ウィッシュルーム | Hotel Dusk Chapter 1 dialogue
Japanese-English text dump
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俺の名前はカイル・ハイド。 3年前まで刑事だったが 今はレッドクラウン商会の セールスマンだ。 俺は3年前に失そうした 親友で同僚だったブラッド リーを捜し続けている。 |
The name's Kyle Hyde. I used to be a New York cop, but three years ago I gave up my badge and became a salesman with a joint called Red Crown. I use the gig to search for a man named Bradley. |
3年前、俺とブラッドリー は、ナイルという犯罪組織 の捜査を担当していた。 ブラッドリーはナイルに 潜入したが、3年前に 捜査情報をナイルに流して 俺に撃たれ、そのまま 行方不明になっている。 |
Bradley was undercover, investigating a crime syndicate known as Nile, when he sold us out. I found him, put a bullet in him, and saw him sink into the Hudson. Now he's missing. |
1979年12月28日 俺は社長のエドの命令で エドが裏稼業でやっている 特別な探し物を見つける 仕事をするために、ホテル ダスクへとやってくる。 |
But back to the present. It's December 28, 1979, and my boss, Ed, told me to get my butt to a dive called Hotel Dusk. I help Ed with a side business, which is finding things that don't want to be found. |
フロントでチェックインを した俺は、215号室の鍵 を受け取った。マスターの ダニングは215号室は 泊まれば願いが叶う部屋だ と言い出し、以前俺と同じ 名前の客がいたと話す。 |
I arrive, check in, and get the key to Room 215. A guy named Dunning Smith, the owner, tells me that 215 grants wishes. I also learn that a guest with my name stayed in the hotel a little while back. |
部屋に行く途中の階段で 座り込んで俺のじゃまを する女の子と出会う。 女の子はメリッサという 名前で、遊んでいた ジグソーパズルを散らかし ピースをひとつ 落として去っていく。 |
On the way to my room, I meet a kid named Melissa. She tricks me into solving a jigsaw puzzle for her, but once it's done she throws it down. I make her pick 'em up, but she forgets one. |
215号室に入って ようやくほっとしたとき 鞄を開けようとして 鍵が壊れてしまう。 宿代の前金も請求され 何とかして鞄の鍵を開け なくてはいけなくなる。 |
I get to Room 215 and take a breather. But trouble won't leave me be, and I break my key trying to open my suitcase. I have to pay up front, so I need to get the thing open and find my cash. |
エドからの荷物をボーイが 部屋に運んでくるが、その 男は俺が昔捕まえたことが あるルイスだった。 ルイスは足を洗ったと 言ったが、こんなところに いるのには、何かわけが ありそうだった。 |
Ed's package shows and the bellhop brings it up. Bellhop turns out to be a street rat I know by the name of Louie DeNonno. Says he's clean now, but I've got a hunch there's more going on there. |
配達された荷物の間違いに 気付き、フロントに下りて 行くと、そこに車から見た 若い女がいた。女はミラと いう名前で、その左手に ブラッドリーのものに よく似たブレスレットを していた。 |
Louie brought me the wrong package, so I head for the front desk to straighten things out. Near the front desk, I see a girl I passed coming here. Name's Mila, and she's wearing Bradley's bracelet. |
ミラは213号室のジェフ の車に乗せてもらって ホテルにやってきたが、 荷物も持たず、話すことも できない様子で、メイドの ローザは、そんなミラを 心配して、彼女の面倒を みてやっていた。 |
Guy named Jeff in 213 gave Mila a lift. Problem is, Mila's got no luggage and she's a mute. Rosa, the maid, feels sorry for her and takes her under her large wing. |
フロントにかかってきた 電話で、間違った荷物を 211号室のサマーが 届けてくれることになり、 ようやくエドからの荷物を 受け取ることができた。 |
A guy named Summer calls the front desk and tells them he has my package. He drops it by my room, and after a lot of hand- wringing and fifty-cent words, I finally get the stuff Ed sent me. |
届いた荷物の中身は 探し物のオーダーシートと セールスの新商品だった。 今夜の探し物は、赤い小箱 とグラビア雑誌か。 俺はレイチェルに荷物が 届いたことを連絡し、 捜索を始めることにした。 |
Inside the box is a list of items I'm supposed to find and some new products. The items are a small red box and a men's magazine. I give Rachel a buzz and tell her I got the goods, then I go to work. |
%r213_03 | ||
Hyde_05 | 階段にいた子供は 何号室に泊まってるか 知ってるか? |
You know where that kid on the stairs is staying? |
Jeff_02 | ||
Jeff_01 | 219号室みたいだけど | I think she's in Room 219. |
Jeff_01 | だらしなさそうな父親と 一緒だ |
She's staying with a big slob of a man. Probably her father. |
Jeff_01 | 名前はメリッサ そう呼ばれてたから |
Her name's Melissa. At least that's what her father calls her. |
%r213_03 | ||
Hyde_05 | あんたの名前は? | What's your name? |
Jeff_02 | ||
Jeff_01 | 僕はジェフ | I'm Jeff. |
Jeff_01 | …ジェフ・エンゼルだ | Jeff Angel. |
Hyde_24 | ||
Jeff_17 | ||
Hyde_24 | ジェフ・エンゼルか… どこの坊ちゃんだ? |
Jeff Angel? Yeah, right. Wonder what this punk's story is. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Jeff_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | ひとりで旅行か? | You here alone? |
Jeff_01 | まあ、そうだけど | Yes. What of it? |
Hyde_05 | このホテルには よく泊まるのか? |
You stay here a lot? |
Jeff_13 | …まさか | You're kidding, right? |
Jeff_14 | ルームサービスもない ホテルに泊まるなんて 生まれて初めてだ |
This is the first time I've ever stayed in a place without room service. |
Jeff_14 | 普通なら、こんなホテルに 泊まったりはしないけど |
Normally, I wouldn't come near a dump like this. |
Jeff_14 | 今夜は仕方ないし… | Tonight, however, I seem to have no choice. |
Front Desk
%p00101FF | ||
%b0292 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%p00101FF | 俺の名前は カイル・ハイド |
The name's Kyle Hyde. |
%p00101FF | レッドクラウン商会の セールスマンだ |
It's been three years since I quit the force and left New York. |
%p00101FF | 刑事を辞め マンハッタンを離れて もうすぐ3年になる |
Now I'm a salesman for this outfit called Red Crown. |
%p00101FF | レッドクラウン商会は 表向きは家庭用品の 訪問販売の会社だが |
On the surface, Red Crown's a door-to-door sales firm dealing in household goods. |
%p00101FF | 社長のエドはその裏で 表立っては探せない |
But Ed, the boss, has himself a little business on the side. |
%p00101FF | いわくつきの探し物を 見つけ出すビジネスを 手がけている |
He finds things that don't always want to be found. Keeps it quiet, too. |
%p00101FF | 俺はときどき その裏稼業を手伝う |
From time to time, I lend a hand. |
%p00101FF | 気の乗らない仕事も たまにはあるが |
Ain't the greatest gig in town, but... |
%p00101FF | まだ それを辞める気はない |
Hell, I got nowhere to be and nothing better to do. |
%p00101FF | そうだ、ブラッドリー | You hear me, Bradley? This is it. |
%p00101FF | おまえを見つけ出す その日までは… |
This is what I'll be doing until I find you... |
Hyde_24 | …なんだ | Great. |
Hyde_FF | 客を出迎えるボーイも いないのか… |
An empty lobby with no one home. |
Hyde_02 | フロントはどこだ? | Where's the front desk in this dump? |
Hyde_03 | まずは チェックインするか… |
Huh. Cute sign, pal. ...Guess that's where I check in. |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_25 | エドからの荷物はもう届いているだろうか? | Is Ed's package here yet? |
%p65534FF | カウンターの上には 呼び出しベルがある |
Guy's got a bell on the counter. Nice touch. |
%r102_R | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
%p0001701 | ||
Hyde_FF | …誰か、出てきた | Maybe this dump isn't deserted after all... |
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
Dunning_14 | おい、ローザ! 言っただろう! |
Rosa! Hey, Rosa! If I told ya once, I told ya a thousand times! |
Dunning_14 | 試合を観てるときは 呼び出すなって! |
Don't go botherin' me when I'm watchin' a game! |
Dunning_07 | …ん? | Huh? |
Dunning_09 | …なんだ ローザじゃなかったのか |
The hell? You ain't Rosa! |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …ん? | Not since I last checked. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Dunning_05 | いや、すまない | Yeah, well, sorry 'bout that. |
Dunning_01 | テレビで アイスホッケーの試合を 見ていてね |
I was watchin' a hockey game on the tube. |
Dunning_01 | ちょうどいいところで つい夢中になっていた |
There was a fight, and my guy was gettin' the crap beat outta him. |
Dunning_01 | 別に、あんたに 怒鳴ったわけじゃない |
Didn't mean to bite yer head off or anythin'. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r102_09 | ||
Dunning_01 | 俺はダニング・スミス このホテルの主人だ |
Name's Dunning Smith, and I own this joint. |
Dunning_04 | ようこそ ホテル・ダスクへ |
Welcome to my own little slice'a heaven...Hotel Dusk. |
Hyde_24 | ||
Dunning_20 | ||
Hyde_FF | ダニング・スミスか 頑固そうな親父だ |
Dunning Smith? Seems like a grumpy piece of leather. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_05 | …おい | Oh, this guy's fantastic... |
Dunning_07 | ||
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_07 | なんだはないだろう | "The hell?" Nice greeting. |
Dunning_02 | ||
Dunning_15 | …ん? | ...'Scuse me? |
Hyde_07 | あんたが何の試合に 夢中なのかは知らんが |
I don't care about your game. I need a room. |
Hyde_11 | フロントで客を待たせるな! | And I don't like waiting at the front desk like some kind of delivery boy. |
Dunning_06 | …悪かったな でも、そんなに怒ることは ないだろう |
Whoa, whoa! Sorry, buddy! Don't get all riled up on me now! |
Dunning_06 | 短気な男だ | Bit of a short fuse, eh, pal? |
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_05 | ローザって、誰だ? | Who's Rosa? |
Dunning_02 | ||
Dunning_01 | うちのメイドだ | Rosa? She's the hotel maid. |
Dunning_01 | 働き者なんだが 口うるさい女でね |
Hard worker, but she's got a mouth the size'a Nebraska. |
Dunning_01 | 俺がテレビを見ていると 必ずじゃまをしてくる |
Always findin' ways to bust my chops when I'm watchin' a game. |
Dunning_05 | すまなかったな ローザと間違えたりして |
Anyway, sorry for thinkin' you was her. No harm, no foul, eh? |
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Dunning_04 | 泊まりかね? | So! Ya here for a room, or just t'hear me jaw? |
Hyde_03 | ああ、今夜一泊 | A room. One night. |
Dunning_01 | どんな部屋がいい? | What kinda room ya want? |
Hyde_05 | 安い部屋でいい | Cheap. |
Dunning_01 | …安い部屋か シングルなら空いてるが |
Well, if ya wanna save a bit'a scratch, I got a room available. |
Hyde_05 | それでいい | Great. |
Dunning_01 | いや、どうかね | But, hey, lemme bend yer ear for a second... |
Dunning_01 | たまには、いい部屋に 泊まるっていうのは? |
How'd ya like t'stay in somethin' a little nicer? |
Hyde_06 | …いい部屋? | You have nice rooms? |
Dunning_03 | ああ | Yep. |
Dunning_01 | お客さん 仕事はセールスマンか? |
You're in sales, right? Door t'door? On yer feet all day? |
Hyde_03 | ああ | Something like that. |
Dunning_01 | 商品を抱えて、あちこち 売り歩くのは、さぞかし 疲れることだろう |
Yep, I know it. Ya haul the case around all day and the dogs get to barkin'. |
Dunning_05 | どうだい? たまには、自分に ご褒美っていうのは |
So what d'ya say? Why not give yerself a little treat for once? |
Dunning_FF | いい部屋に泊まれば 疲れもすぐに取れる |
One night in a nice room'll make a new man outta ya! |
Dunning_10 | 実はな、今日は珍しく スイートルームが 空いているんだ |
Now this is a bit rare, but tonight I actually got a suite open. |
Dunning_FF | 今日は、あんたのために 特別に値引きするよ |
And 'cause I'm feelin' generous, I'll let ya have it for a special price! |
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_22 | 安い部屋でいい | I said cheap. |
Dunning_02 | ||
Dunning_10 | いい部屋だよ | It's a peach of a room! |
Hyde_07 | いいって言ってるだろう | Hey! You got a problem? |
Hyde_07 | スイートルームなんて 俺には似合わん |
I look like a guy who would stay in a suite? |
Dunning_09 | …そうかい それは残念 |
Yep, all right, I getcha. Gotta say though, I'm disappointed. |
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_05 | じゃあ、スイートにしよう | All right, give me the suite. |
Dunning_02 | ||
Dunning_05 | そうかい | Really? |
Hyde_05 | いくらだ? | How much? |
Dunning_10 | ほんとは350ドルだが | Well, it'll normally run ya three-fifty. |
Dunning_FF | 今日は特別サービスで 300ドルでいい |
But I'll let ya have it for three bills, even. |
Hyde_06 | …300ドル? | Three hundred dollars? |
Hyde_06 | それはないだろう ばかげた値段だ |
You think I'm an idiot? That's ridiculous! |
Dunning_10 | 高くはないさ それに見合う最高の部屋だ |
It's a fair price! I'm tellin' ya, that room's worth every cent! |
Hyde_07 | やめた | I'll pass. |
Hyde_07 | そんな金は持っていない | I don't have that kind of walking-around money. |
Dunning_06 | …なんだ 冷やかしだったのか |
Just window-shoppin', eh? Hell, that was a waste'a time for both'a us. |
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Dunning_04 | じゃあ、宿泊カードに 名前を書いてもらおうか |
Well, if I can getcha to fill out this registration card, ya can have a room. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Dunning_18 | ペンはこれを使ってくれ | Here's a pen for ya. Nice pen, too. Don't go stealin' it. |
Dunning_03 | ||
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_19 | ||
Dunning_09 | ちゃんと全部書いてくれ | Look, pal, I need ya t'fill out the whole card! |
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_19 | ||
Dunning_09 | 名前を書いてくれと 言ったんだがね 聞こえなかったか? |
Can I getcha to write down yer name? Hello? Anybody home? Ya deaf or somethin'? |
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Dunning_19 | …カイル・ハイド? | ...Kyle Hyde? |
Dunning_FF | …あんた カイル・ハイドって いうのか? |
Yer name really Kyle Hyde? |
Hyde_03 | ああ | That's what my parents told me. |
Dunning_13 | うむ… | Huh... |
Hyde_06 | どうした? | That work for you? |
Dunning_15 | いや… なんでもない |
Yeah, sure! Forget I said anythin'. |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …なんでもない? | Forget what? |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Dunning_01 | 本当になんでもない | Ain't nothin'. |
Dunning_01 | 気にしないでくれ | Don't worry about it. |
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_05 | …ちょっと待てよ | Hold on. |
Dunning_07 | ||
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_09 | いい名前だろう? | Good name, isn't it? |
Dunning_02 | ||
Dunning_15 | カイル・ハイドか… | Kyle Hyde? |
Dunning_01 | 悪い名前じゃないが どこかで聞いたような よくある名前だ |
Yeah, it's a great name. I seen a bunch'a ya in the phone book. |
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_05 | 何を気にしてる? | What now? You don't like my name? |
Dunning_02 | ||
Dunning_15 | なんでもない | I told ya! Ain't nothin'! |
Hyde_07 | なんでもないことは ないだろう |
Don't tell me it's nothing. |
Hyde_07 | 俺の名前が犯罪者名簿にでも 載っていたか? |
You see my name on a wanted poster or something? |
Dunning_15 | いや、そうじゃないが… | Naw, ain't like that. |
Dunning_01 | ただ、いたなと思ってな | Just remembered the name, is all. |
Dunning_19 | あんたと同じ名前の客が | Had a guest with the same handle as you. |
Hyde_25 | 俺と同じ名前の客がいた? | A guest with my name? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Dunning_01 | それだけのことだ | Yeah, that's it. |
Dunning_01 | 大したことじゃない 気にするな |
Ain't a big deal. |
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_03 | ||
Dunning_19 | そうだな、部屋は… | Anyway, about yer room. |
Dunning_FF | 215号室を使ってくれ | Yer in Room 215. |
Dunning_18 | 鍵は、これだ | Here's the key. |
Hyde_19 | ||
Dunning_03 | ||
%p0000000 | 俺は「215号室の鍵」を 受け取った |
I got the Room 215 key. |
%p0000000 | 鍵には、部屋の番号と 「希望」という文字が 刻み込まれていた |
It's got the room number and the word "Wish" engraved on it. |
Hyde_24 | …「希望」? なんだ、この文字は? |
Wish? What's that supposed to mean? |
Dunning_01 | 部屋の名前だよ | It's the name'a the room. |
Hyde_06 | 部屋に名前があるのか? | The room has a name? |
Dunning_01 | ああ このホテルの客室には みんな名前がついている |
Sure does! Every room in this hotel has its own name! |
Dunning_01 | 「希望」「勇気」 「成功」「夜明け」に 「天使」なんてのもある |
We got Wish, Bravery, Daybreak, Success... even Angel. |
Hyde_06 | その名前 あんたが付けたのか? |
Cute. You think those up yourself? |
Dunning_05 | ああ いい名前ばかりだろう |
Sure did. Great group'a names, ain't they? |
Dunning_10 | なかでも「希望」は 俺のお気に入りだ |
Wish is my favorite of the bunch, though. |
Hyde_07 | …ふん、つまらん | What a crock. |
Dunning_04 | …つまらんだと? | A crock? |
Hyde_07 | 客室にはナンバーさえ あれば、充分だ |
Rooms need numbers. That's it. |
Hyde_07 | 名前なんて余計だ | Naming a room is a waste of time. |
Dunning_06 | …余計か | Waste'a time?! |
Dunning_06 | そんなこと言われたのは 初めてだ |
Ain't no one ever said that before! |
Hyde_07 | みんな思っていても 言わなかっただけだろう |
They just didn't have the stones to tell you what they really thought. |
Dunning_01 | …そうかね 部屋に名前があるのを 喜ぶ客もいるがね |
Some guests like names! |
Dunning_01 | まあでも、よかったよ あんたが余計なことが 嫌いな人だとわかって |
But now I know. Yer a man who don't like t'waste time on silly stuff. |
Dunning_01 | おかげであんたに あの話をせずに済む |
Saves me from wastin' breath on my story. |
Dunning_04 | あんたみたいな人には どうせ、あの話も 余計なことだろう |
Yep, a man like you would find my story a waste'a time all the way 'round! But... |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …何だと? | What's he talking about? |
Hyde_FF | ||
Dunning_01 | まあ、別に 大した話じゃない |
Hell, it's nothin' you'd be interested in! |
Dunning_01 | 気にするな | So forget it! |
Hyde_03 | ||
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_03 | ||
Dunning_19 | ああ、それから これも渡しておこう |
I dunno why I'm helpin' ya, but go ahead'n take this. |
Dunning_18 | このホテルのパンフレットだ 館内図も付いている |
It's a hotel brochure. Ya got a map in there, too. |
Hyde_19 | ||
Dunning_03 | ||
%p0000000 | 俺は「パンフレット」を 受け取り |
I got the hotel brochure. |
%p0000000 | 持っていた手帳に それをはさみこんだ |
I put it in my notebook. |
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_05 | …おい | Hold on. |
Dunning_02 | ||
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_05 | あの話って何だ? | What story did you mean? |
Dunning_02 | ||
Dunning_01 | 余計な話だよ | Nothin'. Waste'a time. |
Hyde_07 | 勿体ぶるな 何の話だ? |
Cut the crap. What's the story? |
Dunning_05 | そんなに気になるなら 話してやるか |
Well, if ya really wanna know, I'll tell ya. |
Dunning_01 | 実は、あんたが今晩泊まる 215号室なんだが |
Actually, it's 'bout Room 215. The room where yer stayin'. |
Dunning_01 | ちょっと いわくつきの部屋でね |
It's got a...whatcha call it? A history. |
Hyde_07 | いわくつき? 幽霊でも出るのか? |
A history? What, like ghosts? You telling me it's haunted? |
Dunning_01 | そんな話じゃない もっといい話だ |
Ghosts? Pah! Nah, this is way better'n some spook with chains! |
Dunning_04 | あんた 何か願い事があるかね? |
Ya got dreams, pal? Somethin' ya wish for? |
Hyde_06 | …願い事だと? | I'm not much for wishing. |
Dunning_03 | ああ | Don't surprise me. But still... |
Dunning_01 | もしあんたに願い事が あるとしたら |
If ya got somethin' ya want. I mean, really want... |
Dunning_01 | 今夜、それが 叶うかもしれんという話だ |
Ya just may find it tonight. Ya follow? |
Dunning_11 | 実は、あんたが泊まる 215号室は |
That's the story... That's Room 215. |
Dunning_11 | 願い事が叶う部屋なんだ | It's the place where wishes are granted. |
Hyde_25 | 願いが叶う? どういうことだ? | Where wishes are granted? |
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_07 | あんたみたいな人だと? | A man like me? What's that mean? |
Dunning_02 | ||
Dunning_03 | ああ | What's it mean? Means a man like you got a narrow view of the world! |
Dunning_01 | 世の中には 余計なものも必要だって ことがわからない |
Means a man like you don't know the world NEEDS things that are a waste'a time! |
Dunning_01 | 了見のせまい男のことさ | Clear enough for ya? |
Hyde_07 | …ふん | It's clear. |
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Dunning_04 | これで チェックインは終了だ |
All right, yer all checked in. |
Dunning_01 | 客室は2階だ フロントの奥に階段がある |
Head on up to the second floor. It's through the lobby and up the stairs. |
Dunning_01 | 部屋は そこを上がって右の奥だ |
Room 215's down the hall on the left. |
Hyde_03 | ||
Dunning_01 | レストランは 1階の奥にある |
Restaurant's through the lobby and to the left. |
Dunning_01 | ディナーは6時から 朝食は朝の7時半からだ |
It opens for dinner at 6:00, and breakfast at 7:30. |
Dunning_01 | バーは9時から営業している | Got a bar, too. Opens at 9:00 tonight. |
Dunning_01 | チェックアウトは10時 それを過ぎたら2割増だ |
Checkout's at 10:00. Miss it, and we charge ya double. |
Dunning_01 | 連泊になるときは 早めに言ってくれ |
'Course, if ya wanna stay another night, just lemme know. |
Dunning_01 | 何か他に用はあるか? | Need anythin' else? |
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_05 | 荷物が届いているはずだ | There's supposed to be a package for me. |
Dunning_02 | ||
Dunning_19 | あんた宛ての荷物? …ここにはないが |
A package for ya? Sorry, I don't see nothin'. |
Hyde_05 | 必ず届くはずの荷物だ 調べてくれ |
It should be here. Maybe you can actually...look around or something? |
Dunning_01 | …おい、予約もせずに 初めて泊まるホテルに 荷物を送りつけるなんて |
Ya send a package to a hotel when ya don't even have a reservation? Nice... |
Dunning_04 | まさか、その荷物… ヤバイものじゃ ないだろうな |
Oh, and this package better not be anythin' that's gonna cause problems! |
Hyde_FF | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …ヤバイものだと? | This guy's a real charmer... |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Dunning_01 | まあいい | Well, I won't hassle ya 'bout it, then. |
Dunning_01 | あんたが変なものを 持ち込むとは思わないが |
Ya don't seem like the type to carry anythin' too weird, anyway. |
Dunning_09 | くれぐれも問題だけは 起こさないでくれよ |
Just make sure there's no trouble while yer here, see? |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r102_09 | ||
Dunning_01 | 荷物の件は あとで確認して |
I'll have the bellhop look for yer package. |
Dunning_01 | 着いていたら 部屋まで届けさせよう |
If it shows, we'll bring it to yer room. |
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_05 | …待てよ | Oh yeah? |
Dunning_02 | ||
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_07 | 客の荷物の中身について 余計な詮索をするな |
The package is my business. Not yours. |
Dunning_02 | ||
Dunning_15 | 別にそんなつもりはない | Sure, sure. No worries. Didn't mean to pry. |
Hyde_07 | ならいいが | Then there's no problem. |
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_06 | …ヤバイものだと? どういう意味だ? |
What kind of problems? |
Dunning_02 | ||
Dunning_01 | うちに迷惑がかかるような ものってことだ |
Is it anythin' that's gonna inconvenience my hotel? |
Hyde_06 | 迷惑がかかるだと? | Depends on what you mean by "inconvenience." |
Dunning_01 | 以前、あんたみたいな 若い男の客に荷物が届いて |
Had a bit'a trouble with a package for another young guy like you. |
Dunning_01 | 大変なことになった | Thing turned into a damn circus. |
Hyde_25 | 大変なこと? 何があったんだ? | Really? What happened? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Dunning_09 | あんなことは二度と 御免だ |
Let's just say I don't wanna deal with anythin' like it again, and leave it at that. |
Dunning_01 | まあいい | Buncha lousy... |
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_05 | 俺と同じ名前の客がいたのか? | So, you had a guest with my name? |
Dunning_02 | ||
Dunning_01 | ああ、いた あんたと同じ名前の客が |
Yep. Called himself Kyle Hyde, too. |
Hyde_02 | ||
Dunning_04 | たしか、あんたぐらいの 歳の男だった |
As I remember it, he was 'bout yer age. |
Dunning_01 | 髪はブロンド 背が高くて、やせていた |
Blond fella, tall and thin. Looked kinda like a stork. |
Hyde_24 | ブロンドで 背が高くて、やせた男だと… |
A tall, thin, blond man? |
Hyde_FF | ブラッドリーに似ている… | Sounds like Bradley. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Dunning_01 | でも、あんたと違って | But I wouldn't mistake you for him. He was different. |
Hyde_06 | …俺と違って? | How so? |
Dunning_01 | 高級なスーツを着て 羽振りのいい男だった |
Wearin' a nice suit, good shoes, the works. Looked like a somebody. |
Hyde_07 | …ふん | I'll keep that in mind. |
Hyde_07 | で、その男は よく泊まりに来るのか? |
So does Mr. Somebody stay here often? |
Dunning_01 | いや、半年前に一度 泊まったきりだ |
Naw, just the one time. It was 'bout...six months ago. |
Dunning_01 | あれっきり姿を見せない | Ain't seen him since. |
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_06 | 願いが叶うって… どういうことだ? |
Fill me in on this whole wish-granting thing. |
Dunning_02 | ||
Dunning_01 | その部屋に泊まった客に 言われたことがある |
It's a story I heard from folks that stayed in 215. |
Dunning_04 | 最初は、若い女 その次は、中年男だった |
First, there was a young girl. Then a middle-aged fella... |
