 | ||
%p65534FF | 階段から誰か降りてきた | Someone's coming down the stairs. |
%r117_L | ||
Hyde_FF | …ん? | ...Huh? |
Helen_16 | ||
Hyde_02 | …ヘレンだ | It's Helen. |
Helen_02 | ||
%r117_L | ||
%r117_R | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Helen_11 | 何処に行くんだい? | Oh, hello, young man! Where are you off to? |
Hyde_27 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%r117_08 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Mila_12 | ||
Hyde_05 | おい | Hey. |
Mila_15 | ||
Hyde_05 | 何を見てるんだ? | What're you looking at? |
Mila_04 | ||
Hyde_05 | その絵を見てたのか? | Were you staring at that painting? |
Mila_03 | ||
Hyde_02 | 絵か… | I don't get art. |
Hyde_06 | どこがいいんだ この絵の |
What's so special about this one? |
Hyde_06 | 絵は嫌いじゃないが 絵の良し悪しは 俺にはよくわからん |
It's not that I don't like paintings... I just don't get it. |
%r0000 | ||
%r117_08 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
%p65534FF | 『ここに、いたのかい』 | So this is where you wandered off to! I knew I'd find you somewhere! |
%p65534FF | 後ろから声がした | Someone is squawking up a storm behind me. |
Hyde_24 | ||
%r117_R | ||
Rosa_19 | ||
Rosa_04 | ミラ、どうしたんだ | What's wrong, Mila? Don't look so sad, honey. |
Mila_13 | ||
Rosa_02 | ||
Rosa_05 | あんたがあたしの仕事を 手伝ってくれようって 気持ちはうれしいけれど |
Listen, Rosa is really happy that you want to help! I truly am! |
Rosa_05 | ほんとうに手伝って もらうことはないんだよ |
It's just that there's nothing for you to do at the moment. You see? |
Rosa_01 | ほら、あたしは いつもひとりで なんでもやってるだろ |
I'm used to doing everything around here by myself! No one helps old Rosa! |
Rosa_01 | だからさ、まあ 手伝ってもらうことも 苦手なんだけどね |
So when someone actually wants to help, I have no idea how to use them. |
Mila_03 | ||
Rosa_01 | さあ、わかったなら あたしの部屋で 待ってておくれ |
You're a good girl, Mila. Now do me a favor and go back to my room and rest. |
%p65534FF | ミラはローザに連れられ 立ち去った |
Rosa leads Mila away. |
%r117_L | ||
%r117_R | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Helen_01 | おや、ハイドさん | Hello there, Mr. Hyde. |
Helen_04 | もう食事は済んだのかい? | Have you already eaten? |
Hyde_03 | ああ | Yeah. |
Helen_01 | おいしかったかい? レストランの食事は |
And how is the restaurant fare? I do hope it's tasty! |
Hyde_03 | ああ、案外いける 俺の口には十分だ |
Yeah, it's pretty good. ...Which shocked me. |
Helen_01 | そうかい それはよかった |
Truly? Well, that certainly is good news! |
Helen_12 | ところで、ハイドさん | By the way, Mr. Hyde, I have a bit of a favor to ask of you. |
Helen_12 | ちょっと お願いがあるんだけれど 聞いてくれるかね |
Can you spare a moment for this poor old woman? |
Hyde_06 | …なんだ? | ...What? |
Helen_12 | 手間をかけるけど 私をレストランまで連れて 行ってくれないかね |
I was wondering if you wouldn't mind escorting me to the restaurant. |
Helen_01 | 近頃、目と足元が 少し頼りなくなってきてね |
I had some trouble with my legs recently, and I don't wish to fall on the way. |
Hyde_24 | えっ… | Uh... |
Helen_05 | 迷惑かい? | I don't mean to impose, but I don't know who else to ask. |
%r117_L | ||
%r117_R | ||
Hyde_07 | 自分で行けよ | Get walkin', grandma. |
Hyde_07 | 悪いが、俺は忙しい | I'm busy. |
Helen_12 | だめなのかい? | Wh...what?! You aren't going to help me? |
%r117_L | ||
%r117_R | ||
Hyde_07 | そんなことはないが… | Listen, I— |
Helen_05 | じゃあ、頼むよ | Good! It's settled then. I'll just take your arm... |
%r117_L | ||
%r117_R | ||
Hyde_07 | ああ、おことわりだ | I said I'm busy. |
Helen_07 | …まあ! | Oh! I...I see. |
Hyde_05 | あんたの足は しっかりしてる |
You seem healthy to me. I'm sure you can make it on your own. |
Hyde_05 | ひとりで大丈夫だろ | Maybe Dunning has a walker you can borrow. |
Helen_08 | そうかい | Well, I never! |
Helen_08 | わかったよ そんな人だったんだね |
I can see what sort of man you are, Mr. Hyde! Good day! |
%p65533FF | ヘレンは不機嫌な顔で 立ち去った |
Helen gives me the evil eye and starts to shuffle away. |
%p65533FF | ||
%r117_L | ||
%r117_R | ||
Hyde_17 | 仕方ないな | Oh, for the love of... |
Hyde_17 | ほら、行くぞ | Fine. Let's go. |
Helen_05 | ありがとう 悪いね |
Oh, thank you! I'm so sorry to inconvenience you like this! |
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
%p65534FF | 『ハイドの旦那』 | Yo, Hyde! |
%p65534FF | 後ろから声がした | Someone's yelling. |
Hyde_24 | ||
%r117_R | ||
Louis_04 | あのさ、俺… | Hey, I... |
Hyde_05 | ルイス、ちょうど いいところにきた |
For once, Louie, I'm glad to see you. |
Louis_20 | なんだよ? | Eh? No foolin'? |
Hyde_05 | ほら、そこを歩いている 婆さんを |
See that old lady over there? |
Hyde_05 | レストランまで 連れて行ってやれ 案内してほしいそうだ |
She needs someone to help her to the restaurant. |
Louis_20 | えっ? | Yeah? So? What, I'm a cane now? |
Hyde_07 | そういうの おまえの仕事だろ |
That's part of your job, isn't it? Guest relations and all that? |
Louis_13 | 分かったよ すぐ、おっかけていくさ |
Yeah yeah, fine. I'll chase Grandma Patch down in a sec. |
Hyde_02 | ||
Louis_04 | ところでさ ハイドの旦那 |
But hey, check this, man! |
Louis_01 | レストランで ちょっと拾いものしてさ |
Found it in the restaurant. |
Louis_01 | 旦那が座ってたテーブルの 下に落ちてたんだ |
It was on the floor under your table. |
Louis_18 | ほら、この万年筆 旦那のじゃねえか |
It's some kinda pen. Figured it was yours, what that it was under your table. |
Hyde_19 | ||
Louis_03 | ||
%p0000000 | 俺はルイスから 「万年筆」を受け取った |
I take a fountain pen from Louie. |
Hyde_18 | 俺のものじゃない | Nope. Not mine. But I'll keep it. |
Louis_11 | そうなのか てっきり、あんたのだと 思ってたけど |
Really? Figured it had to be yours, man. |
Louis_11 | 困ったな 誰のだろうか |
That's harsh. Wonder who it belongs to... |
Hyde_20 | …ん? よく見ろ 万年筆のボディに 名前が彫りこんである |
Look here. There are words carved into the body of the pen. |
Louis_19 | ああ、そういやそうだな | Oh, hey! You're right, my man! |
Louis_FF | でも、使い込まれて 彫り文字のインクが なくなっていて |
But these letters are all worn down. |
Louis_FF | よく読めないぜ | I can't read it. |
Hyde_FF | …ああ | Me either. |
Louis_01 | んじゃ、そろそろ 案内に行くから またな、旦那 |
Well, I better go take care of that old bat. Later, man. |
Hyde_41 | …うーむ | ...Hmm. |
Hyde_FF | この万年筆の 彫り文字を読むには… |
How can I read this? |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_02 | …そうだ | Oh, right... |
Hyde_FF | ルイスに万年筆の 彫り文字を見せなければ… |
I'd better show the engraving on the fountain pen to Louie. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p65534FF | 使いかけのチョークが 置いてある |
There's a piece of chalk here. |
Hyde_20 | 溝にチョークの 白い粉がたまっている |
There's some chalk powder here, too. |
Hyde_03 | そうか… | Here we go... |
%b0185 | ||
Hyde_19 | このチョークの粉を 指につけて… |
If I put a little of it on my finger... |
%p65534FF | ||
%p65534FF | 使いかけのチョークが 置いてある |
There's a piece of chalk here. |
Hyde_20 | 溝にチョークの 白い粉がたまっている |
There's some chalk powder here, too. |
Hyde_03 | そうか… | Here we go... |
%b0185 | ||
Hyde_19 | このチョークの粉を 指につけて… |
If I put a little of it on my finger... |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_20 | 「アランへ、愛をこめて」 | "To Alan, with love." |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_24 | …アラン? アランって誰だ? |
...Alan? Who's Alan? |
Hyde_02 | ルイスに聞いてみるか | Maybe Louie knows. |
Hyde_20 | ん? だめか? | Huh? It didn't work? |
Hyde_FF | 粉が全部飛んでしまった | All the chalk dust just flew away. |
Hyde_18 | …やり直すか | If at first you don't succeed... |
Hyde_07 | このままでは 彫り文字が読めない |
I won't be able to read anything like this. |
Restaurant Hallway
- Summary Restaurant Kitchen Pantry Electrical Room Central Hallway Restaurant Hallway Room 215 Room 218 Room 219 Hallway Roof
%r126_01 | ||
%r126_L | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Louis_05 | いらっしゃい | Good evening...uh...sir. |
Louis_04 | レストラン 「ムーンライト・グリル」 にようこそ |
Welcome to the Moonlight Grill. |
%r126_01 | ||
Hyde_30 | …ん? | Huh? |
Mila_16 | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
Mila_FF | ||
Hyde_02 | ミラだ… | It's Mila... |
Hyde_FF | 何をしているんだ? | What's she doing? |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r126_01 | ||
%r126_L | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Louis_05 | いらっしゃい | Good evening...uh...sir. |
Louis_04 | レストラン 「ムーンライト・グリル」 にようこそ |
Welcome to the Moonlight Grill. |
%r126_01 | ||
%r126_L | ||
Hyde_06 | …おまえか | I like the "sir." That's a nice touch. |
Louis_02 | ||
Louis_13 | おまえかはないだろう お出迎えしてんだよ |
C'mon, brother, don't hassle me! I'm just doin' my job. |
Hyde_06 | レストランの案内も おまえの仕事か? |
You the host for this restaurant, too? |
Louis_01 | 言っただろう ここは人使いが荒いって |
I told ya! Dunning's a total slave driver. |
Louis_01 | 夜はレストランと バーの仕事もしてんだよ |
Sun goes down and I gotta run this place and the bar, too. |
Hyde_25 | バーはどこにあるんだ? | Where's the bar? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Louis_01 | 席は空いてるぜ | Anyway, we got a table ready. |
Louis_FF | 今晩のメニューは リブロースの ガーリックステーキだ |
Tonight's special is a big steak with some kinda weird garlic butter. |
Hyde_02 | リブロースの ガーリックステーキか… |
I could go for a steak. |
Hyde_06 | うまいのか? ここのメシ |
The grub any good here? |
Louis_01 | ああ、案外いける | Better'n ya'd think. |
Louis_01 | ローザのおばさん 口は悪いけどよ 料理の腕はいいんだ |
Rosa's an old windbag, but she knows which end of the spoon to use. |
Hyde_05 | じゃあ、ステーキには ポテトと卵を付けてくれ |
All right, I'll take the steak. And some spuds and eggs, too. |
Hyde_FF | ハッシュポテトと サニーサイドアップにして |
Hash brown potatoes, eggs sunny-side up. |
Louis_03 | いい注文だぜ | Damn! Sounds good, man! |
Hyde_09 | だろ? | I'm hungry. |
Louis_04 | ああ、そうだ それから聞くのを忘れてたけど |
Oh, wait! I gotta ask before I forget again. |
Louis_FF | 旦那の部屋 どこかマズいところは なかったか |
Anything wrong with your room? |
Hyde_06 | マズいとこ? | Wrong? |
Louis_13 | ほら、電気がつかないとか 水が出ないとか そういうトラブルさ |
Ya know? Lights don't work or the water's messed up or rats or whatever? |
Hyde_07 | 今のところ トラブルはない |
Nope. Everything's aces. |
Louis_01 | なら、よかった | Cool. Good to hear. |
Louis_13 | 実はさ、2階の客室は 設備が壊れちまってる 部屋があってさ |
Some of the rooms on the second floor are messed up, ya know? |
Louis_13 | 半年前から 客を泊めずに空室にしている 客室もあるし… |
Dunning ain't let anyone stay in 'em for six months now. |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | 何だと? | That's odd... |
Hyde_FF | ||
Louis_13 | ま、どうせ ここが満室になるなんて ことはないんだから |
Well, ain't like this hole is gonna fill up anytime soon, so who cares? Right? |
Louis_FF | それでも困らないって いうのが寂しい話だが |
Fact they don't need the rooms is pretty scary. |
Louis_01 | もともと 設備が壊れちまって 使えない部屋だしな |
They were kinda scuzzy rooms anyway, so we just locked 'em up. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r126_01 | ||
%r126_L | ||
Hyde_05 | どこの部屋だ? | Which rooms? |
Louis_01 | 217号室と220号室 それと218号室もだ |
Let's see...217, 220, and 218 |
Hyde_25 | …217号室だと? | ...Room 217? |
Hyde_02 | 使われていない部屋が 3室もあるのか… |
Three rooms that aren't being used, huh? |
Hyde_FF | メモしておくか… | Better write that down in the ol' notebook. I can't remember crap. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r126_01 | ||
%r126_L | ||
Hyde_FF | …おい | Hey. |
Louis_FF | ||
%r126_01 | ||
%r126_L | ||
Hyde_05 | 空室は多いのか? | There a lot of vacancies? |
Louis_02 | ||
Louis_01 | ああ、多いよ 今夜も4部屋ある |
Yeah, man. Four empties tonight. |
Louis_01 | そのうち3室は 設備が壊れちまって 使えないけどな |
Three of 'em are too run down to use, but still... |
%r126_01 | ||
%r126_L | ||
Hyde_05 | 半年前から 使っていない部屋が あるのか? |
You've had rooms out of commission for the past six months? |
Louis_02 | ||
Louis_01 | ああ 設備が壊れちまって 使ってないんだ |
Yeah, they're all messed up. Total holes. 'Course, Dunning won't fix 'em. |
Louis_01 | ほら、マスターは 修理代がもったいない っていうケチだし |
Says it's a waste'a dough. Guy's like Scrooge, only fatter and meaner. |
%r126_01 | ||
%r126_L | ||
Hyde_01 | バーはどこにあるんだ? | So where's the bar? |
Louis_02 | ||
Louis_01 | ここをまっすぐ行った 突き当たりのドアだ |
Straight down the hall, my man. |
Louis_01 | 「セブン・スターズ」 って看板が出てる |
Look for the Seven Stars sign. |
Louis_01 | オープンは9時 | Bar opens at nine. |
Louis_04 | 一緒に飲むかい? | Wanna grab a drink with me later? |
Hyde_17 | うまいバーボンが 飲めるか? |
Depends. You got any decent bourbon? |
Louis_01 | ああ、ダニングの親父 ケチなくせに |
Yeah, booze is one thing Dunning don't skimp on. |
Louis_01 | 酒の在庫だけは たくさん持っててな |
That bar, my man, is well stocked. |
Louis_05 | ケンタッキーの 極上もんがそろってるぜ |
Got a whole buncha Kentucky gentlemen to introduce ya to! |
Hyde_09 | そいつはいい | Sounds good. |