Dunning_01 | ふたりともチェックインの ときには、お先真っ暗で 疲れた顔をしていたが |
Both of 'em looked beat down when they arrived. Like they had no future... |
Dunning_01 | あの部屋に泊まった翌朝は まるで別人みたいに 幸せそうな顔をしていた |
But by next mornin', they'd been reborn. Their faces were just...peaceful, like. |
Dunning_01 | 俺は思わず聞いてみたんだ お客さん、昨日の夜 何かあったのかと |
Well, I was surprised as a dog'n a tree, so I asked 'em what happened. |
Dunning_11 | すると、ふたりとも こう答えた |
And ya know what? They both told me the same thing. |
Dunning_11 | あの部屋に泊まって | "Room 215 is magic. It granted m'wish. Everything's OK now." |
願いが叶ったからだと | ||
Dunning_11 | だから… | So that's why I said... |
Hyde_09 | …ふふふ | Ha ha ha! |
Dunning_06 | 何が、おかしい? | What's so funny? |
Hyde_22 | もう、けっこうだ その話の続きは |
Good one, pops. Real nice. |
Hyde_09 | あんたみたいな親父から おとぎ話を聞かされるとは 思わなかった |
I didn't think an old-timer like you would tell me fairy tales. |
Dunning_04 | おとぎ話だと? | Fairy tales?! |
Dunning_01 | …ふうん、そうか | That what ya think this is? |
Dunning_09 | やっぱり、あんたには 余計な話だったか |
Just a waste'a yer valuable time, is that it? |
Hyde_24 | ||
Dunning_01 | まあ おとぎ話だと思うのは あんたの勝手だ |
Call it a fairy tale if ya want. It's a free country. |
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_05 | 大変なことって 何があったんだ? |
Talk about the trouble you mentioned earlier. What happened? |
Dunning_02 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Dunning_01 | 3年前のことだ | That? Well, it was right 'bout three years ago. |
Dunning_01 | ボーイが配達された荷物を 客の部屋に届けたとたん |
One'a the bellhops took a package up to a guest's room, right? |
Dunning_01 | 刑事が踏み込んできて… | And then...BANG! Buncha cops and detectives come stormin' in! |
Hyde_24 | …刑事だと? | Detectives? |
Hyde_FF | ||
Dunning_01 | その客は、指名手配中の 窃盗グループの一員で |
Seems m'guest was a crook! Part'a some big crime ring or somethin'. |
Dunning_01 | このホテルを仲間からの 盗品の受け渡し場所に 使っていたんだ |
He was usin' my hotel as a drop-off for stolen goods. |
Dunning_06 | あのときは参ったよ | Whole thing was a damn mess! |
Dunning_06 | ホテルの中で銃声はするし 他の客は騒ぎ出すし… |
Gunshots in the hallway... Screamin' guests runnin' every which'a way... |
Dunning_09 | あんな騒ぎは二度と御免だ | I ain't never goin' through anythin' like that again! |
Dunning_01 | あれから、このホテルは 刑事と犯罪者は 立ち入り禁止だ |
That's why the Dusk's got a strict policy: No crooks... AND NO COPS! |
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_05 | 階段にいた子供は誰だ? | Who's the kid on the stairs? |
Dunning_02 | ||
Dunning_04 | 子供? | There's a kid on the stairs? |
Dunning_01 | ああ、メリッサのことか | Aw, hell! That musta been Melissa. |
Dunning_01 | 219号室の客で 父親と一緒に泊まっている |
She and her father are stayin' in Room 219. |
Hyde_07 | メリッサっていうのか あの子? |
Melissa, huh? |
Dunning_05 | ああ、かわいい子だ | Yep, she's a real cutie. Not like most kids nowadays. Buncha long-haired punks... |
Hyde_07 | かわいい? どこが? 生意気なだけだ |
We talking about the same kid? The Melissa I met was more barracuda than girl. |
Dunning_01 | なんだ、あんたも あの子にからかわれたのか |
Ha! You fell into her little trap, I bet! |
Hyde_06 | …からかわれた? | Trap? |
Dunning_03 | ああ | Yep. |
Dunning_04 | 階段でパズルを させられたんだろう |
Made ya solve that puzzle'a hers, right? |
Hyde_03 | ああ | Right. |
Dunning_05 | 俺もやられたよ | Yeah, me too. Don't pay it no nevermind. |
Dunning_01 | 大人に無理を言って かまってもらいたいだけだ |
She's just tryin' to get some attention, ya know? |
Dunning_01 | きっと淋しいんだろう 本気で怒るな |
She's gotta be lonely here, so don't get too upset with her, all right? |
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_05 | チェックインのとき 俺の名前を見て 何か気にしていただろう? |
You gave my name the hairy eyeball when I checked in. |
Dunning_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | 何を気にしていた? | What's the deal? |
Dunning_01 | ああ、あのことか | Oh, that? |
Dunning_01 | ただ、いたなと思ってな | Ain't nothin'. Really! I mean it! I just...remembered seein' yer name before. |
Dunning_01 | あんたと同じ名前の客が | Had us another guest with the same handle is all. |
Hyde_25 | 俺と同じ名前の客がいた? | A guest with my name? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Dunning_01 | それだけのことだ | Yep, that's it. |
Dunning_01 | 大したことじゃない 気にするな |
Told ya it ain't a big deal. Don't worry about it. |
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_06 | 部屋の鍵を受け取ったとき あんたが途中で止めた話 |
You started to tell me something when you gave me the room key. |
Dunning_02 | ||
Hyde_06 | あれは、何の話だった? | You want to finish your story now? |
Dunning_01 | なんだ 気になっていたのか? |
Huh! Caught your interest, did I? |
Hyde_03 | ああ | Sure. |
Dunning_05 | じゃあ 話してやるか |
All right. Lemme tell ya the story. |
Dunning_01 | 実は、あんたが今晩泊まる 215号室なんだが |
You're stayin' in Room 215 tonight, right? |
Dunning_01 | ちょっと いわくつきの部屋でね |
Well, that room's got a bit of a...history. |
Dunning_04 | 実は… あの部屋に泊まった客に こう言われたことがある |
Truth is, some'a the guests that stayed in 215 have told stories. |
Dunning_11 | そこに泊まったから 願いが叶ったと… |
Say they've had wishes granted after spendin' the night there. |
Hyde_25 | 願いが叶った? どういうことだ? | They had wishes granted? |
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_06 | 荷物のことを聞いたとき あんた言っただろう? |
When I asked if a package had arrived for me, you said something, right? |
Dunning_02 | ||
Hyde_06 | ヤバイものじゃ ないだろうなって |
Something about "causing problems"? What's that about? |
Dunning_01 | うちに迷惑がかかるような ものってことだ |
I wanted to know if yer package is somethin' that'll inconvenience my hotel. |
Hyde_06 | 迷惑がかかるだと? | What do you mean by "inconvenience"? |
Dunning_01 | 以前、あんたみたいな 若い男の客に荷物が届いて |
We had a bit of a problem with a package for another guy like you. |
Dunning_01 | 大変なことになった | Thing turned into a damn circus. |
Hyde_25 | 大変なこと? 何があったんだ? | A circus? What happened? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Dunning_09 | あんなことは二度と 御免だ |
Let's just say I don't wanna deal with anythin' like it again, and leave it at that. |
Dunning_01 | あんた、何を書いてるんだ? | What're you writing? |
Dunning_01 | あんた、何を見てる? | What're you looking at? |
%r102_09 | ||
Dunning_03 | 両替か? | Ya need change? |
Dunning_03 | 両替は一回だけにしてくれ | Fine, fine. But just this once, ya hear? |
%p0000000 | 俺は「コイン」を受け取った | I got some coins. |
Dunning_01 | あんたの部屋の鍵だ 鍵はなくすなよ |
This is yer room key. Don't go losin' it. |
Dunning_01 | ホテルのパンフレットだ 館内の地図がついている |
This is a hotel brochure and building map. |
Dunning_01 | さっき、両替したコインだ | That's the change I gave ya earlier. |
Dunning_01 | 金なんか見せるな | I don't need to see yer money. |
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_05 | ちょっと、いいか? | Got a sec? |
Dunning_02 | ||
Dunning_01 | あんたのチェックインは もう終わったよ |
Yer all checked in, ain't ya? |
Dunning_01 | 今、こちらのお客さんの 応対をしてるんだ |
I'm helping this other guest right now. |
Dunning_15 | 後にしてくれ | C'mon back later, will ya? |
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Dunning_01 | なんだ? | What is it? |
Hyde_05 | ちょっと、いいか? | Got a sec? |
Dunning_FF | ||
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Dunning_01 | 話は終わりか? | That it? |
Hyde_03 | ああ | Yeah. |
Dunning_04 | 部屋でゆっくりしてくれ | Enjoy yer stay. |
%r102_09 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Dunning_01 | 話は終わりか? | That everything? |
Hyde_03 | ああ | Yeah. |
Dunning_04 | あんた宛ての荷物だが 届いているみたいだ |
Looks like yer package arrived. |
Dunning_01 | あとで、ボーイに 届けさせる |
I'll have the bellhop bring it up to ya. |
%r102_09 | ||
Dunning_01 | ああ、それから さっき言い忘れてたが |
I forgot to mention this when ya checked in, but... |
Dunning_05 | 宿代は前金で頼むよ | I need ya to pay yer tab up front. |
Hyde_07 | 前金だと? | Up front? |
Dunning_01 | 別にあんたを 信用していないわけじゃ ないんだが |
Now don't get me wrong! It ain't that I don't trust ya or nothin'. |
Dunning_01 | 初めてのお客には みんなそうしてもらってる |
It's just...yer a first-time guest, and I don't know ya or anythin'. |
Hyde_06 | 今すぐか? | You want me to pay you right now? |
Dunning_15 | いや そんなに急がなくてもいい |
Naw, ain't like that. Ya don't hafta take care of it right away. |
Dunning_01 | あんたも着いたばかりで 少しゆっくりしたいだろう |
Ya just got here after all! Go ahead and sit a spell. |
Dunning_01 | 晩飯の前までに 払ってくれればいい |
But if ya swing by and take care of it before dinner, I'd be much obliged. |
Dunning_01 | 俺は、事務室か フロントにいるから あとで持ってきてくれ |
I'll be in my office or at the front desk. |
Hyde_03 | …わかった | Fine. |
Hyde_24 | …しまった | Aw, hell... |
Hyde_FF | フロントで エドからの荷物のことを 聞くのを忘れていた… |
I forgot to check with the front desk to see if Ed's package arrived. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r0000 | ||
%r102_04 | ||
Hyde_38 | ん? | Huh? |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_39 | ||
%p65534FF | 『部屋は空いてるかね?』 | Pardon me, sir. Do you have a room available? |
%p65534FF | フロントを離れたとたん 後ろから声が聞こえてきた |
As I walk away from the front desk, I hear a voice behind me... |
%r102_08 | ||
Helen_16 | ||
%r102_03 | ||
Helen_04 | ひと晩泊めておくれ | I need a room for the night. |
%r102_04 | ||
Hyde_02 | …客か | Just another guest. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r0000 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%r102_03 | ||
%r102_09 | ||
Dunning_04 | ようこそ、ホテル・ダスクへ | Welcome to my own little slice'a heaven...Hotel Dusk! |
Helen_02 | ||
Dunning_01 | 部屋は空いてるが どんな部屋がご希望で? |
As luck would have it, we got vacancies. What kinda room ya lookin' for, darlin'? |
Helen_04 | …そうだね あの部屋は空いてるかい? |
Well now, aren't you just a sweet-talker? But there's a certain room I want. |
Dunning_01 | …あの部屋? | Which room's that? |
Helen_12 | 新聞の記事で見たんだよ | The one I saw in the newspaper article! |
Helen_12 | ほら、あの部屋だよ 願いが叶う部屋さ |
I want that special room. The wishing room. |
Helen_12 | あるんだろう? ここに | This is the Hotel Dusk, is it not? |
Dunning_03 | ああ、あるとも | 'Course it is! And I know the room yer asking for! |
Dunning_01 | でも、悪いが 今日はあの部屋はもう… |
Unfortunately, ma'am, that room's... |
Helen_11 | 空いてないのかい? | Oh, dear. Is it taken? |
Dunning_01 | そういうことだ | That's right, and I'm damn sorry 'bout it! Uh, I mean... I'm real sorry, ma'am. |
Helen_10 | そうかい それは、残念だね |
Well, isn't that a shame! |
Dunning_04 | 他の部屋でもいいかい? | Ya want a different room? We got plenty, and they're all top'a-the-line! |
Helen_03 | ああ | Yes, I... I suppose I'll make do with something else. |
Hyde_05 | ちょっと、いいか? | Excuse me... |
Helen_02 | ||
Helen_01 | どちらさんか知らないが | Now, now, young man. |
Helen_01 | 今、チェックインの 最中なんだよ |
I'm trying to check in to this nice hotel. |
Helen_05 | 話なら、またあとで | Perhaps we can talk later. After we've been properly introduced, that is! |
%p65534FF | カウンターの上には 呼び出しベルがある |
There's a bell on the counter. |
%r102_R | ||
Hyde_02 | …誰も出てこない | I'm getting nothing here. |
Hyde_14 | ベルの音が 聞こえてないのか? |
Don't tell me no one heard that bell. |
%r102_R | ||
Hyde_24 | …誰も出てこない | I'm getting nothing here. |
Hyde_07 | …ったく! | Damn it! |
Hyde_FF | なんて、ホテルだ | You call this a hotel? I'd be better off staying in my car... |
%r0000 | ||
%r102_04 | ||
Hyde_30 | ||
%p65534FF | フロントのソファの前に 誰かいた |
Someone's standing in front of the lobby sofa. |
%r102_02 | ||
Hyde_FF | …ん? | Huh? |
Dunning_22 | ||
Dunning_23 | ||
Hyde_02 | …ダニングが こっちを見ている |
It's Dunning. He's looking this way. |
%r0000 | ||
%r102_04 | ||
Hyde_30 | ||
%p65534FF | フロントのソファの前に 誰かいた |
Someone's standing in front of the lobby sofa. |
%r102_02 | ||
Hyde_FF | …ん? | Huh? |
Louis_22 | ||
Hyde_02 | …誰だ? | Who is it? |
Louis_22 | マスター! | Boss! |
%r102_06 | ||
Dunning_22 | ||
Dunning_23 | なんだ、ルイス | What is it, Louis? |
%r102_04 | ||
%r102_02 | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
Dunning_14 | ちょっと、あんた! | Hey, you! |
Dunning_14 | ルイスから聞いたぞ! | Louis spilled the beans about you, my friend! |
Dunning_11 | あんた、刑事だそうだな | Yer a cop, ain't ya? |
Hyde_07 | えっ? | Huh? |
Dunning_15 | 隠してもだめだ | Too late to hide now! |
Dunning_11 | 刑事だということを 黙って泊まろうったって そうはいかん |
Ya didn't tell me you were fuzz when ya checked in, pal! |
Dunning_11 | このホテルで何かの 捜査をしたかったら 令状を持ってこい! |
If ya wanna investigate my place, go get yerself a damn warrant! Ya hear?! |
Dunning_14 | 出て行ってくれ! | Now get the hell outta here! |
Hyde_10 | えっ? | What? |
Dunning_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Dunning_FF | ||
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_29 | そういえば、あのとき… | Oh, I get it now. |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_FF | 215号室で 俺はルイスから… |
It's because of that chat with Louie up in my room. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Louis_13 | ああ、本気で情けねえって 思ってんだよ |
Yeah, ya jerk! That hurts! |
Louis_01 | 真面目に働いて 更生している前科者に そんなことを言うなんて |
What kinda cop says that to a guy what's trying to get his act together? |
Louis_10 | あんた、最低の刑事だな | You're a dirtbag, Officer Hyde. |
Louis_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_08 | …ああ | Damn... |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r102_06 | ||
%r102_02 | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
Louis_01 | マスター、この男だよ | That's the guy, boss. |
Dunning_06 | なるほどな | I hear ya. |
Hyde_07 | …なんだ? | What is it? |
Louis_10 | あんた、俺のこと 覚えていないのか? |
What? You don't remember me, do you, man? ...Well, I sure remember YOU! |
Hyde_06 | えっ? | Huh? |
Dunning_11 | ルイスから聞いたが あんた、刑事だそうだな |
Louis told me all about you. Says you're a dirty cop! |
Dunning_11 | 刑事だということを 黙って泊まろうったって そうはいかん |
Ya didn't tell me you were fuzz when ya checked in, pal! |
Dunning_11 | このホテルで何かの 捜査をしたかったら 令状を持ってこい! |
If ya wanna investigate my place, go get yerself a damn warrant! Ya hear?! |
Dunning_14 | 出て行ってくれ! | Now get the hell outta here! |
Hyde_10 | えっ? | What? |
Dunning_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Dunning_FF | ||
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_29 | そういえば… | Oh, I get it. |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_FF | 215号室で 荷物を受け取ったとき… |
He knows what happened when the bellhop delivered my package... |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_06 | …失礼しやす? | ...I gotta blow? |
Hyde_24 | …ん? | Huh? |
Hyde_15 | 今のボーイの声 どこかで聞いたような 気がするが… |
The bellhop's voice... I know I've heard it somewhere before... |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_08 | …ああ | Damn... |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r102_11 | ||
Hyde_24 | …ん? | Huh? |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r102_R | ||
Hyde_02 | …誰なんだ? | Who are you? |
%r102_03 | ||
%r102_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | …おい | Hey... |
Mila_11 | ||
Mila_FF | ||
Hyde_05 | ちょっと、いいか? | You got a second? |
Mila_FF | ||
Hyde_02 | おい! | Hey! |
Hyde_28 | ||
Mila_14 | ||
Hyde_24 | …ん? | Huh? |
Hyde_14 | ||
Hyde_24 | …この子 | That's her. |
Hyde_FF | 車から見かけた あのときの… |
That's the girl I saw on the drive out here. |
Hyde_03 | ||
Mila_15 | ||
Hyde_05 | なあ、あんただろう? | It's you! |
Hyde_05 | ひとりで 道路に立っていたのは |
I saw you standing alone by the side of the road. |
Hyde_05 | ほら、このホテルに 向かう国道沿いに… |
You were on the side of the highway, about an hour from here. |
Mila_FF | ||
Hyde_06 | …おい、違うのか? | What? What's wrong? Not you? |
Hyde_02 | …どうした? なぜ、黙っている? |
What's going on? Why won't she say anything? |
Mila_02 | ||
Hyde_24 | …ん? | Huh? |
Hyde_FF | もしかして、あんた… | Wait a minute... |
Hyde_FF | 聞こえていないのか? | Sorry, are you deaf? I didn't mean to... |
%r102_03 | ||
%r102_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | おい… | Hello? |
Mila_15 | ||
Mila_FF | ||
Hyde_02 | …何も答えないか | Can't answer me, huh? |
%r0000 | ||
%p65534FF | 『…聞こえるみたいだよ』 | She can hear just fine! Mmm-hmm! |
%p65534FF | 後ろから声がした | There's a voice behind me. |
Hyde_24 | ||
%r102_R | ||
Rosa_19 | ||
%r102_06 | ||
Rosa_04 | でも、ここに来てから 何も話さないんだ |
But she hasn't said boo since she arrived. Don't ask me why not! I don't know. |
Hyde_05 | あんた、誰だ? | Who are you? |
Rosa_06 | あたしかい? | Me? |
Rosa_05 | あたしはローザさ | I'm Rosa. The maid. AND the cook. Who are you? |
Hyde_24 | ||
Rosa_18 | ||
Hyde_24 | ローザだと? | Rosa, huh? |
Rosa_18 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_06 | あんたがローザなのか | So you're Rosa? |
Rosa_02 | ||
Rosa_06 | ああ、そうだよ | Mmm-hmm, that's right. Rosa. You got it. |
Rosa_04 | あたしのこと 誰かに聞いてたのかい? |
Why are you asking? Has someone been talking about me again? |
Hyde_07 | フロントに出てきた ダニングとかいう親父に |
Yeah, I ran into Dunning at the front desk. |
Hyde_07 | あんたと間違えられて 怒鳴られた |
He came out screaming 'cause he thought I was you. |
Rosa_04 | そりゃあ、悪かったね | Oh, did he now? Yeah, that sounds like Mr. Smith. Sorry about that. |
Rosa_06 | マスターったら また、アイスホッケーの 試合でも観てたんだろ |
I bet the boss was lost in one of his hockey games. As usual. |
Rosa_13 | フロントは あの人の仕事なのに |
He's supposed to be watching the front desk. 'Course he never does. |
Rosa_13 | まったく しょうがない男だよ |
The man is useless. Totally useless. |
Hyde_02 | で…、この子は? | Right... So who's the girl? |
Rosa_01 | ミラだよ | Her? Miss Talkie over there? That's Mila. |
Rosa_01 | ミラに何か用かい? | Why? Why you asking? There something you need from her? |
Hyde_25 | ミラ? この子、ミラっていうのか? | Her name's Mila?! |
%r102_06 | ||
%r102_02 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Rosa_06 | あんたは、誰だい? | Who are you, anyway? I haven't seen you around before. |
Hyde_07 | 誰って、客だ | That doesn't surprise me. I'm a guest. Probably don't see too many in this place. |
Rosa_06 | なんだ、あんた お客だったのかい |
Well, don't I feel silly! I didn't realize! |
Rosa_06 | てっきり、どこかの セールスマンかと思ったけど |
I assumed you were one of those traveling salesmen! |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …何だと? | Huh? |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Rosa_04 | 悪かったね お客だとすぐに気付かなくて |
I should have given you a real Hotel Dusk welcome. Sorry. Again. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r102_06 | ||
%r102_02 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Rosa_01 | で、お客さん あんたの名前は? |
So tell me, what's your name? Wait! Let me guess! Um...no. I have no idea. |
Hyde_07 | カイル・ハイドだ | Kyle Hyde. |
Rosa_03 | ああ | Oooooohhhh... |
Rosa_06 | 215号室の客って あんただったんだね |
So YOU'RE the man staying in Room 215. Shoulda known, shoulda known. |
Hyde_07 | …なんだ 知ってるじゃないか |
Look at that. You do know me. |
%r102_06 | ||
%r102_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | …待てよ | Wait a second... |
Rosa_FF | ||
%r102_06 | ||
%r102_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | どこのセールスマンに 見えたんだ? |
Why'd you think I was a salesman? |
Rosa_FF | ||
Rosa_06 | レッドクラウン商会 | Red Crown. |
Hyde_24 | レッドクラウン商会? | What? |
Rosa_01 | あんたが着てるジャンパー あそこのだろ? |
The jacket. On your back. You're wearing one of their jackets, aren't you? |
Hyde_07 | そうだ | Guess I am. |
Rosa_06 | やっぱりね | So then I was right, wasn't I? Yeah, I knew it. Mmm-hmm! |
Rosa_01 | 以前、あんたのところの セールスマンに 便利ですよとか言われて |
I bought some things from one of your salesmen before. |
Rosa_13 | 大して役に立たない商品を 売りつけられたことが あったんだよ |
He gave me a song and dance about how great your stuff is. Of course, he lied. |
Rosa_10 | あんたもあの会社の人なら もっとまともなもの 売るようにしておくれ |
Do me a favor. Get your company to sell things that are worth a darn. |
%r102_06 | ||
%r102_02 | ||
Hyde_06 | 俺って、セールスマンに 見えるか? |
Do I look like a salesman to you? |
Rosa_FF | ||
Rosa_06 | ああ、見えるね | Ha! |
Rosa_06 | それも全然売れてない セールスマンに |
Like a salesman who doesn't sell too much! |
Hyde_08 | ||
Rosa_05 | おや、図星だった? | Oooo, right on the money, aren't I? Yes, I knew it! |
%r102_06 | ||
%r102_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | この子 ミラっていうのか? |
So the girl's name is Mila? |
Rosa_02 | ||
Rosa_03 | ああ そうみたいだよ |
Oh yeah. Sure. Well, that would be my guess. |
%r102_03 | ||
Mila_12 | ||
%r102_06 | ||
Rosa_01 | ほら、あの子が左手に しているブレスレットに そう書いてあるから |
I mean, that's what the bracelet on her left arm says. |
Hyde_24 | …ブレスレット? | Bracelet? |
%b0123 | ||
Hyde_20 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ん? どこかで見たような… |
Wait, that looks like... |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_14 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%r0001 | ||
%r0001 | ||
%p0001714 | ||
%p0001401 | ||
%p0001715 | ||
%p0001403 | ||
%p00017FF | ||
%p00014FF | ||
%b0123 | ||
%r0001 | ||
Hyde_29 | あっ…! | That's impossible. |
%p65534FF | ||
%r102_02 | ||
%r102_03 | ||
Hyde_24 | ブラッドリーがしていた ブレスレット… |
The bracelet Bradley was wearing... |
Mila_15 | ||
Hyde_FF | でも…まさか… | It couldn't be... |
%r102_03 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Mila_FF | ||
%r102_06 | ||
Rosa_01 | ねえ、ちょっと どうしたんだい? |
What is it? Something wrong? What's wrong? |
Hyde_24 | …いや 何でもない |
No...it's nothing. |
Rosa_06 | …そうかい | Oh...OK. Fine by me. |
Hyde_02 | あの子… 今夜はここに泊まるのか |
So...the girl. Is she staying here tonight? |
Rosa_11 | そうだね | Yeah, I think so. |
Rosa_11 | あたしの部屋に泊めるかね | I'll probably drop her in my room. |
Hyde_25 | …泊める? どういう意味だ? | Drop her? What's that mean? |
%r102_03 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Mila_12 | ||
%r102_06 | ||
Rosa_02 | ||
%r102_06 | ||
%r102_02 | ||
Hyde_01 | …泊めるって言ってたが どういう意味だ? |
What do you mean? |
Rosa_02 | ||
Rosa_04 | あの子を、あたしの部屋に 泊めるってことさ |
It means I'll let her stay in my room. As a favor? |
Hyde_24 | …あんたの部屋? | You have a room? |
Rosa_03 | ああ、あたしはここに 住み込みで働いてるんでね |
Yeah, that's right. A room. I work here and live here, too. Lousy deal, I know. |
Rosa_13 | それにしかたないだろ あの子、迷子なんだから |
But that poor young girl's obviously lost, so what can I do? Nothing, that's what! |
Hyde_06 | …迷子って? | I thought only little kids got lost. |
%r102_06 | ||
Rosa_06 | 迷子になるって歳でも なさそうだけど 迷子みたいなもんだね |
Well, she might be a smidge old to be called lost, but she sure looks out of place. |
Rosa_06 | 道端にひとりでぼんやり 突っ立ってたそうだよ |
I heard she was just standing on the side of the road. Poor thing! |
Rosa_06 | 荷物も何も持たないで | She doesn't have any luggage or anything. |
Hyde_05 | ここに ひとりでやってきたのか? |
Did she make it here all on her own? |
%r102_03 | ||
Mila_12 | ||
%r102_06 | ||
Rosa_01 | 連れてこられたんだよ | No, she got a ride. Hitchhiked. |
Rosa_01 | さっきチェックインした 若い男の客に |
That young man who checked in earlier brought her. |