Louis_03 | ああ | Hell yeah it does! I ain't had a decent drinkin' buddy in forever, man! |
%r126_01 | ||
%r126_L | ||
Hyde_01 | 217号室は 使われていないのか? |
So Room 217's on the fritz? |
Louis_02 | ||
Louis_01 | ああ、半年前からな | Yeah. Ain't been touched in six months or so. |
Hyde_24 | …えっ | Really? |
Hyde_FF | 半年前から 使われていないだと? |
Six months, huh? |
Hyde_41 | …どうして? | Seems like a long time to let a room sit there... |
Louis_10 | どうしたんだ? | What's goin' down? |
Hyde_17 | その部屋だ | I know that room. |
Hyde_17 | 俺と同じ名前の客が 半年前に泊まったって いう部屋は |
That's where the guy with my name stayed. |
Louis_10 | あんた、どうして そんなこと知ってるんだ? |
No way, man! How'd ya find that out? |
Hyde_07 | 宿帳を調べた | I looked at the guest register. |
Louis_20 | えっ… | Ya did? How? |
Hyde_07 | こっそりと事務室で | I broke into Dunning's office. |
Louis_07 | …まったく あんたって人は… そんなことしてたのか |
...Aw, man. Ya gotta be pullin' my chain. Ya broke into the office?! |
Louis_13 | どうして そんなことしたんだよ |
Why'd you go and do a thing like that? |
Hyde_17 | その男 ブラッドリーかもしれない |
I think the guy with my name was Bradley. |
Louis_08 | …なんだって! | Get outta here! |
Hyde_17 | 俺のカンだがな そんな気がする |
It's a hunch, but I think I'm right. |
Louis_10 | わかったよ | Look, man... Even if you're right? |
Louis_10 | でも、このホテルの中で 勝手にあちこち調べる なんてことはするなよ |
Ya can't just go runnin' around the hotel like your ass is on fire! |
Louis_10 | 手掛かりになることを 調べたくなる気持ちは わかるけどさ |
Chasin' clues is one thing, but this is crazy! |
Louis_10 | あんたはもう 刑事じゃないんだ |
You ain't a cop no more! Ya can't be pickin' locks and breakin' doors and all that! |
Louis_10 | そんなことやって マスターに見つかったら 大変なことになるぜ |
If Dunning finds out, he's gonna totally trip out. |
Hyde_08 | ||
Louis_13 | なあ このホテルのことで 何か知りたかったら |
C'mon, man! You need to know anything 'bout what happens here, just ask me. |
Louis_13 | この俺を使えよ | You hear me, brother? |
Hyde_24 | …そうか | I hear you. |
Louis_03 | ||
Hyde_05 | じゃあ 早速だが頼みがある |
All right, I got something for you. |
Hyde_05 | 217号室に 入ることはできないか |
Get me into Room 217. |
Louis_20 | …ん? | Huh? |
Hyde_05 | 217号室を 調べてみたいんだ |
I want to poke around in there. |
Louis_11 | …調べてみたいか | Poke around? That special cop lingo? |
Louis_13 | わかったよ なんとかするよ |
Yeah, all right, man. I'll see what I can do. |
Louis_01 | 客室の鍵は、マスターが 管理してるんだが |
Dunning keeps all the room keys locked up, so I gotta wait for the right time. |
Louis_01 | 様子を見て 持ち出してきてやるよ |
But don't worry! There's one thing I know, it's boostin' stuff from old people. |
Hyde_03 | 頼む | Do it. |
Louis_04 | 何、書いてるんだ? | What're ya writin'? |
Louis_04 | 何、見てるんだよ | What're ya lookin' at? |
%r126_01 | ||
%r126_L | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Louis_04 | レストランはこの奥だ | Restaurant's in the back, around the corner. |
Louis_FF | 中央のテーブルが 空いているから そこに座ってくれ |
One of the center tables is open. Go ahead and sit there. |
Hyde_03 | ああ | Right. |
%r126_01 | ||
%r126_L | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Louis_01 | ハイドの旦那 | Yo, Hyde? |
Louis_01 | まだ何か 話があるんじゃないか? |
There's somethin' else ya wanna say. Right? |
%r126_01 | ||
%r126_L | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Louis_01 | ハイドの旦那 | Yo, Hyde? |
Louis_01 | まだ何か 話があるんじゃないか? |
There's somethin' else ya wanna talk about, ain't there? |
%r126_01 | ||
%r126_L | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Louis_01 | ハイドの旦那 | Yo, Hyde? |
Louis_01 | まだ何か 話があるんじゃないか? |
There's somethin' else ya wanna say. Right? |
%r126_01 | ||
%r126_L | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Louis_01 | レストランへどうぞ | Restaurant's thataway. |
%r126_01 | ||
%r126_L | ||
Hyde_05 | ルイス | Louie. |
Louis_02 | ||
Louis_01 | 何だよ | What? |
%r126_03 | ||
%r126_02 | ||
Hyde_24 | …ん? | What's the princess want now? |
Iris_14 | ||
%r126_03 | ||
%r126_02 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Iris_14 | ||
Iris_11 | …ああ | Ah... |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …何だ? | Huh? |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_06 | 何、ぼんやりしてる | What are you daydreaming about? |
Iris_FF | ||
Hyde_06 | 俺が歩いてきたのも 気付かなかったのか |
You never heard me coming, did you? |
Iris_11 | …ごめんなさい | Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Hyde. |
Iris_11 | ちょっといやなことが あって、落ち込んでたの |
I'm just so upset! |
Iris_11 | 言われたのよ、私 | I can't believe what she said. |
Iris_10 | 大嫌いだって あっちに行けって… |
She said she HATED me! She told me to go away! Can you believe it? |
Hyde_25 | 誰に嫌いだと言われたんだ? | Who said she hated you? |
%r126_03 | ||
%r126_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | ちょっといいか? | Hey. |
Iris_11 | ||
%r126_03 | ||
%r126_02 | ||
Hyde_07 | じゃまだ、どけよ | You're blocking the road. Move it. |
Iris_11 | ||
Iris_10 | …なんですって | ...What did you say? |
Hyde_07 | レストランに入るのに じゃまだ |
I'm trying to get into the restaurant. You're in the way. |
Iris_15 | ひどいわ | You're such a caveman. |
Iris_15 | あの子と一緒ね | You're just like that awful child. |
Hyde_25 | あの子って誰なんだ? | What child? |
%r126_03 | ||
%r126_02 | ||
Hyde_24 | …どうした? | What's wrong? |
Iris_11 | ||
Iris_FF | ||
Iris_07 | …あ、ハイドさん | Oh, Mr. Hyde! You...you scared me. |
Hyde_06 | 何、ぼんやりしてる | What're you daydreaming about? |
Hyde_06 | 俺が歩いてきたのも 気付かなかったのか |
You never heard me coming, did you? |
Iris_11 | …ごめんなさい | Oh, I'm sorry. |
Iris_11 | ちょっといやなことが あって、落ち込んでたの |
Something awful happened, and now I'm depressed. |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …何だ? | This is a high-maintenance dame... |
Hyde_FF | ||
Iris_15 | ねえ、ハイドさん 聞いてよ |
Listen to this, Mr. Hyde! |
Hyde_22 | 悪いが、これから 食事なんだ |
Sorry. I gotta eat. |
Iris_09 | いいじゃない 聞いてくれても |
Oh, please! I'm sure you can spare a moment. |
Hyde_07 | …何だよ | ...Fine. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r126_03 | ||
%r126_02 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Iris_11 | 言われたのよ、私 | I can't BELIEVE what she said to me! |
Iris_10 | 大嫌いだって あっちに行けって… |
She said she HATED me! She told me to go away! Can you imagine? |
Hyde_25 | 誰に嫌いだと言われたんだ? | Who said she hated you? |
%r126_03 | ||
%r126_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | ちょっと、いいか? | Yeah? |
Iris_11 | ||
%r126_03 | ||
%r126_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | なぜ、落ち込んで いたんだ? |
What's wrong? |
Iris_11 | ||
Iris_11 | ねえ、ハイドさん | Tell me, Mr. Hyde... |
Iris_11 | 誰かに嫌われたこと …ある? |
Have you ever been hated by someone? |
Hyde_24 | …何だ、突然 | Once or twice. Why? |
%r126_03 | ||
%r126_02 | ||
Hyde_07 | 落ち込んでただと? | What? You're depressed? |
Iris_11 | ||
Iris_03 | ええ | Mmm-hmm. |
Hyde_06 | あんたでも落ち込むことが あるのか? |
You're telling me you get depressed? |
Iris_15 | あるわよ | Of course I do. |
Iris_15 | 人に嫌われたりしたら 落ち込んじゃうわ |
Being disliked depresses me. |
%r126_03 | ||
%r126_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | 誰に嫌いだと 言われたんだ? |
Someone tell you they didn't like you? |
Iris_11 | ||
Iris_10 | 私、生まれて初めてよ あんなこと言われたの |
Yes! And I've never had that happen to me before. |
Iris_11 | だから、ショックで… | It was such a shock... |
Iris_11 | 私、あの子のせいで もう立ち直れないかも… |
It's that awful child's fault. I doubt I'll ever recover. |
Hyde_25 | あの子のせいって、どういうことだ? | Awful child? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Iris_FF | ||
%r126_03 | ||
%r126_02 | ||
Hyde_06 | あの子って、誰なんだ? | What child? |
Iris_02 | ||
Iris_15 | あなたみたいに 意地悪なの |
She says mean and hateful things...much like you. |
Iris_15 | 人の気持ちなんか ちっともわかんないのよ |
She doesn't know anything about human feelings. |
Iris_10 | 私、生まれて初めてよ あんなこと言われたの |
No one's ever said anything like that to me before. |
Iris_11 | だから、ショックで… | It was such a shock... |
Iris_11 | 私、あの子のせいで もう立ち直れないかも… |
It's that awful child's fault. I doubt I'll ever recover. |
Hyde_25 | あの子のせいって、どういうことだ? | Awful child? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Iris_FF | ||
%r126_03 | ||
%r126_02 | ||
Hyde_06 | あの子のせいって どういうことだ? |
What are you talking about? |
Iris_02 | ||
Iris_03 | そうなの あの子のせいなのよ |
Just what I said! It's all that girl's fault! |
Iris_04 | ねえ、ここに来るときに 女の子に会わなかった? |
Did you see a young girl on your way here? |
%r126_03 | ||
%r126_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | その女の子が 何かしたのか? |
What'd this young girl do to you? |
Iris_15 | 私、さっき その子に話しかけたの |
I merely spoke to her! That's all I did, you must believe me! |
Iris_15 | そしたら、この私に 突然、人形を投げつけて 出て行っちゃったの |
And do you know what she did? She threw her rag doll at me and ran off! |
Hyde_25 | 人形を投げつけた? どうして? | She threw her doll? Why? |
%r126_03 | ||
%r126_02 | ||
Hyde_06 | …女の子? メリッサのことか |
A young girl? You mean Melissa? |
Iris_FF | ||
Iris_04 | あの子、メリッサって 言うの? |
Is that her name? Melissa? |
Hyde_03 | ああ | Yeah. |
%r126_03 | ||
%r126_02 | ||
Hyde_07 | いや、会わなかったが | Nope. |
Iris_FF | ||
Iris_12 | …そうなの | Truly? |
Hyde_03 | ああ | Yeah. Truly. Cross my heart and all that jazz. |
%r126_03 | ||
%r126_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | その子はどうして あんたに人形を 投げつけたんだ? |
So why'd she throw a doll at you? |
Iris_11 | ||
Iris_12 | 可愛い手作りの お人形持っていたから |
I'm sure I have no idea! Probably raised by wolves or hippies or the like... |
Iris_FF | But I swear to you, I did NOTHING to provoke the little hellion. |
Iris_12 | 誰が作ったのって 聞いたの |
She had an adorable handmade doll, and I just asked her who made it. |
Hyde_06 | それだけか? | That's it? |
Iris_03 | そうよ | Yes, that's it! |
Iris_15 | ねえ、私、何も変なこと 言ってないでしょ |
I didn't say anything that could be construed as rude or mean. |
Iris_10 | だから すごく驚いちゃったの |
That's why I was so surprised! |
Iris_11 | だって私、今まで どこの子供にだって 嫌われたことなかったから |
I've never had a child treat me like that before. |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …何だと? | Huh? |
Hyde_FF | ||
Iris_15 | だから 本当にショックだったの |
It was truly shocking! |
Iris_12 | ね、わかるでしょ? | You understand, don't you? Surely you do! |
Hyde_06 | …そうか | Sure. Why not? |
%r126_03 | ||
%r126_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | 待てよ | Never, huh? |
Iris_11 | ||
%r126_03 | ||
%r126_02 | ||
Hyde_07 | 何、言ってる | What're you talking about? |
Iris_11 | ||
Iris_07 | …えっ | Pardon? |
Hyde_07 | 嘘をつくなよ | Stop lying to yourself, lady. |
Iris_08 | …えっ | ...Lying to myself? |
Hyde_07 | 子供に嫌われたことがない 大人なんているか |
Never been an adult that some kid didn't hate. |
Iris_13 | ||
%r126_03 | ||
%r126_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | あんた 子供は好きなのか? |
You even like kids? |
Iris_11 | ||
Iris_12 | どういうこと? | What do you mean by that? |
Hyde_05 | 子供は好きか? | Kids. Do you like 'em? |
Iris_12 | かわいい子なら好きよ | Well, yes, of course! As long as they are well mannered! |
Hyde_02 | …ふうん | Figures. |
Iris_15 | ふうんって、何よ | Figures? What figures? |
Hyde_17 | その子には、きっと わかったんだろうなって 思ったんだ |
Figures the kid saw right through you. |
Iris_15 | …何が? | And what does that mean? |
Hyde_17 | あんたが本当に子供を 好きかどうかってことが |
She smelled your act from a mile away. |
Iris_15 | だからって 私にお人形ぶつけなくても いいじゃない |
I still see no reason for her to throw her doll at me! What a horrid child! |
Iris_13 | ||
Iris_04 | 何、書いてるの? | What are you writing? |
Iris_04 | 何、見てるの? | What are you looking at? |
%r126_03 | ||
%r126_02 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Iris_04 | ハイドさん あなたと話してよかった |
I'm glad I had the chance to talk to you, Mr. Hyde. |
Iris_04 | 少し気分が晴れてきたわ | I'm feeling a bit calmer now. |
Iris_06 | じゃあ、失礼するわ | If you'll excuse me? |
%p65534FF | アイリスはそう言って 去って行った |
Iris finishes talking and saunters off. |
%r126_03 | ||
%r126_02 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Iris_04 | ハイドさん | Mr. Hyde? |
Iris_15 | あなたって ちょっと意地悪ね |
I find you to be an ill- tempered brute! |
%p65534FF | アイリスはそう言って 去って行った |
Iris finishes yapping and storms off. ...Maybe now I can finally get some grub. |
%r126_03 | ||
%r126_02 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Iris_02 | ||
%r126_03 | ||
%r126_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | ちょっといいか | Got a minute? |
Iris_02 | ||
Iris_01 | 何かしら | What is it? |
%p65534FF | バーのドアがある | It's the door to the bar. |
Hyde_27 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
%p65534FF | ドアは開かない | Shut tight. ...Too bad. I could use a belt. |
Hyde_27 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_30 | ||
%p65534FF | レストランの廊下に 誰かいた |
Someone's in the hall. |
Hyde_FF | …ん? | ...Huh? |
Dunning_22 | ||
Dunning_23 | ||
Hyde_02 | …ダニングが こっちを見ている |
Great. It's Dunning. And he's looking at me cross-eyed. |
Hyde_24 | ||
Dunning_14 | ハイドさん、あんた なんてことを してくれたんだ |
Hey, Hyde! Whatcha gone'n done now? |
Dunning_14 | サマーさんはカンカンだ | Mr. Summer's spittin' nails! |
Hyde_07 | それがどうした? | So? He's a weak sister. Who cares what he thinks? |
Dunning_11 | サマーさんは あんたと違って 特別なお客なんだ |
Unlike you, Summer's a special guest of this hotel! |
Dunning_11 | あの人はここが気に入って 仕事関係の知り合いを |
He likes it here, ya see? Likes it a lot! |
Dunning_11 | これからたくさん 紹介してくれることに なっていたんだ |
He was gonna tell his friends about it—his rich writer friends. |
Dunning_11 | それなのに、あんたが あの人を怒らせてしまって すべてはオジャンだ |
But you went and ticked him off, and now the whole deal's in the crapper! |
Dunning_11 | どうしてくれるんだ これでうちの評判は がた落ちだ |
Way to go, pal. My hotel's reputation just got flushed. |
Dunning_14 | あんたなんか 出て行ってくれ! |
Pack yer things and get outta here, ya bum! |
Hyde_10 | えっ? | Huh? |
Dunning_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Dunning_FF | ||
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_29 | そんなつもりで | That wasn't supposed to happen. |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_FF | 聞いたんじゃ なかったのに… |
I was just tired of him whining at me. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Martin_FF | ||
Martin_12 | なんですと! | How dare you, sir! How dare you speak to me like that! |
Martin_FF | なんて、失敬な! | You're nothing more than a common thug! A brigand! |
Martin_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_08 | …ああ | Damn. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r126_01 | ||
Louis_05 | だからさ あんたの気持ちは うれしいって |
Yo, babe, it's cool that you wanna help out and all, yeah? I dig ya. |
Mila_02 | ||
Louis_FF | ローザのおばさんだって そう思ってるんだけど |
And I know ol' Mama Sass feels the same way. |
Mila_06 | ||
Louis_05 | 今、ローザはほんとに 忙しいんだよ |
But she's like really busy right now. |
Mila_13 | ||
Louis_11 | まいったな そんな顔されてもな |
Aw, don't look at me like that. You're breakin' my heart, baby! |
Louis_05 | なあ、ローザの部屋に 戻って待ってろよ |
C'mon, go on back to Rosa's room and hang out for a bit. Please? |
Mila_03 | ||
Mila_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ミラは廊下に出て行った | Mila leaves the room. |
Hyde_05 | 彼女 どうしたんだ? |
What's going on with her? |
Louis_02 | ||
Louis_01 | ローザの仕事を 手伝うつもりで きたみたいなんだけど |
She wanted to come in and give Rosa a hand in the kitchen, yeah? |
Louis_15 | ローザにじゃまになるって 言われてさ |
But Rosa said she'd just be in the way. Crazy ol' Rosa... |
Louis_01 | …だから 部屋で待ってろって 話してたとこだ |
Anyway, I was just tryin' to get her to go back down to Rosa's room. |
Hyde_06 | …ミラは 何か話したか? |
...Did Mila actually say anything? |
Louis_02 | ||
Louis_15 | 何にも… | Naw, man, not a peep. |
Louis_12 | ||
Hyde_24 | やっぱり、話せないのか | Maybe she can't speak after all... |
Hyde_FF | ||
Louis_10 | あの子、話せないのか 話さないのか… |
Ya think she can't talk, or she just don't wanna? |
Louis_10 | よくわかんねえな | I can't tell, man. Whole thing blows my mind. |
Hyde_02 | …ああ | Who knows? |
Louis_05 | でも、かわいいんだよな | She's a fox either way, though, am I right? Awoooooooo! |
%r126_03 | ||
%r126_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | レストランはここだ | This is the restaurant. |
Helen_02 | ||
Helen_05 | ありがとう | I'd like to say thank you, but... |
Helen_08 | と言いたいところだけど | I'm simply too tired! |
Hyde_06 | …なんだ? | What? |
Helen_09 | あんたにあちこち 連れまわされて くたくたなんだ |
Well, you made me follow you all over this hotel, and now I'm exhausted! |
Helen_09 | 早く、椅子に 腰をかけたい気分だよ |
I have to sit down before my varicose veins collapse! |
%p65533FF | ヘレンはそう言って レストランの中に入って行った |
Helen finishes yammering and goes into the restaurant. |
%p65534FF | ||
%r126_03 | ||
%r126_02 | ||
Hyde_17 | 着いたぜ レストランはここだ |
Here you go. |
Helen_05 | ありがとう | Thank you, young man! You're an angel! |
Helen_05 | もう大丈夫だよ | I think I'll be all right now. |
%r126_03 | ||
%r126_02 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Helen_11 | 何処に行くんだい? | Oh! Where are you going? |
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
%p65534FF | 『ハイドの旦那!』 | Yo, Hyde! |
%p65534FF | 後ろから声がした | I hear someone behind me. ...Wonder who that could be... |
Hyde_24 | ||
%r126_L | ||
%r126_R | ||
Louis_01 | どうしたんだよ また、メシか? |
What's up, man? You here for some more grub? |
Hyde_06 | 違う 人を送ってきたんだ |
No, I was just escorting someone to the restaurant. |
Louis_20 | 人を送ってきた? なんだよ、それ? |
Escortin'? What ya talkin' about? |
Hyde_06 | 212号室の ヘレンという婆さんに 頼まれて |
The old lady from 212. Her name's Helen. |
Hyde_06 | レストランまで 手を引いてやった |
She asked me to help her down here. |
Louis_02 | ふうん、見かけによらず やさしいことするんだな |
Check you out! Kyle Hyde, savior of the elderly! |
Hyde_07 | ふうんじゃないだろ そんなの、本当は おまえの仕事だ |
Shut your head, Louie. I just did your job for you. |
Louis_05 | そりゃ、失礼 どうもありがとよ |
Right. Thanks for the solid. |
%r126_03 | ||
%r126_02 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Helen_01 | 助かったよ、ハイドさん ありがとう |
You were such a help, Mr. Hyde. Thank you so much. |
Helen_12 | あんた、やさしい人だね | You're a true gentleman! |
Hyde_07 | 俺はそんな男じゃない きまぐれであんたに 付き合っただけだ |
Don't get me confused with somebody else. I just helped on a whim. |
Helen_05 | そうかい それでもいいんだよ |
Is that so? Well, either way, I'm grateful for the company. |
Helen_10 | 歳を取るとちょっとした 人の優しさが身にしみてね |
As you get on in years, you'll learn to appreciate simple acts of kindness. |
Helen_05 | うれしかったよ | I know that I do. |
Hyde_02 | そんなもんか | Fascinating. |
Helen_04 | ハイドさん もし、よかったら |
Mr. Hyde? I'm afraid I have another favor to ask you. |
Helen_12 | 今夜、この年寄りに もう一度だけ付き合って くれないかい? |
Would you mind seeing me again this evening? |
Hyde_06 | …もう一度付き合う? | ...Seeing you? |
Helen_03 | ああ | A bit of awkward phrasing perhaps, but nothing to worry about, young man! |
Helen_01 | あんたとなら久しぶりに おいしいお酒が飲めそうだ |
I have a feeling you're the sort of fellow with whom I could enjoy a nice drink. |
Helen_01 | よかったら 一杯おごらせておくれよ |
If the idea appeals, I'd like the opportunity to buy you a glass of spirits. |
Helen_05 | どうかね | What do you say? |
%r126_03 | ||
%r126_02 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Helen_01 | じゃあ、これで ハイドさん |
I'll be on my way then, Mr. Hyde. |
%p65533FF | ヘレンは レストランの中に入って行った |
Helen goes into the restaurant. |
%p65534FF | ||
%r126_03 | ||
%r126_02 | ||
Hyde_03 | そうか | A drink, huh? |
Hyde_17 | じゃあ 一杯おごってもらうか |
Sure. I never turn down a free belt. |
Helen_05 | ああ、素直でいいね | Ah, such honesty. That's very refreshing, Mr. Hyde. |
Hyde_17 | レストランの隣に セブン・スターズという バーがある |
There's a bar next to the restaurant called Seven Stars. |
Hyde_17 | そこでいいか? | That work for you? |
Helen_03 | わかったよ | Nicely, I'm sure. |
%r126_03 | ||
%r126_02 | ||
Hyde_22 | 悪いが 酒は一人で飲みたい |
I drink alone. |
Helen_06 | …それは残念 | ...How unfortunate. |
Hyde_08 | ||
Hyde_07 | じゃあ、こうしよう | But...how's this sound? |
Hyde_05 | レストランの隣に セブン・スターズという バーがある |
There's a bar next to the restaurant called Seven Stars. |
Hyde_05 | 9時になったら そのバーが開く |
Place opens at nine. |
Hyde_17 | 俺は今夜 そこで飲むつもりだ |
I'm planning to drop by and have a couple of rounds... then maybe a couple more. |
Hyde_17 | もし、その店で偶然 あんたと出会ったら |
So if you happen to stop by while I'm there, sure. |
Hyde_17 | そのときは 一杯おごってもらおう |
I'll let you buy me a drink. |
Helen_05 | わかったよ | I understand. |
%r126_L | ||
%r126_R | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Louis_04 | ところでさ ハイドの旦那 |
Hey, check this, Hyde! |
Louis_01 | レストランで ちょっと拾いものしてさ |
Boosted this up off the floor of the restaurant. |
Louis_01 | 旦那が座ってたテーブルの 下に落ちてたんだ |
It was right under your table, man. |
Louis_18 | ほら、この万年筆 旦那のじゃねえか |
It's your pen, right? I mean, it was under your table and all. |
Hyde_19 | ||
Louis_03 | ||
%p0000000 | 俺はルイスから 「万年筆」を受け取った |
I take a fountain pen from Louie. |
Hyde_18 | 俺のものじゃない | Nope. Not mine. |
Louis_11 | そうなのか てっきり、あんたのだと 思ってたけど |
Really? Figured it had to be yours, man. |
Louis_11 | 困ったな、誰のだろう? | That's harsh. Wonder who it belongs to... |
Hyde_20 | …ん? よく見ろ 万年筆のボディに 名前が彫りこんである |
Look here. There are words carved into the body of the pen. |
Louis_19 | ああ、そういやそうだな | Oh, hey! You're right, my man! |
Louis_FF | でも、使い込まれて 彫り文字のインクが なくなってるから |
But it's worn down and all the ink's gone. |
Louis_FF | よく読めないぜ | I can't read it. |
Hyde_FF | …ああ | I can't either. |
%r0000 | ||
%p65534FF | 『ルイス! ちょっと、きておくれ!』 |
Louis! Louis DeNonno! I need your help right now! Get in here! Chop chop! |
%r126_R | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
Louis_13 | ローザに呼ばれちまった | Great. Mama Sass is on my case again. |
Louis_FF | ちょっと、行ってくるぜ | Better go see what she wants now. |
Hyde_03 | ああ | Good thinking. |
%p65534FF | ルイスは厨房のほうに 走っていった |
Louie runs off toward the kitchen. |
Hyde_41 | …うーむ | ...Hmm. |
Hyde_FF | この万年筆の 彫り文字を読むには… |
Wonder how I can read this engraving... |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r126_L | ||
%r126_R | ||
Hyde_05 | ルイス 万年筆の文字が読めた |
Hey, Louie. I read the writing on the pen. |
Louis_02 | ||
Louis_04 | そうかい | You did? |
Louis_01 | で、なんて書いてあった? | So what's it say, man? |
Hyde_07 | 「アランへ愛をこめて」だ | To Alan, with love. |
Louis_20 | …アラン? | ...Alan? |
Hyde_03 | ああ | Yeah. |
Hyde_05 | 今夜、泊まってる客に アランっていう客は いないか? |
Anyone staying here tonight named Alan? |
Louis_20 | わかんねえな マスターに聞かなきゃ |
I dunno. I'll have to check with old man Dunning. |
Hyde_21 | じゃあ、ダニングに聞いて この万年筆の持ち主を捜せ |
Do it. I want to find who owns this pen. Hold on to it for a bit, will you? |
Louis_03 | わかった | Sure, man. |
%r126_L | ||
%r126_R | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Louis_04 | 万年筆のこと 何かわかったら 教えるよ |
Lemme know if ya work somethin' out. |
Hyde_03 | ああ | All right. |
Hyde_05 | ルイス | Hey, Louie. |
Louis_02 | ||
Louis_04 | なんだよ | Huh? What, man? |
Hyde_05 | 218号室って 今夜は空室か? |
Is Room 218 vacant tonight? |
Louis_15 | いや、あそこは ずっと使ってないぜ |
Yeah, it's been outta whack for a while. |
Louis_01 | 配電盤のスイッチが落ちて しまって、あの部屋は 電気がつかないんだよ |
Damn switchboard's on the blink, so we got no power in there. |
Louis_01 | だから… | That's why... |
Louis_08 | あっ! やべっ… | Aw, crap! |
Louis_FF | …忘れてた 鍵、閉めるの… |
I forgot to lock the door! |
Hyde_24 | どうした? | What's wrong? |
Louis_11 | あそこに置いてた荷物 取りに行って |
I went in there to get some stuff and forgot to lock up. |
Louis_11 | ま、いいや あとで閉めに行こう |
Aw, no big deal. I'll take care of it in a bit. |
Hyde_07 | もう遅い | Too late. |
Louis_20 | …何が? | What, you did it for me? Hey, thanks, brother! |
Hyde_07 | おまえが鍵を掛け忘れた その部屋に |
No, you idiot. It's too late to lock the door. |
Hyde_07 | 子供が閉じ込められてる みたいだ |
Melissa locked herself in there. |
Louis_10 | そいつはまずい | WHAT?! Aw, sweet crispy crap! That's a bad scene right there! |
Louis_10 | あの部屋は電気がつかない 入り込んだ子供が 内鍵でも掛けちまって |
It's dark in there, brother. I mean, like REALLY dark. |
Louis_10 | 暗い部屋にひとりでいたら パニックになっちまうかも |
She won't be able to get the door unlocked, ya know, and then she's gonna freak. |
Hyde_24 | もう、そうなってる | She already has. |
Louis_07 | なんてこった… | Oh, crap... |
Louis_08 | …どうしよう | We gotta do somethin'! We gotta... |
Louis_13 | そうだ、ハイドの旦那 あんた、電気に強いか? |
Hey, Hyde! Whatcha know about wires and power and crap like that? |
Hyde_03 | いい考えだ | Sounds good to me. |
Louis_16 | あ、言っとくけど 俺、電気とか機械とか ぜんぜんダメだから |
Good, man, 'cause I ain't touchin' that stuff! No way I'm gonna get lit up... |