Hyde_25 | 若い男の客? | Young man? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Rosa_01 | ここに来る途中 あの子を見かけて 車に乗せたらしいけど |
I guess he saw her on his way here and picked her up. |
Rosa_01 | あの子がこんなふうで 何にも話さないもんだから |
But then he found out she doesn't talk, so he left her here. You believe it? |
Rosa_06 | 冷たいもんだよね フロントに置き去りさ |
Pretty cold if you ask me! Leaving her here all alone like that! Just ain't right. |
%r102_06 | ||
%r102_02 | ||
Hyde_06 | 若い男の客って誰だ? | Who brought her in? |
Rosa_02 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Rosa_01 | ジェフ・エンゼルって客さ 213号室のね |
Fellow's name is Jeff Angel. He's in 213. |
Rosa_04 | あんた、あの男のこと 知っているのかい? |
Why? Why'd you ask? Do you know him? |
%r102_06 | ||
%r102_02 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Rosa_01 | あの子が可愛いからって 声かけて乗せてきたくせに |
I'm sure he just picked her up because she's cute. Then he abandons her! |
Rosa_06 | なんだろうね まったく、あきれた男だ |
What a creep! |
%r102_03 | ||
Mila_12 | ||
%r102_06 | ||
%r102_02 | ||
Hyde_17 | いや、知らない | Never heard of him. |
Rosa_FF | ||
Rosa_01 | そうかい | That so? |
Rosa_01 | じゃ、話しても無駄だね | No sense in talking about him to you then! |
%r102_06 | ||
%r102_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | 見かけたことがある | I met him. Briefly. |
Rosa_FF | ||
Rosa_04 | そうかい | That so? |
Rosa_01 | だったらわかるだろ ちょっと見は真面目そうで 普通の男だけど |
Then you understand what I'm talking about! He looks harmless enough, right? |
Rosa_06 | あんなのが | But it's the ones who look sweet that you have to fear, and for a fact! |
一番危ないんだよ | ||
%r102_06 | ||
%r102_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | さっき、ボーイが 俺のところに 荷物を届けてきたんだが |
Your bellhop delivered a package a few minutes ago. |
Rosa_03 | ||
Hyde_01 | 開けてみたら 俺の荷物じゃなかった |
But it wasn't mine. |
Rosa_06 | えっ? 荷物が違ってたのかい? |
Huh? What? He brought you the wrong package? What a dolt! |
Hyde_03 | そうだ、ボーイが 配達を間違えたらしい |
Yeah, looks like he got his wires crossed somewhere. |
Rosa_06 | そりゃあ、悪かったね すぐに調べさせるよ |
Sorry about that. I'll make him look into it. Don't worry about a thing. |
Rosa_04 | 何、書いてるんだい? | What're you writing? |
Rosa_04 | 何、見てるんだい? | What're you reading? |
%r102_06 | ||
%r102_02 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Rosa_04 | 話は終わりかい? | Is that everything? Because I'm busy. I hope that's everything. |
Hyde_03 | ああ | Yep. |
%b0119 | ||
%r102_02 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%p65534FF | フロントの電話が鳴った | The front desk phone is ringing. |
%r102_06 | ||
Rosa_08 | 電話だ! | Phone again? Guess I gotta do everything around here! Sheesh! |
%r0000 | ||
%p65534FF | ローザは走って フロントの電話を取った |
Rosa runs to the front desk and answers the phone. |
%b0125 | ||
Rosa_FF | ||
Rosa_FF | はい、こちらフロント | Hotel Dusk, front desk. |
Rosa_FF | えっ 荷物が間違って届いた?! |
Uh-huh. Uh-huuuh. ...How's that again? Got the wrong package? |
Rosa_FF | ボーイが間違えたらしい ですって? |
Bellhop brought it up? ...No, doesn't surprise me one bit. |
%b0126 | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
Rosa_FF | えっ、荷物の中に カイル・ハイドって 名前が書いてある? |
Huh? Who's it for again? Kyle Hyde? |
Rosa_FF | お客さん、それは… | Yeah. No. No, I hear you! Don't yell, I'm not deaf! |
Hyde_03 | ||
Rosa_FF | おたくに届いた荷物は 215号室のお客の荷物で すぐに… |
That package should have been delivered to the guest in 215. |
%b0125 | ||
Rosa_FF | えっ…そんな悪いね …ああ、もちろん わかってるよ |
Oh, you don't have to do that. ...Well, sure, but... OK, OK, I understand. |
Rosa_FF | 215号室には フロントから 連絡しておくから |
I'll contact the guest in 215, sir. Sorry for the inconvenience. |
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_07 | ||
%p65534FF | ローザは受話器を置いた | Rosa finishes talking and hangs up the phone. |
%r102_06 | ||
%r102_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | 今の電話は… | That sounded promising. |
Rosa_02 | ||
Rosa_04 | ちょうどよかったよ あんたの荷物、見つかった |
Seems we found your missing package. Good timing, eh? |
Rosa_06 | いま電話してきた お客さんが |
That was another guest. Sounds like he got it by mistake. |
Rosa_06 | 今からあんたの部屋に 持って行ってくれるってさ |
He said he'll just take it on over to your room. Pretty nice of him. |
Hyde_07 | えっ… | Works for me. |
%r102_06 | ||
%r102_02 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Rosa_04 | 話は終わりかい? | Is that everything? I hope so. I've got lots to do. |
Hyde_03 | ああ | Yeah. |
%r102_06 | ||
%r102_02 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Rosa_01 | なんだい? | What is it? |
Hyde_05 | ちょっと、いいか? | Got a minute? |
%r102_06 | ||
%r102_02 | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
Rosa_07 | じゃあ そういうことだから |
I think that about covers it, right? |
Rosa_06 | 部屋で待ってておくれ | Now you just go on up and wait in your room. Go on, now! Move it! |
Rosa_05 | じゃあ、行こうか | C'mon, honey, let's go. You just stick with Rosa and let her take care of you. |
%r102_05 | ||
Mila_03 | ||
Mila_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ローザとミラは フロントの奥に消えて いった |
Rosa and Mila walk off to the far end of the lobby. |
Hyde_24 | …ミラか | Mila, huh? |
Hyde_FF | ブラッドリーの妹と 同じ名前なのか |
That was the name of Bradley's kid sister. |
Hyde_FF |
Hyde_02 | …そういえば | Wait a minute... |
Hyde_15 | チェックインのとき ダニングは言ってたな… |
Dunning said something while I was checking in... |
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Dunning_FF | ||
Dunning_19 | …あんた カイル・ハイドって いうのか? |
Yer name really Kyle Hyde? |
Dunning_13 | うむ… | Huh. |
Dunning_15 | いや… なんでもない |
Yeah, sure. Forget about it. |
Hyde_14 | ダニングは 何を気にしていたんだろう? |
I wonder why my name got that reaction. |
Dunning_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_02 | …ちょっと待てよ | That reminds me... |
Hyde_15 | 部屋の鍵を受け取ったとき ダニングは言った… |
When Dunning gave me my room key, he said something... |
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Dunning_FF | ||
Dunning_01 | いや、やめとこう | Naw, forget it. |
Dunning_17 | あんたみたいな人には きっと余計な話だ |
I'm sure a man like you would think the story's a waste'a time! |
Hyde_14 | 余計な話って 何だったんだろうか? |
I wonder what story he was talking about. |
Dunning_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_02 | …そうだ | That reminds me... |
Hyde_15 | 荷物のことを聞いたとき ダニングは言っていた… |
When I asked about my package, Dunning said something... |
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Dunning_FF | ||
Dunning_01 | …おい、予約もせずに 初めて泊まるホテルに 荷物を送りつけるなんて |
Ya send a package to a hotel when ya don't even have a reservation? Nice... |
Dunning_04 | まさか、その荷物… ヤバイものじゃ ないだろうな |
Oh, and this package better not be anything that's gonna cause problems! |
Hyde_14 | ヤバイものって、どういう ことだったんだろう? |
I wonder what he meant about causing problems. |
Dunning_FF | ||
Hyde_FF |
Central Hallway
%r117_03 | ||
%r117_R | ||
Hyde_05 | ちょっといいか? | Got a sec? |
Rosa_02 | ||
Rosa_04 | 何だい? | Huh?! What do you want? I'm busy. |
%r117_03 | ||
%r117_R | ||
%r117_03 | ||
%r117_R | ||
Hyde_05 | 俺宛ての荷物が 届いているはずなんだが |
I'm waiting for a package. |
Rosa_02 | ||
Rosa_06 | 荷物? | A package? No, I don't have a package. I'm the maid. No one gives me packages. |
Rosa_06 | 荷物のことなら フロントで聞いておくれ |
If you're looking for a package, go to the front desk. OK? Great. |
Hyde_05 | フロントには 誰もいなかった |
There's no one at the front desk. |
Rosa_01 | カウンターに 呼び出しのベルがあるから 押しとくれ |
Of course not. Well, there's a bell on the counter. Ring it. You know? Ding ding? |
Rosa_06 | 誰か出てくるだろ | That oughta get Dunning's attention. |
Hyde_03 | わかった | Got it. |
Rosa_04 | 何、書いてるんだい? | What're you writing? |
Rosa_04 | 何、見てるんだい? | What're you looking at? |
%r117_03 | ||
%r117_R | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Rosa_01 | お客なら チェックインを 早く済ませておくれよ |
Are you a guest? If you're a guest, you have to check in. |
Rosa_01 | フロントでね | Go to the front desk in the lobby. Ring the bell. Ask for Dunning. Got it? |
Hyde_03 | わかった | Right. |
%r117_03 | ||
%r117_R | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
Rosa_04 | ちょっと、あんた | Wait a minute, you! |
Rosa_06 | ここから先は泊まり客以外 の立ち入りは禁止だよ |
This is for hotel guests only! Get out! Now! Before I call the police! |
Hyde_03 | ||
%r120_01 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
%r0000 | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_37 | …ん? | Huh? |
%p65534FF | ||
%b0103 | ||
%p65534FF | 階段の途中に 座り込んでいる子供がいた |
There's some kid sitting on the stairs. |
%p65534FF | ||
%r0000 | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_37 | …ん? | Not again. |
%p65534FF | ||
%b0103 | ||
%p65534FF | 階段の途中に あの子がまた 座り込んでいた |
That kid I met earlier is on the stairs again. |
%p65534FF | ||
%r0000 | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_37 | …ん? | Not again. |
%p65534FF | ||
%b0103 | ||
%p65534FF | 階段の途中に あの子がまた 座り込んでいた |
That kid I met earlier is on the stairs again. |
%p65534FF | ||
%r0000 | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_30 | …ん? | Not again. |
%p65534FF | ||
%b0103 | ||
%p65534FF | 階段の途中に あの子がまた 座り込んでいた |
That kid I met earlier is on the stairs again. |
%p65534FF | ||
%r0000 | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_30 | …ん? | Not again. |
%p65534FF | ||
%b0103 | ||
%p65534FF | 階段の途中に あの子がまた 座り込んでいた |
That kid I met earlier is on the stairs again. |
%p65534FF | ||
%r117_03 | ||
%r117_R | ||
Hyde_02 | この奥が階段か? | Are the stairs back here? |
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_24 | …おい | Hey. |
Melissa_02 | ||
Melissa_04 | …なあに? | What? |
Hyde_05 | 階段を上るのにじゃまだ どいてくれ |
You're blocking the stairs, kid. Move it. |
Melissa_14 | いや | No. |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …いや? | Oh, you're kidding me... |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Melissa_17 | ||
Hyde_07 | どけ | Move it. |
Melissa_17 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_05 | おまえ、どこの子供だ? 名前はなんていう? |
Where'd you come from? What's your name? |
Melissa_FF | ||
Melissa_14 | だめ! | Leave me alone! |
Melissa_14 | おじさんには おしえないもん! |
I'm not telling you anything, mister! |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …ん? | Oh, come on... |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Melissa_17 | ||
Hyde_07 | おい、こっちを見ろ | Hey, look at me. |
Melissa_17 | ||
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_FF | …おい | So this is how it's going to be... |
Melissa_FF | ||
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_06 | 何を言ってる? | What's the problem? |
Melissa_FF | ||
Melissa_04 | だって ここであそんでるから |
I'm playing. |
Hyde_06 | …遊んでる? | Playing? |
Hyde_06 | ここは公園の砂場じゃない | This ain't a sandbox, kid. |
Melissa_01 | わかってるよ ここは階段だもん |
Duuuuuuh! These are staaaaaaairs! |
Hyde_07 | わかってるなら そこをあけろ |
Smart kid. Glad we agree. Now get out of my way. |
Melissa_17 | ||
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_07 | どけよ | Move it, kid. |
Melissa_FF | ||
Melissa_06 | いや | No. I was here first. |
Melissa_01 | どかないもん | I'm not moving. And you're a big jerk. |
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_05 | チビ、なんて言った? | What was that, kid? |
Melissa_FF | ||
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_06 | 教えないだと? | You won't tell me? |
Melissa_FF | ||
Melissa_15 | ママがいったもん | That's what my mom taught me. |
Melissa_15 | しらない人にはぜったい おしえちゃだめって |
She said I should never tell strangers my name. Especially jerks. |
Hyde_07 | …ったく 口だけは一人前か |
Got an answer for everything, huh, kid? |
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_24 | おじさんだと? | I didn't know kids still used the word mister. |
Melissa_FF | ||
Melissa_03 | うん | Duuuuuuuhhh! |
Melissa_15 | おじさんでしょ? ちがうの? |
You're not a girl, are you? |
Hyde_07 | …ふん! | You're a genius. |
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_17 | おいチビ、これ以上 おまえが生意気を言うと |
You keep this up and we're gonna have trouble. |
Melissa_03 | ||
Hyde_17 | 俺もそれなりのことを 考えなくちゃいけなくなる |
I'm not going to put up with your crap. |
Melissa_04 | …それなりの…こと? | Ooooo, scary. What're you gonna do, huh? |
Hyde_03 | ああ | You want to know? |
Hyde_17 | 例えば、おまえをひょいと 持ち上げて、階段の下に 放り投げるとか |
Maybe I'll call Dunning and have him give you the bum's rush. |
Melissa_07 | ||
Hyde_17 | おまえのママを呼んできて おまえのわがままを 言いつけるとかな |
Maybe I'll call your mom and tell her that her kid's a damn terror. |
Melissa_07 | …ママを…よぶ | You'll call...my mom? |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …どうした? | What now? |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Melissa_01 | ママはいないもん | My mom's not here. |
Hyde_06 | なんだ、一緒じゃないのか? | What, you're not traveling with her? |
Melissa_03 | ||
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_05 | おい、チビ | Hey, kid. |
Melissa_FF | ||
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_05 | どうした? ママがそんなに怖いか? |
What now? You afraid of your mom? Great! |
Melissa_FF | ||
Melissa_10 | ||
Hyde_17 | そうか、じゃあ おまえのママを呼ぼう |
Let's call her up and finish this. |
Melissa_08 | ||
Melissa_11 | ううっ… | Sniff... |
Melissa_12 | …ママ | M-Mom... |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …ん? | Huh? |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Melissa_11 | ||
Hyde_06 | 赤ん坊じゃないんだ | You're not a baby. |
Melissa_11 | ||
Hyde_06 | ママなんて言って泣くな | Don't start crying for mommy. I don't buy it. |
Melissa_03 | ||
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_07 | ママはどこにいる? | So where's your mom? |
Melissa_FF | ||
Melissa_01 | ママはいないもん | She's not here. |
Hyde_06 | なんだ、一緒じゃないのか? | What, you're not traveling with her? |
Melissa_03 | ||
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_05 | おい、チビ | Hey, kid. |
Melissa_FF | ||
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_17 | やっぱり怖いんだな おまえのママ |
I guess your mom must be a real tyrant. |
Melissa_FF | ||
Melissa_14 | ||
Hyde_06 | ママが怖いから 泣くんだろう |
That why you're crying? |
Hyde_06 | 違うのか? | Am I wrong? What, you done talking now? |
Melissa_09 | …ちがうもん! | That's not it! |
Melissa_09 | …ママは | My mom... |
Melissa_09 | …わたしのママは こわくなんかないもん! |
My mom's not mean at all! |
Melissa_11 | ひどいよっ… | And you're a JERK! |
Melissa_12 | …ううっ | Waaaaaaaaa!! |
Melissa_FF | ||
%p65534FF | 女の子は泣きながら 階段を駆け上がって行った |
The girl starts sobbing and runs up the stairs. |
Hyde_07 | …なんだ、あれは | What the hell? |
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Melissa_11 | ||
Hyde_06 | 泣くなよ | Quit crying. |
Melissa_11 | ||
Hyde_06 | 泣いたら 話ができないだろう |
You can't talk if you're bawling, right? |
Melissa_03 | ||
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_17 | おい、チビ | C'mon, kid. Knock it off, will you? |
Melissa_02 | ||
Hyde_17 | どうして、どかない? わけがあるなら話してみろ |
Why won't you move? If there's a good reason, just tell me. |
Melissa_10 | だって… | I... |
Melissa_FF | まだ、できないんだもん | I can't finish it. |
Hyde_06 | …何が? | Can't finish what? |
Melissa_01 | パズルができないの | I can't finish my puzzle. |
Hyde_25 | パズル? なんだそれ? | Puzzle? What puzzle? |
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_24 | また、おまえか | Great. You again? |
Melissa_02 | ||
Hyde_17 | 何をしてる? | What're you doing? |
Melissa_04 | あそんでるの | Playing. |
Hyde_17 | 階段で遊ぶな | Don't be a sap. No one plays on the stairs. |
Melissa_14 | いや | Well, I'm not moving! |
Melissa_14 | パズルできるまで ここ、どかないもん! |
I'm not moving until I finish my puzzle! |
Hyde_25 | パズル? なんだそれ? | Puzzle? What puzzle? |
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_24 | また、おまえか | You again? |
Melissa_02 | ||
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_06 | パズルだと? | A puzzle? |
Melissa_02 | ||
Hyde_06 | それがどうしたって いうんだ? |
How's a puzzle stop you from moving? |
Melissa_17 | できないんだ | I... I can't finish it. |
Melissa_10 | もうちょっとなのに… | It's almost done, but... |
Hyde_08 | …ったく そんなことが理由か |
This kid's a loon. |
Hyde_07 | そんなもの こんなところでするな |
This isn't the place to be working on a puzzle. |
Hyde_07 | 自分の部屋でやれ | Go to your room or the car or a freeway or something. |
Melissa_15 | お部屋であそぶと しかられるの パパにうるさいって… |
My dad says I make too much noise. |
Melissa_15 | だから、ここでやってたの | That's why I'm here. |
Melissa_10 | パズルができたら お部屋にもどろうって おもったのに… |
I was gonna go back to the room when I finished, but... |
Melissa_11 | パズルが… | I can't, OK?! |
Melissa_12 | …できないよぅ | I can't finish this stupid puzzle because it's TOO HARD AND STUPID! |
Melissa_01 | ねえ、何を書いたの? | What're you writing? |
Melissa_01 | ねえ、何を見てるの? | What're you looking at? |
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_05 | じゃまだ、どけ | You're in the way. Move. |
Melissa_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | おまえの相手をするほど 暇じゃない |
I don't have time to mess around. |
Melissa_10 | …… | ... |
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_07 | そんなことで泣くな | Oh, for the love of... Stop bawling! |
Melissa_11 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …泣くか | Now what? |
Melissa_12 | …ううっ | Sniff... |
Hyde_FF | ||
Melissa_12 | …うえーん | Whhhuu... Waaaaaaa! |
Melissa_11 | ||
Melissa_12 | ||
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_FF | …おい、チビ | Hey. |
Melissa_FF | ||
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_07 | いい加減にしろ パズルぐらいで泣くな |
Give me a break, kid. A puzzle isn't something to bawl about. |
Melissa_FF | ||
Hyde_07 | そんなもの、俺が解いてやる | Look, just let me do it for you, OK? |
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_05 | そこをどけ、じゃまだ | Move it, kid. You're in the way. |
Melissa_FF | ||
Melissa_12 | …うえーん | ...Sniff. |
Hyde_08 | …まいったな | I said move it! |
Hyde_FF | だから、子供は苦手だ | This is why I hate kids... |
Hyde_07 | …わかった 貸してみろ |
Enough! Just...here! Give me the damn puzzle! |
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Melissa_15 | えっ… | Whaaaaaaaaaa! Whaaaaa... Huh? |
Melissa_15 | おじさん… 解いてくれるの?! |
Are you gonna help me, mister? |
Hyde_06 | …おじさんだと? | Stop calling me mister. |
Hyde_05 | 俺の名前は カイル・ハイドだ |
The name's Kyle Hyde. |
Hyde_05 | 俺を呼ぶなら ちゃんと、名前で呼べ |
If you're gonna talk to me, use my name. |
Melissa_01 | …ハイドおじさん | Mister Hyde? |
Hyde_24 | …ん? | Close enough. |
Hyde_07 | わかったから | Listen, just... |
Melissa_02 | ||
Hyde_07 | さっさと パズルをよこせ |
Here. Give me the puzzle. |
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Melissa_04 | どうしたの? できないの? |
What's wrong? Can't you do it? See! I TOLD YOU it was hard! |
Hyde_07 | うるさいな 黙って見ていろ |
You're a head case. Anyone ever tell you that? Just shut your yap a sec. |
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Melissa_04 | どうしたの? | What's wrong? Is it too hard? |
Hyde_07 | 今からやるところだ 黙ってろ |
I'm getting to it! Be quiet! Your voice is like a teakettle... |
%r120_R | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_09 | …出来た | There. |
Melissa_02 | ||
Hyde_17 | さあ、これを持って 部屋に帰れ |
Now take this and go back to your room. |
Melissa_14 | ||
Hyde_24 | …どうした? | What's wrong now? |
Hyde_17 | パズルは出来たんだ それでいいだろう |
The puzzle's done. Everything's OK. |
Melissa_14 | …ちがうもん | No, it's not. |
Hyde_24 | …違う? | It's not? |
Hyde_06 | 何が、違うんだ? | Why not? |
Melissa_09 | ちがうんだもん! | It just isn't! |
Melissa_09 | 自分でやんなきゃ おもしろくない! |
It's no fun if I don't do it myself! |
%b0104 | ||
%p65534FF | 女の子は、俺が完成させた ジグソーパズルを階段に ぶちまけた |
The girl throws the finished puzzle down on the stairs. |
Hyde_16 | あっ! | Oh, you're kiddin' me! |
Hyde_16 | おい! 何をするんだ! |
What are you doing? |
Melissa_FF | ||
Melissa_17 | ||
Hyde_16 | 何をしたか わかってるのか? |
You're a complete basket case, you know that? |
Hyde_16 | 解いてもらったら 礼を言うのが、先だろう |
At least say thanks for the help before you bust up the puzzle! |
Melissa_06 | ふん! | You talk too much! |
Hyde_24 | …なんだ、その態度は | Nice attitude, kid. |
Hyde_11 | 調子に乗るな!! | You better watch your step! |
Melissa_07 | …えっ? | Huh? |
Hyde_11 | 散らかったパズルを拾え! | Pick it up. |
Melissa_08 | …ええっ! | No! You can't make me! |
Hyde_11 | 自分で散らかしたものは 自分で拾うんだ!! |
You threw 'em down, you pick 'em up. |
Melissa_15 | ||
Hyde_11 | わかったら、返事をしろ! | Well? You deaf or what? Answer me! |
Melissa_03 | …う、うん | OK! OK! S-sorry... |
%b0105 | ||
%p65534FF | 俺に叱られて 生意気な女の子は |
Little brat's pretty ticked off that I scolded her. |
%p65534FF | いやいや階段に散らかった パズルのピースを 拾い集めた |
But at least she picked up the puzzle pieces. |
Melissa_10 | …ひろったよ | I'm done, OK? You happy? |
Hyde_03 | よし、それでいい | Thrilled. |
Melissa_11 | ごめんなさい | I'm sorry. I'm so s-sorry... Wha... Whaaaaaaa! P-please don't hurt me! |
Melissa_FF | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_17 | わかったら、それでいい | Fine, yeah, whatever. |
Melissa_12 | ||
Hyde_06 | おい、チビ もう泣くのはよせ |
C'mon, kid. Enough of the waterworks already. |
Melissa_12 | ||
Hyde_06 | おい… | Hey... Look, I didn't mean— |
Hyde_10 | ||
Melissa_13 | ||
Melissa_05 | きゃははは! | Ha ha ha! |
Hyde_24 | ||
Melissa_05 | うっそ・だ・よ~! | I tricked you! Stupid JERK! |
Melissa_FF | ||
%p65534FF | 女の子はそう言うと 階段を駆け上がって行った |
The girl laughs at me and runs up the stairs. |
Hyde_07 | なんだ、あれは… | Damn it! |
Hyde_FF | …ったく! | I don't have time for this crap. |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_25 | あの子、誰なんだ? | Who is that kid? |
%r0000 | ||
%r120_L | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
%p65534FF | 女の子の去った階段に 何か落ちていた |
The girl dropped something on the stairs. |
Hyde_20 | …これは? | What's this? |
%p0000000 | 俺は「パズルのピース」を 拾った |
I picked up a puzzle piece. |
%b0151 | ||
Hyde_20 | このピース 裏側に黒い線が入っている |
Huh? There's a black line on the back of this. |
Hyde_19 | …何だろう? | Wonder what it is? |
Hyde_02 | …待てよ | Wait a minute... |
Hyde_15 | あのチビ 言っていたな… |
What did that girl say again? |
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Melissa_FF | ||
Melissa_04 | ママに会えなくなるから | I won't be able to see my mom... |
Hyde_14 | ママに会えなくなるって どういうことだ? |
She won't be able to see her mom? Wonder what she meant by that. |
Hyde_02 | …そういえば | Wait a minute... |
Hyde_15 | あのチビ 言っていたな… |
What did that girl say again? |
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Melissa_FF | ||
Melissa_10 | ママはおうちにいないの | My mom's not home. |
Melissa_14 | かえってこないの | She can't come home. |