Hyde_07 | なんだ 頼りにならないやつだな |
You're useless, Louie. You know that? |
Louis_04 | Yeah, that's what my ma always said. |
Louis_04 | さあ、配電室に行こう 配電室は俺の部屋の前だ |
C'mon, let's get to the electrical room. It's across the hall from my room. |
Hyde_03 | ああ、普通だろ | As much as the next guy. |
Hyde_05 | 電気がどうした? | Why you asking? |
Louis_10 | 配電盤を動かして 218号室の電気を つけるんだよ |
Gotta fix the switchboard and get power to Room 218. |
Louis_10 | 電気がつけば 子供は落ち着いて 内鍵を開けるだろ |
We get the lights on, the kid'll calm down and unlock the door. |
Louis_13 | そうすりゃ ドアをぶち破ることもなく |
Then we won't have to break the damn thing down. |
Louis_FF | 俺が鍵を閉め忘れたことで マスターからどやされる こともない |
And maybe Dunning won't kill me for forgettin' to lock up in the first place. |
Hyde_07 | わからん | Wiring? |
Hyde_07 | 電気でも触れって 言うのか? |
Why? You want me to tap somebody's phone or something? |
Louis_17 | あははは! そんな意味じゃないよ |
Ha ha ha ha! Man, stop thinkin' like a cop, will ya? |
Louis_13 | 配電盤の修理だよ | I need ya to fix some electrical wiring on the switchboard. |
Hyde_24 | …配電盤? | Switchboard? |
Louis_10 | ああ、配電盤を動かして 218号室の電気を つけるんだ |
Yup. We gotta fix the switchboard and get power to Room 218. |
Hyde_06 | …どういうことだ? | What're you talking about? |
Louis_10 | そうすりゃ、電気がついて 子供は落ち着いて 内鍵を開けるだろ |
We get the lights on, the kid will calm down and unlock the door. |
Louis_01 | それがうまく行けば ドアをぶち破ることもなく |
Then we won't have to break the damn thing down. |
Louis_01 | 俺が鍵を閉め忘れたことで マスターからどやされる こともなくてすむ |
And maybe Dunning won't kill me for forgettin' to lock up in the first place. |
Room 215
- Summary Restaurant Kitchen Pantry Electrical Room Central Hallway Restaurant Hallway Room 215 Room 218 Room 219 Hallway Roof
%b0136 | ||
Hyde_32 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_31 | …ん? | Huh? |
Hyde_FF | …電話だ | It's the phone. |
%b0137 | ||
Hyde_24 | …電話が鳴っている | Phone's ringing. |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_03 | 電話に出ないと… | Better answer it. |
%p65534FF | 電話のベルが鳴っている | The phone's ringing. |
%b0120 | ||
%b0136 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%b0142 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%b0152 | ||
Rachel_FF | もしもし… | Kyle? |
%b0133 | ||
Hyde_FF | レイチェル、君か | Rachel? |
Hyde_FF | 何だ? | What now? |
%b0111 | ||
Rachel_FF | ねえ、ブラッドリーって 誰なの? |
Hey, sweetie. Who's Bradley? |
%b0132 | ||
Hyde_FF | …ん? | ...What? |
%b0152 | ||
Rachel_FF | さっき あなたと電話したあと |
After you got off the phone with Ed, I heard him talking to himself. |
Rachel_FF | エドがひとりごとみたいに 言ってたの |
Well, muttering is more like it. |
Rachel_FF | …ブラッドリーを捜すのは あきらめろって |
He said something about giving up the search for Bradley. |
Rachel_FF | ねえ、カイル ブラッドリーって誰? |
C'mon, Kyle. Who's Bradley? |
%b0120 | ||
%b0136 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%b0142 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%b0152 | ||
Rachel_FF | もしもし… | Hyde? |
%b0133 | ||
Hyde_FF | レイチェル、君か | Rachel? |
Hyde_FF | 何だ? | What now? |
%b0111 | ||
Rachel_FF | ねえ、ブラッドリーって 誰なの? |
Hey, sweetie. Who's Bradley? |
%b0132 | ||
Hyde_FF | …ん? | ...What? |
%b0152 | ||
Rachel_FF | さっき あなたと電話したあと |
After you got off the phone with Ed, I heard him talking to himself. |
Rachel_FF | エドがひとりごとみたいに 言ってたの |
Well, muttering is more like it. |
Rachel_FF | …ブラッドリーを捜すのは あきらめろって |
He said something about giving up the search for Bradley. |
Rachel_FF | ねえ、カイル ブラッドリーって誰? |
C'mon, Kyle. Who's Bradley? |
%b0110 | ||
Hyde_FF | …誰って | Bradley... |
Hyde_FF | レイチェル 君には、関係ない人間だ |
Forget it, Rachel. It's got nothing to do with you. |
%b0111 | ||
Rachel_FF | …私には関係ないか ずいぶんな言い方ね |
Well, aren't you just full of Christmas cheer? |
Rachel_FF | その人のこと 話してくれないの? |
C'mon, handsome. Tell me. Pleeeease? |
%b0133 | ||
Hyde_FF | そいつのことを話すと 長くなる |
Look, it's a long story. And I hate long stories. |
Hyde_FF | 長い話は、面倒だ | Pain in my ass. |
Rachel_FF | …わかった | OK, OK. I get it. |
%b0110 | ||
Hyde_FF | …今は言えない | I can't get into it now. |
%b0111 | ||
Rachel_FF | …わかったわ | ...OK, I get it. |
Rachel_FF | 無理には聞かない | I won't push you. |
%b0133 | ||
Hyde_FF | そうしてくれると助かる | Thanks. |
%b0132 | ||
Hyde_FF | エドはいるか 代わってくれ |
Hey, is Ed there? Put him on, will you? |
%b0135 | ||
Rachel_FF | さっき、また出かけたわ すぐに帰ってくるとは 思うけど… |
Sorry, sweetie, but he just stepped out. |
Hyde_FF | そうか | Figures. |
%b0142 | ||
Hyde_FF | じゃあ、帰ってきたら ポケベルで知らせてくれ |
Have him page me when he gets back. |
Rachel_FF | わかったわ | Will do. Take care. |
%p65534FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%b0120 | ||
%r0001 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Rachel_01 | ||
Rachel_FF | ||
Rachel_FF | ||
%b0136 | ||
Hyde_FF | ブラッドリーを捜すのは もうあきらめろか… |
Maybe he's right. Maybe my search for Bradley is a fool's errand... |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_FF | やつを捜すことを あきらめていたら |
'Course, I don't know what I'd do if I gave it up... |
Hyde_FF | こんな仕事 とっくに辞めてる |
Other than quit this miserable job. |
%b0110 | ||
Hyde_FF | …誰でもいいだろう | He's a ghost. He's nobody. |
Hyde_FF | レイチェル 君には、関係ない人間だ |
It's got nothing to do with you. |
%b0134 | ||
Rachel_FF | …ひどいわ、カイル | That's sweet, Kyle. |
Rachel_FF | そんな言い方しないで! | You're a real prize, you know that? |
%b0132 | ||
Hyde_FF | そんなに怒るなよ | C'mon, don't start, Rachel. It's nothing to get angry about. |
%b0111 | ||
Rachel_FF | 怒ってるんじゃないの | I'm not angry, all right? |
Rachel_FF | 悲しいの、それだけよ | I'm disappointed. |
%b0133 | ||
Hyde_FF | …悲しい? | Disappointed? |
Hyde_FF | どうして? | You want to tell me why? |
Rachel_FF | あなたの中には 私に関係ないってことが あるってこと |
Because it's got nothing to do with me, that's why! I don't like being shut out. |
Rachel_FF | なんだかそれが悲しくて… | It makes me sad, Kyle. You know that. |
Hyde_FF | レイチェル、心配するな | Yeah, I know. But don't worry, Rach. |
Hyde_FF | 面倒な話に 君を巻き込みたくない |
This whole thing is a big mess, and I don't want you involved. That's all. |
Hyde_FF | だから、そう言っただけだ | Don't take it the wrong way. |
Rachel_FF | …わかったわ、カイル | Fine. |
%b0110 | ||
Hyde_FF | 気になるのか? | Really curious, aren't you? |
%b0111 | ||
Rachel_FF | …ええ | Yes, I'm curious! You should have heard the crap Ed said about this guy! |
Rachel_FF | でも、無理には聞かないわ 話したくなったら、話して |
Look, I won't push you. But when you feel like talking, I'm ready to listen. |
%b0133 | ||
Hyde_FF | …ああ | Right. |
%b0137 | ||
Hyde_02 | さて… | Ah, screw it. I'm hungry. |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_FF | 腹も減ってきたし レストランにでも 行ってみるか… |
Guess I'll head down to that five-star restaurant and see what they've got. |
Hyde_03 | ||
Hyde_24 | …サマーのダンボールを 調べてみるか |
...Guess I'll go check out that box Summer's notebook came in. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_20 | …これか? サマーの言ってたしおりは |
This must be Summer's bookmark. |
%p65534FF | ||
%p0000000 | 俺は、ダンボールの底に あった「しおり」を 手に入れた |
I found a bookmark in the bottom of the cardboard box. |
%p0000000 | しおりには 天使の絵が描かれていた |
There's a painting of an angel on it. |
Hyde_24 | これが天使の絵か… | So this is the angel, huh? Don't see what all the fuss is about. |
Hyde_25 | しおりについている絵は誰の絵だ? | I wonder who painted it... |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_07 | しおりを手に入れなければ… | I can't find any bookmark. |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_24 | …サマーのダンボールを 調べてみるか |
Guess I should check out the box Summer's notebook came in. See if a bookmark's there... |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_20 | …これか? サマーの言ってたしおりは |
This must be Summer's bookmark. |
%p65534FF | ||
%p0000000 | 俺は、ダンボールの底に あった「しおり」を 手に入れた |
I found a bookmark in the bottom of the cardboard box. |
%p0000000 | しおりには 天使の絵が描かれていた |
There's a picture of an angel on it. |
Hyde_24 | これが天使の絵か… | So this is the angel, huh? Guess I should take this back to Summer. |
Hyde_25 | しおりについている絵は誰の絵だ? | I wonder who painted it. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_07 | しおりを手に入れなければ… | I can't find any bookmark. ...Maybe I should check again. |
%p65534FF |
Room 218
- Summary Restaurant Kitchen Pantry Electrical Room Central Hallway Restaurant Hallway Room 215 Room 218 Room 219 Hallway Roof
%r213_L | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
%p0001727 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Melissa_FF | ||
%r208_L | ||
Hyde_30 | ||
Melissa_21 | ||
Melissa_22 | ||
Hyde_24 | …おい | Hey. |
Melissa_04 | …おじさん | ...Hey, mister. |
Hyde_17 | おい、チビ | Hey, kid. |
Melissa_15 | ||
Melissa_15 | …おじさん | ...Hey, mister. |
Hyde_17 | 大丈夫か? | You OK? |
Melissa_15 | …こわかった | I was s-so scared! |
Melissa_11 | …まっくらで …さびしくて |
It was dark and scary and I couldn't see anything and I was all alone! |
Hyde_17 | そうだな | Look, I know it was rough back there... |
Melissa_11 | ||
Hyde_17 | でも、もう怖くはない ドアも開いたし 俺もいる |
But you can quit being scared now. I got the door open. |
Melissa_03 | ||
Hyde_02 | メリッサはどうして この部屋に入ったんだ? |
Why the hell'd she come in here, anyway? |
Hyde_FF | 何があったのか 話を聞いてみるか… |
Wonder what happened. Maybe I can get her to tell me. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_17 | おい、チビ | Hey, kid. |
Hyde_17 | おまえの部屋は隣だろ どうして、ここにいる? |
You're in the room next door. |
Hyde_17 | 部屋を間違えたのか? | Did you come in here by mistake or what? |
Melissa_14 | ||
Hyde_17 | じゃあ、どうして この部屋に入った? |
Seriously, why are you here? |
Melissa_04 | …パパといっしょに いたくないから |
'Cause I don't wanna be with my dad anymore. |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …いたくないだと? | Big surprise there... |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_05 | どうした? | What's wrong? |
Melissa_FF | ||
Hyde_17 | 一緒はいやなのか? | You having a rough time? |
Melissa_03 | うん | Yeah. |
Hyde_17 | どうしてだ? | What's goin' on? |
Melissa_09 | パパ、うそつきだもん | My dad's a big liar. |
Melissa_09 | パパ、うそばかり 言うもん |
All he does is lie. All the time. I hate him. |
Melissa_09 | ママに会えないのに 会えるなんて |
He said I could see my mom, but I can't. |
Melissa_09 | ママのことを うそついたもん |
He lied about my mom! |
Hyde_25 | ママのことで嘘をついたか… | He lied about your mom? |
Hyde_06 | わがままを言うな | Stop being so selfish. |
Melissa_09 | だって… | But... |
Hyde_07 | 叱られたのか? | You get scolded for something? |
Melissa_10 | ||
Hyde_07 | 叱ってくれる親が いるのは幸せなんだぞ |
Just be thankful you got someone to care about what you're doing. |
Hyde_07 | わがままを言うな | Lots of kids don't even have parents. Don't be a brat. |
Melissa_09 | おじさんには ぜったい、わかんない |
You don't understand anything, mister! |
Melissa_09 | メリッサのこと わかんないんだから! |
And you don't understand anything about me! |
Hyde_17 | ああ、わからんな おまえの気持ちなんて |
Yeah, you're right. I don't know how you feel. |
Melissa_07 | …えっ | ...Huh? |
Hyde_17 | わからないから 話を聞いてるんだ |
I got no idea. That's why I'm asking you right now. |
Hyde_17 | だから、話せ | So talk. |
Hyde_17 | 暗い部屋に 閉じ込められて怖かったか |
Being locked in that dark room was scary, right? |
Melissa_03 | ||
Hyde_17 | でも、この部屋に 勝手に閉じこもったのは おまえだ |
But you know who locked you in there? You did. |
Hyde_17 | だから、泣くような目に あっても仕方がないんだ |
So there's no use crying about it. |
Hyde_17 | 自業自得だ | You reap what you sow. |
Melissa_04 | …じごう…じとく? | ...Reap? That's dumb. What's that mean? |
Hyde_17 | ああ | Buddy of mine likes to say that. |
Hyde_17 | 意味がわかんないなら 親父に聞け |
You don't understand what it means, ask your dad. |
Melissa_14 | パパには聞かない | No way! |
Hyde_06 | なぜだ? | Why not? |
Melissa_04 | パパ きっとわかんないから |
'Cause he won't know what it means. |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …何だと? | Kid really thinks her dad's an idiot... |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_05 | 待てよ | Hey. |
Melissa_FF | ||
Hyde_17 | どうして、そう思うんだ? | Why do you think that? |
Melissa_04 | だって、パパ 何にもわかんないって |
'Cause he doesn't know anything. |
Melissa_04 | みんな、わかんなくなった って言ったもん |
He said he doesn't know anything anymore. |
Melissa_04 | だから ママのいるところも わかんないって… |