Hyde_14 | ママがうちにいないって どういうことだ? |
Her mom's not home? Wonder what that means. |
Room 215
%r205_R | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Hyde_24 | ここが、願いが叶う部屋か | So this is where wishes are granted, huh? My ass. |
Hyde_41 | バカな作り話を 聞かされたもんだ |
Can't believe I had to listen to that load of bull. |
Hyde_41 | …でも、あの親父 なんであんな話を… |
Why would an old man be peddling fairy tales? |
Hyde_02 | まあいい | C'mon, Hyde, forget it. |
Hyde_03 | それより、エドの仕事を さっさと片付けなくては |
Just finish Ed's job and get the hell out of here. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%b0149 | ||
Hyde_19 | ||
%p65534FF | 俺は持っていた鞄を 部屋の隅にある テーブルの上に置いた |
I put my suitcase on the table in the corner. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%b0139 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%r205_R | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Hyde_24 | ここが、今夜の寝床か | Guess this is where I bunk for the night. ...I've had worse. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%b0149 | ||
Hyde_19 | ||
%p65534FF | 俺は持っていた鞄を 部屋の隅にある テーブルの上に置いた |
I put my suitcase on the table in the corner. |
%b0139 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%b0136 | ||
Hyde_32 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_48 | …ん? | Huh? |
Hyde_FF | …電話だ | Phone. |
%b0137 | ||
Hyde_24 | …電話が鳴っている | Phone's ringing. |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_03 | 電話に出ないと… | Better get it. |
%b0137 | ||
Hyde_24 | …電話が鳴っている | Phone's ringing. |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_03 | 電話に出ないと… | Better get it. |
%p65534FF | テーブルの上には 俺の鞄がある |
My suitcase is on the table. |
Hyde_24 | …電話が鳴っている | Phone's ringing. |
Hyde_03 | 電話に出ないと… | Better get it. |
%p65534FF | テーブルの上には 俺の鞄がある |
My suitcase is on the table. |
Hyde_24 | …電話が鳴っている | Phone's ringing. |
Hyde_03 | 電話に出ないと… | Better get it. |
%p65534FF | ハンガーはワイヤー製だ | That's a wire hanger. |
%p65534FF | ハンガーはワイヤー製だ | That's a wire hanger. |
Hyde_02 | この太さの針金なら 使えそうだ |
Hmmm...thick wire. I bet this'll come in handy. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p65534FF | 電話のベルが鳴っている | The phone's ringing. |
%p65534FF | 電話のベルが鳴っている | The phone's ringing. |
%b0120 | ||
%r0000 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%b0142 | ||
%b0251 | ||
Rachel_FF | もしもし… | Hi there, good-lookin'. |
Rachel_FF | 無事、ご到着みたいね | Glad to hear you arrived in one piece. |
%b0133 | ||
Hyde_FF | レイチェル、君か | Hey, Rachel. |
%b0111 | ||
Rachel_FF | 予定通りの時間ね | Right on time, I see. |
Hyde_FF | あたりまえだ | Like always. |
Hyde_FF | レイチェル エドに伝えといてくれ |
Listen, do me a favor and give Ed a message. |
Hyde_FF | ホテルに着いたかどうか いちいち君にチェック させなくても |
Tell him he doesn't need to have you checking up on me with every little thing. |
Hyde_FF | 俺はあんたのご指示通り 真面目に働いていると |
I got my instructions. I'm on top of it. |
%b0152 | ||
Rachel_FF | 真面目に働いてる? ほんとなの? |
You're on top of it? Really? How refreshing. |
%b0132 | ||
Hyde_FF | 信用ないんだな エドにも、君にも |
Thanks for the confidence, Rachel. It's nice to be trusted. Tell Ed that, too. |
%b0111 | ||
Rachel_FF | エドのことは わからないけれど |
Well, I wouldn't dream to speak for the boss, but I trust you. |
Rachel_FF | 私は信用してるわよ あなたのこと |
Out there all alone. Working hard. Busting your tail to get things done. |
Rachel_FF | 半分くらいはね… | At least I think so... |
%b0110 | ||
Hyde_FF | …半分くらい? 何だ、それ |
You think so? What the hell's that mean? |
%b0134 | ||
Rachel_FF | だって、あなたって人 よくわからないもの |
Oh, come on, Kyle! You're not exactly an open book! |
Rachel_FF | いろんな噂もあるし… | That's why there are all those rumors... |
%b0133 | ||
Hyde_FF | …噂? | What rumors? |
%b0111 | ||
Rachel_FF | …知らないの? | Don't act like you don't know! I've heard some crazy things about you. |
Rachel_FF | あなたが汚職で辞めた ニューヨーク市警の 元刑事だとか… |
You're an ex-cop from New York who was on the take and had to leave town? |
Rachel_FF | どこかの組織に 追われてる男だとか… |
Or a mystery man on the run from some shadowy organization? |
Rachel_FF | みんな、いろんなこと 言ってるわ |
People are saying all kinds of things, sweetie. |
Hyde_FF | ふん、勝手に言ってろ | Let 'em talk. |
%b0135 | ||
Rachel_FF | でも 私が知ってるあなたは |
You want to know what I think? |
Rachel_FF | いつも二日酔いの ただのサボリ屋 |
I think you're a handsome burnout who crawled into a bottle and never came out. |
Rachel_FF | とてもワケありの男には 見えない |
I don't buy the whole "man of mystery" bit. |
%b0110 | ||
Hyde_FF | 悪かったな 二日酔いのサボリ屋で |
Glad you think so highly of me. |
%b0111 | ||
Rachel_FF | ところで 例の荷物は受け取った? |
So has the package arrived? |
%b0133 | ||
Hyde_FF | いや、まだだ 配達が遅れている |
Not yet. Maybe the deliveryman crawled into a bottle. |
Rachel_FF | …そうなの | Hmm... |
Rachel_FF | じゃあ、荷物を受け取って オーダーシートを見たら 電話して |
Well, when it arrives, check the order sheet and give me a call. |
Hyde_FF | わかった | Right. |
Hyde_FF | 例の荷物の中身は オーダーシートだけか? |
Is that all that's in the package? An order sheet? |
%b0135 | ||
Rachel_FF | いいえ、新商品が 一緒に入っているわ |
No, there are some new products in there, too. |
Hyde_FF | …新商品? どうして、そんなものが? |
New products? What am I supposed to do with them? |
Rachel_FF | エドのご指示よ | You're a salesman, Kyle. Try selling something. |
Rachel_FF | チャンスがあったら 宿泊客に売りつけろって |
Oh, and those are Ed's orders. Not mine. |
Hyde_FF | ここで商売しろってか ありがたくて、涙が出る |
Door-to-door sales in a hotel? That'll be fun. |
%b0111 | ||
Rachel_FF | それから、あなたが 忘れていった顧客ファイル も入れておいたわ |
Oh, and one more thing. I put the client list in the package, too. |
%b0132 | ||
Hyde_FF | …ああ、あれか | Oh, that. |
Rachel_FF | あれかじゃないでしょう セールスマンの大切な 仕事道具なのに |
"Oh, that"? Listen, mister, "that" is a salesman's best friend! Be nice! |
Rachel_FF | 荷物を受け取ったら 顧客ファイルは もう忘れないように |
When the package arrives, don't just leave the client list in the box, all right? |
Rachel_FF | ちゃんと、鞄の中に しまっておいてね |
Put it in your suitcase! |
Hyde_FF | …わかった | Yeah, yeah. I know. |
Rachel_FF | じゃ、電話待ってるわ | Bye, sweetie. Don't forget to call. |
%b0133 | ||
Hyde_FF | ああ | Yeah. |
%b0120 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Rachel_01 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Rachel_02 | ||
%p65534FF | レイチェルはエドの秘書で 俺とエドとの連絡役だ |
Ed usually contacts me through his secretary, Rachel. |
%p65534FF | いい女だが ちょっとガードが固い |
She's quite the looker. Always willing to give me the straight skinny, too. |
Rachel_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%b0120 | ||
%r0000 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%b0142 | ||
%b0251 | ||
Rachel_FF | …カイル? | Hello? Kyle? Hellooooooo? |
Rachel_FF | よかった、着いてたのね | Heavy breathing, eh? Well, it must be you. Glad you made it in one piece, handsome. |
%b0133 | ||
Hyde_FF | レイチェル、君か | Hey, Rachel. |
Rachel_FF | 心配したわ 連絡がなかったから |
You could have called when you got in! Some of us worry, you know. |
Hyde_FF | チェックインして ようやく部屋に入ったところだ |
Yeah, yeah. Look, I just got here. Get off my case. |
Hyde_FF | レイチェル エドに伝えといてくれ |
And listen, do me a favor and give Ed a message. |
Hyde_FF | ホテルに着いたかどうか いちいち君にチェック させなくても |
Tell him he doesn't need to have you checking up on me with every little thing. |
Hyde_FF | 俺はあんたのご指示通り 真面目に働いていると |
I got my instructions. I'm on top of it. |
%b0111 | ||
Rachel_FF | エドに言われて 電話してるんじゃない |
I'm not calling for Ed, Kyle. |
%b0132 | ||
Hyde_FF | …えっ | That so? |
Rachel_FF | あなたのことが 心配だから電話したの |
Yes, it's so! I'm calling because I was worried. |
Rachel_FF | イブに食事をしたときから 思ってた |
I've been thinking about it ever since we had dinner on Christmas Eve. |
Rachel_FF | 何か、悩んでいることでも あるの? |
Something's bugging you. |
%b0133 | ||
Hyde_FF | どうして、そう思うんだ? | Why would you think that? |
%b0135 | ||
Rachel_FF | あなたと一緒にいると ときどき思うの |
Oh, please! I may not be a hard-boiled gumshoe like you and Ed, but I have eyes! |
Rachel_FF | あなたが遠くを見ている ときがあるって |
You get that stare sometimes, you know? The one that says you're a million miles away. |
%b0133 | ||
Hyde_FF | そんなことはないさ | It's nothing, Rachel. |
%b0111 | ||
Rachel_FF | …ならいいけど | Fine. Be that way. |
Rachel_FF | 私、あなたのこと よくわからないから… |
But, Kyle, you're not exactly an open book. |
Rachel_FF | みんな、いろんなこと 言ってるわ |
And people are saying all kinds of things, sweetie, and most of them aren't very nice. |
Rachel_FF | あなたが汚職で辞めた ニューヨーク市警の 元刑事だとか… |
Like that you're an ex-cop from New York who was on the take and split town? |
Rachel_FF | どこかの組織に 追われてる男だとか… |
Or a mystery man on the run from some shadowy organization? |
Hyde_FF | …そうか | They talk and you listen. Is that it? |
%b0135 | ||
Rachel_FF | カイル、私には あなたにどんな過去が あるかなんて関係ないの |
Listen, Kyle... Your past is yours, OK? Nothing to do with me. I get it. |
Rachel_FF | ただ、今のあなたを もっと知りたい |
I just want to know you better, handsome. |
Rachel_FF | それだけよ | That's all. |
%b0110 | ||
Hyde_FF | …わかった | Whatever you say. |
%b0111 | ||
Rachel_FF | ところで 例の荷物は受け取った? |
So, um, has the package arrived yet? |
%b0133 | ||
Hyde_FF | いや、まだだ 配達が遅れている |
Not yet. Maybe some shadowy organization killed the deliveryman. |
Rachel_FF | …そうなの | You can be a real jackass sometimes, sweetie. You know that? |
Rachel_FF | じゃあ、荷物を受け取って オーダーシートを見たら 電話して |
Listen, when it arrives, check the order sheet and give me a call. OK? |
Hyde_FF | わかった | All right. |
Hyde_FF | 例の荷物の中身は オーダーシートだけか? |
Is that all that's in the package? An order sheet? |
%b0135 | ||
Rachel_FF | いいえ、新商品が 一緒に入っているわ |
No, there are some new products in there, too. |
Hyde_FF | …新商品? どうして、そんなものが? |
New products? What am I supposed to do with them? |
Rachel_FF | エドのご指示よ | You're a salesman, Kyle. Try selling something. |
Rachel_FF | チャンスがあったら 宿泊客に売りつけろって |
Oh, and those are Ed's orders. Not mine. |
Hyde_FF | ここで商売しろってか ありがたくて、涙が出る |
Door-to-door sales in a hotel? That'll be fun. |
%b0111 | ||
Rachel_FF | それから、あなたが 忘れていった顧客ファイル あれも入れておいたわ |
Oh, and one more thing. I put the client list in the package, too. |
%b0132 | ||
Hyde_FF | ああ、あれか | Oh, that. |
Rachel_FF | あれかじゃないでしょう セールスマンの大切な 仕事道具なんだから |
"Oh, that"? Listen, mister, "that" is a salesman's best friend! Be nice! |
Rachel_FF | 荷物が届いたら 顧客ファイルはもう 忘れたりしないように |
When the package arrives, don't just leave the client list in the box, all right? |
Rachel_FF | ちゃんと、鞄の中に しまっておいてね |
Put it in your suitcase! |
Hyde_FF | …わかった | Yeah, yeah. I know. |
Rachel_FF | じゃ、電話待ってるわ | Bye, sweetie. Don't forget to call. |
%b0133 | ||
Hyde_FF | ああ | Yeah. |
%b0120 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Rachel_01 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Rachel_02 | ||
%p65534FF | レイチェルはエドの秘書で 俺とエドとの連絡役だ |
Ed usually contacts me through his secretary, Rachel. |
%p65534FF | レイチェルには ブラッドリーを捜している ことは話していない |
She doesn't know anything about Bradley, though. That's my business, not hers. |
Rachel_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%b0136 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_FF | …また電話だ | Phone again. |
%b0120 | ||
%b0136 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%b0142 | ||
%b0250 | ||
Dunning_FF | ハイドさん、フロントだ | Hyde? This is the front desk. |
%b0132 | ||
Hyde_FF | あんたか… | That you, Dunning? |
Dunning_FF | ||
Dunning_FF | 部屋はどうだね? | Yep. So how's the room? |
Hyde_FF | まあまあだ | It'll do. |
Dunning_FF | それは、よかった ところで… |
Good to hear, good to hear. Oh, by the way... |
Dunning_FF | チェックインのとき あんたに言い忘れていた ことがひとつあった |
I forgot t'mention this when ya checked in, but... |
%b0110 | ||
Hyde_FF | 何だ? | What? |
Dunning_FF | 宿代を、前金で頼む | I need ya t'pay yer tab up front. |
Hyde_FF | 前金だと… | Up front? |
Dunning_FF | ああ、別にあんたを 信用していないわけじゃ ないんだが |
Now don't get me wrong! It ain't that I don't trust ya or nothin'. |
Dunning_FF | 初めてのお客には みんなそうしてもらってる |
It's just...yer a first-time guest, and I don't know ya or nothin'. |
%b0132 | ||
Hyde_FF | それって… | Hold on. |
Hyde_FF | 今すぐ 金を持ってこいってことか? |
You want me to pay you right now? |
Dunning_FF | いや そんなに急がなくてもいい |
Naw, ain't like that. Ya don't hafta take care of it right away. |
Dunning_FF | あんたも着いたばかりで 少しゆっくりしたいだろう |
Ya just got here after all! Go ahead and sit a spell. |
Dunning_FF | 晩飯の前までに 払ってくれればいい |
But if ya swing by and take care of it before six o'clock, I'd be much obliged. |
Dunning_FF | 俺は 事務室かフロントにいるから あとで、持ってきてくれ |
I'll be in m'office or at the front desk. |
%b0133 | ||
Hyde_FF | …わかった | Fine. |
Dunning_FF | じゃ、頼んだよ ハイドさん |
Thanks a bunch, Hyde. Sure do appreciate it. |
%b0133 | ||
Hyde_FF | ああ | Sure. Whatever. |
%b0120 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%b0136 | ||
Hyde_02 | 金か… | Cash... Where's my cash... |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_FF | …そうだ 金は、車を降りるとき 鞄の中に放り込んだままだ |
Oh, right. I tossed my roll in my suitcase when I got out of the car. |
%p65534FF | テーブルの上には 俺の鞄がある |
My suitcase is sitting on the table. |
%b0139 | ||
Hyde_02 | この鞄も そろそろお役御免だな |
This suitcase looks like it's about ready for the boneyard. |
Hyde_20 | あちこち ずいぶんガタがきている |
All the scuffs and tears... It sure is showing its age. |
Hyde_14 | この古い鞄は 俺の親父が使っていたものだ |
Still, it was my father's suitcase, and it's been with me a long time. |
Hyde_FF | エドのところで 働き出してからずっと |
Hell, I was lugging the old girl around when I started working for Ed. |
Hyde_FF | 俺は、こいつと一緒に 旅をしている |
My constant traveling companion. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p65534FF | テーブルの上には 俺の鞄がある |
My suitcase is sitting on the table. |
%b0139 | ||
Hyde_02 | 鍵が壊れて 鞄が開かない |
Damn key broke, and the suitcase is still locked. |
Hyde_41 | 鞄を開けるには… | I need something to get this open. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p65534FF | テーブルの上には 俺の鞄がある |
My suitcase is sitting on the table. |
Hyde_15 | 電話に出ないと… | Better answer the phone. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_15 | 電話に出ないと… | Better answer the phone. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%b0139 | ||
Hyde_20 | この鍵 すっかりくたびれていて |
I shoulda replaced this key before I left. |
Hyde_18 | 最近、どうも調子が悪い | Thing's been sticking in the lock lately. |
%b0114 | ||
Hyde_10 | ||
%p65534FF | 使い古した鞄の鍵は 折れてしまった |
The old key finally broke. |
Hyde_08 | …ったく | Dammit! |
Hyde_08 | こんなところで 鍵が壊れるか? |
This is not what I need right now. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%b0139 | ||
Hyde_02 | …どうする? | Now what am I going to do? |
Hyde_FF | 針金でも使って 鞄の鍵を開けるか… |
Maybe I can use some wire to pick the lock. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ベッドの横には 電話がある |
There's a phone next to the bed. |
%b0120 | ||
%b0136 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
%r0000 | ||
%b0133 | ||
Hyde_FF | …… | ... |
%b0135 | ||
Rachel_FF | はい レッドクラウン商会です |
Hello, Red Crown. |
%b0132 | ||
Hyde_FF | レイチェル、俺だ | Hey, Rachel. It's me. |
%b0111 | ||
Rachel_FF | 荷物を受け取ったの? | Well, hi there, sweetie. Did you get the package? |
%b0142 | ||
Hyde_FF | いや、まだだ | Not yet. |
Rachel_FF | だったら 荷物を受け取ってから 電話して |
So you just called to talk to me? How sweet! But just call back when you have it. |
%b0133 | ||
Hyde_FF | わかった | All right. |
%b0120 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_03 | 荷物はまだ届かないのか… | Where is that package? |
Hyde_FF | ||
%b0137 | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_FF | …ん? | Huh? |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_24 | …誰だ? | Now what? |
%p65534FF | 『ボーイです 荷物を持ってきました』 |
Hullo? Hey, got a package from the front desk. |
%b0137 | ||
Hyde_21 | ||
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
%p0001701 | ||
%b0115 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ドアを開けると ダンボールの箱を抱えた ボーイが立っていた |
I open the door and see the bellhop carrying a couple of cardboard boxes. |
Louis_FF | お客さん宛ての荷物を お持ちしました |
Package for ya, pal. |
Hyde_03 | ああ | OK. |
Hyde_05 | その辺に置いてくれ | Put it down anywhere. |
Louis_FF | すみませんが 両手がいっぱいで… |
Uh, 'scuse me... I kinda got my hands full, ya know? |
Louis_FF | 上のダンボールの箱を 受け取って もらえませんかね |
You want you could take the box on top for a sec? |
Hyde_03 | わかった | No problem. |
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_27 | ||
%p65534FF | 俺はボーイから ダンボールの箱を受け取り |
I take one of the boxes from the bellhop. |
%b0116 | ||
Hyde_23 | ||
%p65534FF | それを ベッドの上に置いた |
I put the package down on the bed. |
Hyde_02 | ||
Louis_01 | おい、何処に行くんだ? | Hey, where ya goin'? |
%b0140 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Louis_FF | …失礼しやす | See ya, man! I gotta blow. |
Hyde_06 | …失礼しやす? | ...I gotta blow? Wait a second... |
Louis_FF | …いや、失礼します ハイドの…いや… |
No, uh... I mean... I gotta go! Gotta go, Hyde! Ah, crap... |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …えっ? | Wait a second... |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r0000 | ||
Louis_FF | …失礼します | Aw, man... |
%b0140 | ||
Hyde_05 | …おい | Wait a second... |
Louis_FF | ||
%b0140 | ||
Hyde_17 | …待てよ | Don't move! |
Louis_FF | ||
Louis_FF | …えっ | Wah?! |
Hyde_17 | …その声 聞き覚えがある |
That voice. I know your voice. |
Louis_FF | …ち、違います | Nah, that can't be. |
Hyde_05 | 何が違うんだ? | Can't be? Why? |
Louis_FF | …そ、それは | Well, uh... |
Hyde_05 | いいから、顔を見せろ | Look at me! |
Louis_FF | …い、いや | I gotta go! |
Hyde_24 | …なんだ、こいつ どうして顔を見せない? |
What's up with this guy? What's he hiding? |
Hyde_02 | よし こっちを向かせるか… |
Time to get a look at his face. |
Hyde_02 | …おい | Hey. |
Louis_FF | …は、はい | Y-yeah? |
Hyde_05 | 顔を上げろ! | I said look at me! |
%r0000 | ||
%p65534FF | 俺はボーイの顔を無理やり つかんで、こちらに向けた |
I grab the bellhop's chin and yank his head up. |
Hyde_16 | …あっ | You! |
%r205_R | ||
Louis_08 | …あっ、やべっ | Aw, man! |
Hyde_FF | …おまえは | I know you! |
Louis_FF | …!! | Dammit, man! Aw, dammit... |
Hyde_16 | …ルイスじゃないか! | Louie! |
Louis_12 | ちぇ、バレちまったか | Fine, ya got me. |
Louis_01 | バレちまったなら 仕方ない |
'Course, I guess there ain't nothin' I can do about it now, eh? |
Louis_05 | 久しぶりだな ハイドの旦那 |
Long time, no see, Officer Hyde. |
Hyde_24 | ||
Louis_21 | ||
Hyde_24 | こいつの名前は ルイス・フランコ |
Kid's name is Louis DeNonno, but he'll always be Louie to me. |
Louis_21 | ||
Hyde_FF | 俺がこの男に 最後に会ったのは 3年前の冬 |
Last time I saw him was the winter of '76, three years ago. |
Hyde_FF | あのとき、この男は マンハッタンの地下鉄で スリをしていた |
He was roaming the subways of Manhattan picking pockets for a living. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Louis_02 | ||
%b0140 | ||
Hyde_17 | さっさと行け | Go on. Get outta here. |
Louis_FF | ||
Louis_FF | …はい | Yeah, I'm goin'. |
%r0000 | ||
Louis_FF | …失礼します | See ya around. |
%b0137 | ||
%p65534FF | ボーイは 部屋を出て行った |
The bellhop left the room. |
Hyde_15 | うむ… | Hmm... |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_15 | 今のボーイの声 どこかで聞いたような 気がするが… |
I feel like I've heard that bellhop's voice somewhere before... |
%r205_R | ||
Hyde_24 | …ルイス どうして、ここに? |
Why are you here, Louie? Run out of wallets to lift in the Big Apple? |
Louis_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | ここで何をしてる? | What're you doing in this place? |
Louis_01 | 見ればわかるだろ | What's it look like, man? |
Louis_05 | ここで働いてるんだよ | I'm workin' here! |
Hyde_06 | …働いている? おまえが? |
Working? You? Bull. I don't buy it. |
Louis_03 | ああ | That's the God's honest, man! |
Louis_01 | 足を洗ったんだ | I got my act together! |
Hyde_25 | どうして足を洗ったんだ? | You got your act together? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Louis_01 | ここに住み込みで 働き出して もう3年になる |
Been three years since I moved out here and scored this gig! |
Hyde_02 | …3年か | Three years... |
Hyde_FF | 俺が刑事を辞めたのと 一緒の頃か |
That's about the same time I quit the force. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_06 | 俺にいつ、気づいた? | How did you know I was here? |
Louis_02 | ||
Louis_01 | 荷物の伝票を見て すぐにわかった |
Aw, man, I knew it soon as I saw your name on the package, yeah? |
Louis_15 | まさか、この俺を パクッたことがある刑事の 荷物がここに届くなんてな |
Package shows up for the cop what busted me... What're the odds, man? |
Louis_01 | ここで働いて3年 | I been here for THREE YEARS! |
Louis_01 | マンハッタンでのことも ようやく忘れかけてた頃に |
Just started to put all that New York stuff behind me, ya dig? |
Louis_13 | あんたなんかの名前を 伝票で見つけて、がっくりだ |
Seeing your name was a total drag. I just wanted to forget it. |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …何だと? | Huh? |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Louis_15 | 今年もこのまま平和に 終わるかと思ってたのに |
And here I been thinkin' this year was gonna end on a sweet note... |
Louis_12 | ついてねえや | Can't catch a break, man. Never could. |
Hyde_05 | …ちょっと、待て | Hold on a second... |
Louis_FF | ||
Hyde_07 | あんたなんかだと? | You wanted to forget my name, Louie? |
Louis_13 | ああ | You bet I did, man! |
Louis_13 | 昔のことなんか 思い出したくないに 決まってるだろ |
'Course, I wanna forget all the crap what happened back then. |
Hyde_02 | そうか… | Is that so? |
Louis_01 | ここで働き始めた頃は 昔の俺を知ってるやつが |
When I first got this gig? Used to check the guest list every day. |
Louis_01 | 泊まりにくるんじゃないか って、ヒヤヒヤもんだった |
I was a total freak show. Always afraid someone I knew would show... |
Louis_01 | 毎日、宿帳を調べては あんたと似た名前の客が いないか、調べたりしてよ |
It was a trip, man! You woulda laughed at what a dork I was. |
Louis_10 | でも、幸せなことに 昨日までは、そんなやつ いなかったけどな |
But I got lucky, and never saw a name I recognized. ...And now you show. |
Hyde_25 | 俺と同じ名前の客はいなかったのか? | No guests with my name? |
Hyde_17 | そんなにがっくりか? | As bad as all that, huh? |
Louis_03 | まあな | Yeah, man. |
Louis_10 | あんたの名前を見たら マンハッタンの頃を 思い出す |
Seein' your name made me remember all kinds of lousy crap about New York! |
Hyde_02 | そうか… | Really? |
Louis_01 | ここで働き始めた頃は 昔の俺を知ってるやつが |
When I first got this gig? Used to check the guest list every day. |
Louis_01 | 泊まりにくるんじゃないか って、ヒヤヒヤもんだった |
I was a total freak show. Always afraid someone I knew would show... |
Louis_01 | 毎日、宿帳を調べては あんたと似た名前の客が いないか、調べたりしてよ |
It was a trip, man! You woulda laughed at what a dork I was. |
Louis_10 | でも、そんなやつが いなかったのは 昨日までのことだ |
But I got lucky, and never saw a name I recognized. ...But now you show. |