He said he doesn't know where my mom is... |
Melissa_04 | ママがどうして いなくなったのかも みんなわかんないって |
And he doesn't know why she went away, either. |
Hyde_25 | メリッサの母親は、どうしていなくなったんだ? | Why did Melissa's mom leave? |
Hyde_06 | そんなことはないだろう | Give your dad some credit, kid. He'll know what it means. |
Melissa_14 | わかんない、ぜったいに | It's true! He doesn't know anything! |
Hyde_06 | おまえのパパは りっぱな仕事をしている |
You know, your old man's got a tough job. |
Hyde_06 | きっと頭もいい 何でもわかってるはずだ |
Takes smarts to be a sawbones. I bet he knows all kinds of stuff. |
Melissa_09 | わかってないもん | I bet he doesn't!! |
Melissa_09 | パパは何にもわかんない ママのことも わたしのことも |
He doesn't know anything! Especially not about my mom and me! |
Hyde_17 | おい、チビ | Hey, kid? |
Melissa_01 | …なあに | ...What? |
Hyde_17 | 俺も昔はおまえと同じ 子供だった |
When I was a kid, I was just like you. |
Melissa_04 | …おじさんも こどもだった? |
You were a kid...? |
Hyde_17 | ああ、そうだ おまえのパパもな |
Yeah. Your dad was too. |
Melissa_15 | …パパも | No way! |
Hyde_17 | でも大人になると 子供の気持ちには なかなかもどれない |
It's true. But once you grow up, you forget what it's like. |
Hyde_17 | だから、おまえが今 何が悲しくて 何に怒っているのか |
So yeah. I don't know why you're upset. |
Hyde_17 | 俺には よくわからない |
No clue. |
Melissa_10 | ||
Hyde_17 | おい、チビ | But I'm trying to find out. |
Hyde_17 | だから おまえに話を聞いてるんだ |
And that's why I'm talking to you now. |
Hyde_17 | なぜ、パパには聞かない? | So why don't you ask your dad? |
Hyde_17 | おまえとパパは ママに会いにいくために 出かけたんだろう? |
You and your dad came out here to see your mom, right? |
Melissa_03 | うん | Uh-huh. |
Melissa_01 | でも、すぐにママに 会えるって思ったのに |
I thought we were gonna see her right away, but we didn't. |
Melissa_01 | ママにまだ会ってないのに パパがここに泊まるって |
Dad said we gotta stay here until we can see her. |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …ここに泊まる? | Stay here? |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_05 | ちょっと待てよ | Say, kid? |
Melissa_FF | ||
Hyde_17 | パパはこのホテルを 知っていたのか? |
Did your dad know about this hotel before? |
Melissa_03 | うん | Yeah. |
Hyde_17 | 本当か? | You sure? |
Melissa_01 | パパ、地図を見て さがしてたもん |
Yeah, he had to look for it on a map and stuff. |
Melissa_01 | ホテル・ダスクはどこだ って言ったもん |
He kept going, "Where's Hotel Dusk? Where's Hotel Dusk?" |
Melissa_01 | そこはどこって、聞いたら パパ、言ったもん |
So then I asked him what Hotel Dusk was, 'cause he kept saying it. |
Melissa_01 | そこに行ったら ママがいるところが わかるって |
And he said it was where we could go and find out where my mom went. |
Hyde_04 | ここにきたら、母親の行方がわかるだと? | He came here to find her? |
Hyde_17 | ここに泊まるのは 初めてか? |
Is this the first time you've stayed here? |
Melissa_03 | うん | Uh-huh. |
Melissa_01 | パパもはじめてだって 言ってた |
My dad said it was the first time. |
Melissa_10 | ||
Melissa_11 | …ママ | ...Mom... |
Hyde_17 | チビ もう一度聞かせてくれ |
Hey, kid. Tell me that again, will you? |
Hyde_17 | おい、チビ | Hey. |
Hyde_17 | おまえ ママに会いたいか? |
You want to see your mom, don't you? |
Melissa_03 | うん | Yeah. |
Hyde_17 | 俺もおまえが ママに会えたらいいと 思ってる |
I want you to see your mom, too. |
Melissa_15 | …うん | ...OK. |
Hyde_17 | おまえのパパだって きっとそう思ってる |
And I'm sure your dad wants you to see her, too. |
Melissa_06 | そんなこと、ない! | That's not true! |
Hyde_06 | そんなことを言うな | C'mon, kid. Cut him some slack. |
Melissa_09 | だって、パパは ママのいるところも わかんないし |
But my dad doesn't even know where my mom IS! |
Melissa_09 | うそばっかり言うし ひどいもん! |
And he lies all the time. I HATE him! |
Melissa_09 | パパは… | Dad's... |
Melissa_09 | パパは… | Dad's... |
Melissa_11 | …ママ | ...M-Mom... Sniff... Whaaa... |
Hyde_07 | 泣くのはよせ | Stop it. Stop! Stop crying, for hell's sake! |
Hyde_17 | 泣かずに 俺の話を聞け |
Wipe your face and listen up! |
Hyde_05 | おまえのパパが ママのことでおまえに 嘘をついたのは… |
You know why your dad lied about your mom? |
Melissa_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | おまえを悲しませたく なかったからだ |
It's because he couldn't stand to see you sad anymore. |
Melissa_FF | ||
Melissa_15 | …わたしを かなしませたくなかった |
...Yeah? |
Hyde_17 | そうだ クリスマスにママに 会えなくて泣いただろ |
Yeah. You were bawling 'cause you wanted to see your mom for Christmas. |
Hyde_17 | パパはおまえの 泣く顔を見たくなかった |
Well, your dad didn't want to see you crying anymore. |
Hyde_17 | だから ママに会いに行こうって 言ったんだ |
That's why he said he'd take you to see your mom. |
Melissa_09 | でも、それは うそだったんだよ |
But it was a lie. |
Melissa_09 | ママ、いないもん! | My mom's not here! |
Hyde_07 | そんなに怒るな | Hey, calm down for once! |
Hyde_07 | 大人は、みんな ときどき悲しい嘘をつく |
Listen, I know this may sound weird, but sometimes folks lie out of...sadness. |
Melissa_15 | …えっ | ...Huh? |
Hyde_07 | 嘘つきなのは おまえのパパだけじゃない |
Your dad's not the only adult to lie. Trust me. |
Melissa_15 | おじさんもそうなの? | Do you lie, too? |
Hyde_03 | たまにな | Sometimes. |
Melissa_15 | …そうなんだ | ...Oh. |
Hyde_17 | でも、嘘ってやつは すぐにばれるし ついたやつは痛い目にあう |
But when you lie, you usually get caught, and then you gotta pay. |
Melissa_04 | …いたい目? | Pay how? |
Hyde_17 | 誰かのためについた嘘も いつかはばれて |
Even if you think a lie is helping, it usually ain't. |
Hyde_17 | その誰かを 悲しい目にあわせる ことになる |
Someday that person'll learn the truth, and you'll have to look him in the eye. |
Hyde_17 | You'll have to see the pain you caused, and that's a hard thing. |
Hyde_17 | だから おまえは嘘をつくな |
So I'll make you a deal. No lies from me. OK? |
Melissa_15 | …うん | ...OK. |
Hyde_11 | おまえをだますためだ | He wanted you to feel like a fool! I bet he's laughing it up right now... |
Melissa_FF | ||
Melissa_08 | …えっ | What? |
Melissa_11 | …ひどいよ、パパ | He's...he's terrible! I hate him! |
Hyde_05 | おまえのママが いなくなったのは… |
You know why your mom left? |
Melissa_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | おまえのせいじゃない | It wasn't because of you. |
Melissa_FF | ||
Melissa_15 | …ほんと? | You sure? |
Hyde_17 | ああ きっと何か深いわけがある |
I'm sure about that. She must have had a good reason. |
Melissa_15 | …ふかいわけ? | Really? |
Hyde_17 | ママはおまえと 別れたくなかったけれど |
Parents don't up and leave kids. That wasn't her plan. |
Hyde_17 | きっとどうしても おまえをおいて |
Something forced her to go. |
Hyde_17 | 出て行かなくちゃ いけなかったんだ |
And that same something wouldn't let her take you with her. |
Hyde_17 | 何か理由が あったんだろう |
Anyway, that's my two cents. |
Melissa_01 | きっと パパとけんかしたからだね |
I bet it was 'cause she was fighting with dad. |
Melissa_10 | ママ、いつも パパとけんかしてたから |
My mom and dad were always fighting. |
Hyde_04 | ママはパパと喧嘩をしていただと? | They were always fighting? |
Hyde_11 | おまえのせいだ | Yeah, totally your fault. Nice one, kid. Way to ruin your dad's life. |
Melissa_FF | ||
Melissa_08 | …えっ | What? |
Melissa_11 | …ううっ | ...WHAAAAAAAA!!! |
Hyde_05 | ママの居場所は… | You're worried about where your mom went, right? Well... |
Melissa_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | きっとわかる | I'm sure your dad has a plan. He's on top of it. |
Melissa_FF | ||
Melissa_15 | …ほんと? | Really? |
Hyde_17 | ああ おまえがママに会いたい って本当に思ってたらな |
Yeah. He must if he's serious about getting you to see her. |
Melissa_03 | …うん | I guess... |
Hyde_11 | 絶対にわからない | Your dad's got no clue. I bet he's just here for the bar. |
Melissa_FF | ||
Melissa_08 | …えっ | What? |
Melissa_11 | …ううっ | ...WHAAAAAAAA!!! |
Hyde_05 | ママとパパは 喧嘩をしてたのか? |
Your parents argue a lot? |
Melissa_02 | ||
Melissa_03 | ||
Melissa_04 | いつも、けんかしてた | Only all the time... |
Hyde_06 | どうして? | About what? |
Melissa_14 | わかんない | I dunno. Everything, I guess. |
Melissa_04 | パパは言ってた ぼくのせいじゃないって |
Dad would always say that it wasn't his fault. |
Melissa_04 | ママは言ってた どうにかしなくちゃって |
Then Mom would say they had to find a way to fix stuff. |
Melissa_10 | ママは パパとけんかしたあと |
Then she would cry. |
Melissa_FF | いつも泣いてた | That's how it always went. |
Melissa_04 | 何を書いてるの? | Whatcha writing? |
Melissa_04 | 何を見ていたの? | Whatcha looking at? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Melissa_02 | ||
Melissa_14 | ||
Hyde_50 | ||
Melissa_26 | ||
Hyde_17 | …どうした? | What's wrong? |
Melissa_09 | おじさん | I... I know... |
Melissa_10 | …わたし …わかってるんだ |
I'm not a baby. I know the truth... |
Hyde_17 | 何がわかってるんだ? | What do you know? |
Melissa_FF | …ママは、もう | That my mom... |
Melissa_FF | かえって こないんだってこと |
That my mom's never coming home. |
Hyde_02 | ||
Melissa_01 | おじさんは ママがいなくなったのは |
I know you said it wasn't my fault. |
Melissa_01 | わたしのせいじゃない って言ったけど |
And that my mom didn't leave because of me. |
Melissa_14 | ちがう | But you're wrong. |
Melissa_10 | わたしのせいだよ | It WAS my fault. |
Hyde_06 | どうして、そう思う? | Why do you think that? |
Melissa_09 | わたし言ったもん | Because of what I said. |
Melissa_09 | ママに言ったもん | I said some...some really bad things. |
Melissa_09 | ママなんか大きらい ママなんていらないって |
I told her I hated her, and that I didn't need her. |
Hyde_17 | どうして、そんなこと 言ったんだ? |
Why'd you say that? |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r0000 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%b0192 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Melissa_09 | けんかばかりしてるから | 'Cause they were always fighting! |
Melissa_09 | とっても、こわい顔して いつも、パパと けんかばっかりしてるから |
She and my dad were always fighting, and my mom always looked all scary and mad. |
Melissa_FF | そんなママなんか いらないって言ったの |
I told her I didn't need a mom like that. |
Melissa_09 | そうしたら | And then... |
Melissa_FF | ママは…いなくなった | That's why she left. |
%p65534FF | ||
%r208_L | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Melissa_15 | ママがいなくなった日 のこと、おぼえてるよ |
I remember the day she left. |
Melissa_15 | ママが今日はパパの車で 学校に行きなさいって 言ったの |
She told me my dad was gonna take me to school that day. |
Melissa_15 | どうしてママじゃないの って聞いたら |
I asked her why she wasn't going to drive me, 'cause she always did. |
Melissa_15 | ママ、だまってた | But she didn't say anything. |
Melissa_15 | とっても かなしい顔して… |
She just looked real sad. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r0000 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%b0193 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Melissa_09 | パパの車にのって おうちのほうをみたら |
So I got in my dad's car and looked at the house while we were driving. |
Melissa_09 | ママが窓からみえたの | And my mom was looking out the window and watching us. |
Melissa_FF | ママは泣いてたもん | She was crying. |
Melissa_FF | わたしのこと、みて 泣いてたもん |
She was looking at me and crying. |
%p65534FF | ||
%r208_L | ||
Hyde_02 | 帰ってきたら… いなかったのか? |
She was gone when you came home? |
Melissa_11 | …うん | ...Uh-huh. |
Melissa_FF | ||
%p65533FF | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Melissa_11 | ||
Hyde_24 | …泣くな | Look, stop crying. |
Melissa_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | 泣いても ママは帰ってこない |
Crying's not going to bring your mom home. |
Hyde_17 | 部屋にもどれ パパが心配してる |
Get back to your room. Your dad'll be worried. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Melissa_FF | ||
%p65534FF | メリッサは 部屋を出て行った |
Melissa left the room. |
Hyde_02 | ||
Hyde_41 | メリッサの母親が どうして出て行ったのか |
Wonder why Melissa's mom hit the road. |
Hyde_FF | 何か面倒な事情が ありそうだな |
Sounds like there was trouble in paradise. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Melissa_FF | ||
Hyde_17 | おい、チビ | Hey, kid. |
Melissa_15 | ||
Melissa_15 | …おじさん | ...Hey, mister. |
Hyde_02 | ||
Melissa_09 | おじさん! | Mister! |
Hyde_FF | ||
Melissa_01 | おじさん | Mister. |
Hyde_07 | 何だ? | What? |
Melissa_09 | おじさん、ひどいよ | You're a JERK! |
Hyde_24 | …えっ | ...Huh? |
Melissa_09 | わたしのこと 何にもわかんないんだ! |
You don't understand anything about me! |
Melissa_09 | おじさんなんか だいっきらい!! |
You're a big jerk and I hate you!!! |
Melissa_11 | …ううっ | ...Sniff... |
Melissa_12 | …えーん | Waaaaaaaaaa!! |
Melissa_11 | …うっ…おじさんみたいな | I...sniff...I never... |
Melissa_12 | おとなに… なりたくないよ…えーん |
I never, ever want to be a grown-up like you! NEVER! WHAAAAAAAA!! |
Hyde_10 | えっ? | Nice, Hyde. Real nice... |
Melissa_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Melissa_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%r0000 | ||
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
%p65534FF | 俺は 215号室にもどった |
I returned to Room 215. |
%r205_R | ||
%r205_L | ||
Hyde_15 | どうして あんな子供とうまく 話せなかったのか |
Wow, that could have gone better. |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_41 | うーむ | You're a real class act, Hyde. |
Hyde_08 | ああ こんなことじゃ |
Always screwing things up just like this... |
Hyde_FF | ブラッドリーを 捜し出せない… |
Hell, who are you kidding? You'll never find Bradley... |
Hyde_12 | だめだな、俺って… | You're a total loser, Hyde. Always have been. Always will be. |
%r0000 | ||
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
%p65534FF | その夜、ハイドは 二度と部屋から 出てこなかった |
Hyde spent the rest of the night brooding in his room. |
Room 219
- Summary Restaurant Kitchen Pantry Electrical Room Central Hallway Restaurant Hallway Room 215 Room 218 Room 219 Hallway Roof
Hyde_02 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Melissa_15 | ねえ、おじさん パズルしよ! |
I know! Let's do a puzzle! |
Hyde_02 | ||
Melissa_15 | ねえ、おじさん パズルしよ! |
I know! Let's do a puzzle! |
Hyde_08 | ||
Hyde_07 | …また、パズルか | Oh, hell no. I know how this goes... |
Melissa_15 | パズルは テーブルの上にあるから |
The puzzle's on the table. |
Melissa_15 | あっちに行ってあそぼ | Let's play over there! |
Hyde_02 | ||
Melissa_15 | ねえ、おじさん パズルしよ! |
I know! Let's do a puzzle! |
Hyde_02 | ||
Melissa_15 | パズル… | Puzzle... |
%p65534FF | テーブルの上には ジグソーパズルがある |
There's a jigsaw puzzle on the table. |
%p65534FF | テーブルの上には 作りかけの ジクソーパズルがある |
Looks like someone's been working on a jigsaw puzzle. |
%p65534FF | テーブルの上には 裏返しになった ジクソーパズルがある |
Huh? That jigsaw puzzle's upside down. |
Hyde_09 | できた! | Got it. |
Melissa_03 | ||
Melissa_15 | おじさん、すごい! | Wow! Oh my gosh, you're so great! |
Melissa_01 | おじさんには かんたんすぎる? |
That was too easy for you, wasn't it, mister? |
Hyde_02 | まあな | A little. |
Hyde_17 | なあ、チビ このパズルのうさぎの 名前知ってるか? |
Hey, squirt, you know the name of the rabbit on this puzzle? |
Melissa_04 | ピンクのうさちゃん | Um... Mister Rabbit? |
Hyde_22 | ちがうだろ | Nope. |
Hyde_17 | それはおまえが 勝手につけた名前だ |
Bet you made that up. |
Melissa_03 | うん | Yeah. |
Hyde_07 | このうさぎの 本当の名前は ピンキーラビットだ |
Well, if you care, the rabbit's real name is Pinkie Rabbit. |
Melissa_15 | …ピンキーラビット | ...Pinkie Rabbit? |
Hyde_07 | そうだ よく覚えておけ |
That's right. |
Hyde_07 | 俺が子供の頃やってた テレビアニメの主人公だ |
Pinkie had his own cartoon when I was growing up. |
Hyde_07 | おまえのママも きっと子供のときに それを見てたんだろ |
I bet your mom watched it when she was a kid, too. |
Melissa_15 | ママが子供のころ? | When my mom was a kid? |
Hyde_17 | そうだ おまえのママも おまえのパパも |
Yeah, your mom and dad were kids once, too. |
Hyde_17 | みんな、おまえと同じ 子供だった |
Everybody starts out as a kid, you know? |
Melissa_15 | そうなんだ… | Yeah, I guess. |
Hyde_03 | ||
Melissa_01 | それね、お誕生日に ママがくれたの |
My mom gave this to me for my birthday. |
Hyde_17 | 誕生日っていつだ? | Yeah? When's your birthday? |
Melissa_01 | 6月29日 | June 29th. |
Hyde_17 | …6月か 楽しかったか、誕生日 |
June, huh? So was your birthday fun? |
Melissa_14 | ||
Hyde_17 | どうして? | What? What is it? |
Melissa_04 | ママがいなくなった日 だから… |
That's the day my mom left, so... |
Hyde_06 | そうなのか | Oh. |
Melissa_09 | ねえ、ママはどうして | Why do you think my mom... |
Melissa_09 | なんにも言わないで… | Why do you think she never said anything, huh? |
Melissa_09 | ねえ、どうして… | Why...why... |
Melissa_11 | どこかに いっちゃったの? |
Why'd she go away? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Hyde_FF | そういえば… パズルのピースの裏には… |
Wait a minute... On the back of that puzzle piece... |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Melissa_11 | …うっうっ | Sn-sniff... Sniff... |
Hyde_07 | ちょっと、待て もうすぐだ |
Hold on. I'm almost done. |
Hyde_24 | ||
Melissa_11 | …うっうっ | Sn-sniff... Sniff... |
Hyde_FF | そういえば… パズルのピースの裏には… |
Wait a minute... On the back of that puzzle piece... |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
Melissa_11 | …うっうっ | ...Sniff... |
Hyde_19 | もしかして… | Maybe... |
Hyde_23 | ||
Hyde_10 | あっ | Ah! |
Hyde_24 | ||
Melissa_11 | …うっうっ | ...Sniff... |
Hyde_19 | パズルの裏に 何か書かれている… |
There's something written on the back of the puzzle... |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_24 | パズルの裏に 娘へのメッセージを 書いていたのか… |
There's a message written on the back of the puzzle! |
Melissa_12 | ||
Hyde_FF | 「さよなら、メリッサ」 | "Good-bye, Melissa." |
Hyde_02 | 覚悟の家出なら このチビの母親は 帰るつもりはないんだろう |
If she wrote this, she wasn't planning on coming home. |
Hyde_25 | メリッサの母親はどうして家出したんだ? | Why did Melissa's mom leave? |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r209_01 | ||
%r209_L | ||
Hyde_32 | ||
%p0001701 | ||
Hyde_48 | …ん? | ...Huh? |
Hyde_24 | ||
Kevin_20 | ||
Kevin_01 | ハイドさん | Mr. Hyde? |
Kevin_09 | ここで何を しているんですか? |
What are you doing here? |
Melissa_04 | いっしょに あそんでたの |
We were playing! |
Kevin_25 | 部屋には誰も 入れちゃだめだと 言っていただろう |
I told you not to let anyone into our room! |
Melissa_07 | ||
Hyde_05 | おい そんなに叱るな |
Hey, don't yell at the kid. |
Kevin_16 | …えっ | Pardon me, but I've had quite enough of— |
Hyde_05 | 俺が勝手に 入ってきたんだ メリッサのせいじゃない |
I let myself in. She didn't do anything wrong. |
%r209_01 | ||
%r209_L | ||
Hyde_07 | あんたがいないときに 部屋に入って すまなかった |
Sorry. Didn't mean to step on any toes. |
Kevin_FF | ||
Kevin_01 | わかってくれれば いいんです |
Well...as long as you know how I feel, I guess there's no problem... |
Kevin_01 | じゃあ、お引取りください | Now please leave. |
Hyde_05 | すぐに出て行くが | Yeah, I'm going, but... |
Hyde_05 | その前に、ちょっと 聞いていいか? |
Let me ask you something. |
%r209_01 | ||
%r209_L | ||
Hyde_05 | 母親の話って何だ? | What's the story with the kid's mother? |
Kevin_02 | ||
Hyde_06 | それって、もしかして 母親が帰ってこないって いう話のことか? |
Is it that she's not coming home? |
Kevin_16 | …えっ | What?! |
Kevin_09 | メリッサ、ママのことを ハイドさんに話したのか? |
Melissa, what have you been telling Mr. Hyde about your mother?! |
Melissa_03 | ||
Kevin_06 | …まったく | Dammit! Damn it all! |
Melissa_10 | ||
Kevin_04 | ハイドさん | Mr. Hyde... Every family has its own circumstances which dictate its existence. |
Kevin_14 | どこの家庭にも それぞれの事情があります |
Your knowledge of my family comes from the mouth of a child. |
Kevin_14 | 子供の口から出た話は どうぞ忘れてください |
Please remember that when drawing conclusions and passing judgment. |
%r209_01 | ||
%r209_L | ||
Hyde_05 | 俺と同じ名前の 人間を知っているのか? |
You know somebody with my name? |
Kevin_02 | ||
Kevin_16 | いや、診察した患者の中に 似た名前の人がいたような 気がしただけで… |
No, I think one of my patients may have had a similar name, but... |
Kevin_01 | きっと 私の記憶違いでしょう |
I'm sure my memory's just playing tricks on me. Yes, that must be it... |
Kevin_01 | あなたに会ったのは 私も今日が初めてですから |
After all, we just met for the first time, yes? |
%r209_01 | ||
%r209_L | ||
Hyde_05 | メリッサが何を話したのか 気になるのか? |
You worried about something Melissa may have told me? |
Kevin_02 | ||
Kevin_12 | …いや、例えばその… 母親の話とか… |
Well...specifically, I was wondering if you talked about her mother. |
Hyde_25 | 母親の話? 何を気にしているんだ? | Why worry about that? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Kevin_14 | …いや 何も話していないなら いいんです |
If you didn't talk about anything in particular, that's fine, too. |
%r209_01 | ||
%r209_L | ||
Hyde_05 | 俺の名前を聞いて 何を気にしていた? |
You like my name? |
Kevin_02 | ||
Kevin_01 | ええ どこかで聞いた名前だと 思って… |
No, it's... It's nothing. I just thought I'd heard it before. That's all. |
Hyde_25 | 俺と同じ名前の人間を知っているのか? | You know a Kyle Hyde? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Kevin_04 | 以前に お会いしてますか? |
Have we, perhaps, met before? |
Hyde_07 | あんたと会うのは 今日が初めてだ |
Nope. First time. |
Kevin_03 | ですよね | Of course it is. |
Kevin_01 | 私の勘違いでしょう 気にしないでください |
I'm sure my memory is just playing tricks on me. |
Kevin_16 | いや、診察した患者の中に 似た名前の人がいたような 気がしただけで… |
No, I think one of my patients may have had a similar name, but... |
Kevin_01 | きっと 私の記憶違いでしょう |
I'm sure my memory's just playing tricks on me. Yes, that must be it... |
Kevin_01 | あなたに会ったのは 私も今日が初めてですから |
After all, we just met for the first time, yes? |
%r209_01 | ||
%r209_L | ||
Hyde_06 | ちょっといいか? メリッサの母親は… |
So why did the kid's mom leave? |
Kevin_02 | ||
Kevin_16 | …なんですか? | Pardon? |
Hyde_06 | どうして家出を… | Wife left you, right? |
Kevin_07 | …家出ですって | L-left me?! |
Hyde_05 | ああ、メリッサの母親は どうして… |
What did you do? I mean, why'd she take off and leave you and the kid— |
Kevin_08 | ハイドさん! そんな話はここでは よしてください! |
Mr. Hyde! This isn't the place to talk about this! |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …どうした? | That hit a nerve... |
Hyde_FF | ||
Kevin_10 | 出て行ってください | Get out! |
Kevin_10 | さっさと! | NOW! |
%r209_01 | ||
%r209_L | ||
Hyde_05 | …おい | Easy, pal. No need to get in a lather. |
%r209_01 | ||
%r209_L | ||
Hyde_06 | 何を興奮してるんだ? | Why you so worked up? |
Kevin_FF | ||
Kevin_10 | 何を言い出すんですか! | I have had enough of this! |
Kevin_10 | メリッサの前で そんな話をするなんて |
Why are you constantly bothering me with these never-ending questions?! |
Kevin_10 | 何か目的でも あるんですか! |
What is your motive behind this? |
Hyde_24 | 目的? そんなものあるか! |
I don't need a motive, pal! |
Hyde_16 | わからないから 聞いてるんだろう! |
I wanna ask you a question, I'm gonna ask it! And you're gonna answer!! |
Melissa_09 | やめて! | STOP IT! |
Melissa_09 | パパも、おじさんも けんかしちゃ、いやだ! |
Dad! Mr. Hyde! You can't fight! |
Melissa_09 | けんかしないで! | Please don't fight! |
Hyde_08 | ||
Kevin_11 | ||
%r209_01 | ||
%r209_L | ||
Hyde_17 | 大きな声を出すなよ | Keep your voice down. |
Kevin_FF | ||
Kevin_07 | …えっ | ...What? |
Hyde_07 | メリッサが驚いてる | I think you're scaring the kid. |
Melissa_15 | …パパ | ...Dad. |
Kevin_16 | …メリッサ | ...Melissa. |
Kevin_16 | そんな顔をして パパを見るな |
Don't look at me like that. |
Melissa_02 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Kevin_11 | ||
Kevin_04 | 何、書いてるんです? | What're you writing? |
Kevin_04 | 何、見てるんです? | What're you looking at? |
%r209_01 | ||
%r209_L | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Kevin_12 | あなたに心配していただく ことではありません |
There's nothing here that concerns you. |
Melissa_01 | …パパ | Dad... |
Hyde_02 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Kevin_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%r209_01 | ||
%r209_L | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Kevin_16 | 話は終わりですか? | Are we finished? |
Hyde_05 | いや もう少し聞かせてくれ |
Not yet. |
%r209_01 | ||
%r209_L | ||
Hyde_05 | ちょっと、いいか | Got a minute? |
Kevin_02 | ||
Kevin_01 | 何ですか? | What now? |
%r209_01 | ||
%r209_L | ||
Kevin_09 | ハイドさん もう帰ってください |
Mr. Hyde, I'm going to ask you to leave now. |
Hyde_02 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Kevin_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
Kevin_04 | ハイドさん | Mr. Hyde. |
Kevin_16 | 私に話があったのでしょう | You had something you wanted to talk to me about, didn't you? |
Kevin_16 | 途中で話をやめないで ください |
Don't walk off in the middle of a conversation. |
- Summary Restaurant Kitchen Pantry Electrical Room Central Hallway Restaurant Hallway Room 215 Room 218 Room 219 Hallway Roof
Hyde_02 | …そうだ あの人形はどうする? |
Oh, yeah. What about that damn doll? |
Hyde_FF | 持ち主に届けておくか | Guess I'll give it back to the kid. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_01 | ちょっといいか? | Got a second? |
%p65534FF | 『あっ、すみません』 | ...Oh, sorry... |
%p65534FF | 『今、電話中でして… あとにしてください』 |
...Look, I'm taking a call right now. You'll have to come back... |
Hyde_07 | …なんだ | Fair enough. |
%r213_01 | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
%p0001702 | ||
%r000_02 | ||
Melissa_20 | ||
Melissa_FF | …あっ | ...Oh. It's you. |
Hyde_05 | ちょっと、いいか | Got a sec, kid? |
Melissa_14 | パパはいないよ | My dad's not here. |
Hyde_25 | 父親はどこに行ったんだ? | Where'd her dad go? |
%r213_01 | ||
%r000_02 | ||
Hyde_17 | おまえに用があるんだ | I'm here to see you. |
Melissa_FF | ||
Melissa_07 | …なに? | ...What? |
Hyde_17 | おまえがレストランに 忘れてたものを 持ってきてやったんだ |
You forgot something in the restaurant. |
%r213_01 | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
%p0001702 | ||
%r000_02 | ||
Melissa_20 | ||
Melissa_FF | …なあに | ...WHAT?! |