Hyde_25 | 俺と同じ名前の客はいなかったのか? | No guests with my name? |
Louis_01 | ところで、ハイドの旦那 | So what's the deal, Officer Hyde? |
Louis_01 | あんたこそ、どうして こんなホテルに 泊まりにきたんだ? |
What you doing all the way out here in a crappy hotel like this? |
Louis_01 | マンハッタンの刑事が こんなとこまで 捜査にやってくるなんて |
Must be a major bust you got lined up, right? |
Louis_01 | なにか大きなヤマでも 追ってるのか? |
Why else would a Manhattan cop be so far from home? |
Hyde_06 | いや、そうじゃない | That's not it. |
Louis_04 | じゃあ、休暇の旅行か? | So...what? You're, like, on vacation? Checkin' out the tar pits and crap like that? |
Hyde_06 | いや、違う | No. |
Louis_11 | …ん? | Huh? Man, you're a TRIP! |
Louis_11 | なんだよ、あんたの話 よくわかんねえな |
I don't get you! Everything you say's like a riddle or a mystery or somethin'. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Louis_13 | ま、いいや あんたが何の用で ここに泊まっていようが |
Whatever. Not my business what you're doin' here. |
Louis_13 | 俺には関係ないことだし | You keep your secrets, and I'll keep mine. |
Hyde_06 | 仕事だ | I'm working. |
Louis_04 | じゃあ、大きなヤマを 追ってるんだろう? |
HA! I knew it! What's the score, man? Got a major bust goin' down, yeah? |
Hyde_08 | いや、そうじゃなくて… | No, that's not it, I... |
Louis_12 | …わかってるさ | It's all right, man. |
Louis_01 | 俺なんかに捜査の秘密は 話せないってことだろ |
You wouldn't be tellin' a punk like me your secret cop stuff, right? |
Hyde_FF | ||
Louis_13 | ま、いいや あんたが何の用で ここに泊まっていようが |
It's cool, man. I don't need to know why you're here or what you're doing. |
Louis_13 | 俺には関係ないことだし | Ain't my business. |
Louis_02 | ||
Hyde_24 | なんだ? | What? |
Louis_20 | ||
Hyde_02 | ……? | What? |
Hyde_07 | なんだ? 何、じろじろ見てる |
What's the problem? Why're you staring at me? |
Louis_01 | いや、やっぱり 変わったなと思って |
Mellow out, man. No big. Just that...you're different now, ya dig? |
Louis_05 | さっきから思ってたけど なんだか言いにくくてさ |
I was gonna say somethin' earlier, but I didn't want you to freak. |
Hyde_24 | …なんだ? | What're you talking about? |
Louis_02 | ||
Hyde_07 | 何が 変わったっていうんだ? |
What's different about me? |
Louis_11 | 何がって… | I dunno... |
Hyde_07 | はっきり言えよ | Spit it out. |
Louis_02 | なんとなくな | Just...something. |
Louis_01 | 以前のあんたと 感じが違う |
You got a different vibe about you. |
Hyde_25 | 感じが違うって、どういうことだ? | A different vibe? |
Hyde_05 | どうして 足を洗ったんだ? |
You got your act together? |
Louis_02 | ||
Louis_01 | ま、スリみたいな チンケな悪事をするのに すっかり飽きたし |
Yeah, man, I got tired of picking pockets. Big risk, small reward, yeah? |
Louis_10 | 俺も粋がってバカなマネを する歳でもなくなったって 気がしてさ… |
Figured I was too old to keep workin' the streets like a punk. |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …何だって? | Huh? |
Hyde_FF | ||
Louis_01 | 今の俺は あんたの知ってる 昔の俺じゃないんだ |
I'm not the same guy you knew before, man. |
Hyde_05 | 何かあったのか? | You got wise? That it? |
Louis_10 | …かもな | Yeah, maybe... |
Louis_10 | でも、言わねえよ | But I ain't talking about it, though. |
Louis_10 | 刑事のあんたには 話したくはないことだ |
Not somethin' I'm gonna get into with a cop. |
Hyde_25 | 俺に話したくないことって、何だ? | What won't you talk about? |
Hyde_02 | …そうか | Oh, right... |
Hyde_14 | こいつは 俺が刑事を辞めたことを 知らないんだ… |
He doesn't know I quit the force. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Louis_01 | どうしたんだよ 急に黙り込んじまって |
What's up, man? Cat got your tongue? |
Hyde_06 | …なんでもない | It's nothing. |
Hyde_05 | …待てよ | Hold on. |
Louis_FF | ||
Hyde_05 | 何かあったんだろう? | Something happened, didn't it? |
Louis_10 | …かもな | Yeah, maybe... |
Louis_10 | でも、言わねえよ | But I ain't talking about it. |
Louis_10 | 刑事のあんたには 話したくはないことだ |
Not somethin' I'm gonna get into with a cop. |
Hyde_25 | 俺に話したくないことって、何だ? | What won't you talk about? |
Hyde_02 | …そうか | Oh, right... |
Hyde_14 | こいつは 俺が刑事を辞めたことを 知らないんだ… |
He doesn't know I quit the force. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Louis_01 | どうしたんだよ 急に黙り込んじまって |
What's up, man? Cat got your tongue? |
Hyde_06 | …なんでもない | It's nothing. |
Hyde_07 | 嘘をつけ そんなことじゃないだろ |
Bull. You're a liar. |
Louis_07 | …えっ? | What? Aw, man, now hold it a sec— |
Hyde_17 | 何か企んでいるのか? どういう風の吹き回しだ |
You got a plan, I know it. You're not fooling me, you low-rent lowlife. |
Louis_10 | …なんで そんなこと言うんだ? |
W-why you sayin' that? |
Hyde_07 | そんなこと、信じられるか | Why? |
Hyde_07 | おまえがこんなところで 働いてるなんて、何か 企んでのことだろう? |
You're a loser, that's why! You're not working in this dump without an angle. |
Louis_10 | おい、久しぶりの挨拶が その言葉かよ |
Man, I ain't seen you for years and that's how you wanna think? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Louis_07 | …あんまりだな | Cold, brother. Real cold. |
Louis_12 | …情けねえよ、涙が出る | Aw... Damn it! Now I'm gonna get to crying... |
Hyde_24 | …涙が出る? | Crying? |
Louis_10 | ああ、そうさ | Sn-sniff... |
Hyde_17 | 相変わらず 芝居もうまいな |
Still trying to play me for a sap, eh, Louie? Nothing changes. |
Hyde_17 | おまえのその芝居に 俺が何度だまされたと 思っている |
Your little act didn't fly in the past, and it's not gonna fly here, either. |
Louis_10 | 何、言ってるんだ 芝居じゃないぜ、本気だ |
Ain't no act, ya bum! This here's the real deal... |
Hyde_24 | …本気だと? | The real deal? |
Louis_13 | ああ、本気で情けねえって 思ってんだよ |
Yeah, ya jerk! That hurts! |
Louis_01 | 真面目に働いて 更生している前科者に そんなことを言うなんて |
What kinda cop says that to a guy what's trying to get his act together? |
Louis_10 | あんた、最低の刑事だな | You're a dirtbag, Officer Hyde. |
Hyde_05 | 俺に話したくない ことって、何だ? |
What don't you want to talk about? |
Louis_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | 何があったんだ? | What happened? |
Louis_12 | …… | ... |
Louis_01 | 気にするなよ | Forget it. |
Louis_10 | 俺がどうして 足を洗ったかなんて |
I split that scene for my own reasons, man. |
Louis_10 | あんたには 関係ないことだろ |
Got nothin' to do with you. |
Hyde_05 | いなかったのか? 客の中に 俺に似た名前の男は |
You telling me you never heard of other guests with my name? |
Louis_03 | ああ | Yeah, man. That's what I'm tellin' ya. |
Louis_01 | そんなやつがいたら 忘れるわけないだろ |
Not likely I'd forget somethin' like that. |
Louis_20 | でも、どうして こんなことを聞くんだ? |
Why you bustin' me about it, anyways? |
Hyde_06 | フロントで言われたんだ | Just something I heard from that old-timer at the front desk. |
Hyde_06 | 半年前に 俺と同じ名前の客が 泊まったことがあると |
Seems there was a guest with my name about six months back. |
Louis_20 | 半年前? | Six months...? |
Louis_01 | そんな客、知らないぜ | No, man, I got nothin'. |
Louis_10 | あんたと同じ名前の客が いたら、俺が覚えていない わけはないだろ |
'Sides, you think I wouldn't remember a guest what had your name? |
Hyde_02 | …そうか | I guess... |
Hyde_05 | 感じが違うって どういうことだ? |
Different vibe? What the hell's that supposed to mean? |
Louis_02 | ||
Louis_11 | どういうことって… | Well, it's, you know... |
Louis_13 | 自分でわかんないのか? | C'mon, man, you gotta know what I'm sayin'! |
Louis_20 | ほら、ダサい革ジャンに ヨレヨレのネクタイ |
You got that crappy leather jacket and that totally whacked-out tie. |
Louis_20 | 髪もボサボサで… | And your hair? Man, you got serious issues there. |
Louis_04 | 今のあんた あんたらしくないぜ |
This look... It ain't like you, man. |
Hyde_07 | …俺らしくない? | Not like me? |
Louis_03 | ああ | Uh-huh. |
Louis_04 | 俺が知ってたあんたは 細身の黒のスーツで決めて |
The Officer Hyde I remember always wore a fly black suit. |
Louis_05 | マンハッタンの街を 走り回っててさ… |
And the way you used to strut around the city? You had it goin' on, man! |
Hyde_14 | …そうだった あの頃、俺は… |
He's right. That's how it used to be. That's who I was. |
Hyde_FF | ブラッドリー おまえと一緒に 事件を追っていた… |
We ruled the streets, Bradley. You and me, playing the heroes. |
Hyde_24 | …それで? | Yeah? What else? |
Louis_11 | うーん、なんていうか… もっと… |
Well, that's it, man. I mean, you were... |
Hyde_24 | 何だ、はっきり言え | Spit it out, Louie. |
Louis_13 | …クールだった | You were cool, man. Even when you were hasslin' me, you were cool. |
Hyde_07 | 悪かったな クールじゃなくなって |
My cool ran out. |
Hyde_05 | 仕事が変われば 着る服も変わる それだけだ |
I changed jobs and changed clothes. That's it. |
Louis_20 | えっ… | Right. |
Hyde_14 | …… | ... |
Louis_02 | …… | ... |
Louis_01 | あんた、何を書いてる? | What're you writing, man? |
Louis_01 | 何を見てるんだよ | What're you looking at, man? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Louis_01 | すっかり 話し込んじまったな |
This gig's been goin' on too long. |
Louis_01 | そろそろ行くな | I gotta blow, man. |
Hyde_03 | ああ | All right. |
Hyde_02 | ||
Louis_02 | ||
Louis_01 | すっかり 話し込んじまったな |
This gig's been goin' on too long. |
Louis_01 | そろそろ行くわ | I gotta blow, man. |
Hyde_03 | ああ | All right. |
Louis_01 | でも、その前に ひとつ、聞いていいか? |
But, uh, listen. Before I go, lemme ask you something? |
Hyde_24 | 何だ? | What is it? |
Louis_01 | あんた、さっき… | You, uh... |
Louis_01 | 仕事が変わったって 言ってたけど |
You said you changed gigs, |
yeah? | ||
Louis_10 | どういうことなんだ? | What's the story? |
Hyde_14 | それは… | Oh, that. |
Louis_FF | ||
Hyde_06 | ルイス、実は… | Truth, Louie? |
Hyde_24 | 辞めたんだ | I hung it up. |
Louis_20 | 何を? | Hung what up? |
Hyde_24 | …刑事を | My badge. |
Louis_10 | えっ… | What? No way! |
Louis_10 | あんたが刑事を辞めた? | You quit the beat?! |
Hyde_07 | ああ | Yeah. |
Hyde_07 | クビになった | Actually, I got canned. |
Louis_07 | …クビ? | You were FIRED?! |
Louis_10 | なんで、あんたが? | Oh man, Officer Hyde! What'd you do?! |
Hyde_24 | それは… | Well... |
Hyde_FF | ||
Louis_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%r0001 | ||
%p0001706 | ||
%p00101FF | ハイドだ | This is Hyde. |
%p00017FF | ||
%p00101FF | 『まずいことになった ブラッドリーが…』 |
Hyde, I've got bad news. It's Bradley. He... |
%p0001708 | ||
%p00101FF | えっ、なんだって?! | What the hell? |
%r0001 | ||
%p0001715 | ||
%p0001403 | ||
%p00017FF | ||
%p00014FF | ||
%r205_L | ||
%r205_R | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
Louis_02 | ||
Hyde_24 | …聞きたいか? | You really wanna know? |
Louis_02 | ||
Louis_10 | …いや、やめとこう | ...No thanks, man. I'll pass. |
Louis_10 | ヤバい話を聞かされそうだ 遠慮しとくよ |
Sounds too heavy for me. Maybe some other time, yeah? |
Hyde_02 | …そうか | All right. |
Louis_10 | でも、驚いたな あんたが刑事を 辞めてたなんて… |
Can't believe you're not a cop anymore, man. What a trip. |
Louis_04 | それで… 今は何をしてるんだ? |
So, what's your deal now? |
Hyde_01 | 家庭用品の訪問販売だ | I sell household goods door- to-door. |
Louis_07 | 訪問販売? | C'mon! Get outta here! You're a door-to-door salesman? |
Hyde_05 | セールスマンをしている | Yeah. |
Louis_20 | あんたが…セールスマン? | You? |
Hyde_03 | ああ | Me. |
Louis_01 | もしかして 今届けた荷物は |
So that package what I delivered is full'a sales stuff? |
Louis_01 | セールス品の在庫とか? | Detergent and floor wax and hairnets? Old lady crap like that? |
Hyde_03 | そうだ | Could be. |
Louis_17 | ははは! | Whaaaaa ha ha ha ha! |
Hyde_07 | …笑うな | Knock it off. |
Hyde_07 | 何が、そんなに おかしいんだ? |
What's so damn funny? |
Louis_13 | おかしいさ! | Everything, man! |
Louis_13 | だってよ あのカイル・ハイドが セールスマンだなんて |
C'mon, the famous Officer Hyde? A SALESMAN? |
Louis_13 | 俺がボーイやってるより 笑える話だ |
That's even more of a gas than me being a bellhop! |
Louis_17 | あははは! | Whaaaaa ha ha ha haaaaa! |
Hyde_14 | …そうか | That so? |
Louis_02 | …… | ... |
Hyde_06 | ルイス、実は… | Truth, Louie? |
Louis_04 | 何だよ? | What? |
Hyde_14 | …… | ... |
Louis_04 | 仕事が変わったって まさか… |
Hey, you said you changed gigs, but you ain't saying... |
Louis_05 | 刑事を辞めたなんて 言うんじゃないだろう? |
You didn't QUIT, did ya? |
Hyde_22 | 違う そうじゃない |
Not like that. |
Hyde_01 | 担当が変わっただけだ 今は… 失そう者の捜索班だ |
I'm just in a different department now. Missing persons. |
Louis_01 | …失そう者の捜索班 なるほどな、だからか |
Missing persons? Oh, that makes sense. |
Louis_01 | だから、マンハッタンから 西海岸までやってきて 捜査してるっていうわけか |
Came all the way from Manhattan to the West Coast on a lead, huh? |
Hyde_01 | …ああ ま、そんなところだ |
Something like that. |
Louis_20 | ふうん… | Hm... |
Hyde_02 | ||
Louis_01 | じゃあ、俺は行くけど | All right, man, I gotta bail. |
Louis_01 | ハイドの旦那… | ...Yo, Officer Hyde? |
Hyde_02 | 何だ? | Yeah? |
Louis_01 | わかってるだろうが | My past... |
Louis_10 | ここには 俺がマンハッタンで |
You know all the crap that happened in New York? All the stuff I did? |
Louis_10 | 何をしていたかなんて 知ってる人間は誰もいない |
Well, ain't nobody out here who knows about it, man. |
Louis_10 | そのことは 肝に銘じておいてくれよ |
I'd appreciate it if you'd... like...keep it to yourself. Ya know? |
Hyde_03 | …ああ | All right. |
Louis_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ルイスは 部屋を出て行った |
Louie leaves the room. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Louis_FF | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Louis_01 | なんだ? | What? |
%p65534FF | テーブルの上には 俺の鞄がある |
My suitcase is on the table. |
Hyde_02 | 鍵が壊れて 鞄が開かない |
The key's broken, and the suitcase is still locked. |
Hyde_15 | 鞄を開けるには… | I need something to get this open... |
%p65534FF | テーブルの上には 俺の鞄がある |
My suitcase is on the table. |
%p65534FF | ベッドの上には ルイスが配達してきた ダンボールがある |
The package Louie delivered is on the bed. |
%p65534FF | ベッドの上には ボーイが配達してきた ダンボールがある |
The package the bellhop delivered is on the bed. |
%p65534FF | 箱の中には、茶色の表紙の ノートが1冊入っていた |
A single brown notebook is inside the box. |
%p65534FF | 箱の中には 何も入っていない |
There's nothing inside the package. |
Hyde_20 | …ん? …なんだ、この荷物は |
Huh? What's this supposed to be? |
Hyde_24 | オーダーシートがないぞ | There's no order sheet. |
Hyde_FF | これは エドからの荷物じゃない |
This isn't Ed's package. |
Hyde_FF | ルイスのやつ 荷物を間違えたな |
That moron Louie brought me the wrong package! |
Hyde_25 | 荷物のことをフロントに知らせないと… | I gotta tell the front desk. |
Hyde_19 | ||
%p0000000 | 俺は箱に入っていた 「古いノート」を 手に取った |
I got the old notebook that was inside the package. |
%p0000000 | ノートの表紙には 「秘密の言葉」という タイトルが書かれていた |
The title written on the cover of the notebook is "The Secret Word." |
Hyde_20 | …ん? …なんだ、この荷物は |
Huh? What's this supposed to be? |
Hyde_24 | オーダーシートがないぞ | There's no order sheet. |
Hyde_FF | これは エドからの荷物じゃない |
This isn't Ed's package. |
Hyde_FF | ルイスのやつ 荷物を間違えたな |
That moron Louie brought me the wrong package! |
Hyde_25 | 荷物のことをフロントに知らせないと… | I gotta tell the front desk. |
Hyde_19 | ||
%p0000000 | 俺は箱に入っていた 「古いノート」を 手に取った |
I got the old notebook that was inside the package. |
%p0000000 | ノートの表紙には 「秘密の言葉」という タイトルが書かれていた |
The title written on the cover of the notebook is "The Secret Word." |
Hyde_20 | …ん? …なんだ、この荷物は |
Huh? What's this supposed to be? |
Hyde_24 | オーダーシートがないぞ | There's no order sheet. |
Hyde_FF | これは エドからの荷物じゃない |
This isn't Ed's package. |
Hyde_FF | ボーイのやつ 荷物を間違えたな |
That moronic bellhop brought me the wrong package. |
Hyde_25 | 荷物のことをフロントに知らせないと… | I gotta tell the front desk. |
Hyde_19 | ||
%p0000000 | 俺は箱に入っていた 「古いノート」を 手に取った |
I got the old notebook that was inside the package. |
%p0000000 | ノートの表紙には 「秘密の言葉」という タイトルが書かれていた |
The title written on the cover of the notebook is "The Secret Word." |
%p65534FF | ベッドの横には 電話がある |
There's a phone next to the bed. |
Hyde_02 | フロントに 電話をしてみるか |
I guess I gotta call the front desk. |
%b0120 | ||
%b0136 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
%b0142 | ||
%r0000 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%b0119 | ||
%b0133 | ||
Hyde_FF | …… | ... |
%p65534FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%b0132 | ||
Hyde_FF | …誰も出ない | No answer. |
%b0120 | ||
%b0136 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_02 | あの親父、また テレビでも見てるのか |
Bet the old man's glued to the TV again. |
Hyde_24 | …ったく | Damn. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%b0137 | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_FF | …ん? 誰だ? | Huh? Who's there? |
%b0137 | ||
Hyde_21 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_30 | ||
%p0001701 | ||
%r205_01 | ||
Martin_18 | あの… | Um... |
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_30 | ||
%p0001701 | ||
%r205_01 | ||
Dunning_21 | ||
%r205_01 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Dunning_11 | ちょっといいか? | Hyde! I need to talk to ya! |
Hyde_03 | あんたか… | Oh, it's you. |
Dunning_06 | 216号室のお客から 苦情がきてる |
I got me a complaint about ya from the guest in Room 216! |
Dunning_06 | あんたがあやしい男だとな | Said there's somethin' fishy 'bout ya! |
Hyde_06 | 216号室の客? あのアイリスって女か? |
Room 216? That woman? Iris? |
Hyde_07 | なんで俺があの女に 苦情を言われなくちゃ いけないんだ |
What in the hell does she have to complain about? |
Hyde_07 | あの勘違い女 何を言ってきたんだ |
That lady's clueless. What did she say? |
Iris_09 | 何ですって!? | WHAT?! |
Iris_09 | 勘違い女ですって!? | Did you say I'm clueless?! |
Hyde_04 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …ん? | Oh, great. Now she's pissed. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r205_01 | ||
Hyde_10 | …そこにいたのか | Right there all along, huh? |
Iris_FF | ||
Iris_09 | そんな言い方ないでしょ | You're a jerk! |
Hyde_06 | そんなに怒るな | Relax, doll. |
Hyde_06 | 少し言い過ぎた あやまる |
Didn't mean to offend you. Sorry, OK? |
Iris_06 | わかればいいのよ | As long as you understand your mistake. |
Hyde_17 | どうしたんだ? 教えてくれ |
But tell me something. |
Hyde_17 | どうして俺が あやしいんだ? |
What did I do to bother you? What's fishy about me? |
Iris_01 | ほら、あのルイスって いうボーイが言ったでしょ |
It's what that bellhop guy... you know, Louis? It's what he said. |
Iris_01 | あなたが刑事だって… | He said you were a detective. |
Hyde_13 | …ははは! | Ha ha ha! |
Iris_15 | …何がおかしいの? | What's so funny? |
Hyde_09 | 冗談さ | It was a joke. |
Iris_07 | …冗談なの? | A joke? |
Hyde_17 | ああ 俺が刑事に見えるか? |
Do I look like a detective? |
Hyde_17 | 俺はそんな危険な仕事が できる男じゃない |
I'm not cut out for the badge. Too dangerous, and the pay stinks. |
Hyde_17 | あんたが安心できる男さ | So I guess I'm a man you can feel safe around. |
Iris_05 | そうなの | I... I see. |
%r205_01 | ||
Hyde_24 | 待てよ | Hold it. |
Iris_FF | ||
%r205_01 | ||
Hyde_17 | 落ち着けよ どうしたんだ? |
Calm down. You're going to have a stroke. |
Iris_FF | ||
Iris_09 | だって、今 勘違い女だって… |
But you just said... You called me clueless, you... you CAD! |
Hyde_06 | そんなに怒るなよ | Don't get so worked up. |
Hyde_06 | 怒ると美人が台無しだ | You're prettier when you're not screaming and carrying on. |
Iris_07 | …えっ | What? I... I am? I'm pretty? |
Hyde_17 | …そうだろ? | Yeah, sure. Why not? |
Iris_06 | …まあね | Oh... T-thanks. |
Hyde_17 | どうしたんだ? 教えてくれ |
So what's the problem? |
Hyde_17 | どうして俺が あやしいんだ? |
Why don't you trust me? |
Iris_01 | ほら、あのルイスって いうボーイが言ったでしょ |
It's what that bellhop man... you know, Louis? It's what he said. |
Iris_01 | あなたが刑事だって… | He said you were a detective. |
Hyde_13 | …ははは! | Ha ha ha! |
Iris_15 | …何がおかしいの? | What's so funny? |
Hyde_09 | 冗談さ | It was a joke. |
Iris_07 | …冗談なの? | A joke? |
Hyde_17 | ああ 俺が刑事に見えるか? |
Do I look like a detective? |
Hyde_17 | 俺はそんな危険な仕事が できる男じゃない |
I'm not cut out for the badge. Too dangerous, and the pay stinks. |
Hyde_17 | あんたが安心できる男さ | So I guess I'm a man you can feel safe around. |
Iris_05 | そうなの | Oh, I see. |
%r205_01 | ||
Hyde_11 | いい加減にしろ! | Cut the crap! |
Iris_FF | ||
Hyde_11 | 俺をこれ以上 むかつかせるな! |
You don't want to get on my bad side! |
Iris_08 | …ひどい! | You're nothing but a lying jerk! |
Hyde_07 | …ふん! なにが、ひどいだ |
Lying jerk? What's your problem, lady? |
Iris_09 | 勘違いしてるのは あなたでしょ |
So you think I'm clueless, do you? Well, try this on for size! |
Iris_09 | 私、あのルイスって ボーイから、あなたが 刑事だって聞いて |
When that bellhop said you were a cop, I got curious. |
Iris_04 | ちょっと、気になったの あなたが本当に 刑事なのかって |
I thought I'd check to see if it was true, so you know what I did? |
Iris_06 | 私、調べたのよ ニューヨークに電話して |
I made a call to the NYPD, that's what! |
Iris_01 | ニューヨーク市警の 89分署にハイドっていう 刑事が在籍してるかどうか |
I called the 89th Precinct and asked to speak to Detective Kyle Hyde. |
Hyde_24 | …何だって | ...You did what? |
Iris_15 | そうしたら、言われたの そんな刑事はいないって |
Oh yes I did! And you know what? They said there was NO SUCH PERSON! |
Dunning_06 | 悪いが、警察手帳を 見せてくれないか |
What now, pal?! You wanna show us yer cereal-box badge? |
Iris_09 | 見せてよ | Come on! Show me! Show me your license to be a jerk! |
Hyde_14 | それは… | I'd rather not. |
Iris_09 | 持ってないのね | You don't have a badge, do you? |
Hyde_22 | わかってくれたら それでいいんだ |
As long as the air's been cleared. |
Hyde_02 | ||
Dunning_01 | おい、どうなってるんだ | Hey! What in the Sam Hill is goin' on here?! |
Iris_01 | マスター、ごめんなさい | I'm sorry, Mr. Smith. |
Iris_01 | 私の勘違いだったの | It was a misunderstanding on my part. |
Dunning_15 | …勘違いだと? | A misunderstandin'? |
Iris_03 | ええ | Yes. |
Hyde_03 | ああ | ...Huh. |
Dunning_09 | …まったく | Well, strike up the band and drop the ticker tape! Sheeeee-eesh! |
Dunning_11 | だったら 俺の用はないんだな |
Guess there was no need to haul my butt up here! |
Dunning_01 | 失礼したな、ハイドさん | Sorry for the trouble, Mr. Hyde. |
Iris_06 | じゃあね | Bye now. |
Iris_FF | ||
%r0000 | ||
%p65534FF | ふたりは 部屋を出て行った |
The two of them leave the room. |
%r205_01 | ||
Martin_01 | あの~ | Oh dear... |
Iris_15 | ダニングさん、ほら 私の言ったとおりでしょ |
It's just like I told you earlier, Mr. Smith. |
Dunning_11 | …あんた | Listen, you! |
Dunning_11 | あんた、何者だ このホテルに怪しい客を 泊める気はない |
I dunno who the hell ya are, but I don't need no troublemakers in my place! |
Dunning_14 | 出て行ってくれ! | There's two ways ya can leave... On yer feet, or on yer ass! You decide! |
Hyde_10 | えっ? | What? |
Dunning_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Dunning_FF | ||
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_29 | しまった、あのとき… | Great, Hyde... |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_FF | どうして俺は ルイスに嘘を ついてしまったんだろう |
Why'd you have to go and lie to Louie earlier? |
Hyde_FF | ||
Louis_FF | ||
Louis_01 | でも、その前に ひとつ、聞いていいか? |
You, uh... |
Louis_01 | 仕事が変わったって 言ってたけど |
You said you changed gigs, yeah? |
Louis_20 | どういうことなんだ? | What's the story? |
Louis_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_08 | …ああ | ...Damn. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Martin_04 | カイル・ハイドさん …ですか? |
Begging your pardon, but are you Kyle Hyde? |
Hyde_03 | そうだ | That's right. |
Martin_01 | フロントから 連絡がありましたか? |
And did you perhaps receive a call from the front desk? |
Martin_01 | 荷物の件で | About the parcels? |
Hyde_06 | ああ | Yeah. |
Hyde_05 | フロントに電話をしたのは あんたか? |
You the guy who called down earlier? |
Martin_03 | そうです | The very same! |
Martin_01 | 私が電話をした211号室 のマーティン・サマーです |
My name is Martin Summer, and I'm currently lodged in Room 211. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Martin_17 | ||
Hyde_02 | マーティン・サマーか… | Martin Summer, huh? |
Hyde_FF | ||
Martin_01 | ||