Hyde_05 | ちょっと、いいか | Got a sec, kid? |
Melissa_03 | うん | Yeah, I guess. |
%r213_01 | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
%p0001702 | ||
%r000_02 | ||
Melissa_20 | ||
Melissa_FF | …なあに | ...WHAT?! |
%r000_02 | ||
%r213_01 | ||
Hyde_05 | 親父はどこに行った? | Where'd your old man run off to? |
Melissa_02 | ||
Melissa_14 | わかんない | I dunno. |
Melissa_01 | きっと、わたしが いい子じゃないから |
I've been a brat. |
Melissa_10 | わたしといっしょに いたくないんだ |
I'm sure he went somewhere so he didn't have to see me anymore. He hates me. |
Hyde_07 | 別にそういうわけじゃ ないだろう |
I doubt that. |
Melissa_04 | でも、パパは 怒ってばかりいるもん |
Yeah, but he's always all mad at me and stuff. |
Hyde_07 | 子供を叱るのは 親の仕事だ |
Parents have to keep their kids in line. It's part of the job. |
Melissa_01 | …仕事? | Part of the job? |
Hyde_07 | あんまり気にするな | Don't worry about it. |
%r000_02 | ||
%r213_01 | ||
Hyde_FF | これ、おまえのだろう | This is yours, right? |
Melissa_02 | ||
Melissa_08 | …あっ | Oh! |
Hyde_FF | …ほら | It's OK. Take it. |
Melissa_15 | ありがとう | Th... Thank you. |
Melissa_04 | このお人形 ママが作ってくれたの |
My mom made this. |
Hyde_17 | 大切なものなんだろう | Must be pretty important to you. |
Melissa_03 | うん | Uh-huh. |
Hyde_17 | だったら、投げたりせずに 大切にしろ |
Then maybe you shouldn't throw it at people. |
Melissa_03 | わかった | OK. Sorry. |
Melissa_01 | 何を書いてるの? | Whatcha writing? |
Melissa_01 | 何を見てるの? | Whatcha looking at? |
%r000_02 | ||
%r213_01 | ||
Hyde_17 | じゃあな | See you around. |
Melissa_02 | ||
Melissa_10 | ||
Hyde_24 | …チビ、どうした? | What's wrong, kid? |
Melissa_FF | …かえんないで | Don't...don't go. Please? |
Melissa_04 | パパがかえってくるまで いっしょにあそぼ |
Just stay here until my dad gets back. |
Hyde_07 | …はあ? | ...What? |
Hyde_07 | 俺は おまえの子守じゃない |
Listen, kid, I'm not a babysitter. |
Melissa_15 | あそぼ | C'mon. Pleeeease? |
Hyde_17 | 仕方ないな… | Oh, fine... |
%r000_02 | ||
%r213_01 | ||
Hyde_17 | じゃあな | See you later. |
Melissa_02 | ||
Melissa_04 | おじさん わたしの忘れ物は? |
Wait! What did I forget? |
%r000_02 | ||
%r213_01 | ||
Hyde_17 | じゃあな | See you later. |
Melissa_02 | ||
Melissa_04 | おじさん もっとお話しして |
C'mon, mister. Stay here and talk to me, OK? |
Hyde_41 | あの親子 何か、気になるな |
There's something odd about Kevin and Melissa... |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_02 | …そうだ | Oh, right... |
Hyde_FF | サマーにしおりを 返さないと… |
I've got to track down that bookmark for Summer. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
Hyde_24 | いないのか | Nobody's here. |
Hyde_24 | ||
%p65534FF | 『帰って下さい』 | Go away! |
Hyde_33 | ||
%p65534FF | 『…ぐすっ』 | ...Sniff... |
Hyde_24 | …ん? 誰の声だ? |
Hey? Is somebody in there? Who's there? |
%p65534FF | 『…ぐすっ こわいよ…』 |
I'm...sniff...scared... |
Hyde_33 | …おい! どうした? |
...Hey! What's going on? |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p65534FF | 『…こわいよ』 | ...I'm so scared!! |
Hyde_24 | …メリッサの声だ | That's Melissa's voice... |
Hyde_07 | おい、チビ | Hey! Squirt! |
Hyde_07 | そこで何をしてる おまえの部屋は 219号室だ |
What're you doing in there? You're in 219. |
Hyde_07 | そこじゃないだろう | This isn't your room! |
Hyde_33 | ||
%p65534FF | 『…ぐすっ』 | ...Sniff. |
Hyde_24 | おい | Hey. |
%p65534FF | 『…ぐすっ こわいよ…』 |
I'm...sniff...scared... |
Hyde_33 | …おい! 出てこい! |
...Hey! Come outta there! |
Hyde_33 | …おい! | Hey! |
Hyde_05 | 鍵を開けろ | Open the door! |
%p65534FF | 『…うん』 | ...Sniff... |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_07 | どうした? | What's wrong? |
%p65534FF | 『かぎ、あかないよ!』 | The...the door won't open! |
%p65534FF | 『かぎ、まわらないもん』 | I can't get out! The knob won't turn or anything! |
Hyde_24 | もしかして 鍵が壊れてるのか |
Maybe the lock's stuck... |
%p65534FF | 『ハイドおじさん かぎをあけて!』 |
Mister, you gotta open the door! Please! I'm scared! |
Hyde_41 | …どうする? | What should I do... |
Hyde_FF | 仕方ない 緊急事態だ |
All right, Hyde. You got no choice. |
Hyde_03 | これでやってみるか | Guess I'll give the old wire another try... |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r213_04 | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
%p65534FF | 『ハイドおじさん かぎをあけて!』 |
Mister, you gotta open the door! Please! I'm scared! |
Hyde_03 | メリッサ、今開ける! | Hold on, Melissa! I'll get it open as soon as I can! |
%r213_07 | ||
Hyde_24 | 早く開けなければ… | If I don't get this door open soon... |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
%p65534FF | 『ハイドおじさん かぎをあけて!』 |
Mister, you gotta open the door! Please! I'm scared! |
Hyde_03 | よし、開いた | That's the stuff. |
Hyde_20 | でも、太い針金は くたくたになっていて もう使えない… |
But that's the end of the road for you, wire. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%b0169 | ||
Hyde_33 | ||
%p65534FF | …くらいの …こわいよ |
It's dark and I'm scared... |
%p65534FF | うっ… | Sniff... |
Hyde_24 | おい、チビ だいじょうぶか? |
Hey, squirt. You OK? |
%b0169 | ||
Hyde_33 | ||
%p65534FF | …くらいの …こわいよ |
It's dark and I'm scared... |
%p65534FF | うっ… | Sniff... |
Hyde_24 | どうなってるんだ? | What the hell's going on? |
%b0169 | ||
Hyde_33 | ||
%p65534FF | …くらいの …こわいよ |
It's dark and I'm scared... |
%p65534FF | うっ… | Sniff... |
Hyde_24 | おい、チビ だいじょうぶか? |
Hey, squirt. You OK? |
%b0169 | ||
Hyde_33 | ||
%p65534FF | …くらいの …こわいよ |
It's dark and I'm scared... |
%p65534FF | うっ… | Sniff... |
Hyde_24 | …まさか 閉じ込められているのか |
Did somebody...lock you in there? |
Hyde_24 | ||
%p0001702 | ||
%r000_02 | ||
Martin_18 | ||
Martin_FF | あなたでしたか | Ah, Mr. Hyde! |
Hyde_05 | ちょっと、いいか | Got a minute? |
Martin_04 | もしかして しおりが見つかりましたか |
Did you perchance happen to find my bookmark? |
Hyde_02 | ああ | Yeah. |
Martin_05 | そうですか それはよかった |
You did? Splendid! |
Hyde_24 | ||
%p0001702 | ||
%r000_02 | ||
Martin_18 | ||
Martin_FF | あなたでしたか | Oh, it was you. |
Hyde_05 | ちょっと、いいか | Got a minute? |
Martin_04 | もしかして しおりが見つかりましたか |
Did you perchance happen to find my bookmark? |
Hyde_02 | まだだ | Nope. |
Martin_09 | 早くお願いします | Would you please make it a priority? It's quite urgent! |
%r0000 | ||
%p65534FF | サマーは ドアを閉めた |
Summer closes the door. |
%r000_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | しおりには絵がついて いたが |
Hey, there's a picture on the bookmark. |
Martin_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | あれは、誰の絵だ? | You know who did it? |
Martin_01 | ああ、あれですか | Ah, you noticed! Breathtaking, isn't it. |
Martin_05 | いい絵でしょう? あの天使の絵は 私のお気に入りでして |
Yes, I'm quite fond of this particular piece. |
Martin_06 | 有名な絵ですが ご存知ありませんか? |
It's a reproduction of a very famous painting. Are you unfamiliar with it? |
Martin_05 | オスターゾーンという 画家の絵です |
The original was painted by a man named Osterzone. |
Hyde_25 | …オスターゾーン? | ...Osterzone? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Martin_06 | あれは彼の代表作です | This work is considered to be the pinnacle of his artistic achievements. |
Martin_06 | オスターゾーンという 画家にはいろいろと 逸話も多くて |
There are many rumors surrounding the painter known as Osterzone. |
Martin_04 | 実は今度、彼を題材に 美術ミステリーを |
In fact, I intend to use his life story as the basis for my next mystery novel! |
Martin_04 | 1冊書くことになって いましてね |
Yes, I think it should be quite good, actually... |
%r000_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | オスターゾーンって どんな画家だ? |
What kind of painter was this Osterzone guy? |
Martin_02 | ||
Martin_01 | とても 謎の多い芸術家です |
Ah, now you come to the meat of it, for Osterzone was a true enigma! |
Martin_01 | 19世紀の イギリスの画家ですが |
The mysteries of his life, much like those in his art, both entice and fascinate! |
Martin_01 | その絵にも生涯も 謎に包まれたことが多くて とても興味を惹かれます |
We do know that he was a British painter from the late nineteenth century. |
Martin_06 | 特にあのしおりに 印刷されている 天使の絵は |
And the angel painting you see on this bookmark is his true coup de grace! |
Martin_FF | オスターゾーンの 最後の作品だと 言われていて |
It's rumored to have been Osterzone's final work. |
Martin_01 | それまで女性を描くことが なかったオスターゾーンが |
As a landscape painter, he had never before attempted the human form. |
Martin_01 | 唯一、描いた女性の絵 なのです |
The painting on the bookmark is his only such piece. |
Martin_06 | 私は彼の作品の中でも この「扉を開ける天使」が 一番好きですね |
It's entitled Angel Opening a Door, and it is my favorite Osterzone work. |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …何だと? | No kidding. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Martin_01 | オスターゾーンの 絵の中で、一番人気で 価値も高い絵で |
Actually, it's his most popular and sought-after painting. |
Martin_06 | 私も気に入っているのです | I'm sure you must agree that it is a stunning piece. |
Hyde_02 | オスターゾーンか… | Osterzone, huh? |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_05 | ちょっと聞かせてくれ | Tell me something, will you? |
Martin_FF | ||
%r000_02 | ||
Hyde_24 | 「扉を開ける天使」? | Angel Opening a Door? |
Martin_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | それがあの絵の 名前なのか? |
That's the title of the painting? |
Martin_03 | ええ | That is correct. |
Hyde_02 | ||
Martin_01 | オスターゾーンの 絵の中で、一番人気で 価値も高い絵で |
Actually, it's his most popular and sought-after painting. |
Martin_06 | 私も気に入っているのです | I'm sure you must agree that it is a stunning work. |
%r000_02 | ||
Hyde_07 | こんな絵が好きなのか? | You like this kind of thing, huh? |
Martin_02 | ||
Martin_03 | ええ | Oh, indeed. |
Martin_06 | オスターゾーン特有の 青と紫の美しい色が 私はとても好きです |
I'm particularly fond of his masterful use of color. |
Martin_06 | それにこの絵のタイトルが とてもミステリアスなのも 気に入ってましてね |
And the title of the piece is somewhat mysterious, which naturally appeals to me. |
Martin_04 | この絵のタイトルには 扉という言葉が使われて いますが |
The title contains the word door, does it not? |
Martin_04 | 絵には扉は描かれておらず 天使の手の中に 扉の鍵があるだけなんです |
And yet no door is visible! All we are shown is the key in the angel's hand. |
Martin_06 | この天使がこの鍵を使って 開けようとしている扉は 果たして、どんな扉なのか |
The angel is about to use the key to open a door... But what kind of door is it? |
Martin_06 | 見るものの想像力を 掻き立てる素晴らしい 絵だと思いませんか? |
The painting stirs the imagination of its viewers. Spectacular, yes? |
%r000_02 | ||
Hyde_FF | これが、あんたの ダンボールに入っていた しおりだ |
Here's your bookmark. It was in the bottom of the box. |
Martin_02 | ||
Martin_05 | ああ、これです | Yes, this is it! |
Martin_05 | ありがとうございます | Thank you very much, good sir! Thank you again! |
Martin_01 | 何を書いてるのですか? | What are you writing? |
Martin_01 | 何を見ているのですか? | What are you looking at? |
%r000_02 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Martin_01 | ハイドさん しおりを見つけてくれて ありがとうございます |
Thank you for locating my bookmark, Mr. Hyde. |
Martin_05 | では、失礼 | Good day. |
%r0000 | ||
%p65534FF | サマーは ドアを閉めた |
Summer closes the door. |
%r000_02 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Martin_09 | ハイドさん | Mr. Hyde? |
Martin_09 | しおりを持ってきてくれた のではないんですか? |
Don't you have something for me? |
%r000_02 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Martin_06 | ハイドさん | Mr. Hyde? |
Martin_06 | しおりを持ってきてくれた のではないんですか? |
Don't you have something for me? |
%r000_02 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Martin_06 | ハイドさん | Mr. Hyde? |
Martin_06 | まだ何か お話があるのでは? |
Is there something else you wish to discuss? |
%r000_02 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Martin_06 | ハイドさん お話は終わりですか? |
Mr. Hyde, are we finished? |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_24 | ん? 何の音だ? |
Huh? What's that noise? |
Hyde_02 | あのドアの向こうから 聞こえているのか? |
I think it's coming from behind that door. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r213_L | ||
%r213_R | ||
Hyde_24 | …ん? あれは | Huh? Isn't that... |
Kevin_20 | ||
%r213_L | ||
%r213_R | ||
Hyde_24 | …おい | Hey. |
Kevin_02 | ||
Kevin_01 | 何でしょうか | What is it? |
Hyde_05 | 娘はどうしてる? | How's Melissa doing? |
Kevin_16 | 部屋にいるでしょう | Melissa? I... She's fine. I think she's in our room. Why... Why would you ask? |
Hyde_24 | …知らないのか | Dad of the Year award for this guy... |
Hyde_05 | 大変なことに なっていたんだぞ |
Because about ten minutes ago she was in a total panic. |
Kevin_14 | …えっ | What?! What do you mean? |
Kevin_04 | メリッサが何か? | Did something happen to her? |