Hyde_25 | マーティン・サマーか、どこかで聞いた名前だ | I've heard his name before. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Martin_04 | それで、荷物の件ですが | At any rate, about the parcels? |
Hyde_03 | ああ | Yeah? |
Martin_01 | 私の部屋に 届いた荷物なんですが |
The footboy delivered a parcel to my room some time ago. |
Martin_01 | 実はボーイが、配達先を 間違えたようです |
Unfortunately, it appears he somehow brought me the wrong one. |
Martin_04 | ただ… | However... |
Hyde_06 | …ただ? | Yeah? |
Martin_04 | すみません、私が 気が付いたのも、荷物を 開けてしまったあとで |
Please forgive me, but I failed to notice until after I opened it. |
Martin_04 | 中に入っていたものを見て それで驚いて… |
The contents were not what I was expecting, you see. |
Martin_06 | つまり、箱の中の書類に カイル・ハイドと 書いてあるのを見て… |
At any rate, I saw the name Kyle Hyde on the form, and so here I am! |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …何だと? | Huh? |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r213_03 | ||
Hyde_05 | …おい | Hey! |
Martin_FF | ||
Hyde_24 | 見たのか? | You read it?! |
Martin_02 | ||
Martin_03 | ええ | Well, yes... |
Hyde_16 | 何で、見たんだ! 俺の仕事の書類だぞ |
That's private property, buddy! What's your problem? |
Martin_09 | ハイドさん そんな言い方は ないでしょう? |
Please, Mr. Hyde! You've no cause to take that tone with me. |
Martin_06 | 初対面の人間に少し 失礼ではありませんか? |
This is rather boorish behavior toward a man you've only just met! |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …ん? | Huh? |
Hyde_FF | ||
Martin_06 | そう思われませんか? | Don't you agree? |
Hyde_15 | …そうだな | Yeah... I guess. |
Hyde_01 | 少し口が過ぎた すまなかった |
...Sorry. Sometimes my mouth moves before my noodle can catch up. |
Martin_05 | いいんですよ わかってくだされば |
As long as you understand, I'm willing to forgive and forget. It reminds me of— |
Hyde_09 | いい名前だろう? | Good name, isn't it? |
Martin_FF | ||
Martin_06 | そうですね | Indeed. |
Martin_FF | とても素敵なお名前です | Quite a nice name, actually. |
%r213_03 | ||
Hyde_05 | …ちょっと、いいか | Hey. |
Martin_FF | ||
Hyde_16 | 何が失礼だ | Don't like my behavior? Give me a second and then you REALLY won't like it! |
Martin_02 | ||
Martin_08 | …えっ | Mr. Hyde, please! |
Martin_09 | 確かに、私は あなたの荷物を見ましたが |
It's true that I did look at the contents of your parcel. |
Martin_09 | それはお互い 仕方のないことでしょう |
However, let me assure you I intended no harm. These things happen and— |
Hyde_11 | 仕方がないだと?! | These things happen? Oh, is that right? Well screw you, buddy! |
Hyde_11 | そんなことで 済む話じゃないぞ! |
You think I'll let you off because things happen? I oughta cuff you around! |
Martin_08 | …なんて人だ! | This is...this is simply shocking! |
Martin_09 | わかりました | Very well, Mr. Hyde. Have it your way. |
Martin_09 | 親切な気持ちで あなたに荷物を持ってきた のが、間違いでした |
I sought merely to be courteous and deliver to you your parcel. |
Martin_09 | あなたの荷物は フロントに届けます |
I can see now that was a mistake. I'll deliver it to the front desk instead. |
Martin_FF | ||
%p65534FF | サマーはそう言って 部屋を出て行った |
Summer finishes speaking and leaves the room. |
Hyde_22 | 少し言い過ぎた | Sorry, buddy. I got a little carried away there. |
Hyde_22 | 大事な荷物だったから つい、口が過ぎた |
It's an important package. I... I let my mouth get ahead of me. |
Martin_05 | いいんですよ わかってくだされば |
As long as we understand each other, I shall forgive. It reminds me of— |
Hyde_22 | 説明は、もういい 長い話は苦手だ |
Skip the explanation. I got a short attention span. |
Martin_09 | …そうですか | Is...is that so? |
Hyde_05 | 荷物の配達が間違ってた | Our packages got swapped. |
Hyde_17 | あんたに届いた荷物は 俺の荷物で |
Mine was delivered to your room, right? |
Hyde_17 | 俺に届いた荷物が きっとあんたの荷物で |
And the one I got here is probably yours. |
Hyde_06 | そうなんだろう? | That about cover it? |
Martin_09 | …ええ、まあ そういうことですが |
Yes, I do believe that summarizes the situation. |
Hyde_05 | で、荷物はどうした? | So. Where's my package? |
Martin_02 | ||
Martin_04 | ええ、持ってきています ここに |
Oh, yes, I brought it with me. It's right here. |
%b0129 | ||
Hyde_19 | …それか | That's it, huh? |
%p65534FF | ||
Martin_06 | …ええ | Yes. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Martin_FF | ||
Hyde_06 | マーティン・サマー? | Martin Summer? |
Martin_02 | ||
Hyde_14 | 聞いたことがある名前だ | I've heard that name before. |
Martin_05 | そうですか? | Yes, that's not surprising. |
Martin_04 | もしかしたら 新聞か雑誌か何かで |
Perhaps you've run across my name in a magazine? Or a newspaper? |
Martin_01 | 私の名前を見かけられた ことがあるのでは? |
Does that strike a familiar tone, Mr. Hyde? |
Hyde_24 | …ん? | Huh? |
Martin_05 | それとも、私の本を 読んだことがあるのかも? |
I suppose it's possible that you've actually read one of my books... |
Hyde_25 | 私の本? この男、作家なのか? | Books? This guy's a writer? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Martin_01 | 違いますか? | No? |
Hyde_24 | …かもな | Maybe. |
Hyde_01 | あんた、作家なのか? | You a writer? |
Martin_02 | ||
Martin_06 | ええ、そうです | Yes, that is correct, although I prefer to think of myself as an author. |
Martin_01 | 小説を書いてます | I pen novels mostly, although I have dabbled in other, more obscure, mediums. |
Hyde_24 | 小説? どんな? | Novels? What kind? |
Martin_01 | 推理小説です | Mysteries. |
Hyde_06 | 売れてる本か? | They sell? |
Martin_04 | まあ、そこそこは | Yes, they do all right. |
Martin_09 | 大抵の本屋に 並んでいるかと |
You can find my work in most bookstores of note. |
Martin_01 | 私の本は、女性の読者も けっこう多いんです |
I have quite a large female fan base, actually. |
Hyde_24 | …そうか | You don't say. |
Martin_05 | 私の本を 読まれたことは? |
Have you perhaps read any of my novels? |
Hyde_24 | いや、ない | Nope. |
Martin_06 | それは残念ですね | I see. Well, not wholly unexpected, but a shame nonetheless. |
Martin_01 | ぜひ、一度 読んでみてください |
If you get the chance, I hope you will read one. |
Hyde_03 | 暇があればな | Sure. Why not? |
Martin_03 | ||
Hyde_05 | 読んだことがある | Yeah, I read one. |
Martin_05 | 本当ですか? | Truly? |
Martin_05 | 何を読まれました? | Tell me, which one? |
Hyde_22 | 「天使がささやく」を | I think it was called "The Angel Whispers." |
Martin_07 | 本当ですか? | You read it? Oh, how exciting! |
Martin_10 | あの本を読んでくださって いたとは… |
To learn that you've read that story... |
Martin_05 | うれしい限りです | Well, it fills me with pure happiness! |
Hyde_05 | 「シカゴ・レクイエム」を 読んだことがある |
Oh, it was... "A Tale of Two...um...Gangsters." Or something. |
Martin_09 | …… | ... |
Martin_01 | 残念ですが、それは 私の作品ではありません |
Unfortunately, that is not one of my novels, Mr. Hyde. I don't think it even exists. |
Hyde_08 | …… | ... |
Martin_01 | 何ですか? | What is it? |
Martin_01 | 何を見てるのですか? | What are you reading? |
Martin_06 | それです! そのノートは私のものです |
Eureka! That's my notebook. |
Hyde_02 | もうちょっと 聞いてみるか |
Maybe I should keep him talking. |
Martin_02 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Martin_04 | ノートを返してください | My notebook, Mr. Hyde... |
Martin_05 | お願いします | Please return it. |
Hyde_03 | ああ | Sure. |
Hyde_05 | 俺が受け取った荷物の 中に入っていたのは このノートだ |
This is the notebook that was in the package I received. |
Martin_02 | ||
%b0128 | ||
%p65534FF | 俺は持っていた 「古いノート」を サマーに渡した |
I give the old notebook back to Summer. |
Hyde_02 | ||
Martin_04 | ところで、ハイドさん | Now then, Mr. Hyde... |
Martin_05 | あなたに届いたという 私宛ての荷物ですが… |
Shall we discuss my parcel, which was inadvertently delivered to you? |
Hyde_03 | ああ | Sure. I'm game. |
Hyde_05 | 俺が受け取った荷物の 中に入っていたのは このノートだ |
All that was in the package was this notebook. |
Martin_02 | ||
%b0128 | ||
%p65534FF | 俺は持っていた 「古いノート」を サマーに見せた |
I show Summer the old notebook. |
Martin_08 | あっ、そうです! | Eureka, that's it! |
Hyde_03 | ||
Martin_11 | これです このノートです |
This is the notebook! |
Martin_11 | 待っていたんだ このノートだ |
This is what I have been waiting for! |
Hyde_02 | ||
Martin_11 | ||
Hyde_05 | じゃあ あんたが持ってきた荷物 受け取るよ |
Great. Then I'll take my package from you and we'll call it a day. |
Martin_11 | ああ、どうぞどうぞ | Yes, please do. |
Hyde_24 | …ノートから 目を離そうとしない |
Doesn't look like he can take his eyes off that notebook. |
Hyde_02 | そんなに 見たかったものなのか |
Guess he was really looking forward to getting it. ...Must be a writer thing. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Martin_FF | ||
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_21 | ||
%p65534FF | 俺はサマーが持ってきた ダンボールの箱を持って |
I pick up the box that Summer brought with him. |
%b0130 | ||
Hyde_23 | ||
%p65534FF | それを ベッドの上に置いた |
I toss it on the bed. |
%r205_R | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Martin_11 | ||
Hyde_07 | おい | Hey. |
Martin_07 | あっ、ああ 失礼しました |
Oh, yes... My apologies. Let me just... |
Hyde_06 | 荷物は受け取った | Hey! |
Martin_04 | そうですか | ...Hmm? Oh! Oh, yes. Yes, I suppose I should depart. |
Martin_05 | いや、間違いがわかって お互い助かりましたね |
It's fortunate for both of us that we discovered this mistake when we did. |
Martin_05 | では、失礼します | Now, if you'll excuse me. |
Martin_FF | ||
%p65534FF | サマーはそう言って 部屋を出て行った |
Summer finishes talking and leaves the room. ...Stupid writers. |
%b0137 | ||
Hyde_24 | …そうだ | Glad that's over. |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_03 | 荷物を調べないと… | Guess I should open the thing. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ベッドの上には サマーが持ってきた ダンボールの箱がある |
The package Summer brought is on the bed. |
%p65534FF | サマーが持ってきた 俺の荷物だ |
Yeah, this is mine. |
%p65534FF | 箱の中には、1枚の伝票と 新商品と顧客ファイルが 入っている |
There's an order sheet, new products, and a client list inside the box. |
%p65534FF | 箱の中には、新商品と 顧客ファイルが入っている |
There are some new products and a client list in the box. |
%p65534FF | 箱の中には 新商品が入っている |
There are some new products in the box. |
Hyde_19 | …オーダーシートだ | It's the order sheet. |
%p0000000 | 俺は箱の中に入っている 「オーダーシート」を 手に取った |
I got the order sheet that was inside the box. |
%p0000000 | オーダーシートには 特別な探し物のオーダーが 書かれている |
The items I'm supposed to find are listed on here. |
Hyde_19 | 「赤い小箱」と 「セシル・リーが表紙の グラビア雑誌」か |
1) A small red box. |
Hyde_FF | 2) The December issue of a magazine with Cecily Lee on the cover. |
Hyde_03 | よし、レイチェルに 電話をするか… |
Guess it's time to call Rachel. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p65534FF | 箱の中には 新表品の在庫が入っている |
There are some new products in the box. |
%b0137 | ||
Hyde_24 | …そうだ | Oh, right... |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_03 | レイチェルに 電話をしないと… |
Better give Rachel a call. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p65534FF | レイチェルに 電話をするか… |
Guess I'll give Rachel a call. |
%p65534FF | 電話のベルが鳴っている | The phone's ringing. |
%b0120 | ||
%b0136 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%b0142 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%r0001 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Rachel_02 | ||
Rachel_03 | ||
Rachel_FF | はい レッドクラウン商会です |
Red Crown, this is Rachel. |
%b0133 | ||
Hyde_FF | ハイドだ 荷物は受け取った |
It's Hyde. I got the package. |
Rachel_FF | ||
%b0135 | ||
Rachel_FF | よかった、安心したわ | I knew you would, sweetie. |
Hyde_FF | 赤い小箱に グラビア雑誌か… |
A red box and a girlie mag? I'm thrilled. |
Hyde_FF | クライアントは どんなやつだ? |
Who's the client on this one? |
Rachel_FF | 新規のお客さまで かなり急いでたみたい |
Somebody new. Seems to be in a hurry, too. |
%b0110 | ||
Hyde_FF | 何かの取引きの手違いで 受け取りそこねたブツか? |
You figure it's some sort of business deal gone wrong? |
Rachel_FF | そんなところじゃない | That's what it sounds like. |
Rachel_FF | 箱の中身、結構 ヤバいものかもね |
But who knows what's in the box? Could be trouble. |
Hyde_FF | かもな… | My old friend. |
%b0111 | ||
Rachel_FF | 手掛かりはありそう? | Any idea where to start? |
Hyde_FF | まずは、フロントが 保管しているだろう 宿泊客の忘れ物を調べて |
Yeah, I'll head down to the front desk and poke around the lost and found. |
Hyde_FF | それから ホテル内の捜索だ |
If that doesn't work, guess I just gotta canvas the hotel. |
Rachel_FF | そうね 手掛かりが見つかったら また電話して |
Nice plan, handsome. Let us know if you come up with anything. |
%b0133 | ||
Hyde_FF | エドは? | Ed around? |
%b0134 | ||
Rachel_FF | さっき、出て行ったわ 昔の部下に呼び出されて |
He just stepped out. Some old client called and asked to see him. |
Rachel_FF | すぐに戻ってくるって 言ってたけれど、何か用? |
Said he'd be right back, though. Why, you need something? |
Hyde_FF | いや、急ぎじゃない | No rush. |
Hyde_FF | また、電話する | I'll call back. |
%b0135 | ||
Rachel_FF | わかったわ | I've got a weird feeling about this one, Kyle. |
Rachel_FF | じゃあ… | Be careful. |
Hyde_FF | ああ | Only 'cause you asked. |
Rachel_FF | ||
%b0120 | ||
%r0001 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Rachel_01 | ||
Rachel_FF | ||
Rachel_FF | ||
%b0136 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Rachel_FF | ||
%b0135 | ||
Rachel_FF | わかったわ | I'll let Ed know. |
Hyde_FF | ああ | Thanks. |
Rachel_FF | ねえ、カイル | Um, Kyle? |
Hyde_FF | なんだ? | Yeah? |
Rachel_FF | さっき、電話で言ったこと 気にしないで |
Remember what I said earlier? |
Rachel_FF | あなたのこと わからないって言ったり |
About not knowing anything about you? |
Rachel_FF | あなたのこと、もっと 知りたいって言ったこと |
And wanting to know you better? Listen, forget I said any of that, OK? |
%b0132 | ||
Hyde_FF | 気にしてやしない | Don't worry. |
Hyde_FF | 俺みたいな男には そう言いたくなって当然だ |
My life's a train wreck. People want to stop and stare. |
Hyde_FF | でも、レイチェル これだけは知っておいてくれ |
But I'll tell you one thing. |
Hyde_FF | 俺は君の前にいるときが 一番素直になれる |
Anybody else pestered me about this? I'd shoot 'em. |
%b0111 | ||
Rachel_FF | …そう、ありがとう | Wow, Kyle. You can actually be kind of sweet when you set your mind to it. |
Rachel_FF | …じゃあね、カイル | Bye, sweetie. Be safe. |
Rachel_FF | ||
%b0120 | ||
%r0001 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Rachel_01 | ||
Rachel_FF | ||
Rachel_FF | ||
%b0136 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Rachel_FF | ||
%r205_L | ||
%b0136 | ||
Hyde_02 | レッドクラウン商会の社長 のエド・ヴィンセントは |
Ed Vincent's the president of Red Crown. |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ロサンゼルス市警を 定年まで勤め上げた 元刑事で |
He's an ex-L.A. cop who worked like a dog until they forced him to retire. |
Hyde_FF | 俺が10才のときに 亡くなった親父の友達だ |
My old man died when I was ten, but he and Ed were good friends. |
Hyde_14 | そして、この俺が… | And as for me, well... |
Hyde_FF | 不可解な失そう事件を 引き起こした親友の ブラッドリーを |
Ed's the only one who knows I'm still searching for Bradley. |
Hyde_FF | 捜し続けていることを 知る唯一の人間だ |
The only one who knows I won't let it go. |
Hyde_41 | ||
Hyde_FF | …それにしても こんなところで ルイスと出会うとは… |
But now I run into Louie, another voice from the past. |
Hyde_41 | それに、あのミラという 若い女も気になる… |
What're the chances of him being here? Slim to none, and slim left town. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_15 | …そうだ | Throw this girl Mila into the mix, and things get nine kinds of odd. |
Hyde_FF | これまでの出来事を 少し思い返してみるか… |
I'd better think all this through and make sure it's straight in my head. |
%p65534FF | テーブルの上には 俺の鞄がある 鍵が壊れて開かない |
My suitcase is on the table. The key broke, so I can't open it. |
%b0120 | ||
%r0000 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%b0142 | ||
Rachel_FF | 『もしもし…』 | Hello? |
%b0133 | ||
Hyde_FF | レイチェル、君か | Rachel? |
%b0111 | ||
Rachel_FF | 荷物は受け取ったの? | It's me, sweetie. Did you receive the package? |
Hyde_FF | それが… | Yeah, well... |
Hyde_FF | ボーイが 荷物の配達を間違えて |
Look, here's the deal. The idiot bellhop got his wires crossed. |
Hyde_FF | 俺の荷物が 他の客のところに… |
Delivered my package to another guy. |
%b0134 | ||
Rachel_FF | なんですって? | Are you serious? |
%b0132 | ||
Hyde_FF | ああ、まずいことになった | Yeah. I oughta sock him one. |
Rachel_FF | 早く取り返さなくちゃ 大変よ |
You have to get it back, Kyle! It's important! |
%b0110 | ||
Hyde_FF | わかってる すぐに取り戻す |
Yeah, yeah, I know. I'll get it back, don't worry. |
%b0111 | ||
Rachel_FF | カイル、しっかりしてね | Don't screw this up, Kyle! I'm serious! |
Hyde_FF | わかった | Got it. Thanks. |
%b0120 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Rachel_01 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Rachel_02 | ||
%b0136 | ||
Hyde_32 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_31 | …ん? | Huh? |
Hyde_FF | …電話だ | It's the phone. |
%b0137 | ||
Hyde_24 | …電話が鳴っている | The phone's ringing. |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_03 | 電話に出ないと… | I'd better answer that. |
%r0000 | ||
%r0002 | ||
%p0001720 | ||
Hyde_25 | ||
%p00101FF | レッドクラウン商会の 社長のエドの指示で |
The guy who pays the bills at Red Crown has spoken. And when Ed speaks, I go. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | 俺は ホテル・ダスクに やってきた |
That's why I'm this side of nowhere in some hole called Hotel Dusk. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | 俺が ホテル・ダスクに やってきたその訳は? |
The reason I'm here is... |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_15 | いや、違う | No, that ain't it. |
Hyde_FF | 俺は疲れてなんていない | I'm not tired. |
Hyde_FF | 今の状況に 少しいらついているだけだ |
I'm just pissed off with this whole situation. |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_03 | そうだ | That's right. |
Hyde_FF | 俺はレッドクラウン商会で 家庭用品の訪問販売の セールスマンをやりながら |
I sell household goods for Red Crown, which is run by my old man's pal, Ed. |
Hyde_FF | 親父の友達だった 社長のエドの裏稼業を 手伝っている |
I also lend a hand with a hobby of his. |
Hyde_FF | それは、表立っては 探しにくい特別な探し物を 見つけ出すこと |
Ed's got a side business finding things that get themselves lost. |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_15 | いや、違う | No, that ain't it. |
Hyde_FF | 俺の親父は、俺が10才の ときに死んだ |
My dad died when I was ten. |
Hyde_FF | 親父に会いたくても もう会うことはできない |
Couldn't meet up with him even if I wanted to. |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
%p0001720 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_25 | ||
%p00101FF | ホテルのフロントで チェックインをするとき |
Had an interesting chat with Dunning, the hotel owner, when I checked in. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | 俺は主人のダニングから 少し気になることを 言われた |
He mentioned a couple of things that I can't quite get out of my head. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | それは、俺と同じ名前の 男が、半年前にここに 泊まっていたということ |
First, six months ago some guy with my name stayed here. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | そして、もうひとつ 俺が泊まる215号室に ついて聞かされたこと |
Second, the room I'm in, Room 215, has a history. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | その215号室に まつわる話とは? |
The story he told me about the room was... |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_03 | そうだ ダニングはマジな顔で 俺にこう言った |
That's right. He said the room grants wishes. |
Hyde_FF | その部屋に泊まれば 願いが叶うと… |
Said if I stayed there, my wish would come true. Kept a straight face, too. |
Hyde_02 | そんな話、どうせ 作り話に決まっているが |
If I met him in New York, I bet he'd try to sell me the Brooklyn Bridge. |
Hyde_FF | ダニングが、どうして そんな話を俺にしたのか 気になっている |
Here's what gets me... Why'd he tell me such a crazy fairy tale in the first place? |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_15 | いや、違う | No, that ain't it. |
Hyde_FF | 215号室は 一番安いシングルの部屋だ |
Room 215's the cheapest room in the place. |
Hyde_FF | スイートルームじゃない | It sure ain't a suite. |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_15 | いや、違う | No, that ain't right. |
Hyde_FF | それは、ダニングから 聞かされた別の話だ |
That's another story ol' Dunning felt the need to share. |
Hyde_FF | 3年前に客のひとりが 盗品の受け渡し場所に このホテルを使っていて |
Three years back, this hotel was used as a place to exchange stolen goods. |
Hyde_FF | 刑事に踏み込まれたことが あったという話だ |
That's why it got raided by the cops. |
Hyde_FF | ダニングはその話を 215号室で起きたとは 言わなかった |
Dunning didn't say it had anything to do with Room 215. |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
%p0001720 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_25 | ||
%p00101FF | ホテル・ダスクの 215号室に チェックインした俺は |
I checked in to Hotel Dusk and got Room 215. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | エドがホテルに 送りつけた荷物が 部屋に届くのを待った |
Then I waited in my room for the package Ed sent. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | そして、俺の部屋に 荷物を運んできた ルイスと再会した |
Imagine my surprise when the bellhop turned out to be Louie DeNonno. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | ルイスは 俺のマンハッタン時代の 顔見知りで |
I knew Louie from my days back east. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | 俺がニューヨーク市警の 刑事だったことを 知っている |
He knows I used to be a New York cop. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | 俺が刑事だったとき 俺といつも捜査をしていた 同僚の名前は? |
But he didn't know my partner, whose name was... |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_15 | いや、違う | No, that ain't it. |
Hyde_FF | サマーは 211号室に泊まっている 小説家だ |
Summer's the novelist staying down the hall in 211. |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_15 | いや、違う | No, that ain't it. |
Hyde_FF | ダニングは このホテルの主人だ |
Dunning owns this dump. |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_03 | そうだ | That's right. |
Hyde_FF | 俺は3年前、同僚の ブライアン・ブラッドリー とコンビを組んで |
My partner on the force three years ago was Brian Bradley. |
Hyde_FF | 美術品の窃盗組織の 潜入捜査をしていた |
We were investigating that crime ring responsible for all those art thefts. |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
%p0001720 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_25 | ||
%p00101FF | ルイスの運んできた 荷物が間違いだとわかり |
That idiot Louie brought me somebody else's package. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | それを知らせるために フロントに行った俺は |
I went to the lobby to straighten things out. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | そこで、ミラという 若い女と出会った |
That's where I met the young girl named Mila. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | ミラは、ジェフという 若者の車に乗って ホテルにやってきたが |
Mila hitched a ride to the hotel with a kid named Jeff. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | 荷物も金も持たず メイドのローザの 世話になっていた |
She didn't have any luggage or money, so Rosa took her under her wing. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | 俺がそのミラと話して 驚いたことがあった それは? |
But the weird thing when I talked to Mila was... |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_15 | いや、違う | No, that ain't it. |
Hyde_FF | ブラッドリーの妹と 同じ名前だから 驚いたんじゃない |
Bradley's sister was named Mila, but that's not the oddest thing. |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_03 | そうだ ミラは左手に、銀の ブレスレットをしていた |
That's right. It was the silver bracelet she had on her left wrist. |
Hyde_FF | そのブレスレットは 俺がブラッドリーと 最後に会ったとき |
Looked like the one Bradley was wearing the last time I saw him. |
Hyde_FF | ブラッドリーがしていた ブレスレットに とてもよく似ていた |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_15 | いや、違う | No, that ain't it. |
Hyde_FF | ミラの白いドレスは 彼女によく似合っていたが |
She was a looker in that little white number and all, but... |
Hyde_FF | 俺はそれに驚きは しなかった |
That wasn't what surprised me. |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
%p0001720 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_25 | ||
%p00101FF | ルイスが配達してきた 荷物は間違っていたが |
That idiot Louie brought me the wrong package. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | 211号室のサマーという 客と荷物を取替えて |
My stuff got sent to a guy named Summer who's in Room 211. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | 俺はエドが送った荷物を なんとか受け取ることが できた |
After a bit of jawing and other nonsense, I finally got the damn thing. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | 受け取った荷物の中には オーダーシートと新商品と 顧客ファイルが入っていた |
Inside the box was an order sheet, some new products, and my client list. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | そのオーダーシートには 特別な探し物のリスト があった |
The order sheet listed the things Ed wants me to find. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | 今夜の特別な探し物は ふたつ |
It's a short list...only two things on it. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | そのひとつは セシル・リーが表紙の グラビア雑誌 |
One's a pinup mag with a dame named Cecily Lee on the cover. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | そして、もうひとつは? | And the other's... |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_03 | そうだ もうひとつの探し物は 赤い小箱 |
That's right. The other thing I'm supposed to find is a small red box. |
Hyde_FF | 俺はオーダーシートを 受け取り |
I gave Ed's secretary Rachel a call as soon as I got the order sheet. |
Hyde_FF | エドの秘書の レイチェルに電話をした |
%b0003 | ||
Hyde_25 | ||
%p00101FF | 特別な探し物のオーダーも わかり、ホテルの捜索は これからだが |
Now that I know what I'm looking for, it's time to start searching the hotel. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | 今夜の仕事は出だしから なんだかいつもと 様子が違う気がする |
But this job feels... different somehow. Off. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | それは、こんなところで 3年前に足を洗ったという ルイスに再会したせいか |
Maybe it's 'cause I ran into Louie. Haven't seen him for three years... |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | それとも 俺と同じ名前の男の話を 聞いたからなのか |
Or maybe it's because there was another guest named Kyle Hyde... |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | いや、フロントで会った あの不思議な若い女の せいなのかもしれない |
Guess that girl I met by the front desk could be behind it, too... |
Hyde_24 | ||
%p00101FF | …ブラッドリー 今日はやけに おまえのことを思い出す |
Whatever it is, Bradley, I can't get you out of my head. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | そして、もしかしたら 今夜こそ、ここで おまえの行方の手掛かりが |
I feel like I'm gonna find something big here. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | 何かつかめるような そんな予感がしている |
Something that's gonna lead me to wherever it is you disappeared to. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | 今夜は長くなりそうだ… | Tell ya what, Bradley... I think it's gonna be a long night. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p00101FF | ||
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_15 | いや、違う | No, that ain't right. |
Hyde_FF | 古いノートは サマーの荷物の中に 入っていたものだ |
The old notebook was in Summer's package. |
%r0002 | ||
%r0002 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_15 | いや、違う | No, that ain't right. |
Hyde_FF | ポケベルは 俺がエドから持たされて いるものだ |
I got the pager from Ed. It wasn't in the package. |
%r0000 | ||
%r213_R | ||
Hyde_38 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_39 | …ん? | Huh? |
Hyde_FF | …誰か来た | Somebody's coming. |
%r213_L | ||
Hyde_02 | …ダニングだ | It's Dunning. |
Dunning_21 | ||
Dunning_23 | ||
%r213_R | ||
%r213_L | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Dunning_11 | ハイドさん | What's yer problem, Hyde? |
Dunning_11 | あんた、階段で 子供をいじめただろう |
You like hasslin' little girls? |
Hyde_07 | えっ? | No, it wasn't like— |
Dunning_06 | たった今、フロントに その子の親から 苦情の電話があったぞ |
Her old man just called the front desk and bawled me out! |
Dunning_06 | ジャンパーを着た男に 子供がいちゃもんを つけられたと |
Told me a fella in a jacket and tie picked a fight with his daughter. |
Dunning_11 | ハイドさん あんたがそんな人だとは 思わなかった |
That's real nice, Hyde. Ya like makin' girls cry? Real tough guy, eh? |
Dunning_11 | 子供をいじめて 泣かすような男は ここには泊められない |
I ain't gonna have a grown man pickin' on girls in my hotel! No damn way! |
Dunning_14 | 出て行ってくれ! | Now get the hell out before I throw ya out myself! |
Hyde_10 | えっ? | What? |
Dunning_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Dunning_FF | ||
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_29 | そんなつもりで | I wasn't trying to make the kid cry! |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_FF | あの子を叱ったんじゃ なかったのに… |
That's not why I yelled at her! |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Melissa_09 | …ママは | Mom... |
Melissa_09 | …わたしのママは こわくなんかないもん! |
My mom's not mean at all! |
Melissa_11 | ううっ… | Waaaaaaaa... |
Melissa_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_08 | …ああ | Oh, crap... |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r213_03 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
%p0001702 | ||
Hyde_FF | …213号室から 誰か出てきた |
Somebody's coming out of Room 213. |
%r213_11 | ||
Jeff_18 | ||
%r213_08 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Jeff_06 | ||
Jeff_06 | ||
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …何だ? | Huh? |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r213_08 | ||
Hyde_05 | ちょっといいか? | Hey there. |
Jeff_FF | ||
%r213_08 | ||
Hyde_05 | どうした? | What's going on? |
Jeff_FF | ||
Jeff_07 | …はっ | Hm? |
Hyde_05 | 顔色がよくないぞ | You don't look so hot. |
Jeff_05 | …えっ | What? |
Hyde_05 | どこか 具合でも悪いのか? |
You sick or something? |
Jeff_12 | …別に | N-no. No, I'm fine. |
Hyde_07 | …そうか、ならいい | All right. |
Hyde_07 | 声をかけて悪かったな じゃあ… |
Sorry to bother you. |
%r213_08 | ||
Hyde_24 | じゃまだ、どけ | You're in my way. Move. |
Jeff_FF | ||
Jeff_07 | …はっ | Sigh... |
%r213_08 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Jeff_09 | ||
Jeff_FF | ||
%p65534FF | 若い男は不安げな顔をして 俺に気付くことなく また部屋に戻った |
The young guy looks around uneasily, then returns to his room. Never notices me. |
%r213_08 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Jeff_12 | …ん? | Huh? |
Jeff_FF | ||
%p65534FF | 若い男は俺に むっとした顔をしてみせ また部屋に戻った |
Young guy glares at me, then turns and sulks back to his room. |
%r213_08 | ||
Jeff_01 | ちょっと待ってよ | Hold it. |
Hyde_02 | なんだ? | Yeah? |
Jeff_01 | …あなた、誰? | Who are you? |
Hyde_06 | …俺か? | Me? |
Hyde_05 | 俺はカイル・ハイド 215号室に泊まっている |
Kyle Hyde. I'm down in 215. |
Jeff_01 | 僕はジェフ | I'm Jeff. |
Jeff_01 | …ジェフ・エンゼルだ | Jeff Angel. |
Hyde_24 | ||
Jeff_17 | ||
Hyde_24 | ジェフ・エンゼルか… どこの坊ちゃんだ? |
Jeff Angel? Yeah, right. Wonder what this punk's story is. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Jeff_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | ここには よく泊まるのか? |
Stay here a lot? |
Jeff_13 | …まさか! | What, here? Never! |
Jeff_14 | こんなところに 泊まるのは初めてさ |
No, I've never stayed in a place like this before. |
Jeff_14 | でも、こんなホテルでも 今夜は仕方ないし |
Unfortunately, I have no choice but to stay here tonight. |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …何だと? | You and me both, pal... |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r213_08 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Jeff_01 | ひと晩だけなら なんとか我慢できるかな って思ってるけど |
I thought I could stomach this place for a single night. |
Jeff_01 | どうだろう | But now I'm not so sure. |
%r213_08 | ||
Hyde_05 | ちょっと聞かせてくれ | Really? |
Jeff_FF | ||
%r213_08 | ||
Hyde_05 | どうして 仕方ないんだ? |
Why don't you have a choice? |
Jeff_FF | ||
Hyde_05 | 何かあったのか? | Something happen? |
Jeff_05 | …ん? | What's that? |
Jeff_05 | 僕が、どうして ここに泊まっているか |
Why am I staying here? |
Jeff_05 | あなたに話す必要なんて ないと思うけど |
I don't think I need to explain myself to you. |
Hyde_07 | 別に意味はない ちょっと聞いてみただけだ |
Just asking. |
Jeff_12 | …ちょっと? | Just asking? |
Hyde_17 | 安心しろよ 俺は刑事じゃない |
Easy. It's not like I'm a cop or anything. |
Jeff_04 | …俺は刑事じゃない? | You're not a cop? |
Jeff_01 | ふうん 面白いこと言う人だね |
That's kind of an odd thing to just blurt out, isn't it? |
Jeff_14 | …そうなんだ 刑事じゃないんだ |
So...you're not a cop? |
Jeff_01 | それは残念だ あなたが刑事じゃなくて |
That's too bad. |
Hyde_25 | 刑事じゃなくて残念? どういう意味だ? | It's too bad I'm not a cop? |
%r213_08 | ||
Hyde_05 | こんなホテルだと? どういう意味だ? |
This isn't a usual haunt for you? |
Jeff_FF | ||
Jeff_05 | だって、このホテル ルームサービスも ないんだ |
Not really, no. |
Jeff_05 | こんなホテルに 泊まるなんて 生まれて初めてだ |
This is the first time I've ever stayed somewhere without room service. |
Hyde_24 | ||
%r213_08 | ||
Hyde_05 | 俺が刑事じゃなくて 残念って、どういう意味だ? |
Why is that too bad? You lookin' for the law? |
Jeff_02 | ||
Jeff_05 | 別に意味はないけど | Oh, no reason. |
Jeff_01 | 宿泊客の中に 刑事でもいたら 面白いなって思って |
I just thought it would be cool to have a cop or a detective in the hotel. |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …何だって? | Cool? This kid's easily amused... |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r213_08 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Jeff_01 | でも、本物の刑事と 泊まり合わせるなんて |
But what are the chances of my being here at the same time? |
Jeff_01 | そんな偶然、めったにない ことなんだろうけど |
With a real detective, I mean. That can't happen too often, am I right? |
%r213_08 | ||
Hyde_05 | …待てよ | Hey. |
Jeff_FF | ||
%r213_08 | ||
Hyde_24 | …面白いだと? どういうことだ? |
What did you mean by "cool"? |
Jeff_02 | ||
Jeff_03 | ああ | Oh, that. |
Jeff_04 | ほら、このホテルって なんだかさ |
Take a look around. Better yet, take a sniff. This hotel... |
Jeff_FF | 安いテレビドラマの 舞台になりそうな ホテルじゃない? |
It's like the set of some cheap TV crime drama, don't you think? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Jeff_01 | こんなホテルで 本当に何か事件が 起きてさ |
What if a real crime took place? Something sleazy and violent... |
Jeff_01 | そこにどこかの刑事でも 泊まっていたりしたら |
And then if a real gumshoe was here trying to figure things out...? |
Jeff_01 | なんか、面白いなって… | C'mon! That would be cool! Even you must think so. |
Hyde_05 | なんで、そんなことを 考える? |
That's an odd thing to think about. |
Jeff_05 | 思っただけさ | Yeah, I'm a pretty deep guy. |
Jeff_14 | 安心してよ 僕は犯罪者じゃないから |
Hey, take it easy. I'm not a criminal or anything. |
Hyde_02 | ||
Jeff_02 | ||
%r213_08 | ||
Hyde_07 | 刑事なんかいるか | Well, I don't think there's any law around here. |
Jeff_02 | ||
Jeff_01 | そうかな | No, it doesn't appear so. |
Jeff_01 | そんなこと わからないじゃない |
But then again, who knows? |
Hyde_05 | 刑事に会ってみたいのか? | Got a thing for detectives? |
Jeff_14 | ああ、ちょっと 会ってみたいかも |
A thing? Well...I wouldn't mind meeting a down- and-out detective. |
Jeff_14 | こんなホテルに 泊まっている刑事にね |
You know, the kind who'd stay in this dump? Guns and dames and all that? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Jeff_02 | ||
%r213_08 | ||
Hyde_05 | 階段で子供にあったんだが どの部屋に泊まっているか 知らないか? |
The kid on the stairs. Where's she staying? |
Jeff_02 | ||
Jeff_05 | …子供? | Kid? |
Hyde_05 | 女の子だ、10才くらいの | Young girl, about ten. Rude as hell. |
Jeff_01 | ああ、それなら メリッサとか言う子 じゃない? |
Oh, her. You must be talking about Melissa. |
Hyde_02 | …あの子 メリッサっていうのか |
Her name's Melissa? |
Hyde_FF | ||
Jeff_04 | 219号室に泊まってる | She's in Room 219. |
Jeff_01 | だらしなさそうな父親と 一緒みたいだけど |
She's staying with her father. Part of the great unwashed, if you ask me. |
Jeff_01 | 何を書いてるわけ? | What are you writing? |
Jeff_01 | 何を見てるの? | What are you reading? |
%r213_08 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Jeff_01 | 話は、終わり? | Are we done talking? |
Hyde_03 | ああ | Yeah. |
%r213_08 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Jeff_04 | 他に何か? | Anything else? |
Hyde_02 | …いや、別に | Not now. |
%r213_08 | ||
Jeff_01 | …そう | All right. |
Jeff_05 | じゃあ | See you around. |
Jeff_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ジェフ・エンゼルと 名乗った若い男は 部屋に戻った |
Mr. Jeff Angel goes back to his room. |
%r213_04 | ||
Hyde_24 | ここが、215号室か… | So this is Room 215... |
Hyde_20 | 俺は215号室の ドアを開けた |
I use my key and unlock the door to Room 215. |
Hyde_27 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
%p0001702 | ||
%r000_02 | ||
Kevin_20 | ||
Kevin_FF | どなたです? | Who are you? |
Hyde_05 | 215号室の カイル・ハイドだ |
Kyle Hyde. I'm in 215. |
Kevin_04 | カイル・ハイド? | Kyle Hyde? |
Hyde_02 | この男が あのチビの父親か… |
So this is that kid's father, huh? |
Kevin_19 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Kevin_02 | ||
Kevin_09 | 忙しいので 失礼します |
Excuse me, I'm rather busy at the moment. |
%r213_05 | ||
%p65534FF | 男は黙って ドアをバタンと閉めた |
The man says nothing and shuts his door. |
Hyde_24 | なんだ、あれは | See where the kid gets her manners... |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_01 | カイル・ハイドだ | Kyle Hyde. |
%p65534FF | 『用はないよ、帰って』 | I don't need anything. Go away. |
Hyde_24 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_01 | ちょっといいか? | Do you have a moment? |
%p65534FF | 『…』 | ... |
Hyde_24 | ||
%r213_10 | ||
%r213_R | ||
Hyde_30 | ||
%p0001702 | ||
Hyde_30 | …ん? | Huh? |
%p65534FF | 219号室のドアが開いて 誰かが出てきた |
Someone's coming out of Room 219. |
Melissa_21 | ||
Hyde_24 | …ん? | Huh? |
Melissa_22 | …ん? | Huh? |
Melissa_08 | …あっ! | Ah! |
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
%p65534FF | 階段に何か落ちていた | There's something on the stairs. |
Hyde_24 | …ん? | Huh? |
%p0000000 | 俺は「パズルのピース」 を手に入れた |
I got a puzzle piece. |
%b0151 | ||
Hyde_20 | ん? このピース 裏側に黒い線が入っている |
What's this? There's a black line on the back of this piece. |
Hyde_24 | …何だ、これは | Wonder what it is. |
%r213_08 | ||
%r213_R | ||
Hyde_24 | …おい、チビ | Hey, kid. |
Melissa_02 | ||
Melissa_15 | …なあに | What? |
Hyde_17 | 何してるんだ? | What's the score? |
Melissa_17 | ||
Hyde_17 | おい、チビ | Hey! Kid! |
Melissa_17 | ||
Hyde_07 | 返事くらいしろ | I'm talking to you. |
%r213_08 | ||
%r213_R | ||
Hyde_24 | …おい | Hey! |
Melissa_02 | ||
Melissa_04 | なに? | OK, enough! Jeez! |
%r213_08 | ||
%r213_R | ||
Melissa_10 | …チビじゃないよ、わたし | My name's not "kid"! |
Hyde_17 | わかってる おまえの名前はメリッサだ |
Yeah, I know. Your name's Melissa. |
Melissa_15 | …! | Hey! |
Melissa_15 | 知ってるんだ! | You know my name! |
Hyde_17 | あたりまえだ 大人を甘く見るな |
'Course I do. Don't underestimate adults, kid. |
Hyde_17 | 俺は大人だ 大人は何でも知っている |
We know things. |
Melissa_15 | …そうなんだ | Yeah, right. Whatever. |
Hyde_17 | もう、階段で遊んで 人に迷惑かけるな |
Seriously, kid. Stop playing on the stairs. It's a hassle. |
Melissa_10 | もう、あそばないよ 階段でなんて |
I'm not gonna play on the stairs anymore. |
Melissa_FF | 大切なもの なくしちゃったし |
But I lost something really important. |
Melissa_04 | ママに会えなくなるから | And now I won't be able to see my mom. |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …えっ? | At least she'll be off the damn stairs... |
Hyde_FF | ||
Melissa_15 | だから わがままいわないし |
That's why I'm not gonna be a brat anymore. |
Melissa_15 | パパとけんかもしない | And I'm not gonna fight with my dad, either. |
%r213_08 | ||
%r213_R | ||
Melissa_10 | …チビじゃないよ、わたし | My name's not "kid." |
Hyde_17 | 名前がわからないから 他に呼びようがない |
Yeah? Well, I got nothing else to call you. |
Melissa_04 | メリッサだもん | I'm Melissa. |
Hyde_24 | ||
Melissa_18 | ||
Hyde_02 | メリッサか… | Melissa? |
Melissa_18 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_17 | もう、階段で遊んで 人に迷惑かけるな |
Don't play on the stairs anymore, kid. It's a hassle. |
Melissa_02 | ||
Melissa_10 | もう、あそばないよ 階段でなんて |
I'm not gonna play on the stairs anymore. |
Melissa_FF | 大切なもの なくしちゃったし |
But I lost something really important. |
Melissa_04 | ママに会えなくなるから | And now I won't be able to see my mom. |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …えっ? | At least she'll be off the damn stairs... |
Hyde_FF | ||
Melissa_15 | だから わがままいわないし |
That's why I'm not gonna be a brat anymore. |
Melissa_15 | パパとけんかもしない | And I'm not gonna fight with my dad, either. |
%r213_08 | ||
%r213_R | ||
Hyde_05 | ちょっと教えてくれ | Tell me something, will you? |
Melissa_FF | ||
%r213_08 | ||
%r213_R | ||
Hyde_06 | ママはどこにいるんだ? | Where's your mom? |
Melissa_02 | ||
Melissa_14 | わかんない | I dunno. |
Melissa_01 | パパにしかわかんない | Only my dad knows. |
%r213_08 | ||
%r213_R | ||
Hyde_06 | ママに会えなくなる? どういう意味だ? |
You won't be able to see your mom? |
Melissa_02 | ||
Melissa_03 | うん パパと約束したの |
Uh-huh. I had to promise my dad. |
Melissa_01 | パパの言うこと 聞かなかったら |
I gotta do what he says... with no "back talk." |
Melissa_01 | ママに会いに行くのを やめて、うちにかえるって |
If I don't, we won't see my mom. We'll just go home. |
Hyde_25 | ママに会いに行く? どういうことだ? | You're going to see Mom? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Melissa_04 | だからもう わがまま言わないんだ |
That's why I'm not gonna be a brat anymore. |
%r213_08 | ||
%r213_R | ||
Hyde_05 | ママに会いに行くって どういうことだ? |
What do you mean, you're gonna go see your mom? |
Melissa_02 | ||
Melissa_10 | ママはおうちにいないの | My mom's not home. |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …いない? | Uh-oh. Trouble in paradise? |
Hyde_FF | ||
Melissa_01 | ママはかえってこないの | She can't come home. |
Melissa_01 | だから、会いにいくの | That's why we're gonna go see her. |
%r213_08 | ||
%r213_R | ||
Hyde_05 | …おい、チビ | Hey, kid. |
Melissa_FF | ||
%r213_08 | ||
%r213_R | ||
Hyde_05 | おまえのうちはどこだ? | Where do you live? |
Melissa_02 | ||
Melissa_01 | サンタモニカ | Santa Monica. |
Melissa_01 | おうちの窓から 海が見えるの |
You can see the ocean out our window. It's pretty cool, I guess. |
%r213_08 | ||
%r213_R | ||
Hyde_06 | どこに行ったんだ? | Where'd your mom go? |
Melissa_02 | ||
Melissa_14 | わかんない | I dunno. |
Melissa_01 | でもクリスマスに ママに会いたくて 泣いてたら |
But I was crying 'cause I wanted to see my mom for Christmas, right? |
Melissa_01 | パパが言ったの ママに会いに行こうって |
And so Dad said we could go and see her. |
Hyde_06 | どこまで行くんだ? | So where are you going? |
Melissa_14 | わかんない | I dunno. |
Hyde_03 | …そうか | That's quite the plan. |
Melissa_04 | おじさんは どこに行くところ? |
Where are you going, mister? |
Hyde_03 | 俺か? | Me? |
Hyde_17 | 俺は仕事でここにきた 次はどこに行くのかは 仕事次第だ |
I'm here on business, so I go where the boss says. Just gotta wait and see. |
Melissa_01 | …仕事しだい | On business? |
Melissa_04 | パパといっしょだ | That's just like my dad. |
Melissa_04 | パパもいつもそう言うの だからいそがしいって |
My dad always has to do whatever his boss says. That's why he's so busy. |
Hyde_25 | 父親は何の仕事をしてるんだ? | What's your dad's job? |
%r213_08 | ||
%r213_R | ||
Hyde_05 | 親父は何をしてる? | What's your old man do? |
Melissa_02 | ||
Melissa_01 | …おやじって、だれ? | Old man? Who's that? |
Hyde_07 | おまえのパパのことだ | Your dad. |
Hyde_07 | おまえのパパは 何の仕事をしている? |
What kind of work does your dad do? |
Melissa_04 | 外科のお医者さん | He's a surgeon and stuff. |
Melissa_01 | 大学病院で はたらいてる |
He works at some hospital somewhere. |
Hyde_02 | …医者か | A sawbones, huh? |
Melissa_03 | うん | Yeah, I guess. |
Melissa_15 | ママはね 美術館ではたらいてるの |
And my mom works at an art museum. |
Melissa_15 | 名前はね グレイスっていうの |
Her name's Grace. |
Melissa_15 | ママはね… | My mom's... |
Hyde_05 | ママのことなんて 聞いてないだろ |
I didn't ask about your mom, kid. |
Melissa_10 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Hyde_07 | …どんなママなんだ? | ...Fine, go ahead. What's your mom like? |
Melissa_04 | どんなって… | What's she like? |
Melissa_04 | ママはやさしくて ママがやいたケーキは とってもおいしくて |
She's nice, and pretty, and she bakes really good birthday cakes. |
Hyde_17 | それで? | What else? |
Melissa_04 | ママはいつも わたしの絵を ほめてくれるの |
Well, she always said nice stuff about my drawings. |
Melissa_04 | わたし ママの絵、かけるよ |
I used to draw pictures of my mom all the time. |
Hyde_06 | …ママの絵? | Pictures of your mom? |
Melissa_03 | うん | Uh-huh. |
Hyde_02 | …ふうん | Sounds like a class act... |
Hyde_27 | なら これに描いてみろ |
Why don't you draw a picture of her in this? |
%p65533FF | 俺はメリッサに 手帳を広げて手渡した |
I open my notebook and give it to Melissa. |
Melissa_03 | うん | Sure, I guess. |
Hyde_20 | ||
%p65533FF | メリッサは 手帳に絵を描いた |
Melissa drew a picture in my notebook. |
Melissa_16 | 描いたよ | There. |
Hyde_20 | …? | Hmm? |
Melissa_FF | ||
%r213_08 | ||
%r213_R | ||
Hyde_24 | パズル? それがどうしたって いうんだ? |
What's up with your puzzle now? |
Melissa_02 | ||
Melissa_01 | おじさんに といてもらいたかったけど |
I was gonna ask you to finish it for me. |
Melissa_01 | もういいんだ じぶんでやったから |
But whatever. I did it myself. |
%r213_08 | ||
%r213_R | ||
Hyde_05 | さっき、言ってただろう? ママに会えなくなるって |
You said something about not being able to see your mom. |
Melissa_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | どういうことだ? | What's the deal? |
Melissa_04 | パパが言ったの | That's what my dad said. |
Melissa_04 | パパとの約束やぶって | He told me that I had to keep my promise. |
Melissa_01 | パパの言うこと 聞かなかったら |
I also have to obey him and not get in trouble and all that stuff. |
Melissa_01 | ママに会いに行くのを やめて、うちにかえるって |
If I don't, we won't go see my mom. We'll just go home. |
Hyde_25 | ママに会いに行く? どういうことだ? | See your mom? What? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Melissa_04 | だからもう わがまま言ったりしない |
That's why I'm not gonna be a brat anymore. |
%r213_08 | ||
%r213_R | ||
Hyde_05 | さっき、言ってただろう? ママが帰ってこないって |
You said your mom can't come home. |
Melissa_02 | ||
Hyde_06 | どこにいるんだ? | Where is she? |
Melissa_14 | わかんない | I dunno. |
Melissa_01 | クリスマスに ママに会いたくて 泣いてたら |
But I was crying 'cause I want to see my mom for Christmas, right? |
Melissa_01 | パパが言ったの ママに会いに行こうって |
And so my dad said we could go and see her. |
Hyde_06 | どこまで行くんだ? | So where are you going? |
Melissa_14 | わかんない | I dunno. Someplace. |
Hyde_03 | …そうか | Nice plan. |
Melissa_04 | おじさんは どこに行くところ? |
Where are you going, mister? |
Hyde_03 | 俺か? | Me? |
Hyde_17 | 俺は仕事でここにきた 次はどこに行くのかは 仕事次第だ |
I'm here on business, so I go where the boss says. Just gotta wait and see. |
Melissa_01 | …仕事しだい | On business? |
Melissa_04 | パパといっしょだ | That's just like my dad. |
Melissa_04 | パパもいつもそう言うの だからいそがしいって |