Hyde_05 | 他の客室に間違って入って しばらくそこに 閉じ込められてた |
She got locked in a room. |
Kevin_08 | えっ! | What?! |
Kevin_10 | どこに 閉じ込められたんです?! |
Where is she?! |
Hyde_07 | 心配するな さっき、その部屋から 出てきて |
Easy. She's fine. I got her out a few minutes ago. |
Hyde_05 | たった今 自分の部屋に もどったところだ |
I just sent her back to your room. |
Kevin_12 | …そうですか | Oh, OK. |
Kevin_14 | …それは | I...I don't know what to say. |
Hyde_25 | 今まで、どこにいたんだ? | So where've you been? |
%r213_L | ||
%r213_R | ||
Hyde_05 | 今まで どこにいたんだ? |
So where've you been? You know, just out of curiosity. |
Kevin_02 | ||
Kevin_16 | えっ… | Uh... |
Kevin_14 | それは…ちょっと 出かけていて… |
I, well... I had to go out for a while. |
Hyde_24 | ||
Kevin_12 | 屋上です 屋上にいたんです |
To the roof. I was on the roof. |
Hyde_02 | …屋上か | The roof? |
%r213_L | ||
%r213_R | ||
Hyde_05 | 俺と同じ名前の人間を 知っているのか? |
You know somebody with my name? |
Kevin_16 | いや、診察した患者の中に 似た名前の人がいたような 気がしただけで… |
No, I think one of my patients may have had a similar name, but... |
Kevin_01 | きっと 私の記憶違いでしょう |
I'm sure my memory's just playing tricks on me. Yes, that must be it... |
Kevin_01 | あなたに会ったのは 私も今日が初めてですから |
After all, we just met for the first time, yes? |
Kevin_04 | 何、書いてるんです? | What are you writing? |
Kevin_04 | 何、見てるんです? | What are you looking at? |
%r213_L | ||
%r213_R | ||
Kevin_12 | 私はこれで | If you'll excuse me? |
Kevin_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ケビンは 219号室にもどった |
Kevin went back to Room 219. |
%r213_L | ||
%r213_R | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Kevin_16 | ハイドさん、私に何か 話があるのでしょう? |
Is there something you want to talk to me about, Mr. Hyde? |
- Summary Restaurant Kitchen Pantry Electrical Room Central Hallway Restaurant Hallway Room 215 Room 218 Room 219 Hallway Roof
%r401_01 | ||
%r0000 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_24 | …ん? 誰かいる | Huh? Someone's there. |
Hyde_02 | …あれは | It's... |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r401_01 | ||
%r401_02 | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
Iris_23 | あら、ハイドさん どうしたの |
Oh, hello. Is something wrong? Why are you here? |
%r401_01 | ||
%r401_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | 君に会いにきたんだ | Just wanted to find you. |
Iris_02 | ||
Hyde_09 | ふたりでゆっくり 話をしたいと思って |
Thought maybe we could chat for a bit. |
Iris_08 | …えっ | ...Pardon? |
Iris_FF | なんですって… | You came to see me? Why on earth... |
Iris_08 | まさか 私をつけてたの?! |
Were you...were you FOLLOWING me? |
Iris_08 | いやあ! | GO AWAY! |
%r401_01 | ||
%r401_02 | ||
Hyde_02 | 別に… | What, you own this roof? Knock it off. |
Iris_02 | ||
Hyde_FF | ちょっと外の空気を 吸いにきただけだ |
I just came out to get some fresh air. |
Iris_23 | 私もそう | That wouldn't be the only fresh thing about you... |
Iris_23 | 少し寒いけれど 気持ちがいいわ |
It's a bit cold, but it feels nice. Don't you agree? |
%r401_01 | ||
%r401_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | ここには ずっとひとりだったか? |
Out here by yourself, huh? |
Iris_02 | ||
Iris_FF | えっ? | Why? Are you lonely? |
Hyde_05 | 誰かこなかったか | You didn't meet anyone out here or anything? |
Iris_15 | …誰かって? | Like you? |
Hyde_05 | 219号室の ケビン・ウッドワードだ |
Like Kevin Woodward from 219 |
Iris_04 | …知らないわ、そんな人 | No, I don't know anyone by that name. |
Iris_12 | 私はずっと ひとりだったから |
I've been by myself the whole time. Not that it's any of your business. |
Hyde_02 | そうか… | That so? |
%r401_01 | ||
%r401_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | 本当に、外の空気を 吸いたくなっただけか? |
So you just came out to grab some air, huh? |
Iris_02 | ||
Iris_15 | えっ、どういう意味? | I dislike your tone, Mr. Hyde. Are you implying something? |
Hyde_05 | 他に理由は? | Just seeing if you had any other reason for braving the chill. |
Iris_15 | 何もないわよ | No. No other reason. |
Iris_15 | 変なこと聞いてくる人ね | Are you this charming to all the ladies in your life? |
%r401_01 | ||
%r401_02 | ||
Hyde_10 | …えっ | What? |
Iris_02 | ||
Iris_FF | ||
%p65534FF | アイリスは走って 屋上から去って行った |
Iris turns and scampers off the rooftop. |
Hyde_24 | …なんだ、あれは | What the hell? I'm used to cold reactions from dames, but that was nuts. |
%p65534FF | ||
%r401_01 | ||
%r401_02 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Iris_01 | じゃあ、私はこれで | Now if you'll excuse me? |
Iris_FF | ||
%p65534FF | アイリスは 屋上から去って行った |
Iris turns and leaves the rooftop. |
Hyde_02 | …本当に ひとりだったのか? |
I wonder if she was really here by herself... |
%p65534FF | ||
%r401_01 | ||
%r401_02 | ||
Hyde_41 | ||
Hyde_FF | メリッサの母親が なぜ家を出たのか? |
OK, Hyde... Think. Why did Melissa's mother up and leave. |
Hyde_41 | ケビンはどうして メリッサを連れて ここにきたのか? |
And why would Kevin take his kid to a hole like this? |
Hyde_FF | なぜか、気になる | This whole thing stinks like last week's lunch. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_15 | …うむ | Time to organize, Hyde. |
Hyde_03 | これまでの出来事を 少し思い返してみるか… |
Take a second and get your thoughts together... |
%r0000 | ||
%r0002 | ||
%p0001720 | ||
Hyde_25 | ||
%p00101FF | 夕飯どきになって レストランに向かった俺は |
In the evening, I went down to the restaurant for dinner. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | レストランの前で メリッサの父親ケビンと 話をした |
Before going, I ran into Melissa's dad, Kevin. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | そのケビンが 俺に聞いてきたことは? |
Kevin asked me about... |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_15 | いや、違う | No, that ain't it. |
Hyde_FF | ケビンはメニューのことは 聞いてこなかった |
He didn't ask me about the menu. |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_03 | そうだ | That's right. |
Hyde_FF | ケビンはメリッサが 俺に何か話していないか 気にしていたようだった |
He wanted to know if Melissa had told me anything special. |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_15 | いや、違う | No, that ain't it. |
Hyde_FF | ケビンは自分が医者で サンタモニカの病院に 勤務していると言ったが |
Kevin told me he's a surgeon at a hospital down in Santa Monica, but... |
Hyde_FF | 俺の仕事のことは 聞いてはこなかった |
He didn't ask about my job. Doubt he cares... |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
%p0001720 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_25 | ||
%p00101FF | ルイスに、俺と同じ 名前の客が泊まったという 217号室を |
I told Louie I wanted to get into Room 217, where the other Kyle Hyde stayed. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | 調べたいと頼んだ俺は ローザの作ったうまい ディナーを食った |
Then I sat down and had a delicious meal made by Rosa the Wonder Maid. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | その食事のあと テーブルにやってきた サマーが俺に言ったことは? |
After dinner, Summer came by and yapped at me about... |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_03 | そうだ | That's right. |
Hyde_FF | サマーは 間違えた荷物の中に |
Summer wanted to ask me about the box his notebook was in. |
Hyde_FF | しおりがなかったかと 聞いてきた |
Wanted to know if there was still a bookmark in the box. |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_15 | いや、違う | No, that ain't it. |
Hyde_FF | バーで飲もうと 言ったのは、ルイスだ |
Louie's the one who asked me to have a drink with him. ...Which I plan to do. |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_15 | いや、違う | No, that ain't it. |
Hyde_FF | レストランまで 案内してくれと言ったのは ヘレンだ |
Helen's the one who asked me to help her to the restaurant. |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
%p0001720 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_25 | ||
%p00101FF | ダンボールの底にあった そのしおりには 天使の絵がついていた |
There was a picture of an angel on the bookmark I found in the box. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | その絵を描いたのは? | It was based on a painting by a guy named... |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_15 | いや、違う | No, that ain't it. |
Hyde_FF | アランは、ルイスが 拾った万年筆のボディに 彫り込まれていた名前だ |
Alan's the name on the fountain pen that Louie picked up. |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_15 | いや、違う | No, that ain't it. |
Hyde_FF | ピンキーラビットは メリッサが持っていた ジグソーパズルの |
Pinkie Rabbit's the name of the cartoon character on Melissa's puzzle. |
Hyde_FF | 絵柄にあった キャラクターの名前だ |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_03 | そうだ | That's right. |
Hyde_FF | それは、オスターゾーンと いう画家が描いた |
It was a painter named Osterzone. |
Hyde_FF | 「扉を開ける天使」という 絵だった |
The name of the painting is Angel Opening a Door. |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
%p0001720 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_25 | ||
%p00101FF | 父親のケビンとけんかして 電気の故障した部屋に 閉じこもったメリッサを |
Melissa argued with her dad, then got locked in a room with no power. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | 俺は配電盤を修理して 助け出したが |
I fixed the switchboard, got power back to the room, and got her out of there. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | メリッサが閉じこもった 客室の番号は? |
The room Melissa was locked in was... |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_15 | いや、違う | No, that ain't it. |
Hyde_FF | 219号室は メリッサとケビンの親子が 泊まっている部屋だ |
Room 219's where she and her dad are staying. |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_03 | そうだ | That's right. |
Hyde_FF | メリッサが 閉じこもったのは 218号室だ |
Melissa got herself locked in 218. |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_15 | いや、違う | No, that ain't it. |
Hyde_FF | 217号室は 半年前に、俺と同じ名前の 客が泊まったという部屋だ |
Room 217's where the other Kyle Hyde stayed six months ago. |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
%p0001720 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_25 | ||
%p00101FF | メリッサの騒ぎの間 父親のケビンは 姿を見せなかった |
While Melissa was locked in the room, her dad Kevin was nowhere to be found. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | 騒ぎが収まったとき ようやく現れたケビンが |
Once we freed Melissa, he showed up. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | いままでどこにいたのかと 聞いた俺に答えたことは? |
When I asked him where he'd been, he said... |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_03 | そうだ ケビンは屋上にいたと 俺に言った |
That's right. Said he'd been up on the roof. |
Hyde_FF | そして その言葉を聞いて 屋上に向かった俺が |
When I heard that, I decided to go and check out the roof myself. |
Hyde_FF | そこで会ったのは あのアイリスだった |
When I got there, I ran into Iris. |
%b0003 | ||
Hyde_25 | ||
%p00101FF | ホテル・ダスクで 夜を迎えた俺は |
I got ready for my first night at Hotel Dusk. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | 泊まり合わせた客たちが みんな何か秘密を 持っているように思えてきた |
I get the feeling that all the guests here are hiding secrets... |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | メリッサの母親の失そうも そのひとつだ |
And why Melissa's mom vanished is just one of them. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | そして、俺と同じ名前の 客が半年前に泊まった 217号室のことも |
There's also the guy with my name who stayed in 217 six months ago. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | サマーから聞いた しおりの絵の話も 気になっている |
The story about that bookmark picture got my wheels turning, too. |
Hyde_24 | ||
%p00101FF | …どうやら、今夜は | Too many mysteries in my life. And I'm so damn tired... |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | ブラッドリーの行方の 手掛かりをつかむために |
Well, guess I better poke around and see what else I can find. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | 調べてみなくては いけないことが たくさんありそうだ |
Who knows? Something here may get me a step closer to Bradley. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | ||
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_15 | いや、違う | No, that ain't it. |
Hyde_FF | 絵を見ていたのは ミラだ |
Mila was the one looking at the painting. |
Hyde_FF | ミラは 廊下に飾られていた リンゴの絵を見ていた |
She was standing in front of a painting with an apple in it. |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_15 | いや、違う | No, that ain't it. |
Hyde_FF | メリッサの部屋で パズルをしたのは俺だ |
I was the one doing a puzzle in Melissa's room. |
Hyde_FF | 俺はパズルをして そのパズルの裏に |
I put the puzzle together and found a message on the back of it. |
Hyde_FF | メリッサの母親が 残していたメッセージを 見つけた |
It was a message from Melissa's mom. |