My dad always has to do whatever his boss says. That's why he's so busy. |
Hyde_25 | 父親は何の仕事をしてるんだ? | What's your dad's job? |
%r213_08 | ||
%r213_R | ||
Hyde_01 | これ、おまえのだろう | This is yours, isn't it? |
Melissa_02 | ||
Melissa_08 | …あっ | Oh... |
Hyde_21 | …ほら | Here. |
Melissa_15 | ありがとう | T-thank you. |
Melissa_04 | このパズル ママのプレゼントなんだ |
This puzzle was a present from my mom. |
Melissa_04 | わたしの宝物なんだ | It's my treasure. |
Melissa_01 | 何を書いてるの? | Whatcha writing? |
Melissa_01 | 何を見てるの? | Whatcha looking at? |
%r213_08 | ||
%r213_R | ||
Hyde_30 | ||
%p0001702 | ||
Hyde_30 | …ん? | Huh? |
Kevin_20 | ||
Hyde_24 | …あんたは | You're... |
%r213_08 | ||
Kevin_01 | メリッサ、何をしてる? | Melissa! What are you doing? |
Melissa_15 | …パパ | Dad, I was— |
Kevin_09 | 部屋にもどりなさい | Get back in this room right now, young lady! |
Melissa_03 | うん | OK. |
%r213_10 | ||
Kevin_22 | …… | ... |
Kevin_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ふたりは 219号室にもどった |
The two of them go into Room 219. |
%r213_08 | ||
%r213_R | ||
Hyde_02 | …そうだ | Oh, right... |
Melissa_02 | ||
Hyde_FF | 階段で拾ったピースを 返してやるか… |
Guess I'll give her back that puzzle piece I found on the stairs. |
%r213_08 | ||
%r213_R | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Melissa_01 | おじさん もう、いっちゃうの? |
Are you leaving already, mister? |
Hyde_02 | あれが メリッサの父親か… |
So that's Melissa's father, huh? |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_FF | あれじゃ 女房に逃げられそうだ |
I can see why his wife split. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_02 | なんだ、あの男は… | What's up with that guy? |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_FF | あれじゃ 女房に逃げられそうだ |
I can see why his wife split. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r213_08 | ||
%r213_R | ||
Hyde_24 | …おい | Hey. |
Melissa_02 | ||
Melissa_04 | なに? | What? |
Hyde_02 | …ジェフ・エンゼルに ミラのことを聞いてみるか |
Maybe I should have a chat with Jeff Angel about Mila. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r213_11 | ||
Hyde_30 | ||
%p0001702 | ||
Hyde_30 | …ん? | Huh? |
%r213_04 | ||
%p65534FF | 右奥のドアが開いて 誰かが出てきた |
A door opens on the right side of the hallway, and a woman steps out. |
%r213_05 | ||
Iris_19 | ||
%r213_07 | ||
%r213_06 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Iris_02 | ||
%r213_07 | ||
%r213_06 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Iris_01 | あなた、もしかして 215号室の人? |
You must be the man from Room 215. |
Hyde_03 | ああ | Yeah. |
Hyde_02 | …あんたは? | Who are you? |
Iris_01 | 私、216号室に 泊まっているの |
I'm staying in 216. |
Hyde_03 | …で? | That's a funny name. |
Iris_01 | アイリスよ | I'm Iris. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Iris_18 | ||
Hyde_24 | …アイリスか | Iris, huh? |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Iris_06 | あら、私にだけ 名乗らせる気? |
...You're not much of a conversationalist, are you? |
Hyde_24 | …ん? | No, but I can carry a tune. |
Iris_06 | あなたの名前は? | I'm sure you can carry all manner of things, Mr... |
Hyde_02 | 俺は、カイル・ハイド | Hyde. Kyle Hyde. |
Iris_02 | …カイル・ハイド ハイドさんね |
Mr. Hyde, hmm? |
Iris_01 | 覚えておくわ | I'll make a note of it. |
Hyde_24 | …覚えておく? | Make a note of it? |
Hyde_FF | ずいぶんな言い方だな | What the hell's that supposed to mean? |
Hyde_02 | 俺に何か用か? | You need something? |
Iris_06 | いえ、別に ただ、確かめたかっただけ |
No, not really. I was just confirming a hunch. |
Hyde_25 | 確かめたかった? どういう意味だ? | Confirming a hunch? |
%r213_06 | ||
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
%p0001702 | ||
%r000_02 | ||
Iris_19 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Iris_01 | ハイドさん 何かご用? |
Do you need something from me, Mr. Hyde? |
%r213_07 | ||
Hyde_05 | ちょっと、いいか? | Hold on. |
Iris_02 | ||
%r213_07 | ||
%r213_06 | ||
Hyde_05 | 確かめたかったって どういう意味だ? |
What'd you want to confirm? |
Iris_02 | ||
Iris_01 | 確かめたかったのよ 215号室にどんな人が 泊まっているかってこと |
I merely wanted to see what manner of man was staying in this room. That's all. |
Hyde_24 | …どうして? | Why? |
Iris_06 | だって 変な人だと困るでしょ? |
Well, it would be awful if some lowlife were staying here, hmm? |
Iris_01 | 私、ホテルに予約したとき フロントに頼んでいたの |
I gave specific instructions upon check-in, but it seems that no one listened. |
Iris_01 | 私の部屋の隣と前には 誰も泊めないでってね |
I demanded that no one stay in the room next to me or across the hall. |
Iris_04 | でも、あのマスターったら 私に黙って、215号室に あなたを泊めてたのよ |
And yet, the owner gave you 215 and never said a word to me! |
Iris_12 | ね、ひどいでしょ? | Appalling, isn't it? |
Hyde_24 | …はあ? | What? |
Hyde_FF | …何を言ってる? | What's she rambling about? |
Iris_01 | あなた、お仕事は? | What is your line of work, Mr. Hyde? |
%r213_07 | ||
%r213_06 | ||
Hyde_07 | 俺はセールスマンだ レッドクラウン商会の |
Traveling salesman. |
Iris_03 | そう | Is that so? |
Iris_05 | だったら、安心だわ | Well, that's a relief! |
Hyde_24 | …安心だと? | You feel relieved? |
Hyde_05 | 何が安心なんだ? | Why's that? |
Iris_04 | あなたが私の写真を 撮りたがる人じゃなくて よかったってことよ |
Because it means you won't try to take my picture, Mr. Hyde. |
Hyde_07 | あたりまえだ | Your picture? |
Hyde_07 | どうして、俺が あんたの写真を 撮らなきゃいけない? |
You're cute and all, but why would I do that? |
Hyde_07 | 俺にそんな趣味はない | I got better things to do. |
Iris_13 | ||
%r213_07 | ||
%r213_06 | ||
Hyde_07 | どうして、そんなことに 答えなくちゃいかん? |
Why should I answer that? |
Iris_FF | ||
Iris_07 | えっ? | Excuse me? |
Hyde_07 | あんたに そんなこと教える必要は ないだろう? |
You and me, we're strangers. I don't owe you squat. |
Iris_13 | …そう | You're a charming man, Mr. Hyde. I must introduce you to all my friends. |
Iris_04 | 何、書いてるの? | What are you writing? |
Iris_04 | 何、見てるの? | What are you looking at? |
%r213_07 | ||
%r213_06 | ||
Hyde_03 | ||
Iris_01 | ハイドさん | Good day, Mr. Hyde. |
Iris_06 | じゃあ、私これで… | I'll be— |
%r0000 | ||
%p65534FF | 『ハイドの旦那』 | Yo, Hyde! |
Hyde_24 | …ん? | Huh? |
%r213_07 | ||
Louis_20 | さっそく こちらの美人相手に セールスか? |
Makin' your sales pitch to the ladies, eh? I love it, my man! Grrrrrawl! |
Iris_15 | 何よ、あなた | Oh, please... |
Hyde_07 | こいつは、ボーイだ | Don't mind him. He's just the bellhop. |
Iris_04 | わかってるわ チェックインのとき 荷物運んでもらったわ |
I know who he is. He carried my bags when I checked in. |
Iris_06 | ルイス・フランコ って名前もね |
I believe his name is Louis DeNonno. Do I have that right? |
Louis_05 | 光栄だぜ 覚えてくれてたなんてさ |
Hey, she remembered! Now I can die happy. |
Iris_15 | あれだけ何度も言われたら 誰だって覚えるわ |
I couldn't very well forget. You introduced yourself about a thousand times. |
Hyde_02 | で、ルイス 俺に何か用か? |
You need me for something, Louie? |
Louis_04 | ああ、実は… | Yeah, actually... |
Iris_01 | じゃあ、私は失礼するわ | I'll take that as a cue to excuse myself. Gentlemen? |
Iris_FF | ||
%p65534FF | アイリスは、部屋に戻った | Iris returns to her room. |
Hyde_24 | 向かいの部屋に あんな女が泊まってる なんて |
What're the chances a dame like that would be across the hall? |
Hyde_24 | …最悪だ | Of all the lousy luck. |
Hyde_25 | あの女、何様だ? どうしてここに泊まっている? | Why's the princess here? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Louis_04 | じゃましちまったかい? | Sorry, man. Didn't mean to interrupt ya. |
Hyde_02 | 別に | Don't worry. |
Hyde_06 | ちょうどよかった | It was perfect timing. |
Louis_02 | ふうん、そうか | Whatever you say, man. |
Hyde_05 | 何か用か? | What do you want? |
Louis_01 | そういうわけじゃ なかったけど |
Nothing really, man. |
Louis_01 | あんたが若い女と 話してるのを見て |
I just saw you chatting up the fox, ya know? |
Louis_05 | ちょっと横から 声かけてみたくなった だけさ |
Thought maybe I could sneak in a couple of lines myself? Steal her heart? |
Hyde_07 | なんだ、それ | You're an idiot. |
Hyde_07 | それより、さっき おまえが届けてきた荷物 違ってたぞ |
And here's more proof that I'm right. You brought me the wrong package. |
Hyde_07 | あの荷物 俺宛ての荷物じゃなかった |
Two packages to deliver and you got 'em both wrong. Nice work, Louie. |
Louis_11 | …えっ、何だって? | What? |
Hyde_07 | フロントに知らせに行ったら 俺の荷物を受け取った客から ちょうど電話があって |
Luckily when I went down to the front desk, the guy who got my package called. |
Hyde_07 | その客が、俺の部屋まで 間違った荷物を届けてくれる ことになったんだぞ |
He's going to drop it by my room later. |
Louis_13 | なんだ、だったら よかったじゃないか |
So we're all cool then, right, man? |
Hyde_11 | なんだじゃないだろう! | No. We're not cool. You're an idiot and I'm ticked off! |
Louis_13 | そんなにカリカリするなよ | Chill, brother! No need to blow a fuse, yeah? |
Louis_04 | じゃあな、俺はこれで | Anyway, gotta blow. |
Louis_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ルイスは、立ち去った | Louie leaves. |
Hyde_24 | なんだ、あいつ | Same old Louie. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r213_07 | ||
%r213_06 | ||
Hyde_03 | ||
Iris_01 | ハイドさん | Good day, Mr. Hyde. |
Iris_06 | じゃあ、私これで… | I'll be... |
%r0000 | ||
%p65534FF | 『ハイドの旦那』 | Yo, Officer Hyde! |
Hyde_24 | …ん? | Huh? |
%r213_07 | ||
Louis_20 | さっそく こちらの美人と お知り合いか? |
See you've made nice with your foxy neighbor. You're smooth, man! Smoooooth. |
Iris_15 | 何よ、あなた | Oh, please... |
Hyde_07 | こいつは、ボーイだ | Don't mind him. He's just the bellhop. |
Louis_04 | ハイドの旦那 捜査で出張中だというのに |
Officer Hyde, travelin' the land! Lockin' up punks and... investigatin'...stuff. |
Louis_05 | うらやましいことだな | You got it goin' on, man! |
Iris_10 | 捜査ですって? | Investigating? |
Louis_03 | ああ | You know it! |
Louis_01 | こっちの旦那は マンハッタンからきた 切れ者の刑事さんだぜ |
You're looking at one'a New York's finest. My man, Detective Kyle Hyde. |
Iris_08 | …刑事ですって?! | A detective? |
Louis_01 | ああ、ニューヨーク市警 89分署の刑事だ |
Yeah, straight from the 89th Precinct to your heart! Ka-pow! |
Iris_15 | …そうなの | Is that so? |
Hyde_06 | …おい、ルイス そんなことをこの人に 話す必要はないだろう |
Louie? There a reason you're telling her this? |
Louis_01 | いいじゃないか 本当のことだし 別に隠すことなんてない |
Easy, man! It ain't like a secret or anything, right? |
Iris_15 | …じゃ、私 失礼するわ |
If you'll excuse me? |
Iris_FF | ||
%p65534FF | アイリスは、部屋に戻った | Iris returned to her room. |
Hyde_24 | 向かいの部屋に あんな女が泊まってる なんて |
What're the chances a woman like that would be staying across the hall? |
Hyde_24 | …最悪だ | Of all the lousy luck. |
Hyde_25 | あの女、何様だ? どうしてここに泊まっている? | Why's the princess here? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Louis_04 | じゃましちまったかい? | Sorry, man. Didn't mean to mess up your game! |
Hyde_06 | …別に | That's sweet. |
Hyde_05 | 何か用か? | What do you want, Louie? |
Louis_01 | そういうわけじゃ なかったけど |
Nothing, man. I was just killin' time. |
Louis_01 | あんたが若い女と 話してるのを見て |
Then I saw you chatting up the fox, ya know? |
Louis_05 | ちょっと横から 声かけてみたくなった だけさ |
Thought maybe I could sneak in a couple of lines myself? Steal her heart? |
Hyde_07 | なんだ、それ | You're an idiot. |
Hyde_07 | それより、さっき おまえが届けてきた荷物 違ってたぞ |
And here's more proof that I'm right. You brought me the wrong package. |
Hyde_07 | あの荷物 俺宛ての荷物じゃなかった |
Two packages to deliver and you got 'em both wrong. Nice work, Louie. |
Louis_11 | …えっ、何だって | What? |
Hyde_07 | フロントに知らせに行ったら 俺の荷物を受け取った客から ちょうど電話があって |
Luckily when I went down to the front desk, the guy who got my package called. |
Hyde_07 | その客が、俺の部屋まで 間違った荷物を届けてくれる ことになったんだぞ |
He's going to drop it by my room later. |
Louis_13 | なんだ、だったら よかったじゃないか |
So we're all cool then, right, man? |
Hyde_11 | なんだじゃないだろう! | No. We're not cool. You're an idiot and I'm ticked off! |
Louis_13 | そんなにカリカリするなよ | Chill, brother! No need to blow a fuse, yeah? |
Louis_04 | じゃあな、俺はこれで | Anyway, gotta blow. |
Louis_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ルイスは、立ち去った | Louie leaves. |
Hyde_24 | なんだ、あいつ | Same old Louie. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
%p65534FF | 『帰ってくれ』 | Go away. |
%r213_06 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%p65534FF | 『誰?』 | Who is it? |
Hyde_05 | 215号室の カイル・ハイドだ |
Kyle Hyde, from 215. |
%r213_06 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
%p65534FF | 『誰?』 | Who is it? |
Hyde_05 | 215号室の カイル・ハイドだ |
Kyle Hyde, from 215. |
%r213_06 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
%p65534FF | 『帰って』 | Go away. |
%r213_06 | ||
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
%p0001702 | ||
%r000_02 | ||
Iris_19 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Iris_01 | ハイドさん、何かご用? | Mr. Hyde? What do you need? |
Hyde_05 | ちょっと、いいか? | I got questions. |
Iris_02 | ||
%r213_07 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Iris_02 | ||
%r213_07 | ||
%r213_06 | ||
Hyde_05 | どうして ここに泊まっている? |
Why are you staying here? |
Iris_02 | ||
Iris_04 | …えっ | Pardon? |
Iris_01 | 私と話がしたい気持ち とてもよくわかるけど |
I can understand why you'd want to speak to me, but... |
Hyde_24 | ||
Iris_06 | あなたにお付き合いする 暇はないの、ごめんなさい |
I'm sorry. I don't have time to...chat with you right now. |
Iris_01 | そんなこと、あなたに 答える必要ないでしょう |
And I think you should mind your own business! |
Iris_04 | 帰って | Now please leave. |
%r213_07 | ||
%r213_06 | ||
%p65533FF | ||
Iris_01 | 話は終わり? | Is that everything? |
Iris_06 | じゃあ、失礼 | Then may I suggest that you buy an outdated map and get lost? |
Iris_FF | ||
%p65534FF | アイリスは、そう言うと バタンとドアを閉めた |
Iris goes inside and slams the door. |
Hyde_02 | ||
%r213_06 | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
%p0001702 | ||
%r000_02 | ||
Jeff_19 | ||
Jeff_01 | 何か用? | Yes? What is it? |
Hyde_05 | フロントでミラという 女に会ったんだが |
I met a girl in the lobby named Mila. |
%r000_02 | ||
Jeff_05 | …ミラ? 誰だよ、それ? |
Mila? Who's that? |
Hyde_06 | あんたが車に乗せて ここに連れてきたんだろ |
You should know. You brought her here. |
Jeff_01 | ああ、あの人のことか | Oh. Her. |
Hyde_25 | 名前も知らなかったのか? | You didn't know her name? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Jeff_04 | あの人がどうかしたの? | What about her? |
%r213_06 | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
%p0001702 | ||
%r000_02 | ||
Jeff_19 | …誰? | Who is it? |
Jeff_01 | 何か用? | You need something? |
Hyde_05 | 俺はカイル・ハイド 215号室に泊まっている |
Kyle Hyde. I'm in 215. |
Jeff_01 | 僕はジェフ | I'm Jeff. |
Jeff_01 | …ジェフ・エンゼルだ | Jeff Angel. |
Hyde_24 | ||
Jeff_17 | ||
Hyde_24 | ジェフ・エンゼルか… どこの坊ちゃんだ? |
Jeff Angel? Wonder what this punk's story is? |
Hyde_FF | ||
Jeff_02 | ||
Hyde_05 | ちょっと 話を聞かせてくれ |
Tell me something, Jeff. |
Hyde_05 | フロントでミラという 女に会ったんだが |
I met a girl in the lobby named Mila. |
%r000_02 | ||
Jeff_05 | …ミラ? 誰だよ、それ? |
Mila? Who's that? |
Hyde_06 | あんたが車に乗せて ここに連れてきたんだろ |
You should know. You brought her here. |
Jeff_01 | ああ、あの人のこと? | Oh. Her. |
Hyde_25 | 名前も知らなかったのか? | You didn't know her name? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Jeff_04 | あの人がどうかしたの? | What about her? |
%r213_06 | ||
Hyde_24 | ||
%p0001702 | ||
%r000_02 | ||
Jeff_19 | …またか | You again? |
Jeff_01 | 何か用? | What is it? |
%r000_02 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Jeff_02 | ||
%r000_02 | ||
%r213_06 | ||
Hyde_06 | 名前も 聞いてなかったのか? |
She never told you her name? |
Jeff_02 | ||
Jeff_01 | 聞いたかもしれないけど 覚えてなかった |
Maybe. I don't remember. |
Hyde_02 | …… | ... |
Jeff_02 | …… | ... |
Hyde_05 | どうして、彼女を ここまで乗せてきた? |
Why'd you bring her here? |
Jeff_05 | 頼まれたからさ ホテル・ダスクまで 乗せてくれってね |
She asked me to. Said she had to get to Hotel Dusk. |
Hyde_24 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …何だと? | Who would want to come to this dump? Other than a cockroach collector. |
Hyde_FF | ||
Jeff_01 | だから乗せてきたんだ | So I gave her a lift. |
Jeff_01 | それが何か いけなかったの? |
Why, is there a problem? |
%r000_02 | ||
%r213_06 | ||
Hyde_05 | ちょっと聞かせてくれ | Wait, wait. |
Jeff_FF | ||
%r000_02 | ||
%r213_06 | ||
Hyde_05 | 彼女、話せるのか? | She ASKED you to bring her here? |
Jeff_02 | ||
Jeff_05 | 話せるんじゃないの 僕の前では黙ってたけど |
Of course! Well, kind of... Actually, she never said a word to me. |
Hyde_24 | 黙っていた? | She didn't talk? |
Hyde_05 | じゃあ、どうやって ここまで乗せてと 頼んできたんだ? |
So how'd you know she wanted to come here? |
Jeff_01 | 彼女、このホテルの パンフレットを 持っていたんだ |
She had a brochure. Of the hotel, you know? |
Hyde_25 | パンフレットを持っていただと? | She had a brochure? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Jeff_01 | だから 行き先はここなのかって 思って乗せたんだ |
You know, paper? Little pictures? Anyway, I figured it was her stop. |
%r000_02 | ||
%r213_06 | ||
Hyde_24 | どうして乗せた? | Why'd you give her a ride? |
Jeff_02 | ||
Jeff_03 | 親切心さ | I'm a nice guy. |
Jeff_01 | 困ってる人がいたから 乗せた、じゃいけない? |
Something wrong with trying to help out a girl in trouble? |
Jeff_01 | 彼女、このホテルの パンフレットを 持っていたんだ |
She had a brochure. Of the hotel, you know? |
Hyde_25 | パンフレットを持っていただと? | She had a brochure? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Jeff_01 | だから 行き先はここなのかって 思って乗せたんだ |
Yeah. You know, paper? Little pictures? Anyway, I figured it was her stop. |
%r000_02 | ||
%r213_06 | ||
Hyde_05 | 彼女、このホテルを 知っていたのか? |
So she knew about this hotel, did she? |
Jeff_02 | ||
Jeff_01 | そうなんじゃない? | Are you practicing to be an echo chamber or something? Yeah, she knew. |
Jeff_01 | このホテルの パンフレットを 持っていたくらいだから |
She was carrying a brochure from this hotel. I don't get why this is so hard for you. |
Hyde_02 | ||
Jeff_01 | どこに行くのって聞いたら それを僕に見せたんだ |
I asked her where she was headed. She showed me the brochure. |
Jeff_01 | 僕もちょうど 今夜泊まるところを 探していたから |
I needed a place to stay, too, and figured one place was as good as another. |
Jeff_01 | そのホテルでも いいかなって ここまで来たんだけど |
So here I am. |
Jeff_01 | まさかそれが こんなホテルだなんて 思ってもみなかった |
Believe me, I wouldn't have stopped if I knew what a dump it really was. |
%r000_02 | ||
%r213_06 | ||
Hyde_05 | 俺が刑事じゃなくて 残念って、どういう意味だ? |
You said it was too bad I wasn't a cop. What's that mean? |
Jeff_02 | ||
Jeff_05 | 別に意味はないけど | Nothing much. |
Jeff_01 | 宿泊客の中に、刑事でも いたら、面白いなって思って |
I just thought it would be cool to have a cop or a detective in the hotel. |
Hyde_04 | ! | ! |
Hyde_FF | …何だと? | Huh? |
Hyde_FF | ||
%r000_02 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Jeff_01 | でも、本物の刑事と 泊まり合わせるなんて |
But what're the chances of being here at the same time? |
Jeff_01 | そんな偶然、めったにない ことなんだろうけど |
With a real detective, I mean. Can't happen too often, right? |
%r000_02 | ||
%r213_06 | ||
Hyde_05 | 待てよ | Hold it. |
Jeff_FF | ||
%r000_02 | ||
%r213_06 | ||
Hyde_24 | …面白い? どういうことだ? |
What did you mean by "cool"? |
Jeff_02 | ||
Jeff_03 | ああ | Oh, that. |
Jeff_04 | ほら、このホテルって なんだかさ |
Take a look around. Better yet, take a sniff. This hotel... |
Jeff_FF | 安いテレビドラマの 舞台になりそうな ホテルじゃない? |
It's like the set of some cheap TV crime drama, don't you think? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Jeff_01 | こんなホテルで 本当に何か事件が 起きてさ |
What if a real crime took place? Something sleazy and violent. |
Jeff_01 | そこにどこかの刑事でも 泊まっていたりしたら |
And then if a real gumshoe was here trying to figure things out...? |
Jeff_01 | なんか、面白いなって… | C'mon! That would be cool! Even you must think so. |
Hyde_05 | なんで、そんなことを 考える? |
That's an odd thing to think about. |
Jeff_05 | 思っただけさ | Yeah, I'm a pretty deep guy. |
Jeff_14 | 安心してよ 僕は犯罪者じゃないから |
Hey, take it easy. I'm not a criminal or anything. |
Hyde_02 | ||
Jeff_02 | ||
%r000_02 | ||
%r213_06 | ||
Hyde_07 | 刑事なんかいるか | Well, no detectives here. |
Jeff_02 | ||
Jeff_01 | そうかな | No, it doesn't appear so. |
Jeff_01 | そんなこと わからないじゃない |
But then again, who knows? |
Hyde_05 | 刑事に会ってみたいのか? | Got a thing for detectives? |
Jeff_14 | ああ、ちょっと 会ってみたいかも |
A thing? Well...I wouldn't mind meeting a down- and-out detective. |
Jeff_14 | こんなホテルに 泊まっている刑事にね |
You know, the kind who'd stay in this dump? Guns and dames and all that? |
Hyde_02 | ||
Jeff_02 | ||
%r000_02 | ||
%r213_06 | ||
Hyde_05 | さっき、言ってただろう? ミラに頼まれて ここまで乗せてきたと |
Hey, you said Mila asked you to bring her here, right? |
Jeff_02 | ||
Jeff_03 | ああ | That's right. |
Hyde_24 | ほんとうか? | You sure? |
Jeff_01 | ああ、このホテルの パンフレットを 持っていたんだ |
Well, she was carrying a hotel brochure, you know? |
Hyde_25 | パンフレットを持っていただと? | She had a brochure? |
Jeff_01 | 何を書いてるわけ? | What are you writing down? |
Jeff_01 | 何を見てるの? | What are you looking at? |
%r000_02 | ||
%r213_06 | ||
Hyde_02 | ||
Jeff_04 | 他に何か? | You need anything else? |
Hyde_02 | …いや、別に | No. |
Jeff_01 | …そう | All right. |
Jeff_05 | じゃあ | Good-bye, then. |
Jeff_FF | ||
%r213_07 | ||
%p65534FF | ジェフは バタンとドアを閉めた |
Jeff finishes talking and shuts the door. |
Hyde_02 | ||
Hyde_02 | …そういえば | Wait a minute... |
Hyde_15 | ジェフは 言っていたな… |
What did Jeff say? |
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Jeff_FF | ||
Jeff_05 | 頼まれたからさ | She asked me to. |
Jeff_05 | ホテル・ダスクまで 乗せてくれってね |
Said she had to get to Hotel Dusk. |
Hyde_14 | ミラは話せるのか? | Mila can speak? |
Jeff_FF | ||
%r0000 | ||
%r213_R | ||
Hyde_24 | …ん? 廊下に誰かいる |
Huh? Someone's in the hallway. |
%p65533FF | ||
%r213_L | ||
Dunning_21 | ||
%r213_R | ||
%r213_L | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Dunning_11 | ハイドさん ちょうどよかった |
There ya are, Mr. Hyde! Hold it right there! |
Dunning_11 | あんたのところに 行くところだった |
I was just comin' to see ya! |
Hyde_07 | 何の用だ? | You need something? |
Dunning_15 | 荷物のことで サマーさんから 連絡があってね |
Just got a call from Mr. Summer 'bout a package. |
Dunning_11 | サマーさんに間違って 届いたあんたの荷物 |
The one was s'posed to go to you, but got sent t'him by accident? |
Dunning_11 | なんだか ヤバイものみたいだな |
He said ya chewed his ass out just 'cause he opened the damned thing! |
Dunning_11 | サマーさんが あんたに荷物のことで 脅かされたと言って来た |
Must be somethin' in that package ya don't want nobody else to see, huh? |
Dunning_06 | ヤバい荷物を 持ち込む客なんてお断りだ |
I dunno if it's drugs or guns or what, but I told ya I don't want no trouble! |
Dunning_14 | 出て行ってくれ! | I ain't takin' no chances! Pack yer stuff and hit the road! |
Hyde_10 | えっ? | What? |
Dunning_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Dunning_FF | ||
%r0000 | ||
Hyde_29 | そんなつもりで | That's not what... |
%p65534FF | ||
Hyde_FF | サマーに文句を言った わけじゃなかったのに… |
I didn't mean to give Summer a hard time. |
Hyde_FF | ||
%p65534FF | ||
Martin_09 | ハイドさん そんな言い方は ないでしょう? |
You have no cause to speak to me in such a manner, Mr. Hyde! |
Martin_09 | 確かに、私は あなたの荷物を見ましたが |
It's true that I did look at the contents of your parcel. |
Martin_09 | それはお互い 仕方のないことでしょう |
However, let me assure you I intended no injury. These things happen and— |
Martin_FF | ||
Hyde_FF | ||
Hyde_08 | …ああ | Right. |
Hyde_FF |